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How to sell plastic windows. Learning to sell windows - the secrets of the success of effective companies

To begin with, I will stand up for managers, despite the fact that the article itself suggests "exposing" PVC window sellers. The way sellers work is not their fault. The problem is in the entire system of education and training of employees, which operates in the current market.
I propose to see how the training of the majority of employees is going. A person gets a job as a window seller for the first time, of course, he has no experience in sales. First, they put a pile of literature on the table for him to study: technical documentation, brochures, etc... "Study!" And here he sits and tries to understand the essence of this study. But for a beginner, this is difficult to do, because as a rule, he is not shown the production of PVC windows, and even more so installation and installation. It can be imagined only if the imagination is well developed. Soon, the employee begins to say some of the complex terminology. He understands the difference between a three-chamber profile and five, and in general what it is. And, a month later, having learned the brochures almost “from cover to cover”, become an “experienced” seller.
But, if the beginner is lucky, he will be sent for further training, which is carried out by partner companies: double-glazed windows, fittings, profilers. There, the knowledge of a novice employee will be reinforced with more technical information, and at the trainings conducted by profilers, they will also tell you “How to sell profile A correctly”.
And as a result we get:
Managers only offer a profile
If you call any store and ask: "What is the price per window?". In almost every store they will answer you: “What profile do you want a window from: five- or three-chamber?” or “Which profile do you like more “Salamander” or “KBE”?”. The first impression is, in spite of the fact that I do not understand profile systems at all, that the main thing when choosing a window is what profile it is made of. And now I will annoy all my friends and sellers with questions: “Is this profile of high quality?” "And which of the profiles is better?".
But the main thing when choosing a window should be a double-glazed window, and fittings, and its installation. In addition, having successfully completed the transaction, the seller, thus, brings such a client to competing firms that produce windows from a similar profile, but the quality of all other components is inferior at times.
This is not discussed at trainings by specialized companies. This is understandable.
Managers do not offer their company's USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
In sales, the main “product” is the USP. This does not mean that if everyone offers standard white windows to customers, our company will sell non-standard blue ones. This means that we are positioning our exclusivity and uniqueness in this market. It can be either an additional service or quality workmanship. In other words, what others cannot do.
I thought for a long time about what is the responsibility of the seller. And I came to the conclusion that the seller is the "face" of the company, the main force of its promotion. The function of a salesperson is the ability to accurately convey to the buyer the objectives of the company, and why their company is better than the rest.
But the managers, as if hypnotized, keep repeating about one thing: profile, fittings, double-glazed windows ... But what about the company?
Agree, this is not their fault. This was not discussed at the trainings, it was not described in the brochures. Sometimes, even the leaders of PVC window sales companies themselves do not know what their exclusivity is, what USP they have. They see that they produce the same thing as everyone else, and they cannot explain why customers should buy from them. But they really want it. And this is also understandable.
Managers use only technical information
For many buyers, except for those who know the PVC window sales market well, the technical terminology sounds like “not in Russian”. Terms: chambers, sealant, drainage system, clamp, drip, etc. - all this only raises new questions and a desire to clarify what it all means. The complexity in these words induces a sense of panic.
Now imagine the situation. The wooden window is rotten and won't open (and it's best not to try to open it). And you have decided to install a new window, but before that you have never come across plastic windows. First, you decide to find out the cost of the window. Calling the store that you found, say, on the Internet, ask the question: "What is the cost of the window?". In response: “And what profile are you interested in three- or five-chamber?”. You: "Which is better?" “Look, the three-chamber does not have high thermal insulation compared to the five-chamber. But, if your apartment is warm, then a three-chamber profile is quite suitable. But in terms of design, the five-chamber looks more interesting, because. it has a gray plastic seal and will last longer.”
As a result, there will be more questions, at least six:
1) “Where are these cameras located and what is it?”,
2) "Where is the seal and what is it?",
3) "What can replace the plastic seal?",
4) “What do other plastic seals look like?”,
5) “Do I need to buy a window with increased thermal insulation?”,
6) “If you buy with reduced thermal insulation, then by how much? How will this affect the temperature in the room?
As a result, instead of clarification in this case, as a buyer, I will receive additional questions and the feeling that you need to figure everything out yourself. This is what many buyers do. And then, with the air of an expert, they bombard managers with technical questions: “What kind of reinforcement do you install?”, “And what is the coefficient of heat transfer resistance in your profile?”.
This characteristic of the work of managers is quite understandable. It's all about the technical documentation! Besides, they were not taught how to lure buyers, and not repel them with technical terminology.
Managers use brochure tips
When we present a product to customers, it is important to use the language of benefit. This is told at trainings by specialized companies. And be sure at such training events, sellers are given teaching aids, which describes in detail how to use the language of benefit correctly and prepared response options for different situations. Many managers very often resort to the help of these brochures when communicating with the buyer on the phone.
Here are options from such ready-made answers: “Due to rigid reinforcement, the anti-burglary functions of your window are increased, which means that your home is more secure” or “This profile uses a gray seal and therefore you get an impeccable appearance.” And also such "Thanks to the increased coefficient of thermal insulation of the profile, you will keep the warmth and comfort of your home."
And here you can start to object: “What's wrong with that? And the language of benefits is obvious! Well-structured proposals! I answer. Visit some websites famous companies profile production. The description of the profile systems on them is absolutely the same. Their profile is the safest, characterized by a wonderful appearance, retain heat and, of course, the most environmentally friendly. This is because all profile companies have formed a certain stereotype of distinguishing themselves in this market.
As a result, we get sellers trained by profiler partners who speak the same terms. When a buyer is constantly and everywhere told: environmentally friendly, comfortable, warm in your home, safe, then at some point he will begin to accept all these terms as a background, interference (“white noise”).
Therefore, it is better to use a live, common and understandable language. Let's say: “Due to the fact that the gray seal is practically invisible in the window, a very interesting optical phenomenon appears. Visually, the window appears larger and the room appears to be lit up with more light” or “Due to the good thermal insulation characteristics of the profile, we assure you that your home will be warm regardless of the weather outside. You won't need heaters anymore."
And again, I want to stand up for the sellers. What they are taught is what they say. And what they do not teach, they do not say, because they do not know.
Price managers don't work
I already talked about this in one of my articles. Managers do not know how to properly explain the price of their product to the buyer. And this is the basis of all sales. The buyer will pay more if you explain to him why. In many cases, talking about the cost for the seller is the most embarrassing moment. Because they themselves do not understand why the company has set such a price for the window, and they do not know how to explain this to the client.
The price depends not only on the brand of fittings, profile and double-glazed windows, but also on additional services: production, measurement, delivery and installation. This also includes the cost of the work of the company's specialists: sales managers, measurers, production workers and installers. The quality of the installed window is 80% dependent on these people.
These points must be explained to the buyer. At the seminars of profilers, of course, this is not discussed?
You can talk about the main mistakes made by sellers for a long time, but in this article I talked about the main ones. In conclusion, I can say the following, it is not only the fault of managers that they do not work well. This is due to the whole system of selection, training and stimulation of employees. Only by changing this system, you can get the expected result. Trying to let everything "take its course", we get the initial results.
As an independent expert, I tell you, do not count on the training offered by profile partners. They will not solve all the problems of your company: they will not teach managers to sell your PVC windows, they will not tell you how to increase YOUR sales, YOUR income. In fact, they are sincerely trying to help you, but by doing so they increase the sales of their company. Therefore, the trend today is as follows, every year more and more competing companies open. No one will explain to you how to increase your sales at their expense. And it is right. Because V this business, with numerous competitors, the time has come when it is necessary to make decisions on your own.

Professional advice is the key to successful sales of the company. The WINDOW MEDIA portal and the O.K.N.A. Marketing industry center continue the series of publications dedicated to the quality of sales of window structures. This time market participants are presented with the case “How to sell windows”. Portal OKNA MEDIA hopes that the material will be useful to companies and will increase their sales and profits.

How to sell windows correctly - on the example of a real audio recording

To help window companies, the OKNA MEDIA portal and the O.K.N.A Marketing industry center continue a series of publications of training cases using real audio recordings as an example.

Simple at first glance, a dialogue with the client, demonstrates the aerobatics of identifying needs, customer focus and professional competence manager. During the conversation, the consultant easily selects the necessary window equipment and at the same time offers the best option by cost.

An example of a real audio recording from the archive of OKNA MEDIA will help to understand the main mistakes of consultants and the sales scheme, and will allow you to adjust the scheme of communication with the client.

A 100-point wow-consultation is top notch, it makes the client happy and the window company prosperous! The client will definitely order from such a company, and in the future will recommend it to his friends and relatives.

We offer you to listen to examples of wow-consultation and get acquainted with the consultation case.

Listen to the recording

Analysis of the case "How to sell windows correctly"

Criteria for evaluation Dialogue Examples Comment and errors score
Call to the company
This criterion evaluates the workload telephone line companies
Consultant: Company….Good afternoon! How can I help? How can you be contacted?
Client: Good afternoon, I need new windows, can you calculate for me?
The manager immediately answered the call, from the first words he behaves politely and respectfully to the client. 20/20
manner of communication
As far as the manager is disposed to communicate with the client - friendly, responsive, ready to help the client solve all his problems. Evaluation occurs throughout the dialogue.
Consultant: Are you replacing old windows or windows in a new building? What does not suit you in the old ones: it's cold, it's blowing, you want something new? Do you have preliminary dimensions so that I can make an accurate calculation? The manager answers questions in a friendly and affable manner, speaks the same language with the client, accurately and clearly formulates thoughts, does not interrupt the client, is sincerely interested in helping him. 20/20
Competence in goods and services
Means a competent and understandable answer to all customer questions about products and services.
Consultant: in the first window, we calculated a stationary opening option, and a shtulp one is also possible - this is a plastic structure in which there is no vertical partition at all, and all the necessary fittings are fixed on the sash. The manager gives detailed and qualified answers on products and services, informs the client of the information he is interested in, says “essentially”, offers various options based on his needs, perfectly presents the company and the product, confidently answers all questions. She told about the advantages of a sash window, suggested the function of micro-ventilation, spoke about the brands of fittings and profiles, about the company and about guarantees. 20/20
Identification of needs The buyer does not always understand which windows to order, therefore, with the help of clarifying questions, the manager must select optimal configuration window.
Maximally identified the needs of all the needs of the client. 20/20
What floor and where do we put the windows? Safety.
Client: No, the apartment is located on the 3rd floor.
Consultant: Then I will consider you a standard three-chamber profile and a single-chamber double-glazed window.
The client is not disturbed by noise. The apartment is not on the 1st or top floors, so a burglary-resistant window is not needed, except for fittings.
The manager proposed a narrow profile system 60 mm with 3 chambers (South) with 1 chamber JV, the optimal price-quality ratio for such a room.
Cold in the apartment?
Sunny or shady side?
Client: No, the apartment is warm. The old windows just fell into disrepair.
Consultant: Tell me, do the windows face the sunny or shady side? If it is sunny, we can offer you a multifunctional double-glazed window working on the climate control system.
For the sunny side, the manager suggested multifunctional glass, which protects the apartment from overheating in summer, and does not release heat outside in winter and does not require the installation of an air conditioner.
Do you need child protection for windows? Consultant: Tell me, would you be interested in considering the handle on the window with a child lock? You said that you have a child, if necessary, the key can be turned and the child will not be able to open the window. The client mentioned that he has Small child. The manager offered a handle with a lock
Additional accessories Consultant: Do you need mosquito nets? The manager offers the client all the necessary window accessories to make the client feel comfortable.
Do you need additional functions on the windows for the convenience of opening people with disabilities? Consultant: We have the ability to adjust the window handle in height, this option is necessary if people with disabilities live in the house, tell me if you need this? Offered a special option for shifting handles for people with disabilities
Calculation Detail
In addition to the total amount of the turnkey order, the client must provide detailed information.
Client: May I know how much everything costs separately?
Consultant: Yes, of course, I can tell you now the details of your order or send you an email where everything will be detailed according to the articles. If you have any questions, you can contact me and I will explain everything.
The consultant provided full details of the calculation for individual items of the order. 7/7
Accurate sizing Consultant: Sash height 1490 width 1460, right? Tell me the house is brick or panel? Window sills, if we take 350 mm, will it be enough?.... Name the dimensions ... The manager made a calculation according to the exact size of the client, asked clarifying questions. 5/5
Customer orientation
When the manager, in the selection of equipment and cost, focuses on the needs of the client as much as possible
Client: Do you provide a guarantee? Consultant: Yes, we provide a guarantee for all types of our work and for the product and installation and fittings. If you have any doubts, you can visit our production, we conduct a tour of the factory. Where the head of production introduces all customers to the technology of manufacturing windows. We also have a system of cumulative discounts, as well as a social card. The consultant listens carefully to the client, communicates in a calm, unobtrusive manner, explains how to solve the customer's problems, gives reasoned arguments in favor of his product and company, acts as an adviser, the client is comfortable communicating with him. 3/3
Order settlement time Calculation during the dialogue with pauses for calculation no more than 1-3 minutes. 5/5
Total score Maximum score 100/100

*record taken from the archives of OKNA MEDIA

The quality of sales is an important component of the window business. More than 90% of window orders are made after talking on the phone. The client does not need a dry calculation - the client needs his windows.

Every window company manager sooner or later he asks himself the question: "How to attract customers to the windows." In this article, we will try to answer it. It's probably not a secret for anyone that if the market in which you work is growing, then you don't need much effort for sales. Another thing is when the market for plastic windows catastrophically rolls into the abyss during a crisis. What to do in this case?

We have the answer to this question! In the market of plastic windows there is one direction that grows every year and grows even during the crisis doubling, and in some regions of Russia and tripling volumes. This direction is Painting PVC windows by ENAMERU technology. For this today this direction is a godsend for an experienced leader!

Considering the fact that the window market has great amount companies ready to manufacture and install plastic windows pvc, the number of clients in such companies is not sufficient to obtain a normal income. Each leader must understand that not only his salary and the salary of the working staff, but also the existence of the company in principle depends on the actions that he will perform.

Every day you need to carry out work that will help increase the flow of potential customers. Activities that increase the chances of attracting customers to windows include the following:

A loud statement about the existence of a window company by advertising it in various resources: in newspapers, on bulletin boards, in in social networks etc. Printed information pasted around the city and information in in electronic format placed in world wide web. Thus, it will be possible to inform social groups different ages and different professions.

Gathering feedback on the work of the company, as well as their demonstration. For example, you can ask those customers who have already used the services of the company to talk about their experience on camera. Potential customers will have much more confidence in the presence of such a video archive than the unfounded promises of the company's employees.

The introduction of bonus incentives for those customers who bring new ones to the company, and with those the window company will make a deal. This kind of incentive will benefit both customers and the company.

But the company "StroyHaus" can loudly declare a large number of customers, thanks to the excellent performance of work and quality materials. "StroyHaus" can provide a service for painting pvc plastic windows: both new profiles and already installed plastic profiles. Working in tandem with FEYKO RU, StroyHaus creates for apartments, country houses, offices and public spaces.

Painting plastic windows at the customer's home will be an excellent solution for those who do not plan to make repairs and are not ready for destructive processes in the form of dismantling plastic structures. When painting pvc plastic windows, windows are not removed from their rightful places, so the wallpaper, slopes and external cladding of the building will remain intact.

Feiko's paint is comparable in strength to the strength of pvc plastic profiles. Therefore, by painting plastic structures, we extend their service life by at least 10 years. The components of the paint contribute to the preservation of the color in its original form, and also prevent the formation of scratches, cracks.

Preparing for a large-scale renovation in an apartment or small transformations of a home, many begin to study advertising offers in newspapers, magazines, websites, and even leaflets from the mailbox, which at other times only cause irritation. What advertising gimmicks do door, window, stretch ceiling, etc. companies use to get a customer, and what to pay attention to in order not to be deceived in their expectations?
Consider the most typical options.

1. Minimum price

Undoubtedly, one of the main parameters that a potential buyer is interested in is the price. Therefore, the rule is widely applied in the market of building goods and services: if you want to attract attention, make a better offer than a competitor. However, if the price seems too low, you need to study the text of the advertisement in detail. Maybe there is a word "from ..."? Formally, the seller is honest: the company's assortment may contain economy-class goods that are inexpensive. But they are far from suitable for everyone, because they are made of simpler materials and unpretentious in design, and the door or furniture you need belongs to a different price category.

2. All inclusive?

Sometimes, in order to attract customers, the advertisement indicates the price only for the product itself, and the costs of delivery, installation and other necessary operations are ignored. One example is advertising window companies. In the text of the leaflet, only the price for the window block is mentioned, and the cost of fittings, slopes, window sills, installation and dismantling is silent. After the company manager calculates the full cost of installing a turnkey window for you, you find that the estimated discount is a small part of the final order amount. Similarly, they can offer you a cheap door leaf, without emphasizing that you pay only for it, and not for the entire set with a box and trim (not to mention fittings, the cost of which can be more than half of the cost of the door). The main thing here is to “hook” the client so that he calls or goes to the store.

3. Half price

“Half-price” today offers a variety of goods, but in order to avoid disappointment, everything should not be taken literally: carefully read the explanatory text and figure out what the coveted 50% refers to. Perhaps the promotion applies to door fittings when buying a door or to a window block when installing windows. In some cases, the discount applies only to certain models, in others it is valid for an additional order (for example, for front door, ordered in addition to interior, or on stretch ceiling in the third room), and so on. In the case of more expensive purchases, a 50 percent down payment with further installments may even be implied.

Nevertheless, it is quite possible to “catch a stock” and make a profitable purchase, just do not take wishful thinking and carefully analyze the information.

4. Fight for your attention

International corporations are investing millions in the development of advertising creative. Of course, small companies selling interior doors or finishing materials, do not have such opportunities, but they also ask themselves: how to achieve that potential customer noticed precisely their ad in a newspaper or magazine and gave at least one glance to the leaflet found in the mailbox. Among the verbal methods of attraction, the headlines “promotion”, “discount”, “sale” are undoubtedly in the lead, all kinds of “liquidations” (“liquidation of the warehouse”, “liquidation of last year’s collection”, etc.) come on their heels.

But sometimes other methods are used. For example, discount coupon can proudly be called "Receipt for benefits" and even have a semblance of details of a payment document, flyer- begin with the word "Notice" or, according to design, resemble an invoice for paying for housing. Such papers involuntarily attract the eye, although after a disappointed recipient they can easily be thrown into the trash.


How to understand the abundance of information, choosing from all the offers the best in terms of price, quality and level of service? This is possible if you take the initiative in your own hands and, without relying on luck, conduct research on a subject of interest to you.

As soon as you think change your old windows to more modern plastic structures, you will encounter one firm or another. Modern firms that are engaged in this conduct a kind of hunting, hanging bait in the form of advertisements on the entrances, or throwing the same advertisements into the mailboxes of potential customers.

In order not to fall for the hook of an inexperienced firm, you need to know some of the facts that they use to attract customers.

The first trick is low cost

This is the most effective bait, which almost 70% of future buyers peck at. Beneath it lie two negative situations which, on closer examination, will reveal negative side this seemingly positive feature.

1. Some people, relying on the honesty of companies selling and installing cheap windows, justify them by saying that - this is new firm, and she tries to attract more buyers at the expense of low cost.

Maybe this is so, but cheapness in large cases is achieved due to lower quality components: fittings, profiles and seals. And this, as you know, will affect the service life and quality of the entire window structure. So do not rush to buy at a lower price.

2. In the second case, the cheapness of plastic windows can magically change when the measurer arrives. And here such firms have several excuses. Allegedly, the telephonist girl is inexperienced and did not calculate any elements or did not include VAT in the price.

In this case, nothing obliges you to the company, and you have the right to refuse their services. For them, the main thing is to catch on to the client and sign you up for a measurement, and there, perhaps, the measurer will persuade you to place an order.

Tip - take your time and demand an accurate calculation when calling, taking into account your size.

Trick two - discount

Window companies are quite inventive in providing various seats. Whatever names they come up with: night, seasonal and even final, which take place several times a year.

But, in fact, the price with discounts practically does not change, well, if just a little. And this is done, as many people know, according to a previously worked out scheme - the price is artificially inflated and reduced by including discounts. And don't be surprised if your neighbor's price for installed windows is cheaper without discounts.

Tip - take your time, call several companies and compare prices.

Trick three - freebies and gifts

Installers in the struggle for the client use this trick. Various combs and even sometimes can offer also allegedly as a gift, mosquitoes and free shipping- Here is a standard set of gifts. But remember that this will not affect the cost of the window in any way.

Of course, if as a gift you are offered something more substantial - a phone or a set of dishes, this is of course pleasant for everyone, but let this factor not have a major influence on the choice of the installer.

Advice - weigh all the pros and cons, sometimes due to the gifts provided, companies overestimate the prices for windows or installation.

Trick four - free measurements

This is one of the true tricks that firms use to attract customers. But keep in mind - all companies provide such a service for free.

The fifth trick is a guarantee

Many telephonists proudly assure customers that their windows are guaranteed for up to 40 years. Here they are very cunning. Of course, good German plastic, with proper care, will last as long, but fittings and seals will last a maximum of 15 years.

Advice - don't give special attention this. Ask about the warranty period for installation, it should be at least 3 years.

Trick six - a quality profile

“Our windows are so expensive, that's why they are made in Germany” - this is the main argument to the question about expensive products. This is completely wrong, the main profile suppliers (VEKA, KBE, REHAU) have long built their representative offices in Russia. But do not worry about the quality, it is up to the mark. That's just these names are used by firms sellers, inflating the price.

The seventh trick - profitable timing

Often, clients are assigned more favorable time periods than other firms. And here there is a small snag - this is usually not prescribed in the contract. That's when the company, having picked up customers, begins by hook or by crook to extend the installation time.

All you have to do is grind your teeth. After all, the first installment has already been paid, and if you turn to another company, you will lose it, and it’s not a fact that they will also complete all the work on time.

In conclusion, I can add - do not rush to choose, because no one is chasing you, and the number of companies selling and installing windows gives you a chance to choose a more reliable company.
