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Remote work definition. Pros and cons of remote work. The question of the emotional component

Technology and mentality modern society lead to the fact that remote work will soon become the only possible way to earn money.

But while some are already taking full advantage of technological progress and receiving money without leaving home, others are just starting to think about working remotely.

To dispel all the doubts and fears of beginners, let's look in as much detail as possible at the most basic issues related to remote work from home.

Remote work: what is it?

The principle of remote work is clear from the very formulation of the concept: we're talking about about remote (distance) work.

People often confuse this type of income with starting their own business. But how can you understand what “remote work” is if you don’t have a business, and you yourself are not a director who appears at work only to check on employees and sign contracts?

As soon as the Internet began to develop at a rapid pace, representatives of intellectual work realized: to receive new tasks and transfer the results of work, it is no longer necessary to travel to the office. Why not do all this through a computer and the global network?

Let's go a little deeper into the story. Back in 1972, American Jack Nilles was indignant, why was he, as an introvert, required to work in an office (like many others), if technology now allows all work to be done remotely? Despite the seeming absurdity of this idea at the time, the authorities became interested in this idea. They saw in it a solution to many problems: transport, organizational, personal.

Now it was possible not only to solve all these issues, but also to give work to people from remote corners of the country, where there has always been terrible unemployment.

Why is that? The fact is that all people are divided into 2 camps:

  1. Some people perceive the Internet as entertainment. It seems to them that others (remote employees) will do anything but work, because no one sees them, there is no discipline.
  2. Others look at the World Wide Web as a tool for making money and a lot of opportunities for self-realization.

So what exactly is remote work?

So, remote work is:

Standard work with an employment contract, a strictly regulated schedule, days off, paid (sometimes) vacation, a boss, subordinates, your own deadlines and stress.

Who is a remote worker?

It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of a freelancer and a remote employee.

The first is a freelance artist who is hired exclusively for some project without being registered as a staff member.

A remote employee is a standard employee of an organization who performs a number of duties, but from home, without visiting the office. As a rule, a separate agreement on remote work is concluded with such a person (Article 312.1 - 312.5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What does signing such an agreement give him? This document is his guarantee that the remote employee will be subject to the same standards labor legislation as for an office worker (vacation, sick leave, etc.).

Forecasters claim that by 2020 in Russia, about 20% of people will work remotely. Already today we can note the mass transfer of employees large companies in a similar mode of operation.

Another important difference between a remote worker and a freelancer is working for one company with the possibility of part-time work (if the employer does not mind). A freelancer can carry out as many projects as he wants at any time, even simultaneously. He is forced to constantly look for new orders, while a remote employee always receives assignments from his organization.

Are remote earnings on the Internet and remote work the same thing?

It is necessary to distinguish remote work on the Internet from regular remote work.

Remote earnings on the Internet is an area in which the Internet is not only a tool, but also a material for earning money.

That is, there are certain actions that will bring profit, but the work process itself and the result of the work will remain within the virtual world.

For example, completing certain tasks on the Internet and receiving money for it (comments, clicks, likes, subscriptions to public pages, etc.), binary options or other financial transactions - if you understand them, you can get money.

That is, remote work and freelancing can exist without the Internet if you perform the task at home (for example, accounting reports, design development) and bring the solution to the office. Making money on the Internet will not do without it.

Misconceptions associated with remote work

As in other areas human life, the world of remote earnings has its own myths. Let's find out what misconceptions there are and why they are misconceptions:

  1. It is extremely difficult to find remote work. Finding it is as difficult or easy as finding a regular job. The main thing here is your level of knowledge, experience, goals, personal qualities. When looking for a remote job, you will have to take tests, undergo interviews, and introduce your portfolio.
  2. Remote work isn't for everyone. There are already known cases where positions in applied professions are suitable for remote work: teachers, doctors and even cleaners. And every day the possibilities of technology are growing, as is the range of vacancies for new and old professions.
  3. A remote employee earns less than an office employee. We don’t argue that this could have been a reality before. But today such discrimination has disappeared, if not completely, then almost completely.
  4. A remote employee has no prospects for growth. A remote employee is a regular company employee who will receive a promotion if worthy of it.

Advantages and disadvantages of remote work

What's the catch? Why do you need remote work if there is traditional work? Here are the main advantages of working from home:

  • freedom of action and movement (work in any convenient place);
  • maximum convenience (no dress code, discipline, uncomfortable furniture);
  • saving time (no traffic jams, crowded public transport, loss of travel time);
  • maximum concentration on work (no distractions in the form of colleagues, telephone conversations others, etc.);
  • perfect job for .

Hiring employees to work remotely has its advantages for the employer:

  • greater employee motivation (no need to work a full 8-hour working day);
  • the search for an employee is not limited by the geography of the company (companies can hire the most suitable employee, even if he lives on another continent);
  • significant savings on jobs, equipment wear and other expenses.

But before you find remote work on the Internet at home, you need to know about the disadvantages of this type of activity:

  • many companies prefer traditional employment and are not ready to provide space for remote workers;
  • lack of live communication;
  • purchase of computers and software at the expense of the employee;
  • strict self-organization and;
  • often long working hours.

The most popular remote professions

Having analyzed the world's largest sites with publications of new remote vacancies, and studied current offers from employers, we can present the following list of areas:

  1. IT: developers, programmers, designers, layout designers, SEO specialists, etc.
  2. Finance: accountants, banking specialists, estimators, project managers, etc.
  3. Sales: operators, managers, etc.
  4. Administration: administrators, text transcribers, assistants, database operators, etc.
  5. Media/advertising/marketing: PR specialists, SMM specialists, journalists, copywriters, marketers, editors, etc.
  6. HR: recruiters, managers, etc.
  7. Video/photo/design: web and graphic designers, video and photography, illustrators, editing, video creation, etc.
  8. Consultations: consultants, managers, etc.
  9. Education: tutors, translators, coaches, authors student work etc.
  10. Other: insurance agents, travel managers, insurance agents, etc.

How to find remote work

We have already talked about which remote work professions may be suitable for you. But how can you find a place where you can finally start earning money?

Many people still think that remote work with knowledge of a certain area is only available to residents of large cities. Wake up, people! The Internet is a limitless space without division into large and small cities. The Internet is a world in which the connection to any geolocation disappears.

And here are a few ways to find remote work from home:

  1. Talk to your employer. If you are a valuable employee, he will not want to lose you. First, you can try remote work with a weekly visit to the office. Over time, such visits can be reduced to a minimum. If you haven’t become such an employee yet, strive for it.
  2. Search on specialized sites. Typically, regular job search sites have filters that can be used to select all advertisements based on distance. And there are entire websites dedicated specifically to remote work.
  3. Agency help. There are entire organizations dedicated to finding remote work for applicants based on your requests. But in general, we recommend just searching the Internet for “remote work for + profession”). The search will definitely give you a lot of options, among which you will certainly find yours.

Remote work for students: types of professions

But still, young people should not despair. Often companies are looking for precisely such inexperienced people with not yet clouded brains. Here are the professions in which students can try to realize themselves.


Perfect for students of philological or linguistic specialties, since literacy and the ability to correctly express thoughts are important here.

Copywriting is writing custom articles of absolutely any type: description of resorts, purpose of metal structures, biography of a celebrity, advantages of goods and services, etc.

The Internet is developing, and so are websites. Consequently, copywriters are in high demand in the electronic market. And to survive, you will need to write well and on time.

How much can you earn from copywriting? The amount depends on the amount of work. A novice copywriter needs to sharpen his hand and style. To do this, you need to issue 15,000 – 20,000 characters per day. Later, when you have developed your own customer base, the number of characters can be gradually reduced, while simultaneously increasing the cost of the work (within reasonable limits).

On average, such work brings in about $300-400 per month. Particularly cunning ones manage to bring in $1000, but this is not for everyone.

Where can I find a job as a copywriter? Start with open platforms Advego, or eTxt. And the best thing is to register for all of them at once and see which service you like.

The principle of operation is the same for everyone: register, select the first order, complete it, receive payment for remote work, withdraw money to your account.

Get ready for the fact that your first orders will have to be completed literally for pennies. The more you work, the more profitable orders you will receive.

Rewriting and other trivia

This is more likely not a job, but a part-time job, because the pay for it is very modest.

Rewriting is low-grade copyrighting, retelling the text in other words without changing the meaning.

Yes, this is not theft of articles from other people's sites, but their careful alteration.

There are other tasks that will bring you a penny: writing comments, communicating on forums, placing links, participating in polls, inviting friends to communities, and so on.

How much can you earn from rewriting? Don’t expect to get more than $50-100 a month here, and that’s the maximum!

Where to look for such a job? As in the previous case - Advego, or eTxt, or better yet - all at once.

This unusual type of income is suitable only for those who have their own home. However, in some cases it’s worth pushing yourself even when you’re filming.

Let's give an example. If your city is planning to host major film festivals in the near future, sporting events(World Hockey Championship, say), Oktoberfest or other events that attract tourists, it’s time to register on Booking or AIRBNB.

The cost of decent housing per day can vary around $35 (for a one-room apartment) and more. Even if you rent an apartment, sometimes it’s more profitable to hurry up and go to your friends for the night. This kind of savvy may pay back some of the cost of your stay.

Earning money from photos

If you love to photograph nature, others, or whatever it is, it would be a sin not to make money from it. It is enough to post photos in one of the photo banks, adjusting the pictures to suit their requirements.

Before posting a photo publicly, familiarize yourself with the target audience of the selected photo bank. As a rule, each of them has its own specialization, which is quite difficult to understand right away.

Be prepared for the fact that you won’t start earning money this way right away. It will take some time before the penny starts to trickle into your pocket.

Constantly experiment and post new photos. This way you can better understand which photos your audience likes best.

Typically, on such sites, photos of the following types are sold the fastest:

  • people and expression of emotions;
  • work, leisure, sports;
  • images of life situations (quarrel, friendship, ball games);
  • photos of food, drinks, objects;
  • images of tourist places (Kremlin, Eiffel Tower, Tower);
  • times of year and seasons (Halloween, New Year, Christmas).

With normal activity, remote earnings can reach up to $600. But remember that this is a professional level to strive for.

Where can I find photography work? Pay attention to the sites, and other similar ones.

Content, SMM, Social Manager

All this is very interesting professions, which have their own subtleties.

Each of them is associated with the maintenance and development of a project (website or group social network). Here you will have to write or search for texts, select pictures for them, publish, repost, motivate people to join groups.

How much can you earn from this? As a rule, such work is not well paid. But at the same time, it will not take up much time, which is ideal for students. And if you are determined to make serious money, what prevents you from running several projects at once?

A good specialist in this field knows how to find the needs of his target audience and is constantly increasing it.

Where to find a job? Pay attention to the sites,

Foreign transfers

If you know well foreign language, devote all your efforts to in-depth study of some area (business, logistics, medicine and other highly specialized terminology).

The market always needs translators with good knowledge of technical texts.

How much can you earn from this? At first, you will be able to earn quite a bit. But here, the more you study, the faster you will cope. And gain regular customers. In a good situation, an experienced translator earns about $600 or even more.

Where can I find a job as a translator? Pay attention to the Advego websites,

Blog writing

Nowadays, only the lazy don’t blog. And if you still don’t do this, then you probably don’t know how you can make money from it.

And there are many ways to monetize: participation in affiliate programs, contextual advertising, advertising links, writing custom posts, and so on. Your task is to make the project successful and interest subscribers.

Those who begin to write from the heart, who care about the topic, who have some kind of zest will be able to advance in this matter. But, as with photographs, earnings will not start coming in immediately, but only after the blog begins to appear on the first pages of search results.

Work via Skype (consulting, tutoring)

Tutoring is suitable for specialists in a certain field (lawyers, accountants, etc.). And tutoring is for teachers and students who are well versed in the discipline. The main thing here is to be professional and give advice that will certainly help the client.

It is especially useful to be a teacher via Skype. Just imagine how great it will be to study with a native speaker of the country where you are planning to travel soon!

Where can I find a job as a tutor? Pay attention to the sites,

Working as an author of student papers

This type of income is great for students with good academic performance and even teachers. After all, everyone knows perfectly well how low their salaries are. And assistance in writing various types of work is a great way not only to earn extra money, but also often to make this type of remote work your main source.

It is also recommended for first-year students to earn money in this way. Start by writing custom essays - this is something that even high school students can do. Over time, you will retrain for more serious work: coursework, practice reports, diplomas. The sooner you manage to master these types of work, the better you will cope with writing your own.

How much can you earn from this? It all depends on the type of work and the time that the author is willing to devote to the work. There are those who receive $1500-2000. There is something to strive for, right?

Working as an author for student papers is great for those who want to develop. Just imagine: constantly learning something new while writing unfamiliar essays or term papers. Constant self-education will only benefit you.


Whatever you decide to become, remember: you won’t get a lot right away. To make a decent living, you need to get better at it and gain experience.

Reassure yourself that while working remotely, you are your own boss and can get up at a time that suits you.

The main thing here is to learn discipline and organize the work process. If all this works out, we assure you: remote work will allow you to manage your own life and provide you with freedom.

Despite the fact that this type of income is still developing in Russia, you can already find vacancies for remote employment in almost every city. And if you can’t find it, they are ready to provide you with a job even tomorrow! And to broaden your horizons or just keep up to date with student life, subscribe to our

Today we will talk about remote work on the Internet, its types and vacancies that are relevant in 2019, as well as how to find a job on the Internet without investment or deception and receive above the average salary in your city.

Greetings, dear reader! With you are the founders of the business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

For more than 7 years we have been making money online, now we have our own team, we have a free schedule and work from home.

But it was not always so.

We didn’t have rich parents, at the very beginning we barely made ends meet and more than once faced deception.

From the article you will learn:

  • How find real job at home and not run into scammers?
  • What vacancies Are online jobs relevant in 2019?
  • Where to start your way on the Internet as a newbie?

Sit back and close all additional windows on your screen! You will not regret reading the article to the end!

1. Working on the Internet at home - what beginners need to know

Working on the Internet from home gives a person the opportunity to forget about schedules, waking up at 7 am and scheduled vacations. By starting to earn income through the World Wide Web, you will gain financial stability, and most importantly, you will work only for yourself.

In recent years, the remote work and freelancing market has been growing by an average of 30% per year.

According to leading Russian analytical agencies, in 2015 the total amount of funds earned by freelancers and remote employees amounted to about 1 billion dollars!

Even if your profits are low at first, you will gradually improve your skills and soon you will definitely achieve a level of income that satisfies you.

However, many people have concerns when it comes to working on the Internet, because for most it is fiction. It seems to them that working from home is impossible to earn money without their own investments and deception on the part of employers. People who have encountered scammers more than once are wary of new opportunities.

We assert that Internet activity is a real prospect, accessible to almost everyone.

To earn income using a computer, you don’t have to be a cool IT specialist or programmer. It is enough to have constant access to the network, free time, an electronic wallet, for example, WebMoney or Yandex.Money and a desire to work.

Benefits of working online

Let's look at the main advantages that working on the Internet gives us:

  • No formal (special) education required. No matter how many classes you've completed, what your social status is, or who you are, there are jobs online that you can do and get paid for;
  • Unlimited income. There is no upper limit to your earnings. If you are a sufficiently talented person and are able to quickly learn new things, then you will succeed in this matter without any problems;
  • Ability to manage your time. Working online, you set your own schedule. You can take breaks whenever you want, start your workday after lunch, and schedule a day off any day of the week. People who work in an office or workshop “from bell to bell” can only dream of such a schedule.

Beginners should be immediately warned that high profits in the first weeks and even months of working online are unlikely to be expected, especially if you are looking for income without investment or risk. Working on the Internet for beginners is usually a painstaking and monotonous activity: making money by performing various kinds of cheap tasks.

This type of work is more suitable for those who want to earn some money during the holidays or in their free time from studying.

This also includes making money from games and paid surveys on the Internet. There is even such a type of earnings as typing: it is proposed to simply translate audio or video content into a text file. Such work is paid, it must be said, meagerly.

The main thing is not to stop at this level for a long time, otherwise stagnation awaits you financially and personally. When starting to work in the electronic space, always think about the prospects: if your income is constantly increasing, and the time spent on work, on the contrary, is decreasing, then you are on the right path.

What is the difference between working on the Internet and standard office work - 10 main differences

We invite you to visually compare the advantages and disadvantages of remote work on the Internet with standard office work in production.

Please study the table below carefully:

Comparison criterion Standard office and industrial work Distant work
and freelancing
1 Flexible schedule No

(almost always)

2 Income amount Limited

(In most cases)



3 Income growth dynamicsLow High
4 Official employment Yes

(in case of official registration under the labor code)


(if officially registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC)

5 Dependence on the customer (boss) Eat

(V to a greater extent)



6 Nature of income Projected



(unstable at the beginning)

7 Degree of responsibilityAverage High
8 Form of remuneration For the process

(in most cases salary)

For the result


9 Labor costs before the first moneyHigh High
10 Geographical reference to the placeEat No

So we figured out the concept of “Working on the Internet” and clearly saw its advantages and disadvantages.

Before moving on to the next information block, I would like to note that working on the Internet in most cases is impossible without your own website, on which you can, for example, place your portfolio, or at least without knowledge of how websites are created and function in general, therefore It’s a good idea to undergo special training before switching to freelancing. A resource where you can learn all these subtleties for free and online and which we personally trust -

2. Remote work and Freelancing: features and advantages

Freelancing and distant work- almost similar concepts.

"Freelancer" means, translated from English, “freelance employee,” that is, a person who works remotely without a strict schedule.

If you choose this path, then you will have to look for clients yourself. Having found a customer, you do the work and receive a fee for it. Freelancing can be considered as ).

Distant work- this is practically the same work in its classical sense, only in this case you are not geographically located in the same office or premises with the employer. For example, you are an accountant who works from home and keeps records of finances and document flow for a certain company.

Remote work can be found online for representatives of hundreds of professions - journalists, designers, programmers, teachers, translators, managers, engineers. Any skills and abilities that do not require your direct presence at the place of work can be implemented via the Internet.

Today, through the Internet, you can write articles, teach people English and yoga, draw pictures, create business projects and bet on football matches taking place in New Zealand. Any type of activity that you master perfectly can, with a reasonable approach, bring you a stable profit.

Working from home on the Internet is a chance to express yourself and turn your talent into money.

Representatives are also becoming freelancers today creative professions, and narrow technical specialists.

According to statistics, people who work remotely earn 1.5-2 times more than their office colleagues, while spending less time on work (this also includes the time it takes to get to work).

The average salary of a specialist working online is approximately from 30 to 100 thousand rubles monthly.

With classic remote work, the customer and the contractor do not meet each other in person, but communicate exclusively through means of communication - the Internet, telephone, Skype or via email.

However, some freelancers can find clients in their hometown and communicate with them personally, in which case the work will not be remote.

For remote work, it doesn’t matter where you live - in a village with a population of 2,000 people or in a metropolis. The Internet will give you the opportunity to instantly connect with anywhere in the world.

Working as a copywriter, translator, IT specialist, you can communicate with clients from different countries: the main condition for successful cooperation is mutual understanding and fair wages.

5 main advantages (+) of remote work and freelancing

Let's now consider the main advantages of remote work and freelancing:

  1. Saving time and monetary resources . You don’t spend money on travel, a car, office clothes and travel time to work;
  2. Stability and prospects. When working in an office or factory, you have only one employer, on whom your salary depends. If you work online, the number of customers is potentially unlimited: you can choose the most generous and adequate partners yourself. The loss of one of the customers is not a dismissal;
  3. Flexible schedule. For example, you have children who cannot be left unattended, or it is physically difficult for you to get up at 6 am: all these problems are easily solved if you choose to work from home;
  4. Feeling of inner freedom. A freelancer does not have a direct boss and is not tied to a place of work: he is a free person who lives where he wants.

    Some types of freelancing require payment for work every day: this is more convenient than receiving a salary once a month or once every 2 weeks;

  5. Opportunity to combine work and travel. You can live in warm countries, continuing to work according to your own schedule: the customer does not care where you send the work done from, the main thing is meeting deadlines and quality.

But don’t think that becoming a freelancer means getting money for next to nothing. This type of work also has certain disadvantages. The main one is the lack of a social package. If you have not registered your activity as, or not, you do not have the benefits that officially employed people have.

For example, you will have to pay for hospital services yourself if you get sick. Vacations will also have to be paid for out of your own pocket.

On forums, blogs and special websites for freelancers you can find reviews about working on the Internet from those who have actually tried this type activity or is still practicing it. Below, you will also find our reviews and reviews of our friends about working on the Internet.

There are also those who are categorically not satisfied with “complete freedom”: no one tells you how and what to do, you have to figure everything out with your own mind. But, if you joined this business very successfully, then most likely you will no longer wish for any other job other than freelancing.

3. Work on the Internet from home without investment - TOP 10 vacancies

If you are interested in the prospect of working on the Internet without investment, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the most in-demand and popular vacancies.

We would like to warn you right away that working online is work that requires discipline, responsibility and time investment. If you are a lazy, dispensable and irresponsible person, then you are unlikely to have many customers.

However, if you love what you do, have a goal, know exactly what you are worth and what you are capable of, then the Internet will provide you with many opportunities to realize your potential in the best possible way.

Vacancy 1. Designer

Designer is a very popular profession online, but competition in this area is quite high. To join this industry, you will need a lot of time and effort: at first you will have to work for pennies, but gradually your pay will increase.

For any designer the most important condition successful work presence of a portfolio. If your folder (or website) contains examples of successful author’s projects, the likelihood of receiving an order increases many times over.

It must be said that there are many different areas in this specialty, and for each of them there is its own audience of customers. The most popular specialty in this category is web designer. Essentially, this is the person who will make your website beautiful, recognizable and functional.

A designer for an Internet resource needs to be a specialist in several areas at once, but the payment can be very decent. Price per project varies from $100 to $3000 and above.

Popular design trends:

  • printing design (creating layouts for packaging, magazines, booklets);
  • 3D design;
  • video game design;
  • creation of flash graphics;
  • creating illustrations;
  • technical design;
  • graphic design (creation of logos, corporate identity etc.).

As you can see, the field of activity is more than extensive, and for a person with creative abilities there are thousands of options for self-realization.

Vacancy 2. Copywriter

, - in fact, these are different areas of the same profession.

The essence of a copywriter’s work is the creation of unique text content for Internet resources. This is the most classic remote work via the Internet: writers almost never meet their clients in person.

The specialty of a copywriter requires patience, perseverance and, most importantly, masterful command of words. A text content creator must be able to write technical instructions repairing a refrigerator, making a working advertisement for a spa salon, or rewriting any article so that even the author himself would not recognize it.

The profession is not an easy one: not everyone becomes a successful text creator. Experience as a journalist, literature teacher, and philological education helps in this. If you learn to sell goods and services using words or create unique content that is interesting to readers, your services will become in demand and expensive.

A good copywriter can earn a month from 45 to 100 thousand rubles ($500 - $1500).

For talented authors with a name and fame in the network space, there is no upper ceiling. If the owner of the resource understands that the site’s income directly depends on the text content, he is ready to pay a good copywriter the price that he sets himself.

The work of a copywriter is similar to the work of a creative and talented seller - his level of income directly depends on his ability to sell a product.

Vacancy 3. Internet project manager

A specialist in this area is engaged in creating the concept, strategy, and structure of an Internet project (site). Such a person develops technical tasks, conducts marketing research, is engaged in website optimization, promotion and promotion in search engines.

Internet management specialists are not yet trained in universities, but the field of activity itself is already quite in demand.

Owners of websites, online stores and other online commercial resources are willing to pay their project managers from 30 thousand rubles ($500) per month and above.

Vacancy 4. Personal assistant to an entrepreneur

The functions of a personal assistant to an entrepreneur on the Internet are the same as those of an assistant in real life - organizing current affairs, optimizing the “boss’” schedule, working with documentation.

The difference is that the work is carried out via the Internet. This specialty requires attentiveness, creativity, flexibility of thinking, and the ability to make non-standard decisions.

Often, a high level of communication skills is required from an entrepreneur's assistant. After all, he often interacts with his manager’s clients and partners.

A remote assistant for a businessman should:

  • good command of IT technologies and computers;
  • be able to enter reports;
  • draw up business plans;
  • work with freelancers and set technical tasks for them;
  • have flexible thinking and a high level of business communication.

The monthly earnings of a good specialist in this business are unlimited: it all depends on the generosity of the entrepreneur.

Vacancy 5. Call center specialist

A call center operator is a person who helps to obtain information, talks about services, and advises on a particular issue via the Internet.

Basically, these specialists work in two areas:

  1. Processing incoming requests;
  2. Sales or customer information (outgoing messages).

One of the functions of such remote workers is communication via online chat.

The specialist is live and answers text messages, audio calls, and sometimes video calls.

Work in this area requires deep knowledge of the subject matter with which the operator works, plus the ability to communicate with people.

Vacancy 6. Programmer

Everyone knows who a programmer is.

Programmer is a developer and creator of unique computer programs.

Real work on the Internet for a good specialist digital technologies there will always be. If you own English language, you can work with foreign customers, where the pay is much higher. To become a remote programmer, you must either have a higher technical education or be a talented self-taught person.

Nowadays, application development is a particularly popular area for programmers. Specialists in this field earn up to $10,000.

Vacancy 7. Private consultant

A specialist in any field can advise other people online - via email, chat, Skype and other electronic means of communication.

Such activities do not require renting a special room, a strict work schedule or other attributes of working in the “real world”.

All that is required of you is your knowledge and ability to communicate with people.

Vacancy 8. Foreign language teacher

Hundreds of thousands of people want to learn a foreign language. This is necessary for students, schoolchildren and everyone who wants full access, for example, to the English-speaking segment of the Internet space.

If you are an expert in the field, you can teach languages ​​to others via Skype and other video or audio communication tools.

Distances are no longer a hindrance: theoretically, while living in Voronezh, you can teach Russian to a resident of Alaska, if, of course, you have the appropriate knowledge.

Vacancy 9. Internet marketer

Marketer– a specialist whose goal is to increase the company’s sales volume.

An Internet marketer promotes products, services and events of companies and private clients on the Internet.

The salary of such a specialist in the market ranges from 50 000 before 150 000 rubles or more if he works as a full-time employee. Data on wages are provided by the authoritative portals and

If you master this profession, you can easily work remotely from anywhere in the world, even as a full-time specialist. That is, being, for example, in the city of Voronezh or even in another country, you can easily do work for a client from Moscow or New York.

I wrote that 50-150 t.r.- this is the income of a STAFF employee, that is, if you work for some company, this will be your salary, possibly with a bonus part.

But there is another way to make money in this profession - to provide marketing services for companies and entrepreneurs on the Internet for a percentage of sales.

For example, you know how to find clients for events (concerts, trainings) via the Internet and then you can ask the organizers for your percentage of each ticket sold.

If the volume of ticket sales through you was 1500 000 rubles, then you can negotiate from 25% of your commission. What in this case will be 375 000 rubles from one project.

How to learn this profession?

Dmitry created a remote online promotion business, visited 32 countries in 2 years and is successfully developing his project with a team without reference to a location.

Vacancy 10. Administrator of websites and groups on social networks

The work of a network administrator is similar to the work of a website content manager. Groups in social networks are a potential consumer audience: the administrator’s task is to create advertising posts, texts, conduct competitions and other organizational work.

The site (group) administrator is also responsible for moderating comments and maintaining the proper level of work of the administered project.

4. Our own Internet experience

We have also been engaged in Internet activities for the purpose of generating income for several years. We started with “offline” and freelancing, where we gradually reached our own online business. Now we have experience of both permanent remote employees of the company and employers. Below we will briefly talk about each direction separately.

1) As remote employees

Since this all started. Only after several years of hard work did we really understand Internet technologies, marketing, and Internet promotion.

Vitaly Tsyganok, co-founder of the business magazine

We earned about 500,000 rubles ($7,000). At first, orders were accepted exclusively in their city, later they connected Internet channels for searching for customers. Word of mouth also played a significant role - satisfied clients recommended us to their friends and it was no longer us who were looking for orders, but the customers who wanted to work with us as quality performers.

I would like to say a special thank you to our work with Alexander at the Alex Yanovsky School of Business and Personal Development, where we dealt with promotion, marketing and positioning of the Business School brand.

At the same time, we created our own online business, and so we left our work on the Internet, and the Internet business began to bring us much more and we decided not to scatter ourselves, but to develop only our business.

In my opinion, everything happened as it should have. We went from simple to complex: training, then the first projects, then work and regular orders, and only then our Internet business, now it brings us several thousand dollars a month.

Therefore, I was convinced from my own experience that working on the Internet is not only possible, but also necessary, if you have the desire, the money will come.

2) As employers

Now we no longer take orders, although we can recommend our friends who will carry them out efficiently.

IN this moment We are developing our business of creating and monetizing information sites on the Internet. You are now reading this article on one of these sites.

Now we ourselves regularly use the services of remote employees, primarily copywriters (text authors), and also occasionally collaborate with designers and programmers.

Having been in the shoes of remote workers, we have learned to correctly select specialists whose price and quality of services best meet the needs of our projects.

And if you work on the Internet, doing freelancing, then know that if you wish, it will be much easier for you to open own business than a classic office employee.

After all, a freelancer is an entrepreneur!

5. Reviews from real people about working on the Internet

Evgeniy Bobyshev

Most of us are used to working “for our uncle.” We live according to the scheme “home-work-home” or, more precisely, “home-traffic-traffic-traffic-traffic-home”. Sometimes on weekends you manage to meet with friends or go out “out” with the whole family. Vacation is on a schedule; being sick and doing personal business at a convenient, usually working, time is not recommended at all.

Pros and cons of remote work

Not everyone is ready to put up with these shortcomings and limitations. Therefore in Lately This form of work is rapidly gaining popularity, or remote work from home.

It should be noted that the concept of remote work was invented by the American Jack Nilles back in 1972. Even then, existing means of communication allowed employers to maintain contact with employees at a distance. 7 years later the term “flexiplace” was coined - “flexible workplace”.

Now, thanks to the development of the Internet, he works and earns money without leaving home, great amount people all over the world. These are men and women, pensioners and students, mothers with babies in their arms and professionals tired of daily long commutes to work. There are many types of remote work from home. And everyone, whether a highly qualified specialist or a person with little work experience, can choose the right option for themselves.

Modern businessmen willingly hire remote employees into their teams. This is very profitable: you don’t have to rent premises, buy furniture and office equipment, or hire service personnel. All the work is done by people living in different parts of the world. If the work of remote employees is organized correctly, then the company’s clients will not even understand that the staff does not work in a single office, but at home in comfortable conditions and according to an individual schedule.

Pros of remote work

  • No need to waste time and money traveling to work and back.
  • Free work schedule.
  • You can live wherever you want (and there is Internet).
  • You are your own boss: you can freely manage your working hours, prices for services and work with customers of your own choice.
  • There is no need to be afraid that the employer will refuse because of age, gender, appearance or having small children.
  • People with disabilities and poor health can work.
  • It is possible to choose a job where communication with people will be kept to a minimum (for some this is very important).

Disadvantages of remote work

  • It is necessary to maintain self-discipline and high responsibility.
  • Prospects for career growth are not always clear.
  • Problems with excess weight and health in general due to low mobility, heavy eye strain, lack of motivation to look good.
  • Some areas may have expensive and/or slow internet service.
  • Limitation of “live” communication with colleagues (although the “minus” is dubious).
  • You need to spend your own money and time on setting up a remote workplace.
  • There is a certain risk of running into scammers.

By the way, since 2013 in Russia it has been provided legal regulation remote work. According to Labor Code Russian Federation, remote work is officially called remote work. A employment contract about remote work can now be concluded not in in paper form, and sign with electronic signature. This allows you to find official work from home and reduce the risk of fraud from employers.

If you are attracted by the “advantages” of remote work from home via the Internet and are not bothered by the “cons,” then you may well find remote work to your liking and in accordance with your abilities, including as a part-time job.

Next time we will talk about the most popular Internet professions on the market and what parameters you can use to earn part-time work at home in order to...

Remember the words of Confucius: “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

To better understand what remote work is, watch a short video about people who successfully work via the Internet. They share their feelings about new form work, talk about what has changed in their lives for the better.

Based on materials from the book “24 Internet professions, or how to work without leaving home.”

If you are tired of commuting to work every day during rush hour, and communicating with colleagues does not bring you the same joy, you can think about looking for remote work or try yourself as a freelancer. It’s tempting: you don’t need to go to the office, the bosses are far away. However, for all its advantages, remote work also has a number of disadvantages. Why is remote work dangerous for your career? It will help to evaluate all the pros and cons.

Advantages of remote work
First, let's stop confusing the concepts of “remote work” and “freelancing”. The fact is that remote work does not always mean freelancing: you may well be a full-time employee of an organization, but still work from home. A freelancer is a person who is not bound by a permanent employment contract with any company, but carries out individual projects under a service agreement. At the same time, a “freelance artist”, as a rule, also works remotely.

According to the Superjob Research Center, today . Another 10% of organizations use the services of remote workers through outsourcing.

Who is most likely to seek benefits from working outside the office? Young mothers trying not to lose their qualifications during maternity leave, students looking for a part-time job without compromising their grades, as well as retirees who are not satisfied with the state of their wallet.

Most often, specialists are attracted to remote work by a flexible schedule. However, remote work does not always mean the ability to independently plan your day. Often, a specialist is required to remotely support some work process during certain hours (for example, answer calls). In this case, there is no question of a free schedule, but it is quite possible to combine such work with something else (with another job or with child care).

The undoubted advantage of remote work is the fact that the employee does not spend 2-3 hours a day traveling to and from the office, which means he has the opportunity to devote more time to his family or other matters. Saves money on travel. In addition, you don’t need an office suit to work from home, which means you can easily save on office-style clothes.

And if we are talking not just about remote work, but about freelancing, then we can talk not only about freedom from office conventions, but also about the freedom to choose work, because a freelancer can choose projects and clients in accordance with his interests and capabilities . For example, if a freelance journalist is not interested in writing about politics, he may well work on other topics.

For some, it is also important that you can design your home workplace according to your own taste, regardless of corporate rules. Yes, houses and walls help: creative work often requires inspiration and calm.

A few fly in the ointment
A specialist who works outside the office, in most cases, sees his boss infrequently - some once a week, and some once every six months. Many see this as a plus: as they say, away from management, closer to the kitchen, in other words, less stress. However, this advantage in reality most often turns into a disadvantage. remote work- shortage feedback with the leader. A remote employee does not always receive timely assessment of his work, and this slows down professional growth and makes it difficult to master new competencies.

A specialist working outside the office, as a rule, rarely sees his colleagues. The lack of professional communication is another disadvantage of remote work: the employee often lacks operational information, both official (for example, about dismissals and appointments) and unofficial (about the reasons for the same dismissals). However, in some companies this is partly overcome with the help of an internal corporate portal.

The lack of feedback and professional communication inevitably affects a specialist’s career. Professional, and therefore job growth, is slowing down. Of course, there are many exceptions to this rule, but the general trend is clear: it is impossible to become a vice president of a company while working from home.

There are other disadvantages too. You will have to spend your own money to set up a workplace (purchase a modern computer, provide constant Internet access, etc.). In addition, in some regions the Internet is quite expensive with a low signal quality.

For some, such a disadvantage of remote work as the lack of need to put oneself in order every morning is relevant. If before going to the office you definitely did your hair and makeup, put on clean, ironed clothes, then at home you can sit at the computer right in your pajamas. As a result, a well-groomed woman risks gradually turning into a domestic workhorse.

In any case, remote work requires high self-discipline and personal responsibility, and therefore is not suitable for everyone. So before you decide to leave the office, carefully weigh the pros and cons.

How to look for remote work?
Where to start looking for freelancing or remote work? First, stay connected to your professional community. Yesterday's colleagues can help you not only with advice, but also with recommendations, and offer to complete a project for the company they currently work for.

Secondly, regularly browse online resources specifically created for searching for freelance projects and remote work. Accompany your responses with examples of work, complete test tasks, participate in competitions, in a word, show off your product.

Thirdly, look through regular job advertisements - there are also good offers that involve remote or one-time work.

When looking for freelancing and remote work, you most likely cannot avoid an interview. This is not surprising, because before entrusting you, for example, with the design of a store window, the employer will want to make sure in a personal meeting that you are an adequate person and a professional in your field. It is also possible that face-to-face communication will be replaced by telephone conversations or correspondence on the Internet. These options may seem more convenient, but the applicant should be as careful as possible so as not to fall for the bait of an unscrupulous employer. It is better to insist on a personal meeting and make sure that the company you are going to work for is trustworthy.

Don't forget about the legal side of the matter. Cooperation with any organization must be documented. For example, if you are a copywriter and write materials for a company as a freelancer, you must sign civil contract about the provision of services and technical task, and after completion of cooperation - an act of completed work. If you are employed by a company, then a full-fledged employment contract must be concluded with you, which stipulates the remote nature of the work.

Superjob wishes you success in your search and the right career and life decisions!

The employment process went like this: I responded to a vacancy on HeadHunter and received test. It was designed to last 30 minutes, but it took me 50. After the test there was an interview stage. We agreed on a convenient time and called on Skype.

That's how I got into Tilda and started working remotely from home. There were no difficulties: I worked half the shift, minded my own business, and then got back to work. It was cool because I used to spend two hours a day commuting to and from work.

Most support guys split their workday into two parts. During the break, I managed to get to the ocean to surf - this really helped me get less tired at work.

Three life hacks to help you find remote work

1. Find out if you can switch to remote work at your current job. This is the simplest and most comfortable option. Talk to your manager and explain the situation to him: you don’t want to spend an hour or two every day on the way to the office, so the only option that will suit you is remote work. If this option is possible, agree on how the transition will take place. If not, think further about how to develop within this company.

2. Write to employers directly. It often happens that the company you would like to work for does not have open vacancies on its website. Try writing a letter with an offer and a description of how you can be helpful. There is a high probability that the company is ready to work with remote workers on certain conditions. Even if there are no open vacancies in your field, do not hesitate to offer your services.

3. Apply for vacancies with office work. Let's say you come across a vacancy on HeadHunter or SuperJob that clearly states: work in an office, at a metro station. Respond and send a letter in which you describe in detail your professional experience, how you can be useful and why you think that you should get this position. But please clarify that you live in Kursk and successfully work remotely. Even large companies will pay attention to the letter if the specialist really deserves it.

4. Features of working in Bali

Seva Petrov

I worked remotely from Rostov-on-Don, but I wanted to try. Therefore, when I found out that Ivan was leaving for Bali, I decided to follow him - when you have friends in a foreign country, it’s already calmer. Before that, I had not traveled to Turkey or Egypt, nor had I been to neighboring countries - this was my first big trip.

Regarding what our working day looked like: life on the island does not compare with life in the city. Now I look outside the window, and there are concrete slabs and panel houses. And there are unusually beautiful views all around: the ocean on one side, the sea on the other, mountains, forests, rice fields on the third.

It seems that it is not the workplace that is changing, but you yourself are changing. Your environment greatly influences you. It’s more pleasant to work there, even if the conditions are worse than in the city. For example, in Bali I didn’t have a special workplace: I worked at home at a coffee table or went to a cafe.

We had one advantage - time zones. We could get up early, go somewhere or go surfing, and at 11 am local time we sat down to work - at 6 am Moscow time. That is, we had 4-5 hours in the morning and 4 hours during the break to rest and explore the island.

The Internet in Bali is worse than in Russia. Therefore, when there were connection problems, we went to warungs - small cafes where there is free wifi. And of course, we always had with us Mobile Internet, but it is quite expensive: 600−1,500 rubles for 30 GB of Internet, which does not always work.

Ivan Bystrov

Leading support specialist at Tilda Publishing, working remotely for 1.5 years.

When I got tired of working from Krasnoyarsk, I bought tickets to Bali, rented a hostel for the first month and went to a country I knew nothing about before. All issues were resolved on the spot. Here are some tips that may be useful to those who want to repeat our experience.

How to get a visa to Indonesia

You do not need a visa for a period of up to one month. If you want to stay for a couple of months, you just need to pay for an on arrival visa at the airport. It costs $35 and allows you to stay on the island for up to 2 months without leaving the country. The only thing you need to do is to extend your visa after the first month. It also costs $35 if you do it yourself, and $50 if you entrust it to an agency.

After the visa expires, you need to leave the country and repeat the procedure for subsequent residence. In Malaysia you can get a social visa (you need a letter from an Indonesian resident, can be done through an agency) for 6 months at once. This visa can be extended directly in Bali, but you cannot leave the country - it will burn out.

Where is the best place to rent and how much does it cost?

Housing is no more expensive than in Russia, but the quality is better. The average option will cost approximately 3,000,000 Indonesian rupees - about 13,000 rubles per month. This is a guest house, essentially a small hotel. We lived in rooms with air conditioning, large beds and all amenities. The kitchen is shared among 5 rooms. Nearby there is a bar, a swimming pool, and parking for a bike. The price includes Wi-Fi and cleaning once a week.

How to get around the island

Unexpectedly, there is no public transport in Bali. Therefore, renting a bike is as necessary here as finding housing. Prices range from 600 thousand rupees per month to 2 million. In rubles this is 2,500–8,500 per month. For 2,500 rubles you will get a moped to move around the island, and for 8,500 you will rent a Kawasaki Ninja and enjoy the speed.

How much does food cost in Bali?

Prices for locals and tourists may differ significantly. For example, a coconut costs 40 rubles - you can both drink and eat it. A serving of rice with chicken - 60 rubles. That is, for 150 rubles you can have a good lunch and drink freshly squeezed juice, if you know where. I've seen that the price of the same dishes increases up to ten times if you eat in a restaurant and not in a cafe where locals eat.

Do you need health insurance?

Necessarily. I didn’t need it, but my friend needed medical help twice: because of poisoning and toothache. If there was no insurance, we would have to pay 80-100 thousand rubles. Health care It's very expensive here.

5. How to organize work so as not to let clients and colleagues down

Ivan Bystrov

Leading support specialist at Tilda Publishing, working remotely for 1.5 years.

To communicate with colleagues we use chat in Telegram, it’s convenient to exchange anything there. From time to time we test other services, for example, we change platforms for scheduling - we try to find the most suitable one.

We also try to meet with colleagues if we cross paths in some cities. Part of the Tilda team communicates in person, while we try to communicate via video chats. For example, on Fridays we hold video meetings where all support staff discuss tasks for the week and say what needs to be added and what to pay attention to.

When a newcomer joins the team, we don’t need to explain that we work remotely - this becomes clear already in the process. We, in turn, help him gradually get into the swing of things. We are only for it if a newbie asks questions and marks us in their tasks. We help and don’t burden him with complex questions on the backend until he masters the main points.

Alexander Marfitsin

Content Director at Amplifera.

I can give three simple pieces of advice to a specialist who wants to start working remotely.

  • Designate an area in your apartment where you will work. Don't let anyone in there within range of a cannon shot all day long. If you don’t abstract yourself, you will be jerked around all day, and you won’t work properly.
  • Don't spare money on a good chair and table.
  • Run, swim, go to the gym, play football, basketball, practice. Choose anything, but be sure to engage in physical activity.

Seva Petrov

Leading support specialist at Tilda Publishing, working remotely for 1.5 years.

Most of our communication takes place on Telegram. But we also use the excellent task manager Trello. There we enter our wishes, tasks, bugs. And when problems are solved, we add new ones.

Sometimes non-trivial tasks arise, for example, when users ask for features that we had not even thought about. We look at the reaction of users: if 30-40 identical requests are collected, then we definitely pass them on to the developers for consideration.

We have built a small hierarchy: we communicate with users, identify queries and bugs, and pass them on to front-end or back-end specialists. If I need a developer’s help to get a good answer, I send him to a special chat.

Tanya Abrosimova

Producer of the magazine "Knife".

Setting up processes turned out to be very simple. I worked remotely in Moscow for a year, and now in Tbilisi. All work communication We are concentrated in Telegram, complemented by Trello and Google Docs. It turned out that everything can be done remotely.

But there are also some peculiarities: remote work I’m confused, so I can wake up at 12 o’clock in the afternoon and fall asleep at 4 in the morning. That’s why I can write to my colleagues at 3 am. But I never demand an immediate answer. If they have a different routine, they will simply do the work when it is convenient for them. It often happens that when I wake up, the results have already been sent to me.

Alexander Marfitsin

Content Director at Amplifera.

To build processes when working with remote workers, you don’t need to do anything unusual: you just explain to them how everything happens. Any adequate person can work remotely. And if he can’t, then he won’t cope in the office either. To remain in demand as a specialist remotely, you need to do the same thing as on regular work: do your job well, be in touch and be able to communicate with people.

6. How to work outside the office and not feel disconnected from life

Sergey Bolisov

One of the common problems of remote workers, which many of my colleagues are familiar with, and I myself once experienced, is a certain isolation from the world. Personally, I have two ways to help me deal with this. The first way is that I artificially come up with reasons for myself to leave the house. Even if I don’t need anything in the store, I’ll figure out what to buy so I can walk an extra 10-15 minutes. And the second way is this.

Seva Petrov

Leading support specialist at Tilda Publishing, working remotely for 1.5 years.

If we compare the office and remote work, the office is still preferable for me. But the secret is that you can’t work in one place for too long. Office the better that this is a special place where people come to work - you won’t lie around on the couch in your underpants. But if you sit in the office for too long, productivity decreases. Therefore, when I was freelancing, I constantly went to cafes, libraries, and coworking spaces.

7. What will help you remain in demand as a specialist?

Sergey Bolisov

Lifehacker Distribution Director, Netology lecturer, Tilda Publishing evangelist, has been working remotely for 12 years.

I have two pieces of advice from personal experience and the experience of my colleagues, which will help me remain in demand. Both of these tips assume that anyone remote employee hidden from the view of large companies and well-known HR specialists.

Go to public events

At least from time to time, once every six months or a year, go to a major conference in Moscow or St. Petersburg. This is an opportunity to ask questions to colleagues and experts, learn something new, and meet people. This will help you become more visible in your field.

Tell us about your work

Everyone has something to talk about. Share interesting things from your experience on a blog, social networks, Telegram channel or YouTube. If you are involved in SMM, tell us how you used new mechanics in social networks. Tell us about new approaches to infographics if you are a designer. Or show what's interesting going on in your work. Share this so that people around you and followers can see how you can be useful. And when they need to hire an employee with the same skills, they will remember you. Even if they are in Moscow, and you are in Novosibirsk.

Tanya Abrosimova

Producer of the magazine "Knife".

I've been working remotely for a year now, and in my opinion, this is the best thing that can happen to a person. But this realization did not come immediately.

At the very beginning it was difficult when I had to learn to switch from the state of “I’m resting at home” to the state of “but I’m already working.” I didn’t have a workspace, and the sofa was so conducive to just lying down. Friends gave advice on self-organization: setting up a work space in order to make clear boundaries, starting a work mug, and even changing into work clothes. Very good advice which I didn't use. It turned out that the most effective thing for me is to make a list of tasks, complete them and cross them off.

There was a lack of socialization. In the office, between tasks, you could chat with colleagues, exchange jokes, play, and go to a bar in the evening. The large open space was conducive to this - many colleagues, many friends. And when you work remotely, the maximum you can do during a break between tasks is to go to the kitchen to fry cutlets.

If we compare the results of remote and office work, the results outside the office are higher. What was a plus in terms of socialization also turned out to be a minus: when you are distracted by colleagues laughing and being flooded in the chat, the likelihood of working with concentration drops to zero. That’s why I used to do most of the tasks at home, when no one was writing or bothering me.
