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Effective work has been organized at the Kalinin NPP to develop the production system of Rosatom. System "5S" in production: description, features, principles and reviews Psr 5s for office examples

Such interesting fact: it was the accounting department that became the leader in the implementation of such an RPS tool as 5C in the concern. How the implementation took place, what it gives and why this project is needed at all, we asked the chief accountant of the Rosenergoatom Concern Alexei Shalimov to tell.

We thank the editors of the Rosenergoatom newspaper for providing this material.

Alexey Vitalievich, how did you come to understand the need to implement the 5C system at the workplaces of your subordinate units, in particular, in the accounting department?

This task was set by the state corporation for all divisions of our industry. This work was carried out earlier, but less systematically, it did not have a regulatory framework and was done on a case-by-case basis, as spring-cleaning Houses. Having seen last year how the state corporation did all this, and seeing that the same task will be set before us this year, we decided not to wait for a general order for our division and took up this matter ourselves. And not only in Central Asia, but in the accounting departments of the concern's branches. We had a meeting at the beginning of this year, which was attended by the chief accountants of our existing nuclear power plants, and it was decided that we would take this project for ourselves and implement it this year. Therefore, unlike the entire concern, we started this project a month earlier, and this gave us a head start.

- you said about regulatory framework what does this mean for 5S?

The state corporation has a central project office that issues instructions and guidelines, presentation materials that help employees understand what 5C is. Cleaning the house can be done in different ways: you can wipe the dust and not vacuum, and consider that you have cleaned, or you can take out all the carpets and clean everything to the last thing. If everything is done carefully and rationally, it is easy to understand what it gives. You can do this empirically, or you can not reinvent the wheel and, taking a certain base that other people have previously developed, follow the steps that have been tested and verified.

What exactly will this system provide? Is it possible to talk about an increase in labor productivity or some kind of streamlining that leads to lower costs?

Any system must have a purpose. You can see the goal as an aesthetic one, but still, since we work in a concern, one of the main goals is economic efficiency. And it is expressed in the fact that thanks to 5C we got rid of a lot of unnecessary things that we had. This includes furniture, office equipment and ordinary rubbish. In particular, we expanded the archives, and documents immediately migrated to them from the premises. Such solutions for the stable and confident operation of a particular department help to establish efficient work and reduce costs. We calculated that we need exactly 10 packs of paper for a month, and not 20, and therefore there is no need to distract cash organizations for excess purchases. Yes, you can put it in a corner, but again, this is not a function of a particular accounting department, but a function of business executives. They also make up the rules. By the way, in 5C there is such a concept as "CANBAN" - this is a necessary and sufficient level that must be maintained in warehouses in stocks. This technique allows you to reduce the cost of unnecessary purchases.

5C means not only cleaning on the ground, but also a more logical arrangement of furniture. Here's an example: employees go to the HR department, and this process is routine. We used to have a personnel settlement department located behind the elevator and people had to bypass it, spending a certain amount of time on it. Now we have a department of accounting with personnel located opposite the elevator. People go out and, without wasting time, go to the right room. Also, within the framework of 5S, we carried out a transfer of people to the premises of the Central Asia. This process also took place in some branches. Moreover, everything was done not for the sake of the desire to somehow seat people, but based on the recommendations given by the RPS, our office and the state corporation.

- Will it be expressed in any specific figures? In saving something or on something?

We have figures and we are ready to announce them. If we take the accounting service of the concern, then only the surplus of furniture in the amount of 530 units was handed over. In terms of money, this has not yet been evaluated, since there are both used and new furniture. We don't order new ones. More than 5,000 unused folders were also cleared of storage places and destroyed. Space was freed up for current storage, and it became clear how much unnecessary was stored in the premises. Employees breathed dust, it was difficult for them to accommodate. In many ways, they got rid of garbage that cannot be reused. We calculated that we could equip 10 workrooms with only those things that can be reused, which the RPS accounting department returned to the warehouses. Another example: due to incorrect seating, people used to have to run across the room to the printer, but now the printer is nearby, and it turned out that instead of two printers, one is needed. Proper placement of people provides an opportunity for economic benefits.

- How is this work going in the branches?

Work in branches is no different from 5C in Central Asia. We do not rigidly impose models that are used in the 5C system. Each room could choose its own option from the proposed methodology. And according to it, jobs are being equipped, production losses are being identified, and then there is an internal stage in the form of an unspoken competition between the premises. People are drawn in, they start to look who is better. And everyone begins to use the chips that the neighbor used, compares - who is better or worse. As a result, everything leveled out, everything came to approximately one method and one rational form. Moreover, some branches completed this process even earlier than the target audience. And we are happy to use their experience. Mandatory is one of the principles of 5S that we preach - identifying the best with the help of our project office and bringing it to everyone. That is, there are some best practices, and employees look at whether they can be applied or not.

- How did the process of implementing 5S begin?

The first two steps were almost "out of the blue". That is, look at what is superfluous and do it better according to certain rules. Then this process self-organized, because it is good for people to work in cleanliness and comfort. And if they see a positive result, thanks to the 5S system, they begin to act, and there is no need to further push them.

You managed to implement the project in a fairly short time from April to mid-June. How do you think, what was the reason for this and what pitfalls arose during the implementation of the project?

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Lean manufacturing is an institution management concept based on the constant pursuit of eliminating waste. In the field of health care, it involves the participation in the process of optimization of all employees of health facilities, as well as the maximum focus on the patient.

This will optimize processes and reduce losses, thereby increasing the availability and quality of care. medical care population. The article can be downloaded finished sample plan for the implementation of lean technologies.

More articles in the journal

Implementation of a lean manufacturing system

The government approved the final plan to create a new model for outpatient medical institutions. Its goals are to reduce the queues, the time for making an appointment with a specialist and the timing of medical examinations in polyclinics.

The project is expected to improve the quality of delivery medical services and overall patient satisfaction with the performance of health care facilities.

All this can be achieved through the use of the 5C system in healthcare. 5S will allow:

  • redistribute the load between doctors and paramedical personnel;
  • optimize "logistics of patients";
  • switch to electronic documentation.

Comfortable conditions will be created for patients while waiting for an appointment with a specialist, and preventive examinations and medical examinations will be held according to the principle of "a continuous flow of patients with a standard time for one person's appointment."

Project timeline

The project is designed for 6 years - until 2023. In 2018-2019, an experiment will be launched, in which 155 and 195 medical institutions will take part, respectively. They will start working according to the model described above. By 2022, about 4,000 polyclinics across the country will switch to the new scheme of activity.

Already by next year, 50% of polyclinics will have adjusted response measures to deviations from the waiting time for assistance, by 2020 the same will happen in 75% of health facilities, by 2022 - in 95% of medical organizations.

Care Clinic: 5 mistakes of medical institutions- look in the magazine "Deputy Chief Physician".

Problems you will face

In the transition to lean technologies, medical institutions inevitably face difficulties. The magazine "Deputy Chief Medical Officer" named the 5 most common problems:

  1. Sagging salary and financial plan;
  2. There are more conflicts with patients;
  3. Confusion in functionality;
  4. Patients are satisfied, but the quality of reception has decreased;
  5. It's hard to strike a balance.

In the article, a specialist from the Ministry of Health showed what to do to make the 5C system work without failures:

Download checklists

Five steps to a rational organization of the doctor's workspace

Today there is a tool that allows you to organize the workspace in the doctor's office as required by the Ministry of Health. It is called Lean Management 5C.

Its essence is made up of 5 principles starting with the letter C:

  • sort;
  • keep order;
  • keep clean;
  • standardize;
  • improve.

The 5C system in medicine is not only aesthetic workplace but also a way to do more and get less tired at work. In addition, it is safety - when putting things in order in the office, many technical malfunctions are most often found - bare wires, leaking equipment, etc.

In an ill-conceived room from the point of view of ergonomics, it is easy to injure yourself or, catching on a sharp object, tear your clothes.

Algorithm on how to implement a 5C system in healthcare

Basic principles and stages of implementation of 5C in a medical institution:

Step 1. Sort

At this stage, all useless items must be separated from the necessary ones. All items in the workplace are divided according to the following principle:

  • unnecessary (used less than 1 time per year or not used at all, marked with red labels);
  • unnecessary urgently (used periodically, marked with yellow tags);
  • necessary (used in the work constantly, marked with green labels).

Step 2: Keep things organized

For each item that is needed in daily work, determine its place. You need to follow the following sequence:

  • arrangement of furniture and shelving;
  • installation of office equipment;
  • placement of documents.

If it takes more than 30 seconds to search for an item, you need to reconsider its location. It is unlikely to succeed the first time - it takes time and effort to optimally resolve this issue. You need to try several options for arranging furniture.

Interactive scheme was / became

Step 3: Keep It Clean

The 5C system in healthcare requires furniture and equipment to be kept in order and clean. It is necessary to clean the equipment, wires, fan, extension cords, floor from dust and dirt. Identify sources of contamination in the doctor's office, eliminate them.

Step 4: Standardize

All solutions developed during the implementation of the previous steps should be fixed in the form of a standard. The fourth and fifth steps are designed to record all that has been achieved. The most difficult thing at these stages is to think over visual schemes and memos. The journal "Health" offered ready-made solutions.

Cost analysis when implementing a lean manufacturing system

Lean manufacturing is based on reducing any costs and focusing resources to create value for the consumer. Cost analysis in relation to the healthcare sector can be performed using the classification of J. Womeck and D. Jones, proposed at the end of the last century.

Types of costs:

  1. Excessive amount of work to achieve goals (recycling):
    • performing unreasonable diagnostic procedures;
    • re-entries;
    • making copies of documents.
  2. Excess reserves:
    • Money;
    • medicines;
    • medical products;
    • consumables;
    • inventory and tools.
  1. Extra time costs:
    • long stay of the patient in the waiting list;
    • waiting for medical staff of colleagues whose help is needed to carry out this or that manipulation;
    • a long period of time from the moment the patient contacts the patient until the final diagnosis is established;
    • time spent by medical personnel on the preparation and writing of reports.
  2. Unnecessary movement around the institution:
    • remoteness of offices;
    • inconvenient location of equipment and tools.
  3. Excessive processing of information:
    • repeated questioning of the patient;
    • re-collection of medical history.
  4. Disadvantages at work:
    • crossing and mixing of flows of patients;
    • violations in the conduct of medical documentation.
  5. Unreasonable use of staff:
    • duplication of duties of middle and junior medical workers;
    • unrealized potential of the staff.

After that, the distribution of costs is carried out according to the degree of importance and significance. In this case, as a rule, the method of individual expert assessments on a 10-point scale is used, followed by transfer to average values.

At the Kalinin NPP organized effective work for the development of the Rosatom Production System (RPS), the implementation of the main indicators of the system deployment is at a high level, the nuclear power plant corresponds to the status of an "RPS-enterprise". This conclusion was made by the commission of the final peer review of the quality of the deployment of the Rosatom Production System, which took place from October 16 to 18.

The commission included specialists from two branches of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC - Novovoronezh and Smolensk nuclear power plants. Oleg Ilyin, Leading Engineer of the RPS Development Department of the NvNPP, headed the work of the expert team.

“During the audit, we assessed the enterprise’s goal tree, the relevance of materials in the information centers of the station, workshops and sites, conducted workshop visits and analyzed repair documentation, performed a random check of the functioning of the 5C system at production and office workplaces, as well as RPS projects of the enterprise and proposals for improvements at the plant,” Oleg Ilyin said.

Among the best practices of the Kalinin NPP, the experts noted the visualization of the RPS principles and tools, the methods of implementing the 5S system in office premises and production, the development of a step-by-step algorithm for preparing reporting documents for each stage of the implementation of RPS projects. Solutions in the field of organizing work in the workshops of the centralized repair shop were highly appreciated. “The management and personnel of the Kalinin NPP are involved in the process of finding and eliminating production losses,” said the head of the RPPC team.

The result of the work of the commission was a memorandum signed by the participants of the audit, which assesses the implementation of the main indicators of the RPS development at the enterprise, identifies areas for improvement, and also formulates recommendations for further effective development Production system "Rosatom".

Kalinin NPP is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC. The station is located in the north of the Tver region in the Udomelsky urban district. The Kalinin nuclear power plant has four power units with water-cooled power reactors (VVER-1000) with an installed capacity of 1000 MW each.

The Rosatom Production System (RPS) is a culture of lean manufacturing and a system of continuous process improvement to ensure competitive advantage at the global level.

The RPS is based on five principles that encourage employees to be attentive to the requirements of the customer (not only in relation to the end user, but also to the consumer site, consumer workshop and even the subsequent operator); solve problems at the place of their occurrence; build quality into the process, do not produce defects; identify and eliminate any waste (excess inventory, backlogs, downtime, unnecessary movements, etc.); be an example for colleagues.

These principles were formulated on the basis of the best examples of domestic and foreign experience, in particular, the system of scientific organization of labor, production and management (NOTPIU) of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building of the USSR and the Toyota Production System of the Japanese automobile company Toyota. The production system of Rosatom is aimed at fulfilling the strategic goals of the State Corporation, and industry RPS projects are aimed at increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving product quality. Knowledge and ability to apply RPS tools is a prerequisite for professional and career development nuclear industry employees.

At the beginning of 2015, it was decided to apply a systematic approach to the deployment of RPS at enterprises: decomposition of goals to the level of the head of the site, optimization of the production of the main products of the enterprise (production flows), implementation of RPS projects, training and motivation of employees. By 2017, the system deployment contour has grown from 10 to 23 RPS enterprises. By 2020 there will be about 30 of them, their products will form about 80% total cost Rosatom.

According to the development concept of the Rosatom Production System, all enterprises where the system is being integrated are divided into three levels: "RPS Leader", "RPS Candidate" and "RPS Reserve". RPS Leader enterprises receive a package of privileges (business coach visits to the enterprise, the opportunity for employees to travel to exchange experience at foreign and Russian advanced enterprises, family vouchers, certificates for training at the Rosatom Corporate Academy, participation in the Workspace Design project and etc.).

At present, the introduction of RPS at the enterprises of the industry has already made it possible to achieve significant savings, reduce stocks in warehouses and the timing of scheduled preventive repairs at Russian nuclear power plants.

We bring to your attention an interview with Sergey Obozov, where he talks about the origins of the Rosatom Production System, gives comments on the goals and features of the process implementation of RPS.

Look at the end of the article bonus— video report “Production efficiency management. Role of the Rosatom Production System”.

- Sergey Alexandrovich, what is the AKP and where did it come from?

– The Rosatom Production System (RPS) as a system was not invented or borrowed from other countries and companies. The RPS is a logically complete vision set out in a modern context effective management production processes.

RPS is the successor to the scientific organization of labor, production and management (NOTPiU) and the developments of the Minsredmash, thanks to which our industry managed to achieve a multiple increase in labor productivity. In addition, the RPS includes and adapted to our industry the best achievements and tools from other modern methodological platforms.

The production system of Rosatom (RPS) is methods, ideologies and specific tools for improving the production and management efficiency of the activities of State Corporation Rosatom and the enterprises that are part of the state corporation.

Rosatom Production System (RPS) is a methodically integrated industry complex of interrelated production processes in which non-value-adding activities are minimized as a result of incremental improvements through principles, rules, tools, and methods.

Even before the revolution, the Imperial Technical School (now Bauman Moscow State Technical University) developed the Russian method of teaching practical skills. At the factories of Russia, the Taylor system began to be widely used. The revolution gave impetus to the development of an integrated approach to the organization of labor, the rational use of resources.

The well-known scientist Kerzhentsev considers time as the most important resource and in 1923 creates the "Time" league. The timing of working time and the analysis of its consumption are being introduced everywhere. The organizer, scientist and poet Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev in the late 20s and early 30s created the Central Institute of Labor, where he researched work operations and rationalized them. A model of continuous training for rational work is being created. It's about on the mass training of skilled workers.

Then, already in the 1960s, the topic “Minsredmash and NOTPIU” appeared. The scientific organization of labor, production and management, which was introduced in the 60s in Minsredmash, gave a multiple increase in labor productivity.

In addition to the Soviet experience, we have attracted the best Foreign experience, which has shown its effectiveness. First of all, this is the Toyota production system and other production systems based on Lean.

- Tell me, what exactly was taken from the Soviet system of NOT in the AKP?

- Let's start with the fact that the Japanese experience, the same "Toyota" essentially relies on our domestic NOT. It includes everything - from the rational organization of the workplace, in order to exclude unnecessary movements and any kind of loss, to ergonomics, that is, the most correct in terms of convenience and rational organization of equipment and workplaces.

It was all in the history of NOT. The experience gained in Russia was actively studied, including by Western scientists. One of Taylor's associates, Gilbrett admitted: “The Russians are deeper than us into the NOT. Original Russian methods were two decades ahead of the WEST!

For example, according to the technique for laying bricks developed at CIT, the Russians were three times ahead of their US counterparts who worked according to the Taylor-Gilbrett method.

Domestic experience was then published in journals on the scientific organization of labor abroad, including in Germany, which at that time was one of the most advanced in the field of the implementation of NOT. It was said that it was the Soviet experience in the scientific organization of labor that deserved to be studied very carefully. The results were indeed very impressive for the time.

- In what industries were these systems introduced?

This system has been implemented everywhere. It was promoted and implemented not only at machine-building enterprises, but also in office activities, in the activities of ministries, and in construction.

Gastev's memo "How to work" is widely known - these are the so-called 16 testaments, many of which we use now in the RPS.

Similar methods were then introduced in all other industries. In particular, the Stakhanov movement was a further continuation. Despite the fact that the achievements of Stakhanov and his brigade were based on propaganda, it turned out to be a strong propaganda move, and it had its effect.

- One was chopping coal, but three were helping him.

- That's right. He and his team were released from all auxiliary work and so on. But, nevertheless, the approach itself, the very desire to increase labor efficiency and achieve the highest possible productivity in each specific area, has borne fruit.

The Stakhanovite movement had its effect, and in the country as a whole, labor productivity doubled at that time. These are our roots, our history.

Even in those years, the Japanese and Americans carefully studied the Soviet experience, took a lot of it and managed to give impetus to the further development of labor organization systems on that foundation. Their new modifications appeared, first it happened in the East, in Japan, and then returned to the West, in the USA. Moreover, the Japanese, paradoxically as it sounds, were taught immediately after the war by American scientists - Deming and Juran.

Production systems such as the Toyota Production System emerged, and then spread to American automobile factories and other industries around the world. The Japanese were the first to synthesize everything that had been developed before them and managed to develop the ideas of their predecessors further. The result was not just a set of certain tools, but a whole philosophy of production relations in any kind of industry, in any kind of production.

Now Rosatom, in fact, is returning to our roots. Such theses of Gastev as “We raise the question of creating a certain kind of psychological and general biological fitness of the worker for continuous improvement” and “The task ... to constantly hear the call for continuous improvement” directly became the basis of such a Japanese concept as “kaizen”, and we are now laying it in the basis of the Rosatom Production System.

But there have been attempts to use the domestic experience of NOT in our industry before. Gastev was shot in April 1939, and the NOT movement did not develop in our country for a long time. In the 1960s, Minsredmash again raised this issue, thanks to which it was possible to significantly increase labor productivity in the nuclear industry as a whole.

Rosatom is now making a new attempt, but on a much larger scale and taking into account the organizational mistakes of that time. And one of the conclusions that we made, studying the experience of Minsredmash in the 60s, is that the chief production worker should be responsible for the RPS at enterprises, and the first person should supervise. It is this organizational structure that is currently operating in the state corporation.

We can't help but ask a question. From a formal point of view, the RPS came to Rosatom through Japan. Did the Japanese use their production systems at Fukushima?

– The Japanese have an impressive experience that must be studied and adopted. I am aware of how these words sound against the backdrop of recent events, but there is an indisputable fact - Japan is one of the world leaders in the field of nuclear energy and a country that provides record time for the construction of a nuclear power unit in 37 months from the first cube of concrete to power start-up.

This record was set at the sixth power unit of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP. Moreover, in this achievement they used our experience - this is the experience of serial construction of the Zaporizhzhya NPP.

The Fukushima accident began as a natural disaster. The course of development of the accident today is quite well known, it is described, among other things, in your publication. Fukushima will change many things, but, first of all, in another area - in the area of ​​global views on security issues. If earlier many relied on probabilistic approaches, today we need to operate in terms of absolute reliability.

Production systems, be it Toyota or any other big company are aimed at the fact that the quality is laid in the process itself. And quality here is understood not just as questions of purely consumer properties of the product, but as an integrated approach. The created product is considered in a complex, including from the point of view of safety.

Those new safety requirements that will appear as a result of Fukushima will be laid down in nuclear power plants throughout life cycle this object. Not only at the stage of construction, but at the stage of design and even concept development.

If this is done effectively, if the ideology production system Rosatom will be used in full - and this will happen! - then, throughout the life cycle of a nuclear power plant, the facility will be laid down by the inevitable fulfillment of safety requirements already in the new conditions.

I don't see any contradictions here. The production system of Rosatom contributes to the maximum effective solution any questions if it is applied in full. In particular, the issues of reliability and safety are also in the field of activity of the RPS.

Second stage of implementation

- Next question. Well, we figured out what RPS is, and for what purpose is it being introduced into Rosatom?

– In terms of strategy for the coming years, Rosatom State Corporation positions itself as a global technology leader in the field of nuclear technology. The goal is very ambitious, the deadlines are extremely tight. A lot of work needs to be done in order to achieve the set goals.

Rosatom, due to its historical development, was created in those conditions when economic issues were not a priority, there were completely different goals and other tasks.

Deadlines - yes, they were. It was necessary to solve the problem of ensuring the nuclear security of our state in two or three years, that is, to create a nuclear shield. This task has been successfully completed. But economic issues related to the efficiency and activities of the Minsredmash and the nuclear industry as a whole were not a priority.

Now the world has changed, conditions have changed. Rosatom should become the world leader in nuclear technology. In order to solve these problems already in the new conditions, new methods are needed, new approaches are needed, and the key issue is the issue of efficiency.

Accordingly, the production system of Rosatom is precisely aimed at achieving maximum efficiency in all types of activities of our diversified corporation. I repeat - in all forms, from nuclear medicine before power generation.

Moreover, Rosatom should not only be efficient. It must be competitive with the world's leading players, including in terms of innovation.

Therefore, it is wrong to neglect the experience of foreign colleagues who have achieved success in a particular field of activity. And Rosatom absorbs all foreign experience in improving the efficiency of its activities, but relies primarily on domestic roots.

– Where exactly does the implementation of RPS begin?

– The production system of Rosatom began to be implemented in 2008. The first pilot sites were the machine-building plant in Elektrostal and ZIO Podolsk.

- That is, these are machine-building enterprises. One of them produces fuel assemblies, the other, respectively, works with steam generators and other heavy equipment.

– Both there and there, the introduction of the RPS has shown its effectiveness. There is an increase in labor productivity, there is a reduction in the cost of production, there is a reduction in the time of manufacture of products.

I can give an example of MCP welding at the fourth power unit of the Kalinin NPP, when it was possible to reduce the MCP welding cycle from 255 days to 127 due to the use of RPS tools.

- Where was it cooked? In Podolsk?

- No. It was already cooked on site. This is another example of the implementation of the RPS in addition to the first two mentioned.

If my memory serves me right, then in 2010, 54 projects were successfully implemented through the RPS. At the first stage of implementation, pilot sites were selected at a number of enterprises. Now comes the second stage, when the system will be implemented on the main production chains enterprises. We are moving from test, trial implementations to a full-fledged full-scale implementation of the RPS.

The system has already proven its effectiveness and has also brought a certain economic effect, although, as you understand, it is not always easy to measure it during pilot implementations.

In order of illustration. For example, in a workshop at a particular enterprise, the production area has been halved due to the rational placement of equipment or a change in its layout. How to calculate the economic effect in this case?

The workshop is half free, but it continues to be heated and maintained. The enterprise may be closed, and it is impossible to let tenants into the vacated area. It is rather difficult to calculate the effect of implementation here.

However, I have certain numbers. For those pilot projects that we implemented at the first stage, the effect was obtained, in total, about 3 billion rubles.

- Is it for two enterprises? Elektrostal and Podolsk?

- No. As I said, in total, at the first stage, there were 54 pilot projects for the implementation of the Rosatom Production System at 51 enterprises. They gave us a cumulative effect of about 3 billion rubles. By comparison, this is more than 30 times the associated costs of implementing a production system.

- A question about a specific enterprise, about Podolsk. Where exactly at ZiO "Podolsk" was the implementation of the RPS? In what specific area?

– At the ZiO Podolsk plant, the system was implemented at the site for the manufacture of steam generator modules. Prior to implementation, productivity was two pieces per month. In October 2009, that is, less than a year after the start of implementation, productivity reached three pieces per month. Now we have reached the figure of five pieces per month.

- These are modules for steam generators for ...

- ... for the BN-800, your publication's favorite reactor.

– How many modules were released in total?

- Before the advent of the RPS, 72 pieces were produced in 41 months. After implementation - the same 72 pieces were made in 18 months. There is a reduction in production time.

Production area for studs for reactor units BN-800 in shop No. 33. In 2008, two sets of studs were produced per month. In October 2009 - three sets of studs per month. In 2010, five sets of studs per month.

At the same time, there was a two-fold decrease in the number of employees compared to 2009.

“People got fired or…

- Nobody fired people. There was a reduction in the number of participants in this process, and not the total number of personnel. People were not fired, they were transferred to other production sites.

At the same time there was a decrease in stocks. From 2008 to 2010, the reduction of stocks in the flow occurred 30 times.

Another example from Podolsk. A site for the manufacture of air coolers in shop No. 16 ZiO "Podolsk". In 2008, nine sets were produced per month. In 2009, we moved to the level of 12 sets per month. In 2010 - 15 sets per month. The cycle time for the manufacture of air coolers decreased by 20% by 2009, by 25% by 2010. Reduced stocks in the stream by 25 times.

Different sides of the AKP

– The question is, what actually changed with the introduction of the RPS?

– The main idea at the first stage of the implementation of the Rosatom Production System is to reduce different kind losses. That is, these are unnecessary unnecessary movements, these are unnecessary stocks and overproduction of products, as we like to say, "for future use." But this is frozen money!

I recently visited one of our enterprises - NIKIMT-Atomstroy OJSC, so they have been on the site for several years now, not "lying", but "rolling around" stainless steel sheets with a total value of more than 12 million rubles. And so far, unfortunately, this is not an isolated case.

RPS distinguishes seven classical types of losses. Unnecessary human actions, unnecessary extra transportation, waste of waiting for a person or equipment to arrive for the next part, excess inventory (essentially frozen money), unnecessary unnecessary processing steps, scrap or corrections, overproduction.

These are the seven classic types of losses. Due to their reduction, due to the correct organization of workplaces, due to the correct placement and layout of equipment, the effect is achieved.

- And the intensity of the work of people does not increase at the same time? Excessive burden on people is not always right. The French got burned on this.

- In this case, we are talking about unnecessary work of people. That is, people worked, but they worked in vain or in vain, that is, they made losses. We remove unnecessary labor and replace it with necessary, useful labor that brings added value to the product.

Due to this, without changing the intensity of labor, there is an increase in the efficiency of activity.

– Do we understand correctly that Rosatom, by introducing the RPS, does not want to increase the sweatshop of labor, but, on the contrary, to remove unnecessary and unnecessary labor?

- In fact, that's exactly what it is.

– You have helped to increase by several times the rate of production of modules for BN-800 steam generators. Has the demand for modules increased?

The subtext of the question is clear. Yes, if we are building only one block with BN, your irony makes sense. But even in the case of BN, there is also a Chinese order for two blocks. And there is an understanding that we need to be ready to occupy a niche in the market, to be ready for new orders that will definitely appear.

By the way, after Fukushima, Rosatom has new opportunities. While many countries, including Russia's competitors in the nuclear market, have slowed down their activity, Rosatom has a "window of opportunity". This is one of the tasks that, among other things, fall on the RPS.

- What is the difference between the implementation of the RPS at various enterprises of the State Corporation "Rosatom"? We present how it can be implemented at the factory. But how will you implement the RPS in the design bureau? Or at the research institute?

– This question is often asked. If we are talking about mass production of a large number of the same type of products, then everything is clear. There is a pipeline where there are repetitive operations that can be improved from operation to operation.

At the same time, both Russian and Soviet experience, as well as the experience of foreign colleagues, show that production systems can be implemented not only in serial or mass production.

The Toyota production system was used not only in the shops, but also at the R&D stage. Moreover, the efficiency of production processes was laid down precisely at the R&D stage.

The designers considered how effective the production of a particular design, a particular product would be, that is, the issues of manufacturability are put at the forefront even at the stage of formulating the concept. A similar approach was in the design bureau of the Soviet period, but the requirements of technologists were not always strictly observed. Changes were made, including in terms of production efficiency. At the R&D stage, those costs are laid down, the cost price that the finished product will later have during its production.

As the experience of developing new models at Toyota shows, through the use of lean manufacturing methods in R&D, they are able to significantly reduce the development time. Let's say there are world records for the development of new models, and they belong to Toyota, when a new model is created in 10-12 months. While at other foreign enterprises, the R & D cycle in the development of a new model takes up to 40 months.

But we don't need new project reactor every 10 months.

– But we need to achieve a reduction in the construction time of blocks to 40 months in order to be competitive. And this will require the introduction of production system tools so that at the design stage, the project itself would include a short construction time.

The same can be said about the cost of an object in a fiercely competitive market, when the Koreans win tenders for the construction of new power units, giving a low price for a unit.

Of course, at the R&D stage, it is required to take into account the cost of the future facility and its construction. This is one of the aspects of implementing a production system during the R&D phase.

The second aspect concerns the effectiveness of interaction between groups of specialists, designers and scientists, their communications with each other. The Japanese have such a thing as "obeya" - when all specialists gather in one large room and jointly solve problems. And often the designer solves the problems of technologists and vice versa. Unfortunately, we don't have such experience yet.

In the R&D cycle, there are also technological chains for constructing certain parts of an object. If one design bureau is developing a reactor, another is developing steam generators, and a third is developing a turbine, then their effective interaction with each other is very important. To ensure that the R&D product of one group of developers is made just in time when another group needs it. This is the so-called "pull" method - the same tool of lean manufacturing.

The organization of clear interaction is one of the tasks of the Rosatom Production System at the R&D stage.

– Can you name examples of institutions where the Rosatom Production System will be introduced?

– Now I visit NTK enterprises. They began to work, for example, at NIITFA, at VNIIKhT, at the Efremov NIIEFA. Ultimately, it is assumed that I will visit all or almost all of the STC enterprises. Specific projects and products are planned. And these are the main products of the development of certain organizations that are part of the NTK block of the state corporation. All enterprises included in this block will be covered by the RPS.

– How exactly can the RPS help the NIIEFA institute?

- Several projects have been planned. For example, cyclotrons that help diagnose cancer. Today NIEFA makes two cyclotrons a year. By 2014, the institute will work out the flow and enter the series of 10 products per year. This task will be solved using the RPS.

The next projects are the optimization of the production of gamma tomographs, linear therapeutic accelerators. Considering a possible future order, this could be a series of 25 pieces per year, each worth a million dollars. In addition, NIIEFA participates in the ITER project, and components for a thermonuclear reactor account for 70% of the institute's orders. Accordingly, the RPS will also be introduced there.

– What will be done to make the employees of the state corporation more willing to go to work on new system? Will there be incentives? Or will it be by order?

- Let's start with the fact that the introduction of RPS shows that when people get acquainted with this production system, when we teach them, already at the training stage they have intrinsic motivation implementation of these tools in their work.

Simply because the increase in one's own efficiency is inherent in the character of a person. If this is a conscientious employee, he strives to ensure that he has order in the workplace, he strives to do his job more efficiently and efficiently. Internal motivation works, and this is the main thing.

At the same time, the task has been set - and it is already being implemented, in particular, in TVEL - to amend the existing provisions on motivation that are adopted at enterprises in order to take into account the contribution of each employee to the development of the enterprise's production system, take into account specific proposals for improvements, that each worker does. Such “Regulations on motivation for RPS” have already been introduced in a number of enterprises of the Group of Companies, for example, at the Balakovo NPP, VNIINM and others.

Of course, we will take into account previous experience. In particular, the Soviet one, when a specific employee received a bonus for the so-called "ratsuhi" (rationalization proposals).

Of course, these employees who are interested in implementing the tools of the Rosatom Production System and actively participating in our programs should be considered as a personnel reserve in terms of their career growth at the enterprise.

- Both are important. Because a good locksmith will not necessarily become a good boss, but he will not refuse a good bonus.

- Absolutely. As I said, there is experience of this kind of activity. And this process will continue.


Video report by Sergey Obozov “Production efficiency management. Role of the Rosatom Production System»

About the author:
Head and Chief Editor. At the Institute for Comprehensive Strategic Studies, he is responsible for the development of the publishing direction - books on lean manufacturing. He teaches "lean manufacturing" at the Tomsk Polytechnic University.