Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

We are starting a quad bike rental business. Idea for tourist centers. Motorcycle business: sale of motorcycles and ATVs Designers creation of a track for ATVs

ATV rental is a business with a quick payback. Since this type of service appeared in our country not so long ago, the competition in the market is quite weak and you can make good money with just a few ATVs. But you need to take into account the fact that any business related to extreme sports is accompanied by high costs.

You must understand that you can, of course, open an ATV rental at any time of the year, but it is better to develop a plan in such a way as to do it in the spring.

Depending on the climatic zone in which you live, this business can be purely seasonal - late spring-early autumn. But even if winter does not spoil you with snow, it is worth considering that people are much more willing to spend time outdoors in the warm season. By the way, as an option for expanding your business, you should consider purchasing snowmobiles to avoid downtime in the winter. The payback of rental directly depends on the location. In resort areas, rental will pay for itself in a season, in other places it will take about a year.

What is a business plan and why is it needed?

Before deciding to open an ATV rental, you need to thoroughly study this type of activity. And the best way not to overlook anything would be writing a business plan. Describing point by point all the subtleties of the case, you yourself realize whether this type of activity suits you personally and whether you are ready for possible costs and problems.

A business plan is an accurate and specific description of a business project. If you are looking to invest from outside, you simply cannot do without a business plan. All data that will be presented in your business plan must be accurate and verified. It is better to check all the information personally to be sure of its veracity. main idea need to be clearly marked. We choose the language of presentation as concise as possible.

Since you are writing a business plan not only for yourself, but also for potential investors, take Special attention the first and last paragraphs of the plan. People will start reading your plan with one of these parts, and if they are not interested in it, your project will not be considered further.

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How is a business plan built?

Any business plan is drawn up according to a certain scheme. It is universal for anyone and should reveal all the prospects of this direction.

  • general description of the project;

This paragraph should show the relevance of this type of business, describe the potential consumer of your services and have brief analysis market competition. Also, do not forget about your development prospects.

  • legal issues;

At this point, you need to indicate which of the types entrepreneurial activity you choose and why.

  • financial aspect;

One of the most difficult points, since you have to calculate not only the expected income, but also all regular expenses. The main thing is to describe how much money is needed to open such a business, without missing any of the expense items.

  • risks;

At this point, it is necessary not only to describe the possible risks, but also to prescribe ways to solve possible problems.

  • conclusion;

At the end, you draw final conclusions, which should be logically based on all of the above.

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The main points of the project description

The first thing you learn is competition. Although it is not high in this business, it still exists, especially in recreation areas, since here the popularity of rental is much higher.

Pay special attention to the list of services provided. you can offer routes of different lengths for beginners and professionals. True connoisseurs of such a holiday are willing to pay 15%, sometimes 20% more for the opportunity to ride in rainy weather. It is worth considering the options for VIP services. Each non-standard idea will increase the popularity of your rental.

Describe the potential consumer of your services. This item will be of particular relevance in the development of advertising.

Registration of an object of entrepreneurial activity. Two registration options are suitable for ATV rental - IP ( individual entrepreneur) and LLC (company with limited liability). The choice of one of the registration forms will determine your rights and obligations as an entrepreneur, the details of reporting and the percentage of tax.

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Project financial planning

Initial costs:

  • purchase of equipment. At the first stage, if you want to save money, you can try to buy used ATVs. But in this case, they need to be examined by a person who is well versed in this type of technique. Otherwise, you may face many problems with repairs in the future;
  • rent or purchase of premises for storage of equipment;
  • land lease for the route;
  • paperwork. It may be necessary to consult a lawyer;
  • purchase of sets of equipment (according to the number of ATVs) - a helmet, protection for knees, elbows, chest and gloves;
  • inspection and registration in Gostekhnadzor.

Monthly costs:

  • rent (if the premises are not purchased) and utility bills;
  • fuel;
  • salary for instructors and mechanics;
  • spare parts.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the advertising of your business. ATV rental requires a fairly active advertising campaign. you can use the different ways available to you to promote your project: from handing out flyers to billboards on the roads. One of the very effective ways to advertise this business is to promote it to social networks. If finances allow, you can also open a website that will be a presentation of your business. Do not forget that this type of recreation is preferred by tourists, pay attention to the possibility of concluding an agreement with travel companies. You will need advertising not only at the first stage, develop a plan for a regular advertising campaign.

It is worth remembering that in any business there is one more item - unforeseen expenses. For this section of the budget, it is worth laying at least 30% of the total amount of expenses, both initial and monthly.

Today active sports recreation for children is becoming more and more popular. The little fans of outdoor activities especially like quad biking. When enough minimum investment, this business project can bring good income to its owner.

How to start implementing a business idea for renting children's ATVs?

First of all, you must find a place where quad biking will take place. To start a business project, it is better to choose the spring season. Consider whether your business will be seasonal or year-round. To rent children's ATVs in the cold season, you need to find a ski area in the shopping center.

Look for great deals on the sale of children's ATVs. Some stores offer a discount when purchasing several pieces of equipment at the same time. It is better to purchase new ATVs, which are covered by warranty service.

You will also need a place to accommodate ATVs. Its area should allow you to freely accommodate your ATVs.

Consider advertising your business. This is where the Internet comes to the rescue. Advertising in social networks, on specialized platforms for the offer of services ("Avito"), thematic forums will be able to attract a large flow of customers. You can also attract customers by distributing advertising booklets on the streets.

How to register a children's ATV rental business?

First you need to get the status of a legal entity - IP.
Then it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement for the site where children's ATV rides will take place.

All children's ATVs must have a safety certificate.

What equipment will you need to rent children's ATVs?

In order for your ATV rental to work and meet the necessary safety requirements, it must have the following equipment:

  • ATVs;
  • Sets of sets of protective equipment. Their number should be equal to the number of ATVs.
  • A set of keys for minor repairs;

If your rental of children's ATVs provides for the availability of additional services, then the list necessary equipment can be expanded.

We are hiring staff.

For the normal operation of ATV rental, you will need to hire an employee who will control the process of riding kids on ATVs.
Administrative and accounting activities are the responsibility of the business owner.

Investments and payback of such a project.

Investments in the opening of the rental of children's ATVs are about 50,000 rubles. With good traffic of people in the place of renting children's ATVs, investments pay off within 1-1.5 months, after which the rental of children's ATVs begins to bring a stable profit.

Constant pressure modern life help to remove extreme activities. One of these activities can be off-road riding on ATVs. Wealthy drivers will pay good money for the time spent on road obstacles. The incomparable pleasure of such a ride is an effective means of relieving the accumulated stress of everyday life, so the business of organizing such services can become a very profitable enterprise. Let's take a look at an ATV rental business plan.

Insofar as this area services is a novelty and there are still few offers on the ATV rental market, significant start-up investment provide a profit in a very short time. BUT quick payback, as you know, the most best feature business.
ATV rental can provide a quick payback if this business is organized in various resort areas or recreation areas.

ATV park.

Given the rather high cost of cars (250 thousand rubles and more), you can start from a fleet of two or three ATVs. In the future, a quick profit will allow to expand the number of rolling stock. In addition, in order to ensure the purchase of more units, it is possible to purchase used ATVs instead of new ones. However, the risk of working with such machines and the presence of various technical problems should be understood.

Starting the organization of such a business, you must also consider:
- expenses for registration and technical inspection of "all-terrain vehicles" with engines over 50 cm³;
- the need to purchase or rent garage premises - 10m² should be allocated per piece of equipment;
- salary costs of a qualified mechanic and an experienced instructor.


When choosing a route, it is better to prefer rugged terrain in urban areas or forests - the presence of natural slopes and climbs will eliminate the need to create additional obstacles. To begin with, such land can be rented or leased with a subsequent purchase.
One type of extreme driving can be riding an ATV in rainy weather. However, the cost of such a service will increase by 20 percent in order to recoup the faster wear and tear of equipment in such weather.


One of important issues in the organization of this line of business is to ensure human safety during the operation of an ATV.

To ensure this security, you must:
- incur additional costs for equipping the units with minimum sets of equipment, which includes a helmet and chest protection, knee pads, elbow pads and gloves - each of these sets can cost about 20 thousand rubles;
- ensure that only persons with category “A” driving licenses are allowed to drive an ATV;
- under the signature to acquaint clients with the rules of safe movement.

It is advisable to accustom yourself to concluding an agreement with each client, which provides for certain conditions:
- the minimum amount of collateral;
- top speed;
- obligatory departure only in a column with an instructor's car at the head;
- Calculation of compensation for damage caused to equipment through the fault of the client.
The conclusion of such an agreement will protect against unforeseen losses and damages.

As an assistant, you must use any type of advertising.

Correct pricing is the key to a successful business.
It is better to set the cost of an hour of rental depending on the number of hours of rental - the longer the rental, the cheaper the cost of an hour.
This cost can include the cost of transporting the device if it is delivered to the client's home. You can also set a minimum rental time with delivery, for example, 6 hours.

In conclusion, the seasonality of such a business should be noted. Profit from the rental will be only in the summer. But to organize such a business in winter, you can use snowmobiles.

Ideas for Business from the section:

In this material:

The ATV rental business is an economically attractive and promising idea for making money. Despite the fact that its implementation will require a large amount of investment, with proper organization, the project will pay off in 10-12 months. The main difficulty in renting quadrics is the influence of the seasonal factor. Strict adherence to the business plan will help reduce risks and reach the break-even point by the beginning of the next season.

ATV rental: the relevance of the idea

The goal of the project is to open an ATV rental office outside the city, near recreation centers. The essence of business is to buy Vehicle and renting them out. An ideal place for the implementation of this idea is a resort area in a forest.

People living in large cities need outdoor activities Outdoors. Riding cross-country on ATVs just refers to such types of pastime. In Europe, extreme recreation has been popular for a long time, in Russia it is just beginning to gain momentum. There is little competition in this industry so far. With proper organization and promotion, the ATV rental business will bring a stable profit.

A rental office is opened outside the city limits, where a large number of vacationers accumulate, for example, near resort areas, near boarding houses or tourist centers located in a wooded area. People who are looking for new sensations and emotions, having learned about ATV rental, will certainly take the opportunity to ride, because this is a real adventure.

Attention! Some entrepreneurs use beach areas to rent ATVs.

Market and competition analysis

Interest in outdoor activities is growing every year. People willingly combine trips out of town with snowmobiling, bicycles, ATVs or motorcycles. Most types of such transport do not require a person to possess any special skills, which means that the opportunity to ride and feel like a hero is available to everyone.

The target audience is quite wide - men and women aged 18-50 and teenagers who came to rest with their parents. These are people with an average income, lovers of an active lifestyle and thrills.

Before embarking on a project, you need to carefully examine the market - is there a demand for such entertainment in the city. Another important point is the presence of competitors. It is necessary to collect complete information about companies providing ATV rental services, namely:

  • what kind of transport they use, whether there are children's models available;
  • how many pieces of equipment are in the fleet;
  • technical condition of ATVs;
  • rental cost;
  • what kind Additional services provided by competitors.

It is worth asking for reviews of companies that are already operating in this region. The information provided will help you find weak spots competitors and not repeat their mistakes.

Pitfalls and project risks

Having opened the rental of ATVs, the entrepreneur needs to be prepared for the fact that the transport will be idle during the cold season. Seasonality is the main risk of the project. The peak flow of customers is expected from mid-April to the end of October.

Attention! The problem of seasonality can be solved by purchasing not only ATVs, but also snowmobiles.

In the process of work, a businessman may encounter various unpleasant situations, for example:

  1. Vehicle damage. When driving over rough terrain, the appearance of scratches and chips on the car body is inevitable. Due to violation of the rules of operation, more serious breakdowns of ATVs are possible. To avoid disputes, a contract is concluded between the client and the company, which describes in detail the various options for the damage caused and the ways to compensate for it.
  2. Staff dishonesty. In the absence of a manager, rental employees can give the vehicle to customers and appropriate the money. The use of GPS beacons and CCTV cameras will help to avoid such problems.
  3. Decreased customer interest. Those who have already used the ATV rental 1-2 times, in most cases do not come back. Vacationers want to get new sensations, go through different routes. To keep their interest, you will have to make a lot of efforts, for example, organize competitions with valuable prizes.

organizational plan

The organization of ATV rental business begins with its legalization. At the next stages of work, the entrepreneur will have to solve issues related to the search suitable place and arrangement of the track for skiing. Then you need to purchase vehicles and hire staff.

Activity registration

There are two options for registering an ATV rental – individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company. The first is the most preferable if it is intended to create small business. For those who plan to open several more rental points in different cities in the future, the organizational and legal form of an LLC is suitable.

The recommended system of taxation is simplified. OKVED code - 71.21.1. "Rental of other vehicles and equipment." Vehicles with an engine capacity of more than 50 cu. cm must be registered with Gostekhnadzor.

Where to open ATV rental?

One of the most difficult issues to be solved is the choice of a rental location. With a limited budget, building an artificial track will not work. The ideal option is to rent a piece of land in a forest belt, laying one or more routes there.

The main requirements for the place of rental:

  • beautiful terrain;
  • convenient location;
  • the possibility of creating new routes.

Garage rental

ATVs need to be stored somewhere. For these purposes, a small hangar or garage is suitable. It is important that it is located near the highway. Part of the room should be reserved for receiving visitors. This area is equipped with furniture - an administrator's desk, armchairs or a sofa for clients.

Purchase of equipment

When choosing equipment, it is worth giving preference to new technology. When buying ATVs in bulk, the supplier company will provide a discount and give a guarantee for the goods. With a small start-up capital you have to buy used vehicles. In this case, the entrepreneur may be faced with the need for unscheduled repairs of equipment.

Client Security

Riding ATVs carries the risk of injury, so it is worth taking care of the safety of customers in advance. It is necessary to purchase several protection kits. You will need helmets and special vests, as well as elbow pads, knee pads and protection for the hands.

Attention! The ATV column is always led by an instructor. To ensure safety, drunk people are not allowed to drive vehicles.

The entrepreneur must draw up a contract that details the relationship between the client and the business owner. It prescribes all the possible problems that arise during the operation of vehicles, and methods for solving them. Together with a lawyer, they make a safety briefing. Before arrival, customers study it and certify the contract with their signature.

Attention! The client is not responsible for the breakdown of the chassis or engine of the ATV.


ATV rental prices vary by region. For example, in the capital, the cost of one hour of skiing is 2500-3200 rubles, and in cities with a population of 500,000 - 1600-2000 rubles. Determining the pricing policy, it is worth considering the level of income target audience in a particular area and the costs that go to fuel, repairs, rent. The cost of rental from competing companies should be taken into account.

Sample list of company services:

  • passing the route for beginners (18 km) - 1800 rubles;
  • route "Drive" average level (36 km) - 3600 rubles;
  • safari for experienced (46 km) - 5000 rubles;
  • expedition (route length 50 km, duration - 4 hours) - 7000 rubles;
  • Quest on ATVs (trip duration 2 hours) - 4000 rubles.


At the initial stage of work, it is necessary to hire several people in the state:

  • 2 instructors;
  • 2 administrators;
  • 1 maintenance technician.

The management of the company will fall on the shoulders of the business owner, and bookkeeping can be entrusted to a remote worker.

Advertising: how to attract more customers?

  • dissemination of information in local media;
  • advertising on billboards;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • creating your own website;
  • promotion of groups in social networks;
  • Yandex Direct.

At the initial stage, do not neglect cooperation with travel agencies, because they have direct access to the target audience . You can pay the owners of recreation centers for recommending interesting entertainment to their guests.

Financial calculations

ATV rental business requires a large amount of investment. Given that the project is dependent on the seasonality factor, it is important to find out how soon the investment will pay off. The above calculations are approximate, as the cost of renting land and equipment in different regions is different.

Investment in the project

To open a business, you will need to spend on:

  • paperwork - 4000;
  • land lease - 100,000;
  • purchase of 4 ATVs - 1,000,000;
  • equipment - 80,000;
  • hangar rent - 30,000;
  • purchase of furniture for the customer reception room - 30,000;
  • advertising - 40,000;
  • legal services - 6000.

Total: 1,290,000 rubles.

Current expenses

On a monthly basis, the business owner will allocate funds to support the project. This includes spending:

  • payment of wages to personnel with deductions - 110,000;
  • maintenance of equipment - 20,000;
  • garage rental - 30,000;
  • fuel - 50,000;
  • land lease - 100,000;
  • advertising, website promotion and maintaining groups in social networks - 30,000.

The total amount is 340,000 rubles (excluding tax deductions).

Income, profit calculation and project payback

The amount of income depends on the number of people who want to ride ATVs. An influx of customers is expected in the warm season. The average bill for the passage of the route is 2000 rubles. With a workload of 10 clients per day, the monthly revenue will be 600,000 rubles. From this amount, current expenses should be subtracted to calculate profit: 600,000–340,000=260,000.

Investments in the project will pay off not earlier than in a year, since in the first months it is impossible to reach the planned level of sales, and at the end of the warm season there will be a lull. The second year of operation will be more productive, the ATV rental center will begin to receive a net profit of 180,000–250,000 per month. Some of this money can be set aside to buy a few snowmobiles for the winter.

In order for the ATV rental project to be successful, you need to draw up a business plan for the company and clearly follow its points. At first, you will have to actively engage in promotion on the Internet and invest in advertising campaign. When the investment pays off, the entrepreneur should work on creating new interesting routes and expanding the list of services. This will not only attract new customers, but also keep old ones.

Buy a ready-made business plan

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When trying to find a fresh and fruitful idea for a business, you should consider all available options, paying attention to special attention to popular services for which there is a low level of competition. Usually niches associated with rental are quite affordable, especially with rental of various kinds of equipment. This is a business with a relatively high entry threshold and quite obvious risks.

That is why the competition in the niche is quite low, despite the high profitability. But if you are not afraid of risks that are more far-fetched than real, in the rental business you can as soon as possible achieve significant success. One of the most interesting niches is ATV rental, which we will talk about today.

Opening procedure and basic costs

The first thing to do is to arrange entity, register LLC or IP. After that, you can proceed to the choice of equipment and the search for a training ground. Three or four ATVs are enough for a successful start.. Many people advise buying used equipment, but this is not the best way to save money - the stingy, as you know, pays twice.

Main opening costs:

  • the price of a new ATV - from $ 7900;
  • wage each employee - $300-500;
  • a set of protective equipment - $650.

The purchase of three ATVs will require from $23,700, three sets of equipment will cost $1,950. At least two employees will be required - a mechanic servicing the equipment and an ATV driving instructor. The total base cost is $28,050 (including staff salaries for three months).

Additional costs will require registration of equipment and regular maintenance. You will also need to rent a landfill and parking spaces (or garage). It is advisable to purchase fuel in small wholesale lots. If it is possible to organize competitions somewhere on mountainous terrain or in a forest, you can save on renting a training ground. At the same time, the impressions of cross-country racing are only getting brighter.

According to successful distributors, quad bike racing is of the greatest interest and demand in "non-flying" weather (rainy or windy). You can take advantage of this by slightly increasing the tariff on such days (by 10-20%). To make your offer even more attractive, you can organize the delivery of rental ATVs directly to the point most convenient for the customer.

Legal subtleties

It is important to understand that renting ATVs (especially if you are also the organizer of races at your own training ground) puts the burden of responsibility on you for the health of your customers. At the same time, the risk of injury in this sport is extremely high. Therefore, you should definitely enlist the support of a lawyer who will help you draw up a competent contract in order to protect yourself from unnecessary problems.

Driving an ATV can only be allowed to owners driving license category A. It is also important that the instructor conducts safety talks with each client and ensures that they are properly wearing protective equipment. All conditions for the provision of services must also be agreed in advance and presented in the contract.

It is advisable to take a deposit (up to $90), which will allow you to calculate compensation from the client for external damage to the ATV without any problems (at the same time, responsibility for internal breakdowns, even those caused by improper driving, cannot be shifted to it categorically).

Marketing and basic business promotion

So, Required documents completed, the equipment was purchased and registered, employees were hired and a landfill was found. It's time to introduce yourself to potential customers.

Least costly and most effective way traditionally is the distribution of leaflets, booklets, and best of all - flyers with discounts. You should also order advertising on local radio stations (better than a few, because people prefer different styles of music), on television and in the local press. It is highly desirable to get your own website and groups in major social networks.

You can arrange with suppliers of related non-competitive services (event agencies, car dealerships, travel agencies, sporting goods stores) to give your customers your business cards and booklets (perhaps for a small compensation).

At first very important special offers and promotions, which can always attract increased interest from potential customers. Selling will also be an excellent engine for this business. gift certificates(which can also be advertised as a standalone service).
