Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The primacy of personnel management functions. Personnel management Object of functions for personnel management

The entire set of goals of the organization can be divided into four types, or blocks: economic, scientific and technical, industrial and commercial and social. Each of these blocks has its first level goal, the main content of which can be briefly summarized as follows.

Economic goal - obtaining the estimated amount of profit from the sale of products or services; scientific and technical goal - ensuring a given scientific and technical level of products and developments, as well as increasing labor productivity by improving technology; production and commercial goal - the production and sale of products or services in a given volume and with a given rhythm (contractual obligations that ensure the economic goal, government orders, etc.); the social goal is to achieve a given degree of satisfaction of the social needs of workers.

On fig. 3.4 shows a simplified version of the basic tree of objectives of the organization's management system. It is limited to goals identified by the conceptual (aspect) criterion of decomposition (1st and 2nd levels), and one level of goals identified by the factor criterion (3rd level). Since the social goal is the basis for the formation of the target orientation of the personnel management system, the structuring of this type of goals is considered separately and in more detail (see Figures 3.5 and 3.6).

On fig. 3.4 under the corresponding codes are the following targets:

1. Organization of promising scientific and technical developments.

2. Reducing the duration of the "research - production" cycle.

3. Technical support of the production process.

4. Security High Quality labor.

5. Market research of scientific and technical developments.

6. Compliance of the development plan with the scientific and technical potential of the organization.

7. Market research for products or services.

The social goal is considered from two sides (see Figures 3.5 and 3.6).

Rice. 3.4. Basic tree of objectives of the organization's management system

8. Compliance production program and production capacity.

9. Completeness and timeliness of production support.

10. Ensuring effective technical condition equipment of the production process.

11. Timeliness of fulfillment of contractual obligations for the supply of products or the provision of services.

On next level goals, it is necessary to highlight the targeted provision of general management functions: planning (i.e. coordination of expected results and methods for obtaining them), organization and regulation (i.e. coordination of actual actions to achieve results), accounting and control, stimulation (in this case we are talking on ensuring the interest of the organization's links through the effective allocation of resources). All of the listed general management functions are present in the activities of the heads of departments at all levels. It should be noted that in this case, when constructing a typical tree of goals, the spatial sign of their decomposition was not used. Its use presupposes the further formation of an organizational structure according to the divisional type.

The structuring of a social goal can be considered in two ways. On the one hand, it must answer the question: what are the specific needs of workers, the satisfaction of which they have the right to demand from the administration? On the other hand, the same system of goals should also answer the following question: what goals does the administration set for itself in terms of the use of personnel, what conditions does it seek to create for this? Obviously, the effectiveness of personnel management depends on the extent to which these groups of goals will coincide.

So, from the point of view of an employee, his needs can be expressed through the functions of labor that he (i.e. labor) performs in relation to a person as a participant in a particular labor process. This system of goals can be structurally represented as follows (Fig. 3.5).

From the point of view of the administration, the same block of goals should include targets and conditions for their solution, shown in Fig. 3.6.

A close examination of both branches of the block of social goals (staff and administration) shows that the targets are consistent. This, in turn, creates an objective basis for effective relationships between these subjects to achieve common goals. And although the main goal

Rice. 3.5. A system of goals that allows you to realize the needs of the staff

Rice. 3.6. The system of goals of the administration of the organization in relation to the staff

in fig. 3.6 indicates the profit of the organization, the starting point in the methodology of personnel management was the realization of the fact that one of the most important conditions for the realization of this goal is to satisfy the social needs of a person in production.

The system of goals is the basis for determining the composition of management functions. The initial stage in the formation of functions is the identification of their objects and carriers. The diagram of the relationship between objects and carriers of personnel management functions is shown in fig. 3.7.

When forming the composition and content of functions, the following should be borne in mind. Trends in the development of personnel management indicate the priority of transferring a large amount of functions for managing people to the immediate supervisors of a particular team. But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that managers receive the necessary advisory, methodological assistance from the personnel management service, so that managers perform the functions for which they are professionally prepared. Otherwise, this leads to the prevalence of autocratic (authoritarian) approaches to the formation of leadership style and methods. The underdevelopment of personnel services, the unpreparedness of managers for personnel management will inevitably affect the overall management philosophy and culture of the organization, the general moral climate in the team, not to mention the relationship of managers with their employees.

It should be noted that in recent years, an increasing number of domestic organizations have been using in their practice international experience in personnel management, which is largely enriched by Russian specifics. This is facilitated by the fact that at present many domestic consulting, educational and production organizations are actively engaged in the generalization and improvement of the methodology and practice of personnel management. important question in this regard is the structuring of the functional division of labor. Detailed composition functional subsystems of the organization's personnel management system is shown in fig. 2.2 (ch. 2). Below in table. 3.3 shows in brief the most important stages of the personnel management process that have developed in foreign practice.

When determining the range of tasks for personnel management, foreign experts conditionally distinguish the so-called main and additional tasks. The main ones are almost all

Rice. 3.7. Objects and carriers of personnel management functions in the hierarchical system of organization management

listed in Table. 3.3. Additional tasks should include tasks that can be performed jointly with the main ones, but, as a rule, the management order for them is carried out by external (in relation to the personnel service) divisions. Such tasks include: labor protection and safety; settlement and payment wages; provision of various kinds of services (for example, organization of information communication, services in the field of social infrastructure).

The personnel management service can perform its tasks in the following ways:

Providing advisory assistance to the heads of organizational structure units;

Development and implementation, together with line managers, of decisions and personnel measures;

Table 3.3. Stages of the personnel management process

Stage name

Main tasks of the stage

Determining the need for personnel

Planning for quality staffing needs. The choice of methods for calculating the quantitative need for personnel. Quantitative staffing planning

Ensuring the need for staff

Receipt and analysis of marketing (in the field of personnel) information. Development and use of tools to meet the need for personnel. Personnel selection, its business assessment

Management of labor motivation and staff behavior

Management of the content and process of motivation of labor behavior. Conflict Management. The use of monetary incentive systems: wages, staff participation in profits and in the capital of the enterprise. Use of non-monetary incentive systems: group organization and social communications, style and methods of management, regulation of working hours

Ensuring the personnel management process

Legal regulation of labor relations. Personnel accounting and statistics. informing the team and external organizations By personnel matters. Development personnel policy

Personnel use

Determination of the content and results of labor in the workplace. Industrial socialization. Introduction of personnel, its adaptation in the process labor activity. Ordering jobs. Ensuring labor safety. Release of staff

Staff development

Planning and implementation of career and office movements. Organization and conduct of training

Own managerial authority to carry out relevant activities.

Based on the above tasks (see Table 3.3), we can conclude that the defining function of the personnel management service is to ensure that the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel correspond to the goals of the organization.

Under quality characteristics personnel should understand:

Abilities (level of education, amount of knowledge, professional skills, work experience in a particular field, etc.);

Motivations (a range of professional and personal interests, the desire to make a career, etc.);

Properties (personal qualities that affect the performance of a certain professional role).

According to the literature and experts' estimates, the total number of employees of the personnel management service is approximately 1.0-1.2% of the total number of staff. It should be emphasized that the role and organizational status of the personnel management service is largely determined by the level of organizational, financial development of the organization and the position of its management.

In the development of the functional features of personnel management, the following fairly stable trends that have emerged in recent years are manifested:

Identification of almost all functional areas covering a complex of problems of personnel management. Moreover, this full coverage is observed in organizations of various sizes and various financial possibilities;

Wide development of external consulting, intermediary firms working with organizations on a contractual, integration basis, as well as quite active integration between organizations to implement the tasks of personnel management;

Widespread use of a number of methods general management for a deeper solution of individual tasks of personnel management. These management methods include, in particular, the delegation of authority and responsibility for the performance of functions from the heads of departments to specialists; participation of staff in the work of temporary structural divisions etc.;

Internationalization of personnel management, expressed in the development of international contacts in the activities of intermediary organizations, personnel training centers, specialized personnel divisions of the enterprise, government agencies and the formation on this basis of a unified international school personnel management.

It should be noted that the presence of the above trends indicates a high level of development of personnel management, a general culture of management in the activities of companies.

Domestic practice is currently taking vigorous steps to establish an effective personnel management system and include this system in the overall global process.

1. The staff of the organization is:

allocation of employees by socio-demographic groups

totality individuals employees, united on any basis

The personnel of the organization, working for hire and having certain characteristics

2. The structure of the organization's personnel is:

the ratio of professional groups of specialists and workers

The totality of individuals of employees, united on any basis

allocation of groups of employees by functions (types of activity) of the organization

a set of employees of an organization united in specialized services

personnel of the organization, working for hire and having certain characteristics

3. The totality of employees of the organization, united in specialized services, units and primarily employed various types mental activity is called:

Management staff





5. Employees providing and servicing the activities of managers and specialists in the development and implementation of management decisions by them are classified as:



social infrastructure workers

Technical performers

6. The bearer of personnel management functions is:

all staff of the organization

personnel managers

heads of functional and production units

Top management, heads of functional and production units together with the personnel management service

7. The object of personnel management functions is:

All staff of the organization

personnel managers

heads of functional and production departments together with the personnel management service

senior management, heads of functional and production units together with the personnel management service

top management of the organization

8. The principle of transparency is characterized by:

timely decision-making on the analysis and improvement of the personnel management system

Conceptual unity, accessible terminology

rational autonomy of structural units or individual managers

the most efficient and economical organization of the personnel management system

simplicity of the personnel management system

9. The principle of parallelism means:

adaptability of the personnel management system to the changing goals of the management object and the conditions of its work

orderliness and purposefulness of the necessary information to develop a specific decision

Simultaneous implementation of individual management decisions, increasing the efficiency of personnel management

timely decision-making on the analysis and improvement of the personnel management system, preventing or promptly eliminating deviations

when forming a personnel management system, the prospects for the development of the organization should be taken into account

the simpler the personnel management system, the better it works

Compliance of the personnel management system with advanced foreign and domestic analogues

timely decision-making on the analysis and improvement of the personnel management system, preventing deviations

doing the same amount of work in the same amount of time

11. The principle of the primacy of personnel management functions means:

maximum convenience for the creative processes of substantiation, development, adoption and implementation of human decisions

The composition of the subsystems of the personnel management system, the organizational structure, the requirements for employees and their number depend on the content, quantity and complexity of the personnel management functions

proportions between functions aimed at organizing the personnel management system and personnel management functions

the need to anticipate the orientation of personnel management functions towards the development of production in comparison with the functions aimed at ensuring the functioning of production

performance of the same amount of work at regular intervals and the regularity of repetition of personnel management functions

12. The principle of continuity characterizes:

personnel management both vertically and horizontally can be carried out through various channels: administrative, economic, legal

No interruptions in the work of employees of the personnel management system or departments, reducing the time for tracking documents, simple technical means management

performing the same amount of work at regular intervals and adjust the repetition of personnel management functions

the basis for the work to improve the personnel management system at its levels and by different specialists, their standard design

simultaneous implementation of individual management decisions, increasing the efficiency of personnel management

31. Object of functions for personnel management

a) human resources managers

b) heads of functional production units

c) top management of the organization

D) all employees of the organization

32. The system of theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the essence, content, goals and methods of management

a) personnel audit

b) staff motivation

C) the concept of personnel management

d) staff competence

Fundamentals of personnel management

33. Elements of the concept of personnel management (three answers)

A) personnel management methodology

B) personnel management system

C) personnel management technology

G) normative base personnel management

Fundamentals of personnel management

34. The rules, guidelines and norms that managers and specialists should be guided by in the process of personnel management are

a) methods of personnel management

B) principles of personnel management

c) internal regulations

d) management style

Ways to influence the employee

35. Ways of influencing an employee, a group, a team to coordinate their activities in order to achieve the goals of the organization are

A) personnel management methods

b) labor arbitration

c) personnel selection

G) labor Relations

Personnel management methods

36. Main groups of personnel management methods (three answers)

a) universal

B) socio-psychological

c) applied

D) economic

D) administrative

Personnel management methods

37. Administrative methods of management (two answers)

a) pricing

B) framing

C) issuing orders and instructions

d) participation in profits and capital

e) participation of employees in management

f) the formation of teams, groups

Personnel management methods

38. Administrative methods of management are based on (two answers)

A) discipline and responsibility

b) the system of relationships in the team

c) work motivation

G) legal regulation

Personnel management methods

39. Administrative methods are implemented in the form of ____ impact

A) managerial

b) psychological

c) moral

d) informational

Personnel management methods

40. Method of personnel management, not related to the number of administrative

a) approval of norms and standards

b) issuing orders and instructions

B) selection and placement of personnel

d, financial incentives

Personnel management methods

41. Economic management methods include (two answers)

a) formation of a management structure

B) financial incentives

d) the establishment of moral sanctions

D) participation in profits and capitals

Personnel management methods

42. Socio-psychological methods include (two answers)

A) development of initiative and responsibility among employees

b) lending

c) issuing orders and directives

D) creating a favorable climate in the organization

e) approval of administrative norms and standards

Personnel management methods

43. Method sociological research, the most suitable for identifying a system of informal relations in a team

a) testing

b) interviewing

c) experiment

D) sociometry

e) observation

Control systems

44. The system in which the functions of personnel management are implemented

A) the organization's personnel management system

b) system of material incentives

c) labor organization system

d) labor relations management system

e) line management system

Personnel management system

45. Correspondence between the subsystem of the personnel management system and its functions

1. Line management subsystem). organization management in

2. Subsystem of planning and marketing b) development of personnel policy;


3. Motivation management subsystem c). Management of labor motivation

staff: staff behavior;

4. Social management subsystem d). Housing management

development: service, cultural development

5. Subsystem of legal support e) Decision legal issues labor system of personnel management relations;

6. Development management subsystem f) Performs training, retraining

personnel and professional development;

7. Subsystem of personnel management and accounting: g) organization of personnel recruitment.

ANSWER: everything is in order, so it remains

    Allocation of employees by socio-demographic groups

    The totality of individuals of employees, united on any basis

    The personnel of the organization, working for hire and having certain characteristics

2. The structure of the organization's personnel is:

    The ratio of professional groups of specialists and workers

    The totality of individuals of employees, united on any basis

    Allocation of groups of employees by functions (types of activity) of the organization

    The set of employees of the organization, united in specialized services

    The personnel of the organization, working for hire and having certain characteristics

3. The totality of employees of the organization, united in specialized services, divisions and engaged mainly in various types of mental activity is called:


    Management staff


4 The professional category includes positions:






5. Employees providing and servicing the activities of managers and specialists in the development and implementation of management decisions by them are classified as:




    Social infrastructure workers

    Technical performers

6. The bearer of personnel management functions is:

    All staff of the organization

    HR managers

    Heads of functional and production departments

    Top management, heads of functional and production units together with the personnel management service

7. The object of personnel management functions is:

    All staff of the organization

    HR managers

    Heads of functional and production departments together with the personnel management service

    Top management, heads of functional and production units together with the personnel management service

    Top management of the organization

8. The principle of transparency is characterized by:

    Timely decision-making on the analysis and improvement of the personnel management system

    Conceptual unity, accessible terminology

    Rational autonomy of structural units or individual managers

    The most efficient and economical organization of the personnel management system

    Simplicity of the personnel management system

9. The principle of parallelism means:

    Adaptability of the personnel management system to the changing goals of the management object and the conditions of its work

    Performing the same amount of work in equal time intervals

    Orderliness and purposefulness of the necessary information to develop a specific decision

    Simultaneous implementation of individual management decisions, increasing the efficiency of personnel management

    Timely decision-making on the analysis and improvement of the personnel management system, preventing or promptly eliminating deviations

The term "cadres" (with the primary meaning "frame" in German and French) came into managerial terminology from the army lexicon, where it means a group of professional military personnel - privates, commanders and reserves. In English-speaking countries, it is customary to use the term "personnel" (personnel) in this sense and derivatives based on this root. At present, almost all authors writing on personnel management complain about the lack of standardization of terms, which allows almost different grounds use a range of definitions: personnel management"(personnel management), "personnel administration" (personnel administration), "personnel and industrial relations" (personnel and industrial relations), etc.

The object of management is the employees of the organization (workers, specialists, managers), in relation to which managerial functions in the formation of labor potential, its development in the implementation of motivational policy, regulation labor disputes and interpersonal relationships. The object of management can be both an individual employee and a set of employees, which is labor collective. Such a set can be both the entire staff of the organization and employees of individual units (workshop, department). The employees of a group characterized as an object of management are in certain relationships necessary to organize the production process and achieve common goals.

The subjects of management are the persons and divisions of the management apparatus of the organization that perform the functions of personnel management. They are managers of all levels who perform management functions in relation to their subordinates, as well as specialists in the personnel management service (HR managers) who perform their official duties.

Table 2 ? Management activities by human resourses

Field of activity

What is it aimed at

Typical Functions

To whom is the performance reported?

Human resource management (strategic aspect)

To solve global, long-term, fundamentally new tasks

Development of individual abilities and advanced training

Planning personnel costs within the framework of the company's total cost strategy, etc.

Corporation President

Work with personnel (operational activities)

To solve everyday problems that require administrative intervention

Selection and placement of personnel

Work motivation management

Monitoring the state of safety

Conflict resolution

Corporate Vice President

Attention should be paid to the fact that the head of any level acts as a subject and as an object of management. The changing personnel policy leads to a revision by the heads of organizations of their views on the position of the personnel department, to a reassessment of the place and importance of this department in modern organization. Employees of the personnel department should fully participate in the implementation of personnel policy, in the analysis of human problems, anticipate the need to create new jobs and eliminate some of the outdated ones, study new trends, given the increased importance and multidisciplinary work with people. Former HR departments are being converted into personnel services or human resource management.

Specific construction of personnel management service and distribution official duties between the relevant departments can vary in a fairly wide range, as they depend on the size of the organization and the number of personnel employed in it, the style and methods of work of the management of organizations, the financial possibilities for maintaining the management staff, etc.

Personnel management acts in the form of a continuous process aimed at a targeted change in the motivation of employees in order to obtain the maximum return from them, and, consequently, to achieve high final results in the activities of enterprises. The main goal of working with personnel in modern conditions is the formation of a person with high responsibility, collectivist psychology, high qualifications, and a developed sense of co-owner of the enterprise.

Personnel management is a diverse activity of special functional services of the organization and line managers of the relevant production units, aimed at achieving the goals strategic development organization and implementation of tactical tasks for the most efficient use of employees employed at the enterprise.

In functional terms, personnel management refers to all tasks and decisions related to work in the field of personnel (for example, the selection of personnel, their use, advanced training, remuneration, dismissal (release) of personnel, etc.). In organizational terms, this concept covers all individuals and institutions responsible for work with personnel (for example, managers, personnel department, works councils, unions).

When studying the personnel management system, it is important to have a clear idea of ​​the complexity of the category "organizational personnel".

Obviously, the personnel of an organization in a market economy should be understood as the whole set of not only employees, but also owners who ensure efficient economic activity.

The structure of a modern organization is as follows:

Enterprise employees.

Managers (managers).


The Board of Directors, which is fully responsible for the activities of the firm and adopted management decisions at the level of the company's strategy (15-20 people). Groups or parties interested in the functioning of the company.

The detailing of managerial personnel, which in principle corresponds to Western criteria for its classification, makes it possible to single out significant categories of managerial personnel for domestic organizations:

Heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations and their deputies.

Heads of structural divisions of enterprises, institutions and organizations, chief specialists.

Professionals performing economic functions.

Specialists in engineering and technical support of production.

Positions of employees (commas accounting, control, paperwork, housekeeping).

The characteristics of each position include certain qualification requirements, namely, the level of education and experience practical work.

In industrial enterprises developed countries distinguish the following categories of workers:

Top management, i.e. senior management (president/general director and other members of the board).

Middle management - the middle link of management (heads of departments and independent departments).

Lovez management - the lower levels of management (heads of subdivisions, workshop bureaus, group leaders, foremen, foremen).

Engineering and technical personnel and clerical employees ("white collars").

Workers employed physical labor("blue collar").

Social infrastructure workers (“grey collars”).

The term "personnel administration" was originally used to describe the personnel of firms within non-profit (public) institutions, and the phrases "personnel management", "industrial relations" were reserved in order to denote the provision of personnel for activities carried out in the private sector of the economy.

Today in practice there are two main approaches to solving personnel problems. The first focuses on the fact that "human resource management" covers the strategic aspects of solving this problem, including issues social development, and "personnel management" refers more to the operational work with personnel. The second approach proceeds from the fact that "human resource management" is focused primarily on issues state regulation relations in the field of labor and employment, and "personnel management" - on labor relations at the enterprise level.

The formation of a personnel management system involves, first of all, building a “tree of goals”, moreover, the goals of employees and the goals of the administration, ensuring their least inconsistency, identifying the role and place of personnel management in ensuring the main goals of the organization. The objectives of personnel management of an enterprise (organization) are:

Increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;

Increasing the efficiency of production and labor, in particular, achieving maximum profit;

Ensuring high social efficiency the functioning of the team.

Successful achievement of the set goals requires the solution of such tasks as:

Ensuring the needs of the enterprise in the labor force in the required volumes and the required qualifications;

Achieving a reasonable correlation between the organizational and technical structure of the production potential and the structure of the labor potential;

Full and effective use of the potential of the employee and the production team as a whole;

Providing conditions for highly productive work, a high level of its organization, motivation, self-discipline, developing the employee's habit of interaction and cooperation;

Fixing an employee at the enterprise, forming a stable team as a condition for the payback of funds spent on labor force(attraction, development of personnel);

Ensuring the realization of the desires, needs and interests of employees in relation to the content of work, promotion, etc.;

Coordination of production and social tasks (balancing the interests of the enterprise and the interests of employees, economic and social efficiency);

Improving the efficiency of personnel management, achieving management goals while reducing labor costs.

The effectiveness of personnel management, the most complete implementation the set goals largely depend on the choice of options for building the enterprise's personnel management system, knowledge of the mechanism of its functioning, the choice of optimal technologies and methods of working with people. There are certain differences between goals and functions. The goal is the state that is being sought, and the function is the actual action.

The goals of this organization are characterized by three features: they reflect the desired state in the future; they designate these conditions specifically and differ from individual goals in that they have a property that is mandatory for all employees of the enterprise; they are officially approved, and the management of the enterprise approves. Goals perform three functions: management, coordination and control.

Goals are the stimulus for behavior, so they drive behavior. They allow and stimulate mutual coordination of behavior and in this sense perform a coordinating function. Personnel management is carried out in the process of performing certain targeted actions and involves: determining the goals and main areas of work with personnel; determination of means, forms and methods for achieving the set goals; organization of work for the implementation decisions taken; coordination and control of the implementation of the planned activities; continuous improvement of the system of work with personnel, in accordance with the figure.

The need to harmonize between the strategy of personnel management and the strategy of entrepreneurship covers the main functions of management and includes:

Selection, hiring and formation of the organization's personnel for the best achievement of production goals;

Personnel assessment;

The best use of the potential of employees and its remuneration;

Ensuring guarantees social responsibility organizations to every employee.

In practical terms, the following main functions of personnel management can be distinguished:

Forecasting the situation in the labor market and in one's own team to take preventive measures;

Analysis of the existing human resources potential and planning of its development taking into account the future;

Motivation of personnel, assessment and training of personnel, assistance in adapting employees to innovations, creating socially comfortable conditions in the team, solving particular issues of psychological compatibility of employees, etc.

When overall strategy organization is realized, it becomes possible to establish individual functions of personnel management that will be combined with this strategy in the best possible way. At the same time, the traditional tasks of administrative work with personnel are preserved. The functions of personnel management are very closely interconnected and together form a certain system of work with personnel, where the changes that occur in the composition of each of the functions cause the need to adjust all other related functional tasks and responsibilities. For example, the widespread use in world practice contract form recruitment has led to a marked change functional duties.

Under such conditions of employment, the importance of functional duties naturally increases, the scope of duties within the framework of the functions of recruitment, employment, and material remuneration expands.

In the theory of personnel management, eight main functions are usually distinguished: needs planning, selection and hiring, development and orientation, promotion, evaluation and reward.


Figure 2? The relationship of personnel management functions.

The personnel management system includes a number of stages: formation, use, stabilization and management itself, in accordance with Figure 2.

The formation (formation) of the organization's personnel is a special stage, during which the foundation of its innovative potential and prospects for further growth are laid. The deviation of the number of personnel from the scientifically substantiated need for it, both up and down, affects the level of labor potential. This means that both the shortage and the surplus of personnel equally negatively affect the labor potential. Lack of personnel leads to underutilization of production potential and excessive workload on workers.

Thus, the goal of forming the staff of a tourist organization is to minimize the reserve of unrealized opportunities, which is due to the discrepancy between the abilities to work and personal qualities potentially formed in the process of training with the possibilities of their use in the performance of specific types of work, potential and actual employment in quantitative and qualitative terms.

The stage of personnel formation is designed to solve the following tasks:

Ensuring the optimal degree of loading of employees in order to fully use their labor potential and increase the efficiency of their work;

Optimization of the structure of workers with different functional content of labor.

Personnel Management

Figure 3? Stages of the personnel management system



This is achieved by the implementation of the principles of work with personnel, their interaction. Ensuring employment security for staff makes any firm more profitable and competitive, especially if a workforce stabilization strategy is used as a means to increase flexibility in personnel management, create conditions for close interaction of workers and retain the most qualified staff. A schematic diagram of personnel management is presented in table 3.

Table 3? The structure of personnel management (principle diagram)

Development and implementation of personnel policy

Pay and incentives

Group management, relationships in the team and with trade unions

Socio-psychological aspects of management

Principles of selection and placement of personnel


Involvement of employees in management

at the grassroots level

Employee motivation and creative initiative

Terms of employment and dismissal

Ways to increase labor productivity

work crews

and their functions

Organizational culture of the firm

Training and professional development

Incentive pay systems


A team

The impact of personnel management on the activities of the company and its organization

The basis for solving these problems can be based on the basic principles of the use of personnel in the organization:

Compliance of the number of employees with the volume of work performed;

Coordination of the employee with the degree of complexity of his labor functions;

The conditionality of the structure of the personnel of the enterprise by objective factors of production;

Maximum efficiency in the use of working time;

Creation of conditions for continuous professional development and expansion of the production profile of employees.

Considering the process of personnel management as an integral system, we can distinguish the main elements that implement the following functions:


Awareness of the population about the recruitment and timing of recruitment;

The amount of funds allocated for personnel training and housing construction, etc.;


Providing the creation of educational and material base and staff development.

Each of these subsystems can be represented both by a group of persons and by one person, depending on the scale of the tourist organization itself and the degree of development of personnel policy. The main purpose of this specialization is to clearly formulate the tasks and functions of management in general and individual administrators in particular; in a clear understanding of the mechanism of impact on labor resources.

The personnel management structure includes following directions activities:

Resource planning

Development of a plan to meet the needs for human resources and the necessary costs for this;

Recruitment - creating a reserve potential candidates for all positions;

Selection - evaluation of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve created during recruitment;

Determination of wages and compensation - development of a salary structure and benefits in order to attract, hire and retain staff;

Career guidance and adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization and its divisions, the development of employees' understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment;

Training - development of training programs for personnel in order to effectively perform work and promote it;

Assessment of labor activity - development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the attention of the employee;

Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal - development of methods for moving employees to positions with greater or lesser responsibility, developing them professional experience by transferring to other positions or areas of work, as well as procedures for terminating an employment contract;

Training of management personnel, promotion management - development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and improving the efficiency of work of management personnel;

Labor relations - negotiating the conclusion of collective agreements;

Employment - development of programs to ensure equal employment opportunities.
