Diary of practice personnel management sample. The concept of personnel management in the enterprise. Conducting a sociological study of the sources and types of motivation

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Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher vocational education

"Nizhny Tagil State Socio-Pedagogical Academy"

Internship program in the specialty "Personnel Management"

Nizhny Tagil 2012

The program was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the Department of Management and social work 07.09. 2012, Protocol No. 1

Head department O.V. Kalashnikov

The program was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Social and Humanitarian Institute NTGSPA on September 21, 2012, protocol No. 1

SGI Director S.A. Ustinov

Compiled by:

Belousova I.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Social Work

Kazantseva T.A., Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Social Work


Specialty 080505 - "Personnel Management" was approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 17.03.2000. №279ek/sp.

According to the state educational standard of higher professional education in this specialty, the normative period for mastering an educational and professional program in full-time education is 5 years; qualification - manager. Industrial and undergraduate practice is an integral part of the educational process of training qualified specialists. During practice, the results of theoretical training are consolidated and concretized, students acquire the skills and abilities of practical work in the assigned qualification and chosen specialty.

staff management practice


Practice goals:

To deepen and consolidate the theoretical and practical skills of students in the disciplines of general professional and special training: "Fundamentals of personnel management", "Motivation labor activity”, “Organization of personnel labor”, “Economics and sociology of labor”, “Management of labor resources”, “Ethics of business relations”, etc.;

Prepare the student to perform in a real production and management processes the following types of professional activities: managerial, organizational, economic, marketing, information and analytical, design and research;

Development and accumulation of skills for the analysis and improvement of the personnel management system;

Gather the necessary material to complete a course or graduation project.

The objectives of the practice are as follows:

development of the managerial culture of the future manager;

study and participation in the development of organizational, methodological and normative and technical documents for solving individual tasks of managing the organization's personnel at the place of internship;

development of proposals for improving the organization's personnel management;

· the development of students' interest in work in the field of management, the implementation of an independent study of an actual scientific or practice-oriented problem on the topic of a course or final qualification work; mastering the methods of observation, analysis and generalization of the experience of managers and leaders of organizations;

Formation and development of students' personal qualities of a future specialist, sustainable interest in professional management activities, the need for self-education and a creative approach to practical activities.


In accordance with the tasks set, the bases of practice are industrial enterprises, research and design institutes, banks, insurance, trade, investment and other companies, labor and employment services, recruiting agencies and other organizations that have accumulated significant positive experience in personnel management.

The student's workplace is any structural subdivision of the organization that ensures the high-quality performance of personnel management functions: the department of labor and wages, Human Resources Department, Personnel Training Department, Occupational Health and Safety Department, Personnel Development Department, Motivation and Remuneration Department, Social Development Department, Marketing Department, etc.

At work future specialist must acquire certain practical skills to perform specific work on the organization's personnel management.


In accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education in the specialty 080505 - "Personnel Management", the student must pass the following types practitioner:

production, 4 weeks - 3 course;

production, 4 weeks - 4 course;

pre-diploma, 8 weeks - 5 course.

The timing of the internships is set by the dean's office in accordance with the working curriculum.

All types of practices are carried out on the basis of agreements between the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education NTGSPA and enterprises, institutions and organizations, according to which these enterprises, institutions and organizations provide places for internships for NTGSPA students. The practice is financed from the corresponding budget.

The general organizational management of the practice is carried out by the Department of the Faculty of Social Work. Educational and methodological guidance is carried out by the Department of Social Work. The head of the department is responsible for the level of organization of practice and its results.

Direct supervision of the practice of students is carried out:

· Head of practice from the faculty;

· Head of practice from the organization.

The dean's office annually appoints a faculty head of practice, who carries out general organization and control of students' practice within their competence.

The duties of the head of practice from the faculty include:

1. before starting the practice, visit the practice base and provide necessary training to accept students;

2. if necessary, develop an individual work plan for internship;

3. agree on an individual work plan for the internship with the head of the personnel management service;

4. give the student an individual task for research work during the period of internship;

5. regularly visit the practice base and provide students with methodological assistance in implementing the practice program, collecting materials and preparing a report;

6. check all work done by students;

7. organize timely verification, review and defense of practice reports.

The management of the practice of students in the structural unit of the organization - the basis of practice - is assigned to highly qualified specialists and heads of these units. The head of the practice from the organization is appointed by order of the director and provides daily organizational and methodological guidance and control over the progress of the practice of the student assigned to him.

The responsibilities of the practice leader for the organization include the following:

Assistance to student interns in their adaptation in the organization;

Providing interns with jobs;

Drawing up, together with the student, a calendar work plan for the internship, regular monitoring of its observance and the quality of the student's fulfillment of the internship tasks with a corresponding entry in the diary;

Carrying out planned consultations on the practice program;

Familiarization of trainee students with operational accounting documentation and internal regulations(regulations, instructions, regulations);

Assistance to students in the selection of materials for the implementation of the practice program, their analysis, conducting special studies in accordance with the practice program and individual assignments;

Monitor student compliance labor discipline(About all cases of violation of labor discipline, public order, the head reports to the faculty).

The head of practice from the organization can give students specific tasks that must correspond to the tasks and content of the work practice as a whole. At the end of the practice, the leader from the organization checks the report and gives a written review-characteristic with an assessment of its content and the quality of the student's practical work.

At the end of the practice, the student has the right to ask, and the head of the practice from the organization has the right to give a letter of recommendation and a letter of thanks.


The main normative and methodological documents regulating the work of a student in practice are the program of practice and the "Diary of a student in practice". At the end of the practice, the student is expected to submit a report on the practice.

For the period of internship, a work regime is established for students, which is mandatory for those structural divisions of the organization in which students undergo internship. Each student is obliged to make the most of the time allotted for practice, to ensure the high-quality performance of all tasks provided for by the practice program.

During the internship, the student must:

1. Completely, efficiently and on time to perform the work provided for by the internship program and individual assignments;

2. obey the internal regulations in force in the organization;

3. study and strictly observe the rules of labor protection and safety;

4. keep a diary in which to systematically make notes about the work performed;

5. regularly (at least once a week) inform the head of practice from the faculty about the work done, provide him with a diary of practice for control and signature;

6. Submit a report on the practice to the department along with a diary and a review-characteristic of the head of the practice from the organization and defend the report within the deadlines established by the department.

Students who have not completed the internship program, received a negative review or an unsatisfactory grade when defending the report, are sent to practice again or are expelled from the academy.

In case of production need and if students wish, the heads of organizations can use student interns in full-time positions with the payment of wages to them. At the end employment contract the student can apply to the head of the personnel management service with a request to give him a Recommendation.

Control over the implementation of the practice program by students is ensured by checking the collected materials by the leaders of the practice from the organization and from the faculty.

Production, 4 weeks - 3 course.

During the internship, the student must familiarize himself with the base of the internship, study the personnel management system and its features depending on the scale of the organization and types of activity, and also collect the materials and documents necessary to prepare a report on the internship.

The internship program includes the obligatory fulfillment by each student of tasks according to the educational and thematic plan (Table 1). The head of the practice from the faculty, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization - the basis of the practice, can clarify the content of the assignments.

Table 1

Educational and thematic plan of practice

Stages of internship


Familiarization with activities and overall structure organization management

1st week

Analysis of the number of personnel, its structure, dynamics, use of working time (Task. Appendix 1)

1st week

Study and analysis of documents characterizing the personnel management system

2nd week

3rd week

4.1. Determining the need for staff. Recruitment and selection of personnel (Tasks. Appendix 2)

4.2. Organization of adaptation of new employees (Tasks. Annex 3)

4.3. The system of training and advanced training of personnel (workers, specialists, managers) in the organization

4th week

1. Familiarization with the types of activities and the overall management structure of the organization involves the study of:

industry business environment;

· general information about the organization (name, purpose of creation, legal form, brief historical background);

types of activity and volume of production (works, services);

production structure (divisions of the organization, functional interconnections of divisions);

organization of management (diagram of the organizational structure of management, functional relationships of departments and services);

technical and economic performance indicators for 1-2 years (the volume of sales of products (works, services) in value and in kind, cost);

financial position (profit, profitability);

· relationships with other organizations (suppliers, credit and banking institutions, insurance organizations, charitable organizations, etc.).

2. Analysis of the number of personnel, its structure, dynamics, use of working time involves the implementation following works:

study of the dynamics of the number of personnel of the organization (dynamics of the average headcount, the level of staff turnover in general and for certain categories of personnel, turnover rates for hiring and dismissal, the main causes of turnover);

analysis of the release of employees of the organization (volumes of release, the functions of the personnel management service for the employment of released workers, interaction with employment services through transmitted and received documents and information);

study of the use of working time in the organization for a number of years (2-3 years) or quarterly during the year (working time balance, average working day, the magnitude and causes of day-to-day and intra-shift losses of working time, absenteeism).

3. The study and analysis of documents characterizing the personnel management system involves the following work:

study of the organizational structure of the organization's personnel management system (composition of departments and officials, their hierarchical structure, subordination, factors that determine the organizational structure of personnel management);

drawing up a diagram of the organizational structure of personnel management, assessing its rationality, developing proposals for its improvement;

study of the functions of the personnel management department and other departments of the personnel management system on the basis of the "Regulations on the department" (composition of functions, their distribution between bureaus, groups and employees of the department, functional relationships of the department with other departments of the organization);

analysis of the functional division of labor in terms of duplication of functions, the presence or absence of necessary functions, the centralization of functions;

study of job descriptions for department employees (availability and quality of job descriptions for HR specialists, their content, compliance with best practices);

analysis of personnel, methodological, informational and technical support of the personnel management system (quantitative and qualitative composition of employees personnel service based staffing and the report of the organization on labor, the availability of basic regulatory documents of the personnel service (regulations on departments, job descriptions), composition and use personnel documents, methods of their maintenance, systematization, execution control, composition and use technical means personnel management services);

Definition of internal clients (consumers) of the personnel management service.

4. The study of the content of work on the functions of personnel management is one of the most important tasks of industrial practice (stage 1 - 3 course, stage 2 - 4 course).

According to the plan below, the student must understand the technologies of personnel management. If the performance of any of the following functions (for example, staff training, recruiting) is carried out by a third-party organization under an outsourcing agreement, the student must indicate this fact and show the validity of such cooperation in the report.

4.1 Determination of the need for personnel, recruitment and selection of personnel involves the study (Tasks. Annex 1):

used in the organization of methods of planning the number of personnel;

· practices of preparation of job descriptions and requirements to candidates;

Recruitment systems in the organization (sources of staff recruitment, organization of staff recruitment, the procedure for hiring and firing employees, regulating documentation for the hiring and hiring of personnel);

· systems for conducting personnel selection in the organization (applied methods and procedures for selection, regulatory documents, schemes for filling positions, requirements for candidates for filling vacant positions, functions of employees responsible for recruiting and selecting personnel).

4.2 Organization of the adaptation of new employees (Tasks. Annex 2) involves the study of:

induction activities;

· regulatory documents on personnel adaptation (adaptation regulations, adaptation programs, etc.);

methods and forms of organization of adaptation, functions of employees responsible for adaptation.

4.3 The system of training and advanced training of personnel (workers, specialists, managers) in the organization involves the study of:

organizational and methodological documents (decrees, regulations, orders, etc.);

the procedure for preparing plans for training and advanced training;

forms and methods of retraining and advanced training for different categories of workers;

staff training budget.

The internship program includes the obligatory fulfillment by each student of tasks according to the educational and thematic plan (Table 2). The head of the practice from the faculty, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization - the basis of the practice, can clarify the content of the assignments. If the place of the production practice of the 4th year coincides with the place of the production practice of the 3rd year, in this case it is possible to use the materials of the previous practice. At the same time, the student must adjust the materials used in accordance with the program of this practice and the changed conditions of the company.

table 2

Educational and thematic plan of industrial practice 4 courses

Stages of internship


1st week

1.1. Organization and planning of a business career and the formation of a personnel reserve

1.2. The system of conducting periodic certification of managers and specialists of the organization. The practice of evaluating the performance of personnel

2nd week

1.3. Organization of wages and incentives. The content of the compensation package for managers and specialists

Analysis of the regulation of labor relations in the personnel management system

3rd week

Studying the system of planning and evaluating the results of the work of the personnel management service

4th week

Registration, submission and defense of the report on practice at the conference (the date is determined by the dean's office)

1.1. Organization and planning of a business career and the formation of a personnel reserve involves the following work:

study of organizational and methodological documents (regulations on the personnel reserve, orders, etc.);

analysis of the activities of the unit and officials performing these functions;

study of procedures for the formation of a reserve for leadership positions different levels;

study of methods for assessing candidates for the personnel reserve;

analysis of the practice of using the results of the assessment of candidates;

Analysis of the organization of work with the personnel reserve.

1.2. The system of conducting periodic certification of managers and specialists of the organization. The practice of assessing the results of personnel performance involves the following activities:

· study of regulatory and methodological documents for the certification of managers and specialists;

· analysis of schedules and certification methods;

assessment of the composition attestation commission, organization of its work;

study of the composition of indicators and areas of certification of employees;

study of the composition of documents (attestation sheet, etc.);

· analysis of the use of attestation results when filling vacant positions, forming a reserve of personnel for promotion, etc.;

· studying the practice of evaluating the results of the work of personnel.

1.3. Organization of wages and incentives. The content of the compensation package for managers and specialists involves the following works:

study of the forms and systems of remuneration of workers, specialists and managers used in the organization (tariff, non-tariff, official salaries, commission systems or sales promotion systems);

· analysis of systems of individual stimulation;

analysis of remuneration systems based on the results of the work of a subdivision, branch, representative office, organization;

study of the system of benefits and privileges;

Studying the content of the compensation package for managers and specialists.

2. Analysis of the regulation of labor relations in the personnel management system involves the study of:

operating public organizations, their goals and objectives;

the work of the governing bodies responsible for contacts with public organizations;

resolution practices labor disputes;

Ensuring labor protection and safe life of workers.

3. The study of the system of planning and evaluating the results of the work of the personnel management service involves the study of:

the work plan of the personnel management service and the procedure for compiling this plan;

the budget of the personnel management service and the procedure for developing this budget;

work plans for personnel management service specialists;

· systems of indicators used to evaluate the results of the work of the personnel management service.

Undergraduate practice, 8 weeks - 5 course.

The research work of a student during the period of pre-diploma practice should be mainly of a research, exploratory nature. During the internship, the student must study the personnel management system and its features depending on the scale of the organization and types of activity, as well as collect the materials and documents necessary to prepare a report on the internship and the analytical part of graduation projects performed after the internship.

The topic of the student's research work should be relevant from the point of view of the graduating department and organization - the basis of practice.

Report on undergraduate practice should be divided into sections:

1. topic of scientific work;

2. purpose of scientific work;

3. subject of research;

4. research methodology;

5. analysis of the obtained results;

6. conclusions and suggestions;

7. list of sources used.

Approximate topics of research work of students:

1. Development of the goals of the personnel management system.

2. Application of the program-target approach in building the organizational structure of the personnel management service.

3. Designing the relationship of the personnel management service with external organizations (consulting firms, training centers, regional labor management bodies).

4. Designing options for the organizational structure of the personnel management service, depending on the type, scale and capabilities of the organization.

5. Designing the relationship of the personnel management service in the overall organizational structure of the organization's management.

6. Development of organizational and economic conditions for the development of creative activity and self-affirmation of the individual.

7. Development of organizational, social and economic problems relationship between the leader and the team.


Throughout the entire period of work in the organization, the student must, in accordance with the assignment, collect and process the necessary material, and then submit it in the form of a completed practice report to his supervisor.

The practice report is compiled individually by each student in a computer version (font 14, spacing 1.5). Preparation and submission of collective reports is not allowed. The practice report is submitted to the Department of Management and Social Work. Electronic version The report remains at the disposal of the student as the source material for course and diploma design. The report is drawn up in a folder on standard A4 sheets and is supplied with a title page (Appendix 5). The material collected during the practice by the student is attached to the report in the form of an appendix, while the main text should contain a link to its use.

During the practice, students keep a diary with a mandatory daily record of the work done (Appendix 6). At the end of the practice, the diary is certified by the head of the organization (signature, seal). The head of practice from the organization fills out a review of the student's work (Appendix 7).

The students are given the last 2-3 days of practice for compiling, editing and formatting the report. The student's report on practice should include text, graphics and other illustrative material. The volume of reports on all types of practices is 35-40 pages with tables, diagrams, documents, forms and other materials attached.

Title page;

general characteristics organizations;

The number and structure of the organization's personnel;

The organization's personnel management system;

Analysis of the main functions of personnel management;

Regulation of labor relations in the personnel management system;

Planning and evaluation of the results of the work of the personnel management service;



The list of references should contain a list of sources used in the preparation of the report. Information about the sources included in the list must be given in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

Applications must be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals. Each application should start from a new sheet indicating in the upper right corner the word "Appendix", its serial number (without the number sign); it should have a thematic title that reflects the content of this application.


At the end of the practice, the student must defend the report. The basis for admission of the student to the defense of the practice report is a fully completed practice report and diary, review-characteristic.

The defense of the practice report is carried out on the day established by the department in accordance with the calendar schedule of the educational process. The test takes place in the form of a student defending a report on practice before a commission appointed by the head of the department.

As a result of defending the practice report, the student receives a credit with an assessment. The assessment takes into account the content and correctness of the student's diary and practice report; reviews of practice leaders from the organization and the department; answers to questions during the defense of the report.

A student who does not complete an internship program or receives a negative review of work may be expelled from the academy for academic debt. In the case of a valid reason, the student is sent to practice for the second time in his free time.


Analysis of the personnel management system (fill in the table)


Is the firm's staff aware of its plans?

Does the company's staff participate in receiving part of the profits?

How does the firm allocate authority and establish accountability through the development of work instructions?

How does the company determine the need for personnel for the future?

How many workers are doing exactly the same job as 5 years ago?

what is the recruitment process?

What percentage of the staff has not been trained in the last 2 years?

How has the rate of injury and absenteeism changed?

How is the work of regulating wages in the company evaluated?

What is the level of understanding of the firm's legal obligations?


Exercise. (Production practice, 3 course, 4 weeks)



Task 1.1. Describe the process of recruitment and selection of personnel in the organization.

1. Write what phenomena practitioners associate with the terms "recruitment", "staff selection".

2. If you think that the importance of effective recruitment and selection of personnel in the organization is increasing, then justify your opinion?

3. What is the value of effective recruitment and selection? List everything that you think belongs here.

Task 1.2. Describe the organization's approach to the recruitment and selection process.

Describe the approach to the recruitment and selection process currently used in the organization or team. Indicate whether this approach is traditional or rather modern, and how it affects psychological climate in the team and the productivity of employees.

Task 1.3. Draw the link between (a) the organization's strategy and (b) recruitment and selection

Explain how the organization's strategy (mission, values, long-term goals and plans) influences recruitment and selection policies and practices. If this influence seems insufficient to you, explain how, in your opinion, the existing situation can be changed.

Task 1.4. Describe the recruitment and selection process in the organization.

List the stages of the recruitment and selection process used in the organization. Please answer the following questions regarding the recruitment and selection management process:

3. What specifically do you think needs to be done to improve the recruitment and selection process in the organization?

If you are having difficulty identifying the elements of the recruitment and selection process, use the following classification:

1. job description;

2. definition of requirements for candidates;

3. determination of the purpose of the search;

4. identification of sources of recruitment (where you can find a candidate of the desired profile; whether information about vacancies will be distributed among the personnel of the enterprise; how information about vacancies will be distributed);

5. dissemination of information about vacancies;

6. preliminary selection of candidates based on the analysis of application documents;

7. interview with selected candidates;

8. verification of information about candidates;

9. re-interview if necessary;

10. making a decision on admission;

11. informing the selected candidate;

12. informing rejected candidates;

13. definition and implementation of the beginner's onboarding program.


Task 2.1. Analysis of job description forms and requirements for candidates used in the organization.

Please answer the following questions regarding the job description and requirements for candidates in the organization:

1. Which of the following documents are used in the organization in the recruitment and selection process:

a) job description;

b) professiogram;

c) professional standard;

d) competence card;

e) professional portrait;

f) terms of reference for a recruiting firm;

g) an original document developed by the organization's specialists.

2. What are strengths forms used in the organization with information about the content of the work and requirements for candidates?

3. Do they have flaws? Which? Explain how they can be eliminated.

Task 2.2. Description of work.

1. Definition of work.

The Job Definition section contains several types of information:

Job title - the title of the job is indicated, for example, assistant secretary, sales manager or storekeeper;

Organizational unit (division) to which this work applies;

Job title of immediate supervisor.

2. The purpose of the work (the purpose of creating this position).

For top managers, the goals of the organization are decisive here; for specialists - the goals of the unit, for performers - the goals of the workplace.

3. Short description work.

The section "Brief description of the job" should contain general description the nature of the work, including only the main functions and actions. For example, for a purchasing manager, the "Job Brief" section might contain the following information: "the purchasing manager purchases, regulates supplies, stocks, and distributes all materials needed for this production."

4. Duties and responsibilities.

This section should provide a detailed list of the actual duties and responsibilities associated with the job. Special attention it is necessary to give a clear formulation of the provisions so that it is completely clear to the employee what he is responsible for. This section is the main one in determining the requirements for candidates, organizing their assessment and selection. For the main two or three duties, it is necessary to indicate the approximate time allotted for its implementation.

5. Hardware and software used.

6. Relationships.

The "Relationships" section describes the employee's relationships with other people inside and outside the organization. The names of relevant positions and organizations should be accurately recorded. The information in this section is usually grouped as follows:

From whom it receives: information, instructions, semi-finished products, raw materials;

To whom it addresses: information, instructions, semi-finished products, raw materials;

Who does he/she collaborate with on assignments?

7. Authority.

It is expedient to specify the powers for managerial employees - who, what and to what extent has the right to dispose of.

8. Performance standards (required results, expected behavior).

9. Working conditions and environment.

This section describes factors such as noise level, dangerous conditions or high temperature.

Task 2.3. Determination of requirements for candidates.

Based on the prepared job description (task 2.2) and expert assessments, prepare requirements for candidates for a specific position. You can use the form below to submit your requirements.

For each requirement, indicate its importance using the following characteristics:

1 - very important

3 is desirable.

Requirements for applicants



(underline, specify, explain)

1.1. Higher specialized education (indicating the specialty)

1.2. Other types of education

1.3. Special training

1.4. Foreign languages

1.5. Special Special Knowledge


(if possible, specify the length of service)


(please underline and explain)

3.1. Oral speech (in contacts with partners, reports, at meetings, etc., when participating in meetings)

3.2. Written language (regularly repeated contacts in writing, exchange of written information, preparation of local regulations, ability to give a written opinion on applications and requests, contacts with external addressees)

3.3. Dealing with colleagues, subordinates, management

3.4. Negotiation skills (e.g., negotiating with..., stating the difficulty or importance of negotiating)

3.5. Ability to make independent decisions (approach to tasks and powers that require a high degree of independence in decision-making)

3.6. The ability to take the initiative, to express a number of ideas in connection with ... (give examples)

3.7. Organizational abilities, in particular, in the organization of labor activity in the unit

3.8. Ability to manage employees



Task 3.1. The dialing methods used.

Describe the recruitment methods currently used in the organization or team:

1. Search within the organization (internal recruitment),

2. Selection with the help of employees;

3. Self-manifested candidates;

4. Advertisements in local newspapers;

5. Announcements through local radio or television;

6. Appeals to institutes and other educational institutions;

7. State employment agencies;

8. Private employment agencies;

9. Private recruitment agencies;

10. Internet;

11. Appeal to "bounty hunters".

What explains the use of specific dialing methods? How is the effectiveness of the applied methods evaluated?

Task 3.2. Choice of dialing method.

Based on the prepared job description and requirements for candidates (tasks 2.2 and 2.3), formulate proposals for the use of recruitment methods.

Task 3.3. Preparation of the competitive announcement.

Based on the prepared job description and requirements for candidates (tasks 2.2 and 2.3), formulate the text of the competitive recruitment announcement.


Task 4.1. Used methods of selection.

Describe the personnel selection methods that are currently used in the organization or team:

1. Analysis and evaluation of application documents

2. Testing

3. Interview

4. Professional test

5. Group discussion (Assessment center)

6. Handwriting expertise

7. Medical examination

8. Security check

9. Verification by law enforcement agencies

10. Using a polygraph

What explains the use of specific selection methods? How is the effectiveness of the applied methods evaluated?

Task 4.2. Choice of selection method.

Based on the prepared job description and requirements for candidates (Exercises 2.2 and 2.3), formulate proposals for the use of personnel selection methods.

Task 4.3. Selection based on the analysis of application documents.

Formulate a list of documents that the applicant must provide to the organization (taking into account the position and other factors). Sample list:

1. Resume;

2. Application (cover letter);

3. Biography;

4. Questionnaires;

5. Certificates of education;

8. Work book.

Task 4.4. Selection based on interview results.

Prepare an interview plan and questions aimed at determining whether the candidate meets the requirements for candidates for the specific position you have chosen.


Exercise. (Production practice, 3 course, 4 weeks)


In the short questionnaire below, you are given the opportunity to assess the approach to employee orientation that takes place in the organization. You will immediately see the strengths and weaknesses of adaptation. Each section of the questionnaire involves calculating the sum of points for the section, and then summing up the total. Please use the following scale to answer the questions:

4- if the statement formulated in the questionnaire is constantly present in the organization during orientation programs;

3- if the statement formulated in the questionnaire is present in the organization in most cases for the majority of employees during orientation programs;

2- if the statement formulated in the questionnaire is sometimes used in the organization for some employees during orientation programs;

1- if the statement formulated in the questionnaire is not used in the organization or it is unknown to you;

0 - if the administration of the organization (officials who answer the question) completely disagrees with this statement of the questionnaire or follows a different, directly opposite line when conducting orientation programs.

Section 1: Planning.

1. The orientation procedure was developed and implemented with the participation of senior management, line managers of the middle level and the personnel management service.

2. The benefits of orientation (reducing employee turnover, increasing productivity, etc.) are known in the organization and clearly communicated to the team and newly hired employees.

3. Orientation of the employee and his introduction to the position is specialized according to the levels of the hierarchy and types of employees. It is worked out in more detail for the most frequently hired employees.

4. The needs, doubts and fears of newly hired employees are known to those who conduct orientation and induction.

5. Orientation goals have indicators that can be assessed quantitatively or qualitatively and focus on the development of special knowledge, skills and abilities by the employee.

6. The orientation and induction program is linked to corporate culture organization through a detailed communication to the employee of the mission of the organization, its vision of the future, goals and priorities.

7. Upon completion of the orientation and induction, employees are clearly presented with the policies and procedures that will affect their productivity and quality of work.

8. The issues of labor protection and safety, guarantees and compensations, the rights of workers in the orientation process are balanced with the outlining of the duties of workers.

Section 3: Methods.

9. Orientation and induction take a long period of probation, it is an ongoing process, not a one-day event. The information that is provided to the employee is provided exactly when he needs it to perform his job duties.

10. The role of the line manager in the orientation process is clearly described, active and in close contact with the HR representative.

11. Workers undergoing orientation know how to independently find the materials needed for self-study.

12. The materials given to the employee are complete and informative.

Section 4: Procedures and actions.

13.Adult learning methods are used in the orientation process.

14. Orientation and introduction to the position is carried out with the active participation of the newest employee.

15. External consultants are periodically engaged for a number of positions for training during the probationary period.

16. The family of the new employee is involved in the orientation and induction process.

Section 5: First day.

17. The workplace and work colleagues are ready for the arrival of a new employee.

18. The first day of the employee stimulates the optimistic mood of the new employee, through various activities (formal introductions, tour of the company, if necessary), which involve the immediate supervisor, colleagues and the human resources department.

19. Already on the first day new employee performs concrete and useful work, albeit with outside help.

20. Already on the first day, the employee is given a job description and is introduced to the standards of labor productivity, the company's expectations from his work.

Section 6: Evaluation.

21. New employees and their immediate supervisors are asked to give their opinion on the orientation, induction and probation process.

22. The orientation procedure is evaluated by the participants, senior and middle managers and employees of the personnel department for its effectiveness and achievement of the set goals.

23. During the probationary period, new employees are given information about their work (assessment) and special measures are taken to increase their productivity.

24. The final results of the orientation, evaluation and probationary period are evaluated in a formal manner.


by sections.

13-16 points - the orientation program in this section is carried out at a good level.

9-12 points - the orientation program for this section needs minor improvements.

5-8 points - the orientation program for this section is inconsistent and needs to be improved.

Less than 5 points - there is practically no orientation program for this section, you should start developing it from the beginning.

In general, for the questionnaire:

72-96 points. The orientation program you studied can be assessed as good.

48-71 points. Find out in which sections the orientation program does not meet modern requirements, and formulate proposals for improving this area of ​​the personnel management system.

25-47 points. The studied orientation program requires serious modification.

Less than 25 points. The researched orientation program does not help the organization in strengthening its competitiveness, and does not encourage new employees to work to their full potential from the first day of their employment.


Tasks. (Internship, 4 course, 4 weeks)



Task 1.1. Describe the organization's approach to managing performance and employee behavior.

Describe the approach to managing the performance and behavior of people that is currently used in the organization or department. Indicate whether this approach is traditional (certification once every five years) or rather modern, and how it affects the psychological climate and productivity of workers.

Task 1.2. Draw a link between: (a) the organization's strategy and (b) performance and staff behavior.

Explain how the organization's strategy (mission, values, long-term goals and plans) affects performance, staff behavior and professional development of employees. If this influence can be improved, please explain how you think this can be done.

Task 1.3. Describe the process for managing the performance and behavior of people in the organization.

List the steps in the performance and behavior management process used by the organization.

Please answer the following questions regarding the process of managing the performance and behavior of people in the organization:

1. What elements of this process work most successfully, or what do you think are the positive factors of this process?

2. What elements of this process work the least successfully, or what, in your opinion, are the negative factors of this process?

3. What specifically would you like to do to improve the process of managing the performance and behavior of people in the organization?


Task 2.1. Analysis of evaluation forms used in the organization.

Take the employee performance and behavior evaluation form used in the organization and analyze it as follows:

1. What are its strengths?

2. Does it have disadvantages? Which? Explain how they can be eliminated.

Task 2.3. Preparation for an interview to assess the performance and behavior of staff.

Prepare the performance and behavioral assessment interview using the organization's documentation and methods. Select either an imaginary employee or a real employee as the person being assessed. Indicate how you decide to prepare for the interview, select three aspects of the job to analyze, and explain exactly how you intend to work on them. Choose one example for each of the following three situations:

1. Requirements exceeded,

2. Requirements met,

3. Improvement needed.


Task 3.1. Some reasons for the low scores.

Select a specific example of poor performance or unacceptable staff behavior that you have encountered. List some characteristics of this problem.

Which of the following reasons best fits your example?


Lack of skills or abilities

The employee is not able to achieve the performance you expect because they do not have the necessary level of knowledge or ability to properly perform the job.

Unclear requirements for behavior or performance

The employee is not able to achieve the performance you expect because they do not have a clear understanding of one or more of the following:

* job description;

* work or task priorities;

* requirements for labor indicators;

* behavior requirements.

Conflicting requirements for behavior or performance

The employee is not able to achieve the performance you expect because they receive conflicting information about work priorities; its results or reporting.

Unclear chain of command or accountability

The employee is not able to achieve the performance you expect because they do not have a clear understanding of the reporting system. For example, an administrative assistant may be doing work that needs to be done by multiple people.


The mood of the employee interferes with his ability to effectively perform his duties.

Health status, stress, psychological problems

The employee cannot properly perform his duties due to his state of health.

What other root causes could be causing low rates?

Task 3.2. Improving the performance and behavior of staff.

Identify the problem with the performance and behavior of personnel in the unit or organization.

Possible issues to work out:

Regular absenteeism or being late;

Suspected alcoholism or drug addiction;

Failure to meet the deadlines for completing tasks;

Failure to comply with official requirements;

Theft of property.

Explain what you would do to solve this problem based on the following three steps:

Recording of positive and negative labor indicators;


*-Improvement of the performance of the employee.


Task 4.1. Explain the use of incentive measures.

1. Give an example of verbal gratitude for a good job.

2. Give an example of a written thank you for a good job.

3. Give an example of rewarding an employee with some kind of material reward, salary increase or promotion.

4. Give an example of public gratitude in a department or organization.

5. Give an example of the use of a formal program for the recognition and encouragement of success that exists in an organization.

Task 4.2. Making a plan for informal rewards.

Choose one type of informal recognition and encouragement that can be used in the workforce right now. Explain how it should be implemented.

Task 4.3. Analysis of ineffective incentives.

Give an example when an attempt at informal recognition and promotion failed. Explain why it didn't work and what could be changed to make it successful.

Task 4.4. Application of official methods of encouragement.

1. Write briefly about the organization's formal methods of recognizing and rewarding success. If no such official methods are provided, state your recommendations for introducing such methods and briefly describe what you think they should be.

2. Bring three concrete examples of how formal methods of recognizing and rewarding the success of employees could be used labor collective.

Task 4.5. Development of employee incentive methods.

Make a list of at least 10 measures that could be taken within the workforce to recognize and reward the performance of individual workers, both formal and informal. Organize your ideas into the following categories:

1. Free types of recognition and encouragement of success;

2. Inexpensive types of recognition and encouragement of success;

3. Relatively expensive types of recognition and encouragement of success.


Title page template


Nizhny Tagil State Socio-Pedagogical Academy

Department of Social Work

on production practice

Name of the enterprise (organization):

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1. Theoretical part

1.1 The concept of personnel management in the enterprise……….

2.1 Methods of personnel management of the enterprise………………

2. Analytical part

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise………………………….

2.2 Analysis of the organizational structure of management


2.3 Analysis of personnel utilization………………………………

2.4 Analysis of the use of working time……………………..

2.5 Analysis of selection, selection, hiring of personnel……………………..

2.6 Analysis of staff motivation…………………………………...

2.7 Analysis of advanced training……………………………………………………….

3 Conclusions on the analytical part………………………………...



Personnel management at an enterprise is a type of activity that allows you to implement, generalize a wide range of issues of adapting an individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building an enterprise personnel management system. Broadly speaking, there are three factors that affect people in the enterprise.

The first is the hierarchical structure of the enterprise, where the main means of influence are relations of power - subordination, pressure on a person from above, with the help of coercion, control over the distribution of material wealth.

The second is culture, that is, joint values, social norms, and behavioral patterns developed by society, an enterprise, a group of people that regulate the actions of an individual, make an individual behave in this way and not otherwise without visible coercion.

The third is the market - a network of equal relations based on the sale and purchase of products and services, property relations, the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

These factors of influence are quite complex concepts and in practice are rarely implemented separately. Which of them is given priority, such is the appearance of the economic situation at the enterprise.

During the transition to the market, there is a slow departure from hierarchical management, a rigid system of administrative influence, and practically unlimited executive power to market relations, property relations based on economic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches to the priority of values. The main thing inside the enterprise is employees, and outside - consumers of products. It is necessary to turn the consciousness of the worker towards the consumer, and not towards the boss; to profit, not to waste; to the initiator, and not to the thoughtless performer. Go to social norms based on common economic sense, not forgetting about morality. Hierarchy will fade into the background, giving way to culture and the market.

New personnel management services are created, as a rule, on the basis of traditional services: the personnel department, the department of labor organization and wages, the department of labor protection and safety, etc. The tasks of the new services are to implement the personnel policy and coordinate labor management activities at the enterprise . In this regard, they begin to expand the range of their functions and from purely personnel issues they are moving to the development of systems for stimulating labor activity, managing professional advancement, preventing conflicts, studying the labor market, etc.

In the system of personnel management methods, there are:

· Administrative method;

· Economic method;

· Socio-psychological method.

In this thesis each method will be considered separately.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 The concept of personnel management in the enterprise

The concept of personnel management of an enterprise is a system of theoretical and methodological views on the understanding and definition of the essence, content, goals, objectives, criteria, principles and methods of personnel management, as well as organizational and practical approaches to the formation of a mechanism for its implementation in the specific conditions of the functioning of enterprises.

The basis of the concept of personnel management of an enterprise is currently the increasing role of the employee's personality, the importance of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the enterprise.

Changes in the economic and political systems in Russia in the 1990s simultaneously provide great opportunities and contain serious threats to the stability of the existence of each individual, introduce a significant degree of uncertainty into the life of almost every person.

Personnel management in such a situation is of particular importance, as it allows you to implement, generalize a wide range of issues of adaptation of the individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building the personnel management system of the enterprise. In summary, there are three factors that affect the employees of the enterprise.

First- the hierarchical structure of the enterprise, where the main means of influence is the relationship of power - subordination, pressure on a person from above, with the help of coercion, control over the distribution of material wealth.

Second - culture, i.e. the scale of values, social norms, and behavioral patterns developed by society, an enterprise, a group of people that regulate the actions of an individual, make the individual behave in this way and not otherwise without visible coercion.

The third - market - a network of equal relations based on the sale of products and services, property relations, the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

These factors of influence are quite complex concepts and in practice are rarely implemented separately. The nature, quality of the economic situation at the enterprise is determined by the factor that is given priority.

During the transition to the market, there is a slow departure from hierarchical management, a rigid system of administrative influence, and practically unlimited executive power to market relations, property relations based on economic methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches to the priority of values. Inside the enterprise, the main thing is employees, and outside - consumers of products. It is necessary to turn the consciousness of the worker towards the consumer, and not towards the boss; to profit, not to waste; to initiative, not thoughtless execution. Go to social norms based on common economic sense, not forgetting about morality. Hierarchy will fade into the background, giving way to culture and the market.

Generalization of the experience of domestic and foreign enterprises allows us to formulate the main goal of the personnel management system: staffing, their effective use, professional and social development (Figure 1.1).

1st the main objective

Providing the enterprise with personnel, their effective use, professional and social development

Level 2 Goals

Development of a personnel management strategy taking into account the use of new technologies

Forecasting and advanced planning of personnel

Construction of a motivational management mechanism, system social security

Level 3 Goals

Analysis of the requirements of new technologies for specialists, jobs

Development of a list of new specialties, positions

Analysis of personnel development dynamics

Analysis of individual staff development plans

Personnel and career planning

Analysis of labor processes Quality of life analysis

Social development planning

Figure 1.1 Enlarged tree of objectives of the management system

enterprise personnel

In accordance with these goals, the personnel management system of the enterprise is formed, in which the functions of personnel management are implemented. It includes a subsystem of the general linear management and a number of functional subsystems specializing in the performance of homogeneous functions.

The subsystem of general and line management carries out: management of the enterprise as a whole, management of individual functional units, management of individual production units. The functions of this subsystem are performed by: the head of the enterprise, his deputies, heads of functional and production units, their deputies, foremen, foremen.

Functions of the personnel planning and marketing subsystem: development of a personnel policy and personnel management strategy, analysis of personnel potential, analysis of the labor market, organization of personnel planning, planning and forecasting the need for personnel, organizing advertising, maintaining relationships with external sources providing the enterprise with personnel.

The personnel recruitment and accounting subsystem carries out: organization of personnel recruitment, organization of interviews, assessment, selection and admission of personnel, accounting for the reception, movement, incentives and dismissal of personnel, professional orientation and organization of the rational use of personnel, employment management, office support of the personnel management system.

The labor relations subsystem carries out: analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships, analysis and regulation of management relations, management of industrial conflicts and stresses, socio-psychological diagnostics, compliance ethical standards relationships, management of interaction with trade unions.

Functions of the working conditions subsystem: compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology and labor ergonomics, compliance with the requirements of technical aesthetics, labor and environmental protection, paramilitary security of the organization and individual officials.

The personnel development subsystem carries out: training, retraining and advanced training, induction and adaptation of new employees, assessment of candidates for a vacant position, current periodic assessment of personnel, organization of rationalization and inventive activities, implementation of a business career and service and professional advancement, organization of work with personnel reserve.

The personnel behavior motivation subsystem carries out: management of labor behavior motivation, regulation and billing of the labor process, development of wage systems, development of forms of personnel participation in profits and capital, development of forms of moral encouragement of personnel, organization of regulatory and methodological support of the personnel management system.

The subsystem of social development carries out: organizing public catering, managing housing and consumer services, developing culture and physical education, ensuring health and recreation, providing children's institutions, managing social conflicts and stress, organizing the sale of food and consumer goods, organizing social insurance.

The subsystem for the development of organizational management structures carries out: analysis of the existing organizational structure of management, design of a new organizational structure of management, development of the staffing table, formation of a new organizational structure of management, development and implementation of recommendations for the development of leadership style and methods.

The subsystem of legal support carries out: resolution of legal issues of labor relations, coordination of administrative and other documents on personnel management, resolution of legal issues economic activity, consulting on legal issues.

The information support subsystem carries out: keeping records and statistics of personnel, information and technical support of the personnel management system, providing personnel with scientific and technical information, organizing the work of the enterprise's mass media, conducting patent and licensing activities.

The functions of the subsystems are performed by various HR departments of the enterprise. Depending on the size of the enterprise, the composition of the divisions changes: in small enterprises, one division can perform the functions of several subsystems, and in large enterprises, the functions of each of the subsystems, as a rule, are performed by a separate division.

1.2 Methods of enterprise personnel management

Methods of personnel management (PMP) - methods of influencing teams and individual employees in order to coordinate their activities in the process of functioning of the organization. Science and practice have developed three groups of MUP: administrative, economic and socio-psychological (Figure 1.2).

Administrative methods are based on power, discipline and punishment and are known in history as "whip methods". Economic methods are based on the correct use of economic laws and are known as "carrot methods" by the methods of influence. Socio-psychological methods are based on methods of motivation and moral influence on people and are known as "methods of persuasion".

Administrative methods are focused on such behavioral motives as the conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, a person’s desire to work in a particular organization, and a culture of work activity. These methods of influence are distinguished by the direct nature of the impact: any regulatory and administrative act is subject to mandatory execution. Administrative methods are characterized by their compliance with legal norms in force at a certain level of government, as well as acts and orders of higher authorities.

Economic and socio-psychological methods are indirect in nature of managerial influence. It is impossible to count on the automatic action of these methods and it is difficult to determine the strength of their influence on the final effect.

Administrative methods of management are based on the relationship of unity of command, discipline and responsibility, are carried out in the form of organizational and administrative influence.

Organizational impact is aimed at organizing the production and management process and includes organizational regulation; organizational regulation and organizational and methodological instruction.

Administrative Economic Socio-


Technical and economic








Labor motivation



Capital investment



Participation in profits and capital

Ownership Participation


Establishment of economic

norms and regulations


Establishment of material

sanctions and incentives

Figure 1.2 The system of personnel management methods in the organization

Organizational regulation determines what a management employee should do, and is represented by regulations on structural divisions that establish tasks, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of divisions and services of the organization and their leaders. On the basis of the provisions, the staffing table of this unit is compiled, its daily activities are organized. The application of the provisions allows you to evaluate the performance of the structural unit, make decisions on the moral and material incentives for its employees.

Organizational regulation in organizations provides for a large number of standards, including: quality and technical standards ( specifications, organization standards, etc.) technological (route and technological maps etc.); maintenance and repair (for example, preventive maintenance standards); labor standards (categories, rates, bonus scales); financial and credit (the size of own working capital, repayment of bank loans); profitability standards and relationships with the budget (deductions to the budget); material supply and transport standards (rates of consumption of materials, rates of idle time of wagons under loading and unloading, etc.); organizational and managerial standards (internal regulations, procedure for hiring, dismissal, transfer, business trips). These standards affect all aspects of the organization's activities. Of particular importance is the rationing of information, since its flow, volumes are constantly increasing. Under the conditions of functioning in an organization of an automated control system, arrays of norms and standards are organized on information carriers of a computer, in an information-computing center (ICC).

Organizational and methodological instruction is carried out in the form of various instructions and instructions in force in the organization. In the acts of organizational and methodological instructions, recommendations are given for the use of various modern management tools, and the richest experience that employees of the management apparatus have is taken into account. The acts of organizational and methodological instruction include:

1. job descriptions that establish the rights and functional duties of managerial personnel;

3. methodological instructions that determine the procedure, methods and forms of work for the implementation of a separate technical and economic task;

4. work instructions that define the sequence of actions that make up the management process. They indicate the order of actions for the implementation of operational management processes.

The acts of organizational regulation and organizational and methodological instruction discussed above are normative. They are issued by the head of the organization, and in cases stipulated by the current legislation - jointly or in agreement with the relevant public organizations and are binding on the units, services, officials and employees to whom they are addressed.

The administrative influence is expressed in the form of an order, order or instruction, which are legal acts non-standard nature. They are issued to ensure compliance, enforcement and enforcement of applicable laws and other regulations, as well as to give legal force to management decisions. Orders are issued by the line manager of the organization.

Orders and instructions are issued by the head of the production unit, division, service of the organization, the head of the functional unit. An order is a written or oral requirement of a leader to solve a specific problem or perform a specific task. An order is a written or oral requirement for subordinates to resolve certain issues related to the solution of a problem.

The administrative impact more often than the organizational one requires control and verification of execution, which must be clearly organized. To this end, it establishes a unified procedure for accounting, registration and control over the implementation of orders, orders and instructions.

Economic methods are elements of the economic mechanism by which the progressive development of the organization is ensured.

The most important economic method of personnel management is technical and economic planning, which combines and synthesizes all economic methods of management.

With the help of planning, the program of the organization's activities is determined. Once approved, the plans go to line managers to guide their implementation. Each division receives long-term and current plans for a certain range of indicators. For example, the foreman of the site daily receives a shift-daily task from the administration of the shop and organizes the work of the team using personnel management methods. At the same time, prices for manufactured products, which affect the size of the organization's profits, act as a powerful lever. The manager must ensure that profit growth is ensured by reducing the cost of products. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a clear system of material incentives for finding reserves to reduce the cost of production and real results in this direction. Great value in the system of material incentives has effective organization wages in accordance with the quantity and quality of work.

Under a market economic system under conditions free market and the complex interaction of the system of prices, profits and losses, supply and demand, the role of economic management methods is enhanced. They become the most important condition for creating a holistic, efficient and flexible system for managing the organization's economy.

Planned management of the economy is the main law of the functioning of any organization that has clearly developed goals and a strategy for achieving them. In a market economy, the manifestation of economic methods has a different character than in an administrative economy. So, instead of centralized planning, it is argued that the organization is a free commodity producer, which acts on the market as an equal partner of other organizations in the social cooperation of labor. The economic development plan is the main form of ensuring a balance between the market demand for a product, the necessary resources and the production of products and services. The state order is transformed into a portfolio of orders of the organization, taking into account supply and demand, in which the state order no longer has a dominant value.

To achieve the goals set, it is necessary to clearly define the criteria for efficiency and the final results of production in the form of a set of indicators established in the economic development plan. Thus, the role of economic methods is to mobilize the workforce to achieve final results.

Socio-psychological methods of management are based on the use of the social mechanism of management (the system of relationships in the team, social needs, etc.). The specificity of these methods lies in a significant proportion of the use of informal factors * the interests of the individual, group, team in the process of personnel management.

Socio-psychological methods are methods of implementing managerial influences on personnel, based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology. The object of influence of these methods are groups of people and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups: sociological methods, which are aimed at groups of people and their interaction in the process of work; psychological methods that directly affect the personality of a particular person.

Such a division is rather arbitrary, since in modern social production a person always acts not in an isolated world, but in a group of people with different psychology. However effective management human resources, consisting of a set of highly developed personalities, involves knowledge of both sociological and psychological methods.

Sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, connect people's motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team.

Social planning ensures the setting of social goals, criteria, the development of social standards (standard of living, wages, the need for housing, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, the achievement of final social results.

Sociological research methods constitute a scientific toolkit for working with personnel, they provide the necessary data for the selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel and allow reasonable personnel decisions to be made. Questioning allows you to collect the necessary information through a mass survey of people using special questionnaires. Interviewing involves preparing a script (program) before the conversation, then, during the dialogue with the interlocutor, obtaining the necessary information. An interview - an ideal version of a conversation with a leader, politician or statesman - requires a high qualification of the interviewer and considerable time. The sociometric method is indispensable in the analysis of business and friendly relationships in a team, when a matrix of preferred contacts between people is built on the basis of a survey of employees, which also shows informal leaders in the team. The method of observation allows you to identify the qualities of employees, which are sometimes found only in an informal setting or in extreme life situations (accident, fight, natural disaster). An interview is a common method in business negotiations, hiring, educational events, when small personnel tasks are solved in an informal conversation.

Psychological methods play an important role in working with personnel, as they are aimed at the specific personality of the worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the organization.

Psychological planning is a new direction in working with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the organization's team. It proceeds from the need for the concept of the comprehensive development of a person's personality, the elimination of negative trends in the degradation of the backward part of the labor collective. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. The most important results of psychological planning include:

1. the formation of units ("teams") based on the psychological compliance of employees;

2. comfortable psychological climate in the team;

3. formation of personal motivation of people, based on the philosophy of the organization;

4. minimization of psychological conflicts (scandals, resentment, stress, irritation);

5. development of a service career based on the psychological orientation of employees;

6. the growth of the intellectual abilities of the members of the team and the level of their education;

7. formation of a corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.

It is advisable that psychological planning be carried out by a professional psychological service of the organization, consisting of social psychologists.

CBM can also be classified on the basis of belonging to common function management: methods of regulation, organization, planning, coordination, regulation, motivation, stimulation, control, analysis, accounting. A more detailed classification of MUP on the basis of belonging to a specific function of personnel management allows you to build them into the technological chain of the entire cycle of work with personnel. On this basis, methods are distinguished: recruitment, selection and admission of personnel; business assessment of personnel, socialization, career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel, motivation of personnel labor activity, organization of a personnel training system, conflict and stress management, personnel safety management, organization of personnel work, management business career and service and professional promotion of personnel, release of personnel.

2. Analytical part

2.1. General characteristics of ZAO SpetsMontazhStroy-5

ZAO "SMS-5" was founded in 1994 to meet the needs of the national economy in electrical and construction needs. The enterprise began its production activity on January 13, 1994. The total production area was 402 sqm, with 47 units technological equipment, number of staff - 250 people, of which a third were engineering and technical workers. The enterprise was given the task of mastering and providing competitive works to the market:

· on construction;

on electricity;

in plumbing;

for ventilation and air conditioning;

· on diagnostics of systems of ventilation and boiler installations.

CJSC SpetsMontazhStroy-5 further CJSC "SMS-5" - an enterprise engaged in the provision of work related mainly to construction work and related work during construction. CJSC "SMS-5" has a well-established system of quality and reliability of the proposed work, which is ensured by qualified technical control and medium-skilled personnel.

Putting into production only competitive works and constant work on the quality of the works provided are the problems that are a priority for the management. All work in this area is led by the Deputy General Director. Technical specialists quality services have been trained.

CJSC "SMS-5" has its own tool-technical and material-technical base. The experience of specialists and the available equipment make it possible to organize the production of high-quality products on the basis of the enterprise for their subsequent use in construction and related construction works.

The main part of the services, works of CJSC "SMS-5" (65%) are construction works. However, the continued growth of competition has led to the need to pay special attention to the work of other areas.

Performance indicators of the enterprise for 2005-2006

Table 2.1



Growth rate %

Proceeds from the sale of products, works, services.

Number of employees

including workers

Average annual output

payroll fund.

including workers

Average annual salary

1 worker;


Cost price


To calculate the % change of the indicator, the data of the reporting year are divided by the data of the previous year.

The table shows that the proceeds from the implementation of works in comparison with 2005 decreased by 159375 thousand rubles, and with it the net profit of the enterprise decreased by 91299.7 thousand rubles.

The organization is equipped with high-tech equipment for an easy, fast and high-quality process of providing work. Currently, the main consumers of CMS-5 work are Russian partners, including industrial commercial and state enterprises, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GlavUpDk, the Federal Security Service, banks, embassies, hotels, schools, hospitals, kindergartens, etc., and as well as private individuals (houses, cottages, apartments.

AT this moment CJSC "SpetsMontazhStroy-5" is working to increase the lists client base, and also plans to increase its potential in the market by 2010 by about 14.5% of the current volume.

Once a year, two or three people from different departments are sent for internships abroad to acquire new work skills and advance through the ranks.

2.2 Analysis of the organizational structure of enterprise management

Organization management structure her- a set of specialized functional units, interconnected in the process of substantiation, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions.

The main elements of the organizational structure are:

Management levels;

Divisions and management units;

Management communications.

General meeting


Chief Accountant Financial Director Chief Economist

Accounting Financial department Planning and


Head. HR manager engineer


Heads of departments

Department 1 Department 2 Department 3 Department 4 Department 5

Air conditioning Building Wiring Low-voltage Plumbing

roving and


Figure 2.1 Organizational structure of enterprise management

Figure 2.1 shows that there is no personnel department in this management structure. This department, in general, completely replaces one person, in this case the head of the personnel department. The duties of which include the entire scope of the entire department. Which, in turn, does not cope with the duties of the whole department assigned to it, and because of this, there is no rational personnel management of the entire enterprise

The relationship between the elements of the management structure is maintained through links, horizontal and vertical. The first are in the nature of coordination and are single-level (for example, between departments). The second is the relationship of subordination. The need for them arises when the management system is built hierarchically, that is, when there are different levels of management, each of which pursues its own goals. In the management structure of the organization, linear and functional relationships are also distinguished. The first is the essence of the relationship about acceptance and implementation management decisions and the movement of information between the so-called line managers, that is, persons who are fully responsible for the activities of the organization or its structural divisions. Functional links are associated with certain management functions. Accordingly, such a concept as powers is used: linear and staff. The powers of line managers give the right to resolve all issues of development of the organizations and divisions entrusted to them, as well as to give orders that are mandatory for other members of the organization (divisions). The powers of staff personnel are limited to the right to plan, recommend, advise and help, but not order other members of the organization to carry out their orders (Planning and Economic Department). Between all the components of the organizational structure of management named above, there are complex relationships of interdependence: changes in each of them (the number of elements or levels, the number or nature of connections or the powers of employees) necessitate a revision of all the others. For example, if the management of an organization decides to introduce a new body into the organizational structure of management (whose functions have not been performed by anyone before), it is necessary to simultaneously answer the following questions: What tasks will the new department solve? To whom will he be directly subordinated? What bodies and divisions of the organization will bring the necessary information to him? At what hierarchical levels will the new service be presented? What powers are given to employees of the new department? What forms of communication should be established between the new department and other departments? An increase in the number of elements and levels in the organizational structure inevitably leads to a multiple increase in the number and complexity of relationships that arise in the process of making managerial decisions; the consequence of this is often a slowdown in the management process, which in modern conditions is identical to the deterioration in the quality of the functioning of the organization's management. There are many requirements for the management structure, reflecting its key importance for management.

2.3 Analysis of the use of personnel in ZAO SMS-5

Tasks and sources of analysis. The analysis of economic activity plays an important role in improving the organization of wages, ensuring its direct dependence on the quantity and quality of labor, final production results. In the process of analysis, reserves are identified for creating the necessary resources for growth and improving wages, introducing progressive forms of wages for workers, and systematic monitoring of the measure of labor and consumption is ensured.

Analysis of headcount dynamics

The main objectives of the analysis are the following:

study and assessment of the security of the enterprise and its structural divisions with labor resources as a whole;

determination and study of staff turnover indicators;

The security of the enterprise with labor resources is determined by comparing the actual number of employees by category and profession with the planned need. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the enterprise's staffing of the most important professions. It is also necessary to analyze the qualitative composition of labor resources by qualification.

The structure of the number of personnel of ZAO SMS-5

Table 2.2

Deviation by app. weight %

Growth rate

Udel. the weight %

Udel. the weight %

Average headcount






Table 2.2 shows that the average headcount in 2006 decreased due to layoffs.

It is also important to note that the management of the enterprise drew conclusions from the wave of layoffs that swept in 2006, the bulk of those who quit were experienced specialists who had been working since the founding of the enterprise and were tired of empty promises and work on bare enthusiasm, as well as a number of key workers who were not satisfied with a number of rules and regulations brought to life a number of changes that primarily affected the improvement of conditions and the system of remuneration. As a result, a decrease in the number of quitters.

First of all, it is striking that throughout the analyzed years the enterprise worked with a shortage of personnel. This was the result of an ill-conceived personnel policy of the enterprise, and was often artificially caused by the staff themselves, since the opportunity to perform a larger amount of work made it possible to earn more. This fact indicates that the planned number of personnel is overestimated, due to the erroneous rationing of production indicators for the work of workers and employees. In fairness, it must be said that the main shortage of personnel is formed under the item "Employees", and this indicates an unreasonable inflation of the staff of the managerial level, indicates the need to revise the staffing tables in the direction of reducing the number.

Since the enterprise is quite young (the period under consideration covers half of its age), it is pleasant to note the emerging trend towards stabilization of the staff and weeding out random people, this is evidenced by the coefficient of constancy of the enterprise's personnel, which increased by 0.037. After 2005, which was marked by strong personnel changes, in 2006 stabilization was achieved in all indicators: the turnover rate on retirement decreased by 0.037, and the staff turnover rate by 0.03.

2.4 Analysis of the use of the working time fund

The completeness of the use of labor resources can be assessed by the number of hours worked by one employee for the analyzed period of time, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund.

Useful working time fund per worker for 2006

Fp \u003d Dr * Rav \u003d 212 * 7.8 \u003d 1653.6

Where Dr is the number of working days in a year;

Рav - the average length of the working day. (7.8)

The balance of working time of one worker.

Table 2.3

When calculating the company's need for personnel, it is necessary to ensure the most rational use of labor resources, the optimal ratio of various categories of personnel, the maximum possible release of workers to use them for the development of new activities.

The planning of the number of main production is carried out according to attendance and payroll. First of all, it is necessary to note the emerging alarming trend of an increase in the number of days worked by one worker, both compared to the previous year, and a decrease in the number of days for vacation, but the useful fund of working time is increasing.

2.5 Payroll Analysis

Analysis of the use of labor resources in the enterprise, the level of labor productivity must be considered in close connection with wages. In the process, it is necessary to carry out systematic monitoring of the use of the wage fund (wages), to identify opportunities for saving money by increasing labor productivity and reducing the labor intensity of products.

At CJSC "SMS-5" the salary of the main workers, specialists consists of two parts basic (fixed and guaranteed salary) and additional (bonus). In 2006, the wage fund for the workers of the enterprise amounted to 18,039,276 thousand rubles, including workers employed in the main production.

Payroll fund for working personnel

Table 2.4



Annual salary fund


Growth rate




air conditioners

cleaning woman

It can be seen from the table that in 2006 the wage fund of a worker increased in comparison with 2005, albeit slightly, by only 8,028 thousand rubles.

Payroll Fund for Managers, Specialists and Employees

Table 2.5

Job titles

Annual salary fund


Growth rate


Senior Manager



Senior Manager

Chief Accountant

Senior Manager

Head of Department;



middle management







Chief Engineer


Instrumentation Engineer


service engineer




The administration of CJSC "SMS-5" employs 46 people and includes 4 categories of personnel, senior and middle managers, employees and specialists. The annual payroll fund in 2006 amounted to 11,312 thousand rubles. The table also shows that the emphasis on the wage fund is made in favor of highly qualified specialists.

When analyzing, you notice that the management has drawn some conclusions from the layoffs that have become more frequent in 2005. Significantly increased both payments for most items, and the total amount of the payroll. In 2005, it amounted to 45,000 rubles, having increased by 8,000 thousand rubles. in 2006 it became equal to 53,000 thousand rubles.

It cannot be said that any general pattern was observed in the dynamics of the main wage items; most likely, these are the results of short-term trends and momentary decisions related to specific production tasks. But something can still be noted.

First of all, this is an insignificant, but an increase in the share of the variable part in the total wage fund. After falling in 2005, this share increased in 2006, which indicates a shift in the emphasis of management in remuneration towards a single salary wage. It could be more significant, but unfortunately this system does not reflect the differentiation of wages on a contract basis, which also depends on the results of work.

2.5 Analysis of the actual state of recruitment and selection of personnel at the enterprise ZAO "SMS-5"

In this section, we will consider the actual state of recruitment and selection of personnel at the enterprise ZAO "SMS-5" and identify shortcomings in the work of the personnel department.

The recruitment system used at the enterprise ZAO "SMS-5" is shown in Figure 2.2

Figure 2.2 Recruitment system

In this figure, there is not enough staff for hiring, or I would introduce a person who fully supervised the candidate for the probationary period. In three or four weeks, at least, this person would have learned everything or almost everything about the candidate and would have made an analysis of his performance or a report on his position, i.e. in three months, he could test three, four candidates, not just one.

Purpose: replenishment of the enterprise with highly qualified personnel.

Optimization of the recruitment area can significantly reduce the cost of this work, make hiring timely, efficient, reliable, economical, simple and convenient.

The system of search and selection of new employees is designed to predict the professional success of candidates with a high degree of probability, making it possible to select the most promising employees and contribute to the timely filling of vacancies at the enterprise.

This system is built on the principles of the interconnectedness of recruitment with other functions of work with personnel and all its stages among themselves, the subordination of the recruitment process to the achievement of the overall goal of the organization, respect for mutual influence and interaction.

It should be emphasized that the requirements for the personnel of the enterprise are strict, standard and end-to-end, regardless of where the search and selection is made. Standards for interviews, professional and personal testing, registration of the initial package of documents This is due to the need for highly qualified personnel for the further growth and development of the enterprise.

Sources of recruitment of personnel of the enterprise ZAO "SMS-5" for


Table 2.6

According to the data of CMC-5 CJSC, indicated in Table 2.6, it can be seen that internal sources for hiring account for only 17% of the total. Also a small percentage (15%) is the recruitment of employees through consulting firms.

The selection of personnel at the enterprise ZAO "SMS-5" is carried out by the head of the personnel department. The company applies a methodology for accounting for business and personal characteristics.

Purpose: to obtain the necessary and sufficient information about the candidate and make a decision on inviting him for an interview or refusing it. Through telephone conversations this stage the following tasks are solved:

Identification of applicants' compliance with the most common criteria (age, education, adequacy of response to questions, etc.);

Formation and organization of a group of applicants (appointment of the interview time, transmission and reception of primary information).

At the same time, the results of the work at the previous stages are taken into account (selection criteria, selection conditions, requirements for the position, etc.).

The data obtained is entered into the telephone interview sheet. On their basis, an initial idea of ​​​​the applicant is formed and a decision is made to invite him for an interview.

Responsible: employee of the department (reveals the candidate's compliance with the selection criteria that were developed at the previous stages); if phone calls accepts the appointed person, then he carefully fills out the telephone interview sheet.

The selection of candidates at the enterprise ZAO "SMS-5" for senior positions is carried out according to the following requirements:

a) required:

Higher technical education;

Knowledge of a foreign language (intermediate level);

Knowledge of the basics of marketing (ability to work with clients);

b) desirable:

Knowledge of the economy (pricing, import rules and costs);


Experience in working with foreign clients;

Ability to work on a computer.

At each stage of selection, the personnel department monitors and analyzes the effectiveness of the selected methods and forms of work (selection, study, selection) by the head of the enterprise, and, if necessary, additions and adjustments are made in order to create the most effective recruitment system.

Work on the selection, study and selection of personnel takes place with methodological assistance and under the control of the head of the personnel department of the enterprise, up to the coordination of hiring and moving personnel for all positions without exception.

The purpose of the selection: to create a primary idea of ​​the degree of compliance of the applicant with the selection criteria for an existing vacancy. Select a candidate to fill a vacant position.

At this stage, the following tasks are solved:

Identification of the applicant's compliance with the criteria for compliance with the position (requirements for the position), professional and motivational suitability for this vacancy;

Formation of a group of applicants corresponding to the qualification requirements for the position, to conduct an expert assessment of knowledge and skills, to study personal characteristics.

These tasks are solved by:

Completion of an internal questionnaire by the applicant;

Conducting a structured interview and observation (motivational characteristics, erudition, external data, confidence, sociability, adequacy of reactions, ideas about future work and employees, expectations, necessary skills, etc. are diagnosed);

Identification of applicants most suitable for the criteria developed at the previous stages;

Collection and study of independent information about the candidate by the EB service (checking recommendations for previous jobs, checking at the place of residence, checking information on the candidate's loyalty to the enterprise, etc.).

At this stage, the requirements for the candidate for this position and the results of the survey of candidates for the position are studied and compared.

Name of the assessed qualities

Evaluation and selection methods

Personal data analysis

Psychological testing

Estimated business games

Qualification testing

Checking reviews


1. Intelligence

2. Erudition (general, economic and legal)

3. Professional knowledge and skills


sky abilities and skills

5. Communication abilities and skills

6. Personal ability

(psychological picture)

7: Health and performance

8. Appearance and manners

9. Motivation (willingness and interest to fulfill the proposals

his job in this organization)

Personnel assessment and selection methods

Table 2.7

Legend: ++ (most effective method);

+ (often used method).

The data in this table do not give full confidence that this method of the evaluated qualities of the candidate is one hundred percent of the result of his assessment.

2.6 Analysis of the existing system of motivation and incentives for the personnel of ZAO SpetsMontazhStroy-5.

Determining the type of management of CMC-5 CJSC, it should be emphasized that it is a large organization, therefore, historically, a bureaucratic type of management has been formed in it. At the heart of this model is the notion of enterprises as "organized organizations" that place strict demands on both the people and the structures within which they operate.

The key conceptual provisions of the normative model of rational bureaucracy are as follows:

1. A clear division of labor, the use of qualified specialists in each position;

2. Hierarchy of management, in which the lower level is subordinate and controlled by the higher;

3. The presence of formal rules and norms that ensure the uniformity of the performance of their tasks and duties by managers;

4. The spirit of formal impersonality, characteristic of the performance by officials of their duties;

5. Implementation of recruitment in accordance with qualification requirements to this position, and not with subjective assessments.

The main concepts of the bureaucratic type of management structure are rationality, responsibility and hierarchy.

The central point of the concept is the exclusion of the displacement of "person" and "position", because the composition and content of managerial work should be determined based on the needs of the organization, and not the people working in it. Clearly formulated instructions for each work (what needs to be done and by what methods) does not leave room for the manifestation of subjectivity and an individual approach. CJSC "SMS-5" is a well-regulated mechanism, any malfunctions in the operation of which are excluded.

This model provides a well-coordinated clear work of large teams of people working for a common goal. These structures make it possible to mobilize human energy and cooperate with the labor of people in solving complex projects, in mass and large-scale production. However, they have inherent shortcomings, which are especially noticeable in the context of modern conditions and tasks of economic development.

There is also a flaw in the operation of this model: the bureaucratic type of structure does not contribute to the growth of the potential of people, each of whom uses only that part of his abilities that is directly required by the nature of the work performed, and this, in turn, sharply reduces the motivation to work. It is also clear: as soon as the issues of strategy and tactics of the development of the organization are resolved only at the highest level, and all other levels are occupied exclusively with the execution of decisions "coming down from above", the general managerial intelligence is lost (which is considered today as the most important factor in effective management).

According to this, one of critical steps that management needs to take is to improve the management structure.

Bonuses for employees are carried out on the basis of the Regulations on bonuses approved by the General Director. It provides the following indicators and the procedure for rewarding employees.

1. Indicators of bonuses for employees of ZAO SpetsMontazhStroy-5:

1.1. Proper performance of the duties assigned to the employee by the job description.

1.2. Compliance with labor discipline.

1.3. Compliance appearance and rules of sanitation and hygiene.

1.4. Compliance with safety and fire safety requirements.

1.5. Respect for company property.

1.6. Quality customer service for the company.

1.7. Sociability.

1.8. Initiative.

1.9. Training.

1.10. Ability to make optimal decisions within their competence.

2. Procedure for awarding employees of ZAO SMS-5.

2.1. The heads of structural subdivisions and departments daily keep records of the fulfillment by their subordinate employees of the duties assigned to them and indicators for their bonuses.

2.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of one or more bonus indicators, employees by decision Director General may be deprived of the bonus in whole or in part.

Proposals for bonuses and bonus deductions for employees are submitted by the heads of services to the head of the personnel department no later than the 30th day of each month.

2.4. The accrual of bonuses to employees of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of the order of the General Director.

Analyzing the above indicators and the procedure for bonuses to personnel, we can conclude the following:

¨ the subjective assessment factor is great,

¨ the employee will receive a full bonus if he simply performs his duties,

¨ the size of the bonus is not awarded for success or initiative, but is reduced for omissions in work.

Such a system cannot increase employee motivation. It, unfortunately, has been preserved in the practice of work since the days of a non-market economy, when a bonus was paid for the fact that an employee came to work and performed his job duties.

In order to stimulate the improvement of the professional skills of workers and increase their material interest and responsibility, the fulfillment of production tasks, differentiated bonuses are introduced to their tariff rates for professional skills.

Workers of the 3rd category - 12%,

4th category - 16,

5th category - 20,

6th category - 24,

7th category - 28,

8th category - 32% of the corresponding tariff rate. The specified allowance for time workers who are not rated by category is not established.

During teamwork, foremen from among the workers who are not released from their main work, additional payments for the leadership of the team are set at a rate of up to 26% of the tariff rate of the 1st category, depending on the size of the team. Brigades are created with a strength of at least 5 people.

Drivers of passenger cars for irregular working hours are paid an additional payment of up to 25% of the tariff rate for hours worked.

Bonuses for the duration of continuous work (length of service in the industry) are set for workers, engineers and employees in an amount not exceeding 20% ​​of the official salary, the tariff rate. When establishing these allowances, the following differentiation of their sizes is applied depending on the duration of continuous work (work experience):

from 1 to 5 years - 5%;

from 5 to 10 years - 10%;

from 10 to 15 years - 15%;

from 15 years and above - 20%.

Additional payment for work at night is made in the amount of 40% of the tariff rate (salary) of the employee for each hour of work at night (from 22:00 to 06:00).

Indexation of the wages of employees of the enterprise in connection with the growth of retail prices for goods and tariffs for services is carried out in the manner, by the enterprise itself.

It is desirable for management to reconsider the principle of formation of the bonus. The adopted social security program for employees increases motivation much more effectively. It includes in particular:

Free meals

Uniform, purge

Vacation 30 calendar days

Medical examination - once a year,

Dental preventive examination - 1 time per year

Christmas Eve

Vouchers to sanatoriums, pioneer camps

Professional education

Training and development under the programs of international hotel service.

After 12 months - a bonus based on the results of the year.

The lack of a coordinator in this area seems to be a significant shortcoming in working with personnel. Modern requirements for human resource management provide for the presence in such large enterprises of a powerful personnel service headed by a director of personnel.

2.7 Analysis of training, retraining and advanced training of workers, operating at the enterprise.

The system of training, retraining and advanced training of workers operating in CJSC "SMS-5" is carried out on the basis of the enterprise standard compiled on the basis of " Model regulation on continuous professional and economic training". This system establishes the forms and methods of training and retraining workers, upgrading their qualifications, developing their high professionalism, modern economic thinking, and the ability to work in the new economic conditions.

Personal responsibility for the organization and educational and methodological work at the enterprises is carried out by the head of the enterprise personnel training. In his activities, the chief is guided by the current legislation, orders and instructions of higher organizations.

The following types of training for workers are organized at the enterprise, ensuring its continuity:

training of new workers;

retraining (retraining) of workers;

· training of workers in the second (related) professions;

· professional development of workers.

Under the conditions of a market economy, the needs of enterprises for skilled workers are largely met through their training and retraining directly in production. At the training enterprise, it keeps records of the number of trained personnel, employees who have improved their qualifications, have undergone retraining or internships, and also keeps records of costs for these purposes.

Let us analyze the data on the number of workers who improved their qualifications, were trained and retrained in educational institutions and directly at the enterprise (Table 2.8).

Vocational training of workers of CJSC "SMS-5" for 2004-2006.

Table 2.9


2006 in % to 2004

all employees who improved their skills, underwent training and retraining

improved the skills of all


in educational institutions

at the enterprise

passed vocational training and retraining of everything


trained in the first

trained in other (related) professions


trained due to reduction

From the data in Table 2.8 it can be seen that over the course of three years specific gravity of workers during training, retraining and advanced training increases in relation to the total number of employees of the enterprise who have undergone training, retraining and advanced training.

In 2004, the share of workers was 49.6%, in 2005 - 55.7%, in 2006 - 59.2%. This increase is mainly due to vocational training and retraining.

Analyzing the data in Table 2.8, it can be noted that in 2006 significant attention was paid to the improvement of the qualifications of workers in comparison with 2005. Thus, the share of workers in the total number in 2005 was 11.5%, and in 2006 - 32.8%. This, in turn, will have a result on the activities of the enterprise, since there is a relationship between the growth of labor productivity of workers due to advanced training. And if the productivity of labor increases, then the volume of output will also increase. with the improvement of the qualifications of workers, the quality of products is improved.

Let us dwell in more detail on the above forms of training operating at the enterprise.

The training of new workers in production is the initial vocational and economic training of persons admitted to the enterprise and who previously had no profession. They are required to complete a course of study in accordance with the program of vocational economic training. Training of new workers in production is carried out according to the course and individual forms of training.

During the course preparation, the theoretical training of workers is carried out in a training group. The number of groups is set from 10 to 30 people. Terms of study up to 6 months. Model curricula, learning programs in the subjects of the general technical and economic course for the training of new workers, they are developed by profession by the scientific and methodological center for vocational training, as well as by combining in accordance with the tariff-qualification directory of works and professions of workers and are approved by the chief engineer or his deputy.

At the end of the training, the new worker will perform trial work in accordance with the requirements of the tariff-qualification guide and is obliged to pass an exam for the right to receive a qualification rank by the shop qualification commission.

The tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions of workers are developed in relation to the six-digit tariff scale, with the exception of individual cases. The categories of work are set according to their complexity, as a rule, without taking into account working conditions. In necessary cases, working conditions are taken into account by establishing increased tariff rates approved by the relevant authorities.

In cases where the handbook provides for several ranks in a particular profession, and therefore, tariff and qualification characteristics, a worker of a higher qualification, in addition to the work listed in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the assigned category, must have knowledge, skills and ability to perform work, provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of workers of a lower qualification of the same profession. Therefore, those works that are given in the tariff-qualification characteristics of lower ranks, as a rule, are not indicated in the characteristics of higher ranks.

Tariffication of works at the enterprise is made on the basis of tariff-qualification characteristics. At the same time, the billed work is compared with the corresponding works described in the tariff-qualification characteristics, and with typical examples works placed in the directory or in additional lists of examples of works, examples placed in the directory.

The issue of assigning or raising a rank to a worker is considered by the qualification commission of the enterprise, on the basis of the worker's application and the presentation of the head from the relevant unit.

In individual training, the trainee studies the theoretical course independently and through consultations with the teacher, and industrial training takes place individually under the guidance of a qualified worker who is not released from the main work - an instructor of industrial training at the workplace.

Theoretical classes and industrial training in the preparation of new workers in production, they are carried out within the working hours established by labor legislation. For the enterprise, the terms for training new workers are set according to the list below (Table 2.9).

Table 2.9

Terms of training for new workers at ZAO SMS-5

The next type of training for workers operating at the enterprise is retraining (retraining) of workers. It is organized with the aim of mastering new professions by released workers who cannot be used for their existing professions, for example, due to a reduction in the number of jobs, as well as by persons who have expressed a desire to change their profession, taking into account the needs of production.

In 2006, not a single person was retrained at the enterprise due to the reduction in the number of jobs, which indicates the emerging stabilization of the enterprise.

The training of workers in the second (related) professions is the training of persons who already have a profession in order to obtain a new profession with an initial or higher level of qualification. This training of workers is organized to expand their professional profile, increase mobility and adaptability to changing working conditions, and acquire new skills. This type of training is relevant in modern business conditions. But at the enterprise in 2006, there were 13 fewer people trained in related professions than in 2005. The reason for this decline is the lack of funds for the retraining of workers.

Professional development of workers is training aimed at the consistent improvement of professional and economic knowledge, skills and abilities, the growth of skills in existing professions.

At the enterprise, advanced training of workers is carried out in two directions, namely, advanced training in educational institutions and directly at the enterprise. Advanced training in educational institutions can take place with or without interruption from work.

Training of workers for advanced training directly at the enterprise is carried out:

· on industrial and economic courses;

in targeted courses;

in schools of advanced techniques and methods of work;

in the courses of foremen.

Conclusions on the analytical part

Solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of production management in accordance with the legal status of joint-stock companies, holding companies and enterprises of other organizational and legal forms places high demands on ensuring the interconnection of both legislative acts and measures to reform management. These requirements necessitate the use of certain principles in the development and analysis of solutions to improve the enterprise management system, corresponding to the tasks of the period of transition to market relations. But it should be noted that the effectiveness of managerial work of employees depends on the subjective factor. If the labor productivity of a worker is comparatively easily measured by the output produced per unit of time, then the result of the engineer's work cannot be determined by the most accurate calculation of the number of sheets of graphic material he has completed. The success of a specialist's work is fixed materially and reliably in the work of others. Therefore, the effectiveness of the work of a manager, specialist, employee is found in the following results: an increase in output by the production units of an enterprise, a decrease in the cost of production, an increase in labor productivity, profit, profitability, an increase in the solvency of an enterprise, in other words, it is determined by the level of impact on the production process.

Each enterprise management system is specific and is characterized by its own special combination of structural elements, applied forms, management methods. Thus, there are no universal rules that say which types of managerial work are obviously useless. A reliable assessment is possible only as a result of a specific analysis, knowledge of many circumstances, the correct assessment of which becomes available only after their detailed study at the enterprise. Therefore, in solving the problem of improving and reducing the cost of the control system, stereotypedness, refusal to take into account the features of production and its management are unacceptable. At the same time, one should not exclude the possibility and expediency of using standard developments and recommendations for improving management systems, but with the obligatory condition of adapting them to specific management goals.

The increase in labor productivity in the sphere of management is carried out much more slowly than in the sphere of main production. Managerial work has a number of specific features both in terms of objects, means, results of labor, and in terms of methods for assessing its effectiveness. The need for a flexible response to market demands requires qualitative changes in the existing systems of operational production management. To assess the quality of the implementation of management functions, the use of management methods, technology and information in individual structural elements of the management system at its various levels, partial and general indicators are distinguished.

Particular indicators that characterize the quality of the implementation of the management function are: the use of enlarged accounting units in the formation of plans; interconnection of business planning and operational calendar planning; the use of lead values ​​in the formation of planned targets for workshops, sections; use of optimization methods in planning; analysis of the implementation of approved tasks to predict the progress of production; use of the normative method of regulating the current course of production; the use of in-line, batch and single methods of organizing production; the use of the calculation-analytical method of rationing when setting the norms of time; organization of the control object, taking into account the subject specialization of production.

The effectiveness of management is measured, ultimately, by the general estimated indicators of the results of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. However, these indicators do not reveal an unambiguous connection and separation of the actual increase in management efficiency with the improvement of other aspects of economic activity at the enterprise. Generalizing indicators characterizing the quality of implementation of the management function include the share of administrative and managerial personnel in the total number of industrial and production personnel of the enterprise, the share of management costs in the volume of products sold. Indirectly, the effectiveness of the production management system can be measured by such general indicators as the level of profit, the level of fulfillment of contractual obligations and compliance with the rhythm of production, the size of work in progress, the level of equipment utilization, and the reduction in the duration of the production cycle.


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5. Volokhova A.A. "Formation of a system of strategic management of the personnel of the enterprise." - M., 1998.

6. Gushchina I. Labor motivation as a factor in improving labor efficiency // Society and Economics 2003. - No. 1. - P. 169-174.

7. Ivanevich J., Lobanov A.A. "Human Resource Management". - M., Case 1993.

8. Ilyin E. P. Motivation and motives: Proc. allowance for universities. - St. Petersburg. and others: Peter, 2002.- 508 p.

9. Kibanov A.Ya. "Human Resources Management". – M.: INFRA-M,

10. Komarov E. I. Stimulation and motivation in modern personnel management // Personnel management 2002.- No. 1. - P. 38-41.

11. Lapusta M.G. "Handbook of the director of the enterprise"

6th ed., - M.: INFRA-M, 2003.

12. Maslow A. Motivation and Personality. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Eurasia", 1999

13. Patrick Fosis 30 minutes to master the methods of staff motivation, M., Lori Publishing House, 2001.p.128

14. Serbinovsky B.Yu., Samygin S.I. "Personnel Management". – M.: PRIOR, 1999

15. Labor Code Russian Federation. - M.: 000 "VITREM", 2004.

16. Personnel management of the organization: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 1999. – 512 p.

17. Personnel management, edited by T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremin. -M.: UNITI, 2002. p.342

18. Shepelenko G.I. "Economics, organization and

production planning at the enterprise "5th ed., - M .: ICC" Mart "; 2004.

19. Shakhovoi V.A., Shapiro S.A. Motivation of labor activity. Tutorial. M OOO Vershina. 2003. - 224 p.

"Organization Management" edited by Porshnev A.G., Rumyantseva Z.P., Salomatina N.A., - 3rd ed., M .: INFRA-M, 2005. - p. 410.

Organization management under. Edited by Porshneva A.G., Rumyantseva Z.P., Salomatina N.A., 3 - ed., I .: INFRA-M, 2005 .- p. 428.

"Organization Management" edited by Porshnev A.G., Rumyantseva Z.P., Salomatina N.A., - 3rd ed. M.: INFRA-M, 2005. - p. 431.

"Organization management" edited by Porshnev A.G., Rumyantseva Z.P., Salomatina N.A. - 3rd ed., M .: INFRA-M, 2005. - p. 432.

Faculty economics and Management
department Organisation management


student 4 faculty course
Kuzmin Mikhail Yurievich
Study group №МВС-4/09 record book №MES - 039/09
In LLC "Ciar"
As a Human Resources Manager
During the period from June 20, 2011 to July 31, 2011

Content of work experience

the date

The nature of the work performed
Signature of the head of the practice of the enterprise
21.06.2011 Structure of Ciar LLC
22.06.2011 Familiarization with office work at Ciar LLC
23.06.2011 Familiarization with the charter of Ciar LLC
24.06.2011 Familiarization with the Labor Regulations
27.06.2011 Familiarization with the Regulations on the department of personnel management.
28.06.2011 Familiarization with the job description of the employee of the department of personnel management.
29.06.2011 Assistance in drawing up a reserve of personnel.
30.06.2011 Production of service certificates, their issuance to employees.
01.07.2011 Preparation of local regulations, orders, orders in the areas of personnel activities.
04.07.2011 Preparation of materials and documents for the presentation of personnel for various types of encouragement and awards.
05.07.2011 Participation in internal audits.
06.07.2011 Preparation of materials on bringing employees to disciplinary and material liability.
07.07.2011 Organizational and substantive support of the commission's activities in the main areas of personnel activity.
08.07.2011 Together with the heads of departments, scheduling vacations, registration and accounting for the use of regular and additional vacations.
11.07.2011 Together with the financial and economic department, the organization of timesheets.
12.07.2011 Together with the educational department, the organization of inspections of labor and educational discipline, compliance with internal regulations.
13.07.2011 Execution of documents and their submission to the relevant organizations for the implementation by personnel of social benefits and guarantees
14.07.2011 Consideration of complaints and statements of employees on issues related to the competence of the personnel department.
15.07.2011 Analysis and correction of incoming documents and materials.
18.07.2011 Systematization of personnel credentials,
19.07.2011 Preparation and execution of documents for assigning pensions to employees.
20.07.2011 Registration of reception, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
21.07.2011 storage and filling of work books.
22.07.2011 Monitoring the execution by the heads of departments of orders and instructions for working with personnel.
25.07.2011 Studying the movement of personnel, analysis of staff turnover, development of measures to eliminate it.
26.07.2011 Familiarization with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
27.07.2011 Interaction with the department statistical reporting.
28.07.2011 Preparation of statistical reporting in all areas of personnel activity.
29.07.2011 Completion of all assigned tasks. Drawing up a report plan based on the results of the internship and its coordination with the head of the enterprise.

July 31, 2011 July 31, 2011
_________________________ __________________
(Signature of the head of practice from the enterprise) (signature of the student)

Moscow Institute of Humanities and Economics

Faculty economics and Management department organisation management

for the period from June 20, 2011 on July 31, 2011 student 4 faculty course economics and Management MGEI, Kuzmin Mikhail Yurievich on industrial practice in Ciar LLC

No. p / p
Name of works
Weeks of internship






1 Brief description of the company and its main activities +
2 Structure of Ciar LLC +
3 Measures and forms of organization of work on the formation of the internal image of LLC "SIAR" + + + +
4 Organization of work and procedures for the selection and recruitment of personnel + + + + + +
5 Organization of the personnel assessment and certification procedure +
6 The main provisions of the internal labor regulations in LLC "SIAR +
7 The main provisions of the scheme for building material motivation in LLC "Ciar" +
8 The main provisions of non-material motivation in LLC "SIAR" +
9 Evaluation of the organization of personnel management in LLC "Ciar" +
Vladimir Dmitrievich Malakhov, head of practice from MGEI Associate Professor, Candidate of Social Sciences
Head of practice from the organization Reznikov Sergey Anatolyevich Director of LLC "SIAR
Moscow Institute of Humanities and Economics

Faculty economics and Management
department organisation management


4th year student of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Moscow State Power Institute,
Kuzmin Mikhail Yurievich
study group No. MVS-4/09 record book No. MES-039/09
In LLC "Ciar"
as Human Resources Manager
in the period from June 20, 2011 to July 31, 2011

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………...3 1. Brief description of the company and its main activities…….4 2. Events and forms of organization of work on the formation of the internal image of LLC "Ciar"………………………………………………………………. 7 3. Organization of work and procedures for the selection and recruitment of personnel……………..8 4. Organization of the procedure for assessing and attesting personnel…………………..12 6. The main provisions of the scheme for constructing material motivation in OOO “Ciar”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18 7. The main provisions of the scheme for constructing intangible motivation in LLC “Ciar”………………………………………………………………………..19 8. Evaluation of the organization of personnel management in LLC “Ciar”………… ….20 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………...21 Review of the organization……………………………………… …………… …………...22

« 31 » July 2011


The main goal of organizational and economic practice is to deepen and consolidate theoretical knowledge in the personnel management system and its features, taking into account industry affiliation, the specifics and scope of the organization LLC "Ciar", the development and accumulation of creative skills in analyzing and improving the PM system, the formation of socio-professional competencies in the field of PM.
Purpose of practice: Studying the content of the existing management activities for human resource management and the basic principles of its organization in Ciar LLC.
Practice objectives:
1. Acquaintance with the company, which is the base of the practice.
2. The study of the organizational structure and forms of organization of work in the organization's personnel management.
3. Acquaintance with the structure of specialized units in the personnel management system and job descriptions.
4. Acquaintance with the normative and methodological documentation regulating the processes of personnel management of the enterprise, the system and procedure for the implementation of document management.
5. Acquisition of practical skills in working with documents that determine the organization of the work of individual subsystems in the personnel management system.

2. Brief description of the company and its main activities

Ciar LLC (chain of stores) is a supermarket of a universal type and offers more than 35 thousand items: household goods and stationery, souvenirs, gifts, cosmetics, perfumery, accessories. The seasonal assortment is regularly updated (gifts for the holidays, gardening equipment, school supplies).
From the very beginning of its activity, the company used elements of self-service in trade.
Ciar LLC was founded in 0000 and is located on the Krasnogorsk Highway.
To achieve the goals and objectives, the Company carries out the following activities:
1. Trading and purchasing activities, including wholesale trade in consumer goods, food products, industrial and technical products;
2. Point of public catering (cafe);
3. Realization of food products, consumer goods;
4. Realization of stationery and interior items;
5. Intermediary, dealer, distribution;
6. Organization of exhibitions, fairs, presentations.
The supreme governing body is the Founder, whose share in the authorized capital is 100%. All decisions on issues related to the competence of the general meeting of the Members of the Company are taken by the Founder of the Company solely and are drawn up in writing.
Management of the current activities of the Company is carried out by the sole executive body represented by the director, who is appointed by the Founder for a period of up to 5 years and is accountable to the Founder of the Company.
Labor relations of the Company's employees are built on a contract basis. Labor income of each employee is determined by his personal contribution, taking into account the final results of the Company's work, is regulated by taxes and is not limited to maximum amounts.
The minimum wage for the Company's employees is established by the laws of the Russian Federation.
The form, system and amounts of remuneration, as well as other types of income of employees, are established by the Company independently, depending on the profession, qualifications of employees, the complexity and conditions of the work performed.
Employees working under a contract may receive remuneration both in the form of wages and in the form of a share of profits if there is a mutual agreement between the employee and the Company.
Employees of the Company are subject to social, medical insurance, social security in the manner and on the terms established for workers, employees of state enterprises of the Russian Federation.
The Company provides employees with safe working conditions and is liable in accordance with the procedure established by law for damage caused to their health and ability to work. The employee is responsible for the damage caused to the Company in case of violation of the technical safety rules by the employee.
Labor relations of the Company's employees, including their social and pension provision, as well as issues of the Company's social development, are determined in the Company's internal documents, including the collective agreement.
The structure of Ciar LLC has a linear-functional principle of construction based on unity of command.
The Human Resources Department is represented by the HR Director, the HR Development Manager, the Recruitment Manager, and the HR Records Specialist.
The HR Director is the head of the Human Resources Department and performs the following functions:
1. Ensuring the competitive advantages of the company through the creation of an effective personnel policy that allows forming a team of highly qualified specialists;
2. Development and implementation of the personnel policy of the enterprise;
3. Development of standards and regulations for the selection, adaptation, placement, retention of personnel;
4. Coordination of the implementation of technologies in the field of HR by all employees of the department;
5. Setting goals and organizing the practice of fulfilling tasks in the field of human resource management in all departments;
6. Increasing the professional level of employees;
7. Staff motivation;
8. Ensuring the effective use of personnel;
9. Establishment and control of the personnel movement accounting system;
10. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions;
11. Ensuring compliance with labor laws.
HR Development Manager:
1. Conducts focus groups with company personnel to determine the need for training programs;
2. Develops special trainings for staff;
3. Plans, accompanies and supervises special courses;
4. Researches, evaluates and selects third party programs;
5. Provides leadership in the development and delivery of programs;
6. Improves teaching aids and resources;
7. Manages the maintenance of documents related to the training of employees;
8. Performs typical managerial duties in planning, evaluating, organizing, debriefing and monitoring;
9. May also be responsible for overseeing staffing, conducting performance appraisals, training and professional development of subordinates, promotions, salary increases, layoffs, disciplinary action, etc.
HR manager:
1. Determines the company's need for personnel;
2. Studying the state of the labor market, the level of wages, social programs at various enterprises to develop the concept of recruitment;
3. Develops cards of vacancies and vacancies;
4. Draws up a schedule for the search for workers needed by the enterprise;
5. Determines the sources of personnel search;
6. Gets acquainted with the resumes of applicants; meets with applicants; conducts interviews with applicants; organizes professional, psychological questioning and testing of applicants; studies the business and professional qualities of applicants; checks the recommendations of applicants; examines the characteristics and information from the previous jobs of applicants;
7. Evaluates the results of interviews and testing of applicants, selects applicants that meet the requirements of the enterprise.
8. Maintains recruitment statistics (Appendix 2).
The Human Resources Specialist is responsible for:
1. Accounting for the personnel of the organization, its divisions;
2. Registration of admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations and orders of the head of the organization;
3. Keeping personal files of employees, making changes in them related to labor activity;
4. Filling, accounting and storage of work books;
5. Accounting for the granting of vacations to employees;
6. Registration of documents on pension insurance and their submission to the social security authorities;
7. Drawing up the established reporting;
8. Timekeeping.

2. Measures and forms of organization of work on the formation of the internal image of LLC "Ciar".

The success of the company, in many ways, lies in the fact that it began with creative and cheerful people. This is still of great importance in the policy of recruitment. The employees of Ciar LLC are successful positive people who skillfully combine freedom combined with responsibility, innovation and creativity, appreciating the traditions of partnership with customers, suppliers and colleagues.
The employees of the chain of stores have every reason to be proud of their work, because the company provides all the conditions for this: decent, regularly indexed wages that objectively reflect the professional level of the employee, social guarantees, opportunities career development, confidence in tomorrow. As well as:
1. Corporate discounts on the employee's personal card for goods and services of the company;
2. Organization of preferential hot lunches for employees of all departments;
3. Providing material assistance to employees of the enterprise in extreme situations;
4. Annual free flu vaccination of employees;
5. Gifts for employees' children;
6. The most comfortable workplaces;
7. Overalls;
8. The opportunity for all employees to visit the sports complex (gym, swimming pool, volleyball, basketball, football) free of charge.

3. Organization of work and procedures for the selection and recruitment of personnel

Recruitment Policy
The site formulates the basic principles that the company adheres to when recruiting for vacant positions:
1. Competence is the main requirement for candidates. We study biographical data, professional career and recommendations, determine the level of professional knowledge and skills, business and personal qualities, health status, predict the success of adaptation in the team. We focus on growing specialists and heads of structural divisions within the enterprise;
2. Objectivity - we strive to minimize the influence of the subjective opinion of persons making a decision on the admission of a candidate;
3. Continuity - we are constantly working on the selection of the best specialists, the formation of a personnel reserve from external candidates and employees of the enterprise;
4. Scientific - we use the most modern methods in the recruitment process.
Assessment method.

    Questioning - allows you to collect key information for the candidate that is important when making a decision.
Disadvantages: high probability of exaggeration by the candidate of his qualities, skills, knowledge.
Reliability - average, additional clarification is needed.
    Primary interview - allows you to personally verify the accuracy of the information contained in the questionnaire and evaluate the behavior of the candidate.
Disadvantages: the inability to fully assess the abilities and motivation of the candidate, the high degree of influence of subjective factors.
Reliability is high.
    Psychological testing - allows you to assess the degree of compliance of the psychometric characteristics of the candidate with the specifics of the workplace, as well as the compatibility of the candidate with the socio-psychological climate of the organization.
Disadvantages: difficulty in interpreting the results, special training is required, a strong influence of external factors on the candidate's condition at the time of testing.
Reliability - medium or high when using several types of testing that evaluate the same factors.
    An on-the-job internship is an opportunity to look at a candidate "at work".
Disadvantages: separation from the work of a specialist mentor.
Reliability - average, tk. in the process of acquiring skills and adapting to the company, the candidate is not able to fully express himself.
The procedure for selection and selection of personnel .
1) Determining the need for personnel:
Stage 1 - Application for opening a vacancy. Responsible for stage 1 - line manager. The application justifies the need to open a vacancy, the need for workplace equipment, and the job responsibilities of a new employee. An application for opening a vacancy is filled in on a special form by the line manager in whose department the opening of a vacancy is planned, and submitted to the Human Resources Department.
Stage 2 - Examination of the vacancy. Responsible for stage 2 - HR Director. Based on the application for opening a vacancy, an examination of the vacancy is carried out (identification of the objective need of the department for a new employee). With a positive result of the examination of a vacancy, an application for opening a vacancy is sent for approval to the director.
Stage 3 - Description of the requirements for the candidate in the form of a specification as an addition to the application for opening a vacancy. Responsible for stage 3 - HR Director. The specification is drawn up by a specialist of the Human Resources Department together with a line manager on the basis of an application for opening a vacancy signed by the director.
2) Technology of personnel search:
The HR Director determines the list of vacancies based on the applications of managers, develops a strategy and tactics for searching for candidates (depending on the vacancy, the time required to close the vacancy, requirements for candidates and financial resources), as well as the choice of candidate selection methods.
The search for candidates is carried out by posting vacancy announcements in the following resources: mass media (newspapers), recruitment agencies, recruiting agencies, specialized and higher educational institutions, employment centers, the Internet, specialized stands in stores. Responsible for posting information about vacancies - recruitment specialist.
The company's requirements for candidates and the form for submitting an advertisement and specific media are determined by the HR director.
The recruitment specialist controls the release of announcements and files it into the archive, and also requests and submits to the accounting department all the necessary reporting accounting documents (invoice, certificate of completion, etc.).
3) Technology of selection of candidates. The following methods are used in the selection of candidates:
1. Questioning.
All incoming calls for vacancies are taken by a recruiter. Responsible for the positioning of the company, the correctness of the information provided - a recruitment specialist.
Candidates at the professional level and above are encouraged to send a resume or application form to the recruiter's email address. Once every 2-3 days, the recruiter sends resumes of applicants for current vacancies to hard copy personnel director. Candidates below the level of a specialist are invited to fill out questionnaires of the established form in stores. Candidates leave completed questionnaires in mailboxes. Every day at 9-00, a recruiter takes out questionnaires from the store's mailbox and registers them indicating the desired position, the source of information about the vacancy and the required salary level, i.e. collects statistical data.
The recruitment specialist ensures the formation of a personnel reserve of candidates by registering and storing questionnaires / resumes of potentially interesting candidates for the company.
2. Initial interview.

Hello dear reader.

This article is divided into the following sections:

  1. How to calculate the days for practice
  2. Then an example of filling out a diary of undergraduate practice
  3. Many items that can be used when filling out a diary
  4. Some important issues at the end of the article

If you don’t want to fill out a pre-graduation practice diary yourself - you can always order it at any student exchange - this is a fairly inexpensive job that will be done for you in a very short time.

To order a practice diary, I can recommend you to use any exchange student work, for example, author24 - simply because there are the most performers: https://author24.ru/

How to fill in the diary of undergraduate (or industrial) practice of an economist? To complete it, you need to follow several steps:

  1. Determine how many days the practice goes in total (This is written in the training manual or in the order for practice, options: 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks)
  2. Put the dates in the diary - from the first day to the last (except weekends).
    Dates can be viewed using this service:.
    That is, for each week in practice, you will have 5 lines in your diary (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday).
  3. Opposite each day, you will need to write a few tasks that you did. You will get something similar to the picture below. Compliance will be marked by the supervisor. Usually they write the word "done".
    If in reality you didn’t exist at all in practice, you will have to come up with points. There should be 3-5 pieces in each cell.

I think you already understand the logic of filling out the diary. What follows is a list of possible items and some important questions.

  1. Getting to know the company as a whole
  2. Acquaintance with the management of the enterprise and with its immediate supervisor
  3. Acquaintance with the head of the practice
  4. Registration of documents on arrival for practice
  5. Signing the order on access to the enterprise
  6. Passing a safety briefing
  7. Familiarization with the provision on trade secrets
  8. Signing trade secret documents
  9. Corporate behavior coaching
  10. Acquaintance with the employees of the organization
  11. Familiarization with the organizational structure of the organization
  12. Drawing up an organizational chart of company management
  13. Familiarity with the activities of the organization as a whole
  14. Evaluation of the scale of the company's work
  15. The history of the creation and development of the enterprise
  16. Drafting brief description enterprises
  17. Acquaintance with the enterprise industry in Russia
  18. Study of legal aspects organization activities
  19. The study of legal acts regulating the work of the enterprise
  20. Drawing up a contract for the provision of consulting services to a client of the company
  21. Copying sales contracts and adjusting them for new customers
  22. Answering telephone calls and telephone consultations
  23. Acceptance of service requests
  24. Filling out invoices
  25. Filling in receipts
  26. Collection of reports on the operational activities of the organization
  27. Studying the archives of the organization
  28. Copying and filing documents of the organization for archiving
  29. Participation in negotiations with suppliers
  30. Participation in the operational meeting
  31. Reconciliation of settlements with counterparties based on financial statements
  32. Making changes to counterparties in the 1C: Enterprise program
  33. Studying the theory on the topic of work and report
  34. Selection of sources for analysis
  35. Compiling a list of applications
  36. Compilation of a list of references
  37. Preparation of applications with reporting
  38. Compilation of tables with general indicators of the organization
  39. Preparation and analysis of accounting documents
  40. Preparation of the structure of the analysis of the financial condition
  41. Selection of sections for conducting financial status
  42. Examination collected documents for typos and other errors
  43. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of the company's property
  44. Assessment of the dynamics and structure of the company's capital
  45. Basic indicators economic condition organizations
  46. The main indicators of economic results of the organization
  47. Assessment of the main indicators of the economic condition and economic results
  48. Studying the technical and economic indicators of the enterprise
  49. Preparation of materials for analysis
  50. Schema analysis
  51. Choice of sections of analysis
  52. Studying the reporting forms used by the organization
  53. Preparation of management reporting for analysis
  54. Analysis of indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise
  55. Grade economic security enterprises
  56. Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise
  57. Conducting competitor price analysis and compiling explanatory note for the head
  58. Performing Motion Analysis Money, credit and settlement operations
  59. Studying the staffing of the enterprise and the organizational tasks of the company
  60. Conducting an analysis finished products and inventories
  61. Analysis of fixed assets and intangible assets
  62. Analysis of labor efficiency and payroll calculations
  63. Assessment of depreciation of equipment at the enterprise
  64. Participation in checking the completion of the company's reporting
  65. Preparation of initial data for an individual task
  66. Communication with the head about the mission and objectives of the organization
  67. The study of the organization, main activities, composition and structure of the organization.
  68. The study of regulatory documents regulating the activities of the organization, types and content of constituent documents, organizational and legal form of the enterprise, form of ownership, types of statutory activities.
  69. Constituent documents and main legal acts
  70. Studying the duties and job descriptions of employees of the organization.
  71. The study of technical and economic indicators.
  72. Familiarization with the order of conduct accounting.
  73. The study of the organization of the system of payment and incentives.
  74. Study of sales plans of the organization, study of planning standards, orders for the organization of planning in the organization, guidelines and orders.
  75. The study of the main indicators used to evaluate the activities of the organization.
  76. Assessment of the balance sheet of an enterprise (dynamics of accounts payable and receivable, inventories, finished products in stock, balance sheet, etc.)
  77. Analysis of receivables, study of own, borrowed funds, analysis of the formation of working capital of the organization.
  78. Analysis of accounts payable of the organization.
  79. The study of the order and mechanism of pricing (determining the cost) of the goods sold.
    PC, programs and office equipment used in the work of the institution.
  80. Work in the program "1C Enterprise 8.0" and "Client-Bank".
  81. Conducting an analysis financial stability enterprises
  82. Conducting an assessment of the liquidity of the enterprise
  83. Conducting an assessment of the solvency of the organization.
  84. Studying the practice of relations between the organization and banks and other credit institutions.
  85. Study of payment and settlement procedures operating in the organization
  86. State of settlement and payment discipline.
  87. Studying the forms of calculations used by the organization.
  88. Participation in the preparation of primary documents (invoices, waybills)
  89. Studying the relationship with tax institutions, budgets of various levels, extra-budgetary funds.
  90. Studying the relationship with customers (suppliers and customers or buyers).
  91. Participation in payment and settlement work.
  92. Studying the procedure for the formation, development and approval of the product range
  93. Studying the sources of receipt of goods
  94. Analysis of the product range. Working with price lists
  95. Familiarization with the order of acceptance and delivery of goods, their documentation and the types of vehicles used.
  96. Participation in the preparation of primary documents.
  97. Participation in the preparation of applications for the importation of products from suppliers.
  98. Study of work with suppliers to determine the price level for the supplied goods.
  99. Acquaintance with the advertising activities of the enterprise
  100. Participation in ordering promotional products, business cards, souvenirs for customers, etc.
  101. The study of the organization of liability.
  102. Studying the procedure for conducting inventories, recovering losses and shortages.
  103. Conducting an assessment of the economic situation.
  104. Analysis of the income statement
  105. Analysis of the organization's own capital.
  106. Studying contracts of suppliers and buyers.
  107. Work with primary documents and correspondence.
  108. Studying the requirements for the design of the report
  109. Compiling a report template
  110. Compiling the content of the report
  111. Preparation of an internship report
  112. Verification of the conclusions and official documents of the organization
  113. Preparation of conclusions on the performed analysis
  114. Preparation of charts and graphs in the report
  115. Identify areas for improvement
  116. Studying similar situations in other companies
  117. Proposing recommendations for improving the company's activities
  118. Proposal for improvement measures
  119. Preparing a draft practice report
  120. Filling out a practice diary
  121. Obtaining the characteristics of the head of practice from the enterprise
  122. Submission of a report for verification to the head of the practice
  123. Preparation of a final version of the practice report
  124. Preparation of a practice report and submitting it for verification to the head of the practice.
  125. Collection of documents, signatures and seals

Now a few important questions that arise when filling it out.

  1. Is the practice diary strictly checked? No, not strictly. It simply describes what the trainee does every day at the practice site. What is there to check. They check the practice report in more detail (more on that).
  2. Is it possible to write directly in it, without drafts? Yes, you can. Some students fill out this diary just before taking the exam. Although if you have doubts, you can do it on a draft first. But it doesn't make much sense.
  3. And if every Monday an economist does the same thing, then you can write like that - the same thing every Monday? You can do the same thing, as long as it doesn’t catch your eye: use synonyms, change the order of the items and all that
  4. Is it possible to write the same thing, if this is true? Basically the same is possible. But, again, it's better to unify a little. For example: analysis of the implementation of the plan = assessment of the achievement of goals for turnover.
  5. Where to put stamps on the practice diary (Inzhekon). It is necessary to put three round seals of the enterprise (as of spring 2013): on the title page(over the words "Head of practice from the enterprise"); in the characteristic for a student from the place of internship(in the lower right corner); in the review of the head of practice from the organization(also in the lower right corner).

You can ask your questions about undergraduate practice for economic specialties in the comments to this article or in contact.

1. Diary of a manager's work experience, student

Diary of an internship for a student of the Faculty of Economics at ZASO Agrofirm "Chernomorets"

Day month Year

Place and summary of the study question of the practice program

Analysis, conclusions and comments of the student on the issue under study

Superintendent's remark and assessment of the student's work (signature)

Office of the agricultural company, agricultural department, planning department.

The study of the natural and economic conditions of the economy, its size, structure and specialization.

The territory of the economy and its lands is located on the plains, which contributes to the favorable management of the economy.

Planning department of the agricultural company,

Analysis of the production and financial activities of the organization.

The number of non-current and current assets by the end of 2009 increased, net and gross income also increased.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department.

Detailed consideration and familiarization with the methodology for implementing the business plan of the enterprise.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department.

A brief analysis of the implementation of the business plan for the previous year.

Analysis of the business plan for the previous year.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Consideration of general remarks of the business plan (purpose, typology).

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

A brief review of the sections of the business plan.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

Consideration of the summary of the enterprise.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

Analysis of the state of the branches of the economy.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

Analysis of the market, its structure and features.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

The study of production, organizational and financial plan enterprises.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

Legal support of activities and risk assessment and insurance of the economy.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Consideration of the essence and main functions of the strategic plan of the enterprise.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department, accounting department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of a long-term strategic plan for the development of an enterprise (industry).

Familiarization with the methodology for compiling, structure and content of the strategic plan of the economy.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, planning department, accounting department.

The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of a long-term strategic plan for the development of an enterprise (industry).

Formation of conclusions and conclusions regarding this strategic plan for the development of the enterprise.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department.

Consideration of the essence and basic principles of self-supporting tasks.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department.

Methodology for compiling self-supporting assignments.

Consideration of the main indicators of self-supporting assignments and the methodology for their compilation.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, accounting.

Organization of accounting of wages at the enterprise.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, accounting.

Organization of labor and wages in industries and on-farm subdivisions.

Study of payroll methodology.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Planning department.

Familiarization with the lease agreement.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Planning department.

Drafting lease agreements.

Studying the correctness of filling out the lease agreement and the features of the lease-contractual relationship.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, accounting.

Studying basic tax calculations.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Financial department, accounting.

Tax calculations and relationships with tax authorities and insurance organizations.

Consideration of the relationship of the economy with the tax authorities and insurance companies.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Planning department.

Marketing service organization.

Studying the state of the economy marketing service.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

Planning department.

Development of the main blocks of the enterprise's market strategy.

There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

The head of the practice from the enterprise and the student - trainee sign the diary of the manager's work practice.
Management Practice Schedule

2. Diary of manager's practice

Faculty of Economics. Department of Economics.

Diary of an internship in the specialty "management of organizations" of a student of the "economic" faculty at a large enterprise.

Place of internship

Comments and suggestions

Main office

I studied the structure of Krymskaya Niva LLC, got acquainted with the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise - department managers, chief accountant, chief agronomist, head of the personnel department and chief economist.

Leaders, in my opinion, are sociable and kind people.

Main office

The company rents office space, where the offices of the director of the company, accounting and personnel departments are located. My workplace equipped with a computer desk where a computer is installed. The accountant of the enterprise showed and told me what accounting programs are installed to service the accounting process in the enterprise.

The office is not spacious enough. Computers should be replaced with more modern ones.

Main office

Acquainted with the Charter of the enterprise. Certificate of state registration and Certificate from the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine. Studied the activities of Krymskaya Niva LLC, the composition of the founders of the enterprise, the responsibility of the participants in the company, the rights and obligations of the company and its participants, the composition authorized fund enterprise, got acquainted with the management bodies of the company and its officials, the procedure for distributing profits received from financial and economic activities.

There are no comments.

Human Resources Department

Studied the work of the personnel department of the enterprise. I got acquainted with the job descriptions of the employees of the enterprise, the procedure for their preparation and approval by the director of the enterprise. He took part in the preparation of tariff rates for the time wages of drivers, tractor drivers and shepherds of the enterprise.

The work in the HR department is stressful, but the employees do it well. There are no comments.

Human Resources Department

He took part in the execution of orders for the employment of seasonal workers, who were accepted for work on the harvesting of grain crops. I got acquainted with the procedure for filling out applications for employment, drawing up orders, making entries in work books.

There are no comments.

Human Resources Department

I got acquainted with the personal files of the employees of the enterprise. As necessary, I replaced old photocopies of documents, reissued registration cards of employees of the enterprise due to wear and tear.

There are no comments.

Human Resources Department

I got acquainted with the operation of the enterprise access system. Got to know the work electronic program"Avers-frames" - instructions for conducting personnel records management at an enterprise, a set of forms for working with personnel, samples of the correct preparation of orders, certificates, explanatory notes, acts and other documents necessary for conducting personnel records management. I visited with the director and the chief agronomist at harvesting in the village of Zavetnoye and the village of Lugovoe.

The program used in the personnel department is very convenient and easy to learn.

Human Resources Department

Studied the procedure for registration of foreign workers to work in Ukraine. To do this, I visited the regional employment center with the head of the personnel department, and received a list of documents required for registration.

There are no comments.

They showed me the location of the farm, the pens with animals, the process of feeding and watering the animals. They talked about the process of breeding and veterinary care of animals. An inventory of animals, feed and farm equipment was made in my presence.

The farm is large, well equipped, but more time should be devoted to its cleaning.

Transportation Department

I got acquainted with the transport, administrative and economic departments of the enterprise, the specifics of their work. The head of the transport department showed the equipment available at the enterprise - tractors, seeders, plows, cultivators, harrows and others. They told about their work, the timing of current and major repairs.

There is little transport at the enterprise, but there is the most necessary one, which can perform several jobs.

planning department

Together with the enterprise's economist, he compiled a technical and economic plan for the enterprise's work for the 4th quarter of 2010 and the 1st quarter of 2011, where a list of enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial complex was determined, supplying Krymskaya Niva LLC with mineral fertilizers, herbicides, necessary equipment for autumn and spring field work.

Together with the chief agronomist of the enterprise, he took part in a meeting of the public board of the district state administration, dedicated to the harvesting work.

There are no comments.

planning department

Studied lease agreements for land plots concluded by Krymskaya Niva LLC with the owners of land plots, the obligations of the enterprise to the owners of land plots.

There are no comments.


Together with the chief accountant of the enterprise, he visited the grain-receiving enterprises of the village. Lenino, the city of Feodosia and the city of Kerch. Studied the process of registering the movement of grain from suppliers to the HPP. I got acquainted with the contracts for the storage and processing of grain. Studied the pricing structure for grain crops.

There are no comments.


Assisted in the payroll of the company's employees. Studied the timesheets, the process of payroll based on the submitted timesheets, staffing and tariff scale. I got acquainted with the collective agreement drawn up between the administration and the employees of the enterprise.

There are no comments.

planning department

Studied the contracts concluded between Krymskaya Niva LLC with suppliers and buyers of goods, works and services - the structure of the contract, the main provisions, working conditions and payment for goods, works and services, the system of financial sanctions for non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract.

There are no comments.


Studied the current accounting programs for accounting at the enterprise - "Avers-Accounting", "BEST-ZVIT". In addition, familiarized with the system electronic reporting at the enterprise. Together with the accountant of the enterprise was in tax office, pension fund and social insurance funds on the submission of quarterly reports.

Accounting programs turned out to be very difficult and I could not master them.

Human Resources Department

Compiled a report on the employees of the enterprise for the employment center - available vacancies at the enterprise.

There are no comments.

Human Resources Department

With the head of the personnel department of the enterprise, he made changes to the current vacation schedule for employees of the enterprise.

There are no comments.

Main office

Working with an internship report

There are no comments.

Main office

Completion of the internship report

There are no comments.

Signature of the chief economist student on the manager's practice diary. Date and stamp.

3. Diary of integrated practice in the management of organizations.

Student ________________________________________________________________

Groups ______ course, 20__ - 20__ academic year

Place of internship ____________________________________________

Date of arrival at the place of practice _____________________________________

Date of departure from the place of practice ______________________________________________

Head of practice from the university ______________________________________

Head of practice from the enterprise ________________________________

Simferopol - 2010

1. Individual calendar plan-schedule of comprehensive practice in the management of organizations

Practice Program Study Question

Department name, service

Number of working days

Systemic model of enterprise management

Industry specific features of functional enterprise management

Enterprise personnel management

Management of marketing activities and implementation of commercial functions

Management in the material and technical subsystem of the enterprise

Management in the financial and economic subsystem of the enterprise

Management in the social subsystem of the enterprise

Excursions to the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex

Finish writing the first section, the second - in draft form

Practice leader

(signature) (full name)

Intern student ______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Amount of time spent (hours, days)

Feedback from the head of the organization and signature

Analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise

The study of the features of enterprise management, based on the legal form

Characterization and forecasting of the enterprise activity in accordance with the theory of the life cycle

The study of industry-specific features of the functional management of the enterprise

Studying the practice of managing marketing activities at an enterprise, management in the material, technical, financial, economic and social subsystems of an enterprise

Analysis of the competitiveness of the enterprise and justification of ways to improve it

Learning from planning experience innovation activities and development of an innovation strategy at the enterprise

Practice leader

From the enterprise ______________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

4. Diary of the industrial practice of a student of the Faculty of Economics and Management in the specialty "Management of the organization".

Place of internship

Comments and suggestions

Date of completion of the work

GVP "Privetnoye"

Acquaintance with the rich history and traditions of the GVP "Privetnoe"

GVP "Privetnoye"

Study of the production and financial activities of GVP "Privetnoe"

Economic department

Analysis of the implementation of the GVP "Privetnoye" business plan for the previous year

from 16.01.08 to 17.01.08

Economic department

Studying the methodology for compiling a business plan and its main indicators for the current year in GVP "Privetnoye"

from 18.01.08 to 22.01.08

Economic department

Studying the methodology for compiling and the main indicators of a long-term strategic development plan in GVP "Privetnoye"

from 23.01.08 to 25.01.08

Economic department

Studying the methodology for compiling self-supporting assignments in GVP "Privetnoye"

from 28.01.08 to 29.01.08

Economic department

Study of the organization of labor and wages in industries and on-farm subdivisions in GVP "Privetnoye"

from 30.01.08 to 31.01.08

Economic department

Study of the state of lease and contractual relations of GVP "Privetnoye"

from 01.02.08 to 04.02.08

Economic department

The study of tax calculations and relations with the tax authorities and the insurance service in the GVP "Privetnoe"

from 05.02.08 to 06.02.08

Economic department

Studying the marketing service in GVP "Privetnoe"

Economic department

Learning the basic blocks marketing strategy enterprises

The practice diary in management is signed by the student and the head of the practice.

Manager Practice Diary - 4.6 out of 5 based on 5 votes
