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The concept of "social institution". Institutionalization of public life. Social institution The process of streamlining formalization and standardization is called test

1. The concept of "social institution".

institutionalization public life.

Social institutions (from the Latin institutum - establishment, institution) are historically established stable forms of organizing the joint activities of people. The term "social institution" is used in a wide variety of meanings. They talk about the institution of the family, the institution of education, health care, the institution of the state, etc. The first, most often used meaning of the term "social institution" is associated with the characteristics of any kind of ordering, formalization and standardization of social relations and relations. And the process of streamlining, formalization and standardization is called institutionalization.

The process of institutionalization includes a number of points: 1) One of necessary conditions the emergence of social institutions serves the corresponding social need. Institutes are called upon to organize joint activities people in order to meet certain social needs. Thus, the institution of the family satisfies the need for the reproduction of the human race and the upbringing of children, implements relations between the sexes, generations, etc. The Institute higher education provides training work force, enables a person to develop his abilities in order to realize them in subsequent activities and ensure his existence, etc. The emergence of certain social needs, as well as the conditions for their satisfaction, are the first necessary moments of institutionalization. 2) A social institution is formed on the basis of social ties, interactions and relationships of specific individuals, individuals, social groups and other communities. But he, like others social systems, cannot be reduced to the sum of these individuals and their interactions. Social institutions are supra-individual in nature, have their own systemic quality. Consequently, a social institution is an independent public entity that has its own logic of development. From this point of view, social institutions can be considered as organized social systems characterized by the stability of the structure, the integration of their elements and a certain variability of their functions.

What are these systems? What are their main elements? First of all, it is a system of values, norms, ideals, as well as patterns of activity and behavior of people and other elements of the sociocultural process. This system guarantees similar behavior of people, coordinates and directs certain aspirations into the mainstream, establishes ways to satisfy their needs, resolves conflicts,

arising in the process of everyday life, provides a state of balance and stability within a particular social community and society as a whole. In itself, the presence of these socio-cultural elements does not yet ensure the functioning of a social institution. In order for it to work, it is necessary that they become the property inner world personalities, were internalized by them in the process of socialization, embodied in the form social roles and statuses. Internalization by individuals of all socio-cultural elements, the formation on their basis of a system of personality needs, value orientations and waiting is the second essential element institutionalization. 3) The third most important element of institutionalization is the organizational design of a social institution. Externally, a social institution is a collection of persons, institutions, equipped with certain material resources and performing a certain social function. Thus, an institution of higher education consists of a certain set of persons: teachers, service personnel, officials who operate within the framework of such institutions as universities, the ministry or the State Committee for Higher Education, etc., who for their activities have certain material values(buildings, finances, etc.).

So, each social institution is characterized by the presence of the goal of its activity, specific functions that ensure the achievement of such a goal, a set of social positions and roles typical for this institution. Based on the foregoing, one can give the following definition social institution. Social institutions are organized associations of people performing certain socially significant functions, ensuring the joint achievement of goals based on the social roles performed by members, set by social values, norms and patterns of behavior.

2 Types and functions of social institutions.

Each institution performs its own characteristic social function. The totality of these social functions is formed into the general social functions of social institutions as certain types of social system. These features are very versatile. Sociologists of different trends tried to somehow classify them, to present them in the form of a certain ordered system. The most complete and interesting classification was presented by the so-called "institutional school". Representatives of the institutional school in sociology (Slipset; D. Landberg and others) identified four main functions of social institutions:

1) Reproduction of members of society. The main institution that performs this function is the family, but other social institutions, such as the state, are also involved in it.

2) Socialization - the transfer to individuals of the patterns of behavior and methods of activity established in a given society - the institutions of the family, education, religion, etc.

3) Production and distribution. Provided by the economic and social institutions of management and control - the authorities.

4) Management and control functions are carried out through a system of social norms and regulations that implement the appropriate types of behavior: moral and legal norms, customs, administrative decisions, etc. Social institutions control the individual's behavior through a system of rewards and sanctions.

Social institutions differ from each other in their functional qualities:

1) Economic and social institutions - property, exchange, money, banks, economic associations of various types - provide the entire set of production and distribution of social wealth, at the same time connecting economic life with other areas of social life.

2) Political institutions - the state, parties, trade unions and other kinds public organizations pursuing political goals aimed at establishing and maintaining a certain form of political power. Their totality constitutes the political system of a given society. Political institutions ensure the reproduction and sustainable preservation of ideological values, and stabilize the social class structures that dominate in society.

3) Sociocultural and educational institutions aim at the development and subsequent reproduction of cultural and social values, the inclusion of individuals in a certain subculture, as well as the socialization of individuals through the assimilation of stable sociocultural standards of behavior and, finally, the protection of certain values ​​and norms.

4) Normative-orienting - mechanisms of moral and ethical orientation and regulation of the behavior of individuals. Their goal is to give behavior and motivation a moral argument, ethical basis. These institutions assert imperative universal human values, special codes and ethics of behavior in the community.

5) Normative-sanctioning - social and social regulation of behavior on the basis of norms, rules and regulations enshrined in legal and administrative acts. The binding nature of the norms is ensured by the coercive power of the state and the system of appropriate sanctions.

6) Ceremonial-symbolic and situational-conventional institutions. These institutions are based on the more or less long-term adoption of conventional (by agreement) norms, their official and unofficial consolidation. These norms regulate everyday contacts, various acts of group and intergroup behavior. They determine the order and method of mutual behavior, regulate the methods of transmission and exchange of information, greetings, addresses, etc., the rules of meetings, meetings, the activities of some associations.

Violation of the normative interaction with the social environment, which is the society or community, is called the dysfunction of a social institution. As noted earlier, the basis for the formation and functioning of a particular social institution is the satisfaction of a particular social need. Under the conditions of intensive social processes, the acceleration of the pace of social change, a situation may arise when the changed social needs are not adequately reflected in the structure and functions of the relevant social institutions. As a result, dysfunction may occur in their activities. From a substantive point of view, dysfunction is expressed in the ambiguity of the goals of the institution, the uncertainty of functions, in the fall of its social prestige and authority, the degeneration of its individual functions into "symbolic", ritual activity, that is, activity not aimed at achieving a rational goal.

One of the clear expressions of the dysfunction of a social institution is the personalization of its activities. A social institution, as you know, functions according to its own, objectively operating mechanisms, where each person, on the basis of norms and patterns of behavior, in accordance with his status, plays certain roles. The personalization of a social institution means that it ceases to act in accordance with objective needs and objectively set goals, changing their functions depending on the interests individuals, their personal qualities and properties.

An unsatisfied social need can bring to life the spontaneous emergence of normatively unregulated activities that seek to make up for the dysfunction of the institution, but at the cost of violating existing norms and rules. In its extreme forms, activity of this kind can be expressed in illegal activities. Thus, the dysfunction of some economic institutions is the reason for the existence of the so-called "shadow economy", resulting in speculation, bribery, theft, etc. Correction of dysfunction can be achieved by changing the social institution itself or by creating a new social institution that satisfies a given social need.

Researchers distinguish two forms of the existence of social institutions: simple and complex. Simple social institutions are organized associations of people who perform certain socially significant functions that ensure the joint achievement of goals based on the members of the institution fulfilling their social roles, determined by social values, ideals, and norms. At this level, the control system did not stand out as an independent system. Social values, ideals, norms themselves ensure the sustainability of the existence and functioning of a social institution.

3. Family as the most important social institution.

A classic example of a simple social institution is the institution of the family. A.G. Kharchev defines the family as an association of people based on marriage and consanguinity, connected by common life and mutual responsibility. Marriage is the foundation of family relationships. Marriage is a historically changing social form relations between a woman and a man, through which society regulates and sanctions their sexual life and establishes their marital and family rights and obligations. But the family, as a rule, is a more complex system of relations than marriage, since it can unite not only spouses, but also their children, as well as other relatives. Therefore, the family should be considered not just as a marriage group, but as a social institution, that is, a system of connections, interactions and relationships of individuals that perform the functions of reproduction of the human race and regulate all connections, interactions and relationships on the basis of certain values ​​and norms, subject to extensive social control through system of positive and negative sanctions.

The family as a social institution goes through a series of stages, the sequence of which develops into a family cycle or life cycle families. Researchers distinguish a different number of phases of this cycle, but the main ones are the following: 1) entering into a first marriage - the formation of a family; 2) the beginning of childbearing - the birth of the first child; 3) the end of childbearing - the birth of the last child; 4) "empty nest" - marriage and separation of the last child from the family; 5) termination of the existence of the family - the death of one of the spouses. At each stage, the family has specific social and economic characteristics.

In the sociology of the family, such general principles identification of types of family organization. Depending on the form of marriage, monogamous and polygamous families are distinguished. A monogamous family provides for the existence of a married couple - husband and wife, polygamous - as a rule, flies have the right to have several wives. Depending on the structure of family ties, a simple, nuclear, or complex, extended type of family is distinguished. A nuclear family is a married couple with unmarried children. If some of the children in the family are married, then an extended, or complex, family is formed, including two or more generations.

The family as a social institution arose with the formation of society. The process of formation and functioning of the family is determined by value-normative regulators. Such, for example, as courtship, the choice of a marriage partner, sexual standards of behavior, the norms that guide the wife and husband, parents and children, etc., as well as sanctions for their non-compliance. These values, norms and sanctions are the historically changing form of relations between a man and a woman accepted in a given society, through which they streamline and sanction their sexual life and establish their marital, parental and other related rights and obligations.

At the first stages of the development of society, relations between a man and a woman, older and younger generations were regulated by tribal and tribal customs, which were syncretic norms and patterns of behavior based on religious and moral ideas. With the advent of the state, regulation family life acquired a legal character. Legal registration marriage imposed certain responsibilities not only on spouses, but also on the state that sanctioned their union. From now on, social control and sanctions were carried out not only by public opinion, but also by state bodies.

The main, first function of the family, as follows from the definition of A.G. Kharchev, is reproductive, that is, the biological reproduction of the population in social terms and the satisfaction of the need for children - in personal terms. Along with this main function, the family performs a number of other important social functions:

a) educational - socialization of the younger generation, maintaining the cultural reproduction of society;

b) household - maintaining the physical health of members of society, caring for children and elderly family members;

c) economic - obtaining material resources of some family members for others, economic support minors and disabled members of society;

d) the scope of primary social control - the moral regulation of the behavior of family members in various spheres of life, as well as the regulation of responsibility and obligations in relations between spouses, parents and children, representatives of the older and middle generations;

e) spiritual communication - personal development of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment;

f) social status - granting a certain social status to family members, reproduction social structure;

g) leisure - organization of rational leisure, mutual enrichment of interests;

h) emotional - obtaining psychological protection, emotional support, emotional stabilization of individuals and their psychological therapy.

To understand the family as a social institution, the analysis of role relations in the family is of great importance. The family role is one of the types of social roles of a person in society. Family roles are determined by the place and functions of the individual in the family group and are subdivided primarily into marital (wife, husband), parental (mother, father), children (son, daughter, brother, sister), intergenerational and intragenerational (grandfather, grandmother, elder , junior), etc. The performance of a family role depends on the fulfillment of a number of conditions, primarily on the correct formation of a role image. An individual must clearly understand what it means to be a husband or wife, the eldest in the family or the youngest, what behavior is expected from him, what rules, norms this or that behavior dictates to him. In order to formulate the image of his behavior, the individual must accurately determine his place and the place of others in the role structure of the family. For example, can he play the role of the head of the family, in general

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Social institutions (from the Latin institutum - establishment, institution) are historically established stable forms of organizing the joint activities of people. The term "social institution" is used in a wide variety of meanings. They talk about the institution of the family, the institution of education, health care, the institution of the state, etc. The first, most often used meaning of the term "social institution" is associated with the characteristics of any kind of ordering, formalization and standardization of social relations and relations. And the process of streamlining, formalization and standardization is called institutionalization.

The process of institutionalization includes a number of points: 1) One of the necessary conditions for the emergence of social institutions is the corresponding social need. Institutions are designed to organize the joint activities of people in order to meet certain social needs. Thus, the institution of the family satisfies the need for the reproduction of the human race and the upbringing of children, implements relations between the sexes, generations, etc. The institution of higher education provides training for the workforce, enables a person to develop his abilities in order to realize them in subsequent activities and ensure his own existence, etc. The emergence of certain social needs, as well as the conditions for their satisfaction, are the first necessary moments of institutionalization. 2) A social institution is formed on the basis of social ties, interactions and relationships of specific individuals, individuals, social groups and other communities. But it, like other social systems, cannot be reduced to the sum of these individuals and their interactions. Social institutions are supra-individual in nature, have their own systemic quality. Consequently, a social institution is an independent public entity that has its own logic of development. From this point of view, social institutions can be considered as organized social systems characterized by the stability of the structure, the integration of their elements and a certain variability of their functions.

First of all, it is a system of values, norms, ideals, as well as patterns of activity and behavior of people and other elements of the sociocultural process. This system guarantees similar behavior of people, coordinates and directs certain aspirations into the mainstream, establishes ways to satisfy their needs, resolves conflicts,

arising in the process of everyday life, provides a state of balance and stability within a particular social community and society as a whole. In itself, the presence of these socio-cultural elements does not yet ensure the functioning of a social institution. In order for it to work, it is necessary that they become the property of the inner world of the individual, be internalized by them in the process of socialization, embodied in the form of social roles and statuses. The internalization by individuals of all sociocultural elements, the formation on their basis of a system of personality needs, value orientations and expectations is the second most important element of institutionalization. 3) The third most important element of institutionalization is the organizational design of a social institution. Outwardly, a social institution is a collection of individuals, institutions, equipped with certain material resources and performing a certain social function. Thus, an institution of higher education consists of a certain set of persons: teachers, attendants, officials who operate within the framework of institutions such as universities, the ministry or the State Committee for Higher Education, etc., who for their activities have certain material assets (buildings , finance, etc.).

So, each social institution is characterized by the presence of the goal of its activity, specific functions that ensure the achievement of such a goal, a set of social positions and roles typical for this institution. Based on the foregoing, we can give the following definition of a social institution. Social institutions are organized associations of people performing certain socially significant functions, ensuring the joint achievement of goals based on the social roles performed by members, set by social values, norms and patterns of behavior.

27. Social institutions as elements of the social structure of society.

The concept of a social institution is one of the main ones in sociology. There are even attempts to define sociology as the science of social institutions. Thanks to the interpretation of this concept in sociology, a special institutional approach has been developed.

The Concise Dictionary of Sociology states that the term "institution" is of Latin origin and in literal translation in relation to the ancient era means establishment, institution. Today, a social institution means historically established, stable forms of organizing joint activities of people and is used in a wide variety of meanings. The social institution is the main component of the social structure, integrating and coordinating many individual actions of people, streamlining social relations in the most important areas of public life.

A social institution is an organized system of connections and social norms that combines significant social values ​​and procedures that satisfy the basic needs of society.

A social institution is a role-playing system, which also includes norms and statuses, a set of customs, traditions and rules of conduct; formal and informal organization; a set of norms and institutions that regulate a certain area of ​​social relations; separate set of social activities.

Thus, the totality of relationships and systems of behavior that is useful to society finds the most complete expression in social institutions. It is known that essential condition existence of mankind is the constant reproduction of material wealth. It is social institutions that help to implement it purposefully and effectively. Here is the socialization of the younger generation, and the modernization of society, and its protection from external and internal enemies. Therefore, the importance of social institutions can hardly be overestimated. One thing, and perhaps the most important thing, can be unambiguously said - without them, humanity simply cannot exist in a civilized way. Moreover, the presence of social institutions, the degree of their development and efficiency of functioning is an indicator of the level of civilization of the era. Therefore, the concept of "social institution" in sociology occupies one of the central and extremely significant places.

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A social institution is an organized system of connections and social norms that combines significant social values ​​and procedures that meet the basic needs of society. Any function

As for the sociological definition of religion, the above reasoning gives reason to attribute it to one of the main components of the cultural system,

Social institutions - these are historically established stable forms of organizing joint activities of people.

The most commonly used meaning of the term "social institution" is associated with the characteristics of any kind of ordering, formalization and standardization of social ties and relations.

social institution - a stable set of rules, norms, guidelines that regulate various areas human activity and organizing their system of social roles and statuses.

The process of ordering, formalization and standardization is called institutionalization .

Stages of institutionalization:

1. The emergence of needs, the satisfaction of which requires joint organized action

2. Formation of common ideas

3. The emergence of social norms and rules in the course of spontaneous social interaction carried out by trial and error

4. Emergence of procedures related to the implementation of rules and regulations

5. Institutionalization of norms, rules and procedures (adoption, consolidation, practical application)

6. Establishing systems of sanctions to maintain norms and rules; differentiation of their application in specific cases

7. Material and symbolic design of the emergence of institutional systems.

The process of institutionalization includes a number of points:

1. One of the necessary conditions for the emergence of social institutions is the corresponding social need.. Institutions are designed to organize the joint activities of people in order to meet certain social needs. The emergence of certain social needs, as well as the conditions for their satisfaction, are the first necessary moments of institutionalization.

The variety of institutions corresponds to the variety of human needs:

a) The need for the production of products and services

b) The need for the distribution of goods and privileges

c) The need for security, protection of life and well-being

d) The need for social control behind the behavior of human society

e) The need for communication

f) The need for collectivism in collective action, but in a certain situation.

2. A social institution is formed on the basis of social ties, interactions and relationships of specific individuals, individuals, social groups and other communities.. But it, like other social systems, cannot be reduced to the sum of these individuals and their interactions.

Social institutions are supra-individual character, have their own systemic quality. Hence, social institution is an independent public entity, which has its own logic of development. From this point of view social institutions can be considered as organized social systems characterized by the stability of the structure, the integration of their elements and a certain variability of their functions.

These systems consist of a number of basic elements that are seen in the system of values, norms, ideals, as well as patterns of activity and behavior of people and other elements of the sociocultural process.

This system guarantees similar behavior of people, coordinates and directs their certain aspirations, establishes ways to satisfy their needs, resolves conflicts that arise in the process of everyday life, provides a state of balance and stability within a particular social community and society as a whole.

In itself, the presence of these socio-cultural elements does not yet ensure the functioning of a social institution. For it to work necessary:

a) For these elements to become the property of the inner world of the individual, to be internalized by them in the process of socialization, to be embodied in the form of social roles and statuses.

b) The internalization by individuals of all sociocultural elements, the formation on their basis of a system of personality needs, value orientations and expectations is the second most important element of institutionalization.

3. Organizational design of a social institution .

Externally social institution - a set of persons, institutions equipped with certain material resources and performing a certain social function.

Each public sphere has its own social institution:

Economic sphere - bank, stock exchange

Political sphere - parties, power

Spiritual sphere - culture, religion, education

Each social institution is characterized by the presence of a goal of its activity, specific functions that ensure the achievement of such a goal, a set of social positions and roles typical for this institution..

Social institutions - these are organized associations of people performing certain socially significant functions, ensuring the joint achievement of goals based on the social roles performed by members, set by social values, norms and patterns of behavior.

The more complex the society, the more developed the system of social institutions.

The history of social institutions, their evolution is subject to the following laws: from institutions traditional society based on the rules of conduct prescribed by rituals and customs and family ties, to modern institutions based on achievement goals, on the basis of competence, independence, personal responsibility, rationality and relatively independent of moral precepts.

problem for modern society is contradiction between the institutional complexes of the state, some of which tend to professional activity, which inevitably entails a certain closeness and inaccessibility to others, with other institutions which act as a direct channel for the open expression of the interests of a wide variety of groups in society.

The problem of the interaction of social institutions arises if the system of norms inherent in one institution begins to invade other areas of social life in which other institutions previously functioned. The result may be the disorganization of public life, the growing social tension and even the destruction of any of the institutions.

Changes in social institutions can be caused by internal and external causes.

Internal causes most often associated with a change in cultural orientation in the development of society, with a change in spiritual and moral ideas, which leads to a crisis.

External causes - the inefficiency of social institutions, the contradiction between existing institutions and social motivation.

Social institutions (from lat. institutum - establishment, institution) - these are historically established stable forms of organizing joint activities of people.

The term "social institution" is used in a wide variety of meanings. They talk about the institution of the family, the institution of education, health care, the institution of the state, etc. The first, most often used meaning of the term "social institution" is associated with the characteristic of any kind of ordering, formalization and standardization of social relations and relations. And the process of streamlining, formalization and standardization is called institutionalization.

The process of institutionalization includes a number of points. One of the necessary conditions for the emergence of social institutions is the corresponding social need. Institutions are designed to organize the joint activities of people in order to meet certain social needs. Thus, the institution of the family satisfies the need for the reproduction of the human race and the upbringing of children, implements relations between the sexes, generations, etc.

The institution of higher education provides training for the workforce, enables a person to develop his abilities in order to realize them in subsequent activities and ensure his existence, etc. The emergence of certain social needs, as well as the conditions for their satisfaction, are the first necessary moments of institutionalization. A social institution is formed on the basis of social ties, interactions and relationships of specific individuals, individuals, social groups and other communities. But it, like other social systems, must not be reduced to the sum of these individuals and their interactions. Social institutions are supra-individual in nature, have their own systemic quality.

Consequently, a social institution is an independent public entity that has its own logic of development. From this point of view, social institutions can be considered as organized social systems characterized by the stability of the structure, the integration of their elements and a certain variability of their functions.

First of all, it is a system of values, norms, ideals, as well as patterns of activity and behavior of people and other elements of the sociocultural process. This system guarantees similar behavior of people, coordinates and directs their certain aspirations, establishes ways to satisfy their needs, resolves conflicts that arise in the process of everyday life, provides a state of balance and stability within any social community and society as a whole.

The concept of a social institution, its elements, features. The process of institutionalization - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "The concept of a social institution, its elements, signs. The process of institutionalization" 2015, 2017-2018.

The first, most commonly used meaning of the term "social institution" is associated with the characteristics of any kind of ordering, formalization and standardization of social ties and relations. And the process of streamlining, formalization and standardization is called institutionalization.

The process of institutionalization includes a number of points.

§ One of the necessary conditions for the emergence of social institutions is the corresponding social need. Institutions are designed to organize the joint activities of people in order to meet certain social needs. Thus, the institution of the family satisfies the need for the reproduction of the human race and the upbringing of children, implements relations between the sexes, generations, etc. The institution of higher education provides training for the workforce, enables a person to develop his abilities in order to realize them in subsequent activities and ensure his own existence, etc. The emergence of certain social needs, as well as the conditions for their satisfaction, are the first necessary moments of institutionalization.

§ A social institution is formed on the basis of social ties, interactions and relationships of specific individuals, individuals, social groups and other communities. But it, like other social systems, cannot be reduced to the sum of these individuals and their interactions. Social institutions are supra-individual in nature, have their own systemic quality. Consequently, a social institution is an independent public entity that has its own logic of development. From this point of view, social institutions can be considered as organized social systems characterized by the stability of the structure, the integration of their elements and a certain variability of their functions.

First of all, we are talking about a system of values, norms, ideals, as well as patterns of activity and behavior of people and other elements of the sociocultural process. This system guarantees similar behavior of people, coordinates and directs their certain aspirations, establishes ways to satisfy their needs, resolves conflicts that arise in the process of everyday life, provides a state of balance and stability within a particular social community and society as a whole.

In itself, the presence of these socio-cultural elements does not yet ensure the functioning of a social institution. In order for it to work, it is necessary that they become the property of the inner world of the individual, be internalized by them in the process of socialization, embodied in the form of social roles and statuses. The internalization by individuals of all sociocultural elements, the formation on their basis of a system of personality needs, value orientations and expectations is the second most important element of institutionalization.

§ The third most important element of institutionalization is the organizational design of a social institution. Outwardly, a social institution is a collection of persons, institutions, equipped with certain material resources and performing a certain social function. Thus, an institution of higher education consists of a certain set of persons: teachers, attendants, officials who operate within institutions such as universities, the ministry or the State Committee for Higher Education, etc., who for their activities have certain material assets (buildings , finance, etc.).

Thus, each social institution is characterized by the presence of a goal of its activity, specific functions that ensure the achievement of such a goal, a set of social positions and roles typical for this institution. Based on the foregoing, we can give the following definition of a social institution. Social institutions are organized associations of people performing certain socially significant functions, ensuring the joint achievement of goals based on the social roles performed by members, set by social values, norms and patterns of behavior.
