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Business plan for a fish smoking shop. "Delicious" business: how to open a smokehouse. Choosing a delivery channel

Artem Shavelsky


Organizing a turnkey smoking shop is a task that novice businessmen can do. Smoked fish and meat products have always been in demand among consumers. If you fix own production in compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards and withstand the technology of preparing smoked meats, then, despite the competition, it is possible to produce products that will take their rightful place in the market. With the right approach to business, investments in a smoking shop will pay for themselves in 10-15 months.

A workshop for the production of smoked products and ordinary home-made outdoor smokehouses differ not only in their scale, but the necessary requirements for the premises must be met.

When renting space for a business, it must be taken into account that the workshop is connected to the central water supply networks, sewerage, there is access to a three-phase electrical network. Provide a storage area for sawdust.

The smoking shop, according to the rules, cannot be closer than 300 meters to residential buildings. Required minimum size- 100 square meters. The temperature inside the workshop should be maintained within 16-20 degrees above zero.

The task will become more complicated if it is decided to smoke meat and fish at the same time, since separate rooms must be allocated for them in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

It should be borne in mind that in order to open a legal business, it will be necessary to collect documents from various licensing authorities, such as the SES and the fire department.

Workshop zoning

The smoking shop provides for working areas where the following technological processes will take place:

  • defrosting of raw materials;
  • cutting and salting products;
  • main production area (where the main equipment will be located);
  • refrigerated warehouse;
  • packaging processing (storage and drying);
  • warehouse for consumables.

In addition, when creating a do-it-yourself smokehouse, you need to allocate a room for a clean, spacious, dry utility room for workers.

Refrigeration compartment

The refrigerated warehouse is equipped with professional refrigeration equipment, which has a freezing function.

The peculiarity of the refrigeration room is that there are two doors leading to it - one to the salting workshop, raw materials are supplied there, and the second door to the main production area to pick up smoked products.

In the refrigerator compartment, the temperature is maintained no more than 0 degrees - this is the optimal temperature regime for the safety of finished products. With hot smoking, temperatures up to +2 degrees are allowed. The operating temperature in freezers for meat or fish is about 18 degrees below zero.

Equipment and necessary inventory

Equipment for the smoking shop is selected taking into account the declared capacity and possible financial investments.

To imagine the scale of smoking, you need to focus on the fact that the main equipment of the smoking shop is of low power, designed for a simultaneous laying of 100 kg. products, will smoke products for one and a half hours with an energy consumption of 0.6 kWh.

Usually in a small business they start with 200-350 kg per day.

There is a necessary minimum inventory, as well as additional equipment:

  • containers for washing products;
  • shelves for defrosting;
  • cutting tables;
  • stainless steel hooks on which meat is hung;
  • various knives;
  • Packaging equipment;
  • overalls and footwear for workers;
  • sets of skewers and frames for meat.

In addition, you will need an injector for hot smoked meat and various small things: sharpeners, measuring containers, containers for exporting products. This is an indicative list. For meat and fish, the set is different.

How to arrange smoking in a mini-workshop

The production process can be divided into separate stages:

  • purchase of products for smoking;
  • placement of raw materials in the refrigeration compartment;
  • defrosting products and preparing for salting;
  • salting process;
  • preparatory work before smoking;
  • smoking;
  • stabilization process;
  • packaging of finished products;
  • shipment of finished goods.

If we are talking about a workshop where a mini fish smoking production is organized, you need to find a conscientious supplier in order to be sure of the freshness of the raw materials.

The technology of smoking in a mini-workshop is no different from the technology in industrial productions except for the scale. In preparation for smoking, the meat is thawed and heated to 180 degrees. Then they wash it, wait half an hour for excess moisture to drain from it and place it in brine. After a certain period of time, the meat is taken out, dried in special equipment and placed in a smoking cabinet.

Smoking production is an excellent launching pad for business development. With the right approach to business, its profitability exceeds 50%. The range of such production can be fish and meat products.

The main sales markets are local retail chains. Products have a steady demand and can be produced for various market segments. The range of the price niche of smoked products ranges from economy class to premium class. Many smoked products have short time shelf life, which can be significantly extended using special packaging.

Smoking and cooking chamber

The organization of production does not require premises with a large area. You can start a business by renting commercial real estate. This significantly reduces the cost of organizing a business. The room intended for the smokehouse should be located at a distance from residential buildings and have:

  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • ventilation;
  • heating.

Industrially produced smokehouses can run on solid fuel, gas and electricity. Each entrepreneur chooses equipment based on the available heating option. The required power of electricity for the organization of the work of smoking production is calculated based on the normalized consumption of the equipment selected for it.

The current food control system in the country provides for meat and fish products procedure for mandatory declaration of quality and safety. It is carried out at the stage of production start-up.

TOturnkey optical shop

Installation of smoking production and its debugging in a prepared room takes 3-4 days. This is just part of the job. The duration of the production start-up process takes much longer and is associated with a number of subtleties that are known only to specialists. From the idea to produce smoked products to its release, a lot of work needs to be done, which includes:

  • Room selection.
  • Creation of a business plan.
  • Registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
  • Selection and purchase of equipment.
  • Room renovation.
  • Preparation of technical and technological documentation to the range planned for release and much more.

Smoking shop

The fastest way to enter the business is to buy ready business Full construction. The big advantage of this method is the saving of effort, time and Money to the organization of production. The shorter the start-up period of production, the less money is spent on it.

Smoke shop equipment

The choice of equipment for production depends on various factors. One of the main ones is the range of products planned for release and its daily output. After determining the planned production capacity, a technological scheme for manufacturing products is selected. For example, in the production of smoked fish, three technological schemes of production can be used:

  • traditional;
  • with painting fish with a smoke solution;
  • accelerated.

The traditional method of smoking fish takes 48 hours and is not used in modern mini-smoking workshops. With this production technology, weight loss of fish is up to 30%. The products prepared using accelerated technology lose the least weight.

Preparing fish for drying

A selection of equipment is made after a smokehouse is selected. This is the main type of equipment. All other equipment and inventory must ensure its full load.


Industrially produced smokehouses can be used for hot and cold cooking. These technologies are fundamentally different in the way they affect the product. Low-fat products are best suited for hot smoking. The duration of the smoking process takes with this method of production from several hours to a day. The product is prepared under the influence of hot smoke, the temperature of which is + 35-150 ° C.

The process of cold smoking can last from 10 hours to 3 days. The product is prepared at a smoke temperature of +15-25°C. There is an intermediate stage of smoking, which is called semi-hot smoking. It is carried out at a temperature of + 50-60 ° C.

Chambers of industrial smokehouses are adapted to work in such modes as smoking, drying, boiling and frying. All equipment has automatic controls that monitor the temperature of the chamber and the product, the cooking time and the level of humidity. For smoking fish, meat, lard or cheese, not only smokehouses can be used as the main equipment. It can be:

  • thermal chambers and thermal cabinets;
  • smoking ovens.

Each type of equipment has its own specifications. For hot smoking, you can use KVGK thermal smoke chambers. This equipment Russian manufacturers, which has several options.

Smoking chamber BV

Technical characteristics of KVGK cameras


KTOMI chambers are intended for cold smoking. Such equipment is equipped with smoke generators designed to cool the smoke sent to the heat chambers for smoking. Universal smokehouses include KTDU. Such equipment is used for hot and cold smoking. You can cook in them not only fish, but also meat products. KTDU is also used for drying fish. Refrigeration units are built into the smoking chamber of the universal equipment. They can work in 5 main modes:

  • drying;
  • cooking;
  • roasting;
  • hot smoked;
  • cold smoking.

Wood chips are used in the smoking process. Alder, oak, cherry and pear are best suited for smoking.

Additional equipment for smoke production

The equipment used in any food enterprise is divided into: main, additional and auxiliary. It ensures the continuity of the technological chain of production. You can not do in the process of producing finished products without special equipment. All additional equipment is divided into large groups.

Refrigeration equipment

In smoking shops, refrigeration equipment is used to store raw materials and finished products. According to the current sanitary standards It is strictly forbidden to store finished products and raw materials in the same refrigerator. It is possible to use any variants of refrigerators and freezers capable of maintaining the required temperature parameters in smoking shops.


Refrigeration chambers are installed in the warehouse of finished products, maintaining temperatures in the range from 0°С to +15°С. Raw materials are stored at temperatures from -15°C to -25°C.

Carts and containers

They are used for the transportation of raw materials and finished products, as well as for loading smoking chambers.


Industrial knives are different from regular kitchen knives. The productivity of labor depends on their quality. When choosing a product, pay attention to the quality of steel and the execution of the handle. An incorrectly selected knife can cause serious work injuries.


In smoking production floor and table scales are used. Electronic scales with thermal label printing are perfect for equipping a warehouse for finished products. This type of equipment requires constant checking of weighing accuracy.

Container for salting and washing raw materials

When choosing this type of equipment Special attention given to its surface. It must be resistant to aggressive environments and easily accessible for sanitation.

Washing for raw materials Cutting table

Cleaning and processing of containers for salting and washing of raw materials is carried out before placing each new batch into it. The most suitable products for these purposes are made of plastic and stainless steel. For salting meat and poultry, only stainless steel baskets and vats are used.

Auxiliary equipment

Auxiliary equipment includes devices that facilitate certain technological processes. It includes:

  • Thermal packers. Used for packing packaged products in thermal film. This type of packaging of finished products can significantly extend the shelf life of products.
  • Ice makers. Used in the salting process.
  • Machines for shredding and cutting finished products.

Food products are almost a goldmine for entrepreneurs of all stripes, as demand for them almost never falls. Of course, for a stable profit, the production of smoked meats must be carefully organized. Much depends on the administrative side in this matter, and therefore we will consider a fairly simple but informative business plan, as well as provide basic information about this production.

Why smoked meats?

The cost of quality and natural food is almost constantly rising, and therefore you do not have to worry about poor profitability of production. In addition, historically in our country it has developed so that enterprises Agriculture very rarely work on the principle of a full cycle. Simply put, they only raise animals or poultry, preferring to sell finished products to processors.

In a word, if there is a pig farm or a poultry farm nearby, you will be provided with raw materials in abundance. However, it is still better to focus on poultry farms, since the reproduction time is much shorter there, and finished raw materials will be supplied constantly.

Pork, on the other hand, (especially from small farms) will be supplied only seasonally. Thus, your production of smoked meats will greatly depend on the specifics of this particular livestock industry.

Do not forget that high-quality smoked products are stored for a long time, without requiring as much freezing equipment as in the case of frozen meat. Of course, such delicacies will tear off all local retail chains with your hands.

Another huge advantage is that the market for smoked products is not oversaturated, and the number of famous players on it can be counted on the fingers. Thus, the production of smoked meats is great idea for development own business.

Production technology and equipment

First you have to decide what kind of raw material you need to use. For example, the same wings are somewhat cheaper than the hips, but they diverge no worse. Accordingly, it is very profitable to smoke them. With pork, the situation is a little less obvious: of course, smoked ribs are excellent buyers, but bacon, which is made using this technology, is in no less demand.

Decide whether you will purchase raw materials already cleaned or whether you prefer to buy animals by live weight. In the first case, you do not have to install a bunch of additional equipment, which will save you a lot of money. If you do not particularly delve into the situation, then such a production of smoked meats seems to be more profitable.

If you look at the situation more broadly, then a cleaned beaten bird costs several times more than non-gutted carcasses. So, if you want to organize a large production with a wide range of products, you still have to go for these expenses.

For start-up entrepreneurs, an intermediate option can be advised, when a certain amount is included in the cost of production, which will allow you to save at least part of the funds that are needed to purchase the required equipment.

Please note that when plucking a bird on its own, a bunch of by-products are formed. For the same pen, there is currently a fairly steady demand, not to mention offal. In smoked form, even chicken stomachs go with a bang, so over time you will seriously win in money.

Approximate technical information

Let's look at both types of production so that you can better navigate the future needs of your own business. So, if you need to buy uncleaned carcasses of a broken bird, you can not do without buying a special machine for cleaning them from feathers. Remember that the technology of smoking meat in production provides for the maximum possible purification of raw materials.

The "scientific" name for such equipment is a defeathering machine. Its cost is from 100 thousand rubles.

Judging by foreign catalogs, such equipment is sold there for about 2.5-3 thousand dollars. The best copies reach up to 150 thousand rubles.

An equally important unit is designed to clean the legs of a slaughtered bird. This equipment can be purchased for about 120-130 thousand rubles.

Evisceration and other processing steps

At the next stage, the stomachs are removed from the birds, they are washed. All the necessary equipment can be purchased for about 230-250 thousand rubles. We recommend buying multifunctional equipment, as it is more compact and cheaper.

In case you decide to sell a completely butchered bird, you will need a cuticle remover. Its cost is also about 100 thousand rubles, or three thousand dollars.

Next comes the machine for cutting the paws, the cost of which is also a little more than 100 thousand rubles. Foreign manufacturers sell it for about 2800 euros. But a fully automatic line for cutting and processing carcasses will cost you more than 3 million rubles.

Note that this equipment will have to be purchased even if your production is aimed at using already gutted carcasses.


Only after complete cleaning, products can be sent to smokehouses. Their range is huge, but the main difference is the maximum possible volume of simultaneously loaded raw materials. However, not every technology for smoking meat in production involves maximum loading volumes. The fact is that this is fraught with poor processing of raw materials.

If we talk about domestic producers, then in their assortment there are smokehouses with a load of 50 kg to one ton of meat. Moreover, a 50 kg unit will cost you about 60 thousand rubles, while the cost of the largest smokehouse is in the range of 550-600 thousand.

Quite expensive are samples of such equipment, equipped with freezing equipment, for the rapid cooling of finished smoked meats. So, the simplest thermal smoke chambers for small businesses for 50 kg in this case will already cost more than 100 thousand rubles.

You can save on manufacturing technology. There are models made of stainless steel, and there are those in which only the working surfaces are made of it. Of course, smokehouses made only from stainless steel will cost more. However, they are easier to care for, and they have a longer service life.

But you shouldn’t focus too much on this: as a rule, manufacturers are responsible for protecting work areas, and therefore even combined cameras have good longevity.

This is especially true when chicken is smoked in a smokehouse using hardwood fuel.

Secondly, the difference in cost (when compared with conventional equipment) is not so great: for large smokehouses it is about 60 thousand rubles, while a car with a 50 kg bunker equipped with a sink can be bought only 10 thousand more expensive than its own. less functional counterpart.

Smoking technology

And now let's briefly consider the smoking process itself. There are two technologies: hot and cold smoking. The preparatory processes are the same: the carcasses are cleaned and gutted, washed, and then placed in salting baths. Of course, when buying ready-made carcasses, they only need to be salted. The concentration of salt and spices depends on the selected specifications and the specific recipe. After that, the meat goes to smoking.

If you practice cold smoking, then the process will take at least three days. The smoke temperature does not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. The resulting products are distinguished by excellent taste and very long shelf life.

With hot smoking, the temperature of the smoke in some cases approaches 70-80 degrees Celsius. The product is ready in three to four hours. As a rule, the shelf life is short. However, if you decide to organize small production in the garage, then this technology is optimal (less cost).

Organizational matters

In the case of smoked meats, various regulatory documents play a special role. And here the features of the domestic market of food products are manifested: since there is still no single Federal Law (which should recently replace GOST) for products of this type, each entrepreneur must independently develop specifications for smoked meats.

However, you can produce smoked products according to TI ( technological instructions). This will add to your credibility in the eyes of the inspection authorities and consumers, since in this case the products are manufactured according to well-defined regulations. Of course, in this case, smoking chicken in a smokehouse will be more expensive, but the trust of buyers will more than compensate for all losses.

You need to coordinate your creations with the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor and the Center for Standardization and Metrology.

How to develop them?

Here you have complete freedom of creativity: you can develop the regulations yourself, but it would still be better to contact a specialized company. Please note that when using the original recipe from the manufacturer from whom you purchased the equipment for the production of smoked meats, you can buy the corresponding specifications from him.

SES requirements

The premises must necessarily comply with SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations Catering, production and turnover in them food products and food raw materials. What does it mean?

This means that the workshop must be equipped without fail the following types engineering communications: electricity supply, cold and hot water, a normal sewerage system. A forced ventilation system is required.

If you work with frozen raw materials, then you have to fulfill several other requirements. In particular, freezers should be equipped with drains for liquids, as well as located away from the production premises. In addition, in the case of the purchase of already slaughtered and non-gutted poultry, each technological stage should also be carried out in a separate workshop.

If the climate and the layout of the territory allow, then smoking installations can generally be located in the open air, protecting them from precipitation with the help of conventional sheds.


It is believed that an enterprise producing up to six tons of smoked meats per day requires approximately eight workers. It is obligatory to have a food production technologist for each (!) workflow. All chicken smoking technologies require the exact dosage of the necessary components, so you cannot trust all this to ordinary employees.

All other workers may not be qualified. Fund wages calculated based on the average wage in the region. Don't forget that up to 34% is spent on payments to social funds today.


Oddly enough, but it is very difficult to estimate the profitability. The range of products is very large, and its cost varies greatly. It is believed that the average profitability of the production of smoked meats is within 25%. If you have a reliable sales market, and you produce some kind of smoked guinea fowl, then the profitability of the business can exceed 250-300%.

1. A single cold store for raw materials and finished products

Area: 24 m2
Temperature in the chamber: -7С°

Technology Description:

The chamber is conditionally divided into two parts. The first part (upper) is used to store raw materials (frozen or fresh meat or fish). The second part (lower) is for finished products.

It's important to know:
1. Meat and fish cannot be stored in the same refrigerator!
2. Raw materials at a temperature of -7C ° can be stored for no more than 2 weeks, respectively, in the warehouse should
a stock is kept for two weeks, and batches are kept for spending the raw materials that came first.
3. The refrigerating chamber may not be part of the premises and be mounted outdoors under a canopy.

2. Room for salting, cutting and smoking

Area: 27 m2

Drainage ladder required Wastewater in room.

Technology Description: In this room, the raw materials are cut, washed and salted. Then it is strung on skewers or laid out on grills (for fillet or for meat that is smoked in a horizontal position). Skewers or grates with products are placed on the stand, hung in the room for 30 minutes, after which it is moved to the drying chamber for drying before smoking.

3. Room for smoking

Area: 27 m2
Room temperature: 18-20C°
Humidity: not higher than 60%
The room must be equipped with ventilation, as well as a chimney with a diameter of 110 mm for Izhitsa-GK.

Technology Description: After drying, the crate with the semi-finished product is moved to the smokehouse for hot
(Izhitsa-GK) or cold smoked (Izhitsa-1200M2). After smoking, the products are hung for
stabilization of the color (golden color) of the smoked product, after which the crate on the trolley moves to
packing table.

The total maximum energy consumption of the workshop - 25 kW.
Workshop productivity - up to 600 kg. finished products per day.

The smoking shop is a business that has a profitability of more than 50%. The products of small workshops are especially popular, because they produce products exclusively from fresh raw materials. Their direct competitors are large enterprises for meat processing, usually use raw materials that have an expiration date. This affects the taste of the product and, accordingly, the demand.

As a rule, a mini-smoking workshop begins its activities with poultry meat. It is easier to process, so you can master all the subtleties of production technology on it. But even on poultry, you can offer a wide range of products. These are smoked breasts, wings, thighs, legs and whole carcasses.

Market research

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to open a mini-workshop in a highly competitive environment. Therefore, before registering an enterprise, study the work of all large and small enterprises, not only in your area, but also in nearby areas. Each of the market participants has its own distribution channels. So, large production usually sells its products to retail chains, supermarkets or sells through its own branded stores. Small companies rent places in the markets or sell products to small shops in the sleeping areas of the city. Medium-sized businesses can use all of these options.

Analyzing competitors, it is necessary to study the range of products, their quality and the level of prices at which they are sold. Based on this, you can determine what exactly your mini-workshop can win in competition. Your most important advantage is that you can open a workshop at the lowest cost. You do not need a large staff and large expensive equipment.

Business registration

To open a mini-workshop, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur, or as a legal entity. Which specific form to choose depends on the scale for which your business is designed. If you are planning small production, whose products will be sold in markets or in small stores, can be issued as individual entrepreneur. It will take no more than five working days and only 800 rubles. state duty.

If you immediately focus on large deliveries, it is advisable to register entity. Please note that in order for the business to operate legally and in accordance with all the rules, you will need to have the appropriate permits from the SES and other authorities. So, when purchasing raw materials in bulk, it is imperative to take a veterinary certificate and a certificate for each batch of meat from suppliers. Finished products must also be certified.

Total organization manufacturing enterprise will take no more than 15 days:

Room search

Since starting a business from scratch is a rather risky business, you should not immediately purchase a property if you do not have your own. To begin with, you can rent the necessary space and only if the business begins to develop, buy a room. Usually, in this case, entrepreneurs are already ready to expand production.

In the case of renting premises, the business plan should provide for the signing of an appropriate contract. It should include the following provisions:

  • lease term indicating the year, month and day of the beginning and end of the contract;
  • obligations of the landlord;
  • obligations and rights of the tenant;
  • terms and amount of payment for rent;
  • terms and amount of calculation of operating payments;
  • terms of termination and termination of the contract.

It is important to take into account all the nuances of the relationship in the contract, since in the event of a conflict it will not be possible to quickly move out of the premises due to the overall equipment.

Zoning of the premises

Even a mini-production should be divided into several separate rooms where each stage of production will take place. In accordance with technological processes The floor plan should include the following areas:

  • defrosting of raw materials;
  • cutting of raw materials;
  • actual production;
  • packaging of finished products;
  • refrigerated warehouse for storage of products;
  • container processing;
  • its drying and storage;
  • storage of consumables;
  • storage of packaging and other materials.

Requirements for the premises

There are no special requirements for the location of the workshop, so you can choose it based on the pricing policy of the landlords. But it is desirable that it be located close to the intended sales outlets - this will significantly save on logistics costs. True, there is one requirement - the workshop should be located no closer than 300 meters to residential buildings. Its minimum area is 100 sq. m. The temperature in the room should be 16-20 o C.

Another issue is the requirements for the premises from the licensing authorities. It is best to equip a mini-workshop on the basis of former canteens, since they have already been built in accordance with SES standards for food production:

  • cold and hot water supply;
  • ventilation;
  • sewer drains;
  • container washing system;
  • smoke traps;
  • conditioning;
  • heating.

In addition, in the workshop, one and a half meters from the floor, the walls should be tiled, and higher up to the ceiling they should be painted with oil paint. Tiles should also be laid on the floor, and bactericidal lamps should be hung on the ceiling or walls.

A fire shield must be located within a radius of five meters from the main equipment. It is necessary to fix a powder and foam fire extinguisher on it.

Briefly about technology

Business largely depends on the quality of the raw materials used. Therefore, it is important to find good suppliers. To begin with, it is recommended to purchase a small trial batch of goods and test it on:

  • meat dimension;
  • percentage of marriage;
  • quality.

Raw materials sorted by type are purchased in plastic boxes, accompanied by all necessary documentation signed by the director of the supplier company. Be sure to weigh the raw materials upon receipt.

Then the production plan provides for the washing of raw materials. At the same time, a brine is prepared for further processing, which is poured into the injector. After washing, the raw materials are hung on the hooks of a special smoking frame, which is placed in the smoking chamber.

The smoking itself is carried out using beech or juniper chips - about 1.5 kg per 100 kg of meat. Upon completion of smoking finished products packed and sent to the refrigerator, to the warehouse or for sale.

The main equipment of the smoke shop

First of all, the mini-production business plan should provide for the purchase of a smoking chamber. As a rule, small-scale production starts with the production of 250-300 kg per day, gradually expanding to 8-10 tons. In the latter case, a production line is purchased, consisting of several installations. There are many manufacturers on the market in various price categories, so you can choose equipment for any budget.

When calculating production, one should be guided by the fact that a small-capacity equipment of 100 kg of meat smokes for at least one and a half hours. Such smokehouses weigh up to 120 kg and consume 0.6 kW / h. Please note that the electrical network in the room must be industrial.

In general, the production business plan should provide for the purchase of such equipment:

Additional equipment and materials

Be sure to include in the business plan the purchase of additional equipment:

  • washing baths for each type of raw material;
  • defrosting racks;
  • cutting table;
  • brine containers;
  • stainless steel meat hooks;
  • knives;
  • vacuum packaging equipment;
  • shoes and aprons for the staff for the daily shift.

Smoking occurs due to smoke, the source of which, as already mentioned, is wood chips. Its optimal consumption is 1 m3/hour.

Enterprise employees

It is believed that the smoking business can be implemented in the format of a family business. Therefore, for a year or two, a regular plan can not be formed by involving family members in the work. For the workshop, two or three workers are enough, who will be directly involved in production. You will also need an accountant, who can not be hired, but can be contacted during the reporting periods. Also, one person should be engaged in the search for suppliers and distribution channels for products. It can also perform the functions of delivering raw materials and goods.

The financial side of the issue

The cost plan will primarily consist of renting premises for production. The amount of rent depends on the city and its area. On average, you have to pay at least 300 rubles per square meter. About another 10 thousand rubles. it is necessary to allocate for renting a car, but the final price also depends on the brand and the level of its depreciation.

A significant item of expenditure, which includes financial plan- Procurement of equipment. You can save money by buying used units. It will cost about 300 thousand rubles. Another 200 thousand will be spent on the purchase of raw materials, utilities, Supplies.

According to specialists' calculations, the daily income plan for the smoking shop will be about 115% of the cost of purchased raw materials. But to get out good income, it is important to establish distribution channels for products. Most often, goods are sold in small shops cities and wholesale food depots.

It is worth paying attention to catering establishments. Their menu often contains dishes of smoked meat and fish, or the product itself, as an independent dish.
