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Open a small sewing factory. How to open a clothing business. Master class: “7 steps to open a sewing business”

There are types of markets that, in any economic situation, always remain stable. This, first of all, refers to the goods that form the basis of human life - shelter, food and clothing. Within the framework of this business project, two determining factors of competitiveness are involved.

  • The first factor is related to the fact that the Russian consumer has gradually begun to increasingly switch their attention from imported fabrics, clothing and household items to domestic ones, especially if they are made from natural fabrics and on individual orders. For the period from 2014 to 2017 the share of imported garments on the Russian market as a whole decreased by almost 10%.
  • The second factor is related to the fact that there are no business groups on the garment market in Russia that can win a monopoly position and dictate their pricing policy. This gives an excellent opportunity to work for a business in various areas of clothing production, finding its buyer. Such a low factor of competition makes it possible for garment production to enter the market with almost any capital.

Also, other factors that play in favor of the clothing business are the fact that new technologies appear and are applied on the market to reduce costs and time to fulfill customer orders. These can be 3D modeling technologies on a computer for clothing styles, home interiors or, for example, bank staff uniforms, online payment for an order, home delivery of goods.

The payback period is 12 months

The initial investment will be 2 950 000 rub

The break-even point is reached at 3 month

Average profit per month 300 000 rub

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the market

To assess the prospects of a business for the production of garments, as well as for adoption management decisions during the implementation of the business plan, information is needed that fully characterizes the sales market. Such information includes, in particular, the following data:

  • Market dynamics, i.e. what is the general trend of the market and what are the prospects for doing business in it in the future.
  • The volume or capacity of the market - what potential market share of clothing products can be expected.
  • The degree of competition in the market in relation to a particular region where the main sales of products will be made.

Market Dynamics. Despite some difficulties in the general development trend of the Russian economy, especially the decline in industrial production in the period from 2012 to 2016, the "light" industry is in a relatively stable upward trend in production growth. Growth rates are still insignificant and are at the level of 5-7% per year. This is already enough to talk about the payback of the business in a maximum of five years. This trend is confirmed by statistical data on the volume of textile production in the country in the graph below.

An important factor that ensures such a stable positive trend is the program state support domestic textile and clothing enterprises. For example, as of 2017, the amount of such support in monetary terms amounted to about 3.03 billion rubles.

At the same time, protectionist measures of the state in relation to imported and counterfeit products in the form of established import customs duties are not taken into account.

Share of domestic fabric manufacturers in the Russian market (%)

The main share is still occupied by imported products, and, first of all, from the countries of the world's leading garment manufacturers such as China, India, Turkey, Southeast Asian countries. Their share in the Russian market is approximately 60%.

Distribution of demand in the Russian market of clothing products by type of product

As for the distribution of demand for domestic garments, the first place is occupied by clothes made of cotton fabric (about 30%), then there is a high demand for domestic bed linen made of linen or cotton (12-15%), then table linen, towels, interior products, curtains - this is about 10%.

Degree of competition. The main players in the Russian market of knitwear and other garments are major importers of clothing from abroad, as well as several major domestic fabric manufacturers. (Ivanovo region, Krasnodar region, Moscow region). The largest concentration of clothing businesses is located in the central regions of the country (more than 50%). In total, about 22,000 companies operate on the Russian market of clothing production, sales, imports, not counting individuals (IEs), who fill their niche in the lower price segment.

Summarizing brief analysis market for garments, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • The garment market is constantly growing, with short-term recessions during periods of economic crises. Using moderate financial policy there is a real chance to get your target rate of return, which in the clothing business is in the range of 20 - 40%.
  • The degree of competition from domestic manufacturers is insignificant - it is distributed among a large number of private sewing workshops and ateliers. There are no large monopoly holdings. The main threat is imported products, which is well leveled by the orientation of the clothing business to the private needs of customers, both individuals and businesses.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

The general scheme for registering a garment production business and its further functioning in the Russian legal field consists of two points:

The first point is related to business registration. The best option at the initial stage is the use of organizational legal form IP. This will allow, on the one hand, to reduce the document flow for maintaining various reports, and on the other hand, to choose the most optimal taxation regime. In this case, the variant of the tax regime was chosen according to the form of the simplified tax system with a 6% tax burden (according to the scheme: "income - expenses").

In addition, when applying for registration, it is mandatory to indicate the main code activities of OKVED- 14.18.2 - "tailoring of textile products, clothing and accessories". You should also include in the registration application such codes as:

  • 14.18.21 - creation of overalls;
  • 14.18.22 - tailoring of outerwear;
  • 14.18.24 - other clothes and accessories.

The total cost of registering a business in the form of an individual entrepreneur is no more than 10 thousand rubles, and in time the whole process takes no more than 3 working days.

In the future, it is necessary to provide for the re-registration of the business scheme in the LLC tax regime. This will enable you to interact more effectively with corporate clients, in particular, by offsetting the input value added tax (VAT).

The second point is related to the fact that you need to issue a package permits, such as:

  • Permission to operate an industrial sewing equipment through Rostekhnadzor.
  • Pass certification of workplaces - Labor Inspectorate (under the administrations of the relevant municipalities).
  • Permit for the operation of industrial and household premises, issued by the bodies of Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and the Ministry of Emergency Situations (State Fire Supervision).

Also, when processing documents for setting up a business, you should obtain permission from local authorities to place production shop on the ground floor of a residential building. This is carried out through the departments (departments) of architecture of municipal administrations and the Housing (Construction) Inspectorate.

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

8. Risk factors

Textile market, i.e. clothing industry is always characterized by high competition. However, in addition to this dominant factor, which can significantly affect the profitability of the clothing business, there is a group of risks that should be given Special attention.

Demand risk. Due to economic and social factors(increase in unemployment, decline in incomes of the population and the corporate sector, inflation, crises) there is a risk that the demand for garments may be reduced. However, as the practice of past crises has shown, the decline in demand for garments occurs only in certain market segments. Therefore, when demand for one type of product falls, it can be replaced by a supply of a product of another type or type. Within a small sewing enterprise, it is much easier and faster to switch to another type of sewing product. This is one of the most effective measures to offset the consequences of falling demand in the market. It is recommended to have in the portfolio of orders at least 3-4 types of manufactured products oriented to different classes of customers.

Since the demand for quality clothing is constantly growing, the garment industry brings a good income to its owners. In order to properly organize such a business, it is necessary to take into account a lot of different nuances. We will talk about how to start sewing production in this article.

Choice of direction

Before you open a garment factory, carefully analyze the market in your area. Thanks to this, you can decide what exactly to sew and for whom. You will have to spend a lot of time on such research, so be patient and look for your gold mine.

The market is constantly changing, so you need to carefully monitor which product demand is greater than supply, as well as which commodity items can be sold at lower prices. Try to use only reliable data for your research, as the success of your enterprise largely depends on this.

If financial opportunities allow you, seek help from specialists who will help you figure out how to open a sewing production from scratch. It is better to spend money at the start than to suffer serious losses in the future.

After that, think about where you can sell the finished product. It could be a clothing store outlet in the market or wholesale buyers. At the same time, we should not forget that sellers also want to receive good profit so offer them products at affordable prices.

The most popular types of sewing production:

  1. Baby clothes;
  2. Bed sheets;
  3. Teenage things;
  4. Clothes for adults.

If you do not have experience in this area, hire a qualified consultant assistant who will calculate the costs and tell you whether to launch this or that product into mass production.

Business registration

Let's figure out step by step how to officially formalize the garment industry as a small business:

  • Registration of a legal or individual. After you decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, as a rule, it is an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you should submit it to tax office package of documents. They will be reviewed within 5 working days, after which you will be informed of the decision of the state authorities. If it is positive, you will be issued a certificate of registration;
  • Print making. For this you will have to spend about 500 rubles. Another 2000 rubles will be needed in order to open a bank account;
  • Registration of permits in the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.

Scheme: sewing production

Selection and arrangement of premises

If you decide to organize a clothing production as a business, first of all you need to find a suitable premises. A small business can be placed on 50-70 sq. meters. This is quite enough to install all the necessary equipment.

It is most convenient to rent a room in an industrial area on the outskirts of the city. In this case, you can find an inexpensive option that meets all technical requirements.

Do not forget that the equipment for sewing production operates on 380V. In addition, certain requirements for the premises may be imposed by the SES and the fire inspection. All this must be taken into account at the start, so as not to redo anything in the process of work.

Workshop equipment

If you are planning to open a garment manufacturing business, the business plan should include the costs of purchasing the following equipment:
  • cutting machine;
  • Overlock;
  • Ironing device;
  • Button machine;
  • cutting knife;
  • tables;
  • Cutting equipment.

Since the technology of sewing production for different products is practically the same, all sewing enterprises are equipped with the same equipment.


The success of the sewing business largely depends on the qualifications of seamstresses and their professionalism. The selection of personnel is a crucial stage, which should be given special attention. Each employee must have some experience in the sewing industry. In addition, seamstresses must be polite towards customers.

If you cannot find qualified employees, hire two professionals who can train new employees. Having received necessary knowledge, they will be able to work no worse than specialists.


The price segment of manufactured products largely depends on the place where you work. If this is a small provincial town, you should not sew an expensive designer clothes. Choose simple affordable models that can be implemented at an affordable price.

The profit of the enterprise can be increased through mass sales. But at the same time, one should not forget about competitors. Before you start production, ask what fabrics they produce products from and at what price they sell it. Thanks to this, you will be able to correctly form an assortment in order to receive good income.

If there are several large enterprises tailoring, it is better to choose another line of activity for yourself. In addition, the financial capabilities of potential buyers should be taken into account. For example, in countryside where people get small salaries, trade expensive things impractical.

Financial calculations

Sewing business, like any other business, requires certain financial investments. You need to allocate 250 thousand rubles for the purchase of equipment. Another 50 thousand rubles will be needed for fabric and consumables. In addition, you need to pay for the rent of the premises and pay salaries to employees.

Experienced businessmen advise not to save on the purchase of equipment and fabrics, since the goods Low quality may remain unclaimed, and you will incur serious losses. It is better to buy consumables from regular trusted suppliers.

You can organize such a business with minimal investment. If you have never done sewing, you should not immediately risk a large sum. Rent a small space, buy used equipment, and get to work. When the business begins to develop, you can rent a more spacious room and re-equip the enterprise with expensive sewing machines.


Everyone knows that without advertising it is impossible to succeed in any kind of business. Therefore, you should make sure that the advertising campaign is organized at a high level. Thanks to this, potential customers will quickly learn about your products.

In order for the sewing business to bring a good income, you need to produce a quality product that will be in demand among consumers. Don't leave a single detail unattended as it can have a devastating impact on your business.

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Sales of finished products

Many aspiring entrepreneurs make a serious mistake at the start. When compiling a business plan for the garment industry, they forget to include a sales item in it. finished products. A person spends money on the purchase of equipment, consumables and salaries for seamstresses, and the finished product lies unclaimed in the warehouse and, accordingly, does not bring any profit. As a result, the entrepreneur is forced to take out loans in order to pay salaries and pay for the rent of the premises. Debts grow, and after a certain time the company has to be declared bankrupt.

To prevent this from happening, the sale of finished products must significantly outpace production. Experienced entrepreneurs who have been working in this area for a long time believe that it is better to start such a business with one sewing machine. If you work to order, there will be regular customers so that you can determine the need for certain group goods. When the number of orders starts to grow, you can expand the business to a sewing workshop.

Distribution channels must be established even before you open a business. Finished products can be taken to stores, as well as sold on the market and on the Internet. You can also create your own website for this. When the business begins to develop, you can try to conclude agreements with chain stores located throughout the country. At first, focus on markets and local clothing stores.


To open a successful sewing enterprise, you must first familiarize yourself with all the features of this industry. If you do not have such experience, invite a professional consultant. He will help you choose the assortment, purchase equipment and establish the production process.

Russian citizens today are more and more interested in opening own business. According to many, clothing production is one of the most profitable. In addition, at the initial stage of work requires minimum investment. You can start a business with several sewing machines. Having hired only two or three professional dressmakers, you should already count on a stable, albeit small, monthly income. It makes sense to spend the first earned money on the re-equipment of the workshop and the further development of production. This will be followed by the hiring of several more qualified employees.

The question arises of how to open a sewing workshop from scratch, which will specialize in the production of serial or exclusive clothing.

Today Russian market clothing abounds huge amount counterfeit garments of poor quality. This is the reason why the consumer prefers to buy clothes imported production. And the task of a domestic entrepreneur is to put on sale a high-quality product that can compete with foreign brands.

Opening a sewing workshop - main stages

This business is usually opened by people familiar with the clothing industry. Good seamstress former employees atelier, factory If we consider opening a sewing workshop in a small town with a population of up to 1 million inhabitants, then 250 thousand rubles will be enough for a start. At the same time, to maintain profitability, produce at least 20-30 products per day. The first thing sewing begins with entrepreneurial activity, - registration legal entity.

Next comes the choice suitable premises. On the this stage it shouldn't be too expensive. The most important thing is to choose the right place. The main part of the profit will depend on this. It is ideal to locate a sewing workshop near large shopping centers, clothing markets or inside sleeping areas. This place will immediately provide a large number of customers who need to fit the items they just bought. And the corresponding advertisement will tell them that it is possible to order individual tailoring. After the expansion of production, it is always possible to move to another room.

The next step is the purchase of equipment. To begin with, 5-7 sewing machines, 2-3 overcasting, buttonhole and button semi-automatic machines are enough. For full-fledged work, you will also need irons and ironing boards or a steamer. This is enough for 10 workshop workers. It is quite appropriate to buy used equipment. This will save you a lot. The price of one used sewing machine is about 3-5 thousand rubles. Overlock will cost 6 thousand rubles. New equipment will cost 4-5 times more. The presence of fittings and fabrics ensures the smooth operation of the workshop.

It is more profitable to buy fabrics and accessories in bulk. For this, it is not necessary to go somewhere. Everything can be ordered online transport company will provide delivery. This will significantly reduce costs, in addition, the options for selection are expanding. Often, the larger the volume of purchased goods, the greater the discount on it. And this is additional savings. In addition, companies provide all the necessary certificates for products. Do not ignore foreign stores. They are able to provide the sewing workshop with the necessary imported accessories, which attracts the consumer so much.

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Minimum opening budget

So, approximate calculations of the cost of opening a sewing workshop for small town Russia:

  • IP registration will be about 3-5 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises 10-25 thousand rubles (depending on the area);
  • the purchase of equipment will cost 100 thousand rubles (for a complete workshop);
  • fabrics and accessories are purchased as they are used;
  • salary for employees 90 thousand rubles (based on 10 people);
  • advertising in the media and a sign for 10 thousand rubles.

Many sewing workshops specialize in the manufacture of overalls, bed linen, shirts, dressing gowns. Surely in every city there is a similar shop. This is no surprise to anyone. Not very high-quality fabrics that spread after the first wash, simple styles. This is a kind of savings option. As sales channels - several points in the clothing markets. cheap business may exist for many years, but will stand in one place and not develop.

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The choice of specialization of the sewing workshop

Therefore, before making the final decision to open a sewing workshop, you need to think about what exactly they will sew there and choose a distribution channel for products. Mass-produced clothes can be bought at any store. But it is very difficult to get clothes tailored to the individual measurements of a particular client, according to his figure and build, especially for people with non-standard shapes. Opening a sewing workshop specializing in the manufacture of exclusive clothes for a specific client from high-quality fabrics is one of the options for developing a sewing business.

In this case, the opening of a customized product has a number of advantages compared to mass production. A minimum of competition with other workshops that make simple, inexpensive clothes. Clients who need special clothes due to the personal characteristics of the figure will turn again and again - they will become permanent. They will also become additional advertising, giving recommendations to their acquaintances and friends.

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    Sewing business business plan

    Thank you very much BiPlan for the opportunity to get acquainted with the business plan. It helped a lot to understand the principle of preparation and the basic provisions. Now I am recalculating under my conditions. Until it all adds up.

    Svetlana, thank you for your feedback. We are glad that our help was useful to you. The right decision is to take our sewing production plan as the basis for individual developments. We are sure everything will turn out well for you. We wish you all the best.

    Sewing business business plan

    A very good business plan. Everything is very clear and detailed. Opening a garment factory no longer seems like such an unrealizable dream. Thank you.

    Ilya, thank you for your response. Often, dreams remain dreams, because a person is not aware of many of the nuances of starting his own business. And ignorance is always scary. We create projects with detailed calculations that reveal all perspectives as accessible as possible. We wish you success in creating a sewing production.

    Sewing business business plan

    Good business plan in theory. How it will be in practice, I do not know yet. Now I'm counting for myself. I hope everything works out.

    Nikita, thank you for your feedback. A business plan in the clothing industry, of course, has great value. But it is equally important to select competent personnel, because the quality of products is the face of the company. We wish you all the best.

The main thing about the business plan for clothing production

Starting a business in the clothing industry is not only time-consuming, but also quite costly. Most of the costs in this case will be for renting a suitable premises (its size depends on the scale of the business), as well as for the purchase of special equipment. The competition in this type of business is quite high, many enterprises are engaged in sewing bed linen, curtains, men's and women's clothing, knitwear, etc. When choosing options for a sewing business for yourself, proceed, first of all, from financial opportunities, as well as demand for a particular type of product.

Depending on what you will specialize in, the type of equipment that will need to be equipped with your sewing production also depends. The main type of sewing equipment is industrial sewing machines. If you plan to open a small sewing workshop at first, then 8-10 pieces of equipment will be enough. The larger the production volumes, the more industrial sewing machines you will need. In addition, the necessary equipment includes cutting machines, wet-heat treatment plants, etc. And for the production of specialized garments, you need to purchase additional equipment.

What will we sew on?

Sewing equipment is very expensive, so you should clearly determine how many sewing and cutting machines, WTO installations and other types of sewing equipment you will need. In addition, it is necessary to properly design their installation, taking into account the illumination of sewing shops. The performance of dressmakers directly depends on how comfortable the situation in the sewing workshop will be. Agree, it is difficult to count on greater productivity if workers work in a poorly lit room, sitting literally on each other's heads. Do not forget about organizing jobs in training sewing workshops if you plan to grow your own staff, and not look for experienced seamstresses on the side.

If you are opening a small workshop, then it would be appropriate to purchase used machines. But pay attention to the sample contract when purchasing such equipment for a sewing workshop, the low cost of the product may be due to the fact that it is made in China or Korea. If these are ordinary universal sewing machines, it's okay. As for such sewing equipment as a pleated machine or steam equipment for a sewing workshop, it is better to give preference to more reputable manufacturers - for example, Germany.

A professional example of a business plan for opening a garment production with ready-made calculations will allow beginners and experienced businessmen to pay attention to the most important points in organizing a sewing workshop. From it you will learn what are the main functions of the preparatory workshop at a garment factory and the features of wet-heat treatment technology in the garment industry. What is the first operation of the sewing shop and why is it so important - you will also find this and other significant information in this document, greatly facilitating the process of creating your own business.

Having decided to organize your own business - clothing production - you should determine in advance the ways to sell finished products, regardless of what you plan to specialize in - clothes for newborns, bed linen or underwear knitwear. There are three main implementation options - markets, shops and its own retail network. Before you open your sewing workshop or workshop, carefully consider which of the proposed options is closer to you.

Of course, implementation through your own retail network is possible only if the businessman is planning a large-scale project - to open a garment factory. For small businesses, this option is unacceptable. In this case, entrepreneurs have to choose between clothing markets and small retail stores. Each of these options for marketing finished products has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, working with department stores, you can set quite high prices for your products, but at the same time you will receive money only after the sale of your goods. Market traders pay immediately, but they can only be attracted by low prices. They will not buy expensive goods, as they are used to setting a margin that reaches 100%.

Sales points

Russian light industry products are in increasing demand, as the domestic consumer is no longer satisfied with the low-quality goods of Turkish and Chinese production. The market is saturated with clothes, bed linen, knitwear, produced by the hands of hardworking eastern brothers, but their low price does not always compensate for the lack of quality. A businessman planning to open his own sewing enterprise, factory should take this factor into account and ensure high quality products, combined with affordable prices for it.

But first of all, when organizing a sewing workshop, you need to decide on the type of products that will be produced in your workshop. What can be made in the sewing business? There are the following product groups: children's and adult clothing, household products (curtains, tablecloths, bed linen, etc.), as well as overalls. The production of each group of goods has its own characteristics. As the experience of organizing such a business as a sewing production, a sewing workshop, tailoring workwear suggests the search for large wholesalers. Starting mass production of everyday garments needs an extensive market.

If you want the first steps in the clothing industry to be confident and taken in the right direction, it is necessary to rely on a competent sample business plan for a sewing workshop for the production and tailoring of bed linen when opening your own business. It contains a description of all activities of the sewing enterprise, provides explanations for each stage of the organization of the sewing workshop. In this document, everything is taken into account to the smallest detail. And all this so that your business does not stall at the very first stages of development.

The organization of a profitable sewing business - a workshop for tailoring clothes, underwear, knitwear - begins with financial investments in it, and sometimes very solid ones. It is very important to calculate in advance how much money will be required not only for the creation, but also for the initial development of your business, so that it does not stop halfway due to lack of funds.

The amount of expenses for opening your own business - a garment production, a workshop from scratch - depends on how large-scale the event you are planning. A small sewing workshop, whose capacity will be no more than 30-50 items daily, will undoubtedly require small expenses. Renting a room for a mini-sewing shop will be inexpensive and the total cost of creating a business is unlikely to exceed 10-15 thousand dollars.

But if you have much more appetites, and you expect to open not just a sewing workshop, but a real factory, get ready for the fact that you will need at least 150 thousand dollars, and this may not be the end of the matter. Of course, you can start small with the expectation that you will constantly increase production volumes later. In any case, all intermediate calculations must be made in advance, so as not to get into trouble later.

How much does it cost to build a workshop?

The clothing industry needs quite a lot of space, and the rent for the premises is usually a significant cost item in the budget. Some businessmen save on this by hiring homeworkers who perform production plan while working at home. But saving on renting premises is far from always advisable, since in this case transport and other costs increase. The organization of the work of crews at a sewing enterprise is much easier, despite the high rent. Depending on the region, it can range from 0.5 to 3 dollars per 1 sq. m. monthly. For the work of a team of 10 seamstresses, an area of ​​\u200b\u200bat least 100 square meters will be required. m.

Another significant cost item is the purchase of special equipment. The most expensive equipment is industrial sewing machines, wet heat treatment plants, and cutting machines. The package of documents for opening a sewing workshop should include a project that describes in detail the arrangement of equipment in the workshop, taking into account its lighting. The development of such a document usually costs about 2 thousand dollars.

Remuneration in the sewing workshop is carried out by agreement, and the amount of salary varies significantly depending on the experience and qualifications of the staff. You can learn more about the various costs of creating a garment production by studying a competent business plan for a garment factory. From it you will learn how to officially formalize the garment industry, how to properly draw up and maintain accounting documents in the garment business. This document describes the target market of the garment company and explains how the accounting department of the garment company works. You should not look for answers about the work of the sewing workshop on business forums, because all the information has already been collected for you by professionals in the business plan.

Ready-made garment production business plan from scratch with examples of opening calculations

What is a good sewing business plan? Of course, by the fact that, using it, you can immediately begin to create for the benefit own enterprise. Moreover, it can be both sewing curtains and creating fashion clothes, linen. A good payback is characterized by the production of socks, which will also not be difficult to organize, guided by this plan. Everything in it is thought out, calculated and laid out clearly and specifically.

When purchasing a business plan for organizing the production of clothing, you can not be afraid of a lot of competition. This direction has just begun to actively develop in our country and will definitely not lose its popularity. Most consumers are interested in buying quality textile products, good tailoring of bed linen and any other items and accessories. That is why orders from such workshops have been and will be.

An optimal business plan for creating a sewing enterprise will provide you with the opportunity to see the stages of its formation, assess the risks and prospects. And whether it will be a large garment factory with a range of services or a small atelier is up to you. In many ways, it depends on the initial capital, a well-thought-out strategy, and also on your enthusiasm and dedication to business.

Studying the information on opening a sewing production on our website, you immediately receive a valid manual, where everything has already been thought out and calculated. You will only need to plan where your knitwear production or workshop or atelier will be located, how many people will work there. High-quality and fast tailoring is always in demand, which means that your idea is simply doomed to success!

In stock Sewing business business plan 5 29

Sewing business includes tailoring of clothes and household accessories. Business in the clothing industry is sure to bring profit, subject to creativity. You can open a designer clothes salon, production soft toys or workshop for the production of overalls. The possibilities are only limited by the imagination.


When opening a sewing enterprise, determine the direction of production:

  • clothes - household, special, casual, children's, adult;
  • fabric toys;
  • home textiles;
  • other accessories.

Plan production volumes - the initial investment in the business, the size of the premises and the number of staff will depend on the chosen figure.

Having chosen the direction of work, register a commercial structure - LLC or IP. The list of documents for registration is presented in the table.


Receipt of payment of state duty 4,000 rubles. Receipt of payment of state duty 800 rubles.
Application Form 11001. Application form P21001.
Decision on the creation of a legal entity (if it has one founder) or a protocol on its opening (if there are several founders). A copy of all pages of the Russian passport.
LLC Charter.
Passports of all founders (or copies certified by a notary).
Application in form 26.2-1 on the transition to the simplified tax system (if Accounting is supposed to be conducted under this system).

Applications are considered up to five working days. As a result, you will be invited to the local tax office and will be given a package of documentation for a legal entity or entrepreneur. After registration, open a bank account and order a company seal.

OKVED codes suitable for clothing production:

  • 18.2 - tailoring of textile clothing and accessories;
  • 18.21 - the creation of overalls;
  • 18.22 - tailoring of outerwear;
  • 18.24 - other clothes and accessories.

When drawing up a business plan, consider the legal requirements for production premises, make a list of equipment and plan to hire employees. Calculate the cost of starting production and monthly expenses. Analyze demand and draw conclusions about possible sales volumes and business payback. Below are examples of business plans for a production workshop and for a mini-studio.


There are three types manufacturing enterprises: small, medium and large.

To open a small business, it is enough to have a room and 400,000 rubles. for the purchase of equipment and consumables. The average production volume is 25-50 items per day. A small-scale sewing business is suitable for entrepreneurs who have limited capital and want to produce exclusive items and sell them at prices above the average market.

To organize a workshop with a capacity of 150-200 products, costs of the order of 5,000,000 rubles are required. At the same time, a powerful workshop pays off faster due to the wholesale distribution of products to large retail chains.

Analyze the regional specifics of the market and identify potential buyers. Find out in what volumes sellers buy goods in the market, and in what volumes - chain stores. Think over the assortment of goods, focusing on the needs of customers and your resources.


The production process of garments consists of the following steps:

  • model design;
  • designing and transferring the model to the fabric;
  • fabric cutting;
  • sewing, product finishing.

Modeling is done by a fashion designer. He draws up a sketch of the future product, selects colors, types of fabrics. The designer converts the sketch into a drawing, calculates the dimensions of the parts and the amount of material. He also produces patterns and technical documentation. In an atelier or a sewing workshop, the cutter performs the functions of a fashion designer and designer - he communicates with the client, takes measurements, cuts out details, and brings the product in line with the specified parameters. The cut parts are sent to the sewing shop, where they turn into a finished product.


In garment factories, products are produced in batches for general consumption. The workshop is equipped with one or more production lines. The advantages of a workshop over a home workshop are the ability to set affordable prices and sell large batches of products.


So, you have decided to open a tailoring shop. Now select a room suitable for production. The area of ​​the workshop depends on the number of goods produced. So, for the manufacture of 100 units of products, 60-70 sq.m. area. Before renting a room, invite the fire and sanitary authorities to check and obtain a permit to conduct activities.

To ensure that the premises meet the standards fire safety, equip it with a fire alarm, emergency exit and fire extinguishers.


Having finished with the rental of premises, proceed to the purchase of equipment. Make a list of required units, including:

  • sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • machine for cutting fabric;
  • household iron;
  • steam generator;
  • cutting knife;
  • button apparatus;
  • tables and racks;
  • consumables - threads, tailor's scissors, chalk and others.

The total cost of equipment is 250,000 rubles, for fittings - 50,000 rubles.


The success of the clothing business depends on the level of staff training by 70%. opening small production, take in the state:

  • two cutters;
  • three seamstresses;
  • cleaning lady
  • order taker.

At first, the designated number of employees is sufficient. Later you will be able to involve fashion designers, designers, highly specialized seamstresses in the work.

To save money, hire 60% experienced employees and 40% beginners - perhaps students. Having gained experience at your enterprise, they will work there for many years.

Pay for the work of staff on the system "salary + interest". Make a production plan and encourage employees with financial bonuses for achieving their goals.


Explore the wholesale bases of fabric manufacturers. Select suppliers based on the ratio "price - quality". If you manage to conclude direct contracts with the bases, you will save on supplier margins and reduce production costs.

When studying business, ask questions on forums, look for successful entrepreneurs in your region and learn from their experience, make acquaintances, including with suppliers.

Ideally, find a mentor who is willing to accompany your business. He will tell you where to find high-quality fabrics and accessories, how to purchase equipment and organize the sale of goods.


To find out which products will be in demand in the region, work simultaneously in several directions. Combine the tailoring of evening dresses with the production of fabric souvenirs, and the production of workwear with the production of accessories for summer cottages. Make sure that the combinations are not absurd - it is strange when a company that produces hammocks and canopies is engaged in the manufacture of chiffon scarves.

After the sale of the first batch of goods, analyze the demand again and refine the portrait target audience. Review your pricing policy if necessary. So, if you sew summer sundresses of a simple cut, and your consumer is young mothers, you should not overcharge.

In any region, there is a stable demand for children's clothing - if you manage to get a certificate for tailoring such, consider that you have found a "gold mine".

Study not only the demand, but also the supply in the market. Take a look at competitors' stores, see what they produce and at what prices they sell. Do not try to intercept other entrepreneurs' ideas - use your own ideas to attract buyers.

So that the business does not “burn out” at the very beginning, calculate income and expenses. Determine the payback period for the business. An example of calculations for a sewing workshop for overalls with a capacity of 75 items per day is given in the tables below.


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Registration and registration of permits 10 000-20 000
30 000-50 000
Premises renovation 20 000
Purchase of equipment 250 000-800 000
Purchase of materials 70 000-330 000
20 000
Total 400 000-1 240 000


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Room rental for the first month 30 000-50 000
Purchase of materials 70 000-330 000
Employee salaries 75 000-100 000
Electricity, utilities 15 000
Transport and other expenses 20 000
Total 210 000-515 000


The level of income and profit of the entrepreneur depends on the volume of products, consumer demand, availability client base and trade partnerships.

Wholesale cost of one product 700-1500 rub.
Number of items sold per month 500 pcs.
Average monthly income 350,000-750,000 rubles
Profit per month 140,000-235,000 rubles
Business payback period 4-7 months


Possible sales channels for garments:

  • Network shops;
  • private entrepreneurs;
  • direct sales;
  • Internet trading.

At the initial stages, negotiate with the owners small shops on the supply of your goods for sale. Later, connect large networks and then create your own online store.


It is easier to open a home atelier than a sewing workshop. To do this, you just need to have a modern sewing machine and equip a room in the apartment for a workshop. To grow your business, purchase equipment and organize advertising campaign. Print and distribute flyers, create an advertising website or group in social network. Learn fashion magazines and try to find a "zest" for your products in order to attract customers who appreciate exceptional things.


When you're ready to expand your business and move into a rented space, write a business plan. Choose a room of 60-80 sq. m., corresponding to the norms of SES and fire authorities, with good ventilation and electrical network at 380V.

Buy 2-3 sewing machines, shelving, overlock, a couple of tables and mannequins. Hire employees if you are ready to provide them wages. The key employees of the atelier are the administrator, the cutter and the seamstress.


Below are tables with the calculation of the costs of opening a mini-studio with the number of employees - 3 people and output - 1 product per day.


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Premises for rent 10 000
Purchase of equipment (2 machines, overlocker, tables) 45 000
30 000
Total 85 000


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Premises for rent 10 000
Employee salaries 45 000
Purchase of consumables 10 000
Total 65 000


Average cost per item 3 000 rub.
Number of items sold per month 35 pcs.
Average monthly revenue RUB 105,000
Average monthly income 40 000 rub.
Business payback period 3 months

As you can see, a small studio quickly pays off, but does not bring a big profit to the owner. To increase the level of income, it is necessary to expand the business or focus on the production of exclusive items at high prices.


In order for the atelier to be successful, set a work schedule that is understandable and convenient for clients. If you are located in mall, let the hours of operation coincide with the schedule of the center.

Start a business card website with a clear description of services and a group on a social network to maintain contact with customers.

If you sew clothes, pay special attention to clients with a non-standard figure - once you please them, and they will return for new wardrobe items regularly.

Respect the deadlines and quality of the order. Best Advertising— conscientious work of the staff and friendly customer service.
