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The main goal of the organization's personnel policy. Types of personnel policies and their characteristics. The formation of personnel policy is influenced by

Personnel policy is considered a fundamental and very important component corporate culture everyone modern enterprises regardless of their form of ownership. The prosperity of the company and each of its personnel depends on the literacy of its construction and effective application.

Definition of the concept

Personnel policy is a set of ideas and objectives applicable to the personnel of a particular organization. The purpose of such management is to align the motives and values ​​of each worker in accordance with the company's strategy.

In a word, such a management apparatus is aimed at improving the useful output from the work of personnel.

The relationship between the concepts of “personnel policy” and “personnel management”

Despite the fact that personnel policy is directly related to enterprise personnel management, these definitions are not exactly the same thing. Personnel policy is only a personnel management tool. The latter carries a broader connotation.

Personnel management refers to both science and labor activity, which are aimed at studying and applying knowledge related to filling the company with only effective personnel.

Formation of personnel policy

One of the primary tasks of creating a management apparatus is to identify potential resources in the employee management system. Next, the areas of work with personnel are clearly established, which are subject to adjustment in accordance with the corporate strategy.

The formation of a successful strategy depends on external and internal circumstances.

The circumstances of the external environment are factors that do not depend on the behavior of the enterprise. The organization must adapt to these factors, taking them into account when formulating its strategy, in order to correctly determine the need for personnel and the optimal sources of covering it.

Such circumstances are the following:

  1. State of the labor market. This group of factors includes the demographic situation, education strategy, and the influence of trade unions.
  2. Economic development.
  3. Scientific and technological progress - the state of the labor market, opportunities for training and advanced training.
  4. Regulatory environment - current legislation in the field of labor and its protection, employment, social Security and so on.

Circumstances internal environment are considered causes that influence the corporate environment, but are amenable to measures taken by the organization.

Such circumstances include:

  1. The objectives of the enterprise, on the basis of which a management strategy is developed.
  2. Management style (clear centralization or decentralization).
  3. Financial support (to finance activities related to personnel policy).
  4. Leadership style.

Directions of personnel policy

The areas of the management apparatus are closely related to the direction of the work of personnel officers in a particular company. In a word, the directions of the enterprise’s management strategy correspond to the tasks of the personnel management system operating in it.

The main directions are:

  1. Enterprise staff management. The basis of this direction is the equal achievement of both personal and general organizational goals. In this regard, the goal is to find compromises between the views of the administration and employees.
  2. Selection and quality use of personnel. The tasks of this area include the effective selection of personnel in accordance with the stated requirements. Candidates are tested for professional suitability, amount of knowledge, experience, individual habits and inclinations.
  3. Creation and training labor resources for managerial positions - selection of candidates based on competition, careful preparation, examination, and regular assessments of personnel quality.
  4. Personnel assessment - conducting certifications, developing a set of indicators characterizing the employee and his work.
  5. Employee development. The principle of the direction is to improve the skills of employees.
  6. Motivation and incentive - the right combination of rewards and penalties.

Personnel policy tools

HR policy instruments include the following:

  • daily work with personnel;
  • making plans for the future;
  • employee management;
  • development and implementation of events aimed at staff development;
  • development of activities aimed at solving social problems;
  • determination of the employee reward system.

Correctly using such tools corrects the behavior of employees and increases the efficiency of their work.

Production stages

To the stages of production HR strategy include the following:

  1. Detailed study of the situation and forecasting the improvement of the company. Setting the strategic goals of the enterprise.
  2. Development of basic principles of the personnel apparatus, establishment of priority tasks.
  3. Official approval of the personnel apparatus.
  4. Propaganda of the management system, communicating information about developed activities to employees, collecting proposals.
  5. Assessment of financial resources for the implementation of the established type of strategy.
  6. Planning operational procedures - identifying future personnel needs, forecasting the number of employees, creating staff, moving personnel within the company.
  7. Implementation of selected methods: personnel development programs, staffing, employee adaptation, team building, corporate spirit formation.
  8. Assessing the implemented personnel policy and identifying shortcomings.

Types of personnel policy

There are different types of personnel policies depending on two areas:

  • the scope of management strategy;
  • degree of openness.

According to the scope of the management strategy, it is divided into the following types:

  • active;
  • passive;
  • preventive;
  • reactive.

Let's look at each of these types in more detail:

  1. A passive strategy is the behavior of an organization that does not have an established action plan in relation to personnel. The whole job of HR officers is to eliminate adverse consequences. In this case, the enterprise does not forecast staffing needs and does not have basic management strategy tools.
  2. Management with a reactive type of strategy is engaged in monitoring signs of an unfavorable situation in working with employees, the circumstances and state of development of crisis and conflict situations, and the lack of motivation of employees. Management is engaged in preventing a crisis, and if it occurs, eliminating it, identifying the causes of personnel problems.
  3. The preventive type consists in the existence of explained monitoring of development, but the lack of opportunities to eliminate unfavorable situations. The services of such companies have both diagnostic tools for employees and a development forecast for the medium term.
  4. An active strategy consists in the existence of both a forecast and means to regulate the situation. The services are engaged in the development of anti-crisis programs, regularly monitoring the situation and adjusting the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of personnel policy.

Active personnel policy is divided into two subgroups:

  1. Rational- represents a set of high-quality diagnoses and reasonable forecasts for the development of the enterprise. Such a strategy has the means to influence the situation, as well as predict it for the short, medium and long term.
  2. Adventurous- unlike a rational one, such a policy does not develop a high-quality forecast, however, it does everything to influence the situation.

Based on the degree of openness, there are two types of policies:

  1. Open- is transparent for potential staff. In an open-type organization, there is recruitment for both grassroots and senior leadership positions. The company employs people “from outside”, provided that they have all the necessary requirements.
  2. Closed- differs in that it fills existing vacant positions by moving personnel up the career ladder from the lowest to the highest level.

HR policy goals

  1. Strict compliance with the norms and rules developed by law in the labor sphere.
  2. Filling the company with high-quality and efficient personnel in accordance with the stated requirements.
  3. Wise use of recruited personnel.
  4. Formation of a friendly and cohesive atmosphere within the company.
  5. Staff performance support.
  6. Establishing criteria for staff recruitment, training and advanced training.
  7. Carrying out activities to develop and improve the skills of employees.
  8. Establishing the effectiveness of ongoing activities.

Criteria for evaluation

In order to conduct a full analysis of the existing management strategy at the enterprise, it is necessary to develop the following evaluation criteria:

  • qualitative and quantitative staffing of the organization;
  • degree of employee turnover;
  • degree of flexibility of the strategy used;
  • taking into account the opinions and interests of employees.

To quickly and easily carry out quantitative analysis, all employees are divided into three groups:

  • guiding;
  • manager;
  • performing

There are also groups: male and female, employees of retirement age and minors on vacation or at work, employed in the central office or branches.

To conduct a qualitative analysis, employees are distinguished by level of education, work experience, qualifications, and so on.

The degree of staff turnover is considered the most valuable indicator by which the success of adaptation measures and the “freshness” of the existing team are assessed.

In order to assess the flexibility of a strategy, its characteristics are studied: stability or dynamism. A successful HR strategy must have development, that is, dynamics in order to adapt to existing external factors.

Improving personnel policy

In order to improve the work of HR officers, several activities are carried out:

  1. Strengthening consistency in employee selection. Optimization of the nomination procedure - information about vacancies, candidates, the procedure for selecting candidates, their appointment and induction.
  2. Planning for the long term allows you to achieve stabilization of the activity of the enterprise as a whole.
  3. Monitoring and study of environmental factors.
  4. Forecasting supply and demand in the labor market.
  5. Optimization of employee training and development systems, relationships within the team, as well as between managers and subordinates.
  6. Improving motivation and remuneration systems.
  7. Formation of a reserve of labor resources.

The main object of all personnel policy is the personnel or employees of the enterprise. They are considered the main and decisive factor of production, the main productive power. Based on this, we can say with confidence that successful work HR officers and their competent policies are the main factor in the development and prosperity of the entire organization.

Through personnel policy, the goals and objectives of personnel management are implemented, therefore it is considered the core of the personnel management system. Personnel policy is formed by the management of the organization and is implemented by the personnel service in the process of its employees performing their functions. It is reflected in the following regulatory documents:

  • internal regulations
  • collective agreement.

The term “personnel policy” has broad and narrow interpretations:

  1. a system of rules and norms (which must be understood and formulated in a certain way) that bring human resources into line with the company’s strategy (it follows that all activities related to working with personnel: selection, drafting staffing table, certification, training, promotion - are planned in advance and coordinated with a general understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization);
  2. a set of specific rules, wishes and restrictions in the relationship between people and an organization. In this sense, for example, the words: “The personnel policy of our company is to hire people only with higher education" - can be used as an argument when resolving a specific personnel issue.

Types of personnel policy

First base may be associated with the level of awareness of the rules and norms that underlie personnel activities and, associated with this level, the direct influence of the management apparatus on the personnel situation in the organization. On this basis, the following types of personnel policies can be distinguished:

  • Passive personnel policy. Management does not have an action program for personnel, and personnel work is reduced to eliminating negative consequences. Such an organization is characterized by the lack of a forecast of personnel needs, means of assessing labor and personnel, diagnosing the personnel situation, etc.
  • Reactive personnel policy. Company management monitors symptoms negative state in working with personnel, the causes and situation of the development of the crisis: the emergence of conflicts, lack of qualified labor, lack of motivation to work. Personnel services are developed, but there is no comprehensive program for forecasting personnel development.
  • Preventive personnel policy. Management has reasonable forecasts for the development of the personnel situation. However, the organization does not have the means to influence it. The organization's development programs contain short-term and medium-term forecasts of personnel requirements and formulate tasks for personnel development. The main problem is the development of targeted personnel programs.
  • Active personnel policy. Divided into rational and adventurous.

With a rational personnel policy, the management of the enterprise has both a qualitative diagnosis and a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation and has the means to influence it. The personnel service of the enterprise has not only the means of diagnosing personnel, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium and long term. Organizational development programs contain short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts of personnel requirements (qualitative and quantitative). Besides, integral part plan is a program personnel work with options for its implementation.

With an adventuristic personnel policy, the management of the enterprise does not have a high-quality diagnosis or a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation, but strives to influence it. The personnel service of an enterprise, as a rule, does not have the means of forecasting the personnel situation and diagnosing personnel, however, enterprise development programs include plans for personnel work, often focused on achieving goals important for the development of the enterprise, but not analyzed from the point of view of changing the situation. In this case, the personnel management plan is based on a rather emotional, little reasoned, but perhaps correct idea of ​​the goals of working with personnel.

The second reason for the formation of personnel policy is a fundamental focus on internal personnel or external personnel, the degree of openness towards external environment when forming personnel.

  • An open personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent to potential employees at any level; the organization is ready to hire any specialist with appropriate qualifications without taking into account work experience in other organizations. Such a personnel policy may be adequate for new organizations that are pursuing an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid access to the leading positions in their industry.
  • A closed personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization is focused on including new personnel only from the lowest level. official level, and replacement occurs only from among the organization’s employees. This personnel policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere and creating a special spirit of involvement.

The relationship between the concepts of “personnel policy” and “personnel management”

Speaking about personnel policy, it cannot be identified with personnel management. The concepts of “personnel management” and “politics” themselves are far from identical. “Management” is a much broader term, one of the components of which is policy, in this case personnel policy.

The main content of the personnel policy

  • provision of labor High Quality, including planning, selection and hiring, release (retirement, layoffs), analysis of staff turnover, etc.;
  • employee development, career guidance and retraining, certification and assessment of skill levels, organization of career advancement;
  • improving the organization and stimulation of labor, ensuring safety regulations, social benefits. Personnel management units actively participate in negotiations with trade unions when concluding collective agreements, in the analysis of complaints and claims, and monitor labor discipline.

HR policy goals

  1. unconditional fulfillment of the rights and obligations of citizens in the labor field provided for by the Constitution; compliance by all organizations and individual citizens with the provisions of labor and trade union laws, Labor Code, standard rules internal regulations and other documents adopted higher authorities about this question;
  2. subordination of all work with personnel to the tasks of uninterrupted and high-quality provision of basic economic activity the required number of employees with the required professional qualifications;
  3. rational use of human resources available to the enterprise, organization, association;
  4. formation and maintenance of efficient, friendly production teams, development of organizational principles labor process; development of intra-industrial democracy;
  5. development of criteria and methods for selection, selection, training and placement of qualified personnel;
  6. training and advanced training of the rest of the workforce;
  7. development of the theory of personnel management, principles for determining the social and economic effect of the activities included in this complex.

Fundamental principles for the formation of personnel policy

  • scientific nature, use of all modern scientific developments in this area, which could provide maximum economic and social effect;
  • complexity, when all areas of personnel activities must be covered;
  • systematicity, i.e. taking into account the interdependence and interconnection of the individual components of this work;
  • the need to take into account both economic and social effects, both positive and negative impacts of a particular event on the final result;
  • efficiency: any costs for activities in this area should be recouped through the results of economic activity.

Main characteristics of the company's personnel policy

  • Link to strategy.
  • Focus on long-term planning.
  • The importance of the role of personnel.
  • The company's philosophy regarding employees.
  • A range of interrelated functions and procedures for working with personnel.

All of these five characteristics of an “ideal” personnel policy are unlikely to be found in any particular company.

Stages of personnel policy

Stage 1. Rationing. The goal is to coordinate the principles and goals of working with personnel, with the principles and goals of the organization as a whole, the strategy and stage of its development. It is necessary to analyze the corporate culture, strategy and stage of development of the organization, predict possible changes, specify the image of the desired employee, the ways of its formation and the goals of working with personnel. For example, it is advisable to describe the requirements for an employee of an organization, the principles of his existence in the organization, opportunities for growth, requirements for the development of certain abilities, etc.
Stage 2. Programming. The goal is to develop programs and ways to achieve the goals of personnel work, specified taking into account the conditions of current and possible changes in the situation. It is necessary to build a system of procedures and measures to achieve goals, a kind of personnel technologies, enshrined in documents, forms, and always taking into account both the current state and the possibilities of change. An essential parameter that influences the development of such programs is the idea of ​​acceptable tools and methods of influence, their alignment with the values ​​of the organization.
Stage 3. Personnel monitoring. The goal is to develop procedures for diagnosing and forecasting the personnel situation. It is necessary to identify indicators of the state of human resources, develop a program of ongoing diagnostics and a mechanism for developing specific measures for the development and use of knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel. It is advisable to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel programs and develop methods for their evaluation. For enterprises that constantly monitor personnel, many separate personnel programs (assessment and certification, career planning, maintaining an effective work climate, planning, etc.) are included in unified system internally related tasks, methods of diagnosis and influence, methods of making and implementing decisions. In this case, we can talk about the existence of personnel policy as an enterprise management tool.

Criteria for assessing personnel policy

  1. Quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel. For ease of analysis, the quantitative composition of an organization is usually divided into three categories: management, management and service, men and women, pensioners and persons under 18 years of age, working and on leave (for example, for child care, without pay). etc.), as well as for those working in the central office or branches, etc. In turn, the qualitative composition of an organization is usually divided into employees with higher, secondary specialized, secondary, etc. education, and also includes work experience, advanced training by employees, and other factors.
  2. The level of staff turnover is one of the most indicative criteria of an enterprise's personnel policy. Of course, staff turnover can be viewed as both a positive and a negative phenomenon. Firstly, the employee’s capabilities expand and his ability to adapt increases. Secondly, the enterprise team is “refreshed”; there is an influx of new people, and, consequently, new ideas.
  3. The flexibility of the policy being pursued is assessed based on its characteristics: stability or dynamism. Personnel policy must be dynamically restructured under the influence of changing conditions and circumstances.
  4. The degree of consideration of the interests of the employee / production, etc. The degree to which the interests of the employee are taken into account is considered in comparison with the degree to which the interests of production are taken into account. The presence or absence of an individual approach to the employees of the enterprise is investigated.

see also


  • Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M: UNITY, 2002. -560 p. ISBN 5-238-00290-4

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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In a broad sense personnel policy- a system of rules and norms in the field of work with personnel, which must be understood and formulated in a certain way, bringing human resources into line with the company’s strategy. This definition emphasizes the integration of the sphere of personnel management in general activities organization, as well as the fact of awareness of the rules and norms of personnel work by all entities of the organization

In the narrow sense personnel policy- a set of specific rules, wishes and restrictions in the relationship between employees and the organization. Personnel policy means the formation of a personnel strategy, the establishment of goals and objectives, the determination of principles for the selection, placement and development of personnel, the improvement of forms and methods of working with personnel in specific market conditions at a particular stage of the organization’s development.

The purpose of personnel policy is to ensure an optimal balance between the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel, its development in accordance with the needs of the organization, legal requirements, and the state of the labor market

Personnel policy of the organization-- the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing human resources, at creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing market requirements, taking into account organization development strategies

Types of personnel policy by scale of personnel activities

First base may be associated with the level of awareness of the rules and regulations that underlie personnel activities, and the associated level of direct influence of the management apparatus on the personnel situation in the organization. On this basis, the following types of personnel policies can be distinguished:

  • § passive;
  • § reactive;
  • § preventive;
  • § active

Passive personnel policy

The very idea of ​​a passive policy seems illogical. However, we may encounter a situation in which the management of the organization does not have a clear program of action in relation to personnel, and personnel work is reduced to eliminating negative consequences. Such an organization is characterized by the lack of a forecast of personnel needs, means of assessing labor and personnel, and diagnosing the personnel situation as a whole. Management in a situation of such personnel policy works in emergency response mode to emerging conflict situations, which it seeks to extinguish by any means, often without attempting to understand the causes and possible consequences

Reactive personnel policy

In line with this policy, the management of the enterprise monitors the symptoms of a negative state in working with personnel, the causes and situation of the development of the crisis: the emergence of conflict situations, the lack of sufficiently qualified labor to solve the problems at hand, the lack of motivation for highly productive work. The management of the enterprise is taking measures to localize the crisis and is focused on understanding the reasons that led to the emergence of personnel problems. The personnel services of such enterprises, as a rule, have the means to diagnose the existing situation and provide adequate emergency assistance. Although in enterprise development programs personnel problems are highlighted and considered specifically, the main difficulties arise in medium-term forecasting

Preventive personnel policy

In the true sense of the word, politics arises only when the management of a company (enterprise) has reasonable forecasts for the development of the situation. However, an organization characterized by the presence of a preventive personnel policy does not have the means to influence it. The personnel service of such enterprises has not only the means of diagnosing personnel, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium term. Organizational development programs contain short-term and medium-term forecasts of personnel requirements, both qualitative and quantitative, and formulate tasks for personnel development. The main problem of such organizations is the development of targeted personnel programs

Active personnel policy

If management has not only a forecast, but also the means to influence the situation, and the personnel service is able to develop anti-crisis personnel programs, conduct constant monitoring of the situation and adjust the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of the external and internal situation, then we can talk about a truly active policy

Types of personnel policies by degree of openness

The second reason To differentiate personnel policies, there may be a fundamental focus on internal personnel or external personnel, the degree of openness to the external environment when forming personnel. On this basis, two types of personnel policies are traditionally distinguished:

  • 1. open;
  • 2. closed

Open personnel policy characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent to potential employees at any level; you can come and start working both from the lowest position and from a position at the senior management level. The organization is ready to hire any specialist if he has the appropriate qualifications, without taking into account work experience in this organization

This personnel policy is typical for modern telecommunications companies or automobile concerns, which are ready to “buy” people for any job level, regardless of whether they have previously worked in such organizations. This type of personnel policy is also characteristic of new organizations that pursue an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid access to the leading positions in their industry.

Closed personnel policy characterized by the fact that the organization focuses on the inclusion of new personnel only from the lowest official level, and replacement occurs only from among the organization’s employees. This type of personnel policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere, creating a special spirit of involvement, and also, possibly, operating in conditions of shortage of human resources

The directions of personnel policy coincide with the directions of personnel work in a particular organization. In other words, they correspond to the functions of the personnel management system operating in the organization. Thus, personnel policy can be implemented in the following areas:

  • -- forecasting the need to create new jobs, taking into account the introduction of new technologies;
  • -- development of a personnel development program in order to solve both current and future problems of the organization based on improving the training system and job transfer of employees;
  • -- development of motivational mechanisms to ensure increased interest and satisfaction of employees with work;
  • -- creation of modern systems for recruitment and selection of personnel, marketing activities in relation to personnel, formation of the concept of remuneration and moral incentives for employees;
  • -- ensuring equal opportunities for effective work, its safety and normal conditions;
  • -- determination of basic requirements for personnel within the enterprise development forecast, formation of new personnel structures and development of procedures and mechanisms for personnel management;
  • -- improving the moral and psychological climate in the team, involving ordinary workers in management

Let us remind you that every employee matters, because in the end, labor individual the final results of the entire company depend. In this regard, moral and material incentives, social guarantees should be the main aspect of personnel policies pursued in organizations. The payment of bonuses and the system of employee participation in profit distribution will ensure a high level of their interest in the final results of the organization’s activities

Types of personnel policy of an organization

  • 1. In accordance with the level of awareness of the rules and regulations that underlie personnel activities:
    • a) passive personnel policy. It is associated with the lack of a clear program of action in relation to personnel by the organization’s management. Personnel policy comes down to eliminating negative consequences in the field of personnel work;
    • b) reactive personnel policy. Management monitors symptoms of a negative state in working with personnel and takes measures to localize problems;
    • c) preventive personnel policy. Characterized by management having reasonable forecasts of how the situation will develop and at the same time lacking the means to influence it;
    • d) active personnel policy. Characterized by management having not only reasonable forecasts of the development of the situation, but also means of influencing it
  • 2. Depending on the degree of openness in relation to the external environment when forming the organization’s personnel:
    • a) open personnel policy. Characterized by the transparency of the organization for potential employees at any level of the management hierarchy;
    • b) closed personnel policy. Is impenetrable to new personnel at middle and senior management levels

Personnel policy- this is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms of organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing personnel potential, at creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing market requirements, taking into account organization development strategies.

The main directions of personnel policy in the organization:

1. Carrying out marketing activities in the field of personnel.

2. Planning of personnel requirements.

3. Forecasting the creation of new jobs, taking into account the introduction of new technologies.

4. Organization of attraction, selection, assessment and certification of personnel, career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel.

5. Selection and placement of personnel.

6. Labor adaptation of personnel.

7. Development of an incentive system and motivational mechanisms to increase interest and satisfaction with work and remuneration.

8. Rationalization of the organization's personnel costs.

9. Development of personnel development programs.

10. Organization of labor and workplace.

11. development of employment and social programs.

12. Rationalization of staff numbers.

13. management of innovations in personnel work.

14. Ensuring the safety and health of personnel.

15. Analysis of the reasons for the release of personnel and selection of the most rational options.

16. Ensuring a high level of quality of work, work life and work results.

17. Development of projects to improve personnel management.

Types of personnel policies:

Open - characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent to potential employees at any level; the organization is ready to hire any specialist of appropriate qualifications without taking into account work experience in other organizations. Such a personnel policy may be adequate for new organizations that are pursuing an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid access to the leading positions in their industry.

Closed - characterized by the fact that the organization focuses on including new personnel only from the lowest official level, and replacement occurs only from among the organization's employees. This personnel policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere and creating a special spirit of involvement.

Features of the implementation of personnel processes in open and closed personnel policies.

HR process Type of personnel policy
Open Closed
Recruitment Highly competitive situation in the labor market Labor shortage situation
Personnel adaptation The ability to quickly integrate into competitive relations, introduce new approaches for the organization, proposed by newcomers. Effective adaptation through the institution of mentors (“guardians”), high team cohesion, inclusion in traditional approaches.
Personnel training and development Often held in external centers, it promotes the adoption of new experience. Often carried out in internal corporate centers, it contributes to the formation of a common view, adherence to general technology, adapted to the specifics of the organization.
Personnel promotion On the one hand, the possibility of growth is hampered due to the constant influx of new personnel, and on the other hand, a “dizzying career” is quite likely due to high mobility frames. Preference in appointment to higher positions is always given to deserving employees of the company, and career planning is carried out.
Motivation and stimulation Preference is given to labor stimulation (primarily material). Preference is given to motivation (satisfying the need for stability, security, social acceptance)
Introduction of innovations Constant innovative impact on the part of new employees, the main mechanism of innovation is a contract, defining the responsibility of the employee and the organization Innovative behavior must either be specifically imitated, or it is the result of the employee’s awareness of the commonality of his fate with the fate of the enterprise.

Goals, objectives, essence of personnel planning. Qualitative and quantitative staffing needs. Their relationship, indicators of quality needs. Basic methods for determining quantitative personnel requirements.

The essence of personnel planning is to provide people with jobs at the right time and in the required quantity in accordance with their abilities, inclinations and production requirements. From the point of view of productivity and motivation, workplaces should allow workers to optimally develop their abilities, increase labor efficiency, and meet the requirements of creating decent working conditions and ensuring employment. This method of personnel management is able to coordinate and balance the interests of employers and employees.

Personnel planning is carried out both in the interests of the organization and in the interests of its personnel. It is important for an organization to have at the right time, in the right place, in the right quantity and with the appropriate qualifications, the personnel necessary to solve production problems and achieve its goals. Personnel planning should create conditions for motivating higher productivity and job satisfaction. People are primarily attracted to those jobs where conditions are created for the development of their abilities and high and constant earnings are guaranteed. One of the tasks of personnel planning is to take into account the interests of all employees of the organization. It should be remembered that personnel planning is effective when it is integrated into the overall planning process of the organization.

Personnel planning should answer the following questions:

How many workers, what qualifications, when and where will they be needed?

How can we attract the right staff and reduce redundant staff without causing social harm?

How can staff be better used according to their abilities?

How to ensure the development of personnel to perform work that requires new, higher qualifications, and maintain their knowledge in accordance with production requirements?

What costs will the planned staffing activities require?

Personnel planning:

1. HR strategies. Development of the foundations of the organization's future personnel policy. Creating opportunities for officials and professional advancement workers. Ensuring the development of personnel to perform work with new qualifications and adapt their knowledge to changing production conditions.

2. Personnel goals. Determination of specific goals of the organization and each employee arising from the personnel strategy. Achieving maximum convergence between the goals of the organization and the individual goals of employees.

3. Personnel tasks. Providing the organization, at the right time, in the right place, in the right quantity and with the appropriate qualifications, with the personnel necessary to achieve its goals.

4. Personnel activities. Development of a personnel action plan to achieve the specific goals and objectives of the organization and each employee. Determining the costs of implementing the HR action plan.

Determining the organization's personnel needs- this is the establishment of the necessary quantitative and quality characteristics personnel corresponding to the chosen development strategy of the organization.

Types of personnel needs:

Need for staff training;

Quality staffing needs;

Quantitative staffing requirements;

The need of an individual employee is the awareness of the absence of something that causes the employee to take action.

The purpose of determining the need for personnel is to establish the quantity necessary for employees to reliably perform their official and professional responsibilities. In this case, decisions are made about the need for them - quantity and quality, time and duration, as well as place.

Determining the quantitative need for personnel comes down to choosing a method for calculating the number of employees, establishing the initial data for the calculation and directly calculating the required number for a certain time period. A variety of methods are used to determine quantitative needs.

Modern stage economic development Most countries in the world pose various problems for organizations in the field of personnel policy. Moreover, the relevance of their solution is constantly growing.

That is why Special attention focuses on the level of work with human resources and moving this task to the scientific level.

The concept of the term "personnel policy"

Every enterprise faces the task of personnel management. Her successful implementation is possible only when the correct HR policies of the organization are implemented. It is a strategic line in working with personnel. Its main principles, which are subject to implementation by the personnel service, are as follows:

  • development of each employee to maximum productivity and the highest well-being;
  • selection, training and placement of personnel in jobs where human resources can bring the greatest benefit.

The personnel policy of an organization is a purposeful and conscious activity, the purpose of which is to create such labor collective, which will maximally combine the goals and priorities of the enterprise. Of course, the irreversibility of economic reforms and the emergence of competition force business managers to pay special attention to long-term aspects in matters of personnel management, providing for scientifically based planning.

Personnel policy is a system of norms and rules created and formulated in a certain way by the enterprise, which bring the existing human resources in line with the direction of the company's development. In this case, planning is subject to the selection of personnel and their training, certification and staffing. All these tasks are solved based on a common understanding of the organization's goals.

Scope of personnel policy

Successful work with employees is possible only with constant analysis of the influence of various aspects of the surrounding world, with the maintenance of systematic records, as well as with timely adaptation of the enterprise to external influences. In this case, the strategy of personnel management and its transformation by management into a unified system is of particular importance.

In the field of personnel policy there are such aspects as:

  • marketing (employment) of personnel;
  • personnel control;
  • qualitative and quantitative planning of employees;
  • staff reduction;
  • information, social policy;
  • promoting the work of the enterprise in the economic and social sphere;
  • policy guidelines and incentives.

Goals of HR management work

Personnel policy in any organization must unquestioningly follow the rights and responsibilities of citizens related to the labor field provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. At the same time, for violation of the provisions of the Labor Code, internal regulations and other local documents, a certain type of punishment may be applied.

The goals of personnel policy lie in the rational use of the working potential that exists in an organization or association. At the same time, the problem of uninterrupted provision of an economic entity with qualified personnel in the quantity necessary for the enterprise must be solved.

The goals of personnel policy are to maintain a friendly and efficient team, relationships in which are built on the principles of internal democracy. In addition, competent personnel management is impossible without the development of certain methods and criteria for recruiting, training, selecting, and placing employees.

The goal of the personnel policy, the achievement of which will allow the business entity to successfully conduct its activities, is to increase the level of qualifications of all employees on staff. Successful solution of all existing problems will allow us to obtain maximum not only economic, but also social effect from the activities carried out.

Thus, all the goals pursued by the organization in pursuing personnel policy can be divided into economic and social. Achieving the first of them is necessary for the enterprise to obtain maximum profit. This is possible by optimizing the relationship between personnel costs and labor productivity.

All social goals in personnel management are to improve the material as well as non-material status of employees. This is possible with an increase wages and social expenses, providing employees with more rights, freedoms, etc.

Principles of work in personnel management

Implementation of personnel policy is an important aspect of the successful operation of an enterprise. That is why it is important to choose the basic principle in personnel management that will be most effective in the conditions of a particular business entity. It could be:

  1. Scientificity. It involves the use of the latest developments in the field of personnel management, the application of which will bring maximum social and economic effect.
  2. Complexity. Using this principle, personnel service employees cover all categories of workers with their work.
  3. Systematicity. It implies the interconnection and interdependence of all components of human resources work.
  4. Efficiency. The application of this principle is considered effective in the event of recoupment of any enterprise costs in the field of personnel issues.
  5. Methodical. It consists in a qualitative analysis of the selected options for a particular solution in the presence of a number of mutually exclusive methods.

The organization must consider all the existing principles of personnel policy and choose only one for itself, enshrining it in job descriptions, developed regulations, hiring methods, etc.

Personnel policy at the present stage

Changes caused by development market relations, also touched upon the sphere of personnel management. Today, enterprises need qualified labor force adapted to new conditions. That is why certain changes personnel policy has changed. The personnel service today cannot work according to the previous administrative type. It strives to ensure the unity of such measures as:

  • creating employee motivation for effective and highly productive work;
  • ensuring efficiency production processes, which depend on employees.

The implementation of the goals and existing tasks of personnel policy today is carried out by officials at all levels of company management. This includes the administration, the heads of all departments and divisions, and, of course, the personnel department. Moreover, they are all obliged to comply not only regulations enterprises, but also general provisions available in labor legislation.

The personnel policy of any company must adhere to those articles of the Constitution that guarantee citizens of the Russian Federation freedom of personal development and provide guarantees of property. According to these documents, the entrepreneur is prohibited from arbitrary actions in relation to the hired worker. This also applies to issues of dismissal. But hiring is only the competence of companies and firms.

Strategy of the organization's personnel policy

In modern market conditions, enterprises are forced to use new, improved tools in their work. One of them is the personnel management strategy, which is based on:

  • using the achievements of scientific and technological progress;
  • selection of qualified employees.

Today, there are three concepts on the basis of which a personnel policy strategy is developed. The first of them is designed to perform a service function. At the same time, its main directions are determined overall strategy companies. This type of personnel policy provides the organization with the necessary personnel and maintains their performance.

The second concept of personnel management strategy implies its independence and independence from plans for further development of the enterprise. Employees included in the company's staff are considered as a resource that allows them to solve the problems that arise in market conditions.

The third concept synthesized the previous two. It is based on a comparison of existing and potential labor resources. As a result of this analysis, the main direction of the enterprise’s activities is determined.

Classification of personnel policies

When analyzing the existing personnel management conditions in an organization, two reasons can be identified for dividing them into groups. The first of them is related to the degree of awareness of the norms and rules that form the basis of personnel activities, as well as the level of influence of the enterprise management on the situation with labor resources. This basis allows us to distinguish the following types of personnel policies:

  • passive;
  • active;
  • preventive;
  • reactive.

What other types of personnel policies are there? When analyzing the situation at an enterprise, its management can use various methods. As a result, the basis for programs and forecasts may be conscious or difficult to describe and algorithmize. In this case, such types of personnel policies arise as rational (in the first case) and adventurist (in the second situation). They are subtypes of active personnel management.

The second basis underlying differentiation is the fundamental orientation towards internal or external personnel, and also reveals the degree of reference to the external environment in the company's recruitment process. Based on this, there are such types of personnel policies as closed and open. Let's consider the above types in more detail.

Passive policy

This term in itself in matters of personnel management seems very strange. However, there are situations when there is no direction of personnel policy at the enterprise. The company's management is only engaged in liquidating Negative consequences work with labor resources. In such organizations, as a rule, there is no forecast of personnel requirements. They also do not diagnose the situation with human resources. The management of such companies works in a constant emergency response mode to problematic situations that arise every now and then. At the same time, it strives to extinguish conflicts by any means, without trying to understand their causes and possible consequences.

Active policy

The management of an organization can have not only forecasts, but also means of influencing problem situations. In this case, there is an active personnel management system. We can talk about its presence when the personnel service is capable of conducting constant monitoring of situations, developing anti-crisis personnel programs and adjusting them in accordance with the current internal and external situation.

Preventive policy

The presence of this type of personnel management in an enterprise can only be discussed if management has reasonable forecasts of the development of the situation. But it is worth keeping in mind that an organization whose work uses a preventive personnel policy does not have the means to somehow influence it. In these companies, personnel diagnostics are carried out and the future situation with labor resources is predicted. However, the organization does not have the opportunity to develop targeted programs.

Reactive politics

We can talk about it in the case when the administration of the enterprise is able to control the symptoms of a negative situation in matters of personnel management. It examines the development of the crisis and its causes and takes measures to eliminate it. Such enterprises have means of diagnosing problems and provide adequate emergency assistance. However, despite the presence of development programs, such enterprises have difficulties with medium-term forecasting.

Rational policy

It takes place in those enterprises where personnel services are able to reasonably predict the further development of the situation with personnel, carry out a high-quality diagnosis and can influence the problems that have arisen. At the same time, forecasts are made not only for the medium term, but also for the long term. One of the elements of the plan when maintaining a rational personnel management policy is the work program. In addition, there are various options for its implementation.

Adventurist politics

At some enterprises, management does not have a reasonable and high-quality forecast of the development of the situation. However, senior officials strive to somehow influence the problems that arise. In such cases, personnel service There are no forecasting tools, but the enterprise development program certainly contains plans for human resource management. All documents drawn up are based on an emotional perception of the situation and do not have reasoned justification.

Such a personnel management system is not able to withstand the test when the influence of factors not included in the consideration of the compiled documents increases. For example, when a new product appears or there is a significant change in the market.

Open Policy

When implementing it, the organization is transparent to people seeking to occupy the vacant positions available in it. You can get a job not only in the lowest position, but also in a managerial position. The principles of the personnel policy of such an organization allow it to accept into its staff any specialist with the required qualifications. Previous work experience is not considered potential employee in this or a similar organization.

The formation of a personnel policy of this type is desirable for newly created organizations that are committed to an aggressive struggle aimed at rapid growth and rapid market conquest. After all, to implement grandiose plans they require a large amount of labor resources.

Closed policy

This type of personnel management is typical for those companies that seek to maintain a certain corporate atmosphere or operate in conditions of labor shortage. With a closed personnel policy, the organization appoints only its own employees to replace it, and lower-level employees are placed in top management positions.

State personnel policy

A special type of work is done to create an efficient and effective team of civil servants. The state personnel policy of governing bodies and authorities is carried out on the basis of a scientific approach and technologization, accompanied by an analysis of the qualitative composition of officials, as well as their professionalism and responsibility. It represents the activity of managers and personnel officers, which is aimed at searching and selecting personnel, stimulating them and motivating them to perform assigned tasks.

The state personnel policy is designed to:

  • develop strategic directions for the development of the civil service, taking into account the interests of the individual and the prospects for the development of society and the country as a whole;
  • provide management and government bodies with professional and reliable specialists;
  • create the necessary material and social conditions for the activities of personnel, as well as exercise control over the implementation job responsibilities;
  • maintain such moral and psychological climate, which would contribute to the performance by the team of civil servants of their official duties at a high level;
  • create and ensure the functioning of a system for advanced training and training of government personnel at the proper level;
  • create conditions that allow employees to have the opportunity for creative growth;
  • develop a system of professional guidance for young people to reproduce the elite for the civil service.

The Department of Personnel Policy is responsible for solving all these, as well as many other problems in the Russian Government. He is part of the apparatus of the President of the Russian Federation. Similar services are available in various structures government agencies.

How to improve personnel policy?

Any enterprise strives to improve the efficiency of its work. To achieve this, HR management must be constantly improved. What activities are being carried out to resolve this issue? First of all, they relate to strengthening consistency in personnel selection. This work covers the entire spectrum of actions - from hiring to firing an employee. In addition, improving personnel policy implies improving the procedure for informing about available vacancies and candidates, discussing them, as well as appointing them to positions. Each of these points separately seems insignificant. However, the totality of these areas is an important criterion that allows for the improvement of personnel policy in the organization.

In most companies, the services responsible for personnel management are only involved in planning the number of employees. However, this is the wrong approach. For more efficient work The company needs an analysis of various labor market factors. This will make it possible to replenish the staff with highly qualified personnel and make the correct placement of employees.
