Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

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Novosibirsk 2015



Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management

Academic discipline: Personnel management of the organization


on the topic: "Improving the personnel policy of the organization"

Completed by: Petrova Nadezhda Yurievna

Checked by: Sotnikova Svetlana Ivanovna


2.1 Analysis of labor potential


List of sources used

personnel policy organization


Personnel policy is an integral part of the whole management activities and production policy of the organization. It is no secret that the formation and development of market relations in Russia largely depends on the successful operation of enterprises today. In our time, an enterprise that is clearly organized, with competent, dedicated and disciplined personnel who can quickly rebuild and retrain, wins and succeeds. Therefore, every manager of any enterprise, regardless of the level of professional training and knowledge, academic degree and practical experience, must master the science of management, the ability to manage their personnel. In domestic times, personnel problems have traditionally been given minimal attention. However, in recent years, not only scientists, but also managers of many Russian enterprises have begun to pay attention to the role of the "human" factor in Russian organizations.

Human resources policy aims to create a cohesive, responsible, highly developed and highly productive workforce. It should create not only favorable working conditions, but provide the possibility of promotion and the necessary degree of confidence in tomorrow. Therefore, the main task of the personnel policy of the enterprise is to ensure that the interests of all categories of employees and social groups of the workforce are taken into account in the daily personnel work. The success of any institution depends, first of all, on the well-coordinated and stable work of qualified personnel. Personnel policy in any organization should be given great attention. Personnel -
are the main resource of each enterprise, the quality and efficiency of which largely determine the results of the enterprise and its competitiveness.

The relevance of the topic is explained by the complex and, undoubtedly, significant problem of personnel policy in the organization. To date, the implementation of the personnel policy is not fully formed and continues to be improved and updated.

Without a well-established personnel system, it is difficult to increase the capabilities of an enterprise, respond to changing technology and market requirements in the near future, create favorable working conditions, provide opportunities for promotion and the necessary degree of confidence in the future. Today, it is important for human resources departments to achieve more than just timely filling of vacancies in order to maintain the volume at the proper level. People who come to the organization should strive to the maximum, to master the aspects of this activity.

Problems effective management human resources in organizations are considered in the works of A.Ya. Kibanova, N.I. Arkhipova, O.L. Sedova, A.P. Egorshina, T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina, S.A. Shapiro, S. Ivanova, A.N. Averin and other authors.

The purpose of the course work is to improve the personnel policy of the organization.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks have been identified:

ѕ Consider the socio-economic essence of personnel policy

* Consideration of a systematic approach to the management of personnel policy

ѕ Study of domestic and foreign experience in organizing personnel policy

* Analysis of the labor potential of the organization CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics

* Analysis of personnel policy in the organization

* Analysis of the activities of the personnel service

ѕ To form the main directions for improving the personnel policy of the organization

The object of the study is CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics

The subject of the research is the personnel policy in the organization.

The course work consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The introduction reflects the relevance of the topic, the object and subject of research, goals and objectives.

The first chapter deals with theoretical material relating to the personnel policy of the organization, classification, stages of construction, as well as domestic and Foreign experience formation of the personnel policy of the organization.

In the second chapter, analyzes of the labor potential, number, and activities of the personnel service are carried out.

In the third chapter, the main directions for improving the personnel policy of the organization CJSC "Svyaznoy Logistics" are formed.

The conclusion reflects the conclusions based on the results of the study.

1. Theoretical basis personnel policy of the organization

1.1 Socio-economic essence of the organization's personnel policy

Table 1

The concept of the personnel policy of the organization

Literary source


AND I. Kibanov Management personnel of the organization, M. Infra-M, 2005, page 627

Passive, reactive, preventive, active personnel policy

AND I. Kibanov Fundamentals of personnel management, INFRA-M, 2015, page 448

The personnel policy of an organization is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening and developing human resources, creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing requirements market, taking into account the development strategy of the organization and the strategy of managing its personnel

Passive, reactive, preventive, active, rational, adventurous,

Open, closed personnel policy of the organization

A.P. Egorshin Management of social development of the organization, INFRA-M, 2013, p 416

The personnel policy of an organization is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening and developing human resources, creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing requirements market, taking into account the development strategy of the organization

P.E. Shlender Organization personnel management, INFRA-M, 2010, p396

Personnel policy is characterized by a set of methods aimed at maintaining and developing human resources, a system of fundamental principles that are being implemented personnel service enterprises.

V.P. Fomina, S.P. Anzorova Personnel management, MGOU, 2011, p 79

Personnel policy is a general guideline for action and adoption management decisions regarding personnel, ensuring the optimal achievement of the goals of the organization.

The definitions of personnel policy are very similar to each other. But still in some sources they differ. For example, in Schlender's textbook, personnel policy is presented as a set of methods aimed at maintaining and developing human resources. In the textbook of Fomin and Anzorov, personnel policy is a general guideline for action and management decision-making regarding personnel.

The main characteristics of the organization's personnel policy are the connection with the organization's development strategy, focus on long term planning, the importance of the role of personnel, the philosophy of the company in relation to employees, the system of interrelated functions and procedures for working with personnel.

The main object of the personnel policy of the enterprise is - personnel (personnel). The personnel of the enterprise is the main (regular) composition of its employees. Personnel is the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

When forming a personnel policy, in order to comprehensively determine the direction of activity in an organization, it is necessary to take into account the basic principles of individual areas of personnel policy, namely:

a) Personnel management of the organization:

The principle of the equal need to achieve individual and organizational goals - determines the need to seek honest compromises between the administration and employees, and not give preference to the interests of the organization;

c) Selection and placement of personnel:

The principle of conformity - determines the need to match the volume of tasks, powers, responsibilities with human capabilities;

Principle professional competence- determines the need for a level of knowledge that meets the requirements of the position;

The principle of practical achievements - determines the presence of a certain level of experience;

The principle of individuality - determines the presence of individual qualities of an employee, character traits for performing the necessary work;

c) Formation and preparation of a reserve for promotion to senior positions:

The principle of competition - determines the need to select candidates on a competitive basis;

The principle of rotation - determines the need for a systematic change of position vertically and horizontally;

The principle of individual training - determines the need to prepare a reserve for specific position according to an individual program;

d) Evaluation and certification of personnel:

The principle of selection of evaluation indicators - determines the need to compile a system of indicators that includes the purpose of evaluations, criteria and frequency of evaluations;

The principle of assessing the performance of tasks - determines the need to evaluate the results of activities according to the selected criteria;

e) Personnel development:

The principle of advanced training - determines the need for periodic training of personnel in accordance with the individual development strategy of the employee;

The principle of self-expression - determines the need for independence, influence on the formation of methods of execution (for managers);

The principle of self-development - determines the need for development in the presence of the ability to do so;

f) Staff motivation and stimulation:

The principle of compliance of remuneration with the volume and complexity of the work performed - determines the need for effective remuneration of employees;

The principle of a proportional combination of incentives and sanctions - determines the need for a specific description of tasks, responsibilities and indicators;

The principle of motivation - determines the need to establish incentive factors that affect the individual desire to complete the tasks

The classification of types of personnel policy of the organization is based on:

The direct influence of the administrative apparatus on the personnel situation (there are: passive; reactive; preventive; active rational, adventurous).

the degree of openness of the organization in relation to the external environment in the formation of personnel, the fundamental orientation to its own or external personnel (there are: open; closed).

A passive personnel policy is carried out when the organization's management does not have a clearly developed program of action for personnel, and work with personnel is reduced to eliminating negative consequences by assessing personnel, diagnosing the personnel situation as a whole. At the same time, the management works in an emergency response mode to emerging conflict situations, which it seeks to extinguish by any means, often without analyzing the causes and possible consequences.

A reactive personnel policy is carried out in the case when the management of the organization controls the symptoms of a negative state in working with personnel, the causes of conflict situations, lack of motivation for highly productive work and controls the situation of the development of the crisis. The management is taking measures to eliminate it, focused on analyzing the reasons that led to the emergence of personnel problems.

A preventive personnel policy is carried out when the management has reasonable forecasts for the development of the situation. The personnel department of such enterprises has not only the means of diagnosing personnel, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium term. In the development programs of the organization there are short-term, medium-term, qualitative and quantitative forecasts of the need for personnel, tasks for the development of personnel are formulated.

An active personnel policy is carried out when the management has not only a forecast, but also means of influencing the situation, and the personnel department is able to develop anti-crisis personnel programs, constantly monitor the situation and adjust the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of the external and internal situation. An active personnel policy can be rational and adventurous.

With a rational personnel policy, the management of the organization has both a qualitative diagnosis and a reasonable forecast for the development of the situation and has the means to influence it. The personnel service of the enterprise has not only the means of diagnosing personnel, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium and long term, the organization's development programs contain forecasts of the need for personnel (qualitative and quantitative). In addition, an integral part of the plan is a personnel work program with options for its implementation.

With an adventurous personnel policy, the management of the enterprise does not have a high-quality diagnosis and a reasonable forecast for the development of the situation, but it seeks to influence it. The personnel department of an enterprise, as a rule, does not have the means of predicting the personnel situation and diagnosing personnel, however, personnel work plans are included in the enterprise development programs, often they are focused on achieving goals that are important for the development of the enterprise, but are not analyzed from the point of view of changing the situation. The plan for working with personnel in this case is based on a rather emotional, little reasoned, but perhaps correct idea of ​​the goals of working with personnel.

An open personnel policy is characterized by the transparency of the organization for potential employees at any level, that is, the organization is ready to accept an employee for any position in the organization if he has sufficient qualifications for it, but without taking into account work experience in this or related organizations. This type of personnel policy may be adequate for new organizations that are pursuing an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid entry into the forefront in their industry.

A closed personnel policy is characterized by an orientation towards the inclusion of new personnel, starting only from the lowest rung of the "official" ladder. Here, the replacement occurs only from among the employees of the company. Such a policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere, the formation of a special spirit of involvement, and also, possibly, working in conditions of a shortage of human resources. The main lever for the implementation of personnel policy is the administrative powers of managers used by them in relations with subordinates.

The personnel policy of the organization is designed to provide:

* high quality of work and its results, working conditions, as well as the workforce itself;

ѕ structural adaptation of personnel to continuous organizational changes, social and cultural innovations - flexibility of personnel potential;

ѕ rejection of the traditional, rigid restriction between different types of work, as well as the widespread use of a variety of flexible forms of organization labor processes: full, part-time and temporary employment, etc.;

ѕ organizational integration, when the top management of the organization and line managers accept the developed and well-coordinated personnel management strategy as “their own” and implement it in their own operational activities;

- a high level of responsibility of all employees of the organization, which implies both identification with the basic values ​​of the organization, and persistent, proactive implementation of their goals in everyday practical work;

ѕ new quality of the content of labor and a high level of satisfaction with it, through the use of new forms that enrich the content of labor

The main tasks contributing to the achievement of the goals of personnel policy:

* Improving the system of recruitment and selection of personnel.

* Improving the management of the personnel adaptation process.

ѕ Management of the process of professional development of employees.

* Improving the system of motivation and stimulation of labor.

ѕ Career management of employees of the enterprise.

* Improving the personnel assessment system.

ѕ Creation of conditions for the involvement of personnel in the process of enterprise management through the interaction of the personnel management service, heads of departments with employees of the enterprise.

Thus, personnel policy is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening and developing human resources, creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing market requirements, taking into account the organization's development strategy. The main focus is the staff. And the personnel policy has quite a lot of types, namely, it can be active, passive, open, closed, reactive, preventive, rational, adventurous.

1.2 A systematic approach to the management of personnel policy

The constituent elements of the personnel policy are the employment policy, the remuneration policy, the policy in the field of social and labor relations, the personnel development policy.

The employment policy includes the formation of a system for attracting, selecting and hiring personnel, determining the quantitative and qualitative needs of the organization in personnel, securing employees in the organization, ensuring the flexibility of the staff, as well as determining the criteria and methods for releasing employees if necessary.

The remuneration policy involves periodic monitoring of staff satisfaction with their work, the creation of a system for assessing, motivating and stimulating staff work.

The policy in the field of social and labor relations provides for an appropriate Information Support employees of the organization, analysis of the causes of staff turnover, identification of methods for diagnosing and resolving conflicts, establishing channels feedback, the presence of a system of social protection of workers, the creation and maintenance of organizational culture, increasing the level of cooperation between ordinary workers and management.

The personnel development policy includes a policy of vocational training, advanced training and retraining, as well as a policy of professional and career advancement, career development employees.

The formation of the personnel policy of the organization should occur in the following sequence:

– Development general principles personnel policy, prioritization of goals;

– Planning the need for personnel, the formation of the structure and staff, the creation of a reserve of personnel;

– Creation and support of the system of personnel information, implementation of personnel controlling;

– Formulation of principles for the distribution of funds, ensuring an effective system of motivation and stimulation of labor;

– Providing a personnel development program, career guidance and adaptation of employees, planning of individual advancement, team building, professional training, advanced training and retraining of personnel;

– Analysis of the compliance of the personnel policy and strategy of the organization with its personnel management, identification of bottlenecks in personnel work, assessment of personnel potential.

Personnel policy is developed taking into account internal resources, traditions of the organization and factors of the external environment. Personnel policy is part of the organization's policy and must fully comply with the concept of its development. The formation of personnel policy can be divided into stages.

At the first stage, the formation of the goals and objectives of the personnel policy is carried out. Rationing and programming - harmonization of the principles and goals of working with personnel with the principles and goals of the organization, development of programs, ways to achieve the goals of personnel work established at the first stage. The goals and objectives of the personnel policy are determined on the basis of the main provisions of regulatory documents, from the totality of goals and objectives to ensure the effective functioning of the organization and its divisions. The main goal of the personnel policy is the full use of the qualification potential of the personnel. This goal is achievable by providing everyone with a job in accordance with his abilities and qualifications.

At the second stage, personnel monitoring is carried out - procedures for diagnosing and forecasting the personnel situation are developed. This stage consists of three blocks:

1) quality requirements for employees, which are determined based on the description of the workplace and the requirements for the applicant for the position;

2) quantitative requirements that are associated with determining the need for personnel by positions, qualification characteristics, etc.;

3) the basic principles of personnel policy in the most important areas: the selection and placement of personnel, the formation and preparation of a reserve for positions, the assessment of the degree of development of personnel, remuneration, the use of human resources, etc.

At the third stage, the choice of the main forms and methods of personnel management is determined, and personnel planning tools are developed.

At the fourth stage, a plan of personnel activities is developed, the terms and responsible executors of these activities are determined.

The development and state of the personnel policy of the organization is influenced by internal and external factors.

Internal factors are the goals and structure of the organization, the moral and psychological climate in the team.

External factors are labor law, prospects for the development of the labor market, relations with the trade union, etc. Taking into account these factors, the personnel policy of the organization develops within the limits established by external influence on the organization, and is determined by the state internal factors.

Formation of the personnel policy of the organization is a very complex process. It consists of 4 stages: the formation of the goals and objectives of the personnel policy, the procedures for diagnosing and forecasting the personnel situation are being developed, the choice of the main forms and methods of personnel management, the development of personnel action plans. The development and state of the organization's personnel policy is influenced by internal and external factors that do not go unnoticed.

1.3 Domestic and foreign experience in the formation of the personnel policy of the organization

The search for new ways in the field of work with personnel, the formation of an effective personnel policy and its implementation at the present stage of economic development are practically the primary problem of most foreign companies.

An analysis of the experience of forming a personnel policy at foreign and domestic enterprises made it possible to identify three main approaches to the formation of an enterprise's personnel policy: American, Japanese, Russian.

Note that the American approach (Western European) is associated with the individualization of management; Japanese - characterized by the collectivity of relationships.

In the process of implementing personnel policy in American firms, a distinction is made between two categories of personnel - administration and ordinary performers. on the content of the work of personnel services American companies can be judged by the distribution of the time fund between individual functions.

The most important functions of the personnel service here are: providing the company with high-quality personnel, personnel development, maintenance and stabilization.

table 2

Japanese, American, Russian approaches to personnel policy

Research criteria

personnel policy

Japanese approach

American approach

Russian approach

(business organization)

Basis of the organization




Attitude to work

The main thing is execution


The main thing is implementation

The main thing is the implementation of tasks


Hardly ever

Hardly ever

Guarantees for the worker

High (life

Making decisions

Down up

Top down

Top down

Delegation of power

In rare cases


In rare cases

Relationship with subordinates




recruitment method

After finishing studies

By business qualities

By business qualities


Depending on experience

Depending on the result


The principles of personnel selection in the United States are based on active methods of personnel search and recruitment and a strict system of requirements for candidates and the selection procedure. It should be noted that in the United States, not only the personnel department is involved in the organization of personnel selection, but also line managers, who have the final say in setting the requirements for the position and choosing a particular employee.

The focus of German companies is the organization of training and advanced training for all categories of employees. ensuring the release of high-quality products is directly related to the level of training of workers. In Germany, great importance is attached to the continuous professional development of employees, while 1/3 of employees improve their skills in their free time. Such a high level of interest in replenishing and updating one's knowledge is primarily associated with a fairly large number of unemployed in the country.

The main features of the personnel policy of Japanese enterprises are implemented in the following areas:

1. Lifetime employment, which, however, applies to some employees

2. The system of training and advanced training. Every year, companies recruit workers from colleges and universities. The management of Japanese companies is not at all embarrassed by the fact that most of the young people who come to the company do not have a certificate of qualification, because professional training in the company is an integral part of the personnel policy. training in a company has a number of advantages: firstly, the employee acquires exactly the qualifications and skills that the company requires, and, secondly, due to training in the company, young people develop a respectful attitude towards work. Education in Japan is characterized by: a focus on long-term development (“career development programs”), intensity, an individual approach, and a developed mentoring system. Advanced training, the acquisition of new knowledge are an integral part of the working life of the Japanese, while self-education is widely developed. No one forces the Japanese to improve their skills, they strive for this themselves, and the management stimulates such activity of personnel by allocating funds for the purchase of educational and special literature, for the distribution of printed materials, payment for group activities (target groups), because in conditions of lifelong employment, human resources represent essential part company capital.

3. Remuneration and promotion depending on the length of service in the company and skill level.

4. Collective decision-making, collective responsibility, lack of differences in rank and class - all members of the team are one big “family”.

Both Japanese and American systems of personnel policy are characterized by a flexible response to changes in market demand for labor. On the one hand, temporary workers are less protected from a social point of view, do not enjoy a number of benefits, but, on the other hand, this allows firms to adapt to market fluctuations, avoid the social and psychological consequences of dismissal, and save on preferential payments.

The analyzed foreign experience shows that the culture of companies includes: the system of internal values ​​of the organization, its image, image; the philosophy of the company, its life principles, ethics, norms and standards of conduct, rituals, traditions and other forms of ownership; management style; forms of relationships between workers, both formal and informal; socio-psychological climate in the team; personnel policy and personnel management strategy, social guarantees and incentives. based on the analysis, the author concluded that corporate culture and personnel policy at developed foreign enterprises are closely interrelated

Speaking about the experience of an effective personnel policy of an enterprise, one cannot ignore the domestic experience. In this regard, the organization of work with personnel is interesting.

An analysis of the personnel policy implemented by the leadership of modern Russian industrial organizations has shown that it carries a number of shortcomings.

When recruiting personnel, there is a contradiction between the personal qualities of most of the personnel with high qualifications and professionalism, and the role of obedient performers, which is assigned to them by the management of the enterprise, which reserves the right to innovate in activities. This leads to employee dissatisfaction with what they are doing and lays the foundation for future conflicts.

Another miscalculation is made in the field of remuneration and labor incentives. Wages are not properly individualized, and the stake is most often placed on the stabilizing function of wages, while the status and incentive functions are left without due attention. As a result, workers do not proceed from how much they can earn, but from how much they want to have, and with such an orientation, an increase in wages does not lead to satisfaction, but only causes an unreasonable increase in claims for payment. Together with the lack of awareness of employees about what wages are being increased for, what actions have been encouraged (the absence of official, well-known criteria for individualizing pay within the job category), the above factor gives rise to dissatisfaction with wages for workers at sufficiently high earnings. Pay-oriented workers are given a reason to look for new higher-paying jobs.

In turn, the lack of awareness of the personnel about the reasons for this or that action of the management leads to the lack of a common understanding of the goals of their activities among the personnel of enterprises, and also aggravates relations between “old-timers” and “newcomers”, creates an atmosphere of dissatisfaction with the policy of management.

To the deterioration of morale psychological climate in a team, unreasonable disruptions in communication with colleagues are also caused by the fatigue of workers, which is a consequence of poor organization of work and an insufficiently high level of its conditions. The lack of a clear distribution of duties and responsibilities, duplication of functions and subordination, excessive overload of managers, lack of business communication skills are the cause of systematic overtime work, create an atmosphere of fuss

The fact that the growth of professionalism is encouraged only if it leads to an increase in income is also negative in the policy of the management of enterprises, while for the improvement of qualifications, the growth of professionalism is one of the priority factors when choosing a place of work.

The lack of attention of management to the needs and problems of their employees, the stake that high pay compensates for low organization and working conditions, are the cause of high staff turnover and dissatisfaction. In a fairly short period of time, almost half of the personnel is changing at enterprises, and 2/3 of those working at enterprises today expressed their readiness to leave for another place of work with more favorable conditions, from their point of view.

Thus, if the management of enterprises in the private sector of the economy continues to adhere to the existing personnel policy, this threatens to lose more promising employees, increase turnover and, as a result, worsen business, create a negative image.

The formation of the personnel policy of the organization is very different both in Russia and abroad. The Japanese personnel policy is focused on lifelong hiring of employees, lack of competition, they are hired immediately after graduation from the university. Both Japanese and American approaches are characterized by a flexible response to changing market demand for labor. Workers' guarantees are less protected than the Japanese. As for domestic experience, it has a number of shortcomings that need to be corrected.

2. Organizational and economic analysis of the personnel policy of the organization CJSC "Svyaznoy Logistics"

2.1 Labor potential analysis

Svyaznoy is the largest independent federal retail network, engaged in the distribution of mobile devices, as well as providing operator and financial services. October 9, 1995 is considered to be the date of foundation of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC (hereinafter referred to as Svyaznoy). A retail outlet on Gorbushka, an office with an area of ​​20 square meters - then the company had only 5 employees. Starting with minimal working capital, the company has grown into a large and rapidly growing company in a short period of time. commercial enterprise. Location of Svyaznoy: Russian Federation, 115280, Moscow, st. Leninskaya Sloboda d.19. In Novosibirsk, the central office is CJSC "Svyaznoy Logistics" branch Siberia 630007 Novosibirsk, st. Oktyabrskaya highway 4.

CJSC "Svyaznoy Logistics" offers its customers:

1. Cell phones and accessories, DECT phones and walkie-talkies, personal audio and photo equipment, video cameras, laptops, portable TVs and DVD players, weather stations, game consoles and games for them;

2. best price guarantee. Svyaznoy works directly with the world's best manufacturers, so it offers customers only certified products at the best prices;

3. availability of registration on credit. Many goods in Svyaznoy can be bought without paying a single ruble as a down payment;

4. a wide range of available services: extended warranty, purchase insurance, phone tuning, financial services;

5. accepting payments without commission. Svyaznoy instantly transfers funds deposited by customers to pay for the services of mobile operators, Internet providers, bills for commercial television, long-distance and international communications;

6. free shipping. It is enough to call the delivery service or order the desired product in the Svyaznoy online store, and within a day the courier will deliver the goods to your home or office absolutely free of charge.

The activities of the Svyaznoy company, like any other commercial organization, are aimed primarily at making a profit (clause 1, article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The strategic goal is to increase the value of the company.

Table 3

Analysis of general economic indicators

By economic indicators it is obvious that the volume of sales, specific revenue, profit of the company is increasing every year. This is due to the fact that the company is expanding its business, increasing outlets and attracting more staff.

In the personnel structure for 2014, 280 people (11.46%) are administrative and managerial personnel and 2126 people (88.54%) are sales personnel.

The qualification level of workers largely depends on their age, education, work experience. Therefore, in the analysis process, it is necessary to consider the composition of employees on these grounds.

Table 5

Personnel structure by education

The level of education

Lower secondary

General average

secondary specialized

Incomplete Higher

Rice. 1 Personnel structure by education

As you can see, according to the level of education, the company employs mainly workers with a general secondary education. Skilled workers make up only 20%; they include the entire administrative and managerial staff and a small part of the trade. Also, 20% of employees have incomplete higher education.

We turn to the consideration of the age structure of the staff.

Table 6

Age structure of the staff of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC

Rice. 2 Age structure of the personnel of CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics

As you can see, the main age of workers falls on the category of 26-36 years. The organization employs young employees and is rejuvenating the staff.

Now let's calculate the personnel movement indicators for 2014.


Cob. by reception == =0.18

Cob. by knockout===0.19

Thus, the staff turnover at the enterprise amounted to 19.15, which actually exceeds 3 times the norm (7-9%).

During the analysis of the reasons for layoffs, the main ones were identified:

* Dissatisfaction with the level of wages;

* Inability to combine work and study;

* Dissatisfied with the work schedule;

* Family (personal) circumstances;

* Company initiative.

In general, the organization employs a young team, the average age is 26 years. Basically, the education of employees is secondary education. But the company has a fairly high turnover of about 20%. Employees quit due to the fact that their wages do not satisfy, and the work schedule is inconvenient for students, that is, they cannot combine study with work.

2.2 Analysis of the personnel policy of the organization

The company has formed friendly and open relations not only among employees, but also between managers and subordinates. The manager's behavior is based on the totality of the principle of unity of command, but at the same time it is combined with the active involvement of subordinates in the decision-making process and leadership. Therefore, the management style in this company can be called democratic. The leader prefers to influence employees through persuasion.

planning, selection and hiring, release (retirement, layoffs), analysis of staff turnover, etc.;

staff development, evaluation, organization of promotion;

· stimulation of labor, provision of safety measures, social payments.

Human resources is the basis of the company, and its formation is given a key role in the implementation of management. In the company, the staff is in constant professional and creative development. When analyzing the personnel management system, such issues as recruitment, staff turnover, advanced training, personnel motivation system and personnel development are considered.

Personnel selection. Employment at CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics begins with a detailed definition of who the organization needs. At the heart of this process is the preparation of a job description, i.e. a document describing the main functions of the employee occupying this workplace. To facilitate the process of selecting candidates, documents are created that describe the main characteristics that an employee must have to successfully work in this position - qualification cards and competency cards (portraits or profiles of ideal employees).

The qualification card is a set qualification characteristics(general education, special education, special skills, such as computer skills, etc.) that the “ideal” employee in this position should have. Competence map (portrait ideal employee). Competences are personal characteristics person, his ability to perform certain functions, types of behavior and social roles such as customer orientation, teamwork, assertiveness, originality of thought.

Having determined the requirements for the candidate, the HR department can proceed to the next stage - attracting candidates. Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC uses advertisements in the media - on television, radio, in the press, on the Internet. Main advantage this method selection of personnel - wide coverage of the population at relatively low costs. Disadvantages are the flip side of advantages - media announcements can lead to a huge influx of candidates, most of whom will not have the required characteristics.

When selecting candidates, a method such as an interview is used. It involves, first of all, finding out information about the candidate in the course of personal contact.

Also, when analyzing the personnel management system, such an issue as the personnel motivation system is considered.

CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics uses cash bonuses and trips to various parts of the world as a motivation system. The use of this kind of rewards is intended not only to increase the loyalty of employees, but also to motivate them to work actively during the next period. In order for bonuses to give results, each employee must clearly understand what he received the bonus for and what tasks will allow him to count on it in the future. Career development of employees directly depends on activities aimed at developing personnel. The prosperity of the organization itself will depend on how effective this process will be.

At CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics, upon hiring, initially each employee undergoes a training course according to the specifics of the job. In the future, also in order to improve their skills and develop their professional knowledge, the staff takes professional training courses, attends various trainings.

The training of the company's employees is carried out both by the internal coaching staff and by external providers.


1. Classroom training in groups:

· Trainings


2. Development in the process of work:

· Mentoring

· Coaching


After the end of the training, an assessment of the effectiveness of training is carried out. Specially designed electronic courses are aimed at self-acquisition of knowledge on a given topic. An employee can take these courses on the training portal remotely from any computer with access. Specially designed electronic courses are aimed at self-acquisition of knowledge on a given topic.

Development methods:

· Developmentonworkingplace- specific assignments / tasks from the daily work of the employee;

· Educationalprojects,internships- participation in a project or temporary appointment to a position requiring a higher level of quality development;

· Educationonexperienceothers- observation of a more experienced person; joint discussion of his experience;

· self-learning- analysis of past experience, independent search for more effective forms of work, reading of specialized literature.

· TrainingsAndeducationalprograms- specially selected programs and trainings for development.


Classes are conducted by experienced trainers;

Employees receive a charge of fresh ideas and information;

Increased self-esteem;

Improvement of qualification and professional competence;

Expanding career prospects both inside and outside the organization.


Courses can be divorced from the practice of your business, and oversaturated with theory;

Employees may not be in the mood for training in their spare time.

Analysis of the main regulatory and methodological documents of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC is considered in Table 7.

Table 7

Analysis of the main regulatory and methodological documents of the personnel management system

Types of main regulatory and methodological documents of the personnel management system

Form of normative-methodical document


negative points in the practice of using the document

Reference documentation

Charter of CJSC "Svyaznoy Logistics"

(Appendix No. 1)

Regulates the activities of the company, relations with other organizations and citizens, the rights and obligations of shareholders.

"+" Is the main regulatory document in which all the rules are written

"-" information overload

Documentation organizational, organizational- managerial And organizational and methodological character

Job description of the HR manager (Appendix No. 2);

Reveals functional duties, rights, responsibilities.

"+" Reflects the most complete list rights and obligations of employees.

Documentation technical, technical and economic And economic character

Labor protection instructions (Appendix No. 3)

The main aspects of labor protection for each position are presented.

"-" does not sufficiently regulate the labor protection of personnel

In general, the personnel policy of this enterprise consists of such activities as planning, selection and hiring, dismissal, analysis of staff turnover, personnel development, evaluation, organization of promotion, labor stimulation, safety, social benefits. Staff training takes place in our own training center, on the job. And this center has not only pluses, but also a number of shortcomings, but these shortcomings must be eliminated.

2.3 Analysis of the activities of the personnel service of the enterprise CJSC "Svyaznoy Logistics"

In Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC, the HR department consists of 6 employees:

Sh Head of Personnel Department

Sh Leading HR Specialist

Ш 2 Human Resources Specialist

HR Specialist

Ш Occupational Safety Specialist

Sh Lead Recruitment Specialist

All employees of this department have higher education in the field of personnel management.

Table 5

Functional responsibilities of positions

Functional responsibilities


Lead HR Specialist

Labor protection specialist

Lead Recruitment Specialist

HR business specialist

HR Specialist

Registration of reception, transfer, dismissal of employees of the Company in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Registration of apprenticeship agreements for the Company's employees in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Providing reporting.

Security correct design documents related to vacations of employees of the company; with layoffs of employees, compulsory medical insurance policies

Registration of vacations, business trips, KMO contracts, sick leave, benefits and other personnel documentation in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the internal regulations of the Company

1. Selection of office staff;

2. Adaptation of office staff;

3. Administrative support for carrying out activities to motivate, develop, evaluate the Company's personnel;

4. Creation of a flow of applicants for open vacancies;

5. Preparation of management reporting.

Ensuring the correct completion of work books upon dismissal of employees of the Company in accordance with the Labor Code

Processing of requests from employees (Base of Applications);

Implementation of labor protection and fire safety requirements in the Company in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

Ensuring timely and correct registration of personal files of the Company's employees in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and timely change of personal data

Today, the personnel department at Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC is mainly involved in the issues of hiring and dismissal of employees, execution of employment contracts, sick leave, leave applications. It is necessary to expand the scope of its activities by adding the following functions:

- evaluate the performance of each employee;

ѕ engage in the process of adaptation of employees;

ѕ manage industrial and social conflicts.

Such a structure of the service allows the administration to really manage labor resources, will reduce the turnover of personnel of enterprises to a minimum and solve complex problems of increasing production efficiency and stimulating staff.

3. The main directions for improving the personnel policy of the organization CJSC "Svyaznoy Logistics"

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Faculty of Economics


Topic: "Improving the personnel policy at the enterprise"

Is done by a student

Specialty 080502.65

"Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry)"

Director of TF MIKB

Bondarenko N.A., Ph.D.


The value and role of the personnel policy of the enterprise

Analysis of the personnel policy of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87"

1 Description of the activities of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87"

2 Analysis of personnel management of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87"

1 A set of measures to improve the personnel policy at the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87"

3 Cost-effectiveness of the proposed activities


Bibliographic list of references


The core element of an organization is its employees. The human resources policy of an organization forms the basis for the formation of a system of working with people when considering various aspects of human resource management and serves as a starting point for managers in making specific decisions regarding employees.

A good HR policy can be defined as an overall HR strategy that integrates various aspects of an organization's personnel policy and workforce plans and use. It should enhance the organization's ability to adapt to changing technologies and market demands that can be foreseen in the foreseeable future.

The personnel policy is a written document that describes all aspects of the current personnel policy of the enterprise, signed by all top managers. Moreover, personnel policy is not the raison d'être of the organization itself. A good HR policy stems from and reflects the core business or functional goals of an organization.

Without a well-established personnel system, it is difficult to increase the capabilities of an enterprise, respond to changing technology and market demands in the near future, create favorable working conditions, provide opportunities for promotion and the necessary degree of confidence in the future.

The relevance of the topic is determined in theoretical consideration and practical justification personnel policy of the enterprise in personnel management in a market economy.

The purpose of the thesis is to study the current personnel policy of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" and develop a methodology for its improvement.

The objectives of the study of personnel policy and the formation of personnel at the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" are: determining the priority of personnel policy, the styles of personnel management of the enterprise and reviewing personnel information.

The object of the study is: the system for implementing the personnel policy of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87".

The subject of the study is: relations arising in the process of carrying out personnel policy at the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87".

The priority issues of the thesis are: issues of selection and involvement of employees of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87", personnel assessment, organization of vocational training, advanced training, training of the reserve and career planning. In addition, the thesis considers stimulating the personnel of the enterprise to the most effective work through the formation of the corporate culture of the enterprise, motivation to work, as the main success factor in the field of activity of the enterprise.

Thesis tasks:

Ø reveal the theoretical issues of personnel and personnel policy;

Ø describe the activities of the enterprise, its functions, goals, objectives, financial condition;

Ø to characterize the number and categories of personnel of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87", the regulations for the selection and recruitment of personnel and the improvement of their qualifications;

Ø identify problems and propose measures to improve the personnel policy at the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87".

The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is the works of such scientists as Averin A.N., Bazarov T.Yu., Borisova E.A., Kibanov A.Ya., Mindeli L.E., Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. . and etc.

The methodological basis of the thesis was the comparative, structural and method of system analysis.

1 The value and role of the personnel policy of the enterprise

personnel policy management

Personnel policy - a set of rules and norms, goals and ideas that determine the direction and content of work with personnel. Through the personnel policy, the implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out, therefore it is considered the core of the personnel management system. The personnel policy is formed by the management of the organization, implemented by the personnel service in the process of performing its functions by its employees. Personnel policy should increase the capabilities of the enterprise, respond to changing market requirements in the near future. It is reflected in the following regulatory documents:

internal regulations;

collective agreement.

Speaking of personnel policy, it cannot be identified with personnel management. The concepts of "personnel management" and "politics" are by no means identical. "Management" is a much broader term, one of the components of which is politics, in this case personnel policy.

The term "personnel policy" has a broad and narrow interpretation:

A system of rules and norms (which must be understood and formulated in a certain way) that bring the human resource in line with the company's strategy (hence it follows that all activities for working with personnel: selection, staffing, certification, training, promotion - are planned in advance and are consistent with the overall understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization);

A set of specific rules, wishes and restrictions in the relationship between people and the organization. In this sense, for example, the words: "The personnel policy of our company is to hire people with higher education" - can be used as an argument in solving a specific personnel issue.

The history of the development of personnel services, that is, subsections that deal with the acquisition and accounting of personnel, reaches back to the depths of centuries. Yes, the first mention of a discharge decree (a military description of military men with the designation of their positions) on recruitment, accounting for cash salaries for the personnel of the army of the Russian state dates back to 1478.

Industrial Revolution XIX century radically changed the nature of the organization of labor and the role of the workers themselves. The growth in the scale of production and the behavior of workers who are not satisfied with working conditions forced the leaders of the organization to hire specialists who would deal exclusively with workers. In England they were called secretaries of well-being, in the USA and France - public secretaries, whose main functions were: to monitor working conditions; oppose the creation of trade unions; arrange sick workers in the hospital, and children in preschool institutions.

In the Soviet period, personnel departments appeared in almost all organizations, but their functions were limited only to the preparation and issuance of various certificates, questionnaires, and reports. They had to provide higher organizations with all kinds of personnel information.

remembering famous phrase Joseph Stalin "Cadres decide everything", which has become an absolute political axiom, I understand how specific and significant it is. Indeed, for the present time and the state of Russia, this statement is not only fair, but also has the character of a fatal problem for enterprises.

Analyzing the modern concepts of “object” and “subject” of personnel policy, I also see the essence of Stalin’s statement: “The main object of the enterprise’s personnel policy is personnel (cadres). The personnel of the enterprise is the main (regular) composition of its employees. Personnel is the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities. The subject of personnel policy is the one who forms and implements it.

The general requirements for personnel policy in modern conditions are as follows:

Personnel policy should be closely linked to the development strategy of the enterprise. In this respect, it represents the staffing of the implementation of this strategy.

The personnel policy should be sufficiently flexible. This means that it must be, on the one hand, stable, since certain employee expectations are associated with stability, and on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with the change in the tactics of the enterprise, the production and economic situation. Stable should be those parties that are focused on the interest of the staff and are related to organizational culture enterprises.

Since the formation of a qualified workforce is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, the personnel policy should be economically justified, i.e. based on his real financial capabilities.

The personnel policy should provide an individual approach to its employees.

Personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but provide the opportunity for promotion and the necessary degree of confidence in the future.

Thus, the personnel policy is aimed at creating such a system of work with personnel, which is focused on obtaining not only economic, but also social benefits, subject to compliance with current legislation.

Personnel policy - the main direction in the work with personnel, has its own goals and objectives, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel department of the enterprise.

The main goal of personnel policy is the creation of a personnel management system based mainly not on administrative methods, but on economic incentives and social guarantees focused on bringing the interests of the employee and the organization closer together, achieving high labor productivity, increasing production efficiency, and obtaining the best economic results for the organization.

The main goal is specified in the following tasks:

Ensuring the conditions for the implementation of the rights and obligations of citizens provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, labor legislation.

Compliance by all organizations and individual citizens with the provisions on trade unions, model rules internal regulations and other documents adopted in the framework of the state personnel policy.

Ensuring an optimal balance between the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel, its development in accordance with the needs of the organization itself and the state of the labor market.

The subordination of all work with personnel to the tasks of uninterrupted and high-quality provision of the main economic activity with the required number of employees of the necessary professional qualified composition.

Rational use of human resources available to the organization.

Formation and maintenance of effective work of labor collectives, development of intra-industrial democracy.

Development of principles of organization of the labor process.

Development of criteria and methodology for the selection, training and advanced training of employees; staff remuneration.

Development of principles for determining the social economic effect of activities included in the personnel management system.

All goals of personnel policy can be divided into economic and social.

Economic goals are derived from the priority production principles of maintaining the competitiveness of the organization and maximizing profits. Achieving the optimal ratio between costs and results is an important achievement of the personnel policy.

In the current economic conditions, personnel decisions are rarely aimed at an absolute reduction in personnel costs, more often they are designed to optimize the ratio between these costs, on the one hand, and labor productivity, on the other.

Social goals are to improve the material and non-material situation of the employees of the enterprise. This applies especially to wages, social spending, reduction of working hours, as well as the equipment of workplaces, demands for greater freedom of action and the right to participate in decision-making.

Own goals personnel policy are determined taking into account the main provisions of all components of the development of the organization:

Goals related to the external conditions of the enterprise (labor market, relationships with state and local authorities).

Goals determined by internal conditions, the implementation of which is aimed at improving the relationship of the enterprise with its employees (their participation in the management of the enterprise, deepening professional knowledge, etc.).

The target task of personnel policy can be solved in different ways, and the choice of alternative options is quite wide:

Dismiss employees or retain; If you save, which way is better:

a) transfer to reduced forms of employment;

b) use at unusual works, at other objects;

c) send them to long-term retraining, etc.

Train workers yourself or look for those who already have necessary training.

Recruit from outside or retrain workers to be released from the enterprise.

Recruit additional workers or get by with the existing number, provided that it is used more rationally, etc.

The personnel policy is both general in nature when it concerns the personnel of the enterprise as a whole, and private, selective, when it focuses on solving particular problems (within individual structural units, functional or professional groups of employees, categories of personnel). This takes into account:

requirements for the labor force at the stage of its hiring (to education, gender, age, length of service, level of special training, etc.);

the attitude towards "investment" in the labor force, to the purposeful influence on the development of certain aspects of the employed labor force;

attitude to the stabilization of the team (total or a certain part);

attitude to the nature of the training of new workers at the enterprise, as well as to the retraining of personnel;

attitude to the internal movement of personnel, etc.

The personnel policy of the organization is designed to ensure:

high quality of work and its results, working conditions, as well as the workforce itself;

structural adaptation of personnel to continuous organizational changes, social and cultural innovations - flexibility of personnel potential;

rejection of the traditional, strict restriction between different types of work, as well as the use of various flexible forms of organization of labor processes: full, part-time and temporary employment, etc.;

organizational integration, when the top management of the organization and line managers accept the developed and well-coordinated personnel management strategy as “their own” and implement it in their operational activities;

a high level of responsibility of all employees of the organization, which implies both identification with the basic values ​​of the organization, and persistent, proactive implementation of their goals in everyday practical work;

a new quality of the content of labor and a high level of satisfaction with it, through the use of new forms that enrich the content of labor.

Therefore, personnel policy is a complex process of forming a high-quality labor collective of an enterprise, requiring knowledge of the theory of social management and the ability to express the strategy of the subject of management in working with personnel.

2 Types of personnel policy and methods for its evaluation

The issue of personnel policy at the level of an individual organization remains open for discussion. A number of authors tend to believe that the term is hardly applicable in an organization. policy , since the border between politics and personnel work is almost imperceptible. Along with this point of view, which denies the legitimacy of personnel policy at the organization level, there is an opposite position. So, T.Yu. Bazarov(1), L.B. Eremin(2), referring to the experience of Canada and Germany, are convinced that except for financial policy, foreign economic policy, policy towards competitors, etc. any organization develops and implements a personnel policy because many policies and some strategies are about human resources.

T.Yu. Bazarov and B.L. Eremin single out personnel policy (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1 - Types of personnel policy T.Yu. Bazarov and B.L. Eremina


Bazarov Takhir Yusupovich - Doctor of Psychology, Professor. Head of the Department of Human Resources Management, IPK GS RAGS under the President of the Russian Federation (since 1996), is a member of the Academic Council of Moscow State University (since 2002).

Eremin Boris Lvovich - Professor of the International Institute of Advertising (Moscow) and the European Institute of Public Relations (Paris). Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS).

Passive personnel policy. The very notion of passive politics seems illogical. However, we may encounter a situation in which the management of the organization does not have a pronounced program of action in relation to personnel, and personnel work is reduced to eliminating negative consequences. Such an organization is characterized by the absence of a forecast of personnel needs, means of assessing labor and personnel, and diagnosing the personnel situation as a whole. In a situation of such a personnel policy, management works in an emergency response mode to emerging conflict situations, which it seeks to extinguish by any means, often without trying to understand the causes and possible consequences.

Reactive personnel policy. In line with this policy, the management of the enterprise monitors the symptoms of a negative state in working with personnel, the causes and development of the crisis: the emergence of conflict situations, the lack of a sufficiently qualified workforce to solve the challenges, the lack of motivation for highly productive work. The management of the enterprise is taking measures to localize the crisis, focused on understanding the reasons that led to the emergence of personnel problems. The personnel services of such enterprises, as a rule, have the means of diagnosing the existing situation and adequate emergency assistance. Although personnel problems are singled out and considered specifically in enterprise development programs, the main difficulties arise in medium-term forecasting.

Preventive personnel policy. In the true sense of the word, politics arises only when the management of the firm (enterprise) has reasonable forecasts for the development of the situation. Management has reasonable forecasts for the development of the personnel situation. However, the organization does not have the means to influence it. The development programs of the organization contain short-term and medium-term forecasts of the need for personnel, tasks for the development of personnel are formulated. The main problem is the development of targeted personnel programs.

Active personnel policy. It is divided into rational and adventurous:

Rational personnel policy. The management of the enterprise has a qualitative diagnosis, a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation and has the means to influence it. The personnel department of the enterprise has the means of diagnosing personnel and predicting the personnel situation for the medium and long term. In addition, an integral part of the plan is a program of personnel work with options for its implementation.

Adventurous personnel policy. The management of the enterprise does not have a qualitative diagnosis, a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation, but seeks to influence it. The personnel department of an enterprise, as a rule, does not have the means to predict the personnel situation and diagnose personnel, however, the development programs of the enterprise include plans for personnel work, often focused on achieving goals that are important for the development of the enterprise, but not analyzed from the point of view of changing the situation.

You can also distinguish between open and closed personnel policy.

An open personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent to potential employees at any level, the organization is ready to hire any specialist of the appropriate qualification without taking into account work experience in other organizations. Such a personnel policy may be adequate for new organizations that are pursuing an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid entry into the forefront in their industry.

A closed personnel policy is characterized by the fact that the organization focuses on the inclusion of new personnel only from the lowest official level, and the replacement occurs only from among the employees of the organization. Such a personnel policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere, the formation of a special spirit of involvement. Comparison of these two types of personnel policy for the main personnel processes is presented in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Comparison of open and closed personnel policy

Personnel process Type of personnel policy Open Closed Recruitment Situation of high competition in the labor market Situation of labor shortage Situation of personnel adaptation Possibility of quick inclusion in competitive relations guardians ), high team cohesion, inclusion in traditional approaches. Personnel training and development Often carried out in external centers, contributes to the borrowing of new experience. Often held in internal corporate centers, contributes to the formation of a single view, following a common technology, adapted to the specifics of the organization's work. Personnel promotion Opportunities for growth are difficult due to the constant influx of new personnel, and on the other hand, it is quite likely dizzying career due to the high mobility of personnel. Preference for appointment to higher positions is always given to honored employees of the company, career planning is carried out. Motivation and stimulation Preference is given to labor stimulation (primarily material). Preference is given to motivation (satisfying the need for stability, security, social acceptance). innovation Constant innovative impact on the part of new employees (through contracts), determining the responsibility of the employee and the organization.

Evaluation of the activities of personnel management services is a systematic and systematically organized process aimed at measuring the costs and results associated with the activities of personnel services, as well as correlating these results with the results of the organization as a whole. .

For a complete analysis of the personnel policy of any enterprise, it is necessary to highlight the evaluation criteria:

quantitative and qualitative composition of the staff. The quantitative composition of the organization is divided into three categories: senior managers, middle managers and service personnel with differentiation into men and women, pensioners and people under the age of 18, working and on vacation (for example, to care for a child, without maintenance, etc. .), as well as for those working in the parent company or branches, etc. The qualitative composition of the staff is usually divided into employees with higher, secondary special, secondary and initial vocational education, taking into account work experience, staff development and other factors.

staff turnover rate. This is one of the most indicative criteria of the personnel policy of the enterprise. Of course, staff turnover can be seen as both a positive and a negative phenomenon. First, the worker's capabilities are expanded, and his ability to adapt increases. Secondly, the staff of the enterprise is “refreshing”, there is an influx of new people, and, consequently, new ideas.

policy flexibility. The flexibility of personnel policy is assessed based on its characteristics: stability or dynamism. Personnel policy should be dynamically rebuilt under the influence of changing conditions and circumstances.

the degree of consideration of the interests of the employee / production, etc. The degree of consideration of the interests of the employee is considered in comparison with the degree of consideration of the interests of production. Examines the presence or absence of an individual approach to the employees of the enterprise.

The impact of personnel policy on the performance of the enterprise can be assessed by the impact on profits and costs. When assessing, it is also necessary to use criteria related to the tasks of product development, organization, direct personnel management (job satisfaction, willingness to change jobs, self-esteem, creativity, initiative, readiness to study).

The methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of personnel policy, where the evaluation criteria are grouped as follows: the actual economic efficiency, the degree of employee satisfaction, indirect indicators of the performance of employees. With the help of the proposed indicators, it is possible to determine the direction of the influence of each factor on the change in the degree of productivity, but this influence cannot be quantified.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel policy is based on criteria expressed in objective indicators of production development (table 1.2).

Table 1.2 Performance indicators of personnel management

Directions of analysisIndicators Labor productivity Sales volume per employee and its dynamics; The volume of profit before taxes per employee and its dynamics. Improving the quality of products, services Number of complaints and their dynamics; The proportion of marriage and its dynamics. Socio-psychological climate in the team Relationships with colleagues; Relationship with management; Relations with the public, colleagues. Level of staff satisfaction Compliance with organizational and personal goals; Staff turnover rate and its dynamics; The level of conflict in the team.

As a performance indicator characterizing social efficiency control, we choose the coefficient of fluidity. This indicator reflects the dynamics of the company's personnel and also acts as a factor that indirectly affects labor productivity. It is an indicator of well-being in the field of personnel management. If a firm has good performance but high staff turnover, then the firm has low staff stability, and given that increased turnover can be costly to the firm, more careful analysis of the reasons why people leave the organization should be taken.

The average number of workers is determined by the formula:

where Rn, Rk - the number of workers at the beginning and end of the year, respectively.

The movement of personnel in the enterprise is characterized the following indicators: recruitment rate, staff attrition rate, turnover rate.

The recruitment rate is calculated by the formula:

Planning work with retiring employees is based on the classification of types of dismissals. The classification criterion is the degree of voluntary departure of an employee from the organization:

) at the initiative of the employee, that is, own will;

) at the initiative of the employer or administration;

) due to retirement.

The attrition rate is calculated by the formula:

where B is the number of retired workers (dismissed of their own free will, dismissed for violation of labor discipline, retired, enrolled in educational institutions, drafted into the Armed Forces) for a certain period of time, people.

R - the average number of employees for the same period of time.

The coefficient of the total turnover of the labor force is equal to:

Ktotal.=Kpr.k+Ks.k., (4)

where Kpr.k - frame acceptance rate;

Kvyb.k., - the rate of departure of personnel.

The turnover rate is calculated as the ratio of the number of employees who left of their own accord, dismissed for absenteeism and other violations of discipline of workers for a certain period (in this case, for a year) to the average number of employees during the year.

where own.l. - voluntary dismissal, people;

Ruv.for outside tr.disc. - dismissal for violation of labor discipline, people;

R - the average number of employees for the same period of time.

The replacement rate is:

Ksubstitute.c.=P/V, (6)

where P - the number of people hired for a certain period of time, people;

B - the number of retired workers (dismissed of their own free will, dismissed for violation of labor discipline, retired, enrolled in educational institutions, drafted into the Armed Forces) for a certain period of time, people.

The activity of trade enterprises has its own specifics. The work of a trade worker is associated with constant communication with customers, suppliers, and work colleagues. Not infrequently, conflict and stressful situations arise during the work of a trade worker. It is obvious that the causes of a conflict at a trade enterprise differ from the causes of conflicts at industrial enterprises, where most of the time of employees is devoted to working not with people, but with objects of labor, equipment. Therefore, a feature of the work of trade workers is its high neuro-emotional stress, which means that the psychological climate is one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of personnel management. The moral and psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members that prevails in a group or team, manifesting itself in the diverse forms of their activities. It is important for a leader, a business person, to know the ways of forming a moral and psychological climate and the mechanisms of team building. In their management decisions, in the preparation, training and placement of personnel, it is necessary to use these ways, achieving optimal coordination of interpersonal interaction of team members in a specific joint activity.

3 Methodological approaches to the formation of personnel policy

In modern conditions, personnel policy should be focused on the priority of social values, social policy, since final goal ongoing reforms are not the market as such, but the well-being of each person. As a rule, the basic principles of personnel policy are developed by the management of the enterprise, but in reality, the selection of personnel is carried out by each structural unit independently (table 1.3).

Table 1.3 Principles for the formation of personnel policy

Name of the principle Characteristics of the principle Scientific use of all modern scientific developments in this field that could provide the maximum economic and social effect Comprehensive coverage of all areas of personnel activity and all categories of workers Systematic consideration of the interdependence and interconnection of individual components of this work; the need to take into account the economic and social effect (both positive and negative), the impact of a particular event on the final result Efficiency Any costs for activities in this area should be repaid through the results of economic activity methodologies

Of the several options for the proposed principles in relation to the conditions of a given organization, one must be chosen. Such materials include the development of provisions on job descriptions, the methodology for hiring and the placement of newly hired workers, etc. The efficiency of the enterprise depends on the state. The age composition of the personnel determines the continuity of skills and abilities, the activity of mastering new technologies. It should be noted that the age of employees should not and cannot be a goal in personnel policy. Moreover, the experience of an employee appears after several years of work and the retention of the most valuable employees is the key to the success of the enterprise. However, any enterprise must plan the internal process of self-reproduction of personnel and take the necessary measures to cultivate and attract the most qualified specialists.

When choosing a personnel policy, the following factors are taken into account:

production requirements, enterprise development strategy;

the financial capabilities of the enterprise, the permissible level of costs for personnel management determined by it;

quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the existing staff and the direction of their change in the future, etc.;

the situation on the labor market (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor supply by profession of the enterprise, conditions of supply);

demand for labor from competitors, the emerging level of wages;

the influence of trade unions, rigidity in defending the interests of workers;

requirements of labor legislation, the accepted culture of working with hired personnel, etc.

Efficiency<#"justify">IN general view The formation of personnel policy goes through the following stages:

Stage 1. Rationing. The goal is to harmonize the principles and goals of working with personnel, with the principles and goals of the organization as a whole, the strategy and the stage of its development.

It is necessary to analyze the corporate culture, strategy and stage of development of the organization, predict possible changes, specify the image of the desired employee, the ways of its formation and the goals of working with personnel.

For example, it is advisable to describe the requirements for an employee of the organization, the principles of his existence in the organization, growth opportunities, requirements for the development of certain abilities, etc.

Stage 2. Programming. The goal is to develop programs, ways to achieve the goals of personnel work, specified taking into account the conditions of the current and possible changes in the situation.

It is necessary to build a system of procedures and measures to achieve the goals, a kind of personnel technologies, fixed in documents, forms, and always taking into account both the current state and the possibilities of changes.

An essential parameter influencing the development of such programs is the idea of ​​acceptable tools and methods of influence, their alignment with the values ​​of the organization.

Stage 3. Personnel monitoring. The goal is to develop procedures for diagnosing and predicting the personnel situation. It is necessary to identify indicators of the state of human resources, develop a program of ongoing diagnostics and a mechanism for developing specific measures to develop and use the knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel. It is expedient to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel programs and develop a methodology for their evaluation.

For enterprises that constantly monitor personnel, many individual HR programs (assessment and certification, career planning, maintaining an effective working climate, planning, etc.) are included in a single system of internally related tasks, methods of diagnosis and impact, methods of acceptance and implementation solutions. In this case, we can talk about the existence of personnel policy as a tool for enterprise management.

The effectiveness of personnel management, the most complete implementation of the goals set largely depend on the choice of options for building the enterprise personnel management system itself, understanding the mechanism of its functioning, choosing the most optimal technologies and methods of working with people. The formation of personnel policy is based on an analysis of the structure of personnel, the efficiency of using working time, and forecasts for the development of production and employment.

An active personnel policy is the key to the success of the enterprise. An active personnel policy, ideally, is formed and implemented according to a scheme that involves building a "tree of goals", moreover, the goals of employees and the goals of the administration, ensuring their least inconsistency, identifying the role and place of personnel management in ensuring the main goals of the enterprise. Consider the model of an active personnel policy (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3 - Formation of an active personnel policy.

Organizational-staffing policy is planning<#"justify">Personnel, people 2009% 2010% 2011% Employees with higher education 2141.181834.621730.91 Employees with secondary vocational education 3058.823465.383869.09 Disability pensioners (2nd and 3rd group) 23.9223.8523, 63 Pensioners by age1631.371834.621934.55 Total number of employees51-52-55-

The table shows a trend towards a decrease in the number of employees with higher education and an increase in the number of employees with secondary vocational education. The number of employed and old-age pensioners has also increased. The conclusion is as follows: the working conditions provided do not meet the current requirements of highly educated specialists, hence the increase in staff turnover and the “aging” of staff. This situation negatively affects the activities of the enterprise, preventing it from developing in step with the times.

Personnel is not a constant value: some workers are fired, others are hired. According to the statistics of the State Unitary Enterprise “Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87”, on average, over the past 3 years, 16 employees were dismissed annually, due to low wages (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2 Number of personnel 2009 - 2011

Personnel, people 2009 2010 2011 There were workers according to the list at the beginning of the year 515255 Workers hired for the year 162016 Workers left for the year, of which: 151716 - at their own request list at the end of the year525555

Let's determine the average number of employees for 3 years (according to formula 1):

R2009=51+52/2?52 (people)

R2010=52+55/2?54 (people)

R2011=55+55/2= 55 (people)

Let's calculate the frame rate (according to formula 2):

Kpr.k.2009 \u003d P / R \u003d 16/52 \u003d 0.308;

Kpr.k.2010 \u003d P / R \u003d 20/54 \u003d 0.370;

Kpr.k.2011 \u003d P / R \u003d 16/55 \u003d 0.291.

Calculate the staff attrition rate (according to formula 3):

Ks.k.2009 = B / R = 15/52 = 0.288;

To vyb.k.2010 \u003d B / R \u003d 17/54 \u003d 0.315;

To vyb.k.2011 \u003d B / R \u003d 16/55 \u003d 0.291.

Let us determine the coefficient of the total turnover of the labor force (according to formula 4):

Ktotal turnover 2009 = 0.308 + 0.288 = 0.596;

Ktotal rev.2010 = 0.370+0.315 = 0.685;

Ktotal turnover 2011 = 0.291+0.291 = 0.582.

Let's determine the staff turnover rate (according to formula 5):

Ktek.k.2009 = (13+0)/52 = 0.250;

Ktek.k.2010 \u003d (16 + 1) / 54 \u003d 0.315;

Ktek.k.2011 \u003d (12 + 3) / 55 \u003d 0.273.

The replacement ratio is (formula 6):

Kreplacement.k.2009 = 16/15 = 1.067

Kreplacement.c.2010 = 20/17 = 1.176

Kreplacement.c.2011 = 16/16 = 1.

The average number of employees for 3 years increased from 51 to 55 people. (by 7.8%). Natural turnover (3-5% per year) contributes to the timely renewal of the team and does not require special measures from the management and personnel department. Excessive turnover causes significant economic losses, and also creates organizational, personnel, technological, psychological difficulties. As in the case of State Unitary Enterprise Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87, the staff turnover rate in the reporting year was 0.273 (27.3%), and most of the layoffs occurred of their own free will. This indicates a strong dissatisfaction of workers with low wages. But we also see that in the reporting year the replacement rate is 1. The picture emerges as follows: SUE Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87 hires people with little work experience (or no work experience at all), the process of cultivating their own personnel takes place, and as soon as employees receive their invaluable work experience, they go to better paying jobs. This confirms the aforementioned figure 2.2, where we see that only 31% of the total staff has a higher education, and 38% are pensioners. Planning of personnel needs by structural divisions (Table 2.3);

Table 2.3 Planning of personnel needs for 2012

No. Name of the structural unit Number of personnel Jobs to be created Deadline for implementation Number of people Position 1Pharmacy No. 3831Pharmacist01.03.20122Pharmacy No. 5411Pharmacist01.03.20123Pharmacy No. 8911Pharmacist01.03.20124Pharmacy No. 9411Pharmacist 01.0 3.20125Pharmacy № 9511Nurse01.03.2012Total:75--

In total, it is planned to open 5 vacancies, it is easy to see that in pharmacies No. 54, 89, 94, 95 - there are 1 person each, in these divisions jobs are created due to the dismissal of former employees, and in pharmacy No. 38 an additional place is created in the state due to high patency and a large volume of buyers. In 2013, it is planned to open 3 additional vacancies, and in 2014, it is planned to create 2 more jobs.

The main problem of the modern personnel cost accounting system is that investments in human development, training and advanced training are considered as costs, and not as investments in human capital, which depreciate over time and need to be updated. Let's analyze the personnel costs for 2010-2011 (Table 2.4).

Table 2.4 Staff costs 2010-2011

Type of expenses, rub. social programs 83200088000048000Average monthly salary level 1625816023-235Expenses for paid sick leaves 7451661762-12754Costs per employee213259.77209398.95-3860.82Average cost per employee per month17771 ,6517449.91-321.74Total employees52553

The table shows that the main costs are for staff salaries and social benefits, and the costs of 2011 exceed the same costs of the previous year by 427,434 rubles.

There were no tuition fees in 2011, unlike in 2010. This is due to the fact that in 2010 1 employee took refresher courses, and in 2011, all of the employees with more than 1 year of experience had certificates. The cost structure includes the cost of paid sick leave. The decrease in the cost of paying sick leaves indicates that the number of sick workers has decreased, which indicates an improvement in labor.

Of course, all types of personnel planning are closely related to each other, mutually complement and correct the measures provided for in one or another plan of the personnel specialist (Table 2.5).

No. List of activities Deadlines Forces and resources involved 1. Preparation and approval of a new staffing table for 2012. Until 20.12 Accounting, heads of structural divisions 2. Filling out and submitting a time sheet for November Until 03.12 Heads of structural divisions 2012. Until 24.12 General Director (specify the main and priority areas) 4. Conversation with the heads of departments and assistance in working with personnel. Chepukhina T.N. Krasova E.V. Seregina L.A. Strogova M.I.5. Prepare and submit a list of employees to receive new medical poles of compulsory insurance 04.12 HR specialist and month 08.12 Heads of structural divisions 7. Analysis of work on the admission and adaptation of new employees - staffing with qualified personnel (search and selection of new employees, preparation of a personnel reserve and career planning) Until 24.12 Heads of structural divisions 9. Analysis of the reasons for the dismissal of employees of the organization 27.12 Heads of structural divisions 10. Coordination and approval of the vacation schedule for 2012 Until 15.12 Heads of structural divisions , retraining and advanced training of personnel for 2012 and what costs will be required for this Until December 28 Heads of structural divisions 12. Archival and reference work on the formation of documents long-term storage for 2007-2009 Until 12.30. Human Resources Specialist 13. Work with the media on recruiting personnel and preparation of reporting documentation. "Tsvetkova" 14. Draw up and approve the work plan of the OK for January 2012 24.12 Human Resources Specialist 15. Draw up and approve the nomenclature of OK cases for 2012 Until 28.12 Human Resources Specialist 16. Prepare an estimate of the necessary consumables for December and January for the rhythmic work of the OK and the formation archive. Until 06.12 Human Resources Specialist

3 Analysis of the personnel policy of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87"

The analysis of the personnel policy of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" will achieve the following advantages in the implementation of its activities:

a clear definition of the types of activities that will have to be taken to achieve the goals of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87";

clarity in understanding the problems of management and personnel;

encouraging cooperation through the coordination of activities between different employees and the department;

achieve uniformity and consistency in decision-making;

decentralization of power, which will improve business relations between employees;

strengthening morale and improving general relations;

a clear definition of the rules by which employees should be guided;

determination of the range of problems that may arise in the future, etc.

The analysis of the personnel policy of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" made it possible to identify the following.

The State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" has a reactive personnel policy.

The personnel department monitors external or internal signs of the state of work with personnel, finds out the causes and studies the development of the crisis:

the emergence of conflict situations within the team;

there is an acute shortage of qualified employees to solve the problems of the company;

lack of a clearly defined system of staff motivation for effective work.

The personnel specialist takes measures to manage the crisis situation, focuses on the analysis and elimination of the causes of problems in personnel matters.

In enterprise development programs, personnel problems are singled out and considered separately. However, there are many difficulties that arise in the implementation of medium-term forecasting.

In the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" for the period 2009 - 2011. 52 people were accepted. Majority accepted employees(under the age of 42), have or are receiving higher education. Consequently, the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" is aimed at attracting young highly qualified employees.

Each employee of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" has his own strictly fixed workplace, equipped with the necessary technical means. According to the employees of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87", this fact has a positive effect on work and each employee is sure that he has his own place of work. Based on the psychological characteristics of the individual, the awareness of the presence of one's own territory stimulates the employee to work effectively and to give his workplace an aesthetically pleasing look.

September-October 2010 by order of the management, the necessary repairs and preparations for the winter season of all structural divisions were carried out. As a result, the number of employees who go on sick leave due to acute respiratory infections or influenza has subsequently decreased.

The State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" employs specialists who have graduated from universities and received special education, but who have no work experience. The leadership of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" decided to recruit the so-called "white sheets" in order to nurture their own highly qualified personnel.

Taking into account the fact that State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" remains the most or one of the most attractive places for employment of young specialists, in order to retain personnel, it was decided not to introduce probationary periods or a pay cut during an internship. In order to simplify the selection process for newly hired specialists, use only one method - an interview.

Unfortunately, the issue of career growth is necessarily accompanied by either someone's dismissal or demotion, and quite rarely a higher position is released due to natural causes. However, this state of affairs is of little concern to the leadership of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87". In SUE "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" there is no well-established career development system, and employees are not sure that if they work successfully, they will be required to be promoted. This fact cannot positively affect the improvement of the quality of work. In this case, the quality of work should be understood as: the efficiency of tasks performed, the quantity and quality of services provided, labor productivity, improving the use of financial resources, increasing the number of clients served, etc.

The motivation of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" is based on the provision on motivation, which is approved CEO in compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code Russian Federation. Each employee is familiar with the position on motivation. The personnel motivation system consists of several components (blocks):

a) material form of motivation;

Installed current and one-time (one-time) bonuses

The monthly allowance to the salary for the length of service (length of service) is established in the following amounts for the length of service (length of service):

) from 2 to 5 years - 10 percent;

) from 5 to 10 years - 15 percent;

) from 10 to 15 years - 20 percent;

) from 15 to 20 years - 25 percent;

) from 20 to 25 years - 30 percent;

) 25 years and more - 40 percent.

Lump sum payments are made on the basis of the order of the General Director:

in connection with government or professional holidays, significant or professional anniversaries, based on the results of work for the year, for professional development without poisoning from the main job - at the expense of the profit of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87".

for achievements in work and a great personal contribution to the implementation of the statutory tasks of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87".

Lump sum payments are not limited to a maximum amount.

Material aid.

Paid in case of emergencies (at the expense of the net profit of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" on the basis of the order of the General Director upon the personal application of the employee upon submission of documents confirming the occurrence of emergency circumstances), in the following cases:

death of husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister;

significant damage caused to the employee's home due to fire, natural disasters, other emergencies;

theft of wages from an employee;

prolonged illness of an employee, the need to purchase expensive medicines, or pay for expensive treatment;

injury or other harm to health;

difficult financial situation and other cases of acute need for funds.

There is no maximum payout limit.

b) non-material form of motivation;

career advancement;

the possibility of vocational training at the expense of the enterprise;

corporate events;

providing badges of distinction, thanks, diplomas (Diploma of the Department of Health of the Tula region).

the right to invite friends, relatives for a one-time service in the Optics store.

the right to choose a work schedule.

c) social form of motivation;

obligatory deductions of the employer for the pension provision of employees.

medical insurance.

d) self-motivation.

the desire to improve the results of their work, affecting the results of the enterprise as a whole;

interesting content of work (for office workers);

economic and social significance of the activity;

good psychological atmosphere in the team.

The most costly part of the staff maintenance costs is the wage fund, which is maintained in accordance with the requirements of the labor and tax legislation of the Russian Federation, conventions and recommendations of the International Labor Organization. (Table 2.6).

Table 2.6 Analysis of the structure of the wage fund by types of payments

Type of payment Annual payroll 2010 2011 Payment according to official salaries Average monthly salary5847504 93716127440 9284Bonus payments32767753414706Material assistance1000012000Compensation supplements: -Supplements for combining professions -Supplements for missing worker -Supplements for work on holidays 456573 132119 48646 27 5808440294 99806 51573 288915 Incentive surcharges: - for an increase in revenue - for a high level of qualification - percentage bonus for seniority jobs 554140 178200 48800 327140580740 195800 54400 330540Total employees5255Total for wage fund 1014499210575180

The table shows that the average salary in 2011. increased by 279,936 rubles in relation to 2010. due to an increase in the number of staff at the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87", despite a slight decrease in the average salary per month by 87 rubles. in relation to 2010

For the same reason, there is an increase in the amount of bonuses for employees - by 137,931 rubles. in relation to 2010, and a significant reduction in additional payments for combining professions and for the missing worker.

According to the analysis of the structure of the wage fund, we calculate the share for each item and present the data in Table 2.7.

Table 2.7 Calculation of the share of the main items of the wage fund

Type of payment Annual payroll fund, % Deviation, % 2010 2011 Payment according to official salaries 57,6457,940.3 Bonuses 32,3032,290.01 Material assistance 0.100,110.01 Compensation surcharges 4,504.17-0.33 Incentive surcharges 5,465,490, 03Total for wage fund1001000.00

The share of salaries and bonuses make up the bulk of the wage fund (90%). Compensatory and incentive payments make up 10% of the total wage fund, material assistance has an insignificant share in the annual wage fund. Having data on the total profit of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87", it is possible to analyze the ratio of the growth of the average headcount of the enterprise and the growth of profit (Table 2.8)

Table 2.8 Analysis of the ratio of growth in the number of enterprises and profit growth

Indicator 2010 2011 Deviation Profit from sales, rub. 26645642317482545102612

The table shows how high the need for staffing was. With the increase in the number of pharmacists in some pharmacies, it became possible to reduce the waiting time in queues and pay more attention to customer issues, which had a positive impact on the reputation of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. in relation to 2010).

But the need for personnel still remains, a number of pharmacies located in the Shchekino region are the only ones in the villages and there is no competition. Therefore, in 2012 it is planned to open 5 more jobs.

Analysis of the personnel structure made it possible to determine that workers with higher education in 2011. in relation to 2009 decreased by 10.27%, which indicates the ineffectiveness of the program for "cultivating one's own personnel" under the current working conditions.

Share of pensioners by age in 2011 amounted to 34.55%, which is quite a lot. This indicator will naturally influence the development of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" as a whole.

Not a single employee of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" is on maternity leave or parental leave. There are no single mothers.

Taking into account the specifics of the team by gender, 96.36% are women, in employment, preference is given to women who either have children of school age or who do not have children and do not plan to start a family in the next 3-5 years. This situation and the attitude of the leadership towards this issue is alarming, taking into account the general crisis of childbearing in our country. Such an attitude directly puts the employees of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" in front of a dilemma - either give birth and not work, or work and not give birth.

In the state unitary enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" there are 2 people with disabilities, which indicates the attention of the management to the problems of this social stratum of the population.

The system of holidays in the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" has been worked out very clearly. In January, a vacation schedule is developed taking into account the wishes of each employee. Vacation is 28 working days and, at the request of the employee, can be divided into two parts.

State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" pays close attention to the problem of training and advanced training of its employees. This is directly related to the main activity of the enterprise. After the expiration of the certificate, the pharmacist cannot continue his activities.

1 A set of measures to improve the personnel policy and wage fund for 2012-2014 at SUE “Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87”.

During the analysis of personnel policy, the following problems were identified:

) When selecting personnel, only one method is used - an interview, although it is the most common. It is necessary to use not only the interview, as there is a tendency to decide on a candidate based on first impressions without taking into account what was said in the rest of the interview, but other methods.

Suggested activities. Introduction of new recruitment methods:

Questioning. The content of the questionnaire questions should provide the following information: individual (name, address, marital status, living conditions, age); information about education, career, state of health, interests in free time; information about why the candidate wants this job; names of guarantors.

Testing. Psychological tests when applying for a job are oral and written. Written tests are usually used at the initial stage, when there are several candidates for a position, and help with the initial screening. Written tests can be divided into the following types: intellectual (for example, the Eysenck test), personality, qualification and simple tests.

Intellectual tests when applying for a job serve to determine the general level of intelligence of the candidate, his ability to think logically and contain numerical, spatial and verbal tasks. Sometimes such tests are compiled with reference to a specific profession or area of ​​activity.

Personality tests in employment are usually ancillary, they do not have right and wrong answers. Certain personal qualities of a candidate may be important for a particular type of activity, although they are not the main selection criterion. If you wish, you can see the background of a particular question and answer "as it should", but in the process of working in a team, a lie will most likely be revealed.

Qualification tests during employment help to assess the level of professional knowledge and skills of the candidate. With the help of a qualification test, you can determine, for example, the level of PC proficiency or knowledge of foreign languages. Many companies develop their own qualification tests, taking into account the specifics of their work.

The simplest employment tests are used to test candidates for low positions and combine an intelligence test and a qualification test. The tasks in them are usually simple, they test the skills of perception and processing of information, the ability to perform simple operations.

The most common oral psychological tests when applying for a job include the Luscher color test, case studies (situational tasks) and stress interviews.

The Luscher color test is quite simple. The candidate is asked to choose from a set of colors in order from most to least pleasing. The choice is made twice with an interval of three minutes. The Luscher test allows you to determine the general mood of the candidate, the desired goals and means of emotional behavior.

Based on the selected colors, the potential performance of the candidate can also be determined, which is evidenced by the primary choice of red, yellow and green colors. However, the Luscher test cannot be interpreted unambiguously, so its results are supported by other tests.

Cases, or situational tasks, help determine the degree of "patterned" thinking of the candidate, analytical skills and his ability to creatively approach the solution of tasks. Typically, situational tasks are offered to candidates for important positions of responsibility, which require the ability to quickly make an effective decision in any situation.

Such tests when applying for a job are quite difficult, and it is not always possible to be prepared for them.

A stress interview when applying for a job allows you to determine how a potential employee will behave in a particular tense situation. They will try to put the candidate in an awkward situation, piss him off or force him to do something for which he may not be ready.

The main signs of a stressful interview are high-pitched communication, a large number of unrelated questions that are asked at a fast pace, talking on the go, interference during the interview, the presence of strangers in the office, questions about the applicant's personal life.

Assessment centers. The technology of the "Assessment Center" involves the evaluation of employees (candidates) in procedures that simulate real activities. This greatly increases the reliability of the data obtained in comparison with the results of survey and test methods. The conclusion is given not on the basis of what the employee declared about himself, but on the basis of the effectiveness of his actions in conditions close to future activities.

The assessment center is the only reliable technology for difficult cases when an employee is assessed in relation to activities that they have never performed before (in the case of moving from a specialist position to a managerial position or in the case of inviting managers with experience in other industries and organizations of a different type).

The Assessment Center assumes:

Analysis of the activities carried out within the framework of this position.

Allocation of personal-business, professional important qualities required for successful operation.

Development and implementation of assessment procedures that simulate the identified important aspects of the activity.

Analysis of the evaluation results in the form of a conclusion on the compliance of employees with the requirements of the position.

Assessment center procedures:

Oral exercises that can be done in group and individual form. Management decisions are imitated, group work, discussions, presentations to the audience, planning and design based on the current tasks and problems of the organization.

Special exercises carried out in individual writing. Work with large volumes of unstructured and semi-structured information, planning, design, decision making is simulated.

Written assignments carried out on an individual basis. They include a set of test and questionnaire methods aimed at analyzing psychological attitudes, motivation and verification of personal qualities assessed by other methods.

Ways to improve data reliability. Psychological assessment is carried out by a variety of methods - both in group form and using individual exercises. Each quality that is significant for the position is assessed by several experts or several procedures, which guarantees high validity of the conclusions. The conclusion on the candidate's compliance with the requirements of the position is prepared and signed by several experts. In the classical case, the written assignments are checked by an expert who did not have face-to-face contacts with the candidates (who did not conduct or observe the oral exercises), which makes it possible to avoid bias as much as possible.

As a result of the assessment, an individual expert opinion is prepared for each employee. The expert opinion is a table that lists all the assessed qualities and gives a numerical assessment for each quality. The formation of the final expert opinions is carried out on the basis of an odd scale, usually a 5 or 7-point scale. Often, the scale is selected (normalized) in such a way that the majority of those being assessed receive average scores (for example, from 3 to 5 on a 7-point scale).

A score of 4 points in this case means that the quality of the person during the assessment was shown to an average degree, this assessment is not accompanied by detailed comments, unless there are special reasons for the opposite (the presence of multidirectional strong and weak points in the actions of the employee).

Estimates of 3 and 5 points mean, respectively, that the quality of a person is shown below and above the average of the group, these estimates fix the manifested weaknesses and strengths of a person and are accompanied by brief comments.

Scores of 2 and 6 for any quality indicate an outstanding degree of manifestation of a quality in a person and mean a clear loss or, conversely, the manifestation of a quality is much higher than average, this quality can compensate or, conversely, destabilize other competencies.

Scores 1 and 7 in the final conclusions are extremely rare and rather indicate unique cases, deviations outside the norm.

Based on the results of the assessment, a recommendation is given in the expert opinion. The wording of the recommendations is standardized for each organization and is developed and approved in advance of the assessment. The most common is the division of recommendations into three groups: "good", "not good" and "conditionally good" for a particular activity. The last group is the most working. The conditions under which an employee can be most effective are recorded in detail.

Summary. Brief information about the candidate indicating education, specialty (qualification), professional merits, work biography, their goals in finding a job.

These methods of personnel selection are used by recruitment agencies, in aggregate they are very effective and provide a lot of information about a candidate for a vacancy, but as statistics show, for most people trying to get a job such a long selection process causes negative emotions. Applying all the proposed methods, the selection of personnel can take several days, the best option is to choose any 2 methods in addition to the interview.

As a result, the HR specialist will have more complete information about the candidates, the results of the selection can be submitted to the CEO for consideration and justify this choice with the results of the selection. Also, knowing about the high workload of the duties of a personnel specialist, I consider it beneficial to conduct the selection of personnel in groups.

This significantly saves time and allows you to choose the best candidate in comparison. In group interviews, people trying to find a job are competitors (rivals) to each other, as practice shows, in some cases there are even conflict situations between them.

Observing the behavior of people, of course, one can single out the initiator of the conflict, and even if his professional characteristics are higher than those of other applicants, a conflict specialist should not be hired.

Given the specifics of the "female" team, it is safe to say that bad moods can quickly disrupt relationships in the entire team. The consequences of such a discord will eventually affect the outcome financial activities State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87".

) Dismissals due to dissatisfaction salary. The age of those who retired is 22-30 years.

Solution to the problem. The average salary of a pharmacist at the State Unitary Enterprise “Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87” is about 11,000, while the average salary at the pharmacies “Your Doctor” or “Aibolit” ranges from 15,000 to 17,000 on average. work in these pharmacies. After receiving a diploma of a pharmacist or a pharmacist without work experience, it is difficult to get a job, the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" hires people without experience, trains them. In this case, of course, we need to talk about increasing the motivation and stimulation of employees.

Judging by table 2.8, we see that only 3 people increased the annual profit of the enterprise by 5,102,600 rubles, and 628,196.85 rubles were spent on their maintenance. It is necessary to analyze the workload of personnel by department, re-evaluate the number of staff positions and fully staff the staff.

In the section of incentive payments “for increasing the volume of revenue”, we propose to introduce a qualitatively new bonus. Initially, according to statistical data, the average monthly revenue was determined for each structural unit, and for exceeding its norm, the employees of the unit received small bonus surcharges.

We propose to establish, according to the same statistical data, the maximum amount of revenue as the norm for receiving bonuses. In this case, the divisions will form a strong and cohesive composition, and the work itself will be of a competitive relay character. That is, each seller will try to contribute to the “common piggy bank” and receive bonuses for this, calculated for all direct employees of the unit, stimulating each other to improve results and sharing successful trading experience with weaker sellers. For the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" this will only mean an increase in income.

In order to retain personnel who have completed professional development courses free of charge, we offer the conclusion of additional agreements on the need to work out the period of validity of a specialist certificate or certificate of advanced training.

) A large load on the personnel specialist, in the event of another vacation or a long illness, there is no specialist who performed the full scope of the prescribed duties.

Solution: We propose to reconsider the duties of a secretary. On this moment The secretary's job description reads:

The secretary does the following official duties:

conducts an annual selection of documents for archival storage or destruction;

performs typing and copying and duplicating works;

controls the quality of preparation, the correctness of the preparation, coordination, approval of documents submitted for signature to the head.

answers to phone calls, captures and transmits official information to the head, organizes telephone conversations of the head;

receives visitors;

provides operational communication with third-party organizations and individual citizens on the current activities of the organization.

carries out the instructions of the management within the limits of its competence.

To these duties it is advisable to add the following:

to conduct personnel records management, namely:

a) issue orders for personnel;

b) keep personal cards of form T-2;

c) keep work books of employees;

d) arrange employment contracts and changes to them;

e) draw up travel documents;

e) fill out disability certificates;

g) keep a time sheet;

h) issue certificates of seniority and salary;

The proposed duties of course require some preparation of the secretary. An internship can be carried out by a personnel specialist without interrupting his immediate duties. To do this, it is enough to comment on the actions and answer the questions that arise while doing your job. In terms of time, the internship can take from 2 weeks to 1 month, depending on the workload of the HR specialist.

This decision will allow, in the event of a day off from the next vacation or a long-term illness of a personnel specialist, to carry out personnel records management to the secretary. It will also reduce the burden on the HR specialist as a whole. After all, the planned increase in the number of employees at the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" in subsequent years will lead to an increase in the scope of work of a personnel specialist: selection and office work, calculation of the level of turnover in enterprises, accounting for employees in need of training and training events inside and outside the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87".

The HR specialist will be able to devote more time to researching emerging problems and developing ways to solve them, to better plan and evaluate HR processes. That is, to make the personnel policy at the enterprise more effective.

The future development of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" as a whole depends on how effectively the implementation of personnel policy directions, and, therefore, personnel management in the organization, depends.

Here is a scheme of actions developed taking into account the specifics of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" to optimize the implementation of a rational personnel policy (Figure 3.1).

) Absence of the website of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87".

The creation of this Internet resource would solve a number of problems:

posting vacancies on the site - would help reduce the time and cost of working with recruitment agencies. A detailed description of the requirements and responsibilities for the position would weed out people who did not fit the description, and would save a lot of time.

placement of information about the proposed products, description, price, availability in the unit. Significant simplification of the work of pharmacists, pharmacists and sellers.

Due to the high level of knowledge of computer programs and excellent orientation on the Internet, a personnel specialist will be able to create and implement a company website.

Further given internet the resource can be partially rented out for advertising. You can also organize a round-the-clock online sale and delivery of medicines. That today is not practiced not only in the Shchekino region, but also in Tula. These events bring profit to the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87", are of an informational nature and increase the rating of the enterprise among competitors.

Figure 3.1 - Formation of a rational personnel policy

The proposed set of measures as a whole will bring the personnel policy of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" from reactive to rational.

After analyzing the personnel management system at the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87", we can conclude that it is built on the whole effectively within the framework of the implementation of all functions in this area. However, there are also disadvantages.

Therefore, in order to optimize and eliminate shortcomings, the following measures are proposed:

Create an electronic database of candidates for admission.

An electronic database of applicants will facilitate the selection of personnel, in the absence of internal human resources, and will reduce the time of recruitment. It will also allow the accumulation of human potential without the involvement of recruitment agencies, it will work as an “external” personnel reserve.

Principle of operation: applicants post their personal data in the "Vacancies" section on the official website of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87". When opening a vacancy, a HR specialist will be able to select applicants by education, age, language skills, certain software, personal and business qualities, and other specified characteristics.

Even before the invitation to the interview, the possibility of electronic cooperation will appear. The time for reviewing a resume, which was spent when working with paper, will be reduced. Also, the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" will be able, if necessary, to give any personal task to suitable applicants, i.e. conduct a kind of competition among the selected candidates.

Supplement the official website of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" specialized sections"Idea" and "Questions", available only to employees of the enterprise.

This is what will reduce staff turnover, increase staff awareness on professional issues of interest.

The “Idea” section, in fact, will be an analogy for “rationalization proposals” that did not previously exist at the State Unitary Enterprise “Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87”.

Principle of work: the section contains creative proposals of employees in order to improve the work of departments, the entire State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" or the organization of new services in the field of the enterprise.

Each worker observes every day some features that have the potential value to win over competitors. When a worker is told that he is regarded as a source of information critical to the competitive struggle, inspiration comes to him. The worker needs motivation. Let the wildest and crazy ideas come to his head, so long as they can be applied in his work. As practice shows, eight out of ten ideas are no good, but one day someone appears with an idea that can change the whole world.

This creative project will allow you to receive useful advice almost free of charge, and will also enable talented people to realize themselves. For the most successful proposals, the leadership of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" will need to reward employees morally, and in some cases even financially. It will be a necessary tool to make collecting intellectual information exciting and rewarding.

Any improvement of the personnel management system aims to activate labor resources. To do this, it is important to arouse a sincere interest and interest in employees in what they do.

Thus, this event will motivate people both morally and financially, which will reduce staff turnover at the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87". And it will also save money and increase profits.

Increase the number of training sessions.

Especially in the ethics of communication with customers, the formation of a base of regular customers, the culture of interpersonal communication in a team in order to more effectively serve customers and thereby increase the profits of SUE “Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87”.

On the Internet at #"justify"> The course consists of 7 video lessons:

Video lesson number 1. Strategies for success.

You will learn how to develop personal success strategies, what are the success factors, how to use self-improvement tools, how to prepare for contact with a client.

Video lesson number 2. Rules for establishing contact.

The second lesson will explain to you how to prepare for a meeting, how to make initial contact, how to maintain long-term relationships with people.

Video lesson number 3. The art of asking questions.

The third lesson will show you what the question technique is, what are the main advantages of the question method, how to use the rules for asking questions, how to use introductory phrases, what types of questions exist.

Video lesson number 4. Professional listening practices.

You will understand what professional listening gives, what types of listeners are, what types of listening exist, what professional listening is, what are the rules of professional listening behavior, how to use professional listening styles in practice.

Video lesson number 5. Speech strategies.

You will learn what speech strategies are, how to use them in sales, what speech strategy algorithms are.

Video lesson number 6. How to end a sale.

You will learn how to apply the rules of the sales final, learn what golden completions are, how to work with final rejections.

Video lesson number 7. How to respond to objections.

And in the last lesson you will learn how to respond to objections. You will learn how to take objections, what types of objections there are, how to use techniques for identifying false and true objections, how to respond to objections, how to use the five-step technique of joining an objection.

It is not necessary to take away all salespeople, pharmacists and pharmacists from work to conduct video training, it is enough to familiarize the heads of all structural divisions with it, and they, in turn, will familiarize their staff.

There are a large number of different trainings aimed at achieving a variety of goals from the ideal psychological climate in the team to leadership training for managers. The effectiveness of training is often on the face.

Develop a "Guide for a new employee of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87".

It can be placed both on the website of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87", and in hard copy and issue to new employees immediately after being hired.

The need for its implementation is directly related to the high level of staff turnover. It's no secret that in the first months of work, many newcomers take a passive or wait-and-see attitude, which significantly reduces their productivity. The fear of making a mistake or a wrong action, getting a negative assessment from colleagues and management negatively affects the performance of not only a new employee, but also the business as a whole.

A well-written guide should answer the following questions for a new employee:

Where do I work? - structure of the Company, business understanding;

Who do I work with? - people, environment;

What are the standards, regulations and rules of the Company? - principles of activity;

What do I need to do the first time I work? - action plan;

Where and how can I grow in the Company? - perspectives;

Who can I turn to for help? - support.

The guide is able to help a beginner quickly get used to the new conditions, better understand the features of the corporate culture, get acquainted with the existing traditions, rules and standards of work, learn about the prospects for their development at the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" and much more.

The development and implementation of new methods of personnel management should take place in stages, be logically connected, understandable to each employee. It is very important to comply with the spirit of the time and improve the working regime, methods of payment, maintain healthy competition in the team.

3.3 Cost effectiveness of the proposed activities

As a result of the work of the proposed measures, it can be as a consequence:

Rationally used work time.

Performance discipline will increase, which in turn will lead to savings in working time. Calculate the savings in working time according to 2011 data.

The working time fund of a HR specialist will be 1728 hours / year. The result is obtained as follows: 365 days. (calendar fund of time) - 111 days. (weekends and holidays) - 38 days (absenteeism) = 216 days. in a year. 216 * 8 = 1728 hours per year.

For the year, on average, the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinsk CRA No. 87" (16 + 20 + 16) / 3 = 17 people is admitted to the State Unitary Enterprise (for 2009-2011).

It takes about 20 minutes of working time to conduct 1 interview, then a list is compiled with contact details and a brief description of candidates who want to find a job. On average, it takes 10 minutes to compile 1 list. The paper archive of the personnel specialist contains 26 copies of such lists, each with 5 applicants for vacancies, a total of 130 applicants per year. Viewing 1 list is 5 minutes.

Annual interview costs:

*20= 2600 min., where 130 is the total number of applicants, and 20 is the number of minutes spent on 1 interview.

For the preparation of lists per year it is spent:

*10=260 min., where 26 is the annual number of lists, and 10 is the number of minutes spent on compiling 1 list.

For consideration and approval of 1 employee from the lists, the HR specialist together with the CEO spends:

*5=130 min., where 26 is the total number of lists, and 5 is the number of minutes spent on viewing 1 list

For consideration and approval of 17 cases of the need to hire employees from the lists per year, the following is spent:

*130=2210 min., where 17 is the required number of people for employment, and 130 is the number of minutes for consideration and approval of 1 candidate from the lists.

Total for the year for the selection, review and approval is spent:

(2600+260+2210)/60= 84 hours 30 minutes where 2600 is the annual time (minutes) spent on interviews, 260 is the annual time (minutes) spent on listing, and 2210 is the annual time spent (minutes) ) for consideration and approval to 17 cases of the need to hire employees from the lists.

Whereas when conducting a better selection of personnel by methods: resume, interview, testing (possibly group) per year, based on 130 applicants, the following will be spent:

Studying the resume - 1 minute, thanks to the resume, the time for interviewing and compiling lists will decrease accordingly, since brief and necessary information about the candidate has already been received. As a result, the time for the interview will be reduced to 10 minutes and will consist in clarifying the moments of interest to the HR specialist.

The study of 1 resume published on the website of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" will also take 1 minute, and it is advisable to instruct the secretary to call the candidates who are interested in order to invite them for an interview and testing. The advantage of working through the site is to instantly screen out applicants who do not meet the requirements of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87", without spending time on interviewing.

The best option for testing is a meeting of groups of candidates for vacancies. It is organized on the same day as the interview, a group of no more than 5 people, 26 groups are formed per year. If there are more than 5 people at the interview, testing must be rescheduled for the next business day in order to reduce the waiting time for applicants and maintain the quality of testing. Testing of 1 group of applicants is 25 minutes. Evaluation of the result of one test will take about 5 minutes. Consideration and approval of 1 candidate will also take place jointly with the CEO, but by reviewing the resume. The competition for one vacancy, upon approval by the General Director, I propose to reduce to 3 people, in this case, 51 copies of the resume will be considered instead of 130.

It is planned to spend on studying one resume per year:

*130=130 min., where 1 is the number of minutes to study one resume, and 130 is the total number of applicants for vacant positions.

For interviews per year it is planned to spend:

*130=1300 min., where 10 is the number of minutes for conducting 1 interview, and 130 is the total number of applicants for vacant positions.

It is planned to spend on testing per year:

*25= 650 min., where 26 is the number of formed groups per year, and 25 is the number of minutes for testing 1 group.

It is planned to spend on evaluating test results per year:

*5= 135 min., where 130 is the total number of applicants for vacant positions, and 5 is the number of minutes to evaluate 1 test.

For consideration and approval of 1 candidate for a vacancy, together with the General Director, it is planned to spend per year:

*51=51 min., where 1 is the number of minutes to study one resume, and 51 is the number of resumes to consider per year.

Total for the qualitative selection of personnel by 3 methods, for the year it is planned to spend:

1300+650+135+51/60= 37 hours 45 minutes

As a result of the implementation of this measure, the HR specialist will reduce the time for personnel selection by 46 hours and 45 minutes. and will be 37 hours 45 minutes. over the year, the quality level of personnel selection will increase, which will have a positive effect on reducing the level of staff turnover.

The economic effect of the creation of the website of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya CRA No. 87" can be calculated in several ways, since it is multifunctional: it simplifies personnel work, promotes the implementation of the proposed products, and serves to improve the work of management and team cohesion. But the site of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shchekinskaya TsRA No. 87" as an independent resource can make a separate profit.


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Improving the personnel policy of the enterprise

Demchuk Oleg Vladimirovich ,

doctor of economic sciences, associate professor,

Ogarkova Tatyana Vasilievna,

1st year undergraduate.

Kerch State Marine Technological University.

In a market economy, one of the decisive factors in the efficiency and competitiveness of an enterprise is to ensure the proper level of human resources. This will create the necessary conditions for the implementation of state policy in the field of development of the scientific and technical sphere,

The problems of improving the personnel policy are widely represented in the works of foreign and domestic researchers, such as Balashov Yu.K., Basakov M.I., Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I., Volgin A.P., Goncharov V.V. , Dessler G., Dyatlov S.A., Zaitsev G.G., Mashkov V.N., Kibanov A.Ya.

The personnel policy of an organization is a general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening and developing human resources, creating a cohesive qualified and highly productive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing requirements. market, taking into account the development strategy of the organization and the strategy of managing its personnel.

In a narrower sense, personnel policy is a set of rules and norms, goals and ideas that determine the direction and content of work with personnel. Through the personnel policy, the implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out, therefore it is considered the core of the personnel management system. The personnel policy is formed by the management of the organization, implemented by the personnel service in the process of performing its functions by its employees. Personnel policy is part of the organization's policy and must fully comply with the concept of its development.

Without a well-established personnel system, it is difficult to increase the capabilities of an enterprise, respond to changing technology and market demands in the near future, create favorable working conditions, provide opportunities for promotion and the necessary degree of confidence in the future. Today, it is important for human resources departments to achieve more than just timely filling of vacancies in order to maintain production at the proper level. The system of work with personnel should be planned in such a way as to constantly seek to increase in the workforce of the enterprise those people who have good knowledge, and to ensure that there are more such workers. Scientific principles of production organization, optimal systems and procedures, of course, play an important role, but the realization of all the possibilities inherent in new management methods depends on specific people, on their knowledge, competence, qualifications, discipline, motivation, ability to solve problems and susceptibility to learning.

Competence is required for a worker who develops new products or equipment, if only because the creation of new good equipment requires, at a minimum, knowledge of how old machines and equipment work. But for an enterprise that has decided today to succeed in the competition, it is necessary that each employee has a very extensive knowledge. The formation of the necessary competence among employees begins already during the selection of personnel and their employment.

Personnel policy is closely connected with all areas of the economic policy of the organization. Namely, consideration and decision-making in personnel policy takes place in all complex functional subsystems of the organization, for example: management of scientific and technical activities, production management, social policy, etc., which directly affects their activities - on the one hand. On the other hand, decisions in the field of activity of these complex functional subsystems affect the personnel policy of the entire organization as a whole. A main goal personnel policy of the organization is to provide these functional subsystems of the management system and production system organizations with the necessary number of employees, with certain skills and qualities.

The personnel policy of the organization consists of the following elements.

1. Employment policy - providing highly qualified personnel and creating attractive working conditions, as well as opportunities for promotion of employees in order to increase their degree of job satisfaction.

2. The training policy is the formation of the necessary training base so that employees can improve their qualifications and thereby get the opportunity for their professional advancement.

3. Remuneration policy - the provision of higher wages than in other firms, in accordance with the abilities, skills, experience, responsibility of the employee.

4. Welfare policy - providing a wider range of services and benefits than other employers; social conditions should be attractive to employees and mutually beneficial for them and the company.

5. Labor relations policy – ​​establishing the necessary procedures for resolving labor conflicts.

Each of the listed components requires an effective implementation mechanism, which may include: a) in the field of employment - job analysis, recruitment methods, methods of selection, selection, promotion, vacations, dismissals; b) in the field of training - verification of new employees, practical training, training, development; c) in the field of remuneration - evaluation of work, preferential schemes; d) in the field of welfare - pensions, sickness and disability benefits, medical, transport services, housing, food, sports, social activities, assistance in personal problems; e) in the field of labor relations - measures to establish a better leadership style, relations with trade unions.

In the improvement of the personnel policy of most enterprises at the present stage, a number of directions and main trends can be distinguished.

The first and main trend is the humanization of management activities. Modern organizations perceive a person as their main value, the main resource.

The second trend follows logically from the first. This is a transition from personnel work as accounting for employees of an enterprise to personnel management and human resource management - as a tactic and strategy for using human potential. An organization striving for competitive activity in the market needs to manage personnel, search for and hire the right employees, motivate and evaluate, train and develop, and plan a career.

The third trend is the improvement of personnel management methods. This trend is typical for all elements of personnel policy - recruitment and selection, motivation, evaluation, training, career planning, and release of personnel.

The fourth trend is the introduction of information technologies into personnel management systems. Enlargement of an enterprise requires automation of personnel records; modern organizations use various software for personnel records, control and documentation. Computer techologies should also be used in planning, training, and personnel assessment.

The fifth trend is connected with global globalization processes. Firstly, in the context of globalization, human resources are becoming more mobile not only within the country, but also between states, competition for the best personnel exists not only at the level of organizations, but also at the level of states. Secondly, transnational companies are emerging, whose employees are representatives of different countries and cultures. Under these conditions, a new task appears in personnel management - the organization of conflict-free and effective interaction of employees with different national mentality, national value system, culture.

Thus, it is personnel policy that aims to create a cohesive, responsible, highly developed and highly productive workforce. Personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but provide the opportunity for promotion and the necessary degree of confidence in the future. Therefore, the main task of the personnel policy of the enterprise is to ensure that the interests of all categories of employees and social groups of the workforce are taken into account in the daily personnel work. The success of any institution depends, first of all, on the well-coordinated and stable work of qualified personnel.


1. Aksenova E.A. Modern personnel management: tutorial/ E.A. Aksenova. - M.: Prospect, 2009.

2. Andreev S.V. Personnel potential and problems of employment: textbook / S.V. Andreev. - M.: Pegas, 2011.

3. Bazarov T. Yu. Personnel management: textbook. - M.: UNITI, 2011 - p. 14.

4. Vesenin V.R. Management: textbook / V.R. Vesenin. - M.: Velby, 2011.

5. Galnykina G.D. Personnel management: textbook / G.D. Galnykin. - M.: Prospect, 2010.

6. Durakova I.B. Personnel management: textbook / I.B. Durakova. - M.: Center, 2010.

7. Ivantsevich J. M., Lobanov A. A. Human resource management: fundamentals of personnel management. M.: Delo, 2013

8. Kibakov A. Ya. Personnel management of the organization, M .: GAU, 2010

Improving the personnel policy contributes to the normal functioning of the organization, as well as its dynamic development and retention of competitiveness. Managers must understand that it is human resources that are the driving part of the company.

From the article you will learn:

Improving the personnel policy of the organization: general information

Personnel policy is an integral part of a strategically oriented policy. Therefore, it should be formed in such a way as to take into account not only the goals of the organization, but also the needs of employees, as well as the current labor legislation. Retaining qualified employees, their development is much preferable to hiring new employees, and in some cases even cheaper.

Before choosing ways to improve personnel policy, it is necessary to conduct a set of studies:

  • diagnostics of socio-psychological factors;
  • establishing the boundaries of the duties of each individual employee;
  • analysis of social conflict situations;
  • planning and control of the need for personnel;
  • adjustment of motivation.

Improving the personnel policy of the organization should begin with the identification of the main goals of the organization, research. To facilitate the task, you can use the successful experience of competing organizations, foreign firms operating in the same segment. But you need to take into account the differences, so completely copying the personnel policy is irrational.

Managers who consider policy only from the perspective of the goals of the organization, while not taking into account the needs of the staff, provoke staff turnover. Even if you can find new employees without much effort, this will entail a decrease in productivity. Newcomers do not always quickly join the team or are fully aware of their role in the company. Regular improvement of personnel policy contributes to the success of the organization.

If the company has a conniving management style, it is noted:

  1. low labor productivity;
  2. non-fulfillment of duties or shifting them to others;
  3. ignoring the orders of leaders;
  4. lack of team cohesion;
  5. lack of clients
  6. low sales.

Improving personnel policy may require financial and time costs. Some changes do not always resonate with employees, as they are incomprehensible to most employees. The HR manager must take an active part in the development and implementation of adjustments.

Read on topic at electronic journal

Recommendations for improving personnel policy: rewarding and punishing employees

The improvement of the personnel policy of the organization should be carried out according to a clearly developed plan. Material incentives for staff are highly effective, despite the fact that it requires some financial costs. With it, you can significantly increase the efficiency of labor, as well as the turnover of the enterprise.

Under normal conditions or in times of crisis, incentive payments have the following advantages:

improving the productivity and quality of services or products;

feeling of satisfaction with the work of the staff;

increase employee loyalty to the organization.

But it is impossible to be limited only to material incentives for personnel, it is necessary to introduce non-material incentives. For some employees, it is much more important to receive a diploma, praise from superiors, rather than increased wages or an extraordinary bonus.

Improvement of personnel policy can be based on the introduction of a remuneration system that takes into account the current level of qualifications of employees, knowledge, and skills. In general, this improves the personnel potential, promotes healthy competition, and the desire for improvement.

HR managers should not only think about how to stimulate employees with cash incentives, but also a number of other points:

pay schedule;

salary fund;

what are the allowances for.

Excessive financial incentives do not always have a positive effect on loyalty and motivation, but can negatively affect the well-being of the company. You can not constantly encourage all employees if they do not work well. For failure to comply with the plan, violations should be punished. It can be both fines from the basic salary, and non-payment of bonuses.

In order not to worsen the climate in the team, employees must know for what they can receive a bonus or punishment. It is advisable to reflect this in local acts, with which the team needs to be familiarized. Improving the personnel policy based on rewards and punishments has a positive effect on labor productivity, while not having a strong impact on the company's net profit.

Additionally, you can hold outdoor events for employees, pay for trips to the gym, meals, cellular communication etc. Incentive methods should be selected depending on the size of the organization, as well as its capabilities. Improving personnel policy in order to rally the team is a good way to increase labor efficiency and teach employees to work in a team.
