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Sports nutrition business. Earning money from selling sports nutrition is available to everyone. Video - how to open a sports nutrition store

What makes an ordinary office employee, after an eight-hour working day, exhausted and tired, run to a fitness club or yoga class? The answer to this question would seem obvious... Everyone wants to be beautiful, healthy and strives to stay young as long as possible. For some, playing sports is an opportunity to maintain health. For others, it is nothing more than a fashion trend. In pursuit of beauty and youth, a person is ready to spend hours in the gym. And in between workouts, take special medications - protein shakes, supplements or vitamins to achieve better results.

Every year the industry sports nutrition is growing rapidly, giving rise to a countless stream of clients - professional athletes and amateurs. Only the lazy would not want to build a business on this. True, there are pitfalls here too. The site told readers what a newbie should pay attention to when starting a business. Anastasia Gorelova. A couple of years ago, she and her partners founded sports nutrition store "Olympus". Now the company is developing successfully, and famous Russian athletes are becoming its clients.

- Before you opened your business, were you somehow connected with sports?

No. Neither I nor my partners were involved in sports professionally. But this is not necessary. You need to have a good understanding of dietetics, know the range, composition of products and the purpose of components. All this comes with experience. Of course, I had to study on my own, or by collaborating with professional athletes and coaches.

- Why then did you decide to start a business in the field of sports nutrition?

It's simple - I worked as an employee in a store for several years sports nutrition. At one point, I decided that I could run this business better, and went “free swimming”. Moreover, at that time this direction was new and still poorly developed.

- Has anything changed by now?

Of course, there are significantly more competitors. Moreover, now this market is almost completely saturated, so it will be very difficult for newcomers to survive. There is a tough price fight going on. And the one who wins gets a penny benefit.

In such conditions, you can survive only by constantly developing and expanding your range, or offering new products and services. And this requires a certain financial stability and a base of regular customers.

- Do you need a license to sell sports nutrition?

No, a sales license is not required.

- Where do you buy food and in what price segment do you work?

Food is purchased from official dealers in Russia. We try to sell products that are accessible to people with absolutely any income.

- Do you prefer Russian or foreign manufacturers?

Imported food is much better in quality than Russian food. The fact is that the foreign market and production are much older than ours. As a result, foreigners encounter practically no obstacles in the form of domestic products.

Although there is an exception to this rule. This Aktiformula company from Krasnodar. They introduced their products to the market recently, but have already managed to gain a foothold in the segment between the cheapest food from neighboring countries and the more expensive - imported, but of better quality.

- Do you turn to third-party specialists, for example, nutritionists?

For now we can handle it ourselves. There are no specialists in this area in Chelyabinsk. Often, doctors, although well versed in dietetics, have little idea of ​​what sports nutrition is. Although in other cities there are already private medical practices. They deal with issues dietetics and make up the patient’s diet taking into account sports nutrition. But so far these are isolated cases.

- Do you cooperate with sports organizations?

We work with sports organizations. But more often with the athletes themselves. Such expenses are practically not provided for in the budget.

We work more closely with fitness clubs. We supply food to fitness bars and offer discounts to their clients.

- How is product sales organized?

On our this moment one offline store in the center of Chelyabinsk. The online store also operates successfully with free shipping to any point in the city.

- Are there famous athletes among your clients?

Among our clients are world champion in kettlebell lifting Ivan Denisov, strongman and showman Dmitry Kononets, Igor Podelko and Evgeny Gulyaev.

- What advice do you have for those who want to build their own business in sports nutrition?

I’d better tell you where you definitely shouldn’t start a business. You should not start a business without knowing all its features thoroughly and without having competitive advantages. Many people think that by reducing the price as much as possible and working practically at a loss, they can win over clients to their side.

But this is a dead-end path: anyone can reduce the price, but in the end, the one who has a more impressive financial “airbag” and a wider customer base. And this will clearly not be a newcomer.

Ekaterina Gonova

In this material:

A healthy lifestyle today is experiencing, if not the peak of popularity, then as close as possible to it. Healthy lifestyle is promoted from all TV channels in the country, online platforms and print media. Naturally, this is the right trend towards improving the health of the nation and increasing the life expectancy of the population. But from another point of view - propaganda healthy image life is very beneficial for sports nutrition manufacturers, whose goal is maximum sales of their own products. Against this background, a novice entrepreneur can successfully join this area business. It is enough to develop a business plan for a sports nutrition store and strictly follow it.

Features of the business and its advantages

The business of a sports nutrition store is essentially no different from the activities of any other retail outlet. The principle of operation is the same - purchasing goods in wholesale quantities and selling them at retail through our own network.

The main feature of a sports nutrition store is the specificity of its products. The target audience is not just people involved in sports or fitness, but athletes who prefer strength exercises. In this case, sports nutrition is necessary to build muscle mass, quickly restore strength and normalize metabolism.

Another feature of the business is a narrow circle of suppliers, limited to domestic manufacturers and intermediary firms that supply foreign goods. Regardless of the geographic location of the retail outlet, products will still have to be purchased either in Moscow or at large regional bases, of which there are very few in Russia.

Reference. Purchasing goods through online stores is not considered, because the volume of supplies from dealers is designed for retail chains. In addition, it is problematic to check the quality of the product in advance.

Target audience of the sports nutrition store:

  • 50% are people involved in heavy sports at a professional level;
  • 20% – people who engage in heavy sports for themselves and want to build muscle mass;
  • 20% are beginner athletes who want to try sports nutrition and see the effect;
  • 10% – the remaining categories of people who take sports nutrition for one reason or another.

In any case, the target audience of a sports nutrition store is athletes or people who go to the gym and prefer strength training.

Advantages of the project:

  1. Low investments - to open a sports nutrition store you need to have an amount in the range of 400–500 thousand rubles. Major expenses include holding organizational events, renting premises and advertising costs. The purchase of the first batch of goods is not taken into account for several reasons. Firstly, you can find a supplier who provides goods for sale. Secondly, the high markup on products in the first month will cover all investments.
  2. Low competition - cities with a population of 400–500 thousand inhabitants are not overcrowded with sports nutrition stores. It is rare to find a point located in a shopping center next to a clothing store or children's goods, because the demand for products in such places is low. As a rule, the sale of sports nutrition is carried out directly in the gym building or nearby. And it is almost impossible to meet two competing entrepreneurs in the same territory.
  3. High income - given the low purchase price of products and a markup of 100–200%, an entrepreneur can easily reach an income of 100,000 rubles in the first month, gradually increasing profits. However, it is worth understanding that the final result depends on the demand for the product, the location of the outlet and the competitive capabilities of the store in comparison with similar companies operating in the city.
  4. Quick return on business - this criterion directly follows from the previous one. If the store is successful, then with high income the payback period varies between 4–5 months.

Reference. The main advantage of a sports nutrition store is independence from external factors. The financial crisis in the country, a decrease in the solvency of the population, an increase in prices for food and utilities - these and other parameters do not in any way affect the demand for sports nutrition, because athletes in any case are forced to use supplements to stay in shape.

Market and competitor analysis

Given the narrow focus of the business, analyzing the sports nutrition market is quite simple.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the number of official retail outlets selling these products. It is best to use an Internet search.

The second stage is visiting potential competitors in order to identify positive and negative qualities in their work. It could be:

  • good or bad location of the store;
  • the presence of a gym in the area where the retail outlet operates;
  • approximate number of customers per day/week/month;
  • product range;
  • suppliers and brands of sports nutrition;
  • price category various types goods;
  • availability of promotions, discounts, bonuses;
  • advertising effectiveness.

The third stage is comparison of the obtained data. Of course, some store will be more successful and recognizable, while another will be practically unknown to consumers or aimed at a narrow target audience (fitness club members).

Using the data obtained, you can easily form your own business model, taking into account the mistakes of competitors and focusing on those factors that led to success.

It’s a stretch to call online stores competitors. There are only a few organizations in the country that sell sports nutrition at retail via the Internet. The rest of the companies either operate illegally or are scammers, which is why the demand for products in general online is low. More than 50% of athletes prefer to buy sports nutrition through offline outlets so that they can be sure of the quality of the product.

Organizational events

Store registration and documentation

The first stage of organizing a business is registration entrepreneurial activity. You can choose individual entrepreneur or LLC. Each legal form has pros and cons, so you only need to focus on the business format and your own preferences.

Individual entrepreneur status is convenient for a small store with an area of ​​20–25 square meters. m. In this case, you can save on state fees (800 rubles, and for opening an LLC - 4,000 rubles) and an accountant. Also for individual entrepreneurs provides more simple form tax reporting.

Opening a legal entity is beneficial when organizing large store sports nutrition or a network of retail outlets located in different regions of the country. In addition, the founder of an LLC does not risk personal property in the event of bankruptcy of the company, but is liable before the law only within the limits authorized capital YUL. The individual entrepreneur is obliged to repay all debts even after the closure of business activities, otherwise private property may be seized.

Reference. An equally important distinguishing point between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC is the status of an entrepreneur. Large and well-known sports nutrition suppliers are reluctant to enter into contracts with individuals(IP) due to low volume working capital, whereas with legal entity Any company is ready to work.

Documents for registering business activities are almost the same in both cases:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • paid receipt of state duty;
  • decision to establish a legal entity (for LLC);
  • charter of the company (for LLC);
  • information about the authorized capital (for LLC).

Registration period is no more than 5 days.

Tax system – simplified tax system 6%.

OKVED codes:

  • 47.64 – sale of sporting goods and equipment in specialized retail outlets;
  • 47.29 – sale of others food products in specialized retail outlets;
  • 47.29.39 – sale of other food products not specified in other codes.

The second stage of organizing a business is collecting permitting documents. By this time, the entrepreneur must rent premises for the store, enter into contracts with suppliers, find employees for sales positions, carry out repairs and prepare the premises for work.

List of additional documents:

  • lease contract;
  • agreement with utility service for garbage and solid waste removal;
  • conclusion labor agreement with the seller;
  • concluding an agreement with a sanitary service or a special company for periodic disinsection, disinfection and deratization;
  • quality certificate for products (provided by the supplier);
  • documentation from Pension Fund on registration as an employer (if there is at least one hired staff).

Next, you need to contact the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor to obtain permitting documentation for doing business. In particular, the store premises will be checked for compliance with standards. fire safety and sanitary rules.

Assortment compilation

The sports nutrition market is represented by a wide range of products. This includes both well-known brands and brands unfamiliar to the buyer. The focus should be on the demand for products and the popularity of the manufacturer.

Minimum range of sports nutrition store:

  1. Protein (protein) is the most purchased product among athletes. The product is designed to gain muscle mass, therefore it is used in 90% of cases by weightlifters.
  2. Vitamins – products are intended to replenish essential microelements in the body. Vitamin complexes are popular among people on a diet.
  3. Creatine – intended to increase endurance various groups muscles. The drug is popular among athletes of various types, since every person who visits the gym is aimed at increasing the duration of training.
  4. Amino acids are aimed at replenishing nutrients in the muscles, which is necessary to restore tone after the end of a workout.
  5. Fat burners - the name speaks for itself. A group of drugs is aimed at burning excess fat in the body.
  6. Groups of drugs aimed at improving the condition of ligaments and joints.

At the first stage, the listed sports nutrition items are quite sufficient. In the future, buyers themselves will tell you what they need additionally.

Reference. The store’s assortment may depend on the business format - professional or amateur sports nutrition. Each direction has its own type of product, brand and composition. The best option There will be a combination of both types - it is enough to organize several departments at the point of sale.

Location of the object and choice of premises

The nuances of the location of a sports nutrition outlet differ from the same grocery store or second hand. This is explained by the fact that the target audience is completely different in all cases. If a food pavilion requires a high traffic volume of people, then the same technique with sports nutrition will not always work. More than 80% of people passing by are not the target audience of sports nutrition.

The guideline for the location of the store will be:

  • Gym;
  • Fitness Centre;
  • various weight loss centers and yoga classes;
  • athletic facilities.

The best option, of course, is to locate the retail outlet in a building with gym or concluding an agreement with the owner of the establishment for the sale of products on his retail space. The problem is that most of the places are already taken by other entrepreneurs. This can be clearly seen when visiting any fitness center - there is always a sports nutrition store nearby or nearby.

As an alternative, you can choose a large shopping center in the city center and position your store as “No. 1” or “Sports Nutrition Center” in the city. In this case, high traffic flow and visibility of the point from different angles will only play into the hands of the businessman, and buyers will be able to conveniently get to the place from any area of ​​the city.

There is no room for a store special conditions. It must meet standard SanPiN and fire safety requirements.

Equipment purchase

For a retail outlet with an area of ​​20–25 sq. m will need:

  • racks;
  • showcases;
  • shelves;
  • counter;
  • cash machine;
  • chair for the seller;
  • lockers;
  • racks or shelves for utility (storage) premises.

Supplier search

The Internet is the only place where you need to look for sports nutrition suppliers. Preference is given well-known companies and brands, but you should pay attention to the terms of cooperation and the cost of purchasing products. Minimum size the markup should be 50%, otherwise turning into a plus will be a long and complicated process.

At first, it is recommended to enter into contracts for the supply of goods with several companies, and then determine the positive and negative sides cooperation. In addition, it is worth considering foreign manufacturers of sports nutrition. By ordering goods directly from abroad, you can save on markups from domestic intermediaries.

Hiring staff

Everything is simple here - 1-2 sellers per store with an area of ​​25 square meters. m. Best of all – 2 people working 2/2, 3/3 days. In this case, there will be no problems with employee days off and vacations.

Personnel requirements:

  • age – 18–35 years;
  • gender does not matter;
  • skills – experience in trading;
  • qualities - honesty, openness, hard work.

The ideal option would be if the staff has something to do with sports, the products sold, or at least understands what it is. In this case, the seller will always answer your questions and give competent advice on choosing a particular product. Experience with sports nutrition is not required, because the staff can always be trained in the basic nuances.

Store advertising

The advertising campaign of a retail outlet depends on its location. If this is a gym or fitness center, then the store does not need large-scale advertising. If the premises are neutral in location to sports establishments, then it is necessary to use standard advertising techniques.

Considering that the target audience of the project is young people under the age of 35, the marketing campaign should be directed to the Internet:

  • creating your own website;
  • creating and maintaining groups on social networks;
  • advertising products and stores in urban communities, including popular groups in in social networks;
  • active communication with users, commenting on posts;
  • Regularly posting posts with promotions, discounts and great deals.

In addition, you need to order and install an attractive sign for the store.

Financial plan

Business investments and operating expenses

Costs at the project organization stage (in rubles):

  • 20,000 – registration of business activities and paperwork;
  • 10,000 – analysis of the market and competitors (remuneration for “mystery” shoppers and people collecting information);
  • 35,000 – conclusion of a rental agreement for premises with the payment of a deposit;
  • 50,000 – premises renovation;
  • 20,000 – production of a sign;
  • 40,000 – advertising costs;
  • 150,000 – purchase of equipment;
  • 50,000 – purchase of the first batch of goods;
  • 30,000 – reserve fund.

Result: 405,000 rubles.

Expenses in the first month:

  • 35,000 – rent;
  • 60,000 – salary;
  • 10,000 – utilities;
  • 50,000 – additional purchase of goods.

Result: 155,000 rubles.

Sports nutrition store income

The average check of a retail outlet varies between 700–1,300 rubles, and income depends on the number of customers.

For example, you can take the average values ​​in both cases - 1,000 rubles and 8 customers per day. In this case, the daily income will be 8,000 rubles, and the monthly income will be 240,000 rubles.

Profit calculation and payback

240,000-155,000=85,000 rubles.

The payback period for the business based on the data provided is 5 months.

When opening a sports nutrition store, you always need to think about target audience, since the products are quite specific. Guided by a competent business plan, market analysis and financial calculations, you can open a successful business selling sports nutrition with high income and quick payback.

Order a business plan

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Let's talk about how to organize your own business selling sports nutrition. This way of earning money is indeed available to everyone, but it will be especially interesting to those who themselves lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly train in the gym or on turnstile grounds.

We will earn money through the affiliate program of the online sports nutrition store SWPRO. The store is a development public organization StreetWorkout, which promotes a healthy lifestyle around the world. Among the organizers are: famous people, like Denis Minin (world champion in Workout) and Oleg Bazilevich (12-time world champion in bench press).

The company's products are delivered all over the world. Centers and production are located in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Great Britain. The product range is wide and is intended primarily for those involved in Workout, bodybuilding, fitness, etc. A small list of the SWPRO sports nutrition range: amino acids, proteins, pre-workout complexes, post-workout complexes, vitamins, cereal bars, etc. The range also includes probiotics, dietary supplements, food gels, and Street Workout paraphernalia.

How to earn money? Conventionally, there are two ways to make money using sports nutrition from Street Workout Pro - active And passive.

Active way to earn money involves purchasing a product at a special affiliate price and selling the product with your own markup. You can sell to your friends or using online tools. For example, through bulletin boards, or your own online store. As an engine option for an online store, you can use Simpla CMS. You can buy a licensed Simpla CMS, as well as purchase templates for your online store. There you can also learn how to connect third-party modules to expand the functionality of your online store.

Passive way to earn money is to build your team (attracting customers and partners). That is, after registering on the website of the Street Workout Pro online store, you receive a referral link. If someone makes a purchase using your referral link, you receive a percentage of the sales. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 1 USD. Pay by card. Moreover, if the buyer paid for the goods, for example, in dollars, you receive a payment, also in dollars.

The percentage of sales depends on your partner status. The higher your partner status, the more benefits you receive. In addition to the direct percentage of sales, you receive a number of additional bonuses (starting bonus, achievement bonus, stability bonus, etc.). I will not consider bonuses in detail; at the end of the article there will be a video that discusses the bonus system.

You can start a partnership from rank "Partner" or rank "Manager". The Manager rank provides a number of advantages. For example, “Partner” receives 5% of the sale, “Manager” - 25%. “Partner” receives payments only from 1st level referrals, “Manager” - from 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels. To obtain the “Partner” rank, you must purchase products worth 45 points. You can always upgrade your rank to “Manager”. To do this, you need to purchase products worth 200 points or more within a month.

Points are a kind of internal indicator of your status in the system. Your entire team accumulates points. That is, you do not have to purchase products for the required number of points, the main thing is that the sum of points for your entire team reaches 45 points or 200 points per month.

Let's take a closer look at the process of registering a partner in the system.

We go to the online store website and register. At the second step, you will be asked to choose your entry point into the business - “Partner” (45 points), “Manager” (200 points). I chose "Partner".

After you fill out all the required fields, a manager will contact you and give you access to the partner account. Next, in the “Products” section we see the company’s products available for purchase.

Next to the price of each product you can see the number of points that will be awarded to you upon purchase. To obtain the “Partner” rank, we need to purchase products worth 45 points. You can select the products you need, or you can purchase products in the “Promotional offers” section.

I chose the “Family Care” pack, which includes drugs such as Antiage (an antioxidant that stabilizes cell membranes), Probiozy (restores intestinal microflora and improves the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), Aminov (a complex of amino acids and vitamins).

After ordering products, you will receive payment details to your e-mail. After paying for the products, you receive the “Partner” rank and can start earning money in any available way - either attract customers to the online store website, or open your own online store, or sell goods through message boards.

Earnings worthy of you.

With this legal form You can open a business with partners, for which it is not suitable.

Individuals who are founders of an LLC should not be liable for its obligations with their own property - in case of problems, they only lose the contribution they made to the authorized capital.

There are other differences between individual entrepreneurs and LLCs related to the features and methods of management, lending and investing. To clarify complex issues and finally decide on the optimal organizational and legal form, you can consult a specialist.

Registration as an individual entrepreneur

If you are going to open one small store and have no plans for further expansion, registration as an individual entrepreneur would be optimal. The application for registration can be downloaded on the Federal Tax Service website

Choosing a tax system

Renting premises for a sports nutrition store

Sports nutrition is a fairly compact product. Showcases for its placement will not take up much space, and, therefore, The store area may be quite small.To start with30 sq.m. is enough. m.retail space.

For a city with a population of one million, the rent for such premises, which includes payment utilities, can be about 60 thousand rubles.

Two good location options for a sports nutrition store

  • a place with high traffic - for example, near the metro;
  • a location near a large fitness club or near a sporting goods and sports equipment store - that is, a place where gym regulars and other athletes frequent.

It is also possible in the same room with a fitness club, combined with its fitness bar - that is, a place where athletes can drop in before, after, or even in the middle of a workout to rest a little, relax and drink a cup or two of protein, gainer or energy drink.

After the rental agreement for the premises has been concluded, you need to go through necessary approval procedures with the SES, Gospozharnadzdor and the city administration.

Shop equipment

If you still don’t intend to combine a store with a fitness bar, you won’t need to purchase any special equipment. It will be enough to purchase:

  • racks and shelves;
  • video surveillance if the store operates on a self-service system;
  • cash machine.

Purchase of a starting batch of goods

The purchase of the initial batch of goods is the main expense item. To purchase a minimum batch from wholesalers you will need about 15,000 rubles, and the minimum amount that it is advisable to spend on this is near200,000 rub. This money is already enough to create a good assortment - the more goods, the greater the turnover.

Most consumers prefer products from foreign brands, such as German Multipower and Weider. It is considered to be of higher quality and more effective than sports nutrition from domestic manufacturers, and research shows that this opinion is completely true.

At the same time, the products Russian companies there is an important advantage - low price. For this reason, it is often preferred by beginner athletes and simply athletes who want to save money. When selecting an assortment, regional characteristics should also be taken into account: as a rule, the preferences of athletes in different cities and regions differ.

It should also be taken into account that sports nutrition must have state registration, which confirms its safety and compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011.

Store staff

The best sales consultants will be people who play sports themselves and, therefore, are well versed in sports nutrition. Good sellers who can give the visitor competent advice on any issue - this is the main condition for successful trading.

Anotherimportant point -Thisappearance of the sellers.

If they look athletic and fit, and the male salespeople also have good muscle mass, you can expect that customers will gain confidence both in them and in the store as a whole.

Business plan for a sports nutrition store

Sports nutrition in the form of a small point - for example, on the territory shopping center- you will need 300-400 thousand rubles or more. The exact amount depends on the region.

The payback period is influenced by many factors, but on average, with proper organization of the business, you can achieve profit within six months.

If the business has already gained momentum, a good customer base has been developed, and contracts with suppliers have been concluded for good conditions,monthly sports nutrition area of ​​30 sq. m. may look like this:

  • revenue 500,000 rubles;
  • net profit 50,000 rub.

Nuances and possible problems when starting a business

Since sports nutrition is not an essential product, during a crisis its sales, as a rule, decrease significantly. Therefore, the difficult situation in the economy is This is not the best background for starting such a business.

On the other hand, it was noted above that the number of people who take training seriously is quite large and is constantly growing, so the sports nutrition market is very promising, and if you have a good plan, you can successfully enter it even in difficult crisis years.

Since the share of domestic products in the sports nutrition market is low and does not exceed 10-15%, in conditions of a low exchange rate of the national currency or large fluctuations in the exchange rate, procurement problems may arise that you must be able to cope with.

And in conclusion I would like to remind you of one simple thing: Many people think about creating their own business, but only a few decide to get down to business. Meanwhile, opening a sports nutrition store can be the very step that will allow you to stop working “for someone else” and lay a solid foundation for your financial well-being.

A well-thought-out action plan, good knowledge of the topic, perseverance and determination will definitely allow you to achieve success.

sports nutrition franchise, you can find out in the following new video:

Some people perceive sports nutrition as normal phenomenon, someone is against this whole idea, but the point is that many entrepreneurs do quite successful business on this topic and this must be covered on our website, since visitors to our resource are interested in various ways making money. In this article we will talk about how to open a business selling sports nutrition in your city and what you need to pay attention to at the start of the idea.

Features of the business and finding a place for a store

It is worth noting that this type of product sells well in big cities, but is completely irrelevant in small towns. If you are from the province, and the population of your city is less than 100,000, then this topic most likely will not come up.

Selling sports nutrition implies having a target audience nearby your store. Of course, all these people spend a lot of time in the gym, which is the logical answer to finding a place to shop. It's best to look for places in the city that have more than one gym nearby, so you can reach a wider range of target audiences.

Premises and equipment

The premises for opening a sports nutrition store can be small, even an area of ​​10 sq.m. will do just fine. The main thing is a good location.

Now let's look at what equipment you need to get started:

  • racks for product presentation;
  • refrigerated display cases for storing certain types of products and drinks;
  • electronic balance;
  • counter;
  • cash machine;
  • furniture for the seller's workplace.


Since this is about selling food products, you will need to complete all the relevant documents for trading.

Here's what you'll need:

  • you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur.
  • you must indicate OKVED for retail sports nutrition. For Russia this is - 52.48.23 , 51.38 / 52.27 , 51.34.1 . For Ukraine - 47.2 , 47.29 .
  • All quality certificates for products must be on hand.
  • obtain a trade permit from the SES and fire service.
  • decorate the buyer's corner.

Assortment and suppliers

If you are opening a sports nutrition store from scratch, then you will need to think carefully about the entire range of products. You must be “in the know” about this trend and understand what is suitable for gaining weight or cutting. An inexperienced entrepreneur in this matter will not even be able to suggest basic things to the client, and this will accordingly affect the reputation of the store.

  • Proteins
  • Amino acids
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Creatine
  • Fat burners
  • Pre-workout supplements
  • Bars
  • Low calorie foods
  • Sports nutrition for vegetarians
  • For ligaments and joints
  • Energy and more

The assortment of such stores is simply huge, but in order for the product to be sold, either you or your seller must understand what’s what and be able to advise the client on the nutritional complex he needs.

Suppliers can be searched on the Internet. There you can easily find the nearest representatives of various manufacturers in your city.


In the business of selling sports nutrition, there are rules for attracting customers. Here are just a few of them:

  • online store with a complete catalog of sports nutrition. Often these products are searched for online and it sells well online. Therefore, such a move is a must have in your business. Search Engine Optimization and contextual advertising will bring your first clients.
  • creation of specialized groups on social networks. For example, many sellers work through VKontakte and successfully sell goods. It is also worth developing this area, because in the future it can indeed become one of the main sources of attracting customers.
  • negotiate with gym trainers in financially so that they personally recommend your store to purchase the necessary sports nutrition for training. Very effective method. Apart from money, you can offer them free products or huge discounts in your store and they might be interested in it
  • Conducting advertising campaigns on specialized forums on the Internet.
  • become one of the sponsors of some tournament.

How much money do you need to start?

In fact, sports nutrition is not a cheap product and a considerable investment will be required, but if the bulk of the product is brought to order, then at the beginning you can save a little on the purchase of the starting range. We will give you only the main areas of expenses, and when drawing up a business plan, you will simply take them into account, or expand them to suit your own needs.

  • Room rental – $200 – $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods – $8000 – $10000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$800 – $1000
  • Advertising - $450 (+ advertising on the Internet).
  • Website creation - $250.

How much can you earn?

Your earnings will depend on many factors, including the price segment, your investment in advertising and other things.

The average markup on sports nutrition is 50% - 70%.

Taking these numbers, you can approximately calculate how much product you need to sell in order to turn a profit.

Conclusions. The business of selling sports nutrition is a specific area, and it is suitable for a person who understands this area and is directly related to sports, and has not heard something somewhere. Competent assistance in selecting for the client and correctly structured advertising campaign, can bring good start and high profits in the future.

Do you have your own store in this direction and have something to add to the article? We look forward to your comments below.
