Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Report on the production of car trailers. Equipment and tools. Working area

We decided to offer cooperation to everyone who wants to master this vast production market passenger trailers, increasing every year! One-time payment: 400,000 rubles. Our company was registered on September 9, 1999. In 2003, we became conveyor suppliers of the Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ). on his trading platforms throughout Russia and the CIS, about 400-500 units of special van bodies and other superstructures were manufactured and shipped monthly. The cooperation continued through 2008 inclusive. In addition, we produced add-ons for KamAZ, Mercedes, Volvo, Iveco and other brands. Since 2005, the production of trailers of category O1 (gross weight up to 750 kg) has been certified and received OTTS (Vehicle Type Approval) for their production. In 2009, the model range was supplemented with category O2 (equipped with brakes with a gross weight of up to 3.5 tons). In 2010 and 2011, we received permission to produce trailers of category O3 (total weight up to 10 tons) and a Tractor Certificate. The emphasis was not on series, but on the production of vehicles according to customer requirements. And today we produce trailers for individual and commercial purposes in small batches. This is what he leaves behind. And the existing permitting documentation allows you to produce unlimited quantities! Therefore, we decided to offer cooperation to everyone who wants to explore this vast market, which is growing every year! At the same time, we do not help with the sale of your products directly, but only indirectly, providing technical, certification and advertising support! You buy the components and materials yourself. Here I would like to clarify that there are several large enterprises specializing in the production of only trailers (and they make several thousand of them per month!!!), and there are universal ones, where trailers are not the main type of product, but an additional one (their production ranges from tens to several hundred per month). Serial trailers are made in batches where dimensions and equipment, materials and costs are optimized. Due to the large volume and well-established contractual relations with dealer-sellers, they have almost constant sales. In spring and summer there are more boat trips. In autumn and winter - side boats with an awning. Due to the volume during assembly line assembly, the profit is minimal (1-8 thousand rubles), but this allows you to stand confidently on your feet and invest in continuous development. But the most important thing here is not the large volume, but regular customers! It is important. Any manufacturing process, with a profit, albeit small! This proposal for the production of trailers is unique! There are NO analogues in Russia today! If you have a sales/distribution department, great! Our own production base is super! Experience working with metal structures - excellent! Do you want to load your production facilities with the production of in-demand products, or are you tired of selling other people's trailers for some reason, and at the same time you do not want to start manufacturing business from scratch or shell out a lot of money without understanding the market and risks - our offer is for YOU! And craftsmen who independently manufacture trailers in their garages and sheds can safely come out of the “underground” under our brand, “fledge” and then decide on self-certification. IN to a greater extent This offer is relevant for those who have experience in selling trailers, know the needs of customers in terms of product range, trailer configuration, its cost and want to start production with minimal investment in certification and drawings. We have a large assortment of models and their modifications (boats, tents, special ones) with dimensions within the framework of traffic regulations (i.e., from the minimum to the maximum possible permitted by Russian traffic regulations (for example, up to 11-12 meters in length, up to 2.55 m in width, height up to 4 meters).You will need a minimum set of equipment: Welding table Cutting machine (abrasive or band saw, although you can cut with a grinder or hacksaw) Preferably, an air compressor Drill or drill, grinder, impact wrench (electric or pneumatic) or open-end wrenches Welding apparatus in a carbon dioxide environment A place for painting, if you paint it yourself, and not galvanize it outsourced, storage of materials and finished trailers Technological stands for assembly You may also need hydraulic mechanisms If you have all this, great! one-time payment (lump sum) required to purchase a franchise for trailers of category O1 (gross weight up to 750 kg without brakes) - 400,000 rubles (equipped with brakes and with a gross weight up to 3500 kg - 600,000 rubles). The lump sum amount can be divided into 2 payment stages. This payment applies to the entire validity period of the OTTS - 3 years. Then we will extend it for a new term for you free of charge, provided that you select and manufacture at least 40 trailers per year. In addition to a one-time payment of 400 or 600 thousand rubles, respectively, you pay a royalty of 500 rubles per trailer produced by you. Are you doing to us? pre order for a certain number of trailers produced each month. We receive the PTS, process it and send it to your address at our expense. You apply the VIN yourself. From time to time, we visit your production site to monitor the products manufactured under our brand, since we are responsible for this. In the event of a violation of the production technology agreed with us or unapproved changes to the design, we may refuse to continue cooperation and demand compensation for losses, if any. Expected payback - within 1 year when producing from 10 trailers per month of category O1 (total weight up to 750 kg), O2 - from 5 trailers per month. After paying for the franchise, we will add you to the number of assembly plants of our enterprise and you will be registered in the OTTS (Vehicle Type Approval) as an assembly plant. We provide the right to apply our VIN code and use our brand. The following models can be produced under this OTTS: For the transportation of boats, boats and ATVs; for transportation of motor vehicles; electric lighting installation; compressor; generator; trade; House on wheels; for road repair and maintenance; dry closet; ritual; for transporting water; manufactured goods; for transporting a motor pump; for transporting animals; for transportation of live fish.

We invite you to consider one more business with minimal investment– production of trailers for passenger cars. Modern people prefer to buy their own cars, despite traffic jams, the high cost of fuel and the need for regular car repairs. That is why in our country the number of cars is growing literally every month.

Naturally, entrepreneurs have long understood this trend, and did not fail to create many different options for making money in the automotive sector, in addition to trading in the transport itself. This and services, and the help of craftsmen, and the sale of parts, as well as tuning, acoustics, the creation of various lighting and body kits, and much more. The main thing is that it is in this industry that you can find something that will bring good income to your organizer. For example, let’s consider a necessary, in-demand item that is in great demand among vehicle owners.

It is enough to install a trailer on any, even small, car, and it can already perform the functions of a van, namely transport cargo that reaches a ton weight. Each trailer has its own characteristics and carrying capacity; here the car owner himself chooses the product, depending on its characteristics. If a summer resident needs a trailer, then he won’t have to buy a product that is too capacious and large-scale, but builders, installers, and other workers in such professions often need to transport large, heavy loads.

Considering that towbars have been popular among our citizens since ancient Soviet times, one should not expect that a newcomer to the market will not encounter a number of competitors. Many businessmen know that they can bring tangible profits, so they will have to fight for their place in the sun.

Production of trailers for passenger cars

Making a car trailer is, in principle, quite simple, the main thing is to assemble all the components of the structure in a high-quality manner, regarding wheels, chassis, traction and coupling devices, axle with suspensions, as well as electrical wiring. In the center of the entire assembly is a cargo body, for the manufacture of which you will need not only square pipes, but also a preliminary drawing. Production of car trailers includes covering the floor and sides with any sheet materials, it can be galvanized metal sheets or chipboard. As production workshop A simple garage may be suitable, but it is advisable to involve a mechanic and welder to carry out the work. But to start like this business with minimal investment The entrepreneur himself can do it, but it can take a month to make one trailer.

A very important point is that production of trailers for passenger cars cannot work without special documentation, namely certified passports for each product, which are filled out in accordance with government standards. This is explained by the fact that each trailer is listed as part of a car, therefore, it cannot take part in public traffic in the absence of a special permit for operation. This permit can be obtained from your local inspection authorities. traffic. Here trailers undergo the registration procedure as new vehicle, after which they are assigned a separate license plate. It follows that in order to use a trailer, every citizen must have documentation for it, as well as a state registration plate, but how can one acquire them?

Production of trailers for passenger cars: registering the trailer

The standard process for registering a car trailer is a two-step process.
  1. After the assembly of the trailer is completely completed, the entrepreneur must report this to the traffic inspection authorities located in the area of ​​his residence. Employees will issue a document directing the trailer owner to undergo examination in a special laboratory area. It is here that a series of certified tests will be carried out that each trailer must pass before it can be used on public roads. You will have to pay a certain amount for the tests. If production of trailers for passenger cars is carried out using ready-made parts, then the authorities have the right to request certified documents for each such unit or part. It is advisable to immediately prepare all the papers according to the drawings and other documentation that service employees may be interested in. Full list There are such papers in the departments of the road patrol service. Trailer certification only applies to new vehicles that are put into service.
  2. Upon completion of all checks and examinations, the entrepreneur will receive a document stating that the certification of the trailer was successful, and the vehicle actually complies with all standards and requirements. Once a businessman has this kind of paper in hand, he has the right to register his trailer with the traffic inspectorate. Don't forget that trailer certification is a paid procedure that will cost the entrepreneur fifteen to twenty-five thousand rubles, and its duration does not exceed fifteen days.
It is these two stages that make up the registration of trailers made independently, and for each unit it is necessary to undergo a separate approval procedure and receive separate documents. Some entrepreneurs do this, especially if they complete more than one order for a trailer per month, etc. Naturally, they regularly pay the required amount for registration. But if production of trailers for passenger cars planned to be put on stream, businessmen are trying to find an alternative solution, minimize bureaucratic issues, and bypass the regular certification process. This is quite possible if the certified production of car trailers.

How to certify the production of trailers for passenger cars

On the territory of our country trailer certification a mandatory condition for their use, since without the approval of vehicles they cannot take part in road traffic. All trailers have a special category - O1, and it is for this category that approval will be issued. After trailer manufacturing will be carried out on the basis of the received approval document, each new unit assembled at the enterprise will have its own unique number, as well as a product passport. Numbers are marked on trailer frames. The main thing is that the application is reliable and durable. Some manufacturers prefer to use engraving, stamping and other techniques.

How can a car trailer manufacturer obtain a VIN number for its vehicle?

And again, the whole procedure begins with collecting documentation. The entrepreneur must have in hand an application drawn up in accordance with the established template, a document indicating the technical characteristics of the product, as well as a list of marked parts: tires, headlights, a photo of the trailer and the drawing according to which it was assembled. In addition, employees will likely request information about technical specifications, as well as instructions for using the product. Only with all these papers in hand does it make sense to go to the testing and certification process of the vehicle. Such a test is called a preliminary test, which is why it costs several times more.

After this product has been tested, you can proceed to the next step, but first you will have to collect the documentation again. Trailer manufacturing must be carried out on the basis of the international manufacturer code, which can only be obtained by a legal entity. Otherwise, it will not be possible to mass produce trailers without going through a separate certification procedure for each product. To obtain this international code value, you will need to provide:

  • Technical application to issue an international code for the manufacturer of type O1 vehicles;
  • Technical inventory of the production workshop, the trailer manufacturing process itself, and the inspection system quality characteristics, technical specifications trailer;
  • OGRN and identifier production organization;
  • Other papers, which can be discussed in more detail directly at the code issuing office. Most often, it is these offices that provide a whole range of services, including registration, testing, and issuance of documentation.
Each vehicle can be approved for a specific period of time with the possibility of subsequent renewal. Although production and sale of trailers- this is a business with minimal investments, it is quite difficult to correctly build the business strategy itself, and the amount of documentary work can really frustrate the entrepreneur. Start working in status individual entrepreneur practically meaningless in this industry. Besides, production and sale of trailers has its limitations depending on the size of the enterprise. Thus, a small enterprise cannot produce more than five hundred units throughout the year, and in order for the business to become profitable, it will have to undertake active development of several types of products. Each of them requires approval from regulatory authorities, certification and documentary support.

WITH financial side certifying the production of trailers is not so easy; not every entrepreneur has the necessary amount on hand from the very beginning, so many start by regularly going through the procedure for each vehicle.

Sale of trailers using franchising

For example, at large production there is already approval for the production of caravans. Then the company can start selling necessary documents on a franchise basis for those who need approval to legally manufacture vehicles in their own garages. Thus, a small enterprise will produce products, but use the brand of the owner of the approval. Business with minimal investment, organized in a garage environment, involves the assembly of no more than twenty-four technical units per year. But the benefits from using franchising are tangible for both parties. An entrepreneur will be able to bypass bureaucratic issues, get rid of the need to go through authorities and collect papers, and a large supplier will relieve its production capacity. But as a franchisor, he has the right to set certain requirements for small industries and their products.

Production and sale of designer trailers

For one trailer, consumers are willing to pay a fairly large sum - from forty to one hundred thousand rubles, but the products are reliable and have a high load capacity. Trailers with lower specifications are sold for less low prices. But, despite the fact that the owner pays almost a hundred rubles for a quality product, he often still tries to adapt it to his own needs. Some make the frames stronger, others change the suspension and make changes to the electrical system, and this can go on and on. In order to make the task easier for buyers, modern manufacturers have decided to take a simpler approach - reduce the price of a trailer to fourteen thousand, but at the same time offer a set of frame and suspension. The buyer attaches and creates everything else himself, as he sees fit. By the way, such a design must also be registered.

It is precisely these designs that small entrepreneurs often acquire, creating full-fledged goods on their basis and selling them at full price. At the same time, the documentation issued to the designers is quite suitable for the sale of the vehicle. Of course, it will be much more difficult for the entrepreneur himself to develop a business for the production of prefabricated bases than to buy a ready-made base, only adding and assembling it.

Business with minimal investment in the repair of trailer equipment

To create such a repair shop, you will need a garage space and simple tools, as well as a desire to work. As for the clients, there will be them in any case, because such work is not only dirty, but also dusty. Which forces even the most thrifty citizens to resort to the services of craftsmen. You can focus on replacing side structures, straightening axles, repairing shock absorbers and much more, because each problem is individual. After an entrepreneur has worked for a certain time in the repair industry, he will be able to expand his activities by purchasing old equipment and restoring it. Broken trailers are cheap, but a restored one can be put up for sale for many times more. But here, too, a problem arises with documents; without them, it will be impossible to sell even a well-functioning trailer. But usually the seller provides the buyer with the necessary papers, and he does not have to collect documents from authorities.
  • Calculation of cost, profit and profitability 6.1. Calculation of monthly production costs. 6.2. Calculation of production costs. 6.3. Calculation of profit and profitability
  • Marketing plan
  • Organizational plan
  • Financial plan. Loan repayment schedule 9.1. Movement plan cash flows for the investment period. 9.2. Payback period of investment. Settlements with the bank

    The initiator of the investment project is the production and commercial company Karetny Dvor LLP. Address: Rostov-on-Don.

    Business plan goals:

    1. justify the profitability and profitability of an investment project for the manufacture and sale of trailers, microcars and sales of anti-corrosion coating services for body elements of customer cars;
    2. prove the possibility of repayment of loan funds on specified conditions and within fixed lending periods.

    Kind of activity- priority, within the framework of regional programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, peasants and farms in the Rostov region.


    1. trailers of 3 modifications with a carrying capacity of 265 -348 kg, one- and two-axle; retail price 4.0 - 5.5 million rubles; the planned annual production volume is about 600 units;
    2. microcars of 2 modifications with a carrying capacity of 250 - 600 kg, engine power 13-30 hp, retail price 11.0 -18.0 million rubles; planned production volume per year - 96 units;
    3. anti-corrosion treatment services for car body parts using RUST-STOP technology (Canada); the cost of processing one car is 0.9 million rubles; the planned annual volume of work is 3600 units.

    Planned annual turnover for all types of activities- about 7.380 million rubles/year. at full capacity utilization. Expected net profit per year from all activities- 2,900.0 million rubles. with full development of production capacity. Sales market- regional; partially - Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus. The competitiveness of the company is ensured by low internal production costs due to the provision of end-to-end technological process, as well as the exclusive quality of finished products. Total project amount-1.605.35 million rub. of which: own funds - 610.35 million rubles, borrowed funds - 995.0 million rubles. Lending terms- 20% per annum for 1.2 years. Payback period full investment amount -1.5 years.


    Company- production and commercial company "Karetny Dvor" - partnership with limited liability, formed by private individuals on August 28, 1991. To organize production, it has its own premises - a workshop of 220 sq. m. in Bataysk and rented space - workshop 180 sq. m.; To organize a car service (anti-corrosion coating), a rented area of ​​218 sq. m is used. at the service station in Rostov-on-Don. At the time of the start of the investment project (August 1997), the enterprise had all the technical documentation necessary for organizing production for trailers for passenger cars (3 basic modifications - see appendices 1 and 2):

    • model PAG-2F;
    • model PAG-2B;
    • model PAG-2.

    For trailers, there is priority for industrial designs - “Vehicle type approval” AT-02 N93292 dated 12/24/93.

    Small series of prototypes of trailers of all basic modifications were manufactured, and trial sales were carried out. Technical documentation has been prepared and prototypes of microcars of two modifications have been manufactured (see appendices 3, 4):

    • model "Khutorok";
    • model "MK-3".
    Purchased technological documentation for organizing a specialized area (shop) for anti-corrosion treatment of RUST-STOP (Canada) cars.


    2.1. Production organization and sales strategy

    Based on proven technologies for the production of trailers and microcars, using the acquired qualification level of the main workers, on the basis of our own and rented production areas, it is planned to organize nine production “posts” (technological stages), each of which is equipped with new technological equipment purchased at the expense of attracted (credit) funds; equipment, fixtures and tools for the area (shop) for anti-corrosion treatment of cars are also purchased using loan funds (see Table 2.2). Production processes are planned to be located in two workshops, this is shown in Fig. 2.1. Each post (technological stage), depending on the composition of technological operations, is equipped with a set of machines and equipment, the composition of which is presented by group in Table 2.1.

    Table 2.1
    Equipment for the production of trailers, microcars and anti-corrosion treatment services

    Group and name of equipment Qty Price, thousand rubles Amount, thousand rubles
    I. Welding equipment
    1. Welding rectifier 6D 1 7.210 7.210
    2. Semi-automatic welding MIG-STAR350S 1 $2.766 16.278
    3. Electrolytic gas welding machine "Liga-05" 1 7.977 7.977
    4. Apparatus resistance welding"TOR" 5 $95 2.796
    Total for the group: 34.261
    II. Sheet metal machining equipment
    5. Laser pantograph "Star" 1 282.913 282.913
    6. Electromech edge bender. L-2.0 1 12.306 12.306
    7. Manual edge bender (non-standard) 1 5.900 5.900
    8. ZIG machine (angular) ZS-122 1 14.491 14.491
    9. Folding rolling machine STD-11019-01 1 49.234 49.234
    10. Rollers for sheet rolling 1 34.782 34.782
    Total for the group: 399.626
    III. Equipment for cutting shaped profiles
    11. Pendulum edger 1 4.991 4.991
    12. Manual cutting machine GP-6 1 1.998 1.998
    13. Peeling machine GARO r-187 1 6.401 6.401
    14. Universal. pipe bending machine UGS-5 1 18.988 18.988
    Total for the group: 32.378
    15. Painting-drying chamber CIS 1 $15.600 91.806
    16. Degreasing of bodies and cabins VU-9 1 57.127 57.127
    17. Washing bath VPT-12.5 1 41.911 41.911
    18. Sewage treatment plant is closed, type KARCHER ASA-600 1 $15.089 88.800
    19. Set of reagents for purification. coop. 1 3.885 3.885
    20. Compressor "Fihi" BK-19500F-1.5T 1 $4.500 26.550
    21. LEGENDK Sprayer 2 $378 4.461
    Total for the group: 314.540
    V. Conductor group
    22. Conductor for assembling cabins 2 1.600 3.200
    23. Conductor for welding a/trailers 1 400 400
    24. Conductor for welding car frames. 2 2.500 5.000
    25. Machine for making. cabin panels 6 3.667 22.000
    Total for the group: 30.600
    VI. Universal equipment group
    26. Sharpening machine K-1036 1 22.18 22.718
    27. Hydraulic press. 63 t GARO R-340 1 10.800 10.800
    28. Sandblasting machine "TORNADO" 1 $4.100 24.190
    Total for the group: 57.708
    VII. Anti-corrosion treatment equipment
    29. Equipment set and RUST STOP technology 1 $11.000 64.900
    30. Lift 2-post, 2-motor GARO PLD-5 1 19.600 19.600
    31. Washing high. pressure KARCHER HDS-850 with a set of accessories 1 $7.000 41.300
    Total for the group: 125.800
    Total cost of equipment: 995.087

    In accordance with the investment plan, the first three calendar months (1st investment period - quarter) are devoted to the purchase of equipment, its supply, installation, commissioning, as well as the arrangement of production infrastructure and partial reconstruction of premises at our own expense; It is also planned to pay from our own sources for the initial stock of materials and components based on production needs for the next (1st production) quarter of work at 50% capacity utilization. The production and commercial strategy of the enterprise in this investment project provides for the division of the entire investment period - 1.5 years - into 6 quarters:

    • 1st quarter- pre-production (lending, reconstruction of premises, purchase and installation of equipment, provision of an initial supply of materials and components);
    • 2nd quarter(1st production) - production capacity utilization by 50% for all types of activities, development of the sales market;
    • 3rd quarter(2nd production) - production capacity utilization by 75%, expansion of the sales market;
    • 4th quarter(3rd production) - reaching 100% utilization of production capacity, developing new sales markets;
    • 5th quarter(4th production) - 100% utilization of production capacity, consolidation in sales markets; return of most of the loan funds;
    • 6th quarter(5th production) - with 100% capacity utilization and developed sales markets, accumulation is provided Money, sufficient to repay the balance of the debt to the bank and reach the level of self-sufficiency of own investments in this project (cash flows by investment periods are shown in Financially- see section. 9).

    2.2. Sources, objects and directions of investment

    The cost of an investment project consists of borrowed (loan) funds spent only on the purchase of capital equipment (see Table 2.1), and own funds spent in three areas:

    1. costs for supply, installation, adjustment of equipment;
    2. reconstruction costs production premises;
    3. expenses for the initial supply of materials and components.

    Table 2.2 presents the structure of financing of investment objects, volumes and sources of financing. Borrowed funds in the amount of RUB 995.0 million. It is planned to receive it from the bank under the condition of 20% per annum for a period of 1-1.2 years. It is planned to allocate our own financial resources in the amount of 610.0 - 790.0 million rubles for the implementation of this investment project. from the following sources:

    • non-operating income from the sale of part of obsolete equipment and machinery - 345.0 million rubles;
    • income from other activities - sale of 30 units of trailers from pilot batches - 140.0 million rubles;
    • cash balances at the cash desk at the beginning of the investment period - 180.0 million rubles.

    An acceptable payback period for an investment project is no more than 1.5 years (see justification - Section 9).

    Table 2.2
    Objects and areas of investment

    Name of the object or direction of investment Type of equipment Cost thousand rubles Source of funds
    1. Welding equipment purchased 34.261 borrowed
    2. Equipment for mechanics. sheet processing. metal purchased 399.626 borrowed
    3. Cutting equipment purchased 314.540 borrowed
    4. Assembly conductors special order 30.600 borrowed
    5. Universally equipped. purchased 10.800 borrowed
    6. Anti-corrosion coating equipment purchased 125.800 borrowed
    Total borrowed: 995.087
    1. Costs for supply, installation, adjustment costs for capital equipment for the entire production project by items of costs for preparation of production according to cost estimates 150.0 own
    2. Expenses for reconstruction of production premises according to cost estimates 75.0 own
    3. Costs for the initial stock of materials and components for the entire project (for the 1st production quarter) on costing of production and services 385.35 own
    Total own: 610.35
    Total investments: 1605.437
    of them:
    - own: 38%
    - borrowed: 62%


    3.1. Segmentation of the sales market for products and services. Selection of target segments

    The main products of the company are designed for consumption by a fairly broad mass of the population who show entrepreneurial interest in cargo transportation of small volumes and weights or who have the need to use trailers and especially small class cars for personal business! needs. When forecasting sales volumes and selling prices of the company's products (see Section 3.3), the following factors (signs) of segmentation of the market for goods and services, used in Table. 3.1.

    Table 3.1
    Selecting target market segments

    Types of goods and car service services Signs of segmentation
    1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
    Trailers: PAG-2 + + + + + + +
    PAG-2B + + + + + + +
    PAG-2F + + + + + + + +
    Microcars: "Khutorok" + + + + + + + +
    "MK-3" + + + + + + + + + + +
    Anti-corrosion treatment of passenger cars + + + + + + + +
    1. Type of consumer by type of activity: 1.1. small farmers and peasant farms; 1.2. entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized businesses; 1.3. kindergartens, schools, technical schools, orphanages, driving schools; 1.4. disabled people; 1.5. other consumers;
    2. Consumer profitability level: 2.1. relatively high - up to 5 million rubles/person/month; 2.2. average - 1.5 million rubles/person. month; 2.3. relatively low - up to 0.5 million rubles/person. month;
    3. Geographical range: 3.1. Rostov-on-Don; 3.2. Rostov region; 3.3. Krasnodar, Stavropol territories; 3.4. neighboring countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus). The selection of target market segments for each type of product (product modification) was carried out according to a combination of the above characteristics (see Table 3.1).

    Market capacity is assessed based on the total number of potential consumers in local and regional markets (geographically) and the experience of sales of similar products by other Russian manufacturers (see Section 3.2). Then we assume the probable distribution of the company’s market shares in each target segment in the following values ​​- see Table 3.2. This takes into account both the potential capacity of the sales market and signs of its segmentation (Table 3.1).

    Table 3.2
    Structure of the company's potential sales market

    Market segment capacity Trailers Microcars Service
    Total PAG-2 PAG-2B PAG-2F Total Khutorok MK-3
    1.Market capacity:
    Russia (pcs/year) 10000 7000 1000 2000 150000 50000 100000
    neighbor Abroad. (pieces/year) 40000 10000 30000
    2. Potential sales volume (pieces/year) 900 400 200 300 100 50 50 4000
    3. Market share by consumers: 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
    farmers 40% 70% 40% 20% 20%
    entrepreneurs 50% 20% 55% 55% 45%
    schools, kindergartens 20% 20%
    disabled people 5%
    other 10% 10% 5% 5% 10%
    4. Market share by geography: Rostov-on-Don 100%
    100% 100% 100%
    Rostov region 20% 60% 10% 90%
    Stavropol region
    70% 20%
    Middle Abroad 10% 5%

    The final selection of production volumes and sales of car service products and services (see Section 3.3) was made taking into account competitive analysis data and positioning of goods and services in target (managed) market segments (see Section 3.2).

    3.2. Competitive analysis, positioning of goods and services in target market segments

    The scope of analysis of means of meeting the needs of the population for small cargo transportation (250 - 600 kg) includes trailers for passenger cars, heavy motorcycles and scooters, and micro-all-terrain vehicles. There are no analogues for the production of especially small class microcars (with a load capacity of up to 500 - 600 kg) in Russia. The company's closest competitors in the production and sale of trailers, in particular, are:

    1. JSC "Yugavtoremont" (Rostov-on-Don); production volume - up to 3,000 units per year;
    2. "Atomkotlomash" (000 "Oniks"; Rostov-on-Don); production volume - up to 1,000 units per year;
    3. JSC "Rostvertol" (Rostov-on-Don); production volume - up to 2,000 units per year.

    The competitive advantages of the company's trailers in relation to similar products from other manufacturers are:

    • increased strength;
    • reliability (especially the chassis);
    • tolerances for significant overloads;
    • modifiability.

    Regarding the modifiability of trailers, it should be noted that the company has broad capabilities to satisfy the specific requirements of customers, as shown by trial sales of “to-order” trailers. The prices of the company's trailers vary depending on the modification and are comparable to prices for similar products from competitors (4-5 million rubles per unit), with other technical and operational advantages of the branded product. In terms of aesthetics, the company's trailers are somewhat inferior only to the trailers of Rostvertol JSC, which is compensated to a large extent by the driving advantages of the company's products. Thus, the company positions its trailers in selected market segments next to similar products of competitors, without using price discrimination tactics, which in terms of cargo transportation, given the established level of income of the population in the relevant sector, does not justify itself. The security of sales of the company's goods (trailers) is predetermined by obvious technical and operational advantages, branded after-sales service, which, according to the results of trial sales, arouses more significant consumer interest than the price of the product. The microcar market is essentially not fully saturated both in the region and in Russia and the CIS. A similar need for motor vehicles for cargo transportation (up to 500 - 600 kg) is satisfied by heavy motorcycles and scooters (up to 250 - 300 kg of cargo), four-wheeled micro-all-terrain vehicles (300 - 400 kg of cargo). The company’s closest competitors in the production of cargo transportation vehicles of this class are the following enterprises

    1. JSC "Motor Plant" (Tula); The production of heavy scooters with a carrying capacity of 250 kg amounted to 80,000 units per year. In recent years, the demand for these products has been falling;
    2. JSC "Irbit Motor Plant" (Irbit); the production of heavy M-61G motorcycles with a carrying capacity of up to 300 kg amounted to up to 70,000 units per year; Currently, the demand for these products is steadily declining and the plant has begun producing 4-wheeled micro-all-terrain vehicles; the sales market has not been fully developed;
    3. JSC "Vyatka Motor Plant" (Vyatka) also began producing 4-wheeled scooters with a load capacity of up to 350 kg; The sales market is in the development stage.

    Branded microcars "Khutorok" and "MK-3" turn out to be advantageous in terms of price relative to the load capacity (500 - 600 kg), and attractive to users from the point of view of car service and modifiability of bodies. The presence of cabins, high cross-country ability and increased operational reliability of the chassis and bodies give an obvious preference to consumer demand over analogues of competitors' products, which was shown by trial sales of prototype microcars. The company positions microcars on the market using the method of price discrimination against analogues of competitors' products and actually enters the free market of such products.

    Car service market - anti-corrosion treatment of cars (Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region). Market capacity is determined by the presence of a fleet of passenger cars among the population and their structural composition. The increase in the share of “foreign cars” in the structure of passenger car owners leads to the expansion of the sector of anti-corrosion coating services for cars using modern Western technologies. The company in its technological scheme for the production of microcars (see Fig. 2.1) includes an anti-corrosion treatment post, organized using modern technology and with the latest equipment, which allows this operation, in addition, to be distinguished as an independent type of activity. The level of competition in Rostov-on-Don for these car service services is high. The company sees the advantageous factors in positioning its services in the market as: high quality work on anti-corrosion treatment of cars (mainly foreign cars) at a reasonably low (compared to the average market) price for the service (about 900 thousand rubles for one car). The company can afford this tactic of entering the market for selling its services due to the presence of well-established supply channels for materials and equipment, as well as low internal production costs in the overall technological chain of microcar production.

    3.3. Forecast of prices and sales volumes of products and services

    Based on the results of a study of potential markets for the company’s products and services, as well as the selected production and commercial strategies of the enterprise, we select production volumes and sales of products in the context of its product units and stages of expansion production capacity(see table 3.3).

    Table 3.3
    Forecast of sales volumes of products and services

    Nomenclature unit of production Sales volume, pcs. Market price per unit of production, thousand rubles
    I quarter II quarter III quarter
    Power loading stages 50% 75% 100%
    Trailers: PAG-2 38 56 75 4.0
    PAG-2B 13 19 25 4.5
    PAG-2F 25 38 50 5.5
    Total 76 113 150
    Microcars: "Khutorok" 6 9 12 18.0
    "MK-3" 6 9 12 11.0
    Total 12 18 24
    Car service (anticorrosion). 450 675 900 0.9

    In accordance with the company’s pricing strategy for products and services, developed when positioning goods on the market in a competitive environment (see Section 3.2), we select forecast prices per unit of products or services not higher than the market average for similar goods (see Table 3.3). If market conditions change for the worse for the company, it has a sufficient margin of profit in price, which, if necessary, will allow it to implement price discrimination tactics in the competition to maintain its market share (planned sales volumes).


    In the pre-investment period, the company, possessing a fleet of universal equipment of various types, in semi-handicraft conditions had already developed the technology for the production of basic modifications of trailers and microcars, and also mastered the channels for purchasing basic and auxiliary materials for production needs. The main material - assorted metal - is purchased by the company at regional wholesale warehouses.

    Component components - power units, axles, steering systems, electrical equipment, bearings, hardware, etc. - are supplied under long-term contracts with manufacturers in order to reduce material costs. Within the framework of this project, it is planned to purchase technological equipment for the re-equipment of workshops using credit funds from manufacturing plants, mainly in Russia and, partially, through intermediaries in the supply of imported equipment (see Tables 2.2 and 2.2):

    1. Welding equipment - imported;
    2. Equipment for mechanical processing of sheets. metal domestic;
    3. Cutting equipment - domestic;
    4. Assembly conductors - domestic;
    5. Universal equipment - domestic;
    6. Equipment for anti-corrosion coating is imported.

    Market for essentials technological equipment is completely transparent for the company; preliminary negotiations have been held on the terms of purchases and supplies. In accordance with the operational schedule for pre-production preparation (see Section 5.1), the first three months of the total investment period are allocated for the conclusion of supply contracts, the actual supply and installation of equipment, which is quite sufficient to ensure the reliability of the project in this part of the work. Market labor resources in Bataysk and Rostov-on-Don is sufficient to hire primary and auxiliary workers for new jobs. The professional level of existing (cadre) workers is planned to be used to improve the skills of newly recruited workers.


    5.1. Operational plan for preparation and organization of production

    In accordance with the investment plan, the first three calendar months involve the implementation of organizational, technical and financial measures aimed at preparing production conditions and consistently reaching production capacity, respectively, by quarter: 50%, 75%, 100% (see Table 5.1 ).

    Table 5.1
    Operational schedule of the investment period

    Name Investment funds
    1 sq. 2 sq. 3 sq. 4 sq. 5 sq. 6 sq.
    1m. 2m. Zm.
    1. Lending +
    2. Concluding agreements with equipment suppliers +
    3. Concluding agreements with subcontractors +
    4. Reconstruction of premises +
    5. Equipment supplies +
    6. Installation and adjustment of equipment +
    7. Settlements with suppliers +
    8. Settlements with subcontractors +
    9. Concluding agreements with material suppliers + + + +
    10. Supply of materials + + +
    11. Settlements with suppliers + + +
    12. Conclusion of contracts for the supply of finished products + + + + +
    13. Reaching 50% production capacity +
    14. Output to 75% power +
    15. Reaching 100% power + + +
    16. Settlements with the bank + +

    The composition of pre-production operations, production itself, marketing and sales of products is presented in Table 5.1. Agreements of intent with suppliers of equipment and material resources, as well as with contractors, have been concluded.

    5.2. Manufacturing program and calculation of turnover volumes

    The company's sales volume for this investment project is predicted based on the productivity of technological equipment, the capacity of selected markets for the sale of trailers, mini-cars and anti-corrosion coating services for cars, as well as established average market prices for similar products and services. Based on the factors taken into account, a forecast assessment of the company’s turnover per year is carried out in the context of its main activities (see Table 5.2). Sales volume in in kind accepted from the condition of full utilization of the enterprise’s production capacity for all types of activities; retail price - based on the experience of trial sales of products and similar services on the market (see section 3.3). The real production and sales strategy of the enterprise is based on the seasonality of demand for products and services, however, to simplify and visualize economic calculations, a production program uniform across months is adopted in the future, in relation to which the required production costs are calculated, provided that the enterprise's capacity is fully utilized.

    Table 5.2
    Production plan for products and services per year

    Trailers for cars are a separate dream of many car owners. Thanks to a passenger trailer, an ordinary car turns into a small truck capable of transporting up to a ton of payload, of course, depending on the load capacity of the cart. And, as they say, if there is a demand for such devices, there will be offers from manufacturers. Many entrepreneurs have a business idea - production of passenger trailers. Let us consider the organization of such business production in more detail.

    Business – production of trailers for passenger cars

    The production of caravans itself is not difficult. It consists in the reliable assembly of finished elements: wheels, towbar, electrical wiring, chassis or axle with suspension. Everything is assembled around the cargo body itself. The cargo body is welded according to a preliminary drawing from square pipes. The sides and floor are sheathed with any sheet material - from chipboard to galvanized metal sheet. Technically, such production can be organized in any garage with the help of several mechanics and welders. Even one person can assemble a normal passenger trailer with his own hands in 20-30 days.

    However, the production of caravans itself is only a small part of this voluminous business. The business of manufacturing passenger trailers cannot be considered such if your products do not have state-issued certificates (passports). And that's why.

    A car passenger trailer is part of a vehicle, which means it must be approved for road use. common use. Such admission is handled by the local traffic police, which has such powers. The trailer is registered as a new vehicle and receives license plates state registration. Therefore, the trailer must have a documentary basis for obtaining state registration plates and documents. How to get them?

    What is needed for state registration of homemade passenger trailers

    It all comes down to two simple but very comprehensive steps.

    1. Having assembled your own car trailer, you must contact the traffic police MREO at your place of residence. Where you will receive a referral to undergo an examination in a specialized accredited laboratory that carries out certification tests of specific types of products in the Certification System of Motor Vehicles and Trailers. The examination is paid.

    If you use ready-made parts, during the examination you may be asked to provide certificates for spare parts, components and components included in the trailer. You may also need drawings and other documents, a list of which you can check with the traffic police or laboratory. Certification is carried out only for new vehicles (components) put into circulation for the first time.

    2. After successfully passing the examination, you will receive an examination certificate and a certificate of conformity for your transport device.

    With this certificate, trailers of your production will be able to be registered with the traffic police without any problems.

    The average cost of certification is 15-25 thousand rubles. Duration - from 5 to 15 days.

    The procedure described above concerns the registration of one homemade trailer. If you plan to produce 1-2 trailers per month, you can go through the certification procedure each time and pay 15-25 thousand rubles each time. But when we're talking about about mass production, which you plan to open, then it is advisable to reduce all bureaucracy to a minimum. That is, eliminate the mandatory certification of each of your homemade trailers. And fully certify production. How to do it?

    Certification of mass production of light vehicle trailers

    IN Russian Federation and member countries of the Customs Union not allowed use of vehicles without OTTS - vehicle type approval. Therefore, it is also necessary to obtain an OTTS for passenger trailers. The category of these trailers in the certification system is O1. For this category you will receive OTTS.

    Having OTTS for your production of passenger trailers, you will complete each new product with a unique VIN number and vehicle passport (PTS). The VIN must be securely applied to the trailer frame. This can be stamping, laser engraving, etc.

    What does a trailer manufacturer need to obtain a VIN number for a trailer?

    1. It is necessary to collect a package of documents according to the following list:

    • application of the established form;
    • technical description of the general nature of the trailer, a list of marked elements of the trailer: tires, lights, coupling device, drawings, photographs;
    • prepare technical specifications (TS) and a trailer operating manual.

    With these documents you need to undergo laboratory tests and certification, which we wrote about above. But, in this case, the pre-production product undergoes testing. Such studies will cost an order of magnitude more.

    2. After successful testing of the pre-production sample, you can move on. And collect the package of documents again. For mass production of passenger trailers and assigning them VIN codes with the issuance of PTS, your production must have an international manufacturer code WMI. WMI can be assigned exclusively to legal entities (LLC, JSC, etc.). To obtain an international code, you need:

    • technical application for registration of the manufacturer’s WMI code for category O1;
    • technical description of your production (or voluntary QMS certification, Quality Management System) and specifications for your product;
    • charter of the enterprise;
    • OGRN, TIN of the enterprise;
    • other documents, the list of which you can check with the organization that issues WMI codes. As a rule, such an organization is universal. That is, it conducts tests, registers all aspects and issues relevant documents.

    It should be remembered that OTTS is issued for a limited period (subsequent extension is possible). That is, as you understand, the production of car trailers is a serious business with organization legal entity in the form of a small enterprise. There is no question of producing trailers in a garage with the registration of an ordinary individual entrepreneur, which is usually described by information sources other than the website.

    There is also a limit on production quantity: a small enterprise cannot produce more than 500 trailers of the same type per year. To fully load your enterprise and make a profit, you will have to produce several types of passenger trailers. That is, for each type it is necessary to obtain OTTS. It is better to get it “in bulk”, that is, to undergo certification simultaneously with all products.

    If you still want to open a business for manufacturing passenger trailers, but cannot obtain OTTS for financial reasons, you can get certified for homemade trailers every time. In this case, you will need to deduct up to 25 thousand rubles from your profit from the sale of such a trailer, which will eat up most of the final cost of the finished product. Or explore other caravan business ideas.

    1. Sale of documents to manufacturers by franchise

    A large company receives OTTS for the production of trailers. And it sells all the necessary franchise documents to those who want to legally produce car trailers, for example, like you do in your garage. Thus, a small-scale manufacturer can produce its trailers under the brand of a large one, without going through certification procedures. Your garage production will allow you to assemble no more than 24 trailers per year, which is beneficial for both the brand owner and you. You save yourself from bureaucracy, the company relieves production. But, in this case, your production base must meet the requirements of the parent company.

    2. Production of construction sets with documents

    Modern good car trailers are quite expensive (40-100 thousand per trailer). They are distinguished by their reliability and high load capacity. Simpler trailers are cheaper. But, in both the first and second cases, car owners often modify trailers to suit their needs. Because there is no limit to perfection. The frames are being strengthened, the suspension and electrics are being reworked. Therefore, some trailer manufacturers have taken a simpler route.

    They reduced the cost of the trailer to 10-14 thousand rubles, including only the frame and suspension. The result was a so-called designer trailer. Everything else is added to such a trailer by the new owner. Despite the low cost, such a designer has all the necessary documents for hassle-free registration of the trailer with the traffic police.

    The essence of this business idea is that you can buy such construction sets and make trailers based on them, again in the form of a garage business. And sell full-fledged trailers with documents from the designer to everyone.

    A difficult option for implementing this business idea is to independently master the production of such construction sets. But, you will definitely have to obtain OTTS and undergo product certification, as described above.

    Also, in addition to these serious types of business, there is another, less expensive and accessible car trailer business.

    3. Business - repair of trailers for cars

    Having a garage, skillful hands and simple tools, you can start repairing car trailers. There is a stable client in this niche. Like any equipment, trailers fail, break down, and require modernization. The work is quite dirty and dusty, so most owners are willing to pay a technician rather than carry out the repairs themselves. Replacing chain devices, replacing beads, straightening an axle or repairing shock absorbers - this is a small list of services provided.

    Also, once you get your hands on repairs, you can buy old and broken trailers yourself at a low cost. With one condition - the trailer must have all the documents. After purchasing, you will need to repair, restore the trailer and sell it for a better price.

    The advantage of such a business: you bypass the entire bureaucracy of trailer certification, that is, you do not waste time, but work and make a profit.

    4. Other business ideas related to the production of light-duty trailers

    In addition to automobiles, there are other types of trailers - for ATVs, mini-tractors, walk-behind tractors and other equipment. The production of trailers for this equipment is less bureaucratic, many do not require certification (for example, a walk-behind tractor is not a vehicle), and demand is also high. And prices for factory products are high, which also increases the demand for private services.

    We will keep silent about the fact that you can make awnings from PVC fabric for any trailed equipment. This is also a business. And quite profitable. But it also has many nuances, which we will consider in the following business ideas. Subscribe so you don't miss out!

    Reading time: 4 minutes

    Do buyers today have any difficulties purchasing a car trailer? Definitely not. Models for every taste and budget, domestic and foreign, are presented both in regular and online stores. However, the vivacity with which the registration of a homemade trailer with the traffic police in 2019 is discussed on forums indicates that there are still many citizens in the country who are overwhelmed by “creative restlessness.”

    Requirements for a homemade trailer

    It is to those who do not want to use mass-produced industrial models, but prefer to show the world an example of their own engineering genius, that we address our material.

    First of all, we note that anyone who wants to make a trailer themselves and then use it for its intended purpose must understand that there are requirements regulating this process. All of them are concentrated in the Technical Regulations TRTS-018-2011, which has been in force in the territory of the Customs Union since 01/01/2015.

    They determined that a trailer manufactured independently is a single vehicle, the compliance of which must be checked technical requirements carried out by an accredited testing laboratory. A laboratory employee examines the vehicle and verifies its identification number. Then follow and tests are carried out. The results obtained are entered into the final protocol.

    Based on this protocol, a conclusion is made whether it is possible to register a homemade trailer for a passenger car. If everything is in order, then a certificate is issued confirming the safety of the vehicle design. If, based on the test results, the trailer is found to not comply with the regulations, it is sent to the applicant for revision and resubmission.

    As for the basic requirements that laboratories impose on trailers, they can be divided into three parts:

    • For the first category of trailers with a gross weight of up to 750 kg, the focus is on lighting and markings.
    • For the second category with a total weight of 750-3500 kg, the presence of brakes and their test report are mandatory.
    • For the third category with a gross weight over 3500 kg, an anti-lock braking system is mandatory.

    How does the registration process work?

    We will assume that the laboratory has carried out all the measures to ensure that the trailer complies with the regulations and has issued a certificate that confirms the safety of the design. It is the determining document according to which the traffic police authorities make a decision on the registration of a given vehicle. But this is already the home stretch of the registration process.

    Let's start from the beginning and go in order. How to register a homemade trailer for a car?

    First you need to go to the traffic police department and write a statement. There they will give a list of all the necessary documents that will need to be collected for registration.

    From the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, with a referral for testing, you should contact one of the accredited laboratories.

    An application is filled out in the laboratory, accompanied by a direction from the traffic police, commodity and cash receipts for the purchase of materials and spare parts. The application must indicate the brands of materials from which the frame was made. You will even need photocopies of the documents according to which the welder who “cooked” the frame received permission to carry out the work. Be sure to provide photographs of the trailer as a whole. Separately, you need to take a close-up photograph of the hub assembly.

    The laboratory will check the trailer, as mentioned above, for its compliance with regulatory standards. If it finds no deviations from them, it will issue you a certificate and certificate confirming the safety of the structure.

    Now, having the laboratory’s conclusion in hand, it becomes much easier to answer the question of how to register a homemade trailer with the traffic police. You just need to submit an application to the MREO in order for it to be registered there. The inspector who will register the trailer will definitely want to look at it and compare the VIN code printed on it with the one indicated on the certificate. Therefore, do not forget to deliver the trailer to the department where you will register.

    This is what the process of legitimizing a homemade trailer looks like. It seems that it should not cause any special difficulties. Moreover, the regulatory documents clearly outline how to register a homemade trailer with the traffic police. However, as practice shows, road safety officers are not enthusiastic about the need to register home-made structures.

    They find a lot of reasons to, if not refuse registration, then force the applicant to attach the maximum number of various certificates to his application. Therefore, those who are going to go the route of registering a home-made design should prepare themselves for the fact that they will have to defend the legal right to carry a non-serial trailer.

    What is needed for registration

    In order for the process of legitimizing a homemade trailer to successfully start and move in the right direction in the MREO and in the testing laboratory, you should visit them with:

    • passport;
    • all copies of merchandise and cash receipts for spare parts and materials used for the manufacture of the trailer;
    • a detailed description of the design of the trailer, its photographs taken from all sides;
    • paid state duty receipts.

    If you have the entire set of documents listed above, then registering a trailer will be easier and faster.

    Registering a car with the traffic police: Video
