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DIY ceramic plate painting. Do-it-yourself plate painting: types and master classes. Tips for performing point to point

Painting on glass with acrylic paint will give the kitchen originality and its own unique style. Beautifully painted glass interior items will make an incredible impression on your guests. They can be door glass, kitchen glass, mirror surfaces, countertops, vases, paintings and even windows. The painting process is difficult and painstaking, but anyone can create such beauty if they wish.

Decorative glass painting

Why should painting glass surfaces be done in the kitchen? The motifs that a novice artist depicts will lack rigor. They are great for.

If the artist displays every detail in the painting, a mosaic effect will appear. The image will visually consist of several color strokes. Painted paintings look especially gentle and elegant on glass objects.

Painting is carried out using silicate paints.

Paints are sold in specialized departments; they can be matte or transparent. Glass artists also use acrylic and stained glass paints. You first need to decide what exactly will be applied to the cabinet doors or set of dishes. If your imagination and abilities allow, draw a sketch yourself, be it with flowers or a landscape. If you have problems with your drawing technique, you can always download your favorite drawing, stencil or template and apply it.

Thickened paints can always be “revived” with a solvent.


  • Outline and fill specific areas.
  • Tiffany. Creates a three-dimensional image effect. Helps create a realistic image, the effect of being close or far away. This type The technique also covers small elements; the border of the picture is fragile.
  • Artistic stained glass for cabinets or.

First, prepare the surface that you plan to paint: wipe it with a dry cloth, degrease it with soapy water or alcohol, and wipe it dry. Next, you can begin to draw the outline of the picture. It is applied with a pencil or felt-tip pen. After the outline has completely dried, you can begin painting. Each shade is taken with a separate brush. The paint should not extend beyond the boundaries of the applied contour. Once the paint is applied, you just have to wait for it to dry.

The result is fixed with a transparent varnish, giving the design a glossy shine. Aerosol varnish will help create an antique effect.

Painting dishes

Hand-painted dishes are a pearl in the kitchen, a source of special pride. Once you try painting on dishes, you can acquire a favorite hobby for the rest of your life. Two types of paints are used for painting: stained glass and acrylic. Both types are used on glass and ceramics; then you can use the finished dishes as usual.

Some tips for beginners:

  • It is better to start creativity using transparent glassware or snow-white ceramics. Then nothing will distract attention from the drawing.
  • First you need to “draw your hand” on a piece of paper. Practice the hardness of your strokes, drawing out thin and thick lines, and a smooth transition from thick to thin lines. It's great if you learn the spindle stroke - this is the main way to paint flowers.
  • The next step is to learn how to draw flowers. The main thing is to combine shades, to prevent one stroke from merging with others. Try making a transition from a dark shade to a light one.
  • To add transparency to your drawing, wet your brush with water.
  • Create a sketch of the future design, cut it out and apply it to the dishes. Professional tableware painters are so confident in their skills that they don’t use sketches, they paint straight away.
  • The dishes are first washed and degreased. The contour dries completely in a couple of hours.
  • Paint the picture with paints; it is better to use a horizontal plane for drying.

Painting on glass with acrylic master class. How to create an interesting decor for the kitchen from an ordinary jar:

The acrylic drawing also becomes stronger after 15 minutes of firing. Heat treatment is carried out in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees. The dishes cool down on their own.

Painting plates


Gzhel is the Russian name folk art, it is recognizable in all countries of the world. This type of hand painting consists of simple lines, drops, nets, and blue flowers on a white canvas.

If you like the combination of snow-white and blue, then you can create a whole panel of plates with Gzhel painting.

Work process:

  • A ready-made pattern or drawing is taken. The round shape of the plate encourages you to create a sketch that fits organically into the circle.
  • A sketch is made on the plate with a marker.
  • The main drawing is drawn using a brush with a thin tip.
  • White paint paints accents on the blue drawing and makes transitions.
  • Before you start painting the next element, you need to wait until the previous one dries.

In order for the drawing to look like classic Gzhel, the lines must be smooth and wavy, but at the same time clear.

Master class on painting in Gzhel style. Paint a plate beautifully - it's easy:


Painting plates under Khokhloma is an interesting and exciting activity. This type of Russian art originated in the 17th century in Nizhny Novgorod.

Khokhloma is the painting of wooden utensils in red, black and green on a yellow background.

Work process:

  • An ornament is taken from a book or the Internet and transferred to a plate.
  • The background is drawn, going around the leaves and berries.
  • The remaining elements are filled with the desired color.
  • The necessary touches are added: droplets, curls.
  • The plate is drying.

Other types of Russian painting on plates:

  • Petrikovskaya painting. Bright flowers, birds, and patterns are drawn on a black or gold background.
  • Gorodets painting. The subject for such a painting will be a Russian hut, its inhabitants and the attributes of the life of the people. It is done with free strokes with a white or black outline.

Folk painting includes the simplest patterns, flowers, berries, natural phenomena in everything that surrounds us in nature.

Contemporary paintings on glass and ceramics

  • Inscriptions. On the eve of the holiday, you can display congratulations or the name of the hero of the occasion on the dishes. The inscriptions in the form of lines from a letter look beautiful. There are many options here.
  • The simplest patterns: polka dots, stripes, squares, any geometric shapes look very original.
  • Vanguard. There are simply no boundaries in the options here: blots, random lines, lack of symmetry.
  • Ombre technique. The ombre effect is achieved by applying paint with a sponge. An ombre effect also appears if liquid streaks of paint are dispersed with a needle.

The combination of a child, a plate and paint gives an extraordinary result. Any child’s drawing will decorate the kitchen and will delight parents and guests.

Glass painting

Glass painting today is a separate and very common type of creativity. Hand-painted glasses look rich and beautiful. Read how to create a drawing on the kitchen wall with your own hands.

Materials required for painting glasses:

  • Stationery.
  • Special circuit.
  • Brushes.
  • Special paints for glass (there are acrylic coating paints, as well as transparent stained glass paints).
  • Cotton pads and cotton swabs, toothpick.
  • Degreaser.

Acrylic matte paints are not afraid of water. Stained glass windows are divided into fired and unfired. You should avoid water-based paints and use alcohol based paints.

Operating procedure:

  • Degrease glasses with acetone or detergent.
  • Place the sketch cut out of paper inside the glass and secure with tape.
  • Draw an outline on the surface of the glass with a solid line.
  • Allow the outline to dry. You will have to wait from half an hour to three hours.
  • Fill the outline with paints. If necessary, place the glass horizontally.
  • Remove excess paint with a cotton swab and remove air with a toothpick.
  • The glass must be dry. It will take from several hours to a day.
  • When using non-fired paints, the fixing is done with a colorless acrylic coating. For those who need to be burned – roast in the oven for 10 minutes. Place the glass in a cold oven and remove it after it has cooled completely. Make sure the glass can withstand high temperatures.

Themes for different occasions

  • Hand painted glasses- a wonderful gift for newlyweds. Doves, rings or two hearts are painted on them. All these symbols will fit perfectly into wedding paraphernalia.
  • You can surprise your guests by New Year – glasses with painted Christmas decorations, Christmas trees and snowdrifts will lift everyone's spirits. A great idea is to draw Father Frost on one glass and the Snow Maiden on the other.
  • You can decorate glasses for Halloween (pumpkins) in a similar way. Valentine's Day (hearts).

Watch the master class for painting glasses:

Door decor

Painting glass doors is now gaining popularity. This solution is used for wardrobes, interior doors, and kitchen units. Stained glass painting produces extremely beautiful results.

How to create stained glass windows

  • Remove the door from its hinges.
  • Prepare a sketch of the future drawing.
  • Apply to the sketch with a pencil and then with a black felt-tip pen.
  • Take out the glass and degrease it.
  • Apply the contour with a special pencil-contour on the glass.
  • Do not break the outline, otherwise the paint will spread.
  • Give the outline time to dry.
  • Paint over the drawing.
  • Let the glass dry. This takes days.

How to make stained glass on glass, see here:

Painting ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are a great canvas on which to hone your craft. The tiles should be smooth, without patterns, and monochromatic. You can also use .

Operating procedure:

  • Degrease the tiles with detergent and a sponge.
  • Sand with sandpaper.
  • Apply epoxy primer and let it dry.
  • The paint is applied to the tiles in several layers. Subsequent layers are applied only after the previous ones have dried.
  • Adjust the drawing with cotton pads.
  • Apply waterproof varnish.

Glass painting in the kitchen, equipped with lighting, looks especially elegant.

Disadvantages include the complexity and labor-intensive nature of the process. But the pleasure of contemplating a unique piece of furniture created with your own hands is worth all the effort. You can read about ceramic tiles for backsplashes in this article.

One day I decided to paint a plate, for which I had already used stained glass paints. However, this time it was decided to do a brilliant painting, for this I decided to try multi-colored glitters and permanent markers.

1. I took such a sample, using the GIMP program I selected the contours and erased the center

and this is what happened:

I glued each of the parts on the outer surface with tape.

3. It would be very boring to make an ornament in one color, so I decided to paint the plate in three colors: blue, red and green. First, I drew a pattern on the paper with a permanent marker, then on a plate and applied glitter on top. The markers were the cheapest M-Union, so there was no complete coloring of the pattern, it became translucent, and that’s all I wanted - the glitter glittered through the pattern! I applied glitter and the result was this ornament:

4. Now it’s the turn of the inner pattern! Since the original pattern of three colors seemed rather banal and boring to me, it was decided to make an internal pattern from one element: in the same GIMP program I reflected and copied the element, combined it and flattened it a little, and then selected the edge, like this:

5. I also printed it out and painted it in three colors, then placed it on the inside of the plate and traced it with permanent markers and glitter along the top.

6. Finally, I found that the edges of the design looked a little blurry, so I outlined with a sharper, thinner (important for outlining) black Centropen marker.

Plates are one of the most convenient elements of tableware for painting in various styles. Firstly, they are available and sold in any store. Or you can take an old, boring plate and breathe into it new life. Secondly, they have a large area, so they allow your imagination to run wild and replace almost any designs on their surface. In this article we present several master classes on step-by-step painting of various sized plates quickly and easily with your own hands.

You just have to try and you will love painting plates quickly and easily with your own hands - a detailed master class on this applied art will help even novice needlewomen master this activity.

Let's start with dot painting- a painstaking, but at the same time not too complicated option, accessible even to those who are not very good at drawing.

We learn step-by-step painting of plates with our own hands in a master class

To dot painting a plate you will need:
  • plain glass plate or ceramics
  • squared notebook paper or graph paper
  • scotch
  • scissors
  • acrylic paints - it is best to use a special contour, because... it has a denser texture and is convenient to squeeze out of the tube drop by drop
  • brushes

After varnishing, we will have a decorative plate; we will no longer be able to eat from it. If you want to use it in the kitchen, then you need to choose special acrylic paints for baking; you don’t need varnish for them.

Master class “Dot painting of plates”:

1) The plate must be washed thoroughly, then thoroughly dry the surface and degrease it - wipe with acetone or nail polish remover.

2) Now we need to choose the pattern that we will apply to the glass. Beginners can be inspired by examples in world wide web or use the drawings from this master class.

3) We make stencils out of paper and glue them onto a plate with tape. Experienced craftsmen may not use any templates, but draw straight from their heads, but in order for the pattern to be neat and symmetrical, it is better to play it safe.

4) First you need to practice a little on the draft so that the dots are even and identical, and you can start painting.

5) We continue to paint the plate acrylic paints, adding new colors and making additional stencils as needed.

6) If you see that some point looks “crooked”, you can immediately correct it with a dry cotton swab. If the paint has already hardened, you will have to use a stick soaked in solvent. For particularly fine points, you can use toothpicks.

7) Our plate is ready!

For lovers folk motifs You can try decorating wooden plates using the Khokhloma painting technique. Unlike the previous one, this is a method for experienced artists!

To paint a plate using the Khokhloma technique you will need:
  • wooden plate
  • gold and black acrylic paint (green optional)
  • core brushes No. 0 and No. 1
  • sandpaper
  • simple pencil
Master class “Plate using Khokhloma painting technique”:

1) Sand the surface of the plate thoroughly and cover it with gold paint.

2)After the paint has dried, with a simple pencil We decorate the blank with Khokhloma painting.

3) Using a thin black brush, we begin to paint over the drawing, placing accents where necessary.

4) If desired, you can paint the leaves green.

5) After the paint has dried, the plate must be varnished. Ready!

If this option seems too complicated, you can try Gorodets painting. Another interesting option that requires paint of only one color is decorating dishes using the Gzhel technique.

To paint a plate using the Gzhel technique you will need:
  • white ceramic plate. Traditionally, opaque dishes are used, but in principle these patterns will look good on a glass plate
  • simple pencil
  • acetone (can be replaced with nail polish remover)
  • acrylic blue and white paints
  • brushes
Master class “Plate using Gzhel painting technique”:

1) Thoroughly wash and degrease the surface of the ceramic plate.

2) Using a simple pencil, sketch a drawing - flowers, leaves, fairy-tale birds.

3) After practicing on paper, we begin painting in the Gzhel style, combining dark blue and light blue strokes.

4) Let the paint dry. Ready!

Of course, these are not the only techniques. You can, for example, cut out any design you like and use a template to transfer the image to a plate.

Or you can give free rein to your imagination and draw any picture yourself. You can get inspired by photos on the World Wide Web.

Painting plates is perfect as an applied activity for children of any age. Schoolchildren can work with real utensils, and for children preschool age You can even use disposable plates and markers instead of paints.

Video on the topic of the article

For greater clarity, we suggest watching the following videos, which demonstrate the process of painting ceramic and glass plates in stages.

Painting plates is a useful and exciting activity. Possibility to give unique and beautiful look the faceless plate is captivating, and the result is touching. Decorating plates yourself is a painstaking task that requires perseverance and patience, but also calms and relaxes. You can do plate painting with your children on cold winter evenings.

How did the plates get on the wall?

Until the middle of the 18th century Chinese porcelain could be found only in royal palaces; it was common in European everyday life wooden and pewter utensils. Together with the solution to the secret of Chinese potters, the era of ceramic tableware began in Europe.

Simple clay plates became available to many, but beautiful porcelain products were still considered a symbol of luxury and were found only in the homes of wealthy aristocrats. Fine porcelain sets were considered as decorative elements of the interior: they decorated furniture shelves and walls.

The tradition of rewarding those who have distinguished themselves public service subjects with porcelain plates became the reason for collecting and hanging them on the wall for everyone to see. It was not accepted to eat from a plate received from the sovereign's hands. A high state award was given a place of honor on the wall. The number of award plates on the “honor board” testified to the merits and rank of the owner of the house.

Painting plates - a commercial move and the beginning of a “plate interior”

Commercial flair helped the French company Lalique to sense consumer interest in beautiful porcelain products as decorative items. In the middle of the 19th century, the first copies appeared on the European market. collection plates distinguished by grace and beauty. The original products were amazing high quality the finest porcelain and filigree decoration.

Decorative plates decorated with carefully drawn miniatures, landscapes, pastoral pictures, and portraits. Plates from Lalique in the interior replaced the award plates that had become a thing of the past. For almost two centuries decorative plates in the interior they are a symbol of refined taste. In modern applied art, fantasy genres, surreal motifs and marine art are often used.

Ways to place plates in the interior

Collectible plates decorated the walls of the living room, dining room, and kitchen. For reliable mounting on the wall, special hanging hooks were used. Hooks - the most common way attaching plates to the wall. If the collection is quite extensive, then it is better to use a special display. Today, placing dishes in displays is considered the most reliable method. An expensive collectible plate is firmly fixed to the wall, which prevents it from falling.

For kitchen interior it is recommended to use cantilever shelves. A wall console, which is a wooden panel with holder slats, is a traditional attribute of the interior of a Western European kitchen. Ceramic plates with painting are appropriate in the interior dining room-kitchen in Provence style.

Painted plates can be placed on the fireplace, in a niche, in a cabinet with glass doors, on a chest of drawers or a windowsill. In such cases, the plate is installed in a vertical position using a tabletop stand-holder. There are several ways to make fasteners for plates with your own hands: using paper clips, tin rings, epoxy glue. But it's better to use fasteners industrial production– an expensive collectible or favorite painted plate should be firmly attached to the wall.

DIY plate painting

DIY plate painting- This is a popular and beloved activity by many. Any creativity brings pleasure, painting also brings a lot of pleasure pleasant emotions. The whole process, starting with thinking through the design and decorative elements, directly painting, firing, varnishing, as well as the result of the work and the emotions of loved ones who received exclusive gift will bring you great joy.

Painting plates with acrylic paints: the process is not as scary as it is painted

Universal and environmentally friendly acrylic paint is great for painting plates. Acrylic paint consists of pigment, water and a binder, this ensures its high adhesion (an indicator of the adhesion of paint to the surface). Construction stores offer a wide range of acrylic paints of various colors and shades. Paints like gold, silver, copper, bronze allow you to decorate plates and give them various effects: shine, shimmer and shimmer.

Sequence of painting work plates with acrylic paints as follows:

  • Careful degreasing the surface of the plate using alcohol or acetone.
  • Drawing. Fantasy and exclusivity are welcome. Acrylic paint dries within 4 hours. If gold paint was used in the painting, drying may take a week.
  • Coating the image with acrylic varnish. The varnish is applied in several layers, with each new layer only after the previous one has dried. Applying varnish with a brush can smear the design, so it is recommended to use a spray varnish.
  • Firing plates in the oven or microwave. The plate should be placed in a cold oven, preheated to 170°, left for 30 minutes and removed from the oven after cooling.

Point-to-Point – dot painting of plates

Spot painting is suitable for those who are not good at drawing and think that they can only decorate a plate with a “blue border”. Don't be discouraged, the dot painting technique is just a combination of many multi-colored borders!

The plate for dot painting is degreased, but before applying outline drawing The surface of the dishes is primed with black acrylic paint and, after drying, covered with matte varnish. The decoration of the plate should be carried out in two stages: first the center is decorated, then the rim part. The outline of the main design is applied in the central part of the plate, and decorative lines are applied along the border.

Bitmap – string of small beads from paint - applied using an acrylic contour. A special tube with a thin tip allows you to squeeze out the right amount of paint and carefully place a dot on the surface of the plate. Excess paint must be removed and the drawing adjusted. From clear lines, alternating colors and dot sizes, amazingly beautiful drawings are obtained, and the plate itself turns into a real piece of art.

Children's creativity in the children's room

Special tools will help to introduce your child to the basics of arts and crafts and at the same time decorate the interior of the children’s room with painted plates. art kits. The kit includes something convenient for coloring: a white plate, acrylic paints, brushes, sponge, templates, contour paints, a felt-tip pen - intended for painting and designed for a child’s hand.

The template-drawing is placed on a plate and filled with bright colors using a sponge; the drawing is drawn out with a contour line using a felt-tip pen or brush. At the final stage, adults can help the child and make the necessary adjustments to the painting. Sticks to a painted plate Double-sided tape and a special hook is attached. It is not necessary to paint a plate according to the proposed stencil; unique examples of painted plates are created by a child’s wild imagination.

The technique of applying images with the palm and fingers allows you to obtain original drawings and at the same time capture children's hands as a memory. The wall of a children's room, decorated with several plates, looks original, bright and unusual. The best gift for grandparents - painted by children's hands souvenir plate

Painting plates with your own hands - the master class invites you to familiarize yourself with different ways decorating dishes and will interest creative people who love to draw and decorate their home with homemade crafts. Decorative dishes can become an original decoration, for example, in the kitchen. To create it, you don’t have to buy a special one; you can take an old or unnecessary plain plate and start being creative.

To paint plates used for their intended purpose, it is better to use baked or special paints for food utensils.

Easy lesson

It is better to paint plates in any style with acrylic paints, since they are the most resistant to external influences - water, sunlight, dust. In addition, they are convenient to work with, since their consistency resembles gouache and does not require additional thinning agents or special brushes (for example, compared to oil and tempera).

To fix the paint and maintain brightness for a long time, it is recommended to coat the top of the finished product with a special colorless acrylic varnish.

Painting a ceramic plate can be done using different techniques, it all depends on the skills, imagination and desire of the author.

Beginners and unconfident craftsmen are recommended to use stencils to accurately apply patterns. They can be downloaded, printed and cut out, or purchased from craft stores. Painting using this technique can be done either with paints using a brush or a cotton swab, or with a special marker.

This technique is well suited for children, as it does not require special drawing skills. All that is needed is to fix the stencil picture on the plate, for example, with tape, and paint over the “empty” places.

A simple but elegant dot painting is done with contour paints, which are sold in tubes and do not require dilution. The tubes are equipped with spouts, which makes the job of applying dots and fine lines much easier.

For painting using dot technique you will need:

  • plain ceramic plate (preferably white);
  • degreasing agent (alcohol, nail polish remover);
  • contour paints;
  • sample;
  • carbon paper or soft pencil;
  • brushes;
  • palette;
  • acrylic lacquer.


  1. Wipe the plate with alcohol or another product. You can use a cotton pad for this;

  1. Using carbon paper, transfer the design onto the dishes. To do this, combine it with carbon paper, secure it on a plate and trace the lines with a pencil. You can also make a homemade carbon copy by painting over reverse side drawing;

  1. Pressing on the tube, apply a contour at equal distances. Their diameter depends on the pressure applied. As a rule, large points are made on the main lines (large parts) first, and then small ones. The result should be patterned “lines” consisting of dots;

  1. After the pattern is completed, the product must be dried naturally for 24 hours. If desired, the finished painted plate can be varnished.

Both ceramics and glass are well suited for such painting. You can first paint the plate with paints, make a background or draw a plot picture, and then additionally process the lines with contour paints, highlighting the necessary details.

It is more convenient to secure the design on a glass plate with tape on the outside or inside, depending on the purpose of the dish.

If the plate is going to be used as a decoration, then the side where the paint is applied does not matter. To use the plate for its intended purpose, it is better to apply paint from the outside and fix the picture from the inside.

Wooden plates are also painted with acrylic and then varnished. As a rule, people do not eat from such dishes, so they can become an excellent wall decoration, and can also be used for fruit (painted wooden dishes).

Perhaps many people associate wooden dishes– plates and spoons – with folk painting, for example, with Khokhloma or Gorodets. Mastering folk painting is not difficult. The main thing is to understand the basic principle of each painting, its “zest”.

Vintage technology

Khokhloma painting can be used to cover not only plates, but also bowls and boxes.

You need to prepare:

  • wooden plate;
  • Khokhloma pattern;
  • golden, black, red paints;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil;


  1. Sand the surface of the plate and cover it with gold or black paint;
  1. Transfer the design with patterns to a plate (it should look like the photo below);

  1. Based on the sample, paint the drawing with black and red paint with a thin brush;
