Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

With the development of what type of economic activity. Economic activities of man. How to spot signs of poor business performance

A person is an inherently expedient activity, i.e. the efforts made by people are based on a certain calculation, and their direction has the character of satisfying human needs.

Economic influences his life, because in the process of managing people, on the one hand, spend energy, resources, etc., and on the other hand, they make up for life costs. In this state of affairs (a person in economic activity) has to strive to rationalize his own actions. It is possible to act rationally only if the costs and benefits are correctly compared, which, however, does not guarantee the absence of errors in making decisions that require human economic activity.

Economic activity human in the biosphere is a very complex and intricate complex, consisting of phenomena and processes of various kinds. Theoretical economics in this aspect distinguishes four stages, represented by the actual production, distribution, exchange and consumption.

These are processes that result in the creation of material and spiritual benefits that are necessary for humanity to exist and develop.

Distribution is a process during which the shares (quantity, proportions) are determined, according to which each business entity takes part in the creation of the manufactured product.

Exchange is the process of moving material goods from one economic entity to another. In addition, the exchange is a form of social communication between producers and consumers.

Consumption is essentially the process of using production results in order to satisfy any needs. Each of the stages of economic activity is interconnected with the others, and all of them interact with each other.

The characterization of the relationship between the stages of economic activity requires an understanding of the fact that any production is a social and continuous process. Constantly repeating, production develops - from the simplest forms to Although these seem completely dissimilar, the general points that are inherent in production as such can still be distinguished.

Production is the basis of life and the source of the progressive development of society in which people exist, the starting point of economic activity. Consumption is the end point, while distribution and exchange are the accompanying stages that link production and consumption. While production is the primary stage, it serves only for consumption. Consumption is formed final goal, as well as the motives of production, since in consumption the products are destroyed, it has the right to dictate a new order to production. If a need is satisfied, it creates a new need. It is the development of needs that serves as the driving force, due to the influence of which production develops. At the same time, the emergence of needs is determined precisely by production - when new products appear, a corresponding need arises for these products and their consumption.

As production depends on consumption, so distribution and exchange depend on production, since in order to distribute or exchange something, it is necessary that something be produced. At the same time, distribution and exchange are not passive in relation to production, and are capable of influencing it in the opposite direction.

The definition of economic activity is given in paragraph 3 of article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Economic activity is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at the systematic receipt of profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law.

Economic activity can also be expressed in actions of an organizational-property, non-commercial nature (creation of enterprises, obtaining licenses, certificates), i.e., does not have as its immediate goal making profit (property), but creates the necessary conditions for future entrepreneurial activity, is almost always necessary condition, a prerequisite for its implementation. right economic procedural material

This branch of law is characterized by the following principles:

  • · The principle of purposefulness of influence on the achievement of mutual interests as a result of economic activity of subjects of economic legal relations.
  • · The principle of equality of subjects of economic legal relations, regardless of the level they occupy in the national economic complex: the rules of law governing their economic relations equally apply to all participants in these relations.
  • · The principle of economic freedom and encouragement of entrepreneurial behavior of economic organizations.
  • · The principle of promoting fair competition and protecting against monopoly and unfair competition.
  • The principle of the complexity of the state impact on economic relations through a combination of economic, organizational, administrative and political mechanisms that make it possible to purposefully direct the motivation of the activities of various social groups(entrepreneurs, managers, specialists, direct participants in production and economic processes - workers) to achieve socially necessary economic results.
  • The principle of legality. In a market economy, the basis for assessing legality is the achievement of economic efficiency in the interests of the state and society without violating the prohibitions of the law and the rights of others.

Economic activity is an activity for the production of products, the implementation of works and the provision of services. In a market economy, it is usually aimed at making a profit and becomes entrepreneurial. The procedure for the implementation and organization of this activity is determined by business law.

Signs of economic activity:

ѕ property independence of a business executive, which is determined by the fact that the subject has a separate property of his own as the economic base of activity. The scope of property independence depends on the legal status on the basis of which this property belongs to the subject. This property can be owned, used and disposed of by both an individual and a legal entity;

ѕ organizational independence is the possibility of making independent decisions in the process of economic activity (choosing the type of activity, organizational and legal forms of activity, determining the circle of founders, etc.);

ѕ risk in economic (entrepreneurial) activity is a powerful incentive to successful work. Reducing losses, as an option, can be achieved by concluding an insurance contract, i.e. risk of losses from economic activities due to breach of their obligations by counterparties or changes in the terms of the contract due to circumstances independent of the business executive (force majeure circumstances), including the risk of not obtaining the expected results - systematic profit is the main goal of economic activity, which gives commercial nature to business entities;

¾ deriving profit from the use by subjects of their property, the sale of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services, the leasing of premises, property, the surrender of a patent to other persons, works of science, art, and others.

"economic activity" is revealed as a set of actions aimed, in particular, at replenishing the stock of material goods and ensuring the fullest possible satisfaction of the needs that they are designed to serve. To this end, existing goods are stored, new ones are mined and produced, they are moved in space and in exchange, and their consumption is organized. The motive of economic activity is the desire of a person to satisfy his needs for material goods. Economic activity is thus a manifestation of the economic (economic, expedient) motive in human life ... "


Order of Rospatent No. 87 dated July 25, 2011 "On the Enactment of the Guidelines for the Examination of Applications for Inventions"


"GOST R 52104-2003. Russian Federation. . Terms and Definitions"

(approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 03.07.2-st)

"... Economic activities: activities carried out in the course of production activities individual entrepreneur or legal entity, regardless of the form of ownership and whether it is commercial or non-commercial..."


"GOST R 52104-2003. National Russian Federation. Resource saving. Terms and definitions"

(approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 07/03/2003 N 235-st)

Official terminology. 2012 .

See what "Economic activity" is in other dictionaries:

    economic activity- A variety of human activities that affect the environment and global changes in nature ... Geography Dictionary

    economic activity- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN economic activity …

    Economic activity- X. human activity follows from his attitude to X. goods as utilities, the number of which is limited compared to the need for them. Aware of this limitation, a person takes actions aimed at replenishing the supply of such ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    economic activity- the totality of all labor actions directed by people to external nature in order to use and adapt it to satisfy their needs ... Reference commercial dictionary

    BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION- “The economic activity carried out by an organization that is a legal entity under the laws of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation through a representative office, branch or other structural subdivision, which is not ... ... Glossary of concepts and terms formulated in the normative documents of Russian legislation

    economic activity on land- — EN land based activity Topics security environment EN land based activity DE terrestrische Aktivität FR activité… … Technical Translator's Handbook

    Economic activities of the homeowners association- In order to achieve the goals provided for by the charter, the homeowners' association has the right to engage in economic activities (part 1 of article 152 of the LC RF). A homeowners association may engage in the following types of economic activities: ... ... Housing Encyclopedia

    administrative and economic activity (in sports)- administrative and economic activities of the FND The key functional task of the FND "Administrative and Economic Activities" during the Games is to ensure the work of the office, both in Moscow and in Sochi. This process pre… … Technical Translator's Handbook

    Financial and economic activity- organizational and executive and administrative activities of the command (chief, commander), governing bodies, services and officials of the troops and bodies of the PS of the Russian Federation for managing the economy, including the relevant material and technical ... ... Border Dictionary

    3. Ordinary business as confirms arbitrage practice(point 5 information letter Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia dated March 13, 2001 N 62), it is considered to be the implementation of transactions provided for by the charter of an economic entity, as well as ... ... Official terminology


  • Economic activity of Metropolitan Platon, A.A. Belyaev. Reprint edition in print-on-demand technology from the original of 1899 Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1899 edition (University Printing House Publishing House).…

Any enterprise operates in macro- and microenvironment. It has a whole set of resources that are used in the process of activity. These are technical and technological, spatial, informational, personnel, financial and many others. In this regard, the economic activity of the organization should be analyzed. This is a laborious process, but it is of great practical importance. It is useful to give a definition. The economic activity of the enterprise consists in the implementation of financial, production and investment processes, as well as in providing them with the necessary resources. This term is especially important for economic analysis because he is the subject.

Economic activity of the enterprise. Main types

The economic activity of any enterprise can be divided into main and reproduction. The first group includes processes and means directly related to the production process. The reproduction of fixed assets takes the form of capital investments. This includes capital construction, the process of buying and repairing fixed assets, etc. In other words, the second group includes all business operations aimed at restoring, replenishing, and modernizing facilities.

Economic activity. Indicators for analysis

Any enterprise is studied from different angles to get a complete picture of its condition. For this purpose, different indicators are used. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the organization, its industry and other factors. As indicators, the volume of production costs, the cost of production, the volume of gross and marketable output, financial performance, the profit of the enterprise, its profitability, the presence or absence of an investment component, and many others can be used. There are complex relationships between all these elements. Myself economic indicator considered not as a whole, but as a result of the influence of various factors on it. Managers have to constantly monitor the slightest change actual results compared to their planned values. Some emerging problems can be solved by applying a simple algorithm of actions, and some require serious and detailed study.

Any of us, living in society, constantly encounters a wide variety of problems along the way. economic nature. One of them is the satisfaction of needs (food, education, clothing, rest). It should also be mentioned the need to choose a particular field of activity, whether there are enough funds to purchase the desired product, and much more. So we can say that the economy is an integral part of the life of a modern person. We regularly use economic terminology in our speech without noticing it ourselves. For example, money, expense, income, salary level and many others. Enterprises, in turn, are the basis of the economy, since they produce various goods, perform works and services.

They originated tens of thousands of years ago and over this long period have passed a difficult path of development. If at first a person was engaged only in gathering, hunting and farming to maintain his existence, then today there are dozens of areas and industries in which certain products and materials are produced. And this is not to mention highly specialized types of economic activity, which most consumers are not even aware of. At the same time, traditional forms of economic activities are also preserved, undergoing minor, but still changes. At the same time, the formation and expansion of new areas of production associated with the introduction of innovative technologies does not slow down.

The concept and signs of economic activity

All the benefits that surround modern man, one way or another, were produced as a result of his efforts - mental and physical. The form of their application can just be considered as an economy. In a general sense, this is an activity, as a result of which both material and spiritual benefits appear. Although there are other concepts that strictly separate, for example, science from trade and construction from agriculture. In this case, there is a distinction between industries that do not produce anything material, and enterprises whose work ultimately provides real products. As a rule, the second group includes the main types of economic activity, among which are the agricultural sector, industry, transport infrastructure, etc. The following features are characteristic of such areas:

  • As a rule, the work of enterprises is carried out on a professional basis.
  • The activity is aimed at manufacturing products and performing work for other entities.
  • The result of the activity has a value expression, that is, the market price.
  • In the process of operation of enterprises, the interests of the owner as a private person are combined with public and state ones.

Classification in terms of law

In Russian legislation, there is the Economic Code, which provides for the allocation of several areas of such activities. In general terms, it is understood as one of the areas of social production with the task of manufacturing and further selling goods or providing services. From a legal point of view, there are the following types human economic activity:

  • A commercial. In essence - entrepreneurship carried out with the aim of making a profit or achieving other social and economic results.
  • Non-commercial activity. In this case, there is no goal of making a profit, but there may be tasks to achieve certain social or economic results.
  • Economic support. A special category of activity that can be presented as a tool to support existing enterprises, for example, by improving their technical or material condition.

agricultural holding

An extensive industry and one of the oldest forms of activity, including agriculture, animal husbandry, plant growing, etc. There is also a classification of agricultural types of economic activity on the basis of belonging to climatic zones. Thus, the cold belt is considered less favorable for the cultivation of the soil cover, therefore, in such zones, cattle breeding and, in particular, reindeer husbandry predominate. In contrast, regions with a warm climate are successfully growing cereals, vegetables, cotton and citrus fruits. Basically, this industry is concentrated on the production of food products, however, there are also types of economic activities in the agricultural sector aimed at growing industrial crops. For example, the fruits of dyeing, spinning and bast plants are further used in industry.

Water management

It is also a significant industry, in which there are several areas of activity. First of all, these are areas related to the cultivation of underwater flora and fauna. The final products can be used as food, go to the needs of industry and Agriculture. The economic activities of people associated with the ocean and coastal areas deserve special attention. In this part, we can talk about the extraction of biological products, and about energy resources. In the Pacific waters, for example, oil shelves are being developed, as well as deposits hard coal. No less attractive are sea crafts, rich in seafood, stone and table salt, bromine and magnesium.


This sector covers many types of manufacturing, processing and mining activities. Factories, combines, mines and mines provide a significant share of consumer goods with their products. Food, chemical, light and heavy industries provide different market segments. In recent years, the energy industry has been developing technologically, the product of which can be electricity, heat, fuel materials, steam, etc. Stations for the generation of various types of energy operate in this industry. New industries are also emerging, whose enterprises produce innovative products. What types of economic activity can be attributed to this group? First of all, these are narrow areas of the microbiological, medical and construction industries. Modern type companies produce materials and products more than High Quality with a fundamentally new combination of operational and consumer properties.

Transport economy

The infrastructure that provides the possibility of movement is no less important for the stable operation of the same agricultural and industrial enterprises. And aggregate Vehicle also in itself is part of the national economy. There are three types of economic activity in this area:

  • Ground communication. Cars, metro, rail transport.
  • Water transport. River and sea vessels.
  • Aircraft.

Services as a form of economic activity

The provision of services is also considered as a separate category of economic activity. The final product, for example, can be treatment, education, sale, communication, etc. That is, the result of the activity does not necessarily become a natural object. In this context, the most common types of economic activities related to trade. Catering establishments, food markets, clothing stores serve people on the one hand, and on the other hand, they can act as the same consumers manufacturing companies producing real products.

Importance of economic activity

Without the development of the above sectors, it would be impossible modern quality human life. The pros are obvious, but there are also cons. They are associated with massive pollution of the biosphere and atmosphere, with soil erosion, depletion of forests, etc. And even specific and remote types of economic activity associated with the ocean cause irreparable harm. This applies not only to spills of oil products and toxic organic compounds. The same transport water vessels and coastal enterprises dump processing waste, the distribution of which in the aquatic environment leads to the destruction of flora and fauna. As a result, other sectors of the economy also suffer.


Despite the numerous problems that arise as a result of man's intrusion into the natural structure of nature, this process is almost impossible to stop. Accordingly, environmental organizations have to develop and propose new concepts for doing business. Such ideas, in particular, include models of optimized processing enterprises with a complete processing cycle. On the other side, modern views economic activities are increasingly being introduced into production processes biotechnological developments and social principles of management organization. The main idea of ​​the new approaches can be called not the reduction and limitation of capacities with the minimization of conditional harmful emissions, but the economic benefit for the enterprises themselves, which will master such concepts. For example, the idea of ​​energy-saving engineering communications allows increasing the rate of production returns, but without increasing the cost of consumed resources.
