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Trade marketing tools. What does a trade marketer do? Story from the series “I was surprised”

Trade Marketer, like any marketer, is first of all financial analyst and strategist. In our trade marketer job description the duties of this specialist are prescribed, which include: developing proposals to increase the company's sales, planning a trade marketing budget, auditing outlets.

Job description trade marketer

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Trade marketer belongs to the category of professionals.
1.2. Appointment to the position of a trade marketer and dismissal from it is carried out by order CEO enterprises.
1.3. The Trade Marketer reports directly to the Head of Marketing.
1.4. During the absence of a trade marketer, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.5. A person with a higher education is appointed to the position of a trade marketer.
1.6. A trade marketer should know:
- organizational and administrative documents of higher managers concerning his functional duties;
- Fundamentals of pricing, business planning and budgeting;
- basics and technologies of sales, distribution, merchandising and trade marketing;
- methods of information processing using modern technical means communications and communications;
- standards and specifications for products sold;
- psychology and principles of sales;
- ethics of business communication;
- theory of marketing research;
- segmentation and positioning;
- communication and advertising;
- methods of stimulating the sale of goods;
- basics of project management;
- methods for evaluating the effectiveness of activities;
- procedure for reporting on the work done;
- wholesale and retail prices for products.
1.7. A trade marketer is guided in his activities by:
- is guided by the current legislation, regulations and documents relating to the work performed by him;
- the charter of the organization;
- internal labor regulations;
- provisions regulating intercompany relations, approved in the prescribed manner;
- orders (decrees) and orders of the management of the organization;
- teaching materials in the specialty;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities of a trade marketer

Trade Marketer performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Develops proposals to increase sales of the company.
2.2. Plans trade marketing activities for the year, quarter, month.
2.3. Develops concepts, plans, budgets for trade marketing activities, and is also responsible for their implementation.
2.4. Plans and monitors the trade marketing budget.
2.5. Presents trade marketing projects to the company's sales department and clients.
2.6. Analyzes the needs for POS materials; develops and controls receipts and expenditures of POS materials.
2.7. Interacts with BTL agencies and production companies.
2.8. Negotiates with clients in the framework of marketing projects.
2.9. Performs store audits.
2.10. Analyzes the effectiveness of the activities carried out and provides appropriate reporting.
2.11. Analyzes sales volumes of products (by customers, product categories).
2.12. Supervises the work of merchandisers.
2.13. Makes decisions together with the head of the sales department about sales and discounts.

3. Rights of a trade marketer

A trade marketer has the right to:

3.1. To express and submit for discussion constructive proposals for optimizing customer service.
3.2. Interact with other enterprise services.
3.3. Request personally or on behalf of management from structural divisions and employees reports and documents necessary to carry it out official duties.
3.4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management regarding the activities of the unit.
3.5. To propose for consideration by the head of the proposal to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.
3.6. Submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the proposal on the promotion of distinguished employees, the imposition of penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
3.7. Report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
3.8. Require the implementation of the established rules for working with strict reporting documents (order forms, waybills, invoices, powers of attorney and others), as well as with other documents.
3.9. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

4. Responsibility of the trade marketer

The Trade Marketer is responsible for:

4.1. Ensuring the execution of orders, instructions and other directives of the management.
4.2. Violation of the rules and regulations governing the financial and economic activities of the company.
4.3. Failure to comply with the rules of internal labor regulations and performance discipline.
4.4. Failure to comply with safety, fire and other regulations.
4.5. Unclear and untimely performance of their official duties provided for by this instruction, within the limits determined by the current labor law RF.
4.6. Acceptance for execution and execution of documents on transactions that are contrary to the legislation approved regulations and documents.
4.7. Application material damage and damage business reputation companies.
4.8. Disclosure of company business information.
4.9. Disrespectful attitude towards employees and customers.
4.10. Organization of marketing events.

One of the main tasks of any trading enterprise is to stimulate the growth of sales of goods. Usually, this problem is solved by conducting an advertising campaign for a certain type of product. But there are other ways to promote a product. Let's take a look at the system below. trade marketing activities" - what is it for the system, how it works.

What is called trade marketing activities

Trade Marketing- this is a special system of events carried out by trading enterprises for stimulating the growth of sales of products in the field of wholesale and retail sales . With the help of certain methods developed by world-famous marketers, this system affects consumers with different levels of income and lifestyle.

At the same time, a direct impact is not only on the final consumers of products, but also on intermediate links - sales representatives manufacturers or wholesalers. Methods of influence for the purchase made can be made with accrual bonus savings, product discounts, free gifts or other motivating reward.

This way of promoting goods is much more productive. direct advertising - ATL, which only reminds potential consumers to buy the brand. Trade Marketing although it is indirect advertising, it is he who directly convinces the potential consumer what choice of product should be made.

Goals and objectives of trade marketing

the main objective trade marketing is to create a positive image of manufacturers and products produced by them among potential consumers. At the same time, the trade marketing strategy is aimed at a long-term period of sales promotion, but it also has a short-term tactic.

The key goals of trade marketing are achieved by solving specific tasks:

  • studying the needs of buyers and their psychology in order to attract attention and fix the image of the product in the subconscious of a potential buyer;
  • consolidation and improvement of the position of the manufacturer and its products in the environment market competition , by providing a qualitative advantage of the proposed product over analogues of competitors' products;
  • sales promotion through technological optimization trading floor enterprise-seller;
  • management of a potential buyer in the area of ​​the fastest decision-making on the choice and the need to make a purchase, with a further offer of other goods.

Organization of trade marketing at enterprises producing a branded product

Trade Marketing- one method of the mass of possible options, stimulating the sale of brands to the end consumer. In companies producing branded goods he enters into production planning, with his own budget and brand development program.

IN production company a separate division can be organized trade marketing. But if the production already has a marketing department, then you can take a qualified specialist into its staff trade marketer.

Most likely, the new trade-marketing unit should be included in the department already operating at the enterprise. marketing and work with him to achieve efficiency in marketing his brand.

The separation of the functions of the existing marketing departments and the newly formed trade marketing structure can be given to outsourcing.

New Branch trade marketing must analyze the situation in the sales markets, develop and implement plans for the effective promotion of its brand from intermediary enterprises to the end consumer of the brand.

Trade Marketing Toolkit

Trade marketing methods are quite diverse, but the key ones are:

  • Direct sales promotion by encouraging customers with bonuses, discounts and gifts for purchases made, as well as with prize competitive drawings of goods;
  • Merchandising- this is a special marketing layout of trademarks on the equipment of the trading floor, informing consumers about new products in the brand's assortment, advising those who want to learn about the benefits of products, organizing exhibitions, as well as developing detailed promotional programs;
  • Special marketing exhibition promotions for presentation new products, conducting training events for employees of intermediary enterprises.

- what is it and what tool to use in a particular situation, the specific persons responsible for the implementation of the marketing strategy at trade enterprises know and decide about it.

Resellers and working with them

trade marketing includes a system of methods that affect the active promotion of brand sales among employees of intermediary enterprises and distributors of manufacturing companies. The main thing here is material incentives for producers of the intermediary chain, through the organization of actions aimed at:

  • Volume increase bulk purchases. To do this, the purchase price is reduced, but discounts can be provided with different conditions:
  • With bulk purchase of goods with an expanded range of products.
  • Hot discounts.
  • When purchasing the agreed volume of products for the term of the contract.
  • Growth of intermediary sales due to its activity in the sale of a certain product:
  • Encouragement of completed sales plans;
  • Lottery of gifts for employees;
  • Organization of the "Mystery Shopper" event, with the awarding of personnel with good performance;
  • Increase in the zone of integration of goods according to outlets if the intermediary:
  • Provided the goods of the required volume to new outlets;
  • The trademark is provided in an increased assortment;
  • Produced conditional marketing calculations of the brand assortment at points of sale.

Merchandising is part of marketing

Trade marketing defines merchandising, as a special system of developed methods for increasing the growth of trade volumes. These activities are carried out by the personnel of the trademark manufacturer both by agreement with intermediaries and without them.

The main functions of merchandising:

  • Brand Display- one of the main responsibilities of a merchandiser. The product range on display equipment should be laid out according to the developed trade marketing scheme so that a potential client wants to buy it.
  • Regulation of the nomenclature of the represented trademark.
  • Equipping a place for a trademark: determining the marketing location of the sales area on the trading floor, taking into account the design features of the site; organization of illumination of goods, if necessary, then sound design.
  • Equipment trading floor necessary equipment, mannequins, refrigerated display cases and other necessary props.
  • Provision of a trade enterprise with POS-materials, banners, stands, racks, booklets and branded price tags.
  • Sound and visual advertising of brands, using modern means informing.
  • Carrying out promotional activities in the form of contests, sweepstakes, encouraging potential customers to make a purchase of the promoted product.

Trade marketing activities for managers and merchandisers of the intermediary chain

For merchandisers special intangible promotions are carried out to ensure the loyalty of the trading chain links, these are:

  • Organization for personnel intermediary enterprises introductory seminars for brand awareness.
  • Conferences, which is a collection of employees of manufacturing companies and intermediary personnel. Here further interaction is planned, an analysis of working issues and methods for their resolution is made, and the results are summarized. Such promotions are carried out by large companies with well-established and efficient trading networks.
  • business gifts This is common business etiquette. They are presented exclusively in connection with significant events, but taking into account the usefulness for one of the colleagues or a team of employees.

Trade marketing for the end user

A variety of effective methods of working with the end buyer of the goods are working base for trade marketing. Influencing the formation of the subconsciousness of a potential consumer of a product, they contribute to a temporary stimulation of demand for promoted products.

Based on trade marketing activities- what are these methods, we will determine the ways of such influence:

  • Holding gaming competitions and lotteries, which involve winning in the form of a surprise for a consumer who has made a purchase of a certain product.
  • Organization of clubs from the community of consumers of the brand, with the provision of certain privileges for them when purchasing products.
  • Sponsorship, charity events and event marketing is participation in city holidays, organization of sports competitions, festivals and concerts.
  • Distribution of POS-materials about specific products in the form of printed material with the address of the outlet.
  • A gift for a purchase made with an investment in each package, an investment of an increased amount of goods at the same cost, holding promotions popular among consumers, like “2 + 1”.
  • Sampling- issuance of low-cost branded goods or new products to customers.
  • Promotional reduction in product prices in a certain period and the distribution of bonus coupons for the subsequent purchase of goods at a discount together with other goods, as well as through magazines or mail order.

How effective is trade marketing?

Trade Marketing Manager must be fluent in professional tools for managing the sale of products. At the same time, he must make a correct assessment of the effectiveness of the complexes carried out. trade marketing. This point is very significant in a trade marketing strategy.

These activities are quite costly and management team manufacturing companies always want to know how effective such financial investments are, whether it should be continued and what are the future prospects in this matter.

High quality and efficient trade marketing company will show how it affected the image of the brand. This implies an increase in the popularity of the brand, the loyalty of the main customer base to it, their awareness of the manufacturer of a particular trademark and trade organizations dealing with the marketing of this product.

Economic efficiency analysis trade marketing is made on the basis of the main indicators in sales, purchases, the size of client developments and distribution of goods. In the course of such an analysis, the initial indicators are compared before trade marketing and after stimulating trade with its help.

Fundamentals of Effective Trade Marketing

Having sorted out the question trade marketing activities- what is it, it is necessary to determine plans for organizing work, the sequence of stages, as well as the set of tools used trade marketer taking into account the characteristics of each specific event. The main program stages trade marketing:

  • definition of trade marketing goals and expected indicators from its application;
  • adjustment of connecting links between commodity producers and the chain of intermediary enterprises, with an analysis of their capabilities according to the provided information base and feedback from colleagues;
  • training employees of intermediary enterprises in the basics of trade marketing;
  • increasing the level of trust in the brand of intermediary trade organizations;
  • material and moral impact on the activity of enterprises participating in the intermediary chain during the implementation of trade marketing activities;
  • merchandising of retail trade enterprises;
  • organization of work among potential consumers;
  • determination of the effectiveness and analysis of the conducted trade marketing activities.

In the end result, it will be enough to compare the achieved results with the planned parameters of trade marketing. With the introduction of corrective amendments to marketing procedures, trade marketing process needs to be renewed for best results.

The frequency of repetition of marketing activities is associated with the difficulty in choosing the best, optimal trade marketing scheme, given the variable internal and external conditions for the sale of products.

Manufacturers must respond to this by making the necessary decisions with the necessary amendments and changes in their work to improve product quality, introduce a new range and increase production efficiency.

Proper organization joint activities the whole series of enterprises - from the manufacturing company, through intermediaries - to the final buyer of the promoted product, is guaranteed to provide positive indicators and performance for all participants trading process.

Trade Marketer

Trade marketing is a direction in the activities of all participants in the trade, organization and promotion of manufacturers' goods to their consumers, with the most favorable conditions. Trade marketing was formed several years ago as a separate direction in marketing, very closely related to the direction of sales, since its main goal is to increase sales and increase brand awareness. Trade marketing differs from consumer marketing in that the consumer marketing mix is ​​aimed at satisfying and studying the needs of the end user, while trade marketing satisfies the needs of the entire sales team.

A trade marketer or trade marketer is a specialist designed to communicate between buyers, and trade and manufacturing organizations, to promote and popularize the brand, goods and services among resellers, buyers and consumers. The main mission of a trade marketer is planning and carrying out a set of measures to stimulate the distribution network (distributors, dealers, wholesalers and retailers, retail sales staff). A trade marketer is a person who exercises overall control and planning of all related activities. In addition to promotion, one of its tasks is to build relationships with wholesale and retail trade enterprises, other intermediaries; development of dealer relations. The main functions of a trade marketer: the ability to encourage customers to cooperate, provide all information about the product to sales staff and customers, participate in the development of loyalty programs, trainings for customers.

The following main functional responsibilities trade marketers: Modern marketing technologies and their role in the development of business space: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / Vladivostok. state University of Economics and Service; scientific ed. E.V. Yaskevich. - Vladivostok: VGUES Publishing House, 2009. - 372 p.

Analysis and forecasting of sales, analysis of the effectiveness of conducted trade and marketing activities;

Work closely with the brand marketing and sales departments;

Briefing and work with marketing agencies;

Planning and implementation of sales activities;

Development, organization of production and distribution of POS-materials;

Formation, distribution and control of the use of the trade marketing budget.

In general, a sales marketer must spend a great deal of time in the product department, interacting daily with the sales staff, and must know all large or important customers personally. This specialist must know all the needs of customers and satisfy them. This specialist must be systemic and structured, since he needs to carry out an analysis by distribution channels, conduct price monitoring based on a categorical matrix, and draw up a marketing plan based on this information. He must make them love their company and the product it provides, make the customer buy more and want to come back to them. Marketing in questions and solutions: tutorial for students / I. V. Zakharova, T. V. Evstigneeva. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2011. - 303 p.

Very often I answer this question, asked in different interpretations, from different angles, with undermining, absolutely seriously, without understanding who the trade marketer in the company is.

Once again:

If the 4Ps of marketing are: product, price, distribution, promotion, then trade marketing is flawed semi-marketing, or specialization in something, or maybe the development of a marketing mix that goes beyond the "4P, somewhere to the" 7P "model", where the process of buying (Process) is more noteworthy than the other "P" ... not clear!

Doubt drives progress! The main thing is that the doubt should have a very specific basis - knowledge theoretical foundations. Then doubt is really good, and the study of the subject will surely lead to discovery. Otherwise - just some kind of alchemy, or shamanism.

So, trade marketing is written in great detail in this article, which has already been quoted from my site by half of the Internet. True, I admit that the view of trade marketing (trade marketing) from the point of view of the "marketing mix", also called "4P" (or, for some reason, "Pi";)) is quite correct and requires a separate note in the margins.

About "4R"

The marketing mix, they also say: marketing-mix is ​​a set of controllable marketing variables, or objects of analysis, impact, observation, or attention vectors (if you like), the total development of which causes the market to pay attention to your company's offer. Working on all vectors allows you to maximize efficiency general activities organizations.

Indeed, in its canonical form, the marketing mix is ​​defined as "4P". The addition of efforts in four not entirely opposite vectors eventually gives a total-correct vector in the direction of sales growth, the growth of something else that is worth - as the goal of the company's marketing.

First "R": Product

The product is a broad concept - it includes both the product itself and the intangible part - for example, sales services, warranty obligations ... and even main idea the brand under which the product is released. A complete product management toolkit for the care of Product Marketing and Product Manager (Product Marketing Manager). The definitions of "product" and "goods" are analyzed quite deeply in the works of K. Marx and F. Engels. They define a product as an item having use value. Goods, on the contrary, are produced for exchange, sale. In order not to go far from the site "Marketer's Notes", a description of the difference between a "product", from a "product" and both from a "marketing offer". At any stage of the marketing channel chain, goods are bought and sold. And only the end consumer acquires not a commodity, but a product, that use value, value expressed in benefit, benefit, good, i.e. in the service he needs.

Is it clear what a product marketer does?

Second "P": Price (Price)

How and what the price consists of - see the note on pricing. Here I will say that the price of a product, service (in this context) is understood as an element of positioning and a company's income-generating factor. It is clear, in this case, what does the financial management, marketing people do?

Third "P": Place (Place)

Any buyer always wants to have a choice. To do this, he must see more than one option to meet his current needs and be able to compare these options with each other, and he certainly wants to see this choice near his home and make purchases in a convenient and familiar way.

Deliver, Provide the goods at the choice of the buyer is the responsibility of the distribution network, called the distribution network. If the marketing channel is short, then "slip the product under the nose" of the buyer falls on the shoulders of the dealer. If the sale of goods does not require intermediaries, then the obligation to "provide" the goods falls on the shoulders of the manufacturer.

Thus, distributors, dealers, more precisely, the entire distribution channel are responsible for the "place". Distribution is commodity logistics. Well-established commodity logistics is the lot of logisticians and sales managers (see the definition of "sales" in the marketer's dictionary).

Fourth "P": Promotion

Promotion (Promotion) - all kinds of activities of the firm to disseminate information about the merits of its product and persuade target consumers to buy it.
Promotion is any information exchange between a company and market participants aimed at increasing sales in the short or long term. Promotion in the marketing mix is ​​responsible for the following questions:

1. The consumer mustknow
2. The consumer must understand how the company's product will be better for him than alternative competing products - once and how using this product is a plus for him - two;
3. From the consumer at the time of purchase should be a strong incentive purchase this particular product, but rather a set of incentives (arguments);

All? If that were all, then the phrase of F. Kotler:

The job of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary

Wouldn't be true. So let's continue:

4. Intermediary (distributor, dealer) must know about its own benefit to work with the product (I already use the concept of "product");
5. The mediator must know about the product (trademark) and its properties;
6. From intermediaries in the supply chain should be an incentive for the distribution of goods, sometimes even to the detriment of clause 4, but if the manufacturer needs it.

What does a trade marketer do?

First and obvious. The trade marketer's duty is to "make sales efforts unnecessary." That is, the fourth "P" is his work. But since there are two objects of influence in paragraph four: intermediaries and buyers, there are two groups of influence and groups of marketing activities that the trade marketer works out.

Two groups of marketing activities:
Trade promotion
- (trade) promotion through a marketing channel. The objects of influence are marketers, dealers, distributors, sellers in stores (as a special case of a dealer).
Sales promotion- (sale) stimulation of purchase. The object of influence is the buyer. Once again, and very important: the sale is carried out when the owner of the goods changes. Shipment to a dealer, distributor is not a sale, but an element of trade - the transfer of a limited right to a product. Even if the dealer paid you for the goods in advance (the purchase was made), then you still need to work out the marketing channel to the consumer (well, the dealer purchased your product not for personal purposes of rolling it on the floor).

The second one is not obvious. A particularly inquisitive reader will ask: "what about the management of price, place (if place is understood as a distribution channel)"?

Price is under control but.... As I wrote above about the price, the price positioning of a product is the lot of the working group (brand manager, marketing top manager, marketing analyst, financiers, marketers). But if we consider the price (more precisely, a discount from it, a markup on it) - as an element of stimulating trade and purchase: a system of discounts, discounting on shares, etc. - this is the destiny of a trade marketer for one hundred percent.

We manage the place, but... How to build a logistics channel (what are the nesting levels of the channel, groups and types of intermediaries) is the lot of the working group consisting of: logistics, marketers, marketing analytics.
But the elimination of "gags" in promotion through this channel is one hundred percent trade marketing. The trade marketer is engaged in the marketing channel, distribution, place of display of goods in the context of trade and sales promotion, in order to "make sales efforts unnecessary."


  1. Determination of the number of dealers, their distribution by regions, segments, inventory, etc. - lot of marketers, logistics, analysts. It is they who should understand the logistics of goods.
  2. Determining the terms of delivery, credit policy, etc. - lot of financiers, marketers, analysts.
  3. Correction of the terms of supply for the current tasks of stimulation, for the task of introducing a new product (a special case and a separate task) is the task of trade marketers.
  4. Conditions warranty service buyers - the concern of technical specialists.
  5. However, the warranty service itself can be an element of USP, a reason for PR, a sales stimulating factor, which means that a trade marketer should also work out.
  6. But to engage in technical and business case other specialists of the company should create a regional system of warranty and post-warranty service.
  7. Product and commodity diversification - destiny ... see above.
  8. But the stimulating promotion"2 for the price of one", or "novelty, sampler - as a gift" - trade marketing.
And further. And don't forget that trade promotion And sales promotion- these are different promos, since the objects of influence are different. Throughout the literature, as a rule, all this: sales promotion, aka trade promotion, aka trade marketing ... from all this and porridge throughout the literature when describing marketing actions, for example.

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