Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

AT 2. The concept and nature of management decisions. The purpose of mastering the discipline. Goods have social use value.

Objects of commodity management. The fundamental characteristics of the product that make up its consumer value: assortment, quality and quantity. The relationship between them and the cost of goods

The object of commodity management is the quality management system of consumer goods and the processes of their distribution. In this regard, commodity management and commodity science operate with the same object.

A product is an object of purchase and sale, and a means of satisfying the needs of the consumer. The product acts as one of the objects commercial activities.

The object of the discipline "commodity science" are only material goods.

Commodity activities as component commercial activity is focused only on goods and related trade services (for example, storage, transportation, preparation of goods for sale, and so on, depending on the type of goods).

A characteristic is a set of distinctive properties, signs of objects or phenomena.

Goods as objects of commodity research activities have 4 fundamental characteristics:

Assortment is a set of distinctive group and species properties and features of the goods that determine their functional or social purpose. Such a characteristic includes a group, subgroup, type, variety, name, trademark and establishes the fundamental difference between one type or product name from another.

· Qualitative - a set of intraspecific consumer properties that have the ability to satisfy a variety of needs. This characteristic close to the assortment, as there is a purpose. Qualitative characteristic differs from the assortment in greater completeness of consumer properties, among which safety and environmental friendliness are important. The qualitative characteristic is decisive for the consumer or for revealing preferences. This characteristic actively interacts with quantitative.

Quantitative - is a set of certain intraspecific properties, expressed using physical quantities and units of their measurement. These characteristics satisfy the needs of a product of a certain size and often, when creating consumer preferences, are less significant than assortment qualities. The only exception is the dimensional characteristics used in quality assessment.


The first three characteristics are called "commodity characteristics", they satisfy real needs, they determine the consumer value of the product. Thanks to these characteristics, the product acquires utility for certain segments of consumers, which is why the product becomes a commodity.

The consumer value of goods acts as a measure of their usefulness and is manifested through the fundamental commodity characteristics.

The functions of the goods are manifested in the process of buying and selling, and on the other hand, when they satisfy our needs.

The consumer function of a product lies in its ability to meet the needs of consumers, thanks to its inherent fundamental characteristics of the product.

· The marketing function of a product is realized through its ability to satisfy different types and varieties of needs with those consumer satisfactions that satisfy consumer preferences and the competitiveness of the product, which ultimately affects sales promotion.

· The commercial function of the product is due to its main purpose as an object of purchase and sale. To do this, the goods must be delivered from the manufacturer to the final consumer using distribution channels in certain deadlines and at necessary conditions. All stages of the goods distribution operation should be organized taking into account the properties of the goods (for example, storage, safety, etc.). The commercial function of the goods is ensured by managing the technological cycle of goods movement, which includes delivery, storage, acceptance, commodity processing and sale of goods.

The legal function of the product is that, on the one hand, it acts as an object of contractual relations, and on the other hand, it must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents ( the federal law, standards, specifications and so on), as well as the provisions of the contract.

· financial function product is determined by the fact that any product must make a profit, so any organization must determine its pricing policy and pricing strategy for each product - not only taking into account consumer, but also marketing, commercial and legal functions.

2. Regrading: causes, methods of detection, methods of prevention and elimination

"Under the sorting of goods refers to the appearance of a surplus of one variety and a shortage of another variety of goods of the same name. The reasons for its occurrence can be both the lack of an order for the acceptance and storage of goods in a warehouse, as well as the procedure for document circulation, as well as insufficient internal control over the movement of goods and the negligent attitude of financially responsible persons to their duties, etc.”

Regrading occurs when one grade of goods was issued, and the disposal of goods of another grade was reflected in the accounting. As a result, an error occurred in accounting - goods of one variety are listed as surplus, and goods of another variety, exactly by this amount, are missing (shortage).

It should be noted that the word "resorting" is indicated in explanatory dictionary Russian language Ozhegova S.I., N.Yu. Shvedova, 1992, but its meaning, in my opinion, is not given exactly: "Transfer of goods from one grade to another."

The essence of sorting can be shown by an example

Organization retail Conducted an inventory of goods in the warehouse. According to accounting The warehouse should have:

Premium flour - 10 kg.

Flour of the 1st grade - 10 kg.

According to the inventory, the warehouse actually found:

Premium flour - 9 kg.

Flour of the 1st grade - 11 kg.

The discrepancy given above is a sorting - the shortage of flour of one grade is covered by an excess of flour of another grade. Most likely, the reason for the sorting is that the highest grade flour was given out in the amount of 10 kg, but 1 kg. of such issued flour was reflected in the accounting as flour of the 1st grade.

The rules for recognition in regrading accounting are specified in clause 5.3. Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations, approved. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 13.06.1995 N 49:

Mutual offset of surpluses and shortages as a result of regrading can be allowed only as an exception for the same audited period, from the same audited person, in relation to commodity material assets of the same name and in identical quantities.

Financially responsible persons provide detailed explanations of the inventory commission about the admitted regrading.

In the event that, when offsetting shortages with surpluses for regrading, the value of the missing valuables is higher than the value of the valuables found in surplus, this difference in value shall be attributed to the guilty persons.

If the specific perpetrators of the regrading are not identified, then the sum differences are considered as shortages in excess of the norms of loss and are written off in organizations for distribution and production costs, and in state (municipal) institutions - for a decrease in funding (funds).

For the difference in value from regrading towards shortages, formed not through the fault of financially responsible persons, comprehensive explanations should be given in the protocols of the inventory commission about the reasons why such a difference was not attributed to the guilty persons.

Distractions occur for a variety of reasons:

1) there is no procedure for acceptance and storage of material assets in a warehouse;

2) the order of document circulation is violated;

3) internal control of the movement of material assets is not carried out at the proper level;

4) material persons are negligent in their duties.

The inventory commission must receive detailed explanations from financially responsible persons about the admitted regrading. Mutual offset of surpluses and shortages as a result of sorting can be carried out as an exception:

1) for the same audited period;

2) from the same financially responsible person;

3) in relation to inventory items of the same name and in identical quantities (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 2004 N 07-05-14 / 217).

Thus, it is unacceptable to carry out a mutual offset of shortages with surpluses of identical (homogeneous) goods or materials.

It is impossible to set off the shortage of oil against the excess of margarine or the shortage of gasoline against the excess of diesel fuel, etc.

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IN 1. Characteristics of the discipline

The methodological basis of product management is the quality management system— a management system for directing and controlling an organization with regard to quality.

The purpose of studying commodity management: acquisition of theoretical knowledge, practical skills in the field of commodity management, experience of their use in professional activity, as well as the formation necessary competencies for undergraduate students.

The objectives of the study of commodity management:

  • mastering the basic concepts in the field of quality management;
  • study of goals, objectives, principles of quality management;
  • consideration of means, methods of quality management, including risk management and quality management in the sectors of the economy;
  • mastering the processes of forming and ensuring the quality of products and services in trade at various stages of their life cycle;
  • study of the procedure for the development and certification of management systems in trade organizations.

Product management object- quality management systems for consumer goods and their distribution processes. In this regard, commodity management and commodity science operate with the same object.

Deviations of the fundamental characteristics of the goods (qualitative, assortment, quantitative and cost) from the specified (in regulations, standards, contracts) requirements create problematic situation. Analysis of the problem situation and the search for a way out of it can be carried out by methods of merchandising and quality management methods.

The subject of commodity management- management of the fundamental characteristics of the product at all stages of product distribution by means and methods of management as a condition for achieving customer satisfaction.

Subsection B.2 discusses the classical scheme management decision Problems.

Intersubject communications of commodity management with other educational disciplines. By previous links, commodity management is connected with a number of natural science and mathematical disciplines, as well as with general professional disciplines, such as "Standardization, metrology and conformity assessment", " Theoretical basis commodity science". Knowledge of these disciplines is necessary for understanding and evaluating the fundamental characteristics of the product. The following disciplines include "Commodity management of homogeneous groups of goods".

AT 2. The concept and nature of management decision

Management decision is the result of analysis, forecasting, optimization, business case and selecting an alternative from a variety of options to achieve a particular management system goal. The impulse of a managerial decision is the need to reduce the severity or completely remove the problem, i.e. approximation in the future of the actual parameters of the object to the desired, predictive ones.

Decision-making, as well as information exchange, is an integral part of any managerial function. From the standpoint of system analysis, the management process is, in essence, the process of solving the problems of the organization that arise as it functions.

Any control includes three successive stages.

  • 1. Determination of the state of the managed object (problem identification).
  • 2. Development and decision making.
  • 3. Implementation of the solution.

The development, adoption and implementation of decisions are a concentrated expression of the very essence of management.

As noted above, in relation to the problems of commodity science, the impetus for a managerial decision is real or predicted discrepancies between the fundamental characteristics of the product and the established requirements.

On fig. B1 shows the mechanism for managing product quality based on the above triad of actions.

Rice. IN 1.

The "Quality Plan" block provides information on the established requirements. The carriers of the "quality plan" are technical regulations, national standards, specifications for specific products, standards of organizations and other regulatory and technological documents.

The "Information on the actual quality" block contains information about the results of product quality control during quality acceptance (tests, visual inspection).

Comparison of actual and planned quality ("Comparison" block) allows you to identify the problem, i.e. determine the nature of the deviation (defects in appearance, discrepancy between the actual value of the indicator and the regulated value, etc.). These are the results of the first stage.

In the block "Development and implementation of measures to maintain quality" the reasons for the non-compliance are established. Development and decision-making are carried out by employees of various services of the manufacturer or seller.

Solution Implementation - this is a targeted impact on the factors and conditions that affect the quality. At the production stage, this is the impact on the factors that form quality (raw materials, technology, design, recipe) or quality conditions (for example, the parameters of the production base, staff qualifications). At the stage of circulation, this is the impact on factors that contribute to the preservation of quality (packaging, transportation, storage), and quality conditions (for example, the state of a trading warehouse, the qualifications of a trade worker).

  • Here and below, the designation of the literary source is given in square brackets. The list of sources is given in the "Literature" section.


commercial sales

The determining factor in the functioning of the market is commercial activity. This is an essential condition for a market economy. Potential business opportunities with the transition to a market economy are becoming increasingly important. Commercial activity, on the one hand, is an area practical activities, within which the following tasks are solved:

Research and forecasting of market demand, and identification of consumer needs for goods and trade services;

Study and evaluation of sources of goods receipt (wholesale fairs, commodity exchanges, auctions, resellers and commodity producers);

Search and selection of suppliers of goods;

Organization economic relations with suppliers of goods, including negotiating, concluding contracts, making commercial settlements, monitoring compliance with contractual obligations, etc.;

Formation of a product range in warehouses and stores, taking into account consumer demand, inventory management of goods;

Organization of wholesale or retail goods, including the choice of methods and forms of trade and the provision of a certain level of quality of trade services;

On the other hand, it is an independent field of knowledge, a scientific and academic discipline that studies the organization of commercial processes in the sphere of commodity circulation in order to effectively carry out commercial transactions. Modern practice commercial activities require a wide variety of knowledge. It is necessary to be able to study the market situation, interpret and take into account its trends in a timely manner, take commercial solutions after assessing the level of risk. Many serious commercial tasks are associated with the organization of the purchase and sale of goods. For their successful solution, it is necessary to know the methods that will allow you to choose the right supplier, establish a supply of goods, form a product range, determine what forms wholesale are more appropriate and which means of advertising are best used.

This course work, made on the materials of Lemansky Consumer Society, covers all the basic issues that a professional engaged in commerce should know, in particular, the organization and management of commercial activities in an organization.

Essence, goals and objectives of trade management

Trade management is the process of managing all the main aspects of the operation of a trading enterprise. An important feature trade management is the complex nature of the formation of all management decisions related to different aspects of the management of the enterprise.

Trade management is considered as a complex system of actions, consisting of the development of interrelated solutions, each of which contributes to the final result of the management of the enterprise.

Trade management offers a variety of approaches to the development of conservative solutions, which involves the development of each solution based on experience.

The main goal of trade management is to ensure high rates of development of labor activity of the enterprise in the future and the possibility of its competitive position in the consumer market. In accordance with this, the goal of trade management is to create conditions that satisfy more complete consumer demand within the selected market segment, ensure sufficient economic growth, and minimize the level of economic risks associated with the activities of the enterprise.

Trade is one of largest industries of the economy of any country both in terms of the volume of activity and the number of personnel employed in it, and the enterprises of this industry are the most massive. The activity of trading enterprises is related to meeting the needs of each person, is influenced by many factors and covers a wide range of organizational, technological, economic and financial issues that require everyday solutions. Management of the multifaceted activities of a trading enterprise is a very complex process and is carried out using a variety of methods of trade management.

Trade management is the process of managing all major aspects of a trading enterprise. It is designed to form the most rational management decisions on the development of a particular trade enterprise, coordinate various areas of its activities and ensure high efficiency of the final results of this activity.

As a complex branch scientific discipline, trade management is only in its infancy. The fundamental principles of trade management have not yet received a comprehensive reflection in modern literature. In this regard, let us consider the essence and main characteristics of this new scientific discipline, which has a high applied value in a market economy.

Trade management based on theory general management enterprise, integrates the techniques and methods of many functional types of management in relation to the specifics of the activities of a trading enterprise. In particular, trade management uses an extensive arsenal of methods of production management, innovation management, personnel management, financial management and some other types of functional management that can be used in trade enterprises.

An important feature of trade management is the complex nature of the formation of all management decisions related to various aspects of the activities of a trading enterprise. All these management decisions are closely interconnected and have a direct or indirect impact on the final efficiency. economic activity trading enterprise. So, a separate management decision aimed at improving the organization or technology of the trading process, no matter how progressive it may seem from the standpoint of innovative management, may not be effective, taking into account the specific conditions. economic activity businesses and call Negative consequences for his financial condition. Therefore, trade management is considered as a complex system of actions, consisting of the development of interdependent management decisions, each of which contributes to the final effectiveness of the economic activity of a trading enterprise.

Although all trading enterprises as business entities of the same industry have many general characteristics trade and technological and trade and economic processes, the differences between their specific organizational forms, technologies used and economic conditions are very significant, which accordingly affects both the features of the process of managing their activities and the final results of this activity. Trade management is called upon to take into account these differences in the process of developing managerial decisions on all aspects of activity in order to obtain the best results for a given trading enterprise. In this regard, start-up entrepreneurs should be warned - specific management decisions used in the course of their activities by individual even the most efficient trading enterprises cannot be blindly copied by other trading enterprises, as they can lead to negative consequences. Trade management does not teach the use of standard management decisions, but only the algorithm for their effective development in the specific conditions of the enterprise.

Even the most effective management decisions developed and implemented at a particular trading enterprise cannot always be reused at subsequent stages of its activity. First of all, this is due to the high dynamics of factors external environment at the stage of transition to a market economy, and in the first place - with a change in the conjuncture of the consumer market. In addition, the internal conditions for the functioning of a commercial enterprise also change over time, especially at the stages of transition to subsequent stages of its life cycle. Therefore, trade management should be characterized by high dynamism, taking into account changes in environmental factors, resource potential, forms of labor organization and management, financial condition and other parameters of the functioning of a trade enterprise.

Trade management provides for a variety of approaches to the development of specific management decisions in various fields activities of a trading company. This implies that the preparation of each managerial decision must take into account alternative possibilities of action. If there are alternative projects of management decisions, their choice for implementation should be based on a system of criteria that ensure the achievement of high performance results of a trading enterprise. The system of such criteria is established by the trade enterprise itself.

Trade management should be focused on strategic goals development of a trading company. No matter how profitable these or those projects of managerial decisions in the current period seem, they should be rejected if they conflict with the mission ( main goal activities) of the enterprise, strategic directions of its development or lead to a decrease in the efficiency of its activities in the prospective period.

Approaches to the formation of principles and methodological tools of trade management, and consequently to its development as a scientific discipline, change significantly at the stage of transition to a market economy. This is primarily due to a radical transformation of the fundamental principles of managing economic processes, significant and very dynamic changes in the situation in the consumer market, a significant downscaling of trading enterprises in the process of their privatization, corporatization, a deepening differentiation of the population's monetary incomes, and expansion of opportunities for a more complete use of foreign experience management of commercial enterprises, accumulated in countries with developed market economies.

Taking into account the main characteristics of trade management, its goals and objectives are formed.

The main goal of trade management is to ensure high rates of development of a trade enterprise in a strategic perspective and increase its competitive position in the consumer market.

Based on this main goal, trade management is called upon to solve the following main tasks.

1. Formation of conditions for the most complete satisfaction of customer demand for goods within the selected segment of the consumer market. This task is realized by a trade enterprise searching for its market niche in the consumer market; identifying the main parameters of customer demand in this segment of the consumer market; formation of an effective assortment policy aimed at meeting consumer demand for goods; ensuring the sustainability of the range of goods sold by the trading enterprise.

2. Providing a high level trade service. This task is realized by satisfying all the basic requirements of buyers for the level of trade service, the essence of which, taking into account the specifics of a particular segment of the consumer market, is to purchase in a trading enterprise with the least amount of time and the greatest convenience. necessary goods. These requirements are provided by a whole range of organizational and technological measures, which together form the necessary level of trade services.

3. Ensuring sufficient cost-effectiveness of the implementation of trade-technological and trade-economic processes at the enterprise. This task is realized by ensuring the minimization of the costs of labor, material and financial resources for the organization of individual technological processes and operations related to the movement of goods and customer service; for the implementation of individual commercial transactions and commercial activities in general; to perform the functions of managing a commercial enterprise.

4. Maximizing the amount of profit remaining at the disposal of the trading enterprise, and ensuring its effective use. This task is realized by optimizing the volume of the enterprise's turnover; effective management his assets; carrying out a targeted price, depreciation and tax policy; optimizing the ratio of the capitalized and consumed parts of the profit.

5. Minimization of the level of economic risks associated with the activities of a trading enterprise. This task is realized through the effective management of various commercial, financial, investment and other risks associated with the economic activities of trade enterprises. Minimizing the level of business risks ensures predictability financial results activities of the enterprise and the stability of its development.

6. Ensuring a constant increase in the market value of a commercial enterprise. This task is realized, first of all, due to the high investment activity of the enterprise, its ability to effectively accumulate its own financial resources to ensure the growth of assets in all their forms, increase financial stability enterprises. In addition, the increase in the market value of a trading enterprise is influenced by its high business reputation, the marketing positions he has won in the consumer market, the development of the internal technology for carrying out economic activities and management, as well as other so-called "intangible assets" that can bring additional profit to the trading company.

All tasks of trade management are closely interconnected. Thus, the formation of conditions for the most complete satisfaction of customer demand and the provision of a high level of their trade services contribute to the growth of trade, and, accordingly, to maximizing the amount of profit of a trading enterprise. Ensuring the cost-effectiveness of the implementation of trade-technological and trade-economic processes at the enterprise is subordinated to the same goals. In turn, maximizing the amount of profit remaining at the disposal of a trading enterprise, its effective use, as well as minimizing the level of economic risks are essential conditions increase in its market value.

At the same time, a number of tasks of trade management are multidirectional. So, for example, a number of measures to ensure a high level of customer service can cause additional costs of labor, material and financial resources, and, accordingly, reduce the amount of profit of the enterprise. In turn, the maximization of the profit of a commercial enterprise is usually accompanied by an increase in the level of economic risks. Therefore, in the process of trade management, individual tasks must be optimized among themselves.

Among entrepreneurs operating in the field of trade, it is widely believed that the priority task and even the main goal of trade management is to maximize the profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise. Such an opinion should be regarded as highly controversial. The fact is that profit maximization at a particular stage of the activity of a commercial enterprise does not automatically increase its market value. Thus, the received high amount of profit can be fully spent on consumption, as a result of which a trading enterprise will be deprived of the main source of formation of its own financial resources to ensure its development (and a non-developing enterprise loses its competitive position in the consumer market in the future, which leads to a decrease in its market value). In addition, a high amount of profit of a trading enterprise can be achieved with a high level of economic risks and the threat of bankruptcy in the subsequent period, which can also lead to a decrease in its market value and competitive position in the consumer market. Therefore, in market conditions, maximizing the amount of profit remaining at the disposal of a trading enterprise can act as an important, but not a priority task of trade management, and even more so not as its main goal.

Effective trade management, fully realizing its main goal and objectives, allows us to provide a high level of customer service, the necessary pace economic development trading enterprise in a strategic perspective, strengthening its financial condition and growth of market value, formation competitive advantage trade enterprise in the consumer market.

Liman Software serves customers in the local market satisfactorily and is respected and trusted by customers. In many ways, this is facilitated by many years of experience in trade, which, however, does not exclude the possibility of increasing its effectiveness.

Commodity test, for students of humanitarian specialties studying the discipline "Commodity management", on the topic: "Basic concepts, objects and methods of commodity management." Correct answers are marked with a "+" symbol.

1. The subject of commodity management is.

  • +a) consumer value of goods;
  • -b) features and classifications of goods;
  • -c) the quantity and technology of production of goods;

2. The first stage in the development of commodity management is called.

  • -a) commodity-technological;
  • +b) product-descriptive;
  • -c) commodity-forming.

3. The product is.

  • +a) the product of a material activity created for sale;
  • -b) everything that is subject to mandatory certification;
  • +c) a means by which a particular need can be satisfied.

4. The object of commodity management is.

5. The product has properties.

  • +a) use value and cost;
  • -b) anthropometric properties;
  • -c) economic properties.

6. Consumer cost is.

  • + a) the ability of a thing to satisfy any human need;
  • +b) material property, labor embodied in the commodity;
  • -c) commodity price basis.

7. The cost of goods is.

  • + a) the social labor of producers embodied in the commodity;
  • -b) the ability of goods to meet social needs;
  • -c) a reflection of the ability of the goods to perform their essential functions.

8.Consumer value depending on the nature of consumption may be.

  • +a) individual and public;
  • -b) single and complex;
  • -c) generalized and complex;

9. Individual is called the use value of products of labor -

  • -a) produced for sale;
  • +b) produced for personal consumption;
  • -c) produced for profit;

10. The individual use value of the products of labor is formed.

  • + a) the natural properties of the products of labor;
  • +b) consumer properties of goods;
  • -c) quality indicators.

11. Goods have social use value -

  • -a) intended for mandatory certification;
  • +b) created to satisfy public consumers, for sale;
  • -c) released on new technologies.

12. Social use value can be.

  • + a) unified and collectively public;
  • -b) single and complex;
  • -c) singular and plural.

13. A single social use value is inherent.

  • -a) a unit of goods of a certain assortment;
  • -b) a unit of goods of a certain type, which is confirmed by mandatory certification;
  • + c) a unit of a certain type of product, it satisfies the needs of one person or family, is determined by the properties of this product and has a qualitative certainty.

14. The total social use value satisfies.

  • + a) the needs of a specific contingent of people or the whole society;
  • -b) needs certain group consumers;
  • -c) the needs of a particular person.

15. Goods have four fundamental characteristics.

  • + a) assortment, quality, quantity, cost;
  • -b) assortment, qualitative, quantitative, economic;
  • -c) assortment, quantitative, competitive, economic;

16. Commodity characteristics are called characteristics.

  • + a) assortment, qualitative, quantitative;
  • -b) assortment, quality, cost;
  • -c) assortment, quality, cost;

17. Products become a commodity -

  • -a) due to consumer properties;
  • -b) after the continuation of the certification procedure;
  • +c) after the acquisition of commodity characteristics;

18. It belongs to modern problems of commodity science.

  • +a) identification and falsification;
  • -b) identification and certification;
  • -c) identification and standardization.

19. "Eternal" problems of commodity management -

  • -a) identification and study of the general patterns of formation and manifestation of the use value of goods on present stage development of society;
  • +b) the study of new products and new consumer properties of already known products, taking into account the latest achievements in commodity science and related sciences;
  • -c) determination of the nomenclature of consumer properties and quality indicators of goods.

20. Commodity science is based on data.

  • -a) physics, philosophy, mathematics;
  • -b) physics, philosophy, history;
  • +c) physics, chemistry, biology.

21. The source of filling the market with goods are.

  • +a) domestic industrial and agricultural production,
  • import of goods;

    • +b) import of goods from Turkey, China;
    • -c) import of goods, updating the range of goods.

    22. Given the current situation in the Russian consumer market, they are becoming important.

    • + a) rational management of the assortment, commodity flows, ensuring the quality of goods and quantity at different stages of commodity circulation;
    • -b) determination of the nomenclature of consumer properties and quality indicators of goods;
    • -c) mandatory certification of goods.

    23. Assortment characteristic of goods is.

    • + a) a set of distinctive specific properties and characteristics of goods that determine their functional and / or social purpose;

    24. The qualitative characteristics of goods is.

    • +b) a set of intraspecific consumer properties that have the ability to satisfy a variety of needs;
    • -c) a set of certain intraspecific properties expressed in terms of physical quantities and units of their measurement.

    25. The quantitative characteristic of goods is.

    • -a) a set of distinctive specific properties and characteristics of goods that determine their functional and / or social purpose;
    • -b) a set of intraspecific consumer properties that have the ability to satisfy a variety of needs;
    • + c) a set of certain intraspecific properties expressed in terms of physical quantities and units of their measurement.

    26. The value of goods is the subject of study.

    • -a) merchandising;
    • +b) economics;
    • -c) commerce.

    27. Exchange value characterizes.

    • + a) a commodity in terms of its exchange as things for other things in appropriate definite proportions.
    • -b) the usefulness of the product, its ability to satisfy certain human needs
    • -c) the cost of raw materials, means of production.

IP Krivosheya I.V. operates in the jewelry market, selling goods such as: rings, earrings, chains, bracelets, pendants, brooches, necklaces, necklaces, hairpins, tie clips, cufflinks.

Rings and chains traditionally lead by the number of items sold. However, due to the relatively low cost of these products, the segmentation by sales volume is as follows:

Rings without stones and with semi-precious stones account for about 15% of total sales;

Chains, necklaces and bracelets of similar quality account for about 40%;

Pendants - 10% and stone products account for 10% of sales;

Other products (earrings, watches, piercings, brooches, cufflinks) account for 25%.

Features of consumer preferences of buyers also depend on seasonality. There are two seasonal peaks in jewelry sales: during the holidays February 14 - March 8 and New Year-- Christmas. The season with the most low sales is summer.

Traditionally, women are the main consumer of jewelry all over the world, but the proportion of purchases made by men is also high, especially in the high price segment.

The jewelry store has a large selection of products, both in gold and silver. Each group of goods has a sufficient number of varieties of products (table 1).

Table 1 - Assortment of jewelry products by suppliers


Number of product varieties


CJSC YuK "Almaz-Holding", Moscow

Gold: earrings, rings, chains, bracelets, brooches, piercings, tie clips, pendants.

Silver: earrings, rings, chains, bracelets, pendants, watches, decorative items: signs of the zodiac, paintings, flowers, cutlery: tablespoons, teaspoons, forks, knives, ionizers.

Great variety, strength, durability, originality.

CJSC "Adamas", Moscow

Gold: chains, bracelets.

Stability, strength, quite expensive.

OOO UP "Karat"

Gold: earrings, rings, chains, bracelets, brooches, necklaces, piercings, pins, clips

Great selection, originality,


for ties, pendants.

availability, fragility.

CJSC Trade House "Kameya", Kazan

Gold: rings, earrings, pendants, chains, bracelets. Silver: chains, bracelets, rings, earrings.

Sufficient choice, originality, durability, reasonable prices.

CJSC Art-Facet, Moscow

Gold: rings, earrings, pendants.

Great variety, originality, strength, durability, expensive.

In the Talisman jewelry salon there is a large selection of jewelry, both gold and silver: rings, earrings, chains, bracelets, tie clips, brooches, pendants, watches, there are also products made from natural stones (beads, necklaces, paintings), souvenirs from onyx, selenite, from silver and cutlery.

Talisman sells jewelry from the main manufacturers: gold - Moscow Almaz Holding, Kameya, Yuvelirprom, St. Petersburg Estet, Russian Gems, Kostroma region. LLC "Aquamarine", Ulyanovsk UP "Karat-M", Kazan UP LLC "Diana", Krasnoyarsk OJSC "Krastsvetmed"; silver - Moscow "Almaz Holding", LLC TK "Silverline", St. Petersburg LLC YuVK "Plus" and other little-known manufacturers.

Products from natural stones, such as beads, bracelets, pendants, manufacturers are India, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, paintings from natural stones - China. The salon has a large selection of various natural stones: cultured river pearls, processed and unprocessed amber, amethyst, garnet, onyx, turquoise, carnelian, tourmaline, rose quartz, moonstone, jade, mother-of-pearl, lapis lazuli, coral, obsidian, hematite, agate, jet , calcite, tiger's eye, malachite and others.

Cutlery (there are teaspoons with zodiac signs), silver handicrafts (basket, plaque, roses, chamomile with a bee, key chains for silvering water), electroforming souvenirs (zodiac signs, animals, paintings) produced by Almaz Holding ".

The structure of the assortment of the salon "Talisman" is as follows: 40% - products for women, 30% - for men, 5% - for children and 25% - universal (chains, crosses, cutlery). Buyers' preferences change every year, and consumers try to follow the trends in jewelry fashion.

The demand for men's jewelry is also growing. But the store is in no hurry to build long-term forecasts in this direction: males are more conservative and perceive jewelry not as decorations, but as a sign of wealth. To demonstrate his viability, it is enough for a man to purchase an expensive watch, a ring and a chain once in his life, while ladies acquire whole sets of jewelry, which are periodically replenished.

The assortment of jewelry is presented in a greater number of rings - 64% (134 pieces). A very small percentage are necklaces, watches. In single copies there are brooches, piercings, a tie clip, watch bracelets.

Silver is a beautiful bright white metal, lighter than gold. It is malleable and ductile metal, polishes well and has the highest reflectivity among metals. Silver is bactericidal, so water does not deteriorate in a silver vessel. Silver is the cheapest metal. In recent decades, the value of gold has risen while the value of silver has fallen. Silver items are stamped with a hallmark in the form of a woman's head in a kokoshnik and in profile, turned to the right. A sample of 925 is placed next to it.

State assay mark - a special sign minted on products or superimposed in a non-mechanical way (electrospark or laser) by state inspections of assay control. It means that the product has been checked by the state inspection and has a sample not lower than that indicated in the stamp. The state assay hallmark consists of an identity mark and a hallmark mark, which can be affixed together (in one image) or separately.

Gold is a very soft, ductile, malleable and intensely colored metal with a strong metallic sheen. The most important property of gold is its exceptional chemical resistance: it is chemically stable in air, water and acids. Gold dissolves only in "royal vodka".

Most of the jewelry in our country is produced from alloys of the 585th test, which in recent years has replaced the 583rd. The color of the alloy can vary from red, pink through yellow-green hues to white. Yellow gold is most often used abroad in jewelry (alloys of the 750th test). White gold is mostly typical for diamond jewelry as it looks harmonious with this stone. Red gold is called alloys of the 585th test. Green gold is rarely used to give jewelry old look.

To change or create the color of an alloy with gold, copper, silver, palladium, nickel and zinc can be alloyed in various proportions.

In the salon "Talisman" the main assortment of gold items are items of the 585th sample. The elements of assay hallmarks are: certificate mark, inspection code and sample (three-digit number). For example: G, a girl in a kokoshnik, 585. Where, G - inspection code (Far Eastern state inspection Assay Supervision, Vladivostok), a female head in a kokoshnik and in profile, turned to the right - an identity mark, 585 - sample. The imprints of the name sign and brand must be clear and not degrade appearance products.

Products consisting of two identical parts (earrings, paired cufflinks) are branded on both parts.

Chains of different styles are branded on one of the end lugs with a brand. And on the other - the name of the enterprise.

Everything related to commodity management in this organization concerns exclusively a commodity specialist, of course, with the approval of the director of the trading enterprise IP Krivoshey I.V.

This organization has such a concept - category management, as in many enterprises. The essence of category management is to increase the turnover of the company with the help of the assortment.

The main principles of product management can be considered as follows:

Building a product matrix based on consumer preferences and perceptions;

Formation of the assortment outlet as a set of product categories;

Advantages of the category management system for the seller:

Inventory optimized;

More accurate execution of orders from customers;

The movement of goods is built on a regular basis;

The volume of sales, profitability of the enterprise increases, its costs decrease.
