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The life cycle of an employee (employee). How to extend the life cycle of an employee in an organization? Employee lifecycle map in an organization

Life Cycle: Organization, Department, Employee

Currently, there is a lot of discussion on the issue - the problem of how to increase the efficiency of the units. Most of the leaders of both government and commercial enterprises complain about the problems of middle management. At the same time, official statistics indicate that up to 78% of all planned innovations do not reach the “implementation” stage precisely because human factor. IN scientific literature very little attention is paid to the ideology of development and positioning of the unit. Basically, the concept of division is considered as component organization or a place that brings together the employees of an organization. This article attempts to consider the life cycle of a unit on the example of the HR service, while taking into account its place as an integral part of the organization, and the place of work of service employees.

Life cycle organization is described in sufficient detail in the Russian and world literature. In the ideology of the life cycle of an organization, it is determined that each has a certain stage of development on its life path and, based on the stage, a management system is built in it (Emelyanov E.N., Povarnitsyna S.E. Life cycle of organizational development / / Organizational development, 1996, No. 2). (fig.1)

Fig.1- Life cycle of an organization

1) Formation of the organization - the beginning of the company, the birth of the organization. The structure is informal, led by the owner-manager. The budget of the organization is small, there are no well-established business processes. When cash flows increase, and activity stabilizes, the organization moves to the next stage of development.

2) Intensive growth - the organization moves to the stage of rapid development, business processes begin to formalize, the shortage is overcome Money. Huge prospects are opening up for the company, and the main thing here is to decide on the area of ​​activity, and not to scatter attention on all possible options.

3) Stabilization - the organization is still growing, but the growth rate is falling. Formed organizational structure, there is an increase in sales and profits. The organization reaches its peak, after which the decline begins.

4) Crisis - this stage characterized by an increase in the level of bureaucratization, a large number of unnecessary and redundant processes, and a drop in sales. The organization is at a crossroads: either fight for its survival and move to a higher level of development, or collapse.

With this approach, the purpose of the unit in the organization is determined only as an object of management. But at the same time, it is stipulated that the unit may also have its own life cycle, which may not coincide with the life cycle of the organization.

The literature also mentions the life cycle of an employee, which is determined within the framework of existence in one organization and often depends on the time the employee stays in it.

Fig. 2 - The life cycle of an employee, as a labor unit of an organization

At the same time, the term “metal fatigue” (Fig. 2) is understood as specific indicators of professional burnout, in which an employee can be lost to the domestic labor market, but not lost to foreign market labor. The life cycle of an employee, as a specialist in the all-Russian labor market, is determined not only by the opportunity to work in the chosen profession, but also by the desire (attitude) to carry out this activity (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3- The life cycle of an employee within the same position

But the totality of life cycles of workers is not an indicator of the life cycle of the unit.

Fig. 4 - The life cycle of a unit, department, group of people united by the performance of similar functionality

Of course, the life cycle of a unit is similar to the life cycle of an organization (Fig. 4), but the stages of its development are determined by multifactorial indicators:

Type of activity of the unit;

Time of activity (existence) of the unit;

The personality of the leader and the level of management of the subordinate unit;

Formalization of the processes taking place in the department and organization;

Availability of targets for the activities of the unit

Availability of performance indicators for evaluating the activities of the unit.

Type of activity of the division determined by the degree of structured requirements external environment to functional duties. For example, requirements for accounting defines the state, it is represented by tax service controls the quality of compliance with the requirements of the legislation.

Time of activity (existence) of the unit determined by the technical feasibility of forming a team.

The personality of the leader and the level of his management of the unit significantly affects the stage of development of the unit and depends not only on the management style, but also on the readiness to build vertical ( VDL ) and horizontal( HDL ) connections in the unit, so when:

One-man management - one-way vertical communication works, while the issue of the rights and duties of the boss is not discussed;

Teamwork implies the presence of not only formalized management flows, but also the definition of the style of interaction in the team;

Specialization in areas in the subdivision - creates the need not only for teamwork, but also for the formalization of horizontal connections;

Allocation of sites - leads to the creation of an individual microclimate of a group of people, which is consistent with corporate culture divisions.

Formalization of the processes taking place in the department - the degree of prescription (certainty) in the unit, the process depends not only on the degree of formalization of the processes of the upper ( IDEF 0) and medium (IDEF 3) level in the organization, but also from the “management level” of the head of the unit.

Availability of targets for the activities of the unit - the period of life of the unit, when the manager introduces into the minds of employees such a concept as SMART purpose. SMART is an abbreviation formed by the first letters of English words:

· specific (specific);



significant (relevant);

correlated with a specific period (time-bounded)

Availability of performance indicators for evaluating the activities of the unit for each position, not only KPIs are developed, but also a competency profile. At the same time, the presence of these criteria is due not only and not so much to the assessment of the effectiveness of the work of the unit, but to a necessary condition for employees in evaluating their work.

Let's consider the life cycle of a unit using the HR service as an example.

The first stage - unity of command . When this service occurs, self business units, the managerial function is reduced to a bunch of "manager - assistants". At the same time, the leader often performs functional responsibilities specialist, and assistants carry out individual instructions of the head.

During this period, HR the unit consists of a "head" personnel manager and assistants. At the same time, narrowly demanded tasks are solved, such as: personnel office work and recruiting.

Second stage - team . Gradually, assistants grow into full-fledged specialists or are replaced by them, and the head performs the functional duties of a manager. At the same time, in addition to the previously involved functions, the manager adds such a managerial function as organizing teamwork and creating a mood for work among subordinates. For specialists, mutual assistance becomes a very important aspect of work.

There is a growing need in the organization for a more complete performance of the functionality of the unit, and as a result, there is a head of department and personnel managers working in the field: recruiting, personnel records management, training, labor economics. In the absence of work volumes or staff unit, functions are divided and/or combined, there is a joint work on the execution of "free" functionality. At the same time, employees are proud of the coherence of the team, mutual assistance to each other.

The third stage - specialization . The requirements for the high-quality execution of the functionality are increasing, narrow specialists are required in each of the functional areas. The head of the department pays more and more attention to planning the work of subordinates and monitoring the execution of their planned work.

Narrow specialists appear in the HR department: recruiter, clerk, training manager, methodologist, economist, accountant wages. When summing up the results of the work, more attention is paid to professionalism and the qualitative achievement of the goal.

Fourth stage - selection . The volume of work is increasing in connection with which there is a need not for one narrow specialist, but for a group. Specialists with similar functionality are combined into informal groups, and then an informal leader is allocated to them, who represents her interests before the head of the unit, while the main function of the group leader is to coordinate and develop these groups.

Sectors appear in the HR service (groups of workers united by one specialty), and within each of the sectors there is a narrowly focused specialization. For example: in the recruiting sector, recruiters appear in the following areas: sales, finance, etc.

At the same time, HR the service combines the recruiting sector, the salary calculation and labor economics sector, the training center, etc. Evaluation of activities takes place according to the specialization of the sector, while taking into account not only the achievements of the group, but also the employees that make up this sector.

In addition, one can talk about employee competitiveness. Competitiveness of an employee is the ability of an employee to achieve achievements in work that are a real contribution to the achievement of organizational goals.

The system of indicators of employee competitiveness includes the following factors:

· Basic indicators. Determine the efficiency of labor, i.e. indicators related to the socio-demographic, psycho-physiological and motivational characteristics of the workforce, as well as determining the level and content of knowledge, skills, abilities, and powers of the employee;

· private indicators. Reflect the desires and preferences of employers in labor force and the quality of labor, i.e. indicators characterized by a measure of market demand for a qualitatively defined ability to work, as well as due to the possibilities of ensuring the profitability of labor, the perception of new information, the increment of professional knowledge, self-investment in human capital, the potential of communication links in a certain type of activity.

Rice. 5. Indicators of a competitive employee.


1. Emelyanov E. N., Povarnitsyna S. E. Life cycle of organizational development // Organizational development, 1996, No. 2.

2. Bazarov T. Yu., Eremin B. L. Fundamentals of organization and personnel management. -

3. Rampersad Hubert K. General management quality: personal and organizational changes. - M.: Olymp-Business, 2005. - 256 p.

4. Bazarov T. Yu. Personnel Management, No. 24, 2006, C “Personnel Management”

5. Koltsova L.N., Koltsova V.V. Analysis of personnel management activities as one of the factors influencing the company's strategy, No. 2, 2007, Human Potential Management (magazine) ID Grebennikova

6. Pyatenko S. V. Life and death of organizations. -

7. Morgunov E.B. Organization life cycle models -

8. Sotnikova S.I. . Competitiveness of the labor market: the genesis of socio-economic content -

What is an organizational system

As you know, any system consists of elements and connections between them. The organizational system is no exception, it also consists of elements and relationships. But where is the boundary of this system? How to lay it? Where is this card? Is it in the personnel department, in cabinets, on the shelves of which there are folders with personal files? Can it be carried out on the basis of the payroll? May be. And if the owner builds the strategy of the organization so that his family could be proud of him? Is his family in organizational system? But what if the organization is built around one most important client, and he influences the organization much more than any manager? Is he in the organization system? But what about those who have not been working in the organization for many years, but who are constantly remembered? With their invisible presence and understanding of “what is good and what is bad”, they determine the direction of the organization for many years. Does this mean they are still in the system? Are there ideas, products, services in the system that employees are proud of or ashamed of? And if these services are no longer provided, and products are not produced? After all, it is obvious that the very fact of their existence in the past made the system what it is now. Are these already gone elements still in the system? To what extent do organizational systems extend in space and time?
I believe that everything that significantly affects the organization and what the organization affects, these are the elements of the organizational system. Anything with which there is a strong connection. This is similar to the idea of ​​stakeholders, that is, interested parties.

The organizational system includes elements, current or former:
Those who own the idea of ​​​​creating an organization and a main product
Owners, shareholders
Top managers
Resources and their sources
Everyone who contributed important changes into the life of the organization
Family members of owners, shareholders and top managers

Actually, the main difference of the system approach is that all elements that have sufficiently strong connections are considered. This makes it possible to take into account the influence of the impact on the entire system, all its parts. Taking into account the effect of the butterfly wing and the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
In the last series of articles, we examined in detail the interaction with suppliers, consumers, partners, owners and shareholders, and those who came up with the idea to create this organization. In this series we will talk about managers, employees, internal structure organizations, relationships and conflicts.

The life cycle of an employee in an organization. Appearance.

We will discuss in more detail why organizations recruit employees. But now I wonder why we ourselves come to organizations? In interviews with candidates, HR likes to ask questions that, if you take all the flair away, sound like: "What do you want to get from this job"? A good answer, to me, would sound like: "A decent salary for a job well done, opportunities for professional growth and career opportunities." All! Dot! But if the candidate starts talking about warm relations in the team, good colleagues, respect, recognition ... it becomes clear - the mother did not like him.
Not a disaster, he is not the first and he is not the last. Usually such people gather in one place. People generally like to stray into flocks according to their interests. In such an organization, as a rule, it is really warm and comfortable and there is such a special ... family spirit. The whole company is one big family with common goals. Moreover, not at the level of declarations, but to be honest, at the level of inner feelings of those who have been working in it for a long time. Most of them, because the turnover is not very high. The leader, most often, is Big Dad or Big Mom. Sometimes they are called so, behind the eyes. As a rule, leaders are also sincere in their intentions, although camouflage is also found. They usually don't pay. They are not asked. In the family, it’s generally not customary to talk about money, you don’t wash dishes at home for money. To be done means to be done. This is our common cause and we have the same goals. Usually, warm relations cost fifteen percent of the average market price. Companies always underpay about that much. That does not prevent me from working there for years, leaving with a pain in my heart and then not sleeping at night. Everything is good in these companies, except for one small moment. When the unloved huddle in flocks, they are warm and well. But this is not the warmth that mother did not give. And it will never replace it. I really don’t want to grow out of this surrogate “warmth and good”. And when no employee wants to grow, the whole organization does not grow. She gets sick.
This good question What are we trying to replace in our lives with work? What do we not want to see, what problems we do not want to solve and run away to work 25 hours a day without days off and holidays? Why do we take up all of our time?

I am addressing this article to Owners, Managers, and Leaders of people development projects1 in their business so that Managers can easily and relatively quickly identify the shortage and surplus of people in the organization, and somewhere to foresee the “evolution” curve of their employees.

Working with many Companies, as a Business Development Consultant, I often face the problem of developing people within the organization. I observe a variety of approaches in this area, somehow, development through various trainings, through visiting professional courses advanced training, drawing up plans for the development of personnel and the creation of individual plans on their basis. It happens that both corporate baths and holidays are presented as an element of development and team building, sometimes the only one. And other, other events.

What's wrong here?

And here's what. A lot of weakly motivating events for a particular person are proliferating, where development plans often live in one dimension, and the employee in another. As a result, the development of people in Companies becomes either too difficult, or this work is completely absent, due to a waste of time and money.

In cases where the Client has a conscious need to develop people, together with him we build working schemes using the life cycle of an employee.

As a result of such work, a simple scheme appears, and the Manager needs to remember and use only two things to manage development: this is the “stage of life” of a person within the Company and the key skill of an employee at this stage. And no "inflated" plans and "disposable" papers.

What is the Employee Life Cycle?

Any business is a living organism. And, like any living organism, the Company is born by the efforts and aspirations of its founder – leader, matures and fades over time. Here we are dealing with the life cycle of organizations (Figure 1).

Looking at the life cycle of Companies, analyzing the situation over a number of years, one can understand at what “stage of life” any Business2 is and what will follow.

Companies themselves are made up of people, and people also go through periods of growing up and over time, the most prominent ones become veterans of “competitive wars”, while others leave organizations. In other words, along with the life cycle of organizations, there are also life cycles of employees.

But what can the life cycle give us in terms of employee development?

First of all, it is visualization or figurative perception of “life” and human development within the Company. In addition, each “stage of life” has specific competencies that an employee must meet. These two parameters are quite enough to manage the development of an employee.

Systematizing the life cycle

Management issues always require certainty and transparency, and in the case of the development of people, when it is necessary to understand what to develop and what to require from an employee, the life cycle helps to streamline the growth of an employee within a particular Company.

To bring control over the process of employee development, the following steps should be taken.

The first step is to build a Time-Knowledge-Skills diagram.

First, the life curve itself is drawn, then, the “life stages” of the employee are marked horizontally, and the straight line of growth of his knowledge and skills is marked vertically (Fig. 2).

At the second step, the life cycle curve is divided into several parts - levels, 4 are quite enough, although one of my clients uses 6, where the competencies of strictly following the orders of the Manager are indicated at the first level, and at the last sixth, the competencies of employee self-development are presented (Fig. 3).

In the third step, each level should be given the appropriate basic competencies (see Appendix 1). It should be noted that for a specialist, the list of competencies can be supplemented based on his professional activity(Figure 4).

The question may arise: what is the optimal number of competencies? I will answer - you should always choose from the proposed set of “key knowledge and skills”, one or two competencies for each level may well be enough.

Then, at the fourth step, it is necessary to determine the time spent by the employee at each stage, this is “the time of his life”. It should be noted here that “living the levels” depends on the dynamics of the market and competitive environment. If the market is highly dynamic, then the lifetime at each stage is reduced. If the market is stable, then the lifespan may be extended in stages, there is time to “pump” the employee in a qualitative way (Fig. 4). And finally, the fifth step is to link the life cycle with the current activity of the worker. After the life cycle is filled with competencies and the "lifetime" for each level is determined, the employee's knowledge and skills should be linked to his monthly plan and fact. In this case, an assessment of his competencies is introduced into the employee's monthly plan (Fig. 5).

The assessment is given to the employee at the end of the period, based on his actual results, by the immediate Manager, in cases where the scale of the business is small; and Manager plus Internal Client, when cross-functional communication problems begin to appear in the company.

Should appraisal be related to pay? the answer is yes. By linking knowledge and skills with the employee's salary, the Company gives the employee feedback whether she is satisfied with his height or he leaves much to be desired. It can be said that through the ruble it is easier to reach the mind, and in some cases even wake it up.

A little clarification on the Internal client. I hope you understand that the activities of any Company are woven from many processes. And within the Company, as well as in the market, there are suppliers and customers. So, the Internal client is the Head of the department that receives the product of the work of the department preceding the process (for example, for the Procurement department, the Internal client is Production).

In addition, by monthly evaluating the employee's contribution to the common cause along with the growth of his knowledge and skills, the Company gets the opportunity to track the dynamics of his growth, along with the employee's performance.

I would like to point out one common managerial mistake - many Managers have a formal attitude to assessments, as well as to the development of people. Can this error be avoided? Yes, if the competency assessment is based on actual results. It is easy to catch a mistake if you track the performance of an employee for two to three months. In such cases, there is no relationship between the growth of performance and the growth of competencies, in other words, the results refute the positive growth of the employee.

Approximately the same responsibility for the Internal client, when giving an assessment, he must take into account the satisfaction with the product of his internal supplier, because he will answer for the quality of his product to his client, it may well be External.

How it works?

I have a Client - medium in size manufacturing company employed in the electric power industry. The owner is a well-advanced person in matters of staff development. He looks at employees as people, not as a resource.

The prerequisites for the project were the multidirectionality and fragmentation of the goals of the employees. The Company had budgets and KPIs, development projects were allocated, personnel were not lacking in training. But there was one nuance - all of the listed goals did not have an “assembly point”, it turned out that financial indicators lived their own lives, development projects of their own, and employees developed according to their own programs, which most simply did not have. And the main thing in this situation is the low productivity of employees.

At the beginning of 2012, the Owner and I agreed on a project to update3 the goal-setting system. As part of the project, it was supposed to work out key indicators - KPI, current tasks and assessments of the skills and knowledge of the employee. It was supposed not only to work out the goals, but also to combine KPIs, tasks and assessments of each employee into one profile. It is clear that there should be as many profiles as there are people in the Company.

The project has started. First, we identified processes and worked out KPIs. Considered development projects and identified tasks. And when they realized what skills and knowledge an employee should have, they began to notice that competencies are “inconstant” and they grow along with the growth of a person in the Company - they have, so to speak, a life cycle. The result of this ingenuity led us to a bunch of "stages of a long journey" with the competencies that every employee should have. How we did it, and what are the results, read and see below.

Format matters

In itself, the construction of a goal-setting system is quite a “technological” and consistent process. But to expect that in the presence of the will of the Management everyone will accept the project with a bang, means to overestimate the expectations of the soon completion of the project. And if you hurry, as you know, you won’t get smiles. In such cases, you need a format that involves people in the work as much as possible. I have been using the “Domestic Market” format in my practice for a long time, i.e. I create a market within the Company, where the Client, the Supplier and the product appear, which is exchanged for money or other equivalents. But, everything is in order.

Firstly, the creation of the market began with the search for the Customer and Contractors. The Owner of the Company acted as the Customer, and the temporary working group acted as the Contractors. The "client" formulated his order - to put the development of an employee on a technological basis, to create "levels of maturity" - life cycles, from hiring to full self-realization of a person.

Secondly, we formed a working group - Order Executors, from the key employees of the Company, which included all the main heads of departments. In total, there were eight people in the group.

Thirdly, we established the rules of work: the first rule is work on time (they limited the “term for the execution of the order” in time. in total, no more than three hours were taken to work); the second rule - the "product" created by the group had to be "sold" and not sold; the third rule, the Customer had the right to send the product proposed by the group for revision, until he satisfied it.

And the work went on. The first result appeared an hour later - the number of "stages of life" - the levels of maturity of the employee was determined. They turned out - 6 (Fig. 6).

Please note that the names of the stages - levels do not contain the usual "age" names such as childhood, growing up, etc., instead they reflect the nature of the work performed, and the comments of each stage address the reader to understand the essence of the work.

We had to sweat with a set of competencies, we did this in the second hour, the result is as follows: at the first level of competencies it turned out - 3, at the second - 3, at the third - 7, at the fourth - 6. at the fifth and sixth on the 1st (Fig. 7).

The group then set about creating a scale that should be used by any Manager to rate their employees in terms of maturity levels. Such a line is necessary to avoid the subjectivity of the Manager, who can give grades at will, which, as you understand, gives rise to likes and dislikes, and often does not border on the real performance of a person. As a result, the scale took the form of a ruler from 1 to 5, where a score of 3 corresponded to the Manager's expectations, and a score of 2 or 1 was given for a clear inadequacy of competencies. The same, but with a plus sign, applies to grades 4 and 5, which are set for demonstrating an increase in knowledge and skills by an employee, and any deviation from the standard must be commented on, and not just get off with a grade. For illustration, Figure 8 shows the rating scale for the first level of maturity.

Having worked only three hours of working time, the life cycles of employees were determined and agreed upon by all key persons of the Company, and, what is important, they were approved by the Customer - the Owner. Questions - what is it and what to do with it? there was no one. The next step was to link the current activity with the employee's grades.

We've been counted!

I have already noted above that understanding and contemplating the life cycles of workers does not give us much if we do not link the competencies of a person with his result. Our Goal here is to focus the individual on the key skills and knowledge that will help them increase their performance in their current tasks. In other words, an assessment without a result is just a waste of time and effort. At the same time, if the performance grows, there is reason to evaluate the employee as “good” or “excellent”, and this “good” is the reason to move the employee to next level maturity.

At the time of the development of the life cycle, each employee of the Company had already identified key indicators (KPI) and current tasks. Therefore, the competencies developed at the session were easily connected with the functionality of the employee, it only remained to gain experience in evaluating employees and sort out complex and non-standard situations.

Was there a connection between grades and wages? Yes, the connection has been established. A score of 3 allows an employee to have a "planned" ruble, a score of 1 or 2 reduces wages, and a score of 4 or 5 increases the employee's income. I will not go into details of how this happens, I will only say that this arithmetic is simple.

And experience is the son of difficult mistakes ...

Any product that enters the market does not remain in its original form, but is constantly improved. The same happened with maturity levels, which are the product of the work of key employees of the Company. All of its improvements were based on the elimination of emerging problems in the course of assessing the development of employees.

Three months passed from the start of the project to the appearance of the list of problems. During this period, accumulated a whole bouquet questions and many “what ifs” and the Client asked for support. As a result, an agreement was reached to hold several two-hour meetings with the heads of departments, the purpose of which was to analyze complex cases and non-standard situations.

The first problem is how to evaluate an employee correctly?

To resolve the issues that arose, we used the brainstorming format, in which all the problems associated with the assessment of competencies were voiced without exception, and the list of problems was arranged by priority. Here I sing an ode to group wisdom - as a result of the work, a simple, but understandable to everyone, “technology” for assessing an employee has emerged (Fig. 9).

Says the head of the legal department

I evaluate all the tasks of an employee for all first-level competencies. In addition, when evaluating his work, I am interested in, in addition to basic and professional competencies person. I take into account the spelling, the accuracy of the application of legal norms, the accuracy and respect for documents. From the point of view of the growth of an employee, his interest in independent work matters to me. The point of making a decision to transfer a subordinate to the next level will be the fulfillment by him of one of the “control tasks”, if we talk about a specific employee, then this task is the independent development of contracts.

The second problem is what to do with “formal” estimates?

Above, I mentioned a managerial problem - formal assessments, they arise when the Manager actually unsubscribes, giving the employee a “normal” assessment. My client was no exception. In fact, the leaders began to give everyone a “norm” - 3 and forget about the growth and development of their subordinates.

Straws lay in two places: firstly, they introduced KPI - Personnel Management, through which the performance of subordinates is monitored; secondly, they imposed a "veto" on the assessments without comment. Now "lack of attention" to the results and development of employees affects the result and income of the Manager.

The third problem is what is the lifetime of each level?

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the project, the duration of the terms of each level was not so obvious and fell out of sight, but now the lack of deadlines has become clearly noticeable and life cycles have turned out to be “rubber”, as a result, there is no movement through maturity levels. Stimulating the growth of employees is the task of the near future, which we are currently working on.


As a result of the search for the "assembly point", it was possible to coordinate and connect different types goals of the Company, namely quantitative KPIs, qualitative goals - tasks of employees and goals for the development of people, and this is what happened:

1. The performance of employees is growing, on average by 5% per month.

2. In the first three months payroll savings of 10% per month. This is due to the introduction of the principle - payment only for the result.

3. Payback of the project (Payment of the Consultant) - 2 months. The remaining 10 months can be considered an increase in the profitability of the project (if we count in annual terms).

Appendix 1. List of employee competencies by development levels - life cycle

1, many may assume that the Leaders of people development projects should be HR Managers, but I am inclined to expand the horizon and include direct Heads of departments in the development of employees, because each of them should be more of a Mentor or Trainer, and then already have all the other qualities of a Manager.

The form of organization of the activity of an individual as an object of control is his life cycle, in which it is customary to single out pre-labor, labor and post-labor periods. The allocation of the life cycle as an object of management is necessary not only for a wide range of various organizations - from the family to the employer, but also for every person. The individual himself, throughout his life cycle, acts as a single and permanent subject of the development and implementation of the program of labor functioning.

The life cycle of an employee is a sequence of main stages and stages labor activity disclosed by the composition and content of official and professional transformations, procedures and actions.

Detailing the composition and content of the life cycle of an employee, rationalization and improvement on this basis of work with the organization's personnel make it possible to predict and plan a career prospect for a long period of time. The potential of developing interrelations of stages, periods of the life cycle of an employee determines the main resources of management.

It is necessary to develop a clear idea of ​​the composition, content and interaction of the main elements of each of the periods of the employee's life cycle (Fig. 11.2.1).

An object approach to the development and presentation of the life cycle of an employee provides the most effective solution to the problems of managing his career development in an organization. The specific content of the process of planning and developing an employee's career throughout the life cycle is determined not only by his own motivation, but also by the subjects, organizations and, above all, employers interested in this process. The labor creative potential of the individual objectively acts as the main source of the purposeful development of society as a whole and each organization in particular. This situation is of interest to employers in maintaining the life cycle of an employee, determines the need for participation in the formation of qualities, skills, knowledge, and culture of an employee.

Rice. 11.2.1. Worker life cycle model

traditional views on career, the organization of labor relations as a whole transfers the bulk of the powers to the employer, centralizing all the power, leaving no room at first glance for the employee himself. Meanwhile, analysis successful careers convincingly shows the advantages of delegating to the employee an increasing number and, most importantly, more significant content of the career tasks that are set and solved.

This is quite natural, since it reflects the objective tendencies of the initiative development of the process of specialization and cooperation of professional, qualified and responsible labor. The most complete and effective use labor resources possible on the basis of the integrated development and realization of the internal potential of a career-oriented employee in the labor period of his life cycle, with the participation of the employee himself in the process of planning, building and developing his own career.

This approach can become the basis of a universal concept of building a career. It should be based on the definition and presentation of the place and role of the participation of various subjects in the process of planning and organizing the professional orientation and activities of the individual throughout the entire life cycle.

Independently and proactively developing on the basis of continuous self-improvement, the employee, in cooperation with other subjects, plans career growth, implements his plans and, as a rule, achieves higher qualifications and professional skills. Ultimately, this is expressed in an increase in the overall performance of the organization and society as a whole, administrative and public recognition of the employee's personal contribution and, as a result, in his career growth.

For the organization, participation in worker life cycle management is of particular importance, since its results determine the level of mobilization. The already established labor motivation, the results of professional diagnostics, orientation and training, the formed and fixed business and personal qualities of the employee are used.

An analysis of the content of the stages of the life cycle of an employee directly indicates that in modern society almost all state, business and public organizations, are interested in participating in the formation and maintenance of the life cycle of an employee. Only the corporate participation of employers is able to ensure its formation and implementation as the main source, determining factor and implementing forms of social and economic development of society. This is confirmed by global trends in the ever-expanding participation of a wide variety of organizations and employers in the formation and development of the employee's life cycle potential. Such participation focuses not only on labor, but also on pre- and post-labor periods of the employee's life cycle.

In practice, such participation is manifested in the education of the individual, the creation of conditions for professional diagnostics and orientation, the development of creative interests, interaction with centers vocational training, support for personal initiative, entrepreneurship, ensuring, ultimately, the realization of the labor potential of the employee. These tasks are objectively positioned and solved mainly in the pre-labor period of the employee's life cycle, largely determining the prospects for his subsequent development. It is this resource of the employee that is formed, developed and implemented by the organization as the main tool for setting and achieving individual, group and social goals.

An example is the implementation of numerous modifications of the model social partnership developed business structures that share responsibility for the harmonization of public relations. The content of the tasks set and solved in this case is determined by such traditional programs as:

national culture and moral education;

social initiative and labor motivation;

professional diagnostics, orientation and training;

social security and charity;

public recognition and development of cooperation.

Within the framework of these and many other programs, a decisive influence is formed and carried out on the formation of the employee's potential, which is realized to the maximum in the labor period of the life cycle.

Effective solution Many production tasks are determined by the positioning of the post-labor period of the employee's life cycle not only in the form of a directly predictable and assessed retirement prospect for each employee, but also as a resource for education and mentoring. The traditional positioning of these processes is tied to family informal communication, but professionally organized programs give the most effective results. Unfortunately, the practice of mentoring, which ensured not so much the successful mastery of a profession as the consolidation and development of the labor attitudes already formed in the worker, has been largely lost by domestic organizations. Effective use of the post-work period of the worker's life cycle can help restore lost forms of management.

The cyclicity, periodic repetition of the emerging and formed sequences of the composition, content and interaction of the main elements of the life cycle is the most important characteristic not only of the organization of work with personnel in general, but also of the entire set of career management actions (see Fig. 11.2.1). It substantiates the selection of such important components of this process as the employee's career cycle and the career management cycle, which require separate research and consideration.


The firm was organized on May 25, 1992. The company's management is the backbone of the MAI graduates, graduates of different faculties. Former students who did not have the opportunity to get a job in their specialty in those years decided their own business. This is how the organization ZAO FC Fincom appeared.

In 1994, the idea to produce snack products appeared. In the domestic market, this product was a dark horse. Everyone knew what a walnut was, because grandmothers brought it from the south, besides, everyone knew what hazelnuts and peanuts in a shell were, also almonds, and they didn’t know anything else about nuts. There was no culture of eating salted nuts in Russia at all. There was not even GOST. There was only TU for oriental sweets, that is, for sweet nuts.

Simultaneously with us, several other nut companies came up with the idea of ​​producing salted nuts.

Higher technical education was also useful to the leadership of Finkom, they developed a unique geyser technology for roasting nuts. Since the 90s for most companies is the era of “partying”, then by attracting professional technologists such as Shulga Lyudmila Fedorovna, Fincom received a unique technology that no one else in the world uses. This production technology does not require oil to roast the nuts. Nobody knew how to sell these products professionally at that time, so they traded like this: they looked where the goods went and sent more quantity there. Management at that moment was built in this way: there was a leader - President Boris Gavrilovich Marko, all the rest under his leadership, achieved visible results now. It doesn't matter if they made an independent decision, or they were allocated a managerial resource for this, but in fact everything depended on the approval of one person - the leader.

In the 97th year, the management of the company realized that the time for hanging out had passed.

One of the challenges facing the firm was to have professional specialists. To solve this problem, it was decided to invite an HR manager, it so happened that it was me. And this moment was marked for the company by the transition to the stage of “mechanization”.


Since then, the company has the first job descriptions, there was a semblance of business modeling. But the mechanical model had costs such as the motto for merchants: "It doesn't matter how you sell, it's important that you do it according to the rules." For accountants, the rule was: "Act according to government instructions, and any excess of authority will be severely punished." Officially, the “mechanization” phase ended in 2002. We still have units that are located in the "hangout" zone, and in the "mechanics" zone, and in the "goal control" zone. Although since 2002, the organization has officially moved into the field of “management by objectives”.

Goal Management

If the defining characteristic of the “mechanization” stage is the precise execution of instructions, then “management by goals” has its own characteristics, and in order to understand what the difference between them is, we built a tree of goals. To build a tree of goals, we had to describe business processes, functionality, build a horizontal link system (HDL). At the same time, that the vertical linkage system (VDL) was already built by us in the era of “mechanization”. She (vertical) determined the rights and powers of the duties of the chief and subordinate. In the era of “mechanization”, a person who made a decision that exceeded his official authority was even severely punished.

Not all of our divisions are yet in the era of goals; the final transition will take another two to three years. This is due to the fact that we have new divisions, in which new leaders come. Accordingly, in the newly created unit, the same life cycle is launched, within which it goes through all the stages from “partying” to “goal management”. Therefore, the company is heterogeneous in terms of the life stages of its divisions, but it cannot be so one hundred percent homogeneous.

We have a lot of literature that describes the life cycle of a company. Below is a diagram of Povarnitsina and Emelyanov.

Department life cycle stages

Unfortunately, there is practically no literature that would describe the life cycle of a unit. Therefore, all the information that I got from somewhere is literally collected bit by bit. In Russia, I don't know such books.

unity of command

First of all, a boss appears, whose direct subordinates are, in fact, his assistant secretaries. He gives them commands and demands an account for the result, without delegating any other powers. Such a boss closes all serious questions to himself. This cannot go on for long, if only because the boss is simply tired of people not making independent decisions. Therefore, the unit very soon moves on to the next stage - the “team” stage.


This stage begins with the recognition that the boss is surrounded by a number of good specialists, to whom he is ready to delegate a number of powers and determine the functionality for them. In this case, the leader is responsible for issuing plan targets and checking their execution.


At this stage, such professionals crystallize from the team, the work of which the manager cannot independently perform. For example, I know general principles recruitment, because I myself worked as a recruiter, selecting employees for Fincom, but today I do not need to know all the intricacies of recruiting. It is enough that I know what positions are vacant in the company. I can call a recruiter and ask him what is being done as part of the search for a person for this position, he reports to me, I see how the work is being done, and at the end of the month I only demand a report on the result. The same goes for the payroll department. I begin to worry about this aspect of the work of the personnel department only when I find out that one of the employees has a claim on payment, and I solve those issues that the economist is not authorized to solve. Thus, all subordinates must be deep professional specialists, and the manager is required to know the planned control points for each of the issues and control the result as a whole.


First, a sector is singled out, when there are two or three specialists, then they are united by profession. For example, one recruiter selects financiers, another workers, and the third sales specialists - this is how the recruiting sector appears. Despite the fact that they are all responsible for different areas of the market, each of them is a professional in his field and they can share technologies, as well as innovations. Together. After the allocation of sectors, each sector begins the passage of all stages in accordance with the life cycle of the division.

At each stage of the life cycle of the unit can be interrupted. For example, if a new boss comes to the unit that has developed on the basis of specialization, who is not used to trusting his subordinates. He will try to manage the unit on a one-to-one basis and the life cycle of the unit will return to the starting point.

Stages of life of an employee in one position

Gathering information for this block was much easier. HRs are always responsible for this topic, and, as you know, people who do not think do not come to HR. And thinking people are always trying to creatively organize, analyze and generalize their work.

Stage of professional growth

We have all gone through this stage. We come to new position with high hopes, but after six months, and this applies to everyone, disappointment sets in, because not all of our dreams come true.

If after that you didn’t leave, then you begin to gradually get involved in the process, finding for yourself what points of interest in the work, and begin to grow professionally. That is, from an employee who is motivated, but unable (due to incompetence) to work, you become an employee who is motivated and capable, that is, you move from the zone of professional growth to the zone of professional realization. This path, depending on his professionalism, takes from one to two years.

Stage of professional implementation

When a person is able and determined to work, public opinion becomes important for him. He wants to receive feedback in the form of an assessment of the results of his work, so that he is professionally recognized as a specialist. Gradually, he becomes a well-deserved and recognized specialist in his field and in his position. He wants more, but in this position, the organization cannot give him more. Then the employee enters the zone of emotional burnout.

Stage of professional burnout

At this stage, the employee begins to break down professionally. Depending on the psychological characteristics, he begins to think that he is either underestimated or that he is a bad worker. At this point, a person is able to fulfill his official duties but not configured. It doesn't happen all at once, but gradually - disappointment here, disappointment there. At this stage, the employee, being able to work, is not in the mood to do so. As a result, it reaches the point where, by analogy with the metallurgical industry, English specialists called the point of "corrosion of the metal". We call it the decision point of the employee.

decision point

The employee decides whether he will continue to work in this position or not. If, in spite of everything, he decides to continue his work, then he becomes unconfigured and unable to work, at this moment he enters a zone of professional stagnation. In other words, he will not fully fulfill what the leader requires of him.

Stage of professional stagnation

If an employee decides to leave the organization, then such a departure does not always mean dismissal. Care can be a transition to another position, some other attempt to be realized within the company. Having remained in the position, the employee at some point will inevitably turn out to be not needed by the employer, and as a result, he will be fired, that is, at the point of decision making, the HR director will make the decision for him.

Very often, the decision of the management on the possibility of dismissing an employee at this stage reaches the employee, and at this moment he begins to work, showing increased activity and zeal. The leadership, seeing this, decides that the person has improved. But, feeling safe, the employee begins to work carelessly again, and, ultimately, he is fired anyway.


It can be constructive, when an employee is helped to find functionality that is interesting for him both within the company and outside it, or passive, when a person is told: “God is with you, sit down, pretend that you are working, and we will pretend that we pay you." In any case, such work cannot be productive.


With a good HR, an employee can go through this cycle, holding the same position several times.

The employee goes through his first life cycle in the status of a beginner, but as soon as he reaches the point of making a decision, the employer begins to set him more complex tasks, thus transferring him to the status of a specialist, demonstrating to him the opportunities not for development within the position, but the path horizontal career development. Again, I will give an example from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bit of my unit, if this month an economist calculated the salary for two days, then next month, I set a goal for her - to calculate it in a day and a half, and in another month - in a day. Of course, in the end she will reach the limit and become a highly qualified professional, but this path will give me a professional and lead to the point of recruiting a team of highly qualified specialists.

  • Corporate culture


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