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100 best selling products. What do people buy online more often? Rating of the most demanded goods. Sale of medical services from Germany

According to experts, trade is the most promising area of ​​business activity, which allows even a beginner to make a good profit. But before opening a store or any other trading enterprise, it is necessary to study the demand for a particular product. This approach will minimize risks at the stage of business formation. What products are most in demand during the crisis, we will try to determine in this publication.

Choice of direction of activity

Every novice entrepreneur must understand that the profitability of his business largely depends on the choice of the field of activity. If you decide to trade, first of all take an interest in what is in demand in 2019. Experienced businessmen recommend focusing on a product that you are familiar with, so as not to waste time learning all the nuances of this business. All you need is knowledge about what product is in demand in Russia.

If you carefully analyze the market demand last year, you can understand that most often people buy food. For example, some citizens use mayonnaise as a dressing for dishes. This means that many consumers will have this popular product on their check. Mayonnaise is one of the products that are in great demand and the need for it is constantly growing.

Purchase statistics

According to sociological research, at the end of last year, sales volumes increased significantly non-food items, and in particular, household appliances and electronics. This means that in 2019 such products will remain unclaimed, since almost every home has 2-3 TVs and several computers. In addition, most likely, in 2019, consumer demand for cars, construction equipment and materials.

If speak about industrial equipment, there may be several options. On the one hand, the profitability of many enterprises is significantly reduced, so their owners cannot afford to invest in new equipment. But on the other hand, in a difficult economic situation, crisis production begins to flourish. This is a great time to build new plants and factories. In this business, you need to focus on equipment that can produce high-quality competitive products. But what demand in Russia in 2019 will begin to grow for sure is for used equipment. There will also be a significant increase in the need for services for the maintenance and repair of various equipment.

Enterprises that sell high-quality inexpensive auto parts are having a good time going through difficult times. Many citizens refuse to buy a new car, so they have to buy spare parts to keep their old car in good condition. It is worth noting that in 2019 the demand for goods related to cars will be large only for the most popular items, for example, anti-freeze or oil. But car cosmetics and expensive accessories will gather dust on store shelves, waiting for better times.

In any case, the first places in the ranking of goods in demand in 2019 will be occupied by food and budget clothing and footwear, both for adults and children. The list will continue with services that allow people to save or keep what they earn. Also in the ranking of demand for goods and services in 2019, gold and jewelry will definitely be present.

Expensive or cheap?

During a period of economic instability, there will be a demand for expensive goods and services. Wealthy citizens convert their assets into foreign currency, so the fall of the ruble does not affect their well-being. In addition, rich people usually do not save on habits.

The middle price segment will be less in demand, since the middle class suffers the most from the crisis. Due to a significant reduction in income, this group of the population is switching to cheaper goods, so trade enterprises selling products at average prices will lose some of their customers. If we talk about what product is in the greatest demand, it is budget products and services, for example, cheap food, clothing, alcohol and recreation.

If you decide to go into trading, study the demand for goods in 2019 and decide in which direction you will work: will you focus on satisfying the needs of rich people or supply cheap goods. You should also not forget that there is a high level of competition in the low-price segment, so you need to make an assortment of inexpensive goods of medium quality. It's time to forget about intermediaries. If you want to make good money, buy products directly from the manufacturer. Now let's try to figure out which product is in greatest demand in Russia. To do this, consider each group in more detail.


Experts unanimously argue that the demand for food in Russia in 2019 will only grow. All people have a need for food, regardless of the economic situation. No one will completely give up food, unless they remove something from their diet in order to save a little. According to statistics, the demand for goods in 2019, the cost of which is increasing, will begin to increase rapidly. Consumers believe that in the future, the price may rise even more, so they stock up on products for future use. Some entrepreneurs deliberately create a stir and thereby significantly increase their profits.


It is unlikely that anyone will turn away from new clothes, therefore, even during a crisis, a large part of the population's income is spent on buying clothes. Previously, many of our compatriots bought expensive luxury branded items. IN Lately consumer interest has shifted to cheaper clothing and accessories.

Experienced entrepreneurs, who constantly monitor which products are most in demand, update the assortment, adding inexpensive, fast-selling products to it. At the peak of popularity - cheap quality products from small famous brands, as well as stock and used clothes (second-hand).

Personal care products

Thinking about what is now in demand in the market, personal care products should be noted:

  1. Shampoos;
  2. Toothpastes and brushes;
  3. Decorative cosmetics;
  4. Deodorants and more.

This is not all that is in demand. As a rule, the attention of buyers is attracted by inexpensive products that save money, for example, shampoo + balm or moisturizer for the body and face. This must be taken into account when forming the range outlet.

Household products

Due to the decrease in purchasing power, many Russians have to give up entertainment. People prefer to cook at home, so restaurants and cafes are empty. Also suffer losses and companies that offer food delivery and takeaway. For some citizens, cooking various dishes is a hobby. Such people are about 19% of the total population of our country. In this regard, sales volumes in the market of semi-finished products and ingredients for gourmet dishes began to grow. By the way, last year the demand for bakery products, but the sales of ingredients for their baking, flour and yeast, increased by 15%.

To stay afloat, retailers will have to wage a brutal competition. If you want to be successful, constantly monitor the market to find out which products are in the most demand, increase seasonal sales and optimize your costs.


Continuing the conversation about what is now in demand among people, I would like to separately note the various drugs. They are essential goods, so sales of such products do not fall even in conditions of economic instability.

It is most profitable to open a highly specialized pharmacy, for example, an economy class or for selling domestic medicines. The drug business is characterized by stability and the absence of any seasonality. If you determine what is in demand and manage to organize your business in such a way that your pharmacy stands out from the competition, consumers who are tired of the huge number of different offers will go to you.

farm products

According to the results of sociological research, in 2016 the number of customers in chain supermarkets significantly decreased. This is due to the fact that many citizens of our country prefer shopping in the market. Here you can buy natural and really high-quality products at affordable prices.

After the introduction of sanctions, the country has become less imported fruits, vegetables and meat. They have been replaced by farm products that outperform similar mass-produced products in terms of quality. Therefore, if we talk about what products are in demand in 2019, we can safely say that these are domestic farm products.

Alcohol and cigarettes

During the crisis, the consumption of various goods is reduced, cash reserves are reduced and, in general, the standard of living is falling. It is difficult for entrepreneurs working in the field of trade to determine which goods are currently in demand. But there are products that people do not regret Money even in difficult economic times. This alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

Scientists have provided quite interesting data - during the crisis, people visit drinking establishments more often and drink more alcohol. According to the results of the studies, some citizens can save literally on everything, even on toilet paper, but not on alcoholic products. Consumers can buy cheap liquor instead of expensive cognac or wine, but they will not give up alcohol. High-quality alcohol is bought by wealthy people. Undoubtedly, in the list of goods that are in great demand, food, clothing and medicines are in the first positions, but alcohol is far from the last place in it.

Author's works

Recently, such a direction of entrepreneurial activity as hand-made has become very popular. Before you do this, you need to figure out which handicrafts are in demand. Most in demand on the market:

  • Paintings. Modern Art significantly different from classical painting. The most popular are abstract paintings with bright geometric shapes or blurry spots. They are often found in the interiors of private houses and in the offices of reputable companies;
  • Knitted products. Pay attention to what people are in demand now and get to work. These can be original sweaters, hats, socks, bedspreads, etc.;
  • Kids toys. There are many options here. The most important thing is that the toys are made and natural. safe materials, for example, from a tree;
  • Women's bags. It's about about exclusive products. If you want your products to sell quickly, use high-quality materials and original decor;
  • Clay products. Recently it has become very popular pottery. If you are interested in what is in demand from handmade, then pay attention to various souvenirs, plates, jars for spices, pots or cups. Exclusive products sell very quickly, so try to do something unusual and original;
  • Bijouterie. It is an inexhaustible source of income. The range of such products is huge, and the demand for them does not fall even during a crisis. If you manage to find your niche in this market segment, the money will flow like a river;
  • Exclusive clothes. If you know how to sew and think about what kind of needlework is in demand, start producing unique quality clothes. There will always be buyers for original original models.

Focus on new fashion trends and national traditions. This will help you understand which product is currently in demand in 2019. Do not forget that you are selling people not just products, but a part of your soul.

Stress Relief Products

Nowadays it is difficult to find rare goods that are in great demand. But if you look closely, this market segment can include products designed to relieve stress.

Almost all residents of large cities are familiar with such a chronic illness. Entrepreneurial people invent various ways solutions to this problem. They offer consumers various products and services that help relieve stress, open anti-stress cafes and shops. This is a fairly promising area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity, which allows you to receive a decent income. If you decide to go into retail and are trying to figure out what products are in demand, be sure to look into stress relief products.

tourist trips

Now let's try to determine which services are in greatest demand in our country. One of the most demanded activities in this area is tourism. Such a business may seem easy and attractive enough, but in fact there is a huge level of competition in this market segment. The demand for the services of tour operators does not exceed the supply, but despite this, any entrepreneur can achieve great success here.

In essence, a tourism product is a service, but it is considered a commodity in the market because it can be sold away from the place of production. During the crisis, consumers refuse expensive tours to well-known foreign resorts in favor of relaxing in the bosom of nature in our country. If you focus on this in your activities, the business will develop harmoniously and bring excellent income. ( 30 voted. Rating: 4.90 out of 5)

Our century high technology the good thing is that you can do many things without leaving your computer. For example, today it is not at all necessary to spend time shopping - all purchases can be made on the Internet. This makes it easy for a novice entrepreneur to establish and successfully develop a business selling goods via the Internet. Before creating an online store, you should carefully study the sales statistics in recent years. If you understand what is popular with consumers in 2019, your business will be profitable. However, relying only on popularity is not worth it, because bread, alcohol and tobacco products are very popular, but their sale will not bring much profit. So what's good for selling? So, according to statistics, we can assume that in 2019 the best-selling goods on the Internet will remain:

  • Smartphones, tablets, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and other small Appliances;
  • Shoes and clothes;
  • Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Medicines;
  • LEDs;
  • Books;
  • Chinese products.

Depending on the size start-up capital you need to select the price category of what will be sold in your online store.

According to 2019 statistics, the best-selling goods on the Internet are cheap goods. In times of crisis, cost becomes more important than quality. Therefore, budget furniture, inexpensive clothing and food are beginning to be in demand. In addition to ordinary buyers, former representatives of the “middle class” are also interested in this price category.

What is not worth selling?

Among the best-selling goods on the Internet in Russia in 2019, there are categories that should not be sold due to fierce competition. These include gadgets and home appliances. If you still decide to sell the most popular products on the Internet in 2019, then your competitors will be not only well-known and little-known trading platforms Russia, but also Chinese online stores.

Clothing and footwear

Even though shopping for clothes and shoes usually requires trying them on, these are the most sold items on the internet today. Why? - Yes, because a quality item on the Internet is much cheaper than in a boutique. In addition, people need to dress and wear shoes, regardless of the economic situation in the country. Therefore, there will always be a demand for “clothing” goods. Online clothing store - featuring. The main thing is to choose the right assortment, make high-quality photos and product descriptions. Of course, there is a possibility that the item will not suit the buyer, so the risks of returns must be taken into account. To minimize such risks, a thorough approach should be taken to advising clients. With the right approach, selling clothes and shoes will bring good profit. Statistics show that, for example, last year dresses became the best-selling item for women.

Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts

The times of resellers earning fabulous money have gradually passed. New technologies, including e-commerce, allow you to purchase a ticket for any type of transport, as well as for all kinds of events, without getting up from the couch. E-tickets can be called one of the best-selling products on the Internet. Of course, it will not be easy for a newcomer to this business, since the competition in this segment is quite high. But if you are determined to work seriously on the promotion and promotion of your ticket resale resource, then your business will be successful. Those who have potential partners - organizers of events will also be able to make good money on tickets.

Perfumes and cosmetics

These categories are undoubtedly in demand by buyers even in difficult times. When opening an online store of perfumes and cosmetics, it is important to have a good website, conduct regular advertising campaigns and, of course, to sell exclusively high-quality products of well-known brands. If you think about what are the best-selling products on the Internet on the eve of the holidays, then perfumes and cosmetics are one of the first options that come to mind. This product makes a wonderful gift for New Year, Valentine's Day and 8 March.


Medicines, herbs, medicinal teas and dietary supplements are also among the best-selling products in Russia. These categories, despite their popularity, can harm human health. When reselling such products, be vigilant, sell only a quality product. Pay special attention to the expiration dates of the goods and the credibility and reliability of the manufacturer.


LED lamps can be considered the best-selling products in online stores in 2019. First of all, this is due to the fact that they consume two times less electricity than conventional lamps and last several times longer. The demand for these products is growing every day, as in times of crisis people tend to save energy. The LED resale business is profitable, although the competition in this area is already quite strong.


The rapid development of the market e-books could not completely replace the traditional ones. Are books among the best-selling goods on the Internet, how to find out? - Very simple: look at what many people are doing in public transport. They read paper editions! Finding a bookstore that sells the necessary literature is a troublesome business. Therefore, buyers are looking for books on the Internet. Therefore, the resale of traditional books is profitable business despite what many of us think electronic form publications and documents more convenient. The margin for this category of goods can reach 50-60%, the payback of the business is at least a year.

Cheap goods from China

Chinese merchants have successfully implemented ideas for the production of in-demand items. The purchase price of Chinese goods is ridiculous. And in 2019, the best-selling goods from China on the Internet are fakes or, more correctly, replicas of things from famous brands:

  • adidas
  • Nike;
  • UGG Australia;
  • Timberland;
  • iPhone from Apple;
  • converse;
  • Lacoste.

Many of the best-selling things on the Internet are not original, but are made by the Chinese with very high quality. Consumers see no reason to overpay "for the name" of the manufacturer. In addition, many brands locate their production facilities in China, so local craftsmen learn the secrets from the masters and successfully use them in their technological processes.

Find suppliers first. To avoid dependence on one supplier, keep several wholesalers in stock to quickly reorient in the event of a sharp increase in the purchase price of the items sold. You can search for them on specialized forums, classified ad sites, and at thematic exhibitions.

Depending on your capabilities, you need to choose a scheme for working with a supplier. There are several options for interaction.

Today, novice businessmen are faced with difficult questions: “What is interesting to the consumer? In what direction to start to act? Really, modern market ready to offer "everything and a little more." To entrepreneurial activity brought not only pleasure, but also profit, you need to know what people will always need, regardless of financial situation. Demanded goods in Russia in 2017 is the topic of our article, because it is they that affect economic structure countries.

What is the most demanded product in Russia

To begin with, you should pay attention to food - here is the product that will always be bought:

    meat, fish, sausage;

    milk and products from it;

  • "pasta";

    vegetables and fruits.

In addition, demanded goods in Russia are personal hygiene items and household chemicals. They are needed in any case, no matter what this moment economic situation in the country. Whatever income buyers have, they will always allocate funds for the purchase of:

    toothpaste, shampoo and soap;

    washing powder, detergent and cleaning products;

    creams and cosmetics.

Products, chemicals and hygiene products are always included in the consumer basket, so experts recommend that novice entrepreneurs start with them, by contacting Special attention to the grocery line.

Thinking about what goods are in demand in Russia, you should not discount alcoholic products and tobacco products.

Considerable profit can be obtained from the manufacture or sale of seasonal goods: clothing and footwear, ice cream, etc.

When working on your business model, don't forget about the so-called impulse products: candies, chewing gum and chocolates. Quite often, buyers do not perceive such a trifle as a significant acquisition - this is a fairly large advantage that can turn into a good profit.

Analyzing last year, which, by the way, was quite difficult in economic terms, we can determine the most popular goods in Russia in 2016, and this list will not be limited to one or two points. So, good demand was for the following products:

    Technique and electronics. Mobile phones, tablets, laptops, digital video cameras took the lead in Internet sales in the crisis year of 2016. Of course, to work with such a product, certain financial resources and knowledge will be required.

    Products. Opening grocery store in a good place it can bring a good regular income to its owner.

    Clothing and footwear. Pay attention to the combination of price and quality. Make bulk purchases of good inexpensive products and sell at retail at affordable prices.

    Stationery. At the beginning of the school year, this is the most "running" product.

    Goods for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Today we can safely say that these are demanded goods in Russia, since now more and more people are leaning towards healthy lifestyle life and purchase exercise equipment, sports equipment and clothing.

    fabrics. In times of crisis, many people began to replenish their wardrobe with things sewn on their own. Naturally, the demand for quality fabrics has increased.

    Flowers. No crisis is able to cancel the celebration of weddings, anniversaries and other solemn events which, according to the established tradition, are accompanied by the presentation of a bouquet of flowers. Quite often, the price of a bouquet is much higher than the cost of its components (flowers and decor items), so this business is able to provide a comfortable existence for its owner.

    Goods for children. As a rule, parents want to give their children everything they need, try to satisfy their desires. Therefore, diapers, toys, strollers, cribs and other products for children bring a stable and fairly decent income.

In order to understand which product is the most in demand in Russia, it is necessary to carry out some analytical work, paying attention to several important factors,capable of influencing the demand for the product:

    Price. Agree, this is usually the first thing a buyer is interested in. In case of coincidence of quality and price indicators, the purchase is carried out. To form the “correct” price, the following must be taken into account: the cost and purchase price of the goods, the pricing strategy and the markup percentage. In order to pay attention to the uniqueness of the products offered, you can start selling with the maximum possible cost and get a solid profit, but after that you will need to set a price corresponding to the market. This step is applicable only if you are completely sure that this product is in demand. In addition, you can reduce the price as much as possible. But this should be done with some caution. Such a move requires explanation, for example: "I sell cheaply to attract a buyer and give an opportunity to be convinced of the high quality of the goods."

    Competitors' prices. One of the key factors influencing demand. Customers do not trust "price extremes". And it doesn't matter if it's too expensive or too cheap - both are suspicious. Therefore, it is imperative to determine the golden mean, which will require knowledge of the market, familiarity with the experience and pricing strategy of competitors.

    Potential customer preferences. To begin with, it is important to find out the products that are in demand in Russia during a period of economic stability, to understand what products are “hot” directly on the territory of your region (if they prefer and buy beef well, then it makes no sense to offer pork or lamb). Only then can the consumer demand be properly formed.

So what is the most demanded product in Russia

The leading place in the Russian commodity market was occupied by Chinese-made products that imitate clothing and footwear from popular global manufacturers.

The target audience is young people who follow fashion trends and those who want to look in accordance with its trends. Quite often, guys and girls are simply not able to shell out a significant amount for an original item, so Chinese counterparts are the most sought-after goods in Russia. Moreover, the range of products is so wide that everyone will be able to find what he likes and can afford.

Market analysis showed that Nike Air Max sneakers made in Chinese workshops are especially popular in Russia. In addition, the following goods from the Celestial Empire became in demand:

  • Louboutin - women's shoes with a red sole with a high stiletto heel.
  • Converse is a very popular sneaker, both for men and women. This product has been in the TOP-10 for more than one season.
  • Chanel, Birkin from Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors - women's bags (naturally, "almost" original production).
  • T-shirts with Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste logos (mainly men's).
  • Christian Dior sneakers - very comfortable women's shoes, which quickly found its customers in Russia. The originality, convenience and beauty of the model allowed it to become one of the most sought after in the 2015-2016 season.

Please note that China is different from China. Many branded imitations can be quite decent quality. It all depends on the material and accessories used by the manufacturers of the "brand".

An accurately imitated product made from quality material will have a higher purchase price.

Low-quality copies will not only cost less, but also differ greatly from their original ( appearance, inscription, etc.).

No less popular in the domestic market are goods for children. And this applies not only to clothes and shoes. Demanded goods in Russia are children's hygiene products, strollers, tables, and much more.

The third place is rightfully given to small household appliances: electric kettles, vacuum cleaners, coffee machines and irons, along with curling irons and straightener combs, have firmly established themselves in Russian market. Typically, these devices have a price that is quite acceptable for the average consumer, so they the target audience is quite extensive, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to attract a sufficiently large number of buyers.

Below we will tell you in more detail about the goods in demand on the Russian market in 2017. Working with them, it is quite possible to successfully organize and successfully develop your business.

The most popular Chinese goods in Russia

High-margin goods are goods that are bought low and sold high. It is no secret that this approach is the basis of trading profits. Chinese products are the most striking example of this.

We would like to present you the TOP of demanded goods in Russia, imported in order to obtain the highest profit or do not lose their popularity among consumers.

    Disposable items - the most popular goods in Russia in 2017. We put this type of product in first place, because if we take a closer look at the market for Chinese retail small items: disposable tableware, hygiene products, kitchen utensils, stationery and much more, you will see that they can be bought in bulk at 10 or even 1000 times cheaper. The wholesale price of the goods is simply “penny”, and there will definitely be income from it.

    Food. A product that is always up to date. Bulk products that are packaged in small bags are quite in demand in Russia. These include dried squid and other seafood, nuts, dried fruits and other snacks, which the Chinese sell in containers at very favorable prices for wholesalers. After packaging, the cost of products increases many times, so that the profit is guaranteed.

    Car accessories. Electronics for cars, auto and motorcycle parts, tuning elements have become quite popular among Russians. Demand for this segment of the market is increasing with enviable constancy. DVRs and rear view cameras, radios, lights - that's far from complete list goods with which the domestic manufacturer cannot yet compete (if we exclude Chinese products manufactured under Russian brand). If you continue the list, supplementing it with various little things that can personalize a car (stickers, chrome, etc.), then it will become clear to you why car accessories occupy such a high place in our TOP.

    Electronics. Here we mean not a cheap Chinese fake, but electronics that have occupied a worthy niche of Hi-Fi and Hi-End, as a rule, this refers to analogues of goods from leading world manufacturers. Photo and video accessories, plasma panels, projectors, mobile communications, printers and much more - this is not a complete list of this market segment. It can be continued with products that are accessories for products of well-known brands (headphones, protective glasses and films, etc.). In China, they are 3-40 times cheaper than in Russia. Agree, quite a wide scope of activity.

    Fur - demanded goods in Russia, especially since many popular brands have moved their enterprises to China. Cloth High Quality It is not cheap, but it can be sold many times more expensive.

    Furniture. For China, furniture is a significant commodity. Especially if a local solid wood is used in production (it is much less in Russia). Despite the rather high cost of furniture in the Chinese market, it is profitable to purchase it - it is still cheaper than furniture from a Russian manufacturer. Naturally, the "furniture" business is becoming more and more popular.

    Shoes and accessories. Just like outerwear enterprises, shoe factories and workshops moved to China. Now Chinese shoes are not only affordable, but also completely repeat all the features of the branded counterpart. The same can be said about accessories (belts, bags, gloves), which are cheap, but incredibly popular.

    Goods for children - clothes and shoes, toys and hygiene products, slings and backpacks for carrying children and much more (there is where to “turn around”).

    Household products - incredibly popular goods in Russia. Moreover, the list is simply huge, ranging from bedspreads and curtains to air conditioners and gas stoves. However, despite the vastness of the range, the demand for products is unstable.

    Machine tools and equipment Chinese-made, of course, cannot be compared with European, Japanese or American in quality, but their price is appropriate. And, as a result, enterprises that are just starting their operations or are modernizing acquire analogues made in China. Of course, the service life of such equipment, as a rule, is limited to two or three years, but during this time it is quite possible to earn enough to afford to replace machines and equipment with high-quality units, or at least repair broken devices.

To identify the most sought-after products, an organization needs a large amount of information about the market, which it often does not have. Therefore, it is worth turning to professionals. Our information and analytical company "VVS" is one of those that stood at the origins of the business of processing and adapting market statistics collected by federal agencies. The company has 19 summer experience in the field of providing statistics on the goods market as information for strategic decisions that reveals market demand. Main client categories: exporters, importers, manufacturers, participants in commodity markets and B2B business services.

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Quality in our business is, first of all, the accuracy and completeness of information. When you make a decision based on data that is, to put it mildly, wrong, how much will your loss be worth? Taking important strategic decisions, it is necessary to rely only on reliable statistical information. But how can you be sure that this information is correct? It can be checked! And we will give you such an opportunity.

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During the crisis, not all entrepreneurs suffered losses, some even doubled their profits. Why do some people have losses, while others have super profits? This is due to the fact that successful businessmen traded tradable goods.

Categories of the best-selling goods in Russia

What is a running (sold) product - this is a product that is most popular among buyers. It is generally accepted that the best-selling goods in Russia today are bread, cigarettes and vodka. But, not necessarily, by trading in this group of goods, you can secure any benefit that is different from other sellers. For example, when selling cigarettes (the best-selling product in Russia in 2019), you should not expect a large profit from sales. This happens because a special pricing system for tobacco products does not allow setting a markup on cigarettes above the established norm, and selling this group of goods can even lead to a loss.

When choosing a product for sale, you should pay attention not to the mass sales, but to the prospects and profitability, in case of another crisis. Trade in Russia should be based on a reliable selection of various goods for sale in adverse economic conditions. By following this rule, you can not be afraid of a crisis and trade calmly under any conditions.

So, selling less and earning less, but consistently choosing a product from the category of reliable products, is much more profitable than earning a lot on sales, but losing profit in a crisis by selling risky products. folk proverb says "go quieter - you will be further." What is the best-selling product in Russia in 2019?

The list of best-selling goods in Russia includes the following categories:

Small household appliances (irons, blenders, electric kettles, mixers);

Electrical goods (wire, cable, lamps, plugs, sockets, switches, etc.);

Sanitary goods (valves, faucets, gaskets);

Simple tools (hammers, saws, self-tapping screws);

Household chemicals ( synthetic powders, means for ware, plates, sinks, a tile, detergents for toilet bowls and so on);


Clothing and footwear;

Other goods of daily use;

The best-selling food products are products of social importance, namely:

Meat (chicken, pork, beef, lamb);

Frozen fish;

Chicken eggs;

Butter and sunflower oil;

cow's milk;

Flour and flour products;

Sugar sand;


Long leaf black tea;

Cereals (buckwheat, polished rice, millet);


Vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage);

The above products are a full-fledged minimum that a person, a citizen of Russia, needs to ensure life. And here confectionery, such as candy, as well as drinks, including alcoholic ones, are an addition, but sometimes some of them are hot items.

Also, semi-finished products can now be attributed to hot goods - products (meat, fish, vegetables) half-cooked, which only need to be subjected to heat treatment.

In this field of activity, a market analysis was carried out and the following results were clarified - people whose standard of living rises are more likely to purchase not very healthy fast food. Mostly women buy semi-finished products, this is explained by the fact that trying to combine work, study and family life they try to simplify their lives with such products and thereby save time for other more important things. For many people, semi-finished products are the main daily food, and therefore this product is rightfully one of the best-selling products.

Each person wants to live successfully and securely, which is why, striving for a better life, people choose individual entrepreneurship than employment. Also, the desire to work for oneself is caused, for example, by the loss of a person’s main place of income, since due to the crisis, many enterprises that consistently receive high incomes could not cope with economic problems, ceasing to exist and naturally reducing a large number of jobs.

In order to do business and earn income, you need to decide what to sell so as not to burn out. To do this, you need to take the first steps in building successful business trade and think carefully about what kind of goods to trade and where. You can trade anything like in the market by opening a stall, a trading tent, a place or even a store, or you can do sales via the Internet. There are both advantages and disadvantages to these options, and the entrepreneur needs to be aware of them.

But first you need to choose a range of goods for sale, and then solve the following questions:

The amount of initial capital for starting a business;

In the case of trading in a stall or outlet, an analysis of the market in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city for the presence of competitors should be carried out;

Care should be taken to ensure that the range of goods selected for sale is from the list of reliable goods and remains in demand even if the economic situation in the country worsens;

Reliable goods include those goods that a person will buy regardless of the economic situation in the country. Yes, of course, sales may fall, but the product will still be sold.

The best-selling product in Russia via the Internet

The Internet is by far the most popular place for trading, here you can buy almost everything - from food and medicine to large-sized equipment and furniture, without leaving your home.

The design of an online store is similar to the design of a regular outlet. To do this, it is also necessary to register an individual entrepreneurship, open a bank account, write a business plan, and decide which category of goods to trade. The advertising company of online stores, of course, is slightly different from the standard one, but the tax reporting is the same.

What can be implemented in the online store

Considering that almost everything you need is sold on the Internet, modern man, nevertheless, choosing a product for trading it on the network, you should study which product is in demand most of all among users of Internet resources.

Internet commerce market researchers noticed a certain pattern of such sales and determined the so-called tournament table of the most popular goods sold via the Internet.

Consider the top ten best-selling goods in Russia on the Internet:

1. Small household appliances deservedly occupy the first place in the rating of network sales. This wide category of goods is readily bought not only in household appliances stores, but also on the Internet. These are the following products: irons, mixers, toasters, blenders, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, hair dryers, curling irons and hair straighteners, bread machines, multicookers, scales, meat grinders, waffle irons, sandwich makers, electric shavers, digital and SLR cameras, video players, music players, car radios And so on. As you can see, the list of these products is very extensive, and these products are popular because they make life easier for a person, making it more comfortable for a relatively low cost. On the Internet, people buy small household appliances and electronics in order to save time, since not every region can find one or another product of the desired configuration, but Fast shipping to any, the most remote region of Russia, allows you to make such purchases.

2. Second place in the ranking of online sales is occupied by laptops and computer components. The advantage of online sales of such goods is similar to the previous ones - a large selection, low price, convenient delivery and product warranty. Even shop owners computer technology they order goods for trade from wholesale suppliers on the Internet, because many probably faced such a situation when in a regular store the buyer was asked to wait a few days until one or another spare part or computer component arrives at the warehouse. Therefore, in order not to wait for the desired part in the store, it is better to buy it yourself via the Internet. This is what many do.

3. In the third place of sales on the Internet are mobile communication devices: tablet personal computers, smartphones and phones. The widest selection of phones and tablets, attractive prices, secure delivery, and warranty service attracts buyers to make a purchase of this group of goods through the Internet.

4. The fourth most popular goods in Russia sold via the Internet are cosmetics and perfumes. And these goods are mainly bought by women, since they have greater purchasing power, unlike men. It should be noted that the price for this category of goods in online stores is lower than in conventional retail stores, and the range is wider. In the online store you can read real reviews buyers about the selected product and watch a video review about it, which makes shopping more convenient.

Cosmetics are a more popular product, since the female half of humanity focuses on well-known manufacturers and usually already has experience in using a particular product. But buying perfumes in an online store is more difficult, since you want to feel an expensive aroma before buying. Therefore, they often sell well. famous brands perfumes, and well-publicized brands.

5. Fifth place is occupied by children's products. This group of products is universal, and therefore quite popular. A large selection of assortment, bright colors, the availability of the right sizes and an affordable price category compared to a retail network, a convenient search engine that separates goods according to the age categories of children, attract users of Internet resources - potential customers.

6. The sixth place in online sales is software. This product is universal, regardless of gender, age, weight category, religion and life position. Buyers software are often commercial firms, large enterprises, government agencies, large retail chains sales of computer peripherals, and ordinary users who care about the security of their personal devices and personal data. The top-selling software is anti-virus software, Windows operating systems, Microsoft Office suites, and other programs for personal and commercial purposes.

7. Seventh place is occupied by shopping for clothes on the Internet. It is very popular now to order clothes on the Internet, the advantages of such purchases are obvious - the choice of models is huge and it is constantly updated, the size range is always available, the style of clothes can be seen on the model from the photo, there are reviews of real buyers. But, at the same time, despite significant advantages, there are also disadvantages in this paragraph. First of all, this is a risky purchase - not every person knows exactly their size, and those who know are not always sure of the right choice, since often each manufacturer has its own patterns for sewing clothes, respectively, and its own size grid. Therefore, not everyone decides to buy things "by eye".

8. Eighth place in online sales is occupied by payment cards. These are cards that can be used to pay for any goods, cellular communication(for example, an account for mobile phone), cable TV and Internet services, purchase of software, as well as entertainment programs (paid games, various mobile applications in the AppStore or Google Play Store). It is easy to replenish such cards with money, even without leaving your home, and on some services you can do this even without withdrawing a commission.

9. In ninth place are online sales of various tickets, namely: for movie screenings in cinemas, for concerts of artists, for opera, for theaters, for football, hockey, basketball, for various show programs. On the same line of the rating of online sales are ticket sales for Passenger Transportation– trains, buses and planes. With the help of such online purchases, a person saves his time on waiting in lines and trips to the airport or bus station. You can also pay for tickets online using a payment card.

10. Tenth place is occupied by sales of large household appliances. Why is this category of goods not so popular for online shopping? This is obvious, a large product is usually expensive, not every buyer can afford to purchase an expensive product without looking at it, so to speak, “live”. After all, it is necessary to inspect the product, check its integrity, serviceability, functionality, packaging and other qualities. Also, many buyers during the purchase of complex equipment have a number of questions that only a store consultant can solve. Therefore, these goods are rarely ordered in online stores, preferring real hardware stores in their city. The second inconvenient moment for the purchase is the large weight and dimensions of the purchase, the delivery of a refrigerator, TV or washing machine to the desired city can be very expensive for the buyer, much more expensive than its cost.

Despite the large dimensions and weight, many buyers have recently ordered furniture from online stores. If you search carefully, you can really find inexpensive options that, even with delivery to the desired city, will be cheaper than buying a similar product at a local furniture store.

Sellability of goods in physical stores and on the Internet depends on two factors:

Attractive price, lower than retail stores, inexpensive delivery. Small inexpensive goods are very popular for shopping in online stores, therefore, a large volume of sales makes them a hot commodity;

The versatility of some product groups. Almost all small-sized household appliances are bought on the Internet, therefore, being in first place in terms of popularity of online sales, it is the best-selling product in Russia, because such a product suits a large audience of people.

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“How can you predict the assortment in an online store that will be in great demand?” This is a question entrepreneurs often ask. After all, you see, no one wants to buy a bunch of illiquid assets that will be sold for many months, or even years. Many people will answer me too, Captain obvious, everything has been known on the Internet for a long time - the almighty Yandex wordstat in the teeth and go! About how to determine the demand for it, just the lazy one did not tell. Of course, yes, wordstat should not be underestimated, but it does not determine the demand for a product, it keeps statistics of user requests in search engine, and these things are still different! There are much more requests for "bmw x5" than "lada vesta" and "lada priora" combined - this does not mean that the majority of BMWs are bought from us ... right ?! In today's article, we will try to find the truth in this matter and consider other ways to determine demand, in addition to wordstat.

As already said, there is no direct relationship between the number of requests to the search engine and consumer demand for the product. It is undoubtedly traceable, but I would call it an indirect indicator, rather than trust him entirely. There are a huge number of nuances that need to be taken into account when analyzing queries in wordstat, for each specific niche. Let's analyze them using some example, at the same time and consider again how to use wordstat.

1. Determine the demand using Yandex Wordstat

For example, let's take a headphone store, because. There are some nuances that we will take into account. But first, let's go over the wordstat again. The address of the service itself has long been known to everyone -

Before you start any kind of keyword research, you need to set the region where your target audience is located. The choice of the region is on the right under the search bar. In this case, the tables will show the results of "impressions per month" only for the selected region.

Let's move on to the query itself. It is important to remember here that by default, wordstat does not show specific key user queries. For example, entering the query " headphones” in statistics, opposite this word will be the sum of any requests in which it occurs - “ headphonessony», « headphones cheap», « the headphones are broken», « how to fix headphones», « how to make your own headphones" etc. Simply put, we get a lot of unnecessary statistics.

In order to avoid this, you need to specify the requests to the maximum. Moreover, since we are interested in customer demand, I recommend adding words to the query that indicate the user’s desire to purchase the product now or in the near future. These words include " buy», « price» and the like.

Headphones are completely different, for example - wired and wireless; in turn, wireless can be via radio and bluetooth; Also, headphones can be broken down according to certain features and properties - in-ear headphones, over-ear headphones, monitor headphones, gaming headphones, studio headphones, etc., not to mention the fact that there are quite a large number of different manufacturers of headphones. In short, different variations sea. And we'll have to go through huge amount possible variations.

By the way, do not forget to use the Russian spelling of brands - “ sony headphones», « samsung headphones», « headphones bits"and so on.

It is absolutely not superfluous to look at the history of requests. This is useful for seasonal products, such as swimwear, barbecues, garden tools, etc., request this much more in the summer.

In general, by carrying out such simple actions, you can get a picture of what buyers are most often looking for. However, in many niches, including headphones, the assortment is formed from a large number of specific models, and not generally taken requests.

Wordstat will help us here too, as you can look at each model and form a picture for yourself of what is selling well and what is bad. Let's do this on the Sony MDR-ZX310 model shown in the screenshot above. Even without the words "buy" and "MDR". We get the following picture:

Not much happened, a total of 77 requests. If we remove the word "headphones", we get more - 321 requests. If we sort through all sorts of options, including Russian spelling, then at best we get about 450-500 (per month). That for the region "Moscow and the region" is a very modest indicator.

Let's try to calculate the approximate consumer demand using wordstat. Let's take an average good conversion for all stores on the market in the amount of 2%. We get the following calculation: 500 * 2% = 10 sales. Because There are a lot of stores selling headphones on the market, it can be assumed that the most popular of them sell this model individually. Is this really so, we'll get a little later.

2. Determine the demand using Yandex Market

Another way to determine customer demand is Yandex.Market. This is especially true for product categories where there is a model range. Headphones have a model range, and, in the market, in a large number of cases, the so-called “model cards” are introduced, inside which all the prices of stores for this particular model are presented.

Also, the default Market for model cards is sorted “by popularity”. In other words, you can clearly see the popularity of a particular model, as well as:

  • Prices "from and to";
  • The number of competitors;
  • Reviews on the model and the total rating by users.

Here it is worth understanding that popularity is clickability (card views), but not purchasing power. Of course, this is partly related, but there are exceptions.

To assess consumer demand, it is necessary to pay attention to the number of competitors. In many cases, the classic rule applies - "demand creates supply." The higher the demand, the more stores tend to sell this product, the correspondingly becomes more competitors. In the screenshot above, you can see that the most popular models are from Panasonic and Philips, both models have 300+ offers (prices), each model has more than 200 reviews and a high rating. Which confirms that there is a consumer demand here.

Let's now look at the same Sony ZX310 headphones that we considered in the wordstat. To do this, in the Market, on the right, in the "Manufacturer" filter, check the "sony" box and get the following result:

As you can see, our headphones are in the TOP3 in terms of popularity among Sony. good rating, 70 reviews and high competition indicate that the headphones are popular. This does not mean that they are sold by the piece. Believe me, as a person who has been selling electronics for a very long time!

As you can see, this is at odds with the wordstat picture. And there are many such examples, actually. And the reverse, when there are a lot of requests, but they are reluctant to buy. This may be when the model is well advertised, but turned out to be unsuccessful, and reviews of the model bury all sales. A potential buyer, after reading reviews, is no longer burning with a special desire to buy this particular model.

By the way, on the Market you can see the dynamics of changes in the average price in the market, which is also sometimes very useful when assessing demand. Because The cost of the goods plays an important role here.

Just like in wordstat, you can see the results for different regions on the market. So according to Sony headphones, in the city of Novosibirsk, the third most popular model will be “MBR-XB450AP”:

In addition to the above, you can indirectly reinforce your guesses about demand by estimating the number of text and video reviews. Today it can also be seen in the model card on the market. On an unpopular product, as a rule, they do not shoot a large number of videos and do not write detailed reviews.

In the same niches where the model card is not on the market, it is more difficult to determine the demand. It is necessary to analyze the number of competitors' applications in a specific price range by searching the market. In addition to Yandex.Market, in some cases, you can use others in your region.

3. We determine the demand for the range of competitors

If there are large competitors in your niche who sell goods from their warehouse, then you are in luck. In large stores, the selection of a liquid assortment is carefully approached and they are struggling with illiquid assets in the warehouse. Therefore, such competitors can be partially guided by the range of products that are in demand among buyers.

Here you can also sort "by popularity" and product reviews. True, sorting in stores can not always be true, so I recommend checking it out at several large stores with a cross assortment in order to understand whether the picture is similar to the truth. large stores very rarely they wind up reviews on the product themselves, tk. they already have a fairly large audience, properly stimulating which, real customer reviews appear.

If there are no major players in your niche, then it is more difficult to predict. Because small stores very often do not guess with the assortment or work from the warehouse of the supplier, laying out the entire assortment that he has - for you it will only be a snag. Here, rather, you need to analyze a large number of stores and determine the cross assortment.

4. We determine the demand according to information from suppliers

Suppliers are entrepreneurs just like you, only selling in bulk. Today, by the way, it is becoming fashionable to have your own online store for a supplier, where goods can be bought not only by companies, but also by any individual.

Demand can be determined in this way in two ways. The first is when communicating with a supplier (or personal manager), the second is when analyzing the price list. Let's start in order.

Option one. This is the easiest way to find out the demand for a product. You do not have a single supplier, and many of your competitors also stock through it. And accordingly, the supplier sees which goods are popular, and which are not very in demand. Many wholesalers are also not interested in their warehouse becoming illiquid and react to the market by buying hot goods in large quantities. The supplier himself can tell you with pleasure which goods are in demand and which are not. Moreover, it may even draw your attention to a number of nuances that should be considered when selling. Of course, you do not need to blindly trust the words of the supplier and it makes sense to double-check them using the methods described above. And if you can confirm his words, then you can continue communication in this vein. Unscrupulous suppliers will naturally try to deceive you and pass off illiquid assets as hot commodity, you have to be careful here.

Second option. This is an analysis of the exit at the supplier's price list. Usually, suppliers send their price list with some frequency, for example, once a day or every other day. Naturally, the same price goes to numerous competitors who order interesting and popular goods in their store. Here, of course, patience is required, because. you need to collect several price lists in order to track the dynamics of changes at the supplier. Of course, if the supplier has a huge assortment, then manually assessing this is quite difficult, but fortunately, this can be automated by writing a small program that will track this for you and issue a report in a simple and understandable form.


There are other tools, for example, Google Trands or contextual advertising Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords - which are also sometimes mentioned in some articles. Analyze by contextual advertising I would not recommend, because. a lot of money goes down the drain there, especially by newcomers, and this can only mislead you.

As for the advertised Yandex.Wordstat as the main tool for analyzing consumer demand, I hope you understand that it does not give a clear answer. Moreover, it can greatly distort the state of affairs, both up and down. I repeatedly burned myself on this until I began to analyze in all four ways!

Update 07/25/2017. Video on the topic
