Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Who is a working man? Question: message about people of labor. Politician of real cases

Work- this is an activity aimed at human development and the transformation of natural resources into material, intellectual and spiritual benefits. Such activities can be carried out either by coercion, or by internal motivation, or both.

Sociological functions of labor:

Socio-economic function consists in the impact of subjects of labor (workers) on objects and elements of the natural environment (resources) in order to transform them into objects to satisfy the needs of members of society, that is, into material goods and services.

productive function is to satisfy people's need for creativity and self-expression. Thanks to this function of labor, new objects and technologies are created.

social structuring function labor is to differentiate and integrate the efforts of people involved in the labor process. On the one hand, assigning various functions to different categories of participants in the labor process leads to differentiation and the creation of specialized types of labor. On the other hand, sharing results labor activity leads to the establishment of certain links between different categories of participants in the labor process. Thus, this function of labor contributes to the creation of socio-economic ties between various groups of people.

social control function labor is due to the fact that labor organizes a complex system social relations regulated through values, norms of behavior, standards, sanctions, etc., which are a system social control labor relations. It includes labor law, economic and technical standards, charters of organizations, job descriptions, informal norms, a certain organizational culture.

socializing function labor is connected with the fact that labor activity expands and enriches the composition social roles, patterns of behavior, norms and values ​​of employees, which allows people to feel full participants public life. This function gives people the opportunity to acquire a certain status, to feel social belonging and identity.

Social development function labor is manifested in the impact of the content of labor on workers, teams and society as a whole. This is due to the fact that as the means of labor develop and improve, the content of labor becomes more complex and updated. This process is due to the creative nature of man. Thus, there is an increase in the requirements for the level of knowledge and qualifications of employees in almost all industries. modern economy. The function of employee training is one of the priority functions of personnel management in a modern organization.

Social stratification function labor is a derivative of social structuring and is related to the fact that the results various kinds labor differently rewarded and valued by society. Accordingly, some types of labor activity are recognized as more, while others are less important and prestigious. Thus, labor activity contributes to the formation and maintenance of the dominant system of values ​​in society and performs the function of ranking participants in labor activity according to ranks - the steps of the stratification pyramid and the ladder of prestige.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that labor activity determines a number of interrelated social and economic phenomena and processes in modern society. The study allows you to identify the most effective ways to manage the organization.

The main categories of labor science

  • complexity of work;
  • professional suitability of the employee;
  • the degree of autonomy of the worker.

The first sign of the content of labor is complexity. It is clear that the work of a scientist is more difficult than the work of a turner, and the work of a store manager is the work of a cashier. But in order to justify the measure of payment for various types of labor, their comparison is required. To compare complex and simple labor, the concept of "reduction of labor" is used. Labor reduction- this is the process of reducing complex labor to simple labor in order to determine the measure of remuneration for labor of varying complexity. With the development of society, the proportion of complex labor increases, which is explained by the increase in the level of technical equipment of enterprises and the requirements for the education of employees.

Differences between complex work and simple work:
  • performance by the employee of such mental labor functions as planning, analysis, control and coordination of actions;
  • concentration of active thinking and purposeful concentration of the worker;
  • consistency in making decisions and actions;
  • accuracy and adequate response of the worker's body to external stimuli;
  • fast, dexterous and diverse labor movements;
  • responsibility for performance.

The second sign of the content of labor is professional suitability. Its influence on the results of labor is due to the abilities of a person, the formation and development of his genetic inclinations, a successful choice of profession, conditions for the development and selection of personnel. An essential role in professional selection is played by special methods for determining professional suitability.

The third sign of the content of labor is degree of employee independence- depends both on external restrictions associated with the form of ownership, and internal, dictated by the scale and level of complexity of the work. Reducing restrictions on decision making while increasing the measure of responsibility means greater freedom of action, creativity and the possibility of an informal approach to solving problems. The independence of an employee is a criterion for the level of self-awareness of a developed personality, its measure of responsibility for the results of work.

The nature of labor as a category of labor science represents the relationship between the participants in the labor process, which affect both the employee's attitude to work and labor productivity. From the point of view of the nature of labor, on the one hand, the work of an entrepreneur is distinguished, and, on the other hand, wage labor, collective or individual. Entrepreneur's labor is characterized by a high degree of independence in decision-making and its implementation, as well as a high degree of responsibility for the results. hired labor- this is the work of an employee called upon, under the terms of an agreement, to perform official duties in relation to the employer.

Modern labor science

modern science on labor includes a number of basic disciplines:

  1. traditionally includes problems of productivity and labor efficiency, labor resources, labor market and employment, income and wages, headcount planning, problems of labor rationing.
  2. Personnel economics examines the behavior of employees when they perform official duties. The discipline studies the influence of various factors on labor productivity.
  3. Occupational medicine- examines work-related factors that may cause injury, illness or other harm to the health of the worker.
  4. Physiology of labor explores the functions of the human body in the process of labor: the physiology of the motor apparatus, the development and training of labor skills, performance and its regulation, sanitary and hygienic working conditions, the severity of labor.
  5. Labor psychology explores the requirements for the human psyche associated with his attitude to work.
  6. Personnel Management studies the problems of headcount planning, selection, training and certification of personnel, labor motivation, management styles, relationships in labor collectives, management procedures.
  7. Sociology of labor studies the impact of workers on society and vice versa - society on the worker.
  8. Labor Pedagogy how science considers the issues of employee training.
  9. Ergonomics studies the organization of the process of adapting the means of labor to the characteristics, possibilities and limits of the human body.
  10. labor management studies the basics of designing the labor processes of workplaces. Issues such as identifying the need for personnel, recruiting and selecting personnel, engaging employees, releasing them, developing, controlling personnel, i.e. management, coordination and communication structuring of work, remuneration policy, participation in success, personnel cost management and employee management.
  11. Safety explores a set of problems related to ensuring safe labor activity.
  12. labor law analyzes the complex legal aspects labor and management. This is especially important in hiring and firing, developing systems of rewards and punishments, solving property problems, and managing social conflicts.

Fundamentals of modern labor economics

labor economics– studies economic patterns in the field of labor relations, including specific forms manifestations of the essence of work, such as organization, pay, efficiency and employment.

object study labor economics labor is a purposeful human activity aimed at creating material wealth and providing services.

The subject of labor economics- socio-economic relations that develop in the labor process under the influence of various factors - technical, organizational, personnel and other.

aim labor economics are studies in the field of human resource management.

home task labor economics - the study of the essence and mechanisms of economic processes in the sphere of labor in the context of human life and society.

Ways to improve the efficiency of labor activity

One of the most important elements of increasing the efficiency of human labor activity is the improvement of skills and abilities as a result of labor training. From a psychophysical point of view industrial training is a process of adaptation and corresponding change in the physiological functions of the human body for the most effective performance of a particular job. As a result of training, muscle strength and endurance increase, the accuracy and speed of working movements increase, and physiological functions recover faster after work is completed.

Rational organization of the workplace

Rational organization (ensuring a comfortable posture and freedom labor movements, the use of equipment that meets the requirements of ergonomics and engineering psychology) provides the most effective, reduces fatigue and prevents the risk of occupational diseases. Besides, workplace must meet the following requirements: sufficient working space; sufficient physical, auditory and visual connections between man and machine; optimal placement of the workplace in space; permissible level of harmful production factors; availability of means of protection against hazardous production factors.

Comfortable working posture

A comfortable working posture of a person in the process of labor activity ensures high working capacity and labor productivity. A comfortable working posture should be considered one in which the worker does not need to lean forward more than 10-15 degrees; tilting back and to the sides is undesirable; The main requirement for a working posture is a straight posture.

The formation of a working posture in the “sitting” position is influenced by the height of the working surface, which is determined by the distance from the floor to the horizontal surface on which the labor process is performed. The height of the working surface is set depending on the nature, severity and accuracy of the work. A comfortable working posture when working “sitting” is also provided by the design of the chair (size, shape, area and inclination of the seat, height adjustment).

High working capacity and vital activity of the body are supported by a rational alternation of periods of work and rest.

Rational mode of work and rest

Rational mode of work and rest- this is such a ratio and content of periods of work and rest, in which high labor productivity is combined with high and stable human performance without signs of excessive fatigue for a long time. This alternation of periods of work and rest is observed in different periods of time: during work shift, days, weeks, years in accordance with the mode of operation of the enterprise.

The duration of rest during the shift (regulated breaks) depends mainly on the severity of the work and the conditions for its implementation. When determining the duration of rest during working hours, the following must be taken into account: factors of production that cause fatigue: physical effort, nervous tension, pace of work, working position, monotony of work, microclimate, air pollution, aeroion composition of air, industrial noise, vibration, lighting. Depending on the strength of the influence of each of these factors on the human body, the time for rest is set.

The intra-shift regime of work and rest should include a lunch break and short breaks for rest, which should be regulated, since it is more effective than breaks that occur irregularly, at the discretion of the employee.

Short rest breaks are designed to reduce the fatigue that develops in the process of work.. The number and duration of short-term breaks are determined based on the nature of the labor process, the degree of intensity and severity of labor. The points of decrease in working capacity serve as a guideline for establishing the beginning of breaks for rest. To prevent its decline, a break for rest is appointed before the onset of fatigue of the body. In the second half of the working day, due to deeper fatigue, the number of rest breaks should be greater than in the first half of the shift. Physiologists have found that for most types of work, the optimal duration of a break is 5-10 minutes.. It is this break that allows you to restore physiological functions, reduce fatigue and maintain a working setting. With deep fatigue, it is necessary to go both along the line of increasing the number of breaks and increasing their duration. But short-term breaks lasting more than 20 minutes disrupt the already established state of working out.

Rest can be active or passive.. Leisure recommended for jobs that take place in adverse working conditions. The most effective form of active recreation is industrial gymnastics. Active rest accelerates the recovery of forces, since when changing activities, the energy expended by the working body is restored faster. As a result of industrial gymnastics, the vital capacity of the lungs increases, the activity of the cardiovascular system improves, muscle strength and endurance increase.

message about working people


BEST ANSWER alkion alef Enlightened (28946) Labor is the basis of human existence. Since ancient times, man himself took care of himself, cooked food, sewed clothes, ennobled the dwelling and the place near it. Nowadays, people also work hard to make their life habitable. In addition, work gives a person a lot of joy when he, a person, chooses a job to his liking. Work can do wonders. People create new developments in production, achieve great success in medicine, creating new devices for the treatment of patients with the most serious diseases, building new houses in which it is comfortable to live. Thanks to the newly created agricultural machines, the village workers collect huge crops of grain and other agricultural products. Work makes a person necessary to society. Every year we learn about one or another huge achievement in various fields: in education, medicine, sports, etc. These achievements are the result of huge painstaking daily work, combined with the desire to do something useful for ourselves and others, and each a person who has achieved great success is valued according to the merits for his work. Work unites people, instills in them a sense of duty, responsibility, a sense of joy from the fact that "my work is merging into the work of my republic" (V. Mayakovsky). A person of labor is always distinguished by discipline, the consciousness that labor is also a material component of his life, therefore, each person must understand that any deed is done for the benefit of a person. Dear students, please remember this! Try to be helpful to yourself and others. It depends on you, on your work, what will be the school corridors, the yard along which you go to school! Work so that everything around you gives great pleasure, makes your life more interesting and meaningful.

He never thought that his surname Turner was a prophecy. It wasn't that he hated her, he just treated her with the same hostility that he had towards working people. Workaholics near the machine seemed to him too mundane, narrow-minded. For a young, from a wealthy family, Sergei, life “stretched out the keys” to all closed doors. Prosperity was always next to the eighteen-year-old guy, so the thought of possible difficulties that, as time showed, stood on the threshold ...

A military ID is in his pocket, in a couple of months he is a student at the Vyatka-Polyansky State Humanitarian University. Dreams collapsed in an instant when an unfamiliar indifferent voice on the phone announced the death of his parents. Sergei Tokar was left all alone. It was the first terrible blow of fate. He was not surprised that he failed the entrance exams. When all attempts to get out of the labyrinth called "fate" seemed to him a dead end, he met Artyom. A childhood friend had been working in the North for half a year and was making quite good money. The turner, without hesitation, agreed to go with him, since the workers in Udachny (a city in Yakutia) were in demand.

He did not expect such a rush from himself. For three years, he made a long professional journey from a repairman to an earthworks operator and earned quite good money. Only now did he realize that beautiful life- this is not necessarily a white shirt with a tie, there is also quite a nice overalls and a cap with the brand of your favorite company. For a year now he has been madly in love with Irinka. He met a blonde beauty by chance. With her appearance, he began to forget the pangs of loneliness. She took over quickly living space Sergei, and then his living space in a small family. There was no romance in their relationship, having signed, they quickly got used to the new status, to each other, and exactly nine months later they gave birth to a daughter. With the advent of the child, Irinka seemed to have been replaced. It seemed that making scandals was what she did best. The salary at the enterprise of Sergei was cut, and the living space did not increase anymore.

The turner could not answer for himself why three years ago he fell in love with her so much, and after another three years he could not remember why he so easily agreed to leave Udachny for Vyatskiye Polyany. But he never regretted it for a moment. Returning with his family to his small homeland, Sergei, without thinking twice, in search of work, went to the Hammer arms factory, well-known throughout the country. Of the proposed vacancies, the position of a turner turned out to be the most tempting. The promised salary inspired Sergey and Irinka, who missed prosperity. For three months Tokar was a regular student at the factory with his mentor Alexander Kotelnikov. Sergei went to work as if he were on vacation, and home as if he were going to work. He increasingly caught himself thinking that he began to like his last name. In the person of Nikolaich, as future turners lovingly called the teacher, he found an outlet from his grumpy wife, who saw in him only a financial source. It turned out that as a student you can earn good money.

Having become a full-fledged employee of the site, which united 14 people, he already brought a decent salary to the house every month. At the plant, where a little less than five thousand people worked, the turner felt himself not a grain of sand, but rather a significant link. He is a turner of the fourth category, one of those who produce traumatic weapons. Daily enjoying the process of turning a piece of iron into a "mirror", he understands how interesting his work is. In a short time, a metal blank in experienced hands became a barrel. Sergey compared himself to a jeweler, because he had to calculate hundredths of a millimeter before sending the completed elegant detail to further production.

He finally abandoned his thoughts about entering the university, realizing how cozy and comfortable he was here, near the machine. The turner wondered where he got so much strength from, producing up to one hundred and twenty parts a day, he significantly exceeded the production indicators of his colleagues. Enthusiasm, of course, was encouraged financially. Not rushing to the "cold" house, the turner took "initiative hours", thereby earning more than others. He took everything to the penny home, if only Irinka, who had become a complete stranger, was silent, if only her beloved daughter Arinka did not need anything. Soon they had an expensive car, once a year they allowed themselves to rest on the azure seashore. The site foreman, Ilfat, was kindly joking with Sergey: “Well, Turner, no one in the shop has received a salary like a tester before you. Look, don't freak out."

He had a tear, but not from work. “I always dreamed of being the wife of a businessman, not a worker,” with these words Irinka slammed the door, taking away the only thing dear to him - a ray of light Arinka ...

His vacation ended, which passed as if in a fog, in endless festivities, every morning reminding of himself with a headache. Sometimes images of some women surfaced in my memory, but they were like the ashes of yesterday's cigarettes. Ten days remained before going to work, and he decided to go to his relatives, who live in one of the villages of the Mamadysh district of neighboring Tatarstan. The last time Sergei was there fifteen years ago. It was in the memorable places of his carefree childhood that he wanted to find strength for the near future. At the station, he stopped looking at the girl and unexpectedly shouted: “Olga!”. The girl smiled sweetly: "Hello, Seryozha." Once they spent all their summer holidays together in their beloved village. Sitting on the same bus, they shared their memories for a long time, embarrassing the passengers with their sincere, unconstrained laughter ...

They've been together for a week now. She will soon be in Mamadysh, he will be in Vyatskiye Polyany. Olga occupies a good position, but who is he? She ended his confession with the words that determined their happy future: “For me, you are not just a turner, but a Turner with a capital letter.”

Sergey compared himself to a jeweler, because he had to calculate hundredths of a millimeter before sending the completed elegant detail to further production.

P.S. The story is based on real events. Her characters have been together for a year. Sergei moved to Mamadysh, where he successfully got a job. Fortunately, there were plenty of offered vacancies for a turner. The family is waiting for the birth of little Turner.

Svetlana Khanova

Composition on the theme "Man of Labor". In this essay, I wanted to tell about a man who lived and worked in our village for the benefit of the people.

Composition on the theme "Man of Labor"

Growing, multiplying countlessly, cities,

But do not live without rural labor

Not a day for factory workers or miners,

Neither deputies, nor big actors.

All people on Earth need food.

Where to get it without rural labor?

And the people work in villages, villages.

In the vast fields.

Many proverbs and sayings have been composed about labor: “Patience and work will grind everything”, “Water does not flow under a lying stone”, “Work is bitter, but bread is sweet”. Not everyone is given to feel the joy of work. Some people were simply born contemplatives, not doers, and work for them is a burden that takes a lot of strength and time. Others are lucky: the type of activity chosen by them corresponds to their abilities, inclinations, and character. For them, work is his whole life, a person lives by his work, strives to make it even better. Labor is a source of joy and pleasure.

IN work collective It seems to me that a person learns to communicate with other people, gets the opportunity to feel the power of the team. In work, a person matures both physically and morally. We know how happy people are who can do a lot with their own hands, and how unhappy and helpless those who have learned nothing. Many, dreaming of adulthood, are looking for some kind of ideal to follow, choose the person they want to be like. But the true heroes live among us - these are our parents, fellow villagers. From day to day, they modestly do their job. I want to tell you about such a man-hero of my time, about the Great Agronomist - Anatoly Alekseevich Sukhorukov, who lived in our small village and was the pride of our village and a role model. Best quality the soul of a person living in the countryside - love for the land. It would seem that in the age of new technologies, you will no longer find people who would devote their lives to agriculture, but this man has been growing grain for 33 years and looking after ears of corn, which, after processing, turned into bread - the main value on our table. Anatoly Alekseevich was born on January 1, 1959 in the village of Onon, Shilkinsky District. Having received an agronomic education at the Nerchinsk Agricultural College, in May 1981 he began working as an agronomist-seed grower at the Baigulsky state farm. In 1991 he was transferred to the position of chief agronomist.

Here began his difficult, but still interesting work, the work to which he would devote his life and all his time. He was engaged in seed production, propagation of original varieties of grain crops, and variety renewal. Whole technological process seed conveyor observed, without violating agricultural practices. He was one of the first agronomists to develop crops that were adapted to our climate and gave excellent results. Thanks to the experience and unceasing work of Anatoly Alekseevich, the Baigulsky production complex has repeatedly become a leader in the yield of grain crops and rapeseed in the regional competition. Anatoly Alekseevich was the winner in the regional competition of farmers, was awarded gifts and cash prizes, and in the spring of this year at a meeting in Barnaul he was awarded a diploma of the Ministry Agriculture Russia. He was awarded the title of "Honorary Agronomist of Russia". I believe that a person of labor who has such qualities as discipline and endurance, diligence, love and devotion to his profession can achieve such high results. Unfortunately, Anatoly Alekseevich passed away too early, his untimely death orphaned the Baigul land, but human memory will long keep the name of this wonderful person.
