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Cumulative statement of construction ks 6a. The procedure for filling out the general work log (sample). Where does this journal apply?

Cumulative records must be maintained. Regardless of the size of the object, create tables in Excel and keep the following statements:

  1. Cable log (not to be confused with cable laying log);
  2. Journal of building cable lengths;
  3. Human resources;
  4. The arrival of the contractor's supply (if the supply is shitty);
  5. Journal of registration of working drawings;
  6. Archive of weather conditions;
  7. General logs of work on the design or one summary indicating the codes of the projects.

Make tables in Excel. In order not to keep several identical ones, it is better to keep one extended one.

Consolidated cable magazine- the crown of creation of the PTO specialist. It must be done before the cable is laid, and even better before it is received. If you don’t conduct it, you won’t calculate how much and when the cable was laid per month, from the beginning of construction or even by the day, and how much is left. Sometimes I even put PIDs in front of each line and when I received the cable, I could easily see how much it needed, whether it was the right one, and, if not, write approval letters. And if you accept a cable according to such a complete summary cable magazine, made according to the latest isms of single-line diagrams and connection diagrams, then in the end you will have no problems with writing off and returning the cable supplied by the customer for delivery. Make QOL for the initial projects (for which estimates were made). Then, when new isms are released, without deleting the old data (lines, marks and lengths), add the changed data (brands or lengths) in the next column or add new lines, if they were not there at all. If some lines were excluded, do not delete them, indicate “excluded” in the column next to them. Opposite each such ism, make a note on which ism it was done. Often the cable is laid down, and then, with the release of a new ism, it is excluded or changed to another, cable brands and lengths change, and all this is necessary so that in the end it can be seen which cable went where to write off everything without problems and make an executive one. If at the same time you still receive a cable, taking into account data from such a cable magazine, then finally there will be no problems with writing off.

Without cable construction log you will not be able to carry out high-quality VC deliveries to the customer, agree on it in time, report how much is left to receive it and whether there is a specific cable on the site.

Table of human resources necessary for issuing passes, reporting on people, issuing work permits, permits, all kinds of applications (travel allowances, meals, housing), and even to check the completeness of the reflection of employees in time sheets and orders.

If there is no supplier at the site, then collect all invoices for your delivery and start contractor's delivery table- just continue the PTO sign to the right, putting down the numbers with the dates of arrival and the invoice numbers, so you can run into the supply in the office about non-delivery or insufficient delivery (otherwise you will prove the dick).

It is also better to register working drawings in the table of the working drawings register, since there are a lot of projects (up to a hundred), it is necessary to monitor their completeness, the presence of the latest isms and safety. In such a plate, I also reflect the dates of the approval of the general contractor, the customer and the examination - it often helps in filling out some columns of acts and executive schemes.

The weather needs to be monitored, how many degrees are recorded, whether there is precipitation and wind, preferably three times a day. This is done in order to know on which days certain types of work cannot be done exactly, for example, welding in the rain on the street or laying a cable at temperatures below -15 degrees (if you do not heat the cable), it is necessary to conduct a reliable executive, especially in hindsight (if there were interruptions with the reports of the masters), unless of course you are going to do this. Also write down all the downtime and for what reasons they were, even if it concerns the maintenance of the executive (in winter, the electricity is often turned off), which can be at least some kind of excuse, while in a cold trailer you can even work on cleaning the dick.

All these statements are needed for reporting, delivery of ID and confirmation in some cases of work performed.

General work log- one of the key primary documents in construction. What is its form and correct filling algorithm?

General production work log in construction: one or more

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that Russian legislation actually establishes several forms for general magazine construction accounting:

  • form KS-6;
  • form RD-11-05-2007.

In addition, along with the indicated documents, a document in the form No. KS-6a is used in practice - a unified log book for the work performed.

What is the KS-6 form (general work log)

Form No. KS-6 was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 10/30/1997 No. 71a. It corresponds to the number 0336001 according to OKUD. It is used to account for the performance of various works related to construction and installation, and is one of the primary documents that fix the technological sequence, quality level, conditions for the production of the relevant types of work, as well as their timing.

The considered form is used when carrying out work within the same construction site, involving the construction, reconstruction or expansion of objects that can be combined into a group of the same type or considered independent.

The general log of work in the form of KS-6 is maintained by an authorized employee of the developer, customer or work contractor at the facility, for example, a senior work supervisor or a shift supervisor who is responsible for the implementation production work on the object.

In the procedure for filling out the KS-6 form, the following can take part:

  • developer representatives;
  • customer representatives;
  • employees of the organization that develops design solutions.

Along with the KS-6 form, the Russian construction industry uses a document approved in Appendix No. 1 to the order of Rostekhnadzor No. 7 dated January 12, 2007 (this NLA has also been assigned a different number - RD-11-05-2007).

Many legal entities and individual entrepreneurs working in the construction industry fill out both forms for reporting purposes, since in practice state structures exercising construction supervision can request either of them - there are no clear criteria for choosing a specific form of a general work log in the legislation.

Form RD-11-05-2007 as an alternative to the journal KS-6

Rostekhnadzor Order No. 7 dated January 12, 2007 establishes, first of all, the procedure in accordance with which a general work log should be kept. This procedure was issued in order to implement the provisions of Art. 54 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, as well as sub. "b" clause 13 of the Regulations on State Construction Supervision, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2006 No. 54.

The general work log, in accordance with the provisions of the order RD-11-05-2007, is a source in which:

  • records of all works related to construction, reconstruction, overhaul;
  • reflects the sequence of performance of the relevant work;
  • terms, conditions for the production of work are indicated;
  • information on control and supervision, which is carried out by state bodies, is recorded.

The general work log in the form of RD-11-05-2007 must be submitted no later than 7 days before the actual start of work in government agency, carrying out the construction supervision procedure in cases provided for by the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 54 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously with the journal, this body is provided with:

  • a copy of the building permit;
  • design solutions;
  • a copy of a document confirming the placement of the so-called red lines on the terrain;
  • work logs classified as special;
  • the conclusion of an examination on design solutions, if such is required, based on the provisions of Art. 49 of the Code.

The state body exercising construction supervision seals this journal, as well as special journals, puts a registration signature on them and returns the appropriate package of documents to the developer or customer so that they can keep records of work. If the current magazine ends, then a new copy of it must be registered with the building supervision authority, on which a mark with a number is affixed - 1, 2, etc.

Completed logs in the form RD-11-05-2007 must be kept by the developer or customer until the completion of the final inspection carried out by the building supervision authority. During the period of such verification, the journal is at the disposal of the relevant regulatory authority.

What is a log of work performed in the form of KS-6a

Form KS-6a was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of November 11, 1999 No. 100. It corresponds to the number 0322006 according to OKUD.

The journal of accounting for work performed in the form of KS-6a must be maintained by the contractor using:

  • data on measurements of completed works at construction sites;
  • information on uniform norms and prices regarding structural elements or types of work.

Based on the information contained in this journal, the following are compiled:

  • acceptance certificate - in the form of KS-2;
  • certificate of the cost of work - in the form of KS-3.

You can learn more about forms No. KS-2 and KS-3 and get acquainted with the samples of filling them out in the articles:

  • "Unified form No. KS-2 - download the form and sample" ;
  • "Unified form No. KS-3 - form and sample" .

But why do we need the form KS-6a if information about work at construction sites is recorded in the journal KS-6 or RD-11-05-2007?

The main difference between the considered form of the journal and the previous ones is that information on work is always entered into it for each property separately. While forms KS-6 and RD-11-05-2007 allow the inclusion of information on the construction site as a whole.

Are journals KS-6, KS-6a and RD-11-05-2007 required to account for the work performed

In the information of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 04.12.2012 No. PZ-10/2012, the opinion of the department is given with reference to new law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ that it is not necessary to apply unified forms of primary documentation from 2013.

These forms, on the one hand, include forms KS-6 and KS-6a. On the other hand, there are no criteria for classifying the RD-11-05-2007 form as unified. What document, then, should Russian builders use to record work?

In this case, it is legitimate to talk about the need for a correct comparison of legal norms and law enforcement practice.

With regard to the first aspect, the provisions of sub. "b" paragraph 13 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.02.2006 No. 54 instructs the building supervision authorities to somehow check the availability of a general log of work. On the one hand, the legislator does not specify its form, on the other hand, in the same sub. "b" clause 13 of Decree No. 54 introduces a rule according to which the procedure for maintaining the corresponding journal is established by Rostekhnadzor. Since this department issued the document RD-11-05-2007, it can be concluded that the form of the construction work log should, first of all, correspond to that approved in RD-11-05-2007.

However, as practice shows, in many regions of the Russian Federation, construction supervision authorities, due to the established legal tradition, require keeping a journal in the form of KS-6. It happens that both forms are requested at once.

Moreover, there is a widespread point of view among lawyers that form No. KS-6a is primary in relation to other journals, even in cases where the property is the only one on the site. It (or similar), since it is not necessary to apply unified forms, the building supervision authority may well request.

Thus, in practice, it may be necessary to provide the building supervision authority with all 3 documents we have considered:

  • form KS-6;
  • form KS-6a;
  • form RD-11-05-2007.

It all depends on the policy of regional state structures that oversee the construction industry. But very often the state is limited to requesting a document approved in the order of RD-11-05-2007 - perhaps due to the fact that the need to fill it out becomes obvious when reading the provisions of Government Decree No. 54 dated February 1, 2006 literally.

Where can I download a general work log for production in construction

You can download forms of journals according to the forms KS-6, No. KS-6a, as well as RD-11-05-2007, compiled by experienced experts, on our website. At your disposal are convenient documents in Word format, in which you can quickly enter the necessary data.

Since the KS-6 form is very close to the document approved in RD-11-05-2007, the principles for filling out the corresponding forms will be generally identical.

A sample of filling out a general work log in the form of KS-6

On title page log KS-6 we fix:

  • name of the organization carrying out construction work, its address, OKPO;
  • description of the object (for example, "monolithic residential building with underground parking"), its address;
  • Full name, position of the representative of the legal entity responsible for the construction of the building, as well as for maintaining a journal;
  • name of the design organization, full name, position of its representative;
  • name of the customer, if it is a legal entity - position, full name of the representative;
  • the start and end dates of work - under the contract or in fact (if they coincide, then we write only the terms under the contract);
  • the number of pages in the magazine (it must be stitched and numbered);
  • Full name, position of the head of the company that issued the magazine;
  • key characteristics of the building, the cost of work in words and numbers (for example, “20-storey residential building with a parking lot for 100 parking spaces. The cost of work is 30,000,000 (thirty million) rubles 00 kopecks”);
  • the name of the approving authority and the date of approval of the construction project (for example, "Department of the Smolensk region for architecture and construction", 02/17/2017);
  • name of subcontractor organizations - if any are involved in the implementation of the project;
  • the name of the organization that developed the project documentation must match the one indicated above.

Completing sections of the KS-6 form

A sample of filling out the KS-6 form can be downloaded on our website:

Section 1 fixes:

  • Full name, positions of employees of the company - the performer of the work, as well as the areas where they work (for example, “Andreev S.V., foreman, installation building structures»);
  • start and end dates of work performed by a particular employee;
  • information about the document confirming the qualifications of the employee (for example, "Qualification certificate of an engineer No. 111 222, issued on 10.12.2016").

Section 2 reflects:

  • the names of various acts related to construction (for example, "Act on the assembly of building structures", "Act on the approval of a technical report and drawings");
  • dates of signing the relevant acts, full name and position of the employees who signed them.

For each act, a serial number is fixed.

Section 3 states:

  • dates of measures to control and evaluate the quality of work;
  • names of structural parts of buildings, indication of their location, references to the numbers of the drawings corresponding to them (for example, "Pit, drawing No. 20 dated 08/20/2016");
  • control results (for example, "The pit corresponds to the drawing, there are no complaints");
  • names of the firms that carried out the check, full name and position of the checking specialists.

In section 4, it is necessary to fix:

  • names and dates of issue of special journals used during the implementation of the construction project (for example, "Journal of engineering tests, 04/15/2017");
  • names of firms leading the relevant journals, full names and positions of employees responsible for maintaining these documents;
  • dates of delivery and acceptance of special magazines, signatures of the general director of the contracting organization.

Section 5 gives:

  • dates of commencement and completion of work production - in one column (for example, "05/01/2017-05/17/2017");
  • description of the work, conditions for their implementation, full name and position of responsible persons (for example, “Installation of construction equipment, responsible: foreman Andreev S.V.”);
  • position and signature of the employee responsible for working with the journal.

Section 6 is filled out by employees of government agencies. They fix:

  • the date of the check;
  • remarks, full name, positions of inspectors;
  • notes that the comments were accepted for execution, on verification of the elimination of the causes that caused them.

On the last page of form No. KS-6, after section 6, the following are indicated:

  • the number of sheets in the document;
  • Full name, position, signature of the responsible person, seal;
  • date of signing the journal.

Form RD-11-05-2007 as an example of filling out a journal of general work

Completed Sample specified form RD-11-05-2007 you can download on our website:

The main differences in filling out the title page of the form in question and the previous one in terms of filling out the title page:

  • in the form RD-11-05-2007 it is supposed to indicate the name of the developer, customer and organization that actually carries out the construction;
  • in the form RD-11-05-2007, it is supposed to indicate the persons responsible for construction control - from the customer or the developer or from the company that carries out the construction;
  • in the form RD-11-05-2007, the state supervisory authority puts marks on the title page.

The main differences between the form RD-11-05-2007 and KS-6 in terms of filling out section 1:

  • the name of the company carrying out the construction is indicated;
  • full name is indicated. and the position of the representative of the company carrying out the construction;
  • information about the document confirming the qualifications of the employee is not indicated.

With regard to section 2 of the general work log:

  • this section of the form RD-11-05-2007 coincides in purpose with section 4 in the form KS-6;
  • the information specified in the section is certified by the signature of a representative of the developer or customer.

With respect to Section 3

  • this section coincides in purpose with section 5 in the form KS-6;
  • the position and full name are indicated. representative of the company that carries out the construction.

As for sections 4 and 5, section 3 in the form KS-6 corresponds to those intended, however, the structure of the sections in the form RD-11-05-2007 differs significantly from that in the form No. KS-6. So, in sections 4 and 5 of the form in question, the following are fixed:

  • sequence number of the control measure;
  • data on the control;
  • information about the identified shortcomings, the period and date of their elimination;
  • Full name, position of the representative of the developer or customer.


  • the information in section 4 is certified by the signature of a representative of the developer or customer;
  • the information in section 5 is certified by the signature of a representative of the company carrying out the construction.

Section 6 of the general journal of work in the form of RD-11-05-2007 generally corresponds in structure and purpose to section 2 in the form of KS-6.

Section 7 corresponds in purpose to section 6 in the KS-6 form. Main differences:

  • in the form RD-11-05-2007, the period and date of elimination of violations identified during the supervisory inspection are fixed;
  • the number of the event is recorded in order.

An example of filling out the form KS-6a

The completed form KS-6a is available for download on our website:

The title page of the document contains:

  • names, addresses, OKPO, phone numbers of the customer and contractor;
  • building address;
  • description of the construction object and summary works (for example, "Development of a pit for a 20-storey residential building with underground parking");
  • estimated or contractual cost of the project - in numbers;
  • Full name, position of the compiler of the journal, his signature;
  • Full name, position of the head of the contractor, his signature.

The main section of the KS-6a form is presented in the form of a table in which there are 46 columns.

In column No. 1, the serial number of the record about a particular work performed at the facility is fixed. Column number 2 indicates the position of this work on the estimate. Column number 3 reflects the name of the relevant work.

Column 4 has a dash if the cost construction works is fixed in the contract (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2005 No. 01-02-9 / 381).

Column number 5 indicates the unit of measurement that correlates with the nature of the work. For example, if this is the development of a pit, then the volume of soil extracted from the ground in cubic meters may be indicated.

In column No. 6, the cost of performing a single work is fixed - in our case, this is the cost of extracting 1 cubic meter. meter of soil in rubles.

Column number 7 indicates the number of works - in our case, a cube. meter of soil removed from the ground.

Column No. 8 indicates the estimated cost of work - as a product of the indicators recorded in the previous 2 columns.

Columns No. 9, 10, 11 indicate, respectively, the number of works, their cost for January, and also in total from the beginning of construction. Columns 12, 13, 14 show the same figures for February. At the same time, if in January any indicators were recorded in column No. 11, they are summed up with the numbers in column No. 13 and fit into column No. 14. If not, the indicators of columns No. 10, 13 are summed up, after which the resulting result is entered into column No. 14. Similarly, the columns for March and subsequent months are filled in on a cumulative basis.

In column No. 45, the total number of works in a particular variety is recorded, in column No. 46, their total cost for all months of the year.

In all columns in which indicators are recorded in rubles, for example, in columns No. 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, the total indicator is calculated and entered in the “Total” column. If in the reporting month there were no overheads and other expenses not taken into account in the estimate, then the figures in the "Total" column are copied to the "Total" column. If there were overheads and other costs, they must be added to the corresponding figures in the "Total" and record the result in the "Total" column.

Each type of construction and installation work is controlled at all stages of their implementation. For documentary confirmation of the implementation, a special journal is started to record the actual work performed - it is maintained in the form KS-6a. Finished example, an empty form, filling rules - about all this right now.

Control of construction and installation works is carried out both by stages, and by individual types, and by the facility as a whole. For example, at the end of them, an acceptance certificate is signed in the form of KS-11. In the case of the KS-6a form, the purpose of the document is reduced to 3 tasks:

  1. Accounting for all actual work performed on this stage(reporting function).
  2. Accounting for the development of estimates - in the future, on the basis of financial data, a certificate of cost is compiled (its form is designated KS-3).
  3. Finally, the document can be used as main or additional evidence during possible trial or pre-trial proceedings (in case of disagreement).

The journal must be kept by the contractor with whom the customer has concluded the relevant contract. The data to be filled in is taken on the basis of the measurements taken, their correlation with the accepted norms and prices relevant for this moment time. Measurements and evaluations are made:

  • By separate species works (for example, installation of structures, finishing, roofing, earthworks, etc.);
  • for each structural element (foundations, walls, ceilings, etc.).

The log is filled for each calendar year. In the event of a new year, a new document should be created.

How to fill out

Filling has a cumulative character - as the next stage of construction work is completed (or the final installation of a separate structural element), a new cost is filled. The number of pages will be different, but all the information in it is filled in in tabular form.

Front page

The document should include the following information:

  1. Information about all aspects of the work (about the customer and the contractor):
  • names (can be abbreviated, for example, Stroybeton LLC);
  • legal addresses;
  • Contact phone numbers.
  1. The name of the construction site and its address, for example, "Residential 10-storey building with underground parking for 100 cars and a heating point."
  2. Object - refers to a specific type of construction and installation works (for example, general construction earthworks for the "name of the construction site").
  3. Codes for OKUD, OKPO and OKDP.
  4. Information on a previously signed work contract: date of signing and number.
  5. The name of the document, an indication of the year for which it is maintained.
  6. The cost of construction work under the contract (in words, in rubles, without kopecks).
  7. A note about who completed the form (for example, a software engineer capital construction): signature, position, transcript of the signature.
  8. A note about who checked the filling (usually CEO) - similarly position, signature and signature decoding (surname, initials).

Body: even pages

The main part of the form is presented in the form of a table. Moreover, on even pages there is a table indicating all the work performed by month. The following data is provided:

  1. The numbering is carried out in order (chronologically), as well as in accordance with the numbering according to the estimate - i.e. 2 systems are used at once.
  2. This is followed by the name of the type of construction and installation work (in accordance with the accepted classification) or the name of the structural element, the creation of which was completed.
  3. The price number, unit of measurement, price for this unit (in rubles) are given.
  4. Prescribe the number of works in accordance with the estimate (the amount is indicated).
  5. Write down the estimated cost.
  6. This is followed by a report for each month (according to the actual work performed). The following information is provided:
  • quantity and cost;
  • cost on an accrual basis (accumulative order) - i.e. since the beginning of the year.

Body: odd pages

For odd pages, they continue to record information only for months:

  • quantity and cost;
  • total cost on an accrual basis.

Sample and Form 2019

This year, there have been no changes in terms of the form of the journal and the requirements for filling it out. A ready-made example of a completed form KS-6a, which can be relied upon as a model, is given below.

And here is the blank form:

All empty fields are neatly crossed out with a simple straight line of the same color that was used when filling out the main part of the journal.

NOTE. The journal does not allow corrections, blots, unreadable inscriptions, strikethroughs and the inscriptions “Believe corrected”. It is necessary to fill out the form very carefully, if necessary, individual sheets with erroneous information are replaced with new ones with correct data.

How to create a form in the program: video instruction

The journal can be filled out not only manually, but also with the help of a special program - for example, it is convenient to draw up a document in SmetaWIZARD. How to do this can be seen here.

Is it necessary to keep a journal?

Among engineers, the question of how mandatory it is to keep a journal is often discussed, whether it is possible to get by with a different model, adapting the form to your specific tasks. The answer in this case is unequivocal: maintaining a document is mandatory, since it is he who is the main source of information on accounting for all completed construction work - both by type and by individual structural elements.

Technical supervision is the planning of construction and strict control over its process. The key word in describing the function of technical supervision is “control”, whether it is control over the preparation of technical documentation, the rational use of money and building materials, or compliance with safety regulations. Technical supervision in construction is a constant quality control of the work carried out to the smallest detail, until the full compliance with the project and building codes, GOSTs and other documents regulating the quality of construction work at the facility should please the Customer.

Services for the implementation of technical supervision functions:

Registration, subscription to GASK upon receipt of "Permit to start construction".

Quality control of work (compliance with the requirements of DSTU, SNiP, state standards(DBN), work production technologies).

Technical supervision over the compliance of the construction and installation works and the materials, products, structures and equipment used with the approved design solutions.

Acceptance of the work performed with the signing of the relevant acts (concealed work, testing, intermediate acceptance of critical structures of buildings and structures).

Technical supervision and Photo fixation: hidden and other works, the current state of the object. Providing results, both in printed and electronic form.

Fixing the deviations from the working drawings, from the construction technology, from the existing SNiP, GOST, DBN, identified during the inspection of the work performed, in the work log, as well as determining the timing for eliminating the detected deviations.

Verification of the correspondence between the volumes of actually performed work and those presented for payment.

Control of compliance of the scope of work and terms of work with the terms of the contract and the construction schedule.

Maintaining a cumulative list of work performed.

Technical supervision (completeness) and correct maintenance executive documentation, including an assessment of the reliability of geodetic executive schemes of completed structures with selective control of the accuracy of the position of elements. Preparation of comments and control of their elimination.

Checking that the contractor has quality documents for the materials, products and equipment used by him.

Conducting input control project documentation. Preparation of comments and control of their elimination.

Control over the execution of instructions of state supervision bodies and local self-government.

Participation in meetings on the construction and design of the facility.

Participation in the Acceptance Committee.

Additional services for working with executive documentation:

Providing forms of documents in hard copy(acts of hidden work, test reports, acts for additional work, acts of transfer of an object, defective statements, etc.). Individual acts to facilitate the work on registration (the act will already include: the name of the object, the name of the organizations, the full name of the persons signing the act, etc.).

Checking the quality of as-built documentation (completeness and correctness of its maintenance).

Development of requirements for the design, composition, executive documentation.

Drawing up lists of necessary executive documentation for the types of work.

Advice on executive documentation (what to write in the contract, the procedure for submitting executive documentation, how many copies are needed, the basis for preparation, etc.).

Control over the maintenance of as-built documentation during the entire construction period.

Maintaining (receiving from subcontractors, from the General Contractor; checking, completing by sections in the appropriate folders with compiling registers) as-built documentation and preparing a complete set for transfer to the Customer.

Assistance in the restoration of as-built documentation (work logs, acts of hidden work, etc.).


Putting the object into operation.


Expert review technical condition or Expertise is a check of the condition of existing building structures, finishing coatings, etc. after their construction. Technical supervision expertise. That is, the Customer did not conclude a contract for technical supervision, he wants to know what actually happened not from the builders, but from independent construction experts. Possessing necessary knowledge, skills, devices, our specialists make such examinations. Based on the results of our work, we always do not just point out shortcomings, but give recommendations on how to eliminate them correctly. A conclusion and an act of technical inspection of the construction object is drawn up. Also, this conclusion is required when registering a self-construction, as one of the documents required by the State Architectural and Construction Committee when putting an object into operation.

The composition of the KDP, given and described below, has been developed over many years of practice, as a result of the author's constant efforts, supplemented by the participation and support of his colleagues. the main task, which was set when developing the composition and structure of the CDP, was to ensure, subject to its regular, timely and correct conduct, the launch of self-organizing procedures in project management.

In connection with the above task, the attention of the company's management in the formation and functioning of the KDP should be directed to ensuring its efficient structure. The issue of regular, timely and correct maintenance of the KDP should be given constant and close attention to the project manager.

The self-organizing procedures mentioned above here should be understood as:

  • automatic process of developing effective methods and skills for project management among employees;
  • automatic process of complex control and maintenance of the approved indicators of the project in the course of its development.

Practice clearly shows that there is the closest relationship between the state of the KDP (its composition and quality of conduct) and the current state of the corresponding project. Chaos in the jurisdiction of the KDP is a consequence of the chaos in the project, and vice versa, the neglect of the KDP, and even more so its absence, sooner or later transforms into neglect and uncontrollability of the project.

The formation and maintenance of the KDP is carried out by the project manager, involving, as necessary, the company's specialists in this work and receiving from them the documentation and information necessary for maintaining the KDP. To maintain the KDP, electronic and paper media are used. The project manager organizes the storage on paper of all documents that have been approved by the investment committee of the company - the approved part of the KDP. It is reasonable to form the KDP within 2-3 months, starting from the date of appointment of the project manager to the position, that is, during his probationary period. This is a great opportunity for the project manager to demonstrate their capabilities, and for the company to understand Who is who.

Naturally, documents from the composition of the KDP should have the status "for official use." At the same time, different departments and employees of the company should have different levels of access to these documents. The access system to sections of the KDP is managed by the project manager with the participation of the security service and technical service companies.

The KDP, properly maintained, contains almost the entire amount of information on the project, with the exception of a lot of small and medium-sized technical details and documents related to individual operations in the implementation of the project, and practically do not affect the quality of management of its development.

In addition, the KDP of the project displays in a concentrated form the history of the development of the project, which provides an excellent opportunity for analytics that determines trends in the development of both the project under consideration and other projects developed by the company. The identification of these development trends is of great importance in terms of risk prevention and project efficiency improvement.

The information is contained in the KDP in a structured form, which, in combination with its centralized and systematic maintenance, makes it possible to eliminate chaos in the project workflow and thereby:

  1. Dramatically (by several times or even orders of magnitude) increase the speed of providing almost any volume up-to-date information by project. This becomes possible, since the information is stored in the KDP in a format that does not require additional preparation, but only needs formatting that meets the current need.

Meanwhile, widespread practice demonstrates typical process painful preparation of information on projects in terms of hours to days. Of course, these terms can be reduced at the request of the management, but the lack of sufficient time for the contractor to prepare naturally leads to a decrease in the reliability of the information provided. 2. Maximize the quality and relevance of the project information provided.
3. Boost information security activities of the company, since improving the quality and relevance of project information leads to a significant reduction in the volume of external and internal information flows.
4. Minimize the labor costs of the project manager and his colleagues associated with information exchange and documentary support of the project.

Thus, KDP is the basis, the foundation for the development of the project. The listed positive consequences of the quality management of the KDP make the task of structuring the project workflow one of the defining elements in the struggle to increase the efficiency of both a separate project and the company as a whole. Obviously, the quality of the KDP is the second most important task (after maintaining the project's efficiency at the required level), which the project manager is called upon to solve.

The frightening volume of the KDP, described below, is associated with significant labor costs only during its formation. Maintaining the previously formed KDP, in the presence of a well-known methodicalness and punctuality, requires orders of magnitude lower costs from the project manager.

The CDP should include the following sections:

1. Passport of the project.

The project passport is an album containing summary data for the project. It is formed on the basis of documentation approved by the investment committee of the company, as well as information about the current state of the project. The information contained in the project passport allows any interested and unprepared employee of the company to quickly understand the essence of the project, as well as to understand its current state (in this case, together with the project passport, it will be useful to provide the General Project Development Scheme), without plunging into unnecessary details. The general understanding of the project, formed on the basis of the information contained in the project passport, can be expanded and supplemented to any degree of detail through the information contained in other sections of the CDP. The project passport includes the following subsections:

1) Description of the project (project concept).

The subsection provides volumetric and functional indicators of the project ( total area, the area of ​​the ground and underground parts, the number of parking spaces, commercial area separately for apartments, retail and office space, graphic information describing the project, etc.), as well as describes the consumer properties of commercial products that will be obtained as a result of the development of the project.

2) Rights and assets of the project.

The subsection contains a description of the legal status and assets of the project that were available at the time of joining the project and formed in the course of its development, as well as links (copies) to the relevant documents;

3) Project performance indicators.

The subsection contains the calculated values ​​of project performance indicators approved by the investment committee of the company, starting from the values ​​approved when entering the project. The values ​​of the indicators are given in tabular and graphical form and reflect all approved changes. A necessary and sufficient set of indicators for most projects is total profit, profitability, return on equity, NPV, IRR, project payback period.

4) Indicators of revenue and project costs.

The subsection contains the budget limits of items/chapters of revenue and costs approved by the investment committee of the company, starting from the values ​​approved when entering the project. Limit values ​​are given in tabular form and reflect all of their approved changes, the sequence of which allows you to track the dynamics of changes in the project budget. Project revenue and cost indicators can be combined in a single section with project performance indicators;

5) The composition of the project participants.

Registry legal entities who own the rights under the project, as well as participate in its development (including all counterparties and contractors), indicating their current details.

6) Composition of the project team.

The subsection contains a list of specialists directly involved in the development of the project, indicating their necessary details- Depending on the scale of the project, at least the project manager, construction manager and supervising specialists of the company's specialized departments, as a maximum, the project team plus involved specialists.

The subsections of the project passport "project performance indicators" and "project revenue and cost indicators" are necessarily updated upon approval by the company's investment committee of the results of project updates, regardless of whether these updates were planned or not. Other subsections of the project passport are subject to adjustment as necessary.

The project passport is used exclusively within the company, being a chipboard document. The project passport can be used as a basis for the development of various presentation documentation.

2. General scheme of project development.

The general project development scheme is a flowchart that gives an idea of ​​the main stages and operations of the project being developed and their relationships with each other. Contains no more than 20-30 elements placed on an A4 sheet. The general scheme of the project development is developed upon entering the project and adjusted in the future as necessary, being the basis for the development of the network schedule of the project. A valid copy of the scheme, approved by the investment committee of the company, is stored on paper.

When forming and adjusting the general scheme of project development, the emphasis is on the current stage of project development. For example, if the project is at the pre-project stage, then the operations of this particular stage are reflected in the scheme with maximum detail. At the same time, it is reasonable to display the operations of the "Design" stage in an enlarged way, and the "Construction" stage may not be detailed to individual operations at all.

3. Network diagram of the project.

The network schedule of the project is a diagram detailing the operations for the implementation of the project, defined in time, indicating all the relationships between them. Operations of the current stage of project development should be as detailed as possible. The network schedule of the project is the result of refinement and development of the general scheme for the development of the project. The actual schedule approved by the investment committee of the company is stored on paper.

The network schedule of the project in relation to the construction process has an enlarged detail. Deployment of the construction process to individual operations is carried out in the construction network schedule, the formation of which is carried out by the construction manager at the beginning of the project stage. The construction network schedule data is used to refine the project network schedule.

4. Economics/budget of the project.

The section contains the current version of the economics and budget of the project, approved by the investment committee. Given the close relationship between the economy and the project budget (the project budget is built on the basis of financial flows from the project economy through reformatting), the information is stored in a combined Excel file. On separate paper media approved by the investment committee of the company, summary data of the economy and budgetary flows of the project are stored with a quarterly breakdown.

This section of the KDP is the source for the formation of subsections of the project passport "project performance indicators" and "project revenue and cost indicators".


The sections of the KDP “Overall Project Development Scheme”, “Network Schedule of the Project” and “Economics/Project Budget” are the approved part of the KDP. These sections are approved by the investment committee of the company and are the basis for the creation and maintenance of other sections included in the KDP.

5. Plan for updating the project.

The identified project risks have a very high correlation with how well the company understands the current state of the project, as well as the dynamics and direction of changes in this state. The less we realize where we are in the development of the project, the more surprises and dangers await our project ahead. To increase the level of awareness of the real state of the project and, as a result, to minimize the consequences of risks, identifying their presence in advance, allows the process of updating, implemented on the basis of the project update plan.

The project update plan is formed by the project manager independently in accordance with the regulatory requirements in force in the company (a set of operations performed during the update, the frequency of scheduled updates, the conditions that determine the need for unscheduled updates, etc.). The project update plan is maintained in a tabular form and contains the dates of the planned, and brief information about previous, including unscheduled, project updates. Information on the updates made contains a description of the procedure carried out, its purpose and the composition of the changes and adjustments taken into account, the results - changes in the project strategy, its approved indicators and budget, documentation from the project KDP.

6. Register of contractual relations of the project.

The register of contractual relations of the project is a summary table containing information on the status of all contracts concluded by the company in order to implement the project. The register contains information about all contracts concluded as part of the development of the project, regardless of whether these contracts provide for payments or not. The register of contractual relations is an important element of management and production accounting.

Most of the accounts (up to 90% or more) relate to construction. For this reason, the main executor in this section of the KDP is the company's SDO, which forms both the construction registry and the general project registry. The work of maintaining the construction part of the register is controlled by the construction manager, providing the LMS with all the necessary information. The work on maintaining the general register is controlled by the project manager, providing the LMS with all the necessary information on contracts that are not included in the construction part of the project. The register has a line-by-line breakdown of current contracts in relation to articles, sub-articles and chapters (in relation to construction) of the cost budget. The recommended registry format is shown below.

10 picture

The principal advantage of the registry format proposed above is that it allows you to evaluate the ratio of completed and paid work (columns with gray shading), that is, to fully understand the real state of the contract being performed. The current version of the register of contractual relations is used by a number of divisions of the company, including being provided to the financial department of the company for use in accounting and planning processes.

7. Cumulative statements (general accumulation statement).

The accumulative statement is a table below, which allows you to determine the percentage of completion of the scope of work under the contract. Conducted under all agreements providing for phased implementation works and their subsequent closure by acts. Accumulative statements maintained under individual contracts are summarized in a general accumulative statement reflecting the status of all concluded contracts that require the maintenance of accumulative statements.

The vast majority of operations related to the maintenance of accumulative statements relate to construction. Cumulative statements are both an element of both production and management accounting. Therefore, the direct executors are both the estimate department (SO) of the company's construction department, and the company's SDO. SO carries out the filling of accumulative statements for individual contracts. The company's SDO, being a member of the company's management accounting, checks the data prepared by the SO and generates the combined data (general accumulative statement). The reformatted data from the general accumulative statement is entered into the register of contractual relations of the project and the statement of project costs, which are subsequently provided to the financial management of the company.

Maintaining accumulative statements under contracts concluded for other cost items (except for construction), as well as maintaining a general accumulative statement, is carried out by the company's SDO. Data on contracts related to other cost items are provided by the project manager to the SDO. The general accumulative statement is maintained by the SDO in parallel with the register of contractual relations and the project cost sheet.

An up-to-date version of the general accumulative statement is provided to the company's financial department for use in accounting and planning processes.


The sections of the KDP "Register of contractual relations of the project", "Cumulative statements (general accumulation statement)" are fundamentally significant, as they contain basic information for building production and management accounting in relation to the cost part of projects.

8. Statement of costs (statement of the expenditure part of the budget).

Reflects the current state and movement of the cost budget of the project or the state of this budget in dynamics (as opposed to the approved cost budget, which, accordingly, can be called a budget in statics). The cost sheet allows you to estimate the percentage of budget development.


The percentage of budget development is extremely important from the point of view of the possibility of comparing it with the estimated percentage of the cost of work performed, adopted and closed by acts. The "theory" in this comparison must completely coincide with the "practice", which, we note, is extremely rare. Usually, the percentage of budget development in the development of projects is ahead of the real cost of the work performed!!! This fact means only one thing - for some reason the work performed turned out to be more expensive than it was provided for by the approved budget. IN similar situation the remaining budget limits are usually not enough to complete the construction. That is, the company "did not fit" into the approved budget and the construction will cost much more than it was planned. Happy is the company that discovered this "dissonance" at an early stage in the development of the project ...

The statement is a summary table as shown below, in a standard format with a line-by-line breakdown of budget expenditures into line items, sub-items and chapters (for construction).

Through the statement of costs, the mutual influence of the processes of planning and accounting is carried out. The main executor is the LMS of the company. It is recommended that a separate cost statement be maintained for Construction. All other budget items do not require separate maintenance and are merged with Construction in the project cost sheet.

When maintaining the cost sheet, the LMS closely cooperates with the financial management of the company. At the same time, the financial department controls the state of the cost sheet in terms of compliance with the limits of articles and chapters of the approved budget, and the SDO controls the process of adequate reflection in the cost sheet of those costs that were incurred during the implementation of the project.

The current version of the cost sheet, being the necessary basis for the implementation of budgeting, accounting and planning processes, is provided to the financial department of the company.


With regard to the specifics of maintaining sections 6-8 of the KDP, see also the materials of the Chapter “Accounting and planning system. Interaction of operations of budgeting, planning, management accounting and production accounting in the development of projects.

9. Statement of sales (statement of the revenue part of the budget)

Like the cost statement, the sales statement reflects the dynamic state of the project's revenue (as opposed to the approved sales budget, which reflects the static state of the budget). The statement is a summary table with a line-by-line breakdown into types of commercial areas with details to the object (apartment, non-residential premises, etc.). The format of the statement below is subject to change. Filling out the statement is carried out by the project manager or an executor appointed from the commercial department of the company, subject to control by the project manager. The current version of the statement is provided financial management companies and is used in the processes of budgeting, accounting and planning.

10. Project archive.

This section of the KDP must contain all versions of the following documents approved by the investment committee, starting from the moment the decision to enter the project was made: general scheme project development, project network schedule, project economics/budget (approved part of the KDP).

This section contains a complete register of design, permits and other documentation, as well as promotional products developed during the development of the project. The developed promotional products must be described in detail and accompanied by fixing photographs.

The section also stores on paper all sheets of approvals and all corresponding copies of the agreed and signed contracts and additional agreements to them, concluded during the implementation of the project and included in the register of contractual relations of the project. The specified set of contracts and additional agreements, as a rule, is stored and maintained in the LMS. The originals of the approval sheets are kept by the project manager.

This section also contains incoming and outgoing correspondence related to the implementation of the project.
