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How to open a flower pavilion. How to open a flower shop from scratch? Flower business from home

Flowers are one of the most popular gifts, as they are relevant for absolutely any holiday. They can be presented in various types and forms, and there are also many unique varieties that differ in appearance and cost. flower business It is considered profitable, stable and interesting, so it is of interest to many entrepreneurs. In the first stages, it can be organized even at home, and if you promote it correctly, you can receive passive income, as no effort will be put into the business.

The flower selling business has both positive and negative sides. It is important to know about all the parameters before opening a business in order to start a profitable activity from scratch.

The advantages include:

The disadvantages of the job include:

  • sales are uneven as they depend on the season and are also affected by various holidays;
  • to get started, you need to create a correct, thoughtful and reliable business plan for a flower shop with calculations, and you can view a sample, but each store must have its own individual project;
  • necessary for quality business operation cash machine, the use of which complicates the procedure for recording activities and requires registration of equipment in tax office, and the device itself has a significant cost;
  • flowers are perishable goods that require specific care, so optimal and specific conditions must be created for them;
  • To get started, an entrepreneur must have complex and unusual knowledge and skills in the field of floristry in order for the flower business to be profitable and promising.

Initially, you need to register, and you can choose either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. The most optimal choice of legal form is considered to be an individual entrepreneur. For this purpose, the following documents are prepared and submitted to the tax office:

  • statement, which must contain the correct OKVED codes for the chosen area of ​​activity;
  • a flower business can operate under a simplified taxation system, which must be switched to immediately after registration;
  • a copy of the citizen’s passport and his TIN.

Trade will be reliable and controlled if a cash register is used in the process. Therefore, it is recommended to initially purchase this equipment. The device must be registered with the tax office, after which it can be used for its intended purpose. It is also advisable to obtain a stamp and open a bank account.

Choosing a store location

Where to start a flower business? It is important to decide where exactly the activity will take place. To do this, it is necessary to conduct marketing research, on the basis of which special project, and an example of it can be easily found on the Internet. It will contain basic information and nuances of opening and running a business.

You should not completely take a ready-made project, since it will not take into account the specifics of a particular region and store.

The flower business must be favorably located, since the location for this particular activity is considered a key point. The most best choice premises are considered:

  • next to the wedding palace;
  • near high-traffic areas, which include stops public transport, large supermarkets or general markets;
  • close to a train station or bus station.

There should be parking spaces near the store so that every client has the opportunity to comfortably drive up to the outlet. It must be possible to place outdoor advertising, which will attract the attention of potential buyers, as a result of which a business from scratch can bring good income. There should be no competitors nearby who can entice customers with different promotions or other advantages.

Arrangement of the premises

Competent trading presupposes that a unified and unique concept must be formed inside the store, which will be pleasant and interesting for customers. All costs for these purposes must be included in the business opening project. An example of an interesting and exclusive design can be found on the Internet or you can go to the most famous and popular flower shops.

The following styles are considered an excellent choice:

  • Rococo or Provence if the flower business is intended for high-income clients;
  • hi-tech is considered an ideal solution when specializing a store for customers who prefer to constantly purchase unique new items and exquisite items;
  • if not only flowers for bouquets are sold, but also flowers in boxes and pots, then such a store can be designed in an eco-style, and only natural and safe components should be used here, and such a design will act as an interesting business advertisement.

The store should be well lit, and natural lighting should be combined with artificial lighting, which can emphasize the goods presented.

An important point in the arrangement is the acquisition of equipment and furniture. For this you buy:

  • showcases and racks for flowers in boxes, pots or other containers;
  • freezers that can prolong the freshness of cut flowers, which will increase the store's income;
  • a table designed for the work of a florist;
  • table and cash register for efficient and correct payments to clients;
  • so that customers expect their orders in comfort, it is recommended to place a sofa in the store.

An example of the proper arrangement of all elements in the room can be easily viewed on various sites on the Internet.

Compilation of product assortment

How to open a flower business from scratch, which will bring a good income, be stable, sustainable and promising? For this, a special project of activity is drawn up with detailed and accurate calculations, in which the nuances of compiling an assortment of goods should be indicated.

When compiling the assortment, the following elements are taken into account:

  • Cut flowers, the varieties of which should be numerous. The most popular are roses and chrysanthemums, tulips and mimosas, orchids and lilies, as well as many other varieties.
  • Flowers in pots or boxes are in demand, but less popular compared to cut goods. Example great store suggests the presence of a large number of varieties of such flowers.
  • Cultivated plants that are of interest to many potential customers. As a rule, they are purchased by retirees or people who like to spend a lot of time gardening or working with crops in the garden.
  • Related products that are very profitable to sell due to a good margin. With their help, you can significantly increase profits, and this includes fertilizers, pots, literature about flowers, candles and ribbons, cards and packaging, stands and elements for creating a unique landscape design.

If you choose the assortment wisely, you can count on good demand for the store, which can generate passive and high income.

How to make a store popular?

It is important to know not only how to start a flower business, but also how to properly promote it. The following methods are used for this:

  • finding corporate regular customers who will regularly order decoration for various celebrations;
  • design of various portfolios, for which unique flower arrangements are created, and in the future it will be possible to create original bouquets for weddings, dates, anniversaries or other significant dates;
  • advertising on radio, television or other media;
  • cooperation with holiday agencies, restaurants or other establishments that can become regular customers;
  • creating your own website on the Internet.


How to organize a flower business that will be popular among buyers? To do this, it is important to find suitable workers who will be professional florists who know how to properly care for flowers and create unique and inimitable compositions from them.

Salaries should depend entirely on revenue.

Pitfalls in starting a flower business

Start from scratch this business It’s not difficult if you look at an example of a successful store in advance. However, for promising and profitable work, you need to know all the possible difficulties and pitfalls, which include:

  • if you hire non-professionals, they will not be able to make unusual bouquets, so the store will not be able to compete with other establishments;
  • You should not purchase a ready-made store, because profitable business will never sell;
  • flowers need to be properly cared for and kept in optimal conditions, otherwise they will quickly lose their presentation, which will lead to constant write-offs;
  • you shouldn't skimp on creating original design store, because otherwise it will not differ from standard retail outlets, and therefore will not attract the attention of customers;
  • trade must be conducted honestly, therefore it is unacceptable to make a bouquet of fresh and half-withered flowers, since you can easily lose customers;
  • on holidays, you need to clearly understand how many bouquets and flowers can really be sold, so as not to deceive buyers pre-orders;
  • It is advisable to use a cash register while working, which will simplify control over sellers.

If you know all the pitfalls, then you can expect to successfully open a profitable and effective store.

Financial calculations

The project of opening a flower business involves investing the following amount Money:

  • creation of a unique design – 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and furniture – 320 thousand rubles;
  • investments in business advertising – 40 thousand rubles;
  • business registration – 1 thousand rubles.

The total initial investment is equal to 1 million 51 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses:

  • rent of premises per month – 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods for a month – 500 thousand rubles;
  • employee salaries – 105 thousand rubles;

A large sector consists of men purchasing flowers for their loved ones; women who often buy flowers to decorate a room or as a gift. In any city there are a large number of flower shops, pavilions and stalls that can compete. Therefore, how to organize a flower business in such a way as to make a profit? To do this, you need to take into account a number of factors.
Features of the organization

There are several components that play a major role in this business. It is necessary to accurately determine the size of the starting investment, objectively calculate the state of the flower market sector, seasonal fluctuations, and also strategically accurately place the point of sale. The key to success is a reliable and trusted supplier. So, let's organize a flower business.

To organize a flower business, it is enough to register with the local branch of the Federal Tax Service of Russia as individual entrepreneur, register with the department Pension Fund, as well as decide on the type of taxation and start looking for premises.

Type of outlet

There are several types retail stores, but not everyone is suitable for a person who does not have experience and large funds for investment. The most suitable option for beginners in this field of business is to open an online store. Here you need to take care of the range of products, a high-quality website, warehouse space, delivery method, and personnel to receive applications.

A flower pavilion will require large investments. You will need a spacious room, decorated in a designer style; well selected assortment of plants. It is necessary to take care of the design of the bouquets, everything should be on the level. For more income You can open a chain of stores.

In order to start selling flowers, investments are reduced to minimal amounts, about 300-1000 dollars.

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Necessary materials

You will need a number of materials and tools to create unique bouquets:

  • cellophane wrappers;
  • ribbons of various colors;
  • all kinds of accessories;
  • tools for cutting stems.

In hot and cold seasons, it is best to purchase an electric heater and air conditioner. It is good to purchase special refrigerators for storing flowers.

For your business to be profitable, it is important to properly locate your outlet. It is best to trade at intersections, busy streets, restaurants, clubs, near schools, kindergartens and universities. Sometimes, to choose a good place, you need to change several. The main thing is to analyze the results of trading on various platforms.

It is very important to properly prepare the product for sale. Bouquets need to be composed skillfully, the flowers should look fresh and attractive. It is best to cut the thorns down to half the stem from roses. To help roses absorb water, the stems should be trimmed. Flowers should be stored in film or cellophane so that they do not lose their presentation. Before selling, it is best to place them in water heated to 4 degrees for several hours. This will make them look fresher and more beautiful.

Most of the goods will consist of roses, because these are the most purchased flowers. In addition, they are relatively expensive. The price depends on the season and place of production. Carnations will also make up a significant part of the flower stock. They are much cheaper than roses. It is worth purchasing tulips, orchids, daffodils and gardenias.

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Selecting staff

The flower business will require careful selection of personnel. It is best to hire a person with a florist education who knows a lot about arranging bouquets and caring for flowers. In addition, the seller must be sociable, polite, energetic, reliable, honest and physically fit. To attract candidates, place ads in local newspapers or online. The ad must offer a decent wages and good working conditions.

You can organize the sale of flowers in restaurants and clubs. It is best to choose girls for such work. These could also be students who want to earn extra money. They can be dressed in beautiful suits that reflect the image of your company or the specialty of the restaurant.

Before hiring a person, you need to find out as much as possible about him, because employees will work with cash. Request at least two recommendations from your place of study or work. Trust only reliable people to work with money. Once you have hired your employees, explain to them what their duties and responsibilities are. Test each employee less than once every three days.

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Advertising campaign

This business differs from other types of business in that traditional advertising is practically ineffective here. In this case it is necessary direct form advertising. It should draw attention to the seller as the buyer approaches the seller's location.

The best form of advertising is a sign that will attract attention and communicate that flowers are sold here. When they see such a sign, many will begin to look at what you are selling. It is best to make a sign yourself to attract buyers with your individuality.

On the eve of a holiday event, you can print an article about your store, attach photos and send it to the editor of a local magazine or newspaper. This way people can learn about your business and you will get potential customers and profits.

In order for a business to develop and be successful, you need to properly organize your daily work. There is no need to spend more than 3 hours a day purchasing and preparing goods for sale. It may take several months to completely organize the entire workflow. But then everything will go like clockwork. In the morning, it is best to prepare flowers for sale, organize the work of sellers and deliver goods.

The peak sales times will depend on where the store is located. Stores located in busy areas will sell more flowers from about 4 to 7 pm, as people return from work at this time. Most people buy flowers on their way home rather than to work. The most profitable days are weekends. As for flower sales points located in restaurants, the most profitable time is from 18:00 to 21:00. During a downturn in restaurant sales, vendors may cruise the streets looking for customers and then head back to the restaurant. It takes some time for sellers to gain experience in this matter. Girls selling flowers in restaurants should be nice and friendly. They should be able to unobtrusively approach the couple and offer the guy to give his lady a flower.

Most people in our country want to work for themselves. Very often, many people have a dilemma: what type of business will bring a good income with a small initial cost?

One of the types entrepreneurial activity, meeting these requirements - . In addition to the fact that flowers are always in demand, they also bring aesthetic pleasure.

Let's take a closer look at how to open a flower stall.

Stages of opening a flower kiosk

1. Conduct marketing research market. If you decide to open a flower kiosk, first you need to collect as much information as possible about competitors in the flower business in your city (if you live in a metropolis, then in your area). It is important to find information about flower prices, assortment, consumer demand, and the location of flower pavilions.

2. Estimate the size start-up capital. Before opening a flower stall, you need to decide how much money you can invest in your business. The size depends on this retail space, the volume of purchased flowers for sale, the presence of any additional services at your kiosk (for example, arranging wedding bouquets or exclusive bouquets from florists to order).

3. Legal registration documents. To open a flower kiosk you need the following package of documents:

  • certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP). If you are planning to open a small flower shop, then there is no need to register entity. Such an organizational and legal form of doing business as an individual entrepreneur has significant advantages over a society with limited liability(LLC): low cost of registration, the ability to fully manage own business, short-term paperwork, a simplified procedure for keeping records of the results of their activities and reporting; fewer documents during registration, it is not necessary to have a current account and seal;
  • choose a taxation system: simplified system (STS) or single tax on imputed income (UTII), if you have chosen the simplified tax system, then you need a certificate of payment of a single tax;
  • lease agreement for opening a flower kiosk;
  • permission to place this trade facility (can be obtained if there are permits from the SES, firefighters, or a garbage removal agreement);
  • hygienic conclusions of SES for all products.

4. Find a room. You can rent a room for selling flowers, or you can buy a ready-made kiosk (in Moscow, the price of a shopping pavilion measuring 7.5 x 6.0 meters is approximately 180,000 rubles).

5. Determine where the flower kiosk will be located. The main element of success in the flower business is the location of your point of sale. It is best if the flower kiosk is located in a crowded place: near a public transport stop, at the entrance to the metro (if you live in big city), near a large supermarket.

6. Carry out external and internal decoration of the pavilion (purchase commercial equipment, order a sign, and, if necessary, make repairs). It is better to make a sign for a flower kiosk bright, with the inscription on it in as large letters as possible, without unnecessary words or intricate names. The best option- write the word “Flowers”, you can add information about the operating hours: for example, “24 hours”.

7. When selling flowers in a pavilion, you cannot do without special equipment. You will need:

  • racks for displaying flowers;
  • table for arranging bouquets;
  • stands for flowers and flowerpots;
  • split system or air conditioner (to maintain optimal temperature for plants);
  • cooling chamber.

In addition, you need to purchase the following accessories: packaging for flowers (available in several shades: mesh, felt, matting). Be sure to buy the clear packaging as it is highly sought after. You will also need a glue gun, tape, tape, and wire for gerberas. Tools you can’t do without when selling flowers: nippers, pruning shears, scissors, florist knives.

8. Decide on the range of flowers for sale. If you are going to sell flowers in trade pavilion with an area of ​​at least 18 square meters, it is worth selling the following types of flowers:

  • roses: white, pink, burgundy, variegated;
  • carnations: red, white, variegated;
  • single-headed chrysanthemums: white, yellow, lilac;
  • spray chrysanthemums: yellow, white, variegated;
  • gerberas;
  • tulips (white, pink, yellow);
  • orchids;
  • irises;
  • anthuriums.

9. Decide whether your kiosk will sell any goods other than flowers (cards, special literature) and provide Additional services(for example, decoration of exhibitions, presentations and other special occasions, creation of wedding bouquets).

10. Search for suppliers. It is safer to purchase flowers from several suppliers: choose three main ones. The market is widely represented by the supply of flowers from Holland, Ecuador, and Russia.

11. Search for sellers (if you don’t plan to sell flowers yourself). When hiring staff to work in a flower pavilion, it is best to set a minimum salary, the rest of the money is a percentage of the revenue, thereby making the income of the sellers directly dependent on the profit. Thus, the more the florist earns, the higher the store’s profit. This approach to remuneration will help motivate the seller to do quality work, and you will avoid unnecessary expenses.

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Advantages and disadvantages of opening a flower pavilion

Let's single out positive sides opening of a flower kiosk.

  1. Stable demand for flowers. Flowers are a mandatory attribute of any holiday. Birthdays, weddings, March 8, St. Valentine's Day are holidays where a rare person will come without a bouquet of flowers. Sad events are not complete without flowers.
  2. There can be a high markup on flowers. Experienced businessmen increase the price by 100 - 300% of the purchase price.
  3. To open a flower stall, you do not need to create a legal entity, it will be enough to draw up documents as an individual entrepreneur.
  4. Working in the flower business brings joy. This is especially important if you are a professional florist and cannot imagine your life without making bouquets and exclusive flower arrangements. Opening a flower kiosk will help you realize your creative ideas. The fact that it is pleasant to give people positive emotions by selling flowers for a celebration is undeniable. In addition, admiring the flowers and being all work time in an atmosphere of beauty and pleasant floral aromas, you find inner harmony, spiritual comfort and you are in a good mood.

But despite the obvious advantages of the flower business, when opening a flower kiosk, you may encounter some difficulties.

  1. High competition. Flower markets, kiosks, shops are now common in very large quantities in all cities. Therefore, high competition in this type of business is inevitable. A large number of retail outlets are located in a small area, so which one will attract more customers depends entirely on the entrepreneur.
  2. It must be admitted that flowers are a perishable commodity, so there is no point in purchasing them in huge quantities. The main thing is to know which ones are in greater demand and which ones are in less demand. In addition, it is important to provide flowers with optimal storage conditions so that they remain fresh for as long as possible. According to florists, when good conditions Storage flowers can remain fresh for up to 20 days.
  3. Purchased batches of flowers may contain defective specimens. Do not forget that the flowers themselves are quite fragile and must be handled very carefully.
  4. The flower business is seasonal. Despite the fact that there is always a demand for flowers, in summer and on holidays it is much higher than in winter.

Reading time: 8 minutes. Published 01/21/2015

The flower business is not only profitable, but also creative. Flower products are in demand all year round, and in some holidays The relevance of selling bouquets is reaching an all-time high. Like any other activity, this business requires responsibility and planning. The main difficulties are caused by the specificity of the product: flowers are a perishable and delicate product, so the trading place needs special organization.

Is the flower business in Russia profitable?

Retail sales do not always give stable results, and when selling plants you may encounter unusual difficulties.

Flower business has a number of undeniable advantages, but it is also not immune from risks and possible failures .

+’Business Advantages

  • A well-established flower business is highly profitable and pays off fairly quickly.
  • The goods never remain stale, and money flows into circulation constantly.
  • Consistently high markups on products.)

Cons of business

  • The need for specialized storage conditions for plants.
  • The need for careful planning of product purchases.
  • The need to find a good trading place.
  • Demand for qualified florist employees.)

What is required to start a business?

In addition to other nuances, the flower pavilion has an additional requirement to maintain a special microclimate with a fixed temperature and humidity. This means that the entrepreneur will have to purchase appropriate devices.

The financial side of the issue can be solved in two ways: with the help start-up capital or loan processing for business development.

The main costs will be for rent or purchase commercial premises, as well as for the purchase of equipment and the first batch of flowers.

Costs for working materials include the following items:

  1. Shelving
  2. Containers for flowers
  3. Elements for decoration and arrangement of bouquets and compositions
  4. Florist's workplace

Some stores, in addition to the main type of product, offer related products . This could be anything related to holidays and congratulations: cards, toys, souvenirs, etc.

Who supplies flowers to the Russian Federation?

Most of the plants are imported from other countries : from the Netherlands, Italy, Georgia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Colombia, China, India, Israel.

In Russia They also grow their own flowers, for example, in Krasnodar region There are large greenhouses that supply “live” goods throughout the country. However, domestic producers are able to satisfy only about 10 percent of market needs.

What range of plants do the main importing countries offer?

In world practice, all transactions related to the purchase/sale of flowers are processed by dealers, but in Russia there is no such link. Therefore, most domestic manufacturers focus mainly on market of Moscow and the Moscow region.

The supply of foreign goods is carried out both legally and through “gray” schemes or smuggling. Flowers are transported dry (in boxes) or wet (in containers with water).

Pricing directly depends on the size of the stem, measured without taking into account the bud. The most popular on the domestic market are roses with a stem from 60 to 80 cm long and weighing from 50 to 70 g. As the size of the flower decreases, its cost also decreases.

6 secrets to running a successful flower business

  1. Product storage
    Flowers need to be provided with a special microclimate. Extreme heat or cold significantly shortens the life of plants and spoils their presentation. The recommended storage temperature ranges from 4-8 degrees Celsius.
    There are a large number of chemicals that slow down the process of flower withering. For example, for successful transportation, plants are transported using a glucose solution or ascorbic acid. Upon arrival at the place, the flowers must be left in clean water during the day.
    If you intend to put your business on a “big scale”, it is important to consider the option of purchasing special refrigerators that allow you to store flowers for about a month. Such equipment is often taken on credit.
  2. Procurement planning
    The average period for selling flowers should not be more than a week. After this time, the majority of flowers begin to rapidly lose their presentation. Therefore, when setting retail prices for products, it is necessary to take into account that about 60% of all goods will remain unsold. All these inevitable losses must be included in the final cost of flowers.
    Seasonality and popular holidays are another reason why procurement planning is inevitable. For example, on September 1, March 8 and February 14, there is an expected surge in sales, when the amount of revenue in one day can be equal to the income of several months. Accordingly, you need to take care of ordering goods for these dates in advance.
    In late autumn and winter, sales volumes always fall, but the average profit may decrease slightly. This is explained by the fact that at this time of year the most expensive bouquets are sold.
  3. Work with providers
    Establishing productive relationships with suppliers is the key to successful trading. It is necessary to carefully study the terms of cooperation, compare them with offers from other companies and choose the best option.
    The main decisive points are:
    • Range
    • Delivery terms

    The retail outlet should not be left without products. Especially on the eve of holidays and dates on which flowers are given en masse. Therefore, sometimes the supplier’s ability to supply the store with goods on time is valued higher than providing any discounts.
    Organization of a flower business with timely deliveries is considered ideal. new products, when the entire range of goods is stored only at the point of sale, regularly replenished with fresh samples.

  4. Correct location

    You can start developing a flower business from a small retail outlet. However, it is important to approach the place of choice with special responsibility. As in any other trade, the correct location of the pavilion often decides the outcome of the whole matter. The store must be located on a busy street, near a bus stop, close to shopping, entertainment or office center etc.
    It should also be remembered that, despite the visible advantages, a promoted place may turn out to be completely unprofitable due to the presence of serious competitors. In crowded places (such as markets or metro stations) sometimes there is a whole network of already well-known stores that will be difficult to compete with.
  5. Qualified personnel

    It’s not enough just to organize a trading place. The flower business is unrealistic without a qualified florist, since often clients are attracted not so much by the price as by the appearance of the composition. Even one purchased rose can be arranged and decorated in such a way that it will give a head start to the whole bouquet.
    Experienced and talented people should be hired, and if the staff is already staffed and functioning, it would not be a bad idea to enroll subordinates in advanced training courses or seminars on mastering new floral design techniques.
    Knowledge about the biological characteristics of a particular plant is especially important: vegetative cycles, wilting period, storage features. In addition to taking care of appearance products, do not forget that the seller constantly communicates with clients, most of whom are men. Therefore, a flower shop consultant must be sociable, pleasant to talk to and attractive in appearance.
  6. Knowledge of your business

    It is sometimes much more profitable to conduct retail trade in flowers than to engage in wholesale supplies. This is due to the fact that during point sales, substandard goods can be disguised and “revitalized.”
    For example, if a lily begins to deteriorate, they may a number of restorative manipulations:
    • Place in a container of hot water.
    • Cover with wax.
    • To freeze.
    • Treat with special chemicals.
    • Touch up.
    • Another popular trick is decorating fading petals with sparkles.
    • Black spots that appear can be removed using floral paint.

    If the storage temperature is not correct, flowers can be placed in water to which vodka, alcohol or special powder has been added. After which the plant’s marketable appearance will be restored for a short time.

My mother worked as an electrical engineer for 10 years. After that, she went into floristry, where she worked for another 10 years in different stores in Tver. Then she realized that she wanted to devote her life to flowers. At that time I was finishing my studies at Moscow University with a degree in applied information Technology". Immediately after I graduated from university, my mother and I opened flower shop.

The idea of ​​opening was suggested by our loved ones. At the start, we had 600,000 rubles: we borrowed these funds from friends and relatives, without interest. We planned to return the money within a year - and did so.

What did the first 600,000 rubles go towards?

Initially, we did not understand what kind of premises we needed and where it should be located. We found free space in the building of the Tver Academic Drama Theater, which is located in the city center. Nearby there is a city garden, a circus, many restaurants and cafes. We rented a room of 50 square meters with a separate entrance, bathroom, utility room and work area with a refrigerator. It costs 50,000 rubles per month.

We opened the store in 1.5 months, organizing the business together. They came up with a name - “Mint”, form style, logo, were renovating the premises and searching for suppliers. We did everything with our own hands. At first, we went to Moscow to buy flowers ourselves. Friends and relatives helped with the renovation, even bringing a retro piano to our workshop for the atmosphere.

Later, we invested another 50,000 ₽ in the development and launch of the site.We spent the most on design. We currently have few resources for promotion, so for now we are promoting it through word of mouth and social networks. But we plan to connect Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords.

About the team

Mom is responsible for the atmosphere, flowers, bouquets, style, I am responsible for advertising, interaction with partners and contractors. The first six months we worked together. Then we realized that we couldn’t cope with the flow of orders and hired a florist. Recently, a fourth member of the team appeared - an editor who is responsible for social networks. This is an important area of ​​business that brings results; it is very difficult to combine with other tasks. In general, we are still coping with collecting bouquets. But sometimes on holidays you have to work overtime. In general, staff shortages on busy days are one of the main risks of our business, along with delivery delays, low-quality flowers and the possibility of refrigerator breakdowns.

Even for the visual component, we are often responsible ourselves: we take photographsbouquets and other products. Sometimes we still invite a team of professionals and arrange photo sessions, but we most often use the second format before the holidays.

I haven't worked for hire before. I don’t know what it’s like to work from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., five days a week. For the first six months after opening the store, I worked almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Currently working 7– 8 hours a day, six days a week. I can’t afford to go on vacation yet - there’s no one to delegate my responsibilities to. When we grow and increase the number of employees, then I can think about rest.

Business profitability

We deliver flowers from Moscow: we purchase them at a wholesale base. They are brought there from Kenya, Ecuador, New Zealand, Holland, and France. We order the delivery via the Internet, now we rarely go to buy flowers ourselves: delivery for a pre-order takes three hours, and if you go yourself, then all eight.

The cost of flowers depends on the season: in the off-season it can be three times higher. Our markup is 100– 120%. That is, if the purchase price of a tulip is 1516 ₽, we sell it for 3035 ₽. Every week we order an average of 500 flowers, a month, respectively, about 2000.

Now the profitability of our business is 25%: for every 100 rubles invested, we earn 25 rubles. The average check is 2000 ₽.

During the second year of Mint’s existence, our turnover doubled. We pay taxes according to the patent system: the business is registered as an individual entrepreneur.

March 8

The most profitable day of the year is March 8, on this day we earn the equivalent of a month's income. But this is the most difficult day for flower growers. In fact, it begins around March 5: these are sleepless nights, acceptance huge amount flowers, heavy flowerpots with water. It is very important to analyze the demand in advance so as not to buy more flowers than you need, because they may go missing. We managed to make money on this holiday only in the second year. On our first March 8th, we set our own anti-record and were unable to sell 30% of the purchased flowers: we expected much higher demand.

In general, we bring flowers so that no more than 10% remains until the next delivery - we throw away the unsold ones or dry them for compositions of dried flowers.

50% of sales through social networks

On our page more than 3,300 subscribers, which is almost 1% of the city's population. We attract people primarily with a variety of content, and it is not always directly related to flowers - it could be music or polls, for example. We started with an invitation to a group of friends and acquaintances, then asked other groups in the city to tell about us.

At first, the page was a full-fledged replacement for our website - it was convenient to talk about services through it. Previously, we did not allocate a budget for the development of social networks, did not plan them, and if we needed to spend money on something, we simply did it.

VKontakte has a grant program for entrepreneurs “I do business.” We took part in the stream for cities with a population of up to 500 thousand people - we compiled a detailed strategy for promoting VKontakte, described target audience, learned how to set up an advertising account and collect content. Having completed all the tasks, we won a grant of 150,000 rubles, which we will spend on the implementation of this strategy.

We also have a page on Instagram - there are almost 11 thousand subscribers, and we also receive requests for bouquets there. But there are significantly fewer business opportunities there - no personal account, you cannot create a store. At Facebook we are also trying to develop.

We also participate in the Water Discount System - this is a local discount affiliate program. It is quite popular among entrepreneurs and attracts many partners. We ourselves use their products and order water from our partners, for example.

We decorate rooms, arrange weddings, offer flowers during concerts and performances. HWe often participate in events. Events- partner barter story: we are invited to be sponsors or decorators of the event. It is still difficult to assess how commercially profitable this format is, but it definitely has a good effect on our image.

How to stand out

Competition in our niche in Tver is high: there are many flower businesses here, and those who established a foothold in the market 5 years ago already have several locations around the city. Therefore, you can only win if you have your own concept.

We try to convey the mood of customers through flowers: for example, one of the clients asked to put together such a bouquet for his girlfriend for 1,500 rubles, so that she would understand that he misses her very much; another wanted “heavy artillery,” and we offered to give him lilies of the valley in January; there is a guest who loves cacti and and he gives each new one a name, certainly starting with the letter G - we picked up this tradition and began naming the plants that they buy from us (for example, we recently had succulents Harry and Henry). There is also a couple for whom we collected a bouquet for the first date, and two years and 30 bouquets later we made a composition for discharge from the maternity hospital.

We constantly experiment with shades, try to break stereotypes, adding, for example, black colors to bouquets - this is not mournful, but stylish. Launched a year ago New Product- small bouquets-compliments for 500 ₽ - and we are promoting this format.

In addition to flowers, we sell handmade gifts from ceramics and concrete, paintings, and designer cards.- from suppliers from different cities of Russia. It can be both independent freelancers and already formed projects. We select products based on the supplier's concept and look for what is close to us. We bring to Tver something that is not here yet in order to stand out from the general background.

Tip number 1: it is worth taking on if you know and love flowers. You need to understand the purchases, otherwise you can make a mistake and lose a lot of money. It is advisable to have a person on your team with experience in the floral industry. Start with small batches and increase purchases only with sales flow.

Tip #2: Don't be generic. Do not try to adapt to any client. Be creative and come up with something new. Then you will be noticed, and you will not get lost in the crowd.

Tip #3: Be honest about everything. Communicate honestly with guests and clients, answer honestly in social networks, honestly admit mistakes and correct them, conduct fair competition. This is the only way to build a long-term business.
