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Copywriting secrets. An important step towards professionalism and success. Copywriting secrets Copywriting secrets

What is copywriting? Who is a copywriter, and what is the secret of his professional success? What does this field of activity have to do with advertising? And most importantly - how to make money from it? After reading this article, you will learn several useful secrets effective copywriting.

The average person encounters the product of a copywriter’s activity every day when reading newspapers and magazines, browsing the pages of web resources, listening to the radio and clicking the TV remote control. Copywriting comes to offices in the form of business presentations, press releases, newsletters and other correspondence with hidden or open advertising. From street banners to text on product packaging in stores, copyright has shrouded the market world in a dense network. His main goal is to sell.

In a narrow sense, copywriting is the activity of writing custom texts that openly or covertly advertise (position) a product, service or idea. In Russian, this word is often used in a slightly different context. Copywriters are approached to fill a website with informational content that is not advertising in nature, or to write analytical or journalistic material. Sometimes copywriting is confused with rewriting (rewriting text to make it unique for search engines).

However, historically, copywriting is not writing any texts, but writing texts that sell. A copywriter working as a single person has to simultaneously be a marketer, a subtle psychologist, a sales and promotion specialist, and a skilled writer who masters the art of writing easy-to-read texts. Not everyone can be a generalist. Therefore, effective selling texts are often the product of teamwork.

As you can see, copywriting is directly related to advertising. From this environment he grew, and in it he found his main application. In the last century, advertising has evolved in a short century from an almost primitive “herald” to the “web 2.0 era.” Today it is credited not only with being a factor stimulating market demand, but also a cultural phenomenon. No one is surprised anymore by nights of watching advertisements in the cinema, from which representatives of various professions, from actors to private entrepreneurs, draw inspiration.

In the first decade of the 2000s, according to many copywriters, a crisis occurred in the field of selling texts. Consumer confidence has begun to decline, and attracting their attention to advertising is becoming increasingly difficult. However, the web structure into which copywriting is increasingly moving today is extremely dynamic. And someone has already found their means of win-win promotion.

Copywriting secrets are useful not only for professionals. They will be useful to everyone who in one way or another faces the need to increase sales, withdraw new product to a competitive market or simply to present an idea, and also, of course, to those whose activities are inextricably linked with the work of the pen. After all, the main tool of a copywriter is the word.

So, how to attract consumers?
Let's turn to the experience of the legend of the advertising world - Raymond Rubicam.

Advertising is a tool of immortals. Raymond Rubicam

In 1916, Raymond Rubicam, who had been trying for a long time and unsuccessfully to find mutual language with newspaper editors and directors advertising agencies, finally managed to get a job at a decent company “F. Wallis Armstrong." The owner who hired Rubicam was bribed by his letter, sent after the initial refusal.
A good style throughout his career remained the key to success for Rubikam. And he achieved considerable success in the professional field. His own agency (opened together with D. Young) “Young & Rubicam” became one of the most famous in America. What means did Raymond use to achieve his goals?
1. The effectiveness of advertising is determined by its selling qualities.

the main objective advertising text- sell goods. Other things, according to Rubicam, arise in the copywriter’s head from the evil one. Advertising campaign of the Steinway company, which produced musical instruments, for the first time brought him real fame, and the manufacturer - 170% of the usual profit. This conversion was achieved with a minimum of investment.

Rubicam subtly played on consumer psychology. The company went by the slogan “Tool of the Immortals.” It turned out that Steinway products were used by great musicians, including Wagner. A simple black and white poster with the word “immortal”…. Like a true alchemist, Rubicam offered people what they have been subconsciously striving for throughout the history of human civilization. But why didn’t Steinway think of this before?

2. Before you sit down to describe a product or service, you must carefully examine all its strengths and weaknesses.

Rubicam took the preparation of an advertising campaign for Steinway very seriously. Initially, there was something he didn’t like about the image of faceless, smiling trainees who looked more like milkmaids than girls getting a music education. Who should be the face of SUCH a product if not great musicians who have actually achieved success and fame? After searching through library archives, Rubicam was able to find the names of composers who used Steinway products. In the company itself, it simply never occurred to anyone to compile such a list.

The main quality of an advertiser according to Rubicam is originality. Some of his colleagues later, on the contrary, warned novice copywriters against being too creative. Rubikam, on the other hand, entirely encouraged the authors of advertising texts to be original, which was in short supply at that time, and which was a very effective means of attracting.

In agencies where the degree of subordination is extremely high, expecting something super new from an employee is problematic. At Young&Rubicam, copywriters always edited their own texts themselves. Therefore, Rubicam urged middle managers to support the initiative of their subordinates and interfere with their work as little as possible.

Advertising is not war. David Ogilvy

R. Rubicam became a co-owner of an advertising agency at the age of 31. And David Ogilvy only began to engage in copywriting professionally at thirty-nine. The knowledge gained in my youth helped me achieve success. Ogilvy knew firsthand how to sell a product. His experience as a 25-year-old traveling salesman, summarized in the book “The Theory and Practice of Selling Stoves,” was recognized by Fortune in the 1970s as the best sales guide.

Ogilvy did advertising for American Express and Schweppes. The success of an advertiser came to him in America in the mid-20th century. But the means by which he achieved it are still relevant today. In relation to the process of creating advertising, Ogilvy's views are similar to those of Rubicam. He also encouraged advertisers to approach the advertising of each product individually, and not in clichéd ways. For him, the concept of “investigation” (research) is just as important. He also great value focused on the issue of proper personnel selection. What then are the features?

1. It is necessary to research not only the advertised product before launching a company, but also the consumer’s backlash to the advertisement. This secret of effective promotion (tracking feedback), by the way, has become one of the main PR strategies.

2. Particular attention should be paid to brand advertising. It forms the image of the company, makes the brand famous, which in itself determines the successful promotion of the product on the market.

4. The magic word “Test”. David Ogilvy believed that information that a product has been tested by customers and has proven itself to be positive acts as a powerful argument on people, convincing them in favor of purchasing. Especially if this information is presented in the form of statistical data.

5. Advertising is not war. Aggressive marketing, already gaining momentum in the Ogilvy era, aroused antipathy in the famous advertiser. He was one of the first to talk about goodwill in advertising. Otherwise, it becomes like an attack. And everyone who is exposed to it strives for protection.

Seal Prince Gary Halbert

The younger associate of Rubicam and Ogilvy, Sir Gary Halbert, entered the history of advertising as the “Prince of Print.” The main message from Halbert to descendants is “direct-mail”, a system of address mailing lists. Until the end of his days, he preferred to use regular mail. Halbert's students developed an industry that almost every Internet user encounters today.

Gary Halbert has personally mentored three generations of copywriters. Many went through his school on their own, having “in absentia” read the publications of the Print Prince. There is a lot of advice that can be gleaned from his books and articles. It is useful to remember one of the main ones, which turned the traditional idea of ​​​​advertising upside down:

The author's creativity has little effect on the weight of his wallet. Advertisers striving for hyper-originality are puzzled. After all, they used to be taught to always be creative. Halbert reminded copywriters WHY they are in copywriting. The main goal of a copywriter is to make money by promoting the manufacturer’s product. The creativity here is certainly good, but in moderation. And he certainly is not the main one in promotion.

You should rather focus on the many effective selling techniques that operate in connection with the peculiarities of consumer psychology. Halbert’s signature phrase was: “If you’re interested, read it—these words will change your life forever.”

Dan Kennedy. Copywriting without rules

Dan Kennedy became the first multimillionaire copywriter. Not only a copywriter, but also a marketer and business consultant, Dan Kennedy has penetrated all aspects of the “art of selling.” Today, his consultations cost thousands of dollars, but despite this, he still (albeit without advertising) creates custom advertising.

The main rule of D. Kennedy is break all the rules. It is effective for copywriting insofar as it allows you to make maximum use of the principle of uniqueness in promoting a product. Kennedy himself, however, has published more than one book with step-by-step methods and algorithms for writing advertising texts and business letters. He calls for paying special attention to headlines. One of Kennedy's hallmarks is his emphasis on the need to profitably use P.S.

According to D. Kennedy, Not only copywriters, but also businessmen themselves must master the art of creating selling texts (or at least learn its basics). Moreover, using his guidance and focusing on his own knowledge of the product, an entrepreneur can, even if not write the text itself, but at least build the foundations of an advertising campaign. Who, if not the manufacturer or distributor himself, should know what he sells, and why it is PROFITABLE for the consumer to purchase?

Killing bullets by Gary Bencinvenga

“Bensingvenga’s Bullets,” which summarized a lot of “killer” copywriting tools in short letters, were distributed among colleagues in the shop for a long time in the form of a web newsletter. Their translations into Russian began to appear on the Internet relatively recently. Now on the Internet you can find and read in the public domain all three dozen of his “bullets.” Gary Bencinvenga has many secrets to success. As an example, just a few tips for beginning copywriters:

1. Write as simply as possible. The text should be easy to read. The average reader is unlikely to like specific terms and heavy syntactic constructions. It is worth respecting his time and making texts as short, easier and more informative as possible.

2. If it seems that you have nothing substantive to say about the product, then you don’t know it well. Get to researching! A detailed immersion into the study of both the advertised product and its features target audience– the first thing to start with is the preparation of advertising text. The secret of copywriting, which was emphasized by Rubicam and Ogilvy, is aimed not only at the effectiveness of advertising, but also at facilitating the copywriter’s work process.

3. Just 1/5 of your actions bring 4/5 of your income. The 20/80 formula encourages not only copywriters, but also entrepreneurs to engage in time management and organize the work process in such a way as to maximally intensify those actions that bring the greatest profit. In other words, you need to be able to prioritize. It would seem simple, but how often we forget about it.

4. Form a brand value system through the expression “credo”. By declaring what is valuable to the company, the copywriter not only indirectly points out the advantageous aspects of the product and creates a favorable image of the company itself, but also forms an audience of loyal consumers of products sold under a certain brand.

5. Focus on the needs of the target audience. To please the buyer, it is enough to understand what he wants. And position this as skillfully as possible in the advertising text.

Michel Fortin – Doctor of Success

That's what it's called in the advertising world. Canadian Michel Fortin is a recognized marketing theorist, owner and co-owner of large consulting and advertising agencies, professor and Ph.D. Fortin's sales philosophy is the product of many years of experience, deep understanding and keen perception modern processes information development.

He suggests shifting the focus to the web, honest and profitable business in which anyone can build, who, guided by the laws of a competitive market, can offer a unique product or service. Perhaps the most famous of his books are “The 10 Commandments of Powerful Positioning” and “The Death of Sales Copy.”
In addition to these two works, many other books and articles have been published from which you can learn a lot useful information. Here are a couple of the main components of success from Dr. Fortin:

1. You don't have to be the best. You need to be the first. Loud evaluative statements about “ best qualities products, capricious consumers have long been forced to remain on their guard. It is much more profitable for positioning to find something that will be “the first of its kind” for the buyer. Stating this in a product advertisement makes it unique by far to a greater extent probabilities.
2. Focus on benefits, taking into account all possible motivation factors. In reality, a product may not have many things, but when advertising it, you should forget about this and position as favorably as possible what can still attract a potential consumer.

John Carlton. Everything ingenious is simple

G. Halbert's most famous student, D. Carlton, actively works as an online copywriter and uses, in addition to targeted marketing, many other techniques inherited from his teacher. He, too, “changes lives forever” and writes his texts simply, but according to a detailed methodology.

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Hello, friends! Today I present to you the secrets of copywriting from a master, this master is Daria Petrova. We met her at the International Conference Peterinfobiz 2016, where we recorded an interview. Daria Petrova is not only an excellent copywriter, she is a poetess, writer, member of the Russian Interregional Union of Writers, and the author of several creative projects. Daria also deals professionally with PR issues.

Daria Petrova, first acquaintance

Coming soon New Year, and I still have a debt for the month of June, I did not publish the recording of our interview with Daria Petrova, which was recorded on. Previously, the blog published articles (interviews) from leading experts in the field of information business on the Internet, but the recording of the interview with Dasha was postponed until later. Today I am correcting this defect. Previous interviews with information business experts will be presented at the end of the article (links).

We met Daria Petrova in absentia a long time ago, about two years ago (at the beginning of 2015). Then Vlad Chelpachenko recruited a yearly group with the topic of learning how to create an information business on the Internet from scratch. We communicated with Dasha on Skype and worked on this project.

After graduation, we maintained a working relationship, sometimes corresponded on social networks, sometimes communicated on Skype. Daria Petrova responsible and interesting person, I was convinced of this every time we communicated with her, in addition, she is a versatile person, it is interesting to communicate with her on any topic. It turns out that she worked with customers as a freelance copywriter, and Vlad Chelpachenko calls her a copywriter from God. She really knows the secrets of copywriting.

We met her live at the International Conference. Without delay, we decided to record an interview with her, in which Dasha revealed the secrets of copywriting from the master that she is. So, let's move on to recording the interview.

The recording is presented not only in the form of video, but also in the form of text transcription.

Copywriting secrets from a master with a capital letter

At the beginning of the interview, I introduced Daria Petrova, and of course, I said a few words about myself.

Hello, dear friends! I convey to you a huge greeting from Peterinfobiz 2016.. Since wonderful people, wonderful bloggers, experts in the field of Infobusiness on the Internet and making money via the Internet come to Peterinfobiz, I would like to take advantage of this situation and introduce the dear readers of my blog to a wonderful person named Daria Petrova.

I know that Dasha is an excellent blogger. I went and looked at her blog. Dasha is an expert in the field of PR, and even better, she is a poet and writer. Please tell us, Dasha, how you came to such success. You have a blog, write books, and are an expert in the field of PR. How do you do it all?

Dasha Petrova

Thank you Ivan, very much good question. I very often have to answer this question, so I will first tell you a little about myself, about what I did in general. I worked in law enforcement for almost ten years. I was a district police officer, I was an investigator, then I became a chief. And at one fine moment I realized that I wanted to live a little differently.

I understood that if I continued to live like this, my dream would not come true. I realized that I could change my life only if I started my activity on the Internet. In 2011, I went online, but I didn’t understand where I could start making money online. It all started when I started searching.

I worked as a freelance copywriter with clients, I considered any offers. Dedicated four years to copywriting. But at the same time I was also working on my own creative projects. Because I write poetry, I am a member of the Russian Interregional Writers Union. I was drawn in a little by my curiosity about how to make money through the Internet, how to create an information business on the Internet from scratch.

This brought me to the Peterinfobiz conference, which took place in 2013. We met Vladislav Chelpachenko there. And there I realized that it was this person who would give me what I needed. We began to cooperate with him for a very long time, very closely. I saw that Vladislav Chelpachenko really believed that I would succeed. I helped him and did everything I could on my part. And therefore, we had very good mutual cooperation in this regard.

Ivan Kunpan

Dasha, Thanks a lot to you for answering the first question. On Peterinfobiz they don’t ask one question at a time, so I’ll ask you the next question. Since you met Vlad Chelpachenko at Peterinfobiz, so I have the following question: what attracts and energizes Peterinfobiz?

Dasha Petrova

Firstly, Peterinfobiz always has an unusual format, it’s always a holiday. Secondly, internet business stars, experts in the field of information business and making money via the Internet actually come here. They come here and share really good tricks. Thirdly, here you can collect as many contacts as possible with whom you will have enough work for the near future. Fourthly, here you can raise yourself, raise your level.

Ivan Kunpan

Yes, I agree, meeting new people is generally great. I experienced this myself today, I didn’t even intend to meet some people, but I met some stellar people and even agreed that tomorrow we will record an interview. This is great because I know that now I can turn to these people at any time.

Dasha Petrova

I also want to add that anyone who has visited Peterinfobiz at least once will no longer be able to refuse further participation in future conferences. This is already becoming a priority, and we are already looking forward to this holiday ourselves.

Ivan Kunpan

It turns out to be a disease, an addiction. Dasha, one more question, more professional. How did you learn to write copywriting articles? How do you write great lyrics? What copywriting secrets do you know from the master?

Dasha Petrova

When I began to study the basics of copywriting, I did not understand the meaning of this activity at all. I wrote sincerely, I wrote what I feel, what I understand. That is, I was faced with a task, for example, so that a person, reading my article, would perform a certain action.

I included some kind of solution in my text and it turned out so well that when a person read my text, he followed the link, for example, and executed the command that was at the end. This is exactly my secret, the secret of the basics of copywriting.

Don’t just dryly end this text, for example, “if you liked my article, then like it” - no. “If” no longer works here. You should write - “Like it, I’m sure you liked the article!” And this will be a call to action.

Ivan Kunpan

This is a really very important point, I am a blogger myself, I already have almost 500 articles. I started blogging from scratch, wrote articles as best I could, but it seems to me that now I’m doing better. The reason I ask this is because for a blogger it is very important to write articles and write them correctly. You need to convey information correctly to a person so that the person likes it and comes to the blog again. Therefore, if possible, you will share with us the secrets and basics of copywriting.

Dasha Petrova

Certainly. I even have my own product that I can reveal to you so that your audience can get acquainted with the tricks of copywriting and how they work for the client.

Ivan Kunpan

Dasha, we have limited time, and so as not to detain you any longer, I would like to ask you, what would you wish for the readers of my blog?

Dasha Petrova

I always say that don’t stop there, if you have achieved a dream, you need to set the next one. Because when we don't set dreams, we don't grow. It is in setting our dreams that we can see ourselves in those sizes, those scales that a person can achieve. Man is capable of becoming the unit of the entire universe, so it is you who can come up with an idea and go towards that idea. It is the idea that will make you become “big” in this Universe. This is the task of every person to become “big”, in a figurative sense.

The purpose of any text is to interest and, one way or another, sell. The summary of the book motivates you to read it, useful tips skin care product has the goal of keeping the visitor on the site, etc. How to “hook” the reader and convince him that you are right?

Work on the quality of your materials and do not forget to develop intellectually. Supporting thoughts with facts, interesting and up-to-date information, you will make your work more solid and in demand.

The audience loves to learn something new and trusts such authors more.

Use professional knowledge and skills

The consumer values ​​the opinion of a professional, wants to read advice on treatment from a doctor, on repairs from a builder, on make-up from a makeup artist. One of the key components of success as a copywriter: you need to understand what you are writing about. If you don’t have any special knowledge, you should delve into the topic yourself.

The material must be convincing

There are three components to the persuasiveness of a publication:

  • Intrigue. We grab attention from the first words, otherwise the article will remain unread.
  • Logics. Once a person is interested, you need to keep him. Logic must be present both in the construction of the text (composition, logical development of the material and a smooth transition from one thought to another) and in the content (reliability and veracity of information).
  • Emotions. Use artistic and psychological techniques to evoke the desired emotions in your audience. If you are writing about weight loss products, imagine the thoughts and feelings of a girl who wants to lose weight, refer to her mental anguish, desires, and goals.


Before writing an article, draw up a clear portrait of the target audience. Who are these people, how do they live, what problems, desires, way of thinking, character do they have... This will allow you to find the magic “buttons” of influence.

Don't decide for consumers what they should read about. Arrogance, assertiveness, the desire to openly force a person to do something or teach him something are rejected.

Unlearn the word "We" and get into the habit of writing “You”. Nobody wants to read about you; people like direct appeals when they talk about them and offer them specific things they need.

Suppose you are describing the work of a company that installs windows and doors. Instead of “We have a large assortment of doors,” insert “You can choose a door from 1000 models in the catalog.”

This creates a friendly one-on-one atmosphere, the reader feels involved in the discussion and receives a specific figure: exactly how many doors are in the range.

Be helpful

Another trick - offer only what the person needs. Avoid clichés and cliches, they “blur” the eye and force you to pass by such lines. Try instead of the clichéd “We have a team of professionals,” “ Good service", "Flexible discount system" write something in the style:

  1. “Our craftsmen were trained there and have certificates”;
  2. “There is a children’s room in the waiting area, and for adults a cup of aromatic coffee is completely free”;
  3. “For the second purchase there is a 50% discount, there is a cumulative bonus system.”

Needed: specifics, honesty, facts, focus on the interests of the client.

Style and presentation

Having a portrait of the consumer, the copywriter represents his style of behavior and communication. The style of presentation must be appropriate to the audience.

Housewives will appreciate the soft, confidential presentation, business people will appreciate the dry and summary etc.

Benefit language

When describing a product, service, or recipe, do not get hung up on listing characteristics and properties. State why they will be useful to the consumer.

How to write a good text

First, we study the subject of the article (its properties, benefits, uniqueness) and draw up a portrait of the consumer.


In order for a person to continue reading, you should “hook” him from the first words and make them aware of the need for the information provided. The title should contain a target orientation (for whom and about what), intrigue, benefit (the opportunity to find answers to important questions).

Use “magic” words like “secrets, new, free, exclusive”, etc.

Best practices for writing headlines

  • An intriguing question (“How to increase sales?”);
  • Numbers and reasons (“10 reasons to plant potatoes”);
  • News (“ New technology production");
  • Call (“Find out how...”);
  • Target orientation (“For those who need...”).


Tricks for creating attractive text

Write in simple language and short sentences. Do not pile up complex syntactic structures. Frequent paragraphing makes the article easier and more enjoyable to read. Learn to cut down the unnecessary: ​​re-read and feel free to throw out the unimportant.

Use bulleted lists to structure your article. This directs the reader’s thoughts in the right direction, facilitates perception, and adds visual aesthetics.

Choose “shock” synonyms. This will make the publication more interesting and allow it to have the desired impact. For example, instead of “strong” write “powerful”, instead of “beautiful” - “stunning”, etc.

Actively use numbers, research data, calculations, and expert opinions to support your arguments. Graphs, calculations, well-chosen images, life stories, comparisons, quotes, references to celebrities and listing the merits of a company or artist, if appropriate, work well.

These are the basic rules that will help you become a successful copywriter.

Write constantly, develop yourself, critically evaluate your own work and don’t forget to put yourself in the reader’s shoes!

1. Touches

It is extremely important to constantly touch all customers in every possible way, including offline.

Aggressive Follow-up touches (touches after a purchase, contact) are what distinguishes all successful information businesses.

Be sure to check out the touch schedule template (given below) and do it in your info business

2. Trust on 3 levels

You need to learn how to insert a block that includes a person’s trust into each paragraph of your selling text. Several levels of trust:

1) this is possible in principle

2) trust in you (the more you promise, the less trust)

3) a person’s self-confidence (must believe that he can achieve a solution to his problem through a purchase)

3. Inspiration

Where do you get inspiration from? How to get into the flow and start writing?

Start writing without getting into the flow. Set strict time limits. Deadline.

Don't try to find comfort in the process of writing sales letters. Transform discomfort into text that catches you and motivates you to buy.

4. Pain

You must make the person, after reading the text, feel very bad that he has not yet sent you his money. If he doesn't buy, he must feel very bad.

One way is to describe everything that the person will not receive if he decides not to buy right now. You have to hit on a sore spot so that it hurts him because he doesn’t buy.

5. Trust is the key feeling

People want to believe in miracles, in magic pills, in the fact that someone who knows will come and do everything for them. In addition, your competitors are constantly hammering them.

Therefore, it is imperative for you to learn how to write texts that show that you are also a person, that you understand them, that you have been in their shoes, that you are going through the same problems as them.

Trust is a key feeling that a person must have.

6. Discipline

Writing good selling texts is, on the one hand, a skill (we write using formulas), on the other, it is an art (inner self), but it is also discipline!

You must sit down and write, regardless of your lack of desire or anything else.

7. Clients

You need to be able to spend more money to attract more customers.

8. Mastery

Find a large number of letters that have already sold a million, and rewrite them a hundred times.

9. Way to success

Making relatively big money one-time is not so difficult, but making big money come constantly, especially over several years, is quite difficult.

Try to develop the skill of finishing, finishing what you started.

10. Projects

If you have a choice of which project to take on, it is better to take on a project that will bring you a permanent income (Residual income), rather than a one-time one.

But! This is much more difficult to do. Start by learning how to earn one-time income.

11. Formula for making millions.

A short but incredibly scary formula.

    • We write a powerful SalesLetter without fully understanding what will be inside the product (training)
    • In this SalesLetter we promise EVERYTHING (ideally without knowing how to deliver it). When writing SL, raise the bar so high that you yourself madly want to buy this product
    • Find ways to deliver everything you promised. Firstly, you need to have confidence that you can give it to them, and secondly, you need to do it. Until they give it, the training is not completed, the product is not finished.

12. Puppy enthusiasm

When you write a text, it is extremely important to write in one of the passages as quickly as possible, in a state of frenzied beginner enthusiasm.

In the second pass you correct it, tighten it up, make the brightest parts brighter.

No text written using templates will ever be more effective than text written in the first pass with puppyish enthusiasm, when you write, already choking on how cool what you are selling is. This cannot be copied.

13. It's easier to sell to those who have already bought.

We try to test our copy on people who are already customers and are the easiest to sell to. We are trying to predict whether a person will buy.

The simplest cheat code is to look at the actions a person has already performed. A simple example is hiring an employee.

A person with work experience will likely be more successful in his activity than a person without such experience. If your potential customers have already purchased, the chances that they will buy from you are already higher.

14. Systems approach

Why is a good SL expensive? It is impossible to write it quickly. Long preparation period.

For me (Andrey) it’s 2-3 months. Many copywriters say that the most best text begins after thousands of hours put into the project. After a thousand hours, you begin to understand the little things you can convey.

But you most likely need the result much faster. Then work according to the following system: first write an approximate fish of text, blocks.

· What do you sell?

· Why will these people buy?

· Why is this more important than anything else?

· Why should they spend not only money, but also their time?

15. Your client is Homer Simpson

In subsequent passes you need to simplify the text as much as possible. You can imagine Homer Simpson, focus on a fifth grader so that he can understand what it is about.

From time to time it is good to weave into the text pieces that will be understandable only to advanced people.

A person at the fifth-grader level will simply skip over your incomprehensible inserts, and people higher in the class will stick to these inserts.

16. Extra text

Ken Varga writes simply amazing sales texts. He writes a long, huge text for a very long time, and then 90% of it is removed, leaving only the most important thing.

Only the most - the most - the most lethal. I (Andrey) throw away at least a third of what I write.

17. Emotion of delight

Model magicians. Find a show. David Copperfield, David Blaine.

If you have a response, enthusiasm, “wow!” inside you, you should strive to write the text in the same way. Strive to make the text emotional, but in order to convey emotions, you need to be able to feel them and strengthen them in yourself.

18. Empathy

What do people want?

In copywriting, the most important emotion you can feel in yourself is Empathy* towards your clients.

We often do not find understanding even among our closest people. If you can convey it in words, convey that you understand people, help them be important, tell them verbally and non-verbally thank you for being there, for listening to what you say, for doing what you advise because they are your clients.

Let them feel that you understand them, that you care about them, that you are doing everything to make their life easier. Everything in life becomes much simpler, and sales begin to go completely differently.

*Empathy - (from the Greek empatheia), empathy, penetration into the feelings and experiences of another person, experiencing the same emotional states that another is experiencing.

19. Working on a business

Spend 1 hour a day working on your business

If you already have a profitable business (a non-profit business is a hobby), there is a flow of incoming clients, the most important thing you can do for your business is to set aside time every day, preferably an hour, when you will be busy only with developing promotion, increase, and scaling schemes your business.

Work not in business, but on it. Think, plan, analyze, invent. In principle, this is why you need a coach, so that you move forward together with someone.

We wrote a whole section about this in more detail in the book “Business without Rules”, be sure to read it!

20. Concentration and Vision

Learn to see the situation from the outside.

You must be able to see the situation strategically. Operate on a large scale. Strive to provide maximum quality.

If your theme works, after you've tested it and it's running, you have to find a way to make it the best in the niche. You should concentrate your resources only on those topics that give you the greatest return on the investment of your time.

21. The road to success

Love the activities that lead you to success

They say do what you like and the money will appear. But there is another statement on this matter.

“Learn to love actions that will help you get maximum results - and then the money will appear.” Learn to love doing things that will bring you and your clients the best possible results - and then the money will appear.

22. Failures

Our failures are our best lessons. This is what makes us move on, change, rethink what we do. Failure is part of success. Standard formula: out of 10 things you do well, you will get one.

There are 2 ways of development

Option 1 is to improve the conversion rate: work on yourself, work with the audience.

2nd option - if your personal percentage is 10 to 1, and you want 7 successful projects, we need to find a way to launch 70 projects, of which 7 will be successful.

According to the law of synergy, you will receive more, not 7, but about 20 successful projects. Never conduct projects sequentially, this is a failed path. Walk parallel paths AT THE SAME TIME!

23. Diary

The most important thing is to keep a diary of successes and failures. Understand 2 things that are extremely important: separately write down the things that worked out and continue to repeat them.

Many, in pursuit of something new, stop doing what they were doing well. What didn’t work out should be written down on another list and never repeated from it again. You will know what not to repeat again, and what needs to be repeated clearly.

New is good, but you need to constantly repeat what works.

24. The pain of failure.

Negative Feedback. You must move forward not because you have to, not because “it happened that way,” but because you want to go somewhere, change the world for the better, change yourself for the better.

There are 2 different behavior patterns.

    • How are we taught? You bit off, chewed, swallowed, so you have to bite off more than you can swallow. You have to take on a lot more things.
    • Stretch your boundaries and move on, don’t be afraid to launch something new, don’t be afraid to accept the problems that come, welcome the pressure that comes to you.

At the same time, you must understand that this is only part of the solution.

There are many beginners, few finishers.

What works should not just be completed, but developed, and continued on this topic. Making very strong products out of it. You have to be able to dig wide, notice where the spike is, and then dig deep.

In this case, there are often two mutually exclusive behavior patterns

model of digging in breadth

· take interesting topic, and dig deep when you can see where the splash is

You can either bury yourself in your topic (if you dig only in depth), or remain superficial (if you dig only in breadth).

It is imperative to not be afraid to test things broadly and at the same time be able to switch.

25. Stop waiting to get screwed!

Sit down to work without inspiration, in the process clinging to something, you pull yourself up.

Most of our lives are routine, boring and constant, but routine is the inertia that keeps us moving forward.

If you wait for inspiration, you will be like the person standing around the corner waiting for the parade to pass by, even though the parade is in the square.

26. Hope

There is such a good emotion - hope. Most people have the hope that there is someone who will come and do everything for you. An example is selling MLM products.

Most people want someone to lead them. Smart, wise, effective. They just need to be in the crowd.

We want not only to be led, but also to think for us, do things for us, and be rewarded for it. Receive benefits without taking on any risks. This needs to be understood.

Hope for a magically strong brother is the most powerful of human emotions and cannot be ignored. It is extremely important for you to understand that this is what will sell.

27. Hyperboles

Donald Trump is a master of self-PR; he has a very exaggerated ego.

In his interviews, he says that when he does PR, does promotion of some of his products, another real estate, etc., including himself, he inflates it, adds bravado and courage to it.

People want to believe that somewhere there is the biggest, the most creative, the most expensive, the best, the most.

This is how you need to sell, adding a decent dose of “hyper”, show it like comics do - with large strokes they draw the most important emotions, the most important things.

This is what people want to see. This adds drama. It's catchy and includes the emotional side.

28. Swipe – file

How to achieve this?

You need to create your own swipe file, this is a collection of other people’s selling texts from which you draw inspiration. Texts that catch your attention. Sales letters that sell like crazy. A big good swipe - the file will bring you a lot of money. This is a good tool.

Algorithm for working with a swipe file.

You look through texts (not necessarily on your topic) and something in the text hooks you. You work through this through yourself, and then write your own text (your own emotion).

Swipe - the file is not needed for copying, but in order to evoke a resonance of internal emotion, so that this feeling turns on in you.

The swipe file can be used in two ways:

    • When you don't have the inspiration to start the process
    • You are already working and need to switch to next level, you need an additional injection of external energy, add chips.

29. Fatigue

What to do with fatigue?

Practice shows that when we push ourselves forward to restart our brains so that they start working when you are tired while working on a text, option number one is to leave. You can finish a block of text and post it on your blog.

The second option: you are tired, if you are a professional, you can push further through this rubber ceiling using external things, swiping with a file, coming up with another block, another text, then a second wind opens.

Psychologist William Chase was the first to study fatigue levels. If you push through the first level of fatigue, a second wind comes to you. If you push through the second level of fatigue, the third wind comes to you, etc. And then after the 3rd breath the most creative ideas often come.

30. Other people's ideas

Don't be afraid to use other people's ideas

Most ideas work much better in the brain of another person than in the brain of the person who found them.

Don't be afraid to peek good ideas from someone else. Don't be afraid to use them both to start the process and to push through that level of fatigue that comes up periodically.

31. How to write a good sales text?

There are sales in every person’s life, even if he says: “I don’t like and don’t know how to trade.” But actually it is not. If you write a resume, you are offering to buy your abilities and your free time. Few people haven’t advertised in the newspaper, and this is also an example of selling from life. Another thing is that not everyone is able to sell themselves at a lower price. These are the main copywriting secrets- the work of a person, his articles. Let's try to open them.

The main secrets of copywriting

1) The article should grab attention from the first lines. It doesn’t matter what emotions it will evoke: interest, curiosity, or maybe even irritation. But first of all, it must be of interest! And if this is not in the first sentence, then the second may no longer be read.

3) You need to write simply and clearly, short sentences.

5) Small digressions are useful, but it’s still not worth going too far away from the topic of the article. The reader may forget what the article is about and not understand anything.

6) You need to know well what you are writing about. Read everything you can find for yourself before you start writing about it. Your reader should trust you and consider you a professional.

7) Do not use pompous words and expressions. You need to become for the reader not a teacher, but an interlocutor.

8) To attract attention, you must use underscores, bold and red line. Illustrations and diagrams would be helpful.

9) Opinion famous people about the subject, which you write about can be very helpful in attracting attention to the article. A copywriter must be a good psychologist and be able to persuade.

10) There is one Magic word , which magically affects everyone without exception. That word is “free.” If you can insert it appropriately, it can help sell any product. One “free” lesson, ten “”, one “free” small gift can fascinate anyone.

11) Don't forget to praise or thank the reader for something.. Having done something nice to a person, we receive his sympathy and desire to do something nice for us. How not to reciprocate a good person?

12) People like to be mistaken! Strange as it may sound, it is a fact. Nobody likes to be told the truth to their face. But lying is also not good. What to do? Tell the truth - but a little embellished! Doesn't matter
