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Becoming a job search reviews. Runic becoming "Keymaker" to work from Kavirra. Quick formula "Successful interview" from mo flying

Job searches can sometimes drag on for quite a long period of time. Unfortunately, even very good specialists sometimes find it difficult to find a vacancy that suits in all respects. And it’s not enough just to find one - you still need to successfully pass an interview and be in many ways better than other applicants for this place. Runic becoming "Get the right job quickly" will help you if you have been looking for a long time or want to find the job of your dreams as soon as possible.

General rules

We put all the work positions presented in the article on our own photograph, in some cases you can draw a ligature directly on your own body. Negotiate according to the desired action, activate by any convenient way. Deactivate the formula after it worked with fire.

Runic becoming "Work" from Runava

Runic standing for good luck and luck in finding a job from a master with the nickname Runava helps to find the desired vacancy. The main thing - during the reservation, do not forget to say what position you want to take, what should be the level of remuneration. You can even specify the name of the company in which you want to get a job.

Symbols included in the ligature

  • Dagaz calls for necessary changes so that the operator can quickly find a job
  • Mannaz symbolizes a person who likes what he is doing.
  • A bunch of Fehu and two Yera runes provide a good income
  • Turisaz destroys any obstacles that prevent you from getting the desired position
  • Two Nautiz in the background force a person to be collected, concentrated, attentive

Runic becoming "Keykeeper" to work from Kavirra

This runic search for a good job will come in handy when a person is stubbornly looking for a job, but for some reason all the offered vacancies are not suitable: either the schedule is not suitable, or the salary level, or the location of the company is too far from home. The runes of this formula create a situation in which the desired employer finds you himself. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to lie on the couch and do nothing. Just keep looking and the right option will very soon show up by itself. The most important thing is to draw up the right agreement, which will take into account even the smallest details (location of the company, conditions, salary level, expected duties, team, etc.). We will not describe the runes in detail, since the formula is stipulated in its entirety. It will be enough to simply list them: Ansuz, Northumbrian Gar, Fehu, Soulu, Vunyo, Nautiz and two Raido.

Formula "I want a job and money" from Proserpina

This amazing rune to get the job you need quickly has proven its effectiveness more than once. There were even cases when a person found a vacancy that suited him in all respects the very next day after activating the formula. Of course, such lightning speed is the exception rather than the rule. But in general, in a couple of weeks it is quite possible to find an option that will appeal to you.

Runes that work

  • Kenaz highlights job opportunities
  • Two Laguz energize a person
  • Uruz transforms your thoughts and desires into reality, attracts the desired changes, helps to find exactly the vacancy that is needed
  • Mannaz - operator
  • Fehu gives a person the very job he dreamed of
  • Inguz is responsible for income and development
  • Jera symbolizes the successful result of the search
  • Algiz helps to capture and feel all available opportunities
  • Secondary Kenaz shows a person where you can make money

Becoming "Find a good job" from Nemezida

Runic becoming a job search, compiled by the Nemezida runologist, helps to remove existing blocks from a person that interfere with finding a job. It provides protection to the Higher Forces, opens money channels and clears the way to new job, which will suit a person in all respects. Becoming imprisoned for a fairly fast search, so the result can be expected in the next couple of weeks after activation.

Runes used in knitting

  • Rune of the Lesser Futhark Madr destroys blocks that prevent a successful search
  • Turisaz clears the way for a new job
  • The Icelandic black row symbol Yr makes a difference
  • Raido - leads a person on the road to a dream job and opens a money channel
  • Direct and mirror Fehu in conjunction with Laguz provide energy replenishment
  • Rune Ass is responsible for a positive result
  • Salt enhances the action of the formula
  • Secondary Ansuz provides support, patronage of the Higher Forces

Becoming a quick job search from Natalie

This formula is very unusual: in addition to traditional runes, we see magical hex signs in it. Becoming allows you to get the right job in the shortest possible time.

Description of the runescript

  • The central point is the person himself
  • Inner circle - inner world this person and thoughts that can change the world around
  • A bunch of Perth - Laguz is responsible for the successful search for a dream job
  • Otala finds exactly the right job (for this rune we stipulate all the desired conditions for the desired position).
  • Fehu is responsible for the implementation of plans
  • Two Runes of Victory enhance the effect of Fehu
  • The outer circle of the hex attracts the right circumstances

Judging by the reviews, becoming works very quickly - within a few days, the people who used it managed to successfully get a job Good work.

Fast rune formula "Successful Interview" from Mo Flying

Sometimes it happens that we find interesting vacancies, go to interviews, but in the end, for some reason, we are not taken there. In this case, we recommend trying this runic stav so that they hire you. It is recommended that immediately before the interview, put runes on a photograph of a person so that Soulu is above his head, Ansuz - on his head and neck, the rest - below.

Working symbols

  • Soulu ensures victory in the intended business
  • Ansuz allows a person to speak in an interview competently, clearly and exactly what is needed
  • Gebo allows you to establish contact between the employer and the applicant
  • Vunyo ensures that these people are on the same wavelength during the interview

I want to note that I personally used this formula for my husband. Before his interview, I put the runes on a regular sheet of paper, since there was no photo at hand, slandered, activated with my breath, and then put the sheet in the pocket of his jeans. Three days later, the employer called and said that he was taking him, although there were several candidates for the position.

One of the most important ways of self-realization of a person is work - a career, career advancement, making money, in the end. Now you will learn how with the help of runes you can solve problems that arise in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, which runes for a career and in which situation you need to use, as well as ways to activate runes and apply them.

Do not be surprised by the simplicity - one character is enough to get a tangible impact with runes. Rune combinations are often redundant. Apply these simple magic tricks, wait a while - and see that they work!

Runes of the Elder Futhark. Illustration:

Runes for work

Let's consider a number of typical situations that we often encounter at work, and think about which runes can help us in solving problems.

4. Runes for promotion - Evaz, sometimes Ingus or even Turs.

5. Rune for salary increase - Fehu is best.

Rune activation

How to use runes? I will give two ways to activate the runes. Let's start simple. First of all, determine what exactly you want to receive. Formulate for yourself, and better - write on paper. Choose the right rune. In the morning, apply it on your arm (shoulder, so as not to be conspicuous). You can use a regular pen. Put your other hand on your shoulder, say "set" to yourself. For example: "I want to get a promotion." And in the evening before going to bed, wash off the rune. After a while (depending on the complexity of the situation) you will begin to notice changes.

For advanced runers, I will give a more complicated method: activating the amulet (formula) with the power of air. Apply the rune to the wooden plank with a knife (new or at least not used for other purposes). Then take a deep breath and evenly blow the air onto the board, while scrolling through the problem statement in your mind. The tablet can be carried with you (in your purse) or put in a place where it will not catch the eye (and even more so in the hands) of other people.

Good luck in business and success in your career!

Futhark for work

What kind of runes and how can they help us in government affairs? Here is mine short description runes of the elder futhark in relation to work.


    Thanks a lot Alexandra for her work. She laid out the situation perfectly, gave advice on how to behave. I am very pleased.

    I want to express my gratitude to Kira and pay tribute to her professionalism. Say a big thank you for everything. This is my first time using this kind of...

    Many thanks to Kira! I chose Kira not for the first time, but for the first time I received a consultation by live communication (via Skype) and really appreciated positive side such an interaction. Firstly, we, the questioners, often cannot formulate the question precisely and generally do not know how to ask it correctly. Therefore, Kira, at the preliminary consultation, helped me with the formulation of questions ...

    Many thanks to Alexandra for the advice! Alexandra is not only a highly professional runologist, but also an attentive psychologist, she has an individual approach to everyone, her advice helped me a lot. I will definitely recommend to friends and acquaintances.

    Dear Kira! I just listened again to our conversation with you and felt an urgent need to thank you again. Right now, many months later. Because I was then and I am now - it's completely two different person. And all this is thanks to you and that fence from Hagalaz, which fell out in the layout. You were the start. I had to change a lot, my way of thinking, my attitude to life, to people, to myself. Work a lot on self-esteem, learn to accept yourself and love yourself, listen to yourself in order to accept and love others as they are. And as soon as the changes inside began, the life outside immediately changed. I now love every moment of every day. Every morning somewhere in the sky I say "I will have a great day!" and every evening I say "Thank you!" And it's so amazing - I really have something to say thank you to the universe every evening. Thanks again to you and your runes for everything!

    I want to say a big thank you to Kira for her help. thank you! You helped me a lot. they delved into my question, put everything on the shelves ... in the depths of my soul I thought so, but I simply could not understand and accept. but after your words, I will begin to act. You helped me understand who I am and how I should behave! I feel much better after talking with you. thank!

    Alexandra, thank you so much for your advice! You helped me a lot by opening my eyes to the truth. It was a pleasure to talk with you and get the right advice. All the very best to you and success in everything you do!

    Alexandra, thank you very much for your advice. You are a very experienced runologist. All predictions come true. You open your eyes to many things and thereby help to "remove" rose-colored glasses.

    I have contacted Kira several times. The help I received was invaluable. Kira helps to change life radically. A pure man and a wise woman. I don't understand why the price is so low??? It is not right. This level of work should cost a lot more. The time of a highly qualified specialist is always valuable.

    Kira, thank you! Your layouts and forecasts helped me, sent me on the right path. I realized what I was doing wrong, and what it could lead to. They helped me see things from a different perspective. I saw new solutions to the problem. Your advice, as a high-class specialist and as a woman, helped me to pay attention to what I turned a blind eye to myself. Currently, the fears and doubts that I had and that preceded the difficulties in my personal life are passing away. The debt period of stagnation slowly but surely began to move, I began to leave the vicious circle, after consultation and communication with you. Thank you!

    KIRA. This is a person who conveys what they want to tell us from ABOVE. In the turmoil of life, we sometimes do not notice the obvious things, we make mistakes. But when the Gods, seeing our helplessness, decide to take pity on us, they send us the opportunity to communicate with people like KIRA. KIRA is a very good runologist, the runes reveal ALL THEIR SECRETS to her. And besides that, how much warmth and cordiality in this person ... THANKS to the one who crossed our paths. And of course, THANKS, KIRA

    Kira, thank you very much for your layouts! I hope that I can apply the advice of the runes and your advice to my situation. Thank you very much.

    Dear Kira! Many thanks to you for the diagnosis: for a very accurate and detailed analysis of the situation and advice. It finally became clear where to go next and what to change. Thank you for being!

    I want to express my gratitude to Nick and Kira for the layouts and good advice. At first I turned to Nika when nothing worked out in my personal life, she said that I needed to change in myself, I reviewed many things and behavior, and just a few days later a man appeared. Then I turned to Kira with a request to review my situation, as there were a lot of questions and misunderstandings. I was completely confused in these relations and did not understand anything anymore. Kira explained everything very clearly and gave an immediate forecast for the future. And now attention. The forecast comes true COMPLETELY, without the slightest deviation. And I am incredibly grateful for the layouts, as they say, forewarned means armed and ready. I hope everything goes well and everything works out the way it should. Thank you very much Nika and Kira, best wishes.

    I would like to thank Alexandra Sometimes we ourselves do not know our true desires and motives until the runes open our eyes. I really like the interpretations of the meanings of the runic layouts of Alexandra and I turn to her not for the first time. We work every time until we fully understand the essence, we learn to understand ourselves. I don't think I'll be going to her again! God help her!

    Hello! I am very grateful to Alexandra for an accurate, deep description of the situation that torments me, limits and hurts me. It is wonderful that you open up opportunities for people to develop and help them become happy! Thanks a lot! Happiness and good luck to you in everything!

    It's not the first time I turn to Kira, and in all cases Kira pulled me out of my confusing situations with her help and advice. She saw the essence of the problem much deeper and not only gave an answer to my question, but also gave me advice on how to improve my life further. She treated my situation very carefully and sincerely, her help went beyond the usual standard consultation!!! Girls, women, I can say on my own, thanks to Kira, that we have her, wise, wonderful and to whom we can turn for advice and help! Good luck, Kira!

    Many thanks to Kira for advice and help - it was they who helped me do the right thing in difficult situations. Accurate vision of the problem, wise recommendations and warmth - that's what I got by contacting her. Kira answered the most important questions for me, those that no one could answer. I applied several times, and I will contact again, because it helps not only to choose the right path to the goal, but also to suggest the best goal.

    I want to say a huge thank you to Kira! Very sincere, sensitive, light man. It was very pleasant to communicate. Kira told me a lot of new things that I myself deeply felt somewhere, but it was difficult for me to determine it for myself. So now I will try to follow the recommendations. I'll post the results later. For wise advice, I strongly advise everyone to turn to Kira! Thanks a lot again!)))

    Kira, you are my big human THANK YOU!!! When you answered my question as part of a free consultation, I was surprised at how accurately you described the situation. I decided to order a paid alignment and was even more surprised, you just exceeded all my expectations. Thanks to you, I was able to look at my problem from a completely different angle, I myself would not have thought of it before, because it seemed to me that what I was doing was the only right option that simply could not lead to failure. I received comprehensive answers to all my questions. I liked the fact that you spared no time for me, interpreting the layouts in detail and in detail. It is very pleasant to communicate with you not only as a high-class specialist, but also as a person. Sensitivity and a subtle understanding of the problem of another is so important for someone who is looking for a way out of a difficult situation, and you give it to people. Now I know who I can turn to in a difficult moment and get help. Thanks again! Glory and Power!

    Thanks from the bottom of my heart to Kira, a master of her craft - Kira deeply and correctly saw all the problems and indicated the most accurate ways to resolve them, in addition to being a high-class professional, Kira is also a very pleasant, kind and sensitive person, attentive to her clients. Thank you Kira, happiness, success and prosperity to you.

    I want to express my deep gratitude to Kira! In general, it is very difficult for me to tell someone about my problems and experiences, for the first time I intuitively turned to Kira and did not regret it a bit. She is a wonderful person and a great runologist! Helps to understand the situation. Everything is accurate, describes in detail and gives useful and wise advice. After talking with Kira, my heart is very warm. I'm glad I turned to her for help! Kira, thanks again! Happiness to you and good luck!

    I wholeheartedly recommend Kira!! This is the second time I’m doing a layout with her, the previous short one has already come true, and the current detailed one subtly and accurately describes the nuances of the situation and gives recommendations! Kira is wise, deep, accepting! Spent enough time answering everything additional questions. Gave wise recommendations, advised additional materials.

    Many thanks to Kira for the detailed, complete work! Good luck, prosperity, creative development! Thank you! It's such a joy to get a detailed story about yourself and your life, about your feminine power, using just the Internet!

    I want to thank Kira, a very attentive and competent runologist, I judge not only by communication and help in choosing the right questions, but also because I myself studied the runes a little (but I can’t interpret it objectively for myself), so I feel an experienced specialist in this matter. Kira helped, through a thorough analysis of each issue, to determine the essence of the problem in relationships, the present, what awaits in the future, the characteristics of people, my psychological state and what prevents me from being happy, gave advice, with the help of runes, to correct the situation. Many of the causes of problems are in ourselves, in general, with the help of Kira, I understood what needs to be worked on. I am glad that when I contacted for the first time (I was afraid that it was a scam), everything turned out to be honest and Kira really delved into the essence of the problem and helped a lot !!!

    Many thanks to Alexandra for thoughtful, detailed layouts that reveal problems and questions to the very depths. She finds clues and clues, determines both situations and people's inner motives. And most importantly, according to Alexandra's layouts, it is always clear that all positive changes are in our own hands, and the path from which the decision must be started is clearly visible. And I also wanted to add: it is very felt that Alexandra approaches the consultation with all her heart, not indifferently, but sincerely penetrates to the very essence of the issue.

    Thanks Kira! very positive person, attentive to the problem, spares no time to properly understand. gives accurate advice. mild effect on the situation. made me understand that it is possible to work until the result and apply even after a long period of time (it just happens that some people disappear :)). After the consultation, I was left with ease and a pleasant impression.

    Kira, thank you so much for your advice. I wish you grateful customers and prosperity!

    Thanks Kira for the advice! Everything is essentially the problem, argued. Comprehensive review and analysis of the situation. And what is very important for me - with constructive recommendations for solving the problem. In addition, the cost of services is adequate!

    I want to say a big thank you to Kira! Very sensitive, sympathetic and wise person. I applied for a paid consultation, and also asked a free question, in all cases Kira was attentive, described everything in detail and accurately, gave useful recommendations and advice. Thank her very much. I advise everyone!

    I express my sincere gratitude to the highly qualified specialist - runologist Alexandra! Always specific, detailed, wise and tactful. I admire the accuracy of her layouts and interpretations. I have great confidence in all her advice, thank you for your sincerity and friendly attitude. I wish Alexandra all the best!

    Hello Kira! I want to thank you again for the help, for the words that you wrote to me! After your alignment and precisely all the advice that you wrote to me, my life entered a different, calmer track! Some of your phrases have become my motto! Whenever I felt sad, I would go back and re-read them every time. I even "passed" them on to others.))) And many heard your words. I tried to follow all the advice that the runes gave me and you! You helped me a lot! I bow to your talent!!! Thanks and good luck to you!

    And again - thanks to Kira))) Competent and correct consultations allowed me to take timely measures and the situation was resolved in the direction I needed!

    I want to express my gratitude to Kira for the advice! Thank you, Kira, for the detailed layouts, for the advice - just detailed, specific, for the delicate attitude, for the participation. Everything is clear, accessible, very professional! And besides, I got a very pleasant communication with a person who gave me strength and confidence! Kira, thank you very much!

Becoming Profitable sale

This haldrastav is intended for urgent bargain sale tangible property and assets. If you urgently need to sell an apartment, a car, a business, land or something else, then this position is just what you need. It will help to sell even what is not for sale and what no one wants to buy. Make it on wood, thick paper or cardboard. Circle the drawing of the stav with your blood. To activate, stand between your palms and say the activation formula: "Van idig gid aggriad" - 9 times.
(Before reading the formula, you can read the appeal to Odin for reliability).
Then make an offering to Odin. Wrap the galdrastav in natural fabric and carry it with you. It will attract potential buyers to you. Also be sure to take this talisman with you to meetings with buyers. This will greatly increase your chances of making a deal.

Becoming a high fence - organization of the workflow

Everything is simple and clear, we collect reality (will) into a fist with the Teivaz + Byarkano runes and broadcast by our example calmness and confidence that you are in chocolate. But this is not just bravado or a feigned theatrical performance, this is the actual real state of your things, since runes scurry around here and there and do their good work for you: Sovilo, Evaz and Raido. (Almost universal trinity) And all this is under vigilant and impregnable runes: Isa and Nautits, which block everything that can upset you, your work and the very process of stav work. Becoming an organization of good labor process, and career growth is simply a consequence of such an organization.

Becoming a high place

Rune row High Place (Getting a high position or a good job)
Row for career growth and more. In the work for half a year, several people were made to order, all situations are quite complicated, such as a person was fired from a good job and for some time he had to wander around forced work. A rune row for a career, and it is worth aiming for a very high place, dizzying, so that you yourself would not believe that this is possible. Accordingly, the work of the series should be calculated for at least a couple of months. The runes are very light and not energy-consuming, they will charge themselves over time. You can upgrade if you work with runes without gods. If with the gods, then in general everything is easy and whirling in a dance. The central ligature is Teyvaz-Otal, I hope the rest is clear. This series has been in operation for about a year now, the results are good and it is very encouraging, I am generally not a supporter in terms of a career, but even people like me can find a warm place under the sun thanks to this simple-looking series. It is better to apply not on yourself, but on a good carrier.
The first three runes make it so that your intention is “good”, so that there are no jambs in it, for example, a request: “I want to be president” will start the correction process for the brain operator in order to cool the ardor and direct thoughts in a more constructive direction.
The second four runes, the very creation of a situation for the realization of the planned "High Place"
And finally, three runes for help and change to be experienced.

Hagal + Ansuz + Hagal
I direct the energy of the runes to find a job for me that I like, that suits my abilities, my skills and my needs with a decent salary (size), a good guide for me, friendly and a good number for me, convenient for me the location and work schedule.

Otal + (Otal + Teyvaz) + Ansuz
By the power of the Runes, I create a situation for me to find my intended work without the physical and moral destruction of my competitors

I quickly and without financial losses, as well as without losing my free personal time, designed for my leisure, recreation, hobbies and all sorts of other delights that give me pleasure and comfort, I get official employment
Further, as always: no harm, term, activation, so be it.

Becoming Golomiya - business success

This golomiya will help you achieve success in any business.
Write your occupation in the upper sector, and your name in the lower sector. Sit comfortably, put both hands on the drawing, close your eyes, sit like this for 5-10 minutes. You can put water on the drawing for 30 minutes, then sprinkle the office or workplace. All! Good luck.

Becoming the Golden Antelope - an influx of customers

Dot - operator
Gebo - partnerships
Manaz + 2 Fehu + 2 spec. Nauta - (4 bundles) - wealthy and solvent customers, partners, sponsors, etc. with a conscious need for the services (or in itself) of the operator
Inguz - a gift, guaranteed, stable growth of partnership
Laguz + Raido + Nautiz + Turisaz (second plan) - a forced stream leading along all roads and cutting off all obstacles of any nature and character
Pertro-Yera is the operator's "purse", in which specific material goods are constantly accumulated. Disclaimer: Becoming attracts the life and business of the operator on all roads from all sides with streams that cut off all obstacles on the way, in need of the services of an operator of solvent customers who are ready to specifically pay for them or sponsor and maintain joint fruitful partnerships, realizing that this is the best specialist in his field of business. Becoming makes this process permanent, saves and multiplies profits, gives an ever-growing material well-being and well-being to the operator.

Becoming Customer Acquisition 1

"Depicted on blank paper, placed in the place where the most vigorous activity takes place, in the office, for example. Of course, not for prying eyes."

Becoming Customer Acquisition 2

Becoming Customer Acquisition 3

Mannaz-himself a client and his projects

Ansuz-verbal persuasion. speech.
Dagaz - attraction to the client, help.
Envaz - abrupt changes, rapid implementation of the project.
Turisaz-luck and neutralization of competitors.
Inguz - Achievement of success, release of latent energy.
Galdrastav in the middle, I read about him. that this is to attract customers, maybe I'm mistaken, correct me.
Teyvaz-achievement of victory,
Vunyo-defuses the situation.
Gebo with Fehu-To cooperate with attachment.
Soul - makes the situation clear joyful.
Uruz - unites common interests.
Perth - building a new situation with profitable investment for all.
Keno - reveals the potential and takes the initiative.
Iyera is a fair reward.
Algiz - good luck, protection from evil.
Feedback on the position of Dear Vannadis.
Becoming designed to attract customers, to find the right people, which can help in business or in monetary matters, thanks to the Ansuz rune, becoming not only finds potential customers, but programs the dialogue between the seller and the buyer in advance, sets up advertising, acts on customers in such a way that they remember the store or person (depending on the stipulation , if, for example, it is not a store that sells, but a specific person), Dagaz - makes it become self-updating and helps to launch its action again and again, regardless of any external factors, Gebo and Fehu - act as a guarantee that the client will come for a reason, but he will definitely make a purchase, leave a decent amount, that is, becoming stipulates the solvency of customers. Inguz and Evaz are quick changes in position, sometimes customers are needed urgently and not time for buildup, then these runes are simply negotiated separately, except for this Evaz is a road buyer to seller. Teyvaz, Soulo - guarantee excellent revenue, success, good money and victory in business. Uruz, Perth - strengthen becoming, Kenaz - reveals a person who attracts customers, awakens his talents and gives new ideas, Algiz and Turisaz - protect success, business, protect from competition, Yera - a temporary indicator and a reward for work.
Apply to documents, or store, or office. And the second is to make a talisman and carry it with you. Can be applied to any object or paper. Be sure to apply before
clean up yourself and your office.

Becoming a Job Search Catalyst

Finding a high paying job

Becoming New Ways to Make Money

Becoming an office snake

I did an office Serpent in May for a client. I drew on a piece of paper 5x5 cm in size, activated it, put it on the desktop so that no one would see it, two months later he was transferred to the head, and was a deputy, only to another district. Live beer to Odin under the tree, sweets for children."

Becoming Job Search from Bast

Bast's job search formula is to write on a piece of paper what kind of job you want, the more the better, put the runes there as well: change of circumstances, in which you get the desired job according to the stated criteria as soon as possible.
runes of the first plan - uruz, eyvaz, feu, teyvaz; runes of the second plan - vuno, kano

Becoming get a job

For example, here I made such a sign of getting a good job and, if desired, any details could be added here, somehow, not just “I want to get a good job”, but “I, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, want a vice-presidential position in the company CJSC "VimpelCom" with payment of 10 tyr Amer.rub." There are no address details in it, so it makes sense to carry it with you, because if someone else gets it in their hands, then you will have nothing to count on.

Becoming a Rush to Success

Stav helps in finding a job. Promotes faster employment.

Suitable for schoolchildren for the right choice future profession helps to achieve success in this area. In the center of the stave is the angelic rune "Vesta".

She brings inspiration and protection. Encourages you to find something you love.

She is surrounded by the angelic rune "Star". It gives hope for the future, a green light, predetermining that everything will turn out well in your business. On the sides of the "Star" are the glyphs "BIRD OF LUCK". They attract good luck in any endeavor. They help not to rush from one extreme to another, avoid unpleasant situations, protect from evil.

Above them are 2 glyphs "ACQUISITION OF EXPERIENCE".

They contribute right choice life path and personality formation; choice of profession and occupation; obtaining knowledge and education. Develop eloquence intellectual ability, diplomacy, flexibility in relations. They help you find a job and help you climb the career ladder.

The rune "Star" is crowned with the glyph "ATTRACTION TO BROTHERHOOD AND RELATIONS" and the rune Teyvaz coming out of it. The glyph increases self-esteem and self-esteem, forms a positive public opinion. Causes sympathy and disposition, helps in negotiating and concluding deals. Helps you get officially hired.

Becoming a job seeker

Description: Wolf hook - a trap for the employer; Nautiz - coercion (of the employer);

Gebo - cooperation (with the applicant); Mannaz - the employer himself; Uruz - skills and strengths applicant; inverted Fehu - the amount of potential salary.

Becoming Happiness and good luck in the work of the team

Kenaz - internal combustion. inspiration. The emergence of new ideas. Good luck, insight, the embodiment of ideas. Activity

GEBO: Happiness and good luck

YERA: Success, a favorable outcome if you work

The second plan is Inguz

New in life, Fertility, productivity, awareness of one's own strength,

A harbinger of success and prosperity

The task of the tie: Inspirational, happy work as part of a team. Noticeable results that bring good luck and awareness of one's own strength. High competitiveness.

Becoming business success 1

Stav Khvoya 1 - job search

Elm helps to find an opportunity to work, although more often the opportunity finds you by itself. At the same time, the work always corresponds to the skills available to the person. The tests were successful. It works quickly (1 time immediately after applying the ligature). True, the work was not always adequately paid, sometimes necessary and useful contacts were obtained at its expense.
Good luck to everyone, maybe someone will need it. Well, so that no one bothers much, the runes that are laid as workers are visible in the figure, the rest are simply ignored to attract work. Since in reality you can enter the entire alphabet here. In general, I have been courting this bundle for a long time .. I just liked the way it looks. I don’t see the point in describing the action of each, since in my opinion everyone already has enough logic to understand what and why ..

Becoming Needles 2 - work and part-time work

Becoming I want a job and money

Kano - gives us, like a torch, the appearance that here it is work (manifestation of the possibility of work)
Laguses - give us the energy that we need in order to do the work, this energy brings these opportunities to us)
Uruz - gives us from our thoughts that work is needed in order to earn money for a specific job. those. other words clothe thought, energy, and the manifestation of the opportunity to earn money in a specific job in fact.
The second plan: Manaz is the man himself, that is, it all happens in him ...
Fehu - gives us this work itself (it is for us and not just what it is, but it does not suit us) ..
Inguz - the rune of fertility and income ....
Yera is a rune that is a result, a harvest, a certain result, a reward for activity. The rune teaches that the reward must be earned, that the result must be obtained as a result of fruitful work.
Algiz - Contributes to the "rooting" of your ideas and aspirations, captures all the possibilities, and helps to observe personal interests.
Kano - a new manifestation of the opportunity to earn money))))
As for testing, a person got a job the next day ... in fact, I can say that it takes time for becoming to find more suitable job which will be just for you...

Employee attraction

æja - bait. Becoming to attract an employee.
By order of one company experiencing simply mystical difficulties in hiring an employee, this sign was created. In this particular case, a radical change was achieved the next day (applicants appeared and got to the interview), after a couple of days the employee was hired.

author Tony Montana
Working runes: Mannaz, Perth, Vunye, Naud, Isa, Turizaz, Hagalaz and Laguz
Core: Mannaz, Perth, Vunye, Naud is an operator in which everyone around sees an ideal, perfect person who attracts to himself.
On the sides: Isa- does not allow gossip and intrigue to break through, T urizaz- destroys all the intrigues of gossip around the operator.
Top: protection and also the destruction of the very intention to create problems for the operator.
Bottom: Hagalaz and Laguz- removes from the operator all the negative directed at him and destroys him.

Quote: Espy:

I tried this runic becoming on myself and the rabbit on duty.
He applied it on himself - with his left hand and for safety reasons - on the desktop, painted in such a way that it was not visible to strangers.

He stipulated that the formula ensures my ideality and perfection, makes me a professional in the eyes of others and attractive to colleagues, management, visitors, etc. Moreover, becoming does not allow me to be drawn into intrigues and gossip at work, and also removes negativity from me, etc., destroys it and provides my protection from such dirty tricks, destroying not only the intrigues themselves, but also situations, the possibility of appearance similar situations etc.

What I got in the end: when people come to my workplace on edge, they really forget about the negative. The subjects do not allow themselves harsh statements, as if something is holding them back. Moreover, a few minutes are enough for the tension to disappear and they, in good health, resolved all issues and set off in a good mood to plow “in the field”. Visitors really stopped stuttering and mumbling, there is no aggression and misunderstanding on their part. In general, I am a friend, comrade and brother for everyone, as well as an object for care. Moreover, disagreements usually arise with our offices scattered throughout the Russian Federation, and so in ICQ people have ceased to be hysterical and nervous, claims somehow ended immediately and all discussions are going on in a businesslike manner.
Moreover, people who used to bake me stopped calling my landline number. Well, the last feature - the general director called me on the carpet, we calmly and kindly discussed all the cases and situations. Moreover, my boss uttered a sincere phrase: “Don’t think about it, no one is plotting against you here, you are a valuable worker and it is important for us that everything is fine…”. And now the signature number from the boss - he asked: "Does anyone offend you?" I did not expect such flourishes, since the management is really exactly on the workers, it believes that it will recruit many people outside the gates. Yes, I forgot, one of the deputies brought me souvenirs from vacation. I am under the table))))

magical runes for work help to get the desired result in a very short time. Work and career growth is almost the most important moment in modern world. We are realized as individuals, we show ourselves through our work.

But sometimes a person's attempts to find a decent job end in failure. Neither the presence of great potential nor good creativity don't help. What is the problem and how to solve it?

A tangible result is given by rune symbols that work tirelessly. All we need is patience and faith in success.

Runes for finding work

There are several situations in which runes are useful to you for work:

  • A symbol that will help you find the right one work placeSoulou. Thanks to its magical effect, you will finally understand your own thoughts and wishes.
  • Runic sign for a successful interview - Gebo. She helps find mutual language with the strictest boss.
  • Isa- the undisputed winner among the Scandinavian symbols in cases where you need to improve relations in the work team. In second place is Algiz.
  • If you dream about career growth, will come to the rescue Evaz, Inguz or Turisaz.
  • Becoming a leader among colleagues is your dream. use magic Evaz or Mannaz.

Runes for good luck at work

Each runic sign plays a role, consider what they are responsible for:

  • Fehu- provides a good income.
  • Uruz- assistant in the implementation of ideas.
  • Turisaz- will not let you stray from the intended path.
  • Ansuz- her strength helps to become more attentive in order to unravel the deceptive maneuvers of partners in time.
  • Raido- a great companion on business trips.
  • Kenaz- Supports in all endeavors.
  • Gebo- Responsible for communication.
  • Hagalaz- will destroy all old prejudices and clear the way to a new life.
  • Nautiz- will lead a person to an understanding of what is happening.
  • Isa- will stop the real world for a moment to give you the opportunity to think again about the choice.
  • Hyères- assistant in big cases.
  • Eyvaz- if you cannot move from your familiar place for any reason, then this rune will push you to take decisive action.
  • Perth- awaken the creative personality in you.
  • Algiz- will provide protection.
  • Soulou- you believe in yourself.
  • Teyvaz– will help to convey your point of view in the work team.
  • Berkana– will create a favorable atmosphere for full development.
  • Evaz- remove barriers.
  • Mannaz- will attract profitable acquaintances.
  • Laguz- all circumstances will be lucky for you.
  • Inguz- will not allow you to stop halfway.
  • Dagaz- a strong symbol that turns the situation in the opposite direction.
  • Odal- you will believe in yourself thanks to the energy of this sign.

Related article:

Runic staves for work

Many of us at least once in our lives had the following questions in our heads: “Does rune magic help me get a job?”, “What runes to use to get me a promotion at work?”, “How not to make a mistake when choosing a formula?”, “Will the runes help find a job for money?

Runostav "Work"

Runes for finding a job proven and slander to them also have great magical power. In this runescript, it is important that you know what you want. It's about about a specific place of work, about a position, about wages.

The formula consists of the following series of characters:

  • Dagaz- entails changes that are so necessary at this stage of life.
  • Mannaz- this is a symbol of the person himself, the performer of the stave.
  • Fehu and double Hyères- provide a stable and decent income.
  • Turisaz- removes all obstacles that may be encountered on the path to success.
  • Double Nautiz- helps to mentally gather, concentrate and tune in to a good result.

Runnny getting to work "Keymaker"

This formula is suitable for those who, in principle, are in demand among employers. But for one reason or another, the working conditions do not suit them. For example, the company is away from home or the schedule does not match the public transport schedule.

Thanks to the rune symbols, the circumstances are such that the desired company will find you. This does not mean that it will be enough for you to lie lazily on the couch in front of the TV and wait for a call. Keep looking to find a decent option.

An important point: when making a reservation, take into account all the wishes - a good team, a large wage good boss.

Runescript looks like this:

Ansuz - Gar (Northumbrian rune) - Fehu - Soulu - Vunyo - Nautiz - double Raido

Runostav "I want money and work"

There are many positive reviews regarding the magical effect of this formula. Many have experienced the magic of rune charms. There were even such cases when the performer of the runescript found the workplace of his dreams within a few hours after the ceremony.

Related article:

No one says that it will be the same for you - but this is another proof of the effectiveness of the formula. According to statistics, most often people received a position after one to two weeks.

Job search runes included in becoming:

  • Kenaz- builds a list of possible options.
  • Laguz(double) - energy recharging of the formula.
  • Uruz- turns desires into reality.
  • Mannaz- Represents a person.
  • Fehu- helps to choose the most worthy of the proposed places.
  • Inguz- support in difficult times.
  • Hyères- a symbol of good luck.
  • Algiz- develops an inner flair that will allow you to see profitable offers.
  • Kenaz- reveals the places where they pay the most.

Runic formula "Find a good job"

Sometimes the reason why we fail to get a good job lies in energy blocks. What should be done in this case?

One cannot do without the help of the Higher Forces: they will open all mental channels and correct the current situation. The runescript has been worked out for the instant fulfillment of a wish.

Compose the rune formula for work and career proven for centuries:

  • Madr- This is a runic sign that is included in the Junior Futhark series. His job is to break the energy blockage.
  • Turisaz– paves the way for new successes.
  • Yr is a symbol of the Icelandic people. He transforms reality, changing it for the better.
  • Raido- guides a person, helps to find a way out of the circumstances and get the desired result.
  • FehuLaguz- it is this combination that works on the level of the energy charge of the formula.
  • Ass- ensures the success of the ritual.
  • Soulou- strengthens the runescript several times.
  • Ansuz- helps to establish contact with the Universal Mind.

Runostav "Quick job search"

In addition to the fact that runic signs are activated in this runescript, hex signs are also involved here. This feature turns the formula into a special tool of magic.

The photo will help to analyze the runes for a good job, and the description of the stav looks like this:

  • In the center is a dot, symbolizing a person who is looking for a job.
  • The circle inside the figure reflects the inner microcosm of the personality - thoughts, experiences, emotions.
  • PerthLaguz- the connection of symbols is responsible for the effective search for a workplace.
  • Odal- helps to decide from the provided options.
  • Fehu- ensures success.
  • Double Victory symbol works together with Fehu and enhances its energy background.
  • The outer circle is connected with the surrounding reality, it attracts the right people and the right events.