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How to start a hairdressing business. How to open your own barbershop from scratch. Where to begin? Required documents

Today we will talk about the first questions that worries all those who are thinking about starting their own hairdressing business: How much is needed to open? When will it pay off? How much net income will I have? And in general, is it profitable to open a hairdressing salon?

In other words, everyone is interested in - how much does a hairdresser cost?

Of course, as in any business, the result will depend on many factors, but with the right approach, you can get what you want, that is, a profitable hairdressing salon.

I will write down only the most important aspects, which will already give you an idea of ​​​​the direction of thoughts and actions at the beginning of the path. And you can answer your own question.

Is it profitable to open a barbershop?

Hairdressing room.

Now in new areas where there is active construction, there is a lot of suitable space. The first floors of new buildings with not yet developed infrastructure are just what you need.
Call the advertisements for renting premises, find out the cost per square meter and calculate approximately the monthly amount for renting the area where you need to place the hall, waiting area, administrator's table and all additional offices. Also consider having a room or a rest area for staff.

Second option.

Look at the advertisements for the rental of working hairdressers. In this case, there is already an established customer base, equipment and repairs. This option has both pluses and minuses - customers can associate all the negative experience with this hairdresser and it will be necessary to make a lot of efforts so that customers forget about it.

There is another option.

If you are reluctant to depend on the landlord and do not have your own apartment on the 1-2 floor, then you can take a 2-room or 3-room apartment and preferably not very far from the transport routes to the mortgage, make a separate entrance and open not just a hairdresser on your territory, where a narrow range of services is performed, but a wide range of services plus a consultation with a psychologist and, possibly, advice from a stylist ... That is comprehensive service. Interesting and useful. A kind of club of interest.

Instead of paying rent, a mortgage can be a good solution. In addition, if circumstances change, the premises can always be rented out for something else.

Room renovation.

If you use inexpensive Decoration Materials and the work of "shabashnikov", a modest repair costs several thousand conventional units. You can invite several companies for consultation, ask questions and understand the possible options for the materials used, the approximate scope of work, as well as the timing.


If you, when planning your business, have decided on the level of hairdressing salon, then you already understand what equipment you need to purchase. By the way, if you buy everything from one supplier, you can get additional discount in 10-15%.

I will give an approximate list of equipment.

Hair salon:

  1. Sink with chair
  2. Trolley barbershop for plastic tools
  3. Sterilizer for hairdressing tools
  4. Sushuar
  5. Equipment and inventory for each hairdresser:
    Hairdressing chair for clients
    Hairdressing mirror
    Trolley barber for coloring
    hairdressing tool
    Other inventory

Manicure, pedicure, cosmetology, solarium:

  1. Solarium vertical
  2. Manicure table with cabinet
  3. Armchair and additional inventory
  4. Pedicure group (client chair, stand, bathtub)
  5. Stationary cosmetology chair
  6. Magnifier Lamp
  7. Partition screen
  8. Beautician's table
  9. Additional equipment for cosmetology and massage (epilation kit, massage couch...)
  10. Other


  1. Chairs or chairs for waiting
  2. Receptionist
  3. A computer
  4. Other inventory

And that's just the bare minimum...

Study the offers and calculate the total cost of the equipment.

Staff salary.

— This is the next major expense item.

You can choose the option that is right for you:

  • salary,
  • interest,
  • salary plus a percentage of "production".

Knowing the level and cost of services, the net income from each service, a guideline for the average number of visitors per day, work schedule and the number of craftsmen per shift, you can get an approximate amount of income.

An example of calculating payroll costs:

Basically, one visitor leaves in the salon _ _ _ _ _ _.
With an average service speed of "one master - two clients per hour" (this depends on the complexity and category of services),
four foremen for a ten-hour shift will provide revenue of approximately _ _ _ _ _.
In a month it will give _ _ _ _ _ _. Additional services will bring more _ _ _ _ _ .
In total, the monthly revenue can be _ _ _ _ _ _.

Knowing the payment option of the master, you can calculate his salary.

Suppose, with a “two by two” work schedule, one master can receive a total of about _ _ _ _ _ _ per month, then two shifts of hairdressers for four people _ _ _ _ _ _, as well as three specialists (manicurist, massage therapist, beautician) _ _ _ _ _.
Total staff of eleven people, to which you need to add two more administrators, a cleaning lady and an incoming accountant.

General Fund wages can be about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ per month.

Thus, the question of the payback of the project is being studied.

On the calculation of the benefits of the hairdressing business, another aspect is the calculation of consumables. Be sure to take into account the amount of cosmetics and consumables needed to perform a particular service and add it to the cost of the service.

Let's summarize.

  1. We decide on the level and positioning.
  2. We calculate the initial costs for the start:
    Business registration.
    Redecoration, signboard, pavement sign.
    Deposit under the rental agreement (three-month rate).
    The minimum set of equipment.
  3. Calculate your monthly expenses:
    Cosmetics and consumables (approximately 12% of the cost of the service).
    Public Utilities.
    Taxes (simplified system of taxation).
    Other expenses.
  4. Calculate the approximate monthly income:
    Hairdressing services.
    Additional services.
  5. Determine the payback period for your business project.

If you have already clearly defined your desires. After going through all the points and making calculations, you will not only have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200byour income in the future, but also the payback time and exit in plus. So you will answer yourself the question: Is it profitable to open a hairdresser? Based on these points, you can draw up a business plan for a hairdressing salon.

But in order not to make mistakes and have a vision for further development and be able to manage from a distance, it is better to use the help of business consultants.

If you want to know all the details and learn how to lead your successful business then join the club of like-minded people.

FROM Best wishes Zukhra Sayfutdinova.

A person in any situation wants to look good. And you can create a flawless image simply by making a good haircut. And this is equally true for men and women. If you have the talent and desire to make people beautiful, then this activity should be properly organized. Don't know how to open a barbershop from scratch? We offer professional advice on how to create such a business.

Reference! Today, the hairdressing salon, responding to the needs of the consumer audience, must offer an expanded list of services. That is, in addition to the hairdresser, it is desirable to organize workplace for beautician and manicurist. Practice shows that 3 types of services is the minimum offer for a profitable enterprise of this kind. And it is better if this list includes 5 positions.

Tip #1 Location depends on the scale of the salon

Before you open a hairdressing salon, you need to realistically assess your financial and physical capabilities. With this in mind, a place for a hairdresser is chosen, namely:

  • It makes sense to open an institution for VIP clients in the city center with a large flow of people. It employs top-class masters, offers exclusive procedures, which explains the high cost of services.
  • Economy class hairdresser will be in demand in a residential area. The right decision is to place such an establishment in the area where the hairdresser lives, as usual, “stuffed” clients also live here. It is worth paying attention to the number of storeys of houses, the more nearby multi-apartment skyscrapers, the greater the profit.

Reference! An economy class hairdressing salon (beauty salon) can be opened on the ground floor of a residential building if there is a room with a separate entrance, removed from the housing stock. However, please note that it is not possible to use basement, although as an auxiliary room for storing various things (except flammable ones) it will do.

This point, in principle, is considered simultaneously with the determination of the location of the cabin. The format of the institution depends on the list of services offered:

  • Haircut - female / male.
  • Laying.
  • Performing hairstyles.
  • Coloring of hair, eyebrows, beards.

In this case we are talking about an economy class hairdressing salon, but with an increase in demand for additional service, the offer can be expanded. For example, for a small surcharge, you can offer a visit of the master to the house, to serve the client before the anniversary or wedding.

The amount of required documentation depends on the chosen taxation system, and is also determined by the form of ownership of the service enterprise. Usually, a hairdresser is an IP. The explanation is simple: register faster, fees are lower, taxation is more profitable. You can find out what documents an IP hairdresser will need on our website, in the articles-instructions for starting a business in the field of individual entrepreneurship.

Reference! You do not need a license to open a barbershop. This also applies to the provision of manicure / pedicure services. But you still have to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor and "firefighters".

Any undertaking requires thorough calculations. In the case of a hairdresser, the expense item will consist of the following items:

  • Acquisition/rent of premises.
  • Adaptation of halls to provide quality services to customers, including the purchase of equipment and consumables.
  • Required .
  • Institution advertising.

Reference! The legislator determined that 1 hairdresser's chair should have 7 sq. m. area. Plus, you will need a place to store inventory, as well as a corner for the administrator. With this in mind, the rented premises will have to be spent in the first month: rent - 30,000 rubles, hall decoration - from 40,000 rubles, equipment - from 250,000 rubles.

Tip #5 Be Very Careful When Purchasing Equipment

It is not possible to say unequivocally how much money is needed to create the necessary material and technical base. In this situation, it would be correct to consult a specialized specialist in this field. After all, at first, a start-up enterprise can purchase most of the equipment in the secondary market. And there prices vary. But an experienced master offhand can say an approximate amount. So, it is absolutely clear that cash register in good working condition, you can buy a bu. As for new items, for example, a chair for equipping a hairdresser's workplace can be bought for both $200 and 2,000 greenbacks.

From the very beginning, you need to create such an environment in the salon that the client is comfortable and pleasant to be in it. The interior decoration should have a client so that he decides to wait for the master if he accidentally came in and does not know whether to stop here or go to another hairdresser.

Tip #7 The lion's share of success depends on the staff

Usually, a practicing master working for hire thinks about the problem of where to start a business in the field of beauty salons. Having embarked on the path of independence, he will in any case have to seek additional staff Otherwise, profitability will not be achieved. At this stage, you need to show restraint and thoughtfulness in the decisions made, because, as you know, personnel decide everything. So, to recruit good specialists to the team, you can go in several ways:

  • entice from competitors;
  • advertise in specialized media and on the Internet;
  • use the services of a recruitment agency.

So, you already have an idea of ​​what stages you will have to go through in order to organize your own, maybe for a start a small hairdressing salon. But in order for this enterprise to be successful, efforts must be made to promote it. In this case, all means are good: word of mouth, distribution of leaflets, advertising booklets in various institutions, announcements on boards - "in real life" and on Internet sites. It is necessary to convey to potential customers the location of the facility, work schedule, special promotional offers and bonuses, contacts.

The service market, like any other segment of it, is a competition. To understand all the risks and benefits, not only from the point of view of the master, but also from the point of view of the business owner, it is necessary to assess the situation with demand, prices, the presence of highly qualified professionals in the area, it is supposed to open a salon. Only armed with such information, you can join the fight for your part of the consumer audience.

Tip #10 The customer always prioritizes quality

Even for a barbershop minimum investment located in a modest room in a residential area or in countryside, the quality of service provision should be put at the forefront. The administrator must always be on top, if necessary, the list of services must be expanded, the skills of hairdressers and other salon employees must be constantly improved.

In fact, everything is not so difficult! Try, the road will be mastered by the walking one!

Today, most people are firmly convinced that opening their own hairdressing salon is a complex and time-consuming task, which is almost impossible to complete.

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However, this is not at all the case, you just need to competently approach the solution of this problem. Any business assumes that for the correct organization of the words: “I want to open my own hairdresser” is very small, you must have at least a small action plan with a final result.

To do this, you need to draw up a business plan, which will become the most important assistant during the opening. Such a project includes several basic steps, the implementation of which is necessary for work. Step-by-step instruction This article will help you properly organize the entire process of work.

Choosing a business format

IN modern world There are several main categories in which it is worth carrying out activities:

  1. Economy class hairdressing salon;
  2. Hairdressing salon for children;
  3. Large beauty salon.

In addition to these, there are other types of hairdressing establishments, for example, a salon for men, or a mini-barber shop, which does not require a lot of capital to open, but their level of profitability is lower.

Small Economy Barbershop

Such institutions are the most common, as they offer the most popular and sought-after services at affordable prices.

Arranging them is not a big deal. The room for this is small in size, and the services offered do not require special equipment and devices.

For children

The hairdresser for children will be able to bring good profit, but for this you need to properly treat its organization. This place will require a large room, equipped with all the requirements and standards. Much attention should be paid even to the interior design, as this will also play a big role.

The list of services here is also not extensive, and is limited to those that are in demand and popular. A children's hairdresser may be located near schools or kindergartens. Even the sleeping areas of the city are quite suitable for this.

Beauty saloon

A beauty salon is a completely different level, with the right approach to which you can bring the institution to a meaningful level. The list of its services will be expanded, since in addition to haircuts and coloring, there will be a solarium, massage and SPA.

The exterior and interior design is also different from previous places. However, this option is better to use only in some cases. Firstly, if you are one hundred percent sure that you will be able to immediately open a salon. Secondly, if you have a successful network of hairdressers and you want to rise to a new, higher level.

Room search

The performance of the institution will be largely determined by its location.

In the mall

The most popular place to open today is a shopping center.

It has several benefits:

  • It is visited by a large number of people with different incomes, so you can open hairdressers of any type in it;
  • Shopping centers are located near bus stops, metro stations, etc., so getting to them will not be difficult;
  • It is much better and more interesting to spend in the shopping center promotions and make marketing moves, as this instantly attracts a huge number of people;

In a private house

Other great option will become private house or a large apartment. This place is most suitable for opening a beauty salon, as it will require a large area.

It should be borne in mind that people should get to these places quickly and easily. A house located on the outskirts of the city will not work in any way; the premises for the salon should be located in the city center or near areas with high business activity.

In a small town or village

With megacities, everything is clear, but how, then, to be in small town or village? Here it is necessary to act differently. It is clear that it is worth opening only an economy class hairdressing salon here, which does not require a large space.

When looking for a location, in any case, it should be borne in mind that the hairdresser should be located on the ground floor of any building. There must be showcases or large windows, a central entrance.

How to start opening a barbershop?

Before opening a hairdressing salon on your own and dealing with its equipment, you should think about the legal side of this issue.

Legal requirements

Following the requirements of the law, you will need to present title documents, namely:

  • Papers evidencing registration (for example, a charter or document of ownership);
  • Lease or purchase agreement.


Permits should include the conclusion of the SES, for which you will need to present:

  • Range of services and goods;
  • documentation for the premises;
  • paper for sterilizers and laundry;
  • agreement on the ventilation system;
  • health passport.

The hairdressing business, in addition to the permission of the SES, requires the following documents:

  • conclusion issued by the fire inspection;
  • free activity permit;
  • trade permit;
  • conclusion from the JU, indicating that there is Maintenance premises;
  • personnel documentation;
  • certificates;
  • business registration.

The procedure for the certification process, as well as the main provisions regarding this, are indicated in a special document called "Rules for the certification of hairdressing services." Following all the principles specified in it, it is necessary to certify only those services that are related to hair care, any cosmetology services, massage work, pedicure and manicure.

Certification will be obtained by adding together several points:

  1. Personnel qualification assessment.
  2. Commission of the place intended for work.
  3. Checking the tools and devices necessary for the provision of the service.

The procedure is carried out by a certification body specially accredited for issuing certificates to hairdressers. The role of the Central Authority of the Certification System (CSO) is performed by the Moscow State University service (MGUS).

Business registration

Business registration deserves special attention. When choosing it, it is worth considering many nuances, since each form of registration has its pros and cons. The fate of the entire enterprise will depend on this choice in the future.


An individual entrepreneur or individual entrepreneur is one of the most common forms of registration own business. Under this option, the owner is usually registered as a natural person.

The main advantages of this form are simplified accounting, as well as a simple taxation system.

Hairdressing salon for two: LLC and PE

The situation is quite different with such forms as LLC and PE. They practically do not differ from each other. They have the same management financial statements and the method of taxation.

In this case, the enterprise, that is, the hairdresser, will be registered as legal entity, and have all the powers of this status. It is worth noting that in this case there may be several owners who jointly manage the business, but the profits are divided accordingly.

First steps


Many are concerned about the question of what needs to be done after registering a business? The first steps in opening a hairdressing salon is the selection of personnel. This is an important aspect, since the success of the institution will largely depend on it.

As a rule, a beauty salon will require at least 20 people workers, for economy class about 10 people, and for a children's institution approximately 15 people.

The following vacancies must be filled:

  • barbershop manager who can combine this position with the work of an accountant. It should be the purchase of equipment, materials, inventory, necessary items, etc. In another way, it is an organizer, one of whose tasks is to maintain financial records;
  • universal hairdresser– 3-4 people;
  • cosmetologist, make-up artist-1 person;
  • manicure and pedicure master
  • massage therapist, spa therapist(if necessary) - 1 person;
  • cleaning woman(its functions can be transferred to hairdressers for an additional fee).

There are several options for finding employees for work. The first is to apply to specialized schools or courses for the training of hairdressers. Surely, most students will agree to get a job with you, and you will know for sure that you have hired a capable person.

But for beginners, it would be wise to set a trial period.

The second option is to "poach" workers from competitive establishments. However, this will require offering them a salary significantly higher than what they received before.

Approximate wages in this area are as follows:

  • The hairdresser - 30% from the amount of services rendered.
  • Mani Pedi - 50% from revenue.

Purchase of equipment

Other important issue considered the purchase of equipment. It is difficult to calculate what and how much will be required, but at the time of opening the salon, everything must be fully prepared.

Equipment Quantity Price
Cash register 1 PC. 6.000 rub.
Washing 2 pcs. 12.000 rub.
Sushuar 2 pcs. 10.000 rub.
Workplace for a hairdresser 3 pcs. 10.0000 rub.
Trolleys for items and inventory in the hairdresser's office 3 pcs. 5.000 rub.
Chairs in the hall 6 pcs. 7.000 rub.
Stand for nail work (pedicure) 1 PC. 1.000 rub.
Stand for working with nails (manicure) 1 PC. 1.000 rub.
Clothes hangers and racks 1 PC. 2.000 rub.
Small bathtub 1 PC. 4.000 rub.
Inventory sterilizer 1 PC. 5.000 rub.
Electric tongs 2 pcs. 7.000 rub.
hair dryer 4 things. 15.000 rub.
Small consumables and tools 15.0000 rub.
Small tools for manicure and pedicure 12.000 rub.
Inventory for cleaning the premises 15.000 rub.
microcide 1 PC. 7.000 rub.
Administrator's place 1 PC. 5.000 rub.
Haircut tools 3 pcs. 9.000 rub.

Business plan

A business plan will help in deciding how to open your own hairdresser. It contains and considers all the main aspects of this topic and suggests ways to solve them.

Price list for services

The approximate price list of a budget barbershop is as follows:

  • haircut and coloring 700 rub.;
  • manicure or pedicure - 400 rub.;
  • makeup artist services (depending on the complexity of the work) – 1000 rub.;
  • massage, spa services (subject to availability) – from 2000 rub.

The cost of the services of a newly opened barbershop should be lower. This will help not only attract customers, but also stand out from competitors. It is worth carefully studying the prices of rivals, and then set them in your own institution. You will need to lower prices a little, and then you can expect the first visitors to come to you.

A large underpricing is fraught with financial problems.

How much does it cost to open?

It is impossible to say exactly how much the opening will cost.

However, you will have to spend money on:

  • equipment and inventory;
  • rental of premises;
  • signboard;
  • staff salaries;
  • taxes;
  • garbage collection and maintenance.

To open a medium-level barbershop and maintain its stable condition for two years, an amount of funds of 2,000,000 rubles will be required. These costs will pay off in a short time.

Profit calculation

The profit calculation is based on the fact that each master should bring about 500 USD per month. Of these, all current expenses are paid, and as a result, the owner of a hairdressing salon from the third month can fully rely on 1000 USD net income.

Video about the opening of a barbershop

Development of your business

Customer acquisition

Attracting clients - mandatory item in any business plan. This can be done in several ways. For example, a bright and memorable sign. It should indicate not only the name of the institution, but also briefly reflect the main advantages.

Secondly, you can attract customers with the interior design of the halls. Much attention should be paid to advertising in in social networks, on television and banners.

An excellent option would be to distribute leaflets on the streets of the city or in shopping centers. It won't hurt your pocket too much about 3000 rub. for 1000 pieces), but it attracts customers well. It is worth constantly organizing promotions and discounts, then people will definitely visit your beauty salon.


A small barbershop has excellent prospects for its development. It is recommended to start with a small institution, and then move to a higher level. A beginner in this business has many problems that he must solve competently and skillfully. Only after solving all the troubles with small hairdressers, you can proceed to the opening of a network or a beauty salon.

For example, the presence or absence of a suitable area for expansion can be a serious obstacle. Great if there is an opportunity to expand the premises due to adjacent objects, or to complete a new one. It is not worth moving your business to another place - these are new costs for attracting a client. Since the funds allow, it is better to open another one of the same institution.

So you become a “networker” and can count on significant concessions from all sorts of inspections, as well as suppliers of equipment and materials.

Those who have managed to open and develop their own business advise newcomers to have additional financial resources for special occasions. Each of them says that they had to say goodbye to something: an apartment, a car or a dacha, but with the proceeds they managed to solve all the problems that arose along the way.

Experienced hairdresser owners say that the competition has always been high, and it is very difficult to maintain one's position. You need to constantly engage in attracting customers, and do it in a variety of ways. The one who shows more ingenuity and zeal wins.

Another piece of advice pertains to specialization: don't chase after a wide range of services. In limited spaces, this is difficult, which means that the quality of service decreases. This, in turn, will turn customers away. As a result, profits are reduced, the image of the company deteriorates.

Is it beneficial?

Opening a barbershop is considered a profitable business. Firstly, its arrangement does not require huge amount funds that may not even be given in the bank (if your plans do not include opening a whole network of beauty salons).

Secondly, payback in a short period of time. From the very first days of its existence, a hairdressing salon, with proper marketing preparation, will be able to bring good income, and profit - from the second month.

How to open a barbershop from scratch step by step- a question that worries those who are eager to develop their own business project in this direction. Private entrepreneurship is gradually occupying a niche in many areas of activity, and in our article we will talk about how future businessmen should act when opening their own hairdresser.

What does it take to open a barbershop? Where to begin?

A hairdressing salon can be opened by persons who have the right to reside or be located on the territory of Russia, i.e. both individuals and legal entities.

As with any other business, you should start with a business plan. Next, to open you will need:

What is the difference between a barbershop and a beauty salon?

At the legislative level, there is no clear gradation between these two concepts, however, something similar is assumed according to GOST No. R 51142-98, approved. Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1998 No. 31, according to the provisions of which hairdressing services are provided by 3 types of establishments, which differ in the quality of the services provided:

  • beauty salons (luxury class);
  • hairdressing salons;
  • hairdressing.

How to open an economy class hairdresser from scratch?

If you have not a very large amount of money, then you can start your own business with a small hairdresser. After all, you can place one almost anywhere - up to an apartment located on the 1st floor (a separate entrance is required). This circumstance will not prevent you from earning your own client base, and an economy class institution pays off in short time. Such small hairdressers provide services at affordable (budget) prices and are usually located in residential areas.

To open them, the same steps are taken as mentioned above, while the costs are significantly reduced by renting a room located not in the central part of the settlement, as well as a smaller set of hairdressing equipment and a smaller number of employees (1-2 craftsmen are enough). Since small hairdressing salons are opened more often by one person, in this case it is preferable to choose such an organizational and legal form as an individual entrepreneur: with equal opportunities, your tax rates will be lower than those of legal entities, and the degree of responsibility is less.

What documents are needed to open a hairdressing salon in 2017-2018?

If it has already been decided which institution you intend to open (economy class hairdresser, hairdresser or luxury salon), then you just need to get permission to provide services of such a plan. Mandatory licensing of this type of activity is not provided (unless you also intend to offer cosmetic and medical services). However, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of conformity for some materials and technological equipment, as well as documentary evidence of the services of employees. Do I need any other documents to open a barbershop? Yes, of course: from receipt permits no one released the entrepreneur. For these purposes, you need to visit the fire inspection and SES and fulfill all the requirements of these bodies.

It will require the conclusion of contracts with a number of contractors. These can be, for example, organizations that carry out the removal and disposal of garbage, or laundries, where work clothes, towels, peignoirs, etc. will be washed. .

How much does it cost to open a barbershop?

In 2017-2018, the hairdressing business is among the least expensive. If we talk about how much it costs to open an economy class hairdresser (literally for 2-4 chairs), then 250-350 thousand rubles will be quite enough.

For example, let's calculate the cost of one workplace:

  • armchair (hairdressing pneumatic) - 5-6 thousand rubles;
  • dressing table - 3-3.5 thousand rubles;
  • hair wash - 12-14 thousand rubles;
  • cart - about 3 thousand rubles;
  • plus related products(gloves, curlers, combs, etc.) - within 30-40 thousand rubles.

The result is about 60 thousand rubles.

To calculate the total cost of opening a barbershop, it is enough to multiply the cost of one workplace by the number of chairs planned for your barbershop. For example, if there are 4 of them, the total amount will be 240 thousand rubles.

Let's add here:

  • the price of the premises or the cost of renting it (in the latter case, it is about 25-100 thousand rubles per month);
  • re-equipment of the premises in accordance with the requirements of the fire inspection and SES - 50 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - within 20-40% of the proceeds per shift for each foreman;
  • IFTS documentation and seal - 5-10 thousand rubles;
  • approximately the same amount will have to be allocated to pay for accounting services;
  • advertising costs, although it is difficult to determine the cost (besides, it is likely that you will find a way to organize one for free).

Of course, all the figures given are approximate, since a lot depends on the locality, the space occupied by the hairdresser, the quality and quantity of equipment, inventory and the list of services offered. But by and large, 450-500 thousand rubles for the opening should be enough.

Don't know your rights?

If medical and cosmetic services are additionally offered, the cost of the institution may increase (approximately) up to 200 thousand dollars. Well, if we are talking about a luxury establishment, then the amount can reach 500 thousand USD. e.

So evaluate your capabilities, including financial ones, realistically, and do not be afraid to start with an economy class establishment, because this is a very promising project that can become an excellent launching pad for creating your own hairdressing empire in the future.

How to open your hairdresser from scratch - systematization of information

Summarizing all the above, let's now systematize the available information and draw up an algorithm for opening your own hairdresser step by step:

Step 1 - drawing up a business plan.

Step 2 - registration with the IFTS.

Step 3 - obtaining permits.

Step 4 - choose a room.

Step 5 - purchase of equipment, tools, consumables.

Having gone all this way, you can start and promote your business.

A few nuances of opening a hairdresser


It is advisable to find a room closer to the center of the settlement or in its busiest areas. It is highly desirable that there is enough space on the facade to accommodate outdoor advertising. In addition, the room must be isolated and have a separate entrance, plus it must contain:

  • autonomous ventilation system;
  • utility rooms intended for storage of materials and cosmetics, garbage storage, dressing room, etc.;
  • guest area and toilet.

It is also possible to combine some zones in agreement with the SES. It is desirable to allocate a separate office to the manicurist (if one is expected). When using premises located on the basement or basement floors, you will need to obtain a special permit from the sanitary and epidemiological station. In addition to all that has been said, fluorescent lighting of the working area is provided in hairdressing salons.

As for the area norms for organizing 1 workplace, at least 5 sq. m, provided that there is a separate room for washing hair. The distance between the chairs cannot be less than 1.8 m, and the distance from the walls to the chairs - less than 70 cm. A minimum of 1 sink for washing hair for 2 chairs is also required.


In addition to the above, you will need to purchase dryers (at least 1 per 3 workplaces), bins for storing hair, cabinets (boxes) for linen (clean and dirty). You need furniture for the guest area, a cash register, etc. It is important to purchase certified equipment from trusted suppliers.


When selecting employees, pay attention to documented confirmation of the degree of their skill. In addition to hairdressers and manicurists, do not forget to hire a cleaning lady, an administrator, an accountant. In a larger establishment, a cloakroom attendant and a manager may be required.


Opening a barbershop has its pros and cons just like any other business. As pluses it should be noted the demand for services and stable profitability. Concerning negative aspects- the main one is high competition.

For a business of this kind to pay off, it may take from a year to a year and a half, and you can count on making a profit from the third month of work (subject to the high professionalism of the craftsmen and the same high level of service). If it is not possible to attract a sufficient number of visitors from the first months of work, then take the necessary measures to change the situation.

For example:

  • conduct a full-scale advertising campaign;
  • expand the list of services provided (develop a system of discounts, organize the provision of services at home, etc.);
  • try to hire craftsmen with their existing client base.

In a word, turn on your imagination - and everything will work out for you!

Opening a barbershop is a long and laborious process. It is not enough to find a good room and experienced craftsmen; you first need to collect a mountain of documents for a hairdresser. We have prepared material that will help you avoid difficulties at this stage.

Read the article to find out what documents you need to collect to open a hairdressing salon and where to get them.

We begin to collect a package of documents for a hairdresser from registration

Start by choosing a legal form. The legislation does not provide for any specific legal status, so the choice is up to the entrepreneur.

If you open a hairdresser alone or not in the city where you yourself are registered, then it is better to register as individual entrepreneur. Registration as an individual entrepreneur is faster and requires fewer documents. In addition, individual entrepreneurs have more tax benefits and it is easier with reporting documentation.

For those who open a hairdressing salon together with a partner, it is better to make a choice in favor of registering an LLC. LLC also has advantages over others legal forms: special taxation systems, sizes authorized capital and lower economic risks.

OKVED code for a hairdressing salon: 93. 02 "Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons."

The certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity will be the first document for opening a hairdressing salon.

Permits for opening a barbershop

For getting permits for a hairdressing salon from SES, it is necessary to bring your premises into proper shape, that is, the premises must comply with the Sanitary Rules and Regulations “Hairdressing salons. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, equipment and maintenance.

Did you get the barbershop in order? Now contact the SES to send an inspector to check. If he does not have any complaints, you will be issued a permit.

Similarly, you can get permission from the fire inspectorate. After checking, settle all points on which claims arose. It remains to draw up a declaration and send it to the fire inspectorate. There the company is declared, after which you will receive a notification.

What documents for a hairdresser should employees have

All masters of your hairdressing salon must have sanitary books and certificates confirming the qualifications of employees.

Remember that certifications are needed not only for hairdressers. Nail technicians, make-up artists and specialists in hair, face and body care must have a mandatory confirmation of qualification.

In addition, all employees must sign the safety awareness log. And don't forget the disinfectant register.

We conclude the necessary contracts

The first contract that you must conclude is a lease agreement. You will have to document your right to use the premises when you register a hairdresser with Rospotrebnadzor.

Among the documents for opening a hairdressing salon, there must be agreements with a recycling company for the removal and disposal of garbage and fluorescent lamps (two separate agreements). It is necessary to conclude an agreement with the laundry and dry cleaning.

Do not forget about contracts for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization.

We put the documents in order and are ready to open a hairdresser

Once again, go through all the documents you have and check with the list above. Haven't forgotten anything? Then it's time to notify Rospotrebnadzor. You can do it in person, in electronic format - through the portal public services or by mail.

Most convenient way- notice in in electronic format. In this case, the notification will be registered on the same day and you will be able to start your activities faster.

If you do not trust the Internet, then make sure that your notifications are in duplicate. This is required for both personal contact and postage.


In the article, we examined what documents are needed to open a hairdressing salon and how to proceed to obtain them. However, there is one important point that should be mentioned. These are difficulties that are often encountered.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself from possible risks when collecting documents for a hairdresser. Either the inspector will definitely not like something, or the mail will send your notification to the wrong address, or the master's certificate will expire.

You just have to be patient and embark on a long journey of collecting all the documents. Not ready to waste time on bureaucratic formalities? There is another way out: you can buy a ready-made hairdressing salon in Moscow with all necessary documents, contracts and permits. Buying a ready-made hairdresser will not only save you from all the bureaucratic delays, but will also save you time on finding suppliers and building a client base.
