Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

An individual psychologist's card for an elderly person. Client card and description of the clinical case. Statistical annual report

1. In section 6.3. in the "teacher, psychologist" parameter, the teacher-psychologist makes one of the following entries (there should be no other entries):

- absolutely ready to study in a secondary school;

- ready to study in a secondary school;

- conditionally ready to study in a secondary school;

- not ready to study in a secondary school.

2. On page 20, in the column "7 years (before school)" in the "Kern-Jerasik test" parameter, the total score based on the results of this test is prescribed.

3. Before page 23 "for special marks" only the form with the completed child is pasted test task according to the Kern-Jerasik method. Do not paste any more forms with the results of diagnostics. They are kept by the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution and can be transferred to another educational institution or to the hands of parents only upon a written request (application).

4. If, when performing tasks according to the Kern-Jerasik method, the child scored 7 or more points, additional diagnostics are carried out according to the method of M.M. Semago "Readiness for school" or according to the method of N.V. Nechaeva and I.I. Argunskaya "Selection of children in classes of compensatory education" (methods are offered to the teacher-psychologist to choose from);

5. If, when performing tasks according to the method of M.M. Semago child scored 17 or less points (according to the method of N.V. Nechaeva and I.I. Argunskaya - the level is below average), i.e. the child is conditionally ready to study in a secondary general education school; he is presented at the TPMPK.

6. Map entry in section 6.3. do after TPMPK on the basis of her decision.

7. The direction of pupils to the territorial psychological, medical and pedagogical commission is carried out at the request of the parents (legal representatives).

8. If parents refuse to submit a child to TPMPK, a record is made on the card on the page “for special marks” about the results of a diagnostic study of the readiness of a kindergarten graduate to study at school.

Kern - Ierasek - total number of points;

MM. Semago - the total number of points (if the child has medical diagnosis mental retardation, mental retardation - the study of the child's readiness for schooling is carried out according to the method of N.V. Nechaeva and I.I. Argunskaya "Selection of children in classes of compensatory education")

N.I. Gutkin - describes the identified internal position schoolchild;

given a brief description of on the readiness of the child to study in a general education school;

The conclusion indicates the level of readiness of the child to study at school (conditionally ready to study in a secondary general education school; not ready to study in a secondary general education school).

You can indicate a preferred program of another type of education, for example, the fourth type (for children with visual impairments), or the sixth (for children with musculoskeletal disorders), the seventh (for children with mental retardation), or the eighth (for mentally retarded children).

The signature is put, the date of filling, the seal of the teacher-psychologist (if any).

9. Children are also represented at TPMPK if:

The child has not reached six years and six months, and the parents insist on education;

The child is more than eight years old;

10. The teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution must fill in the lines with the appropriate parameters on time. Do not use a marker! Next to the correction, write FIXED BELIEVE, signature.

Criteria for assessing a child's readiness for schooling:

  • Absolutely ready to study in a secondary school- (motivational, intellectually, emotionally ready, also ready for learning in the field of communication).
  • Ready to study in a secondary school- children have the right ideas about the school, but find it difficult to draw the right conclusions and generalizations. Speech development sufficient, the child understands the educational task, but does not always perform accurately. At the same time, he has an even emotionally positive behavior in the classroom. He understands his mistakes and strives to correct them. The child willingly communicates, is recognized by peers, he is accepted into games.
  • Conditionally ready to study in a secondary school- children who have fragmentary knowledge about the school, the desire to learn is based on superficial ideas, motivated by insignificant factors. They correctly pronounce the sounds of their native language, but grammatical errors are common. The speech is dominated by simple sentences. Tasks are perceived partially, not always on their own, they make mistakes when performing. The attitude to difficulties, to assessment, is not always adequate. Emotional behavior is unstable. There is shyness, shyness of the child in communicating with adults and peers, who, in turn, are not interested in communicating with this child.
  • Not ready to study at a secondary school- Children know certain facts, outwardly attractive events and phenomena, but often not essential. The child has no desire to study at school, they prefer preschool activities. No mental effort is put into answers or “I don’t know” answers are given. Vocabulary is lower than that of peers. The child perceives the task not completely, not correctly. Makes significant errors in execution. Inadequately evaluates his work and relates to the assessment. Emotional-negative behavior prevails in the classroom. Has a negative attitude towards adults and children, does not see distance in relations with adults. Maybe closed. Inadequately responds to the comments of an adult. It is characterized by selfish motivation of communication, irritability, contacts from a position of strength, the desire to subjugate comrades.

Today I will talk about the documentation of a psychologist.

It so happened historically that the psychologist has no documentation as such and this post can end. This happened because:

In our country, there are no regulations on the work of psychologists (the only exception is education, where there are a lot of regulations and various law enforcement agencies such as customs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations). In principle, in Moscow there is a law on psychological work, developed by the Moscow Psychological Assistance Service, but it seems to me that it was created for show. The rest is all about relevance. job descriptions in the place where you work.

There is no single passport of a psychologist, or any other document that forces you to work in certain methods. Here everything relies on books, for example, working in the social. protection, buy a book by a certain psychologist, a specialist in your field, and orient yourself and refer to it.

Having passed to any psychological position (again, with the exception of the above organizations), you will most likely have to write all future work from scratch. As a rule, after dismissal, the psychologist takes all the developments with you, not because he is afraid that they will be stolen, but rather understands that transferring experience is a long and difficult task.

A completely different understanding of the question of the result of the work of a psychologist. In some places, psychologists are accountable for initial appointments, and in some places for achieving the client's request. And when it comes to children or families, things get even more complicated.

However, I I will bring short list documents that I consider necessary or desirable. But remember that the question is not to keep as many papers as possible, but to find some option that suits you (the golden mean). I divided the documentation into categories. Let's start with the most delicious:

Advisory work (full-time):

1) An application for consultation in your name or the director is a moot point, and I do not use it. Nevertheless, it can help novice psychologists, because if there are difficulties with the client in the future, you can always "raise" the application. It's easier to do it on a computer and let people fill in their details and sign. By the way, never forget that consultations with a psychologist are always carried out on a declarative basis, that is, it is impossible to communicate with a psychologist forcibly. Also, you should not write a request in the application, but instead you can simply write a category in the paragraph - the reason for the appeal (for example, a person in a difficult life situation).

In the case of working with difficult clients (depression, suicide, etc.), do not forget to take the phone number of the next of kin or organizations caring for the client.

2) Primary questionnaire - the most important and necessary questions that are related to the activities of your organization. For example, in education, the child's progress will be important, and in social. protection category of the applicant. In general, instead of remembering what I haven’t asked there yet, just make a questionnaire that you will conduct at the first consultation. It can also include a questionnaire for depression or something like that.

3) Journal of consultations - everything is simple here. I keep a journal for the 2 departments in which I consult. In other departments, I do not keep a journal because I am lazy. The journal shows in a structured form all consultations for the reporting period, with information about the client, the reasons for contacting and forms of work. Since I don't take applications, I just ask for the client's autograph in my journal at the first consultation. It is more comfortable.

By the way, both the application and the journal and the questionnaire should be kept in a place accessible to your colleagues or superiors so that on the basis of these papers they could draw up a report during your absence. These 3 points refer to the elementary "reporting" documentation of the psychologist. The following points apply directly to you as a specialist.

Also, do not forget that now there is a law on non-disclosure of personal data. Which you should be familiar with when applying for a job. And if, due to the fact that you keep records from consultations on your desk in an open form, someone uses the data received, then claims will be against you. As a result, remember that you are working with people who disclose data to you, and you can disclose the received data exclusively to colleagues in supervision at your own will and court (if you are pressed). No one else and nowhere should know who and why goes to you. It's a good idea to ask clients if they would be in favor if you tell them about their case in a supervisory session in order to improve performance. If you don't remember when confidentiality can be violated, read about it in textbooks.

4) Your notes from consultations. Previously, I led them in the form of 2 columns - verbal and non-verbal. Now I just write down the important moments. And if at the first consultations I write a lot, then starting somewhere from the fourth, I work more than I write. It is advisable to indicate in the records each time: the request, the start time of the consultation, the date, the state of the person at the time of arrival and departure. Everything else that you write is mostly related to the direction in which you work. Also, don't forget about homework.

All records from consultations should be kept in a safe! The psychologist must have a safe!

Please note that if something happens to you (death, incapacitation, dismissal), all your records must be transferred to your psychologist colleague. In this connection, it is worth writing a statement stating where to transfer your records in case of your death or illness. This can be categorized as romance in psychology.

By the way, I keep audio recordings all the time. It is these records that are the best guarantee of your peace of mind and on their basis it is best to analyze your work. And by the way, it is they who should be transferred first of all to colleagues in the event of your death.


on compiling and administered psychological cards

Part 1. What is psychological map and principles of its construction

A psychological map or a psychological case is a set of documents (characteristics, completed forms of methods, conclusions, minutes of meetings, etc.) of a personal account of a client (patient), which contain the most complete information about the structure of personality, emotional state person and the results of corrective, advisory and other psychological work psychologist with him.

Depending on the organization that maintains a personal file or a psychological card for a client, the following types of areas in which a psychologist works can be distinguished:

    Social orientation - in this case, the emphasis is on a difficult life situation. The social sphere in Russia is extremely well developed, but it is characterized by a variety of requests (for example, work with the elderly, work with orphans, work with families in socially precarious position and so on), hence the lack of a general standardization of the conduct of a psychologist's affairs and, at the same time, a lot of room for innovation in this area. A distinctive feature is helping people to adapt, so the emphasis is on stabilizing and improving social status, then the essence of doing business in the social sphere will be described in detail.

    The pedagogical focus is educational organizations, in which psychologists play a non-leading role, the emphasis is mainly on helping to solve pedagogical problems (progress and discipline) and adaptation to school. Rarely work is done on demand.

    Professional (organizational) orientation - consists in diagnostic measures when hiring, recruiting personnel and assistance in solving organizational issues (how to distribute people in the room for more productive work and other requests).

    Medical orientation - limited to the office of a psychologist or medical institution, Unlike social sphere, medicine does not insist that the psychologist make exits to the family. Diagnostics, training, development and correction are carried out here, both in a word and by neuropsychological methods. A big plus is that often people are motivated, if you do not take into account drug treatment clinics or neuropsychiatric dispensers.

    Counseling and psychotherapeutic orientation - meaning both advisory centers and personal practice of psychologists and psychotherapists. There is no standardization at all in the latter case, since it is up to the specialist to decide whether to conduct it or not. When it comes to the Center, on the contrary, things are strictly standardized depending on the goals and objectives of the organization.

    The legal orientation - strictly standardized cases and a clear work system - is an indisputable plus of working in such a system, because there is a clear work structure. Another plus is computerized methods both for working with personnel and with people in a legal situation.

Objectivity of the study of mental phenomena . This principle means that in the study of mental phenomena one should always strive to establish the material causes of their occurrence. Because of this, this principle requires that any mental phenomena be considered in unity with those external causes and internal conditions in which they arise and manifest themselves. Building psychological research in accordance with the principle of objectivity means the practical implementation of one of the basic principles of psychology - the principle of determinism - the causation of mental phenomena.

The principle of objectivity also requires the study of a person in the process of his activity, since the mental characteristics of a person can only be judged by his real actions. Proceeding from this principle, it is necessary to study mental phenomena both in the most typical and atypical for this person conditions. Only in this case it is possible to fully characterize a person and not miss anything significant. All received facts, including those that contradict each other, should be subjected to a comprehensive analysis. Contradictory facts should attract especially close attention, they should never be simply discarded, but one should either find an explanation for them or conduct additional study.

Analytical-synthetic study of personality . In the mental appearance of each person there is something common, characteristic of all people of this era. At the same time, people living in states with different social systems have specific features that reflect the social relations that exist in a given society. Thus, we are specifically talking about the special image of the Soviet person, which has taken shape under the conditions of developed socialism. At the same time, each person is a unique individuality. The existence in the personality of each person of a common, special and individual makes it necessary to be guided by the analytical-synthetic principle when constructing research.

The study of mental phenomena in their development is an important principle in the construction of psychological research. The objective world is in constant motion and change, and therefore its reflection cannot be frozen, motionless. The constant change of the psyche as a reflection of the changing reality requires the study of mental phenomena in their development. If psychic phenomena continuously change and develop, then this must necessarily be provided for in the construction of any research aimed at their comprehensive study.

Part 2 Contentspsychological cards

This section briefly describes general structure psychological map. Each paragraph contains clarifications.

First of all, at the very beginning there should betitle page , on which the following information is briefly written: the client's full name, date of birth (in some cases, and place, up to passport data and SNILS number), family composition, sometimes it is required to enter the date of application or receipt (as in social institutions, for example), what is the name of the parents (if the child) or immediate family, contact details, sometimes fits and complaints with the request. For example, when working with children who have somatic diseases and even disabilities, this should be indicated on the title page, since one cannot rely on personal memory. In orphanages, it is imperative to indicate the date of admission and the number of the group where the pupil is placed, the place of his study, the status and information on escapes, bad habits and propensity to illegal acts (encode the last three points in color or in alphabetical form so that there is no misunderstanding on the part of colleagues and children who may inadvertently see a personal file), but personal information(how it got there, life path, possibly passport data, hobbies, and so on) it’s not very correct to put it on the title page - it’s better to indicate it on the next page or in the socio-psychological and pedagogical description. Similarly, when working with families - you can specify the composition of the family, employment, but not income, type of apartment, and so on.

Further, depending on personal preferences or the institution in which the psychologist works, one should eitherphotocopies of documents (characteristics from schools, kindergartens, Centers, from other specialists, etc., extracts from the medical record, the conclusion of the PMPK and CMPC, individual development plans or plans for the protection of the rights of the child), or, in fact,characteristics that the psychologist does.

After goes "Psychological work plan » with the dates and topics of the classes, where after each lesson the psychologist puts his signature and mark of completion. This is mandatory for almost all institutions, as it is the only proof that the work was done. Unfortunately, in simple words no one believes, therefore, a plan of work with a client (patient, student, recipient of services, and so on) is added to the journal of psychological work.

Minutes or recordings of psychologist-client meetings are especially needed if counseling or so-called "preventive conversations" are being conducted. In the first case, this is a very good “cheat sheet”, both for the person working with the psychologist and for the specialist himself, plus this is another proof that the psychologist is working, and not just talking. In the second case, the protocol is binding document meetings, a kind of result, where a brief solution is always written at the bottom, which the client will fulfill. The guarantor of execution is the signature of both the psychologist and his patient. In general, in both cases, these two signatures are needed.

Results of methods, conclusions and products of the client's activities is a required material. Firstly, just like in the minutes of meetings, this is a reminder of what was in the “previous series”, only with an emotional response from the client. Secondly, all this shows progress or regression, the direction in which to go, and dead ends from which it is urgent to look for a way out. Thirdly, again, all this is proof that, again, the psychologist is working. Protocols of diagnostic examinations. They have a clear structure (date and time of the survey, where it was conducted and by whom, the name of the methodology, purpose, stimulus material, the course of the study and its results). The protocol differs from the conclusion in a clearer structure and is more often used in the educational and legal spheres.

A separate item can be taken out"homework" and recommendations that the psychologist gives to his ward or his parent. Regarding "homework". The client receives direct assistance from a psychotherapist for only 1-2 hours a week, and the remaining 166-167 hours a week is left to himself. And at this time, his problems still affect him. Homework helps the client to be "a psychologist to himself." If the client conscientiously approaches homework, he speeds up the correction process, achieves the desired changes faster. In this case, the main thing is the process, not the result. The result may not be (that is, the exercise may not work out) - and it's still wonderful! Because, once again, the main thing is to try to do at least something. Recommendations are also important in the selection of personnel (where is it better to send a person to work - in a general office, or on traveling work, to a children's institution or to work in a boarding house for labor veterans). Recommendations are also important when placing a child in a school to determine the class or program of study. In the social and legal sphere, like a beacon - what actions to take so that a positive shift appears. In the medical field - how to help which specialist to contact and also an indication of the vector of development and correction. Partial recommendations can also be given in a psychological conclusion, only in a shorter and reduced volume.

Part 3. Features of conductingpsychological cards

First of all, you should pay attention to the rules of conduct:

    Accuracy and literacy

    clarity of presentation,


    Cleanliness and neatness.

Before describing particular cases of workflow. It is necessary to give a generalized scheme of how to conduct a psychological map.

First, at the beginning, a general outline is started and, as some analysts say, “fish”. Before the very beginning of work not only with the client, but also in principle in the institution, the psychologist draws up an example of a personal file, prints out forms of methods and diagnostic examinations, title pages, and so on.

Next, the psychologist gets acquainted with the personal file, medical record or other documents that are available regarding the client. Although, there are supporters that you first need to get to know the client, and then with the documents. The psychologist enters the information obtained from this documentation into the title page and, based on the request, prepares the survey model (forms and protocols).

After the diagnosis, an individual plan of psychological work with the client is drawn up. Sometimes group classes are included in it (for example, in the conditions of the Assistance Center family education or when working with addicted people, or when working in a rehabilitation center). As mentioned above, such a plan is a table that is divided into several columns. The first is the date, the second is the name and structure of the lesson (can be filled in manually and include interdepartmental interaction), the third is a painting and a mark of completion. Sometimes the plan is drawn up before the initial diagnosis and includes diagnostics, the number and subject of meetings, comprehensive classes, group classes, interdisciplinary interaction, but it is better to proceed from the request, familiarization with the documentation and primary diagnosis, and only after that draw up a plan for working with the client.

After the initial meeting, diagnostics and drawing up a plan, a preliminary conclusion can be drawn up, if necessary, additional diagnostics are carried out.

Descriptions (minutes) of each meeting are added separately, which should be signed after writing. The protocol of a class or meeting is the internal documentation of a psychologist, it cannot be copied and handed over to the client, unless it is a description of the session (sometimes this is necessary in psychotherapy and clients even make audio recordings of meetings).

Each sheet written by a psychologist must be numbered so that there is no lost information. Personal psychological files should be kept in a closed cabinet or safe (as is done in the legal system) so that none of the clients can look at them.

Next, we consider special cases. In the work of a practical psychologist there is a special documentation - special kind documentation, providing the content and procedural aspects of its professional activity. The special documentation includes: psychological conclusions: correction cards; protocols of diagnostic examinations, remedial classes, conversations, interviews, etc.; maps (history) of mental development; psychological characteristics; extracts from psychological conclusions and development maps.

Of the above documentation, three types are closed, namely: conclusions, correction cards and protocols. The other three types are free for access by persons interested in information. Moreover, their main goal is to get acquainted with the individual psychological characteristics of a particular person (a particular group).

Extract counts appearance documentation and is issued both at the request of individuals and at the official request public institutions. The main text of the extract is an adapted version of that part of the psychological report, which reflects the main conclusions, distinctive features and problems, as well as general and special recommendations. It should be noted that in the case of an official request, this document must have two signatures: the person who conducted the diagnostic examination and the administrative person of the institution. With a specific request, the extract should determine the purpose and means of psychological examination, and as a result, confirmation or refutation of the request. In the case of extracts from psychological records, the documents are saved for execution with the only difference that they are produced exclusively at official requests and are provided to persons competent in the field of psychology and legally responsible for these documents.

Psychological characteristic reflects a different aspect of mental development and allows, upon acquaintance, to draw up a psychological portrait of a person or an age group as a whole. It is free in form and does not require the approval of administrative persons. It's about about individual psychological characteristics of development, i.e. about the features of his cognitive sphere, psychophysiological nuances, communicative preferences, the presence of general or special abilities, and much more. The psychological conclusion is the main working documentation psychologist.

There are several variants of psychological conclusion.

Option 1. Structured according to partial parameters of mental development. In such psychological conclusions, there are most often individual indicators of motor coordination, identification writing skills, learning ability, motivational-need and intellectual maturity. This type psychological report can be used in partial psychological examinations.

Option 2. Structuring by complex parameters, including indicators of psychophysical development, as well as an assessment of its education. The disadvantage of this type of structuring is the lack of a single analytical space (psychological). In some cases, it is used in assessing deviations in mental development.

The psychological conclusion should be structured in accordance with the psychologist's conceptual ideas about the process of mental development in relation to a certain age, where each age stage has its own specifics (neoplasms), quantitative and qualitative dynamics of development. Based on the polyconceptual principle, the psychological conclusion should reflect the indicators of the cognitive, personal-emotional and communicative spheres, as well as psychophysiological and other features. In addition to fixing the values ​​of various indicators, the psychological conclusion includes an analysis of compliance with age levels and stages of development of the psyche, as well as the need for corrective, developmental and educational influences or work on certain programs.

Application 1. Layout psychological conclusions

1. General characteristics mental development based on the characteristics of the psychophysical, psychophysiological nature, adaptive and motor complexes.

2. Cognitive development based on the characteristics of cognitive processes and speech function.

3. Personal-emotional development based on the characteristics of self-consciousness, motivational-need, emotional, value spheres.

4. Communicative development based on the characteristics of the means and positions of communication.

5. Professional competence based on the characteristics of updating and the content of productive and procedural types of professional activity.

7. Features of mental development.

8. Problematic aspects.

9. Psychological forecast of development.

Application 2. Exemplarycompoundpsychologicalcards ( forms)


Psychological map



FULL NAME. child


Date of Birth


FULL NAME. parents (legal representatives)

Arrived (arrived): _____________________________________

Date of enrollment, number of enrollment order: __________________

Group (class, office number, etc.): ________________________

Eliminated: ________________________________________________

Date of retirement, order number of expulsion: __________________

Tendency to escape (by color - red - ran away, yellow - prone, green - normal)

Tendency to antisocial behavior (black - there were attempts)

Bad habits(addictions) - (smoking - orange, alcohol - blue, drugs - brown)


Psychodiagnostic examination protocol

FULL NAME. (subject): ______________________________________________

FULL NAME. (psychologist): _________________________________________________

The date of the: ______________________

Location: __________________________________________________

Request (from whom it comes, the reason for the appeal, the stated problem): _______


The purpose of the survey (study of cognitive processes, emotional-volitional sphere, etc.), justification for the choice of methods, methods of psychodiagnostic examination: _________________________________


Research methods, techniques, psychodiagnostic material: _________


Description of the course of the study: ________________________________________



Name of the child: _________________________________________________

Date of completion: ______________________

Filled in by: parent, psychologist, teacher _________________________________

And features of speech behavior

Does not use speech as a means of communication; when speaking, the speech is not addressed to the interlocutor

Like pseudo deafness

Does not fulfill the request, although he hears and understands the content of the requirements, does not respond to the transition from ordinary speech to whispered

And features of eye contact

Avoids looking in the face of the interlocutor.


Reaction to remark

Reacts with laughter to the remark of an adult, praise or blame does not cause a significant change in behavior

In physical actions and facial expressions

Fooling around, mimicking in movements


In social relationships with others

Avoids the situation of oral questioning in class, does not answer, although he knows the answer, refuses to play leading roles in games.

Appears in speech

Uses words: “I don’t know”, “maybe”, “it’s hard to say”, the child does not answer the question, although he knows the answer

In physical action

Afraid to jump off a hill

Reaction to novelty

In a situation of novelty, the child shows inhibitory reactions; in a new situation, less variable behavior than the usual one.



Fear of a vacuum cleaner, dogs, darkness, gusts of wind

Reaction to novelty

Afraid to enter a new room


Fear of new people in a new situation, fear of public speaking, fear of being alone


In facial expressions

Wandering, detached look

In speech

In speech

In motion

In motion

In relationships with others

Sleeps with parents, strives to be closer to an adult


In motion

Motor constrained

In speech

Stutters in speech

Reaction to novelty

Reaction to novelty


In cognitive activity

Doesn't know what to do

In visual perception

Looking around inactively

In speech

Speaks too softly

Reaction time

The pace of actions is slow, when performing actions on a signal, it is late


How do you treat yourself

In relationships

He believes that all toys, all sweets are for him.

In speech

Often uses the pronoun "I"

Avoidance of mental effort

In conditions of free activity

Doesn't watch cartoons

In organized classes

Quickly gets tired of an age-appropriate mental task (for comparison, generalization, actions according to the model)

attention deficit


Looking around in class

In support and assistance to the child

You have to verbally repeat the task several times, you need a combination of the word with showing the method of action

In speech

Terms of the assignment, etc.

Motor disinhibition

Features of action planning

Hastily plans his own actions

Excessive pace and number of actions

The pace of actions is accelerated, the number of actions is redundant (many unnecessary movements), acts before the signal

Duration of containment of hyperactivity

Gets up in the first half of class when other children are still sitting

Duration of mastery of the state

Gets excited quickly and calms down slowly

Speech disinhibition

Speech volume

Speaks too loudly, cannot speak with normal voice power

Speech rate

The pace of speech is accelerated, speech excitedly

In social relationships

Negotiates in class, despite the comments of an adult

Confuses or skips the sequence of steps for a verbal instruction

Failure to understand complex verbal instructions

Focuses on a visual pattern of behavior or actions of an adult, and not on an explanation of the task


In motion

Draws repeating elements

In relationships

Intrusive when communicating, attracts attention, repeats the same request

In speech

Repeats the same phrase over and over

On feelings and emotions

Gets stuck on resentment

Switching difficulties

Difficulty shifting, etc.

Efficiency (mental)

Gets tired quickly from a task that requires mental activity, gets tired when reading a book, gets tired on the first part of an organized lesson

Performance (physical)

Quickly gets tired on a walk, gets tired from physical activity, loses working capacity in the first third of an organized lesson, loses working capacity in the first third of an organized lesson, requires varying the complexity of a task that does not require mental effort, working capacity fluctuates during the day, alternating increased and reduced working capacity

Psychological characteristic No. ______

on (pupil, convict, client, patient, etc.)


Methods of psychological examination used: _________________


Education: ______________________________________________________

At the time of the psychological examination, ___________________ has the following individual and psychological characteristics.

Individual characteristics personality (peculiarities of education, significant

biographical factors: who lives with, who brings up, who is friends with, who is a significant figure, whether there are people with addictions in the family, income, etc.

Features of relationships with relatives: _______________________


Features of higher mental functions (memory, attention, intellect, speech, thinking, imagination, will): __________________________________


Features of the personal sphere (self-regulation, temperament, self-esteem, legal awareness): ____________________________________________________


Emotional-volitional qualities: _____________________________________


Interaction style: ______________________________________________


Adaptation: ________________________________________________________


In stress: _________________________________________________________


Attitude (to work, to social requirements, to study, to the current situation): _________________________________________________________


Plans and goals for the future: ____________________________________________


Information about the existing deviations in the psyche and anamnesis: ________________


Level of psychological well-being: ______________________________

Bad habits: _________________________________________________

Conclusion: _______________________________________________________



Psychologist ______________/________________

"___" ______________ 20___FULL NAME. Psychologist / painting


Individual (educational, preventive) conversation

From "__" ______ 20____

Full name of the interlocutor __________________________________________________

Date of Birth _______________

Purpose of the conversation


The content of the conversation _________________________________________________



The interview was conducted:



Signature of the interlocutor ______________

Individual consultation protocol

FULL NAME. client:___________________________________


Target: _____________________________________________________________


Meeting progress:

The course of the conversation

Analysis of the activity of the consultant (note)

Preparatory stage.

Setup stage.

diagnostic stage.

Control stage.

Conclusions: __________________________________________________________


The date:_________________________

Psychologist: _______________________/__________________

Map psychological consultation is issued in the case of a set of measures (diagnostics, conversations, consultations, etc.) at the request of a parent, teacher, administration or child. The map is compact, which allows you to summarize and analyze all the diagnostic and corrective work carried out.

1. Full name of the applicant ( parent, teacher)

2. Problem ( who/what is complaining about)

3. Anamnesis ( living conditions, features of development and education)

5. Personal characteristics of the applicant

6. Personal characteristics of the child ( from observations)

7. Psychodiagnostics ( conducted methods, their results)

10. Consultations with other specialists ( to whom it is directed, the result)

11. Full name of consultant

12. Dates of work ( taking into account psychodiagnostics, conversations, etc.)

Reporting documentation of a psychologist

According to the reporting, the administration judges the work of the psychologist as a whole. And if reporting is not kept, all types of work of a psychologist are not noted, the administration believes that the psychologist does not work much and, in general, “it is not clear what he is doing there ?!” Therefore, it is necessary, it is necessary to show the director and the administration that the psychologist is working tirelessly and not wiping sweat from his forehead.
It makes sense to maintain two types of reporting documentation - current(for the accepted reporting period - month) and final(per academic year). The current analysis of the work performed can be reflected directly in the registration part at the end of each month.

In general, carried out for ______________________ month (statistical report)
Total admissions of children boys Girls
Age groups Up to 3 years 3-5 years 5-7 years 7-10 years old 10-12 years old 12-15 years old Over 15 y.o.
Total adult appointments parents Specialists
Conducted individual surveys Primary: Repeated:
Conducted individual consultations Children: teachers / parents
Conducted group consultations For kids: For teachers / parents:
Conducted group diagnostics of Children Adults Number of children on group diagnostics: Quantity adults in groups. diagnostics (parental/specialist)
Conducted individual remedial classes: With kids
Conducted group remedial classes: With kids With parents/specialists
Number of visits by children to group correction: Number of adult visits to group correction: (parent/special)
Participation / holding consultations Planned: Unscheduled:
Conducting open classes (lessons): Class attendance:
Participation in school-wide events (number of events):
Additional views works:

The structure of the monthly report completely coincides with the structure of the annual (final) report, so the preparation of the final report is not difficult. It is only necessary to summarize each unit of work performed for all months and enter the amount received in the appropriate section of the annual report.

Based on the results of statistical reports for each month and year, it is possible to write relevant analytical reports.

Such documentation of a teacher-psychologist (special psychologist) of an educational institution clearly demonstrates the content of the diagnostic, correctional and developmental work carried out.

The units of activity should be considered a report on the diagnostic work carried out, among which primary (deep) examination, dynamic and final individual examinations, conclusion according to group forms of diagnostic work, as well as report on intermediate and final results individual and group correctional and developmental work.

analytical report for the corresponding period of the psychologist's activity, the annual report on the work carried out should be considered. In our opinion, the monthly report should be presented only in statistical form.

We do not consider it necessary for a psychologist to necessarily use rigid structured reporting schemes.

Reporting documentation (conclusions on the results of the survey, analytical reports) are “external” documents (as opposed to the direct examination protocol, which should be considered exclusively “internal”, which is an absolutely confidential document of a specialist), to which specialists who are directly related to the psychologist’s client should have access.

Form 10.

Statistical annual report

(mandatory form)


"___" ____________2008

Director: __________


Educational institution


The number of students (pupils) in the educational institution __________________

including the levels of education:

Primary School (junior group)_________________

middle step ( middle group)__________________

senior level ( senior group)___________________

(preparatory group) ____________

population teaching staff in OS _________________



1. Diagnostic work
Number of individual examinations Primary Children Parents Specialists
Repeated Children Parents Specialists
Number of group examinations Primary Children Parents Specialists
Repeated Children Parents Specialists
Total number of people examined in group diagnostics Children Parents Specialists
2. Correctional development and advisory work
Number of group lessons Children Parents Specialists
Total number of visits to group classes Children Parents Specialists
Number of private lessons Children Parents Specialists
Number of individual consultations Children Parents Specialists
Number of group consultations Children Parents Specialists .
3. Organizational and methodological work
Participation in meetings
Including in councils planned unscheduled
Organization and conduct of expert work planned unscheduled
Number of seminars held For teachers / other specialists For parents
Number of open classes (lessons) conducted by a psychologist Attending classes, classes of other specialists
Social dispatch work Guiding student practice
4. List targeted programs accompanied by a psychologist
Program theme The nature of the escort Number of hours



Name of the method (test) The main focus of the methodology (test) Author(s) of the methodology Year of publication (modification) Publisher (literary source)


The name of the program The main focus of the program Author(s) of the program By whom and when approved Publisher (literary source)

Report prepared

(Name of the psychologist or head of the PS)


"__" ____________ 200__

(Date of the report)


  1. Purpose, object, subject of research.
    Building a hypothesis.
    The choice of psychodiagnostic methods.
    Developer, diagnostician
  2. Presentation of research results.
  3. Analysis of the received data.
  4. Conclusions and recommendations.

Analytical report of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution

Full name of the teacher-psychologist ___________________________

OU ______________________________________________

Target: _____________________________________________________________



Qualitative and quantitative analysis by areas of activity:

The results of the diagnosis of children in preschool

Accounting table psychological readiness children to school

Number of children in preparatory groups preschool educational institution (according to the list) _________

Table of records of children's adaptation to kindergarten

The number of newly enrolled children in groups (according to the list) _____________

Table of accounting for correctional and developmental work

Consulting work accounting table

Table of accounting for psychoprophylactic work

Table of accounting for educational work


_____________________________ for ________________ account. Name ___________________________________

When a client visits a psychotherapist, every self-respecting specialist keeps a history of working with this person. Of course, this is not a "case history" and not an "instruction for use", but still it gives a lot of information to me. In particular, about how the process is going (and whether it is going at all) or where to “direct the skis”, for example.

If you are interested, you can read such a Client Map performed by a Gestalt psychologist and get an idea of ​​what we fix when we sit with a smart look in front of our clients with pens and notepads or voice recorders.

I recently wrote a client report template for the Psychological Studio PersonaGrata. With this template, you can easily structure your thoughts about current or completed work with a client. The template will help to present a case for supervision or intervision, and simply support the therapist in thinking about the client. If the therapist takes notes (and he should) then the template can be used as a basis. Since many students of Gestalt institutes read me, I thought that the text could be useful here as well. The template is written in a comic form: not out of disrespect for human suffering, but only to soften the clerical style.

Info: full name, age, marital and social status, special information (transgender, expat, retired cosmonaut, refugee, alien, former prisoner, retired killer, has a psychiatric (somatic) diagnosis: what kind, history of the course of the disease, is it observed ...) , which may be important.

Background and History: what historically brought the client to you? Everything was fine and suddenly insomnia began to torment. Or everything was always bad, and a friend advised me to apply. Or he fell, woke up, plaster, finally decided to deal with memory loss and the passion to smoke araucaria stalks (as he smokes araucaria, so memory loss and then finds himself in an unseemly form: tired!)

Complaint: what exactly did the client come with. Wants to change the planet, gender, age, overeats sweet corals, (quit smoking araucaria). Confused, doesn't know where to start. Depression due to the fact that sweet corals do not grow on our planet. The trauma of losing a beloved Snufkin. Loneliness: there is no one to discuss issues that concern aliens. I want to prepare for resettlement to Pluto, this is alarming, and PTSD after the previous resettlement from the planet Plyuk does not give rest: poor sleep, no appetite, I don’t even want sweet corals (…)

Request: What exactly did you agree to work with? With a study of the origin of the desire to change age (obviously, you discussed with the client that this need cannot be primary); with increasing awareness of true needs; seeking support resources; with the question “what need do I eat corals and smoke araucaria?”; with the consequences of the trauma of relocation from Pluka?…

Process analysis: How did you start, where, how and through what did you come? We investigated the desire to change age (smoke araucaria, eat corals), found anxiety under it. They explored it, found dissatisfaction with themselves. Explored dissatisfaction, found narcissistic trauma. They remembered how mother fed her younger brother with sweet corals, and said: “But you, Valproj, are not supposed to, your proboscis has not turned blue yet, but you are already eleven!” (...) We worked through the narcissistic trauma, returned back, found that we still want to change our age, however, the motivation has changed: in order to become a five-year-old again, joyfully take away sweet corals from my younger brother and not bathe. Or: they changed their mind about changing their age, realized an acute desire to change the planet and calm down on this for a while. (…) We worked with the complaint “I want to change my age”. We formed a request “to understand how such a need arose”. We worked with fusion (I don’t know why, but I want to) and introjection (it’s always better to be young!). And with the merger with the introject (Yes, I'm sure it's better to be young, but what?). We worked with the body (what I feel when I say that I want to change my age, etc.), with (dis)trust in the therapist (All therapists work for money, otherwise they don’t give a damn about us), came out with distrust and distancing serving him. We studied ways to distance the client using devaluation and negative projection. When the client-therapeutic contact was established, it became possible to recall the early trauma. Experienced trauma, assimilated the experience. (...) Then we looked at what is behind the desire to change age. It turned out that there was a fantasy “to fix everything”, “to get a good mother”.

(...) 4 sessions grieved about the fact that there would be no good mother. They accepted their limitations, defects, imperfections. The therapist admitted that he also suffered from this, which further strengthened the relationship. They suddenly realized that they didn’t want to change their age anymore. I want to go to Venus, they live there younger brother with his family (yes, the client forgave his brother). I wanted to settle down, set up a coral plantation on Venus. Get a goat, name it Snufkin, after the wombat that the client had as a child.

Completion of therapy: what the client said about how his life has changed. What the tests said. For example, he himself says that he began to sleep better, his appetite appeared, attachment to his relatives returned. Forgotten idea to change the age. There are other desires. (...) What the tests say: depression decreased by 38% (Pupkind's questionnaire), anxiety by 60% (Vaskind's questionnaire). Test for codependency Sigitova-Gaverdovskaya: the indicator is 20% lower. A decision was made to interrupt therapy until such a need arises. A control meeting was scheduled in a year with control testing on the specified tests.

Therapeutic Growth: What were the most common requests for supervision with this client? What did the therapist learn from this therapy? What areas of growth have you discovered in yourself?

FROM Best wishes, Natalia!
