Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The term social protection was used for the first time. Social protection. Definition of social protection of the employed population

  • 6.4. Legal status of civil servants
  • 6.4.2. Rights of a civil servant
  • 6.4.3. Responsibilities of a public servant
  • 6.4.4. Civil service restrictions
  • 6.4.5. Prohibitions related to civil service
  • 6.5. Municipal service: concept and legal regulation
  • 6.7.2. Responsibilities of a public servant
  • 6.7.3. Restrictions related to municipal service
  • 6.7.4. Prohibitions related to the municipal service
  • Topic 2. Employment and employment
  • Section XII of the Labor Code in Ch. 41 - 56 provided for the features of the content of different types of employment contracts, both concluded for an indefinite period and fixed-term.
  • 6. Job test
  • 7. Civil law contracts in the field of professional activity
  • 7.2. Types of contract
  • Topic 3, 4 Activity under an employment contract (labor activity). Professional activity within the framework of civil law relations
  • 1. Changing the employment contract
  • 2. Working time: concept and types
  • 3. The concept and types of rest time
  • 3.1.1. Vacation concept
  • 6. Features of civil law relations. The difference between labor and civil law relations
  • 6.1.2. Distinctive features of labor and civil law relations
  • Topic 5. Entrepreneurial activity
  • 1. The concept of entrepreneurial activity, its features
  • 2. Entrepreneurial activity as a subject of legal regulation
  • 3. Business entities: legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
  • 4. Insolvency (bankruptcy) of business entities
  • Topic 6. Legal protection of labor rights
  • 1. The concept of protecting the labor rights of workers
  • 2. Legal protection of labor rights
  • 3. Ways and forms of protection of labor rights of workers
  • 4. Bodies providing protection
  • Chapter 27 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation is devoted to cases of special proceedings.
  • Topic 7. Resolution of labor disputes
  • 1. Correlation between the concepts of "dispute", "disagreement", "conflict"
  • 2. Resolution of a labor dispute as one of the ways to protect labor rights
  • 3. Types of labor disputes
  • 4. The general procedure for considering the ITS and their jurisdiction:
  • 5. The concept, signs, parties and types of collective labor disputes. Features of the legal regulation of their permission
  • Topic 8. Social protection
  • 1. The concept of social protection
  • 2. Guarantees and compensations: concept, types
  • Topic 9. Legal responsibility of subjects of professional activity
  • 1. The concept and types of legal responsibility in professional activities
  • 2. Responsibility of employers for violation of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms
  • 3. Responsibility of the employee
  • Topic 8. Social protection

    Lecture questions:

      concept social protection. Constitutional forms of social protection of an employee

      Guarantees and compensation: concept, types

      Social insurance: compulsory and voluntary

    1. The concept of social protection

    Social protection- this is a set of legislatively fixed economic, legal and social guarantees of citizens, ensuring the observance of the most important social rights and the achievement of a socially acceptable standard of living. It includes:

      provision of state social guarantees to all categories of citizens, i.e., the minimum wages and social benefits, living wage and indexation of personal income;

      organization of social assistance to the poor and vulnerable groups of the population.

    Social protection of an employee- a set of social and legal guarantees that provide the employee with the realization of his most important socio-economic rights, including the right to a decent standard of living.

    The most important constitutional forms of employee social protection include social insurance, which includes pensions and benefits in the event of insured events; medical service; protection of labor rights of employees; protection of property and personal non-property rights of citizens.

    2. Guarantees and compensations: concept, types

    Guarantees and compensation- obligations of the state and employers (legal and individuals), during the implementation of which the legitimate rights of employees are realized. V labor law the concepts, types and procedure for providing guarantees and compensations are defined in Section VII of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Guarantees - means, methods and conditions by which the implementation of the rights granted to employees in the field of social and labor relations is ensured.

    Compensation - cash payments established in order to reimburse employees for the costs associated with the performance of their labor or other duties provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other Federal Laws. Thus, indemnifications, unlike guarantees, are always monetary in nature.

    Types of guarantees. Statutory guarantees can be distinguished as:

    1) intangible nature (e.g., maintaining a job, position or providing other work), and

    material nature (for example, maintaining average earnings for the period of study leave, annual leave, business trip);

    2) general guarantees provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation when hiring, transferring to another job, for wages, work in conditions that meet the requirements of labor protection;

    3) special guarantees in the following cases:

    when sent on business trips;

    when moving to work in another area;

    in the performance of state or public duties;

    when combining work with education;

    in case of forced termination of work through no fault of the employee;

    when granting annual paid leave;

    in some cases, termination of the employment contract;

    due to a delay due to the fault of the employer of issuance work book upon dismissal of an employee;

    in other cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other Federal Laws (for example, in case of damage to the health of an employee (or in the event of his death) due to an accident at work or an occupational disease, guarantees for hard work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.

    4) additional guarantees certain categories of workers (Article 224 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In cases provided for by laws and other regulatory legal acts, the employer is obliged:

    Comply with the restrictions established for certain categories of workers on involving them in performing heavy work and work with harmful working conditions, performing work at night, as well as overtime work;

    To carry out the transfer of employees who, for health reasons, need to provide them with easier work, to other work (on medical reports) with appropriate payment;

    Establish rest breaks included in working hours;

    Create working conditions for the disabled in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program.

    Means and methods of general and special guarantees in the exercise of labor rights by employees can be very diverse:

    Retention of the place of work (position) and provision of additional leave (additional days of rest), for example, in case of combining work with education;

    Providing a number of categories of employees with a preferential right to remain at work in case of a reduction in the number or staff of the organization's employees;

    The obligation of the employer in some cases to offer a dismissed employee a vacant position (another place of work), to pay benefits to employees who have temporarily or permanently lost their ability to work.

    Naturally, this list of guarantees is not exhaustive, since additional guarantees may be established in agreements, collective agreements, other local acts of the organization, and an employment contract.

    When providing guarantees and compensations, the corresponding payments are made at the expense of the employer.

    Compensation payments, as well as other amounts due to the employee, must be provided by the employer to the employee in a timely manner. The employee is not obliged to spend personal funds in the performance of labor duties, state and public duties provided for by federal law. In this connection, the funds necessary for the performance of these duties, in cases provided for by law, must be provided to him by the employer.

    The paradox of the legislation on compensation lies in the fact that it sets the maximum allowable parameters for reimbursement of expenses incurred by an employee. Exceeding the specified parameters at the expense of the employer's own funds is considered as receiving additional income by the employee. Although in this case, the employer and the employee recognize the costs incurred as necessary for the performance of labor and other duties and, therefore, subject to compensation.

    Compensations include:

    Compensation in connection with the use of property by employees in the process labor activity;

    Compensation for business trips, sending employees for advanced training and to work in another area;

    Compensation for persons combining work with education;

    Compensation related to medical treatment by employees.

    Within the framework of social protection systems, in the event of adverse events established by law, citizens are provided with compensatory assistance in cash and in kind, as well as in the form of various types of services. In addition, social protection systems implement preventive measures aimed at preventing adverse events.

    The main form of direct social protection is monetary. The provision of cash benefits to low-income segments of the population, stipulated by the legislation, is of decisive importance in maintaining their existence. Cash payments include social benefits (gratuitous provision of a certain amount of money to citizens), subsidy - (targeted payment for material goods and services provided to citizens) and compensation - compensation to citizens for their expenses established by law.

    Part of the benefits and services goes directly to the population natural form through institutions of the non-productive sphere without taking into account the measure of individual labor and is entirely determined by the possibilities of society (free meals, food stamps, sale of goods at reduced prices); their consumers are not all workers, but those who need it and only to the extent of this need (school services - for families with children of school age, free medicine - for those who are often sick). The system of social services (health, education, vocational training, employment services) is based on the public sector of social infrastructure sectors, although each of them also has private enterprises. The state participates in the financing, production and distribution of social services, thereby increasing their accessibility to the population.

    The system of social protection of the population performs the function of maintaining the real preservation of the monetary unit in the face of inflation, an operational mechanism for protecting certain segments of the population (incapacitated, low-income, unemployed, families with children, the economically active population) from innovations that lead to a decrease in their standard of living (indexation of monetary income, establishment preferential prices for goods and services for pensioners, preferential taxation, etc.).

    The main elements of the system and organizational forms of social protection of the population include social insurance, social security, social services and social assistance. All elements of this system are interconnected.

    The system of social protection includes the operation of budgetary and non-budgetary funds at various levels: federal, regional, local.

    In Russia, the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia are responsible for social protection, which, in turn, are managed by the Government. Russian Federation.

    State non-budgetary funds providing social protection in the Russian Federation:

    Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

    Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

    Mandatory health insurance fund.

    The state level of social protection ensures the guaranteed provision of statutory pensions, services and benefits in accordance with monetary and social standards. At the regional level, taking into account local conditions and opportunities, the issues of an additional increase in the level of provision above the state level are being resolved. At the discretion of local authorities, it is possible to establish regional security standards, but not lower than those enshrined in legislation. A provision has been adopted on the territorial social service, which is intended to provide urgent measures aimed at temporarily supporting the life of elderly and old citizens in need of social protection.

    3. An important element of the social protection system is, social insurance.

    One of the main directions of social reforms in Russia in the early 90s. 20th century was the transition from state social security to a mixed system of insurance against social risks. The emergence of a modern system of social insurance is associated with the adoption of the Civil, Labor and Tax Codes of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", "On Employment in the Russian Federation", "On Health Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation", federal laws"On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation", "On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation", "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases", "On State Social Assistance", "On the Basics of Compulsory Social Insurance", etc. legislative and normative acts of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation.

    Compulsory social insurance is defined as part of the state system of social protection of the population, the specifics of which is the insurance of working citizens carried out in accordance with federal law against possible changes in material and (or) social position, and in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, other categories of citizens due to their recognition as unemployed, industrial injury or occupational disease, disability, illness, injury, pregnancy and childbirth, loss of a breadwinner, as well as the onset of old age, the need to receive medical care, sanatorium and resort treatment and occurrence of other social insurance risks established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, subject to compulsory social insurance.

    The social insurance base usually consists of the following elements:

    a) pension insurance; b) medical insurance; c) industrial accident insurance; d) unemployment insurance.

    The main types of social insurance, currently used in Russia are:

    compulsory and voluntary pension insurance;

    compulsory and voluntary medical insurance;

    compulsory social insurance;

    compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

    various types of voluntary social insurance that do not have a mandatory form.

    Mandatory social insurance of employees. The system of compulsory social insurance is managed by the Government of the Russian Federation. Compulsory social insurance funds are federal state property.

    The main part of insurance payments is made through the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (FSS RF). All businesses are required to contribute to this fund. The amount of insurance premiums and the procedure for their payment are established by law.

    The employer is obliged to ensure the rights of the employee to safe work. In this regard, every employee has the right to compulsory social insurance. The state social insurance of employees is the main form of exercising by employees of their right to material security in old age, in case of illness, full or partial disability.

    The Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer to provide compulsory social insurance for employees. Thus, since the conclusion employment contract between the employee and the employer, the employee has the right to protection against social risks, and the employer must carry out compulsory social insurance in relation to this employee. Insurance risks subject to social insurance include cases, defined by federal laws: recognition of a citizen as unemployed, industrial injury or occupational disease, disability, illness, injury, pregnancy and childbirth, loss of a breadwinner, as well as the onset of old age, the need to receive medical care, sanatorium treatment, etc.

    This obligation applies to all employers, regardless of their legal form and taxation system. For violation of the procedure established by law for the payment of social insurance contributions for employees or for non-payment of these contributions, certain financial sanctions may be applied to the employer.

    Non-payment by an employer of contributions to state social insurance does not deprive his employee of the right to be provided at the expense of state social insurance funds.

    Voluntary social insurance- these are relations based on free will between the insurer and the insured to protect the property interests of citizens in order to ensure their well-being in the event of certain insured events at the expense of funds generated by insurers from insurance premiums and other sources of funds.

    Voluntary social insurance is carried out on the basis of the free will of the insured and the insurer, fixed in the insurance contract. object of voluntary social insurance are not the interests of citizens that contradict the law, but purpose- Ensuring their well-being. Well-being includes the level of material (housing, food, living conditions, transport), social (labor, employment, healthcare) and spiritual (culture and art, recreation, education, information, mental well-being) needs, generally defined as the standard of living.

    Voluntary social insurance does not replace personal or property insurance of citizens. Voluntary social insurance exists in the form of protection against social risks (risk insurance), while the purpose of insurance is to minimize the deterioration of the material, social or spiritual situation of citizens, as well as in the form of accumulative or savings insurance, the purpose of which is to maintain and increase welfare.

    The list of social risks to protect against the consequences of which social insurance can be applied is huge. No less significant is the enumeration of insured events, in the implementation of which the well-being of a citizen can be increased through savings social insurance.

    The classification of voluntary social insurance in relation to the Russian Federation should be built on the basis of civil legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1992 No. 4015-1 “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”. According to Art. 4 of this law, insurance in the Russian Federation is carried out in two sectors - personal and property insurance. Personal insurance consists of sub-sectors of life insurance, accidents and illnesses, medical insurance, and property insurance consists of sub-sectors of property insurance, civil liability insurance, business risk insurance.

    SOCIAL PROTECTION SOCIAL PROTECTION SOCIAL PROTECTION is the concern of the state, society for citizens in need of assistance, assistance due to age, health, social status, lack of means of subsistence. Social assistance (social protection, social security) is manifested in the form of pensions, benefits, material assistance, care for the sick and the elderly, care for children. A firmly guaranteed system of material support for the disabled is called social insurance.

    Economic dictionary. 2010.

    Economic dictionary. 2000.

    Social protection is:

    Social protection Social protection Social protection - in a broad sense - the activity of the state to implement the goals and priority tasks of social policy, to implement a set of legislatively fixed economic, legal and social guarantees that ensure that each member of society respects the most important social rights.
    Social protection - in the narrow sense - a set of targeted specific measures of an economic, legal and organizational nature to support the most vulnerable segments of the population. See also: Social protection of the population Social policy

    Finam Financial Dictionary.

    / Place of CSR in the system of modern social

    26 Place of CSR in the system of modern socio-labor and socio-economic relations is in the form of one of the main elements of the mechanism of social protection of the employed population. Role of CSR in the regulation of social and labor relations consists in the development of personnel, health protection, the creation of safe working conditions, the implementation of social programs for employees of enterprises and their families.

    However, to say that CSR is becoming new form social and labor relations would be wrong. CSR is a concept of the relationship between business and society, with business and society being two interdependent institutions. Rather, CSR and social and labor relations complement each other, enriched by the development of each system of relations. Neither the concept of CSR nor the manifestation of new qualities of social and labor relations are possible separately. CSR and modern social and labor relations form new system socio-economic relations in society, consonant with the changes taking place in the world.

    §3. CSR and social protection of the employed population

    CSR is, first of all, social protection of the employed population. Modern period Russian history, characterized by the transition from a planned form of management to market relations, put forward the problem of developing an adequate social policy of the state among the priorities. Clause 1, Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation declares: “ The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person". The process of formation and development of social protection, the core basis of the state social policy, should cover all aspects of human life, take into account both the features of social and labor relations and problems

    27 disabled population. “A developed system of social protection becomes the political content of mass democracy. The political system is not able to achieve the unlimited loyalty of the masses and therefore, in order to give legitimacy to its actions, it must offer state and social programs, the implementation of which is subject to control”1.

    1 Habermas Y. Relations between the system and the life world under late capitalism // THESIS. Theory and history of economic and social institutions and systems. Spring 1993. Vol. 1. Issue. 2. - M., 1993. S. 127.

    2 Constitution of the Russian Federation. M., 2005. P.4.

    The formation of a system of social protection of workers is becoming one of the priorities of the social policy of the state. However, in many modern research devoted to the social side of society, the social protection of the working population is undeservedly ignored. Part of the explanation for this fact lies in the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation itself, in paragraph 2 of Article 7 of which the areas of social protection are indicated as follows: “In the Russian Federation, labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum size wages, state support is provided for the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, the disabled and the elderly, a system of social services is being developed, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are being established”2. As can be seen, in the Constitution, the social protection of workers is indicated schematically, in the form of establishing a minimum wage and separate social guarantees in the event of the implementation of certain social risks.

    The explanation for this may be as follows. As you know, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, and the main attention in the development of social articles was reasonably paid to non-working citizens, as the least protected group of society. However, in relation to modern economic conditions, one can argue about the urgency of research and development of the main provisions of social protection.

    28 economically active population, accounting for more than half of the total population of the country1.

    1 According to Rosstat data, the population of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2006 was 142.8 million people, the economically active population was 73.8 million people, or 52% of the total population. (Russia in figures. 2006: Brief stat. collection / Rosstat. M., 2006. P. 72-82).

    2 Economic Encyclopedia. Ed. L.I. Abalkina. M., 1999. S.207.

    3 Yudin V.P. Social protection: concept, essence, boundaries. Teaching method. allowance Kazan, 1995. P.9.

    Social protection of the population

    In modern economic literature there is no generally accepted definition of the category "social protection", in accordance with which it would be possible to present the interpretation of the socio-economic content of the category "social protection of the employed population". For example, in the Economic Encyclopedia, edited by academician L.I. Abalkin, social protection is defined as “an important function of the state to ensure basic social human rights based on international and national norms”2.

    An overly general definition logically leads to the consideration of the content of the definition of “social human rights”, as well as to the clarification of “international and national norms”, while the main role in ensuring social protection is assigned to the state, which, taking into account the consideration of the economically active population, is not entirely correct . The state, together with workers and employers, should take an equal part in the creation and development of the social protection system, especially for the employed population.

    An overly general definition of social protection is also presented in teaching aid V.P.Yudina "Social protection: concept, essence, boundaries": "the activities of the state to ensure the development of the individual"3. We add that in this definition we are talking v more on the development of the entire social sphere of society, including education, culture and art, physical culture and sports, rather than on minimizing negative impact certain social factors, in the event of the implementation of which a system of social protection is being developed.

    29 Some leading experts in the field of social security give their own definitions of the category “social protection”, filling them with their own detailed presentation. So, N.M. Rimashevskaya believes that “social protection systems are actually mechanisms by which incomes from certain “financing” groups of society (as a rule, especially active ones) are usually redistributed in favor of “receiving” subgroups, i.e. the sick, the elderly, the disabled, the unemployed, the poor."

    1 Rimashevskaya N.M. Man and reforms: secrets of survival. M., 2003. P.192.

    2 Roik VD Fundamentals of social insurance. M., 2005. P. 25.

    When considering this interpretation, in addition to the lack of specification of “donor groups”, the composition of the “needy” subgroups, which did not include able-bodied parents or guardians who receive child benefits, employees of enterprises using preferential loans for improving housing conditions, various categories of public employees, in the performance of whose duties the state is interested no less than in ensuring full employment of the able-bodied population.

    Let us imagine the definition of another leading specialist in the field of social protection of the population, V.D. Roik: “Social protection is a system of economic, social, legal, organizational, medical and technical measures to protect workers from adverse factors (social and occupational risk) that worsen the quality of their working life, in order to protect the health, working capacity of workers, their financial situation through the creation of special mechanisms, funds, including insurance funds, and social protection institutions at enterprises, regions and the state, in cases and on conditions established by law and labor agreements»2. In the definition of V.D. Roik, we are talking about the social protection of the working-age population, that is, children, students, refugees, migrants affected by

    30 natural or man-made disasters. In addition, “the quality of the working life of workers” is only one side of the social protection system, the other side is the social life of a person. The final part of the definition is positive, which reveals the mechanism of social protection of the able-bodied population.

    The emphasis on the consequences of the implementation of social risks, which can be traced in V.D. Roik, is also found in S.M. Berezin, who determines the social economic content category of "social protection" as "a set of institutions and mechanisms designed to maintain and ensure an acceptable (established) standard of living for the population in the event of social risks"1.

    1 Berezin S.M. Social insurance on Far North. M., 2005. P.22.

    2 Strengthening social protection and reducing vulnerability in a globalizing world. Report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. February 2001. P.4.

    3 Introduction to the Social Security. International Labor Office. Geneva. 1984, p.3.

    Consider the interpretation of the category "social protection" given by authoritative international organizations. Thus, the United Nations (UN) interprets social protection as follows: “Social protection in general is understood as a set of policies and programs of the public and private sectors implemented by society in connection with various unforeseen circumstances in order to compensate for the absence or significant reduction in income from work, providing assistance to families with children, as well as providing people with medical care and housing”2. The ILO defines social protection as “the protection which a society provides to its members, through a set of social measures, against economic and social ills resulting from the interruption or reduction of earnings as a result of illness, childbirth, industrial accidents, unemployment, disability, old age and death, providing medical assistance and providing subsidies to families with children”3.

    The UN interpretation includes a set of social programs of both the state and the private sector, while in the ILO definition the source of development and

    31 implementation of measures for social protection is called more broadly - society. The goals for the achievement of which the system of social protection is designed to function are of interest.

    In the view of the UN, this is compensation for the absence or significant reduction in labor income, assistance to families with children, providing people with medical care and housing. The ILO believes that social protection, in addition to the goals defined by the UN, is aimed at stopping or reducing earnings as a result of illness, childbirth, industrial accidents, unemployment, disability, old age and death. However, the ILO gives a list of social risks that can be insured, while the UN considers the goals of social protection more broadly, since, for example, the occurrence of housing problems cannot be insured.

    Definition of social protection of the employed population

    Social protection is one of the ways to maintain incomes and comprehensive development of people. The goals of the institutions of social protection of the employed population are as follows:

       ensuring the process of creating a social product labor force- its main factor;

       Preservation of social sustainability and social stability in the labor collective of the main conditions for the reproduction of the labor potential of the enterprise;

       creation of a favorable social environment around the production of a social product - an important tool for the development of the economic system.

    The social protection of the employed population is based not only on the redistribution of part of the national income and compulsory social insurance, but also on the use of part of the newly created own product by employer corporations. In the same time financial base measures for the social protection of the entire population is based on the redistribution of part of the national income in accordance with the priorities

    32 social policy of the state, as well as on the formation and use of special funds Money or insurance funds with mandatory participation in their creation of all working citizens.

    The socio-economic content of the category "social protection of the employed population" is the relationship for the creation and implementation of social programs of the state and economic systems aimed at maintaining a socially acceptable level of income for workers, high-quality reproduction of the labor force, development of the economy and society.

    Note that, first, the object of social protection of the employed population is the worker in the process of functioning in the system of social reproduction. When considering the social protection of the entire population of the country, the object becomes that part of society that falls under the minimum criteria for the standard of living specified by law.

    Secondly, social protection of the employed population is a complex of social programs of both the state and corporations, including economic, social, legal, organizational, medical and technical measures. The complex of social programs is implemented through the creation of special institutions of social protection, which are regulated by the current legislation and labor agreements (collective agreements) of employees and employers.

    Thirdly, social protection of the employed population is aimed at maintaining the income of employees in the event of social risks, the main of which are temporary or permanent disability, inability to find a job, material losses due to motherhood or paternity, old age, the need to pay for medical care. In addition, the qualitative reproduction of the labor force means not only the creation of the necessary conditions for the biological and social reproduction of a person, but also the development of his physical, intellectual and

    33 creativity necessary to ensure the forward movement of the economic system.

    Fourth, The sources of financing the social protection of the employed population are the federal, regional and local budgets, the material resources of corporations and the incomes of employees. The foregoing does not exclude the possibility of creating specialized funds of funds, such as, for example, compulsory social insurance funds and other financial institutions, the purpose of which is to finance socially oriented activities.

    Fifth, social protection of the employed population is both an instrument and a goal for the development of the economy and society, since the progressive movement of a separate economic unit positively affects the growth indicators of the economy as a whole, the diversified development of the employee’s abilities acquires quite specific material outlines in the form of an increase in the employee’s income, and in a general economic sense, in an increase in the effective demand of the population and growth country's GDP. Effective social protection of the employed population makes it possible to focus society's resources on the social problems of the non-working population.

    To substantiate the author's definition of social protection of the employed population, we present the interpretations of two well-known experts in the field of social protection. V.V. Basov believes that “social protection can be understood as a tool for the distribution and consumption of a certain part of the necessary product created by the total labor of workers, and the economic content of the distribution and social protection process as one of its elements, designed to ensure that the total labor force meets the needs social production"one. He is echoed by B.G. Zbyshko, who states that “social protection is a tool for regulating the reproduction of the labor force and employment, which directly affects

    1 Basov V.V. Non-state pension funds as an institution of social protection of the population. N.Novgorod, 2000. P.24.

    34 economic development not only from the point of view of the effective functioning of the labor force, but also as a factor in expanding the effective demand of the population”1. As can be seen, both researchers focus on the reproduction of the labor force and the development of social production. The author's interpretation additionally emphasizes the role of the state as a subject of social protection, notes the positive impact of the development of social protection of workers on the achievement and strengthening of social stability in society.

    1 Zbyshko B.G. Regulation of social and labor relations in Russia (international and national aspect): Monograph. M., 2004. S.204.

    Functions, principles and forms of social protection of the employed population

    economic function consists in replacing temporarily or permanently lost incomes of workers, improving the quality of the labor force used in the production of a social product and, as a result, economic growth, more efficient redistribution of national income across the state.

    social function provides for the implementation of measures to ensure the high-quality reproduction of the labor force, which include not only protection from material insecurity due to the inability to participate in labor activity or a complex of medical, professional and social rehabilitation in order to restore health and working capacity, but also the creation, restoration and development of physical, spiritual, intellectual abilities for activity. It is also important to raise the general standard of living of an employee, which is expressed, in particular, in raising the educational and cultural level, improving living conditions, and taking care of his family members.

    35 political function involves the provision of constitutionally guaranteed norms of social protection, maintaining social stability and moral climate in society, increasing its spiritual potential, ensuring the unity and harmony of society and the current government.

    Innovative function is designed to stimulate research and development activities in economic systems, generate new solutions in the field of social protection of the working population, implement the social protection factor in the development of the knowledge economy.

    1. Social responsibility of the state and economic systems (corporate Social responsibility) for the development of society in the economic, social, environmental, spiritual and other spheres of life in accordance with the legislatively prescribed areas, as well as activities that go beyond the legal minimum.

    2. Social justice in ensuring equal rights to receive and increase income, safety and health at work, health protection, access to material, social and spiritual benefits, compensation for temporary or permanent disability, obtaining the necessary material and social compensation in the implementation of social risks.

    3. The interest of the subjects of social protection of workers (bodies state power, public and private commercial and non-profit institutions, associations of workers and employers, economic systems, workers) in the creation and implementation of a social protection system.

    4. Multilevel, multidimensional and multidirectional social programs of the state and economic systems from mandatory government programs for the entire employed population to narrowly targeted

    36 interventions for certain categories of workers, from wages, health care and pensions to the impact on the social relations of workers outside production process, from the universal nature of social protection measures to a differentiated approach and personification of the employee as an object of social protection.

    5. State guarantees in the implementation of state social programs and self-management of private initiatives that go beyond the scope of the current social legislation.

    Considering various aspects of CSR, let us dwell on the fourth principle: multilevel, multidimensional and multidirectional social programs of the state and economic systems. This principle presupposes a variety of forms of social protection of the employed population. Forms of social protection, based on the specifics, objectivity, financing mechanism, can be as follows.

    Compulsory social insurance– “relationships based on the principles of universality, solidarity and retribution, to protect the interests of individuals in the implementation of certain social risks due to insurance premiums formed by insurers cash funds and other funds of insurers”1. This form of social protection assumes the universal, solidary and compensatory nature of protection against social threats through the use of an insurance mechanism organized and regulated by the state.

    1 Krichevsky N.A., Kuksin A.G. State regulation social insurance. M., 2006. P.19.

    Compulsory social insurance is based on the mandatory insurance contributions of the employee, employer and the state, and the financial component of insurance payments allows us to speak only about the minimum necessary costs to maintain the income and social status of the employee. The types of compulsory social insurance, in accordance with the current legislation in this area, are divided into compulsory pension insurance, compulsory health insurance, compulsory

    37 social insurance, compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

    Corporate (voluntary) social insurance- relations based on the contract, on voluntary collective insurance of social risks. Corporate social insurance can be carried out in the form of risk or funded (savings) insurance, serve as an addition to compulsory types of social insurance (for example, compulsory medical insurance, compulsory pension insurance) or be independent types of social protection (for example, insurance in case of illness or death, travel insurance, insurance in case of a certain insured event).

    State social insurance- relations based on the interest of the state in preserving life, health, ability to work, income, social status of persons on public service or performing socially important functions. The types of state social insurance include all types of social insurance of civil servants, carried out at the expense of budget funds, provision upon reaching retirement age, assistance in raising the social level of a civil servant.

    Social Security - relations based on the social programs of the state to ensure the minimum social needs of citizens. Examples of social security include subsidies for housing and communal services, guardianship benefits, unemployment benefits, employment assistance, etc. A type of social security is social assistance provided individually in the event of extraordinary events, such as natural or man-made disasters.

    Corporate social programs- relations based on the mutual interest of the employer and employee in strengthening and

    38 development of social and labor relations. Examples of corporate social programs are the provision of employees with housing, food, everyday items, the issuance of preferential or non-repayable loans, payment for education, recreation, sanatorium treatment, financing of health improvement programs for employees' children, assistance former employees who have reached retirement age, labor protection and others. Corporate social programs include ensuring the environmental safety of production, developing the surrounding community, and maintaining fair business practices.

    Individual social programs for employees- relations based on the independent activity of employees to protect their income and living conditions in the event of various social risks. The types of this form are personal savings of employees, dividends on deposits, coupon income on bonds, income from the placement of savings in shares of an enterprise, individual insurance at special insurance rates, and the creation of mutual assistance funds for employees.

    Non-refundable corporate financing of social programs of the surrounding community- relations based on the interest of economic systems in creating and maintaining a positive image among the surrounding community, various categories of the population or public authorities. The most common types of this form of social protection are sponsorship, patronage, charity.

    We have listed the main forms of social protection of the working population. Let's take into account the fact that this list is constantly expanding and supplemented by new social initiatives of state authorities, corporate employers, public organizations representing the interests of both employers and employees, studying international best practices.

    In a summary form, the classification of the main forms and types of social protection of the employed population is presented in Table. 1.2.

    40 As can be seen from Table 1.2, the least researched and at the same time the most costly area of ​​social protection of the employed population are the social programs of enterprises, consisting of corporate social insurance, corporate social programs, gratuitous corporate financing of activities to support the surrounding community. In one form or another, enterprises also participate in the implementation of compulsory social insurance and individual social programs for employees. The special role inherent in economic systems in the implementation of social protection of workers served as the starting point for the formation of a new direction in the system of social protection - corporate social responsibility.

    The system of social protection of the population

    Social protection - system of measures carried out by the state. and public organizations to ensure guaranteed minimum sufficient living conditions, support life and active existence of a person. Sometimes social protection is interpreted more narrowly: as providing a certain level of income for those segments of the population who, for whatever reason, cannot independently provide for their existence: the unemployed, the disabled, the sick, orphans, the elderly, single mothers, families with many children. The basic principles of social protection: humanity; targeting; complexity; ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual.

    Types of social protection. State. forms: affordable healthcare; privileges; accessible education; pension; system of social service and provision of social services; measures of social support. Non-state forms: voluntary social insurance; charity; private healthcare systems, etc.

    The system of social protection is a set of legislative acts, measures, as well as organizations that ensure the implementation of social measures. protection of the population, support of socially vulnerable segments of the population.

    It includes:

    1. Social security- creation of state systems of material support and services for the elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children at the expense of the so-called public consumption funds. In addition to pensions (for old age, disability, etc.) to social. benefits include benefits for temporary disability and childbirth, for caring for a child under the age of 3, assistance to families in the maintenance and upbringing of children, family allowances, maintenance of the disabled in special organizations (nursing homes, etc.), free or concessional prosthetic care , providing disabled people with means of transportation, vocational training for disabled people, various benefits for families of disabled people.

    2. Social guarantees - providing social goods and services to citizens without taking into account the labor contribution and means test on the basis of the principle of distribution of these benefits according to the needs of the available public resources. In our country, to the social guarantees include: guaranteed free honey. service; general accessibility and free education; the minimum wage; the minimum amount of pensions, scholarships; social pensions (disabled since childhood; children with disabilities; disabled people who do not have work experience; etc.); childbirth benefits; ritual allowance for burial and some others.

    A variety of social guarantees are social. privileges. They represent a system of public guarantees provided to certain groups of the population (disabled people, war veterans, labor veterans, etc.).

    Social insurance - protection of the economically active population from social. risks based on collective solidarity in redress. The main social risks associated with loss of ability to work, work and, accordingly, income, are illness, old age, unemployment, motherhood, accident, work injury, prof. illness, death of the breadwinner. There are 2 forms of social insurance - mandatory (with the support of the state of its funds) and voluntary (in the absence of state assistance). Citizens are supported primarily through cash payments (pensions and benefits for sickness, old age, unemployment, loss of a breadwinner, etc.), as well as through financing of health services, vocational training, etc. related to the restoration of working capacity.

    Social support(assistance) is provided to socially vulnerable groups of the population who, for one reason or another, are unable to secure an income for themselves. Assistance is provided through both cash and in-kind payments (free meals, clothing) and is funded by general tax revenues. Assistance is provided to those people whose incomes are below the minimum living standards, and advocates essential element anti-poverty policies. Social support is not limited to material assistance. It also includes measures in the form of assistance and services provided by individuals or social groups. services to overcome life's difficulties, maintain social. status, adaptation in society.

    The activities of the social services for social support, the provision of social, medical, pedagogical, legal services and material assistance, the conduct of social. adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations has formed into a separate branch of social. spheres - social. service. Work aimed at helping, supporting and protecting people, and, above all, socially weak sections of society, is called social work. The object of social work are people in need of outside help: the elderly, pensioners, the disabled, the seriously ill, children; people who find themselves in a difficult life situation: the unemployed, drug addicts, teenagers who have fallen into bad company, single-parent families, convicted and served their sentences, refugees and migrants, etc. Subjects of social work- those organizations and people who carry out this work. This is the state as a whole, carrying out social. politics through the state social authorities. protection.

    What is social protection? ? Please answer very simply and clearly

    Vladimir Zublenko

    Social protection is a multi-level system of economic, legal, organizational, medical and social, pedagogical, psychological and other measures aimed at realizing the rights and freedoms of the individual in the field of social security, guaranteeing not only survival, but also a sufficient level and quality of life.
    Social protection is assistance provided by the state, as well as by private organizations to the entire population or, more often, categories in need of assistance: single mothers, families with many children, families at social risk, pensioners, the disabled, etc. In a broader sense, social protection provided by private organizations such as insurance companies.

    lat. sacialis - public) - a system of various kinds of measures taken by society or labor collective to protect its members from certain negative impacts of the social environment or to mitigate them. The term is used in two senses. In a broad sense, SZ is the activity of the state and public organizations (and, first of all, trade unions) to implement the goals and priority tasks of social policy, to implement a set of legislatively fixed economic, legal and social guarantees that ensure each member of society observes its most important social rights, incl. to a decent human standard of living necessary for the normal reproduction and development of the individual. In a narrow sense, SP is a set of targeted specific measures of an economic, legal and organizational nature to support the most vulnerable segments of the population from the negative manifestations (consequences) of the transitional reform processes. The current stage of market reforms has largely “brought together” the real content of the concept of social protection in the broad and narrow sense, because both the majority of the population and the state of the economy itself, which does not allow realizing the long-term goals and objectives of social policy, are in need of protection. there is barely enough money for the first steps. SZ is, on the one hand, a functional system, i.e. the system of directions in which it is carried out; on the other hand, institutional, i.e. the system of institutions that provide it - the state, trade unions, etc. public organizations. The subject of the trade union SP is not all the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, but only those whose protection relates to the statutory duties of trade unions. This is, first of all, the right to work with payment in accordance with its quantity and quality, but not lower than the minimum amount established by the state.

    Social protection of the population- this is one of the most important directions of the social policy of the state, which consists in establishing and maintaining the socially necessary material and social position of all members of society.

    Sometimes social protection is interpreted more narrowly: as providing a certain level of income for those segments of the population who, for whatever reason, cannot provide for their own existence: the unemployed, the disabled, the sick, orphans, the elderly, single mothers, families with many children. Basic principles of social protection:

    • humanity;
    • targeting;
    • complexity;
    • ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual.

    The system of social protection of the population and its structure

    Social security system is a set of legislative acts, measures, as well as organizations that ensure the implementation of social protection measures for the population, support for socially vulnerable segments of the population.

    It includes:

    1. Social Security originated in Russia in the 1920s. and meant the creation state system material support and services for the elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children at the expense of the so-called public consumption funds. This category is essentially identical to the category of social protection, but the latter applies to a market economy.

    In addition to pensions (for old age, disability, etc.), social security included benefits for temporary disability and childbirth, for caring for a child under the age of one, assistance to families in the maintenance and upbringing of children (free or on preferential terms, nurseries, kindergartens, boarding schools , pioneer camps, etc.), family allowances, maintenance of the disabled in special organizations (nursing homes, etc.), free or concessional prosthetic care, provision of vehicles for the disabled, vocational training for the disabled, and various benefits for the families of the disabled. During the transition to the market, the social security system largely ceased to fulfill its functions, but some of its elements entered into modern system social protection of the population.

    2. - the provision of social benefits and services to citizens without taking into account the labor contribution and means test based on the principle of distributing these benefits according to the needs of the available public resources. In our country, social guarantees include:

    • guaranteed free medical care;
    • general accessibility and free education;
    • the minimum wage;
    • the minimum amount of pensions, scholarships;
    • social pensions (disabled since childhood; children with disabilities; disabled people without work experience; children who have lost one or both parents; persons over 65 (men) and 60 (women) years who do not have work experience);
    • allowances at the birth of a child, for the period of caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, up to 16 years;
    • ritual allowance for burial and some others.

    Since January 1, 2002, the amount of benefits related to the birth of a child has been increased. Thus, the amount of a one-time allowance for the birth of a child increased from 1.5 thousand rubles to 4.5 thousand rubles and in 2006 - up to 8000 rubles, the monthly allowance for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years from 200 up to 500 rubles, and in 2006 - up to 700 rubles. This allowance provided 25% of the living wage for an able-bodied person. The amount of the monthly allowance for a child under 16 years of age has not been revised and amounts to 70 rubles. Its ratio with the subsistence minimum for a child was 3.0% in 2004. In Moscow and some other regions, this allowance in 2006 increased to 150 rubles.

    A variety of social guarantees are social benefits. They represent a system of public guarantees provided to certain groups of the population (disabled people, war veterans, labor veterans, etc.). In 2005, benefits in kind were replaced by monetary compensations for these categories of the population. From January 1, 2005 preferential category citizens have the right to use the social package and the right to receive monthly cash payments. The cost of the social package is set at 450 rubles. It includes travel in suburban transport, free drug provision, sanatorium treatment and travel to the place of sanatorium treatment. The law provides that from January 2006 beneficiaries will be able to choose between a social package and receiving the appropriate amount of money.

    From January 1, 2006, monthly cash payments in accordance with the law were established in the following amounts: Patriotic War- 2000 rubles; participants of the Second World War - 1500 rubles; combat veterans and a number of other categories of beneficiaries - 1,100 rubles.

    Persons who worked during the Second World War at air defense facilities, the construction of fortifications, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities, family members of those who died or died war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans, will receive 600 rubles a month.

    Disabled persons with a third degree of restriction of labor activity are paid 1,400 rubles a month; second degree - 1000 rubles; first degree - 800 rubles; disabled children will be paid 1000 rubles. Disabled people who do not have a degree of restriction on labor activity, with the exception of disabled children, receive 500 rubles a month.

    Social insurance— protection of the economically active population from social risks on the basis of collective solidarity in compensation for damage. The main social risks associated with the loss of ability to work, work and, accordingly, income, are illness, old age, unemployment, motherhood, accident, work injury, occupational disease, death of the breadwinner. The social insurance system is financed from special extra-budgetary funds formed at the expense of contributions from employers and employees, as well as state subsidies. There are two forms of social insurance - compulsory (supported by the state of its funds) and voluntary (in the absence of state assistance). Citizens are supported primarily through cash payments (pensions and benefits for sickness, old age, unemployment, loss of a breadwinner, etc.), as well as through financing of health services, vocational training, etc. related to the restoration of working capacity.

    Social support(assistance) is provided to socially vulnerable groups of the population who, for one reason or another, are unable to secure an income for themselves. Assistance is provided through both cash and in-kind payments (free meals, clothing) and is funded by general tax revenues. Means testing is usually required to receive social assistance. Assistance is provided to those people whose incomes are below the minimum living standards, and is an essential element of the anti-poverty policy, ensuring a minimum guaranteed income, as a realization of the right to life.

    Social support is not limited to material assistance. It also includes measures in the form of assistance and services provided to individuals or groups of the population by social services to overcome life's difficulties, maintain social status, and adapt in society.

    The activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, medical, pedagogical, legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations has formed into a separate branch of the social sphere - social services.

    Institutional system social service Russia is developing at a very fast pace. During the period 1998-2004, the total number of social service institutions increased by one third. At the same time, the number of institutions for the elderly and the disabled increased by more than 1.5 times compared with 1985, and by 18% compared with 1998. Number of centers for social assistance to families and children in 1998-2004 increased by 2 times, social rehabilitation centers - by 2.5 times. There are 25 rehabilitation centers for young people with disabilities, 17 geriatric centers. New types of social service institutions have appeared: crisis centers for women, so far the only crisis center for men, crisis departments for girls.

    Work aimed at helping, supporting and protecting people, and, above all, socially weak sections of society, is called social work.

    object social work are people in need of outside help: the elderly, pensioners, the disabled, the seriously ill, children; people who got into
    I wish the life situation: the unemployed, drug addicts, teenagers who fell into bad company, single-parent families, convicted and served their sentences, refugees and migrants, etc.

    Subjects of social work- those organizations and people who carry out this work. This is the state as a whole, carrying out social policy through state bodies of social protection. These are public organizations: the Russian Association of Social Services, the Association of Social Pedagogues and social workers and others. These are charitable organizations and relief societies such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

    The main subject of social work are people engaged in it professionally or on a voluntary basis. There are about half a million professional social workers (that is, people with the appropriate education and diploma) all over the world (in Russia there are several tens of thousands). The main part of social work is performed by non-professionals, either as a result of circumstances or because of convictions and a sense of duty.

    Society is interested in increasing effectiveness of social work. However, it is difficult to define and measure it. Efficiency is understood as the ratio of the results of activities and the costs necessary to achieve this result. Efficiency in social sphere is a complex category that consists of goals, results, costs and conditions of social activity. The result is the final result of any activity in relation to its purpose. It can be positive or negative. In social work, the result is the satisfaction of the needs of its objects, clients of social services, and on this basis the general improvement of the social situation in society. The criteria for the effectiveness of social work at the macro level can be indicators of the financial situation of the family (person), life expectancy, the level and structure of morbidity, homelessness, drug addiction, crime, etc.

    The problem of the limits of social assistance to citizens is closely related to the criterion of effectiveness. As with the implementation of income policy, it is necessary to take into account the possible Negative consequences massive social support: the emergence of dependency, passivity, unwillingness to make decisions and solve their own problems. There may be negative phenomena in the social sphere (for example, active support for single mothers may result in a decrease in the marriage rate and, ultimately, the birth rate).

    The concept of "social protection"

    Social protection of the population is nothing but a form of manifestation of the social policy of the state.

    Social protection, being an economic category, is a system of distribution relations.

    Public funds of funds, which are formed at the expense of a part of the national income, are used to provide material support to poor citizens.

    Remark 1

    Thus, social protection is a system of measures to ensure the minimum sufficient conditions for the life and active existence of a person.

    The modern interpretation of the social protection system understands it as a set of rights and guarantees established by law, and social institutions and institutions ensure their implementation, creating conditions for maintaining the life of various social strata of the population and, first of all, socially vulnerable.

    In conditions of an economic crisis, social protection is not able to protect the entire population from a decline in living standards and other social problems.

    Under such conditions social support turns out to be only the most needy - this category of the population is usually called socially vulnerable groups. These include persons who do not have the opportunity to somehow improve their financial situation and, thus, support the necessary conditions existence.

    If we consider the socially vulnerable segments of the population more broadly, then these are people whose incomes are below the subsistence level.

    In practice, socially vulnerable families are considered to be those families where each family member has a low monetary income, families that have lost their breadwinner, single mothers, the elderly, students living on scholarships, people affected by natural disasters, social conflicts, illegal persecution.

    Social protection has leading organizational and legal forms, which include:

    • social service;
    • state social insurance;
    • pension provision;
    • other forms of state support for the population.

    Features of social protection of the population of Russia

    In post-reform Russia, social protection developed spontaneously to a greater extent. There was no proper idea about the tasks and ways to solve them, about its organizational and administrative structure, legal norms.

    Despite the fact that the system of social protection in Russia has an actual existence and rapid development, but, nevertheless, it has not yet been accepted by public consciousness as an independent social institution.

    This leads to a narrowing of the scope of its activities. For example, in 1997 the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the Program of Social Reforms for the period from 1997 to 2000.

    In this Program, the concept of "social protection" was reduced only to the following issues:

    • social services for the population of the country;
    • social protection of the disabled;
    • social benefits;
    • compensation payments;
    • scholarships
    • social support for citizens discharged from military service to the reserve.

    There is no clear and correct idea of ​​what should be the nature of the institution of social protection, its content. The lack of correct ideas leads to an arbitrary interpretation of terms and concepts, various categories that reveal the meaning and significance of such an institution.

    In the USSR, to define the totality of social, economic and other relations in a broad sense, the term “social security” was used, which defined the entire institution of social protection under the name “social security law”.

    In a narrow sense, at the same time, this term was used to define the system of relations in the field of social protection at the expense of the state budget. Social security in the system of planned economic management reflected the specifics of the organization of the country's social protection.

    During market relations this term can no longer be used to define the totality of socio-economic relations and to administrative structures with new features. As a result, the term was pushed out of the practical sphere and replaced by the new "social protection".

    The new term is more in line with the essence of the social institution. Elements of social protection are at the same time social institutions and the main functions of this system.

    In Russian science and practice, such concepts as "social assistance" and "social support" have appeared.

    Definition 1

    Social assistance is a system of social relations that develop between citizens with an average per capita income below the subsistence level on the one hand and government bodies on the other side. The reason for these relations is the provision of cash payments to families, natural assistance in excess of their earnings, pensions, allowances, etc.

    Providing a living wage for the population of the country is the goal of social assistance.

    A distinctive feature of social support is that it includes measures for families in need of additional support, even if their income is not below the subsistence level. Social support is the prerogative local government.

    Types of social protection

    Social security is a form of distribution of material goods, the purpose of which is to meet the vital needs of a person. Social security included not only pensions, but also benefits for temporary disability and childbirth, child care for up to a year. Families were assisted in the maintenance and upbringing of children. This refers to free nurseries or on preferential terms, kindergartens, pioneer camps, etc.

    Social security also applied to disabled citizens - keeping them in nursing homes, providing means of transportation for the disabled.

    The main principles of social security are universality, accessibility, targeting, diversity of services provided. Social security includes social insurance and social assistance.

    The second type of social protection is social support. As an indirect support of the population, it includes a system of social guarantees and social benefits.

    Social support can come in a variety of forms. This can be financial assistance, free food, placement in a shelter, medical, legal, psychological assistance, adoption, guardianship.

    Assistance, support and protection of people, and especially the socially weak sections of the population, are carried out by social institutions, whose activities are called social work.
