Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Manufacturing control. Production management: what is the secret of successful management Current production management is carried out for the period

The production process is a combination of objects and tools of labor, as well as living labor in space and time, functioning to meet the needs of production. This is a complex systemic concept, consisting of a set of the following particular concepts: the object of labor, the tool of labor, living labor, space, time, satisfaction of needs.

Production processes are divided into the following types:

1) basic; 2) auxiliary; 3) serving.

In turn, the main production processes are divided into: a) preparatory (procurement); b) transforming (processing); c) final (assembly).

Types and relationships of production processes in the organization go horizontally and vertically. Vertically, production processes can take place at the workplace, in the department and between departments of the organization. Horizontally, production processes are shown in the form of a "matryoshka": organization, divisions, jobs.

Types of production processes, their essence and interrelations are characteristic of all main, auxiliary and service production processes, regardless of the branch of the national economy and the place of their occurrence.

The organization of the production process in space is a way of combining the main, auxiliary and service processes on the territory of the organization to process its "input" into "output".

Since the "input" and "output" of the organization refer to its immediate external environment, then in accordance with the rules for applying the systems approach "input" process and "output" should be considered as interrelated components. unified system.

It follows from this that the parameters of the lines and feedback at the "input" they determine the parameters of the functioning of the processes, and the parameters of the processes, in turn, determine the parameters of the "output".

To ensure the high quality of the process in the system, first (at the first stage) it is necessary to analyze: a) the strength of competition at the input of the system; b) the validity of the "entry" parameters, as far as they meet the requirements of competitiveness; c) the degree of influence on the process parameters external environment(political, economic, technical), as well as the infrastructure of the region; d) competitiveness of suppliers of components, raw materials, materials, etc.

Then, at the second stage, the process parameters in the system are analyzed. The task is to ensure the competitiveness of all components of the system. If, for example, an organization has competitive technology, highly qualified personnel, the latest technical means, and its suppliers (the "input" of the system) cannot produce high-quality components, then the product will be of poor quality at the "output" of the system.

Two rules follow from this: 1) quality level final stage of any process is determined by the quality level of the intermediate stage, which has the worst quality indicator; 2) the process should be worked out starting from the system entry, from the first stage (object, component, etc.), having previously analyzed the entire process.

The organization of production processes in space is implemented in the production structure (horizontally and vertically), i.e., in order to represent the production process in space, it is necessary to impose an organizational structure on the production structure and determine spatial (territorial) connections.

For example: The main departments reporting to the CMO might be the Information Center, the Strategic Marketing Department, and the Tactical Marketing Department. The commercial director may have a performance analysis department, a planning department, financial department. The technical director has a special design bureau (SKB), a chief technologist department (OGT), a chief mechanic department (OGM). The production director has a department for an automated production control system (APCS), a department for production and scheduling, department of operational management of production.

In the structure of the main production, consisting of certain types production shops, which include several sections. For example, the preparatory production may consist of a material warehouse, where the storage and preparation for the transfer of steel billets to the main production, as well as a foundry and forging and pressing shops are carried out.

Transformative industries can be designed both according to the objective principle, specializing in the manufacture of the final product, and according to the functional one. The final production may consist of an assembly shop, a test shop, a packaging shop and a certification shop.

To comply with the principle of direct flow, i.e. reducing the path of passage of the subject of labor in the organizational and production structures, it is necessary to locate units on the territory in the course of management and production processes. In addition, units of the same functional and production purpose on the territory should be located nearby. For example, first the departments of the marketing director should be located in an arc behind the other, then the departments of the commercial director, and so on.

The main factors for optimizing the direct flow of processes are:

* the location of the units of the organizational and production structures in the course of the relevant processes;

* concentration of processes under one "roof";

* reducing the distance between the components of the processes;

* system analysis and optimization of the coefficient of directness of individual management and production processes;

* process automation;

* Ensuring the proportionality of partial processes;

* analysis of the rationalization of structures and processes.

Organization of the production process in time.

Such an organization is a way of combining in time the main, auxiliary and service processes for processing the "input" of the organization into its "output" The most important parameter The organization of the production process in time is the production cycle for the manufacture of an object of labor, the provision of a service or the performance of work from preparatory operations to the final ones.

The duration of the production cycle consists of working time and break time. Consider the content of the individual components of the production cycle.

The working period for the manufacture of an object of labor consists of the time of technological operations, transport and storage operations and control operations. In turn, the time of technological operations consists of preparatory and final time and piece time.

Preparatory-final time is spent at the beginning work shift for preparing the workplace, debugging equipment, fixtures, installing tools, and at the end of the work shift - for removing fixtures, tools, etc. This time is spent on a batch of objects of labor processed during the shift.

Breaks in working time are divided into natural processes (drying, normalization after heat treatment and other operations that occur without human intervention), organizational breaks (waiting for the vacancy of the workplace, delayed delivery of components, etc.), regulated breaks (breaks for lunch, rest, etc.). P.).

The duration of the production cycle of manufacturing the product as a whole is calculated after plotting the flow of a complex process of assembling the product and calculating the duration of the production cycles for manufacturing piece parts or their batches.

This work is done by technologists. For example, the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing a batch of parts of the same name is determined as the sum of all operations of the preparatory and final time, piece time (this takes into account the simultaneous execution of the same operation at several workplaces, the parallelism of all operations, the planned coefficient of overfulfillment of production standards), time of natural processes, transportation, quality control, breaks.

The main factors for reducing the duration of production processes are:

* simplification of the kinematic scheme of the product, its design, increasing the level of blockiness for products of large-scale and mass production;

* simplification and improvement of technological processes for the manufacture of products;

* unification and standardization constituent parts product, its structural elements, elements of technological processes, equipment, tooling, organization of production;

* deepening of detailed, technological and functional specialization on the basis of unification and increase in the program for the production of products and its components;

* reduction specific gravity machined parts;

* analysis of compliance with the principles of rational organization of production processes: proportionality, parallelism, continuity, direct flow, rhythm, etc.;

* mechanization and automation of time tracking, control and transport and storage operations;

* reducing the time of natural processes by replacing them with appropriate technological processes;

* reduction of interoperative breaks;

* increase in the share of technically justified norms of time, norms of service, norms of resource consumption. Incentive to save time in meeting quality requirements.

The organization of production processes in time is based on the analysis of compliance with the principles of proportionality, continuity, parallelism, direct flow, rhythm, etc.

Proportionality is a principle, the implementation of which ensures equal throughput different jobs of one process, proportional provision of jobs with information, material resources, personnel, etc.

Continuity is the principle of rational organization of processes, determined by the ratio of working time to the total duration of the process.

Parallelism is the principle of rational organization of processes, which characterizes the degree of overlapping of operations in time. Types of combinations of operations: sequential, parallel and parallel-serial.

Straightness is the principle of rational organization of processes, which characterizes the optimality of the path of passage of the object of labor, information, etc.

Rhythm - the principle of rational organization of processes, characterizing the uniformity of their implementation in time.

One of possible ways improvement of the listed indicators of the rational organization of production and management processes is to increase the repeatability of processes and operations. In turn, the method of increasing the frequency of processes is the unification and typification of diverse partial processes. The benefits of increasing the repeatability of processes are related to the fact that the end results in mass production are better than in single production.

The listed principles of rational organization of processes are the main factor in increasing the organization of the management system, which is characterized by the degree of quantitative certainty of relationships (entropy) between the system components.

Conclusion. To reduce uncertainty, it is necessary in all management documents (plans, programs, assignments, standards, regulations, instructions, etc.) to clearly record the links between management bodies and managed objects. Links in the management system are established after building a tree of goals up to level IV, transferring qualitative requirements into quantitative ones. To improve the clarity of coordination work, it is recommended to use network management methods.

3. Organization and management of the production process

3.2. The production cycle

The production cycle for the manufacture of a particular machine or its separate unit (part) is the calendar period of time during which this object of labor goes through all stages of the production process from the first production operation to the delivery (acceptance) of the finished product inclusive. Reducing the cycle allows each production unit (workshop, section) to complete a given program with a smaller volume of work in progress. This means that the company gets the opportunity to accelerate the turnover working capital, fulfill the established plan with lower costs of these funds, free up part of working capital.

The production cycle consists of two parts: from the working period, that is, the period during which the object of labor is directly in the manufacturing process, and from the time of breaks in this process.

The working period consists of the time of execution of technological and non-technological operations; the latter include all control and transport operations from the moment the first production operation is completed until the moment the finished product is delivered.

The structure of the production cycle (the ratio of its constituent parts) in various industries mechanical engineering and at different enterprises is not the same. It is determined by the nature of the products, the technological process, the level of technology and the organization of production. However, despite the differences in structure, the possibilities for reducing the duration of the production cycle are inherent in both the reduction of working hours and the reduction of break times. The experience of advanced enterprises shows that at each stage of production and at each production site, opportunities can be found to further reduce the duration of the production cycle. It is achieved by carrying out various activities, both technical (design, technological) and organizational.

The implementation of production processes is closely related to the methods of their implementation. There are three main types of organization of the movement of production processes in time:

  • sequential, characteristic of single or batch processing or assembly of products;
  • parallel, used in the conditions of in-line processing or assembly;
  • parallel-serial, used in conditions of direct-flow processing or assembly of products.

With a sequential type of movement, the production order - one part, or one assembled machine, or batch of parts 1 (series of machines 2) - in the process of their production goes to each subsequent operation of the process only after the processing (assembly) of all parts (machines) of this batch is completed ( series) in the previous operation. In this case, the entire batch of parts is transported from operation to operation at the same time. At the same time, each part of a batch of a machine (series) lies at each operation, first waiting for its turn of processing (assembly), and then waiting for the end of processing (assembly) of all parts of machines of a given batch (series) for this operation.

A batch of parts is the number of parts of the same name that are simultaneously launched into production (processed from one equipment setup). A series of machines is the number of identical machines simultaneously launched into an assembly.

On fig. 1 shows a graph of the sequential movement of objects of labor for operations. The processing time for a sequential type of movement of objects of labor Tpos is directly proportional to the number of parts in the batch and the processing time of one part for all operations, i.e.

Tpos \u003d Et * n,

where Et is the processing time of one part for all operations in minutes; n is the number of parts in the batch.

With a parallel type of movement, the processing (assembly) of each part (machine) in a batch (series) at each subsequent operation begins immediately after the end of the previous operation, regardless of the fact that the processing (assembly) of other parts (machines) in the batch (series) at this operation not finished yet. With such an organization of the movement of objects of labor, several units of the same batch (series) can be simultaneously processed (assembled) at different operations. The total duration of the processing (assembly) process of a batch of parts (series of machines) is significantly reduced compared to the same process performed sequentially. This is a significant advantage of the parallel type of movement, which can significantly reduce the duration of the production process.

The processing time (assembly) of a batch of parts (series of machines) with a parallel type of movement Tpar ​​can be determined by the following formula:

Tpar \u003d Et + (n - 1) * r,

where r is the release stroke corresponding in this case to the longest operation, in minutes.

However, with a parallel type of movement, in the process of processing (assembling) a batch of parts (machines) at some workplaces, downtime of people and equipment may occur (Fig. 2), the duration of which is determined by the difference between the cycle and the duration of individual operations of the process. Such downtime is inevitable if the operations following one another are not synchronized (not aligned in their duration), as is usually done on production lines. That's why practical use parallel type of movement of objects of labor turns out to be certainly expedient and economically beneficial with a streaming organization of the production process.

The need to equalize (synchronize) the duration of individual operations significantly limits the possibility of widespread use of the parallel type of movement, which contributes to the use of the third - parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor.

The parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor is characterized by the fact that the process of processing parts (assembly of machines) of a given batch (series) at each subsequent operation begins earlier than the processing of the entire batch of parts (assembly of machines) at each previous operation is completely completed. Details are transferred from one operation to another in parts, transport (transfer) parties. The accumulation of some parts in previous operations before starting sodium processing in subsequent operations (production reserve) avoids downtime.

The parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor can significantly reduce the duration of the production process of processing (assembly) in comparison with the sequential type of movement. The use of a parallel-sequential type of movement is economically feasible in cases of manufacturing labor-intensive parts, when the duration of process operations fluctuate significantly, as well as in cases of manufacturing low-labor-intensive parts in large batches (for example, normals of small unified parts, etc.).

With a parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor, there can be three cases of combining the duration of operations:

1) the previous and subsequent operations have the same duration (t 1 = t 2);

2) the duration of the previous operation t2 is greater than the duration of the subsequent t 3 , i.e. t 2 > t 3 ;

3) the duration of the previous operation t3 is less than the duration of the subsequent t 4, i.e. t 3< t 4 .

In the first case, the transfer of parts from operation to operation can be organized piece by piece; for reasons of convenience of transportation, the simultaneous transfer of several parts (transfer batch) can be applied.

In the second case, a subsequent, shorter operation can be started only after the processing of all the parts in the previous operation included in the first transfer batch is completed. On fig. 3 it has mine in the transition from the first operation to the second.

In the third case (in Fig. 3 - the transition from the 3rd to the 4th operation), there is no need to accumulate details on the previous operation. It is enough to transfer one part to the subsequent operation and start processing it without any fear of the possibility of downtime. In this case, as in the first case, the transfer party is installed only for transport reasons.

The moment of starting work at each next operation (workplace) is determined according to the schedule or by calculating the minimum displacements c.

The minimum offset from 2 is determined by the difference between the durations of the previous larger t 2 and the subsequent smaller operations t 3, namely:

c 2 \u003d n * t 2 - (n - n òð) * t 3,

where n tr is the value of the transfer (transport) batch, which for the second case of combining the duration of operations is determined from the ratio ñ 1 / t 1 (ñ 1 is the minimum offset of the first operation), in all other cases - from the conditions of ease of transportation.

The minimum design offset is included in the total process time T in the combination of activity times related to the second case. In the first and third cases, the minimum offset is set equal to the time required to form the transfer batch.

When determining the total duration of the production process with a parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor, one should take into account the estimated value of the displacement E with:

T pl \u003d E c + n * t k,

where t k is the duration of the last (final) operation in this production process.

Example. Determine the total duration of the process of processing a batch of parts when various types movement, if the number of parts in the batch n = 40, and the processing time of one part (in minutes) for operations is: t 1 = 1.5; t 2 = 1.5; t 3 \u003d 0.5; t4 = 2.5; exhaust stroke r = 2.5 min.

A. In conditions of a sequential type of movement of parts

E t \u003d t 1 + t 2 + t 3 + t 4 \u003d 1.5 + 1.5 + 0.5 + 2.5 \u003d 6.0;

T pos \u003d E t * n \u003d 6.0 * 40 \u003d 240 min \u003d 4 h.

B. In conditions of a parallel type of movement of parts

T steam \u003d E t + r * (n - 1) \u003d 6.0 + 2.5 * (40 - 1) \u003d 103.5 minutes, or 1.725 hours.

B. In conditions of a parallel-sequential type of movement of parts

T p.p = E s + n * t = 65 + 40 * 2.5 == 165 min == 2.7 h.

First you need to determine the value of E with . Assuming the size of the transfer batch, convenient for transportation, n tr = 10 pieces, you can find the minimum offsets for operations:

s 1 \u003d n tr * t 1 \u003d 10 * 1.5 \u003d 15 min;

s 2 \u003d n * t 2 - (n - n tr) * t 3 \u003d 40 * 1.5 - (40 - 10) * 0.5 \u003d 45 min;

s 3 \u003d n tr * t 3 \u003d 10 * 0.5 \u003d 5 min.

To determine the sum of offsets E c, it is necessary to know the number of transport lots when transferring parts from the second to the third operation, which will be equal to

k \u003d ñ 2 / (n òð * t 2) \u003d 45 / (1.5 * 10) \u003d 3;

then the sum of the displacements will be E c = 15 + 45 + 5 = 65 min.

Thus, the use of parallel and parallel-sequential types of movement of objects of labor makes it possible to reduce the duration of the production process, or, in other words, to reduce the production cycle for the manufacture of an object of labor.

Organizational measures are aimed at improving the maintenance of workplaces with tools, blanks, improving the operation of the control apparatus, intra-shop transport, storage facilities, etc. Restructuring the production structure of a plant, workshop, for example, organizing subject-closed production sites, which helps to reduce the time of interruptions in the production process by reducing the time of interoperational laying and transportation, it leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle; the introduction of in-line forms of organization of the production process gives a particularly significant economic effect.

Reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important tasks of organizing production in an enterprise, on the proper solution of which its efficient, cost-effective operation largely depends.

Single production is characterized by a large number of orders for the manufacture of a variety of products in units and less often in small, non-repeating batches. At the same time, casting works predominate in some products, blacksmithing in others, mechanical work in others, etc. Therefore, operational planning / should group orders for launch in such a way as to ensure the best combination of order production times with uniform loading of the main workshops.

it essential condition should be taken into account when drawing up the calendar production program unit production for each month of the planning period. In order to meet such a condition, at many enterprises, when receiving an order from a customer and concluding an agreement with him, before specifying the deadline for completing the order, they make a preliminary calculation of the production cycle for manufacturing the order. The next distinctive feature of unit production planning is the inclusion in the order manufacturing cycle of all stages of pre-production and product manufacturing, namely: product design development (if the product does not have ready technical documentation from the customer), product manufacturing technology development, labor cost rationing, design and manufacturing necessary equipment, manufacturing, testing and fine-tuning of the product. In unit production, operational management is carried out according to a custom system (Table 37), in which the planned unit is an order for a product, and for complex multi-part products, an assembly connection.

Operational planning in unit production includes: calculation of the production cycle of order fulfillment and construction of a volume-calendar schedule for the fulfillment of individual orders and a summary for all orders; calculation of calendar deadlines for advances in the work of shops; calculation of loading of equipment and production areas in the planning period; daily account of the fulfillment of orders.

The calculation of the production cycle for each order begins with the distribution of the labor intensity of the order by type of work and the calculation of the required number of jobs CPM (equipment)

where m, - the complexity of this type of work on order;

Fdo - the actual fund of the operating time of the equipment.

On the basis of such calculations and taking into account the possible interoperational aging of parts, a volume-calendar schedule for order fulfillment is formed for each order (Fig.).

The schedule is built in the reverse order of the technological process, starting from the test or assembly shop. According to the schedule, the general cycle of manufacturing an order is determined, which is compared with a given period. For orders with a short production cycle (less than a month) and a small number of executing shops (one, two), the volume schedule is not drawn up.

Rice. 1 Volume-calendar schedule order fulfillment

Rice. 2 Consolidated volume-calendar schedule of order fulfillment

The calculation of calendar lead times in the work of workshops is necessary for their coordinated uninterrupted operation and for all the parts included in this product to arrive at the assembly by the specified date. Therefore, parts that have a longer production cycle are put into production earlier than other parts.

A consolidated volume-calendar schedule for the fulfillment of all orders is necessary for the mutual coordination of work on orders in time and for a more complete use of equipment and space (Fig. 2). When constructing a consolidated volume-calendar schedule, it may happen that the deadlines for completing the same work on different orders on the same equipment coincide, and it turns out to be overloaded, or the deadlines for completing work on one order and starting work on another on the same equipment do not coincide, and this equipment is underloaded. In both cases, it is necessary to adjust the deadlines for the execution of work provided for by the schedules for the implementation of individual orders. At the same time, it is necessary to determine measures to eliminate bottlenecks and reload underloaded equipment. In order for the consolidated volume-calendar schedule to meet the above requirements, the PDO and PDB of the main workshops calculate the equipment load and the use of production space, finding best option use of available capacities.

The consolidated volume-calendar schedule is adjusted monthly, taking into account data on the implementation of the monthly program by the main workshops, on the state of work in progress on orders, on new assignments from the ministry and orders accepted by the enterprise. At the same time, the nomenclature and scope of work for previously included orders are being specified. Taking into account these features, the consolidated volume-calendar schedule of orders is finally specified and, on the basis of it, the PDO issues a monthly production work program to each workshop, which indicates the scope of work for each order and the timing of their implementation (form 8).

The planning and dispatching office of the main workshop, having received a monthly production program from the PDO, distributes the work provided for in it according to production sites, produces volume calculations for the correct use of capacities and the elimination of disproportions in the loading of site equipment. Sometimes, in addition to the monthly program, the PDB of the shop, before the start of the planning period, gives the foremen updated schedules for the distribution of work for shorter planning periods (decade, week). When determining the timing of the launch and execution of individual works, they are guided by the duration of cycles, current needs and the state of work in progress. The fulfillment of monthly tasks (schedules) must be fully supported by sets of working drawings and other technical documentation, materials, blanks, semi-finished products, parts, tools, production documentation, etc. for every day and shift for each worker. The reality of shift assignments must be ensured by advance and thorough operational preparation of production. Shift assignments include only such work for which technological documentation, equipment, materials and blanks.

Rice. 3 Schedule of operational loading of machines

For each job specified in the shift task, the worker receives either an order or a mock-up punched card (depending on the degree of mechanization of accounting work). Upon completion of the work and acceptance by the controller of the BCC, the worker's outfit is closed, and in the shift task the foreman makes a mark on the acceptance of the work.

There are various kinds of devices for the distribution of work. So, a distribution card file is used, in the cells of which working documentation. By the location of the latter, one can judge the state of this work: whether it is assigned for execution, whether it is prepared for execution, or the worker has already received the task for its execution. Operational accounting of the implementation of the program by the main workshops in a single production is carried out according to the data on the implementation of the shift-daily task by each section. The objects of operational accounting are the development of workers, the movement of parts for operations, the receipt of workpieces, downtime of workers, marriage, the delivery of finished products. Accounting is carried out on the basis of primary documentation; production of workers - according to work orders, the movement of parts in production according to route maps, the receipt of blanks and the delivery of finished products - according to invoices, etc. Based on the data on the completion of shift-daily tasks and invoices for the delivered products, the foreman makes a mark in the schedule of the site about the progress implementation of the monthly program for each delivery item.

The production process is carried out by converting objects of labor into the final product. For this, workshops of workers and specialists are created, which are united into teams. This is how the combination of production and information processes. In order to get what is planned in the end, quality is important. manufacturing control.

What is production management

Production management is based on:

  • planning;
  • coordination of actions;
  • organization of work;
  • control over the execution of decisions made;
  • motivation of labor collectives.

The activities and development of industrial enterprises are carried out in accordance with certain goals. In general, the enterprise is characterized by the main or global goal, which is realized as the establishment of the assortment, the level of output, the quality of the products. To achieve this goal, a team of workers and the availability of appropriate resources are needed.

The task can be presented as the final result, and the goal - in the form of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the enterprise, sections, workshops.

Qualitative goals are more vague tasks reflecting tasks for the year, quarter, month. Quality objectives may include improving organizational structure enterprises influencing production management:

  1. Conducting retraining of employees of functional services.
  2. Selection of employees.
  3. Qualification of employees to improve the efficiency of production management.
  4. Getting rid of the loss of working time for non-production reasons.

Each unit may assume different tasks, but for all the main managerial goal. This goal is the implementation of a given production program with minimum expenses including labor, material and financial.

  • Implementation of a CRM system: important rules and fundamental features

Production management principles

  1. Clear division of labor.
  2. Availability of systems of generalized formal standards and rules.
  3. Hierarchy of production management levels.
  4. Formal impersonalization of officials in the performance of duties during production management.
  5. Hiring employees in accordance with the current qualification and technical requirements.

In a certain period of activity, each workshop is characterized by a corresponding production situation. The achievement of the objectives and goals of the enterprise depends on this situation. The main factor in the management of production is to assess the technical situation at each site. Based on this information, specific tasks specific to each workshop will be determined.

Agile approach to production management

Based on the experience of American and European companies, the editors of the magazine "CEO" highlighted the principles of the agile approach to doing business.

Practitioner tells

Roman Basa, commercial director of the company "Liquid-tree.rf"

How we used the Chinese experience.

Firstly, the production departments were located far from Moscow. This option turned out to be much more economical for production management. For example, in Volokolamsk land turned out to be more accessible, work force and connection to energy carriers. There are fewer bureaucratic delays. This location turned out to be convenient for organizing logistics for working with partners from other regions of the country.

Secondly, we made a full-cycle company - from the manufacture of raw materials to the release of the final product. Thanks to this, we managed to achieve a significant reduction in the cost of production due to the stable quality of products and, as a result, simplification of production management.

Thirdly, waste-free production was launched at the enterprise. Our material no longer needs to be recycled. In particular, defective, uneven products are sent for processing.

Fourth, we began active work with personnel. Unfortunately the reality Russian business are such that the special school vocational education we have destroyed and today it is very difficult to find responsible competent workers. Therefore, we strive to grow specialists within the company and motivate staff to work with an expanded social package and financial prospects. Fifthly, thanks to our colleagues, we continued to work on the composition of raw materials and constantly improve the production process. The company's immediate plans include expanding the range of WPC products and bringing to the market virtually all materials made from wood and plastic, from skirting boards to windows, doors and cabinet furniture, from benches and fences to any small architectural forms decorating country houses and summer cottages. . In conclusion, I can say that at the upcoming Canton Fair (April 2013) a presentation of a revolutionary material is expected, which will bring the wood-polymer composite as close as possible to natural wood, that is, both externally and to the touch it will not differ from wood in any way. We hope that we will be able to quickly introduce the technology for the production of this material, and the Russian consumer will receive a new high-quality product.

Fifth, in cooperation with their colleagues, they began to work on improving the composition of the raw materials used, while continuing to work on improving the production management process. This is still going on. In the near future, the company plans to expand its product range, bringing to the market almost all materials made of plastic and wood - from skirting boards to door and window structures.

What are the functions of production management

  1. Organization - this function refers to the production management system, determining the composition and structure of the system used, as well as organizing work on the implementation of each production management function.
  2. Rationing - scientifically based calculated values ​​are developed. This process establishes a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the various elements of production control.
  3. Planning - this process is given a central place in the activities of all organizations, because planning sets the appropriate tasks and goals for the functioning of the facility, improving its structure, production and scientific and technical bases.
  4. Coordination - contributes to the achievement of coordinated and coordinated work on the part of all participants in the production management process.
  5. Motivation - motivating motives for a team of employees.
  6. Control - generalization with subsequent analysis of the results of each unit based on data on the progress of tasks.
  7. Regulation is the union of coordination and control.

Production management structure

The production management system is a set of consistent actions on the part of company managers. These actions are associated with the definition of goals in relation to all objects of production management. Next, the actual data are evaluated based on the registration and analysis of the information received, after which economically and technically justified goals are set.

The enterprise consists of internal production units - sections, workshops, etc. Each of them has its own respective duties and rights. They are characterized by their own characteristics in management, which are considered as a special level of production management.

Production is classified as:

  • main;
  • auxiliary;
  • serving;
  • pre-production.

Consequently, the production management system at the enterprise contains the following structural units:

  • specializing in the operational management of the main production (in particular, the department of the chief power engineer, the department of the chief mechanic);
  • engaged in the management of the preparation of production, its improvement (these are the Bureau of Invention and Rationalization, technology departments and bureau, etc.);
  • responsible for capital construction and transport;
  • labor departments and salary. they are engaged in the hiring and dismissal of employees, as well as organizing the training and retraining of personnel through course, team and individual training;
  • work of laboratories of the scientific organization of labor.

Production management methods

Production management methods are a complex system of techniques and methods of influencing the work team necessary to achieve the goals. These production management methods are used in parallel with the functions and principles of production management.

Production management methods can be of the following types:

  1. Economic methods of production management. They are based on the objective economic laws of the development of society. They cover a fairly extensive list of economic measures to influence the rational use of all production resources.
  2. Organizational and legal methods of production management. Their implementation is carried out by administrative forms in the form of an order, an order, a legal act, an instruction, a charter, and others. They are based on the legal norms of management, are most important in the execution and control of decisions in the management cycle, the implementation of the principles of democratization of production management, the rights and obligations of management bodies, responsibility and hierarchical subordination.
  3. Socio-psychological methods of production management. Them the main objective is to influence individual employees and groups of employees in work collective to improve production efficiency. The methods of implementing these methods are clarification, persuasion, publicity, criticism, support and moral encouragement.

Each method of production management is characterized by a certain area for optimal use in production. However, it would be optimal to use them in combination to form a unified management system. It is not necessary to give preference to only one particular method, since there may be a "skew" in the production control system used by the production.

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What is a production management system

The production management system is represented by a set of interconnected elements. This is a bureau, information, relationships special functions, as well as processes and methods of production management. With coordinated interaction, these elements allow production departments achieve the stated goals.

Among the main organizational systems production management should be noted:

1. Linear production control system. This is when at the head of each team there is one leader, subordinate to the higher management. Subordinates carry out orders only from the immediate supervisor. This production management system is considered the simplest, which has proven itself well for lower management levels in small enterprises. It is an effective option for solving a small range of problems.

Advantages of a linear production management system:

  • simple and clear communications are formed with divisions;
  • subordinates receive clear tasks and orders related to each other;
  • unity of action according to the scheme from top to bottom;
  • Each leader bears full responsibility for the results achieved.

Cons of a linear production management system - you need a boss who will be competent enough in all areas of production management, therefore, there is a problem of overloading the manager.

2. Functional production management system. This system is based on the division of functions between structural divisions, with the simultaneous subordination of all lower divisions assumed. This system is popular in the activities of design and research organizations.

Advantages of a functional production management system:

  • qualified specialists in certain areas of management are involved, which positively affects the level of management competence;
  • increases the flexibility of the system, easily responding to the needs of the enterprise through the creation of functional departments.

Cons of a functional production management system:

  • reduced responsibility for work;
  • the unity of the principle of unity of command and command is violated.

3. Linear-functional production management system. Its basis is unity of command, linear construction structural divisions, as well as the distribution of control functions between them. This system is relevant for the activities of large organizations in which the division of labor is pronounced. Now this structure is the main base type of structures.

Advantages of a linear-functional production management system:

  • the organization reaches the maximum level of stability;
  • favorable conditions are formed for the regulation of responsibility and authority.

Cons of a linear-functional production management system:

  • sufficient flexibility, adaptation to new tasks is not always provided;
  • there is no coordination on the introduction of new programs.

4. Linear-headquarters production management system - a linear structure with a headquarters at each link, which consists of technological, production and planning departments; individual bureaus; services of chief specialists. The headquarters prepares decisions that are approved by the line manager and transferred to their subordinates for execution.

With this production management system, professional, social and consulting divisions of the manager are formed. This structure has found its place among medium-sized enterprises.

The advantages of the linear-staff structure of production management - the manager has the opportunity, if necessary, to make decisions alone.

6. Divisional production management system is used large enterprises. It is a complex structure, which is divided into separate independent blocks. The system assumes that the authority to manage production, as well as the sale of products, is given to one manager, who is responsible for this type of product.

The divisional production management system consists of:

  • headquarters for the head of the organization;
  • headquarters of specialists under the head of the middle level;
  • lower level performers.

Disadvantages of a divisional production management system - significantly increases the flexibility of production management, but has significant drawbacks that hinder the growth of labor productivity, limit the possibility of application large equipment high performance.

7. Matrix production management system has become a common solution for the activities of international and large companies. Target programs (projects) are implemented within the framework of this system. With such a structure, double subordination of individual employees and divisions of the company is possible.

Powers of the head target program delegated by the top manager.

Advantages of a matrix production management system:

  • high level of flexibility;
  • labor resources will be redistributed depending on the tasks and needs of a particular target program or project;
  • the possibility of coordinating different areas of activity, allocating resources for them.

Automated production control system

In a highly competitive environment, an industrial enterprise today simply needs a special approach to work. Only by performing the following tasks, the enterprise can be successful in the current conditions:

  • produce more output at lower cost;
  • to carry out production optimization, which would allow better and faster work;
  • apply effective, but inexpensive solutions in the work.

Promptly launched on industrial enterprise the automated production control system makes it possible not only to meet the above requirements, but also to build highly efficient management. Main tasks modern system production management are: the elimination of routine operations that impede the maintenance of an intensive production process, and the introduction of online information flows based on information system companies.

Enterprise automation is considered from various aspects. Exists:

  1. Automation of processes in production ("Automated process control system" or APCS).
  2. Full automation of production (earlier - "ACS-production" or APCS, now - production modules of ERP systems).

Let's take a closer look at these terms.

Automated process control system (APCS)- software and technical means connected into a single complex, which are designed to automate the management technological equipment at industrial enterprises. In other words, APCS is a solution that, in combination, provides automation of TP both at a specific site that produces finished products and throughout production.

APCS include separate automatic control systems (ACS) and automated devices that are combined in a common complex (systems dispatch control and data acquisition (SCADA), distributed control systems (DCS), other small control systems). Often in the process control system there is a general system of operator control of the technological process: control panels, tools for processing and archiving information about the process, the usual components of automation (control and execution devices, sensors). To provide information communication of all subsystems, industrial networks are used.

Functional modules of the MES class - software, which allows you to synchronize, coordinate, analyze and optimize production.

MES differs from ERP mainly in that MES systems are mainly “sharpened” for automation of the production management system, and modern ERPs have more functionality, including management and financial processes.

ERP. To effectively automate the production management system, according to experts, not only MES or SCADA systems are required, because automation must be comprehensive and integrated at all levels, and this has become quite possible thanks to ERP.

The definition of ERP was borrowed by us from the West and is understood in different ways (most often systems of a completely different class are taken for ERP). In fact, it is an integrated production management system and all business processes in the enterprise. Her tasks include planning and managing production, finance, warehouse work and other fundamental processes. An important goal of these systems is to create a common information field that allows you to quickly and easily exchange information between departments of the organization. This enables the management of the company to quickly take management decisions based on information received online.

There are conflicting opinions about ERP systems, but most production organizations appreciated the prospects that open up before them with the integration of these production management systems.

So, for example, ERP coordinates the complex structure of business processes on manufacturing plant, improves planning, optimizes the relationship between demand, supply and the implementation of plans drawn up to achieve new heights in work. ERP as a production management system allows you to ensure the greatest efficiency of the organization's activities.

Highly integrated ERP solutions help the enterprise to successfully implement a full cycle of activities with the help of accounting and resource planning, from the receipt of an order to its manufacture, shipment and formation. The production management system has a database with public access, which allows you to receive the right information from the right source in time and, thus, enables users of the technological chain to make decisions more efficiently and reasonably.

A significant advantage of the ERP system over MES is the breadth of business processes covered. If the MES production management system is mainly focused on the production process, then ERP additionally covers customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management (SCM), life cycle product (PLM), sales, quality metrics (QPM), planning and scheduling using MRP2 calculation, and other areas. The new corporate systems will be people-centric, not just the ability to contribute actual changes. They will evolve to take into account the development of platforms that corporations like Microsoft are developing, the influence of social factors and Web 2.0 enterprise tools that shape practical user experience.

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Examples of successful application of automated production control systems

To master the latest and promising ERP systems, Howe Corporation (USA), a manufacturer and supplier of refrigeration equipment, decided to use software solution based on the service-oriented architecture (SOA) of the 2nd generation, created for the development of organizations in the domestic and foreign markets.

The company's sales and IT manager explained: “We chose the ERP production management system because we needed a scalable software solution that evolves with our company. When we realized that we had the last system update for a long time, we made a decision: the company should start everything from the very beginning.

Howe decided to implement a new ERP system in order to increase profitability by reducing the wastage of internal processes. The company also hopes to reduce its costs by using the Windows platform (previously used the UNIX operating system).

After Howe switched to the new production management system, the company immediately saw the benefit of receiving information directly, online, which increased the efficiency of all departments. So Howe has been able to improve the quality of its production processes to a great extent.

The company began to more clearly control the size of its stocks and replenish them on time. The new production management system enabled Howe to move away from imperfect scheduling methods and turn to more reliable planning for both the daily and long-term needs of the company.

Very important for Howe was the opportunity to work together through business processes. For example, the automatic routing function was able to provide greater transparency in the work of shops in production. The company has achieved complete control over all its operations and products. In the past, Howe employees only signed up for projects using punched cards. Product Data Management (PDM) is a comprehensive solution that provides complete product lifecycle management.

The international company Alfa Laval, headquartered in Sweden, has chosen as its strategy the optimization of production processes to improve their results. Thus, at the enterprises of this company, the determination of the need for raw materials and materials is fully automated, and the cost of the product is determined using a standard valuation model. Thanks to the use of the accelerated methodology, for each manufactured product, the actual cost is calculated based on the costs incurred for its release, and discrepancies between the planned cost and the actual cost are recorded in the corresponding document. It should be noted that absolutely all these processes are automated.

Alfa Laval in Bulgaria has also implemented new system production management, namely the Epicor iScala ERP solution, which provided better control over the consumption of raw materials and materials, the purchase of products on time and for specific orders, and reduced the volume of production waste. Thanks to the total automation of the production management system, the top management of the enterprise was also able to minimize the downtime of the production process and the oversaturation of the warehouse.

Another example of the successful implementation of an ERP production management system is English company IO Electronics, which is engaged in the supply of solutions for the production of electronics and VT. The company has chosen to use an ERP solution in order to achieve success and rapid growth according to the 4-year plan.

Before making a final decision, the company's specialists pre-analyzed 6 different ERP solutions. The solution chosen in the end had a significant advantage - special additional functions that will help implement the company's development plan both at the moment and in the future. Besides, this decision allows you to adapt the system to the needs of all users and tightly integrates with Microsoft Outlook.

According to the company's managing director, as business expands and enters new markets within IO Electronics, there may be a risk of disrupting the quality of information exchange, which will adversely affect the company's performance. But after the introduction of the production management system, all departments of the company began to have access to the necessary information online. After the completion of each task, the ERP system is updated, which gives the company the ability to clearly track the production process and determine the location of any kind of goods.

Also, the new ERP system helped the company solve the warehouse problem of excessive stocks. The previous solution could not unify the components of one product supplied by different suppliers with a single article. This led to the fact that the company purchased unnecessary spare parts, because. existing batches were not taken into account due to different article numbers. It was the new system that allowed the company to bring to a single product article at all stages of information processing, which had a positive impact on the management of production planning and optimized the volume of spare parts in stock.

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Secrets of successful production management

  1. basis production system is the culture of the enterprise. Other components will be based on it.
  2. The enterprise should use a management philosophy called "continuous process of improvement". Under this system, the employee, his experience, qualifications and knowledge represent an important capital in the activities of the enterprise, which is interested in each of its specialists.
  3. Employees should have the opportunity to improve. Workers need to be stimulated by the desire to rationalize production processes with an improvement in the quality of products.
  4. The enterprise requires the development of a system of reliability and quality standards. As a result, an objective assessment of the work of each employee will be provided. Specialists should be involved in the development of standards. Perform variance analysis using appropriate methods. Control can be facilitated thanks to the developed evaluation system, which is based on qualitative and quantitative characteristics.
  5. A set of measures should be taken to improve the ergonomics of workplaces, which will contribute to more efficient performance of functions by each employee.

Planning as part of production management

When planning, several successive stages of the formation of programs and plans for the work of the enterprise are carried out:

  1. Tasks and goals for the development of plans for specific areas of activity are determined and set.
  2. The current economic state is assessed through the collection and economic processing of data.
  3. Strategic indicators and tasks are developed to fulfill the approved tasks and goals.
  4. Linking and detailing tasks for specific areas of work, deadlines, jobs, which contributes to production management.
  5. Economic evaluation of the effectiveness of the formed plans.

For production planning, it is important to control the execution of plans and assess the current state of activities when performing the corresponding tasks according to the plan. Due to this, it is possible to quickly identify and eliminate negative problems, making appropriate adjustments if necessary. Due to this, there will be no difficulties in production management, problems will be solved as they become available.

He speaks CEO

Mikhail Strupinsky, General Director of the group of companies "Special Systems and Technologies", Moscow; candidate of technical sciences

It is important to understand that there cannot be a universal scheduling algorithm. Specific methods in practice are chosen depending on the specifics of the enterprise, namely, on the nuances of production, its implementation. In our case, the method of planning from sales is more preferable. There are two types of forecasts - by distribution channels and by products.

Thanks to planning, it is possible to solve the following tasks:

  • efficient unloading of their production capacities;
  • organization of non-linear sales of goods.

That's why, production plans in our case, they are compiled with the involvement of specialists from the development department and marketers, due to which market forecasts are taken into account.

In order to achieve planned targets in practice, it is necessary to modern production adequate information and technical support. Otherwise, the evaluation and control of the results of activities in production management may be complicated.

What plans are suitable for production management

The plans developed in the manufacturing industries and for their enterprises are divided according to different criteria. They, depending on the timing of execution, can be:

  • strategic - development for a period of more than 5 years, approving general trends and directions in the development of various aspects of activity;
  • long-term - oriented, as a rule, for a period of up to 5 years. They regulate the main directions in the development and management of production, aggregated indicators of work in specific areas;
  • medium-term - development for a period of up to 3 years. It is supposed to detail all aggregated indicators that are established by long-term and strategic plans, and breaking them down by year for effective management production;
  • annual or current - this is when performance indicators in all areas of the enterprise are developed in detail and linked to each other, and also broken down by quarters;
  • operational - the work of the enterprise is planned for a quarter, month, decade or shift.

It is necessary to link all these plans with each other, achieving continuity in time in order to exclude the possibility of spontaneous, unplanned activity of the enterprise, which will greatly affect production management.

Depending on the functional, production purpose, plans can be:

  • main production;
  • commercial activities;
  • ancillary production.

Depending on the specific areas in the work of the enterprise, plans can be:

Each plan, especially the current and medium-term plans, contains a number of sections:

  • plan for the volume and quality of production - the main qualitative and volumetric indicators of work are developed in the areas of activity for successful production management;
  • labor plan - indicators are developed for the availability of labor resources, the introduction of methods of scientific organization of labor, the organization of remuneration, the assessment of the effectiveness of work with labor resources;
  • cost estimate or current cost plan - based on the planning of all cost elements, the formation of the planned cost of services, works and products;
  • a financial plan that defines financial indicators in the form of profits and incomes of the enterprise, forms the sources of cost coverage for the development of production. In addition, in financial plan displays purchase information and overhaul main equipment, social Security for company employees. This is very important for effective production management.

For the system of enterprise plans, the business plan is of great importance. Its development is provided for newly organized enterprises, as well as for the formation of a new direction of activity at existing enterprises.

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Measures to improve the efficiency of planning in production management

  1. Formalization of business processes, approval of the regulations for interaction between logistics, production, sales and financial departments.
  2. Fixing, analysis and prompt elimination of failures that occur during the interaction of departments.
  3. Automation of planning and accounting, implementation of electronic product reservation system, ERP system.
  4. Constant work on optimization internal logistics enterprises.
  5. Introduction of electronic document management.
  6. Timely modernization of the enterprise's capacities.

How to schedule for production management

Scheduling for production management is important regardless of the specific line of business. composition should be determined necessary work, calculate deadlines for their implementation.

It is necessary to calculate the timing of the entire scope of work, taking into account the duration of each type of activity, the sequence, taking into account the methods and technologies that will be used as part of production management.

It is necessary to determine the required volume labor resources for each stage, the qualification of resources, the composition of units and teams, their work schedule. It is important to calculate the amount of materials for work and highlight the leading mechanisms. Calculate the schedule for the supply of materials, necessary components according to the production schedule. The main task for you should be to achieve uninterrupted and stable operation. Only under this condition will the practical meaning of planning in the management of production.

At the end, you must specify the start and end dates for the object. It is necessary to break it down into stages, setting a deadline for each of them.

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The concept of "operational management". Time horizon of efficiency. Features of the development of operational calendar plans. Organization of work on the implementation of production programs and tasks. Coordination of work and motivation of workers. Tasks and content of operational accounting of production. Control, analysis and regulation of the production process.

Operational planning is the implementation of the current activities of planning and economic services over a short period, for example, the development of an annual production program, the preparation of quarterly budgets for an enterprise, monitoring and adjusting the results, etc.

Operational production management is the main element of the rational organization of enterprise activity management. It unites and covers all aspects of the organization of production, being a means of coordination that ensures rational regulation of the production process.

Its most important functions are as follows:

Coordination and control over the functioning of the entire production structure;

Preparation of orders and applications;

Calendar planning, setting the deadlines for the preparation and implementation of each task;

Organization of production processes;

Formation of tool economy;

Control and regulation of stocks, ensuring the production of the necessary materials in the right place, in the required quantity and at the right time;

Fixing production costs;

Dispatching, which consists in regulating the performance of work in accordance with the accepted technology, production standards and schedule.

Operational management of production is carried out on the basis of continuous monitoring of the progress of production, targeted impact on the teams of shops, sections (teams), workers to ensure the implementation of production programs. This is achieved:

Distribution of work for short periods of time (decade, week, day, shift) in workshops, production sites or in teams, workplaces;

A clear organization of the collection and processing of information on the progress of production;

Integrated use of computer technology for the preparation of options for management decisions;

Daily analysis, timely decision-making and organization of work to prevent violations during production or to quickly restore it in case of deviations from the schedule.

Drafting operational schedule(OKP) start-up production of parts for serial production shops is a complex, laborious work that requires a preliminary analysis of the actual production conditions in each shop, the identification of characteristic features and rational elements in the existing planning system. Unlike large-scale production shops with a stable range of parts, here we are dealing with parts whose production in each of the planned months may not always be stable. This means that the launch and release of each batch of parts will be subject to certain requirements, either assembling the product, or maintaining the circulating and insurance reserves at the standard level in the workshop storerooms and in the central warehouse of finished parts of the enterprise. This implies the need to identify the features and establish the main factors that determine the process of developing the most rational version of the OKP launch-release details:

    In mass production, for each batch of parts, the number of starts or the frequency of batch starts for processing is determined. For each batch, the number of starts may be different. If the number of launches is more than one, then in the OKP the release of each batch of parts should be alternated with the frequency of launch-release, achieving equal time intervals between releases of a batch of parts of the same name.

    The time spent on changeover of equipment should be kept to a minimum. This is achieved by strictly assigning structurally and technologically similar parts to the same machines.

    An important criterion for the effectiveness of the OKP is the provision of a full load of machine tools and employment of workers. To this end, it is recommended to analyze the principles of the rational organization of production processes, to introduce a brigade form of labor organization, involving the combination of professions, multi-machine maintenance, reducing the monotony of labor by ensuring the change of type of activity.

    If all or the main types of processing of parts are performed in the workshop, then the parts can be divided into leading ones, which have the longest technological cycle of processing, and components. It is necessary to strive to adhere to the schedule for the release of leading parts.

    In the conditions of a stable nomenclature, the planning of the production of parts is organized according to the principle of supplying the storeroom of the workshop, and in some cases directly to the central warehouse of finished parts of the plant. It is important to clearly define the order of launch and release of parts.

    The operational schedule is developed on the basis of a detailed production program and, in essence, is a work schedule for the days of the week, in which each batch of parts has specific dates for its launch and release from processing. OKP can be developed with varying degrees of detail: on an enlarged basis, i.e., in the context of batches of parts in accordance with the design cycles of their processing and the frequency of launch; differentiated, i.e., in the operational context in relation to each batch of parts.

    Developing a plan is a very difficult task. At the same time, it should be taken into account to what extent the plan is provided with everything necessary for its immediate implementation. Serial production workshops are equipped with universal and partially semi-automatic equipment. The workers serving it, in fact, ensure the normal (according to the schedule) course of the production process. The OKP is developed in the context of each batch of parts, indicating the deadlines for performing those operations that must be controlled by planners and foremen and which must be strictly adhered to. This provision simplifies the process of developing the CES and allows the use of heuristic rules in calculations that take into account rational methods for solving problems.

    OKP is developed before the start of the next planning period, taking into account the existing backlog in production. The size of the batch of parts in the course of the process can be disaggregated for technical, organizational, production reasons.

So, the development process of the OKP consists of determining the order of launching batches of parts for processing and the calendar dates for launching and releasing batches of parts. Determination of the sequence of launching batches of parts for processing, calendar plans for their launch-release is carried out by technologists and production organizers based on specific conditions.

The final stage of the production management process is accounting, control and regulation (dispatching) of the progress of partial processes. In the process of developing production programs, OKP and shift-daily tasks, information about the current production progress is used. This information, reflecting the results of the work of workshops, warehouses (storerooms) for the past shift, day and other periods of time, is continuously accumulated at collection points, periodically processed and finally formed for each new planning period in the form of appropriate summary data. The timeliness of the receipt of information at collection points, its completeness and reliability directly affect the quality of the developed programs and tasks. Therefore, these factors are taken as criteria for creating a system of operational accounting at the enterprise.

Information about the progress of production is used not only for planning, but at the same time is the basis for effective control and regulation of production processes. No matter how stable the workshop production programs and operational tasks for sections or individual workers are, changes and deviations inevitably occur in the course of production, requiring adjustments to previously drawn up plans. These include the absence of materials, blanks, finished parts, fixtures, tools or the occurrence of mass defects in the warehouse or in the pantry of the workshop, the absence of workers, absenteeism (in comparison with the schedule) of machines from repair, etc.

Timely, complete and accurate accounting of the listed deviations allows not only to control, but also to quickly regulate the course of production, directing its flow in accordance with the developed plan. These conditions can be provided only with the rational organization of the operational accounting system on the scale of the entire enterprise based on the integrated use of modern computer technology and peripheral facilities. It follows that the main task of operational accounting is to obtain information about the results of the work of production shops and their divisions for a certain period of time in order to use it to control and regulate the current course of production. In a synthesized form, this information is used for the purposes of planning production in each of the shops for longer periods of time (month, quarter). The implementation of this task, subject to the timeliness of receipt, completeness and reliability of the information taken into account, can be carried out by creating an integrated automated system for operational accounting at the enterprise.

Production management requires a certain list of data characterizing the results of the work of each workshop and its divisions, their registration on the appropriate technical media and transfer to the information and processing center for further processing. When determining the list of recorded data, it is necessary to strive to minimize it by keeping records not for all parameters, but for deviations (such an approach is possible only in operational regulation).

Dispatch control and regulation of the production process is carried out on the basis of the collected information on the implementation of production programs and tasks. The actual data on the progress of production are compared with the planned ones, then an analysis is made of the identified deviations and measures are determined to ensure a uniform and integrated implementation of the program for the production of parts, assembly units and products. Production control carried out by dispatchers of the enterprise's workshops in the following areas: monitoring the implementation of the nomenclature plan for the production of products; control of components, control of intershop backlogs; control of operational preparation and production support; monitoring the work of lagging units, etc. Supervisory control system the course of production should:

    rely on a clear organization of operational planning of production, of which it is a direct continuation;

    to ensure the continuity of control and monitoring of the progress of production;

    carry out prompt and accurate execution of instructions of the management;

    be based on clear responsibility and continuity of operational management of production.

All day-to-day dispatch management of plant-wide production lies with the staff of the central dispatch office (shift dispatchers and operators) reporting to the chief dispatcher (who, in turn, reports to the deputy production manager). The organizational structure of the dispatching apparatus of the enterprise depends on the type, nature and scale of production. At large enterprises, a central dispatching bureau is formed as part of the planning and dispatching department of the enterprise. As part of the central dispatching bureau, dispatching groups are created according to the types of production or stages of the production process. The main dispatcher service performs the following main functions:

♦ control over the implementation of the production program for the main types of products and stages of the production process;

♦ taking measures to prevent interruptions in the production process;

♦ accounting and analysis of intra-shift downtime of equipment;

♦ accounting and control of the provision of jobs with everything necessary.

Recently, much attention has been paid to the use of an operational regulation system (power system) within the framework of operational management, bordering on the psychological aspects of personnel management.

Motivation is the process of encouraging oneself and others to certain activities aimed at achieving personal goals or the goals of an organization (enterprise). This process is based on the use of various motives, among which we can single out material, socio-psychological, spiritual, creative.

The structure of labor motive includes: need, that the employee wants to satisfy; good capable of satisfying this need; labor action necessary to get the result; price - costs of a material and moral nature associated with the implementation of a labor action.

Process theories motivations (more modern) are based on models of people's behavior, taking into account their perception and cognition (expectancy theory, justice theory and the Porter-Lawler model of motivation).

Process theories analyze how a person distributes efforts to achieve various goals and how he chooses a particular type of behavior. Process theories believe that human behavior is determined not only by needs. The behavior of a person is also determined by his perception and expectation (and this situation) and the possible consequences of the type of behavior he has chosen.

An important category in the theory of motivation is remuneration(this is all that a person considers valuable for himself). The concept of values ​​for people is different, therefore, their assessments of remuneration differ from each other. The category distinguishes between internal and external rewards.

Internal reward gives the work itself. This includes a sense of satisfaction from the labor process, achievement of the intended result or goals, awareness of the social significance of labor and the emergence of self-esteem on this basis. In the process of labor, the worker satisfies his human need for communication with his own kind, that is, with other people.

External reward is given by the organization, the enterprise. Salary, promotion, symbols of official status and prestige, praise and recognition of colleagues and management, additional payments, additional leave, company car, awards (all this can be attributed to external remuneration).

Of great importance for the formation of labor motives is assessment of the probability of achieving goals. If obtaining the desired benefit does not require special personal efforts, or if this benefit is very difficult to obtain, that is, extra efforts are required, then the motive for labor is most often not formed. In both cases, the motive for labor is formed only when labor activity is, if not the only, then the main condition for obtaining the good.
