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Business plan for a medical organization. We are drawing up a business plan for a private clinic. Choosing a location

Russian “free” medicine is getting worse every year - this is an indisputable fact. That is why there is an acute shortage of quality products on the market. medical services at the right price. The obvious insufficiency of medical centers is visible to the naked eye even in megacities, not to mention ordinary medium-sized cities. Therefore, opening your own medical officegreat idea which is guaranteed to bring you good profit. In this article you will learn about where to start opening a medical center, what is needed for this and how much you can earn by providing services to the population.

Studying the market

The first thing you should do is study the market and find out how in demand your services will be. It should be understood that medical centers are subject to increased demands both from regulatory authorities and from potential clients.

A medical center can bring you good profit and fame

We recommend that you first create a clinic not of a general profile, but of a narrow thematic one. You need to choose the most suitable job profile, find personnel, select equipment. Then, as you work, you will understand what services are popular in your city/area and can develop further.

To study the market, you will need to analyze several factors:

  1. Are there medical centers in your city that provide paid services. How many similar centers operate in your area, what services they provide, what price level they offer to the population.
  2. What services are popular in your city? This information You can get it at the nearest clinic by simply looking at the queues and talking to the reception staff.
  3. How effectively the medical center will be able to cure the existing disease.
  4. What is the average cost of the services you plan to provide?

Based on such an analysis, you will be able to draw up a high-quality business plan and determine the feasibility of opening your own center. Also, based on these studies, a marketing plan, a plan for purchasing equipment, recruiting personnel, etc. will be built, so never ignore the process of market research.

Premises and opening options

Where is the best place to open a private medical clinic to get the maximum flow of clients? The optimal choice is the city center, an elite microdistrict, a microdistrict with new buildings. You should not focus on old residential areas - they are home to many pensioners and young people who are not yours target audience.

To open a clinic, you will need a fairly large room. It will need to accommodate several treatment rooms, a resident's room, a treatment room, a staff room, several bathrooms, offices for administrative staff, etc. The room must have water supply, heating, sewerage, electricity (some devices require 380 volts). It will be necessary to make high-quality repairs to the premises and purchase appropriate equipment.

Note: The purchase of equipment is the largest expense item. To choose it correctly, you need to determine the class of the medical institution and the scope of its activities.

A medical center requires high-quality equipment

There are three classes of clinics:

  1. Elite.
  2. Average.
  3. Economy

The medical center is opening to provide advisory, therapeutic and preventive services to the population. The business plan provides data on the level of competition in the industry, the composition of the potential audience and financial aspects opening of the institution.

Being actually a private clinic with a wide profile, the medical center is a comprehensive structure that provides paid services to the population. Accordingly, it must immediately occupy the appropriate niche in its market sector and determine its pricing policy. Since in the field of paid medicine the requirements for the quality of service are higher, already at the starting stage it is necessary to set a high bar, subsequently constantly confirming it.

Medical center as a type of business

A medical center, or private clinic, is a modern full-fledged type of business that has a wide potential audience and takes its place in. Increasing public confidence in private clinics helps increase the prospects of this type of business. Nevertheless, some difficulties that every entrepreneur faces when opening a medical center remain relevant.

The most important requirements for a founder entrepreneur medical structure, the following:

  1. - Availability medical education– higher or secondary;
  2. — some experience in the medical field;
  3. — obtaining a license issued by the Ministry of Health and a special certificate for conducting this type of activity;
  4. - availability of premises that meet the established requirements technical requirements and legally owned by the founder of the center;
  5. — a business plan drawn up in accordance with existing standards and accurate financial calculations.
  6. There are several factors that determine the success of a medical center:
  7. — efficiency of activity planning and competence in project management;
  8. — features of resource expenditure, their distribution in accordance with the established standards;
  9. — the nature of the implementation of the drawn up enterprise development strategy.

A private clinic often includes several areas at once. Unlike highly specialized centers, such an institution has more prospects due to a wide potential audience. The most popular areas of activity that should be included in the range of services provided will be the following:

  1. — therapy;
  2. - pediatrics;
  3. — preventive activities;
  4. — areas of alternative medicine and other competitive activities.

According to the results of recent years, the most profitable areas of private medicine are:

  1. - pediatrics;
  2. — gynecology, sexology;
  3. — narcology.

The family medicine format is considered successful, especially popular among wealthy segments of the population.

When opening a paid clinic, it is worth considering what competitive advantages will be offered to potential clients, thanks to which the new organization will be able to attract and retain its audience.

The advantageous features of a private clinic should be the following:

  1. high quality services provided and improved service: unlike public medical institutions, a private clinic must offer patients separate comfortable rooms, if necessary, round-the-clock nursing care and improved medical support;
  2. — wide variety of services;
  3. — high-quality technical supplies;
  4. — flexible discount and discount systems that allow you to work with patients on an ongoing basis.

It is these features that distinguish private medical institutions from public hospitals that do not provide patients with a sufficient level of comfort.

The organization of the work of a medical center should be aimed not only at attracting new clients, but also, above all, at retaining old ones. This will be achieved by high quality services, profitable loyalty programs for regular customers and attractive family offers.

Before opening a company, you should study offers existing organizations medical purposes, analyzing which services are currently in short supply and which are available on the market in sufficient quantities. The optimal range of services for a medium-sized center includes the following:

— consultation with a specialist and initial examination;

— carrying out analyses;

— prescription and implementation of treatment;

— Ultrasound and other basic types of examinations;

- functional diagnostics;

— operational activity.

This list can be expanded or narrowed depending on the territorial location and the expected scale of activity. At the initial stage, a treatment room may be opened that specializes only in collecting material for further analysis. To do this, the office establishes cooperation with larger ones, effectively becoming a local branch. This move will allow you to start a business with minimal investment: It is enough to open a small office, obtain a license and certificate, as well as hire a small staff.

Medical Center Marketing Plan

Before starting a business in the field of providing advisory and treatment services, a mandatory step will be the development of a marketing plan. It is based on studying the dynamics of the industry, the level of development of competitors, the ratio of offers from private and state enterprises in branch.

As part of the marketing plan will be included formation and consolidation of consumer opinion regarding the new organization. The main points of such a plan will be:

  1. — creation of a single advertising concept future institution;
  2. — development of the company’s own style;
  3. — creation of a media plan, videos and other materials;
  4. — development of an action plan to promote the service, increase sales and retain existing customers;
  5. — creation of a company website;
  6. — creation of appropriate infrastructure, planning of working conditions.

In addition to promoting services via the Internet, it is rational to place advertisements in the media, distribute leaflets and business cards of the new organization. You should first study the mechanism and effectiveness of each of the advertising methods. When located in a busy area best advertising the center will have an attractive, informative sign.

The main features of a marketing campaign and common mistakes are in the video:

Registration of a medical center

Any organization specializing in the provision of medical services must have the status of a legal entity. In most cases, clinics and treatment centers operate under an LLC. This format requires the preliminary preparation of a number of constituent documents, including the charter, the decision to appoint a manager, the minutes of the meeting of founders and others.

A mandatory condition for creating an LLC is providing complete information about all founders, the full name of the company and its legal address. All this data is provided when submitting a registration application by filling out a special form. According to requirements tax service, the founder is obliged to guarantee the solvency of the new enterprise, having previously contributed authorized capital, amounting to at least 10 thousand rubles. It will also be mandatory to pay a state fee, the amount of which for legal entities is 4 thousand rubles.

When submitting an application, you must have a medical license, which gives the person the right to engage in the chosen type of activity. To register it, you need to contact the department of Roszdravnadzor, having previously familiarized yourself with the law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation”, as well as the special resolution “On the organization of licensing individual species activities."

The issue of licensing for organizations of various types is discussed in detail in Federal law about licensing:

Obtaining a medical license is paid - the fee is 7,500 rubles. It is better to deal with this issue in advance - the period for issuing this document is up to 45 working days.

After all the documents and the license are ready, you can submit an application to the Federal Tax Service, and if all the requirements are met, a certificate and other constituent documents granting the new LLC the right to engage in business activities.

Stages of opening a medical center

Finding premises will be one of the main stages of opening a private clinic of any nature. The territorial location in this regard will not be a determining factor, since potential clients are ready to travel even to a remote area for quality medical services. True, a convenient location will be a big plus at a time when the company has not yet managed to gain positive fame in the market.

The choice of premises will be influenced by several main factors:

  • - trafficability - the more people see the medical center, the faster it will increase customer base;
  • — the density of the population living in the selected area and their income level. It is better to open a private clinic in a prestigious area where a large number of solvent citizens live;
  • — lack of nearby competitive companies.

The ideal option would be busy central streets or a wealthy residential area. It is important that there are no successful private clinics nearby, which may be difficult for a new company to compete with. Because in this case you will have to pay more attention to advertising and think through profitable marketing moves.

More important will be the building’s compliance with the sanitary requirements for medical facilities. The size of the room must have an area of ​​250 sq.m. or more, especially if you plan to create your own laboratory and treatment rooms. A bathroom and telephone connection are required. When choosing a room, you should pay attention to whether free access to each office will be possible and whether there is enough space to accommodate all the necessary objects.

When selecting premises for a clinic, it is desirable that it previously perform the same functions. In this case, you can get by with cosmetic repairs and significantly reduce the cost of equipping the premises and bringing it into compliance with the requirements of the law. If you have to do everything from scratch, according to preliminary estimates, repairs and preparation for work of each meter (architectural design, necessary communications, finishing the premises and purchasing equipment and furniture) will cost 1 thousand dollars.

After registering the enterprise and preparing the premises for opening, a search for specialists for the future center will begin. When opening any clinic from scratch, qualified staff will be the most important factor for success. It is necessary to select professional personnel both among specialized medical specialists and in the management sector. Recent specialists must understand the rules of business existence, marketing and financial features.

Regulatory aspects are very important when opening a private medical center. Thus, the size of the staff will depend on the work schedule and workload of the center. In this case, it is important to take into account the existing calculation standards developed for diagnostic and treatment organizations. Thus, the standard intake rate for one doctor is 4 patients per hour. The permissible number of doctor positions in outpatient clinical institutions is determined by special formulas, taking into account the workload standards established by law for specialists of various qualifications. The working hours of the staff of any clinic operating on the basis of a medical license can be summarized in the table:

Approximate calculations show that for every doctor's staff position there should be 0.5 nurse positions. It is these parameters that must be taken into account when recruiting personnel. The total quantity staffing units doctors, nurses, staff and administrators will depend on the projected number of visitors and the center's operating hours.

The main steps of opening a medical institution from scratch are in the video:

Technical equipment. Equipment purchase

One of the stages of opening a private clinic is the purchase of a minimum set of equipment. For clinics planning to open their own laboratory and treatment rooms, the approximate set will be as follows:

  1. — analytical instruments;
  2. — instruments for measuring basic physical parameters;
  3. laboratory furniture, fume hoods;
  4. — weighing equipment;
  5. — gas analyzers and other devices for similar purposes;
  6. — furniture for receiving patients.

If the center has its own laboratory, a standard set of equipment is required, including a distiller, centrifuge, thermostat, sterilizer, microscopes, heating mantles, autoclaves, heating plates, etc.

The quality and technical characteristics of the equipment will play a very important role in the work of the center. Therefore, its purchase should be carried out only through dealers of trusted manufacturers, and then certain period it needs replacement or repair work.

For a center that provides full therapeutic and diagnostic services, the following list of specialized equipment will be relevant:

  1. — magnetic resonance imaging scanner designed to study internal organs and tissues;
  2. — X-ray system for angiographic studies of the heart and blood vessels;
  3. — an X-ray apparatus that allows for layer-by-layer imaging without changing body position, which is especially important for examining patients with injuries;
  4. — ultrasound machine. This is an indispensable device that explores everything internal organs human body and providing information in three dimensions.
  5. — a digital mammograph designed for contrast diagnostics of mammary glands in order to identify their pathologies, including oncology;
  6. - electroencephalograph - a device used to study the state of the cerebral cortex and identify possible pathologies. The presence of a modern encephalograph makes it possible to accurately determine all kinds of lesions of the cerebral cortex in order to subsequently carry out timely therapeutic measures;
  7. — an endoscope that allows you to display color images of organs on digital media for various pathologies in order to further analyze the effectiveness of treatment;
  8. - artificial ventilation device. Intended for the treatment and maintenance of vital functions of patients with disorders of the lungs. Modern devices control the amount of oxygen entering the lungs so as not to cause an overdose. The medical center will need equipment that supplies, in addition to oxygen, medications in the form of finely dispersed drugs;
  9. — Holter monitor – designed to monitor heart control, blood pressure and other indicators. The monitor shows all possible heart rhythm disturbances, allowing you to make an accurate diagnosis;
  10. — dialysis machines;
  11. - electrocardiograph. It is better to choose a modern three-channel device that allows you to record three lines at once, thereby making it possible to make a more accurate diagnosis;
  12. - defibrillator.

Depending on the specifics of the medical center, it may be necessary to purchase gurneys with a height change function, a gynecological table with built-in electric patient position regulators, medical chairs and IV stands. If a private clinic specializes in surgery, an operating table with improved technical characteristics. You immediately need to purchase specialized medical cabinets for instruments and medications, surgical lamps and other auxiliary equipment and accessories.

A medical center that provides a more limited range of services, especially if it does not have its own laboratory, requires significantly less attention to the selection and purchase of equipment.

In any case, the availability of medical equipment requires regular monitoring of its condition and maintaining it in good condition. It is imperative that equipment maintenance work be included in the activity plan. These include control technical condition, Maintenance during operation and repair in case of problems. Periodic unscheduled monitoring of medical equipment is mandatory.

Financial plan

The general cost plan for registration, opening and initial development of a medical center requires starting investments in the amount of up to 25 million rubles. This is exactly how much the project being developed in this regard will cost. If the founder of the business does not have his own funds in the required amount, you can attract investor funds or contact creditors. In any case, to receive the required amount you must provide detailed business plan with a description of all upcoming costs and forecasts for future income.

In the process of financial planning, as well as before each new season of work, it is necessary to draw up an estimate. Essentially, this is a consolidated plan of all upcoming expenses in the production and economic category for a certain period of time. The Ministry of Finance has established one specific form for estimates, which all medical and preventive enterprises must adhere to.

As a rule, the main source of funding for the campaign will be a loan; it is worth considering that its amount should range from 24.6 – 24.7 million rubles for a period of 24 months. The interest rate will be 24%. Based on preliminary calculations, the medical center should reach the break-even point by the second billing month. To achieve this goal, the clinic's monthly income must reach a stable level.

To determine the cost of operating a center, you can calculate the cost of setting up and maintaining the operation of one office.

The list of costs will be as follows:

Taking into account these and some additional expenses, the cost of one doctor’s office will cost from 840 thousand rubles.

If we sum up the expenses of the project, we can create one summary table of all the costs of opening and developing a clinic:

Expense item Costs per month Costs per year
Purchase (rent) of premises 8 million (600 thousand)
Architectural Engineering 640 thousand
Connections (water, sewerage, electricity) 340 thousand
Payment of utility services 73 thousand 876 thousand
Interior decoration, renovation, design 6.5 million
Purchasing furniture 680.9 thousand
Purchase of equipment 25.6 thousand 3.08 million
Registration of licenses and permits 1.2 million
Acquisition of fixed assets 63.5 thousand 763 thousand
Purchase of consumables 12.1 thousand From 145 thousand
Computer hardware costs 200 thousand
Website creation, hosting payment 1500 300 thousand
Payment for online advertising 80 thousand 960 thousand
Payment of wages Up to 1.3 million Over 15 million
Paying taxes 389.5 thousand 4.67 million
Additional, unexpected costs 2.115 million
Total 1.55 million 41.3 million

Financial plan necessarily includes the development of a pricing policy for all types of services. The average indicators in the capital, depending on the doctor’s specialization, will be as follows:

  • — initial consultation with a doctor of main profiles – 3 thousand rubles;
  • — repeated consultation with a specialist – 2 thousand;
  • — initial consultation with the head of the department – ​​4 thousand;
  • - re-examination by the head of the department - 3.5 thousand.
  • Consultation or examination by individual specialists may incur higher fees. The cost is also influenced by the level of the clinic, its reputation and brand awareness, territorial location and some other factors. In general, the cost of services is influenced by the following main aspects:
  • — cost of providing services;
  • — price indicators of competitors;
  • — uniqueness of services;
  • — demand and relevance among potential audiences.

Tax payments relevant for a medical center of any size will be standard:

  1. — income tax paid based on the results of the previous month – 20%;
  2. — monthly value added tax (VAT) – 18%;
  3. — property tax – 2.2%. Paid in accordance with the established payment schedule;
  4. — 13 percent income tax – monthly;
  5. - standard social payments - paid at the end of the month in the amount of 30 percent.

The most important point of the business plan is the structure of future income. The calculation presented in the table is carried out taking into account a time period of 12 months:

Taking into account such data and subject to the active development of the market for private medical services, and also taking into account that the increase in consumption volumes in this sector will be 5%, we can conclude that in a year the company can achieve sales volumes of over 94 billion rubles.

The payback period, if all points of the business plan are accurately fulfilled and subject to a successful marketing campaign, is 2 years.

The most important aspects of the medical business are in the video:

Additional Features and Risks

Risk assessment is one of the main points of an enterprise’s financial plan. To prevent these factors from becoming an obstacle to the development of the medical center, they must initially be included in the business plan and taken into account at all stages of activity.

The following risks are relevant for a medical center:

  • — lack of premises for opening a medical center;
  • — high cost of the technological base and investments in the industry as a whole;
  • — high level of competition;
  • — lack of specialists, especially junior medical staff;
  • — lack of trust of the population and doctors in private medicine.

All these risks can be minimized by taking them into account when creating a business plan and developing a marketing campaign.

One of the most profitable and least risky options for organizing a medical center is purchasing a franchise. By opening a company under a name already known in the market, the founder can count on a certain clientele already at the starting stage. The franchisor provides a full-fledged development program for a new enterprise, assists in personnel training and financial planning. In this case, the franchisee must fulfill certain obligations that are specified in the agreement. Mandatory conditions include a certain list of services offered, style and, in most cases, pricing policy. Such requirements may significantly limit the founder of a medical center in terms of implementation and development, but will provide some support and guarantee.

Opening a medical center can be a complex and lengthy process. But having carefully planned all stages of its creation, financial features and advertising campaign, during the first year of operation, you can bring this type of business to the level of self-sufficiency and subsequently increase capital, expanding the scope of activity.

The need for high-quality, highly qualified medicine creates many opportunities for creating medical care centers. But, like any other business, medical also needs planning. A medical center business plan will allow you to open a profitable and interesting business and not go broke.

Not only a person with the appropriate education can open a business providing medical services. But also someone who has the necessary skills and information necessary to launch a medical center. First of all, you need to collect as much information as possible about the activities of medical organizations and various clinics already existing on the market. Then determine which market segment will be the target audience.

Before opening a medical center from scratch, you need to decide on the types of services provided and the types of assistance provided:

  1. A specialized clinic provides services to patients with certain types of diseases, for example, an oncology clinic.
  2. Multidisciplinary clinic provides treatment various types illnesses and injuries.
  3. The diagnostic center provides services for diagnosing and identifying diseases, but does not provide treatment.
  4. The presence of block structures, such as dentistry, traumatology, gynecology, and so on, is a priority for large cities with a large number of clients.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

It is necessary to overcome a number of stages in order to open a private medical center.

Stage 1 – registration and preparation of documents

Unlike many other types of business, medicine requires a license authorizing the provision of services of this type. This shining example the fact that medical practice is a very serious matter and only trained personnel can deal with it.

Collecting all the necessary data is an example of the fact that medical services are a very complex process, since the application procedure can take several months, and a decision on whether to issue a license or not will have to wait no more than sixty days.

Stage 2 – search for premises

At this stage there is an important task - to find suitable premises, in which you will have to open a center. The building must be located in a passable and easily accessible location. There is no need to force patients to travel long distances. An example of a good location is next to a hospital campus where public medical services are provided. People who are tired of standing in lines at free institutions are willing to pay to get the help they need, that’s a fact.

The premises of the center must correspond to the services provided. Dentistry requires much less space than a trauma clinic. It is also necessary to provide for the availability of special premises, which should be in every medical institution.

Stage 3 – purchase and installation of necessary equipment

The largest expenses are incurred on the purchase of modern high-tech medical equipment. Its cost, depending on the type of services provided, can reach huge amounts. No client wants to spend money on services that are provided using old or unreliable equipment. In this regard, there is no way to save on purchasing devices.

Stage 4 – selection of employees

Only highly qualified, certified specialists with experience should work in the medical center. Ideally, an employee should undergo an internship abroad and have several certificates of advanced training.

For a small clinic, the following staff is suitable:

  1. Two general practitioners working in shifts.
  2. Two nurses assigned to one of the doctors.
  3. Chief Accountant.
  4. Administrator.

If you are just opening, then such a staff will provide the necessary minimum of clients, and then it will need to be expanded, attracting more and more new specialists.

Stage 5 – promotion and advertising

At the pre-opening stage, it is advisable to conduct a massive campaign to attract customers:

  • for example, publish booklets;
  • place banners in public places;
  • work on advertising samples in newspapers and on television.

The main task is to get customers to talk about the new center.

Financial plan

The costs of opening a medical center are very high:

  1. Carrying out repairs – 140,000 rubles;
  2. Rent – ​​120,000 rubles;
  3. Purchase of equipment – ​​RUB 2,500,000;
  4. Purchase of medical instruments and other necessary supplies – RUB 350,000;
  5. License – 15,000 rub.

Possible risks

When starting such a business, you should consider the following points:

  1. The provision of medical services involves direct work with the population. In this regard, the reputation of the institution can be destroyed by just one negative review of the doctors’ work. Therefore, the attitude towards clients must be ideal.
  2. Pricing policy must correspond to the level of demand. You shouldn’t raise prices at the beginning of your journey, as this can play into the hands of your competitors.
  3. Medical errors can cause the license to be revoked and the center to close.
  4. Saturated competitive environment in the medical services market is capable of siphoning off valuable personnel, which will hurt the prestige of the organization.

Opening a medical center is associated with a large number of various risks. Therefore, at the planning stage it is worth paying great attention to crisis management and internal management institutions.

Video “The idea of ​​​​creating a medical center”

From this video you will learn how to competently draw up a business plan for opening medical institution.

Business plans for medical centers and clinics were developed by the Invest-Project ECC for various projects in 2008, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Settlement date: 21.02.2020.

Payment currency: rubles

Planning period: 10 years (monthly).

Planning methodology: international UNIDO recommendations, own methods.

Purpose of the business plan: calculation of economic, production and marketing parameters for opening a medical center to confirm its economic efficiency and attract financing.

The business plan contains aggregated data on the project, reflects the concept of the medical center and is terms of reference for development project documentation, obtaining a medical license and further development taking into account the requirements of the bank, authorities, and partners.

Financial and economic model of the business plan developed according to the proprietary methodology of the Invest-Project ECC specifically for opening private medical institutions and shows under what conditions an enterprise can achieve success.

When purchasing a business plan for a medical clinic/financial center. The model is provided free of charge, which allows the customer to change the values ​​of financial, production and economic parameters to suit their needs and find the optimal solution.

Medical center (clinic) concept

According to the project, it is planned to rent premises in Moscow or one of the large cities of the Central Federal District with total area 2181 sq. m, do major renovation in accordance with SES requirements and open a modern multidisciplinary medical center with departments:

  1. Diagnostic department(laboratory services, instrumental and functional diagnostics, radiation diagnostics department);
  2. Outpatient department with narrow specialists (multidisciplinary consultative and diagnostic center);
  3. 24-hour hospital with 10 beds - capacity up to 20 patients per day;
  4. Operating unit to perform high-tech interventions;
  5. Additional types of services: pharmacy, laboratory.

Parameters of the medical center (clinic):

  1. total area of ​​the center - 2 181 sq.m. rented at a rate *** thousand roubles./ sq.m. / year;
  2. Medical center operating hours: 24 hours a day, seven days a week;
  3. number of staff: *** people, incl. doctors - *** rates;
  4. production capacity of the medical center: up to *** thousand visits(appointments) per month;
  5. planned workload of the medical center: *** thousand visits(appointments) per month;
  6. "average bill": *** thousand rub. / visit (including surgery);
  7. cost of services: *** rub. / visit (salary of doctors + consumables);
  8. unit cost of investment: *** thousand rub. / sq. m;
  9. planned revenue of the medical center: *** million rubles per month;
  10. taxation system: OSN(with preferential VAT 0 % and income tax 0 %).

The need for investment in a medical center (clinic)

To implement the project you will need 237 000 000 rub. ($3.6 million) in the form of a bank loan (***% of investment) at the rate ** % per annum and investor funds (***% of investments). The loan is not capitalized. Interest will be accrued *** million rubles

Payback period (return) of investments - ** of the year.

Attractiveness of the paid healthcare market

In the Russian Federation there are more than *** thousand institutions in the "Healthcare Activities" industry.

Determining the real volume of the market for paid medical services in Russia is quite difficult due to the lack of official information on the shadow sector of the market.

Volume Russian market paid medical services according to Rosstat in 2019 amounted to *** billion *** %.

According to Rosstat, the volume of the Moscow market for paid medical services in 2019 was *** billion rubles, increasing compared to the previous year by *** %. Over the past five years the growth has been *** %.

The share of the Moscow market of paid medical services accounts for *** % of the entire Russian market of paid medical services.

Average per capita expenses for paid medical services in Moscow in 2018 amounted to *** thousand rubles, which is almost twice the Russian figure ( *** thousand rubles).

According to expert estimates, the capacity of the Moscow market for paid medical services is about *** billion rub.

The market for paid medical services continues to show growth, despite the changing economic situation in the Russian Federation.

Today, the Moscow market of paid medical services offers the entire range of healthcare facilities:

  • - federal,
  • - state and departmental medical institutions,
  • - Research Institute,
  • - specialized institutes,
  • - private clinics.

All of these medical institutions have both advantages and disadvantages, so in the near future competitive fight for patients will be difficult for all market participants. To succeed, you need a professional business plan.

News: According to our business plan, an elite dental clinic was opened in Moscow

Are you planning to open your own medical center or clinic, but don’t know where to start? Or do you have an existing medical business, but it is not profitable? ECC "Invest-Project" together with the Medical Consulting Agency "ZERTS" offers

Ready business plan opening of the medical center contains 186 pages, 56 tables, 33 graphic arts, 22 diagrams and 1 drawing.

List of tables for a medical center (clinic) business plan

Table 1. Main areas of investment.

Table 2. Planned revenue of the medical center.

Table 3. Reference values.

Table 4. Project performance indicators.

Table 5. Demographic indicators of the Russian Federation.

Table 6. Main causes of mortality in the population of the Russian Federation, 2014-2018, people.

Table 7. Forecast of the population of the Russian Federation until 2036.

Table 8. Morbidity rate of the population of the Russian Federation by main classes of diseases, thousand people.

Table 9. Main health indicators of the Russian Federation, 2015-2018.

Table 10. Attitudes towards medical care among residents of large and medium-sized Russian cities.

Table 11. Attitude of the population to the sufficiency of medical institutions.

Table 12. Frequency of requests for medical help among the population.

Table 13. Household expenditures on medical services in 2018.

Table 14. Volume of paid medical services to the population in the Federal District, 2017-2019, thousand rubles.

Table 16. Average financial indicators of the “Activities in the field of healthcare” industry.

Table 17. Distribution of the permanent population of Moscow by age and gender, thousand people.

Table 18. Cash income of the population of Moscow.

Table 19. Distribution of the total cash income of the Moscow population by 20 percent population groups, %.

Table 20. Distribution of population by average per capita cash income in Moscow, 2018, %.

Table 21. Consumer spending by Moscow megaclusters.

Table 22. Resident population by district as of 01/01/2019

Table 23. Morbidity rate of the Moscow population by main classes of diseases, thousand people. (By medical organizations system of the Russian Ministry of Health).

Table 24. Main health indicators in Moscow.

Table 25. Structure of the medical center's areas.

Table 26. List of medical equipment.

Table 27. Medical center attendance by department.

Table 28. Monthly attendance plan for the medical center, 2021-2030, visits.

Table 29. Medical center load plan by year, 2021-2030.

Table 30. Average check and revenue of the medical center.

Table 31. Monthly revenue receipt plan, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 32. Revenue plan by year, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 33. Structure of the medical center's current costs.

Table 34. Monthly current cost plan, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 35. Current cost plan by year, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 36. Structure of direct costs of the medical center.

Table 37. Monthly direct cost plan, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 38. Direct cost plan by year, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 39. Medical center staff and wage fund.

Table 40. Payroll monthly, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 41. Payroll by year, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 42. Main directions of investment.

Table 43. Project implementation schedule.

Table 45. Calculation of break-even sales volume.

Table 46. NPV sensitivity analysis for 5 key parameters.

Table 47. Movement plan Money monthly, 2021-2030

Table 48. Cash flow plan by year, 2021-2030.

Table 49. Profit and loss plan by year, 2021-2030.

Table 50. Profit and loss plan by year, 2021-2030.

Table 51. Summary indicators of operating expenses.

Table 52. Taxation by month, 2021-2030.

Table 53. Attraction and return of invested funds monthly, 2021-2030.

Table 54. Investment efficiency indicators.

Table 55. Calculation of NPV of the project for the forecast period, 2021-2030.

Table 56. The financial analysis project.

List of charts

Chart 1. Plan for disbursement of financing (rub.).

Chart 2. Revenue plan for the medical center (rub.).

Schedule 3. Medical center workload plan.

Chart 4. Current cost plan (rub.).

Schedule 5. Direct cost plan (rub.).

Chart 6. Dynamics of inflation and GDP in Russia, 2003-2020, %.

Chart 7. Volume of paid medical services provided to the population of the Russian Federation, 2013-2019, billion rubles.

Chart 8. Volume of the medical services market in the Russian Federation, 2012 -2021 P, billion rubles.

Chart 9. Volume of paid medical services provided to the population of Moscow, 2013-2019, billion rubles.

Schedule 10. Medical center capacity plan.

Chart 11. Revenue plan by area (RUB).

Schedule 12. Revenue plan for the medical center (rub.).

Chart 13. Current cost plan (rub.).

Chart 14. Direct cost plan (rub.).

Chart 15. Share of payroll in revenue (%).

Schedule 16. Funding disbursement plan.

Chart 17. Investment calendar plan.

Chart 18. Break-even point.

Chart 19. Break-even sales volume (rub. and visits).

Graph 20. NPV sensitivity analysis.

Chart 21. Revenue and net profit (rub.).

Chart 22. EBITDA and net profit (RUB).

Chart 23. Net profit margin (%).

Chart 24. Revenue, costs, profit (rub.).

Chart 25. Dynamics of net profit (rubles).

Schedule 26. Financial results(rub.).

Chart 28. Receipt and repayment of debt (rub.).

Chart 29. Debt servicing (rub.).

Graph 30. Sensitivity of NPV to the discount rate.

Chart 31. NPV of the project and undiscounted cash flow(rub.).

Chart 32. The balance of the enterprise's DS on an accrual basis (rub.).

Chart 33. Plan of monthly expenses of the medical center (rub.).

List of charts

Diagram 1. Medical center revenue by area (RUB).

Diagram 2. Morbidity rate of the population by disease class in the Russian Federation, 2018, %.

Diagram 3. Main problems of state and municipal clinics according to patient assessment.

Diagram 4. How often Russians seek medical help, %.

Diagram 5. Behavior of Russians in case of health problems, %.

Diagram 6. Why Russians pay for medical care, %.

Diagram 7. The most pressing health problems.

Diagram 8. Structure of the market for paid medical services by profile of services provided, %.

Diagram 9. Main profiles of services provided by commercial medical clinics.

Diagram 10. Structure of the Russian market of paid medical services in the Federal District, 2019, %.

Diagram 11. Structure of the medical services market, 2018, %.

Diagram 12. Structure of consumer spending by households in Moscow, 2018, %.

Diagram 13. Revenue structure of Moscow medical institutions by main types of activity, 2018, %.

Diagram 14. Structure of the medical center area (sq. m).

Diagram 15. Medical center attendance by department.

Diagram 16. Medical center revenue by department (rubles).

Diagram 17. Structure of the medical center’s current costs.

Diagram 18. Structure of direct costs of the medical center.

Diagram 19. Payroll structure of the medical center (rub.).

Diagram 20. Structure of initial investments.

Diagram 21. Structure of tax deductions (%).

Diagram 22. Cost structure in the 10th year of project implementation (%).

List of drawings

Figure 1. Structure of the medical center area (sq. m.).

A ready-made business plan for a medical center, clinic contains 186 pages, 56 tables, 33 graphic arts, 22 diagrams and 1 drawing.

  • Description of services
  • Production plan
  • Financial calculation
  • Permissions to open

Sample business plan for opening a medical center in small town with a population of 150,000 inhabitants.

How much money do you need to open a medical center?

In order to reduce risks, it was decided to open a medical center for famous franchise"Invitro" company. This is one of the largest commercial laboratories in the Russian Federation, including a network of more than 700 medical offices in Russia.

What benefits do we get from opening a successful company under the brand:

  • Legal, accounting and marketing support at all stages of project implementation
  • Ready medical license
  • Connecting the office to the central help desk
  • Personnel training at the federal center Invitro
  • Regular conferences for doctors
  • The initial payment for the purchase of a franchise is 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment, furniture, renovation of premises - RUB 1,500,000.
  • Business registration and other expenses - RUB 200,000.

Total - 1.8 million rubles.

Description of services

The main services that the medical center plans to provide are:

  • Hematological studies (clinical blood test)
  • Immunohematological studies
  • Biochemical studies
  • Sperm examination
  • Stool examination
  • Urine examination
  • Diagnosis of infectious diseases
  • Histological studies
  • Genetic predispositions
  • Hereditary monogenic diseases and conditions
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Mammography
  • Urological studies

The average cost of one analysis or service (average bill) will be 800 rubles. The estimated flow of clients will be 20 people per day. In 22 working days, the company's turnover will be 352,000 rubles.

Production plan

The selection of premises for a medical center should be based on the following principles (including the requirements of the SES):

  1. Minimum area - 60 sq. m.
  2. Availability of a separate entrance to the premises
  3. Floor made of washable materials (linoleum or tiles)
  4. Availability of natural light
  5. Availability of a bathroom or the possibility of installing one
  6. Availability of telephone line
  7. Convenient access roads and parking.

For this purpose, premises were selected in a densely populated area of ​​the city, on the first line of houses. The premises are non-residential and are located on the first floor of an apartment building. The rent will be 42,000 rubles. per month. The premises will be divided into the following rooms:

  • Hall for waiting and receiving visitors, dressing room - 12 sq.m. m.
  • Consultant doctor's office - 18 sq.m. m.
  • Room for taking biological material (nurse) - 12 sq. m.
  • Staff rest room - 10 sq.m. m.
  • San. knot - 6 sq. m.

At the stage of arrangement of the premises according to the plan, a search for medical center personnel will be carried out. The variety of services provided will require the hiring of an appropriate number of qualified specialists. Among which:

  • Ultrasound doctor - salary 18,000 rubles.
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist - salary 18,000 rubles.
  • Treatment room nurse (2 people) - salary 16,000 rubles.
  • Administrator, customer service specialist - salary 16,000 rubles.
  • Cleaning lady - salary 10,000 rubles.

The wage fund will be 94,000 rubles. per month. Our organization will make monthly contributions to extra-budgetary funds (PFR and Social Insurance Fund) in the amount of 28,200 rubles.

Which tax system to choose for a medical center

The organizational form of the medical center will be a society with limited liability. Taxation system - simplified tax system, 15% of the organization's profit.

Step-by-step plan for opening a small medical center

Sequence of actions to open a business:

  1. Search for sources of project financing (30 days)
  2. Search for premises to house the center (15 days)
  3. Registration of a legal entity (14 days)
  4. Purchasing a franchise, concluding the necessary contracts (7 days)
  5. Conclusion of a premises rental agreement (1 day)
  6. Carrying out repairs (20 days)
  7. Purchase of laboratory equipment and consumables (some are provided by the franchisor) (7 days)
  8. Personnel employment
  9. Advertising services (ongoing)
  10. Opening of a medical center

In total, it will take about three months to open the medical center.

Financial calculation

Fixed monthly expenses of the organization:

  • Rent - 42,000 rubles.
  • Salary - 94,000 rubles.
  • Contributions to the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund - 28,200 rubles.
  • Utilities - 10,000 rub.
  • Consumables - 15,000 rub.
  • Transport costs - 15,000 rubles.
  • Other costs - 10,000 rubles.

Total - 214,200 rub.

How much can you earn from the services of a medical center?

The company's profit before tax will be equal to: 352,000 (revenue) - 214,200 (expenses) = 137,800 rubles. Minus taxes (STS), the net profit will be: 137,800 - 15% = 117,130 rubles. The profitability of the medical center according to the plan is 54%. With such calculations, the return on investment will occur after 15 months of work.

This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What equipment to choose for the laboratory

The laboratory will require the following equipment:

  1. Biochemical analyzer - 650,000 rubles, an analyzer with a limited level of tests can be purchased for 150,000 rubles;

2. Hematology analyzer, cost from 200,000 to 600,000 rubles; 3. PCM amplifier, cost 100,000 rubles; 4. Allergist’s office, on average 200,000 rubles; 5. Equipment for ELISA - 100,000 rubles;

  1. Water distiller - 50,000 rubles;

7. Glucose analyzer - 100,000 rubles; 8. Thermostat - 50,000 rubles; 9. Centrifuge - 20,000 rubles.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

Upon registration, medical businesses are provided with the following types OKVED: OKVED 2 86 - Activities in the field of healthcare. OKVED 2 86.9 - Other activities in the field of medicine. OKVED 2 86.90 - Other activities in the field of medicine.

What documents are needed to open

It is necessary to register a business entity: since this is a legal entity, it is necessary to register a limited liability company. Prepared documents are submitted to the authorities state power or to multifunctional centers public services(MFC). Since the business entity is a legal entity, you must immediately open a bank account.

Permissions to open

To open a medical center (laboratory), you must obtain a license to conduct medical activities. The following documents are submitted:

  1. constituent documents, notarized;

2. Receipt for payment of state duty; 3. Documents confirming ownership or lease agreements for purchased equipment and premises. 4. Documents confirming the experience and length of service of employees medical workers, as well as issued by the business owner employment contracts with employees. The decision to issue a license is made within two months. In addition to obtaining a license, you must obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection and the fire service. This applies to work carried out in purchased or rented premises.

Laboratory research technology

The algorithm for running such a business can be presented as follows:

  1. The administrator meets the patient and clarifies what kind of research he would like to do and which doctor to visit.

2. Creates a patient card, fills in all the necessary data on the computer. 3. Gives the patient a coupon and leads him to the office. 4. In the office, the doctor talks with the patient, clarifies the symptoms of the disease and suggests types of laboratory tests. 5. The patient pays the cost of the service according to the price list and undergoes tests. 6. After this, the patient is asked to come back for the result within a certain period of time. If it is convenient for the patient, he is offered to call back by phone and report the results of the research. Also, at the client’s request, an extract with the analysis results can be sent by e-mail.
