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Education in Great Britain. Medical education in England: structure and features. Vacancies for doctors abroad Working as a pathologist in England

Official language- English
Capital– London
Currency- GBP
Average salary of a doctor general practice(GP)– 60,000 – 80,000 pounds per year
Unemployment rate – 4.8%

About UK healthcare

In Great Britain, public health is handled by the National Health Service (NHS), which was created after the end of the Second World War. The NHS is made up of four administrative divisions, which are located in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Each of these units is autonomous and is responsible for its own territory. Medical services free for everyone living in the United Kingdom, regardless of citizenship. This means that even if you are temporarily living in Britain, you can get free ambulance. Overall, more than 90% of citizens use NHS services. The remaining 10% seek help from private medical clinics.

Every resident of Britain is assigned to his own general practitioner - General Practitioner or simply GP, who is the main link in British medicine. In post-Soviet countries, such doctors are called district therapists. The GP conducts an examination, performs tests and then decides whether there is a need to refer the patient to a specialist. Subspecialists, in turn, deal with patients whose diseases are beyond the competence of a general practitioner.

A doctor’s salary depends on the final result of treatment, therefore, when planning a patient’s hospitalization, the doctor chooses the most suitable hospital for this and enters into an agreement with him on the treatment of the patient. In addition to general practitioners, patients can also contact specialists working in a service called “walk in”, which means “came and helped”. This service operates seven days a week from 8 am to 8 pm. Its specialists can advise the patient on any medical issue, as well as examine him at home. If the patient cannot get to the doctor on his own, a specialist from the “walk in” service can be called to his home.

Along with the NHS, the UK also operates:

  • General Medical Council(General Medical Council - GMC), whose responsibilities include registration and regulation of the practice of doctors;
  • General Dental Council(General Dental Council - GDC), which is responsible for registering and regulating the practice of dentists;
  • General Pharmaceutical Council(General Pharmaceutical Council - GPhC), which is responsible for registering and regulating the practice of pharmacists;
  • Nursing and Midwifery Council(The Nursing and Midwifery Council - NMC), registration and regulation of nursing and midwifery practice;
  • Health Professions Council(Health and Care Professions Council - HCPC), registration and regulation of allied health professionals.

Registration with the above organizations is mandatory for everyone medical workers who are undergoing postgraduate education, practicing or intending to practice in the UK. However, due to the fact that we are only looking at doctors in this article, the focus will only be on registration and licensing with the GMC. Many British doctors also become members of the British Medical Association (BMA), which fights for the rights of doctors and their professional status.

Doctor training system in Great Britain

It usually takes about five years to become a medical doctor. After graduating from medical school, graduates receive Provisional Registration with the General Medical Council to continue their studies in the Foundation Program, namely Foundation Year 1 (FY1). After completing FY1, UK doctors receive Full Registration with the GMC and are eligible to proceed to Foundation Year 2 (FY2), which allows them to gain more specialized skills and knowledge in medicine. Despite the apparent similarity with the Ukrainian postgraduate internship (both forms of postgraduate education are mandatory to obtain the right to practice medicine), the Foundation Program is not a means of training specialists in any specific narrow specialty. Over the course of 2 years, British medical school graduates gain practical skills in all areas of medicine and surgery, thus preparing for the subsequent Specialty Training or GP Training, which is the distant equivalent of a Ukrainian internship in a specialty. After completing ST or GPT, the doctor receives a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) or other certificate confirming the specialty, which entitles him to be included in the GMC Specialty Register. It's worth noting that not all UK doctors enroll in Specialty Training or GP Training (also known as training posts). Those who did not pass the competition go to work on non-training posts, that is, vacancies that do not lead to obtaining a certificate and registration of a specialist.

Career opportunities in the UK for foreign doctors

For a long time, the UK has been trying to train as many doctors as possible, but the constant outflow of specialists to other countries consistently provides foreign doctors with the opportunity to find work in the UK. Due to the fact that the public health sector, that is, the NHS, feels a constant need for medical personnel, a special website has been created where doctors can find work.

Average salary level:

  • Junior doctors (doctors who study in the Foundation Program) – minimum wage + bonuses;
  • Specialty doctors (doctors who have not completed Specialty Training and are not members of the GMC Specialist Register) - from £37,176 to £69,325;
  • Consultants (doctors who have completed Specialty Training and are members of the GMC Specialist Register) - from £75,249 from £101,451;
  • General practitioners (doctors who have completed GP Training and are members of the GMC GP Register) - from £80,000 to £120,000.

Registration with the General Medical Council

As stated above, all doctors must be registered and licensed to medical practice to implement professional activity in the UK, for example to administer patient appointments, write prescriptions or compile death certificates. A license to practice is issued by the General Medical Council (GMC) to all doctors, whether they work in the public sector or a private practice, on permanent basis or temporarily, full-time or part-time, etc.

Ukrainian doctors who have never been registered with the GMC must apply for Full registration with a license to practice. The concepts of registration and license should be separated, since they are not identical. Registration is the recording of personal data on the UK national doctor's register; license is permission to medical activities. Foreign doctors, including Ukrainian ones, can only apply for registration with a license to practice. Successful registration with the GMC will depend on a number of factors:

  • Nationality of the candidate;
  • The country in which the candidate received his primary medical education (Diploma in General Medicine);
  • The type of employment for which the candidate is applying in the UK;
  • Having a recognized postgraduate education (the doctor can obtain membership or pass exams in one of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of Great Britain; However, it is worth keeping in mind that having received membership, for example in the Royal College of Anesthetists, the doctor cannot apply for registration as a specialist in the specialty "Anesthesiology". Membership only provides access to full registration with a license to practice);
  • Knowledge of English (IELTS: overall score 7.5 and minimum 7.0 in all four sections) (Additional information about the IELTS exam in Russian);
  • Successfully passing the PLAB exam or having an exemption from the exam (based on the rights of an EU citizen or the spouse of an EU citizen) (Additional information about the PLAB exam in Russian).

Registration with the GMC does not guarantee employment in the UK!

We also draw your attention to the fact that Ukrainian medical specialists, regardless of qualifications, categories and experience, must always first obtain full registration with a license to practice before submitting documents for registration in a special register. Typically, Ukrainian doctors have two ways () through which a doctor can become a specialist:

  • Apply for recognition of foreign postgraduate education in the UK, after which a Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) or Certificate of Eligibility for GP Registration (CEGPR) is issued;
  • Enroll in Specialty Training or GP Training in the UK, after which the doctor is issued a Certificate of Completion of Training, and his name is entered in the Specialist Register or GP Register (we remind you that in the UK General Practice is also a specialty).

Both paths are quite complex and difficult to implement. Recognition of postgraduate qualifications may take a very long time and/or result in refusal. As for Specialist training or GP Training, you can only apply for them if there are no candidates from Britain or the European Union for the training post (i.e. the vacancy that leads to obtaining a specialist certificate - CCT).

Contact us for assistance with paperwork and applications to practice medicine and license in the UK.

Immigration rules for Ukrainian doctors

If you are not a British, Swiss or European Economic Area (EEA) citizen, you will need to obtain a visa to legally enter and work in the UK. To obtain a visa, you must comply with the immigration laws of the UK Visas and Immigration Department, which is responsible for managing migration in the UK. All doctors are assessed against a standard immigration system, which determines how a visa is obtained. There are 5 categories in total (Tier 1, Tier 2…Tier 5), among which Tier 2 is the most common category.

It is not difficult for specialists with medical education to find work abroad. The profession of a doctor throughout the world is always in demand and highly paid. Most countries offer high salaries to doctors, but also place high demands on specialists. Registration procedures differ in different countries.

Despite the difficulties that accompany employment in another country, the level of salaries invariably attracts more and more job seekers. Working as a doctor abroad is well paid, but also requires high qualifications.

Salary level

What do you need to get a job?

When applying for a job in government or private clinic, the candidate needs to confirm his qualifications, learn the language and pass several exams.

In any country, before finding a job, a person with a medical diploma must undergo a nostrification procedure (receive an international diploma). In some countries it is easy and short time, in others it extends over a long period.

Diplomas issued to doctors in Russia and the CIS countries are not international and require mandatory confirmation.

Countries where it is easier to confirm a doctor's diploma

When planning to leave for another country and get a job in a hospital, the first thing you need to think about is the length of stay in the chosen state. If moving to a permanent place of residence is not expected, it is better to give preference to countries that offer a simplified nostrification procedure.


One of the most loyal countries in relation to confirmation of a doctor’s diploma. According to the standard recognition procedure, a visiting specialist is required to take qualification courses. At the same time, he submits his diploma for confirmation. Consideration of the issue can last up to 1 year.

After completing courses and passing exams, the applicant gets the opportunity to work on a probationary period. The practical part of the confirmation lasts 6 months. During this period, the doctor receives a minimum salary. After the end of the term, the status of a doctor is officially assigned and allows you to work fully.


A republic where the demand for medical specialties invariably remains very high, and the nostrification procedure proceeds quickly. To work as a doctor in Yemen, you do not need to prove your language proficiency. A license to practice is issued without mandatory exams and with a minimum set of documents.

The main requirement is to have at least 5 years of experience.


It has the highest demand for Russian-speaking doctors. The diploma confirmation procedure is similar to the Czech one. After completing the language courses - probation 6 months and the opportunity for full practice. No exams required. After formal confirmation of the diploma, a Russian doctor can work in the same way as local specialists.

To be employed in any of the countries described, at least 3 years of work experience is required.

Countries with a complex nostrification procedure

Those who want to emigrate to Europe or America will have to go through a more complex procedure for confirming their diploma. IN European countries this requires at least 4 years.


12 months after submitting your diploma for confirmation and successfully passing the exams, the doctor is offered to go through the “pull-up” stage. It lasts, as a rule, a year. It is expected that during this period the specialist will fill gaps in knowledge and experience. This type of work is paid minimally.

After completing the “pull-up” process, the specialist will have to pass exams. Then he is issued a temporary work permit, which must be confirmed every 2 years. A temporary permit allows you to obtain the position of a physician assistant (clinical resident).

Regardless of experience and knowledge, independent practice for a visiting doctor is impossible without obtaining a permanent work permit. To be able to take up the position of a medical specialist, after completing residency, you need to pass another exam in your specialty and confirm your knowledge of the German language.

To work as a doctor in Portugal, you also need to prove your qualifications.

You can do this in two ways:

  • pass the equivalency test;
  • receive confirmation of your diploma.

The procedures are not too long, but have a high level of complexity. When passing the equivalency test, you need to get a full curriculum from the university that issued the diploma.

This program is applied to any medical university in Portugal to the relevant faculty. Experts compare the received material with their own and make a verdict on whether the programs match or disagree.

As a rule, they do not match. In this case, the applicant is offered to master the missing disciplines together with local students. After this, the visiting specialist becomes a full-fledged student of the university and receives a Portuguese diploma with all its advantages.

When confirming your diploma, you must undergo retraining and pass the required exams:

  • knowledge of language;
  • theory of medicine;
  • practical test.

When passing a practical test, the correctness of the diagnoses and the adequacy of the prescribed treatment are checked. Confirmation deadlines vary for different specialties.


To be able to work as a doctor in the United States, a specialist who has a diploma from another country must undergo a residency after confirming his diploma. In fact, this is retraining in an existing specialty.

The duration of residency depends on the doctor’s specialty, but not less than 3 years.

How long does retraining last:

  • pediatrics - 3 years;
  • radiology - 4 years;
  • therapy - 3 years;
  • neurosurgery - 6 years;
  • anesthesiology - 4 years;
  • general surgery - 5 years.

After completing the internship, you are given another year for theoretical scientific work. Further, upon successful passing of the exams, the specialist can either get a job in any clinic in the United States or open a private practice.


To confirm a diploma in Canada, the applicant must undergo training at any of the local medical schools. They are open throughout the country on the basis of large universities. Training is paid, the cost depends on the chosen specialty and is regulated by the management of the educational institution. The number of study places is limited, scholarships are not provided. Despite this, the competition for training is very high.

In order to obtain a permanent work permit after retraining, giving the right to full-time practice, the applicant will need to continue his residency training and obtain Canadian citizenship.


The countries of the former British colony have the best working conditions. South Africa remains the most attractive destination for foreign doctors. The high level of wages ensures a stable influx of emigrants who want to get a job there.

Question answer

In this matter it is better to focus on your taste. As a rule, the training program is the same for all centers within one language school. It is worth considering that London is a huge city. It is more suitable for adults who prefer to live in a metropolis and want to live in the capital. If you want to touch the traditions, it is better to choose a small town somewhere in the outback, and come to London on excursions. You can also go to improve your English on the coast and combine study and a wonderful holiday by the sea. Best choice for children small towns and centers with a rich cultural program.

Yes, you can enroll in the Foundation or A-Level preparatory program. Such programs exist at international language centers and at some universities. The A-Level program is designed for 2 years, after its completion you can enter British universities on the same basis as British applicants. The Foundation program lasts 1 year and is designed specifically to prepare students from abroad for admission and further study at UK universities. After successful completion of such a program, you can enroll in the 1st year, and in some universities, the second.

Studying medicine in the UK - what to do?

Medicine in the UK - is it realistic to apply?

Interested in studying to become a doctor in the UK? Enrolling in a medical school abroad is not easy even for native residents of the country, not to mention foreign applicants. However, “not easy” does not mean “impossible.” Especially if you start preparing in advance and know what you need to pay attention to. If you have seriously decided to enroll in a good British university to study medicine, then you need to prepare in the most thorough way. This is what our article is about.

Where is British medicine heading today?

The population of the country, where the average life expectancy for men is 79 years and for women 83 years, evaluates the local health care system very positively. 7 out of 10 respondents claim that they receive high-quality medical care fromNational Health Service (NHS).

One of the latest innovations in the UK healthcare system is that doctors officially see patients via Skype. As stated National Health Service, A new five-year program to improve the performance of general practitioners (GPs) has been launched. According to The Independent, the plan would provide £2.4 billion in additional funding a year. In particular, doctors expect the widespread implementation of an online system, thanks to which patients will be able to independently control their treatment and contact doctors. The Ministry of Health has also changed the operating hours of outpatient clinics - from now on they will work in the evenings and on weekends. The government has allocated £50,000,000 for innovation in medicine. Therefore, we can expect that in the very near future it will receive a wide circle of supporters, and the number of applicants to medical universities will increase.

Why is the prestige of British medical faculties high?

The career of a doctor is considered one of the most promising. This profession is one of the few specialties for which the demand has remained consistently high for decades, despite various economic and political vicissitudes. Despite the complexity of training, its high cost and long duration, competition in this area has always been maximum. It is not surprising that today obtaining a medical diploma from a British university is the secret dream of many graduates. After all, huge amounts of money are invested in scientific developments in the most pressing areas of healthcare and in the development of medicine. Thanks to this, clinics promptly introduce innovative technologies, use the most modern equipment, and constantly improve the level of qualifications of specialists in accordance with international standards.

In terms of the pace of implementation of innovative developments and the level of development of scientific research in the field of medicine, the United Kingdom is consistently among the top ten world leaders. The prestige of education in the field of medicine, as well as salaries in this field, are very high.

How much do doctors earn in the UK?

The highest salaries in England are for lawyers, financiers, IT specialists and doctors. According to the job search engine, an aspiring doctor in the first year of his practice earns about 2,600 euros per month (excluding tax payments). In the second year of work, his salary will be 3,200 euros. A doctor studying to become a specialist has a salary of 3,400 to 5,400 euros (excluding taxes). Wage medical specialist ranges from 4250 to 7900 euros per month. Consultants' salaries range from 8,250 to 11,600 euros. Of course, average salaries will differ depending on the region of the country.

“Road bypass” or one of the options - near-medical specialties

The main advantage of this path is that the number of places in universities for so-called “near-medical” or related specialties is much higher. For example: last year the number of places in medical faculties was less than 8,000, while more than 16 thousand students could study in psychology departments.

Universities in the United Kingdom have a large selection of programs for training specialists in fields related to medicine, for example, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacy, physiology, genetics, etc.

The entry requirements and application process for these majors are simpler than for medical majors, so international applicants have a much better chance of getting accepted while still having the opportunity to pursue healthcare-related work.

However, if you are determined to receive medical specialty, then it is necessary to undergo training according to British rules.

How to become a doctor? Entry requirements

As we have already said, the entrance competition for medical faculties is quite high. At the same time, the quota of places for foreign students does not exceed 20% of the total number of places. And the possibility of transferring students from the 2nd or 3rd year of a university in their country to a British medical university is not provided.

For graduates of non-British schools, it is not enough to have a certificate of completion of secondary education to enter medical courses. Complete school education in the UK takes 13 years, of which the last two years are devoted to specialized preparation for entering A-level universities. Based on the results of the last two years, graduates take exams.

Entry requirements for medical universities are based on the A-level program. To count on admission, you must demonstrate high grades in A-level subjects. Schoolchildren who intend to enroll in medical faculties focus their attention on in-depth study of chemistry and biology. Most universities accept future “medics” with an academic level of at least A*AA. Knowledge of English must be high - at least 7.5 IELTS.

In addition, for admission, a medical exam is taken, the so-called Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) and the British Clinical Aptitude Test (UCKAT).

Foundation preparatory courses for foreign students wishing to enter medical universities are offered by only a few universities. In addition, the results of this preparatory course are not recognized by all British medical universities, but only by those that offer this program. This fact significantly narrows the circle of universities where you can enroll.

A very important point is the correspondence of the personality to the profession. Considering that the medical profession is one of the most humane in the world, applicants need to prove to the admissions committee that they have the qualities necessary for future work - kindness, compassion, willingness to help. That's why competitive advantages upon admission are those who have practical experience in this field, for example, work (including on a volunteer basis) in a hospital, children's boarding school, nursing home, etc.

Preparation for admission to medical university in pre-medical courses in addition to A-level

Among the many preparatory programs of an elite international college There is a Medics Program. This course can be taken at one of the college campuses located in London, Cambridge or Canterbury. This two-year course is essentially a specialized A-Level program, which has a medical bias and is intended for those who are going to enter university in areas such as medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine.

College provides highest quality student training. 38% of CATS College graduates are admitted to the most prestigious universities in the UK and around the world - Cambridge and Oxford Universities, which is a very high success rate.

During the Medics Program, students study biology, chemistry, physics or mathematics. For foreign students, medical English is provided to study specialized terminology.

In addition, students are given information about their chosen specialty, are introduced to the requirements for admission to medical programs, are prepared to give independent presentations, develop critical analysis skills, and are taught to discuss specialized topics, such as current medical issues.

At the end of the training, in addition to the traditional A-level exam, BMAT and UKCAT are taken. Foreign students also need to take IELTS.

Mock entrance interviews are also conducted to help students feel confident when applying to a university.

To enroll in the A-level Medical program at CATS, an international student will need a school certificate with high grades in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Age - from 16 years. English proficiency requirement is IELTS 5.0 and above.

CATS Cambridge College also has an accelerated course in medical training - the Fast-track Medics Programme, which lasts only 3 terms. This program is designed for ambitious students with advanced knowledge. Requirements for age, grades in the certificate and knowledge of English will also be higher. Excellent students over 17 years of age and with IELTS 5.5+ can take the accelerated course.

StrongPreparationA-level in CardiffSixthFormcollege(CSFC)

Perhaps Cardiff College is the most successful center for preparing future students for admission to such prestigious universities as the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, in particular in the most highly competitive areas - medical, dental, veterinary, pharmaceutical, economics and law. So, last year, 16 college graduates became Oxbridge students (Oxford and Cambridge Universities), 21 graduates passed the competition for medical specialties, and 32 students joined the ranks of first-year students at prestigious London universities, such as the London School of Economics, University College London and Imperial Colleges.

CSFC graduates successfully pass qualifying rounds in a specialty with great entrance competition thanks to strong A-level preparation, in which the college has practically no equal. As the presenters note British editions The Daily Telegraph and The Times ranked the college as the best in the country based on last year's A-level exam results. This is confirmed by statistics. Marks (A*) - the highest score with honors was received by 60% of college graduates in the exam. A and A* together accounted for 95.1% of grades achieved. The remaining part of the graduates received a grade B (“good”) and none of the students passed the exams with a grade C (“satisfactory”).

For such high results educational organization Education Advisers awarded the college in several categories as the best private school, the best private Sixth Form college (Sixth Form) and the best coeducational boarding school.

The college offers programs such as the British Certificate of Secondary Education General Certificate of Secondary Education(GCSE), as well as A-level, summer course and boot camp.

To enroll in a boarding school, you must have excellent grades in a domestic school and an IELTS score of 6.5 or higher. After reviewing the documents, the school administration sets a date for the interview.

Every year, the number of students choosing medical education in England continues to increase: this is true for Russian students and other foreigners. Indeed, a prestigious diploma of higher medical education in England opens up enormous opportunities for successful international employment, continued education and research activities, and for a stable and high income.

The most important things about applying to medical faculties in the UK

  • It is almost impossible to enter a UK university directly into the medical faculty after a Russian school.
  • To start studying at UK universities in the specialty "Medicine" in most cases you need to complete a minimum of 2 years in
  • There are one-year preparatory programs for entry into medicine at UK universities for graduates of Russian schools, for example: and
  • There are more.

Education in England: studying medicine in the UK for international students

The British medical system dates back many centuries: according to static data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the country ranks 15th among European countries in terms of medical care and 18th in the world for the same parameter. The United Kingdom is among the TOP 10 world leaders in terms of the level of development of medicine, the use of the latest innovative technologies, the pace of development and scientific research; in Britain there are world-famous universities and faculties of specialized fields (and many others). Medical education in England it is prestigious and in demand.

Such a high demand and prestige of medical universities leads to the highest competition among applicants: according to statistics, only about 8% of students are foreigners.

They also choose because a medical degree allows them to earn a fairly high salary. Yes, the price of education in England is quite high, but the costs will pay for themselves soon after graduation: according to statistics, an ordinary general practitioner earns about 44,000 euros per year, and given the higher cost of services in private clinics, earnings can be even higher.

Higher education in the UK: structure of higher medical education in England, features

The duration of medical education in England is approximately 7-8 years: the undergraduate program studies a wide range of basic disciplines and areas, from which the main and priority ones are selected for the internship (Foundation), during which active practice and internship begin. The first professional degrees that students who choose medical education in England and the UK receive are the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (similar and equivalent). Having received a bachelor's degree, a student can continue his studies in his chosen or related specialty by going on an internship.

The internship (Foundation) in turn is divided into two years - F1 and F2; Completion of training is marked by receiving an MB diploma (for specialists in the field of “Surgery” a ChB diploma is intended). The Foundation Doctor degree is required for all practicing qualified doctors in Britain: in 2005 it replaced Pre-registration house officer and Senior house officer. At this level, students also learn to work in a team, acquire time management and IT skills.

  • F1 - 3-4 different specialties are studied; The General Medical Council determines the mandatory set of knowledge that a student must possess at the end of each trimester
  • F2 - the main focus is on the diagnosis and prevention of acute diseases; You will also learn teamwork and personnel management, the necessary IT skills, the ability to manage time and rank assigned tasks.

In the USA, an intern is a specialist who has received a medical education, but does not yet have a license to practice medicine independently; in Britain there is a term of similar meaning, Foundation House Officer. Interns practice only under the direction of a licensed physician in an accredited clinic or hospital

The profile can be obtained by taking GEP express courses (4 years instead of 5-6), but only applicants who have graduated from biological and medical faculties can enroll in accelerated training. There are exceptions to this rule, but you need to find out about them at each university separately - for example, Cambridge accepts even holders of humanities degrees for GEP.

The Special General Medical Council - GMC - is responsible for the certification of specialists and has been working for many years, periodically releasing professional collections of recommendations that are mandatory for students, graduates and applicants.

The most prestigious and rated universities in medicine in England

Great Britain can be proud of a whole galaxy of world-famous scientists and doctors who received their education in England at one of 30 specialized medical schools or one of 10 universities. Among the most popular, prestigious and rated educational institutions are the following:

  • King's College School of Medicine
  • University of Wales

How to enter a medical school in England?

Unlike most other universities and higher schools, the requirements for applicants are not limited to a certificate with good grades and results of a language test for proficiency in English. You will need an A-level program certificate (the course should have studied specialized disciplines - for example, chemistry or biology), a language testing certificate confirming an advanced level of English, and a mandatory passing of the BMAT exam (entrance test in biochemical sciences).

Please note that most specialized universities provide a very small quota for Russian students and foreigners from non-EU countries, which further complicates the competition for each place. As already mentioned, medical education in England is in great demand among nationals of the country.

Pre-university training programs in medicine

  • Foundation or (1 academic year). Upon successful completion, this course provides the opportunity to enter the chosen faculty without exams, which is very convenient for foreigners. This program is provided by large educational centers (such as INTO and Study Group). For example, INTO together with organize a six-year training program in one of the best specialized schools: 4 years of study and two years of practice and internship in US clinics. Upon completion of the course, the student receives the right to work in his specialty in America, and if he passes the GMC certification, in the UK.

Education system in England

Speaking about medical education in England, it is impossible not to highlight the British educational system as a whole: step-by-step, gradual mastery of the national educational standard will help to succeed even in such a complex field as medicine. The UK educational system is deservedly considered one of the best in the world, and it is from the United Kingdom that many countries around the world take their example. In many ways, national standards are regulated by the Education Law, adopted back in 1944, which regulates the entire educational system as a whole.

Education in the UK is compulsory for all citizens from 5 to 16 years of age. Up to 5 years of age, parents can send their child to a nursery or kindergarten(3-4 years old), where children will learn to count, read and write through fun and enjoyable activities. After 16 years of age, a student can obtain a vocational qualification (GNVQ), begin labor activity or go to Sixth Form programs and prepare to receive higher education in the University. In general, the entire educational system is divided into 4 levels:

  • elementary education(Elementary School) - 5-11 years old
  • secondary education (Secondary School) - 11-16 years
  • post-school education (Further Education) -16-18 years
  • higher education.

You can choose a public free school or private school(the latter primarily operate as boarding houses, providing students with on-campus accommodation during their studies). There are schools that offer a full educational cycle (from 3-5 to 18 years old), you can move from junior to middle or high school by changing educational institutions: for example, in Britain there are many high schools and colleges specializing in preparing students 15-18 years old for enrollment in universities. You can also choose a single-sex school (separately for boys or separately for girls) or a co-educational institution - as a rule, the former are distinguished by stricter discipline and loyalty to traditions.

Secondary education in Great Britain, education system

Secondary education of children in England usually begins at the age of 5 with preparatory preschool classes - at 6-7 years old they are already awaiting primary classes in public and private schools, and at 11 years old students move to secondary classes, where they study until they are 15-16 years old.

  • Primary classes usually include training according to an already defined, standard program with a certain set of subjects: English, mathematics, science, history, music, physical education and sports, art.
  • In the middle grades, the depth of study gradually increases year by year, the child has the opportunity to choose some subjects on his own - the “backbone” of disciplines required to attend is determined, and the rest can be chosen as electives according to his taste and interests.
  • Senior school (Sixth Form) is a full-fledged, focused preparation for enrollment at the university. This could be an A-level, IB, Cambridge Pre-U, Foundation (one-year) course - the choice depends on the future country and the university chosen for higher education.

A-level provides for a deep, thorough study of 3-5 selected disciplines over 2 academic years and the subsequent passing of an exam, which is also counted as entrance to the chosen university. Foreign students often choose the one-year Foundation: in addition to studying basic academic subjects, it features an intensive language course that will help you significantly improve your level of English in just a year. But please note: the top, most elite and selective universities do not accept the Foundation as academically valid and require a certificate of at least A-level or IB.

At the age of 16, a student can go to receive vocational education(Further education): this professional training or preparation for a bachelor's degree. This qualification can be obtained at colleges, institutes and special schools.

The academic year in the UK lasts 38 weeks and is divided into thirds - trimesters:

  • Autumn (Michaelmas) - from September to December
  • Spring (Lent) - from January to March
  • Summer - from April to early June.

Each school can set the exact dates of each term independently. They don’t forget about the holidays: short week-long periods in the middle of each trimester and long Christmas, Easter (2-3 weeks) and summer (6 weeks) holidays.

Students study on weekdays - from Monday to Friday: usually these are lessons from 9:00 to 15:00 (breaks for lunch and dinner are provided). Saturday is a traditional day for excursions, major events, sports competitions and matches, classes in creative studios and elective courses. Sunday is usually reserved for rest.

Higher education in England and throughout the UK

Higher education in the UK can be provided by universities, institutes, high schools and polytechnic colleges - more than 700 institutions in total. You can get a bachelor's and master's degree (including MBA), take short-term programs (diploma and advanced training), and a doctorate. Universities are divided into two large groups:

  • Unitary: include departments and faculties
  • Collegiate (including Oxford and Cambridge): consist of several colleges, sometimes even several dozen.

Education at higher educational institutions begins in October and lasts until June, each trimester (third of the academic year) for 8-10 weeks. There are long summer holidays - usually from June 1 to September 30.

A bachelor's degree can be obtained in 3-4 years (in the field of medicine and architecture - up to 6 years), a master's degree - after studying extra year and creating a personal research paper. A doctoral degree can be obtained for voluminous outstanding work, for invaluable contributions to science, inventions with the possibility practical application or important scientific research.

The main forms of work at universities are seminars and lectures, laboratory work, tutorials in mini-groups of 2-10 people, master classes: in general practical work V English universities much more than in Russian ones.

All higher education in the country is paid, and fees are usually higher for foreigners. UK nationals have the option of studying on debt, with the government only entitled to collect the debt if the graduate takes a job with a salary of at least £21,000 per year.

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Top 50 UK Universities


Medical education in the UK- one of the most prestigious and challenging areas in international education. The traditions of teaching medicine are rooted in British medieval history, and the quality of education is considered one of the highest in the world. Three UK medical schools are in the top ten in the ranking of the best medical universities in the world. Enrolling in a medical field is a difficult process that will require significant time and money.

Structure of UK medical schools

Unlike the USA, where you can only enter medical school after completing your undergraduate degree, in the UK medical school is considered the first stage of higher education. Training in British medical. school lasts for five or six years.
Each university has its own medical school teaching structure. For example, in Oxford, Cambridge, London universities and Edinburgh, the first 2–3 years of study are spent on a theoretical course, and the last three years are spent on a clinical course. The most recent year is aimed at preparing for residency and is the first year of practical training.

At the end of medical school, students take final exams that cover all the material they have learned.
After graduation, the student is awarded a degree " Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery", with the Latin abbreviation of the degrees varying from university to university - adherence to tradition is known to be one of the hallmarks of British culture. So, in all universities in London it will be MB BS, and for example, in Cardiff - MB BCh. Interestingly, after completing a theoretical course at a medical school in Oxford and Cambridge, the graduate is additionally awarded the title of Bachelor of Arts (BA), and the student can change his specialty if desired.

Postgraduate programs in medicine in the UK

This format of medical education is new to the Foggy Albion, and today such programs are available only at 14 universities in England and Wales. The training process takes 4 years and most closely resembles the training process in US medical schools. To apply, you must have a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in chemistry and biology.
Upon completion of this program, the degree of “Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery” is also awarded, which provides the opportunity to begin practical medical training.
Due to the fact that medical education under this program is considered new to the UK, most local students prefer to enroll in traditional medical school programs.

UK medical school fees

Requirements for medical education in the UK

To enter a medical school at a university in the UK, a student must undergo training in one of the preparatory programs.
  • One year of the A-level preparatory program - you must obtain a minimum of three "A" grades. An A* grade in Chemistry is required for all medical schools. In addition, it is mandatory to obtain two more A grades: in biology, physics or mathematics. Admissions committees do not consider grades received in general knowledge, critical thinking, and global perspectives and studies.
  • A two-year IB with chemistry as a core subject and biology, physics or mathematics as a second subject.
Application for admission to medical school is made through unified system, which is called the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). For this reason deadline for all universities the same - October 15. In one year, an applicant can send his documents to no more than 4 medical schools in the UK.
The admission process necessarily includes an interview and a comprehensive exam. There is currently no common exam for medical schools in the UK, so different schools consider different exams. The BMAT and UKCAT are the most common tests in the country, while the GAMSAT is only accepted for entry into postgraduate medical programmes.
It is necessary to take into account that in addition to the deadline for accepting applications, each exam has its own registration deadlines: for UKCAT - mid-September, for BMAT - mid-August or early October.

The admissions committee calls the most successful applicants for an interview, which lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. During the interview, the applicant's general level of knowledge, his ability to quickly navigate a non-standard situation, the ability to correctly construct an answer, and even his level of empathy are tested.

Preparatory programs in medicine in the UK

In preparatory programs you can purchase necessary knowledge to pass entrance exams and improve your level of proficiency English language. Some preparatory programs are integrated into medical school, while others are independent, one-year training programs. The cost of such programs for international students is the same as the cost of university tuition per year.
The programs are organized directly at universities and are divided into two types:
  • Preliminary year - designed for those who have already passed A-level exams, as well as exams in medicine, but have not reached the required level in chemistry and biology. This year is sometimes considered the "zero" year of medical school.
  • The guiding year is an even simpler option with reduced entry requirements. Low A-level grades and low medical exam results are acceptable.
  • Medical practice and internship in the UK

    The process of medical education in the UK differs significantly from other countries in that it includes many stages of practical training. All of them are mandatory in accordance with the requirements of the National Health Service of Great Britain.
    The first stage is a two-year "training program for doctors" after graduating from medical school. Admission to this stage occurs automatically at the school. This is the stage during which the future doctor can more accurately determine his medical specialization and become familiar with medical practice in various areas. At this stage, the medical student receives the title of “foundation doctor.”

    Internship- This is the second stage of practical training. It represents mandatory practical training in the chosen medical specialization. Doctors in the UK are divided into two types: general practitioners, who are similar to GPs, and consultant doctors - specialized specialists at clinics. The training programs for these specialists differ in both content and duration. Thus, after graduating from medical school, a general practitioner trains for 5 years, and the training of a consultant physician takes 7–9 years. At the end of the program, the student must receive a “certificate of completion of training,” which provides access to independent medical practice. The General Medical Council deals with issues of access to medical practice.

    Medical degree in UK

    After obtaining the qualification of a doctor, the opportunity to build a scientific career in the field of medicine opens up. There are several ways to defend a dissertation in medicine.
    • Obtaining a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or PhD degree occurs at universities. The duration of full-time MD/PhD programs is 3 to 4 years and is similar to graduate studies in Russian system education. At Cambridge, St. Andrews and Oxford the M.D. is equivalent to the scientific degree of “Doctor of Science”.
    • Medical scientific work possible without obtaining a doctorate degree. For example, there are five-year programs to train clinical laboratory scientists.
    • Additional internship is an optional stage of training that is required for access to research fellowship programs and opens the way to obtaining scientific research sponsored by the state.

    Interesting facts about medical education in the UK

    Photos of UK medical schools
