Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Report on the work of a health center paramedic for the category. Certification work of a kindergarten nurse. Work for the category of kindergarten nurse. Committee "Medical Affairs"

A nurse in a preschool educational institution is an important employee because she monitors the health of children in the institution, the sanitary condition of the educational institution. This responsible person is appointed by the medical institution (children's clinic) to which the school or kindergarten is attached, in agreement with the head of the preschool educational institution. Over the course of a certain period of time (year), the nurse carries out various planned activities to prevent and maintain the health of children, which is included in her job responsibilities. At the end of the year, this employee compiles and submits preschool nurse's report.

Fundamental points in the activities of a preschool nurse

In order to fully work with children on preventive and health measures, as well as providing first aid, all preschool educational institutions must have adequate conditions to support the activities of medical staff. The nurse's workplace must be properly organized and equipped with the necessary equipment and medications for work. At the beginning of the year, the nurse draws up an action plan, a list of necessary medicines and in the annual report reflects whether the institution’s provision was sufficient to carry out its tasks.

Areas of activity of preschool nurse

  • monitoring the characteristics of children’s age-related development (physical, emotional and psychological) and their health;
  • provision of anti-epidemiological, preventive measures;
  • organization of therapeutic and health-improving forms of work with children;
  • control measures over the organization of the daily routine and nutrition of children;
  • checking the implementation of hygienic and sanitary standards;
  • conducting training for staff, children and families in the proper organization of physical and workload according to age standards;
  • timely preparation of an annual work plan, estimates for medicines, reports on activities carried out.

Features of the work of a nurse in a preschool institution

A nurse in a preschool institution is responsible for health promotion activities and timely vaccinations, and for organizing quarantine measures if necessary. Distinctive features of her work with preschoolers are the following:

  • monitors the process of daily admission of children to groups by teaching staff;
  • monitors the organization of the day, children’s walks in the fresh air, physical education minutes, and hardening;
  • carries out preventive measures to prevent injuries and poisoning in the institution;
  • prepares children for communication with a doctor and vaccinations;
  • conducts anthropometric studies and records them in the journal and cards of preschoolers;
  • keeps records of those who are absent due to illness, promptly identifies and isolates a sick child, notifies the family and employees of the institution, and introduces quarantine in case of an emergency;
  • examines children who come after illness and carries out doctor’s orders;
  • carries out quality checks of products, compliance with storage and preparation conditions, participates in menu preparation baby food, and also monitors compliance with all hygienic conditions for organizing the work of the catering department.

She records all this in a journal and then reflects it in the reporting documentation.

The main activities carried out by a nurse at school

A medical worker in a comprehensive school has some distinctive functions from a kindergarten medical worker. Accordingly, this is reflected in the planning of work and in further reporting on the work done. A school nurse, according to her job responsibilities, is responsible for a year's work. This includes the main activities to ensure the healthy development of children in an educational institution. They include several areas:

1. Measures to preserve the health of schoolchildren:

  • examination to prevent the detection of diseases in children and recording the results in a health certificate;
  • ensuring proper organization of morning exercises and physical education classes (or in a health group);
  • implementation of vaccinations for the purpose of prevention and epidemiological prevention measures;
  • control measurements to ensure sanitary standards for organizing the learning process;
  • development and implementation of health improvement programs;
  • organizing training for parents and teachers on health-improving activities;
2. Tasks in catering:
  • monitoring compliance with sanitary requirements for student meals;
  • checking the intended use of products and the quality of ready meals;
  • organizing meals for students and improving nutritional culture;
  • preventive inspection of the catering department;
  • explanatory conversations with parents about the usefulness of hot meals;
  • development of a diet.

How to write a preschool nurse report correctly

First of all, it should be remembered that a detailed listing of all actions according to the job description does not necessarily have to be reflected in the reporting documentation. The report should not look like “a day in the life of a nurse.” It should provide an analysis of your activities for the year. IN preschool nurse's report The following sections and paragraphs must be included:

  1. Organizational section:
  • checking and preparing the medical office and the equipment in it for work throughout the year;
  • checking the list of children who came to the institution and whether they have medical documents in the required format (vaccination cards, medical cards);
  • preparation of accountable documentation ( general plan events for a month, for a year; scheduling vaccinations; compilation of logs: records of examinations, registration of medications, medical examinations, monitoring of children and studies of their physiological data, planning of vaccinations and refusal of them);
  • preparation for prevention and planned examinations (examination of the condition of children, questioning of parents);
  • registration and sending of general reporting papers to the clinic, which is assigned to the child care institution;
  • compiling a list and ordering medical supplies for working with children.
2. Treatment and preventive measures carried out over the year:
  • outpatient visits to children carried out during the year and provision of medical advice or assistance upon request of the child (symptoms of acute respiratory infections, nausea, dizziness, etc.);
  • carried out injury prevention (conversations about traumatic situations, ways to get out of them and prevent their occurrence);
  • carrying out pediculosis measures, recording the inspection results in the card;
  • checking anthropometric measurements, recording them in children’s charts and preventing changes in vision in children (vision testing using a map, recommendations for parents and teaching staff);
  • preparation and provision of scheduled examinations of children by specialists (neurologist, orthopedist, dentist, cardiologist, dermatologist, allergist);
  • registration of inspection indicators by specialists in reporting documentation;
  • checking the dispensary records of boys and girls according to the form;
  • implementation and planning of vaccination measures, recording them in medical journal taking into account the schedule of planned vaccinations or vaccinations;
  • prevention of tuberculosis (are there any children diagnosed with this disease, what measures have been taken);
  • what measures were taken to organize the regime of the institution’s work;
  • whether measures have been taken to improve the health of children in a school or kindergarten (hardening, vitamin supplements, etc.).
3. Monitoring physical education:
  • monitoring methods for checking the state of development of the body of children of different age groups;
  • control and evaluation appearance premises where activities with children are conducted, including physical exercises;
  • assessment of the state of design and equipment for physical education and the work of preventive groups;
  • control over the selection of children for physical education competitions.
  • assessment of the possibility of hardening under operating conditions of a preschool educational institution;
4. Preventive work:
  • organization of measures to prevent infectious diseases (what measures have been taken and what are the results);
  • prevention of tuberculosis and pediculosis (examinations and recommendations, identified results);
  • prevention of intestinal diseases and helminth infections (reflect all activities that were carried out during the year and the results of the inspection).
5. Educational work on sanitary and hygienic education for adults and children:
  • conducting lectures and conversations for employees of the institution (to reflect the topics for teachers, catering workers, technical staff);
  • preparation of lectures and conversations for children and their families (selection of books and magazines on hardening, nutritional regimen, vaccinations).
6. Advanced training:
  • attending special lectures and seminars for preschool medical staff;
  • taking retraining and advanced training courses;
  • study of normative documents, special literature on the profession.

The preschool nurse’s report can contain conclusions about the results of activities, as well as outline goals and objectives for further professional growth. In conclusions from all sections, you need to select those special results, achievements, new forms. Which prove the professional activity of the health worker, are evidence of his professional competence.

I. Organizational events

II. Treatment and preventive work

III. Control of children's physical education

VI. Training

I. Organizational arrangements

1. Reconciliation of the lists of children enrolled in a preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the preschool educational institution), and checking the availability of the following medical documents:

Card of preventive vaccinations (form No. 063/у);

Child development history (form No. 112/у);

Child's medical record (form No. 026/у-2000).

2. Preparation of the following reporting medical documents and journals that meet the established requirements:

weekly work schedule;

list and frequency of medical examinations, research and professional hygienic training;

journal for monitoring the sanitary condition of the preschool educational institution;

medical examination log;

magazine spring cleaning treatment room (isolator);

biological accident log;

logbook for recording and monitoring the operation of the bactericidal lamp;

logbook temperature regime refrigeration equipment;

dispensary journal;

lice examination log;

book of contacts with carriers of acute infectious diseases;

infectious diseases register;

child observation log;

journal of anthropometric measurements;

children's movement log;

vaccination refusal log;

deworming log;

preventive vaccination planning log;

log of preventive vaccinations;

register of children sent to a tuberculosis clinic.

3. Analysis of the health of newly admitted children. drawing up child health sheets based on examination results.

4. Preparation for preventive examinations of children:

parent survey;

blood pressure measurement;

conducting anthropometry;


Kern–Jerasik test.

Data on acute morbidity and exacerbations of chronic diseases and functional disorders in children attending kindergarten No. 22 "Orlyonok" are given in Appendices 1, 2.

5. Planning and drawing up the following documents:

comprehensive work plan for the year;

monthly work plan;

annual plan for preventive vaccinations;

vaccination planning table (when performing vaccinations, written parental consent is required).

6. Sending reporting documentation in the established form to Children's City Clinic No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as DGP No. 1).

7. Statement of funds necessary for the operation of the medical office:


dressing material;

emergency medications.

II. Treatment and preventive work

1. Carrying out outpatient visits to pupils. 45 requests were registered regarding the provision of primary health care, including:

with symptoms of acute respiratory diseases;


2. Prevention of injuries:

instilling in children the ability to recognize traumatic situations and avoid them;

elimination of unfavorable environmental conditions in which the child lives.

3. Carrying out examinations of children for head lice, recording the examination results in a special journal.

4. Carrying out anthropometry, including:

carrying out anthropometric measurements of pupils;

recording data in a log of anthropometric measurements;

control over the compliance of the sizes of tables and chairs with the height of children.

5. Prevention of visual impairment in children:

conducting annual vision examinations for pupils;

entering data into medical documents;

conversations with parents, referral to a specialist;

6. Conducting routine preventive examinations of pupils:

– involvement of specialists from DGP No. 1:








– laboratory tests of blood and urine;

– conducting electrocardiography.

7. Entering the results of examinations into the medical documents of pupils, drawing up a report.

As a result of examination of 116 people, children with chronic diseases were identified. Referrals were given for additional examinations of children at their place of residence, and recommendations for their further health improvement. Pupils with chronic diseases and frequently ill children (hereinafter referred to as FSD) were registered at the dispensary.

8. Carrying out clinical observation of children with health group III according to form No. 30/u-04.

9. Organization of examination for helminths.

116 children were examined. The disease has not been identified.

10. Organization of vaccination work.

The basis of this work is the availability of complete and reliable information about the health of children attending preschool educational institutions. For timely registration of children subject to vaccination, a log of preventive vaccinations is kept. The magazine for the current year is planned in accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, approved. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 31, 2011 No. 51n “On approval of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications.”

Data on vaccination in 2011 are shown in the table.

Vaccination of pupils of MBDOU - kindergarten No. 22 "Orlyonok" in 2011.

11. Organization of tuberculin diagnostics of pupils with identification of children at risk for tuberculosis, referral to a phthisiatrician for examination.

Work results:

9 people were sent for examination;

9 people were examined;

preventive treatment was provided for 5 people.

12. Monitoring compliance with the regulations:

study load;

duration of walks;

catering arrangements.

13. Carrying out health improvement for children in preschool educational institutions:

vitamin therapy;

hardening procedures;

classes to prevent postural disorders.

III. Control of children's physical education

1. Monitoring physical education in preschool educational institutions.

2. Distribution of children into physical education groups in accordance with the results of preventive examinations.

3. Formation of preparatory and special physical education groups, exercise therapy groups.

4. Monitoring the health and development of children, the functionality of the child’s body.

5. Monitoring the sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises and area where physical exercises are carried out with children.

6. Monitoring the sanitary and hygienic condition of sports and physical education equipment and inventory, the condition of children’s clothing and shoes.

7. Medical and pedagogical observations of the organization of the motor regime, methods of carrying out various forms physical exercise and its effect on the child’s body.

8. Control of hardening implementation.

9. Control of the selection of children to participate in sports competitions.

10. Organization and holding of Health Days in preschool educational institutions.

IV. Anti-epidemic work

1. Prevention of infectious diseases:

familiarization with sanitary and epidemiological rules "Organization of immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases. SP3.3.2367-08", approved. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2008 No. 34;

disinfection of preschool premises;

control of catering;

organization of immunization;

carrying out quarantine measures in connection with diseases of scarlet fever, chicken pox, acute intestinal diseases

2. Prevention of tuberculosis:

familiarization with sanitary and epidemiological rules "Prevention of tuberculosis. SP 3.1.1295-03", approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor 04/18/2003;

tuberculin diagnostics of pupils;

organization of examination of children at risk referred to a TB specialist;

conversations with parents.

3. Prevention of intestinal infections:

familiarization with sanitary and epidemiological rules "Prevention of acute intestinal infections. SP", approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation 03/17/2002;

monitoring compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in preschool educational institutions and catering units;

control of personal hygiene of pupils, staff, catering workers;

medical surveillance of contact persons;

carrying out disinfection.

4. Prevention of head lice:

familiarization with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 26, 1998 No. 342 “On strengthening measures to prevent epidemic typhus and combat lice”;

Conducting a weekly examination of pupils in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations. SanPiN2.4.1.2660-10", approved. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010 No. 91.

5. Prevention of helminthiases:

examination of pupils;

sand processing in sandboxes;

covering sandboxes with animal-proof lids.

V. Sanitary education work

Organizing lectures and conversations with preschool staff, students and their parents (legal representatives).

1. Topics of lectures for children:

"We are for a healthy lifestyle";

"Learn to eat right";

"Personal hygiene of a preschooler";

"Learning to brush your teeth correctly";

"Prevention of enterobiasis - clean palms";

2. Topics of lectures for catering workers:

"Prevention of intestinal infections";

"Personal hygiene of catering staff";

"Organization of the catering department during quarantine";

"Staphylococcal infection";


"Foodborne toxic infections";

3. Topics of lectures for the teaching staff:

"Injury Prevention";

"Air-thermal regime";

"Report on the results of medical examination and morbidity of children";

"Prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza";

"Prevention of acute intestinal diseases";

"Prevention of enterobiasis";

“Providing first aid for fainting, heatstroke and sunstroke”;

"Scarlet fever";

"Chicken pox";

"Rotovirus infection";

"Prevention of tuberculosis";

4. Lecture topics for technical personnel:

“Sanitary condition of group premises, compliance with the disinfection regime”;

"Personal hygiene of technical personnel."

5. Topics of lectures for parents:

"How to detect pediculosis";

“What is a “button””;

"Prevention of tuberculosis";

"Prevention of colds";

"Hygiene of a preschooler";

"Prevention of flat feet and scoliosis at home";

“Vaccination in a child’s life”;

“Prevention of rotavirus infection”;

"Scarlet fever";

"Chicken pox";


VI. Training

Forms of advanced training used in preschool educational institutions:

1. Completion of cycles of specialization, improvement, professional retraining: training at Ulnovsky Medical College No. 2 within the framework of the thematic improvement cycle “Health of Children and Adolescents” in the amount of 144 hours (September 2010).

2. Attending lectures, seminars, and briefings at DGP No. 1.

3. Study of regulatory documents.

4. Use of reference and methodological literature; professional magazines.

(“Medical care and nutrition in pre-school educational institutions”, “Raising healthy children”, “Physical and health work in pre-school educational institutions”, “All about hardening”.)

Annex 1

Acute morbidity in children

Appendix 2

Exacerbations of chronic diseases

and functional disorders of children,

attending MBDOU - kindergarten No. 22 “Orlyonok”

Annual activity report

older nurse kindergarten №40 .

1.Organizational measures

2. Treatment and preventive work

3.Control of children’s physical education

4. Anti-epidemic work

5. Sanitary education work

6.Advanced training

1.Organizational measures

*Reconciliation of lists of children enrolled in preschool educational institutions

d/s No. 40, and checking the availability of the following medical documents:

Card of preventive vaccinations (form No. 63/u);

dispensary journal;

lice examination log;

infectious diseases register;

child observation log;

journal of anthropometric measurements;

preventive vaccination planning log;

log of preventive vaccinations;

register of children sent to a tuberculosis clinic.

*Analysis of the health of newly admitted children. Compiling child health sheets

based on inspection results.

*Preparation for preventive examinations of children:

carrying out anthropometry.

*Planning and preparation of the following documents:

comprehensive work plan for the year;

annual plan for preventive vaccinations;

vaccination planning table (written parental consent).

*Sending reporting documentation in the established form to the Children’s City

clinic No. 1.

*Extract of funds necessary for the operation of the medical office:


dressing material;

emergency medications.

2. Treatment and preventive work

*Injury prevention:

educating children in the ability to recognize traumatic situations and avoid them;

elimination of unfavorable environmental conditions in which the child lives.

*Conducting examinations of children for pediculosis, recording the examination results in

special magazine.

*Prevention of visual impairment in children:

conducting annual vision examinations for pupils;

entering data into medical documents;

conversations with parents, referral to a specialist;

*Conducting routine preventive examinations of pupils:

-involvement of specialists from the Republic of Belarus No. 1.


Laboratory tests of blood and urine.

*entering the results of examinations into the medical documents of students,

compilation of a report.

As a result of an examination of 35 people, children with chronic

diseases. Referrals were given for additional examinations of children. Recommendations for their further improvement. Pupils with chronic diseases and frequently ill children are registered at the dispensary.

*Organization of examination for helminths .

35 children were examined. The disease has not been identified.

*Vaccination of pupils of MBDOU-kindergarten No. 40 in 2012.

*Organization of tuberculin diagnostics of pupils with identification of children

risk groups for tuberculosis, referral for examination to

Work results:

3 people were sent for examination;

3 people were examined;

*Monitoring compliance with regulations :

study load;

duration of walks;


3.Control of children’s physical education .

*Control of physical education in preschool educational institutions.

*Control of the sanitary and hygienic condition of sports and physical education facilities

equipment and inventory, condition of clothing and shoes.

*Organization and holding of health days in preschool educational institutions.

4. Anti-epidemic work .

*Prevention of infectious diseases:

disinfection of preschool premises;

control of catering;

organization of immunization;

*Prevention of tuberculosis:

tuberculin diagnostics of pupils;

Conversations with parents.

*Prevention of intestinal infections:

monitoring compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in preschool educational institutions;

control of personal hygiene of pupils, staff, workers;

*Prevention of pediculosis:

Conducting weekly examinations of pupils in accordance with sanitary

epidemiological rules and regulations.

5. Sanitary education work.

Organizing lectures and conversations with staff at preschool educational institutions and parents.

Lecture topics for children:

1. “We are for a healthy lifestyle.”

2. “Learn to eat right.”

3.”Personal hygiene of a preschooler”.

Topics of lectures for teaching staff:

1.Prevention of injuries.

2. Air-thermal regime.

3. Prevention of ARVI and influenza.

Lecture topics for parents:

1.How to detect lice.

2.What is a “button”.

3.Hygiene of a preschooler.

6.Advanced training.

1.Attending lectures and seminars.

2. Study of regulatory documents.

(Organization of nutrition in preschool educational institutions. Raising children healthy.)

Open Hearth Shopis one of the leading workshops of OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, producing high-quality steel. The open hearth shop consists of the following sections:

  1. furnace department;
  2. bottling department;
  3. mixing department;
  4. charge yard;
  5. train preparation department.

    Furnace department– the main department of the workshop where the steel-smelting furnaces are located. Sinter, limestone, scrap metal, liquid cast iron and other components (fuel + oxygen) are loaded into the furnace. The main hazards of this area: silicate-containing dust, metal aerosols, heat, thermal radiation, sudden temperature changes.

    Bottling department– serves for pouring finished steel into ladles and its further pouring from the ladle into the castings. Here, ladles are prepared for melting, they are lined with refractory bricks, steel chutes, sopors, slag bowls are prepared, slag is removed and received.

    Hazards of this area: silica-hazardous dust, metal aerosols, high temperature, light and thermal radiation, noise up to 89 dB.

    Mixing department serves for receiving and storing liquid cast iron received from the blast furnace shop, which is poured into mixing barrels. As needed, cast iron is poured from a barrel into cast iron ladles and delivered by electric locomotive to the furnace department for refueling steel-smelting furnaces. Hazards: metal aerosols, high temperature, thermal radiation, noise.

    Charge yard – designed for storing scrap metal and bulk production components. Harmful: noise, silica hazardous dust.

    Train Preparation Department engaged in the preparation of compositions for steel casting. Hazards: silica-hazardous dust, metal aerosols, high temperature, temperature changes.

    Number of employees in the workshop: 800, of which:

    steelworkers and helpers - 130 people.

    pourers and ladle workers – 95 people.

    crane operators – 163 people.

    fireproofers – 50 people.

    mechanics – 69 people.

    electricians – 36 people.

    gas welders – 34 people.

    train preparers – 38 people.

    others – 161 people.

    Engineers – 50 people.

    Of these, 65 are women.

    Working from 16 00 – 145 people, in night shift– 145 people.

    Table 1

    Distribution of workers by observation groups

Number of employees

The first group is practically healthy

The second group – those at risk by profession

Group 2 B – endangered by diseases


35 group ChDB

Health center open hearth shop is working around the clock. Health center staff: senior paramedic, 3 on-duty paramedics, 1 nurse. The health center is located on the 1st floor of the administrative building of the open-hearth shop, occupies an area of ​​122 m 2 .

The following offices are available:

Reception office - 13 m 2 , treatment room - 13m 2 , dressing room - 13 m 2 , massage room 18 m 2 , office F.T.L. - 18 m 2 , doctor's office 16 m 2, household 3 m 2, bathroom - 3 m 2.

The physiotherapy room is equipped with the following equipment: tube ultraviolet radiation; UGN-1 stationary mercury-quartz irradiator; UFO portable; UHF-66; "Iskra-1"; ultrasonic inhaler “Vulcan-1”4 mechanotherapy table; vacuum massager. Stockwith dressings, alcohol, a sanitary bag for emergency care, anti-shock packing, an artificial respiration apparatus, oxygen pillows, a set of splints, gastric lavage tubes, a sufficient amount of sterile containers for collecting vomit, a stretcher; breathalyzer, refrigerators for storing medicines, manipulation tables, couches, centralized oxygen supply, steam sterilizer GP-10- 1 , “Anti AIDS” first aid kits with a set of tools for AIDS prevention; a set of tablet and injection medications to provide I assistance and anti-relapse treatment; disinfectants and detergents.

I work in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

No. 408 dated 07/12/89. on measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country, paragraph 3.1. SP 958-00

No. 720 of July 31, 1978 on improving medical care for purulent surgical diseases and strengthening measures and combatingnosocomial infections.

OST 42-21-2-85 on sterilization of medical supplies. Quality control of pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments for the presence of blood: azopyram test, for the presence of a detergent - phenolphthalein test. From 2.88.

Order No. 254 of September 3, 1991 on the development of deconstruction in the country.

No. 28-6/13 dated 05/08/88. Quality control of pre-sterilization cleaning of medical products using azopyram.

In order to improveWhen diagnosing and preventing infectious diseases, I am guided in my work by the following regulatory documents.

Order No. 288 dated March 23, 1976. “On the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime of hospitals and medical services. institutions."

No. 475 of 16.89 “On measures to further improve the prevention of acute intestinal infections.”

No. 1089 dated 08/13/86. “On strengthening the fight against helminthiasis.”

No. 139 of 03/02/89 “On measures to reduce the incidence of typhoid and paratyphoid fever in the country.”

No. 171 dated 04/27/90. "On epidemiological surveillance of malaria."

No. 342 dated November 28, 1998. "About the futurestrengthening and improving measures for the prevention of typhus and the fight against pediculosis.”

No. 36 dated 02/03/97. “On improving measures for the prevention of diphtheria.”

No. 174 dated 05.17.99. "Prevention of tetanus."

SP 3.1096-96 Vet. Rules 13.3, 1103-96 “On the prevention of rabies.”

No. 297 M.Z. RF dated October 3, 1997 “On the procedure for preventing rabies.”

No. 324 dated November 22, 1995. “On improving anti-tuberculosis care,Instructions of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated August 27, 1973.

No. 1142 “On the procedure for mandatory professional examinations, on the procedure for admitting persons with tuberculosis to work in certain professions.”

No. 286 dated December 7, 1993, guidelines dated August 29, 1968 No. 06 19/15 “On the prevention of scabies.”

No. 25 of January 27, 1998, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On strengthening measures to prevent influenza and other ARVIs.”

No. 170 dated August 16, 1994 “On AIDS prevention.”

No. 295 dated 05/30/95. “On measures to improve the prevention and treatment of HIV. infections in the Russian Federation, on the introduction of rules for mandatory examination for HIV. infection."

Order No. 616 of September 29, 1989 “On pre-shift medical examinations.”

No. 198/64 dated 03/31/89. joint order between the plant and the city health department “On conducting pre-shift and pre-trip inspections.”

No. 141 dated 9.05.90 “On improving measures to prevent tick-borne encephalitis.”

No. 229 “On the national calendar of professional vaccinations”

No. 202 dated 9.03. 78. “On approval of instructions for professional vaccinations against tuberculosis.”

No. 90.409 Orders according to prof. examinations with the participation of narrow specialists.

№330 dated 11/12/97 Responsibility for obtaining N.L.S. and their accomplices. Organization of medication records.

No. 328 of 08.23.95 “On medicines subject to substantive and quantitative accounting”

No. 130 Appendix No. 6 dated 23.0694 “Regulations on the paramedic health center.

Job description dated 1.03. 99 according to MSCh OJSC MMK and A.G. Magnitogorsk, approved by the head. doctor "O" functional responsibilities employees of health centers of the MMK medical unit" in accordance withwith which it is necessary:

comply with the rules of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regimes, asepsis, properly store and handle, sterilize and use medical products for the patient and medical personnel.

I rationally organize my work in accordance with work quality criteria. I follow the rules of personal hygiene. I work in overalls: a clean robe, a cap, spare shoes. I take precautions when processing instruments: careful handling of sharp objects, using safety glasses, a mask, latex gloves of sufficient thickness, a waterproof apron, removing foreign organic and inorganic substances from the instruments using a brush and a cotton-gauze swab before disinfection in a disinfectant solution in 0.2% Javel Solida solution. Disinfection is carried out according to the classification of items according to the categories of risk of transferring H.B.I.

We carry out disinfection in Javel Solida solution. Working solutions are prepared in enamel, glass or plastic containers by dissolving Javel Solid tablets in water. A 0.1% solution of Javel Solida is obtained by dissolving 7 tablets in 10liters of water.02.% solution of Javel Solida - when dissolving 14 tablets in 10 liters of water.

0.06% solution of J.S. when dissolving 4 tablets in 10 liters of water

Medical products made of corrosion-resistant materials, glass, rubber, plastics (pipettes, probes, gloves, dishes, beakers, tubes) are disinfected in a 0.1% solution of Javel Solida for an hour with full immersion. Disposable syringes and instruments contaminated with blood are disinfected in a 0.2% Javel Solida solution with full immersion, filling all channels, placing a load on top for an hour. We recycle the syringes. Linen, dressings contaminated with 0.2% blood - within an hour. Indoor surfaces, couches, tables are treated with 0.06% Javel Solida solution. Exposure for an hour. Aqueous solutions of Zhevel Solida have a shelf life of 72 hours. Then the instruments are washed with running water until the disinfectant is completely removed.

Pre-sterilization treatment of instruments is carried out by soaking the instrument while completely immersed in a washing solution heated to 50 ° for 15 minutes. We wash the instruments in a washing solution with a brush or a cotton-gauze swab. We prepare the washing solution: 5.0 detergent: Lotus, Astra, Aina, Progress, Marichka, Zifa and 17.0 -33% perhydrol solution; add up to 1 liter of water. We use washing solution during the day.

Rinse the tools with running water until any remaining detergent is removed for 10 minutes.

Rinse with distilled water 2-3 times and dry.

According to Order 254 “On the development of disinfection in the country,” self-monitoring of the quality of processing is carried out daily, covering 1% or 3 products no less for residual or occult blood azopyram test. Azopyram with 3% solution N 2 O 2 in a 1:1 ratio, apply to the test products using a pipette. In the presence of traces of blood, immediately or no later than 1 minute after contact of the reagent with the contaminated area, a color appears, initially violet, then quickly, within a few seconds, turning into pinkish-lilac or brownish. Coloring occurring later than 1 minute is not taken into account.

Check for detergent residue with a 1% alcohol solution of phenolphthalein. If detergent is present, the clear phenolphthalein solution will appear pinkish-purple. The results are recorded in the quality log of pre-sterilization treatment. Honey. documentation F No. 366-4, approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR on October 4, 1980. order No. 1030.

We carry out sterilization in a steam autoclave GK10-1. all products are autoclaved at a pressure of 2 atmospheres, temperature 132 ° for 20 minutes at

2-layer calico packaging in the form of pockets, for dressings, treatment rooms, eye tables and spatulas.

Shelf life 3 days.

We monitor the quality of sterilization using thermal-temporal paper indicators, comparing with the standard carried out by the head of the health center upon receipt of the indicator. The results are noted in the steam sterilizer operation log.

We chemically sterilize the tubes in a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution at a temperature of 18° for 6 hours with full immersion. After sterilization, rinse with running water until the hydrogen peroxide solution is completely removed for 10 minutes. Then rinse with distilled water for 2-3 minutes. Dry and store in a sterile box for 3 days.

The collection of sterile material is carried out using sterile tweezers and forceps, which are stored in a dry, sterile form.

Current disinfection is carried out according to order No. 288 3 times a day with 0.06% Javel Solida solution with irradiation with a bactericidal lamp in the dressing room and treatment room for 25 minutes based on the formula for irradiation. Procedural cubic capacity 46 m 3 and dressing room 45 m 3.

46 m 3 * 45 m 3 / 60 = 25 minutes

General cleaning is carried out once a week according to the schedule of the senior paramedic. Disinfection with 5% chloramine solution or 0.2% Javel Solida solution. Exposure 1 hour. Walls, ceilings, household items are treated, washed with a 0.5% detergent solution. Wash off clean water. We irradiate with a bactericidal lamp for 25 minutes.

Quality control of the processing of instruments is carried out using azopyra, phenolphthalein samples, and thermal time indicators; the results of control are recorded in the appropriate logs, checked every shift by a senior paramedic.

Quarterly, the head of health centers takes testsfrom paramedics in their specialty and in sanitary epidemiology. regime according to a 5-point system, organizes visiting commissions with examination of dignity. epidemiological regime and examinationlabor activity of the health center with registration of examination results using a 5-point system in the journal of comments and suggestions for the health center. When re-departing, the commission checks the implementation of the recommendations given during the previous departure. The results of inspections are discussed in reports; sum up the results and outline an action plan to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Every year the work of the salary point is checked by the S.E.S. doctor. with control of sanitary epidemics. regime with the preparation of an inspection report, a copy of the report is transferred to the head physician, and the appropriate conclusions are drawn.

I take precautions against infection at work. I give myself preventive vaccinations against influenza, diphtheria, tetanus, and V. hepatitis. I wash my hands before and after any patient contact.

I consider the blood and liquid secretions of all patients as potentially infected and work with them only with gloves.

I carry out injections, dressings and disposal of waste materials in strict accordance with existing orders and recommendations. I use eye protection - goggles and masks to prevent possible splashes of blood and liquid secretions from getting into my face. I use waterproof aprons to protect the body from possible splashes of blood or liquid secretions. The most real risk of infection occurs when gloves are torn or punctured, which can expose contaminated material to the skin. Composition of a first aid kit for the prevention of HIV infections: 5% iodine solution, finger pads, gloves, bactericidal adhesive plaster, dry sample for preparing 0.05% potassium permanganate solution, glasses, 70° alcohol, 1% chloramine solution, 20% sodium sulfacyl solution - eye drops.

If the patient's discharge or blood gets on the skin, treat it with 70° alcohol, wash with soap and water, and re-disinfect it with 70° alcohol. Treat the mucous membranes with 0.05% potassium permanganate solution; Rinse your mouth and throat with 70° alcohol. Don't rub. For injections and cuts, squeeze the blood out of the wound with 1% chloramine solution, then with 70° alcohol and treat the wound with 5% iodine, seal it with a bactericidal adhesive plaster, and put on a finger cap. Make an entry in the Anti-AIDS journal indicating the date when contact with someone else's blood occurred, full name. persons with whom contact occurred. Face painting.

Help with anaphylactic shockmust be carried out as quickly as possible. An anti-shock set of medications and instruments necessary for providing emergency care is available at the health center: solution of adrenaline 0.1% in amp. No. 10, mezaton 1%, norepinephrine- 0,2 % -10 amp., Suprastin 2% -10 amp., Tavegil 0.1% -10 amp., solution of prednisolone 5 ml for IV - 10 amp, aminophylline 2.4% - 10 ml - 10 amp., solution korglykon - 0.06% in ampoules, sodium chloride solution 0.85% - 10 amps., glucose solution 40% in ampoules. No. 20, “hlosol” solution, air duct for mouth breathingin the mouth, artificial respiration apparatus, disposable sterile intravenous infusion system - 2 pcs., sterile syringes (20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 ml), needles for them, rubber tourniquet, ethyl alcohol70° - 100 ml., mouth dilator, tongue holder – 1 pc., gauze swabs for mucus removal, metal holder for tampons – 1 pc., scalpel, sterile scissors, oxygen cushion.

If a patient suspects anaphylactic shock, it is urgent to call a doctor through the staff on duty. Immediately stop administering the medication, place the patient on the couch (head below feet): turn the head to the side, extend the lower jaw, remove dentures (if any). In case of s/callergen injection, apply a tourniquet above the injection site (for 25 minutes). Inject the injection site with 0.3-0.5 ml of 0.1% adrenaline solution with 5 ml of saline. Solution. Apply a heating pad with cold water to the injection site for 10-15 minutes. Inject 0.3 ml of 0.1% adrenaline solution into the limb free from the tourniquet. When introducing an allergen intravenously, we immediately stop the injection and inject 0.15-0.5 adrenaline 0.1% with 9.0 saline into this needle with another syringe. solution, with suprastin or diphenhydramine. We measure blood pressure, P S . We give oxygen through the air duct. If blood pressure does not stabilize, we urgently begin intravenous drip administration of “chlosol” with norepinephrine. Glucocorticosteroid drugs are administered intravenously: prednisolone 60-120 mg, dexamethasone 8-16 mg, or hydrocortisone 125-250 mg. 2 ml of 0.1% tavegil solution or 2 ml of 2% suprastin solution are injected intramuscularly. For bronchospasm, intravenousinject 10 ml of 2.4% aminophylline solution into saline. solution. Cardiac glycosides - corglycone and respiratory analeptics are used according to indications.

If necessary, accumulated secretions and vomit are sucked out of the respiratory tract, and oxygen therapy is started. In case of cardiac and respiratory arrest, we perform indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration, calling the intensive care unit through the staff ambulance. We are hospitalized on a stretcher.

Traumatic shock– severe reactive general condition of the body, developingsoon after injury, is characterized by a sharp decrease in tissue perfusion, which, without adequate treatment, quickly leads to generalized dysfunction of cells and death. The main symptoms of shock: skin – cold, pale, damp; “white spot” symptom - slow filling of skin capillaries after compression (more than 2 sec), tachycardia, first excitement, then lethargy, decrease in systolic blood pressure less than 100 mm Hg, decrease in pulse pressure less than 20 mm Hg, decrease diuresis. After examining the patient, call the resuscitation team. In case of breathing problems, clear the airways from mucus, blood, and vomit.

To improve the conductivity of the respiratory tract, the patient's head is thrown back as much as possible, lifting the chin upward and bringing the lower jaw forward. By opening the patient’s mouth, make sure that there are no food masses or foreign bodies in the oral cavity. If there are any, they are removed using a napkin. We insert the endotracheal tube, moving its end into the trachea by 5-7 cm. After making sure that the tube is positioned correctly, we fix it to the patient’s head and begin artificial ventilation of the lungs using an Ambu bag.

Stop the bleeding. In case of external bleeding, it is stopped by packing the wound, applying a pressure bandage, or clamping the bleeding vessel, as well as pressing it outside the wound. In case of arterial bleeding, we apply a tourniquet, indicating the time of its installation. We treat the edges of the wound with a 5% iodine solution. Apply an aseptic dressing

2. Disinfect. analgin 50% - 2.4 ml, baralgin, tramal, if there is pain.

3. Immobilize limbs for fractures.

4. We carry out intensive infusion-transfusion therapy. Crystalloid solutions (5% glucose solution 400, electrolyte mixtures such as Ringer's solution, Ringer-Locke - 800), colloid solutions - polyglucin, rheopolyglucin, while conducting a compatibility test in 3 stages of 15-25 ml every 5 minutes. We administer corticosteroid drugs: prednisolone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone;antihistamines (suprastin, diphenhydramine). When the pressure drops, adrenaline is administered, which is diluted in 200-500 ml of liquid.

Transportation of a patient in a state of shock is carried out under the control of vital functions with the leg end of the stretcher raised. For an uncertain blood pressure level, jet infusion into two veinsin one - crystalloid solutions, in the other - polyglucin.

For hypertensive crisisa triad of signs is characteristic: a relatively sudden onset, an individually high rise in blood pressure, the presence of complaintscardiac, cerebral (cerebral) and general vegetative nature. After the examination, if there is a suspicion of: acute myocardial infarction, hemorrhagic stroke, with a convulsive form of crisis and pulmonary edema, with nosebleeds, a rapid decrease in blood pressure is required to individually “habitual” numbers, if they are not known, then to 160/90 mm Hg. We slowly administer clonidine 1 ml 0.01% solution intravenously per 9 ml solution NaCL under blood pressure control, if the pressure does not decrease, then we do Lasix 2 ml IM, diazepam 2 ml IM. For heart pain, we give nitroglycerin sublingually, make fentanyl 1 ml 0.005% solution with droperidol 1 ml IV diluted. For seizures - sodium hydroxybutyrate 10-20 ml 20% IV very slowly, Lasix. All patients with complicated crises are hospitalized (with heart failure, heart rhythm disturbances, cerebrovascular accidents, vascular complications, nosebleeds, hemorrhages in the eyes). If the hypertensive crisis is relieved and the patient’s condition is stable, he can be left at work with blood pressure re-measured after 3 hours.

If there is a lack of insulin in the body, a diabetic coma (hyperglycemic coma) may occur. Develops gradually. Its appearance is preceded by malaise, loss of appetite, and headache. In hyperglycemic coma, the patient is in a state of prostration, consciousness is darkened, the skin is pale, the mucous membranes and skin are dry, Kussmaul breathing is accompanied by a sharp deepening of the sigh and a decrease in the respiratory rate. Exhaled air smells of acetone. The pulse is weak, blood pressure is reduced 70-80 mm Hg (systolic). Collapse, vomiting, abdominal pain. The temperature is normal. There is a high concentration of sugar in the blood (27-30 mmol/l). emergency care: administered intravenously 40 units. insulin with 20mm 5% glucose solution. The patient is hospitalized in a hospital, where further treatment is carried out.

Hypoglycemic coma occurs in diabetic patients after injecting too much insulin.

Hypoglycemic coma develops acutely. Excitement, loss of consciousness, delirium, convulsions, increased skin moisture, and hyperemia occur. Breathing is unchanged, pulse is rapid, often arrhythmic. Blood pressure is reduced. The tone of the eyeballs is normal, the pupils are dilated. Blood sugar is 3 mmol/l or lower. With such a development of coma, loss of consciousness is preceded by the patient's appearance of hunger, weakness, sweating, dizziness, drowsiness, tachycardia, convulsive muscle twitching, transient speech disorders, parasthesia and paresis. Urgent Care. Inject 20-40 ml of 40% glucose solution with 6.8 units of insulin intravenously. For hypostasis, 4-6 pieces of sugar with hot tea. In severe cases, we administer 0.3-0.1% adrenaline solution intramuscularly. In severe hypoglycemic coma, emergency hospitalization in the therapeutic department is indicated.

In case of mass food poisoning: prohibit trade in the product suspected of being poisoned, weigh it, draw up a report. Notify heads. to the medical doctor about the incident and request the organization of assistance from specialized ambulance teams with sterile equipment and consultants.

Report epidemiological SES department, head doctor of SES tank. laboratory. At the same time, call the shop manager and ask for an order to organize work to identify victims, carrying out educational work among workers, avoiding panic and taking personal safety measures. Make lists of victims according to the form. With the help of activists, organize a) ongoing disinfection in the workshop, do not use the sink, dress according to the instructions. In case of food poisoning, when washing the stomach with 2% baking soda solution - up to clean rinsing water. Vomit is taken for bacteriological into sterile containers, tightly closed with lids. Attached accompanying document, in which they indicate: full name, age, diagnosis of the patient, date of collection of the material, nature of the material, surname of the medical specialist. employee.

Provide the patient with the necessary medical care. assistance with cases of moderate severity and heavy - intravenous saline solutions, in the lungs - saline solutions orally (Rehydron, tsitroglucosalan). Upon arrival, consultants provide basic information, hand over lists of victims, and issue referrals to the hospital.

If a patient experiences a myocardial infarction (ischemic necrosis of an area of ​​the heart muscle with loss of its ability to contract. This is an emergency condition requiring urgent hospitalization. Mortality is maximum in the first two hours). I'm calling the resuscitation team. I'm conducting an examination. I measure blood pressure, P S , I inhale oxygen, give aspirin 0.25 orally, chewed. When systolic blood pressure is more than 100 mm Hg. I give 1 t of nitroglycerin sublingually, after 5 minutes, if the pain has not stopped, then I repeat (under blood pressure control). If blood pressure is less than 100 mm Hg, then we do 50% - 4.0 analgin with diazepam 1 ml IV. If there is paindid not stop when systolic blood pressure is more than 100 mm Hg, we make fentanyl 0.005% 1 mlwith droperidol 1 ml IV diluted, and if blood pressure is less than 100 mm Hg, then we do fentanyl 1 ml - 0.005% IV diluted inhalation nitrous oxide with oxygen 1:1. Transport on a stretcher under monitoring of vital functions.

In 2001 I carried out the following work:

Received 4252 patients with the necessary examinations, providing first aid and referred 96 patients to medical institutions, of which on K.S.P. - 15; with information from the shop manager about persons who did not leave to work.

Conducted 7,715 pre-trip health examinations of workerswith measurement of blood pressure, P S , body temperature and psychological examination. Examined 460 people for pediculosis, 10 for athlete's foot.

Conducted an examination of 780 workers and repaired micro-injuries to 34 workers.

Monitored the sanitary and technical condition of the casting bay, the area around the workshop, the operation of ventilation, illumination of workplaces, the presence of drafts, the presence and correct use of personal protective equipment, the presence and condition of special equipment. clothes, industrial condition atmosphere. Drew up 11 reports with the H&S engineer, gave 18 proposals, of which 16 were implemented.

Checked the sanitary state of the drinking regime, with thermometrydrinking water, checked the presence of saline solution, gas. water, tea, illumination of drinking points, the presence of mugs, functioning of devices for washing glasses. She drew up 11 acts in the presence of the person responsible for the drinking regime, made 14 proposals, of which 13 were implemented.

Stated the dignity. condition of showers and washing facilities, work

washing and shower facilities, operation of sanitary equipment (washbasins, shower heads, toilet flushes), availabilityand the use of disinfectants and detergents funds.

Compliance with the rules for preparing disinfectants. Monitored the operation of supply and exhaust ventilation and heating systems, and the lighting of showers.

Checked the implementation of the plan for washing and repairing special equipment. Clothes. Quality washing repair special. Clothes. 11 reports were drawn up for the inspection of shower rooms, together with the work distributor responsible for the condition of the household premises. 15 proposals were given, which were implemented.

Conducted an inspection of the workshop canteen and made 72 suggestions, which were implemented immediately. During the inspection of the canteen, she checked compliance with sanitary rules for cooking,storage, tradefood products, the presence of disinfectants and detergents, the operation of technological and refrigeration equipment, the condition of kitchen and tableware, the rules for their use and processing, checkedcompliance with personal hygiene rules by canteen workers, availability and condition of special equipment. clothes. I checked the marriage magazine and the Health magazine. All examination results were noted in the sanitary journal of the canteen. Conducted individual interviews.

During the year, she registered 250 sick leaves with temporaryloss of ability to work, with individual conversations about the improvement and prevention of this disease, about healthy way life, and, if necessary, prescribed physiotherapeutic treatment.

Monthly, quarterly and annually, we analyzed the incidence of temporary disability by profession and compared the results with the previous year. The results of the morbidity analysis are brought to the attention of the workshop doctor and the workshop administrationand measures are taken to reduce morbidity, issues are resolvedon preparing workplaces for work in the autumn-winter and summer periods, maintaining drinking conditions, timely repair of ventilation units and air conditioners, inspection and repair of heating systems, sufficient lighting and safety of workplaces. Improving the health of workers in recreational facilities, health centers and resorts.

For the purpose of early detection of diseases, in particular occupational ones, as well as to resolve the issue of professional suitability, a periodic medical examination is carried out annually according to Order No. 90.

Professional examination according to order No. 90


Number of subjects

Number of people examined

% coverage

Identified endangered

Quantity identified. with prof. pathology of the yoke

Taken under observation.

Identified with other diseases.

Taken under observation.

2001 (reporting)




After the medical examination, she monitored, together with the shop doctor, the implementation of recommendations, referred those in need for further examination to the diagnostic center, as well as for consultation with specialized specialists. The issue is resolved jointly with the workshop administration and the workshop doctor.on the employment of workers who are recommended to limit certain harmful conditions labor.

Morbidity analysis for 2001

The morbidity rate for 2001 compared to the morbidity rate for 2000 in the open-hearth shop decreased in cases by 5% and in days of incapacity by 7%, which amounted to 584 cases of incapacity for work or 78.49 per 100 workers, 8889 days of incapacity for work or 1194.75 per 100 working. Drivers take the first place in terms of morbidity - 124 cases of morbidity

Of them:

According to the ageby experience

Up to 20 years – 5 peopleup to 5 years – 47 people

20-30 years old – 24 people5-15 years – 40 people

30-40 years – 50 people15-30 years – 32 people

40-50 years – 40 people30 or more – 5 people

50 years and older – 40 people

People over 30 years of age with little work experience are more often affected. The increase in this category of workers can be explained by the difficulties of the adaptation period to work in a hot shop, where sudden temperature changes, especially in winter, and drafts lead to a decrease in immunity.

Steelworkers and helpers take second place in the incidence rate- 83 cases n/s.

Of them:

According to the ageby experience

Up to 20 years – 4 peopleup to 5 years – 35 people

20-30 years old – 21 people5-15 years – 24 people

30-40 years – 30 people15-30 years old – 24 people

40-50 years old – 20 people

50 years and older – 8 people

Bottlers are in third place- 51 cases n/s.

Of them:

According to the ageby experience

Up to 20 years – 8 peopleup to 5 years – 8 people

20-30 years old – 12 people5-15 years – 14 people

30-40 years old – 6 people15-30 years old – 24 people

40-50 years old – 20 people30 or more – 5 people

50 years and older – 5 people

People over 40 years of age with more than 15 years of work experience are more often affected.

All types of injuries decreased in 2001. When drawing up the work plan for 2002, taking into account morbidity, measures were planned to improve the health of workers. It is necessary to pay attention to those professions (crane operators, steelworkers, pourers) as well as the DV group and risk group. Individual conversations are held with workers; when applying for sick leave, courses of treatment in a physiotherapy room and health improvement are prescribed if necessary. Together with the workshop administration, issues related to preparing workplaces for work in the autumn-winter and summer periods, compliance with the drinking regime, and timely repair of ventilation systems are resolved.installations and air conditioners, audit and repair of heating systems, adequate lighting and safety of workplaces.

The main work of a health center paramedic is to carry out treatment and preventive measures, provide pre-medical care assistance for injuries, sudden illnesses, occupational poisonings. I know the specifics of the open-hearth shop, the working conditions and occupational pathology of the workers in this area. I carry out an analysis of morbidity with temporary disability. I am proficient in the technique of subcutaneous, intradermal, intramuscular, intravenousinjections, I know how to put in an IV. I apply asepticfixing, immobilized bandages,tires. I am proficient in the production of small technical operations, such as catheterization, intubation and gastric lavage, and administration of enemas. I can take swabs from the throat, nose, stop nosebleeds, I know all types of conservativemedical assistance for diseases of the ear, throat, nose, eyes, I can remove floating foreign bodies from the eyes. I carry out measures to comply with dignity. epid. regime at the health center. I process and sterilize honey. instruments, dressings, preparing disinfectant solutions. I know how to operate the physiotherapeutic equipment at the health center.

One of the main points preventive work are anti-epidemic measures. This scope of work includes preventive vaccinations against tetanus, diphtheria, and influenza.

Vaccination work

Name of vaccinations

Subject to


% completed 2001

% completed 2000

2001 2000






Against tetanus



Against diphtheria



Against the flu



The workshop immunized workers against tetanus and diphtheria by 97.5%. We give vaccinations against tetanus and diphtheria for injuries. If more than 5 years have passed since the last revaccination, then we give 0.5 tetanus toxoid.

In 2001, flu vaccinations were given with “Grippol” - an effective anti-flu drug and it was popular among workshop workers.

Anti-tuberculosis work

The basis for the primary prevention of lung diseases are engineering and technical measures aimed at improving working conditions and reducing dust levels. It is mandatory to use personal respiratory protection against dust - respirators.

In the medical prevention of lung diseases, the leading role is played by preliminary and periodic fluorographic examinations, which make it possible to select individuals in need of preventive and therapeutic measures.

Four people with pneumosilicosis work in the workshop. All of them are employed in jobs that do not involve exposure to dust, toxic, irritating and allergenic substances, as well as adverse meteorological factors, with dynamic medical supervision 2 times a year. From the anamnesis, their professional route, the duration of work in conditions of increased dustiness, and the sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions (quantitative and qualitative composition of dust) are ascertained. Certification of SES workplaces is carried out with the preparation of reports.

Gynecological examination


Subject to F.G.


% coverage


Registered for DN





There are 3 women in the workshop who are registered as DVs. Health center paramedics monitor working conditions and the attendance of dispensary patients to a gynecologist for anti-relapse treatment and recovery.

The main task of the health center is to carry out broad treatment and preventive measures. For this purpose, records are kept of the dispensary group of patients, emergency patients, risk groups, as well as measures to improve the health of these registration groups. All these activities are carried out jointly with the shop doctor, who conducts preventive appointments at the health center 3 times a month, and conducts the main appointment at the clinic. Dispensary patients are periodically prescribed examinations, and then, in accordance with this, anti-relapse treatment is carried out.

Twice a year, a day care center is organized at the health center. Close proximity to production sites gained popularity of this type of recovery among workers. In the daytime dispensary, patients with hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, coronary artery disease, as well as NHD, a risk group with borderline hypertension, at risk of coronary artery disease, and bronchitis undergo preventive treatment of DN. We actively promote health improvement in sanatoriums and health centers. Rehabilitation and preventive measures with BCH are carried out mainly at the health center. In the spring-autumn period, this category of workers is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures: UV irradiation, both general and prolonged, inhalations with herbs, as well as vitamin therapy. Workers who often give sick leave with osteochondrosis undergo a course of mechanical massage to prevent exacerbations.

Improvement of accounting groups

Type of recovery


Risk group by disease

Risk group by profession



Day care center

Health center


A major role in the preventive work of the paramedic is played by the work on hygienic education of workers. I attend shift meetings, where I hold conversations with workers on promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing diseases, both acute and exacerbations of chronic ones. I organize visits to shift meetings by doctors with lectures on current topics. In promoting a healthy lifestyle, an important role is played by individual conversations with workers, which are carried out when workers contact the health center, as well as when I visit work sites.

Along with conversations, I distribute leaflets at workplaces, periodically update leaflets and brochures in health corners, and issue a health bulletin once a year. In 2001, it issued a sanitary bulletin. In 2001, she published the sanitary bulletin “Prevention of Osteochondrosis.” When attending shift meetings and work sites, in order to prevent skin and pustular diseases, I carry out sanitation of microtraumas.

Sanitation report work progress for 2001


Topics of conversation

Number of conversations

Reporting period 2001 Previous year 2000

Prevention of colds

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Prevention of AIDS, veins. diseases

Prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction

Prevention of O.Zh.K.Z.

Prevention of diphtheria, tetanus

On the advisability of health improvement in dispensaries

Injury prevention

Prevention of digestive diseases

Prevention of tuberculosis

Prevention of k/g diseases

Prevention of tick-borne encephalitis

About a healthy lifestyle

Flu prevention

Prevention of overheating



120 listen

860 listeners


136 listen



According to the ten-day period for 2001. The path to health

Folder - selection

On smoking “Health Corner and Window”

Work on civil defense issues, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations at OJSC MMK is carried out annually in accordance with the plan of main activities approved by the head of G.O. A sanitary post has been created in the open-hearth shop. preparation of the medical post is carried out annually by paramedics of the health center according to a 15-hour special program, documentation is maintained:

  1. combat training logbook;
  2. Protocol of the lesson;
  3. Alert scheme in work time and non-working hours;
  4. Diary of the Sanitary Post, which reflects the training events conducted by the Sanitary Post;
  5. Visual propaganda.

    The creation of a medical post and its staffing is formalized by an order for the workshop and is equipped according to a single report card. San. post took part in competitions civil defense in 2001. Providing self- and mutual assistance for injuries, burns, poisoning, frostbite is included in the training program for the medical post.

    Before being allowed to work in the workshop, each newly hired employee must be familiarized with industrial sanitation and personal hygiene rules; about the need for special clothing and protective equipment (helmets, balaclavas) and, depending on the type of work, individual protective equipment (glasses, dielectric gloves, dielectric boots, respirators, mittens, safety belts) should be used, with measures of self- and mutual assistance.

    Conducting initial and repeated briefings at workplaces

Examination of workers' disability when visiting a health center

Reporting year 2001 Last year Reporting year 2001 Previous


Sent to the clinic

Released until end of shift

Received b/l

Received b/l

year 2001 out of 96 referred to the clinic there were 6workers diagnosed with embedded foreign bodiesinto the cornea of ​​the angle, which were removed by specialists without complications, and the workers were sent for further treatment to a health center.

In 2000 out of 89 referred to the clinic2 workers were diagnosed with an embedded foreign body.

Analysis of the work of a paramedic over the past year in comparison with the previous year



Reporting year 2001

Last year

Accepted patients

Served a call to the workshop

Industrial injuries

Eye injuries

Injections done

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Call K.S.P.

















Arranging service medical care workers of the open-hearth shop, I put my main goal reducing morbidity among them, strengthening their health and increasing their efficiency.

I improve my business skills by attending medical conferences, reading medical press, and reviewing specialized literature. I take part in surveys in my specialty and take tests for readiness for work once a quarter according to the schedule.


  1. Take advanced training courses in the cycle “Health Protection of Industrial Workers.” enterprises".
  2. Monitor the implementation of the dignity. technical measures to improve working conditions for workers, namely the renovation of the canteen, shower rooms, and rest rooms.
  3. Set up a “Health Window” in the workshop meeting room for shift meetings of workers with constant updating of the topic.

    Paramedic salary

    open-hearth shop Orlova N.E.

    ANO MSCh A.G. and OJSC MMK


    For the certification work of a paramedic at the open-hearth workshop of the ANO MSCH A.G. and OJSC MMK Orlova N.E.

    The work covers all the main sections of the work of the health center. A description of production technology is given, indicating the main professions and factors affecting the health of workers.

    Sections on the work of the health center as a whole are covered in sufficient detail, and a detailed analysis of morbidity is given, taking into account age category, professions and work experience. The analysis indicates measures aimed at reducing morbidity and eliminating factors contributing to the increase in morbidity. Work with a group of DN patients, a risk group, is covered. This section reflects the state of health improvement and therapeutic measures carried out in close contact with the shop doctor.

    A full description is given of the preventive work of the health center paramedic, the implementation of health and medical measures, work on hygienic education of workers, as well as sanitary and hygienic measures. The joint work of the health center paramedic with the workshop administration and the workshop doctor is covered.

    The work is done clearly, informatively with a sufficient number of tables and their analysis.

    The review is provided in certification commission to confirm the highest category in the specialty: “General Medicine”.

    Head health centers

    ANO MSCh AG and OJSC MMK Retivykh G.A.

    Deputy chapters doctor according to Shevelin V.I.

    outpatient base

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