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Where to go to work to make good money. Whom to work to earn good money? The highest paid professions for the humanities

Remember yourself in your youth, when after school you had a choice, which higher educational institution should choose to continue further education. Have you always pursued the goal of making good money and securing a stable future for yourself? Or maybe you longed to get a profession for the soul? A person was created for a good life, and if you share this opinion, the time has come to retrain and, after getting acquainted with the list of the most profitable professions in Russia, choose a more suitable occupation for yourself.

Profession "leader"

They say that leaders are not made, but born. Only a small percentage of Russians can feel like a company director, but it's worth the risk if you feel that this is really your calling. In Russia, the profession of director (of course, not a school director) is the highest paid. See for yourself on the example of average salaries in the country:

  • General Director - 275 thousand rubles;
  • Commercial director - 190 thousand rubles;
  • Financial director - 170 thousand rubles;
  • Technical Director- 140 thousand rubles.

From heaven to earth: top 10 profitable professions

In order to make good money, it is not at all necessary to be born a Rockefeller or be a thief in law. And not everyone can become the head of the Investment Bank. The ability to direct one's forces and full dedication to one's favorite business is always generously paid. Despite the fact that for 2016-2017. the average salary in Russia is only 20 thousand rubles, a small percentage of narrowly focused specialists can always earn several tens of times more. Don't believe? Then check out the list of the most profitable professions in Russia with a description of the activity and the minimum wage.

Surely everyone today is trying to eat not only in order to satisfy the basic needs of the stomach, but also to get at least minimal pleasure from eating. That is why establishments where you can have a delicious meal are often chosen as a frequent place for meetings and holding various events. The most talented chefs today often surpass musicians and actors in popularity. The main thing is to show imagination in cooking and attract the attention of visitors to the establishment. Thus, today's chef can become the owner of a luxury restaurant, which will book a table months in advance.

In any large organization today, logisticians are required. A person of this specialty develops a route from the manufacturing organization to the point of cargo acceptance. It is important for the logistician to ensure that the goods are not idle, so good computer skills are always welcome. Doubt about the salary of a logistician? Imagine the volume of goods with which the company works, and doubts will immediately dissipate.

Minimum salary: 45 thousand rubles.

They say that toothache is the most terrible in the world, so dental masters never remain without clients. It is important to get a narrowly focused specialization and engage, for example, only in the examination of the oral cavity, the installation of a bracket system, the treatment of caries. Build a clientele for yourself and be sure that without your help they will not be able to live a single day.

Despite the fact that the chief accountant of the company occupies a very modest place after the director, the success of the enterprise depends on the person involved in finance. Certainly, we are talking about the legal salary, which, as a rule, is very high for accountants.

Minimum salary: 30 thousand rubles.

per century computer technology the programmer is like an almighty man. A qualified professional can count on good earnings, because every day there are people who need to change the firmware on the phone, reinstall the operating system, or at least install a rare program. A programmer can work either in a company or take orders remotely at home.

An auditor, like an accountant, is a person whose activities extend to managing the company's finances. Today, the responsibility of the auditor includes the audit of financial statements, the disposal of financial documentation, as well as consulting in this area.

Minimum salary: 35 thousand rubles.

The reputation of the company depends on valuable advice in the business environment, so no one skimps on the salary of such specialists. The task of a business consultant is to find the most beneficial solution to a given situation. Often, people of this profession also master teaching activities and act as a speaker at business trainings and seminars.

Minimum salary: 40 thousand rubles.

Specialist in information technology, or shortly "IT specialist" is the most revered employee in any structure. If you have a basic technical education, you are eligible to apply for this position, taking responsibility for maintaining the database.

Minimum salary: 60 thousand rubles.

No wonder oil is called “black gold”, because it is the workers in this industry who, as a rule, are underground millionaires. In connection with the need for constant production in the oil and gas industry, personnel are selected most carefully and generously paid for their work.

Minimum salary: 60 thousand rubles.

Without exaggeration, the success of the company as a whole depends on a good manager of the organization. A good manager should be able to distribute the work of all employees of the company and, if necessary, take over their load. Purposeful people will cope with the task even without special education.

Minimum salary: 100 thousand rubles.

The highest paid professions in Russia

If you think that the salary of dentists, managers and IT people is not for you, and you are born for more, it's time to find out who your real labor becomes a millionaire in a matter of years. Instead of lyrical digressions, you should go straight to the numbers. First, you should give up the belief that people from show business are the richest people. It's no secret that even with excellent parameters it is quite difficult to become an actress, model, and singer. It's a matter of chance and connections. Real money can only be earned with your own mind.

The managing director of an investment bank makes three million a year. And not dollars, but rubles! This is the highest paid profession in Russia in 2016, which only a small percentage of applicants can apply for, but it’s still worth a try.

People involved in receiving and processing oil products are never poor, especially the leaders of this environment, who receive two million dollars a year (but common man It is impossible to get into this position through an interview). Any manager can become a millionaire, the main thing is to correctly distribute the workload of employees, monitor the activities of the entire company and have patience. Understand for yourself that you can become the owner of the highest paid profession in Russia, the main thing is to want it!

Is there an overabundance of specialists in your field on the market, or is your chosen industry in a fever, depriving you of comfort and certainty in your work? Perhaps you should think about changing the field of activity. How best to do this, we learned from experts.

1. Regularly analyze the market

Whether you are aiming for a serious career or are afraid of becoming an unclaimed market - this is already a reason to develop the habit of non-stop tracking the changes taking place in the world. It is pointless to deny that we are on the verge of a new technological revolution. Regularly checking the situation in other areas, you will notice in time if your industry is on the verge of a crisis or stagnation. And this is a reason to look at the latest changes in the labor market and study the requirements for certain specialists.

“Firstly, the crisis in the industry does not come at once: there was no yesterday, and today suddenly there is a crisis. Secondly, no industry is immune from it. If everything is calm on the market today, this does not mean that it will be the same in a year,” comments Polina Nepryakhina, Director of Marketing and CSR at the Grayling PR agency.

2. Choose the right industry

If your chosen industry is experiencing problems, focus on finding those that will grow and choose those that interest you personally.

“A banal truth, but you need to strive to ensure that your work is related to what you love. Not as a professional, but as a person, ”confirms Polina Nepryakhina.

Experts recommend realistically evaluating personal qualities: sociability, stress resistance, the ability to concentrate on one task. The inconsistency of work with personal characteristics can become a stumbling block in new profession, as well as on the way to it.

“It is difficult to perceive the change of professions that are associated with some types of personality. There are stereotypes: for example, engineers are not very sociable people, rather introverts, a little reserved, they have poorly developed professional communication skills. And if suddenly an engineer decided to become a sales manager, then this will raise questions. Such a change is associated not only with the presence of a specialized education, but also with doubts about his psychological capabilities, personal characteristics. Since the profession of an engineer does not require high communication skills, stress resistance, but the job of a salesperson does,” says Natalya Storozheva, CEO Center for Business and Career Development "Perspektiva", lecturer at the Russian School of Management.

3. Find out which skills and how to improve

By analyzing the ratio of available and required skills and abilities, determine " weak spots» yourself as a specialist. Meet personally or study the biography of those people who, in your opinion, are moving in the right direction from a professional point of view: how their career develops, what experience you would like to adopt, what helps and what hinders them, where they work and what they do.

“If a person goes up the career ladder and wants to change profession to step up, a good evidence base and appropriate confirmation are needed: get a second higher education, pass 10 curricula to participate in a profile project. It's another matter if a person goes down in the professional sense: it doesn't matter who wears plates (a former programmer, economist or housewife),” Natalya Storozheva comments.

4. Looking for application in new sphere

If the new profession is fundamentally different from the "old" one, it may require a lot of work on yourself and additional education. A serious change of profession in any case will cause a lot of questions from the new employer and will become an impressive barrier in communicating with an HR specialist.

“Look for the use of your skills in a new profession. If you are an accountant in law firm If you want to make jewelry, get a job as an accountant in a jewelry company. Perhaps you want to change the environment, not the occupation. And if it turns out that your calling is to cut diamonds, you will already be one step closer,” emphasizes Polina Nepryakhina.

“Employers are wary of applicants changing professions. If a person changes jobs in a close, related field (for example, he was an accountant for 10 years, and now wants to become financial manager or financial analyst), then it can be considered a linear displacement. That is, the employee, relying on his knowledge and experience base, decided to horizontally retrain in his profession. But if a person, having worked for 10 years as an accountant, suddenly decided to become a marketer, then this will cause surprise and stress for the employer. For such a change in the profession, one must either get a good specialized education in a new field, or go through a sufficient number of programs, courses, seminars, participate in projects in order to prove to the employer that there is real motivation behind this desire. There are situations when employers are soft on the change of activity. But this concerns a certain “decrease” in the profession - a transition to an area where previous experience and education are not significant, ”says Natalia Storozheva.

However, with a decrease in professional status when moving to new industry experts also recommend being careful.

“The main thing is not to go down several levels into workers or low-skilled specialties. From there, it will be difficult to return to your specialty if the recession is temporary. Employees of personnel departments and HR agencies are then suspicious of such applicants,” comments Alexander Alkhov, founder of the Courseburg Russia project.

5. We continue to improve our professional level

The process of moving into a new, promising industry, if it is not associated with a large-scale reshaping of oneself as a person and professional, as a rule, is given without much effort. One of the softest and best ways - or specialty.

And yet, the process of increasing competencies and professional level does not end at the very fact of the transition. According to experts, constant self-education and even an additional hobby, which, if necessary, can generate income, can always help out.

To level up as a specialist:

- Expand your knowledge base. Regularly review specialized literature, collections of the latest scientific publications, thematic journals from the field of professional interests.

- Take part in corporate trainings sign up for continuing education courses. A proactive stance rarely goes unnoticed. At the same time, it is possible not only to increase the level of special training, but also to master a new profession.

- Raise the level of training in the workplace. Many people master related specialties on the job. And this is just the case when the performance of tasks that are not included in the direct duties is exclusively “at hand”.

“There are two main options, one revolutionary - to change the type of activity, the second evolutionary - to wait at home or get a job in a related specialty for which there is a demand. If it seems to you that the profession is losing relevance - and this is now very often, then it is better to retrain. There are several options for how to do this. View related to your profession, where your same skills are used. You can come there and almost immediately start receiving money, and learn in the process. If there are not enough skills for the chosen professions, then use the second option - go to study,” sums up Alexander Alkhov.

Where to go to work without experience? Is it possible to successfully find a job without an education, and what if you don’t know what you want and where it is better to apply yourself? In general, you are at a crossroads and do not know how to interest the employer - let's find out what advice recruiters give.

Where to go to work without education

You have not received any profession yet, but you need a job urgently? What to do, where to go to work without education? Washing floors and unloading cars is, of course, a necessary occupation, but I want something more interesting.

There are areas of employment where you can learn the necessary skills quickly enough, and it is quite possible to get a job without education. You can find a use for yourself in trade, in the service sector, freelancing.

Going to work, without education, in trade is a perfectly acceptable option for those who are sociable, eloquent and able to convince. Young people are willingly hired as sales consultants, teaching them the basics of the profession on the spot.

Knowledge foreign languages It will help you stand out from other applicants. It will also give you a chance to find a job: tutoring is a profitable occupation, at the same time honing your language skills.

The mistake of many young professionals with no experience is excessive ambition and high expectations. I immediately want everything and a lot. But if you are not hired for the desired position, you can try to start from a lower position.

At first, you need to gain experience and establish yourself as a promising employee.

Another option for where to go to work without experience may be an internship in a large company. Many firms are ready to take newcomers and train them in accordance with their requirements and tasks.

If you don't know what you want

Where do you go to work if you don't know what you want? A logical answer suggests itself - to try to decide on your desires and intentions.

You can seek help from a psychologist who, through testing, will determine your inclinations and recommend the area of ​​employment.

You can also test yourself by honestly answering a few questions:

  1. what do i like to do?
  2. what can i do best?
  3. What activities do I dislike?
  4. What do I enjoy and what annoys me?
  5. How do others see me and what do they recommend me to do?

When you decide at least roughly, start acting - try to look for work in an interesting direction for you. After working, you will understand whether you have found your calling or you will have to continue the search.

Not the fact that it will be possible to decide quickly. But the result is worth it - work should bring not only income, but also pleasure.

About how to find an interesting job if you have no experience, Alena Vladimirskaya, the head of the hunting agency, will tell in this video.

After passing the exam, many schoolchildren face the question: “ Where to go to study?

I know from my own experience that Most graduates by the time they graduate from school have no idea about future profession . And the institute (and the specialty) is almost always chosen by mom and dad for prestige and financial reasons.

It's actually amazing. Think about it. Like adults, but they won’t get them how much their child will earn when he graduates from high school, A how “prestigious” the university and specialty are. That is what people will say.

My little pimply friend, if you are going to choose a higher education institution soon, I am turning to you!


The big secret, which adults have so far carefully hidden from you, is that work, like study, cannot be loved. You can only hate her. Career, interesting work, unique projects- this is all marketing ploys for schoolchildren, students and brainwashed people. The myth is supported in favor big business. The system needs slaves.

If any activity can be interesting, it is your own business. Work is permanent slavery in any case, work for cattle.

Yes, your parents hate their jobs, like all normal people. What is it that keeps them there? There is only one answer, and there can be no other - SALARY. All jobs differ from each other only in salary. Well, some still have less bestial conditions - cleaning toilets at McDonald's is not for you to sort through papers in the office. Therefore, if you don’t want to hunchback for a penny salary after the institute, you need to choose a university based on salary perspective, and not by "prestige".

Why do your parents choose a more prestigious sharaga for you? All the same myth from the capitalists, artificially supported. They do not see much difference in salaries, so let the institute / specialty be at least more prestigious in order to brag to their friends. But there is a difference. Especially important starting salary after graduation. The higher it is, the better. receiving 30 thousand rubles a month, you will not leave your parents, but with 60 you can already try.

What else is important. In almost any profession that allows part-time work, you need to start working already during your studies. No one needs your diploma, only work experience is needed. After the diploma, you still have to learn, no employer is interested in this, other things being equal (the presence of a candidate with experience).

Anyway. So, what professions are in demand today - in other words, where will real money be paid after institute?

1. Programmer, developer. It is easy to get a salary of 100-150 thousand per month with little experience after graduation. Wide opportunity for side jobs.

2. Engineer(construction). Starting salary after graduation is about 60 (if you don't fool around in sharaga). You will have to go to the chief engineer for at least 5 years, but the main ones get healthy, from 200 thousand to infinity (on leftists and theft)! Today, the engineer chooses the place of work, not the engineer's employer. Engineers are different - for low voltage, metal structures, reinforced concrete, ventilation, etc.

3. Accountant. Also go 5 years to the chief, but the chief accountant receives from 150, has ample opportunities for part-time work and in many offices there is a 50/50 scheme - you get half of the hidden taxes in addition to your salary.

4. Analyst(anything, it's best to analyze cash flows). In principle, this is the sweetest profession, because. unlike the above vacancies, you don’t need to work here, you just write scribbles and justify them with a smart look. Tasty areas - consulting, investment. Starting salary 50, then up to half a million.

5. Brand manager. This is marketing, there are few such positions and it is not easy to sleep on them. The advantage is that you don’t need to do anything either, you don’t even need to write scribbles in large volumes. Drink coffee and generate ideas! The basic salary in LLC “Roga and Hooves” is from 80 thousand per month. real brand manager big company receives millions and millions of non-rubles.

like this top 5 jobs that pay well. But I left the most delicious for dessert. All these vacancies require a brain, diligence, luck, after all. And here where to go to study, so that later you are guaranteed to earn a lot? There is such a place!

It's called the Flight Institute.

To find interesting professions, which will be taken without a diploma, we searched the sites for job search. Some vacancies where you can work without special education turned out to be so cool that you should send your resume at least now.

Work for food

The first group of professions for which crusts are not needed is associated exclusively with natural talent. To become a taster, you need sensitive receptors and a love of food. The most attractive vacancies are associated with sweets and what is sweet to drink.

Cake taster

The confectionery factory of Christoph Laermans was looking for a person who is able to eat 2.5 kg of sweets a day. For employment, a medical book and the absence of allergies were required, and the company gave a salary, a discount on factory products and paid for a gym membership.

tea tester

A tea taster is a person who tastes tea. Such employees are needed when a company is going to purchase a batch of goods: they determine how high-quality tea suppliers offer. And for this you have to travel to India, Africa, China and, in general, to all countries that produce tea.

The tester also drinks tea after purchases: he checks whether the taste has changed after transportation and packaging at the factory.

When we were given this vacancy for the selection of a candidate, the requirements were as follows: the first is to love tea, the second is to have a certain physiological sensitivity, the ability to determine astringency and aroma. It should be noted that salaries are high: this profession is rare.

Natalia Storozheva, CEO recruitment agency"Perspective"

In Russia, the profession is not taught anywhere, so the company itself recruits people and sends them to study abroad. All you need is experience and more experience.

Work for travel

Not everyone can be a taster if the tea from the bag does not taste different from the rare loose tea from the leaves. To become a traveler, you need much less natural data, there would be a desire.

Tourism manager

A fairly common vacancy for which special education is not needed. Just such a "rough" work in tourism will become a substitute for any university.

The advantage of the work is the opportunity to go on special study tours, which are usually held out of season. Minus - low initial wage, but there is an opportunity to develop and become an expert in areas.

Olga Evstratova, commercial director of the Caribbean Club

The manager communicates with clients, studies the offers of hotels and guides in different countries and makes sure that the expectations of clients coincide with the capabilities of the host.

Leisure director

This seems to be the highest stage in the development of a tourism manager. The One to Trip company offers everyone over 18 years old with a passport and decent English, performing crazy tasks. Then be sure to report on the trip, but not to the authorities, but to the whole world: tell the details and give advice to the company's subscribers.

Professional Traveler

A vacancy similar to a director of recreation: a person with knowledge of English, a passport, active and sociable is required.

The traveler needed to deliver hornbeams (orders from our users), communicate with customers and conduct interviews with them, blog about bargains abroad, tips and experiences from our users, create content for our social networks and help other travelers.

Daria Child, founder of Grabr

An additional item in the job requirements is love for. We need a person for whom Black Friday is not the name of a horror movie, but the event of the year.

Work for interest

Making money on a hobby is not only about making soap and baking cakes to order. There are also unexpected options.

car navigator

Roman Gerasimov, navigator of the FONBET Trophy-Team, author and host of the Motorsport in Faces project, spoke about this profession.

To become a navigator, you must first get to the next competition by anyone: a spectator to understand if you like this type of motorsport, an assistant referee to find out the organization of the race from the inside, a pilot if you have your own car. The main thing is to understand that you are ready to endure all this.

Roman Gerasimov

In trophy raids, the navigator is the “eyes” of the crew, it is he who knows where to go, and also keeps track of time, instruments and works with sports documents. Also, in case the car gets stuck, the navigator works with an electric winch, jack and shovel to get the car out.

At the initial stage, you need to study navigation devices, competition rules, terms and tools. It is important to work on physical preparation, because moving through the swamps is difficult.

Payment for the work of a navigator at the initial stage can be small, it depends on the experience and reputation of each specific specialist. Outstanding representatives may be noticed by major sports teams and hired permanently. The employment of the navigator is episodic, usually on weekends, when trophy raids take place more often. That is, you can combine with other work.

Profession without a name

This is a job for those whose hobby is to mess around.

Alexander Malafeev, HR director at Srochnodengi, says: “A couple of months ago, one of my Facebook friends posted a vacancy as part of his sociological project. He could not come up with a name for this vacancy, because the main functional duty This position was that you need to sit at an empty office desk all day and do nothing. It was necessary to understand how much an ordinary average citizen could endure such torture for money, and also what his motivation was. I will say right away that there were enough responses.”

Party King

April 2016 mobile app JoyME was looking for a candidate for the position of "Party King". Responsibilities: know everything about entertainment, fashion shows, crossfit, racing and parties in Moscow. The party king had to attend all these events (although this is not always easy), make friends and attract users of the application, and at the same time look for partners to further develop the business. Education did not matter, but the ability to pass any face control was needed.

Work that helps

There is such a profession - to help people. For example, look after while the owners are away, walk if the owners are busy, comb out and even teach the dog to speak. The service helped with a selection of such professions, where they often look for unusual assistants:

  • A man who makes friends a cat and a dog.
  • A responsible man who will remind you three times a day that it's time to drink medicine.
  • A cheerful girl who will play the role of a soulmate in front of relatives at a family evening.
  • A music lover who can compile an original playlist with comments.
  • An assiduous person who completes a big puzzle.

And that's not counting the standard requests to get in line or help with cleaning. You are unlikely to make a career in this area, but if you like helping people, then why not make money on it.

HR vice versa

Recruitment specialists learn right away “in the fields”, where they have to evaluate people. Typically, an HR manager works with applicants. But sometimes the “wrong” HR is required.

Elena Sentsova, Human Resources Manager at STS Group, says: “STS Group specializes in outsourcing and personnel leasing, as well as outstaffing. Common in our facilities shift method work. The watch lasts 45, 60 days and more - at the choice of the person. Then contract of employment closed with him.

Employees do it unusual profession- layoff managers. The layoff manager is the reverse secretary. He escorts shift workers on vacation and makes the process as comfortable as possible. Later calls people, offers to continue cooperation. Such care is bearing fruit: more than half of the specialists return.”

You can work as a layoff manager without education. The main requirements for such specialists are a positive outlook on life, sociability, the ability to establish contact with owners of even the most complex character.

All listed professions we found in less than a week. And these are not all cool positions that do not require a diploma. Tell us in the comments what vacancies for "ignoramuses" you saw.
