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Compliance with working and design documentation. Design, executive and working documentation. Signs of poor quality working documentation

After the appearance in 2008 of the “Regulations on the composition of sections project documentation» The staged design was cancelled. It was replaced by the concepts of working or project documents. To understand the difference between project documentation and working documentation, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the concepts themselves.

Project documentation should be understood as the main project document, created from parts with graphics and text. It is sent to the developer for state examination - examination - in order to approve the papers.

The working documentation includes official papers containing texts or graphics, as well as the specification and drawings of equipment necessary for making technical decisions in the course of work.

The main differences between project documentation and the so-called working

Let's outline the main differences:

Formation of basic working documents is necessary for implementation various solutions, including technological, architectural and technical. The definitions of such documentation do not say anything about the sequence of its development, and therefore this can be done both with the design documents and after them.

The first stage in the construction of any construction object is the development of a project. This document will allow you to obtain various permits from the relevant authorities, you can use it to calculate estimates, control and conduct the construction process. The main purpose of project documentation is to guide the execution of construction. That is why the composition of project documentation is clearly regulated, and the procedure for approval and approval is determined by federal regulations.

The concept of design documentation

To understand what design and estimate documentation is, you need to imagine a set of graphic and text materials that contain a whole list of architectural, urban planning, constructive, technological and engineering solutions. All these solutions and materials are used to implement a particular construction project.

Depending on the complexity of the object (it can be capital or non-capital), the difficulty of the task assigned to the design bureau, project documentation may have a different structure and list of sections. It depends on which sections the working documentation includes, which specialists will participate in the development of materials. The composition of sections of project documentation may also differ.

Purpose and role in construction

To begin with, let's figure out why design and estimate documentation is needed in construction. The main purpose of these materials is to manage the construction process during the implementation of the construction object. In addition, the execution of design estimates is a mandatory requirement of the law. The development of project documentation is necessary for the acceptance of the property for operation. Also different kinds project documentation may be needed when redevelopment of buildings and reconstruction.

Thus, we can say that project documentation (GOST number R 21.1101) is needed for the following purposes:

  • in accordance with legal requirements (in this case, the coordination of project documentation is mandatory);
  • as a source of information for the implementation of work on the construction of a building or structure;
  • to determine the cost of erecting a particular building.

In fact, design documentation for construction is a set of sources and materials that reflect the concept of the construction object being built for the developer and customer. At the same time, according to the project, it is much easier to ensure an uninterrupted construction process and supply different structures construction.

Important: the drafted project must comply with certain construction, planning, urban planning and design standards, therefore only qualified specialists should be involved in its development. Also, the basic requirements for design and working documentation must be strictly observed.

Organizations involved in the development of the project

The production of project documentation (GOST number R 21.1101) can only be entrusted to an organization that has a license to carry out such work, that is, to design buildings and structures of a certain category. You can find a sample of such a project on the net, but only an abbreviated example, including only the main sections, since the full project contains a lot of information and sheets. Externally, when assembled, the project resembles a whole book or a large album.

Project documentation for the construction of an object can be created by the following persons:

  1. By the builder. For example, if you yourself are planning to build a small house.
  2. An engineering firm licensed to carry out the project.
  3. If the composition of sections of the project documentation is small, then for implementation you can hire individual, for example, for this you can contact a highly qualified engineer with experience.

Important: if the complexity of the object under construction is such that approval of the design documentation is required, then it is better to contact a licensed organization for its development.

When contacting a design organization, you can be sure that all requirements for working documentation will be observed. Moreover, as a rule, the person responsible for the development of the project performs architectural supervision during the construction process, that is, monitors the compliance of the work performed and design developments. The designer is also responsible for the quality of the documentation and compliance with the execution rule.

At the same time, the project development process may be accompanied by the delegation of some responsibilities to other competent persons. For example, a design organization can only do the architectural and construction part of the project, and to complete the estimate documentation, it can turn to other specialists.

To order the development of a project, the customer must provide the contractor (designer) with a number of related documents:

  • A town-planning plan or a planning project for a land plot on which construction is supposed to be carried out.
  • Technical conclusions on the conducted engineering surveys. If there are none, then a task for their implementation will be required.
  • If for the operation of a construction site it is necessary to connect to engineering networks, then technical conditions for connection obtained from the relevant authorities will be required.

Requirements for the project and its structure

The composition of design and estimate documentation and the requirements for these documents are regulated by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. It also stipulates that the requirements, composition and procedure for coordinating the project are established by the government of our country.

The composition of the sections of the project documentation is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87, which was adopted on February 16, 2008. It says that the development of the project must be carried out during the construction of the following types building objects:

  • for capital construction objects for industrial purposes;
  • for buildings and structures for non-industrial purposes;
  • for linear objects.

For successful coordination of project documentation, the composition must clearly comply with legally established standards.

Project composition

As the Government of the Russian Federation decided, a properly drawn up project should include twelve sections. It also separately stipulates the composition of sections of the project documentation. So, the project should have:

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. General plan. This section includes urban planning solutions and a land plot planning scheme with the location and binding of the projected object and the obligatory indication of the surrounding buildings.
  3. A section containing the entire list of architectural solutions (planning, facades, sections).
  4. Space-planning decisions regarding future construction and constructive solutions.
  5. Technological solutions with an explanatory note.
  6. Information about engineering infrastructure, technical measures, supply networks.
  7. The project of the organization of construction production.
  8. If during construction it is supposed to carry out the demolition of capital construction objects, then this should be reflected in detail in a separate section.
  9. Section related to environmental protection measures.
  10. A separate section is also being made to describe the measures that are being taken to facilitate access to the building for people with limited mobility.
  11. A whole section is also devoted to measures aimed at improving the energy efficiency of a construction site.
  12. Estimated calculation.
  13. A package of used documents and literature.

It is worth adding that some sections contain certain subsections. For example, the section on engineering infrastructure contains subsections on power supply networks, water supply and sewerage, heating and ventilation, gas supply, air conditioning and communications.

If the project should contain other sections that are not included in the list of mandatory sections approved by law, then the list of these items is stipulated in the contract between the customer and the project executor.

Important: if the project is implemented through the use of budgetary funds, then the project should include all legally approved sections and subsections. Such construction projects undergo the strictest coordination of project documentation.

Project structure

Any project should include graphic and textual materials that will provide complete information about the facility under construction. In particular, text materials should contain:

  • complete information about the construction site;
  • describe various architectural, construction and technical solutions;
  • give explanations and references to regulatory documents, assortments of building materials and other sources that are involved in the development of the project;
  • all decisions that were made in the project must be justified by calculations.

As for graphic materials, they are all decisions taken should be displayed clearly. For this you can use:

  • various graphic schemes;
  • blueprints;
  • tables;
  • photo fixation;
  • visual demonstrations of the construction object (three-dimensional image, facades or layout).

The need for construction documentation

Everyone understands that the construction of any type of object is a rather complicated process. In addition to elementary, cash costs for the purchase of construction documentation and payment physical labor workers, it is necessary to attend to the availability of special documentation. For those who do not understand, it is worth clarifying this issue. Issuing a permit is simply impossible without presenting a full package of documents, which includes drawings and diagrams that reflect the essence of the future object. On this basis, the technical supervision bodies decide on the possibility of implementing the construction project by the customer.

What is project documentation?

To date, there is a special GOST 21.1101-2009, which regulates the strict order of all sections of project documentation. It is they who need to be guided in the preparation of materials of a graphic and text type that determine the design and engineering features of a construction object.

It is worth remembering that the prepared project documentation must necessarily pass through an expert assessment. To solve this problem, a competent legal assistance in the form of a state or non-state performer. It is he who is obliged to determine whether the studied package of documents corresponds to all technical requirements current regulations and the results of engineering exploration work. The customer is handed over legal document in the form of a special conclusion adopted in compliance with the GSK RF.

In principle, project documentation is an agreed document that allows you to find common ground between the two participants. On the one hand, this is the CUSTOMER, and on the other, the DEVELOPER. Such a document not only allows you to establish an uninterrupted supply of the site building materials and qualified personnel, but makes it possible to apply the most effective process algorithms.

working documentation

Unfortunately, many customers show a very modest share of responsibility in their work, dwelling on the results of project documentation after peer review. However, they are not always ready to make adjustments to the working documentation. In practice, this results in a failure of the construction process and delays in connecting (as well as laying) engineering networks. Working documentation is a hand-held technical manual for builders. These include: tables, diagrams, drawings and tables. In this case, it will be the right decision to correct (without violating legal status document) technical guidance for the greatest efficiency of the upcoming construction phase.

What is included in executive documentation?

After the construction is completed, the acceptance committee is presented with executive documentation. In essence, it reflects detailed information about the process. This document displays:

  • technical condition of the object;
  • used equipment and type of building materials;
  • technological and climatic conditions of construction;
  • a list of responsible persons for each completed stage of construction.

The as-built documentation also includes graphic and text written files, which not only make it possible to simplify the act of acceptance of the object, but are also designed to simplify the operation of the building in the future.

The process of maintaining executive documentation is strictly regulated by the current legislation Russian Federation.

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working documentation- this is a set of text and graphic documents that ensure the implementation of the technical solutions of the facility adopted in the approved project documentation capital construction necessary for the production of construction and installation work, providing construction with equipment, products and materials and / or manufacturing building products. (Note: the working documentation includes the main sets of working drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials, estimates, other attached documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set). [GOST R 21.1001-2009].

Types of design according to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation are divided into:

  • Territorial planning
  • Architectural and construction design

Architectural and construction design is carried out by preparing design documentation for capital construction projects and their parts, under construction, reconstructed within the boundaries of the land plot owned by the developer, as well as in cases of overhaul capital construction facilities, if during its implementation the design and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of such facilities are affected (hereinafter also referred to as capital repairs).

Project types

Depending on the specifics of the tasks set, the developed projects can be divided into several main types:

  • New construction projects.
  • Projects of reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, modernization.
  • Strengthening, restoration, overhaul projects.

Project documentation and working documentation. Staged design

At present, in connection with the entry into force of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008, the design stages are not provided, but the concepts of "project documentation" and "working documentation" are introduced .

  • The main project document is project documentation, consisting of text and graphic parts. Project documentation (with the exception of some cases) is sent by the developer or customer for state expertise and, if there is a positive conclusion state expertise, is approved by him. It should be emphasized here that the volume of project documentation is usually insufficient for the construction of an object: it lacks the necessary specifications and the required level of detail. The design documentation contains only the main technical solutions that allow assessing their safety, as well as proving the technical feasibility (and in some cases, economic feasibility) of implementation investment project.
  • For the implementation in the process of construction of technical solutions incorporated in the project documentation, a working documentation, consisting of text documents, working drawings and specifications of equipment and products. Since there is no single document regulating the composition and content of working documentation, it is necessary to be guided by the relevant SPDS standards when developing it. However, the Ministry regional development The Russian Federation in its letter states that "the scope, composition and content of the working documentation should be determined by the customer (developer), depending on the degree of detail of the decisions contained in the project documentation, and indicated in the design assignment." In our opinion, it is advisable to supplement and specify the requirements of the SPDS standards in the design assignment with the requirements of the customer, but at the same time ensure the consistency of these requirements with the SPDS standards.

Since the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content do not contain a requirement to develop working documentation only after the development of project documentation, it can be concluded that project documentation and working documentation can be developed in parallel, but the development of working documentation cannot precede the development of project documentation. documentation. From this we can give the following explanations regarding the stages of design:

  • Single stage design is carried out with the parallel development of project documentation and working documentation. Previously, the design document developed during one-stage design was called "working draft" (WP) and consisted of the approved part of the working draft and working documentation. These two components of the working draft correspond to the currently accepted concepts "project documentation" And "working documentation" respectively.
  • Two-stage design is carried out with the consistent development of project documentation and working documentation. Previously, the design documents developed during the two-stage design were called "project" or "feasibility study" (stage 1) and "working documentation" (stage 2). These two project documents also correspond to the currently accepted concepts of "design documentation" and "working documentation", respectively.
  • Three-stage design(pre-project proposal, project, working documentation) - for objects of V, IV categories of complexity and for objects of III category of complexity for individual projects, with an insufficient list of initial permits.

What is the difference between high quality project documentation and poor quality?

Violations and defects in construction, which affect the performance properties and durability of buildings, are largely associated with errors made at the design stage.

We can talk about high-quality working documentation only if it is made in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.1101-2013 SPDS (Project Documentation System for Construction), other regulatory documents, including Federal Laws.

The composition of the working documentation

High-quality working documentation contains working drawings in a complete set and text documents with all the necessary information about the construction site. It consists of:

  • main sets of drawings by brand (AS - Architectural and construction solutions, KZh - reinforced concrete structures, ES - Power supply, VK - Internal water supply and sewerage networks, and others), in accordance with the process of organizing construction and installation works;
  • CO (equipment specifications);
  • BM and SVM (sheets of consumption of materials, including Consolidated);
  • VR and SVR (sheets of construction and installation works, including Consolidated);
  • LS (local estimates);
  • OS (objective estimate);
  • working documentation for construction products:

A. detail drawings;

b. SB (assembly drawings);

V. specifications assembly units;

TU ( specifications containing requirements for the product regarding manufacture, control, acceptance and delivery);

e. RR (documents containing calculations of parameters and quantities for building products).

High-quality working drawings have a minimum volume sufficient to perform construction and installation work, as well as to manufacture the necessary products on construction plants. They do not contain redundant information and unreasonable repetitions. They provide the possibility of mechanized and automated processing of drawings and the use of innovative methods for their implementation, as well as reusable applications.

Signs of poor quality working documentation

Poor working documentation is determined by the presence of the following shortcomings:

  • the set of documentation is incomplete, and for the construction of public and industrial buildings there are no sections on the calculation of capacities and technological lines, special measures related to emergencies and others;
  • drawings are not presented for all parts manufactured at the construction site;
  • on the sheets of documentation, the signatures of the specialist exercising normative control are completely or partially absent;
  • the design of the drawings does not meet the requirements of the SPDS and errors were made in the designation of the documentation;
  • there are changes made after the approval of the documentation;
  • in engineering and geological surveys, outdated or inaccurate data are given, as a result of which errors occurred in the design of zero-cycle structures and, accordingly, in the foundation itself;
  • instead of crushed stone preparation for foundations, concrete was unreasonably used;
  • the design of the automatic fire alarm and fire alarm system does not comply with the requirements and regulations federal law No. 123-FZ;
  • the power supply and lighting project does not meet the requirements of Federal Law No. 261-FZ regarding energy efficiency;
  • not all materials used are indicated in the specifications, as a result of which the numbers in the estimate were incorrectly displayed.

But, the most common mistakes made in the working documentation include the incorrect calculation of volumes according to the following types works:

excavation. Calculations of the volumes of wet soil were made without taking into account the height of the capillary rise of water. The fact that not only soils located below the depth of groundwater, but also those above this level are wet (for clays and loams 1.0 m, for sandy loams - 0.5 m, and for fine sands - 0, 3m).

The distance between the foundation and the base of the slope, necessary for working in the sinus of the pit, is not taken into account (according to SNiP, it must be at least 0.6 m);

  • stone structures. The volume of brickwork did not take into account the volume of cornices, pilasters, bay windows and other architectural details. There are no works related to the installation and dismantling of internal and external inventory scaffolding;
  • wooden structures. The area of ​​the openings is determined by their dimensions on the plan, while it should be calculated by the outline of the outer part of the boxes;
  • floors. The calculation of the floor area was carried out without taking into account the thickness of the wall finish, which overestimates the amount of work associated with the installation of the floor. At the same time, there are errors that reduce the construction volume as a result of the fact that the floor area in doorways and window sills was not taken into account.

Errors in budgeting

A significant overestimation or reduction in the estimated cost of an object is a sign of poor-quality working documentation. Many design organizations deliberately underestimate the estimated cost, not including certain types of work in the estimate or reducing their volumes. This is done in order to win the tender. As a result, the customer, sooner or later, faces an increase in the cost of construction.

During the construction of individual residential buildings, when the company itself both designs the building and carries out its construction on a turnkey basis, there is often an overestimation of the estimated cost by unreasonable increases in the amount of work, especially expensive ones, or by adding work that is not provided for by the technology to the estimate.

Other violations identified during the examination of estimates include errors in the application of:

  • coefficients and indices;
  • labor intensity of work;

A project that involves the capital construction or reconstruction of buildings and structures during its implementation must be properly documented. At the same time, the question often arises of what design and working documentation are, and how they differ from each other. Some experts argue that these concepts are one and the same. Let's try to figure it out further, is this so.

What are the functions of design and working documentation in accordance with the regulatory framework

A project can be called a set of materials and documents prepared as a result of the design. In turn, designing is a certain sequence of actions, a process, as a result of which a prototype or prototype of the required object is created. Accordingly, for this, special calculations (of an economic and technical nature) are made, estimates, calculations, explanatory notes, drawings, diagrams.

Projects are individual or standard. Often, during the preparation of a separate project for individual use, the author uses standard solutions used in various buildings. Based on the specifics of the tasks set by the customer, all developed design solutions can be divided into the following types:

  • New construction;
  • modernization, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, expansion of already built facilities;
  • overhaul, restoration, strengthening of buildings.

Prior to the entry into force of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87, a certain staging was provided for by law in the development of the project. First, a "feasibility study" (feasibility study) was prepared, then a "project" and only after that a "working draft". Now other concepts are used: "working documentation" and "project documentation".

In specialized forums, lively discussions are often held on the issue: working documentation and project documentation, the difference between them. Opinions are very diverse, but in order to understand the essence, it is worth referring to the norms of the law.

Based on Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of Russia, under project documentation refers to a certain set of documents containing a number of materials in the form of text, diagrams and maps. Such materials indicate the defining structural, architectural, engineering and technological solutions, using which it is planned to carry out work on the reconstruction or construction of a structure or parts thereof. The same applies to the overhaul of buildings in the case when we are talking on works in which structural elements are affected and the characteristics of the safety and reliability of the object can be changed.

Design documents for certain types of work that may affect the safety of the structure are only entitled to be carried out by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs having the appropriate approval, confirmed by the certificate. The list of works that have an impact on the safety of capital facilities is listed in the regulatory document - Order of the Ministry of Regional Development dated December 12, 2009 No. 624. In general, any individual or entity most often on a contractual basis. In this case, the contractor is responsible for compliance with its technical regulations.

The design documentation includes 13 approved sections:

  • explanatory note;
  • layout of the allotted land plot;
  • architectural solutions;
  • space-planning and constructive solutions;
  • data on engineering networks (water and electricity supply, sanitation, air conditioning and ventilation, heating and heat networks, gas supply, communications);
  • organization of construction (project);
  • dismantling of capital facilities (project);
  • environmental protection measures;
  • fire safety measures;
  • accessibility for the disabled;
  • energy efficiency and equipment with energy metering devices;
  • budget materials;
  • other required materials.

Based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87, this is a package of documents developed in order to make it possible to introduce technical, architectural or technological solutions directly in the construction process. Its content and composition is determined by the developer, based on the level of detail constituent parts design documentation, and is indicated in the design assignment.

The legislator did not indicate a clear sequence in the preparation of these two packages of documents. Therefore, they can be drawn up at the same time, or the working documentation can be prepared after the design documentation has been agreed. If all papers are developed simultaneously, then both packages can be submitted for state expertise, as agreed between the expert organization and the customer.

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Regional Development, the base design price, which is calculated using a reference book containing base prices for work, can be broken down as follows:

  • project documentation - about 40%;
  • working - up to 60%.

At the same time, this ratio is not rigidly fixed and can change in any direction depending on the completeness of the development of papers, the specifics of the facility being built. The main thing is the agreement between the designer and the customer.

What is the difference between packages

If you explain the differences between sets of documents in simple words, without complicated terminology, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • The basis of any investment project is precisely project documentation, which may include a graphic and text part. It indicates the most important technical solutions that prove both the technical feasibility and economic feasibility of implementing a specific investment project. It is this package of documents that is submitted by the developer for state expertise and approved after its positive conclusion. The only exception is the construction of individual residential buildings. It should be noted that it is impossible to erect a structure solely according to the design documents, since they are relatively general in nature and do not contain all the necessary details and specifications.
  • In order to Building company could do her job with high quality, she will need a more detailed task: what exactly, how and from what materials to build. This data is contained in working documentation, which details all the decisions of designers and consists of a text description of the work and numerous diagrams, drawings, graphs, specifications of all components and finished products. The volume of information should be sufficient to carry out construction and installation work, to provide the construction site with the required amount of raw materials, equipment, materials and finished products, workers and engineering personnel.

The question naturally arises: if all these actions constitute the project stage, then why was it divided into two parts. The answer may be that in this way the legislator wanted to speed up the starting phase of the investment cycle. To obtain a permit for construction work, it is quite enough to have high-quality project documentation, which can be expertly studied without going into unnecessary details. After carrying out the state examination and correcting all the comments, you can work out the working moments.

During the construction control measures, the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of both the design documentation and the working documentation prepared on its basis is checked. In addition, compliance with the urban plan, engineering surveys and technical regulations is being studied. The developer and the contractor are equally responsible for compliance with the norms of legislation, design and working documents in the process of capital construction.

Since there is no clear sequence for the manufacture of these two packages of documents, the following types of staging of the design can be distinguished:

  • Single stage. Both packages are being developed in parallel, this is what used to be called a "working draft", i.e. approved part with working applications.
  • two-stage. There is a sequential preparation of packages. Approximately corresponds to the previously existing concepts of "feasibility study" and "working documentation".
  • Three-stage. Relevant only for objects III (individual projects), IV and V categories of complexity. In addition to the above phases, it also includes a pre-project proposal (FEED).

There is only one requirement - the development of working documentation cannot precede the design one.

Discussion of the issue among specialists

Studying specialized forums on the Internet, you can pay attention to how different specialists understand and relate to the project stage in different ways. The division into two parts and the requirements for these parts are not adequately perceived by everyone.

Here, for example, is one of the comments in the discussion of the topic: “Of course, I know about Resolution 87. But, in order not to complicate life, it is better to fully prepare the working documentation and put a PD stamp on it. And after the examination, just change the stamps from PD to RD ".

Such an approach will create difficulties for experts, since the submitted papers will contain too many details that will only complicate and slow down the examination process, as well as distract specialists from really important things that may affect the safety of the facility under construction. For example, it is important for an electrical expert to know the correspondence between consumed and incoming power, the availability of redundancy and protection systems, the parameters of shields and power cables. And information about where the sockets will be installed and what circuits will be connected to them is completely redundant at this stage.

Some developers believe that the project is being prepared solely for examination, and they convince the planners of this. In fact, all these papers are needed first of all by the customer himself, who can subsequently do whatever he wants with them. And if a "paper for experts" is made, then this can later cost the developer serious money to finalize it for practical application. The schematic diagram of the building and its descriptive part must be carefully worked out, and, already relying on the schematic diagram, specific details can be worked out.

So, in the design part, you can indicate "fencing according to GOST standards" and schematically indicate its location, and in the working part, decipher in detail what material it will be built from, using what fasteners, what constituent elements it will have. In the same way, having schematically shown the location of partition walls in the project, their features are described in the working part: the presence and quantity of reinforcement used, the specification of the material used, the location of door or window openings.

However, if in the process of detailing the working documents there are noticeable disagreements with the already approved project documentation, then reasonable changes should be made to it and the examination should be re-entered regarding the modified part. However, this issue is very painful for many design participants, because it is not easy to understand when changes reach a level that requires re-examination. This is submitted to the customer for consideration, but he will also bear the full measure of responsibility (criminal or administrative) if a violation is detected by the state construction supervision or if the wrong decision occurs, serious consequences will occur that threaten the health and life of people.

As a rule, they pay attention not to changes in engineering systems, but in the capital object itself, especially in load-bearing structures.

If, instead of general design drawings, the experts were slipped detailed working schemes, replacing the stamp "P" with "R", then subsequently any alteration in the drawings or explanations will entail a re-examination and greatly slow down the whole process. Ideally, the most basic and fundamental indicators noted in the expert opinion, as well as documents of the level "P" and "R" should converge. It is also stipulated that contingencies (unrecorded costs) should not be more than 2% of the official estimated cost of the structure. True, this does not apply to construction carried out at public expense.

Therefore, it is important to take full responsibility for both phases. design work so as not to waste precious time and money on improvements and clarifications.
