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Atl btl marketing examples. BTL - what is it? BTL advertising - what is it? The main advantages of BTL advertising. Calculation of the effectiveness of a BTL promotion

Promoting a product does not always require a variety of marketing communications. To take sales to a new level, it is often enough to determine for yourself just one method that is most consistent with your goals.

ATL advertising

The literal decoding of the abbreviation ATL in translation from English means above the line. This category includes all types of advertising that we encounter most often: outdoor and indoor advertising, audio and video, advertising on radio, TV and cinemas, all commercial information in magazines and newspapers, as well as advertising in transport and on the Internet .

Despite all the undeniable and well-deserved popularity of ATL advertising, each medium has its own pros and cons. But a lot depends on the specific target audience, so shortcomings need to be taken into account, but with well-set priorities, potential profit can transform any negative into a positive. Let's take a closer look at several examples.

Internet advertising

Clear advantages:

  • An advertising banner can be placed on websites for a long time;
  • In terms of cost, it is one of the most affordable types of advertising;
  • the ability to place any amount of advertising information and presentations on your own website;
  • Contextual advertising will always help increase efficiency.


  • It can be difficult for the user to make a choice due to the huge competition among offers;
  • an overabundance of advertising banners leads to the fact that most users simply ignore them or install ad blockers;
  • Due to frequent cases of fraud, an impressive percentage of the audience is very distrustful of online purchases.

Advertising in newspapers and magazines

The advantages: you can always focus on a narrow target audience, read information is remembered much better than information received by ear, the textual presentation is as informative as possible, and the reader has the opportunity to slowly analyze the proposed information and make an informed decision.

At the same time, there are a number of disadvantages, including: fragility due to the usually short shelf life of a newspaper or magazine, often a very weak level of reader attention to advertising blocks, and in some cases low quality paper or accompanying illustrations.

Radio advertising

The availability of radio is ubiquitous and does not always openly interfere with business, so by posting a video on top-rated radio stations, you can achieve massive coverage of several categories of audience at once. With the help of radio, it is easy to create a certain atmosphere of solemnity and special relevance, and you can quickly and easily make adjustments to the video if necessary.

The disadvantages of radio as a medium include the inability to support information with video, a large number of videos on the air, which significantly dulls the listener’s attention, and the fact that the information presented is very easy to forget due to its fleeting nature.

TV advertising

The undeniable advantages of this medium are expressed in the ability to:

  • mass audience coverage;
  • supplementing the information content of the video with bright visual effects, making it as memorable as possible;
  • influence on the viewer’s subconscious, his emotions and feelings;
  • demonstrating the practical benefits of the acquisition.

Disadvantages worth considering:

  • the high cost of producing a high-quality video and, even more so, airtime;
  • obsessive character television advertising, which annoys the viewer and forces them to switch channels;
  • lack of the desired result if the product or service is intended for a narrow audience.

Outdoor advertising

Outdoor advertising cannot be turned off or thrown away if desired, and effectiveness directly depends on the frequency of contact, which is achieved through a minimum placement period of 1 month. In combination with other types of advertising, it is particularly effective.

The disadvantages include the following facts:

  • Pedestrians pay virtually no attention to media placed above head level unless the information is additionally accompanied by sound or a light effect.
  • It works more simply as image advertising.
  • Under the influence of precipitation, image quality may significantly decrease.
  • The time of contact with a potential consumer rarely exceeds 6–7 seconds.

BTL advertising

Below the line is a category of non-traditional advertising methods that continues to gain momentum. Unlike several aggressive methods ATL advertising and BTL communications work much softer and with an emphasis on direct contact with the consumer.

Significant advantages are the stimulation of instant purchase and the combination of simplicity with creativity in presenting the advertising message. Based on sales results, after some events, you can conduct a quick analysis of effectiveness, and individual marketing significantly increases the loyalty of each customer, not only “here and now,” but also in the future.

Among the disadvantages of BTL, it is worth mentioning the significant costs in the event of unsuccessful implementation of the project, insufficient qualifications of the performers, or inept use of BTL tools. Disappointment is possible due to inflated expectations with real results. The root of the problem is the periodic lack of full mutual control between performers and close interaction between performers and the customer, which ultimately affects the effectiveness of the project. Sometimes a company even earns a negative reputation if they frankly overdo it with creative presentation.

Examples of BTL advertising

Gifts for purchase, flash mobs, promotional forms, presentations, tastings, advertising at points of sale, sponsorship, open days, exhibitions, surveys and questionnaires, various corporate events, distribution of booklets, flyers and leaflets, personal selling, win-win lotteries, merchandising, distribution of samples, concerts and festivals related to the promotion of a specific product, press conferences and seminars.

TTL advertising

Increasingly, the promotion process requires combining ATL and BTL advertising into a single complex. This combination allows you to clearly focus on a specific target audience and distribute your advertising budget extremely rationally. The technique is called TTL advertising, which means through the line.

BTL Tools

  • Sales promotion. One of the most important components of BTL advertising. Direct incentives to purchase occur through individual consultations, distribution of free product samples, tastings, events at exhibitions, various drawings, promotions and quizzes, gifts for a completed purchase.

This also includes events focused on sales and commercial representatives, wholesalers and sellers. These include various bonuses and discounts, joint promotions between the manufacturing company and sellers, product presentations, conferences and seminars. For sales personnel are introduced bonus programs, professional competitions and the “Mystery Shopping” technique is used to check the assessment of the effectiveness of motivation. Thus, the complex solves the problems of stimulating initial and repeat purchases, and increasing the frequency of consumption of a product or service.

  • Public relations. Public relations (PR) in BTL are detailed and carefully planned systematic actions to create a positive image of the manufacturing company. Of course, with the expectation of choosing her product against this background.
  • Direct marketing. Still one of the most effective ways sales today, thanks to direct contact between the seller and the buyer. Communication occurs through direct mailing of information to representatives of the target audience, provides for feedback and is not used by information intermediaries.
  • Personal selling. Direct contact with a potential buyer, during which various influence techniques are used. By correctly building communication tactics, you can get an instant response, find out the product requirements of each client and consistently retain regular customers.
  • Special events. Event marketing in indirect advertising is considered as essential element. One of the primary reasons for this is that the potential buyer is given the opportunity to directly familiarize himself with the products in an environment that is ideal, in the opinion of the manufacturer. In addition, presenting information in a bright, entertaining form is absorbed and remembered much better, thanks to the most positive emotional connotation.
  • Sales promotion aimed at consumers. This category includes free distribution of product samples, win-win lotteries and thematic competitions, refunds to the buyer if the quality of the product is not satisfactory, long-term loyalty programs, variations with discounts on goods and various gifts from the store for purchase.
  • Sales promotion aimed at intermediaries. This implies direct motivation of trade participants involved in the chain of bringing products to the final consumer. These are all kinds competitive programs among dealers, compensation from the manufacturer in the form of trade coupons for retail enterprises and dealer bonuses for purchases.
  • Distribution of promotional products. The promotion and positioning strategy is successfully implemented with the help of wobblers, price tags, boxes, dispensers, stickers, flags, cup stands, special packaging, shelf talkers, promotional stands, mobiles and stoppers. This also includes souvenir products: notepads, postcards, magnets, bookmarks and key rings, which are sold at the point of sale.
  • Merchandising. Attracting the buyer's attention to a brand or finished product through special design of the point of sale, consulting customers and displaying products according to a certain scheme. All together, it presents the product in a more favorable light, ensures maximum concentration of the buyer’s attention and, as a result, significantly increases the likelihood of a purchase.

Instructions for conducting a BTL promotion

  • Study yours in detail target audience. Focus on the results of opinion polls and questionnaires, reviews and discussions on forums or social networks, watch customers at points of sale.
  • Estimate the actual costs of the event. When drawing up your budget, do not forget about the need for highly qualified performers, a certain number of free product samples, the exact amount of printing materials, the cost of rent and a presentation stand.
  • Decide on the type of BTL promotion based on the company’s primary goals.
  • Consider the optimal place and time.
  • Select a contractor agency to organize the event.
  • Create clear rules for the event. Of course, these rules should be based on primary goals and lead to increased brand awareness and sales growth.
  • Objectively evaluate potential effectiveness. The evaluation criteria here are: the degree of costs in comparison with the income received from the action, overall profitability and the period of full payback of the action.

How profitable are BTL events on the Internet?

Carrying out a BTL promotion online means saving your budget significantly. The main costs include only web design, website creation and promotion, mailings and online advertising. All work on attracting, registering and collecting the database takes place in automatic mode and excludes the involvement of a call center, employment of supervisors and merchandisers.

Instead of a whole group, one person can handle the task quite well. The budget must include only the costs of developing an idea and creating a website, attracting the target audience to the event through Internet marketing, providing advertising support and purchasing prizes. The ratio of efficiency with low costs more and more often allows BTL to seriously compete on the Internet with traditional ways carrying out the action.

Not really

IN Lately more and more commercial enterprises prefer to use ATL- And BTL- technologies in order to increase recognition of their products or inform about a new product, switch consumers from a competing brand to their own, maintain a brand image, increase sales, etc.

Abbreviation ATL stands for above the line, which in English means “above the line”, a BTL stands for below the line, i.e. "below the line".

There are several versions of the appearance of these terms. One of the most common is that once, when planning its advertising budget, a company Procter & Gamble counted everything on which fixed assets were spent (television, radio, outdoor advertising, press) and, drawing a line, signed at the bottom the figure that remained from this budget. However, later the employees remembered the free distribution of product samples, the provision of a system of discounts, sponsorship, competitions, etc., which were included in the list below the line below the line.

Another version is that the term BTL was introduced into use by a Romanian trainer who, having emigrated to the United States in order to somehow make ends meet, began working on the distribution of free samples of cosmetic products. He compared his work to encouraging feeding of large predators, as a result of which their favor and submission are achieved. He interpreted BTL How between the lions (“between the lions”). When this allegory reached the head of the company Procter & Gamble, for whom the trainer worked, he softened the term a little and introduced it into the marketing lexicon.

According to TNS Gallup Media on countries Western Europe and US share BTL in the total volume of advertising is approaching 70%, in Russia it is significantly lower, but, nevertheless, with the growth of Russian advertising market by 25% per year market BTL- services are growing by 35%.

Terms ATL And BTL have taken root in Russia and are widely used.

TO ATL include the following types advertising: television advertising and advertising in cinemas, radio advertising, press advertising, outdoor and transport advertising, as well as advertising on the Internet. All other advertising methods are classified as ATX technologies.

  • direct television advertising– can be in the form of TV spots (blitz spots and extended videos), reportage, plot, teletext, creeping line, announcer announcement;
  • sponsorship– TV advertising integrated into the program in the form of advertising screensavers, logo placement, etc.;
  • product placement – ​​organic introduction of TV advertising of a product into the plot of a film (or any product of the entertainment industry);
  • TV screensavers– a still image without sound that appears for a short time;
  • report/interview;
  • self-transfer(WP product).

The main volume of advertising is placed in news (watched by 80% of the population), television series (45% - the audience is mainly pensioners and housewives), sports programs (40% - mainly a male audience), music programs (25% - a youth audience). According to the rating of TV channels, the top five are: Channel One, Russia, NTV, STS, TNT.

Screen advertising uses videos as media, which are advertising videos shot on a video camera and film clips, in the production process of which film equipment is used. According to ACAR experts, the share of advertising on cinema screens in 2013 amounted to 87% of all advertising revenues in cinemas, and advertising sales brought cinemas 1.3 billion rubles.

  • radio spot in an advertising block. During the purchased time, from 10 to 60 s, an advertising video provided by the advertiser is broadcast in an advertising break, program or break between programs;
  • sponsorship of a radio program. The sponsor pays in whole or in part for the program broadcast by the radio station, as a result of which he receives a certain amount of time for placing his advertising;
  • radio broadcast sponsorship. The sponsor pays all costs for the purchase of broadcast rights and provision of it technical support, receiving in return a certain amount of time to place your advertisements. Usually these are prestigious reporting programs with predictably high ratings, for example, sports matches;
  • spot radio advertising. The advertiser buys time to broadcast an advertising video (or the right to some special form of its mention) in one specific program (for example, in a weather forecast) outside the general advertising block;
  • mention. Single or repeated mention by the host of the program of the name of the advertiser and (or) the object of advertising;
  • interview in the studio. A thematic interview of an informational and advertising nature, which the program host takes from the advertiser;
  • radio announcements. Advertising information, which is read out by the announcer in the advertising information block;
  • radio magazine Thematic radio broadcast of informational and advertising nature.

In addition to words and music, more influence the effectiveness of radio advertising. common factors:

  • format of the station and its correspondence to the style of the video and the advertised product;
  • airing time;
  • duration of sound;
  • “framing” the audio spot with another advertisement, music or message;
  • audio spot structure;
  • text characteristics;
  • originality of the video, emotional impact.

TO press (advertising in the press) includes all periodicals (newspapers, magazines, directories). Advertising in the press takes two forms: advertisements and articles. Advertisements include different kinds modular, line, classified, embedded advertising, and articles (advertising publications) include various articles, reports, reviews that carry direct or indirect advertising.

Advertisements are designed to arouse the interest of readers and encourage them to request more detailed information about advertised goods/services, and articles popularize goods/services and contain both direct and indirect advertising. Advertising media are: newspapers, magazines, consumer publications and directories.

The effectiveness of advertising in the press is the result of the influence of a large number of factors, including: circulation, sales volume, quality characteristics readership, region of distribution, frequency, etc.

  • advertising should be “eye-catching”. This means that a person who is constantly under the influence of various advertising should pay attention to your medium;
  • advertising must be memorable. It is important to create an image that a person will carry within himself, and at the slightest reminder will recreate it.
  • tablets and shields;
  • light screens (crawler, neon), light boxes, etc.;
  • electronic displays;
  • signs (at the entrance and corner);
  • roof installations;
  • volumetric letters;
  • pillars;
  • pillars, etc.

Advertising on transport – this is placement on municipal urban transport: buses, trolleybuses, trams, as well as minibuses, mobile billboards, corporate transport, commuter trains.

  • in-cabin advertising tablets in public transport;
  • external advertising tablets, drawings and inscriptions on the side, rear and front parts of vehicles;
  • station posters, at stations public transport and around them (for example, at metro stations);
  • advertising using air means (increasing advertising balloons, airships, helicopters), scattering of advertising materials from aircraft, advertising flights.

Advertising on transport can be created different ways with full or partial painting and stickers vehicle: applique, airbrush painting, electrostatic and inkjet printing, silk-screen printing, printing, combined painting with applique.

Internet advertising - These are various advertising materials posted on the Internet. Exchange of information in real time, and availability feedback make the Internet an effective advertising tool in terms of the quality of contact with consumers.

Advertising on the Internet has a two-stage nature. The first link is external advertising. These are the so-called banners and text blocks placed on thematic and popular sites. Such online advertising is called passive advertising, since it is not controlled by the user. This is similar to advertising in print media. However, as soon as the user clicks on a banner or advertising link, he receives a demonstration of the second advertising link. This advertising is called active advertising, since its viewing is the result of a deliberate action by the Internet user.

Modern directions of development of online advertising:

  • media advertising – placement of text and graphic advertising materials on websites that are advertising platforms. Typically, display advertising takes the form of banner advertising;
  • video hosting – These are sites that allow you to download and view videos in a browser, for example through a special player. Seven popular video hosting sites: YouTube, RuTube, Vimeo, Yandex,, Dailymotion,;
  • mobile advertising– text ads are broadcast to mobile device users in accordance with the advertiser’s target settings. Types of mobile advertising: sending advertising messages using a short text messaging service SMS; sending out advertising MMS-messages; advertising placed in mobile internet: on WAP-sites, on mobile versions sites, or implemented with the complicity of operators cellular communication inside any websites; placement of advertising inside applications and games for smartphones;
  • blogs– are websites on which posts containing text, images or multimedia are regularly added. The server presents information as a sequence of messages, placing the most recent messages at the top. The structure of the collection resembles the familiar sequential structure of a diary or journal;
  • teaser advertising– placement of text and graphic advertising materials (teasers) on websites that are advertising platforms. This type of online advertising combines the features of display, text and contextual advertising and is a short advertisement with intriguing text and an eye-catching image that contains a certain amount of information about a product or service and a hyperlink referring to the source of targeted advertising;
  • social media is a platform, online service or website designed to build, reflect and organize social relationships, visualized by social graphs. Advertising in in social networks occupies increasingly higher positions in the advertising market. First of all, this is due to a huge audience, which is covered at relatively affordable prices. For example, the VKontakte website has an astronomical number of users (more than 110 million people);
  • contextual advertising– placement of text and graphic advertising materials on websites that are contextual advertising platforms. Contextual placement of online advertising is based on the correspondence of the content of the advertising material to the context (content) of the Internet page on which the advertising unit is placed.

Depending on the ad format, contextual advertising can be text, banner and video advertising:

  • text. The advertisement uses plain text with a hyperlink (open or formatted as a text fragment);
  • banner. Here the advertisement is based on a visual image. The banner can be entirely in the form of a picture or a picture with accompanying text and a link;
  • video advertising. A specially prepared video is used as an advertisement, which also usually contains a hyperlink.

Traditionally BTL includes sales promotion activities, merchandising, event marketing and auditing retail, during which the product range in retail stores is checked, its display, advertising design, pricing, etc. Although many experts often mean BTL all marketing activities (including PR, direct marketing, product placement, etc.) with the exception of media advertising.

According to Russian classification BTL includes:

  • sales promotion among consumers, personnel and resellers;
  • merchandising;
  • direct marketing (mailings, television marketing; SMS-newsletter; interactive marketing, etc.);
  • event marketing.

One of the main components of BTL is sales promotion.

Sales promotion is “a marketing communications tool that uses a variety of incentive techniques to target consumer and trade audiences to elicit specific measurable actions or responses.”

Sales promotion activities can be aimed at buyers, intermediaries and sales personnel.

1. Through activities aimed at the buyer ( consumer promotion), the tasks of inducing a trial purchase, stimulating repeat purchases, and increasing the frequency of consumption of a product (service) are solved.

Consumer promotion includes: consulting and propaganda, sampling(free product samples or promotional materials), tasting, distribution of leaflets, work at exhibitions, sales promotion (raffles, quizzes, “gift with purchase” promotions).

  • 2. Activities aimed at resellers, commercial representatives, wholesale buyers and sellers ( trade promotion) help stimulate sales, accelerate turnover and increase sales volume by intensifying the work of the distribution network. This area includes events such as conferences, seminars, holidays, product presentations, joint promotions of manufacturers and sellers, bonuses and discounts, etc.
  • 3. Measures to stimulate sales personnel include: assessing the effectiveness of motivating salespeople, for example, using the methodology Mystery Shopp ers(“Mystery shopping”), professional competitions, bonus systems, etc.

Merchandising is a set of measures to promote goods through final consumption points. The main task of merchandising is to attract the buyer’s attention to a product or brand directly in point of sales ( P.O.S..) – points of final acquisition.

Merchandising includes the display of products in trading floor, design of points of sale with advertising materials and consultation of sales personnel.

According to statistics, consumers make 2/3 of all purchasing decisions directly in front of a display window or counter. And if the purchase of a certain product is planned, then seven out of ten buyers make a choice of one or another brand, again on the sales floor.

Merchandising allows you to present products more favorably than competitors' products, focus attention on them and stimulate purchases.

Direct marketing marketing ) impact on a specific audience in accordance with a database compiled by order of the advertiser, or by himself, or receiving feedback from a specific consumer. The essence of the method is to personalize the advertising message.

Lately, targeted mailings have been increasingly used. e-mail. Mailings are considered legal (not spam) when the recipient has given consent in one form or another to receive information.

Event Marketing (event marketing ) represents events aimed at promoting brands, services and companies through bright and memorable events. Event programs are developed individually - these are:

  • presentation, opening ceremony;
  • festival, fair, holiday;
  • meeting, round table, conference, seminar;
  • anniversary, jubilee;
  • open day, company tour, etc.

Other types of event marketing are:

  • special programs for promoting goods and services within the framework of a show event (show marketing);
  • sponsorship of a specific sports team, which can be either financial or in the form of providing the team with its products or services (sports marketing);
  • organizing lunches, buffets and services during special events (catering).

To the benefits BTL relate:

  • the ability to influence the consumer directly at the moment of decision-making;
  • targeting a specific person;
  • getting quick results;
  • creating incentives to make repeat purchases, etc.

BTL-events can be carried out independently or with the help of an agency, if the enterprise does not have the appropriate specialists. Choosing an agency can be divided into several stages:

  • 1) the agency’s specialization and reputation should be determined;
  • 2) it is necessary to study the cost of services offered by the agency;
  • 3) it is necessary to ask the agency to provide some guarantees for the completion of the work. For example, by providing a small package of services in advance.

After a detailed study of the agency and under favorable circumstances, a contract is signed and direct development work begins BTL-events.

It should be kept in mind that ATL- And BTL-technologies have completely different communication tasks. Usually, ATL-advertising is not intended to increase product sales, its task is to inform, report, create awareness, etc. If a company sets a goal for the marketing communications system to stimulate sales, then it is more appropriate to use the system BTL-technology.

  • URL:
  • Right there.
  • URL:
  • URL:
  • URL:
  • Burnett J., Moriarty S. Marketing communications: an integrated approach / trans. from English; edited by S. V. Bozhuk. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

Advertising classification

Often advertising on the Internet is not divided into ATL and BTL, but is considered only as ATL. Apparently this position is erroneous, since there is also traditional (for the Internet) advertising on the Internet, and non-traditional ones.

BTL on the Internet

Few people know that Leo Tolstoy wrote his works with Max Factor ink.


The essence

This group of advertising methods consists of creating interesting information material that contains hidden or open advertising. It is so interesting that the consumer has a desire to introduce this material to other people, usually members of the same communication group. By “infecting” the consumer in this way, the number of advertising contacts grows “avalanche-like.” The second aspect is in direct communication (communications) with the advertising consumer, while he becomes an active participant in advertising campaigns.

Examples of strategy:




Creating topics on the forum, starting discussions

Writing answers to any related topic

Supporting discussions


Writing articles in the first person, expressing the author’s personal attitude towards the Brand, organizing discussions

Writing comments on related topics on other blogs

Monitoring the progress of the discussion

Videos and similar services

Posting interesting video material, with the possibility of distributing it to everyone

Monitoring the discussion of video material

Creating interest groups

Attracting new contacts

Interest support


The ability to explicate, to convey information about a product or company to the final advertising consumer (reader) in a relaxed manner. Possibility of implications using special stylistic, phraseological, slang phrases; opinions of “authority” and other methods. The possibility of viral advertising - self-distribution (without the participation of the advertiser) of advertising and information material, as an information-attractive object (clip, anecdote, article, aphorism, etc.), which contains hidden or open advertising.


As a rule, the advertiser has no control over where his material is published. There are options where publication can be discussed, but the course of the discussion is not controlled. Thus, there may be options for switching advertising campaigns from advertising to anti-advertising. It is also worth noting the complexity of creating and calculating a media plan.


It is difficult to predict CPT (cost of 1000 advertising contacts) due to the unknownness of even the a priori indicator of “viral” infection as a share of invested funds. Empirical research conducted by the Marketing Department of the Advertising Exchange F SEWT shows that on average* EBTL = 9% with CPT =5320.

The following data were used in the study:

The cost of creating a group on social media. Networks and active attraction of the target audience - from 7,000 rubles. – 1000 advertising contacts with target audience.

Viral spread rate: an increase of 24% of the entire target audience.

CPT = 7000 rubles. – (7000*24%) = 5320 rubles (here is equivalent to the cost of CPM)

Number of active views CTI=9%**

Cost per act (view) = CPT *100% / 1000 * CTI

СPAv =5320*100%/1000*9%=59.11 rubles

E BTL = 9% (at s=5 320)
* For the concept of efficiency, see below


The most important thing in BTL advertising is the spontaneity of the advertising effect and complete unpredictability. But if you “guess” the tactics of psychological influence, you can get maximum effect at minimal cost.

General characteristics: “Bet on Zero”.

ATL to the Internet

“This marketing campaign was meant to inspire us, to make us think outside of traditional structures,”

About ATL and BTL,

Tom O'Brien, Procter & Gamble.

ATL Internet - this group represents standard proven advertising methods, usually banner advertising, search engine promotion, contextual advertising, publishing networks and, a relatively new method, video advertising (video fields).


Predictable result, risk minimized. Many advertising services to automate the placement of advertising materials. The ability to estimate the required budget for a given result.


The creativity of advertising materials and methods is limited. There is a small chance of getting a better result than the standard indicators for this type of advertising.


As a rule, the dependence of efficiency* on costs - EATL - changes according to a linear law. The average CPT** for Internet advertising is 5,475 rubles, and the average CTI** (the number of active views) is 8%
E ATL = = 8% (at s=5,475)
** Based on data from the Advertising Exchange FSEWT


As can be seen from the example, the effectiveness of standard advertising is quite acceptable and, most importantly, predictable, which is important when calculating advertising costs and assessing the results obtained.

General characteristics: “Everything is going according to the Media Plan”.

Advertising effectiveness

John Vandermaker

The question of assessing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns still remains open. Good publicity always balances on the brink of business, science and art and is practically impossible to measure, although its results are always visible.
  1. Cognitive level associated with changes in knowledge about the company and its products and services
  2. Affective level associated with the formation of a positive attitude towards the manufacturer
  3. Incentive level associated with the intention to come into contact with the company and purchase its product
In the calculations given in this article, we were guided by the first level -Cognitive, since it is the most calculable and weakly depends on other indicators.

Of course there is no limitation for the calculation to use the performance assessment relative to the other two levels. So for level 2 (Affective level) you will need survey data before and after the campaign. For level 3 (Incentive level) - information from the sales department, sales department, etc.


As can be seen from the above calculations, although BTL can give a good result, it is not predictable. Therefore, it is advisable to use BTL as an addition to ATL techniques. In this case, the ATL share must be at least 2/3 of the advertising budget. A brief calculation of this situation is as follows:
The calculations also took into account the limited target audience, and the fact that it is possible to receive at least a single advertising contact with each consumer Assuming for BTL that there is a dependence of efficiency on the budget S and the rate of increase in the audience (dA)* is not linear: EBTL = S dAb, and linear for ATL: EATL = S*dAa. Let's carry out the calculation for our example, taking into account that initially we had EATL=8%, EBTL=9%, S=5,000 rubles.
As you can see, the optimal division of the budget would be: 60,000 for ATL and 40,000 for BTL, and if the method is successful, the effectiveness of the campaign will continue to grow without investing funds. Naturally, there is a risk of failure of BTL methods (i.e., the efficiency graph will also go down steeply), but this risk is insured by the use of ATL methods.


Based on materials:

Based on materials from Pimenova A.E. And

In general, ATL and BTL have one fundamental difference - feedback. In the first case, contact with the target audience has virtually no feedback (it is impersonal). And BTL (mainly event marketing and promotions) has direct contact, which allows you to accurately control the quantity and quality of contacts. Therefore, this type of classification could be called a classification of advertising according to the magnitude of the feedback effect.

The terms ATL and BTL come from the financial world and refer to the types of advertising and promotional expenses recorded in financial statements in various ways - “above-the-line” and “below-the-line”.

There is a legend among advertisers about the origin of these two concepts: allegedly, once, in the mid-20th century, a marketing budget was brought to the head of one of the large American corporations for approval. The budget included all the usual items: media advertising, packaging development, PR. All of these marketing expenses were accounted for above the line (Above the line, abbreviated as ATL), and below the line was the final amount. This leader, however, also remembered sampling (distributing free samples of goods), as well as organizing a city holiday. These additional costs (already below the previously drawn line) gave the name to the term BTL (Below the line).

But I found another BTL transcript on the Internet. It can be considered more entertaining: BTL - between the lions, a term invented by a Romanian trainer who, having emigrated to the USA in order to somehow make ends meet, began working on distributing free samples of cosmetic products. He compared this to reward feeding of large predators, resulting in their favor and submission. When this successful allegory reached the head of Procter & Gamble, for which the aforementioned trainer worked, he, softening the term a little, introduced it into the marketing lexicon.

ATL includes advertising activities that influence consumer motivation when making a purchase decision indirectly, i.e. using a carrier. The media in this case are television, radio, press, outdoor advertising and the Internet.

BTL in Russia includes the following: “BTL is everything that is not mass media (ATL), not PR, not direct marketing” (based on materials from the Moscow International Market for Financial Markets). In fact, the BTL classification is a little more complicated than it seems at first glance:

Event Marketing - event marketing. A set of events aimed at promoting brands/brands/services through bright and memorable events: concerts, festivals, parties, presentations, etc. This is one of the most effective tools for creating and maintaining the image of a company or its products. List of special events: corporate receptions, parties, presentations; work at exhibitions; fashion shows; performances; road-shows; sporting events; city ​​holidays.

Sales Promotion - sales promotion activities, or promotion of goods or services through direct contact individual(promoter) with a potential buyer through the advertised product or service.

Consumer promotion - promotion/presentation/demonstration of a product through direct contact between the buyer and the product. A set of forms and methods: tasting, or product testing; sampling - distribution or mailing/distribution of product samples; purchase incentives (gifts, prizes).

Trade promotion - carrying out a set of events in order to increase sales and increase brand awareness. Toolkit: prizes for purchases, holding quizzes, competitions, etc., awarding product samples and other valuable prizes to winners. Increasing sales volumes of goods by intensifying the work of the distribution network.

Merchandising - determining the optimal place for goods on the sales floor; display of goods; placement of POS materials; salesperson training.

Retail Audit - monitoring of retail trade, classification of stores (by specific type of product); representative sample for a specific type of store; determination of product distribution, average assortment; space occupied on the shelf by this type of product, as well as by competing products; monitoring the activity of competitors. Development of a merchandising standard, retail strategy, determination of the need for POS materials.

Personnel training. Personnel training in the field of merchandising on the topics: product display, price line, POS materials, hot spots, verbal communications- For sales representatives, merchandisers, sellers (with and without experience).

PR services - support of the BTL complex: from idea to report and recommendations. Toolkit: press conferences and press parties, presentations, buffets, etc. Preparation of documents for information support events - materials for the media in the form of press releases, press folders, etc. Work with target media - compiling a list of recommended media, working with editors and correspondents, distributing materials, organizing interviews, etc., monitoring and analyzing publications. Sponsorship of various kinds of events.

Copyright - development of slogans, writing texts for events as part of advertising campaigns.

Production - development and production necessary materials for the implementation of projects: printing, souvenirs, POS/POP materials, development and production of costumes for promotions, corporate gifts, photo and video support for various events, preparation of reports.

Product placement is the placement of a specific brand or the product/service itself in a work of art (movie, television film, television program, video clip, animated film, book, etc.). The meaning of such placement is not only to display and describe the product, but also to further associate this product on a subconscious level with the hero or plot of a work of art (film, book, video clip).

But this is a very in-depth and detailed breakdown of BTL into “sub-items”. In Russian reality, BTL includes:

sales promotion among resellers;

sales promotion among consumers;

direct marketing;

special events (special events - presentations, promotions, holidays, etc.);

production and use of special materials.

For comparison, I will give an interesting example of the American division of ATL:

Above-the-line refers to media, which pay commission to, namely:

If I understand correctly, then everything is the same as ours, except for one thing: instead of the Internet, Americans have cinema!!! That is, the aforementioned product placement. But given the development of the American film market, this is not surprising.

ATL and BTL advertising are now used by almost all large companies. For example, mobile operators. Their advertising can be found absolutely everywhere: on the radio, on television, each company necessarily has its own website on the Internet, the city is replete with posters offering discounts for communication at night and an appeal to use the services of this particular company. Not a single city holiday is complete without their intervention. You can often learn about the release of new tariffs from the proposals of street promoters. All information of interest can always be obtained from printed form at points of sale (POS materials), etc.

The concept of integrated marketing communications is becoming increasingly popular. It includes both traditional advertising campaign- ATL advertising, as well as BTL communications and public relations. If everything is clear with classic advertising, then what is BTL?

Draw a line

The terms ATL and BTL appeared around the mid-20th century. Many have probably heard the story of an executive who, when signing an advertising budget, included the costs of distributing free product samples and wrote them down with his own hand under the line of basic expenses. According to this legend, a division into “above the line” and “below the line” arose. ATL costs include costs related to the placement of advertising information in the media. This includes television, radio, outdoor advertising, printed publications. BTL also includes all kinds of sales promotion methods. Costs for this area are calculated from the total budget for marketing communications. However, there is a tendency to redistribute the BTL budget from the residual to the core category.

BTL industry

BTL - what is it? English term describing Marketing communications depending on the principle of forming the target audience. The literal translation of “below the line” means “below the line.” It is a subtle marketing tool, including sales promotion, placement of POS materials, merchandising, direct mailing, incentives for customers and employees of the retail chain. It is believed that BTL advertising is more targeted and allows you to convey a call to purchase or any other advertising message directly to the final individual consumer. Usually the call is extremely individual, and BTL works, as a rule, directly at the point of sale or the area where the purchase decision is made.

BTL in Russia

Efficiency traditional advertising in the media is gradually decreasing, which leads to an increase in the activity of BTL events, an increase in the quality of this industry and an increase in the budget for promotional events. ATL and BTL advertising compete with each other for the client’s budget. Many Russian companies prefer to cooperate with network agencies and create projects together. Because maintaining an entire department on staff is expensive and impractical. And some don’t even know what a BTL project is from the inside and what is BTL in general? dictate requirements to agencies, including those related to the uniqueness of implemented promotional events.

Reasons for the growing popularity of BTL

Consumers are becoming more demanding and informed; they need to independently understand the products offered and learn more about them useful information, and in some cases, try the proposed product. All this is offered in a well-organized manner, created directly for and aimed at the end consumer of the promoted products. Obviously, the potential return from it will be much higher than from classic advertising in the media, where everyone receives the advertising message, regardless of whether a person needs this product or not.

BTL campaigns

A BTL advertising agency uses the following tools to influence each specific buyer: sales promotion, personal communications, public relations, merchandising, use of POS materials, event marketing.

For the end consumer, the BTL manager can offer such incentives as tastings, promotions for issuing gifts for purchases, win-win lotteries, distribution of samples (sampling), distribution of POS materials. Merchandising is used to stimulate salespeople, retail store directors and distributors. It represents displays and counters and tracking of product availability at points of sale. Conferences, seminars, competitions, and lotteries are also organized.

Special events include exhibitions, festivals, and concerts to promote a product, brand or brand among consumers. Measures to increase the loyalty of partners and to inform about the company’s activities. These are press conferences, seminars, exhibitions. Special events also include programs to strengthen corporate culture within the company between employees. This is a joint celebration, team-building, which is popular today. Marketing research consist in carrying out comparative analysis market participants, the need to determine volume, market share. Identification of market development trends.


BTL projects typically involve the work of a promoter, supervisor and project manager or coordinator. It is the promoter who will be the most important link in this chain. The success of the entire event depends on how well the people who are in direct contact with the end consumer, to whom the campaign is aimed, perform their work. Therefore, a BTL agency should pay great attention to the selection and training of personnel.

Supervisor Responsibility

Within the project, promoters report to a supervisor. He controls their work point of sale at the time of the promotion. Since the supervisor is also involved in organizing the workplace of his subordinates, he is also responsible for the quality of their work. It is important for a supervisor to be able to quickly navigate a difficult situation and quickly resolve conflicts that arise

Responsibilities of the coordinator

The project manager, or coordinator, is in contact with the managers of the retail stores where promotional events will take place. Responsible for the delivery of the promotional stand, the required quantity of advertised goods, and its samples. In addition, the coordinator controls the completion of event reporting. In general, the manager’s task is to ensure the planned progress of the promotional event.

What else does BTL consist of?

BTL marketing, in addition to classical components, also includes some borderline tools. Event marketing is usually classified as PR events rather than BTL, although during such projects promotions are carried out to assess the reaction of potential buyers to the advertised product. The second tool is the Internet, SMS and mailings. Their goal is to reach the target audience as much as possible. But even in this case there is direct contact with the potential consumer.

If we talk about the impact of POS materials, in this case the impact will only occur at the time of making a purchase decision exclusively at the point of sale. With the help of shelf talkers, wobblers, bright price tags, promotional stands, visual contact is established with customers, attracting their attention, which further contributes to sales growth due to impulse purchases.

Development trends

ATL and BTL advertising undergoes some changes over time. During economic crises, BTL suffers less than the traditional advertising market. This is due to the fact that BTL allows you to ensure maximum sales at a minimum of costs. There is also a trend toward increased individualization of customer service. The emphasis is not so much on the product itself, but on the needs of customers and demonstrating care for the consumer.

As a rule, the customers of BTL promotions are tobacco companies, FMCG, equipment manufacturers, alcoholic products, mobile operators, pharmaceutical companies. They don't need to explain, what is BTL? These companies are familiar with targeted offers and promotional events firsthand.

A successfully executed promotion will not only fulfill its main function, for example, increase sales during the promotion period by 30%, but will also provide a number of other benefits. Since during the promotion there is contact directly with the end buyer, the promoter can create a positive image of the company in the eyes of the consumer, stimulate additional purchases, and increase brand awareness.

The successful implementation of an action is preceded by painstaking analytical preparation. First you need to choose the right event to hold. Having collected the necessary information base, it will be easier to decide on BTL tools. After collecting information, goals are set and emphasis is placed on the future project. Next, the estimate is approved and drawn up detailed plan upcoming event. The plan reflects a clear time frame for the implementation of the project. The right timing for the promotion will be one of the success factors. And the professionalism of the staff will allow you to implement the promotion successfully and achieve the desired results.
