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Yuzefovich Igor Sergeevich biography. "Twisting arms" with bankruptcy: Tyumenstalmost employees complained about aggressive methods of bankruptcy proceedings. Social activities of Igor Yuzefovich

In 1996, Igor Yuzefovich graduated from the Voronezh State Medical Institute named after. N. N. Burdenko. In 2000, after defending his dissertation at the same institute, he was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.

In 2004, Igor Yuzefovich graduated with honors from the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law with a degree in Jurisprudence. Then he graduated from the Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation in the specialty “Public and municipal government».

In 2001-2004 Igor Yuzefovich – associate professor of the department of high medical technologies in an autonomous non-profit educational organization"Voronezh Institute high technology" Since 2004 – Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Registration Service for the Voronezh Region. Since 2008 – CEO Soyuz-Realty company. Since 2009 – Director of Expatel.


"Expatel" - leading Russian company for the construction of infrastructure for mobile operators, laying fiber optic networks communications, preparation and commissioning of facilities. The main areas of activity are the design of communication facilities, construction and operation of communication networks, system integration and supply of equipment, as well as the creation of energy infrastructure facilities.

Expatel clients are all mobile operators"Big Four" and Russian enterprises electric power industry, oil and gas sector, “power” departments.

Expatel LLC was registered in October 2009. Initially, the company's shareholders were Igor Yuzefovich (51%) and Albert Avdolyan (49%). Since April 13, 2012, Igor Yuzefovich has owned 100% of the shares of Expatel.

In 2015, the company issued a public bond issue with a total volume of 500 million rubles. (RUB 145.8 million in circulation)


Igor Yuzefovich is the Russian champion in taekwondo in 1994, holder of a 5th dan black belt, received from the hands of Kim Yun-young, ex-president of the WTF and vice-president of the International Olympic Committee.

Igor Yuzefovich heads the marketing committee of the International Taekwondo Federation WTF, which represents this sport at the Olympic Games.

Since April 2012, Igor Yuzefovich has headed the WTF Taekwondo Federation of the Republic of Moldova. At the initiative of Yuzefovich, the famous British taekwondo athlete Aaron Cook received Moldovan citizenship and began competing for the Moldavian national team. In May 2015, Aaron Cook won a bronze medal at the World Taekwondo Championships in Chelyabinsk, and in 2016 he competed at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Since 2012, Igor Yuzefovich has been a member of the council of the European Taekwondo Union (ETU), head of the financial and economic commission of the ETU, and in 2013 he was elected vice-president of the ETU. In 2016, he co-founded the WTF World Taekwondo Academy.

In December 2016, he was elected to the executive committee of the Russian Taekwondo Union.

Social activity

Igor Yuzefovich is a member non-profit partnership“Center for promoting the development and support of national traditions, culture and art “Link of Times”.

Igor Yuzefovich is a co-founder of the Non-Profit Foundation for Promoting the Conservation of the World Natural Heritage of Mount Belukha “Muska Barga”.

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Even in our time of speed and passion, there are still people who are shining example determination and fortitude. This is exactly what Igor Sergeevich Yuzefovich, President of the Taekwondo Federation WTF of Moldova, is like at all stages of his life, a businessman with a romantic soul and a bright sports leader of the 21st century.

Everything that Igor Yuzefovich has achieved is the result of a lot of work and tireless self-improvement. He went from paramedic to director large company without miracles, luck and protégés. An integral feature of his character, in addition to hard work, was erudition, erudition, and encyclopedic education. He is a frequent visitor not only to the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery, but also to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, being an avid theatergoer, he prefers Lenkom and Sovremennik.

Igor Yuzefovich was born in Soviet Moldova into a family of teachers. In 1983, after graduating with honors from eight classes in his native village of Starye Shalviry, Drokievo region of the MSSR, he entered a medical school in Tiraspol, which he would later also graduate with honors. Here I would like to say that although Igor Yuzefovich was formed as a person in Russia, he never forgot about his small homeland, where his relatives still live. Igor Sergeevich is a sponsor of many sports projects in Moldova. In 2015, through his efforts and sponsorship A taekwondo section and hall were opened at the Tiraspol Humanities and Mathematics Gymnasium, where today more than a hundred people practice this sport. And this is only in one school!

Our hero’s interest in sports awoke at the age of 16, when he began training Shotokan karate in Tiraspol under the guidance of instructor Vladimir Moiseev (5th Dan WKF). In 1987, Igor Yuzefovich was called up to serve in the Soviet Army. In 1989, he entered the first year of the medical faculty of Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko. In parallel with his studies, he continues his passion for martial arts, namely taekwondo. His first mentor was Alexander Shlychkov, who in 1991 completed an internship at the Taekwondo Department of Kyung Hee University in Seoul and subsequently headed the Shield school of martial arts.

After successfully graduating from Voronezh Medical University, Igor Yuzefovich enters graduate school at the same university. In 1999 he defended his PhD thesis and worked at the department of the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. In the future, he improves his education at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Personalized watch from Vladimir Putin

Today Igor Yuzefovich is the creator and director of Expatel, a recognized leader among companies involved in the construction of fourth generation communication networks. His interests in business are striking in their novelty, their full involvement in the new information age, and their desire to fully respond to the challenges of the future. Building structures cellular communication throughout Russia, from the seas of the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, from the Pacific Ocean to the borders of the European Union countries, working in the temperature range of +43 and –50 degrees Celsius, the Expatel company provides the ability to quickly access the global Internet.

In this, Igor Sergeevich is helped by his full involvement in taekwondo - an ancient and eternally young form of martial arts, which originated in Korea two millennia ago, and in the second half of the last century conquered the whole world, the only martial arts included in the program of the Olympic Games. He went through a taekwondo school directly in Korea with the masters there. And today the courageous, mystical, bright philosophy of taekwondo, having become his personal credo, allows him to win victories in life.

Despite the fact that Igor Yuzefovich is a successful entrepreneur, he does not forget his sports past and still remains faithful to taekwondo. For the last three years, Igor Sergeevich has been vice-president of the European Taekwondo Federation ETU, heading the specialized organization of Moldova. He is the person who provides support to many sports projects Russia, CIS countries and Moldova.

As Vice President for Economic Affairs of the European Taekwondo Federation ETU, Igor Yuzefovich participated in the development and development of such important projects, such as the opening of the International Taekwondo Academy in Chisinau, holding prestigious G-1 rating competitions. On his initiative, the world's leading taekwondo athlete Aaron Cook agreed to represent Moldova on the international stage. In the European specialized federation, Igor Sergeevich enjoys authority from his sports colleagues. This is facilitated by two higher education degrees in economics and government controlled and sports skills, as well as nearly twenty years of experience in Russian business. Working in the ETU Economics and Budget Committee, Igor Sergeevich participates not only in the development of new projects, but also contributes to their financing.

The current difficult state of Moldovan sports needs such active and caring people who are ready to invest their energy and material resources in the sporting future of our country. One can only hope that his long-standing affection for taekwondo and support will help develop this sport and achieve high results at the European, World and Olympic Championships.

The merits and public recognition of Igor Yuzefovich are confirmed by various government awards. For his contribution to the development of Russian business in 2006, he was awarded a personalized watch from the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Igor Sergeevich’s achievements in the development of European sports were noted by representatives of various sports communities. Thus, in September 2016, he was awarded a memorable gift at the ETU Gala in Bucharest in connection with the 40th anniversary of the European Taekwondo Federation, and a little earlier, the Sports Press Association of Moldova named him a laureate in the category “Sports Personality of the Year 2015.”

It is noteworthy that Igor Yuzefovich instilled a love for sports and his family members. His middle daughter Polina is an international master of sports in tennis, and nine-year-old Konstantin successfully practices taekwondo, becoming the British champion.

A well-known proverb says: there is no end to a man’s journey! Igor Sergeevich has new horizons and achievements ahead in business and sports. Let's wish him and his entourage success and great sporting victories!

Businessmen often become idols for the younger generation. Young people are mainly interested in the stories of businessmen who achieved financial heights through their own efforts. One such person is the co-founder of the Expatel company, specializing in infrastructure projects in the field of telecommunications, Igor Yuzefovich. The businessman is a candidate of medical sciences, as well as a public and sports figure.


Igor Sergeevich Yuzefovich was born on March 12, 1968 in the village of Starye Shalviri (Moldavian SSR, USSR). Yours higher education the future businessman received his education at the Voronezh State Medical Institute named after. N. N. Burdenko. Four years later in the same educational institution he was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Then his path led to the capital of Russia, where in 2004 he completed his studies with honors at the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, where he received a specialty in jurisprudence. In the same year, Igor Yuzefovich graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (with a degree in State and Municipal Administration).

In the period from 2001 to 2004, Igor Yuzefovich worked as an associate professor of the department of high medical technologies at the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies. Afterwards, he held the position of head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Registration Service for the Voronezh Region, and since 2008 - General Director of the Soyuz-Realty company. A year later, the Expatel company appears, where Yuzefovich becomes the director of the Expatel company.


Expatel is a fast-growing engineering company. The main activities of the company are the design of communication facilities, construction and operation of communication networks, system integration and supply of equipment, as well as the creation of energy infrastructure facilities.

The company's clients are the Big Four mobile operators. as well as Russian enterprises in the electric power industry, oil and gas sector, and law enforcement agencies.

Expatel LLC was registered in October 2009. Initially, the company's shareholders were Igor Yuzefovich (51%) and Albert Avdolyan (49%). Since April 13, 2012, Igor Yuzefovich has owned 100% of the shares of Expatel.

In 2015, the company issued a public bond issue with a total volume of 500 million rubles. (RUB 145.8 million in circulation)

Sports activities

In 1994, Igor Yuzefovich became the champion of Russia in taekwondo, as well as the owner of a 5th dan black belt.

The businessman heads the marketing committee of the International Taekwondo Federation WTF, which represents this sport at the Olympic Games.

Since 2012, Igor Yuzefovich has headed the WTF Taekwondo Federation of the Republic of Moldova.

At the initiative of Yuzefovich, the famous British taekwondo athlete Aaron Cook received Moldovan citizenship and began competing for the Moldavian national team. In May 2015, the athlete received a bronze medal at the World Taekwondo Championships in Chelyabinsk. The following year he already performed at the Olympic Games in Brazil and in 2016 he performed at the Olympic Games in Brazil.

Since 2012, Igor Yuzefovich has been a member of the council of the European Taekwondo Union (ETU), head of the financial and economic commission of the ETU, and in 2013 he was elected vice-president of the ETU. In 2016, he co-founded the WTF World Taekwondo Academy.

In December 2016, he was elected to the executive committee of the Russian Taekwondo Union.

Social activity

The businessman is listed as a member of the non-profit partnership “Center for Promoting the Development and Support of National Traditions, Culture and Art “Link of Times”. He is also a co-founder of the Non-Profit Foundation for Promoting the Conservation of the World Natural Heritage of Mount Belukha "Musk Deer".

The new owners explain the increased security with concerns about the safety of the plant's property.

The bankruptcy procedure of Tyumenstalmost (TSM) did not result in a “recovery”, as was promised, but in the dismissal of hundreds of workers - they themselves complained about this to our publication. After the bankruptcy trustee arrived, employees were asked to write letters of resignation according to at will. “They said, don’t expect money, look for a job,” the bridge builders quote their bosses as saying. According to them, voluntarily, without any compensation About 600 people agreed to leave- almost half of the employees working at the Tyumen plant. For those who did not want to resign and filed complaints, security denied access to the territory of the enterprise; even former TSM managers, who must transfer the affairs to the bankruptcy trustee, cannot get inside. Sberbank, the current creditor of the Fonika group (founder of TSM), explains the strengthening of access control measures by the need to preserve documents and valuables of the plant, according to representatives financial organization, they tried to take them out illegally. Details are in the material.

Today, the chief lawyer of Tyumenstalmost contacted the police, prosecutor's office and labor inspectorate. Olesya Fedorova and finance department employee . According to Fedorova, on June 30, when the bankruptcy manager arrived at the plant, employees received notices of termination of their employment contracts.

"They offered to write letters of resignation, many wrote, about 600 people. I refused, after which my access to the enterprise was blocked. Representatives of Rybasova (Elena Rybasova, bankruptcy trustee, approx.) came and said, either I am writing a letter of resignation [for dismissal] of my own free will, or I will be fired for absenteeism. The manager, Alexander Zabarsky, founder of Fonika, is not allowed into the plant. Sergey Polevikov also cannot enter the territory. They tell us that the plant will be sold"- said Fedorova.

An employee of the financial department complained to the police not only about an attempted illegal dismissal and denial of access to the plant, but also about beatings. According to her, she was expelled from the territory of the plant by force. They twisted her arms at the moment when she was preparing papers for Zabarsky, in order to subsequently hand them over to the bankruptcy trustee. Zabarsky himself was escorted out of the enterprise quite rudely too.

Let us note that in May of this year, Sberbank, the owners of TSM, announced a certain investor who would be involved in the rehabilitation of the enterprise:

"In April 2017, the West Siberian Bank of PJSC Sberbank managed to attract an investor who is ready to buy out the assets of the enterprise in bankruptcy proceedings. This will save the team, prevent layoffs and delays in payment wages, as well as ensure the implementation of key orders. Together with the investor, agreements have been reached with customers to conclude new contracts; the readiness of the regional government and the business community to support the plant is also important.”

Judging by the timing, it was specifically about “Expatel”. The April decision of the LLC shareholder indicated that the company would transfer 80% of the value of the rights of claim to Sberbank after the bank’s claims against TSM were included in the register and a bankruptcy trustee was appointed (20% were transferred after the agreement was signed). However, what happens at SCI does not look like recovery, employees say.

The arbitration commission appointed member of the interregional association of arbitration managers "Assistance" Elena Rybasova. It was not possible to get her comment; the reception desk reported that the manager was not at the enterprise and nothing was known about her whereabouts.

In the press center of the West Siberian Bank of Sberbank noted that they had no information about illegal dismissals. The bankruptcy management procedure is strictly regulated and regulated by the current legislation of Russia; if these facts really happened, then law enforcement agencies will establish this, the bank explained.

"In terms of tightening access control measures, this fact is taking place, which is primarily due to the need to preserve the plant’s valuables and documents. Since Wednesday, their removal from the plant has been organized, which is already aggravating the current situation. As far as we know, the bankruptcy trustee has prepared statements to law enforcement agencies based on these facts", the press center reported.

Expatel LLC called the situation at the plant the implementation of a program to restore management. It was developed by Sberbank, and this week it began to be implemented, the press service of Expatel reported. According to a company representative, the agreement with the bank is to save the enterprise, his team, reputation and connections with the business community, as well as to prevent failure to fulfill contractual obligations.

"We constantly draw the attention of the media to the fact that it is necessary to distinguish between the Tyumenstalmost plant and Tyumenstalmost LLC named after the Tyumen Komsomol. They have completely different fates. We are entering the project as part of the bankruptcy procedure of this LLC (a procedure initiated by the main creditor of the enterprise). We plan to restore the management structure of Tyumenstalmost on the basis of a new company. Labor collective plant is transferred to work in this new company ", stated the press service.

"The plant must occupy a leading position in its industry. This is exactly the goal we will set for ourselves as the new owners and managers of Tyumenstalmost. The main value of the Tyumenstalmost plant is its very professional team. Our primary task is to fully preserve the production team of the enterprise", the company said.

A Moscow investor explains the exclusion of some employees from the plant strengthening security measures for the bankruptcy trustee: "This is his responsibility and normal practice within the framework of bankruptcy proceedings. In particular, the access control at the enterprise has been strengthened, as we have justified concerns about the safety of the plant’s property, its documentation and electronic media. Moreover, we have received information about an attempt to illegally enter the territory of the plant, which was undertaken by unauthorized persons this Sunday".

At Sberbank promised to make a joint statement with the new investor after the situation at the plant has stabilized. Then more will be known detailed information about the terms of the deal.

The bankruptcy procedure will last six months. A court hearing to consider the bankruptcy trustee's report and the issue of completing the bankruptcy procedure in relation to the plant is scheduled for December 22.

Let us remind you that Tyumenstalmost named after Tyumen Komsomol specializes in the manufacture of metal structures for railway, road, pedestrian and combined bridges, steel sheet piling panels, as well as building metal structures: trusses, beams, columns. The production facilities, technological, machine tools and crane equipment at the enterprise's disposal allow us to produce up to 47 thousand tons of metal structures per year.

It is believed that in order to become a billionaire and painlessly enter the “Russian Forbes”, you must be a classmate, colleague or member of the dacha cooperative of the current President of Russia, or, alternatively, a member of the family of the first President of Russia or a successful entrepreneur from the Komsomol or the CPSU Central Committee. There are also cases of successful introduction of foreign capital and money from ethnic communities. However, there are exceptions to the rules and on the surface there are “entrepreneurs” who have exposed their capital already in modern Russia, and not even in the “fat years”, but in the later pre- and post-crisis period. Of all the options for the original source of wealth listed above, only one is missing - which is known to everyone, but is in the shadows - its name is the thieves' common fund. And in most cases of sudden wealth, he finds himself in a decisive position.
Now to the point. There is a certain Ukrainian entrepreneur Vitaly Salo. Until the end of the 90s, he was in the wings of the aspiring oligarch Mikhail Zhivilo. In 2000, things didn’t work out for Misha, he wanted to eat a little more than he could bite off, and Zhivilo went on the run in the hope of returning. The case brought against Zhivilo is quite serious - an attempt on the life of the governor of the Kemerovo region. Misha left quickly, so some of his funds remained in the country. With this money, Salo and his partners get the Biysk chemical plant "Polyex" and for some time they even try to manage it. But since 2003 they have begun to actively take them away. The plant is large and the dismantling drags on until 2006, when a conflict arises between Salo’s accomplices. And then a certain Igor Sergeevich Yuzefovich appears on the horizon. He lives in the city of Voronezh, but his roots go back to the sunny Republic of Moldova, where his parent is one of the crime bosses. Recently, when Igor Yuzefovich became chairman of the republic's Olympic Committee, I asked a Moldovan journalist about his fate. After some time, the journalist called me back and said that Yuzefovich is such a shady entrepreneur that it is easier to order him a “shooter” than to resolve issues. Let's leave the specifics of Moldovan business out of the equation and return to Salo and his friends.
In 2007, they moved on to the last phase of the theft of the plant, namely the removal of main assets and the sale of real estate. Here Igor Yuzefovich appeared with a certain amount of money, which was just not enough to pay off the obligations between the parties. Considering family connections, this money was precisely part of the Moldovan thieves’ commonwealth.
Salo transfers to Yuzefovich his “pocket” - the Clearing Settlement House and a significant part of the real estate, and also, with the financial participation of Igor Sergeevich, creates several companies in Moscow, Arkhangelsk and Altai.
In 2007, Svyazstroy 1 came to the attention of Salo and Yuzefovich; at that time it was perhaps the only monopoly manufacturer of optical fiber. For the organization created back in Soviet time They are asking for little, about 30 million dollars. And the concessionaires receive them from the sale of the next portion of the property of the plant in Biysk.
The initial idea with the Voronezh enterprise was to try to sell it at a higher price to the Western owner, and then cheat the company. The Irish company Mercury Technology acts as a possible buyer. But the deal doesn't go through and the plan changes. On the way Yuzefovich meets a certain Albert Avdolyan. Perhaps this entrepreneur of Armenian origin knew Yuzefovich before, but the first information about Avdolyan appeared in the press in 2007, when the company Scartel, founded by him, began introducing the WiMAX network in Russia. Avdolyan and Yuzefovich buy the Expotel company and enter into a contract with Scartel for the laying of fiber optic networks. Let me remind you that Yuzefovich already has a cable production plant.
As soon as Albert Avdolyan became a co-owner of Megafon, the business created with his participation took off
The Expatel company, which builds mobile communication networks, has expanded cooperation with Megafon, become a subcontractor of Rostelecom and is negotiating with MTS.
A source close to Megafon shareholders clarifies: Expatel is one of about seven contractors building antenna mast structures and base stations for Megafon; the contract amount with it for 2013 is about 1 billion rubles.
According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Expatel was registered in October 2009. According to data dated February 26, 2010, the company’s founders were Igor Yuzefovich (51%) and Albert Avdolyan (49%). Since April 13, 2012, Yuzefovich remained the sole owner of Expatel. And Avdolyan indirectly owns 3.37% of the shares of Megafon and 7.75% of Scartel, it follows from the Megafon prospectus sent to investors in November 2010 on the eve of the IPO: he accounts for 50% of Telconet, which owns 13.5%. Garsdale holding, created in July 2012, - 50% plus 100 shares of Megafon and 100% of Scartel were transferred to it.
But these two operators are not the only customers of Expatel. Recently, Expatel has been a subcontractor of Infra Engineering for the construction of networks for Rostelecom in a number of regions. Infra itself is one of Rostelecom's major contractors: according to Ogorodnov, it accounts for about 25% of all construction work according to his orders.
This year it was announced that Megafon was buying out Scartel for $11 billion, and the Yota brand was ceasing to exist. Thus, Yuzefovich, with the help of Salo and Avdolyan, turned 30 common funds into 11 billion. Now the question is, who will the Moldovan brothers “kill” for these “grandmas”?
