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Business plan and income from 500 turkeys. New business ideas. Feeding and care

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1200000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital

2-5 years

pays off

98 %


Growing turkeys is an economically profitable livestock industry that has gained popularity due to its high profitability at a low cost. The advantages of this type of business are the short term for obtaining the product and the high consumer demand for dietary meat.

Organization of animal husbandry

Turkey meat contains a large amount of iron and protein, has a low amount of adipose tissue. It is recommended for food both for people involved in heavy physical labor and nursing mothers.

In order for turkey breeding to bring maximum profit, you need to properly organize animal husbandry: choose suitable breeds of turkey, reasonably approach the creation of a poultry complex, plan its development for the future. The main costs of opening a turkey farm fall on the purchase of land, the construction of the complex, the installation and adjustment of equipment, the purchase of birds, and the purchase of feed. Production pays off in 2-5 years successful work. The profitability of breeding turkeys reaches 98 percent. The amount of investment depends on the climate and the chosen method of growing a turkey, on the availability of farming own production area.

Indicators of quality turkey breeding, which a novice farmer should be guided by, are a high increase in weekly gain (turkey - 145 g, turkey - 90 g), high resistance to diseases, the ratio of live and slaughter weight of a turkey is 81 percent (broiler 72 percent, cattle 60 percent ), low production cost of one kilogram of turkey meat with a high cost of meat for sale.

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In the future, the profitability of production can be increased by building a slaughterhouse on the territory of the farm, mastering the technology of deep meat processing and offering the consumer a wide range of turkey products: cut meat, carcasses, sausages, schnitzels, sausages, and various semi-finished products.

Types of breeds of turkeys

The right breed of birds directly affects the production growth and profitability of the entire poultry complex. Some breeds allow you to achieve maximum weight gain, others are characterized by rapid growth. Having studied the characteristics of the breeds, you can choose the optimal cross, ideal for farming tasks.

In our country, households mostly grow types of turkeys, which are the result of random crossing of various breeds. They adapt well to local conditions, but are distinguished by low egg production and not the best meat qualities. Adult males weigh about 6-8 kilograms, and females 4-5 kilograms.

For industrial breeding, one of the best breeds is the Bronze Broad-breasted breed. These are very large representatives of their species. Females reach a size of 7-9 kilograms, and males 10-15 kilograms. The breed was bred in America, but it took root well in Russia and is actively used for industrial breeding. The disadvantage of the Bronze Broad-breasted Turkey is its unsuitability for grazing, it was bred only for keeping in cages and poultry houses. Broad-breasted Bronze turkeys can produce up to 120 eggs per year, which is an excellent indicator that distinguishes this breed from others. The average fertility of eggs is 80 percent. The output of turkeys is up to 75 percent. Slaughter can be carried out already at the age of 20-23 weeks. Males at this time weigh 13-15 kilograms, and females 7-8 kilograms.

The North Caucasian bronze turkey is a bird perfectly adapted to grazing. Adult males reach a weight of 14 kilograms, and females - 7 kilograms. Oviposition begins at nine months, lasts up to six months, in one period the female brings about 80 eggs.

White broad-breasted turkey has excellent meat properties, grows quickly, and adapts well to different climates. Egg production begins at 9 months, lasts more than six months. For the period from the female, you can get up to 120 eggs. The white broad-breasted turkey comes in three varieties: heavy, medium and light. Males can weigh up to 25 kilograms, and females up to 10 kilograms.

Cross BIG-6 is distinguished by high meat qualities and fast growth. The breed is heavy. Recommended for breeding for meat. The weight of the male reaches 25 kilograms, and the female - 11 kilograms. BIG-6 has a record net weight yield of 80-85 percent, with this figure no other pet in the world can be compared. The big disadvantage of breeding this breed is the impossibility of natural insemination of females, since the male is so much larger than the female that he cannot climb on her without injuring her. Therefore, for breeding this breed, artificial insemination of the bird is required.

A poultry farm can be engaged in both breeding turkeys and purchasing eggs or chicks for rearing for meat. A hatching turkey egg costs from 100 rubles apiece. The incubation period is 28 days. An incubator for 1000 eggs costs about 25 thousand rubles.

Daily turkey chicks cost from 150 rubles. Overexposure is paid additionally, every day the chicks become more expensive. Poultry farms, as a rule, have a schedule for hatching turkeys and the buyer knows exactly when to come to pick up the chicks. The need for the systematic transportation of chicks, eggs, feed and other goods makes it mandatory to purchase vehicles, for example, cargo minibus. Own transport is not cheap, from 500 thousand rubles, but successful production will quickly pay for all costs.

Before planning the construction of a poultry farm, the farmer needs to decide on the type of turkey keeping. Exist various ways growing turkeys: extensive, semi-intensive, cellular, outdoor. It is possible to alternate ways of keeping poultry depending on weather conditions, bird age, rearing purposes, bird species. We will consider what methods of growing a turkey exist, what equipment is needed, how much it costs on average in Russia.

The farmer must consider the main factors external environment affecting the viability and productive qualities of turkeys. The main factors are the duration and intensity of light, the temperature and composition of the air environment, the food supply, the size of the habitat, various diseases, and the genotype of the bird.

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In the southern regions of the country, it is possible to use an extensive turkey breeding system, in which the action of factors of natural origin prevails. Young animals are kept in a heated room only for the first one and a half to two months of life, and then they are brought out to pasture and are free-range until slaughtered for meat. In order for the birds to have the opportunity to hide from the weather and go to spend the night, pens with feeders and drinkers are built on the territory of the pasture, the floor is covered with bedding. A water supply system should be connected to the pens, electric lighting is also desirable. For the temporary keeping of dead birds on the site, it is necessary to provide sealed containers, and for keeping culled birds - insulators.

Turkey poults are raised indoors with a heated floor from the first days of life, and from one and a half to two months of age they are transferred to an open paddock, if weather conditions allow. Birds are grazed in groups of 1-1.5 thousand heads. If necessary, the herd is divided into parts, the area is fenced off so that the turkeys do not mix. The grazing area must be at least 20 square meters per bird. It is desirable to have two grazing sites, as the use of only one site can lead to various diseases of turkeys. At the age of 110-120 days, turkeys begin puberty, and males and females must be separated and then kept separately, as males can harm females.

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To grow a herd of 2000 heads, an area of ​​​​about 8 hectares will be required. The cost of renting a hectare of land with utilities in the south of the country varies greatly, it can range from 5 to 20 thousand rubles a year.

The site is fenced with a fence at least three meters high, as the young are able to fly short distances. The fence must be secure enough to keep wild and stray animals out of the grazing area. The animals will bite or strangle at most a few heads, but they will frighten the entire livestock, and then a large number of birds may die from the stampede.

During the period of keeping in a heated room for feeding, feed mixtures are used, consisting of cereals, legumes, waste from dairy production and slaughter, vegetables, herbs, etc. During the pasture period, it is necessary to feed with grain mixtures and mineral feed in order to increase the calorie content of the diet and provide the birds with minerals necessary for normal growth and development.

When grazing, attendants must be constantly present to protect the livestock from possible dangers, drive the herd under sheds in case of bad weather, maintain the territory: clean the corral, add food, adjust the amount of water, remove spilled food, clean feeders and drinkers. The average salary of a poultry farm worker in Russia is 15,000 rubles.

All employees of the poultry farm must wear overalls and safety shoes on the farm and take them off when leaving the turkey habitat to reduce the incidence of birds.

Features of the walking method of keeping turkeys

The main advantage of the walking method of breeding turkeys is a significant savings on the maintenance of birds. Turkeys are kept indoors only during the cold season and then live in the field, which reduces the cost of electricity and maintenance of the poultry house. In addition, with an extensive rearing system, turkeys are more resistant to various diseases, such as respiratory diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The downside is the impossibility of grazing birds in colder areas. In Russia, the walking system is used mainly in the North Caucasus zone. The territory for a poultry farm requires a much larger area than with cell breeding. Also, under adverse natural phenomena, hypothermia or overheating of birds is possible. With an unbalanced diet - beriberi.

In addition, with an extensive breeding system, production is seasonal, while with cage or floor breeding, seasonality can be avoided.

Cellular maintenance of turkeys

The cage keeping of birds requires the construction of a capital poultry house with a system for maintaining the necessary microclimate (ventilation and heating), but it will allow you to get a larger volume of products per unit production capacity. This method of raising birds is suitable for light and medium types of turkey breeds, and heavy types of breeds are usually grown on the floor, so adults males reach a weight of 25 kilograms, and it is quite difficult to provide them with cells of sufficient size.

Also, the cell system is good for keeping breeding young and fattening females for meat. The effectiveness of the cell method lies in the fact that the average daily gain in live weight increases by 10-15 percent, and feed costs are reduced by 5-8 percent, and labor productivity is significantly increased. It is recommended to keep laying turkeys in cages and perform artificial insemination of birds. In addition, the solitary keeping of breeding males improves the hygiene of sperm collection.

Ready-made ideas for your business

As a poultry house, prefabricated frame hangars are used, in which the ventilation system is installed. They are much cheaper than brick buildings and are great for the needs of the poultry industry. The construction of an insulated frame-panel poultry house will cost about $40 per square meter. Thus, the construction of a building for 500 heads will cost about 10 thousand dollars. Equipping the poultry house with lighting and a ventilation and heating system will cost another 80-100 thousand rubles.

It is recommended to keep no more than two birds in one cage. A turkey kept in cages has a high degree of anxiety. Any noise or the appearance of animals in the room can lead to severe panic and wing fractures, bruises, injuries, and so on, as the bird will strive to escape from the cage at any cost.

For cage keeping of turkeys, cage batteries are used, as a rule, two-tier, domestic and imported production. Chicken cages are often taken because they are easier to buy. The cages must be equipped with feed bins, a drinking system and a manure removal system. The cost of a cell battery for 70 heads is about 30 thousand rubles. In the absence of factory equipment, cages can be manufactured independently.

Features of the floor turkey housing system

Now consider the features of the floor system for keeping turkeys. This method is usually used for meat growing birds, it is recommended for keeping various breeds, including heavy ones.

The room should be heated, well lit, have a forced air ventilation system. The floor covering can be litter, mesh, slatted, slotted, combined. The bedding is made mainly of wood shavings, as it absorbs moisture well, insulates the birds from the cold floor, and acts as a shock absorber in stressful situations. Softwood sawdust is recommended. Straw can be used for turkeys, as they eat sawdust, and this can lead to blockage of the goiter. The bedding should be changed once a month.

Wood shavings are usually purchased at wood processing plants in large quantities at once. The price is negotiable.

The territory of the poultry house for long-term keeping of turkeys is divided by partitions, the birds are kept in groups depending on age, sex, health status. The height of the partitions should reach the ceiling so that the bird cannot fly to another section.

There are certain norms for the density of turkeys in the floor method of growing. Density is determined by the amount of final live weight that is planned to be obtained. When slaughtering birds at the age of 13-14 weeks with a live weight of 6 kilograms, the stocking density should not exceed 5 heads per square meter. With a live weight of 8.5 kilograms - no more than 3.6 heads per square meter, with a weight of 11-12 kilograms - 3.2 heads per square meter. The size of a group of turkeys should not exceed 250 individuals, the size of a group of meat turkeys should not exceed 500 individuals.

Paternal severe forms

Maternal mild forms


Average ♂+♀

Average ♂+♀

Breeding turkey poults with division by sex at day-age

Cultivation of breeding turkey poults without segregation by sex at a day's age

Growing meat turkeys

The supply of equipment for poultry houses is carried out by numerous trading companies on Russian territory. Many offer delivery of equipment to the regions. Their contacts are easy to find on the Internet. Prices for feeders and drinkers depend on the size of the product, the material from which it is made, the manufacturer. As a rule, a feeder for 20-25 individuals costs about 400-500 rubles. Drinking bowl - 300-400 rubles.

Also, poultry houses for keeping turkeys are equipped with perches and nests for laying eggs. Perches are wooden beams or poles, which are installed at a height of 90-100 centimeters. Nests for laying eggs should be 60 by 60 centimeters.

Calculation of feed intake of an adult turkey

Turkey feed is sold in feed factories for poultry, is usually packed in packages of 20 kilograms and costs about 600 rubles a package.

The feed requirement of one adult turkey for 21 weeks of lay is 42.6 kilograms. The replacement young growth of maternal forms consumes 52 kilograms of feed for 33 weeks of cultivation. Replacement young growth of paternal forms consumes 59 kilograms in 33 weeks of cultivation. Females raised for meat consume 3.8 kilograms of feed in the first 8 weeks, and 11 kilograms of feed from weeks 9 to 16. Males consume 4.2 kilograms of feed in 8 weeks, and 27 kilograms from 9 to 16 weeks.

If we look at the experience of successful farms keeping turkeys, it can be said that it is optimal to grow four age groups with a planting interval of 6 weeks, so that you can always have meat for slaughter.

It is economically feasible not to leave a turkey weighing more than 12 kilograms, but a turkey weighing more than 22 kilograms, since they eat a lot, and there is no more weight gain.

To keep turkeys healthy, it is important to vaccinate chicks. Livestock are usually vaccinated against Newcastle disease, rhinotracheitis, coccidiosis and other diseases. Treatment of turkeys is unprofitable, it is much more profitable to take care of the health of the bird from the very beginning. The cost of vaccination of one individual is about 50 rubles.

Losses on females for the entire growing period are about 2 percent, on males - 6 percent.

The presence of a slaughterhouse at the poultry farm will expand client base, since not all buyers are ready to expend effort on slaughtering a bird. Most of the turkey farms report no marketing problems and the high profitability of this business, which, as mentioned earlier, is 98 percent.

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Having at your disposal 110 thousand rubles and your own house with access to a reservoir, you may well start a business of breeding ducks. The profitability of growing one bird exceeds 50%. Payback...

If earlier turkeys were associated for many only with a dish on the American Thanksgiving Day, now dietary meat is a daily dish of people leading healthy lifestyle life. Turkey farm becomes profitable and profitable production. The nuances of growing, keeping turkeys will be discussed in this article.

Turkeys are the largest, majestic, strong poultry. They belong to the order of chicken and the pheasant family. A male turkey weighs approximately 10-20 kg. The female is much lighter and weighs only 5-11 kg.

America is considered the birthplace of turkeys. It was there that these birds were domesticated and bred by the Indians of the famous Mayan tribe. Turkeys were brought to the European mainland in the 17th century. Since then, they have become widespread, and their breeding has become a profitable business. To date, there are two types of breed:

  • domestic, bred in many parts of the world;
  • wild, few birds still exist in Central and North America.

Accustomed to the will, turkeys prefer to live in an unlimited space with an imitation of freedom. However, farmlands do not always allow ideal conditions for birds to be allocated. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the psychological state of the turkey. Spending too much time in a closed area, turkeys begin to suffer from depression. As a result, they can pretend to be dead, not move from their place. The most desperate individuals commit suicide by running up and hitting their heads against the wall. back side depression - bouts of rabies. Frequent walking will help avoid tragedy.

Modern selection is taken to solve the problem of depressive behavior. As a result of breeding, many less freedom-loving breeds appeared. Current species have become slower, more imposing than their wild relatives. Scientists also set themselves the goal of breeding larger breeds of poultry.

Interesting! The mass of a turkey by the 16th week increases by 170-200 times. If we draw an analogy with a child, then with a similar growth rate, a 16-week-old baby would weigh 700 kg.

Turkeys are always heavier by at least 30%. This fact indicates that turkeys are bright representatives of sexual dimorphism. In addition to weight, the sex difference in birds is the presence or absence of a beard and spurs. This sign becomes noticeable around the second month of life.

The ability of turkeys to quickly gain weight is a decisive factor in the benefits of their breeding. The following facts are no less significant:

The indisputable advantage of turkey meat is its low calorie content compared to other meats. It also contains a large amount of protein, and in terms of phosphorus content it can only be compared with fish.

Features of growing turkeys at home

The opinions of the owners of turkey farms vary slightly. Some believe that raising this large bird is no different from keeping other birds. Others argue that breeding turkeys is more troublesome.

But everyone agrees that the efforts justify themselves a hundredfold, since from one carcass the farmer receives 60% of dietary meat, which is in demand among allergy sufferers and those who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.
First of all, to create a turkey farm, you need to select a site and build a turkey house.

Turkeys are bred at home in the country or personal plot. When building a room, the features and habits of the bird should be taken into account:

Breeding turkey poults and keeping young animals

For beginners in poultry farming, it is better to start breeding with grown-up young animals. good start will be 2-3 week old turkey poults. By this age, babies are strong enough to withstand transportation. The probability of their death is reduced several times.

More experienced poultry farmers can try egg breeding. To do this, you will need adult birds at the rate of 1 male for 8-10 females. This ratio is optimal, since with a larger number of females, the turkey will not be able to fertilize eggs with high quality. If there are many males in the flock, then the right to cover the turkey will belong to the main turkey. All the rest will only create extras.

hatching eggs

How to determine if a turkey is ready to sit on eggs? If the female began to behave differently, hisses and begins to carry straw in her beak, then she can become a hen.

The best place for incubation is that the turkey itself has looked after. This is where the nest needs to be made. For this:

  • they build partitions or erect walls high enough so that the females do not see each other. It is also possible to equip a wooden box or a barrel for the nest;
  • sprigs are laid on the floor of the nest, covered with straw from above. The last layer is hay;
  • in order for the eggs to better retain heat and not roll around the nest, it is necessary to make a ring of straw;
  • put a feeder and drinker nearby. Make sure that food and water are in abundance, as the bird rarely rises from the eggs.

In her maternal impulse, she is so stubborn that she can die of hunger. The parental instinct in turkeys is extremely developed. Even the males occasionally incubate the eggs.

Reference. Experienced poultry farmers claim that the sex of the future chick can be recognized by the shape of the egg. So turkeys appear from pointed eggs, and turkeys from more round ones.

About a month after the turkey sits on the eggs, the turkeys hatch. One female is able to raise up to 80 chicks at a time. It's easy to add incubator kids to her own kids.

young growth

The biggest problem is rearing small turkeys. In fairness, it should be noted that compared to chickens, ducklings, they are more enduring. With good care, their survival rate is higher. To begin with, provide the young with a dry, warm room. You can take a cardboard box or make a brooder.

A temperature of 36 degrees must be maintained constantly. Lighting must also be present.

Chicks eat 8 times a day. The first three days they are fed with the smallest cereals with the addition of boiled chopped eggs. From the fourth day, cereals are mixed with alfalfa, nettle stalks, onions, cabbage or other herbs. Thus, they feed for up to a month. It is possible to grow on a special compound feed.

Experienced poultry farmers note a number of points that must be taken into account when raising young animals:

The menu of adult birds includes potato stalks, nettles with seeds, withered cabbage leaves, rutabaga, overgrown lettuce. Chopped grass is mixed with barley flour, bran. You can drive turkeys into mowed fields so that they get their own food.

During the winter, turkeys are fed chopped raw vegetables such as potatoes, turnips, turnips, cabbages, and carrots. Chaff is steamed, with the exception of buckwheat and barley. Feed can be used at any time of the year.

There is a version that, starting from the fifth or seventh week of life, males and females should be bred separately. This helps the birds to exist in more comfortable psychological conditions and eat in accordance with the growth rate by sex.

Turkeys raised for slaughter are kept for 16 weeks. Further, they develop a reproductive system that contributes to the deposition of internal fat. Their weight at this age is approximately 10 kg. In this case, turkeys are kept from 19 to 24 weeks, gaining 20 kg and above.

Growing turkeys for your own use is quite within the power of everyone. Larger breeding requires determination, counting all the pluses, minuses, as well as possible profits.

Breeding turkeys as a business

In Russia, a small number of farmers are engaged in growing turkeys. Although this is a promising business with a good profit.

Advantages of a turkey farm:

However, not everything is so smooth in the poultry farm and it is worth considering the disadvantages:

  • mortality of young turkeys;
  • high costs for farm equipment;
  • low egg production;
  • need to find markets.

All these shortcomings are easily corrected with proper care.
To get started, you can try to breed turkeys on own site and start with a small number of birds.

Small business turkey farming

Let's take a step-by-step look at what you need to do to open a small business on your own site, and also calculate its payback.

Step 1. For breeding birds, you will need a turkey house. Let's say you have suitable premises. If you build it from scratch, then you will spend about 200 thousand rubles. Also include in your expenses:

Step 2 The room, as well as a place for walking, is ready, it's time to buy birds. The most economical option is to buy one-day turkey poults. 20 chicks will cost 4000 rubles. However, we have already mentioned that this is also a big risk. To reduce it, it is better to contact trusted breeders. For starters, it is better to take medium-sized breeds, as they are more hardy.

Step 3 Do not forget to vaccinate turkeys on time and include the costs in the cost price.

Step 4 Turkeys are grown for slaughter for about 4 months. Monthly feed consumption for 20 heads will be 3,000 rubles.

Step 5 Half of the flock is slaughtered for meat and sold. Half remains for further breeding from eggs. If we take the average weight of 15 kg, and the price of 200 rubles, then the income will be 30 thousand rubles.

At this rate, your investment will pay off in a year or two. Also consider shipping and handling costs. utilities. The total net profit at the output will be approximately 18,000 rubles.

Video - Turkey Breeding Business

Mini-farm for breeding turkeys

If you decide to start a more solid business for 1000 heads, then your costs will increase significantly. You will need to build a farm and hire staff.


When building a farm, you can take as a basis the following projects recommended by experts.

The poultry slaughter area consists of:

All these investments are included in the capital costs of the mini-farm. As well as payment of documents for permission to conduct business. Monthly expenses will be wage hired helpers.

Turkey Farm Staff

Among the workers in the poultry house, the following specialists are required:

  • manager;
  • livestock specialist;
  • vet. You can take someone who comes with an hourly pay;
  • turkey care workers, at least 2 people;
  • courier driver.

If you create a personal website for selling poultry, you will also need an administrator.
If you sell the bird yourself - the seller.

Having decided on the material and technical base, we will proceed directly to economic calculations.

Calculation of income and expenses of a turkey farm

For example, we take a farm with a capacity of 1000 heads. In total, we buy birds for 50 thousand rubles. We take into account the mortality rate of young animals of 10%. We sell meat and offal from about 900 heads in 4-5 months. Without offal, one turkey gives a minimum of 6 kg of meat. We multiply 5400 kg by 150 rubles per 1 kg and get 810 thousand rubles. Offal can be sold for 24 thousand rubles. The total income will be 834,000 rubles.

You can also sell eggs, feathers and droppings.
Subtract from the amount received:

  • 50,000 rubles for young animals;
  • 60,000 rubles for food;
  • 1500 - vaccination;
  • 34,000 - utility bills;
  • 12,000 - transportation costs;
  • 20,000 - other expenses;
  • 160,000 - the salary of workers for 4 months.

Total spending accumulates in the amount of 337,500 rubles. Profit for 4 months excluding taxes - 496,500 rubles.

Do not forget about the risks. Possible epidemics and deaths of turkeys, rising prices for feed, lower prices for products.

Video - Turkey Breeding Business

Sale of products

To get the maximum profit, you should be puzzled in advance by the markets for meat, eggs and other things.

Private traders who keep a small number of heads can sell the turkey to acquaintances, using the services of word of mouth, as well as in the market.

Large producers should look for more reliable markets. They can become:

  • farm departments of shops;
  • orders for cafes and restaurants;
  • farmers' markets;
  • personal site for sale;
  • bulletin boards.

In addition, you can negotiate with crop farmers and supply them with manure as fertilizer. Do not throw away fluff and feathers. They are bought for the manufacture of pillows, blankets, sleeping bags. You can find customers on the notice boards of agricultural complexes, or by contacting the pillow production directly.

Prospects for the development of the turkey business

The sale of turkey meat is gaining momentum. According to statistics, more and more people are buying turkey meat. Because it has many useful properties.

Turkey is useful, contains great amount trace elements and a whole complex of vitamins, often prescribed by doctors:

  • pregnant women;
  • suffering from depression and insomnia;
  • postoperative patients to restore the body;
  • small children;
  • patients after chemotherapy. Scientists have proven that turkey prevents the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • losing weight.

The nutritional value of different parts of the carcass is different.

Differences must be taken into account, as they affect the sale. What this statistic shows.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a great idea for business development would be the production and packaging of turkey in parts. This will help increase the value of the products sold. Possibly also open manufacturing facility for the production of minced meat, sausages, kupats.

If you have no desire to get involved with production, you can start selling young animals. One-day-old poults and older chicks require much less area for breeding.

Summing up, it should be noted that the prospects for the development of the turkey business are very good. With proper management of the economy, the money invested quickly pays off. The business begins to bring high profits, as dietary turkey meat and eggs are in great demand in the current market. Over time, you can expand production and breed other birds. For example, pheasants or peacocks.

Breeding turkeys in Russia is not very common rural business; it is believed that keeping turkeys is too troublesome, and therefore not convenient. But farmers give their arguments. For one five-month-old turkey, they receive at least 600 rubles (200 hryvnia) of net profit. Agree, not bad.

Growing turkeys is an economically profitable livestock industry that has gained popularity due to its high profitability at a low cost. The advantages of this type of business are the short term for obtaining the product and the high consumer demand for dietary meat.

Turkey meat contains a large amount of iron and protein, has a low amount of adipose tissue. It is recommended for food both for people engaged in heavy physical labor and for nursing mothers.

Anyone who thinks that a very large capital is needed to start this business is mistaken. Here are our calculations:

Most of the costs are for small turkey poults. You can buy day old chicks. They cost 90-100 rubles (35-40 hryvnias). TO month old they need quite careful care: special food, round-the-clock temperature maintenance (not less than +36 degrees), it is also necessary to be vaccinated.

For the first month, almost 120 rubles (40 hryvnias) are spent on keeping a turkey poult - this is under the conditions of using high-quality feed, the best preparations for vaccination. Then it all depends on the owner: how you feed, you will get the same result.

An adult bird perfectly tolerates severe frosts, so you can breed it even in the northern regions. For 2 years, you can grow a bird weighing up to 30 kg, get eggs that are tastier and healthier than chicken ones. Turkey meat is low-fat, surprisingly tender and tasty, rich in valuable amino acids, there is always a demand for it.

Breeding turkeys and turkeys is in every way profitable business. Of course, it requires an initial investment, but all costs will pay off if you plan correctly.

  • On average, an adult turkey weighs about 23 kg, and an adult turkey weighs about 10 kg. Such intensive growth allows you to start a business with the purchase of young animals in the spring. During the summer, the turkeys will grow up, and some of them will be slaughtered to sell meat on the market, and some must be left to form the parent herd. If you provide turkeys and turkeys with well-protected range, then the cost of feed and veterinary care for the bird will drop dramatically. If possible, then walking should be sown with cereal grasses. In autumn, when the crops are ripe, they need to be collected in small stacks. In winter, this will provide the birds with additional food.

Best of all, turkeys and turkeys grow in the wild. Therefore, if there is a piece of land, their breeding will be successful and more profitable.

The health of turkeys is much stronger than that of a bird that is kept in captivity.

At the same time, turkeys and turkeys can regulate their diet themselves. Indeed, in addition to grains, they willingly eat insects, providing themselves with the necessary proteins and trace elements.

  • Under such conditions, turkeys increase egg production. In this case, she can produce up to 200 eggs per season. It should be borne in mind that turkeys are very caring about their offspring. They tend to incubate their eggs and care for the young on their own. So, even if there is no incubator, then at the first stage of production, you can use this property to form a herd. The incubator can also be purchased later in order to establish a conveyor production of young animals.

In any case, the purchase of an incubator must be included in the plan. Otherwise, a very serious profit may simply be missed. With conveyor production of juveniles from one turkey, you can get up to 600 kg of very valuable meat. And if there are a lot of turkeys, then you will need to build a separate room to place an incubator in it and keep the young.

  • For walking turkeys, it is preferable to use open areas where the space is clearly visible. In such areas, the bird feels much calmer and feeds more actively and gains weight.

With this method of keeping, feeding the birds should be done twice a day: in the morning, before walking, and in the evening, before sunset. Birds quickly get used to this mode of keeping and return to the room on their own in the evening.

Turkeys and turkeys are not too demanding on the conditions of detention, they easily tolerate frosty winters, so there is no need to build a capital heated room. So the cost of heating can not be included in the plan.

Of course, if it is not possible to organize walking, then breeding turkeys in captivity can be a way out. Such a business can also be profitable, but only if it is possible to purchase cheap and high-quality feed, if there is a room for keeping poultry, sources of electricity, water and good lighting.

Cage keeping of birds requires the construction of a capital poultry house with a system for maintaining the necessary microclimate (ventilation and heating), but it will allow you to get a larger volume of products per unit of production capacity. This method of raising birds is suitable for light and medium types of turkey breeds, and heavy types are usually reared on the floor, so adult males reach a weight of 25 kilograms, and it is quite difficult to provide them with cages of sufficient size.

Also, the cell system is good for keeping breeding young and fattening females for meat. The effectiveness of the cell method lies in the fact that the average daily gain in live weight increases by 10-15 percent, and feed costs are reduced by 5-8 percent, and labor productivity is significantly increased. It is recommended to keep laying turkeys in cages and perform artificial insemination of birds. In addition, the solitary keeping of breeding males improves the hygiene of sperm collection.

As a poultry house, prefabricated frame hangars are used, in which the ventilation system is installed. They are much cheaper than brick buildings and are great for the needs of the poultry industry. The construction of an insulated frame-panel poultry house will cost about $40 per square meter.

Thus, the construction of a building for 500 heads will cost about 10 thousand dollars. Equipping the poultry house with lighting and a ventilation and heating system will cost another 80-100 thousand rubles.

It is recommended to keep no more than two birds in one cage. A turkey kept in cages has a high degree of anxiety. Any noise or the appearance of animals in the room can lead to severe panic and wing fractures, bruises, injuries, and so on, as the bird will strive to escape from the cage at any cost.

For the cage keeping of turkeys, cage batteries are used, as a rule, two-tier, domestic and imported. Chicken cages are often taken because they are easier to buy. The cages must be equipped with feed bins, a drinking system and a manure removal system. The cost of a cell battery for 70 heads is about 30 thousand rubles. In the absence of factory equipment, cages can be manufactured independently.

Now consider the features of the floor system for keeping turkeys. Usually this method is used for meat rearing of poultry, it is recommended for keeping various breeds, including heavy ones.

The room should be heated, well lit, have a forced air ventilation system. The floor covering can be litter, mesh, slatted, slotted, combined. The bedding is made mainly of wood shavings, as it absorbs moisture well, insulates the birds from the cold floor, and acts as a shock absorber in stressful situations.

Breeding turkeys and turkeys should only be done if they can be provided with minimal amenities. Having your own forage base will be a good help, because the main concern of the farmer in this case is feed. If it is possible to produce your own feed, then this business will be much more profitable.

Of course, the main attention should be paid to grain crops. It is most convenient to sow oats, since its seeds are quite cheap, while it is an excellent green manure and improves the soil. But, in order for the nutrition of turkeys to be varied, you can also sow and grow a little wheat. Legumes are also excellent food. It is best to use soy for feed. Birds willingly eat not only soy grains, but also greens. And besides, germinated soybeans stimulate growth and immunity.

Birds must also receive chalk and vitamins without fail. Chalk is necessary for turkeys so that they can lay normal eggs. If the turkeys do not receive chalk, then the egg shells cannot form. Vitamins are essential for normal growth and development. Particular attention should be paid to vitamin E. It must be present in the diet of newborn chickens in the first days of life. This dramatically reduces mortality among young animals. Two weeks before slaughter, turkeys are also fed vitamin E.

If the bird received vitamin E before slaughter, then the safety of its meat increases significantly. If you feed the bird correctly, then the risks are reduced and the business brings more profit. The cost of purchasing chalk and vitamins should be foreseen in advance and included in the procurement plan.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases, the following conditions must be observed:

  • prevent dampness and drafts in the room;
  • prevent soiling and wetting of the litter;
  • protect feeders and drinkers from droppings into them;
  • do not feed poor-quality feed to turkeys;
  • grow turkey poults separately from the adult herd;
  • avoid bird stress;
  • avoid contact with wild birds.

For the most efficient use of land, you need to carefully study the plan of the site and outline the areas where the paddock for turkeys will be located, where you need to sow oats, where wheat, where soybeans. It is very important to alternate these areas and even walking for the bird every year. Thus, part of the area where turkeys and turkeys walk will be fallow, that is, rest. This will increase the yield of fodder crops.

In order for the young to grow healthy, it is necessary to feed him at the same time, and for the first 30-45 days, distribute food 7 times a day after 2 hours, then 5 times, and after 2 months - 4 times. After feeding in the feeders, it is not necessary to leave food so that it does not sour, as this can cause illness and death of young animals. Drinkers and feeders should be scalded daily with boiling water.

You also need to take care of veterinary care. If the farm is small, it is best to conclude an agreement with veterinarian or veterinary clinic. It should be remembered that all birds must be vaccinated and undergo a medical examination in a timely manner. Some vaccinations are free, so the cost of veterinary care is not that high. The cost of vaccination of one individual is about 50 rubles.

Expenses for breeding and keeping turkeys

To determine the optimal costs, you can report the following main costs (in kind and value terms) when fattening poultry. (See table 1)

For business entities that do not have sufficient industrial premises, we recommend to engage in the production of daily young stock in the spring-summer months (March-July). This is a profitable line of business.

Initial data for calculating the efficiency of the production of daily turkey poults. (See table 2)

The name of indicators Standard value Example per 1000 eggs
Number of purchased eggs, pieces 1000 1000 1000
Normative output of young animals, % 70 — 75
Day-old chicks hatched, goal. 700 730 750
Electricity consumption for incubation of 1 egg, kWh 0,29 684,4 684,4 684,4
Other costs for 1 egg, rub. 2,38 2380 2380 2380
Total costs, rub. 63064,4 63064,4 63064,4
Cost of 1 head of daily young stock, rub. 90,09 86,39 84,09
Profit per head, rub. 29,91 33,61 35,91
Other expenses per head, rub. 33,2 38,9 42,7

The cost of daily young stock is determined, first of all, by the cost of hatching eggs, transportation costs for their delivery and the results of incubation: specific gravity raw material costs (hatching eggs) in overall structure costs reaches 85-90%. The cost of daily turkey poults is also determined by the cost of electricity, wages for maintenance personnel, the cost of veterinary drugs, depreciation of the equipment used and other expenses.

With a reasonable use of space, turkey breeding turns into a very profitable business. The only difficulty in this case may be a plan for the sale of products.

Even before you start breeding turkeys, you need to develop a plan for the sale of products. This plan must include all outlets, in which it is supposed to sell meat, juveniles and adult live birds.

For rearing turkeys for meat you need to understand that other side related businesses will slow down the process and divert fixed assets, for example, breeding egg-laying turkeys for subsequent offspring is a rather complex process that requires time and money, it can be done when the main business of producing turkey meat can no longer be expanded at the expense of third-party manufacturers - a banal shortage of chicks will affect and you will have to breed them yourself. In the article, we will consider the business of breeding turkeys and turkeys from scratch - bypassing the process of breeding layers and incubating eggs, since it is not necessary at the initial stage of this type of business.

Business - breeding turkeys for meat

As industrial production meat, leading poultry farms recommend choosing meat breeds of turkeys, for example, the type of turkeys "Bronze Broad-breasted" has gained well-deserved popularity in the CIS countries due to speed dial mass (the main weight of the bird is already gaining by 6-7 months, daily gain of about 100 grams) - so, the female can reach a weight of up to 10 kg, and the male up to 15 kg (for example, a domestic non-pedigreed turkey in adulthood weighs about 7 kg). Unfortunately, the main drawback of the breed is that these turkeys are not suitable for grazing, that is, poultry should be raised exclusively indoors.

Setting up a turkey farm

To organize a farm for breeding meat turkeys, the following rules and conditions must be taken into account:

  • Bird planting is calculated from the condition - 3 birds per 1 m²;
  • For commercial activities it is necessary to obtain permission from the SES, the Ministry of Emergency Situations (firefighters), the state veterinary supervision. The latter must issue two conclusions - favorable veterinary conditions on the farm and the compliance of poultry meat with standards (certificate of product quality).

Based on the above conditions, you can calculate how many birds you are able to keep on your farm. So, for a one-time keeping of 500 adult turkeys, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​about 200 m², in addition, you will need utility rooms, a feed warehouse, a slaughterhouse and a separate pen for overexposure of chicks. In total, about 700 square meters of various premises. The use of the above breed of turkeys removes the need for you to have additional land for grazing, which significantly saves the total area of ​​the farm, so for grazing poultry, it must be taken into account that the area is calculated by the formula - 20 square meters per 1 bird - and total area pastures are measured in hectares, of course pastures are cheaper to maintain than paddocks, but there are more troubles with poultry care.

Acquisition of day old turkey chicks. The foundation of your farm. The average cost of such chicks today reaches up to 500 rubles per chick. The survival rate of young birds is up to 95%, and 100% can be achieved if all conditions for bird care are observed. Taking into account that the chicks are rapidly gaining weight, the cost of the chick increases every day - all experienced farmers know about this, so they try to purchase just one day old chicks. Usually, poultry farms specializing in this type of business - the sale of day-old chicks - inform customers in advance of the day of hatching. Thus, if we take the calculated capacity of the farm - 500 heads - you will need about 550-600 chicks.

Acquired chicks are sent to the corral for overexposure and fattening, it is not advisable to mix adult bird and chicks, an adult turkey can crush or peck at the young. The turkey reaches commercial weight already after 6 months of fattening, at which point it is slaughtered for meat, and day-old chicks are bought again. The feeding cycle is repeated.

For keeping turkeys, the room must be light, warm, dry and have good ventilation. It should be noted that turkeys are a shy bird and stressful situations adversely affect their condition. We recommend using . This will save on heating and cleaning the pen, keep the birds dry, which reduces the stress level of the turkeys. About the round-the-clock keeping of poultry in enclosed spaces, they must be transferred to special compound feeds, this will reduce the risk of infections in poultry, give turkeys the necessary vitamins, minerals and salts for active growth and weight gain.

Financial and organizational issues of creating a farm

To organize a farm in the form of a peasant (farm) economy (KFH), a minimum package of documents and several days for registration are required. It is preferable to choose the form of taxation - esingle agricultural tax- this will save you from unnecessary paperwork, get rid of VAT, introduce the cash method of accounting for income, and ease the overall tax burden.

The total capital cost of the business (for 500 heads), taking into account the construction of a turnkey farm with necessary equipment slaughter shop, will be located up to 1 million rubles.

On top of this - working capital for 6 months - which will be used to buy young animals, feed, staff (up to 5 people) - about 800 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the approximate income. After 6 months, at the exit from 500 birds (with an average weight of each bird about 12 kg), we will get about 4.5 tons of meat and offal. When sold at an average wholesale price of 250 rubles per 1 kg of meat, we get 1.2 million rubles per season. If added to technological process subsequent processing of meat into semi-finished products, the profit will be much greater.

For a year (2 seasons for 6 months) - the profit of such a farm will be 2.4 million rubles. That is, the turkey farm will reach self-sufficiency by the end of the second year of operation. Money can be used to increase the number of poultry, respectively, an increase in the output of meat obtained, or to expand the technological chain - production finished products- semi-finished products, minced meat, etc.

Video - how to open a turkey farm

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

How to build a business on turkeys: step by step plan+ calculations for the cost of breeding at home + 2 options for planning a turkey house from professionals.

Capital investment in breeding: about 200,000 rubles
Payback business on turkeys: 12 months

Breeding turkeys as a business is an economically profitable project with a low level of competition in the poultry industry, especially compared to raising chickens.

Moreover, unlike chickens, turkeys gain weight quickly and reach up to 30 kilograms in adulthood.

Also, this type of activity has a high profitability and will never lose its relevance.

Since turkey meat is a dietary product, but at the same time contains a large amount of protein and iron, it is always in high demand, regardless of the season.

A turkey business is a profitable investment because the cost of breeding animals is not so big.

However, the risk is minimal, and the first income from the sale of meat can be obtained as early as 4-6 months.

All this, of course, subject to proper organization.

The nuances of breeding turkeys as a business at home

For successful breeding turkeys, they need to create comfortable living conditions.

It is worth considering a list of factors such as:

  • habitat temperature;
  • air composition;
  • bird habitat;
  • genotype;
  • food and fodder base;
  • susceptibility to certain diseases.

Like any animal, turkeys can get sick.

But don't worry, it doesn't happen all that often.

The most important thing is to prevent any viruses and diseases that can spread among the livestock.

Infectious diseases:

  • mycoplasmosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • histomonosis;
  • worms;
  • smallpox.

Non-communicable diseases:

  • hypovitaminosis.

Minimum requirements for an aviary to organize business in turkeys:

Notes: you must not allow the lack of water in the drinker, its contamination or the temperature rise above the norm (approximately 20 - 22 degrees).

Growing turkeys as a business

The biggest troubles in this economy are brought by turkey chicks.

They require constant care and supervision.

At a young age, they are prone to disease.

Therefore, it is worth making sure that all of the above requirements for their breeding are met.

Also, if they are vaccinated in time, many diseases can be avoided.

It is impossible to settle very small turkey poults along with the rest of the chicks, especially chickens or geese.

Since they are more sensitive to diseases, and generally very shy, such a neighborhood will be a huge stress for them.

There is still a possibility that with a joint settlement, they can get enterohepatitis.

Babies are very demanding in terms of food and its quality.

They do not like frequent transitions from one food to another.

It is worth feeding them seven times a day, with a gradual decrease.

Feeding turkeys is divided into two periods: from the 1st to the 60th day, and from the 61st to the 120th.

Adult individuals in food are not so whimsical, they can be fed less often than cubs.

However, it is better to diversify the diet with specially purchased herbs and cabbage.

It is worth remembering that large birds that eat a lot are more prone to obesity.

To prevent this, they must be made to move more, and the food is sometimes changed to greens and grass meal.

Turkeys are large birds, larger than chickens.

They need a lot of free space to roam freely.

Also, high humidity and lack of light should not be allowed in the house.

The site should be equipped with special enclosures.

You can make them yourself by skimping at a construction hypermarket, or you can hire people who are engaged in arranging agricultural premises.

But if you still want to save money, you will need a wire and a mesh with a height of 40 centimeters.

The length already depends on the number of chicks raised.

For example: for 200-400 poults, a fence with a diameter of 6 - 9.5 meters will be required.

The area of ​​​​the barn where adults are kept should be of impressive size, according to the number of birds, they should not be cramped there.

The height of the perches (where the birds will spend the night) can be at least 80 centimeters, 40 centimeters per adult turkey.

If there are laying hens in the flock, it is imperative to equip nests for them.

The number of nests depends on the number of layers, but no more than 5 females per nest.

For greater comfort, it is worth making sills under the nests so that it is easier for them to climb.

As bedding in a turkey house, you can use both straw and hay.

The most important thing is that the size of the filler does not oppress the bird in freedom of movement.

It is advisable to equip the enclosure so that males and females are separated.

Poultry layout options from professionals.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Note: the thin line indicates the mesh!

What kind of staff is needed in a turkey business?

It is impossible to fully breed and monitor the livestock yourself.

To do this, it is worth hiring caregivers and related staff.

In addition, without having the necessary education, it is very difficult to monitor the health of birds.

Where to sell meat for a successful turkey business?

Success in breeding any livestock for meat depends not only on correct production, the main thing in this business is how sales of products are being established.

As already mentioned, turkey meat is in demand at all times of the year.

It is easiest to sell it in the markets.

If the meat is really good, then they will definitely come back to you, and they will also advise everyone they know.

This is called the principle of word of mouth.

The organization of the marketing of turkey meat, not only in the market, is unlikely.

Since it is impossible to compete with poultry farms.

But you can also sell meat through the execution of orders.

Since homemade meat is more valued, it can be ordered to restaurants and cafes.

In the presence of all certificates, meat can be sold at the best price.

You can also collaborate with large stores or supermarkets where there are farm departments.

Selling meat via the Internet is also a place to be.

Since now is the time when everyone buys online.

Capital Investment for a Turkey Business

The main initial investment will be the cost of equipping the poultry house and purchasing chicks.
ExpendituresAmount (rub.)
Total:From 126,500 rubles.
Paperwork5 000
Buying chicks (100 pcs.)50 000
Poultry house arrangementFrom 50 000
Buying an incubator15 000
Advertising1 500
other expensesFrom 5000

Monthly costs in a turkey business

Don't forget that turkeys as a business, require not only capital investments, but also monthly costs.

Despite the relatively small amount of investment in organizing a business, as discussed earlier, turkeys require careful care.

Therefore, every month a considerable amount will be spent on their maintenance.

Profitability of breeding turkeys as a business

Turkeys as a business will begin to bring the first profit in 4-6 months.

During this period, they grow into individuals up to 15 kilograms.

Considering that 1 kilogram of turkey meat can be sold for 200 - 250 rubles, for the sale of 15 carcasses, you can get from 45 thousand rubles.

If we remove from this amount the cost of feed (about 2,250) and the purchase of the turkey poults themselves (about 7,500), the income from such a sale is 35,250 rubles.

Soon, the cost of buying young stock will decrease, as adult female gives about 10-15 chicks.

And since the offspring bring several layers, breeding these birds will quickly pay off and provide a good income.

But for further expansion of the business, it is worth taking care of the site, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will allow it, right away.

From the video below you will learn how to properly raise turkeys:

From the above, it can be seen that turkeys as a business, require minimum investment, subject to the availability of land, and such a farm can pay off in less than a year.

But in order to increase income in the future, it is worth expanding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity.

You can sell eggs, as they are much more expensive than chicken ones.

Also, if the area allows, you can expand the farm with other birds, for example: chicken, ducks, quails.

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