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What is human services? Your own business: what services are most in demand on the market? Apartment and office moving

Owning your own enterprise is not just an opportunity to work exclusively for yourself, it is a chance to realize your personal entrepreneurial potential, gain control over your own time and your financial security. The hardest part is always the planning stage, because it will determine whether you will be able to succeed in your chosen field. Only a few at the start of their business know exactly what they want to do. For everyone else, we offer a list of business areas that will help you decide on the direction. It would also be useful to have an extensive one, in which you can easily choose and buy the option you like.

How to choose your niche correctly

The field of work you choose should not only bring profit, it should allow you to realize yourself, constantly showing your competitors exactly how you differ from them, why the consumer should choose you. Thus, the choice of development direction should be based on the following principles:

  • you should enjoy your chosen activity;
  • the result of your activities must be in demand and useful for the consumer;
  • your work must be profitable, in other words, generate income.

Based on this, it becomes clear that the discovery own enterprise is preceded by a certain preparatory stage, which includes:

  • creating a list of your interests and clients for whom they can be targeted;
  • market analysis from the consumer's point of view;
  • assessment of the chosen niche from various positions;
  • searching for funds to start.

Thus, the choice of business should depend not only on your personal preferences, but also on consumer demand, the ability to implement it in the locality in which you are located, as well as on the availability of financial resources for the successful launch of the project.

Which area to choose

If we talk about the classification of activities in general, then the entire business can be divided into 5 large groups:

  • production;
  • commerce;
  • finance;
  • consulting;
  • services.

It goes without saying that the classification does not end there. Each of these categories includes a wide variety of types of entrepreneurship. For systematization purposes government agencies even a whole list of species was created economic activity, which gives each of them a special code, which facilitates the process of accounting for created enterprises.

So, let's look at all areas in sections:

The list of business sectors that we have given can be expanded through a more detailed classification. Look full list areas of activity can be found here.

It goes without saying that the industry you choose should correspond to personal preferences and existing knowledge, but in any case you will have to start with a business plan, for example, you can view and. Moreover, each of them has a number of its own advantages. For example, the service sector is different:

  • small investments;
  • ease of control;
  • the possibility of providing additional services;
  • no need to invest large amounts of money in advertising and promotion, since this area often develops thanks to word of mouth.

The production sector is more complex and costly even at the initial stage. Usually it is associated with the purchase of expensive equipment and the rental of large premises. But those who decide to succeed in this particular direction can enlist the support of the state, since this particular business is now a priority in Russia. In any case, whatever the chosen niche, it must be in demand and also benefit society. Only then will your work be rewarded with good profits.

A service is an action aimed at satisfying the desires of the consumer for a certain monetary reward. As a rule, such an action is performed by one individual or legal entity in relation to another. In other words, a service is an intangible type of product that can also be sold. Highlight different kinds services that differ in the end result. A more detailed classification of such activities will be presented below.


All services offered to the population are divided into material and socio-cultural. The first type of activity is based on the satisfaction of material goods. These include services such as repairs household appliances and cars, construction, apartment cleaning, dry cleaning, cargo transportation, etc. Social and cultural services are aimed at satisfying spiritual as well as intellectual needs. For example, services such as training foreign language, haircut, massage, are specifically socio-cultural.

The activity may be private or commercial. In the first case, the types of basic services are provided by a specific person who has all necessary equipment and certificate. If the activity is carried out by a certain organization, the services are considered commercial. In addition, activities can be carried out both on a paid basis and on a free basis. Mutual services deserve special attention when two people satisfy each other’s requirements (one makeup artist does makeup for another, and vice versa).

Below are the most common examples of services.

Legal services

WITH legal acts and laws have to be encountered at almost every step. However, a person without special education will not know all the nuances. But ignorance of the law does not exempt one from responsibility. What to do? To study law? Completely optional. A qualified lawyer will come to the rescue and provide services for a small financial reward.

There are various types of services that are based on jurisprudence. Notaries and lawyers remain the most in demand. These specialists will always be able to help re-register documents for an apartment or resolve a controversial issue. The activities are carried out by both public and private lawyers. Everyone decides for themselves who to contact. Frequent specialists perform the work more conscientiously, but also charge appropriate fees for their services.

Educational services

While a person lives, he must learn something new. It is no coincidence that the types of services provided related to training and education remain in demand. Every day there are more and more private kindergartens, schools and higher education institutions educational institutions. At universities it is possible to obtain an international diploma. And children who study in preschool educational institution of a private nature, even before the first grade they can write and read syllables.

Various continuing education courses are also popular. Girls learn make-up, nail, hair and eyelash extensions, guys learn extreme driving and repairs. All these are types social services, which are aimed at spiritual development. A person develops and learns new information.

Cleaning service

Many people today live at a frantic pace. A lot of attention is paid to work. But it’s not always possible to look at your own home. Cleaning services are considered in demand today. For a financial reward, a cleaning specialist will clean your apartment or office space until it shines. The most modern cleaning products that do not cause an allergic reaction will be used.

If we discuss the types of services related to cleaning, we cannot help but think about dry cleaning. It is not always possible to remove stains from juice, berries, fat or blood at home. But special companies have all the necessary means to put things in order. In addition, you can dry clean a down jacket, natural sheepskin coat or fur coat. These types of services are paid. Depending on the contamination, you will have to pay from 100 to 5,000 rubles for dry cleaning. Removing stains on delicate fabrics is considered the most expensive.

Transport services

Has everyone ever had to send or receive a parcel at least once in their life? As a rule, this type of activity is carried out by mail. Goods transportation services became even more in demand when online stores appeared. Now, to purchase this or that product, it is not necessary to go to shopping mall. The choice can be made while sitting at your home computer. The purchase will be delivered to your home in the shortest possible time.

Types of government transportation services are less expensive. Along with this, the product or securities are delivered over a long period of time. If you trust one of the private transport companies, you'll have to pay a little extra. But the goods will be delivered to the final destination in just a few days.

Transport services also include the transportation of goods when moving. If you don’t have your own car with a trailer, you can use the help of a special company. For a small fee, they will not only deliver large cargo to its destination, but will also help you carry it onto the floor.

Medical services

For almost everyone, health comes first. The medical sector in Russia, unfortunately, is underdeveloped. People have to stand in long lines to get to the right specialist. All this became the impetus for the development of private medicine. Everyone is willing to pay a certain amount to receive quality service.

There are different types of service provision in the medical field. This includes diagnostics, various types of examinations, and outpatient treatment. In order to get into a private clinic, you only need to have a certain amount of finances and strive for recovery. Private medical services are provided to absolutely everyone, regardless of citizenship.

Banking services

In the material world, banking services remain the most in demand. People draw up invoices for transfers wages, put money on deposit, take out loans. There are various types of service provision in financial sector. According to statistics, lending is the most popular. In order to get what they want here and now, many agree to borrow money. A small overpayment is a reward for a service of this kind.

A financial institution can also become a reliable tool for preserving your savings. Deposits and bank accounts are types of social services that are absolutely free for the consumer. Together with that financial institution may dispose of the money at its own discretion until the contract is terminated.

Hairdresser and makeup artist services

Activities of this kind are aimed at satisfying both material human needs and socio-cultural ones. The consumer receives joy from improving his appearance. This also includes the services of a cosmetologist who solves skin problems, treats acne and redness.

Hairdresser and makeup artist services are relatively inexpensive and can be provided both in a salon and at home. The quality of execution depends on the qualifications of the master. More experienced specialists charge from five hundred rubles. Almost all types of services require corresponding financial costs.

Tourist services

Traveling to foreign cities and countries always evokes a lot of positive emotions. But going anywhere without knowing the language and being accompanied is dangerous. There is always the opportunity to use the help of a tour operator. Specialists will not only recommend a good hotel, but will also help you obtain a visa and take care of insurance. The characteristics of the types of services in the tourism sector are based on the countries with which the tour operator works. If vouchers are provided only within the territory of the homeland, the agent’s activity is reduced to providing a hotel. Working with other countries requires more attention. In this case, travel services may include obtaining insurance, visas, searching for a Russian-language hotel, etc.

Tourist services remain in demand today. Hitchhiking, of course, will cost much less. But it’s better to overpay a little so that your vacation is not only eventful, but also safe. Prices for the services of individual tour operators practically do not differ.

Advertising services

IN modern world trade is one of the first places. Some people know what types of goods and services to offer to consumers, but they don’t understand how to interest them. The key to successful sales is proper advertising. If information about a product is provided to the maximum extent, there will be many more people willing to purchase it.

Internet advertising is popular today. People who know how to draw a banner correctly can make good money. Quality advertising services are quite expensive. But those who want to earn really a lot should not spare money at the initial stage.

Let's sum it up

Exists great amount services that differ in the way they are provided and the final result. Anyone who knows how to perform their duties efficiently will be able to earn good money. You can build a business on services with minimal investment. The main thing is focus on results and respectful attitude to the consumer.

Those who want to start a business with a minimal investment of capital are advised to pay attention to the service sector. If you have special education or practical experience in this field of activity and the right promotion strategy, the initial investment will quickly pay off, and you will be able to earn good profit. Before choosing a type of activity, you need to study the services in demand for business - what is in demand in a particular region, what are the volumes of planned sales, is there a development prospect, etc.

According to the data Federal service state statistics, the volume of all types of paid services in 2014 in Russia amounted to 7,302,335 million rubles. The most popular services in Russia are transport, the volume of which amounted to 1,375,986 million rubles, and household services – 799,200 million rubles.

How to choose a field of activity

In order to determine the most popular services to the population, you need to conduct a little research in the region where you plan to do business. This must be done in order to determine the volume of demand for certain services, the level of competition in this area of ​​business, profitability and approximate payback period, compliance with federal and local legislation.

To determine the approximate level of demand, you need to take into account data such as: population size, cost of the service, demand (how many times a year a person uses this type of service), etc.

if you have practical experience and knowledge in a certain field, at first you will be able to run a business without hiring employees and, after you have formed a circle of clients, hire staff.

What services can be provided to the population:

  • repair work at home (“husband for an hour”, “master for an hour”);
  • transport service: delivery, transportation;
  • servicing of household appliances, mobile phones;
  • hairdressing and cosmetology services;
  • conducting seminars, trainings, educational courses;
  • sewing and repairing clothes;
  • Shoe repair;
  • massage, other wellness treatments;
  • organization of events - birthdays, weddings, corporate events;
  • dry cleaning;
  • care for elderly and sick people;
  • funeral services.

For private entrepreneurs and legal entities:

  • design development, copywriting;
  • creation and promotion of websites;
  • legal support;
  • office equipment repair;
  • accounting

How to open a business in this direction

In order to start a business in Russia, you need not only to study the supply and demand for the population in a given region, you must register as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

Main stages:

  1. Determine which services are in greatest demand.
  2. Select the desired OKVED code (All-Russian Classifier of Activities). It is best to choose several related activities in order to be able to expand the range of offerings as your business develops.
  3. Determine the most optimal form of taxation. This choice must be made taking into account the planned sales turnover, types of customers and contractors (private individuals, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities), the planned number of employees, etc. The most popular in Russia is a simplified form of taxation for individual entrepreneurs.
  4. Register in tax office at your place of registration and register with social funds. Open a bank account (if you plan to work with legal entities).

The most popular services to the population

When choosing a niche, it is necessary to take into account not only the level of demand, but also the solvency of the population of a given region, and other features - seasonality, the need to obtain licenses, permits from sanitary and fire services, etc.

The most popular services for the population in small and medium-sized cities:

  • Shoe repair;
  • hairdresser, cosmetologist;
  • "husband for an hour";
  • repair of household appliances, computers and phones;
  • organization of holidays;
  • funeral services.

Shoe repair

A type of business that requires professional knowledge and experience. Minimal investments will be required - for registering an individual entrepreneur, purchasing special tools and raw materials, making signs and business cards. It is characterized by constant demand with an increase in the spring and autumn periods. The approximate sales range per month when working independently can be 40,000-50,000 rubles, when hiring several craftsmen - 100,000-150,000 rubles.

Hairdresser, cosmetologist

Opening a hairdresser is one of the most promising types commercial activities- given that the right choice places and selection of qualified craftsmen. You can open an economy-class hairdresser or a premium salon, depending on the income level of the target audience and the level of competition. Initial costs vary from 300,000 thousand rubles to several million (depending on the need to purchase premises, the list of equipment and tools, furniture, advertising costs). The volume of monthly revenue is from 100,000 rubles and depends on the size of the average check, the number of masters, and the intensity of promotion.

"Husband for an hour"

A relatively new and promising type of business. Consists of performing a wide range of work - repair of household appliances and appliances, installation of plumbing and kitchen appliances, replacement and restoration of electrical wiring, water supply systems, small construction works. Minimum investment capital - registration, purchase of instruments, advertising costs. The amount of revenue from such activities can be 30,000-50,000 rubles. per month.

Repair of household appliances, computers and phones

A relevant direction for any region of Russia, including small cities and towns. The key feature will be the attraction of qualified craftsmen and constant advertising. The volume of revenue can be from 50,000 monthly, with the expansion of the range of offers and active promotion - 100,000-150,000 rubles.

Organization of holidays

There is always a demand for such services, especially in large cities. You can organize birthdays, corporate events, weddings. In this case, the main specificity is the need to establish connections with food establishments, local artists and musical groups, manufacturers of souvenirs, etc. Sales volume is unstable (the highest revenue figures are May-September) and can vary from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles.

Funeral services

When assessing which services are most in demand, pay attention to ritual activities. In order to increase revenue, you can expand the list of offers - for example, to include the production and installation of monuments. Costs at the startup stage will be small - registration of individual entrepreneurs, purchase of samples, advertising. The amount of revenue depends on the number of orders and the size of the average check. Funeral agencies in medium-sized and large cities earn from 200,000 rubles. per month.

Effective promotion

The success of any enterprise depends on a number of factors: the correct choice of commercial niche, level of competition, professionalism of personnel, good location, competent marketing strategy.

What steps need to be taken to effectively promote your business and make a good profit:

  • study target audience(needs, interests, income level, advertising tools they trust, etc.);
  • analyze the strengths and weak sides competitors;
  • develop your own competitive advantage build your advertising campaign on its basis;
  • analyze which advertisements clients come from (if several marketing tools are used).

By registering as individual entrepreneurs, many Russian citizens begin to think about which sector of the national economy is best to develop their business.

If budding businessmen have an impressive start-up capital, they can take on more serious projects that require large financial investments. In the case where representatives of small businesses have limitations in personal funds, they should turn their attention to less global business projects.

How to choose a business direction

Many entrepreneurs decide to develop their economic activity in the field of providing services to the population. To actively expand your business in this direction, you need to become familiar with some nuances, the application of which will allow you to smoothly bypass all the pitfalls.

Just 20 years ago, enterprises providing household services to the population operated, if not at a loss, then with a very small profit, which was only enough to cover current expenses.

Today The situation in the household services market has changed radically.

Wide circles of the population have begun to trust more companies whose professional activities make their lives easier. In this regard, many representatives of small and medium-sized businesses began to develop more actively in this industry, offering Russian citizens well-thought-out and combined household services:

  • provision of any household appliances for rent;
  • cleaning service;
  • repair and tailoring of clothes, shoes, bags and accessories;
  • furniture repair and restoration;
  • Maintenance motorcycle and road transport;
  • repair of household appliances;
  • delivery of correspondence, products, medicines, etc.;
  • walking pets;
  • manufacturing and repair jewelry etc.

A skillfully built business in the field of providing services to the public is very will quickly recoup all initial investments and will begin to bring regular profits to its owners.

Preparatory stage of creating a business

To choose a suitable business direction, an individual entrepreneur needs to conduct a thorough monitoring of the local services market. The main goal Such research is to determine the most popular types that are in demand among the population.

When planning to develop his business activities in the field of consumer services, a novice businessman must understand that he will have to:

  • rent or buy a premises in which all the necessary utilities will function,
  • You will also need to purchase special equipment, tools and other equipment through which work and services will be performed.

If you plan to use in your professional activity labor of hired workers, staff must be staffed before opening.

Currently, there is a demand in the domestic market for the following services intended for the population:

  • Photo services
    In order to provide this type of service, there is no need to rent a separate room, since all work on printing photographs, editing videos, etc. can be done at home.

By regularly advertising in the media, the photographer will be able to find clients to whom, if necessary, he will visit their homes.

  • Private car wash
    To ensure the quality of provision of such services to motorists, an entrepreneur must rent a large garage in which special washing equipment will need to be installed.

Also, a businessman will have to regularly purchase consumables intended specifically for washing vehicles.

  • Outdoor advertising
    An individual entrepreneur can produce advertising products.

If he does not have the opportunity to purchase or rent printing equipment, final stage the process can be delegated to private printing houses.

  • Car parking
    To work in this direction, an entrepreneur must have a plot of land that will be located within the city.

From the location of the land plot it will be directly the profitability of this business depends.

  • Tire service
    This type of private business has been for decades does not lose its relevance. Every car enthusiast sooner or later turns to such workshops, where specialists perform wheelbase maintenance.

To open a tire shop, you will need a separate room in which you will need to install special equipment, as well as purchase tools and consumables for the work.

  • Sewing workshop
    This line of business is ideal for that category of entrepreneurs who are familiar with the basics of sewing and knitting.

If necessary, a businessman can invite employees to cooperate with specialized education.

  • Minibus taxi
    The provision of transport services to the population can be carried out based on license or other permitting documentation. The entrepreneur must have a special vehicle designed to transport passengers.

If a businessman’s car fleet includes several vehicles, he will have to hire hired workers who will perform the duties of drivers.

  • Private kindergarten
    In recent years, private institutions in which highly qualified specialists educate preschool children have become very popular.

To open such a business, an entrepreneur needs to find suitable premises, meeting all sanitary and epidemiological standards. At a minimum, it should have several rooms, a catering unit, plumbing and utility rooms.

High-level specialists who have not only specialized education, but also extensive experience working with preschoolers should be involved in working with children. It is mandatory to work in such a children's institution medical worker who, if necessary, will be able to provide emergency assistance to the child.

  • Beauty saloon
    Many individual entrepreneurs are actively developing their business in this direction. IN Lately, among the female half of the population, various cosmetic procedures have become very popular to help take care of their appearance.

To open a beauty salon, you will need a well-located room, in which all communications necessary for the work of specialists must be connected.

To attract a wealthy clientele, an individual entrepreneur will have to purchase expensive equipment, preferably one that has no analogues in nearby competitor salons.

As additional service a beauty salon can offer the population solarium services, which young people enjoy visiting to purchase an artificial tan.

  • Hostel
    Provide services to the public in the industry hotel business Entrepreneurs who personally own real estate of suitable size can do so.

For the hostel to be more popular, it is necessary provide guests with comfortable living conditions: comfortable beds; an equipped kitchen where they can prepare food for themselves; a sanitary room where a set of hygiene procedures can be carried out; a safe or lockable chest in which residents can leave valuables, etc.

Business ideas: what services are in demand in a small town

It is much more difficult for novice businessmen living in small towns to develop own business. To succeed they need choose the right business area demanded by the local population.

A stable income in settlements with a small number of local residents can bring:

  • bakery;
  • establishments Catering, bars and cafeterias that adhere to a budget pricing policy;
  • a hairdressing salon where people of all levels financial security will be able to get a haircut or get their manicure in order;
  • a pharmacy that sets prices that are acceptable to a wide range of people;
  • a shoe workshop that performs all types of repair work;
  • tailoring studio;
  • a fitness club that has the necessary exercise equipment and a variety of sports equipment;
  • a veterinary clinic where specialists are ready to treat any animals;
  • a store whose assortment will consist of the most popular consumer goods in the area, etc.

Any private business opening in small town , will not be able to bring “cosmic” income to its owner.

Despite this, with proper management of affairs, individual entrepreneur will be able get a stable profit, which is enough for him to live comfortably.


If a novice entrepreneur has a burning desire to open his own business, but does not have a serious starting capital, he should turn his attention to the sphere of providing services to the population.

How you can make money by providing services to the public as an intermediary, watch the video:

Having chosen the most relevant business direction, a businessman must make every effort to ensure that the services provided to the population services were of impeccable quality. Over time he will have his own customer base, the presence of which will provide a stable income.

The service is the result of direct interaction between two subjects: the customer (consumer) and the performer. It is also recognized as the result of the latter’s own activities, aimed at satisfying certain needs. In Russia, there are several options for classifying useful activities. Let us consider further what types of services exist today.

General classification

Human activity is embodied in specific goods or exists as a beneficial effect of his work. According to these criteria, tangible and intangible types of services are distinguished. For example, a tailor sews clothes. The transformation of material into a particular object acts as a service to this person. His activity, therefore, is material, since it is embodied in a specific product - clothing.

One of the most important features services that exist today are considered to have a beneficial effect on the consumer. At the same time, both living labor and work embodied in a specific product have such an effect. This, in fact, determines the fundamental purpose of the entire service sector. It, in particular, consists of creating comfortable conditions for people during recreation, in transport, in a public or other place. The beneficial effect of an activity is a set of service properties that are aimed directly at satisfying certain human needs.

Economic types

In modern conditions, there are non-market and market types of services. The latter are available for a fee. Prices for such activities are set so that the performer can not only cover the costs incurred, but also receive income. Market types of services are thus equated to products and act as the object of a transaction. Non-market activities are carried out free of charge. Typically, they are socially oriented. Their financing is carried out from the budget or funds from public organizations (trade unions, parties and others). The consumers of such services are either households or society as a whole.

Important point

It should be noted that almost all existing species services can be provided either for a fee (in whole or in part) or free of charge. Exceptions include the activities of government bodies (including law enforcement and defense institutions), charitable organizations and churches. The services of these entities are always provided free of charge. Today, in accordance with the recommendation of the UN Statistical Commission, any activity that is offered at an economically significant cost is recognized as paid.

Market types

In modern economic system Much attention is paid to statistical analysis and forecasting. For the most successful implementation of this activity, it is necessary to carry out correct market segmentation. When solving this problem, it is advisable to use the following classification of paid useful activities of people:

Purchasing power

The most important factor that needs to be taken into account in the process of studying paid useful activities in Russia is the distribution of the population by average per capita income. The volume and structure of expenses for paid services. According to statistics, low-income citizens refuse groups 5, 6 and 7. Moreover, due to the lack necessary funds, they cannot afford to take full advantage of the offerings in categories 1-4. Thus, without being able to pay for public utilities, for example, the population accumulates debts.

Features of market segmentation

In theory, every citizen of the country has the opportunity to purchase any service from the first to the seventh group. In this regard, the entire population of the country can be considered as a set of clients that are subject to segmentation. But this procedure cannot be carried out across the entire market as a whole. It should be carried out for each group separately. In this case, the size of the segments will differ in one case or another. For example, the housing market lacks owner-occupied properties. Therefore, segmentation is carried out among users of rented space, for which citizens pay rent, and rented premises. The market for paid housing maintenance must be distinguished from the private real estate sector, where purchase and sale takes place. The latter operates according to different laws of trade turnover.

Paid transport services do not apply to certain categories of citizens. These include, in particular, those who have the right to free travel (disabled people, pensioners, police officers and others). The international tourism sector primarily attracts high-income populations. Its part constitutes less than 10% of the total number of citizens of the country.

Significance and mass appeal

The most important today are:

  1. Domestic services.
  2. Passenger Transportation.
  3. Connection.
  4. Maintenance of children in preschool and school institutions.
  5. Medical services.
  6. Health improvement and sanatorium-resort treatment.
  7. Sports and physical culture.
  8. Legal services.
  9. Financial services.
  10. Tourist and excursion sphere.
  11. Scientific field.

In the above list, services are arranged in descending order of priority for the population. This indicates that the first two groups have less elasticity from the size of the purchasing power of citizens.

Household sphere

In each group, consumers are offered a certain assortment. Household services include:

  • Individual tailoring and repair of clothes and shoes.
  • Funeral services.
  • Repair of household appliances, radio-electronic equipment.
  • Knitting and sewing of knitwear.
  • Manufacturing and repair of jewelry and others.


For each group there is a specific characteristic, by which the consumer evaluates its significance:

  1. The housing and communal services sector involves the provision of services for the repair of equipment and residential premises, the allocation of hired and rented space. This category also includes the cost of gas, electricity, heating, sewerage, water and other things.
  2. Housing services. They include the direct receipt of rented space, for which citizens pay rent.
  3. Communal sphere. It involves the supply of gas, electricity, heat, telephone, water, sanitary cleaning and so on.
  4. The household sector includes a fairly wide range of activities - from repairing and sewing shoes and clothing items to photo studios and rental shops.
  5. Passenger transportation involves the use of urban, intercity, and international transport to move people and luggage. They also include related activities of certain institutions: ticket sales at ticket offices, rest rooms at train stations, etc.
  6. The provision of cultural services is carried out by theaters, cinemas, libraries, philharmonic societies, clubs and so on.
  7. Preschool institutions include nurseries, children's homes, and kindergartens.
  8. Paid educational and medical services involve the activities of private clinics and educational institutions, tutoring, etc.
  9. The tourism and excursion sector offers reception and support for foreign and Russian tourists, including registration necessary documentation, accommodation, meals, business, entertainment program.
  10. Financial institutions provide both free and paid useful activity. The first includes opening and maintaining an account, deposits, the second includes currency exchange, storage of valuables, rental of safes, etc.
  11. Legal services are provided by security companies, notaries, lawyers and others.

Market stability

The scope of some services, for example, household services, depends on the level of priority of certain types of services. Market stability is noted among technically complex activities that are almost impossible to carry out at home (repairing a bus, bulky equipment, etc.). The market for services that can be provided at home is subject to great fluctuations. These include, for example, shoe and clothing repair, hairdressers, and laundries.

Intangible activities

It acts as a special object of statistical research. When making calculations, the following services are included in the category of paid intangible activities:

  • Household character.
  • Transport and communications.
  • Preschool institutions.
  • Sports and physical education associations.
  • Legal companies.
  • Insurance, financial firms, etc.

Currently, the Russian Federation has a Service Classifier approved on January 1, 1994.

Government services

They are included in a separate category. This activity is carried out at the request of applicants within the scope of authority established regulations of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities for the relevant structures. Government services provide:

  1. Russian Government.
  2. Extra-budgetary fund.
  3. Executive structures of the regions of the Russian Federation.

This activity is carried out in accordance with the functions that are defined for these entities in the Constitution of the country, federal and regional laws.
