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How to write a biography about yourself. A short autobiography - how to write, sample. Biography plan

Last modified: January 2020

If an autobiography is required for employment, a sample for work is drawn up taking into account the generally accepted requirements for documents of this type, however, in each case, the content and style of writing may differ, depending on where the paper is required.

Since the free presentation of personal information suggests difficulties with systematization of data and conciseness, it is recommended to use a sample for an autobiography, for work or in educational institution, civil service, etc.

General rules for writing

In order not to be confused with the reflection of thoughts in a curriculum vitae, it is recommended that you first study the basics of how to write an autobiography, and how to write information about your life in the right light.

There are no special prohibitions when compiling a story about yourself. Sometimes, when applying for a job, an organization offers to use its own form, developed taking into account the wishes of the company, or allows you to use an example of a CV that would suit the employer.

Autobiography is summary information about oneself, personal achievements, the main stages of life, allowing also the inclusion of data on social origin in the autobiography.

An autobiography is written taking into account the stylistic requirements for design business letter.

A biography about yourself requires compliance with the following rules:

  1. A small amount of a short biography, using the most concise phrases. An essay about yourself for an employer should not exceed a couple of sheets. The longer the autobiography is written, the more vague is the idea of ​​you as a person, an employee.
  2. The absence of errors in the text, sustained in a single style, based on the general desire for a concise and dry presentation. Not always of interest personal information, which contains an autobiographical essay, how many look at the structuredness and clarity of presentation. Using the sample of filling out an autobiography when applying for a job, it will be easier to write a dossier correctly. A competent presentation of the content will help to create a favorable idea of ​​​​the employee as a person who knows how to formulate and clearly state the essence of the matter.
  3. You need to follow the chronology, making a biographical map about yourself. You can't jump from school to school labor activity if you have attended a university or college.
  4. False information or misrepresentation regarding personal data that may adversely affect the decision to hire a candidate is not allowed.

What is the difference between a CV and a resume

Very often, citizens confuse autobiographies and biography, the differences between which are provided, first of all, by different circumstances under which the story was required.

Unlike an autobiographical story, a resume is aimed at writing for a specific job that the applicant is applying for. A resume is required to get a job, therefore, the merits of a person as a professional in a particular industry are primarily important. The employer is not interested in relations with relatives, family composition. The resume template does not require explanations for what reasons a person quit his previous job.

If the biography assumes relative liberty of style, then for the resume they choose exclusively officially business style, even shorter than in the autobiography. It is not possible to guess what character or psychological characteristics a candidate has from the text of a resume when applying for a job.

If it was necessary to write a biography of a person, the text is written in a third person, since it is associated with the reflection of information about another.

Literary autobiography

One of the types of biographies is literary. The procedure for writing an autobiography in literary form involves the possession of artistic style skills.

This type of document allows a free choice of content, giving the right to emphasize, according to the author's idea, various events of the past from one's own life. There are no restrictions on the choice of language means. It is written by hand or typed, and the structure suggests a departure from the chronology that is mandatory for the employer, who imposes different standards on how to properly write an autobiography for work.

Document types

There are no options for biographies. What to write in an autobiography depends on the place of presentation and to whom it is written:

  1. Autobiography of the student upon admission or transfer to another educational institution. Represents brief description child for portfolio. For the student, the emphasis is on his academic performance and life at school. For the portfolio, a list of merits is included - olympiads, competitions, etc.
  2. For admission to the civil service involves hiring in a state structure. Women and men write a report about themselves for the civil service, reflecting their work biography and family information. It may be essential to disclose questions about the social background of the applicant.
  3. The autobiography of the head is filled in upon approval of the transition to a new leadership position.
  4. For admission to residency. The student's autobiographical note provides for an emphasis on study and scientific achievements.
  5. The autobiography of the teacher makes a bias on the pedagogical activity of a person. Compiled in free form, the certificate should give an idea about the teacher, his results, advanced training, etc. Similarly, they draw up a document for a tutor when employed in kindergarten.
  6. When applying for a job in the police, it is required to write an autobiography for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which reflects extended information about a person who plans to become an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When compiling a document of any kind, they consider determining their personality based on the facts of the biography. A person talks briefly about himself, putting in 1-2 pages the most important events of his life, which may be related to future work. Sometimes they fill out a biography for citizenship about themselves, giving enough data to decide on the validity of permission to become a citizen of another country.

Each of the options for autobiographies has its own writing examples that will help you decide what is better to include in the document and what is better to omit. But with examples of autobiographies of candidates for deputies, every Russian citizen gets acquainted every time, preparing for the upcoming vote in the elections.

Compiling a curriculum vitae for an employer

Despite the variety of different options for biographies, nevertheless, the biography with the applicant's story about himself and his professional achievements in employment is most often used. Brief or extended data about a person, written in one's own hand, are drawn up based on what is more significant for the employer.

When creating a self-help, they adhere to a certain structure that is optimal for a logical and consistent story. It is recommended to use ready-made examples writing, making adjustments to them, taking into account personal characteristics and individual circumstances.

Document structure

Please keep the following order in mind when submitting:

  1. At the top write the title of the document (i.e. "autobiography" with capital letter).
  2. This is followed by an introduction, beginning with the words “I, full name, was born ... (date, place)”.
  3. Adhering to the chronological order, events in life are described, starting from birth and family (parents and other family members).
  4. Information about studies (school, college, university), indicating the specialty received and the period of study.
  5. A story about the places of work and the reasons for dismissal.
  6. If in the process of study, the work received awards, merits were evaluated, they are also briefly reflected.
  7. The following are patents received, scientific works.
  8. If the person was an entrepreneur, tell briefly about the activity.
  9. Men reflect information about conscription into the army and the assigned rank. Women who changed their surnames indicate their former surnames, as well as the time of the change.

It does not hurt to include in the content and an indication of your strengths, skills in the profession and personal expectations from the new place of employment.

If not finished sample or a template that would help you navigate how to write a certificate about yourself correctly, creating a document on your own is quite difficult. It is necessary to submit systematic data and clearly track the sequence of events in life.

A story about studies and professional achievements

Since the document can influence the employer's decision to hire, you should tell as much as possible about your achievements, significant results that will convince the future employee of the value.

Professional skills, experience, especially significant features for the enterprise should be described in detail.

It is equally important to talk about your knowledge, the results achieved in science, if the enterprise involves hiring a highly qualified specialist, a research worker, to work in a field that requires outstanding intellectual abilities.

If there is no experience, it is important for young professionals to indicate all kinds of regalia, merits recognized during their studies. In the absence of experience, having a good education is also valued by the employer. However, it is not necessary to paint the exact names of topics for scientific works, study details, if they are not related to the current employment. They only litter the autobiography with unnecessary information.

Expectations for future work

Not only the company has requirements for the applicant. The latter also has the right to tell about what kind of work would correspond to his wishes. They are not necessarily related to the level of salary. Perhaps the applicant is looking for a way to express himself in the best possible way as an independent performer, and working in a team causes problems.

If there are wishes regarding the frequency of business trips, they talk about it right away so as not to face the inevitability of dismissal during the period probationary period due to frequent absences from home due to business needs.

After compiling your CV, think about the company's imminent question about the reasons for the search. new work if you have worked in a good position before. You can immediately indicate in the autobiography the specific reasons for leaving, but do not mention emotionally negative formulations. You should not speak badly about the previous leadership, this obviously will not contribute to successful employment. You can talk about the reasons for leaving at the interview, or immediately include this item in your CV, getting rid of an unpleasant topic during the meeting. Neutral formulations of the reason for dismissal can be a change in working conditions, shifts domestic policy management, with an increase in workloads or a restriction on some benefits.

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An example of an autobiography will be useful to any person, because it is not necessary to write it every day, but even a schoolboy must be able to draw it up. However, this document must be prepared taking into account general requirements to writing business letters.

An example CV for a job application will, of course, be different from this student-written CV, but the structure will be very similar.

What is an autobiography?

An autobiography is a person's narration of significant events in his life in chronological order. Most often, it is compiled by a candidate for a certain position, but the presence of this document is sometimes necessary for admission to a university.

The structure of the autobiography

1. The name of the document itself is top centered.


Since you already know how to write an autobiography, examples of which are given above, let's look at a sample resume of a person with no work experience.

Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna

Date of birth: 08/11/1997.

Vladivostok city.

Phone: +7 423 245 77 42.

Email: [email protected]

Purpose: assistant manager, trainee.

Expected salary: 12,000 rubles.


Basic education: incomplete higher education.

Far Eastern Federal University, Department of Management, 2014-2017

Years of study: from 2014 to the present.

4th year student.

From October 2015 to April 2016 she worked career guidance work. Duties included: visiting schools in the city and the region, participating in scientific conferences and competitions, preparing advertising projects, conducting lectures, discussions and trainings.

Personal Skills

Confident PC user, good command of computer programs: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Have experience with 1C programs.

I speak well modern technology: I reinstall operating systems, I can connect various equipment and work with software.

Decent, sociable, honest, easy to learn. Great desire to work.

Marital status: not married, no children.

Ownership foreign languages: English (colloquial), French and German (with dictionary).

In this article, we considered samples of an autobiography for work, examples were given above. Let's find out tips that will help you create this document more easily and correctly.

1. Although an autobiography is more detailed than a resume, it should not be too long and poetic, 1-2 pages will be enough. Bulky autobiographies are perceived by employers more negatively and characterize the applicant for workplace as a careless worker.

2. It is necessary to present information in a business style.

4. All information must be true. Lies will sooner or later be revealed and will not have the best effect on your reputation.

5. If for a period of time you worked unofficially, but your employer is not opposed to you describing this experience in your autobiography, then you should not be silent about it.

6. If you do not have work experience, but have the skills required for this position (language skills, knowledge of computer technology, organizational skills, etc.), be sure to indicate them.

What not to include in your autobiography

2. Do not indicate in the document and do not talk about your religion at the interview.

4. Don't talk about your hobby. If you master the art of hand-made, then you need to indicate this only if your future work will be directly related to this.

5. For security reasons, you cannot name the number and series of the passport, identification code etc.

6. Do not talk about the state of health, height, weight, hair color, eyes, etc.

The autobiography has been known since antiquity. It arose in parallel with the concept of personality and the awareness of the ability to reflect.

Despite the fact that the document states the facts, it demonstrates more the author's subjective attitude towards himself.

Adequate self-esteem and the ability to present oneself beautifully may indicate the prospects of a candidate for a position, his determination.

It has long been believed that only noble people need an autobiography. They thought that many people should know about their lives. Today, every person must know a sample of which will be discussed in this article. Basically, it is needed in order to provide the main information about your person, for example, to or for work.

Basic concepts

An autobiography is a document that is drawn up in an arbitrary form and is necessary to provide basic information about life and the main difference from a regular questionnaire: the data is described in more detail, which makes it possible to find out all the most important and necessary. A sample autobiography is standard, a person simply enters his data into it and supplements it with information that he considers important. Then it is signed and stored in a personal file along with other documents.

Important Aspects

An autobiography is a free description of a person's life, and there are no regulations and specific forms. You need to write it on the usual A4, where there are no graphs, no questions, or anything else. The correct autobiography, a sample of which will be discussed below, is compiled taking into account certain norms. It must be written by hand in blue ink. Any corrections and blots are not allowed. Thanks to an autobiography, a person can clearly and concisely state all the necessary information.

Rules and Sample CV

All information must be presented in chronological order:

Key Points

The CV should set out the main blocks of information, which include information such as:

Other information

In addition to the main points, a sample curriculum vitae may contain the following information:

  • the presence of children;
  • Family status;
  • period of maternity leave;
  • participation in any important events;
  • business and other activities.

The autobiography ends with a home address, contact phone number and the date the document was written. Also be sure to sign. There should not be any other signature or seal on the autobiography. If any changes have occurred after the submission of documents for work, then this is reflected in a separate application.

To apply for a job in many organizations require the submission of a curriculum vitae. By the way, some enterprises have simplified forms with questions. Check with the Human Resources Department for availability.

It is important to remember that this is not a 5-sheet essay. The CV should not exceed one page. So don't write too much. An autobiography should not look like narcissism. This is a document that allows you to find out the main information. It has been observed that employers do not spend more than 3 seconds reading such documents. Remember that the curriculum vitae must meet the requirements and purposes for which it was written, so indicate only what is included in the main requirements.


Many people are interested in how to write an autobiography. The sample below will help you do this quickly and easily.


Father - Safonov Anatoly Stepanovich, born in 1957 - a private entrepreneur.

Mother - Safonova Anna Borisovna, born in 1960 - administrator of a beauty salon.

From 1991 to 2003 she studied at high school No. 17 in Moscow. After graduating from high school, she received a diploma with honors and

In 2003 she entered them. M. V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Journalism, after which in 2008 I was qualified as a specialist in the specialty "Television and Radio Control" and awarded a diploma with honors. During her studies, she had an internship in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

From 2009 to 2011, she worked for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, and quit after the contract expired.

Since 2011 I have been working as a leading journalist on Channel One.

Married. Husband - Sergey Vladimirovich Petrov, born in 1954, private entrepreneur.

There is a son - Petrov Maxim Sergeevich, born in 2010.

Home address:

119027, Moscow, st. Nasosnaya, 2, apt. 96.

Personal signature


As you can see, there is nothing difficult in writing an autobiography, the most important thing is to concisely state your life, its main stages and achievements. It is important not to lie or embellish anything, since all the information contained in the autobiography can be easily verified by official documents, such as a certificate, diploma, work book etc. If you still cannot decide what to write, then it is recommended to make several options, and then ask the personnel department at the enterprise which one is suitable.

An autobiography is a separate document when applying for a job (not a duplicate of a resume). So the employer gets about the job seeker Additional information, which allows him to form a complete picture of the candidate. This is an optional document: labor law The RF does not force it to be compiled, but in some cases it is useful.

An autobiography is prepared by the applicant, who later submits it to the employer personally. It describes the main stages of life that are not indicated in the official summary (- a separate task).

When is a CV required for employment?

Thanks to the autobiography, the employer sees how the life priorities of the applicant have changed, what he was able to achieve, and in what he was powerless. If the applicant for the position indicated incomplete universities, the head should find out for what reason he could not graduate from them. When a potential employee has had long breaks from work, you need to find out why. If the applicant has small children or a large family, you should ask if he will be able to perform work and household duties at the same time.

Another advantage of an autobiography is that it demonstrates a person's literacy, the ability to express thoughts clearly and clearly, to structure information. Some companies employ a specialist in handwriting research: he finds out how open the applicant was in this document, whether he has negative character traits.

Sometimes the requirement to write a CV is mandatory, which is related to the specifics of the position / company. The document is submitted with . The applicant attracts increased attention if he applies for a job associated with high financial responsibility, military or commercial secrets.

In the latter case, HR employees develop separate forms for writing an autobiography. In them, a person notes whether he participated in the elections, whether he was prosecuted, whether he has any diseases. To avoid difficulties during the interview, you need to warn about the need to provide such information in advance.

How to write an autobiography for a job?

There is a list of rules:

  • the document is completed in writing;
  • before the introduction, in the middle at the top of the sheet, a heading is written - an autobiography;
  • the introduction is as follows: “I, full name, was born ...”;
  • facts from life are described arbitrarily in chronological order;
  • at the end, the signature and date of the document are affixed.

The autobiography is written on one sheet of A4 paper. It consists of a number of elements:

  • Date and place of birth;
  • information about parents, family composition (spouse, children, brothers and sisters) - date of birth, education, work;
  • education (from school to obtaining a diploma in the studied specialty, indicating the duration of study);
  • information about positions in the past and previous places of work, reasons for dismissal (without insults and transitions to personalities);
  • information about received promotions, awards;
  • scientific publications, works, developments, patents;
  • entrepreneurial activity (if any);
  • a man indicates information about his military service, rank;
  • if a woman changed her maiden name, it should be indicated and the date of the change;
  • briefly - business qualities and professional skills, wishes for future work.

Some organizations require writing an autobiography in the presence of a personnel officer, so it is recommended to write the text of the document in advance. Sometimes employers are asked to fill out along with an autobiography. It consists of several questions.

Curriculum vitae samples for employment

Let's look at a few samples.

CV Sample #1

Curriculum Vitae Sample #2

CV Sample #3

Summing up

An autobiography allows the employer to get to know the applicant better (sometimes the characteristics and other documents are not enough). A potential employee prescribes in it education, previous jobs, family composition, awards and achievements, as well as character traits.

You need to write an autobiography by hand on one sheet of A4 format. The official writing style should be followed. You can’t make mistakes, get personal and stoop to insults - it is by the way the autobiography is written that the employer will judge the professional suitability of the applicant. You can use examples, templates and samples when writing it.
