Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Press kit examples are ready. What is a media kit? Press kit: sample. Media kit of the magazine. Implementation examples

Business theme

  • IT market and IT business: strategies, prospects and development forecasts.
  • Current events and trends in industry IT markets, technologies and trends.
  • Tasks and problems of automation in various sectors.
  • Aspects of information security of IT use.

IT Services and System Integration

  • Creation, testing and implementation of complex industry solutions and IT systems.
  • IT consulting: implementation of IT management processes outlined in ITIL, IT asset management, business management information systems: ERP, CRM, HRM, BMP, SCM.
  • Infrastructure solutions: creation, development, support of engineering and IT infrastructures, virtualization and storage systems.
  • Data processing centers: design and construction, certification and audit, modular and mobile data centers.
  • Service direction: DPC as a service, IT outsourcing, outstaffing, cloud services for large, medium and small businesses (IaaS, SaaS, PaaS), contact centers, service management and technical audit, service support.
  • BI: competencies in performance management, information management technologies, data warehousing, business intelligence, planning and budgeting.
  • Networks, telecommunications and energy: technological and economic aspects, innovations, market trends and current solutions.
  • Information Security Keywords: tendencies and problems of information security provision, legal issues of information security, expertise in information security.
  • ITeco's own developments: RUSTEK cloud platform; platform for processing big data "Digital Alphabet", solutions based on artificial intelligence SmartSel, SmartCS, Analytical Courier, X-files, TransBase fleet management system.

HR and socially significant programs

  • Cooperation with universities: interaction modern business and education, training of IT specialists, support educational programs and holding specialized events (competitions, olympiads), organizing special courses.
  • Corporate social responsibility.
  • HR topics: career in IT, questions and problems of finding qualified personnel, programs corporate training, tools for assessing and motivating staff.

AiTeco in facts and figures

Brief history of the company

  • 1997 Center formed information technologies"KAMI".
  • 2000 The company is represented on the market under the I-Teco brand.
  • 2002 On the basis of AiTeco, the first Intel and HP Competence Center was founded in Russia.
  • 2004 Regional representative offices are opened in the Urals, North-West regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • 2007 ITeco received the CNews Awards as the company of the year in the field of system integration. Representative offices of the company are opened in the Republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
  • 2008 Launched its own commercial data center "TrustInfo" of the Tier III level for 1200 rack spaces, which has no analogues in terms of the degree of protection from man-made disasters and the totality of characteristics.
  • 2009 The structure of AiTeco included the Russian consulting company BI Partner, specialized in providing professional services in the field of data warehousing, business intelligence systems, strategic planning and financial management. At ITeco 1000 people.
  • 2010 ITeco entered the Top 200 private/non-public companies in Russia for the first time (Forbes).
  • 2011 An online store of cloud services was opened - showcase based on the TrustInfo data center.
  • 2012 On the basis of the ITeco Service Center, a subsidiary company Servionika was created - a universal provider, the main direction of which was the development of mass IT services and outsourcing projects. The staff of "AiTeco" exceeded 2000 employees.
  • 2013 AiTeco received the status of the Supplier of the Sochi 2014 Games, having started the implementation of several large-scale Olympic projects. LogiCall, one of the largest outsourcing contact centers in Russia with a distributed structure, was launched under the management of Servionika.
  • 2014 For a great contribution to the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Games in Sochi, gratitude was received from the President of the OCOG "Sochi2014" Dmitry Chernyshenko, FSB, public organizations. Project managers were awarded medals and certificates on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and thanks to Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev.
    Two new brands were launched on the market: Witte Consulting was founded on the basis of the AiTeco Business Consulting department, and RASSE (Development of Communications and Energy Systems) was founded on the basis of the AiTeco Networks and Telecommunications Department.
  • 2015 Market launch of own products : platforms of corporate virtualization "ES2015-Terem"; highly secure cloud platform RUSTEK; solutions for monitoring the performance of telecommunication networks "Kometrix"; software platform “AK. Big Data”; radio relay equipment own production; systems for processing data on network computer incidents. Opening of a subsidiary company 2Tolk in Skolkovo.
  • 2016 ITeco's own developments are included in Single register Russian software: "Analytical Courier"; X files; RUSTEK platform; system YuZEDO i-Konto; PAK "ES2015-Terem". The AiTeco Innovation Center was created in Skolkovo.
  • 2017 Emercoin Blockchain Consortium was created – a joint project IC "ITeco", Emercoin and Hash Coins.

AiTeco today

Continuing the transformation from an infrastructure system integrator into an IT service company, AiTeco occupies a leading position in the provision of IT services in various segments of the IT market:

  • TOP-5 IT service providers in Russia (RAEX/Expert RA, IDC, 2018)
  • TOP-5 IT companies in Russia (RAEX/Expert RA, 2018)
  • TOP-5 integrators of engineering infrastructure and systems physical security(CNews, 2017)
  • TOP-5 system integrators of Russia in the field of building IT infrastructure (CNews, 2017)
  • TOP-5 integrators of telecommunication solutions (RAEX/Expert RA, 2018)
  • TOP-5 providers of IaaS solutions (iKS Consulting, 2018)
  • TOP-10 software developers (RAEX/Expert RA, 2018)
  • TOP 10 consulting groups(RAEX/Expert RA, 2018)
  • TOP-10 largest commercial data centers in Russia (iKS Consulting, 2017)
  • TOP-10 data analysis solution providers (CNews, 2017)
  • TOP-10 IT providers for banks, for telecom operators, public sector of Russia (CNews, 2017), in retail (CNews, 2018)
  • TOP 500 largest companies Russia (RBC, RAEX, 2017)
  • Games provider in Sochi 2014
  • Supplier of the Moscow Government
  • Reliable supplier trading portal factory
  • Since 2007, the company has repeatedly been included in the list the most attractive employers according to the portal


  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of AiTeco Alexey Remizov- v Top 10 the most authoritative leaders and three times - in Top 25 the best managing IT companies in Russia (CRN/RE).
  • Director of strategic development Vladimir Lvov and commercial director Alexey Kuzin- v Top 10 the best functional directors in the IT field (rating of the Association of Managers of Russia and Kommersant).

Any product, whatever high quality he was, in need of publicity. Only advertising allows you to make it interesting to the consumer. In this way from the conveyor to the counter, you can’t do without

The tools used by specialists to create the conditions for acquaintance are necessary both for journalists and directly for the consumer.

It will be about irreplaceable PR-tools.


The first of these tools is a media kit, which is a summary of factual data about a product (service), as well as a set of standard documents and presentations that are constantly updated.

English media implies the presence of information about the source of the broadcast.

A set of information is considered complete if it contains the following data:

Media name;
- appeal from the representative office of the company to its audience;
- biographical information and important facts about the media, its sources;
- information on the format of release of news and other notifications;
- selection target audience among viewers and readers of the media;
- information about new events, special issues, new forms of media alerts may also be published;
- the main unique characteristics of the media source;
- information with comments about advertisers and partners through which projects are being implemented;
- a list of sections and their semantic use (most often presented in visual tables, which makes it possible to better understand the motivation of this particular method of implementation, and not another);
- prices for advertising and PR-materials, participation in decisions;
- technical requirements to ready-made materials: layouts, commercials and printed materials, PR projects;
- contacts are made as the last item, i.e. information about a person or a group of persons who will give all the necessary information in the advertising and editorial sections.

A media kit (example in the article) allows you to get the maximum amount of information within a single source.

The format of the release of information occurs both in paper form (brochures, magazines), and in electronic version these components on the network. There is also a format for audio and video releases.

The concept of "media kit" is closely related to another element of PR. It is the only element that is formed for the media, regardless of the initial event.

Another tool that helps in the operation of the broadcast system is the press kit.

"Journalist's folder"

Press kit - from the English "press kit" - literally translates as "a set (set) of the press."

Perhaps the second most important element after the press release at the time of the presentation.

The main function of the press kit is to provide journalists with brief, but at the same time capacious information about ongoing events, about their main participants, and, of course, about the company itself. Provides information about the historical past, information about the representatives of the company and its achievements. If we are talking about a product or service, the emphasis is on the merits of the advertised object.

Since we have already found out that a press kit is a certain set of information for the work of the media, we should conclude that for the convenience of work it must be sorted and systematized in some way.

The second name of this PR element is “a folder for journalists”, since this is how the “sharks of the pen” prepare their materials.

If you plan to work at several events, then it is worth adding elements to the design of the folder that will simplify the process of orienting in the material. Sometimes colored paper is used for this.

Fill the folder usually on the right side - most important information, additional materials are often placed in the left.

The second design option for a press kit is a brochure that is printed once. Of course, such material is convenient to use, but the disadvantage is the inability to supplement it with new information, and the financial cost is much higher than in the first version.

It is imperative that both in the case of a folder and in the version with a brochure, you need to place contact information, you can supplement the press release with the release of business cards, which will be placed there as well.

However, in order to better understand the significance of these PR tools, it is worth paying attention to an example of their implementation.

Media kit of the magazine. Implementation examples

The magazine has long been considered one of the most familiar forms of media work. At present, practically nothing has changed, only supplemented by the appearance of analogues of printing on the network.

Modern forms of media kit for magazines are supplemented with animation, sound and video accompaniment, infographics. The focus of each component is to ensure that the information is not only remembered, but also correctly perceived.

For a practical understanding of the essence of the concept of "media kit" it is worth considering examples of its implementation. The direction of publications can be absolutely anything. So, good example is a domestic sports magazine "Football", main page which is filled with comprehensive information about the sections of the publication, its format of release, points of sale, price, as well as statistical data on the number of readers. With the help of animation, accents are correctly made in the necessary places.

Materials about the services or products of the company;

Additional audio materials.

Summarizing the above facts, it should be noted that for Lately the format of broadcasting tools has been greatly modernized.

The transformation of the media kit format from its original form is primarily due to the development technical progress. Since now the life of each of us is half filled with the Internet, the format of PR tools is moving there.

Of course, while printed editions not gone, they just took on a different form. So, almost any self-respecting publication has a page on the Internet, which is a direct copy of the magazine, but only online.

Yes, and journalists still cannot do without their working folder.

The mechanical need for media kits and press releases has retained its relevance, since the first form is the hallmark of any project, and without the second, the content content of any publication, as well as events for the presentation of a product or service, is simply unthinkable.

PR tools are assistants on the way to optimal solutions and waves of information.

(From the book Seacord Stephanie. Public Relations Marketing. Making a splash without much cash. The Oasis Press, 1999. Translated by L. Terekhova)

A press release is a basic tool for compiling information on any given topic that you want to report to the media. A press release, as one of the means of disseminating information, summarizes all the necessary characteristics of an object and brings your news to the right audience. The more professionally you present them, the more likely they will reach the audience you need first.


Believe it or not, according to the editors, it is very important that a press release looks good. This means that not only must the spelling and grammar be perfect and the press release readable (no blurry copies, no dot matrix printers, no small print), but the letter paper it is printed on must also be attractive. While all of this may seem completely unimportant, here are three reasons why these conditions for writing a press release are not only desirable, but necessary:

  1. A well-packaged press release will add credibility to your message. If you don't think about what your news looks like, you probably don't care about its credibility either.
  2. A bright logo or an interesting envelope will make your message stand out among many others. This will help you achieve your very first goal - getting the editor to open your message.
  3. Editors and correspondents will begin to recognize your releases, they will distinguish them from the pile of papers that they receive every day.

You can invest a few hundred dollars in a printed form and thus satisfy your need for business letters and obtain forms for writing press releases at the same time. Whatever colors or graphics you choose, make sure you can easily read the letter or message. It's also very important to our faxing policy that the background color doesn't turn the page black or that your logo doesn't disappear when you fax your press release. Embossed logos are usually used by expensive companies. But no more embossed characters - they don't show up when you fax them.

How you position your message on the page is also very important. Use the following hints:

  • Make the font as easy to read as possible. The font style should be the same as in the books and in most of the magazines that we are all used to reading. Use a serif font - the one with small "tails" on the letters. For Americans, serif typefaces, as well as lowercase and uppercase letters, are easy to read. Don't write your press release in all caps.
  • Use double line spacing. Again, this will make your message easy to read.
  • Try to fit your information on one, maximum two sheets. Editors won't have time to sort through lengthy press releases.
  • If your information is two pages long, mark the end of the first sheet with the note “see. further”, and at the beginning of the second sheet “keyword - 2”, in case the sheets are separated. The keyword can be either your name or the subject of the message.
  • At the end of your press release, write "30" or "###". This characteristic tradition in writing business letters let the reader know that the release is over.·
  • In addition to your company name, address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail, which are printed on your letterhead, you should always include the name of a person who can be contacted and their telephone number on each release.
  • Using the date on a press release helps you determine if your message is urgent or if it can wait until certain period. For example, if you report an event, the message will expire after the date of the scheduled event passes. Therefore, the press release should be labeled “best before”. Make sure your releases are printed in time for the editor to respond to your event when they receive them.

Extravagant advertising!

How do you get an editor to mark your envelope among the pile of correspondence on his desk? Have you ever noticed that a flashy race car or eye-catching illustrations grab our attention much more than other, unremarkable objects? You must make your press release stand out from the rest. V similar situation it's perfectly acceptable if you send some editor a cake just to have him read (or at least open the envelope!) your release about the new restaurant menu. Even if the editor you're in constant contact with always treats your releases with due care, it's never a bad idea to have some fun along the way. Bring in a little extravagance. Send your editor a 3D sample of what you're talking about in the press release, such as a gorgeous red lobster if the release contains information about cooking lobster. At the same time, you call each person and receive confirmation that he is going to attend your event. Admit it, have there been times when you threw a package or a thick envelope into the trash can without even opening it?

Suppose you are advertising a beautiful car. The poster it's printed on is smooth and shiny. Sponsor's name is spelled correctly. The machine satisfies all the requirements of this class in terms of size and weight. But even the most attractive outwardly car will not take you to the right place if it has a weak engine, poor aerodynamics and generally low specifications. In the same way, the press release you send out, no matter how well designed, will not make the right impression if it does not contain news.

What's new?

Sending news to the editor is no different than sending any other product: you have to explain to your customers why this particular product might be of interest to them. V information business you must send information to the editor, ie. such news that will not leave the reader indifferent, but rather draw his attention to a newspaper, magazine column or television show. Every time you send out a press release, you must answer the question: “Who would be interested in this?”

The news can be completely esoteric (i.e. known only to the initiated) for as long as you wish. Frame your news for the appropriate audience you want to influence, and then select reporters and editors to get the news out to the people. The content of the news is its engine. The stronger the news, backed up by facts, the further your release will spread. How well you can explain the full importance of your news, so appropriate it will seem to the editor to whom you sent it. When talking about why your news is so important, you need to back it up with facts or statements from other people. At the same time, the author of the statement should be indicated so that the reader can decide for himself whether he trusts this person or not. The reality is that if you write "Firm X is a leader in this industry" and don't provide any proof of this, you will instill distrust in yourself. But if you say, “According to customer Y, company X exceeded his expectations for product quality and service by sending him replacement parts within 24 hours,” then you confirm your information.

As a PR specialist, you are the press representative for your company. You must explain what your company does so that your customers are confident in the quality of the services you provide. At the same time, accompany your press release with facts and background data.

Turn product features into benefits

Consider an example. A correspondent calls and asks: “What's new in the Bahamas? Is there any news about hotels that would be of interest to designers?” You can answer with three pages of detailed reports on what hotels were built. But this will answer only part of the question. The correspondent asked you if there is any new information that the designers should be aware of. Even though the structures are new, the first response did not explain why designers should be interested in them. Thus, the report could not turn the properties of the object into its merits.

Rule number one, which is used not only in sales, but also in PR marketing, says: convert the properties of the product into its advantages. So best sellers, the best specialists in the field of PR marketing are an active party in negotiations, and not passive order takers. They strive to understand their customers and learn about their needs before presenting answers and products. This rule holds true whether you're asking a client to place an order, a reporter to write a review of your firm, or you're asking an organization for financial support.

What do you have to offer to satisfy the customer? How can you ensure that your solutions or products meet their needs? The best way explain the difference between properties and virtues - offer a small test as shown in fig. 5.1.

Rice. 5.1: The difference between properties and virtues

In this pair, the properties are first considered:

  1. what do all these numbers mean for designers,
  2. how designers evaluate the possibility of accommodating more groups. Does this mean that the professionalism of the hotel staff has increased? Has the quality of service in the room improved?

How to get famous

The most commonly used strategy is: more publicity, more publicity. That's why you send out press releases and use every chance to get into the lens professional photographer. The problem with this approach is that your friendliness can wear out over time. You can waste your energy or fail by doing something really stupid, like breaking news that is only half true. Or you risk becoming one of those who always move behind and never seem to catch up with those in front. The best approach is to set the right pace. Define your personality, then wait for the right opportunity to showcase your material. Make the envelope with your press release a sign that you are the guarantor of your information. Earning the respect and trust of the press gives you a professional edge.

The tactics you use are also very important. Some people think that the traditional press release is not effective in that it is just a typed leaflet sent to the editor. In order for the editor to use your information in the newspaper, he will have to retype the text and process the press release. Unlike the traditional one, an electronic press release sent via e-mail, much better. The reason for this is that you have already done all the work for the editor. If he is interested in your message, then all that remains for him is to cut out the desired passage from your release and paste it into the publication, which is available online.

Everyone who writes agree that the release sent to electronic form, is valued much more than the traditional printed on paper. It's much easier to do a few clicks on your computer than it is to retype from a perfect copy. Thus, a good electronic press release brings two benefits to your editor/client: the release contains useful information in the right context and written in a format that is easy to use.

Role of the press officer

Always remember that people need to understand what makes your product/company unique. It takes a lot of effort to achieve professional success in the market.

As professionals, we have a duty to communicate about the company's activities not only to our supporters and clients - people who are already interested in what we do and whose interest in our company needs to be maintained, but also to those who are potentially our supporters and clients. Among the variety of media representatives, know and choose those that appeal primarily to your audience. This is also part of your job.

In every industry, the role of a PR specialist is to build contacts with the press. You must explain what you, your team or company is doing to provide the best possible service to your customers. And you cannot complain about the fact that someone does not convey information well to your customers if you yourself have not regulated this mechanism, if you have not provided all the facts and data.

Press kits

Even in the age of the Internet, it makes sense to use press kits (media kits) to provide Additional information in a format that is convenient for the editor and for you. Editors rarely go through a large press kit to the end. This is why I don't believe in the effectiveness of sending press kits unless all the information contained there is new. By collecting the facts at your disposal from disparate sources intended for different client groups, you will have information that you can send by fax or e-mail, in case the editor contacts you.

Think of a press kit as a means by which the editors will place a note about your activities in the publication. If the editor has questions about what you do, what are the features of your product, then the press kit should: 1) contain answers to questions, 2) be easily accessible.

Some press kits include company brochures, copies of articles, and pages from other sources that clarify the history of the company. You think these sets fit the definition because they contain all the details and facts your audience wants to know. But often these press kits do not fulfill the second condition, namely the quick and easy search for information necessary for correspondents. Press kits in this case are like a tool box filled with a bunch of items. And the reporter, constantly being in a hurry, because Submission deadline expires, never has enough time to view all content. Correspondent needs to quickly find essential tool, and all he wants to do is just walk up to the drawer labeled “wrenches” and select the right size.

What should a press kit contain?

To collect all the information you need, you need a cute folder with two compartments. Stick a logo or label identifying your company on it and put it inside business card. There are cards that pop up on their own when you open a folder. However, all this is too elegant and expensive than it really is. Use your resources appropriately to ensure that your press kit looks and functions to meet your company's needs. Do not get carried away with the form, remember the content side of the package.

Related information

In the right section of the folder at the top there should be a leaflet with information on the specific topic covered by the press kit. The fact sheet should include the name of the company, its address, the name of a person who can be contacted for more information, their telephone number, e-mail and fax number. Also on the sheet should be indicated the key figures of the company's personnel, such as the president, financial director, vice president, head of the marketing department. The purpose of such a listing of names and positions is to provide the correspondent with the opportunity to check the correct spelling of someone's name.

The fact sheet should contain key facts and figures such as the firm's location, number of products, number of employees, annual sales or other business information, and a description of each indicator in a few words. For example: “Located in New Hampshire, Motorsport, a cutting-edge firm, offers car tuning services to drivers and car owners.” One sentence should summarize who you are (or what you do), what sets you apart from your competitors. Words indicating the location will help the reader find you. The fact sheet is the most important element press kit. Everything else that you put in the package must confirm the data that you indicated on this first sheet.

history of the company

The history of the company is presented in a format that is convenient for quick viewing, so that a correspondent who finds out the date of the company's foundation or the date of the launch of a product on the market can easily get the necessary information. By presenting the history of the company in chronological order, the development of the company is shown, the key stages of activity are identified. It also prevents the risk of writing a story that is too long and boring. The history of the company is included in the press kit because it is intended to provide reporters with facts that can later be used in an article. This is not an independent account of what the company has done since its inception. If you are grabbing a company history from a company brochure or yearbook, at least highlight the most important parts and prepare a one-page excerpt.

Auxiliary data

The press kit should also include:

  • Press release explaining your industry and your niche in it, with brief description what you do and what you expect.
  • Tailor-made press releases for each type (market segment) you want to target, detailing the products and services you offer for each market segment and explaining why they are better than your competitors.
  • A release that explains the distinctive features of your products and services, as well as the development or technical advantages.
  • Constantly updated news releases about the latest developments in your company, special events, product or service announcements. This release should include a short paragraph about who you are, how you can be contacted, and where you stand in the market.

Press releases should resemble chapters in a book. Each chapter focuses on a specific topic and has a title that describes that topic. Each product your company manufactures, or each batch of products sold in your store, must have its own releases, presenting the features and benefits of the product, its scope, price.
The information contained in the press kit should answer the main questions of the correspondent.

  • What's this?
  • How it works?
  • How is it different?
  • Where can I get it?
  • How much is it?

Readers always have questions, so the press kit should provide answers (who, what, where, when, why). Your press releases should be accompanied by technical graphics and black and white images of the product and people. Thus, if you always have such releases at hand and you can anticipate what the client will want to ask you, you will get competitive advantage. Practicing release writing will keep you in the lead.

Finally, there are data (squeezed) from other sources that you can also include in the content pack. For example, posts with good reviews will increase the credibility of your product. As a general rule, if one trade magazine has written about you in a publication, another will do the same.

Be very careful when using excerpts from different sources. Never modify newspaper material by cutting out something and inserting your comments. Include the entire article in the press kit, and separately write your opinion to focus the attention of readers on the right points, and in no case cut out the headlines. Make sure the title and date of the magazine or newspaper article is mentioned in your clipping.

Keep your press kit up to date. Check the dates of your press releases and newspaper clippings to make sure they are up to date.

When to send and when not to send press kits

A few words about distribution:

  • You don't have to send a press kit every time you send a press release.
  • You should send out a press kit if you've never done it before and want to make sure all your media partners have the facts. Give them out at trade shows to people who write about your industry; or send them from cover letter, which contains past materials about your activities. When doing this, insert a comment: “I am attaching the current press kit so that you can update your file about us.”
  • Keep a supply of materials on hand every time you host a special event, such as an open house, to hand out to visiting reporters.

The idea is that press kits should be sent to correspondents who are likely to write about you. The press kit will allow them to check their facts. When you send out a press release, there is no guarantee that every newsroom that receives it will publish an article. A publisher doing a roundup of news about new products doesn't need a press kit to get the press release you sent them to print. Editors and correspondents are already drowning in the mail they receive. Don't make things worse by sending a whole novel to someone who needs only a small but reliable part of it. Don't waste your money on paper and postage, save your press kits for those who really need them.

The press kit is a portable and accessible encyclopedia of who you are. Create a material pack that gives you a good, solid story, and it becomes a tool to make your job easier.

Results monitoring

The purpose of a press release is basically to correct the information that will be used in the news column, to serve as its basis. Your performance as a PR professional is measured by these results, so it makes sense to talk about how you should anticipate, monitor, and evaluate press releases. As for the descriptions of product characteristics, most of them are prepared taking into account all necessary knowledge. The material needs additional information (interviews, photographs, etc.) to confirm its authenticity. When everything is ready, you are waiting for the publication. It is perfectly acceptable to ask the correspondent about the release date of the material.

The appearance in the press of materials based on press releases is more difficult to trace. Usually you read specialized literature for your industry. If you have sent a release to certain circles, you know when and where to expect responses to it. However, when you work with an audience such as a hotel or restaurant, you have to cover a much larger part of the market. Few people have access to all the daily newspapers on the mailing list. That's where newspaper clipping services come in. For a hundred dollars a month, certain people read newspapers and magazines and cut out every post that contains your client's name. In addition to the monthly fee, they receive money for each clipping and send it to you with the name of the publication and its circulation.

There are video and radio monitoring services. They can track almost every occurrence of your company name in publications (using a keyword query). This is much more convenient than paying a dollar for a newspaper clipping every time your hotel is mentioned in a business magazine, because it is the main meeting place in the city. Of course, if you want to spend a lot of money, you can organize a collection of newspaper and magazine articles about your competitor, and then compare it and your results.

The most expressive way to use clipping services is to analyze the impact of such materials (clip analysis). You can do the analysis yourself or have it done special service at extra charge. Clip analysis collects press reviews about your company according to some indicators. You can choose as many as you like. The basic ones are as follows:

  • How many clippings appeared, at what cost and in what circulation?
  • What impact did the link have?
  • What type of publications receives the most attention?

Evaluation of placement of advertising materials

To measure psychological impact From placement, you must first determine the type of promotional material and then categorize the clipping. This will allow you to establish that, for example, a short (three-color) product description with your company name in the title had a greater impact than a link (also in three-color) in a more general news bulletin. You can divide all posts about you in print into several categories, adding certain points to each post. Then you can make a pie chart, which would indicate the proportion of advertising messages of a certain value in relation to each other.

To determine the types of publications that contain your information, you can prepare another pie chart that will include, for example, the ratio of industry publications to publications in consumer publications, or the ratio of news bulletins in trade press to the number of publications about specific product features. This chart will show you at a glance whether there is a balance between the placement of promotional materials.

Of course, large piles of newspaper clippings with promotional material for your company is a good thing. Framed and hung on the wall of the office, newspaper stories with colorful photos and big headlines give you a lot of pleasure, and also remind customers that reporters appreciate the fruits of your work. But a professional journalist will want to know the details. By analyzing publications, you can determine where your efforts have been successful. You can also tell where the data from the materials you sent out were and where were not used. Then you must take concrete action to improve your position in areas where you are failing. If you have only a vague feeling that one of your industry publications did not contain material about your company, and you ask the editor to find out what material was published three months ago in an issue that you did not see, you will look like a complete idiot. But if you take preemptive action and refer to the lack of publications with the editor while giving a lot of information, chances are that the editor will be flattered that you show so much interest in the publication.

In addition to all these benefits, your ability to evaluate the results of your activities will be rewarded. If you match your wages with the results of the work, it will distinguish you as a professional. Create a sensation! It's always helpful.

Press release. Checklist

1. Make your press release look good

  • Use your own letterhead to give your release a professional look and make it recognizable to the editor.
  • Use a bright logo or an interesting envelope.
  • Print addresses, not labels.

2. Format and style

  • Easy to read font.
  • Uppercase and lowercase letters (you can't have everything written in all caps).
  • Double spacing between lines.
  • Try to keep within two pages.
  • At the end of the first sheet, mark “see. next”, and at the beginning of the next sheet, indicate “keyword - 2”.
  • At the end of the release write “###”.
  • Indicate the name of the person with whom you can contact, his phone number and e-mail.
  • Make a note if your message is urgent or if it is for a specific date.

3. What's new?

  • Address the information to the audience that will be interested in it.
  • Identify editors and journalists who write about your industry.
  • Back up your news with facts, put it in a modern context.
  • Refer to the opinion of the people you quote. Do not interpret messages.

4. Strategy

  • Send out your releases at a specific time interval.
  • Wait for an opportunity or development of events.

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Making the film itself is only half the job. The other half is its promotion and sale, an attempt to spread the content as widely as possible. For a feature film or documentary, festivals are a great way to reach out to a wide audience. To promote TV content, you are preparing an appeal to producers and TV networks. Either way, you'll need a compelling press kit.

The process of creating a press kit is not easy, but if everything is done correctly, the result will fully pay off the effort. Most press materials are produced digitally. However, there are a couple of times you will need a physical copy of your press kit: for festivals or screenings.

Here are six tips to help you prepare for your press kit:

1. Pick a folder, make links

You can also use the first slide of the press kit to link to your film's website. This can be done in one of two ways:

  1. A separate page on your site.

It would be useful to consider and appearance folders for a physical copy of the press kit. Of course, you can just buy a folder with a couple of pockets and stick a cover on it that will represent your movie. But if the budget allows at least a little, it is better to turn to professionals and order a high-quality folder with original design. Believe me, you won't regret it.

2. Write a synopsis

Chances are you already have a synopsis for the movie in the documents you were preparing for production. In this case, you can just copy it. But if for some reason you don't have a synopsis, you'll have to create one. You can find a couple of recommendations on how to do this in the dedicated topic.

3. Attach biographies

Add resumes of key crew members and cast. For actors, make separate pages about their career: mention previous films, theatrical and television productions. For key crew members, create a compelling one-page bio that talks about previous work on other projects. Finally, don't forget yourself! Make sure your resume is also attached to the others.

4. Post Production Notes

« Production Notes" in the press kit

In the production notes section, show the process of making the film. Imagine it as a text short from the "how it was" or "behind the scenes" series. You can add images - just make sure they are of excellent quality and look professional. In addition, don't forget a couple of short funny stories about what happened during the filming. This will make the press kit less official and more interesting to read.

5. Show film stills

Add frames from the movie - always great idea! Published footage must be photographs taken during the production of the film - for example, as a "look beyond the frame". It can also be frames directly from the film, obtained from non-linear editing programs. Be sure to pay attention to their quality.

6. Add reviews and testimonials

While your film is in festivals, collect feedback from the media that commented on it. You can also add reviews from other people in the filmmaking community who have sided with you or commented openly on the film. Use reviews and opinions to your advantage.
