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How to open a retail outlet in a shopping center. How to open your own store from scratch: step-by-step instructions. Class B business centers

  • Fast food - traditional hamburgers and hot dogs, pizza, pancakes
  • Soft drinks – cocktails, bottled water, soda
  • Gadgets and accessories – phone cases, headsets, keychains, wallets
  • Costume jewelry - watches, women's and men's jewelry
  • Cosmetics and perfumes
  • Souvenir products – designer T-shirts, mugs, badges, themed souvenirs
  • Coffee shop – coffee to take with you or drink at the bar
  • Car accessories - key fobs, heated seats, souvenirs for the dashboard, any car device that is interesting to the client

When choosing an assortment, take into account the specifics of the shopping center. For example, accessories and perfumes will be in demand in clothing centers, and drinks or fast food are universal and suitable for almost any shopping center with good traffic. Also, when choosing, you need to take into account the requirements of the center itself; often in the shopping center charter there are bans on the operation of stalls selling exotic food or perfumes, since the smell will spread throughout the trading floor. Study the specifics of such trading platforms and the center where you are planning to open in order not to be disappointed in the business in the first month of work.

An important factor is the lack of competition, especially from big stores. For example, there is no point in selling shoes on an island in mall, specializing in the sale of clothing. A much more profitable solution would be to sell accessories or clothing care products in such a place.

So, when choosing an assortment, take into account the interest of customers, the type and features of the shopping center, the presence of competitors who can offer a better assortment, more attractive prices or other advantages.

Where to place the island: choosing a shopping center

The location of the outlet directly affects. The choice of shopping center is made taking into account the following factors:

  • The target direction of the shopping center, whether the selected assortment fits.
  • Availability of convenient areas in the shopping center (foyers, halls, passage corridors between stores).
  • Availability of shopping center conditions for the design of a shopping island - the requirements boil down to the type of structures, the presence of glazed structures, lighting and other parameters corresponding to the general style of the stores.
  • There is a list of products allowed for sale from shopping centers; some centers prohibit the sale of food, souvenir kiosks and the distribution of some other goods.

The main factor of choice is the traffic of the shopping center. You can get acquainted with the numbers by studying the shopping center statistics published on official websites. It’s not always worth chasing high traffic. Rent of retail space in centers with high traffic is higher than that of competitors. At first, the cost of rent is a priority and it is better to give preference to a lesser-known establishment with an affordable rent price.

In addition, popular shopping centers place increased demands on the design of shopping islands. They require the provision of visual materials on the location of the island in the sales area. Making sketches and visualizations in a design office is expensive and these requirements are considered unnecessary.

When signing a lease agreement, check the possibility of installing additional islands on the territory of the shopping center. If the business goes well, expanding the business will allow you to generate additional profits and it is necessary to consider options for renting additional sites in advance.

Please pay attention to the presence of security in the shopping center, which will monitor not only individual stores, but also the island in the trading floor. The availability of goods makes them easy money for criminals.

When making your selection, focus on rental costs, opportunities to grow your business, and whether the mall has regulations.

Advantages of a shopping island

The trading island is an optimal platform that does not require significant investments in rent. The island has the following advantages:

The positive features of the island make it a convenient platform for trading and working with clients. By ordering an island with bright decor, you will be the center of attention, attracting customers to you and not letting them just pass by.

Shopping center islands equipped with wheels, designed, for example, for selling food products, are convenient for moving around a shopping center. Having chosen such a site, you can agree with the shopping center on preferential terms of cooperation, because the rent will be minimal. In addition, the wheelbase will allow you to move after customers, taking into account the workload of various departments at different times of the day.

Possible disadvantages

In addition to the obvious advantages, a retail island has disadvantages that need to be taken into account when planning the operation of the site. In particular, the disadvantages include:

  • Lack of storage space in the island - it will not be possible to store a stock of goods or products
  • Decrease in trade due to the wrong choice of trading positions - a small area means little space for displaying goods, and if the showcase displays products that are uninteresting to customers and which are not yet updated, interest can quickly disappear
  • Strict requirements for the design and assortment of products from most shopping centers; the island must match the style of other stores and fit into the general

All the disadvantages come down to the limited space that needs to be used wisely. Test in practice which products attract customers' attention by displaying them in prominent places. Change layout options and assortment to find the best solutions and attract regular customers new products There is always room for experimentation in trading.

To avoid most problems, read the shopping center requirements for placing islands. Compliance with the requirements and norms of the landlord eliminates and will allow you to work calmly and make a profit.

We work independently or under a franchise

Starting a business on your own, selecting and purchasing goods can cost a relatively reasonable price, without exceeding your budget. But, working on your own behalf, you lose the main component of trade - brand awareness. Customers see your trading platform, but do not see familiar advertising or a familiar logo on it, the effect of trust in a trusted brand does not turn on, which means you risk being left without customers for a long time, until you have earned your own positive reputation.

To immediately start successful trading, you can take advantage of job offers for. Many major brands operating in the trade food products, cosmetics, perfumes, clothing and jewelry, offer franchise cooperation. In particular, there are many proposals for small sites, such as shopping islands for shopping centers.

Working on a franchise, you immediately get the opportunity to offer goods from a proven brand, the ability to use famous logo when designing an island. Working under a franchise of a well-known brand, you can ensure an effective and constant flow of customers from the very first days. Franchise companies offer their own design options and solutions trading islands, the client can get at his disposal a finished structure, bypassing the stage of designing and manufacturing a site to order.

Regardless of the option chosen, consider your own financial capabilities and options for timely recoupment of the business.

Before ordering the production of a trading island, pay attention to the recommendations for starting a business:

  1. Weigh the pros and cons of islands - this trading platform convenient for beginners, easy to maintain and a good level of profit when doing things correctly.
  2. Carefully select the assortment, take into account the interest of customers and the focus of the shopping center where the island will be located
  3. Do not chase high traffic numbers when choosing a shopping center; it is better to choose a favorable combination of rental cost and the number of clients per day and on weekends
  4. Choose an attractive design for the island, providing more space for displaying goods, an attractive design design, and create storage areas for product supplies.
  5. Consider opening a franchise business - famous brand will help you start successful trading from day one.
  6. Participate in sales - at first, you can work as a salesperson independently or supervise the work of salespeople, this will allow you to better understand the needs of customers and make changes to your business strategy.
  7. in other shopping centers, design features, methods of working with clients and other things useful in work.
  8. Update your assortment or replenish stocks before the weekend, when the influx of visitors is maximum.
  9. Think about renting storage facilities on the territory of the shopping center - a warehouse nearby will avoid delays in trade.

Business requires constant participation and control. Treat your business with soul and responsibility, and a positive result will not be long in coming. A shopping island on the territory of a shopping center is an inexpensive one, which can be expanded in the future by installing additional islands or renting a full-fledged store.

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Opening a shopping island is an attractive idea for small businesses. This is an economical type of retail that does not require high start-up investments. One of the less risky options is working under a franchise.

In search of an economical, but convenient and functional place for sales, many entrepreneurs turn their attention to an island in a shopping center. This interest is understandable: if there is not enough money to open a store in a separate room, then an excellent opportunity to start a business without significant start-up investments is to install a lightweight modular structure in the central part of the hall, in a gallery or passage of a shopping center, where there are the most visitors. However, practice shows that this species retail has its own characteristics that should be considered by those who are thinking about opening it.

Pros and cons of islands

Like any business, trading islands have their advantages and disadvantages, which future owners should be aware of in advance.


  • Compactness (on average from 2 to 15 sq. m), which allows you not to overpay for rent
  • Possibility of selling a wide range of both food and non-food products and services. Here are just a few of them: ice cream, sweets, gadgets, perfumes and cosmetics, express manicure (nail bar), accessories, coffee, leather goods, watch repair, express payments, pawn shop, jewelry, etc.
  • Convenient location in the “pass-through” areas of supermarkets
  • Ease of assembly and disassembly, mobility (if there is a wheelbase)


  • Lack of storage facilities and fitting rooms (which narrows the range of goods for sale)
  • Limited display space (if there are miscalculations in determining demand for products, there is an excess of unclaimed items)
  • Strict standards for the type of retail structures, which are often introduced by the landlord.

To minimize risks and unplanned investments when opening a trade on an island, you need to carefully study the rental conditions, analyze the trafficability of the selected point and the presence of a target audience for your type of goods and services.

Selecting a location

When designing big stores or multifunctional centers, as a rule, the layout of free space already takes into account the presence of shopping islands. During the process of putting the facility into operation, their number may change, but only slightly. On the one hand, this allows future tenants to look in advance for the best places to open their own “point”; on the other hand, there is a need to take into account the interests of the landlord, who often makes demands on island owners to work in accordance with the general concept of the center.

An important criterion for choosing a location for a trading island is the traffic indicator (see Fig. 1)

But it would be a mistake to make a choice based only on the popularity of the shopping center. It has been noticed that in the most “pass-through” supermarkets, the more successful islands are those representing recognizable brands with big names: branded brands of watches, ice cream, cosmetics, jewelry. If next to them there is an original, but “unfamiliar” manufacturer, “banner blindness” begins among visitors to the shopping center. It is difficult to influence her without special marketing gimmicks which require additional costs.

In addition, the more “serious” the landlord is, the more conditions he has. For example, the Arena shopping mall (Voronezh) requires that the islands do not exceed a height of 160 cm, be transparent and equipped with internal lighting, so as not to disrupt the perception of visitors to the main shopping galleries.

Representatives of centers with “famous names” often wish, upon approval, to receive a colorful booklet from the retailer with a detailed description of the shopping island and many of its images in the interior of the hall. This is an additional expense: design bureaus estimate such an order at 60-70 thousand rubles.

That is why experienced entrepreneurs advise beginners to “start” in less pretentious and large retail enterprises, while choosing places with high traffic, but a minimum set of counter conditions from the landlord. This will allow you to show maximum imagination in decorating a shop window, product presentation, etc. And you will compete with neighboring kiosks mainly due to the originality of the idea and the profitable presentation of your product.

Which product should I choose?

One of the first questions a future retailer has is: what to sell in the sales area on the islands? What to prefer: edible products or non-food products? Who should you bet on: the public focused on consumer goods, or the discerning buyer of exclusives?

Magazine “Trade Practice. Retail store equipment» in 2014 published a forecast for the retail market until 2016 (see Fig. 2)

As you can see, the markets for food and non-food products are almost the same in dynamics: the economic difficulties of recent years are making themselves felt. Let's look at examples of successful projects from the TOP - 25 most profitable franchises 2015 according to

Cocktails Tea Funny Point

The original food brand for pedestrian areas. Based on the preparation of the “bubble tea” cocktail, invented in Taiwan, which includes tea, milk, syrup and jelly-like balls with juice inside.


  • the shopping island takes up little space - about 4 m²
  • royalty in the amount of 4% of revenue is paid from the second year of operation
  • start-up capital(about 0.8 million rubles) can be obtained from Rosbank under the “Successful Start” program
  • the design of the retail island and equipment placement was developed by the franchisor and successfully implemented in large shopping centers, which helps to avoid additional approvals with landlords.

Designer t-shirts Provocation

Many visitors to the largest supermarkets remember the bright windows of the islands of the Provokatsia brand, where you can buy T-shirts with hooligan prints. The owner of the stores and creator of the franchise, Hasmik Gevorkyan, recalls that a buyer “threw this successful idea” to her. She opened her first store in Kursk, and now represents the brand’s products in large Moscow malls, and another 91 points are the result of a partnership with franchisees.

  • Estimated initial investment- 0.55 million rubles.
  • Profit: 3.57 million rubles.

Car device for “advanced” buyers

Those who plan to open shopping islands in trading floors, business ideas come from successful projects. This is exactly how the business of Nizhny Novgorod entrepreneurs S. Seregin and M. Vakhrushev can be considered. In 2009, they began selling automotive electronics: navigators, video recorders, radar detectors and accessories - under the Autodevice brand.

Today it is one of the most profitable franchises, according to Forbes. The cost of the initial investment is 0.9 million rubles, the profit is 2.1 million rubles. The Autodevice offer for franchisees is interesting because lump sum minimal - only 39,000 rubles, and there are no royalties.

Summary: The main rule when choosing a product for sale in a trading island format is to focus on target audience. For success, not only the idea is important, but also a well-executed concept, attractive display design, consideration of popular and non-traditional positions, and a clear promotion strategy. All these requirements are met by franchises that have already proven themselves as profitable business. By using them, you can minimize possible risks.

What to consider when opening a trading island?

Before you start your own business, take advantage of expert advice to help you avoid annoying mistakes:

  • When choosing a place to rent, do not limit yourself to the simplest solutions (“by acquaintance”, “closer to home”, “largest store”, etc.), arrange a small “tender” for landlords, indicating your wishes on the Internet. It’s better to choose from several offers - less likely to miss
  • Study the shopping center audience! Where the public lives, who come to buy food or furniture, gadgets are unlikely to be in demand
  • Don’t hope that the business will start working without your participation: at least for the first time, you will have to supervise the hired sellers. Consider the travel time factor to the store and back. For example, the owners of the Madrobots shopping island in the MEGA shopping center Belaya Dacha in Moscow they calculated that it took them 4 hours a day
  • Be extremely careful when choosing an island contractor! Study reviews about it on forums, get “live” recommendations, read the contract in advance, project documentation. You must be confident that the delivery and launch of the finished module will be met and that the supplier will not lose interest in you if you notice a design defect and ask for it to be corrected.
  • By approaching the organization of your business with due attention, you will get a competitive business that will bring you satisfaction and profit.

Probably everyone has thought about opening their own business at least once (and most likely, even more often). To begin with, a small point of sale will be enough, and then, as they say, time will tell. As a rule, not many people go further than these thoughts. But for those who want more, we decided to talk about the most affordable option - an island in a shopping or business center. The area of ​​the island is usually 5-10 square meters, and a larger island will not necessarily be more expensive, a lot depends on the location and rental period. The island itself, as a sales point on the territory of a shopping center (SC) or business center (BC), is one of the best options for starting your business, which is why it is so popular. Walking through the shopping center, you may not see some branded store, but it is impossible not to notice the island, because it stands in your way.

And also, in order not to lose sales data, track the most popular items, protect yourself from theft and quickly carry out inventory, we recommend installing an automation system at the very beginning. For example, Poster can take 15 days to understand how such accounting systems work and what they are needed for. And now more about the islands themselves.

What do they sell on the islands?

Islands can be divided into two types: those located in BC and TC. The types of services and products that you will offer depend on the type of center. Below we will describe in more detail what business centers and shopping centers are, their classes and types.

What business would be better suited, if you are considering the option with BC:

    Coffee shop, bakery and pastry shop

    Printing services, fast printing photo and press sales

    Sale of batteries, small household goods

    Tobacco kiosk, hookah accessories and e-liquids

For shopping center the list is much longer. Try to focus on selling goods that are not in the hypermarket inside the shopping center or the range of which is very narrow there:

    Fresh juices (freshly squeezed juices)

    Decorative or craft sweets: chocolate, cakes, candies, etc.

    Coffee to go

    Wallets, belts, bags and hats

    Accessories for smartphones and tablets


    Fan paraphernalia (football, hockey, etc.)

    Watches, knives, flashlights

    Jewelry and bijouterie

    Postcards, gifts, gift wrapping

    Printing on T-shirts, mugs and instant photo printing

    Souvenirs (if the shopping center is near the station or in a tourist area)

    Pet supplies (not every shopping center has a full-fledged pet store, but even if there is one, a person can remember that they need to buy loose food or treats for their pet on the way out when they see your island)

    Tobacco, cigarettes and everything for hookah

    Electronic cigarettes and accessories

A separate point can be made cosmetology services:

    Express manicure

    Massage chairs

    Express haircut

    Eyebrow and eyelash extensions

But for such islands, basic showcases will not be enough; you will need separate mirrors, lighting, and chairs, which means you will need more initial investments. But it will be a big plus related sale cosmetics, which will significantly increase revenue.

Buying a finished island

This can be either a full business or a lease assignment. A good option for a start, but in any case, you will either overpay for a working outlet (compared to opening from scratch), or buy cheaper, but this outlet may go bankrupt in your presence. Also, unpleasant situations may arise when the lease of an outlet is transferred to you. For example, you want to open a takeaway coffee outlet in the lobby of a business center, where there is already a coffee shop that gives you its established audience. It looks tempting, but in reality it may turn out that they give you their place, and literally a week later they open a new island next to you, and this audience returns to them. To avoid this, write everything down in the purchase agreement and in the terms of the lease, if possible.

franchise island

A good option for retail or catering outlets. Requires a little more initial investment, but you will get:

    famous brand, recognition;

    reliable supplier;

    ready business plan;

    help in starting a business.

You can read more about opening a franchise business using the example of a cafe in our separate section.

What types of business centers are there?

This information will come in handy when you look at rental listings or when working with real estate agents. All business centers are divided into three classes: A, B and C. Not long ago, types B+ and C+ began to appear in the descriptions, when landlords want to emphasize the improved characteristics of their center. There is also category D, common only in small towns(population in the region of 100,000 people). Such business centers offer potential tenants only “walls”: no infrastructure, you need major renovation, the famous corridor-office layout, which is extremely inconvenient for many tenants.

Most often, there is simply no place to place an island as a point of sale, although the audience of such centers is quite suitable for a certain type of business. For example, you can sell newspapers, small household goods, batteries and similar goods there.

How do the classes of business centers differ?

1. Class A business centers:

    usually located in the central part of the city;

    have convenient access, secure parking (one parking space per 100 square meters of office space) and separate underground parking;

    There must be a public transport stop nearby;

    repairs according to international standards;

    centralized air conditioning and ventilation system;

    reliable 24-hour security;

    designed for top companies in the city or country.

2. Class B business centers:

    most often located around the city center near metro stations;

    availability of open guarded parking;

    high-quality interior finishing;

    good repair;

    communications in full;

    individual air conditioning;

    designed for medium and small businesses.

3. Class C business centers:

    located in residential areas or far from the main highways of the city;

    finishing is a cosmetic repair performed by the owner of the building or the tenants themselves;

    disjointed communications;

    unguarded parking;

    low rental costs are, as a rule, only of interest to small companies.

What types of shopping centers are there?

Shopping centers vary in concept and specialization.

Universal shopping centers. They offer the widest possible range of goods and services. Ideal for different types islands, the main thing is to study competitors and traffic in order to correctly calculate the payback and feasibility of opening a new point.

Specialized shopping centers. Attract the audience due to a wide range of products in a certain category. This narrow focus may pose some risks. Choosing the type of business, what to sell or what services to provide, should only be based on the specialization of the shopping center. Most often, such centers are formed on the basis of chain stores of electronics or building materials - this is a popular phenomenon for cities in regions with a population of 300,000 to 1,000,000 people.

Such shopping centers can be designed for both ordinary buyers (retail) and professionals, which means that in any case there will be traffic here, which gives additional stability to the business.

Fashion centers, where clothes, shoes and accessories are sold. Their advantage is that they are located in the central part of the city and, even with small areas, provide targeted traffic. IN major centers In fashion, the assortment is important: the more different boutiques, the more diverse the audience.

shopping mall(shopping and entertainment complexes) - almost the same as universal shopping centers, only a larger rental area falls on places for leisure, entertainment, sports and recreation, including active ones.

How to search for a place?

Here's our quick plan of action for renting a mall island:

    Make a list of the most popular shopping centers (as an option - as traffic decreases, so as to start searching in less popular centers at the end). The priority is to find a good place in a popular center.

    Go around the selected shopping centers, looking for not only vacant, but also occupied places that are suitable for your type of business, with good visibility of signs, storefronts and stable traffic. The best places are near the entrances, but they are usually more expensive.

    As you go around, you need to find out the contacts of the administration.

    You need to find out the rental price. Perhaps some owners or managers will want to organize a personal meeting and call them to the office for a conversation. Often such issues are resolved individually, depending on the area of ​​the future island and the rental period.

Decide which point you need: “wet” or “dry” (with or without running water). For example, if you are planning to open a coffee shop, this is a very important point. Imported water is expensive and is constantly in short supply. It is needed not only for drinks, but also for washing dishes, cutlery and equipment. It is possible to “outbid” any occupied places by offering a higher rent; the main thing is to understand how profitable this is. Perhaps the lease term under the agreement is for busy place is already running out, and with a minimal fee increase you can pick it up.

On average, the minimum rental period on the market is 6 months. Few landlords will agree to a shorter period, so it will not be possible to “try” the business and understand whether it works in this place. Be sure to take this into account when drawing up your business plan.

Equipment - new or used?

To be honest, it is very difficult to find a fully working and modern version of used equipment for islands on the market. In addition, you will have to reassemble it, and there is no guarantee that it will look as good as you imagined by looking at the photo in the ad. In addition, you need to select showcases for your product group, purchase volume and assortment. For shopping islands, one of the most popular designs is rectangular showcases with high corner elements (cupboards, shelves). If you are still considering buying used items, then choose counters with a large number of height-adjustable shelves. This will make it much easier for you to adapt display cases to the desired product.

Not every ready-made island pavilion will fit the rental conditions in the chosen location. Be sure to select designs according to the requirements and general norms BC or shopping center.

How much does it cost to open an island in a shopping center?

What do you need and what costs await you when opening an island in a shopping center:

    Rent an island in a shopping center. The average area of ​​​​the point is 10 square meters, then the calculation is based on the price per 1 square meter: if for Moscow it is from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles. (Kyiv - from 2000 to 4000 UAH), then in large regional cities these figures will be at least 2-3 times lower.

    Staff. The point should work while the shopping center is open, and this is 30 working shifts of 12 hours per month (working hours are from 10:00 to 22:00). You need at least 2 people who will receive from 500 to 1000 rubles. (200-400 UAH) per shift. Then everything is calculated individually.

    Taxes. For Ukraine, this will be 5% of turnover with a single tax plus monthly ERUs, for Russia - taxes with a payroll, UTII or a percentage of turnover with a simplified system.

    Office or warehouse. The goods need to be stored somewhere, because all products will not be sold immediately and together. At first, you will realize that it is selling faster and more, the rest of the product will “freeze”, and overall sales will fall.

This does not mean that you need to leave only the most popular items, you just need to buy more of them and deliver them as needed, and stocks should be stored in a warehouse. The requirements for such premises depend on the type of goods: the same room is not suitable for chocolate and jewelry. In addition, when suppliers bring goods, they need to be credited, priced, price tags attached, delivery arranged, etc.

A small warehouse or just an office (which is much more common) within walking distance from the point of sale is an ideal option. You can, of course, do everything at home, but this is rather a temporary solution.

    Accounting system. It is needed to process deliveries, add new items, prepare reports for the tax office, maintain cash register shifts, carry out inventory, print fiscal receipts, etc. It is best to consider inexpensive ones so that you can see at any time how sales are going at your point , and control the entire work process.

    Accounting. Perhaps the best option is to outsource it: find a suitable person through colleagues, acquaintances, or trust an agency. For small turnover of a small business, this will be enough, and you won’t have to delve into it and waste your time. When starting a project, count on about 5,000 rubles. or 2500 UAH per month.

Don't be afraid to start your own business. Alternatively, think and take a closer look at what you are missing in the shopping center where you spend the most time. Perhaps your first business is just around the corner.

In this material:

How to open your island in the shopping center? Many people think about business, so opening an outlet in a shopping center can be the beginning of the successful development of a new enterprise.

Why is it better to start with the opening of the island in the mall? There are several reasons, among them are the following:

  • a small amount of investment in the project at the very beginning;
  • a large flow of customers, as a result of an increase in sales.

Of course, it all depends on your ambitions, but organizing 1 island will not require large-scale costs. Start by finding the right product. You can always sell funny gifts or freshly squeezed juices. To start such a business does not require large investments.

Register your status. For some entrepreneurs, it is easiest to open an individual entrepreneur, while others prefer to work under a patent.

Find a suitable shopping center, it is best to stop at several centers. Contact the management, get acquainted with the rates and terms of the lease.

Many shopping centers can offer entrepreneurs free racks. By choosing this option, you will save a lot.

Having your own island will help you determine the demand for goods. You will learn about what products should be offered to consumers. This is the perfect way to bring your small business to market. If you have enough funds, buy your equipment. Later, you can easily transport the island to another shopping center located in a busier place. This will increase the profitability of your business.

How to increase the profit from the island?

Always study demand. It is knowing the preferences of buyers that will ensure the profitability of the business. Offer something that is not available in other departments of the shopping center. Of course, only the actual product should be brought to the market.

Update the assortment, attract attention with promotions. Pay attention to window dressing. It’s very good if you can offer customers products that complement those from neighboring stores.

Learn more about sales techniques. Offer consumers to complete the product. You can sell accessories and additional parts, for example, sell cases or batteries along with equipment. Good results are achieved by holding a promotion when 3 products can be bought for the price of 2.

Try dividing the island into several parts, displaying certain goods in each sector. This way, customers will not pass by, but will begin to walk around the isle in search of the desired products.

Personnel, advertising and equipment

Pay attention to staff discipline. This is an important point, since the quality of service directly affects sales. Even if you are going to work in the shopping center yourself, you will need at least 1 employee per shift. The number of employees can be increased if the business develops successfully. Usually 2 people are required for 1 island, then the work will take place in shifts.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the cost. You can open a trading kiosk with a starting capital of $1,500. Of course, a lot depends on the shopping center itself and its location.

To get started, purchase the following equipment:

  1. Showcases and racks.
  2. Computer.
  3. Cash machine.
  4. To prevent theft, install a video camera. It is also necessary to control transactions.
  5. Signs and promotional materials.

The last 2 points are important, but you can wait until the business starts making a profit. This way you will reduce costs.

Remember that you will have to pay rent for the premises. In addition, telephone and internet charges will apply. Funds will also be needed to conduct an advertising campaign. Experts recommend taking care of business protection; for this you need to choose the right one insurance company and take out a policy.

Of course, a small business only works well if its owner is active. Therefore, do not sit idly by, do everything to ensure trading dynamics. Adapt your assortment to customer needs in a timely manner. Study the trends of the current season, concentrate on the most profitable areas. For example, at the end of the year, New Year's paraphernalia sells well, and in the summer the demand for juices, milkshakes and ice cream increases.

At first, most of the income will go to rent. If you do everything right, your money flow will increase over time. First you must recoup your investment, and only then will you receive a stable income.

If you wish, you can open islands in other shopping centers. Creating a network of retail kiosks will increase profits. Beginning entrepreneurs very often open franchise islands. In this case, the parent company helps them start. It provides advertising materials, and specialists from the head office advise on trade organization issues. The help of the curator is especially important. It increases the likelihood that you will successfully start and develop your business.

Now you know what to open in a shopping center. Your island will work when the shopping center is open. Sometimes you will need to remove goods in the evening and put them on display in the morning, but in most shopping centers there is no need to remove products from the shelves.


Opening an island in a shopping center can be called a great way to try your hand at business. At the beginning of your work, your goal will be self-sufficiency, later you will begin to receive regular income. Remember that you will have to pay rent and there will be other expenses. To increase your income, work on your sales techniques and don’t forget about product advertising.

Investments: Investments 300,000 - 1,500,000 ₽

TUI Russia is one of the leading travel companies Russia, including a tour operator and a network of travel agencies. The company is part of the largest international tourism holding TUI Group, with more than 40 years of experience. TUI Russia was founded in 2009 on the basis of Russian tour operators VKO Group and Mostravel. The main shareholders of TUI Russia are Russian company Severgroup and company...

Investments: Investments 200,000 - 600,000 ₽

Courier service SAMPOST has been actively working in the field of cargo transportation and express delivery of documents and parcels throughout Russia, the CIS countries and the world for more than 13 years. We gained valuable experience, developed optimal routes and work algorithms. This allows us to reduce the time and cost of shipments for our customers. Experience and thorough knowledge of the market allow us to provide our partners with an effective algorithm for opening and...

Investments: Investments 323,000 - 573,000 ₽

The year of foundation of Schoolford in Omsk was 2012. Then open school was positioned exclusively as a center for the development of speed reading, aimed at working with preschoolers, schoolchildren and adults. However, over the next couple of years, our fame among the townspeople spread so much that, thanks to reviews from the students’ parents, children and adults from many other cities began to come to us for training.…

Investments: Investments 900,000 - 1,200,000 ₽

POSTBURO is federal network offices for receiving shipments through the largest express delivery operators: TNT, UPS, SPSR, CityExpress. In simple terms, this is a Post Office with a human face. There are no queues in our offices, they are not rude or rude, and they do not force you to fill out unnecessary paperwork. Registration and settlement of any shipment takes no more than 2-3 minutes, after which...

Investments: Investments 1,500,000 - 4,000,000 ₽

The company "KULT STROY" is No. 1 in the design and construction of "Inverted Houses" in Russia, having a slope in two planes of 10 and 13 degrees. On this moment We have developed and implemented projects in the following cities: Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Yaroslavl, Penza, Gelendzhik, Perm, Ulyanovsk, Voronezh, Blagoveshchensk, Evpatoria. Our long-term plan is for every city on Earth with a population...

Investments: Investments 1,500,000 - 10,000,000 ₽

The FinLine company, the Auto Pawnshop brand, was founded in 1999 and is one of the market leaders in the segment of secured lending and investment. The company's main specialization is loans secured by liquid assets: vehicles, vehicle titles, real estate, equipment and precious metals. Over nineteen years of work, we have learned to manage and scale the pawnshop business as efficiently as possible and are now ready to share our…

Investments: Investments 300,000 - 800,000 ₽

USE courses Lancman School - the leader among Unified State Exam courses and OGE in the format of small groups. We have been preparing for the exam since 2008. “Lancman School” in Moscow: - more than 1,200 students and 2,000 student places (all educational organizations, speaking about the number of their students, always name exactly the number of “subscriptions” or student places, since for each student there are…

Investments: Investments 100,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

VERNO kitchens is a company with more than 20 years of history, which dates back to 1995. Today we have own production area 5000 sq. m. and more than 30 branded showrooms throughout Russia. The geography of our salons is constantly expanding. This is facilitated by an active search for new partners throughout the country and an offer favorable conditions cooperation. In 2010...

Investments: Investments from 300,000 rubles.

Our company was established in 2007. We started with health products. In 2010 we met the Craftholic brand and everything changed. We became the copyright holders of the brand in Russia and the CIS countries. Today, all our activities are related to gifts, souvenirs, home textiles and decor. We work with brands Craftholic, De La Selva, etc. We…

Investments: Investments 600,000 - 3,000,000 rubles.

The Quest-Art company appeared in 2013, becoming one of the founders of the horror performance genre in Moscow. Opened by the company The INSANE quest has been occupying top positions in the ratings of similar entertainment for more than 2 years, and for some players it is considered a cult one in its genre. We specialize in creating high-quality projects with a truly fascinating plot, well-developed acting, realistically designed artistic decorations, lighting...

Investments: Investments 800,000 - 1,800,000 rubles.

Since 2004, the Garda-Decor company has been opening the doors for you to the world of bright colors and stylish interior design. We offer exclusive furniture, exquisite design elements for your home, apartment, office, unique interior items, delightful gifts and memorable souvenirs. Garda Decor is a unique brand whose specialty is the creation of its own collections of furniture and decor. Collections are always up-to-date and take into account…

Anything can happen in life. If a person suddenly loses his job, then there is no need to despair. Now there are many different ideas to create your own business. For example, if you open outlet in the market (at least small), approaching this issue competently, this will give a person a permanent workplace and stable income for a long time. In other words, even if someone has no experience in this area, it is still worth trying this actually interesting type of activity. It's better to start small to reduce risks. After all, it’s never too late to expand your business.

Of course, for a business to start generating income, you must first think it through carefully and then invest a lot of work. The owners of successful businesses were also initially inexperienced and started with small trade, but patience, hard work and skill brought them fruit in the form of stability and prosperity. A huge advantage of running your own business is independence from your employer.

How to decide what to sell in the store

To open your own point, you need starting capital. If you don’t have one, you can take out a loan. But before you run headlong to the bank, you need to decide in which market the trading place will be located. Everyone knows that there are food, clothing, construction, automobile, mixed and other fairs.

After the market has been selected and, accordingly, the approximate product category (at clothing market You can’t, for example, sell spare parts for cars), you need to study what is most in demand among the population. You also need to take a closer look at whether the traffic in the chosen location is good (the presence of a sufficient number of buyers), what goods are missing there, you need to study the prices and, using your intuition, decide what exactly will be sold in the planned store.

That is, in order not to burn out, it is necessary to do in-depth marketing research.

An important point is that it is located near the market and how popular the place is.

It is better to sell a product that a person is well versed in. If, for example, someone has pharmaceutical education, then you can. Or the person has extensive experience in construction organization- then the best option for him would be to open a point in the construction market. A win-win option that does not require large expenses is a food outlet. That is, even if the market is new and has not yet gained popularity, there will still be no problems with the clientele. For example, if you open a mini-cafe, then the sellers themselves will eat there.

After carefully segmenting the market and deciding which product will be sold, you need to start looking for wholesale suppliers whose selling price is low and the quality of the product meets high requirements. That is, using the Internet, newspaper advertisements or other methods, it will be necessary to study many manufacturers in detail, negotiate with them and look at samples of what they offer. Only after analyzing everything well can you make a final decision with whom to cooperate. In doing business, this moment is almost the most key factor influencing the success of the entire business.

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Necessary information for opening any retail outlet

So, regardless of what market is chosen and the product that will be sold, there is a basic set of rules that any aspiring businessman needs to know. After making the final decision, you need to contact the market administration and find out the conditions regarding the rental of the premises. It should be noted that in each market they may differ from each other, especially when it comes to rental prices. At the first stage, you can take not the entire room, but, for example, half of the pavilion.

Then you will need to officially register your business. For retail trade, the most profitable is the UTII, or patent system. Until the business gets off the ground, it is best not to hire a large number of salespeople at the initial stage, since it will be difficult to pay salaries at first. Therefore, one assistant will be enough. Working on your own can save you money to pay your taxes.

Naturally, an important point is to design the point in such a way that it matches its format. Availability of various advertising banners, booklets, business cards, a varied assortment of the store, promotions and bonuses - all this will attract the buyer. He tends to return to places where he was treated with care. The product must be stored in dry and ventilated areas, otherwise it may become damp and moldy - this will definitely scare away the buyer.

The profitability of a store will be different for each individual case. But approximate calculations can be made. For example, for large goods, experts advise marking up no more than 20-30% of the purchase price. You can bet 100% on smaller items. The payback will depend on how much is paid for renting the premises, on the product itself, since it may be of such a format that in some seasons its sales increase, and in others they may fall. And also from other equally important factors. On average, a small retail outlet pays for itself in approximately one year, and a larger one in two years.
