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How is a registered letter sent? A valuable letter with a description of the attachment or a registered letter with a notification? How to send a claim by mail? If the form is lost

Despite the most modern technical means information transfer, mail communication structure for communication and transmission of messages (letters, postcards, telegrams and parcels and parcels) not only has not lost its significance, but has become the most powerful public service Russia.

And it is not surprising that when you come to the post office to send a gift to your relatives, and you specify the method of sending:

  • Registered parcel with the declared value;
  • Shipping first class.

This only confirms that the modern Post service keeps pace with the times and introduces all advanced technologies.

Russian Post uses two basic mandrel formats:

  1. Normal sending, when the sending process is carried out independently by the sender. So you can send letters and postcards by simply dropping them into the nearest mailbox.
  2. Registered departure possible only through post offices. In this case, there are already legal relations between the sender and the mail.

Since the post office assumes full legal and financial responsibility. The sending procedure requires sender identification(passport or other identification document).

After the sender fills in the necessary receipts and documents indicating his passport data, he is given a track number, with which you can track the entire path of movement of the sent material.

Situations often arise in life when you need to know one hundred percent that the recipient (addressee) received this or that postal item. Sometimes it is necessary to comply with the legal rules of the legal procedure. postal service Russian Federation assumes full responsibility and provides this service - notification of delivery of letters(hereinafter just a notice).

Until quite recently, only legal entities could use this service, in our time, delivery notification is available to all senders in Russia.

If desired and necessary, at your first request, you will be provided with the opportunity to receive digital legal confirmation notifications of delivery (delivery) of your shipments. Both formats of notifications (digital and paper notifications) have the same legal force and can be used as documents in judicial and other bodies.

The digital version of notifications significantly reduces the costs in the work of postal services, employees of legal authorities and departments of enterprises. Notifications in document format can be received by all users of the mail service, simply via the Internet by going to the Russian Post website.

New management of Russian Post Lately wide implements the most advanced IT technologies and every day improve the service of providing services to consumers. The official website has become more convenient for working online, you can quickly get all the necessary information.

And since the digital format of the document of notification of delivery (delivery) is official, from the point of view of jurisprudence, a digital electronic signature is required for the procedure for its execution.

For the recipient, the design of notifications this service is free, he is only obliged to confirm the very fact of receiving the item. Payment Notice included in shipping cost and paid by the sender. Using a modern mail service, the sender can be notified of the receipt of the letter by his recipient during the grids.

Since the beginning of this year, in Moscow and the Moscow region, the postal service has connected the possibility of using digital signature to receive postal correspondence, parcels and letters. The service is completely free. The only thing is that in order to use it, you will need to activate this option once at your nearest post office.

So having spent a little of your time, you will each time receive a notification in the form of SMS about the arrival at your post office registered letter or parcels. In addition to SMS messages, your phone number will also receive secret confirmation code.

Upon receipt of your correspondence, you will need to name it to the post office employee.

Russian Post test program for use digital technologies upon receipt of notifications, accelerated processing time correspondence more than five times. This suggests that Russia is waiting for a new technical digital revolution in the field of postal services. In the very near future, every corner of vast Russia will have digital communications to serve all citizens.

Moreover, the Russian Post performs much more services and not only postal, but also financial. In remote areas of the country, through post offices, people receive the most necessary goods and this trend will only expand over time.

per century computer technology people are less and less likely to write paper letters to each other. It may seem that in the near future such an organization as the post office will become obsolete altogether. But in reality this is far from the case. Quite often, it is simply impossible to do without mail forwarding. In this article, we will consider the procedure for sending a registered letter with an attachment description. Let's also talk about how long the letter will take, and how much such a service costs.

What is allowed in the envelope

Before we talk about how to send a registered letter with an attachment list, let's clarify what exactly is allowed to be sent in an envelope without violating the rules.

It is fundamentally wrong to think that only a greeting card or letter can be sent in a postal envelope. The shipment can contain almost any paper:

  • diplomas and certificates;
  • passport;
  • various certificates;
  • contracts;
  • flat paper products, cardboard frames or crafts;
  • photos;
  • brochures;
  • magazines;
  • much more.

The most important thing is that the shipment does not exceed the allowed weight:

  • 100 g - on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • 2,000 g - for shipments abroad.

Often, post office employees refuse to accept letters that contain small items, such as jewelry, for sending. They argue this behavior by the fact that when stamping and sealing, the envelope may break. The reason for this will be a voluminous investment, and postal workers will disentangle the situation. However, many of those who regularly send such things claim that consent to such an investment can be obtained if explicit probing of the subject is excluded. To do this, the attachment can, for example, be wrapped with thick cardboard.

Sending a registered letter

Now let's talk about how you can send a registered letter and how it differs from a regular one.

  • complaints;
  • claims;
  • notifications;
  • contracts;
  • requests;
  • petitions;
  • other official papers.

Unlike a regular letter, a registered letter is supplied with a special track number. On it, you can, if desired, trace the path of departure from one point to another. To do this, you just need to go to the official portal of the Russian Post and drive in the track number in the "Tracking shipments" section.

If you decide to send a registered letter, you can be sure that the person to whom it is addressed will receive it. Such a letter is not thrown into the mailbox. It is issued personally to the addressee after presenting a civil passport.

A registered letter is paid, and even if you have a postal envelope with a stamp, you simply cannot throw such a shipment into the box. To do this, you need to personally visit the post office, contact the employee and inform him that you need the "Registered letter" service. An employee of the branch will weigh the envelope and calculate the cost of sending. After payment, the shipment will be registered in a special magazine, a track number will be assigned, and a special barcode and the required number of stamps will be pasted onto the envelope.

Why order a notification and how to issue it

Sometimes it is necessary to send a registered letter with a description of the attachment and notification. This is necessary in order to know exactly when the addressee received the envelope. To do this, a special form is attached to the letter, in which the addressee signs upon receipt of the shipment. After that, the notification form is detached from the letter by the postal employee and sent back to the sender.

To issue a notification, a special form F-119 is used. You can get it from a branch employee or download it on the Internet. Filling out this form is easy. Simply answering the questions is enough. If nothing comes out at all, you can ask the postal worker for help.

How to send an envelope with an attachment description

Quite often it happens that you need to clearly record which papers were sent to the addressee. To do this, there is a registered letter with a description of the attachment. This type of sending correspondence is considered the most reliable. After all, in this case, the post office takes on additional financial obligations. In the event that your shipment, God forbid, is lost, the Russian Post will be obliged to pay compensation in the amount that you estimated the letter when sending. Such a letter is assigned a special number by which it can be tracked at any point on the route.

In order to send a so-called registered letter with an inventory of attachments, you will have to work a little. First of all, you need to download on the Internet or ask the post office worker for a special form marked "f-107".

The sender at home or directly at the branch fills out this sheet. And he does it in duplicate. Each item listed in the inventory must be evaluated. The letter is brought to the post office open and the employee of the department carefully compares the contents of the envelope with the list that is indicated in the document. Only after that the post office worker signs on each copy and puts a seal. The sender also leaves his autograph.

One copy of the inventory is placed inside the envelope, and the sender keeps the second one. In the future, it will serve as confirmation of what exactly was invested in the envelope. Now the package (envelope) can be sealed and handed over to the post office employee for clearance.

Subtleties of sending

And now it's time to reveal the most terrible secret to you! Russian Post does not send a registered letter with an attachment list. Due to their ignorance, post office customers often confuse some concepts.

An exceptionally valuable letter is sent with an inventory of the attachment. In this case, the sender fills out a special form, which was mentioned above.

Of course, you can also send a registered letter with a description of the attachment. No one has the right to forbid you to do this. But only such an inventory you will have to draw up by hand and in any form. No one will compare it and generally pay any attention to it. There will be no seal or signature of the branch employee on it. And this means that if necessary, you will not be able to confirm that the envelope contained exactly the documents that you, according to you, put there.

How to fill out an inventory

If you are not sure that you understand how to issue a registered letter (with a list of attachments), a sample can be viewed directly at the post office or in our article. This is, in general, a simple matter.

  1. First of all, you must specify the address of the recipient of the correspondence, that is, the one to whom you are writing.
  2. In a special field, all the documents placed in the envelope are entered one by one. It is advisable to indicate the title of the document, the date of issue, number and summary.
  3. The next column indicates the number of documents with the same name.
  4. Another column is occupied by the value of each security you declared. You can put any amount here, but do not forget that it is from this figure that the state duty will be calculated, which will have to be paid. So do not rate a photo of your beloved grandmother in a million.
  5. At the bottom, the total amount is summed up, which is obtained by adding all the numbers in the "Cost" column.

Since the attachment inventory is filled out in two copies, it is very important that the information in them is letter-by-letter identical. Having found a discrepancy even in one letter, the operator can demand to rewrite the document.

How much does it cost to send a letter

It is almost impossible to answer this question unambiguously. The thing is, it all depends on too many factors. Shipping costs are affected by:

  • shipment weight;
  • forwarding distance;
  • delivery method;
  • with notice or not;
  • whether it is ordered or not;
  • whether the letter has a certain value.

For letters with an attachment description, it is worth remembering this nuance. Such letters are called "Valuable". This means that upon shipment you will have to pay an additional duty (insurance fee) in the amount of 4% of the declared value. So before evaluating the investment, think carefully about whether you have enough money to pay for the shipment.

By the way, in case of loss of the letter, the insurance fee will not be reimbursed to the sender. You will be refunded only the declared value of the shipment.

Delivery terms

Another question that is often of interest to citizens: As you understand, clarification is also required here. It all depends on where exactly the letter was sent. For example, delivery of correspondence within one municipality may not exceed three business days. Well, if you are on the other side of the country, then it will be rather difficult to answer the question of how much a registered letter takes in Russia.

In any case, the Russian Post has certain rules that it must adhere to. So you can often find out at least an approximate delivery time from the branch operator.

Publication date: 18.02.2018

Every year, the Russian Post sends several hundred million different postal items. More than half of all shipments are written correspondence. For example, only one Voronezh branch of the Russian Post sent more than 20 million letters in 2017. Agree, the figure is more than impressive.

True, in recent years, the epistolary genre as a means of communication has almost completely lost its relevance. Communication between people today occurs due to such modern technologies like internet and mobile communications. In view of this, over the past 15 years, the number of ordinary letters and postcards sent has sharply decreased, but the number of registered letters with so-called business correspondence has increased.

How to send a letter by Russian Post so that it definitely falls into the hands of the addressee? What types of letters are there? What conditions and restrictions apply when sending written correspondence, how to write the address correctly - all this will be discussed later.

What is a letter

Before talking about how to send a letter by Russian Post, you should decide on the very concept of "letter". After all, in addition to it, there are two more types of postal items: parcel and.

So, letter- a type of postal item with which they correspond, send documents, papers, photographs. Weight Limit- cannot exceed 100 grams. A postal item that contains the same photographs, documents or other paper products, but exceeds the prescribed 100 grams in weight, automatically falls into the "package" category. Tariffs and rules for sending parcels are already somewhat different.

Often people have a question, is it possible to send small items using a letter? For example, badges, coins, small jewelry, tea bags or magnets. According to the rules of the Russian Post - no! In practice, people sometimes put small items in an envelope and send them safely. There are also unsuccessful attempts to send, when the Russian Post returns with a note that the attachment does not match the type of postal item.

Types of letters

There are three types of letters:

  • simple;
  • custom;
  • valuable.

simple letter- in the truest sense of the word, this is the most common letter, which is most often used to conduct some kind of personal correspondence or send not the most important documents and papers. Those letters that were previously exchanged between relatives or friends living in different cities were in most cases just simple. A simple letter is not a registered postal item, therefore it is not assigned an identifier with which it can be tracked.

Simple written mail is delivered by the postman to the address of the recipient and dropped into the mailbox. For this reason, this type of letter is considered not the most reliable, since, for example, it can be stolen from a mailbox. In addition, since this item is not registered, if the letter is not delivered to the addressee, it will be impossible to file a claim with the Russian Post, receive compensation or write an application for a search.

Ordered letter unlike a simple one, it is registered and is handed over personally into the hands of the addressee (or by proxy to his representative). What does it mean? Firstly, after sending the letter through the cashier-operator, a check is issued, which indicates the track number, with which you can track the movement of the postal item and find out when it will be delivered and handed over to the addressee. Secondly, the chances that the letter will get lost somewhere and not reach the recipient are much less than in the case of a simple letter.

Valuable letter - is the same as registered, but has one difference. For a valuable letter, the declared value is additionally indicated. In case of damage or loss of a valuable postal item, the amount of the declared value will be partially or completely compensated by the Russian Post to the sender. That is, in this case, the declared value is a kind of insurance. Accordingly, if you are sending important documents that are of some value, then it is better to do this using this type of mail. For example, if you decide to send a passport by letter or some document certified by a notary.

Additional services of the Russian Post (notice of delivery, inventory of attachments, cash on delivery)

Russian Post offers several additional services, which may be necessary or useful for the sender of written correspondence:

  • delivery notice;
  • attachment description;
  • C.O.D;
  • SMS notification;
  • expedited shipping 1st class.

For simple letter-> only 1st class delivery available.
For custom-made -> all types of services, except for the inventory of attachments and cash on delivery.
For valuable -> all kinds of services.

Delivery Notice- a special document (form) that will inform the sender when (date and time) and by whom (name of the recipient or his representative by proxy) the mail was received. The receipt must be signed by the recipient. This form is attached to the letter and sent along with it. After delivery, it is sent back and also delivered by mail.

Attachment Description- a document (form), which indicates the contents of the postal item. For each item listed in the inventory, the sender must indicate its value. At the time of delivery of a valuable letter with an inventory of the attachment, the recipient has the right to open the envelope in front of the employee and check the contents with the inventory. If any item is damaged or lost, the organization pays compensation. The inventory of attachments is of maximum relevance when sending postal items cash on delivery.

C.O.D- the amount of money that is collected on behalf of the sender from the recipient of the postal item. Cash on delivery is often used to pay for goods purchased online. In this case, the buyer pays for the ordered goods by mail only at the time of receipt. The recipient has the right to open the envelope or box before payment only if there is an inventory of the attachment.

SMS notification– a service of informing the addressee about the arrival of a letter at the post office and notifying the sender of delivery. Available only in Russia.

1 class- an accelerated type of delivery of postal items, involves air shipment. You can find out about the terms for delivery in the usual way and 1st class on the official website of the Russian Post. You should not use this type of delivery within one locality, and also if there is no air connection between your city and the city of the addressee, since the delivery speed will most likely be the same as in the usual case. However, 1st class shipping will be more expensive.

How to send a simple, registered or valuable letter by Russian Post

General information.
All letters are sent in envelopes, which may vary in size:

  • minimum size 110 x 220 mm (Euro envelope) or 114 x 162 mm (C6 format);
  • maximum size 229 × 324 mm (C4 format).

Envelopes can be:

  • no marks and
  • with printed brand.

The printed stamp can be with a different letter (letter): A, D, B.
Such envelopes allow you to send some types of letters without additional gluing of stamps. It is impossible to send letters in an envelope that does not have stamps on it at all! Brand - is a kind of payment for the delivery service.

If you purchase an envelope without a stamp, then you will need to purchase stamps for it, the cost of which should be equal to the cost of sending one or another type of letter at the rate of the Russian Post. For example, if you send simple letter weighing up to 20 grams, then it is subject to a tariff of 23 rubles (for 2020). That is, on an envelope without a stamp for such a letter, it will be necessary to stick stamps for 23 rubles. If this is a registered letter up to 20 grams - 50 rubles.

Stamps at the post office are sold in different denominations: 10, 15, 25, 30, 50 kopecks; 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 25, 50 and 100 rubles. Appearance they may differ.

How to send a simple email

For a simple letter weighing up to 20 grams, purchase either an envelope with an already printed stamp (a stamp with the letter A), or an envelope without a stamp and an additional stamp for 23 rubles. You need to stick them in the upper right corner. Indicate all the data on the envelope (index, full name, address of the recipient and sender). Seal the letter and carry it to send. To send, drop the envelope either into the mailbox located inside each post office, or into the street box of the Russian Post, or hand the letter over to the operator of the Russian Post.

To send a simple letter weighing more than 20 grams, you should contact the Russian Post operator for help. The fact is that for such letters every subsequent 20 grams are charged. The operator will weigh your letter and glue the required number of stamps himself.

If you have scales, you can weigh a letter heavier than 20 grams yourself. For each subsequent 20 grams, you will need to glue stamps for 3 rubles.

How to send a registered letter

You can send a registered letter weighing up to 20 grams in an envelope you bought with a printed stamp (with the letter D); or in an envelope on which you will stick stamps for 50 rubles on your own. It is impossible to send a letter in the same way as a simple one, dropping it into a mailbox. Moreover, in this case you will not receive a check. According to the rules, it is necessary to send at the post office through an employee.

Written correspondence weighing more than 20 grams must also be sent through the operator. The employee will independently weigh the letter and calculate the amount of payment for it. If you decide to weigh the letter yourself, then you should know that for the next 20 grams, you need to glue stamps for 3 rubles (2020 tariff).

If you wish to send a letter in 1st class, then inform the operator immediately.

If you decide to send a registered letter with an acknowledgment of receipt, then take a free form and fill it out, then give it along with the letter to the operator.

How to send a valuable email

A valuable letter must be sent through an employee of the Russian Post. Only in this case will you receive a check against which you can make a claim if something happens to the letter.

Based on the weight of the letter, the declared value indicated by you and the additional services you have chosen, the cashier-operator will calculate the exact cost of your shipment.

For a valuable letter on an envelope, in addition to the data of the sender and addressee, you will most likely be asked to indicate the declared value.

A letter with a declared value of up to 20 grams at the rate of 2020 costs 110 rubles without VAT and 132 with VAT. Each subsequent 20 years will cost 3.00 without VAT and 3.60 rubles. with VAT, as in the case of simple and registered letter mail. Payment for the declared value: for each full or incomplete 1 ruble of the estimated value: 0.03 and 0.04 rubles.

If you want to send a letter from - then ask the operator for the attachment inventory form f 107 and fill it out. If the letter is with an inventory, then provide it to the operator in an unsealed form. The postal employee must check the compliance of the contents of the envelope with what you indicate in the inventory.

If you want to send a letter cash on delivery - ask for a form for postal order f 112 and fill it out.

If you want to send a letter with acknowledgment of receipt - fill out.

How to write an address in a letter

The main rule when writing an address is to write as legibly as possible! Only in this case, you can count on the fact that your shipment will definitely fall into the hands of the addressee.

The recipient's address must be indicated in the lower right corner of the envelope. The sender's address is in the upper left corner.

The address must include:

  1. full name of the recipient (in the format "Surname First Name Patronymic") or the name of the organization;
  2. street name, house number, apartment number;
  3. name of the locality;
  4. the name of the district, region, territory or republic;
  5. postcode.

We write the index according to the model:

On demand letters - the name of the street, house number and apartment number of the recipient do not need to be indicated. Instead of these data, you need to write "On demand".

An example of a correctly filled address is below:

When filling out an address, most people write the name of the region (krai, republic) at the beginning, then the name of the settlement, and only at the end the street, house number and apartment. There is nothing wrong with that.

Many people write the name and patronymic of a person in abbreviated form (To Ivanov N.I.) - such a spelling is not correct, but for simple letters it is generally acceptable. For valuable and registered written correspondence, always write the full name and patronymic.

Some people write the name of the sender and recipient in the nominative case, and not in the genitive and dative, as it should be according to the rules. This is not entirely correct, but valid for all types of letters.

If you made a grammatical mistake or missed some letter in the address (name of the district, city, street), this is bad, but your shipment will most likely reach the addressee anyway. The main thing is not to make mistakes in the index, house and apartment numbers.

Is it necessary to write a return address in the letter? According to the rules of the Russian Post - mandatory. But sometimes they can accept a letter without the sender's data. Some people specifically do not include their address and name.

Remember, they work at the post office ordinary people and not robots. Therefore, an employee can simply “turn a blind eye” to some permissible violations of the rules.

If you have any questions or it is not clear to you how to send a letter by Russian Post, write in the comments.

At least once in a lifetime, each of us is forced to send letters somewhere through the mail, so the question “how to send a registered letter” is asked by both secretaries and ordinary citizens. What is a registered letter and how does it differ from a simple one? Why can't you just drop the letter in the mailbox? What to say in the mail? What to do next? How to track the shipment? Postal educational program in the article.

How is a registered letter different from others?

All important documents, especially if there are any disputes, must be sent by registered mail. Simple can easily be lost and no one will answer for it. The registered postal items are monitored by the post office: no one needs trouble.

How to make an envelope template in Word to print envelopes quickly and easily -!

How to send a registered letter

To send a registered letter, you need to come along with it to the post office. If there is no envelope - immediately buy it, fill it out and give it to the operator with the words "Please send it by registered mail". Nothing else is required from the sender, the operator will do the rest. There is no need for a passport.

But it's too early to leave. The operator will weigh the letter right there in front of you. The cost of the item depends on the weight and how the item will be registered: as a letter or as a parcel. If there are a lot of documents in the envelope, then maybe this is a parcel: it all depends on the weight. But there is no particular difference, and a registered letter and a registered parcel follow the same path.

After weighing, you will be told the amount of the shipment, and when calculating, they will give you a receipt. It's better not to throw it away. This is a kind of contract with the mail, confirmation that the letter was sent.

Reading the receipt

In the picture - the usual receipt for sending a letter that I sent registered the other day (the picture is clickable). The receipt shows that my letter was pulled out by weight on a parcel post: there were a lot of documents. The information that is important to the sender is marked:

How to track a letter

There is a service for tracking postal items on

At each stage of the movement of correspondence, the identifier is entered into a single database, which is regularly updated.

Registered mail is handed over to the addressee or his representative, who has a power of attorney, in person. The addressee must sign the notice or statement upon receipt of the letter. If the recipient is not at home, the postman leaves a notice of registered mail. In this case, the addressee must come to the post office and receive correspondence after presenting the passport.

The weight of registered mail should not exceed 100 grams when sent within Russia or 2 kg when sent abroad. Registered letter can be of two types: simple or 1st class. Class 1 shipments are moved to the delivery point using aviation, so they reach the addressee much faster. Of course, the delivery of class 1 items is more expensive than ordinary ones.

Registered letter with notification - what is it?

Often, for registered mail, they also choose such an additional service as notification of delivery. This is a document confirming the receipt of the letter by the addressee. When sending important papers, it is official proof that the mail has been delivered to the recipient.

To apply for this service, you need to fill out a special notification form for the delivery of a registered letter, which can be obtained at the post office. The form filled out by the sender is sent to the destination along with the letter. After delivery of the correspondence, the recipient signs the notification, and it is sent back.

What is allowed in registered mail?

According to Order 114-p of the Russian Post, it is allowed to attach only written messages to any letters, including registered ones. The weight of the shipment should not exceed 100 g, and the size x 324 mm. Photos, manuscripts, printed editions should be sent as a parcel. For them, the maximum allowable weight is 2 kg.

How to send a registered letter?

To send registered mail, you need to contact any post office. Depending on the size and weight of the letter, you should take an envelope of the required size, indicate the recipient's and sender's addresses on it, fill out the appropriate forms for additional services. The postal employee will calculate the cost of shipping, accept payment and issue a receipt.

Simple custom

If the sender does not need an acknowledgment of receipt, he can simply send a registered letter without any additional services.

Custom with notice

To send a registered letter with a notification, you must first fill out the notification form, give it to the employee along with the letter and tell what other Additional services You need.

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Custom with a description of attachments

To forward a valuable postal item, use such an additional service as an attachment inventory. It is available only for shipment within the territory of Russia. The sender fills out a special form in two copies, which lists the items or documents to be sent, their quantity and declared value. The declared value is the amount that the sender will be able to receive if the registered item is lost or damaged.

The letter is handed over to the postal employee open, sealed after comparing the inventory and contents. One copy of the inventory remains with the sender. The addressee can open such a postal item in the presence of postal workers and check it against the inventory.

If it turns out that the correspondence did not reach in full, the post office employee draws up an act. The act is sent to the main post office of the settlement, on the basis of it, an investigation is carried out within up to two months. Based on the results of the investigation, the recipient is compensated for the value of the items not received in accordance with the declared value. If the payment of compensation is delayed or refused to pay, you can use legal assistance.

How much does a registered letter cost?

The cost of sending a registered letter of the Russian Post depends on many factors: the weight of the letter, the distance between the points of departure and destination, the class of departure, etc. Tariffs for the delivery of letters and notifications are posted on the official website of the Russian Post. However, it is not easy to calculate the costs of a registered letter on your own, because you need to take into account many nuances.

To find out the approximate cost of sending, you can use the postage calculator on the Russian Post website. To do this, the online service indicates where and where the correspondence should be delivered, the weight or number of sheets in the letter, the method for delivery, select the desired additional services and calculate the price.

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Delivery times for registered mail

The delivery time for a registered item depends primarily on the distance between the points of departure and destination. The deadlines for sending written correspondence between cities of regional and regional significance are given in Resolution No. 160 of March 24. 2006. From the regional or regional center to cities on the territory of subordination, letters should arrive in 2 days, from the regional center to other settlements - in 3 days.


Since registered letters are rarely sent by ordinary citizens, they may have questions regarding this type of mail.

What is the difference between a registered letter and a regular letter?

A registered letter differs from a simple departure by mandatory registration. The sender simply drops a regular letter into the nearest mailbox. Registered mail is handed over to the postal worker. The employee applies the so-called bar postal identifier (SPI) to the registered item and registers it in a single database. Then he weighs the letter, specifies the method of delivery, accepts payment and issues a receipt. Registered mail is handed over to the addressee in person, and the postman puts a simple letter in the mailbox with the apartment number.

How to fill out a notice of delivery of a registered letter?

The notification form for the delivery of registered mail can be obtained from the postal worker or printed from the site and filled out in advance to save time. On the front side you should indicate:

  • type and category of shipment;
  • Name and address of the recipient of the notification of delivery;

On reverse side form indicate:

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  • type and category of postal item;
  • Name and address of the recipient of the registered letter.

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Forwarding mail by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt is a guarantee that the letter will not be lost and will be handed over to the recipient personally, and the sender will be informed of the delivery.

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How to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt?

Why send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt? Usually, a registered letter with notification is sent when the sender needs to know when the correspondence sent by him will be delivered to the addressee. Consider how to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt and talk about the cost of this service.

A registered letter in a notification implies delivery to the sender of a notification of receipt of the letter sent by him to the addressee. At the same time, you can order the delivery of a notification not only to the sender, but also to any person that the sender indicates when sending the letter.

Delivery of registered letter with notice

Who is in charge of sending registered letters with acknowledgment of receipt? You can send a registered letter with notification through the Russian Post office. It is easiest to find where the branch closest to you is on the Russian Post website, for which you need to enter your address or the postal code of your address, for such a search query you will be given a post office where you can send a letter.

In the search results, you will see the address of the post office, the opening hours of the office and the telephone number for communication. To facilitate the search, a map will be presented on the page, on which post offices are located.

Details of sending a registered letter To send a registered item, it is enough to go directly to the selected post office and contact the post office employee for clarification.

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An envelope for sending a letter can be purchased immediately before sending, the envelope must be sealed, the address data of the sender and recipient of the letter are recorded on the envelope.

How is the delivery of the sent registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Upon arrival of the letter at the post office serving the addressee, he is sent a notice of the arrival of a registered letter at his address. The notice indicates the address of the post office where you can pick up the letter, and its schedule.

When handing the letter to the addressee, he must confirm his identity by presenting his passport and sign for the receipt of correspondence. At the same time, a notification is sent to the sender's address that his letter was delivered to the addressee of such and such a date.

Sending a registered letter with an attachment description

How to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt with an attachment description? If the letter contains several documents, an inventory of all the papers enclosed in the envelope is usually compiled.

The first copy is sent along with the letter for the addressee, so that he checks the inventory upon receipt, and the second remains for the sender so that he can prove that these documents were actually sent to the addressee.

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The inventory of attached documents must be drawn up in accordance with form No. 107. The Russian post office must have a sample of filling out the inventory of attachments, if you can’t find it, just ask to see it for you.

Registered mail price, how registered mail is calculated The price of registered mail is calculated based on the selected type of mail, the weight of the sealed envelope with the letter and the way it is sent.

Delivery time for registered mail

We figured out the question of how to send a registered letter with a notification of receipt. What about delivery times? Definitely, the distance of departure is of decisive importance for the period during which the letter will be in transit. In one municipal district, the delivery of a letter with a notification takes a maximum of 3 days. Thus, registered letters play their role as official means of correspondence, and notifications can be presented as evidence of the fact of transmission, and the inventory of papers left by the sender shows which documents were delivered.

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Delivery terms

Delivery times depend on the type of shipment and the delivery address.

You can speed up delivery:

Departure of the 1st class - for letters and parcels in Russia.

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Air forwarding - for letters and parcels abroad, as well as for parcels in Russia and abroad.

Express delivery EMS - the fastest way to deliver letters and parcels.

The Russian Post is responsible for meeting delivery deadlines. If the shipment is not delivered on time (when sent for non-commercial purposes), the addressee is entitled to compensation.

A valuable letter with a description of the attachment or a registered letter with a notification? How to send a claim by mail?

Contractual relations imply the fulfillment by the parties of their obligations in full. If one of the parties, let's call it the offender, violated the terms of the contract, then the victim begins to take measures to eliminate the contradictions. In most cases, the dispute can be resolved before the court, especially in most civil disputes, it is important to follow the claim (pre-trial) procedure for their settlement, without which the arbitration court will return statement of claim back.

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Usually, a “debriefing” begins with the delivery of a claim (complaint) to the offender, which is often impossible or very difficult to convey personally. The reasons may be different: the parties are geographically far from each other; the state of health of the victim does not allow him to personally visit the offender; the latter refuses to accept the claim, and so on. The post office comes to the rescue, the branch of which is in almost every locality. In the article, we will consider how to correctly send a claim by mail, what types of postal items are used for these purposes, and which one will be the most preferable?

Registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt

Any registered letter is a registered postal item (RPO). This means that all stages of its passage from the place of receipt to the place of delivery to the addressee are documented (each RPO is assigned a tracking number), and the fact of delivery can be proved by requesting the relevant information from the Russian Post (letters are handed to the addressee with a receipt of receipt). But if suddenly the case comes to trial, then such a request can take time and delay the consideration of the case. Therefore, it is recommended that any claim letter be sent with acknowledgment of receipt.

The notification is a special postal form (for shipments within Russia - form 119), on which the recipient's signature is put at the time of delivery. It is sent along with the letter, and then returned to the sender with a receipt, a mark of mail and the signature of the employee who performed the delivery.

Notifications, like letters, can be simple and customized. A simple card will follow its way back to the sender in the same way as a simple letter - it is not counted or registered anywhere, it will simply be dropped into the mailbox. A registered notification must be received by mail, but at the same time the risk of its loss will be eliminated due to the addition to the documents at all stages of the journey.

Upon receipt of registered mail at the post office at the location of the addressee, the letter is delivered to the address legal entity(the order of delivery is determined by the agreement between him and the postal operator) or a notice is sent to the organization's mailbox. The notice is a special form (Form 22), which is designed to inform the recipient that there is a registered postal item in his name (or company address). In this case, registered letters are delivered at post offices upon presentation of a notice, as well as a passport and a power of attorney (if the recipient is a legal entity).

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By sending a registered letter with notification, you will provide irrefutable proof that your application (or claim) was delivered to the recipient. However, the possibility cannot be ruled out here that during the trial the recipient will declare that he received an envelope with a blank sheet or with completely different information from the victim, in general, he will say that he did not see the claim in his eyes.

Indeed, the mere fact of delivery of a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt does not mean that there really was a claim, and not a declaration of love or a wish for a long and happy life. And if the guarantee of delivery is an undoubted advantage of registered mail, then the lack of an evidence base regarding the investment is an undeniable minus. Therefore, in order to competently resolve disputes, it is better to send an application by letter with a declared value.

Valuable letter with attachment description and notice

A valuable letter (with a declared value) also belongs to the RPO and is protected from the risks of loss in transit due to the fault of postal workers. When sending such a letter, its “declared value” must be indicated - this is the amount that will be paid to the sender in case of damage to the correspondence or its loss as a result of force majeure.

Valuable letters are delivered exclusively at post offices upon presentation of a notice. Delivery and delivery at the location of the organization or at the place of residence individual impossible.

The notification of delivery, as in the case of registered mail, will indicate the fact that the addressee received the letter. But the problem of proving the content of this letter remains open. Therefore, it would be better to send a valuable letter with a description of the attachment and a receipt.

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Attachment inventory - a special postal form (form 107), which is filled out before sending the letter (this "option" is only possible for valuable letters and does not apply to registered letters). The inventory shall indicate the names of the documents contained in the envelope and their quantity.

To send such a letter, you must prepare an envelope with a claim enclosed in it. The envelope DOES NOT need to be sealed. Fill in all the required fields on the envelope (your address and the recipient's address). Fill out two copies of the inventory form f.107. This can be done on the mail site, after which they can be printed. Or take blank printed forms directly at the department, where you fill them out.

In the column "Name of items" enter the name of your claim, for example, "Claim for refusal to return part of the insurance premium after early repayment." In the column "Number of items" we write 1 (one). And in the column "Declared value, rub." enter a small amount in rubles (no more than 10 rubles).

What does a postal worker do?

  • compares the inventory with the content of the letter;
  • on the inventory puts a signature and a seal with the date and index of the department;
  • one copy of the inventory is returned to the sender;
  • the claim with the second copy of the inventory is sealed in an envelope and formalizes the acceptance of the postal item.

Thus, it will be confirmed that you sent the claim, and not something else or even a blank sheet. In this case, the entire responsibility for the correspondence of the inventory to the actual attachment lies with the postal worker who certified the inventory. The receipt of payment, the inventory and the received notice of delivery will be indisputable evidence that you sent a claim to the offender. And it will be possible to compensate for your expenses at the expense of the recipient of the letter (unless, of course, the sender wins the trial).

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Note! In order that in the future the second party could not challenge the content of the claim letter, it is advisable to indicate the most detailed name of the attached documents when compiling the inventory. For example, "Claim for with a requirement".

Even though there is an inventory, the addressee may open a dispute over the content of the received demand. How can you deal with an opponent in this situation? It is very simple - download the inventory form from the Russian Post website and fill it out on a computer. In this case, the content of the entire claim is entered into the text of the inventory in small print. Then the name of the attached document will look like this: “Claim with the following content:”.

The main disadvantage of valuable registered postal items with an inventory is the lack of a guarantee of their delivery. It is possible that the message will be returned to the sender with a note about the expired storage period. The main thing here is not to print the letter, but to keep it until the court. During the meeting, you can present the envelope to the judge for review and open it in his presence. This will be guaranteed proof of sending "what you need" and your good intentions.

If the recipient claims that he did not receive anything, or received, but not what you sent him, then the burden of proving these circumstances lies entirely with him. The judge in this case will certainly take the side of the sender.

You can send any claim letters using the above methods:

  • application to the court;
  • complaints to Rospotrebnadzor, prosecutor's office, FAS;
  • bank claims;
  • requirements to borrowers, etc.

How to send a claim by mail? Additional measures

Assume that all measures aimed at the delivery of the claim by mail are completed. But the addressee stubbornly refuses to receive the letter. Maybe because he suspects about its contents, or maybe everything is much more banal. Employees of the organization are simply too lazy to go to the post office, or, as knowledgeable people write in the reviews, jur. persons draw up powers of attorney for their employees only to receive registered letters (according to the standard postal form of a power of attorney), but, unfortunately, they forget about valuable ones or are too lazy to draw them up. How do you force the other side to receive the shipment?

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The first thing that is recommended on the forums is to send a telegram after the complaint. In the text of the message, you need to indicate that you sent the letter by mail and ask to receive it (just indicate the number of the letter). The telegram is handed directly to the addressee, without prior notice of its receipt. Therefore, there is practically no chance that they will not receive it. Thus, you will properly notify the defendant of the receipt of the claim. And if he refuses to receive a registered (or valuable) letter, this will be regarded as a deliberate evasion of obligations.

The second option is to use the same telegram as the main means of notification. In this case, the entire text of the claim is written in the forwarded telegraph message. But this method fully works only in cases where the text size is small, i.e. occupies no more than 1 sheet. True, this method "will cost a pretty penny." Alternatively, you can send only the main idea of ​​the claim, an extract from it in a few words, for example: “I ask you to recalculate the insurance premium and return part of it in connection with the full early repayment of the loan.”

So how to send a claim by mail? Which method would be the most preferable. Discussing this topic on various forums, they agree that a valuable letter with an inventory and notification has not yet been invented. You can try all available options with additional measures, but the most reliable way to transfer claims is still their personal delivery to the offender (just do not forget to get a copy with a mark of delivery, as an option, you can prepare a second copy of the claim for these purposes). Here, the very fact of delivery cannot be disputed, and the essence of the transmitted message is not in doubt.

Delivery time for registered mail with notice

A letter is a postal item with a written message. Letters can be simple, registered or insured. In this article, I will talk in detail about how to send a registered letter, as well as how to send a registered letter with a notification and an attachment description.

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So, simple letters are most often used for the exchange of written messages between individuals. That is, an ordinary letter in an ordinary envelope or a greeting card - all this applies to ordinary letters. In order to send such a letter, it is enough to drop it into the blue mailbox of the Russian Post. The maximum weight of such a postal item should be no more than 20 g. * When sending a simple letter, the sender is not given any confirming documents for sending the letter (check, receipt). Accordingly, if a simple letter is lost, then the Russian Post will not bear any responsibility.

A registered letter is intended for sending some documents, forms, receipts. This type postal item is registered. It is sent directly to the Russian Post office through the operator. The cost of sending is somewhat more expensive than in the case of a simple letter, but the sender receives a guarantee that the shipment will definitely be delivered to the addressee. Delivery of a registered letter is made personally in the hands of the addressee against signature. The maximum weight of a registered letter should be no more than 100 g. If the postal item weighs more than 100 g, then such a postal item is called a parcel.

A registered letter may be sent simultaneously with a notification of receipt and with a description of the attachment. True, in the latter case, the letter will no longer be called registered, but valuable!

What is a "registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt"? This type of sending assumes that the letter will be sent to the addressee as registered, that is, the addressee will receive the letter in person, and the sender, in turn, will receive a notification confirming the receipt of the letter by the addressee. That is, if you want to send a registered letter, and make sure that the letter is received by the addressee, you must send a registered letter with a notification.

But remember that the notification of receipt form is sent along with a registered letter, and after the recipient receives the letter, the form is sent back to the sender (you). Accordingly, this form will be returned to you, and you will find out that your letter fell into the hands of the addressee exactly, only after a certain time.

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Recently, the Russian Post has launched an SMS notification service, that is, you can use this service. For postal items, the cost of one SMS message is 10 rubles.

What is a "value letter with an attachment list"? Let's start with the fact that for a "valuable letter" the sender indicates the "declared value", therefore this letter is called "valuable". If the letter is damaged or lost, the Russian Post will fully or partially compensate this amount.

“A valuable letter with a list of attachments” implies that the contents of the item will be described by the sender in a special form (f.119). At the same time, upon receipt of a valuable letter with an inventory, the recipient at the post office at the operator has the right to open the letter and check its contents, which must fully comply with the attachment inventory form.

Remember, if you are the sender of such a letter, then the letter must be provided to the operator with an open envelope. The operator must make sure that the envelope contains exactly what you indicated on the form.

How to send a registered letter

You can send a registered letter at any branch of the Russian Post. There is nothing complicated in this, you do not need to fill out any additional forms.

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To send an email:

  • Go to the operating window at the post office and buy the right size envelope. The maximum envelope size is 229x324 mm, that is, a little more than a sheet of A4 paper.
  • On the envelope, you must indicate the index and address of the sender and recipient.
  • We tell the operator that we want to send this letter by registered mail and that's it. After paying for the service, you will receive a check with a track number that will help you track the movement of the letter until it is delivered.

How to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt

The process of sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt is exactly the same as in the previous case. The only difference is that in addition to filling in the address information on the envelope, you will also need to fill out the “Notice of Delivery” form (Form 119). This form can be obtained free of charge at the post office.

An example of filling out this form is shown in the picture below. For clarity, the data that the sender needs to fill in is highlighted in red:

On the front side of the form of the Notice of Delivery, it is necessary to indicate exactly your data (name, address, index), because. the recipient of this notice will be you, not the addressee of your letter.

How to send a registered value letter with an attachment description

Sending a valuable letter with a description of the attachment is carried out in the same way as sending a regular registered letter. The only difference is that in addition it will be necessary to fill out the form "Inventory of investments" (form 107). This form is issued free of charge at the post office at the request of the sender.

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That is, in order to send a valuable letter with an inventory of attachments, you will need to indicate all the data on the envelope in which the letter will be sent, and also fill out two forms with an inventory of attachments. It will be necessary to fill out exactly two forms, because. one remains with the sender, and the second receives the addressee. Accordingly, on the basis of this form, the addressee will be able to check the contents of your shipment.

An example of filling out the form f.107 The description of the attachment is shown in the picture:

When sending a valuable letter with a list of attachments, provide the envelope to the operator in an unsealed (open) form. The operator must check that the content matches the description of the attachment.

Registered mail: delivery time and cost

Delivery times for registered mail are exactly the same as delivery times for other postal items, including parcels and parcels. The Russian Post has deadlines that you should rely on. I wrote more about this earlier in the article about sending parcels by cash on delivery. If you want your letter to reach you faster, then it must be sent 1st class.

As for the cost of sending a registered letter, the cost depends on many factors: the weight of the letter, with or without notification, with or without an attachment description. For more information, see the website of the Russian Post.

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* The weight of a plain letter may exceed 20 g, but not exceed 100 g. An additional fee will be charged for each additional full or partial 20 g of the weight of a plain letter.


Good afternoon From your publication it is completely incomprehensible how a registered letter differs from a valuable one, or is it the same thing?

Dear author, before writing such an article, read the postal rules. Registered letters with an inventory do not exist! The inventory is made only for valuable items. And a note that a shipment with an inventory is put only in this case: the sender draws up an inventory in 2 copies, evaluates each item, the postal employee checks the inventory with what the sender put in the envelope / box and only then signs and stamps. one copy remains with the sender, the second is placed in an envelope / box. if you want to send a registered order with an inventory, then this is your right, but! No one will verify your inventory, no one will sign it, and there will be no mark “with inventory” on the shipment. Your shipment will be registered or ordered with notice. BUT NO DESCRIPTION!

Extremely outraged by the work of the postal service. I have to send a registered letter every month with or without notice from Budennovsk Stavr.krai to Moscow and every month I look for these letters that "walk" in an unknown place. So today, two letters have been lost and an application for a search has already been written and no answer, no greetings. Ugly attitude to their duties and there is no punishment for them. What are they paid for. And there is no one to ask ... but how much health and hassle is wasted because of the disregard of postal workers for their direct duties.

Let's just say that a valuable letter is the same as a registered letter. Only for a valuable letter, the sender indicates the "declared value", which in case of loss or damage to the letter is compensated.

How long will the post office keep a registered letter

Simple letters are thrown into the mailbox, where they wait for their addressee. Orders are different. Most often they carry important information concerning the interaction of a citizen with various government bodies, including courts tax authorities as well as banks and insurance companies. Often there are situations when the addressee cannot receive them for some reason, and then he has a question about how long a registered letter is stored in the mail.

The difference between ordinary and registered shipments

To send a simple letter or postcard, you need to buy and stick a stamp on the envelope and take the item to a special mailbox for outgoing mail. And such correspondence comes to the addressee also through a personal mailbox, into which the postal worker throws it.

Registered letters are sent with acknowledgment of receipt. The postman delivers them to the recipients personally. The fact of delivery is certified by a note of receipt, certified by a personal signature.

It is permitted to receive such correspondence and trustee by proxy.

Registered items are assigned three-digit numbers by which you can track their movement either on the Russian Post website or by contacting the post office.

The limit of registered mail in terms of weight and size is clearly defined: the weight should not exceed one hundred grams, the dimensions should not exceed the size limit of 229X324 mm.

The full address of the recipient and sender must be indicated on the envelope.

Registered mail is sent strictly at post offices and is paid in accordance with the approved tariffs.

There is also such a type of mail as a valuable letter with an attachment. An inventory is drawn up for the documents constituting the attachment.

Procedure for receiving registered mail

As soon as the registered letter reaches the post office, a notification is sent to the addressee. If within the period indicated in it the recipient is not behind the envelope, then after five days he is notified again - in person and under signature.

If the recipient accepted the notification, as evidenced by his signature, but did not appear for correspondence, then he is charged for the letter in the mail in excess of the established limit. If in this case the addressee has not received it, then it is subject to storage for a month.

Postal retention period

From the date of receipt of the letter, they are stored at the post office for 30 days. The addressee may extend the storage period for registered items (registered and insured) for up to two months on the basis of a written application.

Storage of court letters

Judicial dispatches are letters and parcels sent by courts and prosecutors. Such items contain rulings, rulings, court decisions and subpoenas.

Envelopes of such items are stamped and accompanied by an acknowledgment of receipt.

Judicial letters are received personally under the signature. However, if there is no possibility of receiving in person, then in the case of delivery of correspondence to the house, any adult member of the recipient's family is entitled to receive it. This is due to the need to urgently notify the addressee about the court decision or about his appearance at the court session. Therefore, judicial correspondence is stored for a smaller amount of time. After all, handed over after the date of the court decision, it loses its relevance.

Judicial letters are kept no more than seven calendar days, and then sent back and filed into the case. In this case, the sender does not bear the cost of re-sending.

Expiration dates

At the end of the storage period, registered and valuable letters are sent to the sender, who must pay for the postage, and only then will he be able to pick up his correspondence. Unclaimed correspondence is destroyed after 6 months of storage.

If suddenly the addressee could not receive a registered letter within the prescribed period, then it is necessary to contact the place of its departure within the indicated six months.

Registered letters are rarely lost and most often find their recipients.

How long will simple postcards and letters wait for you: they are not returned to the sender and are disposed of after 6 months.

Regulatory documents provide for the procedure for extending storage based on the application of the recipient.

Regulatory framework for mail

This is, first of all, Civil Code Russian Federation, Federal Laws: “On Postal Communication” and “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as its own normative base Russian Post.

When controversial situations and visible violations on the part of employees postal service it must be remembered that the internal regulatory framework should not contradict the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal laws. And, accordingly, the reference to the norms prescribed in the internal rules that violate the rights of citizens and the requirements of the law is unlawful.

It is also useful to know the rules for storing in the mail and receiving parcels and parcels, but that's another story.

What happens if you don't get a court letter. Video

Here it is written that registered letters have numbers by which you can track their movement. Is it for ordinary letters is there no such procedure?

They work very hard at the post office. different people and there are those who are not very careful about correspondence. I waited a month for a registered letter and they just had it lying around. and then I had to pay for not coming to pick it up on time. But after reading this article, I understand that I just had to complain and not pay anything.

I found in the mailbox a notice that a registered letter had arrived at the post office upon presentation of a notice and a passport, they told me that I would fill in the passport data on the reverse side without explaining what I should receive and from whom, after which I demanded an explanation from whom and what should I receive I was told that the letter from the car service Question? Why do I have to fill out what document I present if it is a valuable letter from a car service that has already paid for these services

According to Decree No. 354, if you do not pay rent for more than 2 months, you may be restricted from water disposal. But the law says how you must be notified of the restriction. Notice letter. On average, 3 days the letter goes around the city, 30 days is stored at the post office, three days back. And another 20 days are given after notification to resolve the issue of payment or conclude an installment agreement. And that 56 days from the date of sending the letter. In fact, you will be given a blank stub at any time after sending the letter (a blank stub is a suspension, not a restriction (a stub with holes). The mail here helps out more than ever with its 30 days of storage. Unless, of course, they mess up))) Penalty for such acts utilities 500 rubles under article 19.1, plus extortion for removing the plug (only with marked money upon application to the police). If you wish, you can tighten up Art 330 and Art 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but you have to try very hard.
