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How to make a real estate agency successful quickly and efficiently: secrets of promotion. How to open an advertising agency? How to promote an advertising agency

Organizations and firms involved in the creation of advertising products also need promotion. Competition in this business is growing every year, which means that before opening your own company, you need to carefully consider how exactly you will promote advertising agency.

To do this, it is necessary to select the most effective methods promotion and identify obviously losing options that are better to refuse.

This article is intended to help entrepreneurs create their own, correct and thoughtful strategy that can promote advertisers.

Point design


Despite the fact that the management of an advertising agency is not faced with the task of attracting the attention of all passersby without exception, you still have to take care of the external design of the facade. Of course, you are not obliged to use extremely bright, catchy colors or try to “catch” the eye at any cost - it is unlikely that your potential client, the owner of a large manufacturing enterprise or the head of a serious organization will be walking along the city streets and, noticing your agency, decide to come in and find out exactly how you work. However, your building or premises must be visually attractive, because if you manage to get a client, you will need to make a good impression on them, which certainly will not be helped by peeling walls or tasteless decoration.


Your agency sign should be visible and contain your business name. These are perhaps the most important requirements for this advertising tool. Again, you don't have to order huge, glowing signs, because attracting passers-by at night is not your job at all. However, some agencies prefer to make or order really bright LED structures. The motive of the management of such organizations is quite simple - a good, high-quality sign is a kind of indicator of how the company will work with the client, and what product it can provide to the advertiser. But if at the start of your business you cannot afford such an advertising medium, a simpler option will suffice.

Entry group

Outdoor advertising


Billboards will be good advertising tools for an agency. However, if you are just trying to enter the market, try to sensibly assess your strengths. You can design the poster yourself, but you will still have to pay for the rental of billboards, which can be too much of an expense for a start-up company. But if you can afford to install or rent billboards, try to place them in business center cities, on main highways, in other words, wherever your potential clients - heads of organizations, owners of retail outlets, etc. - can regularly visit.


Signs are necessary if your agency is not located on the first line of houses, but, for example, in the yard or around the corner. By installing a directory, you ensure that your client can easily and easily find your company.

Internet advertising


Having your own website is a must for any advertising agency. You should not save time and money on this resource, because it is the “face” of your company.

So, develop a really high-quality design, create a user-friendly interface, try to make sure that when visiting the site, a potential client understands that you will provide services at the highest level.

If your resource is made in a hurry and its design is tasteless, you can hardly count on getting a client.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.


Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords are the best advertising platforms in Russia. If your website meets all the requirements of these resources, you will be able to place contextual advertising, the obvious advantage of which is that it is not aimed at all users, but at people who show interest in the services that your company provides. Moreover, such advertising also takes into account territorial characteristics, which also makes its impact even more narrowly targeted.

Groups on social networks

  • Your target audience. Only by doing this will you be able to develop content that will be of interest to your subscribers. You can focus not on one, but on several of these groups at once, publishing information that will resonate with representatives of each of them.
  • Your main tasks. Try to clearly decide for what purposes this or that page on the social network will serve. For example, a Facebook group can be used to find creative employees, attract small and medium-sized businesses, and sell consulting.
  • Specific deadlines and goals for each group. You can really use the resource effectively only if you answer the question of what you want to get from each network. For example, you can set yourself the following task: gain a thousand active subscribers on your VKontakte page, 10 active requests, and 300 clicks to your official website. Be prepared for the fact that to achieve this goal you will have to regularly advertise the group on larger thematic platforms in the city; however, the costs of promotion on social networks rarely cause serious damage to the budget, unlike, for example, such funds outdoor advertising like billboards.
  • Strategy. Your content should not only be interesting, but also unique, so that it can set your community apart from the competition. Define your strong point(this could be visual content, for example) and actively use this advantage.

Advertisements on classifieds sites

Sending emails

Direct mailing to all potential clients is one of the most effective ways of promotion for such organizations. However, you will have to work hard to get the database you need, but the effort is guaranteed to pay off. In such letters, try to emphasize your main advantages, those advantages that will force a potential client to give an order to you.

Printable advertisement


There is no point in handing out your agency's leaflets near the metro station. However, it is still worth making a batch of such materials, because they can clearly demonstrate what your agency is capable of. You can leave them in your office as mock-ups, or you can try distributing them in places of business activity.

Business cards

Business cards are a mandatory attribute of any advertising agency. First, they will also show clients what level of service they can expect when working with your company. Secondly, they will serve as a tangible reminder of you. Business cards are multifunctional - entrepreneurs can not only use them themselves, but also distribute them to their business partners (of course, this course of events can only be counted on if the client is satisfied with the services provided).


Essentially, brochures have the same characteristics and functions as leaflets, with the difference that they allow you to include more information.

Advertising in newspapers and magazines

If you can afford advertising in specialized publications, order advertising modules, or write an educational article mentioning your agency. Such publications will definitely benefit the business, significantly increasing the company's awareness.


Discounts and price promotions

To attract and retain customers, organize special promotions, perhaps with a prize draw, do it nice bonuses, hand out merchandise with your company logo.

Master classes

Master classes and seminars can be non-standard and creative ways to promote your agency. Announce your seminar, for example, “How to attract one hundred clients using outdoor advertising” on all platforms available to you. If the seminar is successful, among its visitors there will probably be entrepreneurs who will want to work with you.

Word of mouth

Remember, the best advertisement is the quality of your services. Do the work efficiently and on time, try to make sure that your clients really promote their brand with your help. Your crystal clear reputation and their success will be the best recommendation for new partners.


If you want to increase the awareness of your company, you can negotiate with a large organization, offering them your services in exchange for the distribution of your branded products and good recommendations to partners.

Electronic directories

Use resources such as 2GIS and 2Geo. Publishing data about an enterprise in these directories is free, but it is better to refuse paid advertising on these sites due to its ineffectiveness.

Calls to clients

Cold calling is one of the the best ways promotion of an advertising agency. Until you earn a solid client base, they will become your main source of orders. Remember, passivity is definitely not for this business.

What advertising doesn't work for advertising agencies?

  1. Radio and television. Such media are too massive. In this case, this is more of a serious disadvantage than an advantage. Advertising companies should focus on a narrow, specific segment. That is why broadcasting audio and video will not bring anything to the agency except additional expenses.
  2. Signposts, banners. These outdoor advertising tools are also not effective for advertising agencies. In fact, this is also due to the fact that such designs and posters are aimed at people in general, and not at a specific target group.

Examples of advertising agency slogans

  1. Ease of advertising solutions.
  2. We work like clockwork
  3. Team of professionals!
  4. The result is obvious!
  5. Shelter of unborn ideas
  6. We do advertising!
  7. The team that helps you win
  8. Creative strategic purpose.
  9. We will help you become famous too!
  10. Let us help you break out of the herd
  11. We think better than you think!
  12. Let's inspire!
  13. We make you money!
  14. New clients for your business!
  15. New heights for your business!
  16. Would you like us to increase something for you?
  17. We want you to be recognized both in heaven and on earth!
  18. International quality at local prices.
  19. New horizons for successful business.
  20. The future is ours.

For a business to be successful, an entrepreneur must take care of advertising his product or service. There are many methods for this that allow you not to think about how to grow a business from scratch without having a lot of start-up capital. But not every beginner will be able to independently promote their business using these tools, since advertising in any form has its own nuances and must comply with certain rules.

How to promote your business - promotion methods and tools

The first step an entrepreneur must take is to determine the boundaries of his financial investments. A businessman must clearly know the amount that he can spend on promoting his business and advertise without going beyond the established limits.

Large businesses, as a rule, require significant investments and expensive advertising. If there is sufficient start-up capital, a novice entrepreneur can contact advertising agencies that will help place information about the client’s product on all available platforms - in the media, on stands and banners, on and in transport, and so on.

Small businesses most often do not have money for expensive advertising, since start-up capital is limited. Businessmen have to look for alternative ways to promote their project on their own. There are a lot of such budget methods of promotion, and most of them bear fruit, you just need to use them wisely.

Website/blog creation

Today, not a single profitable project can operate without the Internet, since this is where a large audience of potential clients gathers. Online business development begins with the creation of a company website. Every entrepreneur who wants to succeed in business must understand that an attractive website is like business card, the face of the company.

You can create such a website or blog on your own, having previously studied a mountain of information on design and SEO promotion, or order it from professionals, because properly optimizing a website is a difficult task.

It is in the interests of a businessman to ensure that the site attracts the attention of new customers and looks solid, inspiring trust.

Advertising in the media, on TV and radio, trading platforms

Advertising on TV and printed publications– the main means of attracting potential clients who rarely use the Internet, or do not access it at all and cannot see your website. However, when purchasing such advertising, the entrepreneur wastes a lot of money, since he pays for impressions to all television viewers, who are not always his target audience. The same applies to advertisements in the media and on radio.

  1. Reputation management. More than half of consumers trust advertising on TV more than similar ones on the Internet or other sources.
  2. Maximum audience coverage. It's hard to find a person who never turns on the TV. According to TNS Russia, 70% of Russians watch TV daily, and 99% turn it on at least once a month.
  3. The video advertising format allows you to show consumers a product from all sides and tell a mini story about it, lasting a few seconds.

Trading platforms are places where people come to choose goods and purchase them. That is, this is where it gathers the target audience that you need to attract to your product or service. There is, as a rule, very high competition, but the flow of visitors is strong enough for each business to get its own client.

Promotion using social networks

The easiest and least expensive way to promote a business on the Internet is to create a company page or community on popular social networks. All investments in such advertising will only be a payment to the administrator - a person who will update information and communicate with subscribers daily. Communication is the main point for promoting a group on social networks, because that’s what they were created for. The first comments under posts should indicate the right path and promotion tactics.

She won't start working on the first day. Creating an image can take months and years, but everything can be ruined in one moment. This is one of the pitfalls of such advertising that await novice entrepreneurs. In order to avoid making an irreparable mistake in developing a business on social networks, you need to find a real professional who has successful experience in running such communities.

Promotion on the Internet

On the Internet, advertising costs much less than in the media or on TV. This is especially noticeable for beginning entrepreneurs who have only recently entered the open market with their product. It is easy to customize it for a specific target audience, and just as easy to analyze and calculate its effectiveness after its release. There are several types of advertising on the Internet, with which you can promote your business and find the first and regular customers without having your own website:

  • contextual advertising – appears to the user when entering a specific request into the browser search engine;
  • banner advertising – an ad and image displayed on specific websites;
  • teaser advertising – also placed on highly targeted websites in the form of an advertising block designed to intrigue and direct the visitor to the advertiser’s website;
  • targeted advertising – displayed for users of social networks belonging to a specific target audience.

It is obvious that advertising on the Internet has many advantages, but, nevertheless, there are also disadvantages. In order not to waste money on promotion on the Internet, it is worth knowing about the following points in order to take timely measures to eliminate possible errors:

  1. Before launching advertising on the Internet, you need to find out in advance from what sources the target audience gets information about the products they purchase.
  2. There is high competition on the Internet, so before placing an advertisement, you need to make sure that your business is unique in order to convince customers to purchase your product.

Banners and billboards

This type of advertising is used both on the Internet and in the offline space. A banner is a rubberized fabric with advertising that is placed on the walls of residential buildings or shopping centers to attract customers. A billboard is a free-standing structure on which large-sized advertisements are placed. Most often, such advertising can be found on the sides of roads in large cities or along highways with traffic. Such advertising is visible from afar, so it easily attracts the attention of not only the target audience, but other potential clients.

An Internet banner is a static and animated advertisement with a slogan and a picture, which is placed on popular sites with high traffic. When clicking on such a banner, the user immediately goes to the advertiser’s website. To attract more attention. New types are constantly being developed:

  • banners are placed at the top of the site page;
  • rich media containing interactive and multimedia elements;
  • pop-unders, partially overlap the site page when developing;
  • pop-up banners placed anywhere on the page and enlarge when you hover over the mouse;
  • imitation banners that pop up at the bottom of the page and imitate messages in instant messengers.

PR company – articles and press releases

You need to promote your business wisely, as this can attract new customers and help promote the company. This is done by special PR agencies whose activities are aimed at improving the image of the client company.

You can do PR yourself. To do this, you will have to take care of issuing press releases about the activities of your company. This should be done regularly, according to a schedule, for example, every Tuesday or Thursday. Releases don't have to be big to focus customers' attention on the company's key offerings.

News articles in major media and online publications will also improve the company's image.

To do this, you can use other communication channels - the company website, corporate newspaper, newsletter or advertisements in trading floor or reception.

How to promote from scratch, develop a business and make it profitable - internet solutions for promotion and development

Advice to advance among competitors on your own can be disastrous for newcomers to business. It’s difficult to successfully promote yourself if you have a complete “zero” behind you and only an idea in your head. IN modern society With advanced technologies, this is much easier to do than 20 years ago. To spread information about your business among a large number of potential clients, all you need to do is turn to the Internet. Modern man He can no longer imagine his life without the World Wide Web and spends a lot of time on it. Successful entrepreneurs take advantage of this, using various tools for promoting their business on the Internet.

SEO optimization for website promotion

Promoting a new website using SEO optimization is a long-term endeavor, since tangible returns on investments appear after several months, and sometimes even years. It's all about the high competition that operates in the Internet space and does not allow newcomers to quickly take top positions in search engines. However, the desire to get into the top ten of the ranking is not always justified. No optimizer can guarantee a place in the TOP-3, since it can only indirectly influence the site’s position.

The search engine plays a major role in ranking sites for certain queries. It is she who changes the document ranking algorithm at her discretion, and it is not always clear how exactly this algorithm will be built. This means that despite the efforts of optimizers, promotion principles can change every minute and are impossible to predict.

SEO promotion is influenced by many parameters:

  • website;
  • technical settings;
  • page content;
  • mention of the company name;
  • age of business;
  • conversion;
  • availability of goods on the site;
  • delivery terms and prices;
  • presence of the company in catalogues;
  • audience consistency.

The ability to understand the target audience and customize a resource for it is the main quality of a competent SEO specialist. He must not only have the knowledge of a marketer in order to be able to develop a website and stimulate repeat orders from regular customers, but also be technically savvy, since the profession is entirely related to programming, layout, linguistics, analytics and data processing.

To increase website traffic using SEO optimization, you need to take several points into account:

  • page relevance;
  • uniqueness of content;
  • high-quality design;
  • registration in search engines and free catalogs;
  • social bookmarking and so on.

The main task is to make it clear to the potential client that the product you offer is better than that of competitors, and also to convince them of this search engines. In addition, on-page search engine optimization plays an important role. It is necessary to adhere to established rules and observe a certain structure of the material:

  • Title, i.e. page title;
  • H1-H6 - headings of levels 1-6;
  • presence of keywords in the text;
  • use of highlight tags in text;
  • availability of informative content.

It is also necessary to take care of the external optimization of the site, but only after the above points have been brought to perfection. The more often a link to your site appears in various Internet resources, the better for promotion. You can distribute links yourself or use special exchanges, register in free catalogs that are suitable for the subject of your site.

The most convenient and effective way to promote on the Internet is posting contextual advertising, which is shown only to people who belong to the target audience. It starts working when the user enters a question that interests him into the search bar, and the browser, along with suitable sites, displays contextual search ads.

Context not only helps search engines make ads look like natural search results, but also solves a number of other problems:

  1. The advertiser has the opportunity to independently control their expenses and determine the cost of transitions.
  2. Using a contextual advertising system, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to select display regions and determine the demographic and behavioral interests of users.
  3. Contextual advertising allows you to attract the attention of the audience to the site, a specific product and promotions.

The most popular contextual advertising services are Yandex.Direct, Begun and Google AdWords. To use their services, just register with them and, following the prompts, create your first business promotion campaign.

Great returns from the target audience can be achieved with minimal costs by sending advertising letters. Mailing is carried out in the shortest possible time, does not require a large budget, but at the same time allows you to win the attention of customers. The entrepreneur will only need a database with email addresses of potential clients, which can be developed different ways. These could be competitions that require online registration, or an offer to subscribe to site news if you post interesting and high-quality content. The subscription form should not contain many items so as not to scare away users. Name and address are enough Email. If you regularly send out mailings, then in the future it can become a real marketing tool for creating a company image and promoting a product on the market.

Promotion in social networks

Even if your company still does not have its own page or community on popular social networks, you should not ignore the possibility of such advertising. This is where most of the target audience is gathered, which is easy to track. A popular way to advertise your business on social networks is by purchasing posts or reposts in popular communities. This allows you not only to increase traffic to the company’s website, but also to attract users to the newly created group of your company. The more subscribers the community in which you are going to buy advertising has, the higher its cost will be, but also the greater the audience reach.

How to advertise and promote your business - additional ways

A properly structured marketing policy should turn even an unprofitable business into a profitable one. If, for some reason, the main advertising methods do not provide the required flow of customers, you can always find additional ways to advertise your business.

Creating your own brand, logo and business cards

Corporate identity makes the company memorable for customers and distinguishes it from competitors. It includes the company’s logo, slogan or slogan, a certain color scheme, and business cards. Everyone will understand what restaurant chain we are talking about fast food in question if they see the characteristic yellow letter “M”. Or three oblique stripes on clothing and sporting goods will immediately give away famous brand. Such seemingly small things, but they are the ones that work on the company’s image and increase customer confidence in the product.

Corporate style should be visible everywhere - from corporate clothing to official company letterheads.

A distinctive sign should also be on the business card, since every businessman should be able to leave contact information for a potential partner or client. The business card should not be overloaded. You can place the company logo, slogan and contact information on it:

  • company address and telephone numbers;
  • description of the type of activity;
  • advantages over competitors.

If at the initial stage of business formation the development of your own brand is not so important, then for an already established company the lack of distinctive features can cause suspicion and distrust among customers.

Promotions and bonus programs

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for stores to compete and fight for the attention of customers. The same applies to any other business that wants not only to stay afloat, but also to grow further. The easiest way to attract and retain customers is through promotions and bonus programs that have a cumulative nature. Consumers always pay attention to sales and will be more willing to buy a product with a “yellow price tag,” even if the price remains the same.

Promotions allow you to stimulate sales and promote your business, focusing on short-term demand.

Using this tool you can solve the following problems:

  • short-term increase in sales volumes;
  • capturing market share for a long time;
  • attracting new consumers;
  • luring customers away from competitors;
  • stimulating consumers to make larger purchases;
  • retaining loyal customers.

Bonus programs, in turn, also increase the number of repeat orders and purchases, as they are cumulative in nature.

Partnerships with established companies

In Western countries, the concept of “B2B”, that is, “business to business,” is quite common. It is a common thing when one company decides to develop another, providing it with accompanying services, additional equipment, goods intended for the production of other goods or for professional use. Is it profitable or unprofitable on the Russian market? Of course, everywhere has its own nuances and pitfalls, but in general, when planning to cooperate with established companies, an entrepreneur makes the right decision. The main thing is that this transaction benefits all participants and leads to the desired profit.

An example of such cooperation could be a simple situation when you are a small supplier who finds it difficult to break through the competition in the market on his own. But your services may be of interest to a large company that sells the same product or produces something based on it. In this case, cooperation brings benefits to both parties to the transaction.

Congratulations and gifts for significant dates to partners and regular consumers/suppliers

Advertising your business and stirring up interest in it can be achieved in this way in an unusual way. Significant dates are a great way to increase the trust of partners and clients. Not every company or manufacturer knows personal information about clients, and therefore will not wish them a happy birthday, but in this way you can stand out and increase sympathy for yourself and your business. You can find out significant dates using a questionnaire at the time of registration. discount card client or when drawing up a contract for the provision of services, add this item to the number of required items.

Loyalty with clients

Good attitude towards consumers plays a huge role in promoting a business. Grateful customers are the best advertisement for your business and are likely to come to you again and bring friends and acquaintances with them. It is on this principle that word of mouth works, which has helped many at the initial stage of business development. Large companies developing reward systems for regular customers - loyalty programs. They help to cope with competitors by attracting consumers to their side.

Entrepreneurship is often considered a profitable business by ordinary people who see only the “tip of the iceberg” and do not think about how much work was invested in this “brainchild”. Promoting a business through advertising makes it possible not only not to slow down the pace of company development, but also to increase it, attracting new clients and partners. Knowing all the existing ways to develop your business, you can begin to implement the most daring plans and carry out successful advertising campaigns.

In contact with

How to promote a real estate agency, making the most of opportunities global network combined with proven marketing strategies? Since there are so many options, and the answer risks taking hundreds of scrolls of the screen, we suggest focusing on two methods. First - simple business card. Second - a full-fledged interactive system with many functions.

Business card - a simple website with great potential

The main goal of both business cards and the more difficult to implement option in the form of an interactive system is to attract new customers. In the second case, involving the visitor in the process of ordering a service is much more difficult. With the first one everything is much easier. Since the web resource is quite simple, the main means of attraction is text, which in various ways encourages a call or other action.

How does this happen? First you need to think about what exactly should be advertised. In the context of a real estate agency, the choice is not very large - buying, renting, selling. Plus additional assistance - checking legal purity, consultations, preparation of documents, etc. Basic services are segmented by type of object - apartment, house, office, warehouse, etc. It is important that the essence remains the same.

You make a list of services provided. Divide by pages. Select your requests. Distribute it among the HTML documents that form the site. Track the results. When a visitor arrives at the site, real estate advertising on the Internet comes to the fore. Although the company's promotion takes place on the global network, the fundamental principles of conventional marketing do not disappear anywhere.

You just need to understand one important thing - advertising opportunities limited to simple technologies and text with graphics. There are no complex search forms, no self-loading into the database, no other functions of a full-fledged interactive system. The website owner is faced with the task of attracting visitors from search engines, and then using various methods to force them to take some useful action.

For us, it consists of expanding our customer base. Network users should contact the agency directly - call, request a call back or send an email via the form feedback. It’s possible to come up with other actions, but we settled on the most popular ones. It remains to be seen how to turn visitors into clients. Let's look at an example.

Apartment rental – promotion of services through the website

Let us remind you that we have text and graphics at our disposal. Alternatively, you can post a video on your website or use another marketing technology. But we are considering a simple method. We won’t delve into the advertising jungle. Let's go along the well-trodden path. There are many ways to write sales text. As well as structures. Let's take one of them, which involves compiling answers to questions.

What are you offering?

  • It is clear that renting apartments. But which ones exactly? Stalinka buildings, Khrushchev buildings, new buildings, studios, 1, 2, 3 rooms, etc. List the types of objects in as much detail as possible. There is no need to use vague descriptions like “all types.” This doesn't say anything. The key to success is specificity and nothing else.

What problems can they solve?

What benefits does your organization have?

  • "Why us?" – another name for the block. Here you should focus on the benefits of your agency. At the same time, make it clear to the visitor what he will get from working with you. Examples - free services (the apartment owner pays the agency), conclusion of an agreement (protects in a controversial situation), etc.

Call to action

In this regard, everything is somewhat simpler. We must call, write or fill out a form. Somewhere at the end of the text, place a call to take similar actions. To prevent the visitor from searching for contacts on the site, indicate them directly on the page. Place the necessary forms there.

We could dwell on the 4 points listed above. Only real estate is a market segment, the promotion of services of which costs quite a lot of money both “offline” and “online”. If your budget is limited, you can’t count on a large flow of traffic. Every visitor must be valued. To retain it, it makes sense to dig a little deeper, expanding the questions with additional ones.

What difficulties do visitors want to avoid?

  • There are a huge number of scammers operating in the real estate market. Often you come across inadequate owners. Sometimes there are controversial situations. There may be other difficulties. Tell us about them and describe how you decide, so that in the end the client understands that cooperation with you will save a lot of troubles.

What problems are you ready to solve immediately?

  • What will the client receive when he comes to the agency, that is, literally immediately?? It is often unrealistic to quickly select the desired object. It takes time to search. Although everyone understands this, no one likes to wait. Even a couple of days. Quickly resolved problems will allow you to perform a workaround maneuver. At the initial stage for sure.

What do customers ultimately want and why is it important?

  • Obviously, we are talking about renting an apartment in short term . As for “why?”, the answers are as follows: there is nowhere to live, you have to move away from your parents, you need to stay in some area, etc. Such moments are played to the benefit of the organization and make the selling text more “juicy” and converting.

Enhancing graphics and structuring information

If you present your content as solid text with a certain number of headings (or just one at all), it won’t do any good. Imagine a children's coloring book. Before coloring, the pictures look faded and expressionless. As soon as the child picks up a pencil or markers, the image plays with new colors. To enhance the advertising effect, this approach should also be used with selling text.

First, clearly divide the information into blocks. Then think about their design. Remember two things. First, users do not read, but rather skim their eyes across the screen. Secondly, they don’t really like paragraphs. You can't do without the latter, but keep them short. 3-4 sentences each. Not more. To design blocks, use lists or tabular organization.

Instead of “Real estate agency “Apartments-Plus” offers Stalin buildings, Khrushchevs, new buildings, studios, high-rise buildings, low-rise buildings for rent,” use the lists or table as shown below.

Renting apartments from "Apartments-Plus"

Tabular organization

Agency "Apartments-Plus" offers for rent the following types objects:

  • Stalinka
  • Khrushchev buildings
  • New buildings
  • Studios
  • High rise buildings
  • Low-rise buildings

Bulleted list

At the same time, you need to enhance the text with graphics. For example, insert something like the following checkboxes into the table: " ". Place them to the left of the names of the objects so that the client gets the impression that some kind of questionnaire was filled out, where all the questions were answered positively. It makes sense to use similar elements in lists. Instead of “checkmarks” for the table, it is allowed to take images of the same Stalin or Khrushchev buildings.

The purpose of graphic images is to “decorate” the text. Make it brighter and more saturated, as required by real estate advertising both on the Internet and in everyday life. However, the rules we described are considered the fundamental principles of marketing. Although they are simple, they are very effective. The main thing is not to overdo it with graphics and not distract visitors from the essence of the offer.

What to do with the remaining pages?

  • Other agency services should be described using the same principles.. The design of the pages remains unchanged. Don't forget to use keywords for promotion. At the specified organization It's pretty easy to fit them in. As with graphics, don't overdo it. An abundance of keys will “hurt” the eyes of visitors and will lead search robots to think bad “thoughts” about spam.

What parameters to monitor?

  • Search engine promotion of a real estate website must provide the desired result. In a situation with a simple business card, it involves contacting an agency. This is exactly what needs to be monitored, based on explicit and indirect signs of analytics systems. The first includes achieving goals, filling out various forms, etc. The second includes the relationship between visits and calls, session times, etc.

Interactive system - an Internet complex that promotes itself

Such a system is distinguished by a large number of functions that are available to the user. If, when visiting a business card, he can only read the text and study other information, and then perform simple actions, here he is more deeply involved in the process. And right on the website pages. Examples include a search system for objects available in the agency, online assessment, automation of the organization’s work.

Advanced site search

When a new client sets out requirements for a property, the agency begins a database search. There is no reason not to transfer it to the Internet and connect it to the site. Visitors will be able to independently search for a suitable apartment, house or office. Of course, the form will not save you from meeting with realtors. But it will provide the site with useful search functions. The web resource will turn into a service.

Availability even simple service– guarantee of visitor growth. Both from search engines (one of the factors is behavioral, since visitors spend a long time on the site, which is very important), and from the address bar. If a site helps a user solve a problem, there is a chance that he will recommend it to his friends. Sends a link, they enter it into the address bar and start searching for objects.

That's why interactive systems promote themselves. The possibilities for attracting visitors are endless. Plain text is limited. Interactive environment - no. It is responsive, changeable and comfortable. Not to mention saving time resources for both agency employees and clients. There is no need to waste time on multiple visits to the company. The selection is made on the website.

Online assessment

Another option is a real estate valuation site, which allows the visitor to upload data about the property, what needs to be sold or rented out. Such a service significantly expands the functionality of the system and again saves time. User downloads necessary information, it is added to the database. There is no need to go anywhere. If a buyer or tenant is found, then the issue needs to be discussed in detail.

Automation of the organization's work

Based on the website, it is possible to build a system that automates the work of realtors. Through the online platform they will interact with clients, add new objects to the database and perform other routine actions. Large agencies often do this. Automation significantly reduces their costs of doing business and optimizes a number of important processes.

Although the promotion of real estate sites seems to have nothing to do with it, the combination gives unexpected results for it too. For example, when analyzing data obtained from a system that automates the work, it turns out that one-room apartments are rented more often. The information can be used to improve the local search engine when the user does not care too much about setting parameters.

As for promotion in search engines and marketing...

The rules here are exactly the same as for a business card. They are relevant almost always and everywhere. Although the site offers convenient services, the problem of competent advertising does not disappear. Not all visitors will use a search engine or online rating service. A considerable part will want to contact an “offline” representative office. If you don't pay attention to marketing, you will lose potential customers.

On the other hand, we must not forget about interactive features. They are introduced for a reason, but with the aim of increasing returns. Using analytics systems, you should track how effective certain services are. Identify bottlenecks that hinder application. Constantly make adjustments to improve usability. Collect statistical data for analysis.

For example, a visitor comes with a request to rent an apartment. I need to find out if he used the service? Did you look at the sales text? If you did a search, what exactly did you do? Analytics is the most important tool for online marketing. Sometimes a small change in the search form can increase the return by an order of magnitude. When you don't know what's going on, consider yourself blind.

Business card or interactive system?

Before promoting a real estate agency, ask yourself this question. Websites with services are better. BUT development will cost a significant amount of money. Behind their functionality is complex software. A business card is simpler, although limited. It costs less. Whatever choice you make, your agency must have an online presence. This is a mandatory requirement of modern business!

There are so many agencies and companies involved in advertising today that it seems that no special skills are needed for this, and anyone can master the profession. High competition is caused by high demand for services of this type. In order not to lose customers and attract new ones, companies need to promote their own brand no less than work on the client’s image. How to competently organize effective promotion advertising services and at the same time not waste all the company’s resources, we’ll talk about it in this article.

In this article you will read:

  • How advertising services are promoted.
  • What you need to remember when promoting advertising services.
  • What advertising services do agencies promote?
  • What methods of promoting advertising services exist.
  • How to promote advertising services through social networks.
  • What determines the effectiveness of promotion of advertising services?

What is the process of promoting advertising services based on?

Best article of the month

We interviewed businessmen and found out what modern tactics help increase the average bill and the frequency of purchases by regular customers. We published tips and practical cases in the article.

Also in the article you will find three tools to determine customer needs and increase the average bill. With these methods, employees always fulfill the upsell plan.

The actual process of making a profit during the production and sale of an advertising product is the advertising business. What we get as a result of collective and individual creativity, promotion strategies, concepts, advertising and media plans, communication campaigns, visual, textual and photo-video expression of ideas, scripts for videos and the videos themselves is called an advertising product. Here you should be careful not to make a mistake in the definition, since the concepts, plans, strategies, scripts and layouts themselves are not an advertising product, no matter how much the owners of advertising agencies who receive fees for a unit and/or package of advertising products might want it.

The results of production activities, expressed in the form of printed materials and printing, souvenirs and memorable gifts, audio and videos, photographs and photo albums, websites, outdoor advertising designs - these are all advertising products. And the process of organizing the production of these promotional products and their sale is an advertising business.

Each organization engaged in the advertising business must start from six main parameters that affect both the scale of production of a given company and its prospects in the market, the strategy for promoting advertising services, and ultimately the amount of profit that the organization is able to generate. These parameters are:

  • ways to recruit new specialists,
  • personnel policy,
  • company growth rate,
  • client base,
  • threshold for entry into the industry, degree of influence of government policy,
  • breadth of the range of services provided.

An interesting and important point here is the fact that, for example, work with counterparties depends on the scale of activity and the range of clients. If the customer company is small or uses such services irregularly or with small volumes, then its counterparty company may simultaneously be the counterparty company of its competitor, which is not necessary, but may affect the safety of confidential information, production plans, and so on. This case is especially typical for contractors performing printing work and providing services for the production of banners and outdoor advertising banners.

In addition to counterparties, the advertising services company interacts with the main category - customers. This interaction is difficult to overestimate: the customer (client of the news agency) provides information that serves as a source for the formation of the strategy and the advertising product itself. The advertising agency, in turn, through its activities increases the recognition of the customer’s company, helps to sell its goods and services more efficiently, and therefore with greater profit.

At the same time, one cannot ignore this type of relationship in the market for promoting an enterprise’s advertising services, such as the influence of the activities of some advertising agencies on the working methods of others, their competitors. Despite the fact that such companies, in fact, share the market of the same clients, they adopt each other’s experiences (including negative ones), methods, and sometimes clients.

Key factor influencing outcome competition, you can name the price of the advertising product. Often, for a client who is still a potential client, the more significant factor is the price for the services that he is going to order. At the same time, we take it as an axiom that the quality of advertising services from the performers whom we are considering this client, approximately comparable. In order to get a customer, and especially if this is a serious client who is ready for large volumes of work and (or) their regular repetition, advertising agencies are ready to reduce prices. However, this strategy is not always successful, and let's look at why.

The main expense of most advertising companies is employee salaries. If you reduce this expense item, employees will be demotivated, the quality of their work will decrease, and this will certainly affect the result and the degree of customer satisfaction. Ultimately, the customer may demand correction of poorly performed work, and employees will simply quit and go to work where they will be paid more. For example, to competitors.

To avoid this situation, there is a great solution: differentiation of tasks and processes. This is a very simple and obvious solution, but very difficult to implement in practice. Its meaning is that the company must have first-class specialists in very narrow areas of work, such as, for example, coming up with product names or writing a script. commercial, color correction or video editing. And a large number good workers wide profile.

With such management of an organization, it has the opportunity to take general orders on stream and, through them, maintain the required sales volume. At the same time, the loss of some of the clients from this pool will not be critical, since new ones will take their place. To carry out such work, an advertising agency can also attract contractors and outsource all non-core work. In this case, managers should be attentive to the price-quality ratio of these contractors, know their strengths and weaknesses, and be able to maneuver between orders and their urgency, because the agency is the guarantor of the quality of work and its timeliness to the customer. The second principle follows from this: an advertising agency that takes on tasks for subcontracting must have strong managers on staff who can organize this process from filling out the brief by the customer to delivery finished products and signing all reporting papers.

Hunting highly specialized employees is associated with a number of difficulties, the main one of which is motivation. It’s not always possible to “buy” truly good specialists creative people What is important is the realization of talent and the opportunity to work on ideas that are valuable to them. You should not skimp and bargain with them, because these are the people who, ultimately, will bring stable and large profits to your company and will make its name and reputation. Besides, loyal employee A person who is passionate about his work and devoted to the team is more difficult to win over to the side of competitors, which means you are safe on this front line.

It is a mistake to think that the development of an advertising agency is influenced by its scale and turnover. Money. For better or worse, all companies live and die by the same market laws, this applies to performers, customers, subcontractors, and competitors. We can say that fluctuations in economic activity affect the advertising services market in to a greater extent, because advertising budgets are among the first to go under the knife in the event of a reduction in profits. But they also increase first of all when things are going well and profits are growing.

At the same time, a competent seller of advertising services will be able to convince a potential customer that it is the promotion of his goods through advertising that can pull the company out of the economic hole and stimulate the growth of consumption of its products by customers. Despite the fact that many consider launching advertising campaigns during a crisis to be a feast during a plague, this is a fairly effective mechanism to demonstrate to competitors that you (unlike them) are doing well and have free money, and to customers that you do not forget about them , despite the difficulties.

What to consider when promoting advertising services

Promotion of an enterprise's advertising services differs from, for example, the sale of goods in that, by providing services to a client, an advertising agency also works on its own reputation. Strictly speaking, in order to be able to promote the customer’s goods or services, an advertising agency must first sell itself, make sure that its services are in demand, priced proportionately and ordered.

The purchase of promotion services from a particular advertising agency is influenced by many factors, we will highlight the main ones:

  • The effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Everything is simple here: the client came for a specific result, and he will ask for it. There are production standards for the quality of advertising, there are legal, ethical, professional standards, without which you should not wait in line for clients.
  • Attitude of managers to customers. The advertising business is based on relationships between people, and even if the directors agreed, but the managers could not find the language for dialogue, the implementation of the project is in jeopardy. Heads of advertising agencies should constantly remind their employees of the need for correct communication with clients, train them and do not skimp on introductory instructions for newcomers.
  • An impeccable name and word of mouth effect. Just as you ask your friends where is the best place to get your teeth treated, and which tutor can prepare your child for an English language exam, so business people periodically ask each other who prepared their catalog for their anniversary so well or covered the whole city with banners.
  • Convenience of the office and its logistical accessibility. A rule that works for all companies without exception and is especially relevant at a time when Internet technologies make it possible to order almost everything without leaving the table. But if you have free parking for clients, comfortable chairs, delicious coffee and a director who is not late, people will come to you.

We have already touched on the topic of staff motivation, since success in this area largely depends on both the communication skills of individual advertising agency managers and the ability to build and maintain communication among its top managers and management. And if the latter are interested in clients with their profits or dividends, then line specialists need to be tuned in to the right wave. There are often cases when an advertising agency was on the verge of a foul because an order was not completed on time or was completed at an insufficient level of quality, but a manager who was able to “please the client” saved the situation, and, despite the obvious shortcomings, the customer left satisfied. Some people have such talents from birth, but most acquire them - consciously or not - in the process of work.

Gather a team of like-minded people, show them the value of teamwork in your company, praise and reward them for achievements, look at mistakes and failures together, and meeting KPIs will become for them not a gloomy number, but the joy of a job they love. To build such a team, in addition to bonuses, you can provide discounts on your own products, training at the company’s expense, organize trainings and corporate events.

What advertising services do advertising agencies promote?

The variety of tasks that clients pose to advertising agencies does not allow us to talk about the homogeneity of companies involved in the production of advertising products. Promotion of advertising services is a whole complex of diverse tasks that divides advertising agencies into specializations.

This allows agencies specializing in advertising services to provide them even to companies that have their own advertising departments. Often, agency employees turn out to be more creative, more technically savvy, and their view of the organization’s work and the possibilities of its promotion is not yet “blurred” by routine tasks.

1. PR services.

Strictly speaking, PR should not exist here, since the main task of public relations - and this is how the abbreviation stands for in English - is to agree on promoting the client for free. And although for many in our country PR is a kind of “black horse”, which some confuse with marketing, others with advertising, and still others generally believe that it is a useless tool, in the rest of the world businessmen actively use this path to obtain benefits.

The PR department is engaged in the so-called non-price competition, when, with equal quality and price, the client’s individual needs, his wishes, preferred communication channels, etc. enter the arena. With increasing competition and a simplified buying process, misjudging the power and capabilities of PR can be a business-damaging practice.

Planning and carrying out a PR campaign, if successful, causes a great public outcry, and the agency’s case is analyzed by the professional community. The highest aerobatics is considered to be a situation in which the media use information submitted by an advertising agency as a news story, without realizing that this is just a fabricated campaign.

The tool is opposite in nature to the previous one, but no less effective. Direct purchase of advertising space in the media is no less prestigious way to express yourself than direct mention of the customer company.

There are a number of important points here. Advertising in popular newspapers and radio is expensive, and you can lose a significant portion of your profits by placing in top media. On the other hand, ignoring them will lead to a loss of audience; the buyer may forget about a certain company or manufacturer. Therefore, when choosing this tool as your main one, you should carefully evaluate the media audience, conversion and placement price.

The second point concerns the presentation of material. On the one hand, the reader must understand that he is reading advertising material. For this purpose, the legislation has provided a special marker for texts and visual objects placed in the media as advertising. On the other hand, the text or visual support should not be overtly propaganda; if possible, they should be integrated into the editorial style and agenda.

Today the term “native advertising” is popular, when the text seems to be editorial, it is quite interesting and useful, but at the end (or on the side) the reader sees an “advertising” icon. This solves two problems: the editors become interesting and useful content, and the customer is a loyal potential client.

AND last moment- choice of media. You shouldn't go out federal network, if you sell products only in one region. Be clear about your target audience and what they read and listen to. Placing advertising messages in non-core publications will not only deprive you of money, but can also provoke a decrease in reputation and ridicule.

3. Special Events.

One of the most popular formats for attracting attention to a product or its manufacturer. This includes various kinds of competitions and lotteries, tastings and concerts, parties and round tables, seminars and open days. There are many reasons for holding special events; finding and presenting them correctly is the task of an advertising agency. This could be a company anniversary, the launch of a new product, the millionth customer, your own invented holiday, and so on.

4. Development and production of printing and presentation materials.

Visual booklets, product catalogs, reports on previously held events, presentations for partners - all these are popular and necessary products of the advertising world. In recent years, video has been actively included in presentations, and the presentation format itself has become more interactive. This requires an advertising agency employee to be a modern specialist, have a keen sense of industry trends and be able to comply with them.

The Internet is changing the way people live and bringing new things to every area of ​​business. Banners on websites are replaced by interactive videos, text content and images of places and objects that you recently searched for in a search engine. Promoting advertising services on the Internet today is one of the most popular tasks for advertising agencies and one of the most successful channels for achieving the necessary results.

There are many ways to set up promotion of an enterprise’s advertising services via the Internet: classic promotions, animation, special videos, virtual office and already retiring advertising banners.

6. BTL.

This is the classic and timeless foundation of advertising agencies. This includes well-known tastings, competitions and lotteries, leaflets, promotions “gift with purchase” and “1+1=3” and the like, as well as the work of promoters.

Signs, banners, information stands, boards and stands, volumetric letters, illuminated signs, graffiti. This also includes window dressing, which is gradually becoming an independent type of advertising production, allowing customers and advertising agencies to express their creativity to the fullest.

8. Merchandising.

This is the correct display of products sold and effective placement commercial equipment, control point of sale representatives of a company or advertising agency.

9. Souvenir products.

This includes both everyday consumables (paper and LDPE bags, packaging, business cards), and special products for events (silk-screen printing, fabric painting, laser engraving and engraving on wood, stone and glass), as well as the production of special T-shirts, T-shirts, bandanas and caps, other branded clothing and paraphernalia.

10. Work at the exhibition.

Here, depending on the wishes of the customer and the capabilities of the agency, various options and combinations are possible. From the idea of ​​positioning the client at the exhibition and its implementation to simply the technical installation and dismantling of the exhibition stand. Also, work at an exhibition depends on the type of exhibition: at an event of 2 formats, the style of presenting information is businesslike. If the exhibition is of a type 2 nature, then gamification elements and bright stand design will play into the company’s hands.

As you can see, the volume of services that an advertising agency can provide is large, and the range of tasks - from highly technical to purely creative - forces companies to either have a large staff or enter into partnerships with other advertising agencies. The second option seems to be the most optimal, since it not only allows you to avoid a situation in which the agency refuses an order due to a lack of specialists or misses deadlines trying to fulfill technical task by specialists with qualifications in another industry, but also helps to establish connections in the professional community, thereby increasing the reputation and prestige of the company. In addition, maintaining an inflated staff can negatively affect both profits and the mood of the employees themselves: if they have to work occasionally, and they love their work, then sooner or later (but rather sooner) the moment will come when they become I'm not interested in working for you. If you are not ready to enter into cooperation with other agencies, then it is better to find good outsourced specialists who can get involved at the right time and not miss the deadline. Finding such people is, of course, a long and sometimes nerve-wracking process, but it will pay off at the right time.

What are the ways to promote advertising services?

The choice of method of conveying information about the client and his products is key to the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Because main task promotion of advertising services is to convey the benefits of a product or service to the end consumer, then the following methods of promoting advertising services can be distinguished:

  • Brand creation.
  • Complex of marketing communications.
  • Promotion of advertising services with the participation of subcontractors.

The main tasks to be solved as work progresses are:

  • Building relationships with the customer.
  • Finding and retaining highly qualified specialists.
  • Team building.

The success of the advertising agency itself as a business unit, its growth and scale and, of course, the amount of profit generated by its employees depends on the quality of solving these problems. We can say that an agency's employees are its liability, and clients are its asset. And the less turnover of both of them, the more successful the work of the entire advertising agency will be, and the more effective its activities will be in promoting the advertising services of the enterprise.

As noted above, rare agencies on advertising market are able to cover the entire volume of advertising services provided. And specialization in one or more areas is the key to success and a constant influx of clients. There is no need to explain why customer flow is critical for any business. Let's look at how to organize such a flow.

A comprehensive and reasoned strategy, including both marketing and PR tools, aimed at a specific audience is called lead generation. She is the one who works to ensure that advertising agency managers always have orders.

“Lead” is translated from English as “to lead, bring” and means, in the literal marketing sense, bringing customers. Leads as actions of future buyers can be expressed in the form of a text message, application and call.

The lead, as a rule, contains information about the potential client, allowing managers to select best option product or service for it, as well as the method of sale and communication channel. Such information may be a telephone number or email address, last name, first name, patronymic of a person, his date of birth and marital status, comments on the order and other information.

The demand for the services of lead generation specialists exceeds supply, despite the fact that the Internet is full of advertisements of this kind. Often, under the guise of specialists, there are incompetent workers, and sometimes just scammers. This market is now experiencing a real explosion in demand, as advertising agencies prefer to hire lead generation specialists, spending a minimum of their own efforts. And this does not always lead to the desired result.

There are also special programs that allow you to optimize a number of work processes. For example, it is known that most people select the desired product or service on weekends or after work. The program can be configured in such a way that it will independently collect customer data, and specialists will only have to create an offer and send it to a potential client at the right time. The moment of sending can also be configured using special software.

One way or another, lead generation in the matter of promoting advertising services remains task number one, because it is this that ensures the flow of clients. The choice of lead generation method for each specific case should be considered separately, taking into account all factors.

Promotion of advertising services as an integral part of the development of an advertising agency

It is logical that the advertising agencies themselves, which provide promotion services to business entities, also need promotion. To avoid a “shoemaker without boots” situation, a company providing such services must be attentive to its image. There are a few simple steps, allowing you to increase your prestige in the advertising market and get new clients:

  1. Make a clear and informative website. Add information about what you do, how much it costs, examples of work and contacts. Don’t overload the site, but don’t leave it in the form of a “business card” with the phrase “call for any questions...” People need at least minimal information .
  2. Create a cool portfolio. This should be a portfolio that you can either post on the website or print out as a booklet and bring to the meeting. Select several best options in each category of work and arrange them in such a way that you would like to read and look at them.
  3. Hire strong sales managers. They must be true professionals who sincerely love their work. A sales manager must love to communicate, because half of his job is communication with potential customers, and here it is important not to be afraid to call strangers and be able to convince them.
  4. Keep in touch with past clients. After all, they can always come back to you - or not, if they forget about you. So congratulate them on professional holidays, send small souvenirs on important occasions, sometimes remind yourself by letter, for example, if you launched the new kind services or significantly reduced prices for some type from the previous line. Be original and sincere.
  5. Work on brand awareness. Come up with a concept and follow it. Invest in good tasteful designers and create a logo and corporate identity. Place links to the site on the main information resources of the city, hang outdoor advertising billboards - make yourself known.
  6. Remember that quality speaks for itself. No matter how beautiful your office and the girls at the reception are, if you do your work poorly, you should not expect a stream of grateful customers. Conversely, an effective advertising campaign completed on time will make your customers praise you completely free and sincerely. And word of mouth is the best lead generator.

Despite the fact that the activities of an advertising agency are based on communication and depend on the ability of its employees to negotiate, a number of issues still lie beyond the boundaries of human sociability and are subject to manual regulation.

Promotion of advertising services on the Internet is an important component marketing strategy, and here you need to spend as much on SEO optimization and website promotion as the company’s budget allows. Experiment with presentation methods, be catchy but not flashy, use viral marketing techniques. Do not forget about the constant training of your employees, both those communicating with customers and technical specialists. Courses for accountants will not only help you avoid problems with inspection authorities, but can also open up new ways of tax optimization. Creativity is useful not only for designers and writers.

How can you organize the promotion of advertising services through social networks?

You can advertise anything through social networks. To do this, you just need to decide what you want to sell, to whom, and in what language to speak with a potential client. Despite the simplicity of these rules, there are depressingly few examples in RuNet of companies managing to create a truly attractive sales channel on a social network.

Let's take a conventional advertising agency, about which we know nothing: what exactly it does, who its clients are, what the average fee for their services is, what city the agency is located in and what it can boast of.

There are a number of points that should be clearly stated to everyone who is going to promote on social networks. This general rules for all business entities, also applicable to advertising agencies:

  • Determine your target audience. Select 2-3 groups for each social network. Write down their gender, age, marital status, income, interests.
  • Form a communication strategy, this is the starting point for all brands on social media. This is your positioning, how you differ from your competitors, what makes your offer unique, what messages you intend to use to communicate with your target audience. Sometimes managers refuse to prescribe a communication strategy because it is “obvious things.” In practice, it turns out that everyone understands something different by the obvious. This can happen not only within an advertising agency, but also between the customer and the contractor.
  • Differentiate social networks according to tasks. For example, you can use Facebook to demonstrate cases and discuss them with other market participants, and VKontakte will be for selling subcontracting services for other agencies and finding interns.
  • Enter KPIs. This point can also cause rejection among colleagues, since if you work for yourself, then it seems that you don’t need any indicators. But this is a dangerous misconception that can throw all the work to chance. It is not necessary to set champion indicators; they must be achievable and sufficient to solve the problems at hand.
  • Create a content plan. Analyze and record how many and what kind of posts per week you want to publish on each social network. Think about what these posts should be about: only about your activities or about industry news too? Will you publish only your own cases or successful and original examples from your colleagues too? What to do with reposts? Answering all these questions at the preparation stage will help to avoid disagreements in the team and mistakes.

What determines the success of promotion of advertising services?

Analysis of available data and planning, despite the apparent creative direction of the work of an advertising agency, is a mandatory factor for the success of the work. Finding communication channels to convey information to the client is one of the main tasks, and if it is not solved correctly, then neither ingenious creativity nor masterly execution of videos and photographic materials will bring results: clients simply will not see them.

The media planning process can be divided into stages. At the preliminary stage, the goals of the advertising campaign are formulated and the client’s target audience is determined. At the intermediate planning stage, a decision is made on the required reach of potential customers, taking into account the existing conversion and the required budget. At the final stage, the tools are selected and the final communication scheme is written.

  • Planning and carrying out an advertising campaign

A set of special promotional events designed to certain period, region and group of people is called an advertising campaign. Such a campaign requires enormous efforts both on the part of the advertising agency, expressed in complex and varied work, and on the part of the customer, expressed mainly in the expenditure of large amounts of money per unit of time. Such costs - human, resource, time and budget - can only be justified by the effect of the campaign. It, in turn, is impossible with poor or illiterate planning. Therefore, only highly qualified specialists should be allowed to implement a media plan of this scale.

  1. Maintaining image in the event of an information war.
  2. Introducing a new product or service to the market.
  3. The company's entry into a new market.
  4. A significant change in the market situation: the emergence of new unique properties of a product, the advance of competitors, a serious change in the consumer market.
  • Design development

Product design is a visual expression of the client’s ideas about the company’s values ​​and the properties of this product, the primary way of communication with a potential client and, of course, a way to differentiate from competitors. The design for the tasks of promoting an enterprise's advertising services is first created in a mock-up and then realized in real size from selected materials using graphic and video programs, text and specialized software.

All design services that advertising agencies offer to their clients can be divided into two main groups. This is the development of the design of everyday and representative printed products, as well as the design of advertising printing.

The main trends in design today strive for simplicity and conciseness. If we are talking about fonts, then these are classic fonts, without excessive floridity and shadows; it is acceptable to use italics or italics. When writing a logo, it is permissible to use a color shade to give the name energy and power. The shapes of the logo and other elements should be simple and easily outlined. A slight stretching of the figures is acceptable.

The rule of minimalism also applies to color. It can be rich or pastel, but if possible there is only one. If two colors are used, then, as a rule, these are two shades of the same palette, for example, blue and blue, and not blue and yellow. This helps to concentrate on the name of the company and better remember it, strengthening the “color - name” association.

  • Print design

Promotion of advertising services on the Internet is gaining more and more popularity, and the volume of this market is growing from year to year. This is due to efficiency this method, its accessibility compared to other types of advertising products.

But forget about traditional methods conveying information is also not worth it, and the main player in this field remains printing products. Despite the fact that this method of communication between a seller and a buyer has been around for many years, the mistakes made when creating printing remain the same. These are photos Low quality, overload of the carrier with text information, illiterate sentences and even spelling errors.

If you are betting on printing, don’t be lazy to check everything twice, don’t turn a blind eye to the little things, since there simply cannot be unimportant details in this matter. The first impression a potential client makes of you should be impeccable.

Expert opinion

Promoting advertising services on the Internet: how not to run into SEO scammers

Alexey Shtarev,

Executive Director of SeoPult, Moscow

Marketing ploys.

Perhaps the most popular method of deception. The client sees that when ordering services from this specialist or agency, his website will be displayed in the top search results within a week. In fact, even if it is in this top, then, alas, it will not be thanks to SEO optimization of the site and painstaking work with texts, but thanks to the purchase of contextual ads. As soon as the contract with such a “specialist” is terminated, the purchase of traffic also ends. Accordingly, the site disappears from the top search results. Unscrupulous people skillfully manipulate the ignorance of customers and thus “keep” them as clients for many years. After all, the connection is obvious to the customer: refusing the services of a “specialist” means disappearing from the top search results. And no one will explain to him the reasons.

Optimizer tricks.

What a dishonest employee can do instead of real SEO optimization:

  • Promote the company name. This doesn't make any sense because few people are looking for a specific company unless it's BMW or Apple. And the company name along with the city in the search bar always displays the desired site in the first lines.
  • Promote unpopular queries. Popular queries are expensive, unpopular ones are cheap. You can be the first in unpopular ones, but the likelihood that someone will search for them tends to zero. Check the queries you are going to work with at
  • Manipulate the results. Here we are dealing with a classic deception. The reporting documents may show you great numbers, but you may not feel the effect of the campaign at all. It’s worth checking the result before the closing payment, since there is a possibility that you were promoted in another region (a practical example), or they simply drew the numbers in Photoshop. Yes, this, unfortunately, also happens.
  • Use prohibited methods. Search sites' policies are strict against violators. Cheating, adding elements to a site that increase its search results but are not related to its activities, manipulating visitors - all this is prohibited by the search engines of the world and is very easily detected by them. As a punishment, the system may ban the site from search results for several months or forever. Therefore, if you notice incredible results in a short period of time, ask the performer how he did it. It’s better to agree on and formalize the work plan in the contract before it starts.

Legal tricks.

The most obvious and most difficult way for the customer to deceive. Tons of pages of fine print in terms you understand nothing about. The subject of the agreement, as a rule, is written down at the end, when attention and strength are no longer enough. Therefore, start reading with the subject of the contract and terms of payment and do not hesitate to take time to study it in order to understand it without haste. The main tricks when drawing up a contract are:

  • No mention of the search engine in which the results are measured.

If you see the phrase: “All possible search engines, including Yandex,” they are going to deceive you. The main flow of traffic in the Russian segment of the Internet is provided by Yandex. And if you sign such an agreement, and then get top ranking in Yahoo! or Bing, there will be no one to blame.

  • Confusing formulas for calculating results.

There can be a great many options for deception here, so just remember the optimal formula for calculations. A = B x C, where:

A is the price of one key phrase.

B - the price of one day of the site being in the top for the key phrase.

C - time (days) that the site holds the desired position.

At the request of the parties, this formula can be supplemented with a fixed part of the payment, but I recommend linking it with the last payment.

Don't want to do sales and production isn't for you? Find out how the advertising business works. Perhaps this way of earning money will suit you.

♦ Capital investments – 700,000 rubles
♦ Payback – up to 1 year

There is a misconception that creative people will never be able to open a profitable business and, on the contrary, entrepreneurs who are completely devoid of imagination will never launch a creative startup, preferring old proven methods.

However, there is a field of activity that combines creativity and business, which is suitable for both “physicists” and “lyricists”, which is quite easy to start from scratch.

If you don’t want to engage in buying and selling, and production is not for you, then ask how to open an advertising agency.

This creative and fun way to make money might be right for you.

Advertising business: what is it and how to open it

  • distributes outdoor advertising;
  • promotes the product in the media;
  • conducts PR campaigns, including political ones;
  • advertises its client on the Internet;
  • conducts SMS marketing.

These are the types of activities that most advertising agencies engage in.

Domestic businessmen who want to open an advertising business often focus on one thing.

They think for a long time about where to start, and in the end they begin to promote their client on the Internet (the most promising and inexpensive way of advertising) or they organize a PR agency to promote the newest brand, politics or stars.

On the one hand, opening a narrow-profile agency is profitable because you don’t need to hire a large staff or rent a giant office.

On the other hand, there is a risk that you will not be able to form a client base, because few people who need advertising will enter into contracts with several agencies to promote their product in different ways.

How should an advertising agency work if I decide to open one?

From the owners advertising business There are two options for working:

  1. Promote one client in various ways.
  2. Form a base of many clients of varying profitability.

The first option is not very popular in our country, except perhaps we're talking about about a political PR campaign (often advertising agencies are created by a specific politician to promote himself or herself).

But abroad, production giants prefer that PR specialists focus only on advertising their brand, without scattering themselves on others.

That is why companies such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi and others know where to start conquering the market of the next country: by opening a branch of an advertising agency in that country.

The main thing for you is to start forming a client base, and then you will get your bearings: if you manage to hook a big fish, you will only be engaged in promoting it, but if not, you can make good money on small clients, the main thing is that you have:

  • advertising space (agreements with the media, websites, etc.);
  • personnel who are capable of creating impeccable and creative PR products;
  • designs (banners, cubes, etc.);
  • normal technical equipment;
  • partnerships with, which will quickly and efficiently print the products you create in large quantities.

What is it impossible to open an advertising agency without?


    You must be a creative person with a rich imagination.
    If you are a hopeless “physicist”, you will not be able to control the actions of your subordinates.

    Stress resistance.

    In the advertising business there are different examples.
    Sometimes products have to be remade several times until you please the client.
    Moreover, the customer will not always express his dissatisfaction politely and tolerantly.
    There are different types of entrepreneurs, and you need to learn to find a common language with everyone.

    Be a good psychologist.

    Again, you will have to deal with different clients.
    Some will come to you already ready-made ideas, expecting only their high-quality implementation in advertising products, and someone will contact you with the wording “I want this, I don’t know what” and you must quickly evaluate the client in order to understand what exactly you need to offer him.

    Communication skills.

    You will have to communicate a lot with people, and if you start to blush in the company of strangers, then it makes sense to think about opening something other than an advertising agency.
    You can’t do this without communication skills.

    Be a good manager.

    The advertising business is still a business.
    If you are bursting with ideas, but are not able to organize the work of your staff, calculate your income, or figure out how to cut costs where possible, then your agency will quickly burn out.

Of course, the lack of these qualities should not necessarily prevent you from opening an advertising agency.

You can hire people who will have everything necessary qualities for advertising business.

But it is still better if the boss sets an example for his subordinates and is well versed in the business he is involved in, which cannot be said about many unsuccessful businessmen.

If you decide to open an advertising agency from scratch, then you may want to take advice from professionals who know where to start in order to quickly build a client base and make your first profit:

  1. Come up with a creative name for your business.
    Customers will pay attention to your company name.
    They will understand that if you cannot come up with an interesting name for your company, then how can you come up with a creative and effective advertising campaign for them.
    The name of the agency should be short, memorable, and easily match the products that you will use to promote your business.
  2. Don't rush into trying to catch the big fish the day after you decide to open an advertising agency.
    Work with small companies, completing small orders for them.
    This way you will gain experience and learn to understand the customer better.
  3. When offering your services to potential clients, talk about your uniqueness.
    When calling clients, you cannot say the same thing to everyone over the phone: “Hello. Manya's name is Ivan Ivanovich.
    I decided to open an advertising agency and am offering you my services.” Tell us exactly how you differ from your competitors.
  4. Be sure to study your competitors: the advertising campaigns they ran, their pricing policy, what their customers were especially pleased and dissatisfied with (if possible), etc.
    This will help you avoid common mistakes at work.
  5. Don't forget that the advertising business also needs to be advertised.

How to advertise the advertising agency that you have decided to open?

Most effective ways promoting a new agency is:

    Phone calls.

    You take a directory of enterprises in your city and begin to methodically call them, informing them that a unique advertising agency has finally opened in your city, which can conduct an effective and original PR campaign from scratch.

    You need to get the email addresses of businesses in your city and send them letters offering cooperation.
    Work on the text of the letter to hook the client from the first lines, otherwise your message will end up in the trash before being read.

    Mass media.

    Banners, cubes, notice boards, etc.
    The main thing is that your advertising is interesting and attracts attention.

    Don't underestimate their power in disseminating the information you need.

    Word of mouth.

    One satisfied client will tell another happy client about a great advertising agency that has opened, and you will quickly build a client base.

The presence of a website immediately suggests that you are a serious company with which you can do business.

How to open an advertising agency: calendar prospects

Launching a startup like advertising business, will not require a lengthy preparatory process.

If you decide to open an agency, then you need to take care of the standard steps: registration, search suitable premises for work, recruiting staff, purchasing equipment and finding clients.

If you quickly implement all of the above and get smart assistants, you will be able to launch a startup from scratch in 5 months, or, in extreme cases, in six months.

Office search and renovation
Purchase of equipment
Search for first clients

How to open an advertising agency: the main stages of launching a startup

We have already talked about what needs to be done to open an advertising agency.

Now let’s take a closer look at all the stages of launching a startup.


Choose one of the suitable forms for opening an agency: individual entrepreneur, LLC, CJSC.

The simplest form in terms of registration is the individual entrepreneur, but the other two will require cooperation with a qualified lawyer, because it is quite difficult to figure out all the nuances of the procedure on your own.

Choose a form of taxation that will not bankrupt you at first when starting an advertising business, for example, UTII.


However, it is not worth going to the remote outskirts, since it is unlikely that any businessman will want to travel so far to get acquainted with samples of your products.

If you nevertheless decide to save on rent and open an agency too far from the center, then be sure to take care of creating a website to make it easier for your clients to get to know you.

You should not invest too much money in renovating your rented premises.

You are not a restaurant, so you shouldn’t impress with the interior.

Neutral colored walls can be decorated with samples of your agency's best products.

But the area of ​​the room in which you will work depends on how large an advertising agency you decide to open.

If you have your sights set on a modest business, then at first you can rent 1–2 rooms for an office in one of office buildings for the work of several employees.

Serious agencies need offices with total area at least 50–60 sq. m.


The number of employees you will need to hire depends on how large an advertising agency you decide to open.

To start a small agency you must hire:

  • two designers, one of whom will be involved in the production of a creative product, and the other will perform technical work: layout, etc.;
  • a manager whose main task is to attract new clients;
  • a cleaning lady - without her you will drown in dirt.

You will perform the functions of the head of an advertising agency: negotiate with clients, conclude contracts, arrange advertising in the media, etc.

If you can handle the accounting yourself, you will save money on the position of an accountant. Otherwise, you will have to hire an accountant or enter into an agreement with an outsourcing company.

You also cannot do without a programmer, since your main equipment is computers. He can be hired part-time.

QtySalary (in rub.)Total (in rub.)
Total: 74,000 rub.
Designers (technical and creative)2 20 000 40 000
Manager1 15 000 15 000
Cleaning woman1 9 000 9 000
Part-time programmer1 10 000 10 000


Equipment for an advertising agency is expensive.

You will definitely need computers, and designers need powerful machines for their work, which are very expensive, printing and office equipment, furniture, office supplies, and so on.

The main costs for office equipment will be as follows:

Expense itemQtyCost (in rub.)Amount (in rub.)
Total: 500,000 rub.
Computers or laptops
4 40 000 160 000
Laser printer
1 10 000 10 000
1 10 000 10 000
1 30 000 30 000
Large format printing press
1 100 000 100 000
Cutting plotter
1 70 000 70 000
Telephone sets
2 1 000 2 000
4 4 000 16 000
Visitor and work chairs
8 2 000 16 000
Plumbing for the bathroom
10 000 10 000
Other 76 000 76 000

How to open an advertising agency and how much does it cost?

People interested in the topic of how to open an advertising agency are worried about the question “How much money will have to be invested in launching this startup?”

Those who were hoping for minimal spending will be disappointed.

As you can see, you need decent capital investments to open an advertising agency.

If you were unable to raise the required amount on your own, then it makes sense to think about attracting a partner who would take on part of the costs.

After all, not only one-time, but also monthly investments await you:

We offer you to watch a video about what you need,

If you open an advertising agency, how quickly will the expenses pay off?

Another way is personal visits by a director or manager to an organization that needs advertising.

You set the prices for your services yourself, focusing on the price level and financial capabilities of the residents of your region.

You can work in the low, middle or high price category.

  • script – 10–20,000 rubles;
  • company logo – 20–30,000 rubles;
  • banner layout – RUR 5–8,000;
  • layout in the media – 10–15,000 rubles;
  • original layout for a corporate publication – 20–30,000 rubles;
  • souvenirs – from 1,000 rubles;
  • full-fledged PR campaign – from 100,000 rubles. etc.

In addition to orders from clients, you will receive a percentage from advertising in the media (this should only be done after agreement with the client).

An income of 400–500,000 rubles per month is considered good.

It is very possible to have such an income if you manage to acquire at least ten regular customers, do not ignore small orders and constantly work to expand your customer base.

The main thing is that the income of your business should not be lower than 200,000 rubles per month (after all, this is exactly the amount of your monthly expenses), otherwise you will work at a loss, which means there’s no point open an advertising agency gets lost.

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