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How to develop production instructions for professions. How to create production instructions. Development of production instructions! full schedule

All work at production facilities must be carried out in compliance with industrial safety rules. Enterprises develop special documents that describe the procedure for carrying out technological processes and the responsibilities of the personnel performing them.

This document is production instructions, the content of which is established by Federal Standards and Rules (FNR).

For which objects is it mandatory to develop production instructions?

Production instructions are developed at enterprises engaged in construction (this means both the construction of an object and its reconstruction, conservation, technical re-equipment, operation or liquidation) of such objects as:

  1. HPF (hazardous production facilities).
  2. Electric power industry.
  3. Operating electrical, thermal installations or networks, as well as hydraulic structures.
  4. Manufacturing or repairing (including installation, adjustment, maintenance work):
  5. technological equipment used at hazardous facilities;
  6. vehicles transporting hazardous substances.

When developing production instructions, take into account:

  • qualification requirements (sources - reference books, standards, etc.);
  • features of technological production processes.

Instructions are intended for workers, are stored at enterprises at workplaces and can be issued to the employee against signature.

For personnel, knowledge of production instructions is a must!

Testing knowledge of production instructions

Certification of employees, during which knowledge of:

  • general industrial safety requirements;
  • special issues that relate to the employee’s competence;
  • energy security requirements;
  • safety requirements for hydraulic structures –

carried out before employees are allowed to work independently at the site.

Contents of production instructions

The text of the production instructions may differ at each specific enterprise depending on its specifics, type of work, technological processes, etc.

  1. General information.
  2. Passing instructions and testing knowledge.
  3. Connection with other workplaces.
  4. The duties of the employee, as well as his rights and responsibilities.
  5. Notes on acceptance and delivery of shifts.
  6. Description of the specific workplace, installed equipment, materials used.
  7. Technological diagram of the technological process.
  8. Records of equipment startup and shutdown.
  9. Possible deviations from the normal course of the technological process, methods for solving problems.
  10. Equipment emergency stop notes.
  11. Safe work rules.

The text part of the instructions may be accompanied by diagrams and drawings, for example, technological diagrams, etc.

The document is approved by the head of the enterprise or organization responsible for the operation of the facility.

17.1.In production there must be:

a) job descriptions for all employees, specialists, engineers and management personnel;

b) instructions on specialties for employees of all professions of the enterprise;

c) instructions on the types of work performed.

17.2 Labor protection instructions - a normative act establishing labor protection requirements when performing work in production premises, on the territory of the enterprise, on construction sites and in other places where these works are performed or official duties are performed.

Labor safety instructions can be standard for employees of enterprises, sites and a specific workplace.

17.3. Labor protection instructions can be developed both for workers of certain professions and for individual species works

17.4. Instructions for workers engaged in blasting operations, servicing electrical installations and devices, lifting machines, boiler plants, pressure vessels, and for other workers whose labor safety requirements are established in inter-industry regulations on labor protection approved by supervisory and regulatory authorities bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are developed on the basis of these acts and approved in the manner established by these bodies.

17.5. The requirements of labor protection regulations included in the instructions must be set out in relation to a specific workplace and the actual working conditions of the employee.

17.6. For new production facilities being put into operation, it is allowed to develop temporary instructions for workers. Temporary instructions must ensure the safe conduct of technological processes (work) and the safe operation of equipment. The same requirements apply to the development of temporary instructions as to the development of permanent instructions for workers. Temporary instructions are developed both by profession and by type of work for the period until the said productions are accepted into operation by the state acceptance commission.

17.7. Instructions for workers are approved by the head of the enterprise after preliminary consultations with the labor protection service, and, if necessary, with other interested services and officials at the discretion of the labor protection service.

17.8. Each instruction must be assigned a name and number. The name should briefly indicate what profession or type of work it is intended for.

17.9. Checking instructions for workers by profession or type of work for compliance with current requirements state standards, safety rules, sanitary standards and regulations, hygienic standards should be carried out at least once every 5 years, and for professions and types of work associated with increased danger - at least once every 3 years. If necessary, proposals for updating them are developed.

Before the expiration of the specified periods, the instructions are revised if legislative acts, state standards and other regulatory documents on occupational safety change.

Development of Manufacturing Instructions! Full Schedule!

As directed by higher authorities; when introducing new equipment and technology; based on the results of the investigation industrial injuries, accidents, disasters; when it changes standard instructions; when changing the technological process or working conditions, as well as when using new types of equipment, materials, equipment, devices and tools.

Responsibility for timely verification and revision of instructions lies with the heads of development departments.

If during the above-mentioned period the working conditions of workers at the enterprise have not changed, then by order (instruction) of the enterprise the validity of the instructions for workers is extended for the next period, which is recorded on the first page of the instructions (the “Revised” stamp is placed, the date and signature of the person responsible for revising the instructions).

Enterprise managers provide instructions to all employees and managers of interested departments (services) of the enterprise.

17.10. The issuance of instructions to the heads of departments (services) must be carried out by the labor protection service with registration in the journal for issuing instructions.

17.11. The head of a division (service) of an enterprise must constantly keep a set of instructions in force in the division (service) for workers of all professions and for all types of work of this division (service), as well as a list of these instructions approved by the head of the enterprise.

17.12. Each site manager, foreman, etc. there must be a set of current instructions for workers employed in this area for all professions and types of work.

17.13 Instructions can be given to workers by hand, against signature in the briefing log for study during the initial briefing, or posted at workplaces or areas, or stored in another place accessible to workers.

Date of publication: 2015-10-09; Read: 2521 | Page copyright infringement

I consider my most valuable quality to be my ability to arouse enthusiasm in people and develop what is best in a person through recognition of his merits and encouragement. (Charles Schwab, American manager)

ISO 9000. Work instructions

Askarov E.S. Associate Professor KazNTU named after. K. Satpayeva

Work instructions represent the third (lower) level of quality system documents. These instructions describe step by step how a specific simple operation of production, assembly, installation of equipment, maintenance, etc. can be performed.

Work instructions also establish how product quality can be controlled, what means can be used, what measuring equipment can be used, etc.

Organizational standards (company standards) mainly serve as work instructions. It should be noted here that according to the law “On Technical Regulation”, which came into force in Kazakhstan in 2005, compliance with standards becomes voluntary; the state will monitor the safety of products for consumer health through technical regulations. Enterprises have the opportunity to regulate their own economic activity, guided by the interests of your business, for this you need to be able to draw up your own regulatory documents, your own standards, the number of which will increase significantly. When drawing up standards, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the standard ST RK 1.5 - 2004. " General requirements to the construction, presentation, design and content of standards."

Basic standards of organizations:

1. Production of design products

The organization shall establish, plan and enforce processes life cycle project products:

- marketing,

— contract analysis,

— development of a project for the production of design products,

— purchases related to the production of project products,

— production of design products,

— sales of products.

2. Production of engineering services (installation, design work)

3. Standards for regulating the implementation of QMS auxiliary processes

3.1. Resource Management

It is used in the process of managing resources needed in the main production. Resources are:

— people (staff),

— infrastructure (buildings, workspace, communications),

- suppliers and partners,

- natural resources, raw materials,

- equipment, tools, means of production, etc.

3.2. Metrics for evaluating processes and products

It is used to evaluate products, their production processes and auxiliary processes in the QMS. Metrics are documents with information about the state of an object in the present and a forecast for the future.

Types of metrics:

A) Marketing metrics,

B) Design metrics: s related to organizational policy, financial metrics, labor costs and time metrics, metrics on product defects during the production process,

C) Metrics of the final product: p design products, engineering services, software products,

D) Metrics of quality management processes: o general metrics of quality management processes, customer satisfaction metrics.

Indicators in metrics are assessed based on a point, absolute or relative system:

— absolute units (for example, hours, tenge, kW, etc.)

relative units- for example, as a percentage, etc.

The choice of tool for visually displaying product and process characteristics depends on the creativity of the organization, preferably computerized documents in EXCEL format.

The simplest metric is a summary of indicators based on some criteria that determine the effectiveness of work over a period of time. certain period- year, quarter, month.

Example. The company produces wallpaper, to determine the efficiency of work, a metric of product quality indicators is compiled, three types of products are taken - wallpaper "Parus", "Shugla" and "Arman". Data is taken for the year by quarter.

Table 1 provides data on sales for the year (thousand tenge), Table 2 shows data in percentages. The figure shows a graph of annual indicators; it is clearly seen that Shugla products have the best dynamics; the sales level is constantly growing and takes up most of the annual balance.

4. Organizational standards detailing the implementation of life cycle processes

The organization has the right to independently determine the depth and detail of the process description. If a more detailed description of any life cycle process is necessary, a separate standard for this process can be developed


    Contract analysis,

    Procurement management,

    Calculation of the reliability of designed objects,

    Process control, etc.

5. Regulations on departments and job descriptions

Regulations on divisions should have the following structure:

    General provisions

- purpose of the unit

— what documents is it guided by?

— who approves the organizational structure

- who appoints employees to positions

- to whom do employees report?

2. Main tasks of the unit

3. Functions of the unit

4. Division structure and work organization

5. Rights and general duties employees

6. Employee Responsibility

7. Interaction with other departments and external organizations.

Job descriptions have the following approximate structure:

    General provisions

- who is appointed and dismissed from the position

— who is appointed (level of education, experience, qualifications)

- to whom it reports

- who is under the leadership

- who replaces in absence

- what you should know

- what documents to follow

2. Purpose of the position

3. Job responsibilities

4. Rights and powers

5. Performance and efficiency indicators.

Head of the Information Support and Technical Policy Department.

    General provisions

1.1.The head of the information support and technical policy department is directly subordinate to the Technical Director of the open joint stock company"Kazzheldortekhnika" (hereinafter - the Company).

    Guided in its activities by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the Company, the Regulations on the Department of Information Support and Technical Policy, other local acts of the Company and this job description.

    A person with a higher technical education and work experience in a field related to the activities of the department for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of head of the department of information support and technical policy.

    The head of the information support and technical policy department must know the provisions of the enterprise’s Charter, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Technical Regulation”, “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, “On Labor Protection”, “On Labor”, other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Temporary Charter railways Republic of Kazakhstan, other guidelines in the field railway transport and this job description.


2.1 Development of quarterly and annual plans, summarizing measures for the comprehensive development of the Company and monitoring their implementation.

2.2. Ensuring the development and reconstruction of existing production facilities.

2.3. Monitoring the timely installation and commissioning of new equipment.

2.4. Monitoring compliance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Labor Protection”, Rules and Instructions on Labor Protection and Safety of Railway Transport Workers.

2.5. Control over the implementation of new equipment, progressive technology, preparation of the farm for work in winter conditions.

2.6. Maintaining secrecy and implementing the necessary measures to protect secret official information from disclosure.

2.7. Methodological, regulatory and legal Information Support branches of the Company.

2.8. Providing and organizing work on the implementation of a system for automating container transportation and accounting for container fleet by numbers.

2.9. Preparation of proposals for adjusting existing accounting and reporting forms.

Manufacturing instructions???

2.10. Bringing operating costs in accordance with the actual volume of work.

2.11. Development and control of uniform reporting forms for all indicators.

2.12. Participation in the development of draft agreements on issues related to the scope of the department’s activities, development of draft orders, instructions and other acts of the Company.

2.13. Consideration of appeals government agencies, letters, statements from legal entities.

2.14. Organization of control over the state of labor and performance discipline by employees of the Department.

2.15. Making suggestions for optimization organizational structure Society.

2.16. Ensures the implementation and implementation of the quality management system requirements in the department.

3.1. The Head of the Department has the right to give instructions to the branches of the Company on issues within the competence of the department.

3.2. Demand from the involved branch employees reference information and reporting on issues within the department’s terms of reference.

3.3. Sign internal documents with the consent of the Company's management.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The Head of the Department is responsible for:

— improper performance of one’s duties;

— quality of work in accordance with job responsibilities;

— correctness and completeness of use of the rights presented;

— ensuring the fulfillment of planned tasks assigned to him and his subordinates;

— failure to comply with quality obligations and quality system requirements;

— low performance discipline;

— failure to comply with internal regulations;

— fulfillment of the tasks provided for by these regulations, current legislation, orders, instructions;

— maintaining the confidentiality of information not subject to disclosure.

    for damage caused to the Company in case of damage material assets in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Labor in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

— bears responsibility for the quality of work performed in accordance with the Department Regulations, job descriptions, compliance with quality obligations and QMS requirements.

5. Procedure for appointment, release and replacement

5.1. The Head of the Department is appointed (dismissed) to the position by order of the President of the Society.

5.2. In case of temporary absence (business trip, vacation, illness) he is replaced by the chief specialist.

I have read the instructions and received 1 copy.

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ISO 9000. Quality guidelines
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In many modern companies engaged in the production of goods, in order to optimize the interaction between employees and management, production instructions are issued. They are considered as local regulatory sources that have the same legal force, in particular, with employment contracts. What are the specifics of the relevant instructions? How are they developed?

What is a production instruction?

Production instructions are usually understood as local legal act, which regulates the labor function of an employee, determines the list of his duties, rights, as well as the conditions for liability for certain actions. It can be noted that labor protection at an enterprise involves the compilation by employees of the company responsible for personnel management, along with the document in question, also such sources as instructions for fire safety, labor protection instructions.

All types of noted sources are compiled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by virtue of internal corporate standards established at a particular enterprise. Labor protection at an enterprise is a process that requires the greatest attention to the development of the types of documents under consideration.

The production instructions set out the standards that characterize a specific position in the company. Thus, it reflects the rules establishing what work an employee is required to perform and the requirements for the employee’s skill level.

Let us consider in more detail the features of using the documents in question.

Purpose of production instructions

Why does a company need a production instruction? The purpose of this document, if you follow the norms of official sources of law and practice corporate governance, is to ensure regulatory regulation human resources management in the company. The production instructions regulate:

  • key HR issues;
  • interaction of employees of various profiles with colleagues and management;
  • order of execution by specific specialists labor functions.

Creation of characterized high quality development of production instructions allows the company to:

  • build an effective system of division of labor in the organization;
  • stimulate labor productivity;
  • ensure control over the activities of individual employees or their groups;
  • increase the level of responsibility of company employees for their own actions in the process of solving problems related to business development.

The presence of production instructions in the internal corporate document flow system allows the company to speed up the process of adapting new employees to the specifics of local production tasks. This contributes to the stability of the process of releasing goods and providing services, stimulates business growth and the development of new promising segments.

Relationship between production instructions and other internal corporate sources

The document in question is quite closely related to other local regulations, which are published at the enterprise. First of all, it should be noted that the production instructions are a source that can be divided into a number of categories. Which ones?

There are sources such as industrial fire safety instructions. In it Special attention Thus, attention is paid to the rules of employee response to the occurrence of a fire threat. It can complement the main production instructions or be published as a separate local source.

There are industrial sanitation instructions. They set out standards that reflect how employees should act in order to maintain the required level of sanitary conditions during their work activities. This document, again, can complement the main one or be published as an independent local source.

In some cases, the source about which we're talking about, can regulate labor functions not by position, but by areas of activity of specialists. For example, production instructions for the operation of electrical installations may be drawn up. There are documents of similar purpose related to other areas of labor protection - not directly related to the labor functions of enterprise employees. Thus, there are production and technical instructions, which in their structure can be close to the operating manuals for certain fixed assets used in production.

The document in question is developed for each position by the company’s HR specialists. For this purpose, standard production instructions for a particular position, as well as various sources of law, can be used. For example, the Qualification Directory approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 37, issued on August 21, 1998. Industry sources of law, recommendations of experts and analysts are often used for these purposes.

Which source should be used to develop the optimal job description depends on the size of the enterprise, the types of products manufactured, and the characteristics of the organization production process. Requirements for relevant documents put forward by a higher organization, the owners of the company, and investors may also be important.

Production instructions as a source of regulation of the technological process and an employment contract

The production instructions are related to the employee’s employment contract. In some cases, their provisions are duplicated or mutually supplemented. In many companies, HR specialists prefer to include as much as possible of the standards characterizing production instructions, namely, in the employment contract. This is due to their desire to minimize labor costs for document flow: the fewer sources of local standards, the easier it is to organize their accounting.

But this is not always effective. The fact is that in some cases it is necessary to include a description of the technological process in production instructions, while it is sometimes problematic to place the corresponding wording in an employment contract. The technological process is one of the main criteria for distinguishing production instructions from other types of local sources of standards. In order for a company employee to correctly ensure that his work meets the noted criterion, the employer must provide him with the opportunity to familiarize himself with the official source of the requirements for his work function.

If the instructions in question are separate sources, contracts concluded by the company with employees under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation usually indicate a reference to them. It can be noted that both the production instructions and the employment contract have the same legal force from the point of view of the law. If an employee violates the standards that he has undertaken to comply with according to the instructions - including those that characterize the technological process, then the same legal consequences may arise that arise from non-compliance with the provisions of the contract.

Production and job descriptions

So, the production instructions can be used in the company along with other sources on labor protection. Some of them are similar to it, complement it. In particular, the production instructions are very similar to the job description.

In some cases, it is right to consider them as synonyms. To draw up a job description, the same sources of law as noted above can be used. But, in fact, production instructions mainly characterize working positions, and therefore are most often compiled by personnel services industrial enterprises. In the relevant document, a significant place is occupied by the description of the technological process that a company employee must follow as part of the performance of his own labor function.

That is, the scope of application of the document in question is narrower. The production instructions regulate labor activity in industrial companies. In turn, service enterprises are more likely to publish documents of the second type. But from a structural point of view, both will be almost the same.

Structure of production instructions

Let us therefore study the structure in which a typical production instruction can be presented. The document in question most often consists of the following key sections:

  • "General provisions".
  • "Qualification requirements."
  • « Production functions».
  • "Responsibilities".
  • "Rights".
  • "Responsibility".

In some cases, the production instructions are supplemented with other sections - for example, regulating the procedure for rewarding an employee for outstanding achievements in work.

The specified structure of the document, in general, is applicable to the job description. The main delimiting criterion between the corresponding types of documents, as we noted above, is the scope of application.

The procedure for developing production instructions is usually approved by local regulations of the employer company, since such sources of law are not accepted at the official level in the Russian Federation. Let's study the procedure for developing the source in question in more detail.

Features of the development of production instructions

First of all, you can study the question: why does the enterprise need to develop production instructions? As a rule, such a need becomes relevant:

  • when the company forms additional staff (for example, in connection with the expansion of production, the opening of new branches);
  • with a significant change in the labor function, which is regulated by local standards adopted previously;
  • when content changes employment contracts with employees for one reason or another (for example, when modernizing production).

A production instruction is a document that can be recommended for development in a company on the recommendation of a higher structure, experts, or audit companies. The source in question can be formalized as an independent source or approved as an annex to the employee’s contract. IN Russian companies the main types of documents used in the labor protection system (production, job descriptions in particular) are developed using both methods.

But, in general, both procedures are characterized by similar stages. Let's study them in more detail.

First of all, HR specialists work through the textual content of the document. For this purpose, as we noted above, standard production instructions, as well as official sources of law, can be used.

The section of the document reflecting its general provisions, as a rule, does not cause difficulties in design. This part of the instructions is among those characterized by minimal differences when comparing documents developed for various positions or groups of labor functions.

Certain nuances characterize the design of the “Qualification Requirements” section. They are most often considered in the context of:

  • job responsibilities;
  • necessary knowledge of the employee;
  • level of education of the specialist and other qualification criteria.

If in the process of creating a document a standard production instruction is used, then the wording that is present in it can quite superficially regulate the specifics of labor functions at a particular enterprise. Due to this personnel service a company may need to supplement the relevant standards with those that more effectively reflect the characteristics of the company's production process. To solve this problem, the help of experts and analysts can be called upon.

The next key section of the document is “Production Functions”. It is necessary to pay special attention to its drafting: as a rule, it is characterized by norms that reflect the specifics of regulating a specific labor function.

For example, industrial instructions for the operation of electrical installations may regulate functions that are very different from those that characterize the work of, for example, a mechanic. This may be due to the specifics of the equipment used by the specialist of the profile for which the document is being drawn up. The mechanic's production instructions will include standards that regulate another labor function in more detail.

The “Responsibilities” section of the instructions is also among those that include language that reflects the specifics specific position at the enterprise. For a plumbing equipment maintenance specialist, the responsibilities will be the same, for a worker - different. For example, a plumber is characterized by the functions of ensuring the proper operation of heating and water supply systems, and carrying out timely repairs of the relevant infrastructure. In turn, the worker may be responsible for the correct installation of these systems and checking their initial performance.

Sections such as “Rights” and “Responsibility,” in turn, may include fairly universal language. The production instructions of a worker, mechanic, or electrical installation specialist may have almost similar standards in terms of the marked sections of the document in question.

The next step in creating production instructions is design. Let's study its features in more detail.

Features of the design of production instructions

When solving the corresponding problem, you can rely on official sources of law - such as, for example, GOST R 6.30-2003. This GOST regulates the procedure for creating internal corporate administrative documentation at enterprises. Basic requirements contained in the corresponding

To create a production instructions, you need to study and describe in detail production or technological processes. It can also describe physical, chemical phenomena, rules for operating equipment or adjustment work. The author of the instructions has a great responsibility and needs to understand the production process in detail.

You will need

standard instructions

safety requirements


1 Write the introductory part of the production instructions. Here reflect the scope and purpose of the document.

2 Reflect the occupational safety requirements in the main part of the document, before the job description. Here you can provide links to existing labor protection instructions, sanitary standards and rules, or compose the text of specific requirements. Here you also indicate the personal protective equipment used, safety requirements for components, assembly units and materials.

3 Describe the technological sequence of actions and operations. Describe processes in simple phrases denoting an action on an object, accompanied by an indication of parameters (if necessary). Record information about the required process mode, i.e. parameters of temperature, pressure, power, etc. required during the operation.

4 Indicate what equipment is involved in the technological process. Indicate the names of devices, tools and measuring instruments in accordance with the technological documentation for them. By assigning a letter code to tools and fixtures, you can shorten the text of the description of operations.

5 Write a description of the operation of the equipment in the form of a list or sequence of actions of the personnel servicing it. There may be clauses about the responsibilities of personnel during preparation of equipment for work, during its operation, breakdown and emergency situations, as well as upon completion of work on the equipment. In addition, the responsibility of personnel when servicing and working on mechanisms is required.

6 Break large text into sections and subsections. Number the paragraphs and subparagraphs. Provide tables or graphic illustrations if necessary.

7 On the first sheet of the instructions, indicate its name (at the top), the industry to which the production belongs. Below on the right there should be a signature confirming the approval of the instructions, the position and date of the approver. Next, place the main text of the instructions, which, if necessary, transfer to subsequent pages. On the right and below, in a separate field, indicate the composition of its performers and the last name, name of the developer and controller.


About the development of Manufacturing Instructions


This Regulation has been developed based on the requirements Unified system technological documentation(ESTD), ECTS, GOST 12.0.004 and taking into account the letter of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment dated November 24, 2008 N 6234-TZ « On job and work instructions" and determines the procedure for the development, approval and application of production instructions for blue-collar professions of LLC "" (hereinafter referred to as the organization).

General provisions

1.1. Manufacturing instructions- this is an organizational and legal document that defines the main functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee when carrying out activities in a certain profession.

Manufacturing instructions- this is a document that defines the procedure for personnel to operate any equipment: acceptance and handover of a shift (if necessary), start-up, switching on, shutdown, removal for repairs, actions in case of accidents, etc.

1.2. Production instructions for each employee structural unit are developed by the head of the structural unit on the basis of the “Regulations on the structural unit”. Work instructions must be specific and factually describe the jobs.

1.3. Production instructions are revised in a unified manner in accordance with changes in the structure and staffing of the Organization, as well as after certification.

1.4. The significance of the production instructions as an organizational document is as follows:

Secures legal status and the employee’s place in the management system;

Defines the tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the employee;

Allows you to reasonably evaluate the results of your activities;

Is legal basis to certify an employee, determine his disciplinary and financial liability;

Installs organizational foundations legal activities.

1.5. Manufacturing instructions are reviewed once every 5 years.

1.6. The shelf life of production instructions in the Organization is 45 years after their replacement.

1.7. The storage of original production instructions is carried out by the responsible person for personnel work Organizations. If necessary, certified copies can be kept by the heads of structural units and used in the current work of structural units.

2. The procedure for developing and issuing Production Instructions

2.1. Production instructions are developed on the basis of the organization’s staffing table, the All-Russian Classifier of Workers’ Occupations, employee positions and tariff categories OK 016-94 (OKPDTR), instructions for the operation of manufacturing plants for equipment, tools and devices used in the workplace of a worker of a specific profession by the head of the structural unit under whose subordination the workplace is located.

2.2. Before developing production instructions, it is necessary to:

Study of the technological (production) process, identification of potential hazardous and harmful production factors, arising during its normal course and during deviations;

Determination of safe methods and techniques of work, their sequence, as well as

technical and organizational measures to be included in the instructions;

Determining compliance with the safety requirements of the equipment used,

devices and tools;

Study of the design features and effectiveness of protective equipment that

can be used when performing relevant work.

2.3. The requirements of the instructions must be set out in accordance with the sequence of the technological (production) process, taking into account the types of equipment, fixtures, and tools.

2.4. The text of the instructions must include only those requirements that relate to the safety of a specific type of work and are fulfilled by the workers themselves.

2.5. Production instructions for workers should not contain any references to other regulatory and technical documents (except for links to other instructions for workers). The basic requirements of these documents must be taken into account by the developers of the instructions. If necessary, the requirements of these documents should be included in the instructions.

2.6. The requirements of the instructions must be concise and clear, taking into account the specific conditions and specifics of the work performed and not allow for different interpretations. The terms used in the instructions must correspond to the terminology adopted in regulatory documents. When using terms that are not established in these documents, their definitions or explanations should be provided in the texts of the instructions.

Replacing words in the text of the instructions with letter abbreviations (abbreviations) is permitted provided that the abbreviation is fully deciphered the first time it is used.

2.7. The instructions should not use colloquial speech, as well as professional and technical colloquial terms.

The text should avoid presenting requirements in the form of a prohibition, and if this is not possible, it should explain what caused the prohibition. You should not reinforce individual points of the instruction with the words “categorically”, “especially”, “strictly obligatory”, “unconditionally”, etc., since all points of the instruction are equally important and mandatory. Certain provisions of the instructions can be illustrated with drawings, diagrams, photographs that explain the meaning of these requirements.

The form for presenting the requirements must be prescriptive: do, rotate, move, register, etc.

2.8. Instructions must include requirements that can be fulfilled by the employees themselves and do not contain organizational or technical requirements, the implementation of which is not necessary to ensure the safe performance of work and the creation of normal sanitary conditions in the workplace.

2.9. The instructions should not include the responsibilities of department heads, because knowledge of them is unnecessary for the employee.

2.10. The instructions must set out the procedure and requirements to ensure the safe performance of work. If the safety of work is determined by certain standards, then they must be indicated (size of gaps, distances, height, voltage, concentration, etc.).

2.11. The text of the instructions should be divided into sections (if necessary, into subsections) and paragraphs and numbered in Arabic numerals: sections - within the instructions, subsections - within the section, paragraphs within the subsections (if there are none - within the sections).

Since the “Introduction” does not contain instructions, there is no need to number it inside.

2.12. The title of the instruction should indicate the type of profession for which it is intended. The developed draft instructions, with a list of used regulatory and technical documentation, should be sent for consideration to the concerned services and structural divisions. After reviewing and summarizing comments and suggestions, a final draft of instructions for employees is developed.

2.13. All instructions are assigned a number (letter abbreviation - designation of the type of instruction, Arabic numerals - department number (if necessary), serial number according to the List, year of development)

For example: PI 01.01-2012 – Production instructions for ________ ( name of profession)

2.14. Production instructions must be prepared in accordance with the form given in Appendix 1

3.2. Approximate contents of the sections of the Production Instructions:


1. General Provisions

2. Characteristics of work

4. Responsibility

5. Description of the workplace and types of equipment used

6. Description of the procedure for operating equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices.

6.1. Definition and purpose

6.2. Technical specifications

6.3. Description of the production process

6.4. Conditions for conducting the production process and (or) operating equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices

6.5. Preparation for repair

6.6. Routine maintenance

6.7. Production problems and methods for eliminating them

7. List of local regulatory documents, the requirements of which the worker must know and comply with.

The title and content of sections of the Production Instructions may be changed depending on the specific conditions of the workplace and the work performed.

3.3. In the "Introduction" section

3.4. The “General Provisions” section should reflect:

Full name of the profession (exact name in accordance with staffing table, indicating the category of the employee in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades;

Who is the employee directly subordinate to (in addition to whom is he subordinate during the absence of a superior);

The procedure for hiring and dismissal, on the proposal of which person the hiring is made, with which official the appointment is agreed upon;

How the work is organized - independently by the employee, in accordance with the work plan of the structural unit or according to a flexible or other work schedule approved by the director of the Organization;

Is the employee assigned an irregular working day if his profession is included in the list of positions, specialties and professions with irregular working hours approved by order of the director of the Organization;

Whose oral and written orders the employee carries out - in addition to the orders of the immediate supervisor or in his absence;

Qualification requirements for education and work experience are developed on the basis of ECTS;

What should an employee know?

3.5. Sections “Characteristics of work”, “Rights”, “Responsibility” should reflect the requirements determined by the ECTS for a given profession and additionally spell out specific types of work determined by the employer that are not included in the ECTS, but necessary for the implementation of the production activities of the organization’s divisions (combination of professions, special types jobs requiring additional training, etc.).

3.6. In the Section “Description of the workplace and types of equipment used”

Given short description workplace with the definition of specific boundaries or indicating the areas of the unit or territory where the worker performs the work, the types of equipment used, the mechanisms, tools and devices used that serve and are used by the worker when performing the work performed in accordance with the Section “Characteristics of Work”.

3.7. In the Section “Description of the procedure for operating equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices”

Taking into account the requirements of the Manuals or Operating Instructions for equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices of manufacturers, Design Rules and safe operation and specific operating conditions determined by the organization are described:

Definition and purpose of the equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices being operated and used, or references are made to other local regulatory documents that define the procedure for the safe operation of specific mechanisms, tools and devices;

Specifications the operated equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices included in the service facility at the worker’s workplace are indicated from specific Manuals or Operating Instructions for equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices of the manufacturing plants;

A description of the production process is made indicating the necessary parameters for conducting the process, interaction with other production processes or the actions of other workers;

The conditions for conducting the production process and (or) operation of equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices are determined by the requirements of the Manuals or Operating Instructions for equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices of manufacturers, Rules for Design and Safe Operation and specific operating conditions determined by the organization;

When preparing to repair equipment, the procedure for turning off the equipment (de-energizing, switching off, disconnecting, etc.), freeing the equipment from products and oils, etc. is determined. actions;

During routine maintenance of equipment, mechanisms, tools and devices, the procedure for inspection, lubrication, maintenance is determined, maintenance periods, lubrication charts, etc. are determined. operations;

Production problems and methods for eliminating them are usually presented in the form of a table in accordance with the recommendations of the Manuals or Operating Instructions for equipment from manufacturers and specific operating conditions determined by the organization.

3.8. In the Section “List of local regulatory documents, the requirements of which the worker must know and comply with”, reference is made to specific Instructions on labor protection by profession, Instructions on labor protection and safe operation and other types of Instructions, the requirements of which the worker must know and comply with when performing work in accordance with this Manufacturing instructions

Greetings, dear friends! A note about manufacturing instructions.

In organizations engaged in construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities; electric power facility; a facility where electrical, thermal installations and networks, hydraulic structures are operated; production, installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of technical devices (machines and equipment) used at sites, transportation of hazardous substances, production instructions are developed and approved in the manner established in these organizations.

Mandatory development of production instructions is provided for by regulations in the field of industrial safety to ensure industrial safety requirements, and not in the field of labor protection.

In accordance with clause 26 of the Regulations on the organization of training and testing of knowledge of working organizations supervised Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision, approved by order of Rostechnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37, in organizations carrying out construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities; electric power facility; a facility where electrical, thermal installations and networks, hydraulic structures are operated, manufacturing, installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of technical devices (machines and equipment) used at the facilities, transportation of hazardous substances are developed and approved in the manner established in these organizations , production instructions.

Therefore, requirements for the structure of production instructions must be established local acts organizations.

By general rule, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, production instructions are revised in the manner approved by the organization.

Manufacturing instructions are developed based on qualification requirements, specified in qualification reference books, and/or professional standards according to the relevant professions of workers, as well as taking into account the characteristics of technological processes of a particular production. Before being allowed to work independently after safety training, workers are tested on their knowledge of the instructions. (clause 26 of the RD dated January 29, 2007, No. 03-19-2007 “Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision”).

In addition, production instructions should be developed on the basis of standard industry and inter-industry instructions. For example, job description for a specialist responsible for maintaining pipe-laying cranes in good condition, it is developed on the basis of standard instructions RD 10-275-99, production instructions for a pipe-laying crane operator - on the basis of RD 10-276-99, etc.

Production instructions for personnel servicing hazardous production facilities are approved by persons authorized to do so in accordance with the constituent documents and local regulations of the organization, taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents.

So, for example, in accordance with the requirements of clause 2 of Appendix No. 1 RD 10-40-931, production instructions for personnel servicing PMGs and lifts have the right to develop - Technical Director (Chief Engineer), trained and certified by the enterprise.

Production instructions are located at workplaces and are issued against signature to workers, for whom knowledge of these instructions is required.

Based on the order of Rostechnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37 “On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision,” workers are periodically tested for knowledge of production instructions and/or instructions for specific professions at least once at 12 months.

Download and view an example of production instructions on the operating mode and safe maintenance of vessels operating under excess pressure (steam sterilizer VK-75-01, GK-100-3) from our colleague Alexey Semikhatsky.

That's all. Until new notes!

According to Part 2 of Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to ensure safety and working conditions that comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection; provide workers with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary to perform their job duties.

In accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to ensure the development and approval of rules and instructions on labor protection for employees, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another body authorized by employees in the manner established by Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the adoption of local regulations.

State regulatory requirements for labor protection contained in federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, rules, procedures, criteria and standards are established aimed at preserving the life and health of workers in the process of work (Part 1 of Article 211 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) .

State regulatory requirements for labor protection are mandatory for legal entities and individuals to carry out any type of activity, including design, construction (reconstruction) and operation of facilities, design of machines, mechanisms and other equipment, development of technological processes, organization production and labor (Part 2 of Article 211 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 17, 2002 No. 80 approved Methodological recommendations for the development of state regulatory requirements for labor protection. Section 5 of these recommendations provides for the procedure for developing and approving labor safety instructions for workers.

In accordance with clauses 5.1, 5.3 of the Methodological Recommendations, labor protection instructions for an employee are developed based on his position, profession or type of work performed. A labor safety instruction for an employee is developed on the basis of an inter-industry or sectoral standard labor protection instruction (and in its absence, on the basis of inter-industry or industry-specific labor protection rules), safety requirements set out in the operational and repair documents. mentations of equipment manufacturer organizations, as well as in the technological documentation of the organization, taking into account specific production conditions. These requirements are set out in relation to the position, profession of the employee or type of work performed.

Approximate view title page When issuing instructions on labor protection for workers, it is recommended that they be drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to the Methodological Recommendations.

According to clause 5.4 of the Methodological Recommendations, the employer ensures the development and approval of labor protection instructions for employees, taking into account the written opinion of an elected trade union or other body authorized by employees. A collective agreement or agreement may provide for the adoption of labor safety instructions By in agreement with the representative body of workers.

The specified regulatory acts do not define a specific developer of labor protection instructions for a specific position or profession - he is determined by the employer. However, in Methodical recommendations It is indicated that on the reverse side of the instructions it is necessary to have visas for the developer of the instructions, the head (specialist) of the labor protection service, an energy engineer, a technologist and other interested parties.
