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Why is it so difficult to connect the Internet to a house or cottage? What equipment is needed to connect to the Internet in a private home?

Why is Internet so expensive in the private sector?
“In the city they connected me for free, I pay 500 rubles a month for 30 Mbit/sec, all my friends have an almost similar situation, why in the country, just a few tens of kilometers from the city, connection costs 25,000 rubles, and the minimum tariff is 1000 rubles for 4 Mbps?- this question is often asked by our company’s specialists. The answer can be short and simple: when connecting private houses, a different, more expensive technology is used. And it’s not difficult to draw an analogy with other communications: residents of any apartment building constantly use gas, hot water, heating, paying quite reasonable money for these benefits of civilization. At the same time, at the dacha or in a country cottage, gas, and sometimes hot water with light, is whole problem, the solution of which is often measured in hundreds of thousands of rubles and, sometimes, years of waiting.

For those who want to understand this issue in detail, we suggest reading this article to the end.

In front of you is a small modern microdistrict.
Several houses of varying number of floors, located in close proximity to each other. The total number of apartments in this microdistrict is 1,700, and the distance to the nearest communication center of the provider is about 3 kilometers (although in the realities of a modern city this distance is usually much less).
The approximate estimate for connecting this microdistrict on a turnkey basis looks something like this:
1. Trunk communication line (fiber optic, 3 km) - 360,000 rubles.
2. Regional communication center - 60,000 rubles.
3. Fiber optic distribution network for the microdistrict - 120,000 rubles.
4. Communication nodes for connecting subscribers (15 pcs.) - 450,000 rubles.
5. Subscriber lines (720 pcs.) - 216,000 rubles.
TOTAL - 1,206,000 rubles.

With an investment of 1,206,000 rubles, the provider has the potential opportunity to connect 720 clients, each of whom will pay on average 500 rubles per month. That is, the provider’s revenue will be 360,000 rubles per month from this microdistrict.

It is worth considering that if more than 720 apartments express a desire to connect to this provider, the provider will have to increase the number of subscriber ports and lay new subscriber lines. However, these costs, taking into account the presence of a backbone network and a distribution network in the microdistrict, are negligible. To connect each subsequent 48 clients, the provider will need no more than 30,000 rubles.

At the same time, the time required to build a backbone and distribution network, install and connect equipment will be 3 weeks, and connecting each subscriber to the network will take an average of 1 hour 20 minutes.

Taking into account the costs of 1,206,000 rubles and revenue of 360,000 per month, the costs of this microdistrict will pay off in no more than a year, provided that the subscriber base is gradually increased.

In front of you a private house.
The location of the house is 3 km from the urban area where the provider is present.
The owner of this private house has already installed gas, now he lives in the house permanently and decided to connect high-speed Internet.
2. Terminal equipment - 5000 rubles.
Monthly subscription fee from 1000 to 2400 rubles.

From this example it becomes obvious that the connection cannot be free. The cost picture would be incomplete without taking into account the cost of repairing the fiber optic cable through which the connection is made. The average cost of repairs on a main cable is about 10,000 rubles in case of a single point damage, and the likelihood of such damage increases in proportion to the length of the cable and the number of intersections with transport highways.

In addition, it is worth considering that not always along the road from the city to places where private houses are built there is the necessary infrastructure (power poles and lighting) for hanging a communication cable. The total cost of one support and its installation for hanging a fiber optic cable is 16,000 rubles.

WITH modern cottage village.
65 private houses within 3 km from the city, with a choice of at least 5 providers in each apartment building. It is worth noting that this cottage community occupies the same area as the microdistrict described in the first example.

All 65 houses are occupied and ready to be connected.
1. Trunk communication line (fiber optic, 3 km) - 360,000 rubles.
2. Communication center for connecting subscribers (72 ports) - 100,000 rubles.
3. To connect subscribers on the territory cottage village you will need 5 kilometers of optical cable with a variable number of fibers from 2 to 48, on average 8 fibers - 600,000 rubles.
4. Terminal equipment for subscriber optical communication lines (65 pieces) - 325,000 rubles.

Total 1,385,000 rubles or 21,300 from each household.

With a number of 65 houses and tariffs from 1000 to 2400 rubles per month, the revenue of the provider company will be approximately 75,000 rubles per month. It should not be ignored that the costs of maintaining a fiber-optic network are much higher than the costs of maintaining a network in apartment buildings where subscriber communication lines are made of twisted pair cables. In addition, the cost of repairing a subscriber tap made with a fiber optic cable averages 3,000 rubles, while the cost of repairing a copper cable is 10 times lower. When installing and repairing fiber optic cables, high-tech equipment is used with a total cost of more than half a million rubles. Thus, the total costs of maintenance, repair and maintenance fiber optic networks are quite large and make up a significant share in the cost of connecting to the Internet and subscription fees.

However, none of the known technologies will provide you with the same level of quality and reliability as the Fiber to the Home technology. Very often, new subscribers in the private sector, when connecting, show installation crews a whole collection of different USB modems and antennas of different famous brands, which were called upon but failed to provide fast and reliable Internet access. The monetary costs of these devices and attempts to connect to the Internet with their help are sometimes commensurate with the costs of connecting via fiber optics, but at the same time there is simply no need to talk about comparing the quality, speed and reliability of communication - this is recognized by everyone who is familiar with connecting via fiber. "Fiber to the home" technology.

If you still have questions, for example, why you can’t connect private houses via twisted pair, etc., read the article “Connection technology”.

In Russia, the leader in providing Internet services is Rostelecom. The telecommunications market requires that the Internet provider have extensive wired communication channels available. Due to the large distances between populated areas, it is unprofitable to lay new lines, and Rostelecom uses existing telephone lines. Thanks to this, the Internet from Rostelecom can be provided to every private home or sparsely populated area. As development continues, technologies for connecting the Internet to private households are also improving. Rostelecom also remains a leader in the variety of connection methods.

Internet connection technologies for a private home

Providers use several technologies. Here are the most common:

  • ADSL connection - transmits the signal via telephone cable lines, you need a landline telephone;
  • PON connection - uses fiber optic cable;
  • Wi-Fi connection - works using radio waves;
  • 3G or 4G modem - uses signal cellular communication for mobile phones;
  • TV cable + Ethernet - a special modem converts the television signal into an Ethernet signal.

What technologies are presented in Rostelecom’s services?

Rostelecom uses three main types of technologies: ADSL, GPON and Wi-Fi. All have advantages and disadvantages. The specific type of Internet connection to a private home or dacha is established based on technical capabilities.

ADSL connection

If there is a landline telephone in the house, then Internet access is provided using ADSL. This technology uses telephone lines through which an Internet signal is transmitted. Depending on the distance of the communication center and the length of the cable line, the speed of receiving information ranges from 2–4 Mbit/s to 20–25 Mbit/s. The average speed stated in the tariff line is 10 Mbit/sec.

The technology is based on the use of a digital line of a telephone network subscriber. The telephone network transmits voice messages in analog form. Using ADSL technology, the analog signal is converted to digital and transmitted to the input of the network adapter. In this case, digital and analog signals are separated into two components and supplied simultaneously to the telephone and computer.

When connected, devices can be connected using ADSL technology

By modern standards, the speed is, of course, low, but it is enough to download programs or media content. The speed is not enough for comfortable use of online games or watching movies, but all inconveniences are compensated by a fast connection. For those who use the Internet only to watch news, this is more than enough.

The main inconvenience, especially if the telephone lines are old, is frequent communication interruptions when cable connections are flooded with water during rain or overhead lines are cut off during natural disasters. Have to contact frequently technical support or to public utilities.

GPON connection

GPON connection technology - The best decision for laying an Internet connection line to a private household. Unlike copper, passive optical fiber cable is cheaper and more resistant to external influences. It is almost impossible to break under external mechanical influence, and is not affected by moisture.

From personal experience I can say that a fiber optic cable stops transmitting an Internet signal when it is bent by 180°. When the cable is straightened, the signal appears again. There is no mechanical damage to the cable when bent.

Speed ​​of obtaining information at better conditions reaches 1 Gbit/sec. The standard speed that Rostelecom declares in its tariff line is 100 Mbit/sec.

Fiber optic cable stops transmitting internet signal when bent 180°

You can run a fiber optic cable home television, security alarm, surveillance cameras and remote control system automatic control"smart House".

What is special about the technology? Thanks to the network structure, one central module can be both a receiver and a transmitter. Therefore, it is possible to service information flows of many subscribers, regardless of their number and volume of information. The signal is transmitted along one conductor of many fiber optic strands that make up a fiber optic cable. A splitter is used on the line between the provider and the subscriber, which transmits the signal to the subscriber in a separation mode and in the opposite direction in a mixing mode.

When connecting using PON technology, you can effectively use the network configuration regardless of the location of subscriber nodes

Main advantages of GPON connection:

  • high resistance to interference;
  • the connection is made directly with the central module and does not depend on accidents and breakdowns of other devices in the network;
  • high bandwidth of the communication channel allows you to connect several services to the router;
  • there is no intermediate equipment between the central node and network subscribers;
  • you can effectively use the network configuration regardless of the location of the subscriber nodes;
  • economical, easy to connect and maintain.

The main disadvantages of a PON connection:

  • difficult to create a network;
  • it is expensive to install a fiber optic cable to a private home if it is far from the connection point;
  • Due to high sensitivity to bending, the signal level decreases.

Video: features of GPON Internet connection via fiber optic cable to a private home

With absence cable lines You can use Wi-Fi technology.

Wi-Fi connection

Private households are connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi in small settlements with 250–500 inhabitants. The service from Rostelecom is called “Internet at Home”. The company installs access points with a long range, and a private home is connected to the Internet via a wireless connection based on radio waves.

The speed of obtaining information using this technology is up to 10 Mbit/sec. In addition, the company gives free access to 2 thousand sites government agencies authorities.

When connecting to the Internet under the “Internet at Home” tariff, the company installs access points with a long range

How to connect to the universal Internet at Home service:

  1. Establish a connection between a router equipped with a Wi-Fi device and a long-range access point.
  2. Connect to the RTOpen network to gain access to the Rostelecom websites and
  3. Register on the website.
  4. After registration, go to the RTWiFi network for full Internet experience.

If finances do not allow you to purchase equipment to connect to the “Internet at Home” tariff, and the access point is located within 100 m from a private home, then you can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi as part of the “Eliminating the Digital Divide” program.

Connecting to the Internet at a social tariff for the service “Eliminating the digital divide”

To do this, register on the official website of Rostelecom or call 8–800–301–00–35.

Register via Wi-Fi network near the access point. How to do it:

First connect to wireless network was paid, but when the service gained popularity, Rostelecom made it free.

There is another option for connecting to the Internet. If there is no landline telephone in the house, there are no plans to install an optical network in the area of ​​a private house, and the access point is too far away, then try to negotiate with neighbors who already have access to the Internet. You need to install a router with a Wi-Fi receiver and pay for the connection service for two.

Tariffs and cost of Internet connection

If there is a landline telephone in a private house or country house, then Rostelecom specialists will connect you for free. You only pay for setting up additional equipment that can be connected to the Internet. Select tariff plan on the official website of Rostelecom.

Select a tariff for connecting to the Internet on the official website of Rostelecom

At Wi-Fi connection You don’t need to pay anything for the “Internet at Home” tariff: the tariff is free, within state program Internet development in the Russian Federation.

When connecting to the Internet at Home service, the tariff is free

The cost of connection varies depending on the region: high in remote areas such as Chukotka and Kamchatka, and low in the Moscow region.

When connecting via fiber optic cable, there is no general pricing criterion: everything depends on the location to the nearest connection point, cable length and installation work. The cost is assessed individually. The total cost consists of tariffs for running a linear meter of cable, the price of the fiber optic cable and operating time.

When connecting, you will need a router, preferably with a Wi-Fi device. You can buy it in the store. The cost of a router ranges from 1200 to 3500 rubles. If financial capabilities do not allow you to purchase a device, then you can rent it from Rostelecom with the right to purchase. Payment will be included in the monthly subscription fee. You will only have to make monthly payments according to the tariff plan.

What equipment is needed to connect to the Internet in a private home?

To connect to the Internet from Rostelecom, you need to purchase and configure equipment. It can also be rented from a provider with the right to later purchase. Depending on the connection technology, the equipment also changes.

Connection via telephone line

You will need an ADSL modem.

Select and connect an ADSL modem to the network

Different types of such modems connect to the Internet after installing a special filter - a splitter. It separates analog voice and digital signals: you can use the phone and the Internet at the same time.

Connect the splitter to the network in front of the modem

Video: connecting and setting up an ADSL modem

The modem must be equipped with a Wi-Fi device to support multiple devices on the network.

Fiber optic connection

You will need a GPON modem. Such a modem can combine the functions of Ethernet and a Wi-Fi router. If you can, immediately install a router to organize an intra-house network.

Purchase and connect a router to the network

It will help divide the Internet signal into several devices: laptop, tablet, smartphone, TV, phone. You can divide via wires connected to the LAN connectors of the router, or via a Wi-Fi connection. You can configure the router through any browser on the standard settings website, for example,

Wi-Fi connection

You will need a set of equipment. As a rule, it is indicated in the contract or on the website of the Rostelecom distributor.

Select necessary equipment to connect to the Internet

The kit includes:

  • LTE antenna for receiving a wireless Internet signal from a long-range access point;
  • Wi-Fi router for receiving and dividing the signal;
  • adapters;
  • connection cable;
  • wall mount for cable.

Internet connection via 3G and 4G

Internet from Rostelecom in a private home can also be connected via 3G and 4G, if allowed technical specifications. For such a connection, Rostelecom networks and LTE antennas are used. They connect using a special modem in USB format, equipped with a SIM card with a special tariff.

Select 3G modem or 4G modem to connect to the Internet

The 3G modem can support speeds up to 3.4 Mbit/s, and the 4G modem up to 30 Mbit/s. In the future, the manufacturer promises an increase in speed to 1 Gbit/sec.

Connection via TV cable

If technical conditions in the region allow, then you can connect to the Internet using DOCSIS technology, using a television cable as an Internet signal conductor.

If necessary, rent a modem from Rostelecom

A modem for connecting via television cable can be rented from Rostelecom. This modem has a key built into the firmware. It does not require additional configuration; immediately after connecting to a television cable, it decodes the television signal into an Ethernet signal.

How does the Internet connection work?

The connection occurs in several stages.

Connect to the Internet in four steps

There are four standard options to submit your application:

Connecting with a distributor may be cheaper, since he needs to attract new customers. With the rapid development of construction in the private sector and high competition among Internet providers, this is real. Organizations that connect homes in the private sector offer favorable conditions.

Check out the distributor's offers

When the application is processed, a team of specialists will come to you to connect your home to the Internet and make initial equipment settings.

After presenting the Internet at work, sign an agreement between the client and the company in two copies. One copy remains with the client, the second copy is taken by Rostelecom specialists.

It is necessary to store the client copy and not lose it: you may need it. When developing a new tariff plan, Rostelecom can connect all clients to it in a row. You may be connected to services that you did not order, for example, “Night acceleration” or “Your ideal HD”. To challenge an undeclared connection and get your money back, you will need an agreement.

Internet connection from Rostelecom - the best option for a private home. The company offers several types of connection technology using cable routes or in their absence. The connection speed of wired and wireless connections gradually levels out, and the sharp differences in operation disappear. For rural areas the priority is a wireless connection, since it is quite expensive to install fiber-optic cable, and telephone lines are being replaced from the market by mobile communications. This must be taken into account when deciding whether to install the Internet in a private home.

Residents of the private sector know that connecting Internet services to areas where modern capabilities have not yet reached is quite expensive and time-consuming. Many providers completely refuse to consider single applications, because the cost of connecting one home is disproportionate to the benefit that the company could receive from the subscriber.

Rostelecom offers similar services, but not in a single version. Read on to learn how to connect to the Internet at home.

PON (fiber optic)

Fiber optic PON is an advanced technology that allows you to provide Internet with huge bandwidth for a small fee. One PON distributor can connect up to hundreds of subscribers without loss of connection quality.

Unfortunately, installation of this technology is expensive. Rostelecom has been allocated funds to equip the private sectors of cities and towns with households, and active work is now underway to provide communications to even the most remote corners.

Accordingly, connecting your home using this technology will depend on whether you have received fiber optics or not yet.

If PON has already been carried out in the village or cottage town, You can connect in the standard way:

  1. Through the website, by filling out an application, your address will be checked for availability and a technician will be sent.
  2. Via, by filling out a connection request and choosing a tariff – 88001000800.
  3. In Rostelecom communication stores you need a passport.

If the technology has not yet reached you, the connection will be economically unprofitable for the company, so technical support may immediately say that this is impossible.

However, there are cases when people managed to insist on their own, and for quite a lot of money, bring Internet to a village or private area.

The main principle here is that the more people are ready to connect (and Rostelecom is practically the only major provider who generally connects private homes to the Internet), the more likely the application will be considered. It is recommended to submit an application if you have secured the support of 10 or more neighbors - then the cost of installing the Internet per household will be less, and consideration of the application, given such high demand, will most likely end in approval.

But be prepared to wait. In some cases, obtaining all permits for cable laying and calculating the payback and cost of connection may take 2-4 months, during which it is advisable to remind the company about yourself.

Important! Rostelecom will use contractors to pull and install the cable - in some cases, they may contact you directly by phone number and charge you a price. This is a scam, and the amounts reach 25-90 thousand rubles for such requests. Be vigilant and do not agree to dubious connections - only a technician from Rostelecom itself should communicate with you.

ADSL (telephone line)

Most “private owners” not only remember what ADSL is, but also actively use it. For Rostelecom, connecting such an Internet is not difficult if you have a telephone line to a village or private sector.

You can also submit a connection request in three ways:

  1. Personally in the company’s showrooms, where the manager will immediately check the possibility of connection. It is recommended to take documents with you to the telephone line, if you have them, and definitely a passport. Checking the technical capability may take a couple of days, after which the operator will call you back and coordinate the arrival of technical specialists.
  2. On the Internet - on the website, select your region and the “Internet” tab, select a tariff plan and leave a request. The operator will contact you by phone.
  3. Call the hotline - 8800 100 0800.

If it is not technically possible to connect you to the network, you will have to use other options, or wait until fiber optic technology comes to your sector.

Mobile Internet

An expensive, but very workable option if you don’t want to go through the complicated procedure of canvassing your neighbors and trying to connect fiber optics.

It is used mainly in dacha cooperatives and remote villages, if there is 3g or LTE coverage.

The connection principle is as follows:

  1. You purchase a special SIM card from Rostelecom, which can be used in portable modems. The modem can also be purchased from the company, or independently.
  2. This SIM card is connected to one of the tariffs with a limited amount of traffic per month (from 15 to 50 GB).
  3. In the house you find a place where the signal reception is best, connect the LTE modem to the router (if you want WI-Fi) or directly to your computer/laptop, and start using it.

This type of connection provides you with mobility - you can take the modem, for example, on trips, move around the house with it, etc.

The only drawback may be the connection speed - it depends on interference and distance from the Rostelecom mobile tower. At the same time, the subscription fee is always slightly higher than for leased lines.


To have Wi-Fi in your home, you can use the previous option and purchase a Rostelecom modem + SIM card and a special router with support for 4G modems.

If you want to make a dedicated line, the difficulties will be exactly the same as with laying GPON.

The main principle of connection will be the availability of technical capabilities - either a line passing near your sector, or, in principle, the presence of an Internet cable in the village. Also, in some cases, an agreement can only be concluded if people can be registered in the houses (in other words, not for dachas).

Connection costs can be high.

If there is a technical possibility, and your village has already been wired for regular FTTH (for example, you have apartment house and the fiber was laid to it at one terminal), The connection will take place as in an apartment building:

  1. Application via the website or hotline, or in person.
  2. Tariff selection.
  3. Arrival of technical specialists.
  4. Laying the cable from the distribution terminal to your home.

If there is no technical possibility, and your area has not been connected, both the cost and time frame increase, as does the complexity of the procedure.

The principle remains the same as with GPON - the more people express their readiness to connect, the faster and more willingly Rostelecom will approve the application.

The negative thing is the connection price. More about her later.

How much does it cost to connect a private house?

When technology has already arrived in your sector or village, connection may not cost anything at all, as happens in apartment buildings.

However, due to the specifics of home ownership, prices for extending optical fiber even just from a Rostelecom “pole” on which a distribution terminal is hung can start from 5-6 thousand rubles. Even if the distance from the pole to your house is less than 30-100 meters. According to reviews from subscribers who provided similar services, the price tag can be 5, 13, or even 20 thousand for one household. IN Lately However, it tends to go down, since Rostelecom is actively extending the network to the most “hard-to-reach” settlements using cheap PON technology, and people are willing to connect (there is demand).

In the future, the subscriber simply pays a monthly fee for the tariff in standard mode, as in an apartment. There may (but usually is not) an additional network service charge.

If the Internet needs to be “pulled” into the village and it is not yet connected, the price tag increases, sometimes many times over. Even 10 kilometers of such a connection can cost a company more than 200-300 thousand, and not every subscriber will agree to “share this burden.” You just have to wait until technology itself knocks on the door.

When connecting ADSL, the cost is, of course, lower, because the company does not have to lay anything additional, everything is connected to an existing telephone line. Here the price can be from 500-1000 rubles and above. Sometimes it's free.

Connecting a 4G modem is the simplest, but you will have to spend money on the modem itself and, possibly, a router with the ability to connect such equipment. There is no one-time payment for a SIM card.

How to submit a connection request

A connection request is submitted via:

  1. Internet – indicate the address, full name, contact phone number and selected tariff. This can be done on the official Rostelecom website in the “Internet” section.
  2. Telephone – call the hotline. Don’t forget to ask the operator at the end of the conversation for the application number and write it down. When contacting Rostelecom while waiting for a decision, call this number and it will be easier to convey the results of the review to you.
  3. Company salons. If you want to leave a collective request, it is logical to appoint one “responsible” for communication with Rostelecom and act through him. If the application is ordinary, you will only need a passport.

The Internet has already covered the whole world, most people simply cannot imagine life without it. Some people prefer to watch movies online, others communicate, and still others work. But the most difficult thing in terms of work is for residents of private houses and villages, since, as a rule, no one lays cables into the outback. In this case, you will need to install wireless Internet in the private sector.

The main problem in bringing the Internet to a remote location is painstaking work that requires laying kilometers of fiber optic cables and large labor resources. All this will cost the provider very much. Another difficulty also arises - the propagation of a wireless signal, which attenuates over long distances, in the presence of obstacles, and is distorted near sources of interference.

Internet connection options

Let's look at how you can connect the Internet to the private sector:

  • Cable connection. In this case, it is carried out network cable, which connects to the computer.
  • Wireless Internet to the private sector via a fixed router. The cable is connected to a stationary modem, and then to a computer.
  • Internet via portable modem. In order to do good internet in the private sector, it will be enough to purchase a modem with a SIM card of any mobile operator and insert it into the computer. However, this will require a strong and stable signal from the mobile operator.
  • Satellite Internet connects via satellite dish.
  • Connection via ADSL - a regular landline telephone, with a special additional device - a splitter.

However, in the private sector such Internet will be rather weak, with low connection speed. For greater speed, you can choose to connect via satellite, but this option is not suitable for everyone, so it’s worth looking for more alternative solutions to the situation.

How to make the Internet in the private sector fast?

To do this, you can purchase a modem in the store computer technology or in branded stores of the selected mobile operator. This method has an important advantage - connection not only at home, but also anywhere where there is signal coverage. However, the modem often gives low Internet speed. But this way you can connect unlimited Internet to the private sector.

In order to connect to the Internet, it is first recommended to find out what providers are available to you, look at what they offer, how much their services cost. It is also recommended to ask your neighbors. Next, you can buy a modem. If your signal is weak, you can try to strengthen it yourself or contact a professional.

To truly get it, it is recommended to turn to professionals. A technician will come to your site, measure the signal level and determine what equipment you will need. Next, a special amplifying antenna will be installed. It is also advisable to entrust the connection and configuration of equipment to professionals. Then you will have high-speed Internet.

The SipStar company invites subscribers connected to the private sector to try high speed connection to the Internet at speeds up to 1 Gbit/s! Gigabit speed today is the maximum possible for the end subscriber and helps to simultaneously solve an almost unlimited number of tasks that require access to the worldwide network.

Connection technology:
Passive Optical Network (PON) technology- the next stage in the development of fiber optic communication systems. By applying the principles of PON networks, we set ourselves the task of ensuring an even more reliable and trouble-free connection of clients to the worldwide network.The essence of the technology is to reduce the active signal regeneration nodes between the subscriber connection point and the backbone equipment of the service provider. This result is achieved by building a branched “tree” of fiber optic lines using passive optical splitters (splitters) without the need for power supply and installation of additional active nodes.A special ONU (Optical Network Unit) type media converter is used as a terminal device on the subscriber side. Without a subscriber terminal device, connection via fiber optic communication lines is impossible.
An example of a network segment in the private sector:

Reconnection cost:

1. Connection is carried out within 14 days from the date of application (subject to technical availability).
2. Connection includes: installation of a cable to the subscriber’s home, installation of active equipment, installation of a network card (if missing), software configuration and first training.
3. The equipment does not become the property of the subscriber.

Additional and technical conditions of tariffs:

1. Internet access is provided without restrictions on the volume of incoming and outgoing traffic.
2. Subscription fees for the selected tariff are charged monthly on your billing day.
3. Tariffs are not intended for resale and are offered for use only for domestic purposes.
