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How to start pottery. Pottery. Is it really possible to make money on a hobby? Some subtleties and tips on equipping and opening your own pottery school

Clay is an amazing natural material, warm, delicate and pliable, which can turn into anything from a primitive, at first glance, children's toy to an amazing vase or an elegant candlestick. Working with clay has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relaxes, relieves. So clay modeling is not only an interesting creative activity that can turn into favorite hobby. It is also a way to relieve accumulated negative energy, relieve tension, relax, and get a lot of positive emotions.

Of course, at home it is difficult to compete with modern ceramic production, with its the latest technologies, sophisticated equipment, new finishing materials. But it is possible to create products that are simple in terms of technology. Any of them will keep the warmth of your hands, a part of your soul and will be a real work of art in its own way. After all, there is no other exactly the same plate or vase anywhere else in the world...

Workshop in the country

Working with clay is a pretty messy thing. In the sense that then you have to wash everything and everything. And if you can sculpt figures at home, in a city apartment, then creating your first masterpieces on a potter's wheel in an apartment is not very convenient. Do you have a strong desire to get in touch with amazing natural material and try to master (albeit clumsily so far, if only as entertainment) one of the oldest crafts - pottery? There is no better place than a cottage for this. It is here that it is much easier to organize the workspace, place everything you need. It is at the dacha or in the village that the work behind the potter's wheel will be more organic, fitting into the surrounding landscape, as a touch to the origins, to folk history and culture.

Currently, there are entire specialized stores at the service of beginners and "advanced" ceramists, where you can buy everything you need, from potter's wheels and various types of clay to a kiln for firing finished products. Don't worry, we won't need the oven just yet. This piece is expensive and at first it is not at all obligatory. To begin with, it makes sense to learn how to make the most simple shapes on the potter's wheel and dry them properly. And you can burn your creations, for example, in schools children's creativity or ceramic workshops, where there is appropriate equipment. Or at first, leave it without firing at all. If the pottery "hooks" you seriously, if you feel that it is yours, then you can already think about the oven. By the way, in the village you can make a wood-burning kiln on your own by asking the master for help or using special literature.

Required Tools

It is clear that the potter's wheel is the main device, without which we can not do without. Since some obscure genius invented and created the first potter's wheel, about 7 thousand years have passed. Since then, the principle of operation of this device has not changed at all. A potter's wheel is a small disk made of smooth material (wood, plastic, stone, metal, etc.) with an axis rigidly attached to the bottom. A gear is attached to the opposite end of the axle, thanks to which the disk can rotate. The first potter's wheels were handmade. Then came the legs. They are more convenient because they allow you to free both hands of the master for work. Most modern pottery wheels are electric. They are comfortable and easy physical work potter. Although some masters claim that a real potter's wheel is still a foot one. Only on it you can smoothly and flexibly adjust the speed of rotation, which is very important for sculpting.

Now there is an opportunity to purchase a potter's wheel industrial production. As a rule, such circles are quite convenient to work with. But there are homemade amateurs who make such circles on their own.

For more or less serious creativity, battery-operated children's potter's wheels that have appeared on sale will not suit you. They belong to the category of toys, with some experience they can make only very tiny products (for example, doll saucers). Batteries won't last much longer.

Stacks are also useful for work - special wooden or plastic tools for removing excess material and more thorough work on the details. In addition, you will need a wire with handles at the ends for cutting the product from the potter's wheel, for cutting clay and other works. Instead of wire, the thinnest guitar string will do. Its length should be approximately equal to the width of the shoulders.

Song of Clay

Clays are very different both in origin, and in mineral composition, and in the content of various impurities. The industrial classification divides them into kaolins, clays, crackers (refractory clays) and shale clays (poorly soaked in water). There is such a thing as "fat" (plastic) and "skinny" (dry) clay. For pottery, clay must be sufficiently "fat". Otherwise, it will be poorly molded and crack during firing. Moreover, the thinner, more elegant the product, the more oily clay is used for it. The color of the clay also varies. It can be red, brown, green, blue, white, gray and even chocolate or dirty black. The color of clay is given by oxides of various metals: aluminum, iron, titanium. If their total number does not exceed 1%, the product will be white both before and after firing. If the oxide content is more than 1%, the finished product will turn red, even if the raw clay was green or blue.

Perhaps for beginner potters, the best way out is to buy ready-made clay in specialized stores or at ceramics factories. Most often, pottery clay is sold in powder form. It has already been cleaned of impurities and has all the necessary additives. It just needs to be cooked right. It is better to learn more about how to do this from the consultants in the store.

Before starting work, even with clay completely ready for use, one more very important operation must be done - “kill”. Roll a clay roll on a wooden board and tear it into two parts with a movement similar to twisting clothes. Then, with force, throw the pieces on the table, fold them, roll them up and tear them apart again. The procedure must be repeated 20-25 times. This is done in order to remove air bubbles from the clay and achieve a uniform consistency. The remaining air will be very disturbing when working on the potter's wheel and can break the finished product during firing. A lump of clay can not be torn apart with your hands, but cut with a wire. By the way, many masters consider this method more correct. After that, we proceed to the so-called spiral kneading. It is done like this. The prepared piece of clay is placed on the table, both palms are placed on top. The main load should fall on the lower parts of the palms. Press your palms on the clay, as if pushing it away from you, at the same time slightly turn your palms counterclockwise. If everything is done correctly, you will hear light pops of bursting air bubbles. Then release the clay and slightly rotate the whole lump clockwise, returning to its original place. The operation is repeated 30-40 times. Try to avoid folds, they can hide unnecessary air.

Finally our clay is ready. Let's start sculpting. Be prepared for the fact that at first you will not succeed. This is fine. If possible, watch a craftsman working on a potter's wheel, or better yet, take a few pottery lessons. Now there are more and more such creative courses and master classes. If this is not possible, you will have to master the skill by trial and error. In this case, an explanatory self-instruction book with step by step description work and diagrams. It should be noted that the main way to master pottery is repeated repetition. Try to get your hands to perform mechanical work almost automatically. Look at your work as a student exercise. And don't despair. As you know, it is not the gods who burn the pots. In pottery there are no strict rules on how to make pottery, and skill comes with experience.

So let's try. Cut a piece of clay with a wire, give it a rounded shape and place it in the center of the machine, slightly pressing it to the surface. If the clay is off-center, correct it with your hands and then run the potter's wheel. The clay must be placed exactly in the center, otherwise it will rotate unevenly and, in the end, will jump off the circle. Perhaps this is the most difficult thing for beginners - to learn how to lay out the clay strictly in the center. The centered piece appears to be almost motionless, the clay should not flex or move. Very important correct setting potter's hands. Elbows should be pressed to the body, and bent hands with slightly close wrists should be kept on a rotating piece of clay. You need to try to relax your hands as much as possible, the movements should be soft and smooth, without sharp jerks.

The movements that you will make with your hands depend on what shape you want to get. Let's say we decided to mold a jug. Having pressed down the clay, make a bun or a small dome out of it, smoothed from the sides. Now squeeze the clay with both hands and, while lifting them, transform the dome into a cone, and then back into a dome. With the thumb of your right hand, mark the center at the top of the dome and begin to gradually press your finger into it vertically. The rest of the fingers are outside the dome. Squeeze some water out of the sponge into the hole. To push the clay apart, lower the fingers of the left hand inward to the bottom of the recess, and place the fingers of the right hand on the outer wall. Press with your left hand on the surface of the product. Hands should be constantly moistened with water. Extend the cylinder to the desired final height. Touch the bottom of the product with the end of the middle finger of the left hand, and press the bent index finger and thumb of the right hand to the outside. To stretch the walls, move your hands from the bottom to the top. Try to keep the walls the same thickness. the main task at this stage - to get an even, hollow inside cylinder with a bottom. Then we begin to transform it into a vase, jug or other intended product. There are certain rules for this:

  • if you press on the inside of the cylinder, then its walls will stretch with the expansion of the form. Hands should be both inside and outside the cylinder, one against the other, together determining the thickness of the wall and the amount of pressure;
  • in order to stretch the neck of the jug, it is necessary to grab its top from the outside with both hands and squeeze it to the desired size;
  • if the jug is supposed to have a narrow neck, be careful not to accidentally widen it too much;
  • water that collects at the bottom of the product can be conveniently removed with a sponge worn on a wire;
  • try to carve a thin edge of the product, round it with your fingers to the outside and wrap it. So you get a decorative detail characteristic of pottery;
  • if you need to make a spout, grasp the edge of the jug with two fingers of your left hand and press between them with the index finger of your right.

The larger the pottery you want to get, the more difficult it is to make. Therefore, it is better to start with small saucers and plates. To do this, you need to lay out a clay disc of small height in the center of the potter's wheel, corresponding to the size of the future plate. The bottom should be made most carefully, because for flat products it is the most vulnerable point. Clay here needs to be pressed down harder. Then lift the clay from the outer edge with your thumb and forefinger to form a rounded rim. After that, we begin to smooth the side of the plate, slightly squeezing the clay and at the same time stretching it to the sides. Do not thin the walls of the product too much, otherwise they will crack and “swell” during firing.

Drying and decorating

When the product is ready and you are satisfied with it, cut it off the circle with a special wire with two handles. Pull the wire twice under the bottom of the product, then slide it off the circle and transfer it to a stand moistened with water. Now comes the next important step - drying. The main task is to ensure that the clay dries evenly, otherwise it will crack. Therefore, avoid drafts and direct sunlight. Wipe the product with a damp sponge or wet hands, removing all kinds of irregularities, then cover with a damp cloth and put to dry in a closed box (preferably galvanized).

After about a day, when the product dries a little, it is taken out of the box, carefully cleaned with fine sandpaper and proceed to the finishing work. For example, the surface of a jug or vase can be "smoothed". To do this, rub it with some smooth object. In this case, the top layer of clay is compacted and begins to shine. After firing, such dishes shine even more. On soft clay, textured finishes can also be performed. Stamps are cut out of wood or rubber. By pressing them into wet clay in a certain sequence, you can get a unique pattern or ornament. Interesting prints are obtained by pressing coarse burlap to the clay. You can also apply a pattern or drawing by scratching. It is performed with an awl, knife or other sharp object.

In addition, engobe painting is a very popular type of pottery finishing. Engobes are specially prepared liquid clays. Such painting is carried out on a raw, dry and even fired product. The decorating composition is applied with a brush, spray gun or the product is immersed in a container with a solution. After such painting, the products are fired at a temperature of 700-800°C.

A higher degree of finishing is glazing. Glaze is a thin, glassy coating that is formed when silicate compounds are melted onto the surface of a clay product, and can also be purchased from specialty stores or pottery factories. They protect ceramics from contamination, make it more durable. Glazes are very different: transparent, colored, colorless. Enamel is a type of glaze. It is opaque and is used as a base for ceramic paint. Enamel is applied by pouring, dried, and then the ceramics are painted with special paints. When the paints are completely dry, the product is fired.

For roasting, special electric kilns are usually used. If you have access to such equipment, firing is carried out as follows. After drying and decorating, the product is placed in an oven for 1.5-3 hours for additional drying at a temperature of 150°C. First, the temperature in the oven is raised slowly until all the moisture has evaporated. Then every 30-40 minutes the temperature is raised by 50°C and brought to 400°C. When the product begins to turn red, the temperature is increased more sharply - by 100 ° C every hour and brought to 800-900 ° C. This heat is maintained for an hour and the furnace is turned off. In the first hours, cooling should proceed slowly until the temperature drops to 450-400°C. When the temperature drops to 200°C, the oven can be opened. The product is removed only when it has cooled to room temperature. The whole cooling process usually takes 10-12 hours. Now, if necessary, the product is painted with glazes, and then the whole firing process is repeated again so that the glaze melts.

Clay consumption

It is very useful to know how much clay is needed to make this or that product of a certain size. As a rule, beginners take too much clay, and this is one of the reasons for possible failures. To make a tea saucer with a bottom diameter of 13 cm, we need about 800 g of clay, for a dinner plate with a bottom diameter of 23 cm, the weight of clay will increase to 1400 g. For a 9 cm mug or a 0.2 l jug, only 350 g of clay will be required. A half-liter jug ​​will turn out from 500 g of clay, and a teapot from 1000 g. Add a spout (250 g) and a lid (250 g) to the teapot. It is recommended to keep a kind of diary where you will write down information on each of your products: how much clay was required for the product and parts (lids, spouts, handles), some features of the technology, etc. Here you can also sketch interesting products seen in museums or at exhibitions, make sketches of your own vases and jugs, which so far exist only in your imagination. Such records will help to improve skills, not make gross mistakes, and save for many years a lot of useful information, which otherwise will certainly be forgotten.

It is clear that it is very difficult to learn how to work on a potter's wheel after reading just one short article. You will need a lot of time, hard work and a good mentor or sensible tutorial. And who knows, maybe your wonderful works will not only decorate the house, but will also take their rightful place at ceramics exhibitions.

Victoria Beloborodova

Attachments: from 135 000 rubles

Payback: from 4 months

An excellent option for an aspiring entrepreneur with creative potential would be to open your own pottery workshop. This, at first glance, non-obvious idea can be a worthy object for investing effort, money and time. How to implement this project, you will learn from this article.

business concept

Ceramics has been a companion of our everyday life since time immemorial and to this day does not go out of fashion. And the growing popularity of hand made products makes it even more relevant. Clay products can be very diverse - purely utilitarian or purely decorative. Dishes made on the potter's wheel: jugs, plates, mugs, dishes, etc. - can be used for their intended purpose or as decoration. You can make souvenirs, jewelry, decorative tiles, photo frames and much more from clay. If there is a sufficiently large assortment, there will be no shortage of potential buyers. There are also many options for selling products. You can sell products in bulk for subsequent sale through stores, make products to order, and put them up for sale in various souvenir shops. It is also possible to sell goods directly to customers - directly in the workshop or through your own shop or shop.

Various kinds of master classes are quite popular at present, including those on the manufacture of ceramic products. By equipping your workshop with additional tools and pottery wheels, as well as providing enough publicity to attract customers, it is quite possible to organize classes for everyone.

What is required for implementation?

Required for work suitable premises. It shouldn't be big, but it should be able to fit everything. necessary equipment, materials and finished products. If you plan to conduct courses and master classes, then you should choose a room with a convenient location, as well as equip it with additional furniture and fixtures.

The main tools will be a potter's wheel, a clay kneading machine, scales and, perhaps, the most expensive element - a kiln for firing products. Finding material for modeling - clay - is not difficult.

Pottery wheels are various designs(manual, foot, table, floor, mechanical, electric). Each master selects a circle individually, based on personal preferences and convenience.

For the production of standard products, such as souvenir magnets, it is convenient to use ready-made molds. This will speed up the process and get the same neat products.

At the initial stage, the entrepreneur himself can work in the workshop on his own or with one assistant. While the volume of work is small, it is quite possible to combine production and organizational work. However, as the business develops and the volume of work increases, additional staff will be required.

In no case should you neglect advertising. As in any other business, it is the engine of trade. The more potential clients and customers learn about the workshop, the more likely it is to succeed. One of the most effective channels today is the Internet. You can organize your own website and online store or use the services of existing resources.

For legalization entrepreneurial activity it is advisable to open an IP of this kind.

Step by step start instructions

  1. Market analysis, study of competitors, demand for products, possible sales options.
  2. Drawing up a business plan and seeking funding.
  3. IP registration.
  4. Search and rental of premises (repair, if necessary).
  5. Selection and purchase of furniture and equipment, tools.
  6. Search for suppliers of raw materials and purchase of the first batch of working material.
  7. Advertising and promotion of a business project.

Financial calculations

A pottery workshop is a business that requires investment. An entrepreneur cannot do without initial costs, because funds will be required to rent premises, purchase equipment and materials for work.

The amount of start-up costs for each individual project will differ depending on the scale of the activity. As an example, consider the option of a small pottery workshop in which the entrepreneur works independently.

Start-up capital

The initial investment will include:

  • rent of premises - from 20 thousand rubles per month;
  • potter's wheel - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • kiln for firing products - from 40 thousand rubles;
  • clay mixing machine - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • scales - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - about 10 thousand rubles.

In total, the minimum amount required to open your own small pottery workshop will be 135 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

Monthly expenses will include rental payments for the premises and advertising costs, which together will amount to about 30 thousand rubles.

Payback periods

The pottery business can pay off in 4-5 months.

Business Features

Opening a pottery workshop is one of those cases where a simple hobby can grow into your own financially successful project.

This type of activity is ideal for people who are passionate about working with clay. Otherwise, you will have to first master this craft or immediately hire professional craftsmen.

Just making pottery is not enough. It is necessary to first find out which of them will be in demand, otherwise the entrepreneur risks being left with unsold goods. The best option is to work on pre-order.


Having your own pottery workshop is a good option for a novice entrepreneur, allowing you to realize your creative potential and receive a stable income. The risks associated with such a business are minimal, and relatively small amounts of financial costs allow you to start operating almost immediately.

In this material:

Pottery and souvenirs made of clay are a commodity for which there is a growing demand. Own pottery workshop great idea for businesses with small investments. This line of business is popular all over the world, especially in regions where tourism is developed. A business plan for a pottery workshop will help you understand all the intricacies of pottery and set up your own production.

The relevance of the idea to open a pottery workshop

Ceramics has been used by man for over 5,000 years. Not only dishes are made from clay, but also terracotta figurines, sculptures and even jewelry.

In ancient Greece, pottery was painted by craftsmen who were known throughout the ecumene. Nothing has changed since then. Ceramic dishes have not yet gone out of use, like other clay products.

Food is cooked in ceramic dishes. They eat from it, and also use ceramics as a decor item.

Today, pottery is a product, the demand for which is increasing from year to year.

Why this business is relevant:

  1. Market demand exceeds supply. There are many factory-made dishes, but hand-made ones are not enough to satisfy the needs of every customer.
  2. Development of tourism. In regions with a favorable tourist climate, this business is most relevant. For example, in the south of Russia and in the Crimea, painted ceramic vessels are in great demand - copies of ancient ceramics from the Greek city-states of the northern Black Sea region. Local craftsmen make copies of amphorae, kiliks, kanthars, lekythos, table dishes and successfully sell them not only in the local market, but throughout Russia.
  3. Low competition. Increases the chances of an entrepreneur to quickly take their place in the market.

Technology of pottery production

To produce pottery, you need to master the craft, this will take time.

The production of ceramics includes the following steps:

  1. Clay mining. Mining locations in each region may vary. This is the most responsible process. Clay is mined in countryside. But not all breeds are suitable for pottery. For example, it is strictly forbidden to use clay, which is coated with houses and stoves - it is too rough. It is necessary to find a deposit of pottery clay, it will need a lot. The best option– go to the village and ask the local old-timers where they used to get clay for the production of tiles and bricks.
  2. Soaking. When the supply of raw materials is organized, it must be prepared for production. This process includes soaking and filtering. This is done to rid the clay of third-party substances and make it more ductile.
  3. Manufacture of forms of ware, figurines, other products.
  4. Drying them. Products dry for several days at room temperature. Drying is necessary so that the product does not crack during firing.
  5. Roasting in a kiln. Minimum temperature- 600 degrees. But for good firing, the oven is heated to 800-1200 degrees.
  6. Enameling, painting.

Methods for the production of blanks:

  1. Modeling. The product is made without a potter's wheel. For ceramic vessels, separate parts are fashioned, which are attached to each other. Other products are made in the same way - terracotta figurines, clay toys, souvenirs.
  2. Potter's wheel. The most common production method. The use of a potter's wheel allows you to make the product better, bring out its ideal shape. In addition, the circle allows you to speed up the process, which is important for business.
  3. Warm-up. Plaster molds are made, clay is stuck on them.
  4. Casting. Liquid clay is poured into the mold and removed after drying, only then the firing takes place.

Additional sources of income

The sale of finished clay products is not the only income of the pottery workshop.

Additional sources of income:

  1. Master classes. The master potter tells visitors how his products are made, what stages of preparation they go through. In addition to this, visitors make their own souvenirs and, with the help of a craftsman, burn them in a kiln. Such a master class is divided into two sessions: the production of clay blanks and their firing the next day, after drying. In addition, during the master class, sales increase finished products.
  2. Pottery training courses. These are long-term sessions, designed for several months. During this time, the client is fully acquainted with pottery and, upon completion of the course, can independently make clay products.
  3. Exhibitions. People who are interested in buying ceramic products come to events.
  4. Production to order. For example, in Russia there are many collectors who order copies of masterpieces of Greek and Chinese vase painting in such workshops. The cost of such products is much higher than usual.

Where to start a business?


The first step is to register the business with the tax office.

There are two registration options:

  1. Decor legal entity. Suitable for large businesses.
  2. Getting a status individual entrepreneur(IP). The most common registration method.

Let's take IP as an example.

Step-by-step instructions for registration of IP:

  1. Pick up OKVED codes. They tell the authorities in which area the business is registered.
  2. Choose a taxation system.
  3. Write an application in the form P21001.

IMPORTANT! The application must include the address Email. Scanned documents will be sent to you. Since April 2018, sending by regular mail is not carried out.

  1. Pay state duty.
  2. Collect a package of necessary documents.
  3. Apply locally or online.

Required documents:

  1. Copy of the passport.
  2. A copy of the TIN code.
  3. Original receipt of payment of state duty.
  4. A completed application in the form P21001.

Room search

The location of the room does not matter if there is no nearby outlet. Most of these workshops are located in residential or industrial areas.

The workshop should be opened on the ground floor, in the basement or in the private sector - so as not to disturb anyone. In addition, this arrangement is convenient - it will not be necessary to lift the workpieces up each time, they weigh a lot.

The required area is 70 m², of which 15 m² will be occupied by finished products and the same amount by blanks.

IMPORTANT! There must be a pottery kiln in the room. It is necessary to build a chimney in such a way that it does not interfere with anyone, so it will not be possible to establish such production in a residential building. An alternative is to use a muffle furnace.

The most convenient place is an old factory or the private sector.

Equipment and consumables

To open a workshop for the production of ceramic products, you will need the following equipment:

  • Potter's wheel;
  • bake;
  • scales;
  • furniture for storage and drying of finished products.

Necessary materials:

  • clay;
  • paints;
  • enamels;
  • glaze;
  • brushes.


To organize a business you will need:

  • potters;
  • helpers;
  • artist;
  • the seller of the goods;
  • cleaning woman.

How to sell finished products?

Ways to sell finished products:

  1. Own store or outlet.
  2. Museums. Souvenir shops of large museums are an excellent market for selling copies of archaic products.
  3. Wholesale supply. For example, to all-Russian networks of souvenir shops, to places where tourism is developed.
  4. Production of ceramic products to order.
  5. Internet. contextual advertising, social media, targeted advertising, promotion of your own online store.

How much can you earn in a pottery workshop?

Investment in the project

Initial investments include (in rubles):

  • purchase of equipment - 150,000;
  • purchase of furniture for the workshop - 50,000;
  • purchase of raw materials - 70,000;
  • advertising - 50,000;
  • rent of premises - 20,000;
  • payment of state duty - 800.

Current expenses

Monthly spending (rub.):

  • payment of rent - 20,000;
  • wage employees - 150,000;
  • utilities - 12,000;
  • payment of taxes.

Income, profit calculation and project performance evaluation

The profitability of a business depends on the following factors:

  • location region;
  • the quality of the products;
  • the success of the advertising campaign;
  • reputation of the workshop;
  • ways of selling products - own store, wholesale deliveries, etc .;
  • volume of production;
  • additional activities - courses, trainings, exhibitions.

If you produce quality products and sell them competently, the business will quickly pay for itself.

High-quality ceramics is much more expensive than ordinary dishes, especially with a beautiful ornament.

The average retail price of one product is 800 rubles. Wholesale price - 500 rubles.

The workshop produces an average of 1,000 units per month. With the automation of production, the productivity of potters increases.

Expected monthly earnings - 600 thousand rubles. This amount deducts utility bills, employee salaries, rent and taxes. Net profit - 300 thousand rubles per month.

If you produce from 1000 units of ceramic products monthly, the business will pay for itself in 2-3 months.

A pottery workshop is a great idea for a business. This business idea is best suited for creative people for whom entrepreneurship is not only a way to make money, but also an opportunity to do interesting things. The benefits of this business are small investment, minimal risks and quick payback.

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Clay souvenirs are always in great demand. Moreover, in Lately products that imitate antique kitchen utensils made of clay came into fashion. To be engaged in the production of such products, it is necessary to master this ancient craft perfectly. How to Turn Beginner Pottery Profitable promising business you will learn from this article.


Beginners often wonder where to learn pottery in order to gain the necessary skills and knowledge. Useful information can be gleaned from books and other specialized literature. In addition, many sites on the Internet have free video pottery lessons for beginners.

The simplest and at the same time effective method, which will help you quickly master this craft - learning from the master. Such lessons will cost you about 1 thousand rubles for 1 hour of classes. But this is the best way of learning, which will allow you to learn manufacturing process from within. For 2 months of classes in special courses, you will pay 10-15 thousand rubles. After completing such courses, it is hardly possible to become a master. But, nevertheless, you will be well versed in pottery.

In principle, even those people who have never encountered pottery can open such a business. It is enough to understand the technology for the production of ceramic products, draw up a business plan for a pottery workshop and hire several experienced craftsmen. If you manage to properly organize this business, it will develop successfully and bring you excellent profits.

Many beginners doubt, ? If you want to get financial independence, try, experiment and you will definitely succeed. The crisis is best time to start a new business, so discard all doubts and get to work.

Business registration

Before you start pottery, you need to register an IP. Such activities fall under OKVED 26.21. This category allows you to engage in the production of various ceramic products, ranging from souvenirs to household products. If you also plan to make clay toys, you need to add the OKVED code 36.50. To reduce taxes and insurance payments, it is better to choose a simplified taxation system.

Workshop space and equipment

After you complete everything Required documents, you can go directly to the organization of the pottery workshop. First of all, you need to rent a suitable room. It is desirable that it consists of two rooms. One of them will be equipped as a workshop, and the second one will be used as a warehouse for finished products. The area of ​​the room should be at least 40-50 square meters. meters.

At first, it is enough to buy:

  • Potter's wheel;
  • Device for kneading clay;
  • Scales;
  • Forms;
  • Furnace for roasting finished products;
  • In addition, you will need shelving with shelves for storing finished products.

Kilns for roasting are presented on the market in a wide range. They can be electric, gas or solid fuel. Such equipment can be made with your own hands, but in home-made ovens it is almost impossible to achieve uniformity and High Quality firing.

Business Features

It is most profitable to open a pottery workshop in resort towns, which are often visited by tourists from different countries. In this case, your products will be in demand in the market. Of course, before starting work, you need to carefully analyze the market and study the level of competition. Many domestic manufacturers cannot compete with cheap Chinese products. But after all, this is a mass product that is not as interesting to consumers as individual developments. If you produce exclusive quality products, the demand for them will only grow.

When developing an assortment, you need to take into account that each region of the country has its own traditions and customs. You must learn to reflect them in ceramic products and their paintings. In this case, Chinese manufacturers will not be able to repeat your masterpieces. At first, you should not greatly expand the range. Limit yourself to the production of decorative and household utensils, souvenir magnets, vases and various pots. You should also not forget about such a profitable line of activity as holding master classes. Pottery is a profitable and quite promising business.

Raw material

Finding clay for pottery is not difficult. Using different processing methods, even poor quality raw materials can be brought back to normal. Usually clay lies under a small layer of earth, so you can mine it even on your own. personal plot. But it is best to use clean, homogeneous material for sculpting.

To determine the suitability of raw materials, you need to roll a small bundle from moistened clay, as thick as a finger. After that, bend the tourniquet in half and check the bend for cracks. If there are few of them, you can safely use the material for modeling.

In order for the business to flourish, you need to find trusted suppliers of raw materials. Sometimes even reliable partners fail and supply low-quality material. So pay attention Special attention for this important moment. Another option where you can buy clay for pottery is the Internet. Here you can find raw materials of any quality at affordable prices. In addition, as mentioned above, you can get clay for modeling on your own. In this case, you will open, because you can significantly reduce the cost of production.

Technological process

The production of pottery is one of the most.

Such products can be made in different ways:

  • Free modeling. Various figurines, whistles and pots are molded from prepared clay;
  • Free formation is performed using a potter's wheel;
  • For plastic molding by hand, plaster molds are used.

For the manufacture of complex ceramic products, several molding methods are usually combined. To give the product an elegant look, it is treated with solutions of gold or silver, they use picturesque decoration with heat-resistant paints or the thinnest transparent film that shimmers in different colors. A very beautiful decoration is obtained from small pieces of colored glass. They are applied to the surface in the right places and the product is fired. Under influence high temperatures glass melts and spreads over the surface of the product, creating intricate patterns. You can create amazing original products from clay. A pottery workshop is enough, because the demand for ceramic products does not fall even during a crisis.

Sales of finished products

In order for pottery as a business to bring good profit need to find reliable distribution channels. Advertising will help you with this, as well as participation in art exhibitions and fairs. Entrepreneurs who work in large cities can sell finished products to souvenir shops located at airports and train stations, shopping centers, flower shops and other trading companies.

If you are doing pottery at home, you can use another effective way that allows you to sell products in large volumes - this is the Internet. To organize online trading, it is enough to create your own online store. You can also find potential customers using auction sites.

Experienced businessmen advise beginners to take part in exhibitions and fairs as often as possible. Of course, transportation costs, entry fees and rental of exhibition equipment will significantly reduce your profits. But such social events will help you attract potential customers to your products.

Pay attention to the fact that the stand with your products is installed in a walk-through, well-lit place. Create a pleasant, friendly environment, offer customers products in different price ranges - all this attracts people and increases sales. Don't forget to order Business Cards that you will distribute to your customers. Many visitors to the exhibition do not make purchases immediately. They select the appropriate options, after which they contact the seller and place a large order.

Video: Making a simple pot shape

Business development

In addition to selling finished products, you can organize pottery training for beginners. Training courses or master classes, with the right approach, can become a fairly profitable line of business. Many people are interested in this kind of art, so they dream of learning pottery. The miraculous transformation of an ordinary piece of clay and an original jug or vase is a real pleasure. Therefore, there will be many who want to master this skill.

Recently, psychologists often recommend pottery therapy to their patients as one of the most effective methods in the treatment of severe depression. Plus, pottery is a great option for people who can't find one. By the way, many companies offer master classes at customers' homes. This service is often ordered by schools and kindergartens.

Alexander Berdin-Lazursky - Samara Billy Milligan: some know him as a designer and photographer, others as a musician, and a year ago, the list of hobbies was supplemented by ceramics. Every evening Alexander moves from the office computer to international company to the potter's wheel to create a new batch of dishes, improve the skill of working with clay and porcelain, and then pass it on to students. With the support of the “Masters of Russia” project, we talked with him about whether it is realistic to make money on pottery, who chooses exclusive dishes instead of standard cups from Ikea, why ceramics consist of solid fakapov, and most importantly, how long it takes to become a real master.

Equipment for 260 thousand and the first perfect batch

It just so happened that in my life I have quite a lot of hobbies: I am a photographer, designer, musician, teacher, turner of the sixth category - and this is not the whole list. Relatives and friends are used to me doing different things, so when it came to ceramics, no one was even surprised.

I got into pottery because it allows you to get the real thing. It's one thing when you develop a website design for a month, and then the lights are turned off - and there is nothing in front of you, and another thing - when you have a real object in your hands with its structure, material, weight and shape. It hooked me a lot. Then I thought that the dishes are the perfect thing, in the creation of which I can apply all my design skills.

I like to learn everything on my own, without mentors, and even five years ago there was no one in Samara who could help me in my new hobby. I took a couple of lessons at the Union of Artists, but quickly realized that this was not what I needed. There, people are focused on sculpting sculptures, panels, paintings and stained-glass windows. Dishes for them are too commonplace, and for me even a mug is a huge mystery, because you need to take into account a bunch of factors - the thickness of the wall and bottom, the curvature of the touch to the lip, the position of the handle and its shape, heat capacity, color, weight. In the end, I bought the equipment and set up a workshop at home right next to the bed - wrapped everything around with plastic wrap and sat like Dexter. My wife sleeps at night, and I twist. The potter's wheel and oven cost me 260,000, but I figured that was a great motivation not to turn back.

I found answers to any questions in Google. But ceramists have begun to create chatiks only now, a year ago they did not exist yet. For the first six months, I did a lot of things, but from time to time the products died: they exploded in the oven, spread or broke during turning. It is a pity that I never found a teacher, because under the guidance of a professional, the result can be achieved dozens of times faster.

Now I notice that the guys who come to us, after three classes, do things that I reached only after six months.

I like to take risks, so I never made samplers: I put the whole batch into the oven, and not each mug individually. At some point, the stars converged and all the products survived. I matched the icing, the shape, and the colors. But it turned out that the most difficult thing is to repeat your success. I suffered for another month - I seemed to do the same thing, but nothing came of it. I had to change the technology once again in order to get a good result all the time.

At that moment, I handed out almost all the dishes to friends. People often ask for a product if they see that you are producing something. I agreed with pleasure, but warned that I would soon begin to do even better, and the gift had already been presented. This did not stop my friends, but in vain, because it is much more profitable to ask me for something now.

Workshop and collaboration

After nine months of working at home, I realized that it was time to look for a workshop. The fact is that it is quite difficult to keep the apartment clean when you are constantly diluting and grinding clay. Even then I had an ideal picture in my head: I was sitting somewhere on the first floor, spinning dishes on a potter's wheel, and people were passing by, looking through the windows and asking me something. In the end, everything came true.

Once Sasha Lyulyakina came to me, said that she had graduated from a pottery school in Voronezh and offered to join forces. I agreed, and we rented a room on Chapaevskaya, 92 - we found it through friends and quite quickly. And most importantly - it is fully consistent with my idea of ​​an ideal workshop.

Since I do ceramics after my main job and can't spend all day at the potter's wheel, we started looking for someone cool who could work in the workshop with Sasha all the time. As a result, we made friends with the girls from the Lepco creative studio - they sculpt with their hands, not on a circle, so we strengthened each other, became an excellent team, and now I don’t know a ceramic organization in Samara more solid than ours.

Now the workshop works as a co-working space, and I like it. People come, pay 300 rubles per hour and can use all the materials they see. The guys create, and we suggest if you need help. It seems to me that this is the perfect way to create an artistic atmosphere for people who are engaged in one thing.

The only problem is that many still do not know that you can come to us just like that, so I also organize training courses. One of them lasts three days - during this time a person receives basic skills and can independently make dishes for himself. It costs 4,500 rubles and is very popular because it allows you to understand whether you like ceramics in general. The second course will cost 18,000 rubles, but with it you can master much more techniques and forms. In addition, during the entire training period, there is an opportunity to use co-working space unlimitedly to hone your skills.

earnings and demand

I still don't have client base. I'm a designer and I don't want to do sales - much more I like to make and draw. But when there were too many dishes at home, I decided that I could sell the best copies. I gave the first mug to the buyer myself, but for this I had to leave the house, take the money, give the thing away - it's too stressful for me. Now my friend Nastya Ryazanova from Garden N studio is selling products. We met because I shot weddings, and she worked in the same field as a florist. I just donate things to her store, and now it's the only place where you can buy them.

The cost depends only on how much I want to part with this or that copy. The materials are not very expensive, but I sit with this mug for three days, and then I bake it for the same amount. And all this time there is a chance to lose the product. And let's not forget about his five sisters, who crashed at some stage before they managed to get the perfect copy. If an illustrator worked with a mug, then it will cost about 3,000 rubles, because this is a unique thing that a master of his craft had a hand in. The dishes, on which only I worked, cost 1000 rubles. It continues to be unique, but does not bear the imprint of several people with whom I have to share the profits.

I never aspired to make money from any of my hobbies. It so happened that since childhood I have lived with the constant feeling that I could die right now. If I start wasting time on things I don't like, it will be very unwise. I like to design, so every day I go to work in the office with pleasure. And then I leave with joy, because I go where I like, maybe even more. It seems to me that if you love something, then sooner or later all the costs will pay off.

Materials and technology

Working with ceramics is a long process. First you take a lump of clay and knead it so that there are no air bubbles left inside. This matters because otherwise the dishes may crack. Then the most beloved part for many is the potter's wheel. You twist the clay and it takes a certain shape. After that, the product dries for about a day and then the clay becomes hard, but still remains wet. This is the ideal state when you can grind it, make a neck or attach a handle to the mug. Then the clay dries for a few more days and the dishes are sent to the oven for nine hours. When the product has cooled, paint it or cover it with glaze, and then send it back for baking.

As a rule, I buy Spanish, German or French clay - in these countries they have learned how to make masses that are pleasant to work with. Sometimes I take porcelain, but it is quite expensive - 3,000 rubles will have to be paid for 10 kilograms. From such a bar, about 15 cups will be obtained, some of which will go into marriage.

Basically, everyone uses purchased glazes, but you can make it yourself. I did it, and it's a whole new level. Working with a purchased one is the same as processing photos with ready-made presets on Instagram. I got into my own recipe because I didn't want to deprive myself of one of the dimensions of uniqueness.

Failures in ceramics

Ceramics is very fickle, so a person quickly ceases to value what he does. And this essential quality for the artist, because it helps to gain freedom of expression. When you are ready to lose your job at any moment, it becomes possible to quickly and flexibly create something new.

I can do everything right, but in the end there will be a crack on the mug. If it fails to grind off, the product will have to be thrown away. At first it's very frustrating, considering how much time and work you put into it, and then you start to take things lightly. This is an interesting school of life.

Ceramics consists of failures - my entire instagram is full of them. Every now and then I beat the cups off the stove with a hammer, because they are welded tightly or pull out a product that has melted, boiled, peeled off or exploded. The most annoying thing is when the thing that the artist painted bursts. Creative people react differently: some are very worried about their work. But the last time I was lucky - the girl just said that she would draw more. I was very glad.

There is gold on almost every one of my works, and this is not an accident. Imagine that you are in the XIV century, there is darkness around and a huge temple stands among it. Inside, everything is in gold, loud music is playing, the best artists of our time are painting on the walls. It is also safe and sometimes even fed. In general, a person gets everything he wants, and more gold - as an emphasis on what is there and everything else. So when I use gold, it's like I'm telling people, “Look, there's something else. This thing deserves to have gold on it.

Ceramics begins to develop. Already, we have moved from Khokhloma patterns to cats, flowers and realistic grenades. It looks nice, but I understand that these are not unique things, but just decorative elements. Soon the fashion for all this will pass and modern ceramics - author's - will come to the place of obsolete products. Artists will begin to strive for uniqueness and express themselves through shapes, textures, colors.

My ceramics also cannot be called modern yet: first you repeat, then you start to modify the result, and only then isolate something of your own. I am still at the stage of repetition - I look at English ceramists and study their style. Modern American ceramics touches me a little less, although there are more author's crazy styles.

The pottery boom is coming, so the amount of information is growing rapidly. People create their own workshops, and it's very cool. In Samara, the sphere is developing explosively fast. Recently I organized a meeting of potters, which was attended by ten people - and that's not all. I keep track of what my colleagues are doing, because you always need to be aware of what is happening. True, I'm much more interested in studying Foreign experience- I get acquainted with new techniques and test them.

I love my job because it's not a job at all. I plan to turn what I do from creativity into art - I want to create something beautiful. I think when a couple of English magazines write about me, I will be able to say that I am doing something really important for the world.
