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What does an organization need for safety? Occupational safety at the enterprise: who and what should. The obligation to have complete, proven knowledge of labor protection and safety in their professional field

Work in the field should be organized at enterprises or organizations. According to the established standards, if the total number of employees exceeds 50 people, then the position of an engineer in this area is supposed to be introduced. This employee is entrusted with the functions of conducting introductory briefings and monitoring documents on labor protection at the enterprise.

Scroll binding documents on labor protection at the enterprise

At all enterprises and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, it is necessary to maintain or have a large number of documents on labor protection.

The fundamental ones include:

  1. Labor law. This is the main source, as it takes into account the main directions for ensuring OSH standards. It indicates both the employee and the employer, including the need to undergo briefings, conduct an OSMS and undergo medical examinations. When resolving disputes and the need to impose penalties, there are also a number of legislative opportunities.
  2. Rules on labor protection in all areas of activity. For example, if a mechanical section is functioning, then the rules should be for machine equipment, and if there is a boiler room, then the rules for using steam gas or electric boilers should also be.
  3. GOSTs on labor protection are necessary, since controversial issues appear in the process of work, and the Rules contain references to these standards (it will be easier to determine which state standards must be).
  4. Regulations on holding special evaluation working conditions. Although expert organizations are engaged in this area, the employer should still have information that must be possessed.
  5. Order to conduct medical examinations. This is an act regulating the frequency of passing professional examinations, and it also approved a list of harmful factors and types of work, according to which it is necessary to send employees to a medical examination.
  6. The list of professions that are entitled to a preferential pension, reduced working hours and standards according to which additional pay is established for work in harmful conditions.
  7. Standard norms for the issuance of overalls, footwear and PPE at the expense of the employer.

It should be noted that the existing documents on labor protection at the enterprise, related to the main ones, can periodically be saturated additional information as well as changes. Therefore, it is recommended to have a Consultant system that is constantly updated and assign a responsible person to perform the role of monitoring regulations.

Local regulations on labor protection at the enterprise

Regulatory documents of the local type are acts adopted in the organization on the basis of the current norms of the state level.

Documents on labor protection at the enterprise:

  1. Labor protection standards. They are recommended to reflect information on the organization of labor protection at the enterprise, on the acceptance, issuance and repair of special clothing and RPE. They can regulate the rules for writing safety instructions and the obligations of the employee and employer in the performance of work duties.
  2. on labor protection. All the nuances of the safe production of work must be taken into account and taken into account. Documents are prepared on the basis of rules, state requirements and other recommendations. Items should be clearly and concisely stated so that each employee can understand what is required of him. Periodically, once every 5 years, these instructions are reissued, and if the work is classified as dangerous, then this time is reduced to 3 years.
  3. Regulations on recommendations for the first, second and third stages of administrative and public control. This document should define the procedure for carrying out all stages of control, including indications of what specific criteria, how often and to whom to control the real situation in terms of labor protection at the facility.
  4. Regulations on the conduct of a medical examination. It is being developed as an explanatory document, which spells out the need for such an event, and what entails a failure to pass a medical examination.
  5. Regulations on the organization of the SUOT. For any workplace, an expert assessment must be carried out and not only experts from a third-party organization take part in this, but also direct employers, heads of individual sections, as well as labor protection specialists and representatives of the bureau of accrual departments wages. The listed employees are assigned a role in carrying out this event.
  6. Regulations on the procedure for investigating accidents. It should be in any organization, and its content should approve the procedure for the employee and employer in the event of an emergency.
  7. An order approving the List of professions and (or) positions of employees entitled to receive coupons for special food or milk, for a preferential pension, for a reduced working day or additional leave.
  8. Regulation on the performance of hazardous work, which regulates the execution of work permits, the conduct of targeted briefings and the procedure for admitting persons to these works.

All of the listed documents are updated if amendments or additions are made to the regulatory documents of the federal or regional level. It is also recommended to update at least once every five years.

What documentation on labor protection should be maintained at the enterprise

According to the requirements of legislative acts and other local documents approved by the enterprise, the following documentation is required in any organization:

Title of the documentWhat is reflected in the documentWhat is the purpose of the document
Briefing log

In the journal:

  • the name or designation of labor protection instructions approved at the enterprise is clearly prescribed;
  • full surname, name and patronymic of the employee;
  • signatures of the instructed and the instructing person with dates.
A correctly executed document is proof of the timely conduct of repeated and unscheduled health and safety briefings
Personal instruction cards

The cards contain information about:

  • about the employee, including date of birth, surname and initials, specialty;
  • when the introductory briefing was carried out;
  • dates of the initial briefing, including when transferring to another job;
  • when the employee was internship and the timing of its implementation;
  • from what date the employee is allowed to perform official duties.
The document is necessary to reflect the facts of introductory briefings, information about the internship and the implementation of the employee's admission to independent work
Journal of the first and second stages of controlThe first stage of control provides for monitoring the observance of labor protection by direct supervisors at the workplace. The second stage of control is carried out by deputies of employers together with labor protection commissionersMaintaining these documents is regulated at the legislative level.
Special clothing issue card

The form of the card should include:

  • a clear date when special clothing, footwear, PPE or RPE was issued;
  • a list of mandatory for the issuance of special clothing and other property;
  • date of write-off of PPE and overalls
Completion of this document is necessary as proof that the employee has all the required PPE and overalls
Cards for conducting a special assessment of working conditions

The documents reflect many factors about the state of the employee’s workplace and working conditions on it:

  • description of the labor process;
  • availability of preferential conditions;
  • the frequency of medical examinations;
  • measurements of illumination, noise and other parameters characterizing workplace;
  • gas and dust measurements.

This is a workplace passport, on the basis of which it is necessary:

  • to the extent possible, eliminate unfavorable factors of the labor process;
  • send an employee for a medical examination;
  • provide employees with benefits;
  • issue special clothing and personal protective equipment.
Sanitary-hygienic passportThe form of the document provides for the reflection of the fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirementsThis is welcomed by the Rospotrebnadzor service

The listed documents are mandatory for maintenance at enterprises, and their presence and correctness of maintenance by regulatory authorities can be checked during inspections or when clarifying the circumstances in the event of an accident.

How is the order for the appointment of responsible persons issued?

Drawing up an order on the appointment of responsible persons

At any enterprise or organization, it is necessary to annually prepare an administrative document on the appointment of persons responsible for labor protection. This document reflects the following information:

  1. The preamble contains references to the relevant Rules or other regulatory documents.
  2. After the narration, the word “I ORDER” is written in the center, and the specifics are signed below. That is, who is responsible for labor protection in general and in certain areas. To do this, it is recommended to analyze the OT documents applied to these works. If there are several areas of activity, then there will also be several regulatory documents that you need to refer to.
  3. Only persons who have passed the knowledge test and certified in this area are appointed responsible, and in their absence, responsibility is shifted to other leaders replacing those absent by order, but they must also be certified.
  4. The order is signed by the head and agreed with the labor protection specialist.
  5. Familiarization with the administrative document is carried out in a planned manner. The signature of each person responsible for the site or equipment, as well as another direction, must be on this document. It is worth considering that the date opposite each signature should also be.

When preparing a draft document, the content must reflect all the directions indicated in the rules, otherwise the responsibility automatically passes to the direct employer, which is unlikely to please the latter.

Development and design of training programs

Based on the requirements of GOST 12.004-2015, as well as other standards, any enterprise needs to develop programs for conducting. In total, there are five types of briefings, and each of them requires the development of programs.

  1. Introductory. Enough program, which should reflect the basic regulations of work and rest and the rules of stay in the territory.
  2. primary and secondary. These programs regulate the performance of certain labor functions by the employee, differ only in name, since the repeated briefing is identical to the primary one.
  3. Unscheduled and targeted. These documents reflect the main points related to the unexpected instruction of the employee.

Programs should reflect:

  1. General information. These are the main requirements from the OT instructions, for example, the rules before starting work.
  2. Basic information. Referring to the current labor protection instructions, safe work practices should be indicated.
  3. Basic fire safety requirements.
  4. Methods of providing first aid in the event of accidents and other unforeseen circumstances associated with the deterioration of health.

Opposite each item should indicate the time of passage.

Programs are signed by the person who compiled them, approved by the employer and agreed with the head of the labor protection service.

Training Documents

Documents on labor protection should not contain information on the training of employees in the rules for labor protection:

* This includes workers whose activities do not involve hazardous work

Among other things, safety signs, posters or stands should be posted in any areas, whether working with a PC or with equipment under excessive pressure.

Equipment operation documentation

Documents for the operation of equipment at the enterprise

Documents on labor protection at the enterprise include, among other things, the equipment and tooling used.

These include:

  1. Books of accounting for pneumatic tools, power tools, lifting mechanisms, slings, machine and welding and other equipment. If such books or magazines are available, then it will be much easier to draw up an order to assign responsible persons for safe operation. The percentage of the probability of missing any direction is reduced.
  2. Technical documentation, including passports, technical descriptions or manuals, should also be available.
  3. Documentation reflecting information on inspections of tools, removable load-handling devices and others must be kept by the responsible person, fixed by the administrative document for the unit.

In order to specifically know what documentation needs to be stored, you should carefully read the rules and other regulations on OT.

The following video will tell you about the minimum list of documents required for checking the GIT:

Question form, write your

The main obligations of the employer for labor protection are listed in. These include, in particular, ensuring the safety of employees during the operation of buildings, structures, equipment, purchasing and issuing special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment at their own expense, organizing control over the state of working conditions at workplaces, conducting a special assessment of conditions labor, etc. At the same time, entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to the portal for information on the application of certain provisions, including those related to labor protection. In this regard, we decided to recall what measures in the field of labor protection an organization must take.

Specialist or service in the field of labor protection?

The current legislation does not establish cases when an employer is obliged to create a service in the field of labor protection, and when it is enough to provide for the position of an appropriate specialist in an organization. Each employer carrying out production activities, the number of employees of which exceeds 50 people, must create a labor protection service or introduce the position of a labor protection specialist (). However, the optimal number of employees in the enterprise performing functions in the field of labor protection, according to general rule, is determined taking into account the nature of working conditions, severity and danger production process, the number of employees of the organization in accordance with (hereinafter - the Standards for the number of employees). Thus, in organizations with less than 700 employees, functions in the field of labor protection can be performed by individual labor protection specialists. In organizations with a larger number of employees, these functions can be performed by the labor protection bureau (staff: 3-5 units, including the position of the head) or the labor protection department (from 6 units or more) (,).

At the same time, if the number of employees does not exceed 50 people, the functions of a labor protection specialist can be performed by the head of the organization, another employee authorized by the employer, or an organization or specialist providing services in the field of labor protection, attracted by the employer under a civil law contract ().

Labor protection specialist: features of hiring

Let us consider the frequent case when the position of a labor protection specialist is established in an organization. First of all, for this, the employer needs to enter into the state new position by issuing an order to amend the staffing. After that, he should develop a job description and conclude an employment contract with a specialist. It should be noted that a specialist in the field of labor protection in the staffing structure should be directly subordinate to the head of the organization, because the employer is responsible for ensuring safe conditions and labor protection ().

Moreover, with the introduction of a new staff unit it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the section "" of the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, in particular, you need to pay attention to the title of the position - labor protection specialist. Only such a name should be indicated in the employment contract, staff list and work books, that is, in strict accordance with the reference book. At the same time, if the SIT during the inspection reveals a discrepancy between the name of the position and the requirements specified in the qualification directory - that is, the requirements are violated, inspector response measures can be applied to the employer.

Recall that the violation of state regulatory requirements for labor protection contained in federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on officials and individual entrepreneurs in the amount of up to 5 thousand rubles, for legal entities- up to 80 thousand rubles. ().

As for the job description of a specialist, it is not difficult to develop it. In fact, all the requirements contained in the relevant professional standard, must be included in this document (order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 4, 2014 No. 524n ""). So, for example, labor functions for a labor protection specialist are the normative support of the labor protection management system, monitoring the state of working conditions at workplaces, distribution of powers, responsibilities, duties on labor protection issues and substantiation of resource support, etc. At the same time, the answers many questions about the application of professional standards can be found in the information of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 10, 2016 "".

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Labor protection service: step by step instructions

In practice, labor protection services in organizations with less than 700 employees are created mainly in hazardous industries, in difficult or dangerous working conditions. For those organizations to whom the provisions on the creation of a labor protection service (), we offer step by step instructions:

Introduce an independent unit into the structure of the organization, consisting of a staff of labor protection specialists headed by the head (chief) of the service, by issuing an order to amend the staffing table.

Establish the number of staff members and organizational structure services.

Determine the range of tasks that the service will solve by developing a job description for each employee.

Prepare a regulatory and methodological framework to ensure the operation of the service.

Provide for the organization of an office for labor protection, equipped with the necessary regulatory legal and reference literature on labor protection (for training, briefing, seminars, lectures, exhibitions).

The activities of the labor protection service are strictly regulated by the current legislation (Recommendations on the organization of the work of the labor protection service in an organization, hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations). For example, in sections 3-4 of the Recommendations, the main functions of the labor protection service and the rights of employees of the service are fixed.

Recall that, as an alternative, the head of the organization may assign labor protection duties to a full-time employee, who, after appropriate training and testing of knowledge, along with the main work, will perform the duties of a labor protection specialist.

In addition, the head has the right to conclude an agreement with specialists or with accredited organizations providing services in the field of labor protection ().

What local regulations in the field of labor protection must be developed in the organization?

Labor legislation requires the employer to ensure the development and approval of labor protection rules and instructions for employees, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other body authorized by employees, and also to prepare a set of regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements in accordance with the specifics of their activities ( ). Thus, the employer, in order to fulfill his obligations in the field of labor protection, develops and approves a number of documents. Let's call them:

  • Order on the creation of a labor protection service (or the introduction of the position of a labor protection specialist in the staff list);
  • Regulations on the labor protection service (). It prescribes the main tasks, functions of the service, the rights and obligations of employees, the procedure for interaction with other departments of the organization, responsibility for failure to comply official duties;
  • Job descriptions for employees of the labor protection service. This document is approved by the head of the organization, and the employee must personally familiarize himself with the document and leave a mark about it ();
  • Labor protection instructions for the employee and a list of labor protection instructions in force in this organization. The procedure for the development and approval of instructions begins with the issuance of an order by the head of the organization, which determines the list of instructions, employees responsible for the development and deadlines. approved (hereinafter - Guidelines), which regulate the procedure for the development of labor protection instructions, the procedure for their approval and requirements for their content. Instructions are developed on the basis of intersectoral or sectoral standard instruction or labor protection rules (). For example, on March 11, 1993, the Ministry of Transport of Russia approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 24, 2002 No. 36 -.
  • Regulations on the labor protection management system (order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 19, 2016 No. 438n "");
  • Order on the procedure for conducting training and testing knowledge on labor protection issues, instruction logs (introductory, primary, repeated, if necessary, unscheduled, targeted) (,). Recall that the specific procedure, conditions, terms and frequency of all types of briefings on labor protection for employees of individual industries and organizations are regulated by the relevant industry and intersectoral regulations. legal acts on safety and labor protection ( , );
  • Personal accounting cards for the issuance of certified personal protective equipment (par.);
  • Order on the list of professions and jobs, upon admission to which the employee must undergo a preliminary medical examination, a schedule of periodic medical examinations for employees for whom such examinations are mandatory ().
  • Journal of registration of accidents at work ().
  • We add that the list of documents may vary depending on the specifics of the organization and individual entrepreneur. However, for each individual event in the organization in the field of labor protection, the head of his order must approve a separate document.

At the same time, employees must be familiar with the current employer local acts on labor protection, directly related to the conditional employment contract labor function(). The fact of familiarization is confirmed by the signature of the employee.

Special assessment of working conditions

The employer is obliged to ensure the conduct in accordance with applicable law (). At the same time, a special assessment of working conditions is not carried out in relation to the working conditions of homeworkers, teleworkers and workers who have entered into labor Relations with employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs ((hereinafter - Law No. 426-FZ). At the same time, we note that a remote worker is not an employee of a branch in the region, but one with whom an agreement on remote work(). However, in relation to other categories of workers, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out without fail in accordance with the requirements, taking into account the specifics of the implementation certain types activities.

The obligation to organize and finance the conduct of a special assessment of labor rests directly with the employer. The special assessment itself is carried out jointly by the employer and the organization or organizations admitted to the activity of conducting a special assessment, attracted by the employer on the basis of a civil law contract. conducting a special assessment of working conditions approved. Based on the results of its implementation, classes (subclasses) of working conditions at workplaces ( , ) are established. So, according to a special assessment at the workplace, it is carried out at least once every 5 years, unless otherwise provided by law. The specified period is calculated from the date of approval of the assessment report.

In addition, the employer must, no later than 30 calendar days from the date of approval of the report on the special assessment of working conditions, organize familiarization of employees with the results of the report at their workplaces, within three working days notify the organization that conducted the assessment of the approval of the report, and no later than within 30 calendar days arrange for the publication of the results of the a special assessment of working conditions on its website on the Internet ().

What working conditions should the employer provide at the enterprise?

One of the main responsibilities of the employer is to ensure safety and working conditions (). Consider what specific obligations in the field of labor protection are assigned by law to the employer.

Thus, the employer is obliged to purchase at his own expense and issue to employees certified overalls, personal protection, washing and disinfecting agents in accordance with established norms. The procedure for providing personal protective equipment is established by the Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment.

We add that in Russia there are a number of special rules that contain the basic requirements regarding the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population (SanPiN). When organizing the work of employees, each entrepreneur must be guided by those rules that directly relate to the scope of his activity.

In particular, the requirements for working conditions with office equipment are mandatory. To avoid fines, the employer must comply with a number of conditions when arranging workplaces. For example, the area of ​​the workplace of employees cannot be less than 4.5 sq. m (if a flat monitor is installed) or less than 6 sq. m (if the workplace is equipped with an old-type monitor, with a kinescope). And after each hour of work, the room should be ventilated (SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 ""). Learn more about what else sanitary norms and the rules apply to office workers, as well as the responsibility of the employer for non-compliance, learn from our infographic.

What is the responsibility for violation of labor protection requirements?

Non-compliance labor law in the field of labor protection may entail liability for the employer in the form of fines, disqualification, administrative suspension of activities, as well as a series of inspections by various supervisory authorities.

At the same time, liability is provided for the commission of a number of separate offenses. In particular, the admission of an employee to the performance of his labor duties without passing training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner, as well as mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the employer of up to 130 thousand rubles. Even more is the amount of the fine for failure to provide employees with personal protective equipment - up to 150 thousand rubles ().

The Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for concealing the occurrence of an insured event by an employer in case of compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases. The commission of this offense entails the imposition of an administrative fine of up to 10 thousand rubles. The above article provides for liability for violation of the norm, according to which the employer is obliged to immediately inform the insurer about an accident that occurred at work.

And for violation of the requirements of SanPiN and failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, including mandatory vaccination of employees, the organization may be subject to liability in the form of a warning, the imposition of an administrative fine or an administrative suspension of activities ( Art. 6.3 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "

  • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 19, 2016 No. 438n ""
  • Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 22, 2001 No. 10 ""
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 01, 2009 No. 290n ""
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n "On approval of the lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations ( surveys) of workers engaged in hard work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions "
  • Labor protection at the enterprise- where to begin? This question is asked by managers who are faced with the task of organizing a labor protection system in the company. Our article will help determine the procedure in this direction.

    Action plan for the organization of labor protection

    Each company needs to decide on a set of labor protection measures that it needs to carry out in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, depending on the industry and the specifics of its activities. Such procedures are a kind of internal action plan of the company for the protection of personnel.

    The plan will help determine the next steps, calculate the financial costs of organizing labor protection (if necessary). The planning of labor protection activities also allows you to compare actual results with forecast values, identify shortcomings and determine further strategy to improve the safety of working personnel.

    So, at the stage of organizing work on labor protection at the enterprise, it is important:

    • organize a system of labor protection management in the company;
    • create a separate service or introduce a position of a labor protection specialist;
    • adopt a regulation on labor protection in the organization;
    • issue an order of the head on the appointment of a person (or persons) responsible for labor protection;
    • approve job descriptions responsible persons.

    Occupational safety management system at the enterprise

    Having decided on the direction of action in the field of occupational safety, management should think about how to manage it. The head of the company is at the head of the labor protection management system (OSHMS). In fact, his tasks include the organization of labor protection at the enterprise. The essence of the OSMS lies in the relationship of the production environment, means and objects of labor, personnel in order to create safe conditions for the implementation of the work process.

    With the help of OSMS should be implemented following features enterprises in the field of labor protection:

    • ensuring the safety of personnel when working with working tools;
    • training employees in the production culture (observance of safety regulations when working on equipment and mechanisms, use necessary funds protection);
    • carrying out certification of workplaces (if it is necessary according to the current legislation);
    • selection of personnel when hiring according to the qualification level;
    • observance of sanitary (hygienic) standards in working areas;
    • conducting safety briefings.

    In order to implement the above functions, the manager needs to create a specialized service (department) or add the position of the corresponding specialist to the staff list.

    Labor protection service at the enterprise

    In a company with more than 50 employees, a special service or hired as a labor protection specialist (for example, an engineer). This is stated in Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If the organization employs less than 50 people, the decision on who will deal with labor protection issues remains with the head. The options here might be:

    • taking over by the head of these functions;
    • delegation of these powers to another employee;
    • involvement of an organization or individual from the outside.

    The main question that employers usually face is: what is better - a separate service or one specialist? Managers often agree that it is not financially profitable to maintain an entire department of occupational safety engineers. On the other hand, ensuring the safety of personnel and training them in safety is the duty of the employer.

    Several factors should be taken into account before making a decision:

    • The scale of the enterprise.

    The larger it is, the stronger the need to create a specialized service. If an enterprise has subdivisions, its management should think about creating an extensive labor protection service. But in a small enterprise, a separate specialist will be enough.

    • Features of production activity and current legislation.

    At the legislative level, the obligation of the enterprise to conduct certification of a number of jobs and draw up relevant documentation is established. With a large amount of work, one specialist, most likely, will not cope.

    As a rule, the position of an occupational safety specialist in an enterprise is called an “occupational safety engineer”. The head of a specialized service is usually referred to as the chief engineer for labor protection or the head of the department (service) of labor protection.

    What kind qualification requirements apply for such positions?

    This issue is regulated by a number of regulatory documents, for example, the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees. In accordance with it, specialists of this profile are ranked according to certain categories.

    • higher education;
    • no requirements for work experience for a master;
    • At least 2 years of work experience in the field of labor protection for a specialist.
    • higher education;
    • At least 1 year of work experience in the field of labor protection for a specialist.

    Without qualification category:

    • higher education and diploma of a specialist;
    • no experience requirement.

    Head of the labor protection service or Chief Engineer must have a higher education and work as a labor protection engineer of category I for at least 2 years.

    Documents on labor protection at the enterprise

    After an occupational safety management system has been created, a department has been formed or an appropriate specialist has been hired, it is important to develop a documentary base.

    It may include:

    1. Regulatory documents:
    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • Law No. 426-FZ dated December 28, 2013 “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”;
    • Single qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and employees.
    1. Internal local acts adopted at the enterprise:
    • position on labor protection;
    • job descriptions of labor protection specialists;
    • regulation on the department of labor protection;
    • labor protection instructions for each position in the enterprise;

    For information on what such an instruction for an accountant could be, read the article. "Instruction on labor protection for an accountant - sample" .

    • administrative documentation: orders, orders of the head regarding the certification, hiring specialists, assigning responsibility for labor protection at the enterprise, appointing persons responsible for instructing and training personnel in safety, etc.
    1. Other documents:
    • a log of introductory (primary) briefing for newly hired employees;
    • magazine for briefing directly at the workplace;
    • programs for conducting such briefings;
    • personal cards about the passage of training, etc.
    1. Appraisal documents developed jointly with an external accreditation company:
    • protocols;
    • expert opinion;
    • attestation cards for a specific workplace, etc.

    Of course, this is only an approximate list of documents. Each enterprise must independently determine the composition of the necessary documentation based on the characteristics of its activities and legal requirements.

    Sample order on labor protection at the enterprise

    Perhaps the main order on labor protection in the company is the order of the head on the appointment of persons responsible for labor protection. It is drawn up in free form on the letterhead of the company.

    The order must:

    • to fix the main person responsible for labor protection in the whole enterprise;
    • if the enterprise has subdivisions, sections or territories, indicate the persons responsible for safety on them;
    • note that during the absence of responsible persons due to vacation, illness or other valid reasons, persons will be appointed to temporarily perform their duties;
    • indicate which documents responsible persons should be guided by in their activities.

    The order is signed by the head of the organization. With the content of the order, the persons mentioned in it must be familiarized against signature.

    You can download a sample order on the appointment of persons responsible for labor protection at the enterprise on our website.

    At manufacturing enterprises, certification of workplaces is carried out in order to identify the degree of influence of harmful and dangerous factors on the physical health of a person. According to the current legislation, a third-party independent certifying company is invited to conduct measurements. Her responsibilities include compiling reporting documentation after the completion of the procedure. In particular, the protocols on the basis of which internal commission enterprises develops cards for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions. The composition of such a commission should include specialists in labor protection of the enterprise.

    In general, the certification of production sites focuses on the following:

    • biochemical factors;
    • the presence of fields and other radiations with and without ionization;
    • acoustics, such as noise level;
    • illumination level;
    • vibration level;
    • degree of injury;
    • microclimatic conditions;
    • severity and intensity of labor activity;
    • the importance of barrier protection.

    Based on the compiled maps, those jobs are identified where the employees occupying them are entitled to compensation or certain preferential conditions, for example:

    • salary supplement;
    • additional days to the main vacation, but not less than 7 days;
    • earlier retirement (for example, metallurgy workers with a “hot” experience retire at 50);
    • reduction of hours in the work week.

    Leadership manufacturing enterprise it must be remembered that certification of workplaces is not so much a duty imposed on him by the state, but a guarantee of the safety of personnel.


    So, where should you start labor protection at the enterprise?

    Each enterprise must decide on a list of labor protection measures that must be carried out in accordance with legislative acts, depending on the industry and the specifics of the activities carried out.

    After that, the management of the enterprise should think about creating a system for labor protection at the enterprise and managing it. At the head of the system is a manager who can delegate a number of his duties by order to the labor protection service (department) or an appropriate specialist. This choice is influenced by the scale and specifics of the company's activities.

    The enterprise must also develop and approve all necessary documentation on labor protection (documentary base).

    We sincerely believe that everything is in order with the documentation on labor protection, and you came to us to check yourself once again. However, even if this is not the case, we will not tell anyone anything. Let's remember (or figure it out) together with you.

    Documents distributing responsibility for labor protection

    • administrative documents (orders, orders) on the assignment of duties to ensure safe conditions and labor protection in the organization, on the creation of a labor protection service, the introduction of a position or the appointment of a labor protection specialist, other documents regulating the organization and control over ensuring labor protection requirements;
    • a list of professions and positions whose employees are exempted from instructing at the workplace;
    • a statement on the costs of financing measures to improve working conditions and labor protection for the past period (total amount of costs, including as a percentage of the amount of costs for the production of products (works, services);

    Documents accompanying the training of employees in labor protection

    • certified copies of documents confirming the relevant education, training and work experience of a specialist (responsible) in labor protection;
    • Administrative documents (orders, instructions) regulating the procedure, form, frequency and duration of training in labor protection (including safe methods and techniques for performing work with internships at the workplace and passing exams) and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, the basics of first aid and others.
    • programs for conducting introductory briefings on labor protection and briefings on labor protection at the workplace;
    • a list of positions (professions) and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed;
    • administrative documents (orders, orders), according to structural divisions on the appointment of persons under whose supervision the newly hired employees undergo probation;
    • administrative documents (orders, orders) on the establishment of a commission to test the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of the organization;
    • minutes of meetings of the commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees, certificates of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of all employees of the enterprise;
    • original documents (sheets, magazines) related to familiarization of employees of the organization with the Internal Labor Regulations, the collective agreement and other local acts of the organization regulating labor activity.

    Documents accompanying a special assessment of working conditions

    • an order to create a commission and approve a schedule for a special assessment of working conditions;
    • a list of jobs subject to a special assessment of working conditions;
    • job evaluation cards for working conditions with measurement and evaluation protocols;
    • a summary sheet of the results of a special assessment of working conditions, a summary table of classes of working conditions established based on the results of a special assessment, and compensations that need to be established for employees;
    • plan of measures to improve and improve working conditions;
    • the final protocol of the commission meeting based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions.

    Documents accompanying the monitoring of the health of workers

    • lists of contingents of employees subject to preliminary (periodic) medical examinations;
    • name lists of persons subject to periodic medical examinations;
    • calendar plan for periodic medical examinations.

    Documents accompanying the issuance of personal protective equipment

    • a list of professions and positions that are required to issue overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment;
    • certificates of conformity for all issued personal protective equipment;
    • personal cards for the issuance of personal protective equipment.

    Occupational safety journals

    • register of introductory briefing on labor protection;
    • register of briefings on labor protection at the workplace;
    • register of accidents (at work);
    • register of labor protection instructions;
    • a journal (or other document) confirming the organization of accounting for the issuance of referrals for medical examinations.

    Don't be scared. Not in every case, the entire list of labor protection documents that we have listed is required. What documents are needed for labor protection, largely determines the specifics of your organization. To help you, we have developed a short questionnaire, by answering the questions of which you will receive ready list labor protection documents specifically for your organization.

    What to do if 5 minutes ago you were appointed as an occupational safety engineer? Step-by-step instruction for a beginner or briefly about the main thing

    So it happened - you are a labor protection engineer. What to do and where to start...

    Step-by-step instruction for a beginner or briefly about the main thing.

    Step 1. Functions and tasks of the labor protection service in the organization

    The main tasks of the labor protection department (as well as the labor protection engineer) are:

    organization of work to ensure that employees comply with labor protection requirements;

    control over compliance by employees with laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, a collective agreement, an agreement on labor protection, and other local regulatory legal acts of the organization;

    organization preventive work by warning occupational injury, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors, as well as work to improve working conditions;

    informing and advising employees of the organization, including its head, on labor protection issues;

    · study and dissemination of best practices in labor protection, promotion of labor protection issues.

    In order to fulfill these and other assigned tasks, the labor protection department, in accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia "On approval of the Recommendations for the organization of the work of the labor protection office and the labor protection corner", must keep records and analyze the state and causes of industrial injuries, occupational diseases; assist subdivisions in organizing and carrying out measurements of the parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors, as well as in assessing the safety of equipment, devices; organize the work of the office for labor protection or prepare information stands, labor protection corners in departments.

    Employees of the department organize certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, followed by certification of work on labor protection, as well as surveys technical condition buildings, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms, devices, means of collective and individual protection, sanitary devices, ventilation systems in terms of their compliance with labor protection requirements.

    In addition, the labor protection department coordinates the design, engineering, technological and other documentation developed in the organization in terms of compliance with labor protection requirements, and also proposes programs to improve working conditions and labor protection.

    Employees of the labor protection department should assist the heads of departments in compiling lists of professions and positions for which employees undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations, as well as lists of professions and positions, in accordance with which, on the basis of current legislation, compensation is provided for hard work and work with harmful or hazardous conditions labor.

    The department of labor protection organizes the investigation of accidents at work in accordance with Art. Art. 227-231 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia "On approval of the forms of documents necessary for the investigation and accounting of industrial accidents, and the Regulations on the peculiarities of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations";

    Participates in the work of accident investigation commissions; arranges and stores Required documents(acts in the form H-1, other documents on the investigation of accidents at work, protocols for measuring the parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors, assessment of equipment for the safety factor, materials for attesting workplaces for working conditions, etc.).

    The most important functions of the department include: development of training programs on labor protection for employees of the organization, including the head; conducting an introductory briefing with all persons entering work (including temporarily), seconded, as well as pupils and students who arrived at industrial training or practice; organization of timely training in labor protection (Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia / 29 "On the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations").

    It is necessary to draw up (with the participation of heads of departments) lists of professions and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed.

    Step 2. Creation of a labor protection service

    In accordance with Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in order to comply with labor protection requirements and monitor their implementation, each employer conducting production activities, the number of employees of which exceeds 50 people, must create a labor protection service or introduce the position of a labor protection specialist. If there are less than 50 employees, then the employer makes a decision taking into account the specifics of his production activities. If he believes that he will not need either one or the other, then he will carry out the functions of labor protection in the organization on his own.

    You should not focus on the words "production activity" and think that if an organization provides services or is engaged in trade, then the provisions of Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation do not apply.

    Part 9 of Art. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is established that production activity is understood as a set of actions of employees using the means of labor necessary to turn resources into finished products, including production and processing various kinds raw materials, construction, provision of various types of services.

    At the same time, an employer (including an individual entrepreneur) may conclude civil contract for the provision of services in the field of labor protection with a specialist or organization providing such services.

    This right is granted to the employer by Part 3 of Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Organizations providing services in the field of labor protection are subject to mandatory accreditation.

    The list of services for the provision of which accreditation is required, and its rules are established by the federal body executive power executing the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the sphere of labor.

    So, if the average number of employees of the organization (in the absence of workers employed in heavy work and associated with harmful and dangerous working conditions):

    · more than 700 people, it is preferable to create a labor protection bureau (staff - 3-5 people, including the head) or a department (staff - from 6 people).

    Introduction of the position of labor protection specialist

    If the employer decides to approve the position of a labor protection specialist, he must:

    introduce a new position in the staff by issuing an order to amend the staffing table;

    Step 3. List of documents of the labor protection service at the enterprise

    The labor protection service (department, bureau or individual specialist) must have documents regulating the internal activities of the service, as well as its labor protection activities. Such documents include:

    an agreement with the founder;

    · technical passports of buildings;

    staffing table;

    job descriptions for employees of the labor protection service;

    · a set of regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements in accordance with the specifics of the institution's activities (approved by the head of the enterprise);

    Regulations on the organization of work on labor protection at the enterprise;

    Order on the creation of a service (department) of labor protection, regulations on the department;

    a list of instructions on labor protection by profession or type of work;

    instructions for labor protection;

    · logbook of instructions on labor protection and logbook of issuance of instructions on labor protection;

    logbook of introductory briefing;

    the program of introductory instruction;

    a journal of registration of briefings at the workplace;

    program for conducting primary briefings at the workplace;

    · a list of professions and positions undergoing primary, repeated and other types of labor protection briefings, approved by the head of the organization;

    a list of positions of employees exempted from primary and repeated briefings;

    a list of jobs and professions of employees to which increased safety requirements are imposed;

    training programs for safe work practices, first aid medical care;

    · programs production control the state of labor protection in the organization;

    Orders on the establishment of a commission to test knowledge of safe working methods, protocols of the commission;

    protocols for checking the knowledge of workers on labor safety, certificates, logs of registration of protocols and certificates;

    certificates (protocols of knowledge testing) of managers and specialists in labor protection, logs of registration of protocols and certificates;

    order on the appointment of persons responsible for the organization and production of high-risk work;

    log book for work permits for high-risk work;

    personal records of issued PPE;

    logbook of accidents at work;

    Acts on accidents and materials of their investigation;

    list of industries, professions for which medical examinations are mandatory;

    information about the medical examinations of employees;

    schedule for periodic medical examinations;

    orders on the appointment of persons responsible for the safe operation of electrical and lifting equipment;

    List of positions of employees who must have 1 electrical safety group;

    · logbook for assigning an electrical safety group to non-electrical personnel (Appendix 6 to the Intersectoral Rules for Labor Protection (Safety Rules) for the Operation of Electrical Installations, approved by a resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia; order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia);

    · journals of accounting and maintenance of protective equipment, acceptance and inspection of scaffolding and scaffolding, protocols for measuring harmful production factors;

    List of positions of engineering and electrical personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group;

    · Certificates of engineering and technical staff and electrotechnological personnel on knowledge testing, registration logs of protocols and certificates;

    · an order to approve a list of local standards for the provision of personal protective equipment with an indication of the terms of use;

    a list of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment issued free of charge;

    a list of professions and positions of employees employed in work with harmful conditions labor, which is supposed to issue milk and preventive nutrition; additional leave and shortened working hours;

    instructions of state supervisory authorities;

    · materials on certification of workplaces;

    Step 5. Organization of individual work of a labor protection specialist

    The labor protection service of the organization or the labor protection specialist should report directly to the head of the organization or, on his behalf, to one of his deputies.

    Given the new forms of ownership and the specifics of the work of the organization, it is advisable, on the basis of the Recommendations on the organization of the work of the labor protection service in the organization, to agree and approve the rights and obligations of the labor protection specialist and his individual work plan by the head of the organization (table).

    Where to start

    Current affairs and organization of work on labor protection

    Definition and coordination with the chief (chief engineer) of duties and rights

    Conducting introductory training.

    Drawing up a schedule for checking the state of labor protection in structural divisions

    Drawing up and coordination of an individual work plan for the quarter (month), daily routine

    Collection and processing of proposals from structural divisions on a comprehensive plan for improving working conditions and sanitary and recreational activities, the Health program.

    Event planning

    Interaction with the commission of the trade union committee, the State Labor Inspectorate and other supervisory authorities

    Organization of certification of workplaces and insurance against accidents.

    Providing methodological assistance to structural units in maintaining documentation, compiling instructions

    Keeping records of cases and documentation, incoming and outgoing correspondence

    Examination of projects for the modernization of workshops, equipment for compliance with the requirements of labor protection and environment. Compilation of references, reports

    Formation of legislative and regulatory framework on labor protection

    Participation in meetings and committees

    Collection and processing of data, including on the basis of a personal computer

    OSH planning

    Occupational safety planning is the definition of goals and objectives for a given time interval, the establishment of reasonable tasks for departments and officials. Planning can be prospective, annual and operational.

    A long-term plan (for 2–3 years) is a traditional comprehensive plan for improving working conditions and labor protection, the preparation of which, as practice has shown, is quite justified.

    The annual plan should include a part of the comprehensive plan, the collective agreement (labor safety agreement).

    The operational plan is designed to implement the newly emerging tasks of labor protection.

    In a separate industry, associations and organizations, plans for social and economic development for a certain period, in which labor protection measures are directly or indirectly reflected.

    The plan for social and economic development is a technical and economic direction, including the reconstruction of workshops, sites, equipment modernization, the use of new equipment and technology, i.e., the rationalization of production in order to increase labor productivity and economic indicators and improving working conditions and safety.

    A comprehensive plan for improving working conditions and labor protection consists of the following sections:

    bringing the state of working conditions in the workplace in line with the norms and requirements of labor protection;

    · Measures to reduce the number of workers employed in jobs with harmful working conditions and night shifts;

    Measures to eliminate severe physical labor;

    · Construction and expansion of sanitary and auxiliary facilities.

    The development of this plan is preceded by an analysis of the state of conditions and labor protection and certification of workplaces. All departments and services of the organization should be involved in the preparation of plans. The development of the plan is led by the leader. The project is considered at a joint meeting of the trade union committee and the administration, approved by the head and announced by order.

    When planning, you should use the Recommendations for planning labor protection measures and the Recommendations for developing programs to improve working conditions and labor protection in organizations, including organizational, technical, socio-economic measures and measures to ensure sanitary and living conditions and medical and preventive services.

    According to the materials posted on the site:
