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Homemade dumpling production as a business. Dumpling business at home. How to start making dumplings

Dumpling production is a process similar to home cooking, but on a larger scale. The product goes through several stages:

  1. Selection of raw materials (meat, flour, spices, water).
  2. Recipe development - dumplings made from one type of meat or combined minced meat.
  3. Preparing dough that should not be thick, but also not break at the most crucial moment.
  4. The choice of sculpting method is manual or machine.
  5. The production process from minced meat to packaging and sending to the freezer. It can be conveyor or manual.

There's nothing complicated. There is only one point - making dumplings at home, where the housewife alone controls the process, or in an industrial-scale “kitchen”, where everything must be sterile, molded in accordance with the recipe and the requirements of government authorities. Dumpling production can be organized in the kitchen of your home or you can find a suitable room and equip it with the appropriate equipment and equipment. These are two different areas in which the scale of investment and the number of products produced differ significantly. Accordingly, the opportunities to earn money will be different.

When producing at home, it is impossible to prepare the documents necessary to send dumplings to the shelves. grocery stores. Rospotrebnadzor, SES and other authorities issue permits, certificates, certificates only for products manufactured in specially equipped premises. Therefore, you can make dumplings for sale only for friends, relatives or private consumers. But you won’t earn much capital from this.

Opening a dumpling shop, even a small one, provides greater opportunities than making it at home. A small business in the production of dumplings usually starts as a family business and gradually gains momentum. It is irrational to start right away with a large complex, given the scale of competition. It is better to move from small to large, taking into account mistakes and finding attractive recipes for consumers. In addition to dumplings, the production can produce dumplings with various fillings. It won't be a big hassle because the molding principle is the same, but the revenue may be higher due to the variety of choices for customers.

The right start

Where should a beginner start if he is attracted to a business idea for producing dumplings? Any business begins with a deep analysis of the selected market segment and writing detailed business plan. Without this, you will not be able to understand what investments will be required at the initial stage and whether this direction is profitable in a particular region. If the findings are positive, then the following steps will have to be completed:

  1. Register your entrepreneur status.
  2. Find a premises that meets the requirements for the location of food production.
  3. Collect a package of documents from government agencies that will allow you to open a dumpling shop.
  4. Develop a recipe and decide what list of products will be produced in production.
  5. Select equipment.
  6. Explore potential partners who can provide the workshop with high-quality raw materials.
  7. Resolve the issue of staffing.
  8. Find distribution channels for semi-finished products.
  9. Develop a marketing strategy.

These are the main points in implementing your idea of ​​​​producing dumplings. Let's look at each stage in more detail.

Organizational aspects

When considering the algorithm of actions for a novice entrepreneur, we will focus on opening a separate dumpling shop, rather than home-made dumplings. You can start either by searching suitable premises, or from business registration. Although, when submitting documents for registration to the Federal Tax Service, you will have to submit a lease agreement or evidence of ownership of a specific object.

A novice entrepreneur must take care of premises that:

  • Compliant SES requirements, fire department.
  • Has access to water supply, electricity, sewerage.
  • Spacious, it is possible to arrange equipment and ensure the safety of raw materials and products.
  • It is desirable that production be located close to a populated area to reduce transportation costs. This is beneficial for expanding the scope of activity if over time it is decided to open your own dumpling cafe.

If the premises are to be rented, then you need to agree with the owner about a long stay, so that during the recovery stage you do not have to curtail production and change the location.

Business registration

For a dumpling shop, two forms of work are relevant: individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur), if there is only one owner, and LLC (company with limited liability), if several partners invest in the business. In any case, you need to collect a complete package of documents, pay the state fee and contact the regional tax office. When filling out the application, you must select the type of main and additional activities according to OKVED. The following codes are suitable for the production of dumplings:

  • Main view entrepreneurial activity select "Production" food products"(code 10).
  • There are two additional options: for dumplings with meat – “Production of meat (meat-containing) semi-finished products” (code 10.13.4), for dumplings with potatoes – “Production of frozen semi-finished potato products” (code 10.31).

At the registration stage, it is necessary to select a taxation system so that the tax office does not automatically make charges according to the general system, which may be unprofitable for a novice entrepreneur. You need to consult with tax authorities, but most often businessmen choose the simplified tax system according to the “income minus expenses” scheme, given that at the first stage there will be a lot of expenses.

Don’t forget to register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund if you plan to hire employees. In production, it is impossible for one owner to do all the work, even with full automation of the workshop.

We collect a package of documents

Business legalization is not the only paperwork step. After receiving the certificate, you will have to go through other authorities to obtain permission to open a dumpling shop. What documents need to be collected:

  • Lease agreement for the selected premises.
  • Certificate of inspection of the premises by firefighters (usually this document is drawn up by the owner of the property).
  • Technical passport for the premises with latest edition redevelopment.
  • Recipe approved by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Technical conditions.
  • Conclusion of the SES on the condition of the areas where production will be located.
  • Engineering and technological communications projects (location electrical networks, water supply, sewerage, exhaust hood, fire alarm, panic button).
  • Products will require a quality certificate if sales are planned in grocery stores.
  • Permission from the administration and architecture to open a dumpling shop, posting information on the facade of the building.

Documents can be collected gradually. First of all, it is advisable to undergo an inspection of the premises so that the investment will not be in vain if the SES does not issue a permit and it will be impossible to correct the shortcomings. After approval, you can contact design services that will help you arrange the room and properly plan the space.

Production equipment

This stage is the most expensive and stressful, because it is necessary to bring all the rooms into proper condition, select and order equipment, provide conditions for the work of personnel, storage of raw materials and products. Objects in a dumpling shop or warehouse should be placed ergonomically so as not to make unnecessary movements. To complete the production hall, you will need equipment that corresponds to the planned daily production plan.

At this stage, it is advisable to study different equipment proposals, analyze the characteristics and cost. For a novice entrepreneur, in order to save money, there is the option of purchasing used equipment. But this may be a “pig in a poke” if the resource of equipment and devices is coming to an end. Repairs will be expensive and will result in downtime for the dumpling line.

A standard set of equipment for mechanical modeling of dumplings and dumplings may consist of the following items:

  • Dough mixer for kneading dough. Its cost depends on power, bowl volume and hourly productivity. Varies from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  • A flour sifter allows you to remove lumps and small inclusions from the mixture and saturate it with oxygen. The average cost for one set is from 25,000 to 100,000 rubles.
  • Meat grinder for chopping meat. The assortment is large, but it is worth considering production volumes. The cost of an industrial meat grinder is from 50,000 to 500,000 rubles.
  • A mince mixer is used to mix the required ingredients. The better the process, the more homogeneous, rich and tastier the minced meat turns out. Prices range from 70,000 to 500,000 rubles.
  • An automatic complex for making dumplings, into which dough and minced meat are loaded and where programs are configured. The products go through the entire stage from dough rolling to dumpling packaging and labeling. Such a device can cost from 300,000 to 1.5 million rubles.
  • Refrigeration equipment will be required for warehouse where raw materials and finished products will be stored. A dumpling shop also needs a refrigerator for pre-freezing finished products before the stage of packaging and sending for storage.
  • Do not forget that you will need funds for consumables for equipment, packaging, labels, scales, various containers, and dishes. Staff rooms must be equipped with a wardrobe, bathroom, and shower to ensure employee hygiene.
  • In the administrative building it is necessary to install upholstered furniture, cabinet furniture, and office equipment.

You don't have to spend a lot of money on repairs. It is enough to make simple cosmetic repairs to keep it clean, and think about light sources and hoods.

Recipe development

The market offers a wide range of dumplings with various fillings, so the owner needs to develop his own product recipe in order to be able to attract consumers. Without a ready-made recipe and a list of manufactured products, it will not be possible to obtain approval from Rospotrebnadzor.

Perhaps your mother or grandmother prepared dumplings according to their family recipe and their taste was unforgettable. Then you can take it as a basis. But one type is not enough to reach a large audience of consumers. Tastes and preferences are different, so you can use different types of meat for the filling:

  • Beef.
  • Pork.
  • Veal.
  • Mutton.
  • Bird (various).
  • Game (hare, venison, etc.).
  • Rabbit.

The more varied the choice, the more buyers. You can order a recipe from an experienced technologist if such a position is not provided in the state.

Packaging is also an important detail in selling products; it is worth discussing this issue with the designers if there is no option for selling dumplings and dumplings by weight.

We are staffing

Small-scale dumpling production requires hiring employees. Even a fully automated workshop must be controlled by a person in order to lay down the ingredients, set up the work program, and turn on the conveyor. Small business often involves the participation of family members, but each participant must have an employment contract and have a health certificate in hand. For small production services required:

  • Equipment operator.
  • Technologist.
  • Butcher.
  • Warehouse Manager.
  • Helper worker.
  • Loader.
  • Cleaning woman.

The owner can handle administrative work and the issue of searching for suppliers and distribution channels, so as not to spend money on an administrator and manager. We hire an accountant part-time, because there will not be a large amount of work at the initial stage. You can do many paperwork yourself. Employees are paid a salary because it makes no sense to determine the salary level based on sales volume.

Selection of raw material suppliers

Making dumplings is not only equipment, but also high-quality raw materials reasonable price. You need to find suppliers of meat, spices, and vegetables in advance. It is not profitable to buy products at the market or in a store, because the price will be very high, which will affect the final cost of the dumplings. In order to make money and not spoil the impression of buyers, you need a farmer who raises animals for slaughter and has documents confirming the quality of the meat. Without certificates, it will not be possible to sell dumplings through retail chains.

Spices and flour can be bought at wholesale stores, but you should make sure of their quality. The type of flour will greatly affect the external characteristics of semi-finished products and their properties in finished form. First, you need to make a trial purchase and make a small batch of dumplings to see the result. You can deliver raw materials yourself or enter into a delivery agreement with a partner.

We think about product sales in advance

Although dumplings are not a perishable product, it is not profitable to keep a large batch in a warehouse for a long time. Therefore, before launching production at full capacity, you need to find a distribution channel:

  • Small grocery store.
  • Dining room, cafe.
  • Rent a small area and install a chest refrigerator.
  • Go to chain shopping centers.
  • Participate in agricultural fairs and sell dumplings from a tent on wheels.

In any case, you shouldn’t expect great demand right away, because until the consumer tries it, he won’t buy several packages. You can release a trial batch of products and organize a tasting of dumplings so that people can evaluate the quality and leave requests for single deliveries.

Start looking for distribution channels at the stage of preparing production for opening in order to control production volumes and not work at a loss. Investments must pay off; the profitability of dumpling production should not be lower than 25%.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before starting to implement a business idea, it is worth studying the pros and cons of this direction, so as not to curtail production after investing large amounts of money. The disadvantages of the dumpling business include the following:

  • You are unknown to the consumer, and it takes time to get enough customers at once (this is especially true in food production).
  • It is difficult for newcomers to enter large retail chains, because companies set conditions in which it is impossible for the manufacturer to make good money unless they inflate the cost of the product. And this is not in favor of the consumer. Retail chains transfer money with delays, so the manufacturer must pay all expenses independently without making a profit.
  • It is difficult to find premises suitable for locating production. We have to invest in redevelopment, provision of water supply, electricity, and other communications.
  • The competition is serious, but it all depends on the location of the new workshop, the quality, range and cost of the goods presented on the shelves.

The advantages include the following indicators:

  • There is always a demand for dumplings. Even a middle-income family often fills the freezer with semi-finished products in order to cook them at the right time.
  • Consumers choose quality. If competitors think only about profit, greatly inflate prices, add soy and flavorings, then it makes sense to compete with them in quality and reasonable price.
  • You can make money even on small batches and not spend money on expensive equipment. Use regular kitchen appliances, get your family to make dumplings by hand, or use a special dumpling mold.
  • There is a prospect for expansion if you open a dumpling shop or a small outlet to sell your products personally.

It is profitable to establish sales in countryside, where the range of products is not always large. Even rural residents don’t always want to make homemade dumplings. Therefore, it makes sense to start your own business.


Despite the large number of enterprises engaged in the production of semi-finished products, the demand for dumplings and dumplings will never disappear. "Swing" immediately at large complex It’s not worth it, but for a small business, such as a family business, it makes sense to start in the food industry. A good option might be a dumpling shop with the function of selling ready-made dishes, the so-called dumpling shop. The principle of registration and preparation for opening is approximately the same, but requires more investment. Although the profitability may be higher.

Reading time: 9 minutes. Published 12/04/2019

Business in the field Catering will never be unprofitable if the products offered good quality and tastes good. There are many areas where housewives can show off their cooking skills, and one of them is making homemade dumplings. Semi-finished products sell well at any time of the year, which is explained by the wide range and minimal preparation time. This only means that when producing high-quality products, the entrepreneur is guaranteed a stable income.

Dumpling business at home: where to start?

Before opening a dumpling business, it would be a good idea to study competitors and offer the consumer something unique that others do not have. Analysis of prices, services and product quality will allow the entrepreneur not only to develop well, but also to significantly improve his dumpling business. Of course, for large manufacturers, a novice businessman is not a rival, but you can always find your niche and develop a client base. Moreover, the product will be truly tasty.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with classic dumplings, so you can play on the variety of products and the originality of the filling.

What documents are needed to open a dumpling shop at home?

First of all, to open a dumpling shop at home, you need to register a business.

Then, in addition to registration documents, you will need:

  • Conclusion of the SES

According to sanitary requirements, the minimum area for a dumpling shop is 50 m2. At the same time, it must be equipped with water, electricity, ventilation, sewerage and heating. The list of products and the technology for preparing semi-finished products are also certified by the SES.

  • Permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority

To obtain permission from firefighters, it is necessary to equip the workshop with a fire alarm and fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers). If during the inspection the inspector finds violations, they should be corrected as soon as possible. The State Fire Supervision Service, like the SES, has every right to close an enterprise.

What equipment do you need to buy to open a dumpling shop at home?

Experience shows that it is better to start a business by hand-making dumplings, selecting the optimal technologies and recipes in the process. You can test the finished products on relatives and friends, using the recipe for semi-finished products that they liked the most.

When moving to a higher level of production, the entrepreneur will need to purchase equipment to automate processes:

  1. For processing meat - an electric knife, a meat grinder and a mince mixer.
  2. To prepare the dough - an apparatus for sifting flour, a dough mixer.
  3. Equipment for forming dumplings and other semi-finished products.
  4. A refrigerator (maybe more than one).
  5. Automatic packaging machine.

When packaging the finished product, it is better to use transparent bags. Semi-finished products in such packaging are sold out faster, since the buyer sees appearance dumplings and can evaluate the quality of their sculpting. In general, the production of semi-finished products must comply with the requirements established at the legislative level.

Technology for preparing homemade handmade dumplings

No one will argue that every housewife uses her own signature recipe when preparing dough and minced dumplings. Therefore, even classic dumplings with the same set of ingredients turn out to be different in taste for everyone. If a novice entrepreneur is planning to produce homemade dumplings, then first it is advisable to understand what is required to produce tasty semi-finished products?

Not much is needed:

  • High quality raw materials.
  • Thoughtful technologies.
  • Original recipe.

When kneading the dough, you will need the highest quality flour. At first, you can experiment with the texture and thickness of the sheet.

In addition to pork, beef and chicken, you can add turkey, rabbit meat, vegetables, and fruits (for gourmets) to the minced meat. Try combining different types of meat and seasonings to find the optimal taste.

Eggs, salt, water and onions are also necessary ingredients in the production of dumplings.

Finished products are frozen to a temperature of -18°C and packaged for storage. Thick transparent bags are used as packaging; the optimal packaging weight is 0.5-1.0 kg.

Little secrets of the dumpling business:

  1. If you increase the water content in dough and minced meat up to 20%, then this technique will reduce the cost of dumplings. The quality and taste of the product will not change.
  2. If you add some potatoes to the meat , then the cost of semi-finished products will also decrease. These dumplings taste no worse than those made from pure meat, and their cost is the same.
  3. Meat loves onions and this property can be used. The dumplings will be more juicy if you put onions in the minced meat 2 times higher than normal. How more onions, the cheaper the meat costs.

The main thing in this business is to find the recipe that will attract customers.

Recruitment of personnel for the operation of a dumpling shop at home

At the initial stage of business development, you can involve your family and friends in making dumplings. When business takes off and you want to open a small workshop, you will have to hire 5-10 workers. Their main task will be to make dumplings. Taking into account the fact that with good organization of work, 100-200 kg of product can be produced per shift, loaders and a driver will not be superfluous. In addition, you will need a technologist, a sales manager, an accountant and a cleaner. The last two employees can work on an outsourcing basis.

Reference: According to the law, only those employees who have a health certificate are allowed to work with the food group of goods. Therefore, the entrepreneur must ensure that the books are renewed in a timely manner, otherwise the SES will issue a large fine.

Supplying dumplings at home: where to buy products for making dumplings?

In order for a dumpling shop to operate at home without fines and violations, products for the production of semi-finished products should be purchased in stores and farms Oh. While the enterprise has not yet reached the industrial level, you can purchase meat at wholesale centers and large supermarkets.

Visiting bazaars where goods are sold by hand is not recommended . Sellers must have sanitary and permitting documents for all products.

When increasing the capacity of the enterprise, it is necessary to establish relationships with farmers and purchase meat in whole carcasses, which is much cheaper. In this case, there will be no problems with quality, since only fresh products come from farms.

Sales of ready-made dumplings: where is it profitable to sell handmade dumplings?

The first buyers, as a rule, are people from the immediate environment - friends, work colleagues, friends of friends, and so on. At this stage, the recipe is worked out, which is called “filling the hand.”

Receiving the first positive reviews and, accordingly, acquiring the first regular customers becomes a kind of signal for market expansion:

  • Most best option, allowing the sale of semi-finished products - local forums and social networks. There are enough people there to place an order for the popular dish.
  • The next step towards increasing sales volumes is an agreement with small cafes and restaurants. This promises the dumpling manufacturer constant orders for the supply of the product. At such food outlets, semi-finished products are the most popular.

There are other equally interesting sales options:

  1. Delivery of hot dumplings – lunches . Customers can be office employees, factory workers, market sellers.
  2. Sales of products in mini-shops and stalls . Their management is willing to cooperate if the dumplings from the new manufacturer have become famous and are selling well.

Advertising homemade dumplings: necessary or not?

Beginning entrepreneurs can do without advertising. At the start of a business, word of mouth is in full swing. And very successfully. People certainly talk about a good product, just like a bad one. Therefore, the quality of dumplings should always be unsurpassed.

Selling dumplings in retail outlets is another matter. Here you will need:

  • Original packaging with logo and name of the semi-finished product.
  • Launching an advertising campaign in the form of advertisements on forums, social networks and newspapers. Installing classic stretch marks will not help here.

It may be repeated that people always talk about a quality product. This means that buyers will leave positive reviews about delicious dumplings on various Internet resources. This is why advertising expenses should not be classified as low-budget. Advertising effectively increases sales.

How much does it cost to open a dumpling shop at home from scratch: a sample company business plan

The main expenses when opening a dumpling shop at home are:

1. Equipment purchase

You will need to purchase:

  • A freezer that can hold up to 100 kg costs 7,000-11,000 rubles.
  • Electric meat grinder – 1,500-5,900 rubles.
  • Dumpling maker (can be mechanical) - from 1,500 rubles.

Total: minimum 10,000 rubles

2. Consumables - raw materials

The food supply for approximately two months of work consists of:

  • Flour (first grade required) – 2,200 rubles.
  • Luka – 850 rubles.
  • Seasonings – 520 rubles.
  • Eggs – 110 rubles.
  • Various types of meat - 52,000 rubles.

Total: 55,680 rubles.

3. Employee salaries

Although many make do with their own (family) resources, hiring outsiders to produce requires financial costs, which are better taken into account right away. In extreme cases, they will cover unexpected expenses. This is approximately 35,000 rubles.

In total, the entrepreneur spends 100,680 rubles at the start, and if we take into account the fact that some equipment is already available, then the main financial burden falls solely on the purchase of consumable products.

In the future, it is necessary to provide for expenses on advertising events, rental premises and other expenses associated with the expansion of business activities. For now, this means production in the home kitchen.

Calculation of profitability of dumplings at home

  1. On average, the sales volume of beginning entrepreneurs is no more than 400 kg per month.
  2. The cost of 1 kg of the product in question is 70 rubles.
  3. Market prices for homemade dumplings vary from 120 rubles to 160 rubles or more.
  4. Income from the sale of one kilogram of product is 50-90 rubles.
  5. The sale of four hundred kilograms will bring a monthly profit of 28,000 rubles.

Even with such a modest turnover, the investment pays off in 3-4 months.

For reference . Mini stores take 100 kg per week for sales, large outlets 300 kg each. Accordingly, you can sell 400-500 kg or more in a matter of days (if the product is of high quality), and this is a higher income.

Taxation of a dumpling shop: what taxes will need to be paid?

Register status legal entity For a dumpling shop organized in a home kitchen, it is unreasonable - the tax payments are too high, and you can’t do it without a professional accountant. This form is quite likely in the near future.

The most acceptable option is to register as an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified taxation system.

So, how much does an individual entrepreneur pay:

  • According to the “simplified” approach, a businessman pays 6% of the revenue received every quarter.
  • The amount of annual contributions transferred to the accounts of extra-budgetary funds (Pension and health insurance) is no more than 24,000 rubles.

If there are employees, an additional tax burden appears.

Everyone has faced the situation when you come home with the idea of ​​​​a quick and satisfying snack, but there is little choice of food in the refrigerator. In this case, a package of frozen dumplings comes to the rescue. This semi-finished product is popular among both adults and children. Many people consume these semi-finished products for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the article we will consider the opening of a dumpling shop with step by step instructions from scratch.

Housewives who are sensitive to kitchen chores also cannot do without dumplings. This product is in demand at any time of the year. And the use of various sauces will allow you to turn a traditional dish into a culinary masterpiece.

Thus, the dumpling business is a profitable and win-win option. As verified sources show, the sale of dumplings is constantly increasing every year. Moreover, in times of crisis, people want to save money and start buying not expensive meat products, but those that are cheaper. Dumplings are allowed without extra costs time and money to tastefully satisfy your gastronomic cravings. Therefore, the country’s monetary problems stimulate development of this business, make it profitable, bringing good profits to the owners.

How to start making dumplings?

The basis for business development will be a friendly or family contract. Hand-made sculpting and high-quality raw materials will be appreciated by friends who will tell the next fans about your product, and so on, along the chain, the information will spread. If profits increase, then think about opening a dumpling shop.

To make dumplings you will need five components:

  • premises;
  • staff;
  • equipment;
  • raw materials;
  • marketing.

Placement of dumpling shop

The premises of the future dumpling shop should be small in size so as not to overpay for rent, but spacious to accommodate equipment and free movement of personnel. An area of ​​50 m2 is enough for manual production and placement of equipment. Pay attention to sanitary and hygienic conditions, otherwise the first inspection of the sanitary and epidemiological station will not only cost you dearly, but will also deprive you of your business if it is closed. The presence of water, light, heat and ventilation is mandatory. The floor and walls should be easy to clean and light in color. This will increase the efficiency and mood of workers, and will also serve as a trump card during inspection by the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Organization of dumpling production in the workshop

Many people appreciate handmade dumplings, so the cost of the product will not confuse such buyers. The cost of this production method is high, but here you can save on the purchase of equipment. However, a rapid increase in the volume of manual production is not expected.

Machine molding of dumplings involves large volumes and low cost. At the same time, the costs of purchasing, maintaining and repairing equipment and increasing utility bills are increasing.

If you are inclined to purchase special equipment, then prepare an amount from 300,000 to 2,000,000 rubles. Note that automated lines today offer a huge selection of manufacturers, and there is no shortage of them. Even Chinese units cope perfectly with the task and pay for themselves in short term and convenient to use. Russian and European equipment is more reliable, but it costs 5 times more, so the payback period is much longer.

The minimum set of equipment required to open a dumpling shop includes:

  • industrial meat grinder;
  • apparatus for molding (sculpting) dumplings;
  • flour sower;
  • dough mixer;
  • freezer;
  • packaging and filling machine.


After purchasing and installing equipment, think about how to hire staff. There is no need to save so as not to harm production. Any underpayments will lead to the fact that the quality of your products will crack or there will be days when employees do not show up for work for unjustified reasons. Therefore, hire people with recommendations, middle-aged. Give preference to those who love to cook.

Work experience and skills in handling equipment will be an additional advantage for applicants. Remember about the sanitary and epidemiological service, so be sure to have a sanitary book with you with up-to-date records. Also, keep an eye on the medical commission throughout the work of the workshop so that you are not fined.

For automated production, the dumpling shop staff consists of at least five employees.

Raw materials and ingredients for dumplings

The quality and cost of products depend on the raw materials and ingredients used. Since dumplings are minced meat beautifully wrapped in dough, the following components will be required:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • flour;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • spices.

Try experimenting with the filling. Cottage cheese, mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes, berries will transform the dumpling production line into the production of dumplings or ravioli. Thanks to this, the product range will expand and the market sector will expand.

The minced meat should not be too raw and viscous, and must remain juicy when cooked. All kinds of minced meat components will expand the product range and attract additional customers. As for the use of artificial additives, this is a personal matter for everyone. Choose for yourself which category of citizens the product is intended for. As an option - extension client base and organization of work with turkey or rabbit meat without adding chemicals.

Make the dough elastic, of suitable thickness and ensuring reliable retention of the meat lump and juice from it, in order to reveal the taste and aroma of the product in the client’s mouth, and not in the container during cooking.

Product quality and compliance sanitary standards- a guarantee of your peace of mind and positive inspections by supervisory authorities.

What dumplings to make

No one will oblige you to comply with technical specifications and state standards for the production of dumplings. The weight, shape and color of semi-finished products vary, would there be a demand for them.

The expanded range increases the customer base. In the future, after analyzing demand, you will focus on a narrower selection of recipes.

When offering products to different types of customers, respect important rule - high quality products will allow you to retain existing customers and acquire new ones. This leads to an increase in profits and only then to an expansion of production.

Presenting yourself on the sales market

Start with business card product and with a sonorous, memorable name. Gather together as a team, call your relatives and friends. Write down all sentences, including stupid and inappropriate ones. Then rest and analyze the work done. Select the best option or combine several into one. Highlight your brand with a combination of specific colors or “crest” symbols to make your products recognizable.

Selling methods

To sell the product, enter into contracts with small retail outlets or arrange delivery to sellers at the market. Market traders are more sociable and interested in sales, so the chances of making a good profit are high. Contact large retail outlets only after creating a customer base.

Organize a tasting and hold a promotion for products, advertising the new manufacturer. Include an inexpensive gift with the package. Even a small packet of sauce or a wooden spatula will pay off and serve as a successful marketing ploy.

Customers who are satisfied with your products - best advertising. They will repeat and then systematize their choice, telling relatives and friends about the find. This will create an irreversible effect of promoting semi-finished products on the market.

Results of dumpling production: income, expenses

The production of dumplings fits into the following estimate:

  • expenses for the purchase of equipment – ​​300,000-2,000,000 rubles (manufacturer from China or Europe, respectively);
  • purchase of raw materials and consumables - 360,000 rubles;
  • costs for communal payments and rental of premises - 45,000 rubles;
  • expenses for paying wages to employees - 80,000 rubles. (for a staff of five people);

Doing some simple calculations, we arrive at the following results:

  • income - 210,000 rubles;
  • net profit - 90,000 rubles;
  • payback period 4-6 months.

The obtained figures are based on the daily production of 700 kg of dumplings. But conclusions about payback do not always coincide with the facts, so another quarter is added to the period indicated in the calculation, spent on gaining a place in the sales market, creating a customer base, and so on.

Dumplings are a very affordable, quick and tasty product for lunch or dinner. Hence the constant demand, which does not depend on the time of year or social status; everyone eats dumplings. There are many important disadvantages that dumplings that are produced on factory equipment have. Often such companies add too much soy to minced meat, which alienates consumers from the classic taste of minced meat. In this regard, the home-based dumpling business can pose serious competition to manufacturers supplying their “soy” dumplings to the shelves of city stores. After all, the taste of homemade dumplings is something that is familiar to us since childhood and is radically different from store-bought options.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a dumpling production

In the table below, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of opening a dumpling shop that produces dumplings. It can be noted that the main the target audience– people who want a satisfying and at the same time inexpensive meal.

Dumpling production business: documents for tax registration

To register a dumpling shop with the tax authorities, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. In the table below we analyze the main advantages. In addition, let's consider necessary list documents for registration of each legal form of ownership. When registering, select the OKVED code:

  • 10.13.4 - production of semi-finished meat products,
  • 10.73.1 - production of semi-finished products, dumplings, etc., boiled and uncooked, with and without filling.
Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small pet business (50-80m²). Number of personnel from 1 to 3
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a large chain of pet stores, take out loans Money, as well as scaling.
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system.

In law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The most optimal organizational form of a workshop for the production of dumplings may be the usual individual entrepreneurship(IP). The most favorable tax regime for an enterprise will be the simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of enterprise profit.

Own workshop: SES requirements

For the first time after opening a business, you can build your first premises in your personal home kitchen, which already has all the necessary equipment. But it is worth keeping in mind that to make dumplings, even in your own kitchen you must have: a large number of sockets or an extension cord, a spacious and comfortable table, a sink with a constant supply of water, the presence of a good lighting fixture and, of course, a large freezer for storing finished products. If you are planning to rent such a premises, possible success in this field can turn it into a full-fledged dumpling production workshop.

In the future, if you leave your home kitchen and rent premises, it must meet sanitary requirements Rospotrebnadzor(SES). In addition to the SES, you must obtain a conclusion on the premises for a workshop in Gospozharnadzor. To do this, it is necessary to install a fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers).

Below is a list for obtaining a basic permit from Rospotrebnadzor, after which you can begin production.

To organize this workshop indoors or at home, you will need a certain list of equipment that is necessary for this type of activity. We are not talking about new equipment; used household appliances are quite suitable:

  • Refrigerator compartment with sub-zero temperature function. Such a chamber will accommodate about 100-1500 kg of finished products; its dimensions can easily fit in a kitchen or balcony. The issue price is 7000-12000 rubles;
  • Manual or automatic meat grinder for preparing the filling. The price of this device ranges from 2000 to 7000 rubles. The approximate productivity of an automatic meat grinder is 1.5 kg of meat per minute, and a convenient tray for loading and increased power can increase production time quite significantly;
  • A device for making dumplings – a dumpling maker. It can be mechanical or automatic. An ordinary mechanical dumpling maker costs about 1000 rubles and has a productivity of 10-12 kg per hour. An automatic dumpling maker will cost you 7,000 rubles, but it will speed up the process of making dumplings significantly, as it has many additional and very convenient functions: molds for dumplings, rolling out dough, producing noodles and ravioli, and a measuring spoon.

In addition to the above equipment, you can additionally buy: Flour sifter (about 15,000 rubles), dough sheeter (about 30,000 rubles).

Where to start production?

To begin with, you will need a great recipe, preferably with an exclusive signature, so that your dumplings stand out from the crowd of your competitors. But it’s worth considering the preferences of your future customers, for example, should you make dumplings from beef or pork? Or maybe mixed minced meat or chicken? Or even cook dumplings with non-traditional fillings of vegetables or fruits? The answers to these questions can create good demand, which will provide you with a large turnover and an influx of profit.

Next, having decided on the desired filling, we proceed directly to the process of making dumplings. Dumpling makers have several molding options for future products. So, in addition to the tasty filling, you can choose an interesting shape, which can also work favorably into your hands. Automatic dumpling makers have a mode for rolling out dough from 0.2 to 3 mm thick. This can seriously affect the taste, and it is better to strictly determine the future thickness of your dough. Next, the resulting dough is placed in the dumpling chute, the required amount of minced meat is applied, and all this is turned into a finished dumpling product.

You can reduce the cost of dumplings produced by adding potatoes to the meat. Meat and potato dumplings taste no worse than pure meat dumplings, but the cost is the same.

You can reduce the cost of dumplings without losing quality by increasing the percentage of water content in the dough and minced meat. Technologically, it is possible to increase the percentage of water content in minced meat to 20%, while the taste of dumplings only becomes better.

Video review of dumpling production

The video shows the production of dumplings in detail.

Market for your products

Most often, the first batch of finished products is distributed among close friends, acquaintances and neighbors. But these are only initial reviews, and, as a rule, you can’t start a business with your family; you need to look for the main places for selling such products - public catering and convenience stores. To introduce your products to these places, you will need a number of documents to carry out trade. In fact, these are 2 declarations of conformity, but to obtain them you will need to register technical conditions production, which includes the following documents:

  • lease contract;
  • product recipe;
  • label.

The development and registration of specifications will take you 10 working days, and receiving a declaration of conformity will take about several weeks. The paperwork may seem difficult, but it's worth it. In order to make sure of the success of your company, it is best to test the first batch in some cafe or among friends. If the party receives good reviews and is approved, then there is no point in delaying the documents. After all, an honest entrepreneur is a trusted supplier.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(3.0 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.8 out of 5)
The dumpling production business is a highly profitable and competitive business. The difficulty arises in the marketing of manufactured products. Therefore, you need to think about searching for sales agents immediately after registering with the tax office.

Organize home business possible both in a large city and in a small region. Below is a business plan for the production of dumplings at home in a large regional center. What initial capital needs to be prepared and whether it is profitable to run a home business in the region, we will tell you in more detail.


Main activity: production and sale of semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings).

Company location: private sector of the city, separate annex in a private household with an area of ​​35 sq. m. Form of ownership – private property of the business organizer. Supporting documentation – evidence of home ownership.

Opening hours: daily as orders arrive.

Services offered:

  1. Dumplings, frozen, hand-made/stamped.
  2. Dumplings, frozen, hand-made.
  3. Frozen Khinkali.
  4. Frozen manti.

As an additional service, we offer delivery of hot dumplings and dumplings in portions to offices (from 5 servings).

Form of legal registration: individual entrepreneurship.

Taxation: USN.


Name of product Compound Form Price, rub./kg
Classic dumplings Minced meat: pork, beef, onion, pepper. Dough: Premium flour, egg, salt, water, vegetable oil Hand sculpting 270
Stamping 200
Lamb dumplings Minced meat: lamb, pork lard, onion, pepper Hand sculpting 320
Poultry dumplings Minced meat: chicken fillet, pork lard, onion, pepper Hand sculpting 220
Khinkali Hand sculpting 310
Manti Minced meat: pork, beef, onion, spices, herbs Hand sculpting 300
With potato Hand sculpting 160
With cherry Hand sculpting 170
With cottage cheese Hand sculpting 220
With cabbage Hand sculpting 150
With liver Hand sculpting 190

Prices for each item are set based on an analysis of the price list of the closest competitors. As a highlight it is offered additional service: delivery of hot dumplings in portions at a price of 160 rubles/250 g. Office workers can order a hot lunch, try the products and buy frozen dumplings to take home for dinner.

Planned expenses

To implement the draft business plan for the production of dumplings at home, you will need the following investments:

You can reduce the amount of your down payment if you use household appliances, which you already have in stock. If you plan to receive permitting documentation from the SES, then separate tools and equipment are required. The amount needed to purchase products: meat, flour, eggs, spices, onions is immediately added to the down payment. In the future, the cost of raw materials will be taken from the revenue, since products can be manufactured based on pre-orders.

You can save on advertising if you create a business card website on one of the free platforms for creating websites and manage groups on social networks yourself. In this case, the costs will go only to advertising budgets ( contextual advertising, partnership programs).

Since you won’t have to pay monthly rent for the premises, expenses will mainly consist of utility bills.

Project implementation planning

You can implement a home dumpling workshop project in 1 month. Of course, subject to the presence of a separate extension or if you plan to cook directly in your kitchen. Each stage is planned for specific dates to make it easier to control organizational processes and don't waste time. An example of planning each stage for the implementation of a business plan in July is given in the table below:

Some stages of implementation will overlap, for example, a group is created from the first days of implementing an idea, since it takes time to promote the group on social networks. And this is extra time. Initially, your main clients will be acquaintances and Internet users, so it is recommended to focus your attention on this area.


If you plan to sell finished products through large retail chains or stores, then a separate extension or apartment will be equipped. If you carry out production in your home kitchen, then you can only work through the Internet and through acquaintances. The SES will not issue permission for the official sale of your products.

To obtain permission from the SES, you must submit the following documents:

  • Certificates and medical certificates for the meat from which the dumplings will be made.
  • Conclusion of the SES commission on the suitability of the premises for the production of semi-finished products (presence of a hood, separate areas for cutting meat and making dough, equipped freezing and packaging).
  • Conclusion from the city's fire, environmental and energy services on the safety of small private production.

To implement the plan in a separate extension, the following zoning of the premises is required:

  • The space for cutting meat and preparing it for making minced meat is 10 sq. m.
  • Peeling vegetables – 5 sq. m.
  • Hardware preparation of dumplings – 10 sq. m.
  • Hand sculpted – 6 sq. m.
  • Preparation of vegetable and fruit filling for dumplings – 6 sq. m.

Total: a separate room for home production of dumplings must have an area of ​​at least 37 square meters. m.

Small production equipment

To make dumplings at home, you need to purchase the following furniture:

  1. Cutting tables (metal) 3 pcs. – 18,000 rub.
  2. Metal rack with shelves for finished products and blanks, 2 pcs. – 19,000 rub.
  3. Metal sink with two compartments 1 pc. – 7,000 rub.

Total: you will need at least 45,000 rubles for furniture.

To organize the manufacturing process you will need kitchen appliances and tools:

  1. Electric meat grinder 1 pc. – 7,000 rub.
  2. Dough mixer 1 pc. – 8,500 rub.
  3. Molds for making dumplings 3 pcs. – 120 rub.
  4. A small line for the production of stamped dumplings - 70,000 rubles.
  5. Hand tools and utensils (knives, cutting boards, spoons, containers for mixing minced meat and dough, pans for cooking ready-made dumplings and dumplings) – 64,000 rubles.

Total: to equip a small home workshop you will need at least 150,000 rubles.


The main problem of a small manufacturer is to find regular and profitable suppliers of products. The quality of meat should be at a high level, and the price should be as low as possible. Focus on nearby farms in your region. Homemade dumplings are made from a variety of minced meats, so the meat may come from several suppliers. The larger the batch of meat you purchase, the big discount will be provided by the supplier.

For small home production, it is possible to purchase ready-made minced meat. The supplier must have an appropriate product safety document. The wholesale price for minced meat is 130-150 rubles. The minimum price for products is 220 rubles. From the markup 90 rubles. the cost of dough in the amount of 27 rubles is deducted. As a result, from 1 kg of minced meat the net profit will be 63 rubles, which is not bad for beginners, but not enough for the profitability of a full-fledged business. It is more profitable to purchase meat in bulk and make minced meat yourself.

Small production staff

In a small home-based industry, the staff consists of family members. If private business is being sold in an attached non-residential premises, it is possible to hire external workers.

Family members, as well as hired employees, can be registered with individual entrepreneurs under an employment contract. If an individual entrepreneur is registered as a self-employed entrepreneur, then he cannot hire personnel. After conclusion employment contract with personnel it is necessary to pay contributions to the pension and social insurance funds.

For example, consider the staff for home production of dumplings and costs in the form of a table:

To save money, accounting can be outsourced. per month for salaries employees and contributions need to be allocated 82,000 rubles. In the first month, wages are paid from the entrepreneur’s personal pocket, so this amount can be added to the estimate. From the second month it is planned to become self-financing, since the products are of high quality and prices are 7% lower than those of competitors. If there is healthy competition, self-financing is possible in 5-6 months and depends on the marketing plan.

These are indicative figures. We do not consider them further as costs, since in our case members of the same family participate in creating a business and profits are distributed between them.

Planning expenses

A small home production of dumplings requires monthly funding for the following needs:

  1. Salaries to employees and payments to funds – 82,000 rubles.
  2. Utility bills – 15,000 rubles.
  3. Household needs (purchase of raw materials) – 300-500 thousand rubles.
  4. Unforeseen expenses - 15,000 rubles.
  5. Depreciation of kitchen utensils and tools – 10,000 rubles.

In total, not counting the purchase of raw materials, it will take 122,000 rubles to keep a small business afloat. The percentage of monthly expenses is presented in the form of a graph:

The graph shows that 67.2% of monthly expenses are on employee salaries. That's why this type business is beneficial for the family, where there are no actual wages, and all income is distributed between business development and replenishment of the general family fund.

Project payback

Revenue with an average sales volume of 100-150 kg per month will be about 330,000 rubles. From this amount the cost of raw materials is deducted in the amount of 60% - 198,000 rubles. Net profitability is 132,000 rubles. It is planned that sales volumes will grow and within 6 months, on average, sales will increase by 45-60%. Along with turnover, profit will increase. Net proceeds will be divided into parts:

  1. The company's fixed capital is 20%.
  2. Return on investment – ​​40%.
  3. Expansion of production – 30%.
  4. Depreciation and contingencies – 10%.

With this division, the monthly return on investment will cost 52,800 rubles. But this is provided that personnel is a family contract, and 90% of the first month’s revenue does not go to employee salaries. Investments in the project amounted to 567,500 rubles. Thus, the payback will be 10-11 months. Starting from the second month, the purchase of raw materials will be carried out at the expense of revenue. The fixed capital and expansion item are necessary for further production growth without additional financial injections. In a year and a half, it will be possible to rent space and open a full-fledged workshop for making dumplings or implement the idea of ​​home cooking in a personal dining room.


A group is launched as an advertisement in in social networks, where the menu, prices and composition of your products are presented in detail. Need to run promotion for first customers, since the products are unknown on the market and it will take time to develop regular customers. A plus for advertising will be a project to deliver ready-made dumplings to offices. Potential buyers will be able to get acquainted with your products and, if they meet all the requirements, they will be willing to order dumplings home. The price of a finished sample portion should not be overpriced, since this move is made to attract a potential buyer. In the future, the markup can be increased.

It will be effective to organize delivery to your home ready-made semi-finished products from 3 kg. But this move is unprofitable in large populated areas, where delivery from one end of the city to the other can take more than 30 minutes.


To organize a small production of semi-finished products at home, you will need a separate non-residential premises and an initial capital of about 567,500 rubles. If homemade dumplings are made in a small volume in the home kitchen, then you can get by with investing in raw materials. Utensils and tools are used at home. But in this case it will not be possible to organize sales through stores or large retail chains. It is more profitable to immediately start a small home production.

The profitability of the enterprise is 24%, the business will pay off in 1 year. At the same time, funds will be set aside for development. At first, the family is used as a staff; in the future, additional workers can be hired. The business plan for producing dumplings at home with calculations, presented above, is less profitable in megacities, where there are many large competitors, than in small towns.
