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October 25th is Russian customs day. Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation. Customs Day of the Russian Federation

The date on which Customs Officer's Day is celebrated is October 25. It was fixed by presidential decree of August 4, 1995 in honor of the anniversary of the emergence of the Unified Customs Charter. When did the Customs Regulations appear? Yes, then - October 25, 1653, under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. He established the procedure for collecting customs duties in Moscow and other Russian cities.

State Customs Committee Russian Federation, which is noteworthy, was set on the same date - October 25, 1991. Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree that formed this department.

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Before that, in the USSR customs officers also had a professional holiday, which, however, fell on a different date - May 29. Now on this date the Day of Customs Service Veterans is celebrated.

Profession of a customs officer in Russia

A customs officer is always a civil servant. His responsibilities include monitoring the movement of people, cargo and goods across the state border. Now, when the whole world is fighting international terrorism, the work of a customs officer is especially complex and responsible. It is the customs officer who is responsible for combating the illegal transportation of weapons, drugs, ammunition and other prohibited items across the Russian border.

The personification of the image of a customs officer is Vereshchagin from the film “White Sun of the Desert”: he guards the border of a country that no longer exists - Russian Empire. This character, charming in his own way and devoted to a unique idea, fell in love with many viewers and became “that customs officer.” The legendary film “White Sun of the Desert” was watched by several generations of residents of Russia and the Soviet Union.

Customs officer Pavel Vereshchagin. Still from the film “White Sun of the Desert”

International Customs Day

We know what date customs officer’s day is celebrated in Russia, but there is another holiday for workers of this profession - international. It is celebrated on January 26th. In Russia it is also celebrated - along with the usual Russian Customs Day. The fact is that on January 26, 1953, the World Customs Organization was “born,” which now includes Russia.

The profession of a customs officer - where to study, how to become a customs officer

Many customs officers do not have special education - these are people who had the chance to study as an economist or lawyer. But, of course, specialists with specialized education are more expensive. If you ask industry workers how to become a customs officer and where to study, you will receive the answer that the most valuable specialists are produced by the Russian Customs Academy, and graduates in the specialty “Customs Affairs” of the St. Petersburg branch are especially valued. However, you can choose another university.

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On the website of the university where you decide to study, you will find the answer to how to apply to become a customs officer. To do this, you need high marks on the Unified State Exam in Russian language, social studies and foreign language. Also, in some cases, people are accepted who managed to work at customs before receiving their education and received a referral.

The salary of a beginning customs officer in Moscow is from 30 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 20. The salary of a more experienced employee in both capitals is 40-45 thousand, and in smaller cities - about 25 thousand.

Customs Day of the Russian Federation falls on October 25. This day was determined by order of the President of Russia back in the mid-90s of the last century.

The memorable day of October 25 has long been significant in history, because it was marked by the appearance of the customs charter. It arose on the basis of the Decree of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov on the introduction of customs duties in all regions of our state.


Customs Officer's Day of the Russian Federation was adopted at the state level by the first Head of the Russian Federation in 1995 of the last century. It was determined by the adoption of the general customs regulations on October 25, 1953. In addition, on October 25, 1991, the customs community was approved at the state level.

When does it take place?

This holiday is celebrated twice a year on October 25 and January 26. October 25 is the professional holiday of customs officers in our state, and the second date is associated with international celebrations.

In the early 50s of the last century, the World Customs Union was organized, which included more than 15 states. And already in the early 80s of the last century, January 26 was approved as.

Who's celebrating?

The holiday is celebrated by those people who are associated with this profession, their relatives and friends.

Various meetings, banquets, and concert programs are organized for representatives of this profession. Congratulations are prepared in their honor, and poems are written. During the holiday, accumulated problems are also solved. The implementation of goals related to customs activities and dedicated to the holiday.

Customs officers celebrate their holiday on a special scale. This date is marked for them by receiving congratulations from leaders, authorities, colleagues, loved ones and relatives.


Representatives of the government of our state are actively involved in the process of awarding certificates of merit for various achievements related to economic security, for the introduction of various new developments and improvement of the regulatory process. Leaders promote those who have particularly distinguished themselves.

The network of television programs includes those dedicated to professional holiday. It mentions progress in this area, its achievements and difficulties.

About the profession

A customs officer is a specialist who controls the transportation of people and goods across borders between countries. He takes customs payments and fees and tries to prevent the illegal transportation of goods. Labor activity begins with training in higher or special education educational institution. Those who have completed the training course have the right to carry out activities in the field of public service.

Working in compliance with Customs legislation, customs officers in our state have shown that they can conduct activities based on interethnic norms. In the functioning of customs authorities, risk research and control companies operating in some countries of the world community are increasingly being used.

Nowadays, work is being done to improve customs information systems. The processes, methods of searching, collecting, processing and storing customs surveillance information are being mastered. Many customs departments have switched to electronic declaration of products using electronic keys for approval. The functioning of customs groups is being improved.

In the current situation related to the fight that Russia is waging against international terrorism, the activities of customs officials boil down to preventing the illegal transportation of weapons, the safe movement of vehicles, and working closely together with law enforcement agencies of the World Customs Organization, which is fighting terrorism.

  • The name customs came from the tribes of North Asia, and translated into Russian means “Stamp,” that is, a label applied to a product that signified ownership.
  • In the era of the Tatar-Mongol yoke and ancient Rus', local rulers were paid a quitrent called “Myt”.
  • The first customs post was located in the area of ​​​​old Palmyra. A stone was discovered here, which indicated the sequence of products for which duties had to be paid upon import and export.
  • When Prohibition was adopted in America, the illegal transportation of alcoholic beverages was carried out through the sea route. Those who transported alcohol were already prepared in advance to go through customs and attached bags of salt or sugar to the container. When danger arose, the cargo was thrown into the sea, and when the salt and sugar dissolved over time, the container with alcohol floated to the surface.
  • In the 50s, honey containing narcotic substances was discovered in Peru. Studies have shown that the drugs were not hidden in the product, but ended up there naturally, bee hives were located next to coca plantations.
  • Malaysia imposes fines on travelers for importing certain cosmetics, confectionery, household appliances.
  • It is prohibited to import binoculars considered as weapons into Ethiopia.

There are:

On this counter you can keep track of how many days are left until the holiday “Customs Officer’s Day of the Russian Federation”

In the photo, an employee of the SOBR of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.

October 25 has long been considered a significant day in the history of the Russian customs service. It was on this day in 1653 that the Unified Customs Charter first appeared in the country, born from the Decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich on the collection customs duty"in Moscow and Russian cities."

From that moment on, customs became public service, designed to protect the economic interests of the country. And on October 25, 1991, by Decree of the President of Russia, the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation was formed.

The Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 811 of August 4, 1995 “On the establishment of the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation.”

The topic of this article has been ripe for a long time. But I was able to implement it only now.

The fight against crime in the field of customs is mainly related to two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: article 188 “Smuggling” and 194 “Evasion of customs duties levied on an organization or individual.”

But what does any customs SOBR have to do with it? Or they also ask: “Why do customs need special forces”?

This question is asked by ordinary citizens and professionals in the field of customs, then by employees and veterans of law enforcement agencies of various departments not only in Russia but also in the CIS countries, with whom I had to communicate on the Internet and in real life. Although, what is the line between the Internet and reality? Probably only temporary.

This will always happen when there is no clarity and completeness of information about the activities of a particular service, its effectiveness and expediency.

I will give here the opinion of Dmitry Sukharev. True, he is a far removed person from the customs service and does not even know why the customs authorities have operational services. But all this is only due to illiteracy. He doesn’t understand much, but he begins to reason. He just doesn’t give any arguments in favor of his opinion in relation to those “... who go to work with one goal - to get fat...”

"...Why do we need SOBRs? There shouldn't be any SOBRs at all. Our whole country has turned into one kind of stupid and helpless SOBR. Not only are they not needed by customs, but also by all other structures that contain them..."

"...These same SOBRs have now been created under literally any structure that has at least some state funds. Is there nowhere else to put them? They will soon be attached to laundries..."

“...I don’t understand why you keep lecturing me about the benefits of the customs service? I didn’t say anything bad about customs as such. Although I could have. If these magnificent workers began to be imprisoned in armfuls, en masse, at customs posts. About how these same hard workers grabbed thousands of bribes for themselves, at the same time as ordinary (non-customs) servants, without receiving wages, continued to go to work. In our region there was a case of death of an ordinary guard - from hunger. Two weeks the guy didn't eat anything, but didn't take it "on his paw". I have never heard anything like that about customs officers. NEVER. And I never will.

I will never respect this public. Just as I will never respect traffic cops, no matter what you call them. And everyone who goes to work with one goal - to get fat..."

“Why does Customs need its own special forces? In my opinion, this is a disruptive initiative of your superiors, who want to have their own fighters. And in fact, they are eating the people’s bread.”

“These functions may well be performed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs or bailiffs.”

“Why are there any “sobrats” in the customs control zone? Soviet time We got along just fine without them and now we don’t need them there. In case of emergency situations, you can use the one created in each staff unit a rapid response team of a maximum of 5 people, who, in the absence of emergency situations, perform their normal customs duties.
But entire units of some kind of customs collection are not needed and only eat up budget money."

“It’s just not clear why we need some kind of parasites with weapons and in uniform, in huge quantities, in order to “stop” some kind of incomprehensible smuggling (in what form?) “outside the zones of customs points.”

“For new positions, slackers, the allocation of huge funds and everything for unemployed thousands (tens of thousands???) of people. Ordinary Vshivtsevs are satisfied with this - to do nothing, receiving some kind of money for it, and the bosses cut larger sums and gain weight in structure (high positions, titles, connections, etc.)."

Sergey Zhukov 2 (2010)

“Well, now tell me, “Why in the customs control zone... are there “sobras”...?” You have been given a task - complete it..."

Boris Bezroda 04/01/2010

I will not dispute the arguments of my opponents for now, especially since they are unfounded and if Dmitry Sukharev had bothered to read about this topic at least on the official website of the Federal Customs Service, he would have an idea about operations in customs and what they do there. But, as they say, “if the mountain does not come to Magamet, then Mohammed goes to the mountain.”

Why do customs officers need operational officers?

OPERATIONAL-SEARCH ACTIVITIES OF THE CUSTOMS AUTHORITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION - a type of activity carried out by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation in order to identify persons preparing or committing an illegal act recognized by the legislation of the Russian Federation as a crime, the investigation of which is within the competence of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as upon requests from international customs organizations, customs and other competent authorities of foreign states in accordance with international and Russian treaties on customs issues.

The main task of the security unit of the customs service is the detection of planned, preparing, committed (ongoing), completed crimes, identification and detection of suspects, objects (persons and objects), objects of criminal encroachment and other things to establish the truth in criminal cases within the competence of the customs authorities RF.

For this purpose, units have been specially created that carry out operational and operational investigations. In many cases, it is necessary to have the presence or physical intervention of armed officers who have weapons, special hand-to-hand combat techniques, and the ability to detain suspects who may resist or resist operational officers, interrogators or investigators.

The search in the Russian customs service is not “know-how” or, as they say now, it is not an innovation of recent years, necessary for the theft of money by some customs bosses from the taxpayer’s pocket, as the mockingbirds say (what else can they be called?).

To clarify the historical connection between the activities of the customs authorities of Russia and this same structure in the past, I will begin my story with the history of customs in Russia according to the book by Yu.G. Kislovsky "Smuggling. History and Modernity" 1996. I heard lectures by this respected author several years ago at the Customs Academy while studying at the Faculty of Law.

Even in the Personal Decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1681, it was said that strict measures were envisaged for persons who caused damage to the treasury resulting from a shortage of duties. In addition, in accordance with it, a search was undertaken for persons involved in smuggling. What is clear from the twentieth article of the Personal Decree of Alexei Mikhailovich, which I will not quote here. It is on the Internet. And if you have any questions, I can then provide a quote in the attachment.

I hope this is clear.

But why do customs need special rapid response units (SOBR)?

Special rapid response units (SOBR) provide force support for the operational-search activities of customs officers, prosecutors, and the FSB. The main form of action is to carry out special events and operations in cooperation with divisions of customs authorities and divisions of other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. (I have not yet sufficiently explored this part in my works).

Dry words. Little of this is clear to the average person.

An example from life, more precisely from the work of operational services and the Special Rapid Response Team of the customs service.

According to official data, at the time of 2008, the customs authorities operated 58 special rapid response units with a total number of 1,409 people. In 2008 and 2009, Sobrov members held over 106 thousand special events. As a result of their conduct in cooperation with law enforcement units of customs authorities, goods and vehicles worth over 511 million rubles were detained. 337 criminal cases and 3,374 cases of administrative offenses were initiated.

Special rapid response units, in collaboration with customs officers and other law enforcement agencies, are constantly involved in special operations regional and federal levels, such as “Almaz”, “Les”, “Vostok”, “Dozor”, “Barrier”, “Zaslon”, “Putina”, “Skoroport”, etc. aimed at preventing and suppressing offenses and crimes in the field of customs affairs.

To carry out such complex and responsible tasks, SOBR is provided with modern special equipment: air, sea and river vessels, as well as vehicles.

When carrying out assigned tasks, SOBR sometimes has to risk their lives. The leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia highly appreciates the merits of the customs special forces.

What is behind the statistics and official data of the Russian customs service? There are people behind these dry numbers. I note that they are worthy. And I am very unhappy when I hear swear words addressed to them. SOBR is despised without hiding it.

“Immeasurable contempt gives the despised a sense of his own greatness.”

Victor Hugo

In the same outfit with me were guys from different regions of the SOBR units of the customs authorities. We met someone once. And with whom, side by side, we spent more than one day together, being on patrol, waiting for violators in ambush, detaining alleged criminals while they were committing illegal actions. We spent a lot of time together - working and relaxing. Of course, there were some conversations. I present some of them to the readers here.

Behind these conversations lies the invisible side of the service of hundreds of people in uniform. Sobrovtsy at the border are working with full dedication. According to information provided by FSB and FCS operatives, the activities of smugglers are being suppressed. They organize ambushes on possible ways following the transport of persons transporting smuggled goods.

Fedor T., captain of the customs service, SOBR Bryansk customs:

We have to detain border violators almost every day. It's easy to do. There they made a ditch across the field. Through which two thick boards are laid and cars or carts drive over them. Why are you laughing? Is it true. Carts carry almost no less than cars. They are neither heard nor seen. And the horse will not be confiscated. And he will either build the cart himself or buy it. The benefit pays off quickly and easily. They can do this anywhere and at any time. The smugglers are mostly local, either from the Russian or Ukrainian side. What else should they do? Collective farms were closed, production facilities were bought up by Moscow oligarchs back in the nineties and also went bankrupt. There is no work. Either go somewhere or drink vodka. And then the border and nimble little people appeared. They promised good money. People need to survive. So they are engaged in smuggling. Police and border guards? They are in trouble. Even when we go, they are informed. Have you seen grannies selling sunflower seeds in front of customs? So these are bandit “tricksters”. We leave the territory and they immediately call the bandits from their mobile phones and inform them that the SOBR has left. Each call is valued at one hundred dollars. Sunflower seeds are so - a legend - a cover. That's how we work.

Alexey S., captain of the customs service, SOBR Bryansk customs:

A month ago, a local resident from a village located three kilometers from the Ukrainian border was detained. On a horse-drawn cart, he was transporting three bales with Chinese clothes from the other side. He made three or four such “flights” a day. To the question - how much does he earn per day? He answered that he worked for a bottle of vodka. But apparently, vodka is expensive and costs money. Since he built up a three-story mansion, registered in the name of his retired mother, and bought a “completely stuffed” Mitsubishi Pajero, also registered in his mother’s name. And my mother has a pension of eight thousand rubles. Well, what could they do? We filed an “administrative document” (the case of administrative offense), the documents were sent to the administrative investigation department. The guys “cut down the stick” while sitting in the office. And here we go again, in the rain or in the heat, with machine guns to the border. What's wrong with the cart? Vehicle must be withdrawn. The sealed cart is parked on the territory of the customs post, and no one will supply the horse; there is no one to feed it. They gave it back to the owner. A day later we saw him on this nag, but on a new cart - he was carrying hay. He's probably still carrying bales of clothes again. We'll come back from a business trip and catch him again. We'll lay up the second cart.

That's what! - his colleague Arthur continues the conversation, - one such “huckster” (trader - author) has his own temporary storage warehouse (temporary storage warehouse - author), illegal, of course. I bought several village houses. He demolished everything. I fenced off the area with a three-meter fence with barbed wire. And several trucks with goods are driven to him at once for transshipment. Police? Of course he knows! He, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate and the prosecutor take a steam bath and go hunting together. Do you know what hunting is like in our forests? Come!

Oleg K., senior lieutenant of the customs service, SOBR Rostov customs:

At the end of May, in a field on a country road, not far from the border with Ukraine, we catch a “loaf” (UAZ) chock-full of strawberries for sale. He offered dollars. Everyone was afraid that it would go bad. Delivered with completed documents to the customs post. But he left there within twenty minutes. Who did we let go? Yes. Was. A man in a Niva also drove across the boards into the field. I was carrying a lot of food in the car. Almost to the tune of a few bucks. They started checking the documents. He turned out to be a father of many children - eight children. To feed this crowd, it is purchased from Ukraine. But he doesn’t go through the checkpoint because at the two borders you either have to spend money, or everything will be taken away. This is how he carries it. Maybe some for sale. But not on the same scale. He does this to feed his family. They let me go. But then we were on patrol with one of the bosses from YuTU, and this one fell for the sin. "Yutushnik" forced him to formalize it. Ten kilograms of sausage, ten kilograms of lard and a leg of lamb. But the real smuggler was caught, so he got into the cab of his truck with him and came out happy. He ordered to be released. I hate such bastards...

Andrey P., customs service major, SOBR of Samara customs:

We somehow caught up with the intruder state border driving a KAMAZ truck. They signaled to him as best they could. He didn’t let us overtake, but we were on the “goat” (UAZ Hunter). We got carried away by the chase. Then he started shooting from the AKSU into the air. But he doesn't stop. When they finally caught up with and detained the intruder, he said that he did not hear or see us. He lied, of course. He was carrying expensive goods. Then, while sitting in a pre-trial detention center, he wrote complaints to the Prosecutor's Office about me, as the eldest, and that I could have killed him with shots from a machine gun. I “unsubscribed” for several months.

Anton D., captain of the customs service, SOBR of Belgorod customs:

There was a case when, within a day, equipment was brought to the border with Ukraine on the other side. Border guards reported that from a helicopter they saw about two thousand trucks nearby. Overnight they made a clearing through the forest and used bulldozers to level the ground. More than three thousand trucks drove behind them. Well, what could the three of us do against them? Nobody provided help. They just told me not to write a report on this matter. The authorities don't need publicity. So we drove on. I don’t know how it will go on.

Alexander T., customs service major, SOBR Belgorod region:

And after detaining the border violator, we roll back our masks and get down to writing. We prepare all the documents for criminal or administrative charges ourselves. The senior runs around the offices and collects all the papers, files them and hands them over to these “cleanies” in the offices who are supposed to do this. But there are those who do the work, and there are those who skim off the cream...

Alexander K., captain of the customs service, SOBR of the Kaliningrad customs:

Once we were at a joint event with border guards. They caught shuttle workers dumping goods from trains. Night. Dark. We go without flashlights - we comb the forest belt. Suddenly, from the bushes, an aunt with a checkered bag will jump out at me. I thought I would die of fear...

Nikolay I., lieutenant colonel of the customs service, SOBR of the Voronezh region:

What? You say you study at the customs academy. And they say that only six or eight percent of contraband is caught? They even bend it. They lie, in a word. Even what is arrested is sold to the same “hucksters”. Listen here. We detain twenty trucks with contraband. There, on the road, within ten minutes, a businessman in a Pradika appears and immediately offers to sell the goods for twenty thousand greenbacks. We refuse, they say, we have already reported to the authorities. And he tells us that if we don’t release his cars, then at customs he will give five thousand per car and the issue will be resolved. We tell him that it won’t work, there are inspectors from Moscow. And then he says that in Moscow he will give you ten for each car and let you go. Here's how...

Why is all this here? In order to see the living in these people, and not the “official” one.

Sergei Zhukov 2 spoke about the USSR that there were no such units there. But at the border, from the late twenties, issues were raised with the capture of border violators with the help of local residents, who were stimulated economically, that is, there was work, there were essential goods to meet their needs. Now local residents have no work and no means of livelihood. The state forgot about them. And they, like hundreds of years ago, are engaged in smuggling. This natural process must be eradicated. Of course, not by such “draconian” methods as some hotheads propose - to jail everyone. Can you imagine how many people this is? The prisons are already filled to capacity. This is the first.

Second. In Soviet times, there was no such trade turnover and there was no such catastrophic situation in the economy as there is now. Smuggling is a “litmus test”, a certain indicator of the state of the economy in the state.

Returning to the history of this issue, were there units similar to modern SOBR units before? I will answer that there were.

In connection with the increase in attempts to secretly transport goods past customs, according to the Decree of the Great Sovereign of July 11, 1698, military patrols of thirty to forty archers were introduced in the vicinity of Verkhoturye.

The same measures were taken in other areas Russian state. The same tasks that were assigned to the archers of the late seventeenth century are prescribed to modern Sobrov officers of the customs service.

If we talk about taxpayers' money wasted on such services, as some people say. Even in tsarist times, they recognized the fact that the growth of professionalism of smugglers, their close connection with the commercial and industrial world required certain costs to combat them, which were justified.

So, according to official data, every ruble invested in a customs officer brings real income to the state of more than nine thousand rubles. This is despite the fact that the customs officer is dressed in uniform, paid a salary and is not socially deprived of customs officers; of course, these costs are less than in the USA or Argentina. And, probably, every customs officer has spoken about what he lacks or lacks. Despite everything, it does its job.

Dmitry Sukharev believes that search (operational search activity) and probably inquiry is not the job of customs officers. That's probably true. Perhaps he's right. But Russian legislation assumes functions for the customs service that are determined by the present moment and historical continuity. Even by the Personal Decrees of the Tsars of the Russian Empire, customs officers and border guards were supposed to search for persons involved in smuggling, then detain them and bring them to trial. Which is also normal now.

If Dmitry Sukharev and those with him believe that all customs officers should be imprisoned and law enforcement functions removed, so be it. But who will carry out the control functions of customs officers? Who will monitor activities commercial organizations in customs affairs, in foreign economic activity? Who will fight smuggling? Police? FSB? Or, as Sergei Zhukov 2 suggests, should bailiffs do this? Let them make changes to the legislation and reform the services in accordance with this. Dmitry Sukhorev is only capable of putting everyone in prison, but does not offer anything constructive in return.

What are Sobrov officers doing at the border?

I answer. Smugglers are caught at the border. Is it their business? Bye them. This was how it was hundreds of years before the Sobrovites. But then this was done by military units of Streltsy, Cossacks and then by special customs horse patrols. This was also the case under Soviet rule until the sixties. The only difference is in the name, technical and material equipment. But the tactics have not changed fundamentally.

Is it the job of customs officers to search for smugglers?

Even Peter 1 in 1702 established fiscal officials in the customs, engaged in the search for persons involved in smuggling.

Dmitry Sukhorev and others like him do not accept this, since the former Sobrov member is a priori stupider than them, which really touches them. But that's not the main thing. What does it matter to me if someone thinks they are smarter than me? Absolutely nothing. Moreover, customs officers are despised. Although, they don’t know a lot, a lot. Despite the fact that not all customs officers are scoundrels, they cannot all be bastards. Just like not all policemen are like former police major Evsyukov, who killed several people in a drunken shop. Not everyone is like those policemen who are in the village of Kushchevskaya Krasnodar region covered up the crimes of bandits and became swindlers themselves. Everyone can't be assholes. But they are probably everywhere and have been at all times.

The customs service also has a professional holiday. Moreover, two holidays have been established for the customs service. One is the Day Russian customs officer, and the second is “Customs Service Veterans Day”. These two holidays do not have the same day, however, they are two official holidays reserved for active and retired employees.

Russian Customs Day is one of the youngest holidays. It was formed in 1995 by Decree of President Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin No. 811 of August 4, 1995. “On the establishment of Customs Officer Day of the Russian Federation.” Since then, Russian Customs Day has been celebrated on October 25. Previously, this holiday was celebrated on May 29, today on this day “Customs Service Veterans Day” is celebrated.

But October 25, as the date on which Congratulations on Customs Day are sounded, was not chosen by chance. It was on October 25, 1653, that Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov adopted a decree on the collection of customs duties and the Unified Customs Charter was approved. It's about about a historical date that was forgotten over time, and the presidential decree helped restore historical justice.

To date, customs Service is a developed structure with its own characteristics. Customs officers are entrusted with the function of preserving economic security Russia. With the emergence of the Customs Union between the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan, and also after international agreements regarding customs clearance, their service has become even more complex. In addition, it should be noted that given the current situation, complicated by terrorism, customs officers have another duty - to suppress any attempts to smuggle weapons and ammunition. The Day of the Russian Customs Officer is intended to recognize the merits of representatives of this structure. Naturally, congratulations on Customs Day, in light of all of the above, are simply necessary for employees of this service.

Customs Officer's Day is celebrated not only in our country, but also in many other countries former USSR. This is due to the fact that there is a customs service in every state. And they all exercise control and compliance with the economic security of the state. International Customs Day has been celebrated since 1983. Well, Russian Customs Officer Day was first celebrated in the Soviet Union, when the holiday fell on May 29.

Russian Customs Day provides us with the opportunity to congratulate all those who work in this area, who directly control the import and export of various goods. Historically, it so happened that there was always a need for an inspection, or a service exercising control over what and how it crosses the border. Previously, this function lay with the Sanitary Service; today there is a special Customs Service that copes with its work perfectly.

Russian Customs Day is also an occasion to celebrate the work of those who train personnel for the customs service. Not so long ago, many universities in the country opened special faculties that teach customs affairs. Not only for people who carry out customs declarations at enterprises and customs brokerage firms, but also directly for the customs office itself. After all, it is the specialists educational institutions Such employees are being trained, which means that they also make their contribution to the work of the customs service, which means that, along with representatives of the customs structure, their merits should be recognized on Russian Customs Day.

This work is truly difficult, because in addition to legislative framework, you also need to know special programs that allow you to use electronic declaration services. Today is Russian Customs Day - this is truly a big holiday. It is difficult to imagine how many powers and functions are assigned to this service. It is quite natural that sooner or later there would be a need to establish this holiday, since any sphere requires that a corresponding holiday be established in its honor.

A gift to a customs officer is one of the problems that arises on the day of the customs officer. This could be a business gift in the form of an expensive pen or a diary, or maybe just a humorous souvenir. The choice of gifts for a customs officer is huge. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of different items that reflect the essence of the customs system, even from a humorous point of view, you can find a figurine of a serious customs officer with a dashing cap on. A huge selection of magnets and badges, the most common stickers and just mugs with original images. Choosing a gift for a customs officer is not difficult; the most important thing is to know the tastes of your customs representative.

Not only men, but also representatives of the fair sex work in this field. You can also choose specific gifts for them that will not gather dust on the shelf, but will always be in the purse of a beautiful lady of your heart. There is always a choice. And a funny figurine will not be out of place on your desktop, and a stand for pencils and pens will also have a functional purpose.

The customs service has been operating for 400 years, although the holiday of customs officers is one of the youngest holidays, since only in the 20th century it received official status and began to be widely celebrated throughout the Russian Federation. And the etymology of the word “customs” already suggests ancient history. This word comes from the Turkic “tamga”, originally it was a mark that was placed on livestock and any valuable property. Later, the word was used to refer to the duty that was paid when purchasing goods. Already in Ancient Rus' this word turned into "myto", that is, a payment collected by Russian princes. Subsequently, it was from this word that the concept Mytny Dvor came, that is, the place where this duty was paid. Even later, when a large number of goods transported across state borders appeared, an urgent problem arose to form bodies that would directly deal with the control of the import and export of goods. In connection with this need, a customs service appeared, which was authorized to control not just imported and exported goods, but also their quality and sanitary condition. Today, the customs service is even authorized to carry out administrative paperwork in relation to persons violating the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

Congratulations on Customs Officer's Day are found almost everywhere. Not only the immediate management, but also representatives of the highest echelons of power congratulate. To the address structural divisions congratulations are sent, you can hear an appeal from the President of the Russian Federation about recognition of the merits of the Customs Service, about what contribution this structure has made to the defense of the country, to its economic development. Congratulations on Customs Day also come from the relatives of all those who work in this structure. Such congratulations can be in verse; they are more sincere and less pompous.

Of course, for most customs officers, it is best to receive Congratulations on Customs Officer’s Day in the form of an honorary badge for services professional activity. Along with him, the customs officer is awarded the honorary title “Honored Customs Officer of the Russian Federation.” In order to receive this title and this badge, certain requirements must be met. It is necessary to prove oneself while protecting economic sovereignty, introduce new technologies and means of control, improve the customs regulation system, and train qualified personnel.

Naturally, in this form, this is the most best congratulations Happy customs officer's day. Taking into account all the conditions, Congratulations on Customs Officer's Day in the form of a badge and an honorary title becomes a truly prestigious award and real recognition of all the merits of this customs officer. The title of honorary customs officer has its own history. It was introduced only in 2001, or more precisely on October 5, 2001, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1192 “On introducing an amendment to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1995 No. 1341 “On the establishment of honorary titles of the Russian Federation, approval of provisions on honorary titles and descriptions breastplate for honorary titles of the Russian Federation." The same document introduced requirements for applicants for this title and badge, and changes were made in 2010.

Congratulations on Customs Officer's Day can be very diverse, but their essence is the same - this is recognition of the merits of customs officers, this is attention to their activities and work, this is an emphasis on the diligence with which representatives of the customs sector carry out their daily duties. Therefore, first of all, Congratulations on Customs Officer’s Day is not simple words, for customs officers this is, first of all, recognition of their merits.

It is difficult to imagine Russian Customs Day without traditional speeches. Every year concerts are held where not only official representatives, but also songs and congratulations from many of those who want to really congratulate you on this holiday.


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October 25 is the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation. It was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 4, 1995 “On the establishment of Customs Officer Day of the Russian Federation.”

The Federal Customs Service is an authorized federal body executive power carrying out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the functions of developing state policy and regulatory legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of customs affairs, as well as the functions of an agent exchange control And special functions to combat smuggling, other crimes and administrative offenses.

The Russian customs service is one of the largest in the world. The structure of the Federal Customs Service of Russia includes 8 regional and 4 specialized customs departments, 96 customs offices, 538 customs posts.

The Federal Customs Service of Russia has its representatives in 17 countries of the near and far abroad.

In 2011 Customs, exceeding the results of 2010 by 39%, and the plan - by 3.5%.

Over the nine months of 2012 (January-September), the Federal Customs Service increased transfers to the federal budget by 13.6% compared to the same period last year to 4.726 trillion rubles.

The customs authorities of the Russian Federation are in the stage of active institutional development, which occurs taking into account Russia’s entry into the World trade organization(WTO), changes in the volume of passenger and goods flows, increasing the intensity of foreign economic activity of the country's regions, growing needs transport organizations, exporters and importers.

The Federal Customs Service of Russia plays a significant role in the development of economic integration of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Finally withdrawn on July 1, 2011 customs control at the internal borders of the countries of the Customs Union.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources
