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Workplace on shopping mall and from. What should be the workplace? Workplace safety requirements

Technological process is a part production process containing purposeful actions to change and (or) determine the state of the object of labor.

The technological process can be attributed to the product, its component parts or to the methods of processing, formation and assembly.

The objects of labor include blanks and products. The technological process is divided into a part of technological operations.

Technological operation- this is a complete part of the technological process, performed at one workplace. The operation is associated with the performance of a legitimate amount of work and is the main element of production planning and accounting.

The technological operation is divided into settings, positions and transitions. The main part of the operation is the transition, which is a set of processes for processing one or a set of parts, with the same tool or its set, with the same mode.

The workplace is the area, equipped with the necessary technical means, in which the labor activity of the performer or a group of performers jointly performing one work or operation is carried out.

At the workplace, the main goal of labor is achieved - high-quality, economical and timely production of products or the performance of a specified amount of work.

To achieve this goal, technical, organizational, economic and ergonomic requirements are imposed on the workplace.

On the technical side, the workplace must be equipped with advanced equipment, the necessary technological and organizational equipment, tools, instrumentation, provided by the technology, lifting and transport vehicles.

On the organizational side, the equipment available at the workplace should be rationally located within the working area; a variant of the optimal maintenance of the workplace with raw materials, materials, blanks, parts, tools, repair of equipment and tooling, waste disposal was found; safe and health-friendly working conditions are provided.

On the economic side, the organization of the workplace should ensure optimal employment of workers, the highest possible level of labor productivity and quality of work.

Ergonomic requirements take place in the design of equipment, technological and organizational equipment, the layout of the workplace.

The work process of an employee, regardless of what functions he performs, is characterized by inherent laws that determine:

Placement of the employee in the working area;

The position of the working area;

The sequence, quantity and spatial extent of the labor movements that make up the labor process;

The sequence of entry of a person into work;

The appearance, build-up and reduction of fatigue.

Workplace - spatial zone of labor activity:

Equipped with the necessary basic and auxiliary means; - determined on the basis of labor and other standards;

Assigned to one or a group of workers to perform certain production or management work.

Jobs vary:

By the number of performers: individual and collective workplaces;

By type of production: main and auxiliary;

By type of production: mass, serial and single;

By degree of specialization: universal, specialized and special;

By the level of mechanization: mechanized, automated, for manual work;

By the number of equipment: single-station, multi-station.

work post- this is a section of the production area, equipped with technological equipment for placing a car and designed to perform one or more homogeneous work.

The post includes one or more jobs.

Workplace- this is the area of ​​labor activity of the performer, equipped with technological equipment, devices and tools for performing a specific job.

Workplaces in a diagnostic station are a system of inextricably linked links. This connection is determined by the unity of the production process, the proportional ratio of shift tasks at all workplaces, the communication of industrial outlets that supply compressed air, electricity, coolant, lubricants, etc.

the primary and most important link in the spatial organization of production, including all the components necessary for labor activity

Job definition and characteristics, job market, job certification and norms, buying and creating jobs

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Workplace is, definition

The workplace is organizationally indivisible (in given specific conditions) link of the production process, serviced by one or more workers, designed to perform one or more production or service operations, equipped with appropriate equipment and technological equipment. Mutual rights and obligations between the employee and the employer in relation to the workplace are stipulated and / or fixed in the employment contract.

The workplace is the place where the employee must be and where he performs work in the mode and conditions provided for by the regulatory and technical documentation. The definition of the concept of "workplace" is legally enshrined in Art. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and fully complies with generally accepted international terminology, in particular, the definition contained in the ILO Convention No. 155: "Places directly or indirectly controlled by the employer, where the employee must be or where he must go in connection with his work."

The workplace is the spatial area where the employee and the means of applying his labor, adapted to perform the functions assigned to him. This zone (space) is determined on the basis of technical and ergonomic standards and is equipped with technical and other means necessary for the employee to perform the specific task assigned to him.

The workplace is a section of the premises where labor activity is carried out during the working shift or part of it. Multiple locations can be a workspace. production premises. If these areas are located throughout the premises, then the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is considered the workplace. ( State system sanitary and epidemiological regulation Russian Federation. Federal sanitary rules, norms and hygiene standards. 2.2.4. Physical factors of the production environment. Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. Sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN

The place and the means of production located on it, the tools of labor for the performance of work, adapted to the implementation of labor functions by one worker of a certain profession. The number of jobs in the enterprise must correspond to the number of employees employed in it, taking into account the schedule and shifts of work, the availability of holidays.

The workplace is

This is not a chair. In fact, an employee of an enterprise during a long administrative leave, when he does not work at this enterprise and he does not have earnings here, actually does not have a job there (although most often the spatial zone in which he worked before the vacation, is present and is not occupied by anyone, and the employee can come and make sure of its presence). To create jobs, money is needed not only for housing, equipment, etc., but also for everything else that is directly necessary for labor activity: raw materials, materials, wages, etc.

Job classification

The concept of "workplace" is ambiguous and can be classified according to a number of features.

The workplace has a location, which, depending on the type of activity of the enterprise (production, services, etc.), can be changed, i.e. be permanent or temporary. The workplace is defined within a particular organization (place of work). So, the place of work can be legal - indicated in the employment contract, actual - indicated in the order. In turn, the workplace is the exact (actual) place of work.

There are about eleven features that characterize the workplace.

Jobs vary:

By the number of performers: individual and collective workplaces;

By type of production: main and auxiliary;

By type of production: mass, serial and single;

By degree of specialization: universal, specialized and special;

By the level of mechanization: mechanized, automated, for manual work;

By the number of equipment: single-station, multi-station.

Depending on the characteristics of the production process and the nature of the work performed, the number of workers-performers distinguish the following types work places:

simple workspace

A simple workplace - one worker serves one unit. For example, one programmer maintains one set computer technology or one universal lathe serviced by one turner.

Multi-station workplace

A multi-machine workplace involves the maintenance of several units by one worker at the same time. This type of jobs is widespread in the textile industry and in mechanical engineering. For example, five lathes are serviced by one lathe operator.

Collective workplace

Collective - characteristic of chemical industry, petrochemical, metallurgical and a number of sub-sectors of the food industry, as well as for large vehicles (aircraft, sea and river vessels, locomotives). In this case, one unit is serviced not by one, but by several workers. For example, a large rolling mill steel plant serve up to 120 workers simultaneously.

Spatial Jobs

Spatial jobs are not associated with any sector of the economy, types of products or means of labor, but are determined by the nature of the work. This is, for example, geological exploration, cleaning of premises, grazing, etc. An employee does not have a fixed workplace, but only a delineated space. He is assigned only a permanent place of appearance - a special room or office where the arrival and departure of the employee is recorded and his diligence is monitored. The workplace of a number of production specialists and managers does not have a clear regulation. They perform their immediate duties, not only sitting at their desk, but also being on the territory of the company. To some extent, this is a free workplace in the sense that this category of workers can freely use any point on the territory of the enterprise to perform their assigned duties.

Free workplace

Free workplace (to perform their duties, the employee uses any point on the territory of the enterprise).

According to the constancy of the location, they distinguish:

Stationary workplaces

Stationary workplaces are motionless, located on a fixed production area and equipped with stationary means of labor (machines, mechanisms, tools). Items of labor are delivered directly to the workplace.

Mobile workstations

Mobile jobs do not have production areas assigned to them, but they themselves move towards the location of the objects of labor. For example, a drilling machine is moving towards a drilling site. Many jobs move simultaneously with the objects of labor - cars, trains and others vehicles.

Depending on the level of mechanization and automation of the work performed, there are:

Jobs for manual work

Labor operations at such workplaces are performed with a hand tool, and the transformation of the object is carried out at the expense of the employee's energy costs. Examples are such types of work as: excavation with a pick and a shovel; manual sawing of wood or cutting of logs with an axe; manual assembly of units of machines and mechanisms and! etc. The work performed at these workplaces is highly labor intensive, and labor productivity here, as a rule, is not high. However, it should be noted that it is almost impossible to completely exclude manual jobs from the production sector: even in conditions of full automation, adjustment and adjustment automatic systems remain manual operations, just like many types of repair and maintenance work on technological equipment.

Workplaces for machine-manual work

All transformations of objects of labor at such workplaces are carried out either by machines and mechanisms with the direct participation of the worker with the corresponding energy costs on his part (for example, sawing wood on a circular saw with manual feed), or the work is performed by a mechanized tool with the efforts of the worker himself (for example, drilling holes with a manual electric drill, drilling holes with a manual pneumatic puncher, planing boards with an electric planer, etc.).

In machine-manual work, the transformation of the object of labor is carried out at the expense of two sources: external energy (electric, pneumatic, etc.) and the energy of the worker himself. Such jobs occupy an intermediate position between the first (manual) and subsequent (mechanized) groups. From an organizational point of view, with machine-manual work, as well as with manual work, it is impossible multi-station service and the combination of rest time with the time of processing the object of labor.

mechanized workplaces

All technological processes in this case are carried out by machines and mechanisms with the corresponding costs of external energy, but with the direct truth of workers, whose role is reduced to managing the means of labor (installation of the object of labor, starting or stopping the machine, monitoring the operation of the mechanism, quality control, removing the product and etc.). A distinctive feature of the jobs of this group is that the worker himself does not directly expend energy on the transformation of the object of labor, but spends it only on auxiliary elements. Examples are part machining operations and machine tools, on the management of loading and unloading and transport mechanisms, on sewing on an electric sewing machine.


They are equipped with automatic mechanisms, machines or their systems, capable of weeding out all technological operations without the direct participation of the worker, whose role is to start, stop automatic machines and control their work. The time of automatic operation of the equipment can be significant, in connection with which, as a rule, it becomes possible for one worker to service several automatic machines.

Hardware workstations

These jobs differ from mechanized and automated ones in that they are equipped with special equipment (devices) in which the transformation of objects of labor is carried out under the influence of chemical, electrical or thermal energy. As in automated workplaces, the functions of the workers-apparatists are reduced to monitoring the care of the devices according to the readings of the instruments. If there are several devices and a sufficient amount of time for the automatic instrumental cycle, it is possible for one operator to service two or more devices at the same time.

According to the functions performed by the employee:

Workplace of the head

Workplace of the head - the place of application of the work of the head, equipped with appropriate equipment and other accessories necessary for the effective performance of the duties assigned to him. The manager's workplace is equipped in a separate office and, as a rule, consists of three functional areas: a working area, a meeting area and a recreation area.

The workplace of the head is a separate part of the premises of the enterprise, equipped in accordance with the nature of the functions performed with the necessary means of labor. The size of the area and equipment of the manager's office depend on the number of participants in meetings or meetings held in the manager's office, on the number of visitors who come at the same time, the range and volume of cases and documents, various technical means and working materials, tables, i.e. the layout of the manager's office may be different depending on the nature and volume of work.

Workplace of a specialist

"Specialist" is many-sided and his professional activity involved in making decisions related to financial calculations, formation and creation various documents and calculations, and not only. It can be an accountant, economist, financier, marketer, lawyer, manager. In addition, this specialist has at his disposal a computer, which he must be able to use. Therefore, we will carry out the following conditional division of his workplace into two components: the physical workplace of a specialist and the electronic workplace of a specialist.

The electronic workplace can be conditionally divided into three categories:

An electronic workplace, which, as a rule, is provided by an enterprise through the introduction of any corporate software product (system),

Applied Office Systems,

An electronic place that each individual generates, depending on his qualifications and needs.

As a rule, the monitor, keyboard and mouse are on the table. The monitor is designed to visually display information that is being manipulated with the mouse and keyboard, as well as the results obtained from these manipulations.

employee's workplace

Workplaces of employees are usually located in common rooms or isolated premises (depending on the type of work, the number of performers and their relationship). In common areas, RMs are usually arranged in parallel rows, but if workers are not connected by one occupation, then RMs can be separated by partitions. Employees' workplaces are equipped depending on the specifics of their work. At present, standard layouts of the RM* of various categories of workers have been developed, which are listed in the relevant catalogs and which are advisable to use when organizing the RM* of a particular employee.

worker's workplace

Workers (workers of mass professions) are the most numerous group, which is divided into workers of the main work and auxiliary work. Basic work workers are employed in the main production of enterprises. Ancillary workers help the main workers to perform work on the main activity of the enterprise. By skill level, workers can be:




Their ratio at the enterprise depends on the types and volumes of work performed.

physical workplace

This is a specific area intended for the production of products, performance of work and provision of services, equipped for this purpose with an appropriate set of tools ...

economic workplace

This is an opportunity to provide employment to one worker, regardless of the number of physical jobs. The physical workplace may be available, but due to a decline in production, lack of demand for products, materials, energy, etc. there may be no demand for labor; this workspace is not operational. On the other hand, the physical workplace may be one, but due to its high efficiency, it will be operated in several shifts, which will initiate the presence of several jobs, which are called economic jobs.

General requirements for the organization of workplaces

Depending on the specifics of individual industries and technological processes, jobs can be classified according to some other criteria, for example, when working at height, in underground or underwater conditions.

But no matter how different the conditions and types of production, no matter how different the technologies for the production of work and the levels of their mechanization, there are the following General requirements to the organization of jobs.

1. Technical requirements. These requirements include equipping workplaces with modern, serviceable and safe equipment, tools, equipment and lifting and transport vehicles in accordance with the content and characteristics of production and labor processes.

2. Organizational requirements. These requirements consist in the optimal placement of workers, taking into account the labor intensity of the performed mining functions, in the organization of workplaces and the relationship between them, in the efficient and economical maintenance of workplaces, and in the creation of safe and healthy working conditions.

3. Economic requirements. They provide an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in production costs, an increase in the quality of products or work, and an increase in wages and incomes for all private producers of production, as well as the most complete satisfaction of consumer needs.

4. Socio-psychological requirements. Such requirements involve the development and advanced training of employees, the rallying labor collectives satisfaction with work and its results, as well as the formation of a positive psychological climate.

Assessment of workplaces

According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 342n dated April 26, 2011, from September 1, 2011 (cancelled from 01/01/2014) new order certification of workplaces according to working conditions. Certification was carried out not only to fix harmful factors affecting human health, but also to bring working conditions in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection. In addition, on the basis of certification, compensations were established for workers exposed to harmful factors. If a person really encounters adverse factors in the workplace, he is guaranteed to receive the benefits due to him - reduced working hours, additional annual paid leave or increased wages.

The job market in the labor market system

The job market is a socio-economic relationship between the owners of jobs about the movement of capital in the form of jobs and connection with labor force based on supply and demand. One of the main components of employment that form the demand for labor is the structure of jobs and its dynamics. Employment is a consequence of the availability of jobs and incentives that determine the scale and balance of demand and supply of labor. The workplace is one of the most important factors in creating public good.

The formation of territorial, sectoral, professional, qualification, educational and other structures of the labor force is carried out to a large extent under the influence of the movement, as labor resources, and jobs (their creation, improvement, liquidation), which forms the demand of production for labor. The influence of the dynamics of vacant jobs in sectors on the formation of the sectoral structure of employment of the population as a whole and the number of employees in individual sectors is determined by the processes of movement of jobs - the opening (formation) and closing (replacement and liquidation) of vacant jobs. It should be emphasized the need to create cost-effective jobs that provide the employee with an income level not lower than the subsistence level, and the state - tax revenues and contributions to the relevant funds. Thus, highly profitable, but “shadow” jobs (we have about 30% of them), or places with low wages, cannot be considered effective.

In this regard, it seems necessary to define the concept of "creation" of the workplace. Jobs can be created both through the introduction of new ones (which will require investment in basic production assets and growth working capital), and due to the expansion of existing production as a result of an increase in the shift ratio, which implies the presence of unused jobs. The expansion of employment in the latter case occurred with an increase in production volumes caused by an increase in demand for goods and services. Therefore, the creation of a job can be caused either by a change in market conditions, or by a targeted influence on the part of management and economic entities, for example, a government order.

As applied to Russian economy An analysis of the movement of jobs is of particular interest, since the Russian labor market reacted to the transformational shock in many ways differently than the countries of Eastern Europe. Despite the gigantic decline in production, unemployment in the Russian economy is kept at a relatively low level. It would be natural to suggest that the rise in unemployment is contained by flexibility and mobility Russian market labor in its specific forms. One way to empirically test this proposal is to analyze the movement of jobs and labor.

All sets of factors that determine the movement of workers between jobs, as well as between the state of employment and the state of "unemployment", can be divided into two categories. In the first case we are talking about factors such as: the emergence of new markets or the contraction of old ones; technical re-equipment of firms and entire industries; strengthening or weakening of domestic and international competition; differences in local business conditions, etc. As a rule, all of these factors lead to a change in the total number of jobs and, to their redistribution between individual enterprises. Which, accordingly, leads x to the overflow of labor.

In the second case, we are talking about "personal" factors of labor mobility, such as: professional growth; insufficient or excessive level of qualification; job dissatisfaction; change of residence; completion of studies; reaching the age of psychosis, etc. The movements that occur under the influence of these factors do not imply a mandatory increase or decrease in the number of personnel of individual firms.

The influence of the dynamics of vacant jobs in sectors on the formation of the sectoral structure of employment of the population as a whole, and the number of people employed in individual sectors is determined by the processes of formation and elimination of vacancies.

In particular, the formation of the latter occurs as a result of:

Creation of new jobs (vacancies through the expansion of production, through modernization and re-equipment, new construction);

Departure of people outside the considered system of employment;

People changing jobs within an industry or moving workers to jobs in other industries.

In turn, the closure of vacancies in each industry occurs through:

Recruitment of workers from the same or another industry;

Reception of workers from outside the considered system of employment;

Elimination of vacant jobs.

Job market needs

In a market economy, the question of the principles for determining the need for jobs is of particular importance. And only after resolving this issue, it is possible to develop a correct approach to determining the number and structure of jobs needed to solve the problems of employment and unemployment. This is about market principles determining the need for jobs, i.e. principles that govern market structures. These include enterprises based on private property, where the main figure that determines economic activity enterprise, is an entrepreneur (businessman). His business is his business.

It is known, however, that entrepreneurship in itself is not aimed at creating jobs, their preservation and renewal. Such a goal is the benefit of investing money (capital) in a profitable business. But in modern market conditions of management, it is not at all necessary for entrepreneurs to create jobs in order to make a profit, especially to save, reserve, renew, etc. You can invest (invest) capital by acquiring shares of prosperous companies and enrich yourself with dividends or put money in the bank and receive interest. It was even more profitable at one time to "invest" capital in GKOs and receive a huge income, or to engage in foreign exchange transactions, having a good margin from this (the difference between the amount of sale and purchase of currency). In all these cases, the profitability of investing capital is ensured without the creation of jobs, except for some employment in all these commercial operations by the entrepreneurs themselves and their closest "helpers".

The structure of the job market

The structure of jobs, if we mean the economy as a whole, is reflected in the structure of employment, but one type of employment must be taken into account - employment for hire. All types of self-employment do not have jobs, since the place of application of labor there is the entire economy. The following main links in the structure of jobs can be distinguished:





professional qualification,

According to the age and sex composition of employed persons,

According to the degree of use.

The social structure of jobs

The social structure of jobs differs from self-employment in that it reflects only one type of employment - employment, while the second is more complex in its structure, because it also includes various types of self-employment: entrepreneurship, small business, individual labor activity artisans, lone handicraftsmen, farmers, small traders employed in the household, etc.

The locomotive of the American economy in general and the labor market in particular is the private service sector.

social structure jobs are much simpler in the sense that it is mainly divided into jobs for hired workers and employees ("blue" and "white" collars). Quantitatively, if we take the economy of the state as a whole, jobs for workers prevail. Peculiarity social structure jobs (according to Mosgorkomstat) on the example of Moscow is the predominance of jobs for employees. Jobs for employees not only prevail but, as the data show, the following trends are visible:

The proportion of jobs for employees in Moscow is increasing, jobs for workers is decreasing;

The proportion of jobs for employees employed by women is significantly higher than that of men and tends to increase;

Against, specific gravity jobs for workers employed by men has opposite indicators.

These trends change the social structure of jobs in Moscow as development market relations will intensify due to structural changes in the city's economy in the direction of expanding financial and commercial structures and reducing the scope of material production. This, in particular, is evidenced by the dynamics of unemployment in Moscow. According to the Moscow Employment Service, the number of unemployed workers increased from 3,390 to 12,792 between 1992 and 1997; almost 4 times, and employees - from 19,446 to 23,304 people, i.e. growth was just over 20%. Unemployment among workers during these years grew almost 20 times faster than among employees. The importance of white-collar jobs in the Moscow economy is increasing, while that of workers is declining.

Public-private structure work places. In the Soviet economy, there was no private sector, there were actually state and cooperative-collective farm sectors, where jobs differed little, since the cooperative-collective farm sector was highly state-owned, and wage labor was not recognized at all.

Prospects for expanding the job market

When developing an anti-crisis program to create a normal job market, progressive global and domestic experience legislative change labor and production time standards. Maneuvering these standards, it is possible to influence the state of the job market, more evenly distributing jobs in the economy, reducing, getting rid of and even preventing unemployment in all its manifestations. So, scientific research It was found that with a 20% reduction in working hours, the supply of jobs in the labor market also increases by 20%, reducing unemployment. Reducing the retirement age by one year increases the supply of jobs by 1% while increasing the demand for labor also by 1%.

The growth in demand for labor and the supply of jobs is also achieved with a decrease in the number of working days of the week, an increase in the duration of paid holidays, the number of holidays and weekends, providing employees with time to study and improve their skills, acquire new profession, for family needs related to the birth of a child, etc. This kind of maneuvering with labor and production standards has been spontaneously making its way into economic practice for a long time under the pressure of various factors of social, scientific and technological progress, crisis phenomena in the economy, etc.

Maneuvering the norms of labor and production time is a new direction in the expansion of the job market, which is still poorly studied and which manifests itself spontaneously. Opponents of it, opposing the consciously programmatic, legislatively accepted distribution of this form, refer to poverty, to the fact that society has not yet matured, is not rich enough to use such tools. Moreover, sometimes we offer to increase the retirement age. And this is despite the average life expectancy of the male part of the population, which is now 58 years old! The implementation of such proposals would seriously exacerbate the problems of employment and unemployment. As practice shows, the reduction of working hours and the retirement age did not undermine the foundations of the market capitalist economy, did not make the rich less rich, and did not increase the poverty of the working population. On the contrary, the reduction of labor time is a historical pattern, which is accompanied by an increase in the wealth of society as a whole, an increase in the well-being of both employers and workers, because the reduction in labor time is compensated by an increase in its productivity and intensity, i.e. Scientific and technical progress.

The theory of labor fatigue suggests that a decrease in the duration of labor is compensated by an increase in its intensity. Of great importance in expanding the job market are wages and pensions. Malaya wage and meager pensions exacerbate pressure on the labor market, as the employed worker is forced to salary look for secondary employment, and the pensioner actually appears on the labor market as unemployed, since the pension is not enough to maintain familiar image his life.

Features of the workplace as a commodity

The peculiarity of the workplace as a product mainly lies in the fact that it is a product for production purposes, embodying the material conditions of a personal factor of production; an important source of all blessings is rooted in it, because, using the workplace, the worker by his labor, and the businessman by his activity of the owner, create all the necessary means of subsistence and means for productive activity. Huge number of jobs thanks to entrepreneurial activity and set in motion by the labor of hired workers, continuously reproduces the life process of the whole society. Unlike labor power, the workplace is a tangible inanimate commodity. Therefore, the owner of this product - the employer - is in a more favorable relationship compared to the employee, since, as already noted, he can reserve, mothball jobs and store them until better times, when it becomes possible to turn them into existing jobs.

However, it will not become an active workplace on its own, because it is activated by a labor force, without which a businessman cannot count on turning it into an active productive cell of his economy. The workplace does not have the property of self-development and self-improvement, it acquires this property due to the entrepreneurial activity of the employer and the creative work of the employee. In the system of market relations, the workplace has the peculiarity that it is a passive object of purchase and sale, in contrast to the labor force, the carrier of which is the worker and which is inseparable from his personality. The workplace exists in a material form independently of the employer and can be alienated from him when sold for later use. An employer can maintain a workplace in a different state: active, vacant, mothballed, or completely liquidate it - this largely depends on the will and desire of the employer, and not only on market conditions.

Buying a workplace

The workplace is bought twice: a) by the employer in the market of material goods for industrial purposes; its cost is paid in full and the employer becomes the owner of the workplace; b) an employee in the labor market; not the cost of the workplace is paid, but the price of its temporary use by the employee, and the employee does not become the owner of the workplace. Accordingly, the workplace as a product is used in two ways: a) by the employer - to sell it for temporary use for a certain price; b) a hired worker - to create marketable products with his labor, the sale of which on the market brings him money earnings.

The employer has a price, i.e. the commercial nature of the use of jobs, for an employee - labor, productive. It turns out that the nature of the use of the workplace by the employer is fundamentally different from the nature of the use of the workplace by an employee: the employer buys a workplace in order to sell it; a hired worker - to be used for production and obtaining means of subsistence. the amount of money spent by him in creating the workplace. The price of a job as a product in the labor market is the price an employee pays for the temporary use of a job and is the difference between the income generated by labor and the wages received by the worker.

The purchase and sale of a workplace simultaneously with the purchase and sale of labor is legally formalized employment contract between a businessman and an employee, which defines the mutual rights and obligations of the parties to comply with all conditions for the sale and purchase of a workplace. The businessman undertakes to uninterruptedly provide the workplace with all necessary materials, tools, maintain it in working order, etc., and if the workplace fails through no fault of the employee, the businessman pays for the forced interruption in the use of the workplace by the employee, thereby proving the fact that the employee rents the workplace.

For its part, the employee undertakes to use the workplace cost-effectively (productively, i.e. profitably for the entrepreneur), ensuring that his/her labor meets the requirements of the workplace, be financially responsible for stopping the workplace through his own fault, etc. The employee does not have the right to dispose of the workplace at his own discretion, to appropriate in any form the belongings of the workplace, to spoil it, to disable it - for this he again bears financial responsibility. But he has the right to make improvements to the workplace, is obliged to maintain it in good condition to the best of his strength, qualifications, capabilities, for which he has the right to count on appropriate remuneration. It follows from this that the relationship of buying and selling a workplace with the conclusion of an employment agreement only begins and continues continuously until its termination (dismissal of the employee). In fact, this relation is realized in the production process of the company, being its internal moment.

Workplace needs

The needs of entrepreneurship in jobs are determined by the profitability of investing (investing) capital, i.e. its need for protection under the pressure of competition. Under the influence of market conditions, the need for capital in jobs fluctuates continuously, accompanied by fluctuations in the hiring and firing of employees.

The population's need for jobs is determined by the number of people who are willing and able to work, to be employed. For the wage earner, the need for a job is reduced to the need for normal or accepted means of subsistence. But this inevitably leads to the conclusion that the satisfaction of the needs of the population in jobs leads to the satisfaction of the needs of the population in normal means of subsistence. However, the vital needs of the population do not coincide with the needs of entrepreneurship in the workplace, and this contradiction is manifested in destructive social consequences, primarily in the presence, existence and growth of unemployment, the aggravation of the problem of employment and social tension, the growth of poverty, crime, etc.

Foreign and domestic experience of market management indicates that the needs of entrepreneurship in jobs quantitatively and structurally lag behind the needs of the population. This leads to the most important conclusion: market entrepreneurship is not able to solve the problem of creating, maintaining and modernizing jobs in accordance with the needs of the population, the needs of its employment.

According to the dynamics of the number of jobs, one can clearly distinguish the chronology of events in the economy: since 2000, the United States has been experiencing a systemic crisis, and it is a triple one; it was supposed to happen back in the early 90s, but it was artificially delayed, first through information technology bubbles (money entered the economy through investments in high-tech funds), then through the real estate market (money entered the economy through uncontrolled lending to the population on bail real estate). And if in the first case it is still possible to assume that the IT bubble was the result of the elements of the market, then in the second case we are talking about the conscious policy of the regulator: money should have flowed into the system through any channel and without the slightest stop.

Sources and links

Sources of texts, pictures and videos - - a resource with articles on many topics, the free encyclopedia Wikipedia - photo bank - the largest catalog of banks - free exchange of educational materials - digital library Knyazev - general economic theory - Yandex dictionaries

schema.rf - structural logic diagrams - Science Magazine"Young Scientist" is a dissertation library. - distance education center "Elitarium" (St. Petersburg) - Russian newspaper - unified all-Russian reference and information system on labor protection ready presentations - community of successful traders - economist's encyclopedia - library of educational literature - electronic textbook on management historical bulletin "Roads of millennia" - expert information channel - site Krasnoyarsk forest management

kz24.netl - informational portal Kazakhstan

hr-academy - HR Academy website is the largest search system in the world - search for videos on the Internet using Google - translator from the Google search engine - the largest search engine in Russia - a service from Yandex that allows you to analyze search queries - search for videos on the Internet through Yandex - search for images through the Yandex service - exchange navigator - ptosearch system "business and government" - online magazine - infotainment portal

Links to application programs - the site of Microsoft Corporation, which created the Windows operating system - website of the corporation that created Microsoft Office - site of the creators of the HyperSnap screen capture program - free software for working with images - YouTube, the largest video hosting in the world

The requirements for air temperature and humidity, office space illumination, and sometimes even furniture are strictly regulated. So, if the average daily temperature outside the window is above 10 ° C, the office should have general rule 23-25°С, and if below this limit - 22-24°С. It is also determined how the working day is reduced if the room is colder than the permissible one, or vice versa, it is very hot. For example, if the air temperature in the office is 19 ° C, then you can stay in it for no more than seven hours, and if 18 ° C - no more than six hours, etc. (SanPiN "", approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2016 No. 81).

Separate rules exist for those who use computers in their work. The area of ​​the workplace of such employees cannot be less than 4.5 sq. m (if a flat monitor is installed) or less than 6 sq. m (if the workplace is equipped with an old-type monitor, with a kinescope). And after each hour of work, the room should be ventilated (Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 ""; approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 30, 2003).

Some situations are not directly regulated by sanitary standards, but in practice they occur regularly. These include, for example, the failure of the toilets in the building. In this case, according to Rostrud, the employee has the right to refuse work, and the employer must provide him with another job that does not threaten health until the problem is eliminated. If this is not possible, a downtime is declared, and the employee can count on downtime for wages in the amount of at least 2/3 of his average salary ().

About what else sanitary norms and the rules apply to office workers, as well as the responsibility of the employer for non-compliance, learn from our infographic.

Workplace of an engineer-researcher


Legislative definition



  • State and international standards,
  • Employment contract (written or oral),
  • Labor act (collective).


tailor's workplace

By degree:

  • The instrumental workplace is equipped with special equipment in which production processes are carried out by exposing the object of labor to thermal, electrical or physico-chemical energy.

By degrees of specialization:

By :

  • Leader's workplace.
  • Workplace of a specialist.
  • Employee's workplace.
  • Workplace of the worker.

By working conditions:

  • with normal conditions.
  • With heavy physical labor.
  • with harmful conditions.
  • With especially harmful conditions.
  • With monotonous work.

By operating time:

  • One-shift.
  • Multi-shift.

By :

  • Without equipment.

By degree of mobility:

  • Stationary.
  • Mobile.

By professional sign

Driver's workplace

Ergonomic requirements

  • GOST 12.2.032-78
  • GOST 12.2.033-78
  • and so on.
  • GOST 22269-76
  • GOST R 50948-2001
  • ISO 16121-1:2005

The Labor Code imposes on the employer the provision of sanitary and preventive services for employees in accordance with the requirements of labor protection. Sanitary and hygienic requirements are understood as a system of sanitary, technical, hygienic and organizational measures and means that prevent exposure of people to harmful production factors. For these purposes, according to the established norms, sanitary facilities for eating, providing medical care, rest rooms. Sanitary posts with first-aid kits are being created, equipped with a set of medicines and preparations for first aid.

  • light environment
  • Microclimate
  • Production noise
  • electromagnetic fields

Security Requirements

  • Fire safety
  • electrical safety

Workplace - what is it?

As many people know, the workplace is an integral part of any production and technological structure of an organization or enterprise. This place is given Special attention, since the efficiency of the production process and the work of the employee as a whole depends on it. But few people know that special requirements are imposed on his organization, without taking into account which, you can get serious consequences, up to receiving fines and closing the enterprise itself.

Workplace definition

In a general sense, a workplace is a limited area in the space of the general production area at an enterprise (in an organization) or outside it, which is assigned to one or more employees and is equipped with all necessary equipment to complete the assigned tasks. This definition many confuse with the place of work, which should not be done. Place of work and workplace are two different things. The place of work can be a plant, factory, office space. In other words, the point where the employee comes every day to perform his job duties.

Industrial workplace: definition and classification

Let's explore this issue further. There is such a thing as a production workplace. This is the name of a part of the industrial space zone (workshop or department), which is equipped with all the necessary equipment (tools, devices, machines) for the performance of labor duties (tasks, work) by one or more employees.

There are several types of such places, which are classified according to:

  • Functions that should be carried out in a certain area: the workplace of the employer, employee and other personnel.
  • Professions of employees: workplace of an electrician, technologist, machine operator, etc.
  • The sign of the distribution of labor duties: individual or group workplace (the place of one employee or their group, respectively).
  • Degrees of automation of tasks performed: manual, mechanized, hardware, automated workplace.

Workplace organization

As you can see, all jobs have their own characteristics, which are directly related to the main activity. Therefore, the state in which the place is located determines the further level of labor. Even more than that: the workplace is an integral part of the overall environment at work. A poorly equipped workplace can negatively affect the well-being, mood or performance of an employee. Conversely, a well-equipped place will increase the efficiency of performing the necessary tasks.

Almost everything that affects performance can be attributed to the organization of the workplace. That is, equipment (machines, computers), lighting, layout, maintenance. If at least one of these factors is not taken into account or taken into account incorrectly or insufficiently, you should not expect a quality workflow. Any omission in the organization can lead to a loss of working time allocated to work, a decrease in the quality of manufactured products or tasks performed, etc.

That is why, in order to prevent unjustified costs, certification is carried out at large enterprises jobs. This procedure allows you to check whether the workplace complies with the standards, whether the working conditions are met.

Job Requirements

During certification, experts check:

  • The premises in which the workplaces are located.
  • Ventilation and heating.
  • Illumination.
  • Equipment.
  • Other workplace conditions.

During the inspection, all sanitary and epidemiological conditions must be taken into account. Ideally everything harmful factors that adversely affect human health should not exist at all, or at least should be minimized. These include various noises from production machines, indoor air pollution, incorrectly selected type of lighting, etc.

If any requirements for the workplace are not taken into account, such an enterprise is considered unsuitable for work and may be closed indefinitely to eliminate harmful factors or permanently.

Occupational Safety and Health

In addition to sanitary and epidemiological conditions, an important factor that determines whether the workplace is comfortable is safety. Safety and labor protection in the workplace is the primary task not only of the state itself, but also of the employer. According to regulations and the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as the Constitution, each employee has the right to work in a safe and healthy environment, must be provided with everything necessary, including social benefits, etc.

At an enterprise or in an organization where there are more than fifty people in the state, there should be special service responsible for labor protection. If the number of employees is less, you do not need to create a service. Nevertheless, at least one specialist responsible for labor protection must be present.

Security Requirements

Such services or specialists responsible for safety and health of workers should do everything to provide a comfortable and safe environment for the performance of work duties. To do this, they work in three areas:

  1. Safety briefing prior to work. This could be a verbal briefing, such as an explanatory conversation between a site foreman and a new worker in a plant.
  2. Periodic inspection of the workplace. A great example of a workplace is one where all harmful factors are minimized. Therefore, security specialists from time to time should conduct a workplace inspection in order to find and eliminate these same factors. For example, a specialist may observe the work of a machine operator to find out if he knows about the safety measures in practice.
  3. Safety training for employees. For this, special programs are being implemented, which can be both mandatory and introductory. These include, for example, hanging motivational signs with a reminder of safety in the workplace.

Occupational safety obligations of the employer

As mentioned earlier, labor protection in the workplace is a task not only for the state, but also for the employer. Every supervisor must provide appropriate health screenings for workers who perform heavy work or daily exposure to harmful substances described in labor laws.

In addition, the employer is responsible for:

  • creation of a committee for the management of labor protection;
  • approval of briefing on safety rules during work;
  • changes to safety regulations;
  • participation in investigations of any accident that occurred during work;
  • assessment of working conditions;
  • checking compliance with safety regulations by employees.

The employee must also be aware of labor protection

In addition to the relevant service and the employer, the employee himself is obliged to monitor the safety at his place of work. So, in Art. 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the following obligations of an employee for labor protection are recorded:

  1. It is the employee's responsibility to know about every correct method of performing a given task, safety precautions and first aid in the event of an accident at work. In addition, it would be useful to check the knowledge of the basic requirements that apply to labor protection at the place of work.
  2. The employee must comply with the safety rules prescribed in the relevant instructions and acts of the enterprise or organization.
  3. The employee is obliged to use protective equipment correctly during work.
  4. The employee is obliged to notify the employer or other authorized person of situations that in one way or another may threaten life and health.
  5. An employee must undergo a medical examination if required by the employer or other authorized person, in accordance with the current legislation of the country.

Workplace is:

Workplace Workplace of an engineer-researcher

Workplace- this is an organizationally indivisible (under given specific conditions) link of the production process, serviced by one or more workers, designed to perform one or more production or service operations, equipped with appropriate equipment and technological equipment. In a broader sense, it is an elementary structural part of the production space, in which the subject of labor is interconnected with the placed means and the subject of labor for the implementation of individual labor processes in accordance with the objective function of obtaining the results of labor.

Legislative definition

Article 209 Labor Code The Russian Federation provides a definition:

Workplace is the place where the worker has to be or where he needs to arrive in connection with his work and which is directly or indirectly under the control of the employer.


In the Russian Federation, the requirements for a workplace are determined by the following documents:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation,
  • Regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation,
  • State and international standards.

These documents contain requirements for the organization and ergonomics of the workplace, as well as establish rules, procedures, criteria and standards aimed at preserving the life and health of workers in the course of their work.


tailor's workplace

Jobs can be classified according to the following features and categories.

By degree automation of the labor process:

  • Workplace with manual work - labor processes are performed manually.
  • Workplace for manual mechanized work - workers use a mechanized tool with an external drive.
  • The workplace of machine-manual work is equipped with a machine (machine, mechanism), which works with the direct participation of the employee.
  • Machine workplace - the main work is performed by the machine, and its management and auxiliary work are carried out by the worker.
  • Automated workplace - the main work is performed by a machine, auxiliary work is partially or completely mechanized.
  • Instrumental workplace - equipped with special equipment in which production processes are carried out by exposing the object of labor to thermal, electrical or physico-chemical energy.

By degrees of specialization:

  • Special - from 1 to 3 operations are assigned to the workplace. It is used in mass production, with in-line methods of manufacturing products.
  • Specialized - from 3 to 10 operations are assigned to the workplace. It is used in serial production, with batch processing methods.
  • Universal - more than 10 operations can be performed at the workplace. It is used in single production, with individual methods of manufacturing products.

By functions performed by the employee:

  • Leader's workplace.
  • Workplace of a specialist.
  • Employee's workplace.
  • Workplace of the worker.
  • Workplace of junior service personnel, etc.

By working conditions:

  • with normal conditions.
  • With heavy physical labor.
  • with harmful conditions.
  • With particularly hard physical labor.
  • With especially harmful conditions.
  • With high neuropsychic tension.
  • With monotonous work.

By operating time:

  • One-shift.
  • Multi-shift.

By number of serviced equipment:

  • Without equipment.
  • Single-station (single-unit).
  • Multi-machine (multi-aggregate, multi-device).

By degree of mobility:

  • Stationary.
  • Mobile.

By professional sign. For example, you can highlight the jobs of an accountant, general practitioner, clerk, carpenter, driver, etc.

Depending on the specifics of the labor process, other signs of classification can be distinguished.

Requirements for the organization of the workplace

Driver's workplace

The organization of the workplace refers to its equipment and layout. Full and complete equipment of the workplace, as well as its rational layout, make it possible to organize the labor process in the best possible way and, as a result, increase its efficiency.

Ergonomic requirements

General ergonomic requirements for the organization of the workplace are defined in the following standards:

  • GOST 12.2.032-78"SSBT. Workplace when performing work while sitting. General ergonomic requirements”,
  • GOST 12.2.033-78"SSBT. Workplace when performing work while standing. General ergonomic requirements”.

They establish requirements for workplaces in the performance of work in a sitting and standing position in the design of new and modernization of existing equipment and production processes. These include the following requirements:

  • The design of the workplace and the relative position of all its elements must comply with anthropometric, physiological and psychological requirements, as well as the nature of the work.
  • The design of the workplace should ensure the performance of labor operations within the reach of the motor field.
  • The performance of labor operations "often" and "very often" should be provided within the zone of easy reach and the optimal zone of the motor field.
  • The design of production equipment and the workplace must ensure the optimal position of the worker, which is achieved by regulation.
  • and so on.

These standards do not establish requirements for workplaces of vehicles, machines and equipment moving in the process of work, as well as for workplaces for students undergoing industrial practice and military personnel.

More detailed requirements for the organization of the workplace are given in the relevant standards. For example:

  • GOST 22269-76“Man-machine system. Operator's workplace. Mutual arrangement of elements of the workplace. General ergonomic requirements”,
  • GOST R 50948-2001“Means of displaying information for individual use. General ergonomic and safety requirements”,
  • ISO 16121-1:2005“Road transport. Ergonomic requirements for the driver's workplace on shuttle buses. Part 1. general description, primary requirements".

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

The Labor Code imposes on the employer the provision of sanitary and preventive services for employees in accordance with the requirements of labor protection. Sanitary and hygienic requirements are understood as a system of sanitary, technical, hygienic and organizational measures and means that prevent people from being exposed to harmful production factors. For these purposes, according to the established norms, sanitary facilities for eating, providing medical care, and rest rooms should be equipped. Sanitary posts with first aid kits are being created, equipped with a set of medicines and preparations for first aid.

To comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements, it is necessary to control the following parameters:

  • light environment. Workplace lighting is important parameter. Depending on the purpose of the room, as well as the type of visual work, such indicators of illumination as natural lighting or artificial lighting, illumination, pulsation coefficient, illumination of the screen surface, uneven distribution of brightness, image instability, etc. are normalized.
  • Microclimate. Industrial microclimate standards are set uniform for all industries and all climatic zones. The microclimate parameters in the working area must correspond to the optimal or acceptable macroclimatic conditions. These include temperature, air humidity, speed of its movement.
  • Production noise. Defined as a set of aperiodic sounds of varying intensity and frequency. It is a common negative factor in production and negatively affects the human body.
  • electromagnetic fields. Created by various sources. The biological response of the body is influenced by such parameters of electromagnetic fields as the intensity and frequency of radiation, signal modulation and the combination of frequencies of electromagnetic fields, the duration of exposure and the frequency of action. Etc.

Security Requirements

Safe working conditions are the state of working conditions under which the impact on the worker of hazardous and harmful production factors is excluded or their impact does not exceed the maximum permissible values. Ensuring these conditions is one of the most important requirements for the workplace. Separately, the following types of labor safety can be distinguished.

  • Fire safety. Fire prevention is carried out mainly by eliminating the possibility of the formation of combustible or explosive atmospheres and sources of ignition. In the event of a fire, the enterprise must have fire protection and alarm equipment to prevent exposure of people to fire hazards and limit material damage From him.
  • electrical safety. Any modern workplace is saturated with electrical equipment, measuring equipment, automation. This creates conditions for increased risk of injury. electric shock, and in some cases - especially dangerous conditions.
  • Depending on the specifics, additional labor safety requirements may be imposed on the worker, such as explosion safety, chemical safety, radiation safety, etc.

see also

  • Automated workplace
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Minioffice


  1. Podymalov N.�Problems of improving the quality of production // planned economy: Publication of the State Planning Committee of the USSR.�- M.: Gosplan of the USSR, 1991.�- No.�1.�- S.�123.�- ISSN 0370-0356.
  2. SanPiN 2.2.1/"Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings",
    SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03"Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work",
    GOST 24940-96"Buildings and constructions. Illumination measurement methods»
  3. GOST 12.1.005-88"SSPT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area"
  4. GOST 12.1.003-83"Noise, general safety requirements
  5. SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03"Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work"
  6. For more details, see Labor protection


  • Organization and regulation of labor: a textbook for universities: / Vladimir Borisovich Bychin, Sergey Viktorovich Malinin and Evgenia Valerievna Shubenkova; Ed. Yuri Gennadievich Odegov. - M.: Exam, 2005. - 463 p.
  • Basakov M. I. Occupational safety (life safety in production conditions): Educational and practical guide. - Rostov-n / D�: March, 2003. - 394 p.
  • Bukhalkov M. I. Organization and planning of work: Textbook. - M.: Infra-M, 2007. - 400 p.
  • Safety
  • Production
  • Labour Organization

Workplace is:

The workplace is a part of the space adapted for the worker (group of workers) to perform his production task; the primary link of the enterprise. R. m. includes: the main and auxiliary production equipment (machine tools, mechanisms, units, means that ensure labor safety, protective devices that improve sanitary and hygienic working conditions, power plants, communications); technological and organizational equipment (installation and other fixtures, tools, instrumentation, tables, workbenches, tool cabinets, racks, cabinets, chairs, armchairs). There are R. m. workers (basic, auxiliary, serving), engineering and technical, and administrative and managerial personnel. The organization of labor and production is closely connected with the organization of labor and production at the enterprise. Improving the labor market pursues the goal of creating such a material environment for labor that ensures an increase in its productivity, contributes to the preservation of the health and development of the personality of the worker. When organizing R. m., anthropometric data, conclusions from the scientific organization of labor, recommendations from physiology, psychology, and hygiene, the requirements of ergonomics (See Ergonomics), engineering psychology (See Engineering Psychology), and technical aesthetics (See Technical Aesthetics) are taken into account. Lit.: Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor, M., 1971; Psychophysiological and aesthetic foundations of NOT, 2nd ed., M., 1971. V. M. Munipov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978.

2.1.3 The concept of the workplace

In the field of labor protection, the term "workplace" has two meanings.

The first meaning is physical, familiar to everyone and familiar; it is associated with the physical concept of a place (points, zones, territories) - this is the place where the employee directly works.

The second meaning is legal, mistakenly perceived by many as physical. This meaning of the concept of "workplace" is legally enshrined in Art. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and fully complies with generally accepted international terminology, in particular the definition contained in the ILO Convention No. 155: “Places directly or indirectly controlled by the employer, where the employee must be or where he must go in connection with his work.” This definition is related to the relationship between the employee and the employer. In this sense, the workplace is a place that is controlled by the employer and to which the employee moved (or should have moved) in the episode of injury.

The current labor legislation assumes the right of the employee to proper working conditions . Agree Art. 212 and 219 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee has the right to a workplace.

Compliant with the conditions stipulated state standards organization and labor safety and collective agreement , as well as labor protection requirements. This right of the employee is ensured by the obligations of the employer , established in Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The real workplace combines these two concepts. Note that for the certification of the workplace, the understanding of the workplace as a physical space is more important than its legal meaning.

In the process of certification of workplaces, we deal with both values. First, we unwittingly use the legal concept of “workplace”, and then, in the process of measurement and evaluation, the physical one.

the physical workplace is the main link in the production process, where the material and technical elements of production are concentrated and labor activity person. From how labor is organized in the workplace depends on the use of tools used, the quality of products, the cost, as well as the general culture of production and, consequently, the health and safety of the employee. The organization of the workplace aims to create optimal conditions for high-performance work.

According to the degree of mechanization of the work performed, jobs are divided into automatic, semi-automatic, machine, machine-manual and manual; according to the nature of the arrangement of workers, the workplace can be individual and group; according to the number of serviced pieces of equipment - and, consequently, the movement of workers between them during work - workplaces can be single-station and multi-station. This list is easier to continue than complete, because the variety of jobs is quite large.

A good workplace (comfortable, and therefore productive) should correspond to the anthropometric data of the employee. Ergonomic assessment of such a workplace is carried out in accordance with the current regulatory documents.

The organization of the workplace is associated with technology, regulation and organization of labor, planning and evaluation of work, psycho-physiological, social, legal issues of labor protection. One of the ways to improve the organization of workplaces is their certification of workplaces according to working conditions.

In the process of certification of workplaces according to working conditions, it is necessary to distinguish between some features in the concept of a workplace as a physical space and a place of work at the same time.

Permanent (physical) workplace is the place where the worker spends most of his working time(more than 50% or more than 2 hours continuously). If at the same time work is carried out in various points of the working area, the entire working area is considered a permanent workplace (GOST 12.1.005-88).

Work zone - a space limited by a height of 2 m above the floor or platform, on which there are places of permanent or non-permanent (temporary) stay of workers.

Non-permanent workplace- the place where the worker is located for a smaller part of his working time (less than 50% or less than 2 hours continuously).

The workplace can be both individual and collective.

Under the individual workplace all workplaces are understood with an individual work area assigned to each employee; the production task is set for each employee separately. An example is the workplace of a welder, a turner, a driver of vehicles, etc.

Under the collective workplace refers to workplaces where several workers are employed without an individual working area assigned to each of them. The production task is set for the entire team and is carried out simultaneously through interconnected works and operations.

In a number of industries, for example, in construction and housing and communal services, communications, oil pipeline transport, there are stationary and so-called non-stationary jobs.

Stationary workplace - a workplace, the location and technical equipment of which are of a permanent (stationary) nature; in addition, the employee does not change his workplace in the course of his work. Such a workplace is associated with a certain “place” in the workshop, in the office, at the work site. The parameters of such a workplace and the security measures taken are easily determined by the fact: the employee has been working at this place for a relatively long time.

Non-stationary workplace- a workplace, the location of which, as well as its technical equipment, are not of a stationary nature; the employee moves in the process of work (during the day, week, month) from place to place, and each place may have its own characteristics. Such a workplace is often found, for example, in construction. It may be associated with a specific facility under construction or an operated facility. At the same time, the technical equipment of the “workplace” is mobile or portable. Non-stationary workplaces often have repetitive parameters and standard solutions for ensuring the safety of workers, which must be taken into account when assessing them. At the same time, typical work operations with a relatively stable set and magnitude of harmful and dangerous production factors are determined, and these operations are subsequently evaluated. The execution time of each operation is determined by an expert.

One of the main features of the workplace, from the point of view of certification for working conditions, is the profession of the employee, since many characteristics of the workplace are derived from the profession - a short name labor function employee associated with the main production or technological process of production. At the same time, the name of the employee's profession is the main identification feature of his workplace.

There are no exactly identical jobs, but in organizations there are often similar jobs in terms of the nature of the work performed and working conditions.

When compiling a list of jobs subject to certification, it is very important to take into account the similar nature of the work performed. As experience has shown, it is the definition of whether a workplace is similar or not that causes difficulties for specialists involved in attestation of workplaces.

Similar jobs- jobs that are characterized by a combination of such features as:

Fulfillment of the same professional duties in the conduct of a single technological process;

Use of the same type of equipment, tools, fixtures, materials and raw materials;

Work in the same room where they are used unified systems ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, heating;

The same arrangement of objects in the workplace.

The workplace is the primary link in the production and technical structure of any enterprise, necessary for the implementation of the process of management, maintenance and production. It is in this zone that all these elements are connected and achieved final goal labor - finished products are produced, services are provided, etc. At any enterprise, the correct organization of the workplace must be carried out. This will allow the most efficient use of labor, as well as tools and means of production. All this will ultimately affect the cost. finished products, its quality, as well as many other economic indicators.


The workplace is a zone that is assigned to each individual staff unit enterprises. This may also be a certain area of ​​the production facility, where lifting and transport, technological or auxiliary equipment is installed. Most often, such zones are assigned to a group of workers.

Any part of the production process is carried out here. Each workplace has certain features. This is due to the specifics of the production process, as well as the variety of forms that a particular labor has. But the condition of the workplaces at the enterprise speaks of the level

Primary requirements

The workplace is the area of ​​the enterprise where one or more performers carry out labor activities with the help of technical means installed right there. In such areas, the main goal of the entire production is achieved. It consists in the fulfillment of established technological standards, as well as in the timely, high-quality and economical production of the final product. To achieve this goal, certain requirements must be met already when the employee's workplace is organized. This will allow the most rational use of human and material resources. Existing requirements include:

  • organizational;
  • technical;
  • ergonomic;
  • economic.

As for organizational requirements, in order to fulfill them, each workplace must be rationally located in the area of ​​the technological process. This factor affects the performer. In addition, the employer must find the most acceptable option, which will be carried out rationally. This will allow the contractor to uninterruptedly supply materials and raw materials, parts and blanks, as well as tools. Compliance with organizational requirements will make it possible to repair tooling and equipment, clean up waste as soon as possible, and also provide harmless and safe conditions for humans.

From a technical point of view, the installation of progressive equipment is necessary at the workplace. All instrumentation, tools and materials handling equipment required by the process should be located here.

Must be performed at the stage of equipment design, as well as during the planning of the workplace. This will reduce the fatigue of the performer with a long and monotonous repetition of a certain type of movement.

In addition to all of the above, there is a need for optimal employment of the performer. And for this, when organizing a workplace, all economic requirements must be taken into account. This will affect the level of labor productivity, as well as the quality of the final product.


A person's workplace is a diverse, often specific and unique zone. That is why there are no uniform requirements for its layout, equipment, and maintenance. It all depends on the specific production, as well as on the industry to which it belongs. Jobs can only roughly be classified according to the main distinguishing features. This will apply the general requirements and rules that exist within each of the groups.

One of the most basic classification features is the level of automation and mechanization of the work performed. According to it, the zones where the performers perform their duties are divided into five groups. Let's consider them in more detail.

Workplaces using manual labor

In these production areas, the final product is the result of the worker's energy input. The performer performs labor operations with the help of a hand tool. An example is the assembly of mechanisms and assemblies without the use of instruments, excavation with a shovel or pick, etc. Everything that is done at such workplaces has a high labor intensity and low productivity. Of course, this is unprofitable for the company. However, it is impossible to completely exclude manual labor and, accordingly, such jobs from the technological process. In them, for example, there is a need for the repair of equipment installed in this area.

Workplaces for machine-manual labor

In these production areas, the final product is obtained using various mechanisms. However, here, in addition to machines, it is impossible to do without the participation of a person who gives part of his energy costs. An example of such production is planing a board with an electric planer or sawing wood using a circular saw.

Workplaces for mechanized labor

They are created in the case when all stages of the technological process are carried out with the help of mechanisms and machines. The role of a person in this case is to manage these means of labor, control over the quality of products.

This group of jobs differs from the two previous ones in that the performer, in the course of performing work duties, spends his own energy only on auxiliary movements. An example of this is driving a vehicle, a sewing machine, etc.

Automated production

If all technological operations are performed by automatic machines or mechanisms, then the role of a person is reduced only to starting them, as well as to stopping and controlling the output of products. In this case, an automated workplace is created. This can be quite an extensive area for servicing several automatic mechanisms by one performer.

Hardware workplace

This zone differs from those that exist in mechanized and automated production. There is special equipment (apparatus) here, which converts thermal, electrical or chemical energy to obtain the final product. At the same time, as in automated production, it remains for a person to observe the operation of equipment, controlling the readings of instruments.

Other classification

Allocation of jobs by groups can be carried out depending on:

  1. and repeatability of technological process operations. These jobs are created in single and serial, mass and large-scale production.
  2. Degrees of specialization.
  3. Location persistence. At the same time, a mobile and stable (stationary) workplace is distinguished. This will also have an impact on their organization of work. A stable zone is needed, for example, in mechanical engineering when servicing machine tools. What equipment is used to create a stationary workplace? These are heavy, large-sized and complex units. When creating mobile jobs, it is planned to use a portable light tool, as well as means designed to move it. In this case, you can allocate a permanent workplace. This is the area where the performer is continuously for more than two hours of his labor day or more than 50% of that time. The workplace can also be unstable. Here the performer is, respectively, less than two hours in a row or less than 50% of his working time.
  4. The number of performers. At the same time, collective (team) and individual jobs are distinguished.
  5. Number of units served technological equipment. For example, there are multi-station and single-station jobs.
  6. Executor functions. So, there are jobs for specialists and employees, managers, security guards, etc.
  7. Performer profession. For example, the workplace of a doctor or an accountant, a machinist or a carpenter.
  8. Locations (indoors or outdoors).
  9. Shifts (1-, 2-, 3- and 4-shift).
  10. Times of use (temporary or permanent).

Organization of workplaces

Before the start of any production process, it is necessary to carry out a system of measures aimed at equipping the area where the performer performs his labor duties with objects and means of labor. In other words, the workplace must be prepared. This will ensure the optimal functioning of a rather complex system that includes man, machine and environment. Only if the conditions for the consistency of these parameters are met, the labor process will be reliable and highly efficient.

To create a comfortable working posture, as well as optimal loads on all human muscles, it will be necessary to apply knowledge of anthropological characteristics. At the same time, an ergonomic examination of workplaces is carried out, where the physiological characteristics of the performers are taken into account and their movements are evaluated.

In addition, all objects located in this zone must have such shapes, colors, sizes that would correspond to the auditory, tactile, visual and other mental and physiological characteristics of a person. Light and humidity, noise and temperature, dust and vibration - all this should also be taken into account at a time when a mobile or permanent workplace is still being designed. This will make it possible to comply with all sanitary and hygienic requirements that are developed by the current legislation in order to ensure safe and healthy working conditions.

Organization of quota jobs

Employment and employment are key elements of social inclusion and economic independence for those people who have limited opportunities. For those in particular need social protection and experiences difficulties in filling available vacancies at enterprises, a certain quota is established by law. It denotes the minimum number of jobs that the employer must allocate for such a group of citizens. Moreover, the employment of such people is the responsibility of any enterprise, regardless of its organizational and legal form.

A quota job is an additional guarantee of employment for citizens. Its creation protects against unemployment those who have low competitiveness in the labor market.

In an organization with more than a hundred employees, there must be more than one quota workplace. This is the responsibility of the employer. It is enshrined in the law "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation." What should be the quota number of jobs? This is established after the calculation (from 2 to 4 percent of the average list of employees).

Workplace layout

The area in which the performer is located should be appropriately placed in space. At the same time, it is important that it be functionally interconnected with equipment, means of production, objects of labor and everything necessary for the labor process. When planning the workplace, it is necessary to arrange objects and tools in such a way that the performer does not have to make unnecessary movements. This will reduce his fatigue and increase labor efficiency.

The layout of the workplace should be carried out taking into account ergonomic requirements. They provide for the rational formation of work zones, as well as the choice of such an option for placing tools and materials that would provide the worker with the necessary operational space and at the same time save production space.

Conducting a job analysis

In personnel management at any enterprise, certain stages can be distinguished. The very first of these involves a job analysis. This needs to be done to design these zones and improve the quality of working life.

Analysis is the differentiation of the workplace. In the process of its implementation, those tasks that are solved by the contractor are studied, as well as the basic requirements for education, responsibility and experience necessary for the implementation of work in this place.

To collect necessary information one of four methods can be applied:

  • interview (interview);
  • observation;
  • questioning;
  • compiling a list of employee duties.

Using one of these methods, first of all, it is necessary to collect data on the area where the performer performs his duties, and then study the production process itself.

Carrying out certification of workplaces

The Russian Federation provides for the obligation of the employer to conduct a periodic assessment of working conditions in those areas where the performers perform their duties. places are activities during which harmful as well as dangerous factors that pose a threat to human health are identified.

The procedure for conducting such an assessment and formalizing its results is enshrined in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, issued on April 26, 2011. According to this document, a workplace is subject to certification, where:

  • machines, equipment, installations, mechanisms, devices and vehicles are operated, as well as their adjustment, repair and testing;
  • there are sources of hazards that have a harmful effect on humans;
  • materials and raw materials are stored, moved and used;
  • used manually, mechanized or

Workplace certification is an activity that can be:

  • primary;
  • repeated;
  • unscheduled.

5S system

There is a certain methodology that allows you to properly and rationally organize the space of the labor zone. It is called "5S-system of workplaces". This technique aims to create optimal conditions that allow you to maintain order and cleanliness, maintain accuracy, and save energy and time. 5S is a tool lean manufacturing, developed by Toyota in the postwar years. The introduction of this technique at the enterprise is important step on the way to increase the competitiveness of their products. After all, only in an orderly and clean environment is it possible to produce quality items that would meet all the requirements of customers. The 5S methodology creates real prerequisites for this. It consists of five consecutive steps.

On the first of them, sorting is performed with the subsequent removal of all unnecessary, located in the workplace. This will undoubtedly affect the improvement of safety and work culture. All employees should be involved in sorting and identifying items that are unnecessary for the implementation of the technological process. Further, excess things are disposed of or transferred to storage places.

The second step of the methodology is the observance of order and self-organization. In this case, each thing must be found its place. All items are located in an area accessible to each user. To quickly find the right tool or other thing, you should mark them.

The third step of the methodology involves the systematic cleaning of the workplace and maintaining cleanliness. A certain system is being created where nothing else is polluted. In each of the working areas, frequent and regular cleanings are carried out. At the same time, all tools are in good condition and in those places where they can be easily found. Periodic cleaning of equipment provided by this technique helps to prevent possible failures in the operation of mechanisms.

The fourth step is to standardize the process. It is the written record of the most effective solutions, which are found in the process of implementing the first three stages. In this case, the technique will become visual and easy to remember. Also at the fourth stage, standards for working methods for safety and equipment maintenance are developed. All of them are recorded in the documents issued by the enterprise.

The fifth step is to improve discipline. Only the employee who complies with all internal regulations is able to work efficiently and productively.

The 5S methodology is used to standardize work areas and design an organization. Completion of all steps is an important prerequisite for improving labor safety and increasing work efficiency. The main idea of ​​the methodology is that the rules stipulated by it are followed by all employees. This applies to both the cleaning lady and the director. The main advantage of this concept is that all of the above actions do not require the development of any special management theories and technologies.
