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Corporate training. Personnel training - corporate trainings. Example of an exercise from team building training

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From this article you will learn:

  • What are corporate seminars, trainings and training seminars?
  • Why and when are they held?
  • How to organize corporate training in a company for employees
  • Why corporate trainings don't always work
  • How to increase their effectiveness

Today, such type of training as corporate training has become popular. Its goal is to gain knowledge about labor relations, improve teamwork skills and the activities of individual company employees. Now this method is considered the most widespread in the world.

What are corporate seminars, trainings and training seminars?

Many people confuse the term “seminar” with the concept of “training”. This is due to the fact that many authors seek to charge for their seminar as for corporate training, because the latter is in trend and sells better. However, preparing an effective product of this kind requires more effort than in the case of a seminar.

  • Seminar.

Seminar (from lat. seminarium- “hotbed”) - group classes where the participants lead a discussion on previously prepared speeches. It is somewhat similar to a lecture, only with obligatory elements of discussion. This type of training provides an opportunity to both acquire knowledge and thoroughly understand existing knowledge.

The presenter stands above the group of students because he presents infallibly true information.

The number of participants is limited only by the size of the audience where the seminar is taking place.

The duration of training in this format can reach several days.

Efficiency depends on the amount of information the participants have absorbed.

Minus: people, while receiving knowledge, do not learn to apply it in practice. To be a successful salesman or manager, theory alone is not enough. Understanding how to sell a proposal, how to competently assign tasks to subordinates, and working on motivation does not give much. You need to KNOW this.

Let's summarize: the seminar is a theory.

  • Training.

Training is translated from English as “training”. This concept includes sequential problem solving to obtain or improve a specific skill. the main objective classes, including corporate trainings, is to practice the acquired knowledge. It is best if, in the process of such training, the necessary skills become automatic. Good training of this kind involves 10% theory and 90% practice.

High-quality corporate training is always an active learning option. It is based on independent activity, work in groups, with cases, discussions, etc. During the practical part, ways to overcome situations that cause the most problems are worked out. All students participate in various games, complete tasks, repeatedly repeating the principle of behavior in case of difficulties. Mandatory Feedback, in which the participants and the trainer express their opinions on the success of the exercise. All successful solutions and shortcomings of the participant’s strategy are worked out. This way he has the opportunity to adjust his actions, based on the views of other people, and continue to hone his acquired skills. Often, the lesson is accompanied by video filming to subsequently check the level of work on the assignments.

The task of the corporate training leader is to ensure that the people who come to him take action. That is why, after completing the best trainings, many are indignant: “Why, after giving away so much money, should we plow ourselves?!”

If, to the question: “How many people can participate in a lesson at the same time?”, the author of a corporate training answers you: “The number does not matter,” then you should know that this is definitely not training. To carry out a high-quality learning process, a group of 6 to 15 people is needed. It is realistic to practice a skill many times and hear feedback in a group no more than this amount. The minimum threshold of six people is due to the fact that most exercises take place in the format of pair or group work.

The effectiveness of the event is verified by actual changes in the behavior of the participants. Developed skills appear that did not exist before, an understanding that a person knows how to do something new.

Minus: such work cannot be carried out with untrained workers.

Let's summarize: training is practice.

  • Training seminar.

More than half of the training programs offered today and designated as corporate trainings actually turn out to be training seminars. Such events are more like a lecture combined with a practical part. Participants listen to the theory about existing schemes and algorithms for solving the current difficult situation. After this, these methods are used to solve practical problems that do not require much time. In this case there will be approximately 90% theory and 10% practice.

The host of such an event usually strives, as far as possible, to dedicate those who came to the event in more detail and emotionally. main topic. To do this, he has many techniques, real-life examples, videos, useful information in handout format. However, what is most important for productive learning is the ACTIONS of the participants. If people just sat for the entire “training,” then there is no point in discussing its results. It remains only to note the ability of the teacher, the so-called “coach,” to present the material well and make a pleasant impression. But all this cannot be called corporate training - it is a lecture.

This variety is suitable as the first step in a long-term program or as an intermediate, preparatory stage for further ongoing training. Ideally, the first day is a training seminar, and the second is the training itself.

The training seminar gives the trainees awareness, gives them the feeling “I understand how to do this”, “now I know how it really works”, “everything is not so difficult!”

Minus: It is dangerous to believe that such training will eliminate all complexity.

Let's summarize: a training seminar is an excellent initial step. The more practice, the more effective the learning.

Why do we need corporate training?

Objectives of corporate trainings:

  • each employee of the organization participating in the event;
  • activation of internal resources of employees, contributing to the achievement of goals that previously seemed exorbitant;
  • transition of discipline to a conscious level;
  • Relieving management from turnover by delegating authority to employees with increased responsibility;
  • increasing the value of each participant as a desirable player on the team;
  • Creation " inner world» an organization to which every employee would like to belong.

Today, corporate trainings cover a wide variety of topics. It depends on the chosen tasks and the specific people who are present in the classes.

What types of corporate trainings are there?

Corporate trainings are divided into types:

  1. Managerial:
    • formation of a mission and development of a strategy for its implementation - as a result, students have a clear understanding of the mission, internally accepted and supported by all participants in the lesson, and specific plans for its implementation;
    • Adoption effective solutions– as a result, there are ready-made answers to the tasks assigned to the trainees, and a well-developed skill of summing up;
    • optimization of organizational changes - an optimal plan for organizational changes, well-developed skills in managing the change process among participants;
    • formation of leadership skills – as a result, the presence of leadership qualities and skills in the training participants is noted, etc.
  1. Marketing:
    • marketing management in an enterprise - participants master the techniques and strategy of managing this science in an organization;
    • the art of sales;
    • effective feedback from clients;
    • effective presentation;
    • handling consumer complaints;
    • studying people's needs;
    • successful exhibition, etc.
  1. Personnel:
    • technologies for effective search for new employees;
    • induction;
    • team building;
    • effective communication;
    • interpersonal interaction;
    • conflict resolution;
    • self-confidence, etc.
  1. For safety:
    • commercial intelligence and counterintelligence;
    • organization of corporate security, etc.

When is corporate training needed?

Corporate trainings are considered necessary in the following situations:

  • When you need to improve professional knowledge and skills of employees, or provide training in new methods. For example, corporate training is perfect when only theoretical excerpts about a new product come from the head office, for example, in Moscow, or from senior management. This training makes it possible to work through everything necessary in practice, choose effective courses of action, detect possible errors, etc.
  • If you need to increase team cohesion and build team spirit, then team building classes are suitable. Managers use corporate training if conflicts and clashes interfere with effective work companies or when a group is created for the duration of the project, that is, in a minimum period of time it is necessary to turn strangers into a single team.
  • When there are personnel changes, structural transformations of the team and the entire company. When previous connections with mentors and curators from other regions are broken, a person feels cut off from society. To quickly adapt such people, it is recommended to conduct a lesson on forming new connections at all levels: between departments, management and subordinates, head office and branches.
  • When you need to “energize” the team, to prevent stagnation in the company. On corporate business trainings participants develop a new perspective on many things, interest in work and new goals reappear, due to which staff motivation and employee performance are significantly increased.
  • If a company is faced with a certain problem and it needs to be solved collectively. This can include completely different topics: from quickly adapting a new middle manager to introducing a ban on smoking while working. The program for such training is developed separately, taking into account a specific request.

Why some corporate trainings do not bring the desired results

Often, company management is faced with a situation where corporate training conducted for staff does not bring the necessary profit, and the quality of employee work leaves much to be desired. There are several key reasons why staff training fails.

Reason No. 1. “We train salespeople because our competitors do it” or “I liked the advertising and the boss agreed to send me for training. Information about your studies will be useful on my resume.” These kinds of reasons for studying indicate that training will not achieve the main goal, since it remains only the need of the manager, the whim of the employees.

Reason No. 2. Staff do not see any motivation to undergo training.. When a person, going to corporate education and training, hears: “Well, go and listen, suddenly they’ll say something new,” then there is a very high probability that he will not find anything like that there. At many open learning events, coaches begin introducing themselves to the audience by asking, “Why are you here today?” From 50% of the group a vague explanation is heard, that is, the need for training has not yet been formulated by them.

Reason #3. The company does not have the opportunity to put into practice everything acquired during the study process. One manager said: “We organized training for salespeople, after which two left the company, seven did not learn how to sell more successfully, and we fired one ourselves, since he decided that he would work only for bonuses and bonuses when targets were exceeded.” This story clearly illustrates how the additional knowledge acquired by salespeople was not in demand in the company, and people did not get a chance to use it in practice.

Step-by-step organization of corporate training for employees

It is no secret that training work with employees must be systematic, which involves a sequence of certain steps:

Step 1. Formulate competencies.

The need for training becomes obvious if the employee’s performance does not suit the company. At first glance, everything is simple: he should be able to, but he doesn’t know how, then the manager must train him.

However, the difficulty lies in the fact that not all companies have formed a correct and accurate understanding of what employees should do, how long they should perform their duties and at what level. In our country, in organizations, for the most part, job descriptions are written only for reporting to inspection authorities. Internal system There are often no competencies that describe each position either.

Creating a competency system is a rather long and labor-intensive task, in which, ideally, all heads participate structural divisions. But it is necessary for further corporate training. It is these people who need to decide what knowledge, skills and personal qualities their employee should have so that he can properly perform his duties. When developing this system, you cannot use the phrases: “higher legal education”, “five years of experience in the construction industry” instead of exact characteristics. You should not care how well the candidate studied at the university, what is important is whether he can perform his duties at a decent level.

Step 2. Focus on results.

Corporate training goals are set as soon as the need for it has been identified. It is now important to find priority areas, since organizations with limited resources cannot spend money on all problems at once. Learning goals must lead to a specific result. Let's look at examples of correctly formulated goals.

For example, “teach call center operators to interview potential consumers using an agreed script, while simultaneously entering data into the database. After completing the training, each employee must make at least 10 effective calls per hour, filling in at least 60% of the database fields. The course lasts three days, including practice and testing of results. Trained people will go to work on September 2.”

Step 3. Consider all possible approaches.

Forms of training are conventionally divided into two broad groups: training at work and specially held events. During work, it is important to provide employees with technical skills, talk about the standards adopted in the company, and share experience. In this case the best option will happen if line managers act as teachers. Usually these people understand work issues, corporate policy, the rules of the company, are able to show by their example what exactly is valued in the company. Here all training becomes extremely close to the performance of duties.

But if you decide to involve employees in conducting this type of corporate training, you need to take into account their teaching abilities. They consist of the following components: the ability to please people, work experience, teaching skills.

Specially organized training events can be carried out either by the company's full-time teachers or with the involvement of people from other companies. When staff need to be continually trained in additional skills, it makes sense to make training part of corporate culture and hire a coach on a permanent basis so that he can work with people on overall plan. If training is not required so often, and it is important to develop only some skills, then it is cheaper to resort to the services of specialized companies.

When you need to train a group of 8-10 people, it is better to pay for a corporate training or seminar. If individual workers need training, why not send them to open courses?

The effect will be if you alternate theory and practice. For this reason, many companies sign contracts with training firms for a year or two. In this situation, having completed the first stage, workers can put the acquired skills into work, discuss the results with the teacher and begin a further, in-depth discussion of the material.

But this is not all the different types of approaches. There is also remote system training. It combines positive sides on-the-job training and individual events. It also makes it possible to train all employees to the same standard, with virtually no intrusion into the work process. These classes use interactive forms of corporate training: lectures, testing and coaching consultations using available online tools.

When hiring any third-party trainers, find out if they are willing to tailor the program to your company's needs. It is necessary that skills are honed by your example, and not by standard tasks.

Step 4. Create motivation to learn.

In many cases, before sending employees to corporate education and training, organizational management makes a serious mistake: it does not discuss with employees what it expects from them after training. When giving your employee the opportunity to learn, focus on the following important points:

  • Make sure that your thoughts about a person's development within the firm are consistent with theirs. personal plans. Employees must take part in identifying the need for advanced training and choosing priority goals. Then they will begin to perceive corporate trainings as a component of planning their own growth at work, which will have a beneficial effect on motivation.
  • Check whether the employee understands the goals of the training - not as they are presented by coaches in open courses, but according to their own criteria. He can see the goal like this: “In three months I must master the method of organizing and implementing marketing research in the consumer market, because I am faced with the task of analyzing the demand for baby food. It is important to conduct such research, since after this period we are opening the production of a new variety of this product.”
  • Let the employee know that after the corporate training you are expecting a training report from him with his own suggestions for applying the new material in practice. A good result will be a project that is subsequently presented to management and other employees of the organization. It would be great if this person provided a short training for everyone who was not at the event, highlighting the most important aspects for the company.

There are organizations that provide employees with a bonus after completing corporate training and provide opportunities for advancement up the career ladder. But it is important to start using such motivators not during the learning process, but upon completion, based on the results of a person’s work and increasing its effectiveness. This move helps to avoid a situation where an employee refuses ordered training or misses it.

Step 5. Put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Often, enterprises whose employees undergo advanced training do not have the conditions to introduce new knowledge to work. So, people at open seminars say: “Everything you explain is wonderful and true, but who will let me change our system? We need to call the manager for this training...”

The company, ideally, helps a person transfer the results from corporate training to professional activities. Otherwise, why pay for school? It is important to stimulate the use of new things, formulate non-standard tasks, change job descriptions, and take into account the use of the information received in practice during certification.

Today, many companies actively use corporate trainings, because they provide an opportunity to unite the team, to learn something new together or to increase the level of existing professional knowledge. How are corporate trainings conducted?

The peculiarity of corporate trainings is that the participants of such trainings are employees of the same company or one department, for example. During trainings, co-workers reveal a new, sometimes even unexpected side to each other, and learn to work in a single team. Corporate training may be needed in various situations.

For example, popular corporate trainings for new employees. The purpose of such trainings is to bring newcomers up to speed and give them the skills necessary for work. During the training, new employees will become familiar with the company’s products, its production processes etc.

Similar corporate trainings are conducted if you need to improve professional quality workers. In this case, the training program may include such disciplines as oratory, project management, sales art, culture telephone conversations etc. Employees will be able to use the knowledge acquired during the training directly when performing their job duties.

Corporate trainings can also be conducted in cases where when you need to teach a team to work harmoniously, instill “team spirit”. Corporate trainings of this kind can be especially useful in anticipation of complex and extraordinary tasks. The training program includes training in teamwork skills and conflict management.

When conducting corporate trainings, the main thing is to choose the right type and focus of training that would be suitable for a specific company and a specific situation. Otherwise, corporate trainings simply will not bring results. This is why corporate training, customized to the needs of a specific company, is usually the best option.

Individual corporate trainings are not just a few sessions with staff on a specific topic, but a whole range of activities aimed at achieving the goal set for the training. By the way, correct positioning corporate training goals are almost half the success.

In the process of preparing corporate training for a company, the need for training itself is first analyzed and the range of tasks that the training should solve is determined. After this, the specialists draw up an individual training proposal for the company, which indicates the main goals of the training and the expected results.

At the next stage of preparation a corporate training program is being drawn up, the necessary training materials are selected. Next, employees are directly trained according to the developed program. At the final stage, the results of the training are summed up and conclusions are drawn about its success and effectiveness.

A fashionable phenomenon now. However, the real benefit from conducting them can be obtained by not just blindly following fashion, but by fully imagining exactly what positive results the training will help achieve.

If you asked me why I love my job, I would answer: I am never bored. It is known that the basis of training as a form of interactive learning is play. By modeling and playing out various situations, together with the participants you begin to understand that this is not a game at all, but real life. And the experience that we are able to gain will become an individual result for everyone.

As a leader, I had the opportunity to work in different groups:

  • in prefabricated themed or open trainings, where everyone who is suitable can take part this topic, place and time;
  • in groups studying long programs at business schools, in which the training topics are consistent with the educational direction;
  • in corporate ones, where the training participants are employees of the customer organization.

I like my job, but the most unpredictable and exciting thing for me was corporate training. This probably happened because I am a coach, so to speak, “selling myself.” There's no time to be bored: from the first call potential customer until the final discussion with the leaders of the organization long-term plans personnel training.

Today, corporate training is considered synonymous with business training, although, if you think about it, it’s not exactly the same thing. Corporate training is always in-house training aimed at increasing the efficiency of the organization as a whole. Its customer is the management of the organization, and its participants are the staff.

Unlike group thematic training, where different organizations send their employees, corporate training should be very specific, games and exercises should be professionally oriented. An important place in the preparation of corporate training is occupied by the correlation of the ideas and expectations of the customer (management, HR manager), future training participants and, which is also important, the expectations of the trainer.

As a rule, the customer welcomes such a formulation of the question. At the same time, the goals of in-house training as formulated by management and the employees themselves, if they coincide, are perceived differently. IN Lately It’s rare to hear from participants: “...I came because I was sent: if I don’t attend classes, I’ll be fired.” People began to talk more often about the need to broaden their horizons, develop their personality, communicate and professional skills. Without satisfying the specific needs of the participants, no training will produce results.

And yet, in-house training is aimed at the development not of individuals, but of the collective, the team as a whole. And this will happen thanks to a rethinking of relationships in the organization, mastering professional skills that are important both for the individual and for the entire organization.

Relationship with corporate client It always reminds me of a dance, something like a waltz, and always a lot of improvisation. My task is to lead, interest, help the customer navigate his own expectations and attitudes and what can actually be implemented in the training form of education. The dance will work if the partners know its rules and help each other enjoy its performance.

These rules are:

  • transition from declared goals to drawing up a scrupulous list of the organization’s training needs: what changes should occur in knowledge, skills, as well as interpersonal relationships as a result of in-house training;
  • formulating a specific goal for the training and determining the composition of participants in accordance with it;
  • solving organizational problems (time, personnel, financial...), choosing a training location;
  • drawing up a training plan based on decisions taken according to the previous points.

Practice shows that corporate training cannot be hasty. When a client tells me that the training was needed yesterday and plans on-site training on Friday (that is, the next weekend), then most likely the client is not interested in my coaching services. But mutual understanding can be found if at least one side is ready to help. Therefore, I will definitely go to negotiations.

So, determining the organization's training needs. There is a whole set of methods to determine these needs, but they will have to be linked into the system together with the customer. Same diagnostic needs systems for different organizations, even if they occupy the same niche in the market, do not exist. Therefore, flexibility and improvisation will help both the trainer and the client navigate.

The needs analysis may include:

  • survey of management, HR manager and other interested parties;
  • comparison of their ideas and expectations;
  • access to workplaces, so-called “field” diagnostics, analysis job descriptions, typical work situations and emerging difficulties, field assessment of existing skills and areas of personnel growth;
  • analysis of in-house diagnostics of organizational development, if any;
  • carrying out external diagnostic procedures by the trainer or his assistants (observation, interviews, surveys, testing).

External diagnostic procedures should be treated with great attention. Objective assessment always causes a certain tension in the organization, and subsequently it is necessary to convince staff that management intends to use the information received for the development of employees and the company as a whole, and not for staff reductions. Practice shows that you should always carefully weigh the pros and cons before using external diagnostics. More often than not, it is enough for a trainer to go to workplaces to receive interesting and useful material for conducting corporate training.

Analysis of needs and formulation of a specific goal for in-house training leads to the need to think through and consolidate its results. Here, the final analytical report is of great help for the customer organization and the trainer himself. Most often, at the beginning of interaction with a corporate client, this is not even discussed.

However, it happens that a week after the training, the customer urgently needs the results of the work done. Of course, preparing a report for the customer organization requires additional work from the trainer, and sometimes additional payment (which is advisable to agree on immediately), and yet I regard this document as long-term planning for in-house training, as well as a means of consolidating trust. relationships.

Typical summary elements analytical reports are:

  • analysis of the situation in the organization, and hence the goals and objectives of the training;
  • characteristics of the group, the main results of the group’s work at the stages of training, feedback from participants, group dynamics and dynamics of satisfaction with training;
  • a system of recommendations and proposals for organizing in-house training, including in the form of training, for the future.

Organizational stage of preparation corporate training, oddly enough, takes up most of the time and is often accompanied by unexpected collisions. One of the main problems of the customer is the desire to cover as many employees as possible with training, but with minimal separation from their immediate responsibilities. Another solution is corporate “weekend” training (32 hours of training over two days).

As a trainer, I always try to understand my client. But such organizational decisions (or maybe these are my concessions?) can come into sharp conflict with the effectiveness of all training in the organization. In such cases, you need to return to the needs analysis again. What does an organization need—knowledge as an information basis? professional activity or in professional skills and abilities? “Compression” of the training leads to the emasculation of its methodological structure and transforms it into a lecture-seminar form of training. Both forms have advantages, but each of them realizes its own goals and reflects the special needs of the organization. If the objectives of in-house training include the development of communication skills, then, in my opinion, it is better to deeply study a small number of topics and develop a plan for the future than to go through the “tops” and not gain any new experience.

Among the forms and methods of corporate training, on-site training occupies a special place. It brings me a lot of extra trouble, but not only that, it’s also a special pleasure. For an external trainer, on-site corporate training allows you to feel the skin of the group, dive headlong into the group dynamics, while remaining a safe figure for the participants. The undeniable advantages of on-site training include:

  • “deep immersion” effect;
  • combination of intensive training with relaxation;
  • team building: “ we know each other.”

Sometimes I get the feeling that the most effective trainings can be on-site trainings. Good interactive learning always requires strong emotional and intellectual involvement. On-site training is, of course, a complete immersion, and in this sense its effectiveness is much higher than any other. However, the costs of organizing it will increase (transport, accommodation, recreation).

When planning an on-site corporate training, it is worth considering the training program, time and place of it together with the trainer. In this case, the training will help to activate the thinking and creative process and work to develop corporate culture.

Field classes require a careful approach to both its preparation and conduct. Combining education with recreation involves organizing a cultural, entertainment, and maybe even a health program. Many customer organizations consider it appropriate to take their employees along with their families and friends. In this case, we should think again about what goals are being pursued, what we want to get as a result.

The most mysterious and difficult to control phenomenon of on-site training is the joint evening gatherings of the participants. The idea of ​​training as relaxation and emancipation is quite understandable from the point of view of employees of the vast majority of organizations. There is an opinion that our people can become a team only at a well-set table. It's hard to say whether this is true or not. However, when gathering participants on the first day, I try to pay enough attention to explaining the rules of the training, schedule and regulations, so that the next morning we see each other fresh and well-rested. Despite the democratic nature of the training methodology and the flexibility of the facilitator’s approach, following the rules makes training more productive. Most often, I propose developing regulations in which participants can include the following provisions:

  • classes start no more than 5 minutes late;
  • latecomers are subject to penalties as decided by the group;
  • addressing each other in the form accepted by the group;
  • We pack our experience and leave it at the entrance;
  • statements in the first person, without interrupting each other;
  • turning off mobile phones during classes, etc.

Fight with mobile phones causes a strong emotional reaction, as a rule, not in the entire group, but in some participants. The main thing here is not to give up and don’t forget to turn off your own.

Sometimes conducting classes outside the classroom in the fresh air can enhance the developmental effect of the training. Changing the environment allows you to focus on developing flexibility of thinking. Considering the above, we can highlight some aspects of the preparation of on-site training:

  • planning the use of a non-standard country setting so that participants can spend their free time in the most interesting and meaningful way;
  • the on-site training program should, first of all, contribute to group cohesion and work to develop a corporate spirit;
  • motivate staff to acquire knowledge and skills first and only second - to relax.

The most attractive thing about corporate training for the customer is its short duration. Many managers and organizers strive to get everything in one package - team building, informal relief, professional knowledge and skills in the shortest possible time. If the result of the training, its “bottom line,” should be knowledge, then it is appropriate to conduct an on-site lecture training program. If as a result we are interested in mastering skills, then it is possible to plan a series of trainings conducted according to the principle of cumulative total in content.

Another question that needs to be answered when organizing on-site training is related to the participation of managers. Is it possible to combine line and functional managers in one training group? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. A lot when forming a group depends on setting goals and learning objectives, on preliminary diagnostics, and analysis of the situation in the organization.

When organizing corporate training, evaluation of the effectiveness of the training deserves special attention. If we take as a definition that any socio-psychological training is a system of deliberate changes in a person’s behavior, knowledge, skills and abilities, then it would be logical to measure such changes.

The main goal of corporate training for an organization is to increase the efficiency of its work and increase profits thanks to these very deliberate changes. Customers often ask me (sometimes even demand) to present a system for assessing training results, for example, using indicators such as increased sales, reduced costs and staff turnover, increased productivity, etc. It's hard to argue that these tasks are important to any organization. However, let's think about it, is there a direct connection between the quality of training and an increase or decrease in the required indicators? Is it possible that training results can directly influence the productivity of the organization as a whole?

The peculiarity of corporate training is precisely that it necessarily has personal significance for each participant and at the same time is indirectly related to business indicators. Many trainers use a four-step system to evaluate the effectiveness of training:

First stage— participants’ reaction — a subjective feeling of satisfaction with the learning process, the degree of their own involvement and individual results (oral or written surveys at the end of the training, and sometimes after each day).

Second stage— assimilation — mastering new experience (knowledge, abilities and skills) in the practice of professional activity (measured through individual surveys of participants, observation, diagnostic measures).

Third stage- behavior - a change in the attitudes and actions of trained employees in the real team of the organization (measurements - surveys, observation, diagnostics - in this case are necessary before the training, immediately after, after some time and after two to three months).

Fourth stage- indirect results - the required business indicators (comprehensive monitoring, sometimes difficult to implement for external trainers).

The difficulty of assessing the effectiveness of training lies in the fact that many factors, both internal (in-house) and external (real market conditions), influence changes in employee behavior and the achievement of strategic results of the organization.

Using the proposed system for assessing in-house training, it should be remembered that training is an intensive interaction of people under the guidance and participation of a trainer. This requires special personal qualities of the training leader. These include:

  • flexibility (quick orientation to current changes);
  • interest in the person (real attention to each participant and his judgments);
  • breadth (breadth of worldview and free expression of one’s own opinions without suppressing others);
  • tolerance (accepting the logic of other people's reasoning);
  • constructiveness (the ability to direct others to find results);
  • benevolence (non-judgmental acceptance of the participant’s personality, his thoughts, passions, inclinations, opinions).

The end of an on-site corporate training focuses the participants’ attention on the emotional and meaningful aspects of interaction. Training as a form of action learning is impossible without emotional contact with each other. That is why most often you can hear from the participants: “We have become closer... We are now like-minded people... It has become easier to express our opinions...”, etc.

Training, in my opinion, allows an organization to become self-learning, since it is in this form of interaction that interpenetration and dissemination occurs professional experience and corporate culture.

In order for a company to be in demand and its activities to be relevant, it is necessary to monitor not only the quality of product production and provision of services, but also to stand out favorably against the background of a huge number of competitors. An important point at this stage is the ability to constantly increase your level of relevance and popularity. It will be impossible to achieve this without professional staff. An ideal investment in the difficult economic conditions of our time, which pays off many times over, is the organization of corporate training.

Organization and conduct of corporate trainings

– this is a kind of learning process that pursues the goal of forming, subsequently developing and increasing the level of a set of certain skills and abilities. This is an option for increasing general indicators of professional and specialized knowledge.

This method of improving knowledge involves the simultaneous process of training a group of people. Corporate training is a closed form of training within a company among representatives of one organization. The advantage of this approach is that the coaching staff focuses specifically on the company’s specialization. Organizing corporate training involves drawing up a program that will best suit the goals and objectives of the company itself, as well as take into account the needs and solve the problems of all parties involved.

Corporate training gives unique opportunity ensuring the maximum level of activity of participants. By skillfully combining techniques and technologies, a trainer can increase the level of memorization and activate the efficiency of thinking of all participants. This, in turn, will improve theoretical knowledge, as well as comprehensively develop practical skills. Training techniques allow you to constantly maintain the audience’s interest in what is happening at a high level.

The difference between corporate training and a training seminar

An important difference between corporate training and its program and the organization of a simple seminar is the active participation of all group members in the ongoing training process. The training involves focusing on the mandatory acquisition of practical skills, which will then be used in everyday work.

The organization of corporate training should also take into account the motivational load. Participation in role playing games and the unraveling of situational patterns give impetus to self-expression and the realization of the needs of the participants, which can subsequently affect career and professional growth.

Corporate training sessions are reflected in the physiological and psychological characteristics of each participant. Professional Opportunities subconscious minds are able to find a way out after provoking a situation by the training model. This can significantly influence the further professional and motivational position of the employee.

The price segment for corporate training depends on a certain number of factors:

  • exclusivity and uniqueness of the program and direction of the learning process;
  • using standard schemes and ready-made methods or developing an individual special training program for the company;
  • number of participants;
  • conditions for the implementation and conduct of training sessions;
  • duration and timing of corporate training.

How to organize corporate training

Organization of corporate training – this is an important and delicate matter. All details of this process must be thought out to the smallest detail. This is especially true for off-site training events.

Training time

An excellent option would be Friday and Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm, with a lunch break of an hour. This can be called an ideal compromise solution, since a working day and a day off are allocated for corporate training. This period of time allows the employee not to be interrupted from work for the entire period of organizing the event and saves him one full day off.

An acceptable option for conducting and organizing corporate training may be the period from Saturday to Sunday from 10 to 18, with an hour's rest and a lunch break. A slight shift in the time period will also not be a critical change and will not significantly affect the further training event.

Room and venue

An ideal option for organizing corporate training would be a free, closed room with windows on one side and free space in the center. Furniture in the form of tables may be absent or located along the walls of the room. Seating should be light and mobile so that training participants have the opportunity to move freely around the room during the entire training program.

An acceptable level is any room with a small free space for corporate training. The office space itself can be used for these purposes. Mandatory conditions will be the protection of event members from performing work functions, as well as the possibility of mobile movement.

You should not use conference rooms for these purposes due to the lack of free space in the center of the room and the space in general. Offices with windows on all four walls will also be redundant. This will distract the attention of participants, reduce their concentration and the level of effectiveness of the event. A bad option for organizing corporate training may be an office with tables that cannot be removed. Participants can sit there without actively participating in the program.

Equipment and technical equipment

Organization of corporate training involves the use of mandatory additional equipment, as well as technical and office equipment.

It would be ideal to have a flip chart and a projector, which will allow the trainer to increase the level of effectiveness of the event. The absence of a flip chart can be replaced with a sufficient number of sheets of Whatman paper and tape.

The projector should be located under the ceiling, be quiet and easy to operate. It is unacceptable to place the projector on a table in the middle of the room when organizing corporate training. The number of wires and the proximity of the device will significantly interfere with the atmosphere of the training.

Types of corporate trainings

A huge variety of trainings allows you to increase the efficiency of the company, achieve certain goals and solve assigned problems. The most common and relevant types of corporate training are:

When conducting and pre-organizing corporate training, an important point will be long-term cooperation between the organization and the trainer. A professional consultant carries out the practice of further training activities, taking into account the information received in previous classes, actively monitors the subsequent development of the company, decisions internal problems, and also carries out planning of future activities.

How to conduct corporate training

The recommendations for conducting corporate training provided below will be useful for companies whose training was carried out on their own, which do not have a personal internal trainer, and also in the absence of constant cooperation with training organizations.

Basic steps for organizing training:

Achieving high performance indicators can be achieved with the help of the following corporate trainings:

All described training projects are conducted by a specialist in the field of organizing corporate trainings, strategic sessions, personal consulting and business coaching.

Our company’s employees are specialists with many years of experience, a serious track record and a unique portfolio of projects. For most of them, working in the EVENT industry is not just an empty phrase, but favorite hobby, allowing you to have fun, forcing you to think and develop, to look at many things differently. We highly value the contribution of each of them and are proud that such specialists are the backbone of our company.

    Marina Lyamina


    “By contacting Style Project, you get a reliable partner who knows how to listen and hear his client, is attentive to details and deadlines, finds tools to solve your problems and, most importantly, is always responsible for the result of his work!”

    Olga Zaitseva


    “An event agency is a company that creates an EVENT! To create an event means to fill it with meaning and make it remain in memory for a long time. Conveying the idea and goals of the company to employees, partners, and clients is not an easy task and only professionals can do it! Our work is aimed at results, and the result is the gratitude of our clients and long-term cooperation of a team of like-minded people. Living with ideas, implementing them and delighting clients is our job, our way of life!”

    Andrey Rodionov


    I have been working for the company since 2009. Organizational experience sporting events- more than 35 years. Invented and implemented many sports projects. Among the customers are AFK Sistema, VTB, VEB, Gazprom Neft, Gazprombank, Sberbank, Rosneft and others well-known companies who consider such activities as a priority social projects. For me, the main feature of such events is that all participants become winners. Therefore, it does not matter for whom you are doing the event, it is important HOW you do it, and how they all evaluate your work.

    Oksana Lukan


    Sporting events are my choice in the event industry, which was planned back in school. Now I am a specialist with higher education It is in this area that I have many years of successful experience, which I am happy to share with clients of the “Style Project” company, where a well-coordinated team of professionals works who values ​​the client’s time, prestige and budget.

    Evgeny Osetrov


    Finished university physical culture and sports. All my life, as far as I can remember, I have been involved in sports. As a child, he was interested in hockey, football, wrestling and billiards. Held many interesting sporting events. At “Style Project” I am involved in the implementation of the sports component at events. I am happy to share my knowledge in the field of sports and more. Among my qualities I can highlight responsibility, fairness, responsiveness, goodwill, and sociability.

    Lyudmila Beloborodova


    My whole life is a continuous adventure. I constantly find myself in extraordinary situations. I consider myself a loyal friend, a reliable comrade and a positive person. I am always open to new acquaintances, people, ideas and adventures. I know how to listen and hear, I always analyze the situation from different sides and only then draw conclusions. I’m used to working in the “must be done yesterday” mode and I can’t even imagine how it’s possible to do otherwise now. Without this, life becomes less emotional.

    Natalia Yaroshenko

    Over the 9 years of work in the company, I carried out more than 20 large projects - from Family Day to large sporting events. Qualities that you are proud of? Probably the ability to quickly make decisions, analyze and weigh the situation on a project, and then calmly resolve it. When you have 600 participants and 10,000 spectators, you need to have excellent stress resistance. And only then can you hear the cherished “We are the champions” in the finale!

    Tatiana Makarshina


    Our projects inspire me to search for new solutions and constant self-improvement. Multitasking at work has never scared me. It’s interesting, it’s interesting to test your capabilities, achieve your goals, and get out of unforeseen situations. Sometimes it seems that you can’t cope, but I believe that a way out can always be found. And sometimes you need to find it, otherwise there is no other way.
